When looking over this week’s charts, nothing was there on Sunday. It would have been tempting to squint a bit, maybe nudge the ruler to force something into being, and there was something almost happening. So I tracked the relative motion of Venus and Mercury and bingo! On Christmas day, there is a SEVEN planet triple conjunction! So if you want to do something, the odds are on your side. But what if you just want to chill? Maybe not so much. Here’s what’s going on. First: Mars-Mercury-Venus. Yes, Mercury is between Mars and Venus. It happens. Orbital mechanics are like that. In fact did you know that The planet physically closest to Earth is usually Mercury? Yup. Your elementary school science teachers failed you, but you probably already knew that.
Anyway, back to the first alignment: Mars-Mercury-Venus. The two poles male/female balanced around chaos. Um-Yang, the Sacred Chao, whatever you want to call it. Powerful, but in and of itself of questionable auspicity — are these complementary or competing forces? Is the center the still point of destruction or the frictionless pivot? Well, Mars is unconfigured otherwise, But Mercury…
Conjunction: Mercury-Luna-Earth. In this case we have yet more ambiguity, with a leaning towards disorder. Both Mercury and the Moon signify change, and both can bring luck but they also tend to mean “travel” which is contrary to the homebody nature of the Earth. So we need more information. Are any other planets involved in other constructions? What is the Sun doing? Fortunately (IYKWIM) there are answers.
Jupiter-Sun-Earth. Here we have some solid and unambiguous evidence of benevolence. The sun and Jupiter are the two most auspicious planets, and having them aligned with the Earth means regardless of whatever is happening with the earlier conjunction with Mercury (and tracing back from there to the Venus-Mars construction) things are going to be pretty darn good. It is a most excellent and merry Christmas sign.
Sagittarius: 9 of Cups reversed – Truth, loyalty, liberty, mistakes, imperfections
Capricorn: 10 of Cups – Contentment, repose, human love and friendship
Aquarius: 9 of Swords – failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair
Pisces: 2 of Coins reversed – Enforced gaiety, simulated enjoyment, literal sense, handwriting, composition, letters of exchange
Aries: Judgment – Change of position, renewal, outcome
Taurus: Knight of Cups – arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanour, invitation, incitement
Gemini: The Lovers reversed – Failure, foolish designs, lovers strife
Cancer: 7 of Wands – valour, discussion, wordy strife, negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition, success
Leo: The Emperor – Stability, power, protection, realization, aid, reason, conviction, authority, will
Virgo: Knight of Swords – Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin
Libra: Queen of Wands – A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honorable. Also, love of money, success in business
Scorpio: 9 of Coins reversed – roguery, deception, voided project, bad faith.
Contentment and repose?
I didn’t know I was getting some narcotics for Christmas.
Yeah I know, right? All I have is beer and rum, when does the cocaine and ludes arrive?
Wordy strife… Yup, I just kicked over the bucket and likely started a shit storm at church. There are only so many times I will cover for people treating my team like magicians rather than like people who work very hard to make service run smoothly.
You know who else had a hard-working team that made things run smoothly ?
Vashista Ramiidajaron, the guy that runs the discount tobacco outlet and iPhone repair shop down the street from me?
My GI tract?
Saw this and though of you trshmnstr
So much this!
What do I have to do to get a good one? Every horror scope says I am fucked. Every time.
Check your scars. Is he wrong?
I can unload responsibility now. It is all Not Adahn’s fault.
*scratches head*
Damn. Foiled again.
Well one thing you shouldn’t do is be a Capricorn. But I’m starting to doubt this astrology stuff because if it was true I’d already be broke, destitute, and probably dead.
Jesus, my gradeschool science teachers really let me down.
Tangential: AFAICT the Netflix Marvels were never really a part of the MCU, even if there were some vague and loose references to the events of the first Avengers movie and The Incredible Hulk (old front page stories framed on Ben Urich’s wall, throwaway lines about the Battle of New York etc, the “big green guy”, etc). The tone was completely different, the series’ timelines then completely ignored all the events of the following movies, Agents of SHIELD, Inhumans, etc, tried to follow the sort of drawn out, thinly spaced narrative structures of other Netflix panic commisions, and often had more than a touch of the social justice zeitgeist/The Narrative about them. Overall I enjoyed enough of it to watch them through, but their biggest downfall was too many episodes per season. Incidentally the one I liked the best is the one that gets shit on the most, by far; Iron Fist. Apparently having a white billionaire “appropriate” Asian culture like kung-fu, and meditation was something most of the “critics” couldn’t see past, allowing them to totally ignore the fact that it seemed to be the only one with a great deal of imagination. The way the second and final (truncated) season ended was electric, and it definitely benefitted from being ten, rather than thirteen episodes.
And the tie-in: There looks to be more crossover between the movies and TV series in the future (so far it’s only really been via AoS), I’m looking forward to that. Unfortunately much of it probably isn’t going to be very good.
ps – Cloak & Dagger, and Runaways were very boring, humorless dross, tailor-made for humorless, boring Gen Z-ers.
pps – Inhumans was dope – even if they did swindle Hawaiian taxpayers to make it.
We just had a 25 gallon aquarium spring a leak. At the bottom. Merry Christmas!
Water. Ugh.
Don’t waste the water, flush the toilet, wash the dishes, take a bath.
I’ve been drinking it.
Fishy water. Like a craigslist date.
I’m telling you, you need to make your CL ads into posts for here.
Date: 2007-07-01 13:25:14
PostID: 364449448
Title: (free stuff) Free Futon & a Fuck
Black mattress..standard issue futon. Belonged to the ex-wife…so it must go. Sadly, my dogs will be disappointed (they sleep on it).
Successful candidate MUST take futon after fornication. I dont deliver furniture, but I will assist in getting it into your car, truck, wagon, etc.
Please- women only need apply. Dont plan on involving your husband/brother/boyfriend outside of moving the damn thing. I’m not picky about size, but dont be bigger than what the futon can handle. Safety 1st. Red-heads are eligible for a complimentary beer afterwards.
• Location: Dayton South
I saw this without context and thought it was something you would write.
Is this how you found Jugsy?
No. This was way before her time, and immediately after my divorce. Did get me laid a couple times, tho.
Nobody ever took the damn futon.
Yuk. I’ve had that happen to a 75 gallon tank during a move. Thankfully I saw the crack and tested it before taking it into the house.
First thing we do, let’s kill all the automotive designers
Some bad designs are noticeable right away, their poorly-considered executions slap you in the face like a slice of wet ham. Others are more insidious, with problems lurking stealthily under the surface. The Cadillac XLR’s taillights are an example of this latter group, and they’re causing the handful of remaining XLR owners all kinds of expensive headaches.
In case you’ve forgotten, the Cadillac XLR was essentially a Corvette in a crisply tailored Cadillac suit, and with a better interior. GM built these expensive cars from 2004 to 2009, and they had many innovations, including being Cadillac’s first car with adaptive cruise control and seats that could chill or toast your buttocks. Also, they had some fancy LED taillights.
What the hell is going on here? $2,050 to $3,495 for a freaking taillight? What are these things made of, saffron, rubies, and cocaine?
Not exactly. What they are made of are LED strips and printed circuit boards, both of which are becoming fragile and failure-prone as they age, and with a deadly combination of GM not producing replacement parts and a very repair-unfriendly design, the result is absurdly high prices for replacements.
This thing is like an object-lesson in how not to design something you don’t want to be disposable crap. There’s no screws or fasteners to easily gain access to the internals, you have to heat up glue to 220 degrees just to get the lens off, and when you do, you’re greeted by a whole bunch of non-removable LED units and a printed circuit board with a coating on it that makes it near-impossible to repair or replace components, assuming that you even had the skills and knowledge about how to deal with dense, modern, surface-mounted semiconductor components.
It looks like the connector is just sending signals to that circuit board, which has a small embedded computer to interpret those signals and translate them into whatever combination of lights is needed. I think that’s what’s going on, at least—all I can tell is that it’s not as simple as a wire per brake lamp, tail, turn, etc.
I think it might actually be cheaper and easier to just wire a whole parallel small wiring harness from the brake light switch, turn signal switch, and light switch than it would be to fuck around with any of this mess. Or maybe you could program an Arduino to read the signals and interpret them properly?
This is just ridiculous — it’s not like the taillights do any fancy LED animations or anything like that — they work pretty much like any taillight from the 1970s and up, just needlessly complicated.
I think this is worth pointing out not because we have such a huge percentage of XLR owners among our readership, but because bad design like this—specifically, owner-hostile design decisions like these—need to be called out.
I had a hard time getting this comment in the box, I was laughing so hard.
And there are people who wonder why the “newest” car I own is just a couple ticks shy of 30 years old.
It is almost like they want you to waste your money on expensive new tail lights.
That was my first thought.
Life is so tough when you can afford an XLR, but not a couple grand for repairs?
My guess would be most of these repairs are now needed by the second or third owners who picked up the cars for relatively little money and were unaware of this issue.
I dunno, I checked real quick like and these things are still going for 20k and such. Obviously, cheaper than most new cars, but if you’re dropping 20G’s on a 10+ year old car, you better know how much it costs to fix shit on it.
Just replaced the timing chain on our 2006 Sonata for $1700 and that was AFTER I chewed them down from $2,000.
These people want $2500 to change a TAILLIGHT? That’s not a reasonable expense for anyone for that particular thing, even if they can afford the car.
I think it is hilarious.
Now I’m REALLY sad I sold Granny car.
Sorry about the car situations Mo.
Thanks. Our car situation is now sorted, but for my truck’s irritations, but I only use that to haul things, so no big.
I am sad about Granny because I love her. However it was for the best. I not only got $500 out of her, our car insurance went down by almost $100 a month after getting rid of her, which I can’t even understand why it was that much for a 1996 Olds.
First thing we do, let’s kill all the automotive designers
I’m ok with this. The wavy lights and high intensity pinpoint lights, both rear and now front, are just insane. Let’s make it anything other than an easily recognizable and distinct shape and location so that other drivers can’t tell if it’s lighting on a building or a car.
Also, those people with stutter brake lights needs to be tortured. Hate being stuck behind one of those visual fingers in stop and go traffic.
I had to look that one up and just as I suspected it’s basically a strobe light. You’re right, that’s nuts.
The fire engines and ambulances are doing a version of it to draw attention to themselves.
Ugh. So vain.
Design grads who have spent three years becoming CAD wizards, and who’s job spec is to get carried away with their little vanity projects.
I had a Cadillac once. I will stab myself in the eye with a rusty fork before I buy another one.
As for Cadillac … I don’t know how other people feel, but “Cadillac” had not-good connotations when I was growing up and it has not waned with time.
Packard or GTFO.
This guy gets it.
Starter on the gas pedal
Electric clutch assist
What’s not to like?
Is that like that one-off VW Beetle with the automatic clutch?
Just had to touch the clutch pedal with your foot and it disengaged and you could shift
It’s like an OBJECT lesson how a fucking journalist ought to spell abject.
Man, ya’ll want trick and complex, you gotta pay for it. I could give a never ending spiel about similar annoyances on vehicles, but why? fix it, sell it, rue the day you bought it, IDGAF, just stop sniveling about it. Maybe next time think about that BEFORE you buy a car.
That is kind of where I’m coming from. I don’t wnat to own an expensive car (even if it was ‘cheap’ to me as 2nd or 3rd owner) because they tend to cost a lot to fix and have snazzy gadgets, which are usually just headaches with no value-added(like these lights).
I worked for awhile at a shop that had a honda mechanic (bikes,) as well the Harleys. They did a service on aa VFR v4 sportbike once and the valve tips and actuators were pitted and worn to death. They hunted the world over to find replacements. No go. The only option was new cylinder head assemblies at 2500.00 The whole bike was worth 1500.00 they ended up just putting it back together and pretending they didn’t see anything.
I had a Chevy Malibu whose AC would intermittently turn on and off. Warranty replacement eventually had the same symptoms. I opened it up to find the design lent itself to rapidly fail with just the slightest bit of grime on the rotating contacts. I was easily able to solder a jumper that solved the problem. I’m more inclined to blame incompetence than planned obsolescence.
I was wondering why LEDs seemed to have a spurt of popularity in OEM lights for a few years then seemingly disappeared. I had not thought of the serviceability issues, but that does make sense, although this may be an extreme case. Of course, they still use like 25 different light bulbs among the major manufacturers, so you can still get boned on rare bulb prices.
I remember changing bulbs on the Christmas tree lights every year. We’ve had LEDs for 6 years now and I’ve never changed a single bulb. And during that same time, every light in my house is LED and I’ve changed one bulb in one of the bathroom mirrors. That’s why they’re so popular.
Those are self-contained and easy to replace. In some sense, the fact that lighting started out with not using LEDs has been beneficial: there are all sorts of replaceable form factors that we inherited from incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs that make convenient LED holders nowadays. However, this hasn’t seemed to extend to automobiles. For one thing, they are not exposed to the open air, generally, and thus don’t get cooled as well. Although LEDs produce a lot less waste heat, they are far more heat sensitive than conventional bulbs and consequently have to be well cooled.
The heat issue btw is why you should always obey the “equivalent rating” rule for light fixtures. A fixture rated for a 60W incandescent bulb may not be able to cool a 100W-equivalent LED bulb even though it only consumes 10W or so. It’s the heat dissipation that matters more than the power.
I love the LED lights on my SUV, they are so freaking bright at night it’s almost like driving in the daylight.
LEDs should theoretically last multiple times as long as incandescents. Problem is the circuitry. If there’s any kind of market, I assure you someone will make a conversion setup and sell it for 500-800 bucks. But, how many XLRs are there and how many need new tailights?
I dunno. I’m sure there are ways to solve the problem better than Cadillac did. However, right now, incandescents have the advantage that you can just walk into an auto parts store (or Walmart) and replace them when they break. Having to go through the manufacturer or at least an aftermarket parts supplier means you could be without legal use of the car for days.
Y body, yeah, but one of the defining features of the Corvette was the LS engines, which in relative terms, compared to the Caddy quad-cam seventy-million valve wannabe-Ferrari conversation piece, can be fixed with a hammer and common sense, so to speak.
Fixing crap like this was half of what we did when I worked for an auto electrician. First owners all take their cars to a dealer under warranty and sell before it gets bad. Second owners pay for the dealer to fix it, but sell as soon as things break down. The third owner cheapens out and cobbles it together.
We just had a 25 gallon aquarium spring a leak. At the bottom. Merry Christmas!
Fish for dinner!
Wife and I are looking at houses and one of them has a Koi pond, wife really likes those. I told her that I’m sure the cat will find endless entertainment in that.
Yeah, you’re gonna have to put protective netting over it.
Ask me how I know.
Depends on the cat I guess, but ours was always a scaredy cat. The great blue herons were a bigger issue.
I used to have a big yellow Tabby cat who was an indoor/outdoor cat, and I was always getting into it with my neighbor because she said he was getting into her Koi pond. I guess she would go out and chase him away and he would hiss at her. Old bat, can’t blame the cat for hissing at that.
My buddy had a koi pond and he had to build plexiglass tiers so the fish could escape from the raccoons. It was like three levels and holes just bigger than the biggest fish.
Let’s make it anything other than an easily recognizable and distinct shape and location so that other drivers can’t tell if it’s lighting on a building or a car.
Seriously. All this high tech bullshit to make vehicle lighting “better” than the bad old days of sealed beam headlights and incandescent turn/stop bulbs, and you can’t tell if the car coming toward you on a side street has its turn signal on until it’s ten feet from the intersection.
You guys are nuts. No, you aren’t taking away my dual xenon headlights. They are freaking sweet.
Then don’t bitch about my high beams which are now on all the time.
Those high-intensity lights are seriously awful.
Car owners and mechanics seem to have list the ability to properly aim regular beam headlights at the correct angle. Particularly annoying for those of us who aren’t perched 10 feet of the ground in giant trucks.
Agreed. My husband does try to point them correctly when he changes them.
At night I just close my eyes to drive anymore. Everything is too bright and shinning in my eyes.
I wish I could wear contacts without needing reading glasses. I love driving at night with my contacts in.
People with those shitty aftermarket led headlights deserve a flogging.
Taurus: Knight of Cups – arrival, approach, advances, proposition, demeanour, invitation, incitement
…so I’m getting a new gf?
My husband is about to arrive from Aldi’s bearing bread. Does that count?
Can’t go wrong with fresh bread.
Maybe just new to you?
I sure as hell don’t want any old ones.
No, you aren’t taking away my dual xenon headlights. They are freaking sweet.
Okay, but I’m putting a pair of high powered tractor work lights on the back of my Honda, and when you come up and blind me from behind, I’m turning them on.
Thats a great idea. I’ve been scheming what I can do that will actually annoy these people enough to stop being assholes. When the pull up behind me, my car casts a shaddow where my headlights normally shine, even with the brights on.
An old acquaintance of mine used to have his reverse lights wired to a switch so he could cut them on when he was being tailgated. He eventually spent the weekend in jail when he used unknowingly used them on a cop.
Really, what did they book him for though? I would have thought a ticket at worst.
He was a hothead who wasn’t sufficiently contrite. Also open container…
“Motorway” cops in the UK have a habit of driving right up your rear end should they find you on a quiet stretch of road at night, to try provoking people into speeding or brake-checking, or whatever. I’ve been pulled over after 10 miles of being followed because I hadn’t done anything, and the cop just did the standard questions, looked in for open containers or something excuse, attitude check, then asked me where I was going and then gave me directions, which I didn’t need, funnily enough. Thanks, officer. He then hung back and followed me some more until I turned off. I swang around and went back to the main road in time to see him turning and going back the way he came. #boredcops
They always tailgate people here and cut in and out of lanes with no turn signals. I guess they’re just the typical MD drivers.
Tangential: In the US of A I noticed that (in Fort Worth, at least), I’d see five or six police SUVS (FWPD) in a parking lot and a number of cops just stood around watching while a two of them were arresting a couple of guys. That seems like a big “fuck you taxpayers, we’re not even going to pretend we’re necessary here!”, no?
I know there are laws (pushed for by government-sector labor unions) that if an ambulance goes out on a call, a fire truck has to go with it.
A person on my block had some chronic health problems and had to go in an ambulance on a somewhat regular basis (hate to think of his medical bills) and every single time, a fire truck would show up along with the ambulance and just sit there.
“That seems like a big “fuck you taxpayers, we’re not even going to pretend we’re necessary here!”, no?”
So, like the road crews here, where 1 or two guys are working while 10 guys stand around shooting the shit.
At least the road crews are theoretically working for private entities.
-1 quota
In my younger days I straight up called a cop out on his quota, knowing he was out of his jurisdiction (transport cop), and he did not appreciate that. Fortunately the real cops didn’t seem to care that I had sassed him.
Transport cops are the worst. A whole ‘nother department just for the bus and the subway? GFYS. Like real cops wouldn’t respond to a call if it happened to be on a bus route.
I used to keep a 1M cp hand spot in my POS jeep Wagoneer just for that reason. If you were behind me with the high beams on, and started to see the back glass slide down, you were about to get some scorched retinas.
A dark woman, countrywoman
Woo hoo! Threesome!
I should hope so. Go on..
I wouldn’t mind a Cadillac like this one.
It probably weighs as much as my pickup truck.
Good answer, LP
Yeah, good call. She’s a beauty.
I have an external hard drive I back my stuff up to. I only use DropBox to share files with my clients and husband (I somehow encrypted one of the folders for sensitive information like our password keeper with TrueCrypt [I think], but I did that so long ago I forgot how I did it).
But! I also have a family cloud server that I have had for a few years now but am only starting to really use. (I may not hoard stuff, but I hoard data like crazy and 2T is just not enough space.)
Anyway, 2 complaints: I can’t access it from a file manager on my Android phone and 2 I can’t seem to figure out how to oassword-protect my files so that I can get to them from online/app AND have it mapped to a network location on my PC.
I also back everything up to Carbonite (got a great deal for three years for $129 last year), but that is neither here nor there.
Now I’m fiddling with my phone file managers to get it to save stuff to a folder other than the root, which does not show the files on the web/app. My iPad lets me choose the folder but my phone won’t, and I can’t find the right settings to force it to.
ANOTHER problem I have is that I can’t get Task Scheduler to run SyncToy properly, but I admit I haven’t put too much time and effort into figuring it out.
And these things, ladies and joims, are one reason why I don’t want to move over to Win10, which is sure to hose everything.
Things like this are why I avoid doing IT support anymore, but I will say that any setup you can’t reproduce on a new/fresh computer is a setup that will break on you when you can least afford it. Even if you hate W10, it’s probably still a good idea to pick a victim computer to upgrade and get your stuff working there while it still works on your regular computer with W7. It’s a lot easier to fix stuff side-by-side than it is when your only working example is already broken.
The BEST SPOILER! Make sure the sound is on.
Browns-Ravens, it begins. And we got Romo!
Romo is the best!!!
Go Ravens. Should be a fun game.
As shitty as he was as a QB, he is absolutely superb as a commentator.
He’d be an excellent coach. His commenting is unparalleled and occasionally scarily prescient
He’s spot on when commentating and he has a genuinely good time doing it.
I still miss John Madden, he was funny as hell, maybe not intentionally.
I love his commentary, only one worth listening to, outside of just telling you what happened (which most fudge up anyway).
The all-brown uniforms make them look like turds.
I’m pissed. CBS here has some dumb christmas movie on and not showing the game. Not sure why that is.
There are ways… Not really sure what I should be posting here though.
Oh I know where to find it, I just rather not watch football on the laptop. Saints Titans will do.
Gemini: The Lovers reversed – Failure, foolish designs, lovers strife
Whoa now. I have to re-live my 30’s? I am kind of content with my 50’s so no, aint doing it. I don’t care what the cards say.
You’ll get a midlife crisis and start going after college chicks. You probably should ask the astrology gods for a re-deal.
“Virgo: Knight of Swords – Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin”
Damn things had been looking up after last week. All I want is a quiet week at home. Pull up the drawbridge.
“Capricorn: 10 of Cups – Contentment, repose, human love and friendship”
Don’t fall for it, fellow Capricorns, it’s a trap!
old browns are making current browns look pretty good right now.
Gotta disagree with that call- no way he could have caught that anyway.
Also, didn’t even look like interference.
What was the Ravens defender doing on that next play? If he’d played the ball, no way that becomes a TD…. Guess the Browns should start going for 2. 4th missed Extra pt?
/textual diarrhea
Glad I’m not a Browns fan right now.
Massive mistake not to call a single fucking run Browns. *shaking my head*
“The Emperor – Stability, power, protection, realization, aid, reason, conviction, authority, will”
I will stride the halls of the hospital LIKE A GOD!
Except I’m off for the holiday.
Another 20-25 degrees until the pulled pork is ready to come off the Weber. I think this is going to be Christmas lunch, so hopefully it turns out. Kinda just tossed it together at the last second.
Wow, I’ve only drank one beer today. I think it’s time for another. I need to make some salsa, but I want to play some RDR2.
Hey look! Blind Capricorn’s found an acorn.
Do Democrats have a message on the economy?>
Why yes, yes they do. They’re going to tax you to death and steal the pennies from your dead eyes.
Yea, that was an interesting exchange about Buttgag’s wine cellar fundraiser.
He’s right that Warren is a hypocrite since she’s far wealthier than him, and he’s right that you have to play to win in an election.
But in a way, he kind of does deserve it. If you join up with a political party that uses a person’s personal wealth as a scathing indictment of their character, don’t complain when someone smears you for that very same thing (or in his case, merely having a fundraiser for people willing to give him money).
“do they need one”
Would think they’d be trying pretty hard to not talk about it, at least not in those terms. Hey! look at how much better that one guy is doing than you!!!!
We will totes key his car if you vote for us!
“Would think they’d be trying pretty hard to not talk about it”
I’ve been saying for a while, the best thing they could do for their own sake is to STFU and stay out of the spotlight and hope dem voters assume they are the same old dems and not a bunch of far left nitwits and nutcases. But they seem completely incapable of it.
Didn’t I hear Fauxcahontas bragging about how many people she is going to put out of work? I think at least one other Dem tried to one-up her on that.
After the election they will all be scratching their heads trying to figure out how Trump won again.
You don’t understand. They’re going to be retooled retrained as green energy and diversity ambassadors. They’ll be better off because their souls won’t be saddled with the sins of fracking and coal mining. The people of West Virginia will celebrate their liberators with open arms.
retooledYeah, that sounded painful.
I see the Browns are letting someone down for another time.
Poor Jim Brown.
The Ravens have been good as long as they’ve been a team. I don’t ever remember them having a losing season. Amazing they can pull that off in a city like Baltimore. It’s a miracle the entire roster aren’t murdered already and the team being indicted on some type of corruption charges. Have you ever seen the team owner? He looks more like a gangster than Cuomo.
Holy crap.
Does that mean it is good or bad?
It’s awesome. But at 14.4%, it’s a killer.
Holy crap!
Well, that sounds yummy. Probably you’ll die of hops poisoning I reckon.
Libra: Queen of Wands – A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honorable. Also, love of money, success in business
I think you mixed mine up with someone else’s.