2019 decided to send one final “fuck you” to my family, the stomach bug laying into my wife and mother-in-law about 10:30 last night. There was so much vomiting. Soo much. I finally managed to nod off around 2am. I will say **knocks on wood** my kids have been great thus far. But its still shitty. I had to cancel all the family get-togethers for Christmas, because I’m not about to invite my parents and brother into our plague house tomorrow. I’m taking the boys this afternoon to Christmas Eve dinner with my aforementioned family. We’ll eat prime rib and cheesecake, and everyone can exchange gifts. But damnit, the only thing I make that my mother (who did all the cooking for us growing up) really likes is the Christmas brunch seafood chowder, and I’m not sure how to get that to her this year. I think I’ll make it and run it by their house in the afternoon if everyone is feeling better enough to take some kid duty from me. /rant
Pentagon tells service members they really don’t want to know who really fathered that kid.
Florida Man gets in the Christmas spirit, then arrested.
Who could possibly have seen the expensive wine thing boomeranging on Liz Warren?
You can’t spell Giuliani without “Jew”
Time for my favorite Christmas song
Feliz Navidad!
Prospero año y felicidad!
Pro tip: don’t say ‘prospero ano‘, that tilde makes a huge difference.
I’m going to stick with a language I know.
grep -i ‘cheer’ * | od -xc
Then the money fell out of his ass?
Sort of
I hope you and your family are feeling better soon. Fuck stomach flu.
Avoid fucking stomach flu, you might get a nasty case of urethritis.
Don’t wrestle without a mask.
That’s more than I needed to know.
Sorry about the badly timed flu Sloopy. I hope everyone is better soon.
“He was released on his own recognizance shortly after his arrest.”
What makes me think he might not remember to show up?
Pentagon tells service members they really don’t want to know who really fathered that kid.-
The pentagon is really concerned about mass spying… LOL
Who could possibly have seen the expensive wine thing boomeranging on Liz Warren?-
These prices seem reasonable. Maybe I am, as the kids say, boogie.
“Fake indian presidential candidate? Well that price seems reasonable… but the RoI is shite”
Don’t worry, the white man is just going to take it all back anyways
Senator Hypocrite wasn’t paying out of her own pocket. The campaign was. When someone else is paying, nothing is too expensive.
I loathe Soros and refuse to stick up for him so I’m just going to say Giuliani’s an idiot but he’s right because reasons.
I wonder if Sheldon Adelson overthrew foreign governments in accordance with American foreign policy if it would suddenly be deemed antisemitic to attack him too?
Criticizing a Jew on nonJew grounds isn’t anti Semitic. Those two are just twats who happen to be Jewish.
You only get away with attacking one of them and that’s very telling
Giuliani sounds insane. Which explains why Trump hired him and kept him.
Only one of them a actually helped the Nazis – and enjoyed it.
Giuliani and Trump get along because neither one of them has a filter. The problem is if you are a guy who shoots your mouth off, you need a lawyer that knows how to shut his.
Right?!? Guiliani is just as incoherent speaker as trump when off script.
“He doesn’t even go to religion!”
I get tongue-tied a lot too. Of course, I’m not a fancy lawyer.
Sorry your family is not well. If it makes you feel any better I’m stuck at work for Christmas Eve.
MeToo. Though it’s my firm so that may be different from your situation.
“Asked by NBC News if his comments about being more Jewish than Soros were made in jest, Giuliani, who’s of Italian descent and was raised Roman Catholic, responded by text, “I’m more Jewish than half my friends.””
So half his friends are Jewish? He is a lawyer from NYC.
Get out!
Hey everybody! Back from Vegas, Wendy is doing fine, talking normally and chewing me out for mixing up presents, so a good thing. I didn’t see the last time until the healing but I got to see it today,
Warning, Graphic image
And that looks fantastic,
Merry Christmas!
I hope she is feeling better soon.
Wow, doesn’t look bruised or swollen or anything. To my untrained eyes, a job very well done by the surgeon. Here’s hoping to a better year!
I agree it looks great considering,
Merry Christmas TH!
You too!
I hope your wife gets well soon.
Whoops? Was that wrong?
It doesn’t matter anyway, I have a better chance to win the Dem presidential nomination than he does.
If he was worth targeting there would be so much fun to be had from this. But who’d bother?
British supermarket chain Tesco allegedly sold Christmas cards made with Chinese prison labor.
(I’m not certain I believe the story.)
It’s the latest trend, going after the seller as opposed to the supplier or the government enabling that.
When I see the headline “Nestle Uses Slave Labor to Produce Cat Food,” I ask why they are going after Nestle instead of the fishing boat operators, the country whose flags those fishing boats fly (often Thailand of Viet Nam). The answer, of course, is that they don’t have the resources of balls to go after sovereign governments, but choose a target with a US presence who can be sued into submission – sorta. The boats keep operating, Nestle just buys from someone else and cat food prices rise.
None of this is by way of supporting slave labor fishing boats, which are apparently a thing, but rather the tactics.
See, I’m even wondering if the little girl’s parents didn’t make up the story and write the inscription themselves.
The perfect metaphor for his campaign.
I don’t see anything wrong with it, assuming the prisoners are doing the work voluntarily.
They make license plates and nobody complains about it.
I couldn’t care less about Bloomberg but when I read about it I immediately started thinking if frequent spam calls I receive are actually placed from prison.
2019 decided to send one final “fuck you” to my family,
It might not be the last, There’s still time for more.
/I’m clearly an optimist.
“EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s baby mama calls him a deadbeat who couldn’t ‘pick their child out of a line-up’ as he is investigated by Casey Anthony’s private eye who claimed a psychic told him where to find Caylee’s body”
I’m thinking there are some people who just shouldn’t have kids.
Waiting anxiously for the #metoo crowd to go after Hunter B….
/looks at watch, taps foot
This is the guy they want to impeach Trump to protect?
*i know it’s any excuse will do, but come on
Part of me wonders if all roads lead back to Obama. They sure seem to be on the offensive whenever anything that might uncover that administrations corruption peaks it’s head up.
(by ‘they’ I mean the corporate media)
Who could possibly have seen the expensive wine thing boomeranging on Liz Warren?
That was different, you whataboutist.
“It’s not privilege when I do it.”
/Lizzy W.
Did you miss the part where she said she stopped doing that? From now on it’s all grassroots money from the little guy, otherwise she’ll refuse to take it. I know it’s true because she said it.
It all comes from the little guy! Every Goldman Sachs extorted penny of it.
And even if it is (which we all know it’s not), that says nothing about the war chest she may have already amassed in anticipation of a nomination.
I wanna get in on that sweet action of being one of the serf middle-men who gets a cut of the money the fat-cats dole out to give to her.
She’s not claiming to be part Aborigine now too?
[didgeridoo sfx]
Warren doesn’t do wine caves. She prefers firewater teepees.
Nah, everyone knows Comancheros are all libertarians.
There’s some serious uncanny valley shit going on with that Real Doll.
“We made the decision many years ago that rich people in smoke-filled rooms would not pick the next president of the United States,” Warren said. “Billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the United States.”
Smoking is icky.
Wine Cave, is that like BevMo or something?
Buttigieg is trying a Mountain West Strategy
I would have suggested changing his name to start with. There’s not even 5 people in the entire country who can pronounce it. ‘Butt Gig. what the hell? Or is it Butt Pig?’. No one really knows.
“I didn’t hear an ‘harumph’ out of that man.”
Wait a minute… I thought that uneducated rednecks picked the last president? So which is it, hillbillies in trailer parks or billionaires in wine caves?
Hillbilly racists paid by the Kochs. Do you even Maddow bro?
“Do you even Maddow bro?”
Sorry, but manly looking woketard chicks lecturing me really doesn’t appeal to me too much.
Sounds legit.
The hillbilly racists aren’t paid by the Kochs. The Kochs pay right-wing propagandists to trick the hillbilly racists into voting against their own interests. Duh.
+1 Tricknology……not just for black bodies anymore!
OK, boomer. Those don’t exist in NY or CA anymore – remember, your ilk outlawed it.
I have a bar not more than a quarter mile from my home that still allows smoking because it’s technically in a hamlet inside the city and not subject to the ordinance. I’d go in there to have one for the sheer novelty of it, but the crowd I’ve seen wander in and out look so downtrodden and defeated I’d walk out feeling the depression clinging to my skin and clothes harder than the smoke.
Ho, ho, ho, now she has a machine gun
“The United States now has two Presidents impeached for embarrassing Hillary Clinton.”
‘Richard Spurrier, 67, was reportedly handing out bags of marijuana to random people on the streets.’
A buddy and I were running around last night and we came very, very close to saying fudge it and passing out some jibbers and cheap lighters to the homeless guys who beg near the nearest overpass. Of course, you use a little more sense and throw them in a McDonald’s bag with a plain cheeseburger just in case you get hassled by the cops. Most cops aren’t going to give you any problems giving shit to homeless people around Christmas as long as you’re not obvious about doling out shit like that. Also, don’t drive by afterward to see if they’re enjoying themselves. They might be doing so a little too much and point you out if they’re getting busted.
Honestly, some people just don’t know how to criminal properly.
So close to Paradise…,.
I don’t have any family obligations tonight so I just slip out this evening and do it anyway.
You must have cooler homeless people than we do. The few times I’ve given them takeout they act all surly about it because they’d rather have money.
Maybe. Last year I handed out tins of sugar cookies and everybody seemed to be happy. If anybody complains about the hamburger bags, I’d just give them a smirk and say ” you want what’s in the bag.” That should be enough.
I’d hope so. I’m sure maybe a few have had dicks give them shit in bag of something but the contemptuous look and the “I’d rather have some cash, man” REALLY pissed me off. My attitude since has kinda been ‘well fucking starve then asshole.’
I know, Not very Christmassy.
For the woman who has everything
I was expecting that link to be this
“Honey, I scheduled you a colonoscopy for the day after Super Bowl Sunday.”
Part of me wonders if all roads lead back to Obama.
We have been over this. If the President does it, it’s not illegal. Unless the President happens to be Trump.
Brett, Sorry about your sick family.
“Tests that provide health information have varying levels of validity, and many are not reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration before they are offered,” the memo said.
Huh. Why I reminded of Ozy’s ongoing series?
Though on the other hand, I’m surprised. I always wondered if those companies were back-door ways of generating a DNA database for the government.
/adjusts tin foil hat
A Florida man is accused of passing out marijuana to random people in downtown St. Petersburg “because it’s Christmas.”
I like this guy. He’s not one of us is he?
“I saw how the system worked. And I decided when I got in the presidential race that I wanted to do better than that, and that’s why I just quit doing it,” she responded. “I don’t sell access to my time, I don’t call high-dollar fundraisers, I’m out there raising money, grassroots, all across this country because I want to move this in the right direction, we can’t be a country that just keeps getting worse and worse.”
Don’t piss on me and tell me its raining. Fuck off.
I wanted to pop in and wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy New Year.
And to register a complaint. I dropped a jacket off yesterday to be mended by a woman who runs a shop advertised as being a European tailor. She sounds Slavic (general Eastern European accent and mixes Ws and Vs up). Now she already keeps short hours (10 to 4) so I dropped this item off yesterday morning hoping it could be done before Christmas. If not, no biggie, but tell me that up front. Anyway she tells me yes, I’ll have it tomorrow afternoon no problem.
So today I head there at 2, and the shop is closed. I call her and she says yeah, I decided to close early for Christmas eve. Sorry if I didn’t tell you that yesterday when I specifically advised you to come back today in the afternoon.
You know who DIDN’T close early? The fucking Koreans I took my boots to for some repair, who kept their advertised hours and had my work finished today when agreed.
Don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
Well ok.
Dont tug on Superman’s cape. Dont grab Godzilla by the tail.
*tip-toes out the door*
[messes around with Jim]
Tee hee.
I can’t pass up an opportunity to link some Croce. Here are my two favorites: I Fell In Love With A Roller Derby Queen, and Working At The Car Wash Blues.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Would that be those steadily depressing, low-down, mind-messing, working at the car wash blues?
It is indeed. But that led to Speedball Tucker which got me thinking of Gordilocks. SO, Gordi, if you are lurking, Merry Christmas and G/d bless you and your family.
I think his “I Got a Name” is fantastic and a really good song to cheer you up when you need it.
And Junior Johnson just died a few days back.
(The song is played over the opening of the movie The Last American Hero, based on the early racing days of Junior Johnson.)
Oh crap, I SugarFreed the link. 🙁
I was in Sydney recently and noticed nobody seems to work past 2 pm and the shops all close by 6 pm. How does their economy work? Also Sydney airport closes at night? WTF
They need to get home while it’s still light out so they can see all the poisonous animals out there.
…but don’t say that out loud or she’ll put a gypsy curse on you.
Yeah that’s shitty. It’s no way to run a business, Christmas Eve or not.. Did you pay in advance? If you don’t mind some confrontation you could always argue that you shouldn’t have to pay full price when she doesn’t uphold her end of the bargain.
European work ethic
Wonder Dog was just asking about you.
Ugh, now I have to tack a Happy Hanukkah onto my earlier holiday greeting. DIVERSITY!
I don’t know that (((dogs))) are a thing. I think they are more animist.
Good to see you Gojira. When do we get another movie review?
Hey, Ozy, you anywhere near Kansas City?
We were there yesterday, Mojo, shopping at Sheels and I thought of you, but we were on a tight schedule to drive south to Stockton, MO. Mrs. Ozy considers herself a KC girl from her years there. Her brother is also in the KC burbs. We’re staying there on the 28th and flying back to Phoenix on 29 late. I’ll hit you up on email and maybe we can pull together an impromptu Glib meetup.
I may be down to join you, maybe.
That would be awesome! Also Trigger Hippie, TJW, l0b0t (I think?), and Libertesian.
l0b0t is in NYC, isn’t he?
Sigh… always the bridesmaid. Yeah, I’m in the People’s Republic of Queens, Rockaway Beach Oblast.
Zdravstvuy, tovarishch!
“You know how many time zones there are in the Soviet Union?“
Mojeaux, I’ve been enjoying reading your KC dispatches recently, and they brought up a memory.
In 1989, I was in a long-distance relationship with a gal whose father was a big deal politician in KC. We went to her parents for Thanksgiving, and after the family dinner we went to some high-rise office building downtown with floor to ceiling picture windows, where some big political shindig was going on in anticipation of ‘turning on the lights at The Plaza”.
Then came the big moment and the lights went on. Yowza. There was a smattering of applause and ‘oohs’ from the partygoers. A minute later it was “OK, let’s head home!” They wanted to get ahead of the heavy traffic. I still had a plate full of food and a big cocktail, both of which I had to abandon.
On the way back, I asked what they would do at dusk the following evening. “Well, they’ll turn the lights on again, of course!” So then if they do this every day, what’s the big deal about seeing it today? “Oh, this is the big one. The very first day of the lights!” I said it seemed to me you could just come back another day and see the same lights getting switched on, and not have to worry about traffic and the jacked-up parking rates. “Your big-city San Francisco friend seems to think he’s better than us, doesn’t he Sharon?” asked big-shot pol Daddy. He wasn’t joking and was glaring at me in the rear-view mirror.
And that’s my main memory of KC during the holidays.
Not sure what those people were talking about. The lights, once on, stay on 24/7. At least they have as long as I can remember.
No they get turned off at 3 am or simething and turned on again about 3 pm.
Really, I swear to god I’ve driven down Ward Parkway many, many times around 6am and seen most of the buildings still lit up.
I might be wrong. When I go down to the Miller Nichols library to work and I leave at 1am during finals week they are still on.
Maybe they were just slacking on the job about it. I don’t know. Considering our city government, it wouldn’t shock me.
They lived in the Missouri suburbs, perhaps they didn’t know any better.
Her Dad was President of the Missouri State Senate at the time, and had been the quarterback for the 1957 Orange Bowl winning Missouri Tigers. So he pretty much believed he was infallible, I’m sure most of constituents thought so too.
And his daughter was a drop dead gorgeous model who did things like Lite beer ads and still models to this day, she looks incredible and I see her in display ads now and then. Definitely the most beautiful woman I’ve ever dated. She wanted us to get married, too. Unfortunately, though, she was also probably the least intelligent and least interesting woman I’ve ever dated. I decided I couldn’t marry on looks alone, and have never regretted the decision to break up.
Dude 10 seconds on Google gave me the name. Was the daughter Sharon, Kristin or Stephanie? lol
and was he a socialist like his namesake?
I think I know who you’re talking about. The dad, not the girlfriend. Ha!
What was his name?
I don’t like going down there on Tday night bc of the traffic, although we DID have Tday in a hotel room on the Plaza once. That was awesome but complicated.
I like going diwn there in the 23rd preferably, close to but not after Christmas.
I’ve probably incriminated myself already, but shouldn’t further it by outright saying their names. It should probably just take a few seconds on Google or Wikipedia to figure it out.
LOL I wasn’t that curious until Jarflax said he googled. Then I did.
I was living in Utah in 1989.
For you KC folks: my wife was married to a member of a very famous KC family because of their ownership of a certain BBQ chain. (Yes, it’s the first one that popped into your head when you read that last sentence. No need to write it here.) In fact, he’s here for Xmas at his now ex-in-laws for Christmas with the kids and we all get along swimmingly. Good guy – good enough that he left KC (and the possible heir to the BBQ fiefdom) and moved to Phoenix at my wife’s request so that he could be near his kids. Got a new job and all.
KC transplants in Phoenix hear his last name and always ask if he is related and when he says yes, all they want to know was if he can get them some of the BBQ sauce from “back home.”
C. Anacreon – smokeshow for certain, but you made the right choice. For marriage, you’ve got to find someone you absolutely enjoy being with because someday none of us will be smokeshows any more.
Nice Glutes
Bah. There was a PBS show based on that premise back in the ’70s.
SLIM GOODBODY! I found him vaguely unsettling; not scary, just made me uncomfortable.
Don’t recall him.
Well, shut my mouth! He’s still at it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLOR3mnZPgfdZIuC6DlV7hQ
“…holocaust survivor George Soros…”
I think I see the problem here. I guess it reads better than ‘ratfucking shitweasel commie bastard’.
survivorcollaborator George Soros”/No idea if that is remotely true, vaguely remember reading something to that effect
If you can take the guy at his word, yes. He admitted to it. However, he was a child and ‘blending in’ to save his own life so I cant knock him for that. What he has done as an adult, that is a different story. When he goes to play checkers with Hitler the world will be a better place.
Still, if he truly collaborated with the Nazi’s at the expense of other Jews that’s beyond contemptible, even f he was a kid. I have not done any first hand research so I don’t know bt that would tell you everything you ever needed to know about the guy.
“Shit apples grow up to be shit trees”
-Jim Lahey
“When he goes to play checkers with Hitler the world will be a better place.”
+1 Happy Birthday Wanda June (the stage play, I’ve never seen the film)
I liked…
I have never heard a serious theory about Jews controlling the world, just jokes. However, there is evidence Soros, while maybe not wanting to control the world, he sure as fuck wants to change it. That has nothing to do with him being a Jew but more to do with him being an evil prick.
This will explain everything you need to know about (((them))) controlling the world.
That clears it right up………..She can even be poor if she does it with four on the floor……hahahahaha
Yeah, there’s quite of a bit obfuscation and misdirection going on in that little sentence.
To me a Holocaust survivor is someone who was in a camp. He never was. He’s as much of a Holocaust survivor as my in laws. Granted he was Jewish in a time and place where it was extremely dangerous to be a Jew.
Welp, time to go arrange the cheese tray (gouda, Swiss, extra sharp) and make the Christmas punch for tonight’s shindig with my mom and her sisters.
“mmmmmm…….cheese tray”
/Homer Simpson voice
+ Vodka
read my mind
New Amsterdam 100 proof is my new vodka of choice for mixers.
Tito’s is still my go to for vodka martinis.
I like New Amsterdam. Haven’t seen the 100 proof.
Big bummer on the stomach flu. Hopefully it is one of those short lived ones.
Two thumbs up for your music selection. That’s my kind of xmas music. This is also my kind of xmas music.
I’ve always like this
I’d have guessed this was your kind of Christmas music.
Or maybe this.
Seriously? Dude. This is your fave isn’t it Ted?
Better version
I guess Spud and I are disqualified for the presidency because of all the wine cave shit we’ve done. Oh, shit, just remembered that SP and I were in Cedric Bouchard’s Champagne cave. We’re fucked.
Dang, and I was so gonna run.
I thought most wine caves required you to be of drinking age before they’d let you in.
In France, the drinking age is zero.
“Florida Man gets in the Christmas spirit, then arrested.” brings to mind another story:
“Rapper Blueface caused a near riot by throwing cash to the homeless on Skid Row. In the video, the rapper is seen on top of a black Mercedes SUV, throwing large amounts of cash into the air.”
“This is so gross, degrading and humiliating. This isn’t giving back, it is treating human beings in need like animals,” tweeted user Nicholas Ferroni. “Give out gifts, turkeys, gift cards and clothing. Hand it out, talk to people, console them — don’t throw money like scraps as if they are savages.”
Um, a long precedent of the rich and powerful throwing money at the (presumed poor) masses. Roman triumphs. The Queen of England throwing Maundy Money. Symbolically in contemporary USA Mardi Gras with fake doubloon coins…
But sure, if the turkey or McD gift card makes you feel better…
Mardi Gras also has the tradition of parade watchers throwing real money at the Flambeaux, the torchbearers who march and illuminate the floats. https://youtu.be/fyLr2v-4IIU
Lots of people are criticized or worse for adding instances to “long precedent[s]”.
“How dare he not launder his money through the city government first.”
Don we now our gay apparel!
That almost sounds like a parody.
A Christmas message from Quillette. Who doesn’t love some historical intrigue.
So I am broke. I want to get my mom something, but I’m plumb out of creative ideas and she doesn’t want STUFF anyway. Can’t blame her for that. I’m sitting here feeling morose and totally like an ungrateful child.
THEN I realize I have something she might actually use and is pretty and looks new and is very useful. Just wrapped it. I am feeling very proud of myself right now.
YAY! That’s awesome. Is that your fantastic, superbly organized recipe collection at that b10mediaworx addy? If so, thank you so much for sharing. I’ve been perusing it for day now.
Yes, that is mine. Use at will. Merry Christmas!
I get my mom a token present, but the real gift is way better.
We’ve given her no grandkids, and she lost her own father on Christmas day many years ago. So to make her happy, we’ve been hosting Christmas and bringing in the godchildren and their family along with my family. She gets to play with little kids on their happiest day of the year.
Tomorrow is gonna be busy, I like to think this annual good deed gets me some good karma.
I think it will get you some good karma.
Yay godkids!
Ok, let your daughter out of the wrapping paper right now!
That’s awesome. It always feels great when you have a perfect gift for someone you love.
It’s not “perfect,” but I don’t know what that would be for her. It is pretty and useful and I had it. (It is a large box that looks like a beautiful hardback book.) Last year I got something I thought was perfect but she hasn’t used it yet.
About two years ago, Don Lemon told us: “So let’s remember President Trump isn’t the only president who says merry Christmas, President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama said it many, many times.”
To quote Buffy the Vampire Slayer: “That was then. This is now.”
“Amee Vanderpool, a self-described ‘writer, lawyer’ and ‘contributor’ to Playboy, tweeted: ‘Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch just appeared on Fox and Friends this morning, making a point to parrot the ‘Merry Christmas’ talking point of the GOP. If he’s willing to go on Fox and throw a shout out to Republican narratives, what else is he willing to do?'”
“The Republican Party is fundraising off of Supreme Court Justice Neil M. Gorsuch saying, ‘Merry Christmas’ during a live television appearance on Tuesday.”
They’re no Christian Democrats who may watch Fox News occasionally?
Saying Merry Christmas is a Republican talking point?
How long before it becomes an alt-right and/or white supremacist dog whistle? Assuming that ‘homophobic’ and ‘racist’ are now passe’?
I’m surprised it isn’t already. Most Christmas traditions are Northern European/German in origin and almost exclusively white, I’d almost be willing to bet The Root already has an article about the White Supremacist/ Colonial origins of Christmas article.
^ Nazi confirmed.
Side rant; I can’t help but roll my eyes when SoCons post “Jesus is the reason for the Season” stuff. Jesus was most definitely not born on December 25th or anytime near then. The Holy Roman Empire just declared December 25th as his Birth date.
Christmas evolved directly from pagan Winter solstice observances. The Christmas tree is linked to the Yule log, the huge piece of firewood that needed to last all night on the Solstice to keep you from needing to go outside because Odin was flying overhead on his 8-legged horse (way more badass, scarier Santa) deciding who would live and die that year (who’s naughty & nice on steroids).
According to The Caucasian’s Guide to Black Christmas by Michael Harriot December 22, 2017
The Root is OK with a “Black Christmas” that excludes “White Christmas” elements from Christmas including but not limited to the birthday boy.
By “birthday boy” do not mean to take a position one way or the other on historical accuracy of that being date of birth.
Black Santa, baby. Black Santa.
From the Article:
“Black people eschew all that gobbledygook about the charity and the joy of giving. That’s white-people nonsense. Christmas is about the joy of receiving … which brings us back to the Christmas season.”
This makes me scratch my head even though it shouldn’t surprise me..
“Or—in some cases—Christmas-gift receiving extends into a bigger and more substantial black holiday when black parents receive their de facto reparations for working all year, in a holiday tradition called “tax time.””
This is so fucking stupid on it’s face, I can’t even
No but they idea that democrats wanted to ban saying “Merry Christmas” was. Trump actually campaigned on “We’re going to say Merry Christmas again” as if it was outlawed, so yeah there was a ‘talking point’ around the idea of saying “Merry Christmas.”
That has been a right wing trope way before Trump. Might even be decades.
Sure, I was simply using Trump’s take as an example of the ‘war on Christmas’ bit Republicans have been playing in response to Jarflax’s question, which I took to be mocking the very idea that republicans and conservatives made a thing out of “merry xmas’ or the lack of its usage.
No more pointing out that this is a thing on both sides.
RepublicansChristian types go on about the war on Christmas as a proxy for the culture war. ButDemocratsAtheist types mock comments about the culture war as “war on Christmas” and any expression of fondness for traditional culture as racist/sexist/whateverphobic.People take any trivial manifestation of a belief they do not share as a direct attack. One group sees any secularism as a war on Christmas, another sees any expression of sympathy for tradition as a racist dog whistle. It ain’t a special blind spot with Christians.
*golf clap*
More Don Lemon:
“We’re considering you for a part in our new production. How do you feel about playing a controversial negro?“
As it turned out, Ice Cube wasn’t anti-Hollywood.
Just wrapped it. I am feeling very proud of myself right now.
Christmas section of
“Differences Between Republicans and Democrats…”
Totally disagree with the author about Wal-Mart.
Note: Dezert Rose, Not Demi Rose
A Christmas message from Babylon Bee. A Warrior stands strong.
Snopes rates this as mostly false.
The Bee really is the best satire game in town. Fight on Soldiers!
/salutes and button pops off chest
“Fr. Matthew Barzare and parishioners of St. Anne Church in Cow Island enlisted the help of a cropduster pilot to bless their community. They loaded 100 gallons of holy water into the plane and the pilot sprayed the water onto the town and the nearby farms.”
Anyone want to speculate about holy water as pest control?
Vampire infestation. If you see someone start to sizzle and smoke stake that heart.
Browning, J. The real vampires of New Orleans and Buffalo: a research note towards comparative ethnography. Palgrave Communications 1, 15006 (2015) doi:10.1057/palcomms.2015.6
Merry Christmas everyone!
Sorry I hadn’t posted much since the birth of my daughter. It’s been a crazy few days. Lemme tell you the tale.
So 745 I get called into the or. Everything is cool. 8am, she gets pulled out and by 9 we were back in the room hanging out.
Around 12(?) The spinal was coming off and she had horrible pain in her hip bone. They said it was a nerve, which made a lot of sense but after meds weren’t doing anything, they eventually called for a CT scan to see if there was bleeding or something from the c section.
They came back and said the CT caught the bottom of her heart, which was surrounded by “far too much fluid”. Lots of questions about chest pain or shortness of breath and really, that hadn’t been an issue. They couldn’t do anything, and thought she would need surgery, and they needed to transfer her to a hospital in Manchester asap. She really didn’t want to be separated from the baby, so they arranged the baby to be brought right after in a separate ambulance to the special care nursery there. Her sister in law rode with her, I rode with the kiddo. Kid and me went upstairs every two hours to feed and visit.
She had a drain put in Thursday, but we had to wait as the heart surgeons got stuck on a major surgery for several extra hours. They drained over 800ml out. She was about to have her heart give out under the pressure. Very lucky we had the c section, honestly.
Friday they cleared her from the ICU, and both mom and daughter were reunited in the normal labor and recovery. We got out Saturday late night.
Holy shit.
That is a true Christmas miracle. Glad to hear she’s out of the woods!
Wow. That sounds awful. Glad that it’s over with.
The ICU staff didn’t know about the baby, the nurse had to escort me and the baby downstairs every time, and they made an exception for me because they have that part of the nursery locked down all the time (it’s mostly withdrawal babies and stuff) so every shift change we all had to start over about what the process was. One lady said she did something similar like 9 years ago, so no one had any real procedures in place. The first day in icu, I don’t think any ob came and checked the c section, and half the ICU didn’t seem to know that th c section happened the day before.
It was a lot of moving parts, and overall it was probably far to stressful for her or me. Glad the nursery was there to help, they really did go out of the way for us.
The ICU staff also didn’t mind seeing a baby roll through every few hours.
Bless the little fighter. Knocks on wood, crosses fingers, prayers. Whatever you need, Doom.
Holy crap Doom. Really glad that worked out. Congrats on fatherhood! and way to go Mom!
Baby was a little small, and they had to check her sugar for the first 48 or so.
It sort of explains why she was growing fine until the last month or so when she plateaued a bit. Mom’s heart was only working about half what it should have. But the heart rate and blood pressure were ok, so they didn’t realize.
That’s my guess anyway.
She was 5lb 12oz.
So good to hear news like that. Every day, all day, we get the political/financial crap that we don’t need or want to hear. Happy for you, Mrs Doomco and the little baby Doomco.
What a close call!
Dang…glad everything is ok.
Wow. I’m glad everyone got through it and I hope things go well.
Holy smokes, thank God everybody’s OK! Congratulations! I’m about two weeks away myself and we just found out the c-section won’t be necessary. You’re describing my absolute worst fear about the procedure.
Also, whenever I hear about births these days I look around my circle of acquaintances and realize about half the moms would be dead by now without modern medicine.
Seriously, this wasn’t even on my list of “oh shit”.
I’m very happy they ordered the CT, and even happier the tech put it a bit high or zoomed out and the doctor noticed the heart.
Apparently you’re supposed to have about 10-30ml in there. So seeing the bag full past 800 was something else.
I’m sure you guys will be fine! I hope I didn’t scare you too much. All I’d say is try to verbalize what you feel, even if it seems like a normal condition.
She was out of breath, but it seemed normal. She’s 9 months pregnant and walking our dog, of course she’s going to be a bit tired.
I wish you luck; but it’ll be just fine. I think we drew the shorter straw on it. I should have bought a lotto ticket.
Half the babies, too.
Without modern medicine, my daughter doesnt exist. Hurray for test tube baby research!
Damn dude!
Glad it all worked out ok.
Wow. Some women will do anything for attention.
(srs question: what was the cause of the fluid?)
Not sure. She has polycystic kidneys, and that might have something to do with it. The OB said it’s very rare, but some pregnant women build some fluid there as well. Usually Pericardial Effusion is from some sort of virus. Or kidney failure, which she doesn’t have.
So they aren’t entirely sure, yet. A few follow ups next month.
Wow, that’s scary, I’m so happy they were able to find and fix the problem. Merry Christmas to you guys, and congrats on the birth of your daughter!
Yikes! Glad everything is OK.
*looks around*
Roasted a duck this afternoon. (The lady wanted to do Cornish hens but the store was out.) It turned out fine. Basically all the meat was like dark meat on a turkey. The downside is that it was all the meat. It made me think that if you ever intend to entertain with duck being the primary dish you will need one duck for every two people.
*Returns** to watching ‘A Christmas Story’*
**I acknowledge the irony that my food game-plan in some way mirrors that which is presented in the movie.
Was it smiling at you?
Time for my favorite Christmas song
Holy shit. The lady has played that at least 3 times today. (Really taking advantage of my sound system…)
Anyway, I like that. And I also like this and this. ///Subtlehotness
My kids.
If you’ve got a flat tire, I have a flat tire. Road side assistance for all!
Is this more of that “it takes a village” or has the mask slipped even more?
I think Bernie is saying he fathered your kid.
Pictures Of Santa Coming Down The Chimney In Blackface Surface
“Santa is canceled!” one blue checkmark wrote on Twitter. “Christmas was already an oppressive holiday celebrating the birth of a child when our climate is in peril and there should be no more humans coming into the world. This is just the last straw.”
“This is extremely offensive,” said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “Rather than dress up in an authentic African-American disguise that respects their culture, Mr. Claus has culturally appropriated dark skin and incorporated it into his European-inspired red outfit. He didn’t even get the skin tone right!” Trudeau then offered to help Santa Claus apply makeup correctly the next time he decides to dress in blackface.
The bee is too good. The onion dropped off a cliff.
I just need the bee to start doing a bunch of news clips like the onion. I like those ones
They do have a podcast I haven’t checked out yet. Ethan Nicolle, one of the writers is also on the Audio Mullet podcast with Mike “MST3K” Nelson and Doug TenNapel.
Another beer.
The goal is to enjoy myself tonight without getting drunk. I do not want to be hungover on the drive tomorrow.
12% good luck with that. That looks good though. I will keep an eye out for it.
I’ve been busy as hell with holiday stuff and likely won’t have a chance to say this tomorrow, so Merry Christmas everybody! This place is great, y’all are great, and I’m thankful for it. I hope everybody’s holidays are going well and continue to do so.
Merry Christmas Naptown and everyone else too!
Merry Christmas!
I don’t have many holiday traditions, but one thing I try to do every year is re-read this. Gives one a different perspective.
I like to watch this:
“A wish for wings that work.”
My grand daughters had to leave so Santa came early. The gifts were opened at 4 PM, kids left, now back to Old People routine. Even though they are well behaved, it seems we prefer to have as little disruption in our really boring lives as possible. One will be back for the week end and that’ll be good.
So good to see them grown up, responsible adults. It lessens the worries.
Hope y’all have a nice Christmas, ours is quiet, just the way I like it. Good to have Glibs to talk to and listen to and be able to share a little of our lives.
We opened presents this morning before the kid had to go to school. Now she’s sitting in class and the wife is at a doctor’s appointment. So, I’ll spend some time here with you fine people before getting dinner ready.
You’re not getting KFC?
Nah. Maybe Kaiten sushi when the kid gets home at 1:00.
It is nice to have you all.
Glad you got santa to make an early out stop!
“That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.” — Charles Schulz
Not according to AOC:
” True love is radical because it requires us to see ourselves in all people. Otherwise, it isn’t love.
Love is revolutionary because it has us treat ALL people as we would ourselves – not because we are charitable, but because we are one.
That is love’s radical conclusion. pic.twitter.com/IB5q0ko8VQ”
https://twitter.com/Ocasio2018/status/1077776366450429958 (December 25, 2018)
Sorry I don’t speak gibberish. Gliberish, yeah, but not gibberish
Merry Christmas to all you who inhabit this wonderfully strange/strangely wonderful place.
Just chilling with the cat by the (fake) tree.
You too Mikey. I am chillen by the wood stove with my imaginary cat and my imaginary tree. I did throw some tree lights into a ceiling fan for ambiance though.
Nice pussy.
OMG “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town” coming up on ABC. Think I’ll watch – haven’t seen it ages.
Been mostly lurking for a while but will come into glibspace to wish you all Happy Holidays. Thanks to all for your contributions and thanks to TPTB for setting up this harbor in a maelstrom.
Come more often, Hobbit! We need more people who are… of a certain height.
I was gonna go to Midnight Mass tonight, but here I am stuffed from the usual Christmas Eve suspects, schlepping around in my sweats (yes, even went over to my mom’s looking like a hobo), and decided I didn’t want to dress up for church, and I don’t care how gorgeous the music is that I will be missing.
I’m going to watch the St. Patrick’s mass on TV at midnight for the 3rd or 4th year in a row – mostly for the music.
New thread is up!