Not quite Zardoz level


When I signed off last night, I was sure the wife had the stomach flu. Happily, it turned out to be a 24 hour stomach bug. A little cleanup on aisle six and I got her to sleep. All good today. I was NOT looking forward to several days of that.


Birthdays were had today. They were covered in OMWC’s morning link vomit.


Out of the bowels of the media, let’s do some links!


Stomach churning. I’ve always found it ironic that the annual flu shot is based on a guess. And many times wrong.


If there’s a way to screw up a good thing, California knows how to puke it up.


Plenty of rhetoric being spewed on both sides, but I think I come down on the side of the ranchers.


More verbal diarrhea from a failure of a politician.


I’m sure she doesn’t smell like poop.


The FBI is totes not full of shitlords.


Okay, I’m crapped out. Time for a tune. I loved The Doors as a kid. I don’t care if it makes some of you hurl.