Since Thanksgiving there have been two strains of comments among the commentariat that read the GlibFit articles. First, those of you who in some way, shape, or form, write something related to the article to help your fellow Glibertarian. Second, the few who think trying to exercise and/or eat right between Thanksgiving and New Years Day is a fool’s errand.
As part of the discussion, one of you offered up chrononutrition. I’ve looked back through the comments and tried doing some searches on the site to find who to credit but my web skills are poor. Whoever posted this article, thank you.
I’m no scientician but I found the ideas in the article intriguing. The author was obviously aware of the Glibertarian audience for his work. He kindly gave us a TL; DR version:
- Circadian biology plays a fundamental role in human health.
- Research has shown that nutrient ingestion can impact our “body clocks” in peripheral tissues around the body, suggesting that when we eat our meals can have implications for health via influencing circadian rhythms.
- In addition, it has been hypothesized that having a restricted feeding window (time-restricted feeding) can have beneficial impacts on body composition and health, likely via circadian effects at least in some part.
- A related hypothesis suggests that the distribution of calories over the day (majority eaten early vs. late) can also have health impacts.
- My personal interpretation of the current literature available leads me to tentatively conclude that, in general, the following heuristics would be beneficial for many people to follow: 1) avoid eating during biological night, 2) avoid meals, particularly those high in fat and/or carbohydrates, close to DLMO (or say, at least ~2-3 hours pre-sleep), 3) bias more calories to earlier in the day (i.e. don’t eat a high proportion of your daily calories in the late evening), 4) have consistent meal times and meal frequency from day-to-day, 5) have some restricted feeding window (start with <12 hours per day, but no ideal is yet known), 6) get daylight exposure early in the day and avoid artificial light (blue and green wavelengths of light specifically) as much as is pragmatically reasonable at night.
- There are several caveats and exceptions to the above heuristics. Implications may be different for athletes, for those trying to gain weight, for those who such heuristics undermine adherence to nutrition fundamentals, and in situations where social interactions and fun should be prioritized.
I’m going to give this a try. I’ll probably need to eat a bigger breakfast and lunch. Adding a more substantial afternoon snack should make it easier to eat a smaller dinner. Eating more than two hours, much less three, before going to sleep is going to be a challenge. I tend to have long workdays. I’ll need to work this one out. Though I will say all the late-night banter makes it easier even if it does deprive me of the sleep I need (I’m looking at you Sir Digby, CPRM, Festus, and Straffinrun.)
Let us know in the comments if you have used these ideas and how they worked (or didn’t) for you. I’m curious to know if anyone with experience finds this sustainable (or not). I don’t mean perfectly abiding by this program at all times. I do mean making this a regular routine subject to life’s occasional disruptions.
Another angle I’m curious about is anyone who has done this and exercised at night. This is a possible exception as noted by the author. I’m reading David Goggins’ book in part to motivate me to up my fitness game. I strongly suspect this is going to mean, for me, continuing with lifting in the morning and adding HIIT and ab work in the evening after work. I can’t tell if that’s compatible with the author’s suggestions.
I unfortunately eat for reasons other than nutrition sometimes.
Gonna have to get serious.
When you’re not eating your feelings, do you find your mouth hungry when neither your mind or stomach are? As in, “that tastes REALLY good”?
I haven’t thought about it much. Lift heavy things until you can’t anymore, and then eat lots of protein. 100g a day bare minimum. Eat (or drink) protein as soon as you wake up and just before you fall asleep. Eat plenty of protein in between.
I’m repping with 240 on seated rows, so it seems to be working. That was my goal in September. Now I need a new goal.
Also, my 11-year-old just called my 8-year-old a boomer.
That’s adorable. I hope y’all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you and your family a great new year.
You might find this interesting – So, we love our Ronco rotisserie so much for prime rib that we wanted to get one for the in-laws. Apparently, Ron Popeil sold the company for a VERY pretty penny and the new owners promptly ran Ronco into the ground, sold it, and the newer owners are doing their level best to kill it off entirely. Consequently, Popeil vintage rotisseries are selling for hundreds of dollars on Amazon.
$55MM in 2005. However, in 2007 they file bankruptcy, owing $32MM, much of that to Ron, so he may not have received all his money.
In 2018, they filed bankruptcy again, reorganization failed and they changed to chapter 7 and liquidated.
Ha! I have one from 2000-2001. It’s not safe anymore. I have to wear rubber gloves to even touch it, otherwise I get electrocuted.
New goal: Beat Warty at dead lifts.
Well, it’s surely attainable. Just might take a little while.
Still limited to single joint exercises on the legs (leg press excepted). I tore my hamstring when I was 16, and never got it repaired (not even sure if you can; I didn’t look in to it).
You know Warty was born without arms or legs and had to grow them before he could lift. So in comparison, your shitty excuses are beyond lame.
I had a grade 2 about 10 years ago. Took it very easy for a few months and was fine. Hell, I took up road racing *after* the injury.
I do well on very low carb, once I get over the first week.
However, since my ulcer started developing back in March/April, I’ve had a wee bit of an aversion to meat and mayo. I can eat sausage, though. Dairy is great. Sugar settles my stomach. Bread soothes.
But for some reason, ever since my ulcer, I can’t eat red meat plain like I used to. I have to have something mitigating it, sauce/dressing/bread.
Moj it may be worth reading the entire article. There appears to be good evidence that limiting your eating window, without doing anything else, facilitates weight loss.
Thanks, I will. I am distressed by this, as I love beef and I haven’t been able to eat much.
Hmmm, fitness or carbs?
I’m getting ready to once again try to make baked macaroni and cheese.
I have been getting better, but still have a way to go to compete with my mother’s results. She did have a head start though.
Sodium citrate.
It’s not explicitly part of the family recipe. I just need more patience and more milk than I had been using.
Try evaporated milk.
The problem is that the sauce I’ve previously produced is too thick and stingy and too much like just melted cheese.
Make a Béchamel sauce first, then whisk in copious quantities of your favourite cheese. If it doesn’t seem “cheesy” enough, crumble in a small amount of your choice of blue cheese while whisking. Don’t try to make it cheesier or sharper using aged Cheddar (ferinstance) — the sharpness always disappears once the cheese is heated/melted, and you just spent a lot of cash for naught.
Cheater’s version — use Velveeta, possibly mixed in with a small amount of Béchamel. Already contains sodium citrate IIRC.
I was going to suggest Velveeta, but didn’t want to sound as basic as I really am.
FWIW, I only like Velveeta on my scrambled eggs (cut with water to make it creamy) and nachos.
You assume I can even identify that, let alone make it.
Chef Google will help.
I prefer the random excuse to call my mother and say hi.
Heat up a cup of milk, whisk in a couple of tablespoons of flour, mix in your cheese.
I believe Pie is responsible for the SbS lynx. They have a good podcast, as well.
I’ve had the best luck with compressed eating windows. When I’m at my best, I walk first thing in the am and don’t eat until after a midday workout. That’s usually my biggest meal. I’m usually done with food by 7pm, so I often have a 16 hour (or longer) fast.
Totally agree on the blue light thing. I have apps on my laptop and phone that actually start dialing it back before the sun sets. I think it helps.
The biggest benefit of this sort of approach is not being ruled by your metabolism. My mood doesn’t depend on when I’ve eaten last. When I travel, it’s nice to be able to skip (shitty) food with zero consequences.
Thanks for this one, Chafed.
I had no idea a vampire cared about how much eat and when. Go figure. Thanks for the info Pie.
Tundra I’m amazed at how compressed your food window is. Does not eating until midday leave you tired/cranky/hungry/dragging/etc before you eat?
Diet impacts blood chemistry, which impacts flavor and nutrional value.
So better to do nothing?
I’m not sure how it would work with a normal diet. Low carb/keto it’s easy.
Takes awhile to adjust, but it seems to work well.
Hmmmm. My vegetarian diet may be an impediment but I’m sure there is a way to make it work.
It’s gonna be hard without a lot of fats.
I was going intermittent fasting- no breakfast – about 16 hrs between dinner and lunch including my morning workout. Seemed productive at first but I think my body adjusted- and I have a sweet tooth. Going to try more post -wotkout protein shakes.
Also need to cut down on after dinner stuff and up my workouts a bit. Really hoping that shifting to a non-desk job later this year will help too.
I think you are on to something with the protein shakes. I’m always hungry after a workout. Having a protein shake goes a long way toward sating my hunger.
I always had a protein shake after a big workout.
OT PSS thank you Miami for the bye week!
*virtual elaborate fist bump*
Its been over 30 minutes…
To pick up a thread from my last question… Everyone agrees you should never mention anything negative about your spouse to anyone else?
Well, certainly not internat randoms. Don’t air dirty laundry in public.
It seems the negative thing about telling others is that it affects their perception of you and the spouse in question. Seemingly the internet would be exactly the right place to air grievances, assuming you’re not posting it somewhere irl people will see.
IRL people will see it when you least intend them to.
It’s asking for trouble, just like shouting all your problems on the city corner.
The odds of that seem pretty low unless that person’s social circle knows that they come to this site. And even then, most people here seem to retain some anonymity.
A friend of my mom’s has a policy with her daughter: “Listen and forget.”
Internet randoms are better than people in your social circles.
Generally speaking, yes.
There are exceptions, as per usual.
When you are dealing with actual abuse, for one.
Right. So NAP violations aside, what are the other exceptions?
Other than NAP violations, I can’t think of any.
Vent to your therapist.
What about your divorce lawyer?
Therapists charge less per hour. Be as matter-of-fact and to the point with your lawyer as possible. Do not pay legal rates to vent.
Therapists are expensive… though as UnCiv points out Divorce lawyers are more so.
So we’ve got at least 3 exceptions: Lawyers, therapists and NAP violations.
Don’t listen to glove boy here. I’m a listening fool and if the meter is running I promise not to judge you and to validate the hell out of you. I won’t touch divorce though.
UCS said actual abuse, which was what I was thinking of.
Sometimes, you are in a community (like we are) whose viewpoints you value, and you aren’t sure what’s reasonable anymore. I have a (former) friend who was in an abusive relationship, had no one to talk to, ended up talking to her Survivor fan board, who gave her the clarity to understand what was happening, and the strength and help to get out of the situation.
I have another friend who sounded off on a private board I run. She didn’t understand her situation was normal. She started out just saying something in passing and we were all WTF? She expounded and that situation was all sorts of fucked up, but she didn’t know. She got out and is a gazillion times better off on her own than with that cocksucker.
So generally speaking, no, but sometimes people need clarity from a trusted community who are still somewhat detached.
Nope. Way too many absolutes in that sentence to agree with it.
What about your in-laws?
Not sure I follow.
Depends on what it is.
Do you legitimately need advice? Do you need to vent so that you can go home to your wife without being angry?
Lets say yes on both counts.
Guilty as charged.
I take encouragement from you lot.
You are the exception I was thinking of. If there is any way we can help, we will try and not judge.
I think it’s generally a bad idea. I try really hard not to do it. However, rarely I might vent to someone close, just to get it out of my system.
*pulls up chair* I’m here for you buddy.
I think it is unseemly, and also likely to poison your relationship. When you complain about someone the people you are complaining to will tend to take your side, which validates your complaints regardless of their merits, you also don’t generally include all the crap you do yourself, which means you get a lot of input that encourages you to feel that the other party is worse than they are and that you are better, which just makes you more unhappy in the relationship.
To the point, my hisband puts up with a whole lot of my bullshit, and I am unwilling to confess those things online.
That said, he had a very unhappy and abusive childhood, so my bullshit very rarely even registers.
I think this happens in every relationship. Marriage, siblings, friends, teammates, coworkers etc. The stakes are just much higher and the stresses are much greater in marriages. Everyone is obnoxious sometimes in some way.
If you aren’t looking for validation and simply want second opinions I can see it.
Also depends on the question of course.
Is anyone ever truly not looking for validation? They may be looking for other things as well, but I think the impulse to want and seek validation is pretty damn universal.
^^^Comment validated.
In my wife’s words I’m “coldly analytical”. Honestly, sometimes I want a different opinion that I may not be considering.
I’m not, however, suggesting that I’m 100% impartial.
Exactly why a second opinion can be helpful. Maybe if one found a group of anonymous borderline autists and countercultural types who don’t care about your feelings… nah. never mind, that is crazy.
You would get horrible opinions. The worst.
My issue is that all of my friends like SP more (a LOT more) than they like me, so venting opportunities are limited.
Of course, there is nothing to vent about in regards to me.
That’s because you’re an asshole.
Huh, that’s what your wife said as well.
Come to think of it, your last wife said that, too.
You’re nothing if not consistent.
Yep. She thinks you’re an asshole too.
and after he bought a (((gun))).
A (((gun))) would be a sawed-off shotgun, wouldn’t it?
Thinking about this more, in terms of NAP violations.
Abusive spouses (no gender distinction here) will isolate you, and sometimes you have no friends, no opportunity for a therapist, calling the cops will make your situation worse or else it’s all mental and not physical, in which case cops can’t help you, and if you’re lucky enough to be allowed internet access, sometimes an online community is the only place you CAN get help.
^^^ this
My experience:
Purely by accident, I got into a habit of eating my main meal in the early-to-mid afternoon. Maybe a snack in the evening. After a while of this, I started losing weight steadily. And that was losing fat, not muscle.
Important point here: every dietary experiment is truly an N of 1. It’s really important to take the information and see what works for you.
Absolutely. I have to believe there are commonalities across human biology but that doesn’t mean a particular method works for a particular person.
Unrelated, I have been meaning to ask what days the remaining parts of Ink and Infatuation might go live.
The two upcoming Thursdays at 1100. So, Part 2 this Thursday, Part 3 the following.
Okay, thank you.
Having a first round bye scares me, but the Giants are out. Bye the Bye, working on getting a new cartoon done, hopefully you can slip it in somewhere this week.
Depends on when you get it done, now doesn’t it?
*runs off crying*
Tough but fair.
Bills phoned it in. I’d be pissed if I had trudged out to Orchard Park to watch that snooze-fest.
They didn’t have anything to gain this week did they?
@Moj, i saw your comment on the last thread about 4 units in your building. That sounds awful the only time i had a building with 4 units is when they had a singles ward meet at ours and they always had the last block.
Ours just got upped to 3 units in the building which means we go to 12. Not my favorite. But now we have 3 wards to split snow shoveling with.
My alma mater’s library is open on Sunday from 1p to 11p, till 1a during finals week. I LOVE going there to work, which I haven’t been able to do all year because of our 2p block. (Not worth the drive after 4. I count on being able to zone out for 10 straight hours with no distractions.) It’s my Zen time and I really value it. I don’t get that at home because there are so many more things to do than just concentrate on my work and knock it all out in one straight shot.
So while I’d like to be able to start at 9:00, 8:30 will allow me to go to church and still hit the library.
Because reasons, we only eat twice a day. Usually between 11-12 and 6-7. It seems to be working well. I finally stopped losing at 25lb and and comfortably sitting at 200lb. I’ve eliminated one bp medication and cut down on another.
Congrats on the medical benefit!!
Anytime I can cut back on those is a good thing, Stress is one hell of a weight loss program.
That is less happy news, re: stress.
But I’ve been there too. Just not up for eating for days on end.
Right now for example, my general spouse (comedy callback) is sick and in pain. Thus I am trying to hide in my own house and avoid his wrath. That kills my appetite.
Everyone agrees you should never mention anything negative about your spouse to anyone else?/em>
Other people’s spouses are fair game though, right?
I would assume so. Everyone is someone’s spouse, except Children and singles (and they don’t count anyway).
This is Not Adahn’s fault.
I put one in my cart, but then I noticed it was SAO. I would have finished the purchase had it been DA. Because honestly, who WOULDN’T want an Israeli made CZ75? Even at $300, I need to have a reason to shoot something to buy it, and there’s no competition I want to enter a SA pistol into.
Plus I managed to render my AR-9 NY-illegal, so I’ll need to fix that.
Was that the one that went over the side into the Hudson?
No, that one needs a heavier buffer before I can run 9mm through it.
I wasn’t interested in adding another caliber, but the back story is too good to pass it up at that price. Although when it’s all said and done, it will be closer to $500.
I just don’t have the budget to buy guns simply because I want them. Or I absolutely would have had one of those on the way to me.
Damn, that is good.
Is the police star the Star of David? Serious question.
Aren’t most police stars seven-pointed?
Oh, lookie what I found: Millennials should ditch Marx for Rand.
On topic, I generally feel better when I have a fed window of only 6-7 hours. So, I usually don’t eat anything until about 1430, and don’t eat anything after 2030 or so, depending on the night.
I almost never eat before 2 pm or after 9. This is true regardless of whether I am eating well or pigging out . I am just trained to it. It isn’t a magic bullet.
I rarely eat afer i go to bed or before i get up.
A shout out to me in a Glibfit article? Didn’t see that one coming. *stares down at beer gut* Yall can learn a lot from me.
Put on ten pounds or so over the holidays and am almost up to my target weight of 185lbs. Another seven to go, but the cheeks on my face and butt have filled back out, and the color that was ever there was has returned to my skin. The only downside is all the sweets and fat has made me break out a little bit. I’m almost forty, fer fux’s sake.
Some good football today.
I am baffled by the Steelers playoff picture they just mentioned. Like they can get in if the Colts win, or if the Titans, Raiders, and some other team lose.
I haz a confuse.
Sounds pretty easy, a mild inconvenience.
The NFL Playoffs system explained:
Well, the Chiefs have won, the Dolphins beat the Patriots, I am uninterested in the rest, I have shot my mouth off way too much here today, and I have things to do. This may involve a Greek gyro, not sure yet.
You’re a firecracker, Mo! That’s why you’re the best. It’s best, right? I can’t keep up anymore.
Hyperion says I’m the worst, to which I say Her Royal Highness Queen The Worst.
You’re the best, Mo. I mean it.
*blush* Thank you. ?
I fucked up. For some reason, I read some of the comments on that FEE article Mojeaux linked.
Now I remember why I pretty much never read comments anywhere but here.
I flew a big kite today, almost blew me away except for Strong arms, does that count as excersise, it was a real workout for the whole body, I’m actually sore.
Sounds like a nice bit of stress relief.
exactly why, we went for a walk this morning, Bella loves the park, then came home, had breakfast and put up a Delta. I learned snap stalls, landings, backward flying and push turns, a very instructive hour and a half, and free of mental issues,
YAY! I’m glad you got a chance for a fun break. How is Wendy doing?
Son-in-law got me a Tello drone for my birthday.
Took this video of the yard
The file is a bit large, will see if it works.
D00d, your yard’s ++awse.
I was gonna say his neighbors are way too close, but to each their own, I guess.
/homesick for Northern NM
You win the backyard challenge.
Neato, Hobbit. Love those tall pines
Way off topic. Does anyone here have experience with personalized weather stations?
Mostly, I just want to keep track of rainfall in the orchard, but a full weather picture would be cool too.
I use and they have so many local stations, I really don’t need to run my own, check it out,
I use Wunderground too. But the closest station to me is 5 or 6 miles away. That can make a big difference on actual rain fall, particularly during drought seasons.
I’m fortunate then, if you do set one up you should link it to the net, more data..
I don’t know how accurate you want to be, but CoCoRaHS don’t like the auto automated rain gauges.
On a related topic, the series of tubes says:
The idea that eating more frequent, smaller meals increases metabolic rate is a persistent myth. It is true that digesting a meal raises metabolism slightly and this phenomenon is known as the thermic effect of food. … Eating 3 meals of 800 calories will cause the same thermic effect as eating 6 meals of 400 calories.
Most animals eat whenever food is around, and many hunter-gatherers did the same.
Historian Abigail Carroll, author of the book Three Squares: The Invention of the American Meal, explained to me that the the thrice-daily eating schedule goes back at least as far as the Middle Ages in Europe. When European settlers got to America, they also imported their meal habits: a light meal—maybe cold mush and radishes—in the morning, a heavier, cooked one midday, and a third meal similar to the first one later in the day. They observed that the eating schedule of the native tribes was less rigid—the volume and timing of their eating varied with the seasons. Sometimes, when food was scarce, they fasted. The Europeans took this as “evidence that natives were uncivilized,” Carroll explained to me in an email. “Civilized people ate properly and boundaried their eating, thus differentiating themselves from the animal kingdom, where grazing is the norm.” (So fascinated were Europeans with tribes’ eating patterns, notes Carroll, that they actually watched Native Americans eat “as a form of entertainment.”)
In other news, I’m up to 180 lbs plus the bar for the dead lift, and 140 lbs plus the bar for the bench press and squat. I usually do 4 sets of 3 reps, increasing the weight on each set by 10 or 20 pounds. I’d like to do 180 lbs for each of those exercises, and if I make that, I’ll push on to 270. Being in the 1,000 lb club would be cool, but it might be a bridge too far.
My xmas gluttony wiped out the 5 lbs I lost last week. Oh well, what was added can be removed. Call it “A Fridge too Close”.
I sleep better when I drink less, so I’ll try to keep that up. And lastly, I’m trying real hard to keep chair and screen time to a minimum. Much as I like this place, I should probably spend more time walking. I admit to getting a dopamine hit when I make a comment that gets lots of replies. Silly isn’t it?
Well, best of luck to you all in your health goals. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
Fly a kite, seriously, it’s very aerobic, you use all your muscle groups, and there is a bit of walking involved at first, and it’s fun!
Cold mush and radishes ..
Well I’d certainly be thinner.
I don’t think it’s appropriate to Name a submarine after a ship that sunk.
How about naming a ship that sank after a submarine?
How are you going to know that the ship will sink when you’re doing the naming?
It’s being built for Italy?
Much as I like this place, I should probably spend more time walking. I admit to getting a dopamine hit when I make a comment that gets lots of replies. Silly isn’t it? /em>
Yep, validation seeking is built right into the wetware.
Validation’s a hell of a drug.
+1 QFT
Man I’ve felt kinda meh the last two days. No games seem interesting. Not interested in reading, or writing. I have a bunch of coding projects to work on, but none that i want to jump into. just kinda meh.
So you’re saying the midnight six-pack snack is a bad idea.
No, that’s fine. It’s all the pretzels and cheese dip that goes along with it.
What a shithole
The conveyor belt of American capitalism is broken. It was supposed to advance the fortunes of successive generations of Americans.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the economic circumstance of millennials whose vote will be decisive in 2020.
“They are shaken by the generational inequality of opportunity and wealth, which greases their uncertainty and incomprehension of this economy,” Rich Benjamin wrote for The Economic Hardship Reporting Project.
He continues: “It’s as though boomers, who enjoyed a traditional means of wealth accrual — debt-free education, homeownership, pensions — have removed the rungs of the ladder for those who come behind, all the while tut-tutting about the supposed irresponsibility and fragility of millennials.”
Trump’s fault.
In reality, the Boomers just voted themselves all the entitlements. Fuck everybody else.
Heh. I was walking out of the county clerk’s/assessor/office the other day when going down the stairs outside a grey haired man in a suit approached me and asked if I’d sign a petition for Medicare expansion. I replied without slowing “Medicare shouldn’t exist.”, and kept walking. He looked at me like I just said I rape kittens.
Well, you had just raped kittens, but taking away medicare is worse in their eyes.
I want to push all the old people in wheelchairs I see off the nearest cliff. It’s known.
I’m unemployed in a house with lake/river front property, with satellite TV, middling internet, a cell phone and lots of beer every night, things that were luxuries in the past. How was the past better?
It wasn’t.
It was cromulant.
For the select few.
Now priced out of reach by leftist policies.
Never supportable in the long run because of demographics.
So yes, there are problems – and the fine folks at Salon continue to lie about both the causes and solutions to them.
“It’s as though boomers, who enjoyed a traditional means of wealth accrual — debt-free education, homeownership, pensions — have removed the rungs of the ladder for those who come behind, all the while tut-tutting about the supposed irresponsibility and fragility of millennials.”
I mean this is true in some sense, but not in the sense that they want it to be. The outsized prices of education is because the government wanted to make it easier for everyone to get a college education. You could argue the something similar with Home ownership.
Whenever the government decides something is not just a good that can be used for, but a right that must be equitably distributed, they inevitably make it more difficult for future generations to obtain it for a fair price
My club started shooting Steel Challenge. It’s fun. If anyone wants to try it out, it’s $8 per gun that you want to bring. Rimfire rifle is a category, so I brought my 10/22 along — and it was too quiet to register on the timer. The Shadow 2 worked great though. I discovered that at 30 yards, you have time to take a second shot before you can hear if your first one hit.
Haven’t seen anyone post about the church shooting in TX yet. Stopped by several good guys with guns, but still casualties.
Warning: the livestream clip at the link does show the shooting (at a distance)
Would it be better if they had been macheted like in Monsey?
On the plus side, one of the two dead was the shooter.
I can’t stand that wording. Just looked and sure enough, there it is:
“Two people were killed [….] The shooter was among the dead […]”
Gotta get the body count up!
It’s like they learn that crap in journalician school.
In CA, you’d have to commit a crime to protect yourself like that. There’s only one thing you can do when someone’s suicidal and that’s what they did.
Fort Worth had that other church shooting circa 97
Have you ever heard the question “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”
I have finally come to the conclusion that I would do nothing. The possibility of failure is what makes things worth doing.
I’d play the lotto… Free money
Invent a perpetual motion machine, then when I went to accept my Nobel Prize, moon the committee.
You’d get all my shitty cartoons and movies, I needs to get them outta my head.
Are we talking a single act? or a single project? Or a lifetime of victory?
It’s supposed to be motivational, i.e., pursue X with the attitude that you will not fail.
But I think it’s a stupid question, never mind I have spent far too much time thinking about it.
Cold fusion and room temperature super conductor. Call it “Spud Power”.
John Galt haz a sad.
Don’t forget “practical transmutation of matter.” Just one element or basic compound into another, I ain’t looking for a Star Trek replicator here.
Become president, dismantle the government and free the people?
Save every baby in the hospital?
I feel like you are leaving a lot of good undone on the table there moj 😉
One question I have always had is: So you will never fail. Good, great. Awesome. But what if you weren’t the only one? What if there were many? What if EVERYONE was given the blessing of never failing?
Yes, I wasted time thinking about this.
Doesn’t sound like a waste of time at all. Sounds like the premise for a bitchin’ sci-fi novel (or trilogy, nudgenudgewinkwinkknowwhatImean?).And by “bitchin’,” I of course mean lucrative, where “lucrative” == “can (and will) be optioned by Hollywood or Netflix or Amazon or . . .”
If everyone had this power, we’d be in deep shit. Just think about what all the evil people in the world would be striving for, and then you have the question of what happens when objectives are diametrically opposed?
This is the more interesting question (versus “what would the evil people do?”).
Set evil motivations aside and go with the pure motivations of genuinely good people.
That would be a nightmare.
It’d be a fabulous book, though . . .
and then you have the question of what happens when objectives are diametrically opposed?
The people holding it are instantaneously annihilated like matter and anti-matter.
Ooooh this could be good. because the shadow government uses this to ensure that everyone is in line with the goals of the government.
Do No Evil: A Novel
The Glibertariat
Put the circle-slash over the “No”, and I’m in.
Perhaps its a dystopia where no one can fail and all progress has stopped. The heroine reads a book she finds deep in a library, and learns about failure, and embarks on a journey to fail at something, but keeps succeeding.
Or would that be failing to fail? and thus succeeding at her goal… Which in turn means she failed…?
Solve the three body problem in closed form.
I think I saw that porn…
Really, haven’t we all?
Hmmmmm. If I absolutely knew I couldn’t fail, I’d be tempted to become a physician. Possibly a highly-specialized surgeon.
That would open up a Pandora’s Box for me. I’m untrusting enough in my nature to say it would be best for the world if I wasn’t incapable of failing.
I swapped out Christianity for the NAP years ago but I seem to have used both for the same reason: as a means to tame my persistent, dark impulses. Sure, I don’t hurt anybody or steal and damage property, but I don’t consider myself a particularly good or moral person. The inability to fail would probably tip me over into doing something evil.
Show audio recorded, inching closer.
For Christmas I bought myself a stationary trainer to which I’ve attahed my road bike (I’ve basically given it up in favor of the mountain bike).. Like everything else it’s got bluetooth and hooks to an app on the phone. There are progreammed workouts and maintaing the suggested power output and cadence seems to be enough of a simple-minded mental effort that I can make it through to whole workout withiout getting bored to death – I just can’t slog away at something while watching to clock to see when I can quit. Anyway I’ve kept up with the program for a month now and I can really tell the difference both in endurance and leg strength.
Come Spring I should be able to attack the mountains again without having to start over.
It’s OK to admit that your husband got you a Peloton.
He actually got the cheap knock-off
Heh. Doesn’t matter what one posts arount here it aways ends up the same place.
With the contempt of Ted? 😉
Good for you. A couple years ago I borrowed a trainer for a winter in the hopes of keeping my (then) new-found bicycling habit alive. Didn’t work. I’m still trying to re-find my old bicycling habit.
It’s Ted’S damn it!
*pulls up chair*
What’s bothering you, buddy?
Enjoying the Replacement Ravens game on TV. Holy crap, I’m so glad we’re not actually there.
Yeah, I had to check the weather radar when I saw how rainy it was in several eastern games.
It’s a huge rain/snow system swirling.
No wonder the late games have been such turnover feats.
Hmmm, quandary. Do I have a second Manhattan?
No, change it up, drink water.
Heavy Water?
I’m thinking about trying a Kentucky Mule.
Just heard a blues song line that said ” I thought I was killing time, but time was killing me.” Thought that was a cool little riff.
Lasagna turned out alright, bread burned on the bottom, but was otherwise good. Now I’m about to burst at the seams.