A tale of two halves.
Well, we’ve almost made it. Except the Jews. They started their thing already. And the heathens celebrated a few days ago, I think. But to those of us that believe…SANTA IS ALMOST HERE!!! And for Packers fans, he got an early start as they won handily, if ugly, to lock the division down. Hell, they may get a bye in the playoffs. Which seems crazy if you’ve watched them play much this year. But take solace, Minnesoooooda fans. (segue coming) Your Wild won last night. As did Toronto, Boston, Tampa, Columbus, Philly, Ottawa, Nashville, Montreal, New Jersey, Vancouver, Colorado and St Louis. Meanwhile, across the pond, they’re criminalizing stupidity at sporting events. But that is just part of being more enlightened than letting the venue operator remove someone and letting the public shame them. I notice no arrests were made of the Spuds fans making monkey chants though. Guess they didn’t have enough police buses to arrest all of them.

Thanks a lot, you asshole.
Frontiersman and Indian-fighter Kit Carson was born on this day. As were billionaire industrialist Howard Hughes, lovely actress Ava Gardner, wrestler Iron Mike DiBiase, novelist Mary Higgins Clark, NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue, the man Lemmy, fashion designer Kate Spade, Puerto Rican heartthrob Ricky Martin, “novelist” Stephanie Meyer, and TV’s Ryan Seacrest.
The list mostly sucked. But whatever, we’ve got to keep trudging along. And that means…the links!
Christ, what an asshole. I mean…damn.

No tax stamp? Right, off to prison.
Good thing they’ve now gotten these ::checks notes:: dangerous, non-addictive pain-killers off the street. Let’s be honest here. The real issue was not paying the taxman.

A metaphor.
Merry Christmas!!! You’re fired. I mean, shouldn’t this have happened months ago?
Awwwwww, this is a touching story. No, seriously. And not in some perverted way, which I bet half of you were thinking.
Real estate is always a smart investment. This story gets weirder every day.
Yeah, cool idea. And I’m sure there’s no way this turns into a shitshow of lawsuits. Like within a month.
Welcome to Texas! See you in hell! Pardon me for shedding exactly zero tears.
I assume some of you expected this to be the song today. But I bet none of you were expecting this second tune.
That’s it for me until Thursday. I want to seriously wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for making this place so wonderful, day-in, day-out. It truly is a pleasure to do these links as often as I get to do them. I hope the holidays treat you all as well as they’re treating me, Banjos and our family. May God bless you all. Make it a great day, friends!
Stupid Vikings
What did you expect from them?
Vikes had nothing to play for. I would have been playing subs all the way if I was the coach. Let everyone rest up.
The silver lining is to watch Cousins reveal that he is exactly who he is. A competent QB who can rack up stats against bad teams and no ability to shine during prime time against a decent team. Hopefully this keeps any so-called genius in the front office from giving him an extension.
Nothing to play for? That’s not how they started and the Packers are the Viking’s biggest rival. All the MN pundits I had to listen to saying the Packers didn’t have a chance against that obviously superior team can cry delicious tears.
I agree 100% with your assessment of Cousins though.
Every fan hates having A competent QB who can rack up stats against bad teams and no ability to shine during prime time against a decent team, but the league is made up of maybe 3-4 QBS that can put a game on their back and carry you to a win, maybe a dozen of the competent QBS and 15 guys who will lose you more games with their errors than they will win you with their skills. You get rid of the competent guy and think you are getting the next Tom Brady, but usually you get the next Brady Quinn.
I have my issues with Cousins but Christ, when no one blocks the monsters, not a very easy task. Of course, when your running backs are all hurt, why would a defense respect the run.
You nailed it. Brady’s success has driven everyone completely mad. In the normal pre-Brady days, if your quarterback won one Super Bowl all the fans were happy, and if he somehow managed to win MORE than one the fans were absolutely ecstatic!
Now thanks to that jerk, every idiot thinks their team should be in the Super Bowl every single year because that’s what he does.
mornin’ ya’all
Merry Christmas Eve and belated Happy Hanukkah.
I have to work today and then stay up until the parade comes by at around 10 p.m. It goes down my street. It looks like this. Freaked me out the first year, when I had no idea it existed.
Acid flash-back. Turn on every light in the house and go hide under the bed. Claymore directed up the chimney and a bottle of whisk(e)y to calm your nerves. It’ll all be over soon…
That’s pretty cool. I could imbibe to that.
Lotta street drinking goes on.
That looks like fun if it’s on someone else’s block.
“Frontiersman and Indian-fighter Kit Carson was born on this day.”
He’s got nothing on Jim Bridger
Cooler name though. Would you rather be a “Mort” or a “Brick”?
Posted this yesterday
Dammit, I can’t believe I forgot about that.
You’d be forgiven for that oversight. There seems to be some silly tradition over there wherein every decent band tries to release the #1 Xmas tune. Almost all are terrible. Your original choice was fine and dandy. That Slade one is something else…
Brings a single tear of Christmas joy to my cold heart.
That’s a very Texas way of putting it.
My limited experience of Texas suggests that Texans, by and large, are warm-hearted people, but a burglar is a burglar.
Same as downtown.
There’s nothing wrong with flushing shit down a toilet.
San Fran disagrees.
Also heartwarming, the constant use of the phrase “…already at work…”. Nice, industrious neighbors.
Meh, I agree with the one neighbor, doesn’t sound like a robbery, maybe a vendetta or revenge thing, I guess good that the guys rolling up and starting it got offed but I’m not so sure it’s a case of purely innocent homeowners protecting themselves from a gang of home invaders.
God bless you, The Hyperbole! Every time that you gain-say a popular opinion on this board a 737 Max gains its wings!
They were inside their home minding their own business. Someone broke into their home with guns. They defended themselves against the attackers.
Not sure what else there is to it.
The linked article doesn’t say whether they broke in or not and at least one witness clams to have heard an argument before hand, I can easily see a case where group A rolls up “where’s my money/drugs/guns etc…” “Fuck you, hermamo” or “Come on in will talk it over” and shit goes sideways.
I mean three guys are going to roll up on a broke ass trailer at ten AM for a little B and E? I’d put money on my version of events.
Did they enter the home without permission? If the answer is yes, then they broke in.
I don’t know, the article wasn’t clear on that, you only have the home owners version, I doubt he’s going to admit that he yelled ‘come’ on in’ and then mowed them down but nothing in the article rules out that possibility.
No witness claims to have heard an argument. A guy said that someone else said they heard an argument.
Third-hand info from someone that didn’t see any of it. For all you know, they could have heard the intruders banging on the door alone.
And it may have been revenge. There’s more reasons for a B&E than to steal something. But it’s unlikely it was a drug deal gone bad. More likely a “you we’re talking to my girlfriend” situation. These are hot-blooded latinos after all.
It will get investigated, and if it was something other than intruders getting what they had coming charges will likely be filed. We don’t know what happened, and it makes as little sense to assume that a news report is accurate when it fits your preconceptions as when it violates them. Reporters suck at getting facts.
Regardless, 3 turds fewer is still less shit floating around.
Yeah, agreed. Just sounds hinky is all.
Hype – given our regular disagreements, I’ll just post here that my initial reaction was the same as yours, “we’re not getting the whole story here.” OTOH, I still conclude with Mr. Sloop that tres hombres got what was coming. Even if the guy owed them money for drugs, did something to someone’s sister, etc., you roll up in a car and los tres hombres go into someone else’s home, you better be certain they weren’t there to say Feliz Navidad. So, yeah, we’ll eventually get the story (maybe), but this all falls under “play stupid games and win stupid prizes.”
Why do your worst takes always follow “meh”? Is it like Walder Frey and “mayhaps”?
Merry Christmas Eve to All
You know you’re getting old when you break a toe and don’t feel it.
Ouch! Sorry, bro.
He just said he didn’t feel it.
I really didn’t.
Didn’t know it was broken until I took off my sock and the entire toe was a nice shade of deep purple.
You didn’t notice the smoke on the water?
Too busy space trucking.
Wait till he goes from Deep Purple to Rainbow…
Opposite here. My tootsies have become incredibly tender and I walk 15 miles per night. I’ve had a few broken toes through sport and kicking things. Sorry for that shit-pill right before Xmas.
Cray cray
Over/under on whether she get more or less than 16 years?
Ten years, paroled in 5.
Bad case of batshit crazy eyes
Hey, isn’t that the same chick who broke James Caan’s ankles so he couldn’t run away?
No, that’s not Cathy Bates.
That was a joke, UCS. Evidently, not a good one.
Schiff says he’s seen a memo where there president commissioned this woman to go do this.
Schiff has PROOF! He would never lie about something as serious as this.
Is Schiff actually AOC’s father? They say no, but the eyes say yes.
The Bidens, just your average everyday working class family, scraping by on pride and ingenuity.
Like the Clampetts.
Their house just sold for about 150 million, I think.
What in tarnation?
There is a difference between a fortune founded on grease and one on oil.
One will give you a saturday night fever, and the other will rock a feller?
Heheheh. Good one.
Damn. That’s pretty friggin’ good.
[shakes head at JI and UCS]
I dunno, you pop corn in oil not grease.
You stop that or I’ll wrap a chain around your head!
And the Waltons.
I think I’d rather take my chances on the street.
I’d rather stay in the Female only shared room.
Slow down there, Kip Wilson.
Well, who are they to deny that a guest is female despite her beard, chest hair and deep voice?
“Good afternoon, I’m booked in the all-women’s room. And can the concierge direct me somewhere I can get my balls waxed?”
-Jessica Yaniv
How long before the first sexual assault lawsuit gets filed?
I give it a month at most.
You’re being too generous. I give it a week.
Nah, the plaintiff’s attorney will take a week or two to get around to filing the complaint.
Sound like Hotel Hell West.
“Welcome to the Hotel California…”
What’s the difference between this ‘hotel’ and a flophouse?
Probably the amount of taxes that must be paid.
And they’d never have gotten planning permission to set up under that name.
Good point. Flophouses cater to ‘the wrong kind of icky people’.
It’s a low cost Artist’s Dream-weaving center.
Fire hazard. Request Denied.
Free WiFi?
What’s the difference between this and a hostel?
I slept in several multiple guys rooms while backpacking around Europe in my early 20s. No sexual assaults, just staff banging pots and pans at 7am saying here’s your bowl of coffee, now get the hell out.
One of my deepest regrets, not doing wild, adventurous stuff when I was that age. The biggest part of that regret is that it didn’t even OCCUR TO ME to do something wild and crazy.
I was actively appalled by the thought. The prospect of ended up lost and stranded was the only thing that came to mind.
From my one stay in San Fran, and being near the Tenderloin, let me just say a hearty fuck no to staying there (or on the street there).
My Bro used to live in flop-houses. Every food item must be sealed tightly because of the roaches. It was unnerving to wake up in the middle of the night to hear that skittering sound. we don’t have roaches up here, we have earwigs. Harmless but disgusting for some reason.
My dad gave me a book about animals when I was a kid. One page was a close-up photo of an earwig, blown up to 8-1/2×11″.
Like I always say, if creatures like mites and earwigs were the size of elephants, they would be the stuff of nightmares.
It’s the speedy crawly bugs that have the edge in causing me to flip out. Looking like that and darting about too quick to squish – it’s just not right.
I had never seen a House Centipede before moving to NYC. They still terrify me.
They startle me when ever they dart out of nowhere and cross the floor at thirty miles and hour. Living close to two rivers, I’ll never be rid of the things. The only upside is that they eat any other bugs that might try to move in.
The only ones we have live outside but there is nothing creepier than a centipede.
My people!
I hate that you find them in the least expected places. Opened up a twenty pound bag of sugar the other day. Sure enough. Its always a guaranteed “Gah!”.
I have a bucket of salt next to the leftover bags from last year. At some point over the summer, two house centipedes fell in. Evidently, they are unable to climb the smooth plastic walls of the bucket and got dessicated by the salt.
Both crunchy and savory!
The lesser of two weevils.
Hah. I love that movie. Shame it didn’t make more money, there were going to be sequels if it did.
It helped me realize so ething important for warfare in general and my pirate novel in particular:
1) That you do anything to conquer, instead of marching through a forest in perfect formation wearing bright red.
2) Deceit is your friend. Remember when the ship dressed up as whalers? And the French captain pretended to be a regular seaman on the surgeon’s table?
I used the “dressing up as something else” extensively throughout my pirate novel. In fact, my American privateer was on the Barbary Coast, where the British navy was, and she had a task to complete. So she pretended to be her brother captaining a British patrol sloop (sixth rate, Swan class) and actually had her carrying out the fleet commander’s orders while her crew did what they needed to do on shore.
That’s it for me until Thursday. I want to seriously wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for making this place so wonderful, day-in, day-out. It truly is a pleasure to do these links as often as I get to do them. I hope the holidays treat you all as well as they’re treating me, Banjos and our family. May God bless you all. Make it a great day, friends!
Back atcha, link-bot.
Stop that. Once you validate the robots they start thinking they are like us. Start demanding equal representation. And bam a voting machine becomes president.
There’s only one robot in our house. Our vacuum, H.R. Suckinstuff.
Thanks, Dad!
Young Tommy always has it in his room, for some reason.
*budda-budda-budda Ow!* Ten minutes later *budda-budda-budda*
Welcome to the first church of appliantology.
God rest ye Merry gentle-glibs,
Let nothing you dismay.
For pizza pies you savor
Are made this Christmas day!
For pineapple shan’t Grace your lips
When we come eat this way
Oh tidings of Tulpa and goy.
Tulpa and Goy!
Oh tidings of Tulpa and goy.
*seizes leon by the collarbone and shakes violently*
? Give a, give a, give a Give a Garmin.Give a give a give a Give a Garmin. ?
When I was on the maintenance call this past weekend, one of the people on the call had Christmas music playing in the background…
On purpose…
When we moved a week and a half ago, I put the Christmas music channel on in the truck I was driving with my two “employees”. They cringed at first but by the end of the day they were singing along to Jose Feliciano.
You pay them to do that. NOT THE SAME!
Somehow I’m not at all done with Christmas music yet this year.
Little nephew has two new Xmas songs this year:
It’s the holiday season,
So boop de boop
And hoopty hoop
And loopity loop,
Let’s take a big poop
And shove it down the chimney now!
If Santa Claus comes early
Stick his head into the bowl
Give Santa Claus a Swirly.
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas,
But I think I’ll skip this one this year….
This is why you don’t listen to what the sweet twittering voices of youth are saying. Just let the voices fuzz out into background noise.
“Frontiersman and Indian-fighter Kit Carson was born on this day.”
He’s got nothing on Jim Bridger
Those guys were all crazy badasses.
see, also: Jedediah Smith
True. I was just thinking of that old Jim Bridger song.
I think you mean this one.
See, also: John Johnston. A real badass and possibly a cannibal.
^ Liver Eating Johnson scourge of the Crows.
Greetings from sunny and warm central North Carolina.
Not much of a vacation, because I worked all day yesterday and will probably be doing so today, part of tomorrow and Thursday, but hey.
Welcome to NC! I live in Durham. Hope you get to relax and enjoy the rest of your time here.
I got to squeeze in my drinking today before my three day stint of work starting Christmas night.
Happy Christmas Eve morn!!
Office is nearly empty, I’ve got headphones on, no one is calling about broken computers. It’s almost as if I’m on vacation.
Are you still up from last night?
Mornin’ ‘splosives!
Damn, but that’s a lot of concentrated pot. Like, over a year’s supply.
Recovering crack addict Hunter Biden owns a home in one of the swankiest neighborhoods in America, it was revealed Monday.
Man, I love the NY Post’s writers. Nothing but the facts, as opposed to all of the other journalists out there that inject opinion into their pieces.
What are you talking about? The media was all in the tank for Trump. They hate Democrats.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, dear friend. Hope you and the lovely missus make it a great one!
I’ll pour a few fingers of Beam tonight in your honor. It’s the least I can do since it’s from the bottle you left at our house six years ago. (Seriously)
Merry Christmas to you and your family. We’re gonna have a great Christmas. Standing rib roast, roasted vegetables, and this cake https://livforcake.com/black-forest-cake/
I’m gonna go for an epic jog this morning. Then sit around and build a Spotify Christmas playlist. Got a bottle of Old Grand Dad, and some fresh eggnog.
Go ahead and finish that bottle of Beam. I’ll bring another next time.
build a Spotify Christmas playlist
How long can it take to put Father Christmas* on a loop
*the only acceptable Xmas song.
Dead wrong. Listen up Sonny-Boy! https://youtu.be/6qcPS-J0HTg
I put that in the #2 slot. But I always recommend listening in shuffle mode, anyway. I’ll link later this afternoon after I get it beefed up. I need to get a cool title too. Right now it’s just “Christmas Stuff”. Boring af.
While Father Christmas is good, it is far from the only acceptable Christmas song. There’s Fairytale of New York, Mistress for Christmas, Oi to the World, I Want a Skank for Christmas, etc…
From the sidebar: https://livforcake.com/baileys-cheesecake-cookie-cups/
Oh my, that sounds good.
That’s about a whole day worth of carbs though… ?
The page gave me diabetes.
Carbs-Schmarbs! It’s the beer that makes me fat. I didn’t drink for two months and lost twenty pounds!
/looks around and whispers at Festus
*The eer-bay is made of arbs-cay*
OMG, that cake! Good Maraschino cherries are so easy to make that store-bought shouldn’t enter into it.
A former youth hostel at 140 Mason St. (on the Tenderloin side of Union Square) has been converted and reborn as the FOUND Hotel San Francisco, which opened this week. It has 45 shared rooms and 30 private guest rooms; a press release states that rates start at $50 a night for a bed in a shared room and $150 a night for a private room. (But when we called the hotel, the receptionist said that sometimes rates run as low as $35 per night.) There’s also a mandatory $6 “Urban Fee.”
The shared rooms are equipped with four to six upper and lower bunks. The hotel says it will make female-only shared rooms available upon request, based on availability. Overall, the hotel has 220 beds spread over 75 rooms.
Each room is furnished with a bathroom, pillow-top mattresses, and daily housekeeping service. Shared rooms come with free WiFi and “a locker large enough for most backpacks,” according to the hotel’s website. Earplugs are available at the front desk in case you are bunking up with a snorer.
A flophouse for hipsters. What’ll they think of next?
Not supporting a corrupt, shit-stained dystopia?
They’ll never think of that. It’s San Francisco after all.
Well, many of them tacitly remove support for it by moving to Texas or Colorado, no? As I understand it, they vote for all the same godawful nonsense there, too, but in narrow terms, I suppose they’re no longer directly supporting poop city.
This is appropriate.
Communal living like in a commune where everyone shares and there’s no boss, no professor, no rules! In the summer its all peace, love and joy but when winter hits we’ll find the kulaks and wreckers. They’ll pay.
Next up in hip trendiness, catching rides on freightcars and heating cans of beans over open fires, while traveling with one’s belongings in a hanky tied to the end of a stick.
That’s known in the vernacular as a “bindle”, Shitlord! Stop othering my Grandpa!
Sorry, I only know carny lingo.
I believe that is known as an “adjacent language”. Sorta like what you Americans speak but nearly like the Queen’s English. HM would know but I’d be afraid to ask.
Her Majesty, by definition, only speaks the Queen’s English.
She doesn’t speak her native German?
Jedes Wort, das ich spreche, ist das Englisch der Königin!
I bet your grandpop was the kind of kulak audacious enough to signal his privelege with an onion on his belt, too. Outrageous.
Former member of the U.S. Cavalry, I’d have you know. My aunt still owns the panoramic photo of his company. I asked her for a copy of it but she got all legalese when Dad passed. Wanted me to sign off on details. Do what needs to be done, you silly old woman and don’t bother me again!
That’s cool. What sort of legalese is involved in the sharing of a family photo, with, uh, family? The original is certainly a valuable thing to have but could it not be scanned to make a nice print copy?
Merry Christmas Eve all.
Great music selections.
Happy Christmas you beautiful people!
Sloop-rolled! I’ll never trust a Sloopy link again. Those chicas were quite fetching, though!
Ha! You clicked one.
Stupid Vikings
Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam SPAMMITY SPAAAAAAM
Jingle these ladies’ bells on a pre-Christmas Titty Tuesday.
Archive not working…
Are you looking for something to inconvenience your enemy, or something that hunts their entire family lime for generations until some oddly specific and improbable circumstance arrives?
Mmmmmm, family limes.
-margarita drinking Homer Simpson
What is FLBP?
Future Lower Back Problems – due to the weight being carried around.
“Good thing they’ve now gotten these ::checks notes:: dangerous, non-addictive pain-killers off the street.”
I saw those jars of what I thought were Buckwheat Honey and thought Non-Addictive, my ass. A taste of buckwheat (or Fourscore Wild Flower) hooks most people for life. Some medical exemptions available, however.
…and a Merry Christmas to all. My two youngest grand daughters are here, first time ever for Christmas. They understand that its easier (and safer) for them to make the trip than old people. Grandma’s having fun cooking, sisters are having a chance to catch up on their sibling memories and I get to tell ’em about “The Old Days” when I was a kid. They are polite enough to pretend to listen (meaning they look up once in awhile from their ipads/phones). Good times…
I LOVE buckwheat honey. Merry Christmas, sir (and everyone else). Have a wonderful family holiday.
Mrs. Holiness is one of Fourscore’s victims. She loves his honey.
Nope, it’s all literal baby.
Light complexion, clover and grass forward notes, sharp floral notes to finish, and it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Pair with oats, toffee, or pale tea.
Wow Fourscore it sounds like heaven for Grandma and Grandpa.
Congratulations and enjoy.
Nice! Merry Xmas old man! I still want you to be my Dad.
You’d be a good son, as well. I didn’t visit Ontario this year, first time skipped in 22 years. I was worried about the old guys and it turned out I was right.
Merry Chrstmas, FS. Slip them an extra Werther’s. They deserve it.
Merry Christmass Fourscore! Since my wife became a paid-church lady, we will be spending an inordinate amount of time there today and tomorrow.
Honestly, I don’t understand buckwheat honey. Molasses is cheaper.
It’s foggy and unseasonably warm here in CLE (yesterday we got up into the 50’s, today it’s expected to get up into the upper 40’s). The guy who lives across the street from me was able to get his free bikes for kids out, almost all of them are gone now, and one more year no one called the city to complain (that I’m aware of).
That is a great idea. My wife and I gave some poor neighborhood kids our old bikes. They were so happy.
This guy spends the year picking up bikes people are throwing out (or donate to him), he then fixes them up, and puts them out on his front yard around Christmas and (usually a week or two in Spring) every year with a sign up saying free bikes 4 kids. When I looked over yesterday, there were a good 20-some bikes on the lawn. Now there’s two.
Cynical me asks how many were taken by adults for resale.
I would wager next to none. Most of these are kids bikes, and department store ones at that, so they’re not worth a lot in cash. You can pick up a new kids bike for ~$60-$75, I can’t imagine people are getting a lot of money for used ones.
The scrap metal value of those bikes is probably greater than the resale value.
What do those orphans do with the extra time they have now that they can ride from their hovel to the mines instead of walking?
Hookers and blow?
That is always the answer…no wait…Hitler!
Did that a few years ago. Tuned up the ones that kids left behind and gave them to the neighbors. Did it before with an old class-mate that fell on hard times.
See, you are a good son, I knew it!
Spaghetti sauce is in the crockpot, just needs to be heated up. Spaghetti for dinner, today. Shrimp and linguine tomorrow. Simple is good.
The wind, which has been howling for more than a week, has finally subsided. I’ll take it.
Throw in some andouille sausage tomorrow and a nice Cajun cream sauce and make the perfect pasta dish!
That sounds really good. Sold! I am making that tonight. Thinking smoked chicken would be a nice touch served over penne pasta.
We made meat sauce on Sunday, which made my son very sad because he didn’t realize that meant the meat would be *mixed* with the sauce. (WTF?) But he ate it like a champ, so yesterday we made angel hair pasta with garlic, herb, and onion infused oil.
Hard to say which was better…
The meat sauce.
You should have used butter instead of oil on day 2.
It was half olive oil, half butter, to be fair. Showed him how to get the oil warm enough to melt the butter without ruining the olive flavor.
Sorry if you guys already covered this (I’ve been too busy fucking off to get my RDA of Glibs lately).
If only those pesky civilians would learn to grovel properly.
Cops break into a house to serve a warrant and end up shooting a woman who was not part of the warrant because she had a shotgun in her own home. The kicker is that the guy the warrant was for was already in custody.
The sheriff wins the prize though
Translation: “bitch had it coming.”
I think we can all agree the silver lining here is that all the officers got to go home safe after shooting a scared 19 year old woman.
Scared and now scarred, physically as well as emotionally
She should have brought out the doughnuts first
Hmm, is leaving a basket of poison doughnuts on the “come back with a warrant” mat legal?
Completely skipping over that this wouldn’t have happened if the cops hadn’t no-knocked the wrong address.
“ the entry team was giving her orders to drop the gun, put the gun down, drop the gun several times over a period of a few seconds it seems like.”
Gosh, a bunch of people screaming at you for a few seconds. Totes OK.
Mrs time made cranberry meringue pie for After dinner Tonight. Damm it looks good. It gave me an excuse to buy a brûlée torch yesterday.
Merry Christmas, Sloop! And to all of you lovely people!
The Vikings were very Browns-like last night. Boring, awful football.
However, the Wild played one of the best of the season. Every part of the game was clicking. Fun hockey.
The hotel story is creepy. No way I would share a room with anyone who was cool with that arrangement. Gross.
RIP Lemmy. From his first band.
Enjoy the day, y’all!
Really excellent choice of tune.
I was a tremendous prog fan and never heard a note of Hawkwind until I was forty. Different times, I suppose.
Huh. So was I, but a fellow prog fan introduced me to Hawkwind in the early/mid 70s. To me, they had some of the same “wall of sonorities” approach. In Search of Space is clearly Dark Prog.
Hawkwind is space rock. I’m adamant about that, mainly because my ex was insistent that space rock doesn’t exist, not that I care a huge deal about pigeonholing and genres, but space rock definitely exists.
Here’s some!
Here’s some!
I don’t disagree.
I can see Space Rock as a sub-genre in Prog. Look at Yes 😉
Here’s another good one.
Very spacey, but manages to rock along quite nicely.
All I can think of is this.
Yep. Post season expectations at near zero. We can only be pleasantly surprised, eh?
Enh, Euros like that shit. It’s just a gussied-up youth hostel. I just hope for their sake they’ve got good security.
Thefts will be rampant. Assaults common.
“Enh, Euros like that shit. ”
That’s supposed to make me feel better?
No, it’s supposed to convey the idea that different people have different tastes.
Outstanding music choice. Lemmy and Michael Moorcock collaborating on an album. What a mind-fuck that must have been.
Merry Christmas, you filthy degenerates.
George C. Scott reacts to CATS trailer
Not signing in to Facebook to watch that even if 17 year-old Nadine from 1982 says that her parents are out of town and her sister is out for the night.
Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Happy time off and holidays to everyone.
A special thanks to TPTB and everyone else for making this a great place to hang out
I pay more for ground venison and elk than a lot of glibs, but it still costs less than trying to figure out where I can shoot my own.
Anyway, I have a pound of each I’m going to mix with some 85% lean beef to make meatballs. That and a pasta to be identified later will be the post-christmas dinner for when I actually see family.
My nephew makes some fantastic venison jerky every year.
If you count my lost arrows, ammunition, hunting licenses, new bow string, and travel cost .. .I’ll bet the deer I got this year worked out to only 90-95 dollars a pound!
Huh. $13/lb doesn’t seem so bad then.
I don’t want to begin to figure out what my venison costs me per pound – but I’m not paying for the venison. I’m paying for the hunt.
If I’m going to go to the trouble of intruding into an animal’s domain to shoot them, I want to ensure I bring as much of it back as possible and not waste it. So my mind keeps going to “How would I preserve [X Component]?” and get mental checklists like “I would need to arrange for someone to tan the hide. Chilled transport capacity for an average expected animal. A freezer of sufficient capacity at home…” And thats with a presupposition of the aid of someone who actually knows how to find these critters in the wild. Because I’d never manage without help there.
Nothing goes to waste . . .even if you leave it. Coyotes, vultures, foxes, bears, even bacteria have a feast with anything left behind, including the hide. I’ve left a hide out for 2 weeks between bow and gun season, all that was left was a few hairs. But if you’re really concerned, don’t skin it yourself, take it to a butcher. They sell hides to china for a couple bucks each and they are usually made into women’s gloves.
You missed what I mean. I don’t want someone else to have the hide, I’m taking that with me too. And anything left for the scavengers is wasted, so is a hide sent to chinese glove factories when I can add it to my stock for project work at home.
So what you’re saying is you want homemade deerskin driving gloves?
And you don’t?
I looked into tanning my deer hides. I determined it to be too much work for the amount of benefit for me. The sewing would be worse than the tanning. We chuck the hide and the head over fence after skinning them. Like I said, something eats it all up pretty quickly, so I don’t feel it’s wasted at all.
How much did it cost? What year did you check?
I looked into doing it myself. So it was an effort vs. reward analysis. I decided it wasn’t worth my effort.
I did think that approach over, and decided I’d rather pay a professional. Sure, brain tanning doesn’t require too many additional resources, but I don’t want to go squishing up deer brains and working them into the hide.
Brain tanning is simple enough 12 years olds can do it.
Also, one of the frou-frou miliners downtown here (the fact that I have to specify ONE of them means something) has reindeer skin driving gloves… lined with cashmere of course.
NA, it’s the “I’d rather not go squishing up deer brains and working them into the hide” part rather than the conceptial conplexity.
intruding into an animal’s domain
For whitetail most of us do that every day when we go home.
No, that’s where they intrude into our domain.
Something something here first. I like to traumatize the little ones by calling deer in the yard God’s Grubhub.
I am older than all of the whitetailled rats running around today. I was here first.
I think Locke* would give the ownership to the deer, their families were mixing their labor with the land before man arrived.
*as I have said before, Locke’s theory is bullshit.
Poop is labor?
Is honor-killing your pregnant sister considered cultural appropriation?
All cultures are equally valid, except that of white males for some reason.
We suck. It is known, Khaleesi.
Luckily it was a Latino, so not as bad if a white kid did it? /trying to prog
This says everything you need to know about the Rock & Roll hall of fame:
Motorhead was finally nominated for consideration for 2020.
I suspect Lemmy would tell them to piss off if he was still alive anyway.
They waited until Squire was dead to nominate Yes. Lemmy is good and dead and now Motorhead is being considered. Maybe they thought Peart was dead a few years ago.
Dead inside, maybe.
Poor guy. I read his books and know the history. He still seems a bit of a cunte.
A few have done so already.
Receiving dubious awards at a formal ceremony isn’t very rock & roll or shouldn’t be at least so good on them.
I’ve been to the Rock and Roll hall of fame once, for free. It still wasn’t worth it.
My rules are simple. No rap or disco in the RRHOF. Did they burn all those discs in Detroit for nothing?
Agreed. It was before “OK Boomer” was a thing, but in my heart I knew it was an “OK Boomer” thing.
Something I’ve never understood about any “Hall of Fame” . . . It has little to do with fame. Many people are inducted because of their influence on actual famous people or their impact on something. Fame is a more simple thing to measure, especially in music. How many albums and merchandise were sold? Should Charley Patton be in in the RRHOF? Probably not. First, he’s a blues artist. Second, he hasn’t sold that many records. Now his influence is almost immeasurable, but it says”fame”
Hall of influence doesn’t have much of a ring to it.
Ghost of Christmas future
“It’d be an honor to be vice president,” Ocasio-Cortez told “Noticias Telemundo” correspondent Guadalupe Venegas in Las Vegas. “I can’t because I’m not old enough.”
Ocasio-Cortez gave a keynote address at Sanders’ Spanish-language town hall in Las Vegas on Sunday. She endorsed him for the White House in October and could play a key role for the Vermont independent in seeking Nevada’s large Latino vote, differentiating himself from fellow progressive Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
“I was a community organizer in the Bronx for Sen. Sanders during the last presidential campaign,” Ocasio-Cortez added. “That was my first experience, organizing right there in the street for an election.”
A better, brighter future in which we’ll all be living in flophouses and fighting for scraps of garbage. No more billionaires. God bless us, every one.
Community organizers are so wise and debonair. We must heed their words of wisdom.
Community organizer sounds so much better than Ward Heeler.
Sometimes they happen to be clean and well-spoken, too! What could possibly go wrong?
Even though it’s Christmas Eve, some of us still have to work. Remember those people who still have to work as you are celebrating this evening. For example:
“Nancy Pelosi Sits Down To Write Tonight’s ‘Jimmy Kimmel’ Script”
Giving the cage of monkeys the day off, I presume.
Isn’t he the best of the lot? Maybe Conan is better.
Conan is funny. Kimmel lost his balls when he stuck it into (((her))). Do you remember the “Man Show”? Pepperidge Farms remembers…
I knew Kimmel guzzled the kool aids, but didn’t know about Jimmy.
I remember.
Cued up to skip the first chick. LOL.
The Masturbating Bear, Pimpbot 5000, Conan O’Brien Hates my Homeland : He was the best, might still be but I haven’t watched him in a long while.
I always gave a sensible chuckle to “In The Year Two Thousand”
Double plus writing some of the best Simpsons episodes.
I think he got woke too.
Take a stand against hate
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has vetoed a noncontroversial bipartisan bill that would have allowed all federal judges to officiate weddings in the state because some might have been nominated to the bench by President Donald Trump.
“I cannot in good conscience support legislation that would authorize such actions by federal judges who are appointed by this federal administration,” Cuomo’s veto message stated.
“President Trump does not embody who we are as New Yorkers,” the Democratic governor added Friday. “The cornerstones that built our great state are diversity, tolerance and inclusion. Based on these reasons, I must veto this bill.”
Trump sows division and strife, everywhere he goes.
They are going to try to argue that those judges are not real judges.
“The cornerstones that built our great state are diversity, tolerance and inclusion. Based on these reasons, I must
– denigrate and marginalize and attack those who do not agree with my political views.
These assholes are shameless.
So stunning and brave.
Christ, what an insufferable prick. Imagine how this would have gone over if a GOP governor in Mississippi or Alabama said the same about Obama.
Sounds good…what’s the real reason though?
“The cornerstones that built our great state are diversity, tolerance and inclusion.”
Really? Would anyone consider Manhattan (the single largest source of GDP for NY State) “diverse”, “inclusive”, or “tolerant”? Maybe thirty years ago it was “diverse”, but let’s drop the act.
I’m just floored by the amount of hate that must be in him to think of doing this to stick it to those Trump appointments.
Tolerant and inclusive as long as you agree with us, if you don’t you can fuck right off.
Leaving out the question of whether or not the government should be involved in weddings at all (it shouldn’t). Should federal judges have any authority to perform weddings in a state. Now I don’t have a well formed opinion on this, I’m just spitballing. But, I’m not sure a federal judge should have that authority, it belongs to the state (in our present system).
Cuomo is still an ass though, and we know his position isn’t base on any principle.
The state invests that authority in tons of people. If they decide to invests federal judges I don’t see how that is different than ordained ministers.
Well, it is based on hatred intolerance for those who disagree with his politics. So that’s sort of a principle.
My bad. I sometimes forget #OrangeManBad is a principle to the left.
Orange got kicked out of the rainbow coalition.
The cornerstone that built your great state was a bunch of Brit ne’er do wells stealing land from some Dutch suckers that thought you had to buy land from the Indians.
See. Look at all that diversity.
Alright. The kid and wife asleep. The stockings stuffed. Time to plow into these cookies and finish off this bottle of Dewar’s. Gotta be up in 5 hours cause the kid has to go to school after opening all her presents. That’s kind of an evil twist of fate. Merry Mozel Tov, Glibs
Straff is gonna plow into some cookies and nary a fem-Glib to be found. Oh the Humanity!
Would’ve plowed into the wife, but she has to work in the morning, too
Enjoy the KFC!
“The stockings stuffed. Time to plow into these cookies”
These euphemisms are getting positively festive.
“wife asleep. The stockings stuffed.”
*Waggles eyebrows *
How to win friends and influence people.
Whoever is teaching at activism school needs to be fired. Protestors have been doing obnoxious protests and it doesn’t work.
I mean look at code pink.
I’d prefer not to.
If you want to fight racism step one is to be obnoxious enough to create some.
Violating cultural norms rarely works for protest groups.
In the civil rights movement, they put the well-dressed, clean-looking young ladies up front for the cameras to see, and kept the fatigue wearing, rifle toting vets in the background.
The gay rights movement took off when it stopped being about wearing out the squares and more about Uncle Frank wanting to marry Uncle Lou.
etc, etc, etc
Did they honor the ancestors that went inland and brought their other ancestors to the coastal areas or has that part been expunged from the history books?
White capitalism. Duh you shithead, the tribes that sold slaves had no other choice. They were slaves themselves.
It’s encouraging to see they’ve given up trying to pretend they’re not a commie front group.
Where has BLM been lately? I guess the election season is starting up, so their funding came back.
Didn’t their headquarters get overrun by some ranchers?
Bovine Lives Matter.
“Sir, the lacteal fluid extracted from the female of the bovine species is highly prolific to the nth degree!”
Giving the cage of monkeys the day off, I presume.
Those typewriters could use a good scrubbing.
Autoclave and a sandblaster. Fuck that, nuke it from orbit just to be sure.
Autoclave and a sandblaster. Fuck that, nuke it from orbit just to be sure.
Brooksing a reply to Brooks is pretty meta.
Somping happened. I had to sign out and sign in again. Must have been the GLIBBADA, The Forbidden Comment!
Question . . .what’s the quickest you’ve ever had sex with someone after meeting them (in person)?
Last week, I met a girl online. We texted for a day or so. She sent me a message to meet her at her house at lunch and have sex. Within 3 minutes of entering her home, we had commenced. I left within 15 minutes of my arrival and went back to work.
I have mixed feelings over the ordeal. I’m half turned on by the sheer lack of attachment and casual, sexual nature. And at the same time it feels so cheap. I prefer sex within relationships, but since I’m not in one . . .
^Humble shagging.
Don’t count. They texted for “a day or so” that’s at least 24 hours.
Well the table shower takes 5-10 minutes and then there is the massage…
I would guess that you’re not the only one. Nice lunch break though:)
Is five minutes a good answer? I get the feeling that five minutes will be on the board…
What’s the over under on how long till we see you show up in the links accused of rape?
In other words back up those texts
Been there, done that.
Assuming it took you 3 minutes to get dressed and out the door, you’re saying you had sex for a max of 9 minutes.
Why would you bring this up to strangers who can do math?
It was probably closer to 10-11 minutes. And I have no shame in that. It was meant to be a quickie before returning to work. We both had to get back and the entire idea was to be quick. Also, I have fill confidence that those 11 minutes went extremely well.
Yup. If you can’t curl her toes in 10 minutes you need help, or she’s just not that into you.
Were there skyrockets in flight?
thanks edit non-binary gender-fluid apparition!
Good Morning Glib friends! Since I don’t make the AN links very often, We want to wish a Merry Christmas to yallins, headed to Vegas to visit Wendy, have fun!
Continued thoughts and prayers for you two.
Best wishes to you and Wendy, Bob! Sorry for your troubles and tribulations. I’d donate but I’m also very poor. My one work site got together and gave me some high-end chocolate and an Xmas card with about forty signatures. Another Sally Field Moment.
Our family’s prayers are with your family Bob!
Merry Christmas to you and the fam- Ill be hoisting tall cans @ Tres Sr’s later. One for you, of course.
Morning’, Yusef, and merry Christmas to you and Wendy, although I get there’s not much to be merry about.
Prayers for you, my friend.
Hmm, is leaving a basket of poison doughnuts on the “come back with a warrant” mat legal?
I’ll allow it.
Add a “don’t eat” sign and I’ll aquit
Nope. “Don’t eat the poisonous doughnuts you numb-skull!” should make you free and clear.
So I heard that Obama has been stumping for Warren. Which puts his comment about women being better than men in context. It was clearly a Dig at Biden. You know I never liked Obama, but to backstab a guy who stood by you for 8 years and never had said anything bad about you is shitty. What a classless jerk.
What a classless jerk.
Classless? I thought commies were all about class?
Warren is more his style than Biden ever was. Both are cretins of the academy and Biden is just ancient bloodsucker. I’m sure Obama never actually respected old Joe.
The dude who stopped Hillary Clinton from becoming the first female president in 2008 thinks that women are better leaders than men. Obama never understood that he was a walking parody on many levels.
I would say ‘mincing’, but yes.
I good leader will lead and it will be obvious to those who look upon the dynamic.
If you have to tell everyone you are smart, good-looking, or in charge, you aren’t.
I’m stupid, poor, ugly, and in charge of nothing.
You’re probably telling the truth.
Hmmm, seems to be a unidirectional rule.
If you chalk it up to blatant pandering it all makes sense though.
Parody or not. Got elected twice doing that.
Still waiting for the Hillary Swoop. She’s looking pretty decrepit these days, though. Michelle? Oprah? Beyonce?
The Goat with a Thousand Young.
They’ll be checking the minority, female, eldrich horror, and inscruitable boxes.
But the name is NOT OK! Shub Niggurath. It’s not even niggardly with its dog whistling.
Are you deadnaming her?
Just so everyone knows, “Eyes Wide Shut” is a Christian allegory, I just figured out. “What you’re fucking nuts, weirdo.”, you say.
OK, here’s my argument: throughout the film Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman are obsessed with “sex” alone in their marriage and little to no emphasis is put on the esoteric value of marriage like “commitment” or “love”. In fact, at the end of the film Kidman suggests that what they had to do to heal their relationship was “fuck” and insists that she does not like the word “forever” when talking about their marriage. The entire problem between the married couple revolves around the fact that both have found others to be sexually desirable, not that either has fallen in love with someone else. In fact, “love” is hardly ever mentioned in the movie, except for when Cruise suggests earlier on in the movie (after smoking weed) that he would never cheat on Kidman because he loves her and she dismisses the argument as childish.
“OK and your point, fuckhead?”, you say.
The point is that this fixation with sex alone and the triviality of the esoteric concepts like commitment and love is an allegory for Christmas. If you recall the movie takes place around Christmas. The allegory is that too many focus on the material aspects of Christmas (much like “sex” is a materialistic aspect of marriage, an important part, but not the centrality of such a union), rather than the religious and esoteric meaning of Christmas: that the Word was mad Flesh.
“Go home Jesus Freak”, you say.
Hey, I’m such pointing out that I sense some religious allegories in the movie, which itself is based on a short story from the early 20th Century. I’m glad to have ruined the movie for everyone.
“Eat shit, that’s already Kubrick’s worst movie”, you say.
No, it’s not. It’s one of his best. And boo you for not realizing it.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
Wall of text, fell asleep.
the Word was mad Flesh
This typo is is poetic.
All typos are intentional
My distaste for Tom Cruise kept me from watching it even though he’s my favorite director. Now that Tom’s not quite so popular and in your face everyday I might be able to stomach it.
Topless Nicole Kidman convinced me to watch it when I was in college (also I was stoned and there was nothing on TV so late at night on a Wednesday). I think it’s probably Kubrick’s third best move after “Dr. Strangelove” and “Full Metal Jacket”.
I’ve never seen it either. I tried to watch it once . . . I don’t remember why I turned it off, it was a long time ago. I don’t remember hating the bit I saw, so I’m thinking I stopped for other reasons.
I watched it years ago and found it silly and the symbolism overdone, so just like everything Kubrick ever made.
Naked Nicole. They could’ve put Swalwell in the lead and I’d still watch it.
Terrible movie. You go sit in the box for two minutes and feel shame, TGA!
After the revelations of that whole Epstein stuff, I’m starting to think it was part documentary.
Revelations? Rich powerful men have inappropriate sex with young women? It’s kind of the point of being rich and powerful.
I didn’t know rape islands with bizarre temples were part of the whole “rich guys have sex with young women”. Much like I didn’t expect “secret cultish sex parties” were apart of that genre.
Read more history, especially the Ancien Regime, the Roman Emperors, and the Near East.
Epstein was a sleaze and a pimp and if there actually were any 14 year olds involved a rapist, but I keep hearing pedo and then reading the article to find that the ‘child’ was a 17 year old hooker who is now mad because the money dried up once she was 30 and fat. Spend an afternoon at a marina in a wealthy destination city and you will see dozens of yachts with girls 16-30 fawning over old men.
Interesting, I need to get a boat and a stylish 18+ Only sign.
Speaking of movies
That was fucking masterful.
True. Just wait and have your mind blown when Q Anon turns out the same way.
I watched it as a single person, thinking I would be foreveralone.
Then I watched it as a married person, and it was two different movies.
I watched that film on the cusp of a break-up. I hate that movie and I was the one that would have been the one donning the mask. I don’t have Jesus but I own my ethics and morals. Apparently the movie going public agreed.
Three things:
1) Nicole Kidman was supposed to be the cold, resentful, angry one (he wasn’t fucking her regularly enough, or at all), and she was, but she acted rings around that third-rate Tom Cruise. That was when I started actively avoiding anything with Tom Cruise in it.
2) IF (big IF) their marriage wasn’t a huge construct/contract to keep the rumors of his being gay to a minimum (I believe he is), that was what killed it.
3) However, I find it telling that they got divorced just before some 10-year do-hickey settlement law in California kicked in. I really do believe their marriage was a business arrangement.
4) I TGA’s amusing.
*sigh* I need to give up typing today since my fingers can’t keep up with my Charlie-Brown-thought-bubble-squiggle-knot brain.
I find TGA’s take amusing.
Here, have some not metal music for the holiday
You probably already knew this, but Bastiat was a freakin genius:
I had never read this book of his. Just finished Chapter 1, which is my link. Brilliant and still amazingly timely.
A little Christmas eye candy
The halloween eye candy was marzipan eyes
Some gifts should be opened Christmas Eve.
Whar mah Q NSWF late nite links gone?
do they make a version that comes with an ass?
Calling Mary Higgins Clark a novelist is like calling the wind-up cymbals clapping monkey a musician.
Never read anything of hers.
They are just generic, formulaic mysteries with light romance. Nothing wrong with any of those genres, but when they don’t even reach Hardy boys level…
Wait, it’s not smugglers?
She could teach George RR Martin a thing or three about getting books out.
Martin is just trying to beat Robert Jordan in the “I hit the fantasy series lottery so I decided to celebrate by pissing on my luck” competition.
I don’t even care if he finishes up in a ficus. That last one was so full of who wore what blazened on a shield of brightest silver that I could give a shit. It came out in 2012.
I really liked the Wheel of Time, at least the first 5000 pages or so, it was a clever mix of Western and Eastern magical tropes and had compelling characters. Song of Slush and Embers is a mockery of everything good in fantasy literature. If I want to read about virtue being punished, evil being rewarded and deceit and betrayal being the epitome of human interaction I can just read the news.
Robert E Howard
Not really. Conan’s virtues are not the civic virtues but they are still virtues. Courage, strength and willingness to endure what needs to be endured. Martin’s characters are Democrat politicians with dragons and mercenaries.
And Conan is constantly being screwed over by fate, the Aquilonian system, and his friends… He starts every story either destitute, or depressed.
But at the end of every story he is standing waist deep in the entrails of those who screwed him over.
There might be a causal relationship there.
I think I am going to reread ERB now! Good simple virtue triumphs over vice fantasy fare!
I’ve been striving to write stories in a similar vein for Kord FitzHelen, but the only yarn I’ve finished… was about courtly intrique where he’s a moneylender and no one even dies!
Oh, that reminds me, I need to prep “Banker of Stirnberg” for publication here.
You’ve a way with words, friend Jarflax!
Those unfaithful verbiage, always falling for his trickery and having their honor sullied with his wicked ways.
Oh, and while I don’t know nuttin’ about that Found place, there is a cheap, one-star-on-yelp hotel in said tenderloin that has my family name as its name. So I got that goin’ for me. Which is nice.
Congrats, maybe a long lost relative will leave you a crackhotel in SF in their will one day. But seriously, flophouses in SF are plentiful, there are dozens of them.
Thought they did like in Vancouver and all the bums are camping now.
The flophouses are for the classy bums. Really I think that many cycle in and out of them and tents. They allow the non profits to claim that “the vast majority of the homeless are local” when everyone knows that is bullshit. If you stay at one of them for a few weeks as your last address you become a local resident.
So I heard that Obama has been stumping for Warren. Which puts his comment about women being better than men in context.
I just assumed he said it because Michelle threatened to pull his arms off, if he didn’t.
I think he’s just hedging his bets. If he pulls for Warren, he can distance himself more easily if shit hits the fan for Joe over his corruption. But if Joe gets the win, he can claim, Joe was always his man, as evidenced by him making him VP for 8 years. Remember, no one will ever call him out either way, so there’s really no losing strategy for him (among his supporters at least).
He’ll never pay for his crimes.
“If he pulls for Warren”
That’s just . . . No.
I’ve decided that I don’t like my crappy attitude so I’m sending myself home for an adjustment.
Let the day drinking commence?
One more cup of coffee first. Still not quite awake yet.
Just so everyone knows, “Eyes Wide Shut” is a Christian allegory
Huh. Maybe that’s why I found it so completely unwatchable.
One last Christmas present to myself – bought a springfield Arms XD-E 45 from PSA. My P220 was a little too large for a carry weapon although it was great practice drawing from holster and firing at my CCH course last Sat. Now I need to remember to drop off my permit application before the end of the week. (and start looking for a smaller ITB holster).
OTOH honestly not sure what to expect come 1 Jan here in VA. Razorfist’s last vid made me a bit more paranoid, but I’m guessing nothing Northam wants to pass will hold up in court.
I do not trust the court to be prompt or accurate. They have never delivered an unequivocal bitchslap to someone who pushed out blatantly unconsititutional claptrap, and often let the unconscionable illegal legislation stand.
If I want to read about virtue being punished, evil being rewarded and deceit and betrayal being the epitome of human interaction I can just read the news.
“The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
Mornin’ Glibbies! My Christmas present came early, as I just wanted to go to the Country Club Plaza to eat at Jack Stack and walk around looking at lights, going to the bookstore (they’re scarce as hen’s teeth around here), and getting cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. Well, our Christmas is sparse this year, so eating out was the $$$ part of my present.
However, though XX was perfectly wonderful (shocking) (although she will NOT take my advice on the color of her prom dress), XY was at his most annoying. Also Cheesecake Factory did not have peppermint cheesecake (LIKE WTF?!?!?), and their lemon torte isn’t as good as my local Hy-Vee’s lemon torte and twice as expensive.
Still, going meant a whole lot to me, especially since we couldn’t go last year ($$$), and I have been desperately trying to grasp some Christmas buzz. We wouldn’t have been able to go this year, either if Mr. Mojeaux hadn’t won a substantial prize. That’s how it goes with us—don’t go anywhere, do anything, or acquire anything he doesn’t win.
Tonight is a lame Christmas Eve get-together with my mom and her 2 sisters who live with her. Just doesn’t work well enough when there’s not a ton of family and the only kids are 2 surly teenagers.
Back to the bookstore. I realized that I buy a lot of things that are pretty simply because they are … pretty. Pretty things make me happy. Stationery, books, art. This is why girls like Pinterest. Pretty things.
Mornin’ Mo.
I was thinking more about the western I haven’t started writing yet. I realized if I increased the size of the gang it makes both the robbery more believable, and increases the opportunity for betrayal and reversals of fortune between the mine and Fusion City. It also opens the door to playing around more with character – both in increasing the number of believable interactions, and in developing different personalities.
I’m trying to avoid white hats, since everyone was knowingly involved in a criminal enterprise from the start, so all of them have some bad streak in them. It’s only a matter of degree.
That’s a good idea. Olay with lots of personality, invest the reader in each one, with a favorite, then make the unexpected one the villain.
My gf *loves* pretty ads on instagram. It’s a main reason she uses instagram. Of course her job is in digital media/advertising, so it makes perfect sense.
Athough I made an account long ago, I never liked or used instagram, but she made me turn on notifications for it on my phone so she can send me stuff, ugh! The things I do for women… tell ya what 🙂
Re Hunter Biden’s house … is that an EAMES house?!?! With a midcentury modern swimming pool? *drool*
I thought you said you liked pretty things? Mid century modern? Really? Oh well, everyone gets to have one massive flaw. Merry Christmas Mojeaux!
Merry Christma,! Jarlinen!
My love of midcentury modern stems from my attraction to lots of space with no stuff. Bonus points for terrazzo floors, white walls, and light maple everywhere.
They call her the worst for a reason.
Me too. I love mid century modern homes. Twenty miles south of here there are a couple neighborhoods full of them. I’d like to have one if it was modernized with radiant heat.
goddamn that mulled plum brandy plus wine plush scotch goes to your head fast…
So the grilled sausage was a bit under-cooked but yolo. The ribs were good. The cozonac is extra fluffy. The wine was a 2006 Pinot Noir. I never buy Romanian wine older than 10 years but this was good. There was also a frizzante rose from Babeasca Neagra grapes.
All you want from Christmas is the worst hangover in the world?
neah I did not have that much from each and it is a long day. or are you one of those weirdos who thinks mixing alcohols matters not the total pure alcohol intake?
LOL, no but fruit brandy is a hangover all on its own and following it with wine and scotch… and the fact that you slurred plus into plush. Merry Christmas Pie!
to be fair I never have typos
As the Romanian saying goes, the only thing better than cozonac with wine is just wine
Remy Christmas music.
With a midcentury modern swimming pool?
It’s a ceement pond, thank you very much.
My bad.
Down by the ol’ ceement pond
Hmm. The things I learn when I put Plex on random and just let my library play in the background – SNL, season 8, episode 2 (02 OCT 1982) – the cold open features Mary Gross doing a striptease (NBC goes nude to try salvage their Fall lineup) and she is HOT!
Butterface? I think I remember that episode.
Not many SNL girls are hot. Sarah, maybe, most of the rest, meh. What’s-her-face when she played a stripper?
Tina Fey is cute, like Mary Ann on Gilligan’s Island.
Jan Hooks, Danitra Vance, Joan Cusak…
I will grant you Tina, Jan was a little off-putting, that blonde chick that the lefties hate was as cute as a button. Danitra Vance was a monster, you monster!
When it aired I would have said yes. Now… well, let’s just say tastes change as one ages.
“If he pulls for Warren”
That’s just . . . No.
Oh, come on. You’d do it, for a seat on the Supreme Court. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t.
You know that might explain a few Judges over the years.
Good lord, Rise of Skywalker sounds dumb dumb dumb.
“LEGO… They’re all made of fucking LEGO.“
I love that movie.
Caring about Star Wars after you are 12 years old is dumb dumb dumb.
I don’t know if this heartwarming story was linked here yesterday.
Maybe the clerk will get to share a jail cell with the accomplice that got away.
Merry Xmas Rhy. Even here, that is clear self defense. I’d be very surprised if he was charged.
You too!
I hope so for that guy
Put 100 rounds through the PCC. One failure to go completely into battery that was not repeated. A mixture of Federal aluminum cased and Tula steel. The Tier 5 works exactly as it’s supposed to, and I imagine I can train myself to shoot with my middle finger without too much effort.
The one problem — I’ve got my sights adjusted as far as they’ll go, and it’s still shooting way low. For speed scoring this won’t be an issue, but for accuracy or anything beyond 50 yards, this won’t work. Anyone have a recommendation on rail-mountable irons?
What kind of pcc? AR-9 or something else?
yep. Lower from New Frontier Armory, upper from Kerri’s guns.
Oh, and I guess it’s because it’s a blowback, but the thing is FILTHY. I’ve never seen a magazine so carboned up before.
I got folding Troy’s on my newest upper, but I haven’t shot it yet.
“Welcome to Texas! See you in hell! Pardon me for shedding exactly zero tears.”
We’re going to hit the big time with this one! We’ll buy ourselves an island after robbing this mobile home!
At least we got three brain dead ones out of the gene pool. Now we just have to shut down public school…
“Having three dead bodies inside a home is not very common,” Gonzalez said
That’s some good work, Lou.
The Amish are CANCELED!
“EXCLUSIVE: Trump hosts Amish in historic Oval Office visit”
“He is a common man just like me and everybody else — very common, very friendly. He called us friends when we walked in there,” said Levi Miller, 56, an Amish farmer from Ohio. “It gets people excited that we have somebody in there who is not afraid to talk about Jesus Christ.”
The Amish men described themselves as strong supporters of Mr. Trump and each denounced the House Democrats’ impeachment of the president as a waste of taxpayer money.
Jesus Christ, Amish, don’t get all Mennonite on us
The thing is, The Amish don’t really know they’ve been cancelled, cause they got no TV or interwebs. The Mennonite however, they sort of look like Amish, the way they dress and all, but they’ve fully embraced technology. They however, will not be canceled, because the wokesters don’t know they exist yet.
I don’t know if “fully embraced” is accurate. Mennonites drive, and have professional careers (not just trades and farming), but I dont know how far they take it. Around here, we have Dunkards, which are a similar sect. But most dont have TVs or phones. Unless its related to their business (loophole!)
You can spot the Mennonites in my area driving around because they spraypaint all the chrome looking bits on their cars black. Too ostentatious I guess.
I had Mennonites as next door neighbors for 10 years. They were 100% into technology as much as I am. Big screen TVs, several personal PCs, the kids all with iPads and smartphones, they had their home all wired with smart tech, and the guy built his own geothermal system. And that was 10 years ago. All of them I’ve known and there were a lot in that area, up to my age or a little more and all the younger ones had fully embraced technology. At the same time, I could drive 10 miles from my house and you had Amish with no electricity going to their homes.
Amish v. Amash. I now who I’d root for.
Looks like a Heineken type of day. My wife said ‘Mr. Hype, don’t drink too much beer, it’s Christmas eve!’. So I said ‘Sure thing, after all the beer is gone, I promise to not drink any more beer’.
Merry Winter Break, shitlords!
TEA hardest hit
Response to #68
Finally got my TV to stream music from the family cloud. #WINNING
The fact that it doesn’t recognize playlists or be able to play them, but at least I had the foresight to put all my Christmas music in one folder by itself.
Also, Monica Mancini has an awesome voice.
Pretty things make me happy.
So say we all.
I’ve just been waiting for the left and their media sycophants to freak the fuck out over Brexit. I guess it won’t happen until they snap out of the their impeachment ecstasy and once again realize that they’re been let down and they’re not getting rid of bad orange man. Then they’ll awaken in despair and immediately start on how our cousins across the pond lost their way and let the bad yellow man and Putin steal the Parliament.
You’re jesting I guess but that argument’s actually being made. If the Russians were really that effective they’d literally own the world instead of being a relative economic basket case with a GDP less than Italy’s
Well, the left have been mad at Russian ever since the Soviet Union fell. Now they only have Xi’s China left to show how great their communism is, and it’s hard for even them to defend that with what they’re doing in Hong Kong and the Uighur camps. I mean they’re still defending them, they’re just more subtle about it at the moment.
The staff at one of my sites bought me high-end chocolates and gave me card with over forty signatures. I am a little verklempt.
Awww, that’s sweet. ?
Seven years and usually ignored. When I was away they must have missed me. It got a little dustier.
The tiny Asian girl even drew a Santa! I knew that saving that Kitteh would pay off one day…
That’s cool. My crew gave me $200 cash.
I got sick and they raised a thousand bucks for me before this. Yep. Verklempt.
Awesome. Hope you’re all better now.
Better. Waiting on the surgery. So long Kuato…
“Start the reactor,”
“Open your mind, open your mind, OPEN YOUR MIND!”
Merry Christmas to all the Glibs. Hope you all have good cheer coming up. My third cup of coffee is working and it’s time to get three small jobs done and then go get the seafood for my Xmas eve cioppino. We have some of the fam coming over about five. Here’s a little soul Christmas song I’ve linked late at nite before, it’s where Run DMC took the sample for Xmas in Hollis.
Just absolutely excellent. Thank you!
Two things I think of when I hear the word “hobo”:
Two things I think of when I hear the word “hobo”:
this and this
Happy Xmas to the Glibs! Don’t forget Bob and Wendy. They need some help again.