One of you Glibs stayed at our house last night. I won’t say who but I’ll give you a hint, my eldest daughter called him “weird”.
It’s still slow news season so the news stories are still sparse, but as always, I’ll do my best to dig up some for you.
According to the Census Bureau, the Blue State Exodus continues apace.
Moar shutdown drama!
U still mad establishment Republicans? Ya, u still mad.
Kanye is back on the Trump Train again!
Democrats still have a sad.
New CA laws going into effect in 2019.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and then go bid adieu to my Glib guest.
You’re early.
And would it be cheating for me to say who the guest was, since he and I have been PMing? (TBF, you and I have as well)
My son also thought he was weird. But nice.
The best part about the shutdown drama is that the shutdown is unnoticeable to just about everyone as they continue to go about their lives.
But trash is piling up at Zion or some national park. Oh, the humanity!!
I din’t think Israel’s government had shutdown.
Don’t see why that would or should be. Dumpster pickup is as far as I’ve ever seen local trash haulers, not gov employees.
As for the notion that ‘without rangers around to supervise, people are dropping trash on trails’ that’s a norm with or without rangers.
Apart from those at the entrance/visitor centers, you often have to go looking for rangers if you want to find one.
The only rangers I’ve ever seen on a trail are seasonal rangers or volunteer rangers conducting a guided walk.
The best part would be if it drags on and on and on, for several years … and then Trump vetoes any bill to give back pay to furloughed govt workers.
I think we found our wall funding.
Not all govt workers are idiots. My wife works harder than many people I know, regardless of employer.
If that happens I would prefer knowing it was happening so she could find a new job rather than get strung along for years…
According to the Census Bureau, the Blue State Exodus continues apace.
Oh but they won’t move to Canada like they always promise.
Because Canada won’t take them. I remember an interview with Trudeau right after the election where some breathless reporter asked if all the people who hate Trump could move to Canada and he said no point blank. For just a moment, you could see something stir behind her eyes.
Marking myself safe during the Government Shutdown 2019.
Does anyone have any firm idea of the death toll yet? I haven’t seen any corpses in the street but I assume it must be only a matter of time.
I thought everyone was already dead from Net Neutrality being yanked, and the tax cuts?
Yeah I guess they must be hiding the body count from us. Between all these disasters surely they must be piling up?
I heard 500,000,000 People were dying each day in the US Alone
All from “medication errors”, no doubt.
Nope. The ‘bola got me. Or was it Zika? Being dead, my memory ain’t what it used to be.
That’s because of the small head caused by the Zika.
Net Neutrality raped my dog.
I lolled.
We need Net Neuterality for Scuff’s dog>
One of my favorites
So far the only evidence I have seen of the shut down was a notice from Bankruptcy court saying that certain kinds of “bankruptcy stays” were extended. So you’d have extra time to do stuff with cases I suppose.
I was playing around with some web service programming. The tutorial I’m reading hits the NOAA website. Instead of real data I got back some boilerplate about a “lapse in appropriation” and I was like WTF for a minute before it hit me and my day was ruined, ruined!
IRS webpage says the shitdown won’t stop it from taking estimated tax submissions. Yay!
A man can dream…
Those are ‘Essential employees’ dontchaknow.
One reason it’s less painful is its a partial shutdown. For example people administering timber harvest contracts are still working. Not doing so obviously hurts the contractors since they need to stop working. I’m guessing it’s similar for certain other contracts deemed ‘necessary’.
*glares at everyone*
:Pays bookie:
Well, that’s a useless piece of information. That could be any of the Tulpae here.
Not me. I’m not weird. I’m creepy.
Not me I am an FBI informant
That hates punctation
So am I. Worst gig so far, over a decade of deep cover and what do I get? A lousy t-shirt.
Hey there was that one exciting time when a few had made threatening comments
toatneartowardsabout a federal judge.And that sheep enthusiast lawyer too.
Wait, are we actually all FBI informants?
No, I work for the ATF
Then you can fuck right the hell off and die
No, he meant the convenience store!
You thing you got it bad? You could be the guy assigned to do the background checks on all woodchipper sales or even worse one of the guys on the team that monitors OMWC’s search history.
Wait a second… I thought we were all Russian bots, Да?
Don’t glare, narrow the gaze!
We told Wonder Dog that you were coming over. She does not think you’re weird. Bribery pays.
I fit the description, but I was in Florida last night.
I prefer to say I am eccentric, as opposed to weird. Thank you very much.
I’m straight up weird. No reason to try to dance around it.
I am perfectly normal. Everyone else is weird.
I wonder if it might have been Sandi. She does travel a lot.
Democrats still have a sad.
I’m sick of people characterizing a whole year as shitty, just because of politics. I can get it if you have personal things that happen (deaths of family, etc.). As Libertarians, we never get what we want, but i can still say Last year was great.
Somebody somewhere made more money than me so 2018 was bad.
That’s a high bar for a good year.
I won’t say who but I’ll give you a hint, my eldest daughter called him “weird”.
Well that narrows it right down.
…to the entire Glibs Staff.
And te Commentariat. And many of the lurkers.
And commenters. I’m sure there’s a normal one but I haven’t met him yet.
Who am I kidding, there’s no normal ones.
Hayeksplosives is a she, so it wasn’t her.
Well children just love me… and not in an OMWC way
Is that cause you like to carry them around on your back and do everything they say?
uh… yes?
That strategy works for me also. Plus for the very little ones if you have a pullable beard and a pain tolerance you get bonus points.
I’m legitimately upset at the idea of places like Texas being overwhelemed and fucked over by Blue Wave progs fleeing the shitholes they’ve created. If we lose places like that, what hope do the rest of us have? (Resident of People’s Republic of VA)
Yeah, the disturbing thing is that they flee the proggie shitholes they created, then go ahead and vote for the same party and policies that wrecked the places they fled.
But this time will be different!
A way to look at it is: state gentrification. Bad governance, high taxes, regulation, etc drives people out to a cheaper area. But no lessons are learned. Instead they want to bring San Francisco to Texas.
immigrants man fucking things up.
“Blue Wave progs fleeing the shitholes”
Except for Austin it’s mostly retirees or younger people moving because of job offers.
“Retirees and young people”
Maybe I’m missing something but does that change the analysis? I’m afraid that retirees and young people are the two of the biggest Free-Shit brigade blocs out there.
Hopefully I’m under-informed and/or being overly-pessimistic.
Unfortunately, I think you are spot on.
When Texas goes Blue. I think Utah will secede. It wouldn’t be ideal, but might be better than the reat of the country at that point
KDW said those migrants to Texas vote Republican at a slightly higher rate than native Texans. Obviously needs a cite, but I don’t think it’s a given that all the people leaving are firmly for the left.
He said it in one of the most recent “Mad Dogs and Englishmen” episodes, unfortunately, as I binged a few of them on a road trip I can’t remember which one.
I think a good chunk of the people are oil and gas workers.
Doesn’t matter. As states like Texas and Florida become more crowded and “urban” they will get more blue regardless of the current team distribution.
Yes, that is what the exit polls from the most recent election indicated. Of course there may be a confounding variable there, as the exit polls were obviously not adjusted for demographic influences (i.e. I imagine 4th generation American native Texans vote R at a higher rate than 4th generation American new Texans). But it does still indicate that a majority of the Americans moving to Texas are moving there because they want something different, not just more of the same with a better job.
They’re human locusts, and they are making me start to seriously contemplate fleeing Virginia.
NC needs moar glibs
Boy doensn’t it! Wake County at least.
well there is no guarantee that Texas is getting the fleeing blue staters. They could just be having more sex than everyone else
There is also the possibility that the influx is more purple, as the policies squeeze out those whose interests are not served – red and blue alike.
Considering blue staters are struggling with basic biology as of late, this very much could be the case.
places like that
a so-con shithole punctuated by a bunch of blue cities, so Ohio without an income tax
cost of living is low, but those tract houses start to delaminate in twenty years
there are three real Texans in Brewster County somewhere . . . usta be anyways
U still mad establishment Republicans? Ya, u still mad.
Mitt Romney is a douche, and I’m pissed that he’s a senator. But is he Wrong about Trumps character?
People voted for Trump in spite of his character, some because of his character.
Obama had “character” aplenty according to the swamp.
I’m not arguing what Romney is arguing, i don’t think a presidents character influences the general public’s character. Nor do i care much about it.
I am split as far as character goes. While I think it is good to be polite and have a bit of tact I think the issue is these things are often used to sugar coat shitty policies
World’s most Honest Politician?
It cracks me up that people criticize Trump for his “tone”, but lying corrupt shitweasels like Obama and Clinton are not so bad because “temperament”. I prefer a blustering Trump being open about what he’s doing and rolling back taxes and regulations over an Obama acting “presidential” and screwing the country over.
Amen to that!
Relevant: Pres. Trump says ‘anyone can act presidential’
Trump is a horrible person with all the morals of an alley cat. But I would still take him over Mrs. Clinton, who is just plain evil.
I would also take him over a self-righteous douche-bag coward like Romney.
With McCain, Flake, Ryan, and some of the other leading cucks gone, Romney seems to be vying for the job of head-RINO.
From one of the links:
Gosh, I don’t know. Who will dare speak up?? Already, the silence from Washington is deafening!
November 2016 in a nutshell
Romney just stepped onto Trump’s court.
Trump Responds to Willard: ‘Be a Team Player and Win’
“But is he Wrong about Trumps character?”
“President Trump made a serious, good faith offer to Democrats to open the government, address the crisis at our border, and protect all Americans,” Sanders.
Team Blue thinks “compromise” means getting everything they want.
Also, Happy New Year!
haha, I was thinking that was Bernie Sanders.
“One of you Glibs stayed at our house last night. I won’t say who but I’ll give you a hint, my eldest daughter called him “weird”.”
Way to narrow it down.
According to the Census Bureau, the Blue State Exodus continues apace.
Terrific. “Welp, our states are completely and totally fucked up beyond repair. We better go somewhere else and vote for the exact same policies.”
I have known a few people through the years who seem to do this, then come back home after screwing up in the new place. Move to Tennessee, get new job, get new girlfriend. Do same drunken bull shit, get fired, lose girlfriend. Move to new state (or back home for a while), repeat.
Virtually every person in an abusive relationship goes on to another abusive relationship. Virtually every deadbeat goes back to borrowing and spending after their bankruptcy. Virtually every drunk relapses. The ability to change behavior requires both recognition of the problem and the willpower to change. It is rare.
“Virtually every drunk relapses.”
Guess I’ll go ahead and give up now. How about smoking? Best one outta two? I”m in.
CBS morning news on the shutdown, shot of the closed Washington Zoo. Idiot host: “Are they still feeding the animals?”
No, the animals will all die. Legitimately an idiot or simply a mendacious piece of shit?
“Are they still feeding the animals?”
Yes, to each other.
Jurassic World Evolution was on a pretty serious christmas sale ($13 or something) so I bought it. Now you made me think the Raptors got into the small herbivore pen…
Wait a minute. It costs $64k per refil of a carnivore feeder, more if it’s live bait, but only about $40k to incubate one of the small herbivores. How many raptors can one of those feed?
I loved the numbers in the dino-weapon auction. The fact that living, breathing T-Rexes were sold to international terrorists for less than the amount of money Pres. Obama sent the Iranians was hilarious.
The one T-Rex I’ve made so far cost 2.8 million to grow. And hilariously rampaged through the crowd because no one noticed a five foot span of fence was missing when the pen was built. Ruined my track record of no fatalities.
Release the tigers.
That would be good shutdown theater:
“Unfortunately, due to the shutdown, Zoo officials were unable to lock the gates to any exhibit. And Animal control officers have been sent home.”
As long as they paid some city official to pipe all the animals straight to the capital building.
This was the exact ending to the CS Lewis space trilogy.
Well, minus the pillar of fire consuming the entire city.
In the IRS, Commerce, Agriculture, Labor, State, Justice, Energy… buildings. We need more lions and tigers.
That is a pretty apt metaphor.
The zoo is filled with creatures who are supposed to represent their brethren out in the wild. But instead, sit around all day and are entirely dependent on others for their own sustenance.
And also the fact that closing a zoo has almost zero impact on most peoples’ days.
or why in the hell is the gov’t running a zoo in the first place.
They regulated the private zoos to death.
The govt has a monopoly on putting things in cages?
*opera applause*
Does OMWC know?
CBS morning news on the shutdown, shot of the closed Washington Zoo.
For being closed, they sure have sent me a lot of marketing emails over the past week.
Oh good, we haven’t had enough of that. Meanwhile, there’s ample evidence Bitchy McBitchqueen has committed or allowed several felonies, but I guess she gets a pass.
“Bitchy McBitchqueen”
I’m… I’m starting to agree with Pie, we might want to cut down on the nicknames, or at least publish an official dictionary. Who the hell is this?
I was thinking of Hillary, although I do see how it’s ambiguous.
And yeah, you’re probably right about the nicknames
In the context posted, I assumed Hillary. Made sense to me.
I think the nicknames are fun.
Me too. Where else can you read the word “Rapesquatch”?
I Agree. No one is trying to take away your nicknames. We just need some common sense Nickname Control. No one needs a military grade nickname like “[REDACTED]” or “[NOW THAT’s JUST OBSCENE- Censor #11]”
SJWednesday: Migraines Are The Fault of The Patriarchy Edition
At least I know what’s giving me migraines now.
“The adage “believe women” isn’t just about sexual assault: It’s about women’s condition, experiences, and the broad subversion of our voices.“
Christ, what an asshole.
Asking for evidence is just a way to oppress women? Because evidence and facts are patriarchal? And she actually wrote that in all seriousness.
Same people are all into gaslighting America when it comes to the Russian conspiracy.
those who continue to protest oppression – are jailed in Iran and Saudi Arabia and ignored by the liberal arts feminists whose greatest challenge in life seems to be the mythical pay gap and I assume a host of STDs
I would not assume the STDs. You are thinking the liberal arts feminists look like the actresses that jet around the world as their spokeschicks. Think more trigglypuff, less Emma Watson.
When you insist that things are happening which you cannot prove, and that asking for proof constitutes further evidence of these unprovable happenings, it’s actually you that’s gaslighting everybody else.
This is the stupidest thing I read in 2019, to make the cliche comment everyone makes at years start
Can’t read your blog diary tonight, dear. I have a headache
Local tech place shuts down, two months after federal raids. No one can comment on what raids were seeking.
So what’s the theory? Shell corp? Giving away computers with child porn on them? Of course they can’t explain what happened to them because the Feds will tighten the screws even more. Seriously, shouldn’t we get to know why they are being targeted?
My theory was that it was kiddie pron. … But now my theory is that it could be that it was a non-profit with large negative operating budget, but has a large amount of property being used – servers, computers, etc, by others. So could be a shell corp.
Bitcoin mining? At least the authoritays aren’t leave us in the dark and causing people to think it’s a case of arbitrary targeting.
It’s obviously for our national security. Thank jehuty for our brave law enforcement keeping us safe!
This happend to a Health Company ~ a year ago. I had a friend who worked there. Said he was at a big meeting, got up to go to the restroom, when he came out everyone was gone and just FBI Agents. FBI froze their assets, saying they had gotten a tip about “Securities Fraud”. The company went under. A month or two later, the FBI unfroze most of their assets.
Never were told who made the tip.
REP Nadler on the News blaming Trump for deaths of children at the border. As if he is literally knocking life-saving glasses of water from the shaking hands of children whose parents dragged them through insane and deadly conditions in search of Free Shit. Laughable.
I think he has a couple of immigrant kids hiding in his jowls.
Kanye is back on the Trump Train again!
Make publicity stunts great again.
Wouldn’t it be easier for Kanye to hate Trump? He’d be in the in-group in entertainment and as a black man, it would be expected. I think he’s serious and if he runs in 2024, it’s either as an independent or a Republican.
Apparently, clubs now need to hire consent guardians – clearly we’ve misunderstood human sexuality
Just think about how our search for sexual partners and for good sexual performance rely on dating agencies or websites, medical and psychological help, and so on.- THERE WAS BETTER SEX IN COMMUNISM!!!!!!!!
“Time Out voted it as the second best thing to do in the world”
Way to leave us hanging.
Number One may surprise you.
It would surprise me if I made it through 59 pages of pop ups, autoplay video, and constantly resizing images to see it.
One of the clearest imaginable examples of cultural capitalism is surely the commodification of our intimate life. This is a permanent feature of a capitalist society
I don’t think the people who ushered in the Free Love era were by and large capitalist, either actually or “culturally” whatever in the fuck that even means. I’m sure many of the people who dedicated their lives to completely upending cultural norms surrounding sex, abortion, and birth control in the ’60s would be bemused to find they were capitalist stooges all along.
“commodification of our intimate life.”
Honey, Sex isn’t being commodified, That’s prostitution. No this is just another form of insurance. And the Risk that is being protected against is wholy created by the socialist left…
Zizek defined the term a half decade ago, and this author is not using it in that formulation. I think its just a replacement for “late stage capitalism,” which replaced fascism. Aka “things I don’t like.”
Given that Stranger in a Strange Land was one of the primary if not the single most important influences on the growth of the free love movement in the 60’s I am not so sure you can say that
Night out at the House of Yes with the consenticorns, then raped by the Uber driver on the way home.
I’m assuming the consenticorns are yanking it while “monitoring for consent”
Nah, just tagging the blackout ones for later harvesting.
How about, “if you don’t want to have sex, don’t get drunk at this club” — Its great advertising, too.
“a new stage of capitalism in which culture no longer functions as a domain of ideological superstructure elevated above economy but becomes a key ingredient of the ever-expanding reproduction of capital”
Meaningless Marxist PoMo bullshit confirmed.
There was a lot of DERP there – could only quote a portion of it.
say what now?
SJWednesday: Moral Panics Over Cartoons Isn’t Just For Socons Anymore
Yeah, it was quite shocking when the Republicans used their control of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency to eliminate social services.
Shit, I’d donate to Republicans if this was actually the case.
medium? After seeing a bunch of programming articles that pop in my feed from medium, i have a new saying “Full of more bad ideas than a medium article”.
Put your gender-neutral 12th trimester fetus in front of the TV with teh entire Captain Planet series on a loop and shut the fuck up.
Walt D
Dispatches from the belly of the beast – Lashed to the wheel of capitalism by the ropes of debt peonage. Striking back by fighting for solidarity.”
Translation: I’m deeply in debt for a completely useless Marxist Grievance Studies degree so I make peanuts throwing temper tantrums online while waiting for Mommy and Daddy and/or Uncle Sam to bail me out of my shitty life choices.
there are no social services, leaving citizens at the mercy of a private entity
In short, it is everything Trump’s Republican Party is pushing on the United States.
If. Only.
Leftists always make Republicans out to be anarchocapitalists but Republicans have never been such. There was a time that they were the big government party. They were and remain the party of mercantilism.
“there are no social services, leaving citizens at the mercy of a private entity”
As far as I know, the canine employees of Paw Patrol, Inc. have not let anyone die on their watch.
The cartoon presents a world where it is common practice for police to track people with surveillance drones.
And that is unique to republicans?
“In 2019, kids’ menus will be seeing a health-friendly change. Milk — or non-diary milk substitutes — and water — sparkling is OK — will be the only options listed for little ones. If your tot wants a Coke or juice to go with their meal, they won’t be barred from getting one (we’re not quite a nanny state).”
Not a nanny state? Yeah, right.
Left from this discussion are the following facts:
Lactose Intolerance By Ethnicity
1. East Asian 90-100%
2. Indigenous (North America) 80-100%
3. Central Asian 80%
4. African American (North America) 75%
5. African (Africa) 70-90%
6. Indian (Southern India) 70%
7. French (Southern France) 65%
8. Ashkenazi Jew (North America) 60-80%
9. Balkans Region 55%
Milk really was a symbol for White Nationalism. Kek.
So there’s a reason why milk is white…
I guess if you’re lactose intolerant you can get soy milk or some shit which is, you know, freaking gross.
3. Central Asian 80%
This one surprises me, as I would’ve thought that all those milk-drinking steppe nomads would’ve had more of an effect on the gene pool.
Or maybe they were so tough they powered through life with lactose intolerance while subsisting on milk and cheese. This is my new head-canon.
“Sure it ties my guts in knots, but we’ve got nothing else.”
Fermented horse milk is not the same as cow milk. The lactose is broken down. Also many of the folk listed historically consumed goat’s milk which for reasons I do not understand (hey I am a lawyer not a chemist) does not trigger the same lactose reaction.
Also many of the folk listed historically consumed goat’s milk which for reasons I do not understand (hey I am a lawyer not a chemist) does not trigger the same lactose reaction.
Count me in the same boat. “Milk = milk” was my simple thinking, but you raise a good point that the type of milk would cause different effects.
I wonder how much of it was fresh, and how much was kefired.
If I were to drink cows milk without taking lactase I’d be in a world of hurt for a few hours.
I can drink a large glass of milk kefir though and be just fine.
““In 2019, kids’ menus will be seeing a health-friendly change. Milk — or non-diary milk substitutes — and water — sparkling is OK — will be the only options listed for little ones. ”
Terrible fucking writing, that is.
Wild prediction: “little ones” still think sparkling water is gross.
Because it is. They’ve taken out all the flavor.
One needs a refined palate to appreciate the taste of carbonic acid.
Michigan Law now has $10,000 fine and jail time for cyber bullying.
Shit posting is now an actual crime. Holy shit the Founders are rolling in their graves.
:Honestly contemplates shitposting every Michigan Legislature who voted for this:
I hope they budgeted for searching all the proxys
They’re going down the British route I see.
There’s a special place in Hell..ena, Montana.
“the message or statement is posted with the intent to communicate a threat…”
The Bill (and this statement) itself is Guilty, it communicates a threat of jail.
from that article comments:
Man… He really hit every demographic.
“the message or statement is posted with the intent to communicate a threat or with knowledge that it will be viewed as a threat.”
Mind reading enshrined in law. Great.
Fuck, if Hillary had won, this might have been upheld by the Supreme Court. That’s (hopefully) one bullet dodged (it’s entirely possible the current Supreme’s will uphold this as well).
cyberbullying that is found to cause a victim’s death
Speech kills I guess.
Is there no real crime in MI? Besides the obvious problems here, isn’t this a threat to hopelessly bog down the court systems? I can see cases being filed by the thousands on FB alone, the very first day. The Great Soccer Mom wars of 2019.
+1 Lori Drew
Netflix pulls Hasan Minhaj episode critical of Saudi Arabia government
Good lord, the Saudis are determining what’s acceptable entertainment fare in the US now?
Yup. Next they want to shutdown little house on the prairie for being too revealing.
It only applies to stuff shown in Saudi Arabia. Not that the scare-mongers want that to be made clear…
That’s what I figured. At least it will be limited to fucking their own people.
I thought national sovereignty was a Good Thing (TM) now.
Netflix rarely finds itself thrust into political debates like other internet giants
I guess that is because they only do business with the right sort of people. From putting Susan Rice on their board or gave Obama a ton of money to produce content, Neflix has shown that they are one of the good guys.
Their content the past few years has definitely drifted very far into the “woke” spectrum and their other offerings are getting crappier. I’m thinking of dropping them.
Do it.
I dropped them about six months ago. Three things: a) Vox has some series that is even dumber than their website, b) the Obama deal and c) finding out Susan Rice was on their board.
Also I realized I was paying $8/mo for something I rarely used.
The last reason is the real reason as to why. I rarely use the service, but my girls use it all the time.
I don’t watch a lot of tv to begin with. I’m more of a Youtube video/podcast type. I’d dump my cable if Ken didn’t watch every sports channel in existence.
“From putting Susan Rice on their board or gave Obama a ton of money to produce content”
You know who the single biggest beneficiary of Net-Nuetrality was? Netflix… is it a coincidence that they gave Obama a bunch of cash…
Don’t visit a Saudi consulate Hasan!
The Phone Call is coming from INSIDE THE CONSULATE!!
M’sian Wives Ask Authorities to Raid Prostitution & Gambling Dens to See If Husbands Are Visiting Them
“Some say their husbands do not return home and ask us to raid the premises to ensure their spouses were not involved in immoral activities. They are persistent and repeatedly ask us to conduct raids. These raids bring relief to many and help curb the proliferation of such premises in the city, ” Hamidi said after their Operasi Mega 3.0 at Jalan Kuchai, Jalan Pudu, Jalan Raja Laut on January 1.
If these wives are that controlling that merely not arriving home when expected makes them call the cops on unsuspecting businesses, no wonder the husbands don’t want to spend time with their wives.
My wife doesn’t care what I’m doing as long as I’m not having fun. It’s easier for her to guarantee that if I’m at home.
In the documentary “Whore’s Glory” they interview a guy who credits his weekly visits to a Thai brothel with saving his marriage. Sounds like the cops shutting these places down are anti-family.
Boiled down: How can I cut him off if there is another source somewhere else.
Hey bitch, you swore to be his – so back that up. If you changed that vow – swearing to be his – then don’t freak out when he sees that vow as broken.
I don’t mean you have to put up with everything and anything – but you have to do more than just shut it down when it isn’t 100% exactly what you were thinking it was supposed to be.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But this is bad news that I have lived for far too long.
“this is bad news that I have lived for far too long”
Sucks man. “To have and to hold” is the sexual vow; man and wife are by no means sexually enslaved to one another, but unless there’s a damn good reason, it should be there if requested. Too many women either don’t take that vow seriously or don’t care about it and when the man steps out they’re shocked and hurt. Sorry lady, you broke the vow first.
Even Christianity, one of the most sexually restrictive religions/philosophies out there, has a command that married people not stop having sex with each other except for brief periods of mutually agreed upon time. It’s important enough that even the religion that venerates chastity recognizes the necessity of it.
Grandpa Gulag strikes again
Bernie Sanders ✔
We must look at climate change as if it were a devastating military attack against the United States and the entire planet. And we must respond accordingly.
By bombing it?
It’s the only way to be sure.
Nuke the Carbon!
By killing the “deniers”, of course. Or at least putting them in camps.
I’m just waiting to see that definition of “denier” starting to become defined a little more broadly.
He’s right. Gaia is trying to kill us, and it’s time we fight back.
Camps for icky people?
Well bombing the rest of the world back into the stone age would probably cut CO2 emissions. (and nuclear winter probably helps too).
Only the enlightened will be allowed to have technology! Panem now! Panem Forever!
People with more than one house have a larger carbon foot print, right Bernie?
Oh, I have to imagine it’s devastating. Maybe then I’ll give a shit.
Which one of his 3 houses did he tweet that from?
He actually has a point about the Sears shit. Paying out bonuses while closing stores and going bankrupt isn’t a good look.
No, actually he doesn’t have a good point about Sears.
As I understand it the bonuses are tied to how well they manage to keep Sears from going completely tits up.
If they can turn things around, they get bonuses, otherwise they don’t.
Blood And Freedom: Read Major Gaurav Arya’s Take On The Telegraph’s Article Slandering Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
Winston Churchill’s signatures on a file ordering the withholding of grain, otherwise meant to feed India’s starving masses, just to feed the white Tommy, is a chilling reminder that when it came to naked self-interest, the British and Hitler were the same. Churchill’s signature cost millions of Indian lives. – I have read stuff on this issue and it never seemed so clear cut.
Same people will say that this is an instance of Capitalistic failure, will also gloss over how it wasn’t Stalins fault that the weather “sucked” in Ukraine.
While I do not doubt a lot of bad shit went down during colonialism, I have seen a lot of historical revisionism among nationalistic less developed countries to constantly blame everything on western Europeans. It is similar to the Romanians who claim ancient Dacians invented everything civilized. I find nationalists in these countries trying to support their nationalism by various such theories because deep down they see a lot in their great nation is shitty
Fixed it for you.
Thank me later.
There is a touch of false equivalency in your correction there.
How so?
Manifestly some countries are more prone to blaming their historical failures on others. India attempting to blame ethnic strife and the caste system on the British, which has been a claim of the BJP, is simple nonsense. I have not heard U.S. nationalists attempt to blame slavery on some foreign devil.
I disagree. Every group has its “foreign devil”. Indeed, I’ve heard some U.S. nationalists defend slavery, at the time, by pointing out it was a common African practice and couldn’t have been conducted without the cooperation and participation of certain tribes selling off their POWs. Then again, this was at TOS, so its probable that my interlocutors were batshit insane. But the point stands.
To be honest, I think it may seem that the 3rd world is more prone to blame their problems on the farang, gringo, or what have you just because we’ve become “noseblind” to the ways the developed world does the same exact thing.
I don’t know that pointing out the “cooperation and participation of certain tribes selling off their POWs” is blaming slavery on foreign devils so much as it is reacting to the lefts claims of special evil in America. At least to me the point is that yes, America has flaws in its history, some severe, but that it is grossly unfair to make the argument that America is worse than other nations because we had slavery when virtually every nation on Earth has a history of slavery.
In other words the fact that every nation has done evil does not mean that all nations are morally equivalent. Isaiah 53:6 means we all fall short of perfection, not that George Washington is the moral equivalent of Stalin.
To be honest, I had Germany, France, etc. more in mind when I wrote that than the U.S., which has been relatively free of romantic nationalism compared to the rest of the world. And what I was trying to communicate is that many nationalists, regardless of origin, tend to fall into such chauvinism to deal with the cognitive dissonance they experience between their patriotism and the flaws they subconsciously recognize in their country but won’t verbalize.
In short, real gangstas don’t flex nuts, because real gangstas know they got ’em.
Fair enough. Listening to Germans ‘discuss’ WWII history is somewhat surreal. The combination of what you are describing and their legal memoryholing of the nazis sort of eliminates any actual discussion of the period.
the cognitive dissonance they experience between their patriotism and the flaws they subconsciously recognize in their country but won’t verbalize
Well put. Here yesterday I admitted my clans killed the shit out of the Choctaw, but I ain’t giving the farm back, and I had to defend that for hours. Either we move forward as best we can from where we are or we re-distribute it all tomorrow and see where that takes us. But pretending that I don’t stand on the shoulders of genocidal colonialists would be insane.
it never seemed so clear cut
Leftists don’t do nuance.
I cannot consider anyone who writes a variation of “Hitler was evil BUT…” to be a serious person.
To compare Churchill to Hitler as if they are somehow morally equivalent is simply assinine.
Hitler was evil but that does not fully convey the enormity of his crimes.
I would have thought the Indians (at least the Sikhs and Hindus) would be grateful that British colonialism halted the worst Holocaust in history.
Winston Churchill’s signatures on a file ordering the withholding of grain, otherwise meant to feed India’s starving masses, just to feed the white Tommy
While that definitely sucked for India, who in their right mind would expect a nation at war not to feed its troops first?
Although the mindset of not prioritizing troops might explain why 90% of the colonial soldiers keeping India in subjugation were Indian – soldiers tend to prefer to fight for the side that will feed them.
Off to see the
extortionistdentist….He needs a new yacht.
Molar mechanic.
I always give mine shit about how every other area of medicine has advanced tremendously and yet he is doing pretty much the same thing as they did a hundred years ago.
I would say there’s arguably been more advancements in dentistry than medicine in the last 50 years at least. Nifty new filling materials and adhesives, Invisalign, bone void filler, implants. Medicine hasn’t advanced in any practical way in my lifetime, to be honest. Probably around 500 new cancer drugs that will drag your body through living fucking hell to squeeze an extra few dozen weeks out of your life. And not much else.
Yeah. I’ve been impressed with my dentist. Still expensive, but then again, the prices aren’t as distorted as the Regular Medical market…
I guess my choppers have been pretty good because I haven’t needed any of those things. (I guess I could use invisalign, but I’ll live with my snaggle teeth).
From seeing the advances in just hip replacements, I’d push back a bit on the idea that the other docs haven’t been doing shit.
I spent so damn long in braces that I read a lot of brochures in the orthodontist’s office.
I hadn’t considered advancements in areas like hip surgery. So I guess it’s not quite as bad as I made it out on the medical front. In terms of cures and treatments for diseases though, it’s been abysmal in a lot of ways. Personalized genetic treatments were supposed to be as common as aspirin by now according to the hype. Instead we haven’t even had any new antibiotics approved in the last 20 years as our current arsenal becomes increasingly useless against evolved pathogens, cancer survival rates have stagnated, and average life span has actually shortened (albeit infinitesimally).
Most internal medicine is like the AR-15 – We’ve wrung pretty much everything out of the platform that can be done without huge, paradigm shifting technology (like personalized medicine, data analytics, etc.) Most internal medicine improvements are by small degrees, not of type.
Surgery and dental technology are not there yet. There are many more advances to be made, just based on what is in the pipeline we will see advances in kind for the rest of m lifetime.
Mental health. lifestyle interventions, etc – that is the real stone-age bullshit. The medical profession is worse at it now than it was 25 years ago (with the exception of the proliferation of cognitive therapies.) The is a lot of data locked up in research, but it is all trapped behind ossified social structures what will have to radically change both in configuration and in world-view before it can be turned into treatment.
So, in short, you are both right.
That is the worst kind of right!
I had a 6-month cleaning & checkup with my dentist this morning. He gives me a discount since I pay out of pocket. My company offers insurance, but the out of pocket rate for two checkups/year, including x-rays, is less than the premiums.
Madonna’s new ass
grrrr *help me o edit fairy*
“she’s been doing her squats”
Ummmm, more like she’s been getting silicone injections, but what do I know?
What, you mean squats don’t give you the conical bra effect in your ass?
No, I’m pretty sure squats make middle aged women’s asses balloon to ridiculous proportions, while leaving all their other leg muscles untouched.
Squats? Is that what they call fix-a-flat these days?
MInnesoda Democrats determined to lose control of house in new election.
We’ve got ourselves a mini-civil war type of thing going on here. There is a clear split between the Twin Cities pols and the out state pols.
The Twin Cities crazies are determined to push through gun control laws in the Minnesoda house. What they don’t seem to understand is that a) they don’t control the Minnesoda Senate, so this is an exercise in futility, b) that most of the DFL members from out state will get killed if they vote for gun control and c) most people will thank doG that the Senate was there to block gun control and vote for more GOPers next time.
“Red flag protective orders: This law would allow police or family members to petition a court to temporarily seize someone’s guns if they are deemed a threat.”
No way I’d get a gun in that case.
Where’s the redress for damages against the judge, cops and person making the accusation when there is no substance to the claim?
You’ll get your guns back when we’re good n’ ready to give them to you.
I’m also excited to see the results when all those rubes out in the sticks have to start paying $$ to get a background check run when Grandpa decides he’s done deer hunting and wants to give it to a grandson.
Or even better when people start getting felonies because they thought that background check was stupid and just gave the gun to their kid anyhow and then some nosy sheriff finds out about it.
You live in Japan, how the hell did you think you were getting a gun in any case?
“The Twin Cities crazies are determined to push through gun control laws in the Minnesoda house. What they don’t seem to understand”
Look at it from the incentives perspective. They won their election, most of their constituents want this stuff, and so what if that fucks over their colleagues in the swing areas?
That narrows it down.
Do you want to see my coin collection? Or my record collection? Or my porn collection?
“Have you ever heard of Amway?”
True story: At my last job, some woman was always trying to sell Amway products to everyone.
She tries her spiel on me. And then I asked her how good are the Amway condoms. Conversation stopped.
And you would have gotten in trouble for Harassment, even though she was the one harassing everyone else.
The correct answer is stamp collection…the weirdos are always about the stamps.
Actually I think weird does narrow the field quite a bit. Most of you bastards haven’t seen weird in anything except the rearview mirror for years and years.
Personally, I’d take weird as a wild bit of hyperbolic praise.
Being an instathot is a long uphill slog. Nevertheless, these ladies persisted.
1, 3, 11, 16, 21, 28, 35, 40, 41, 44.
50, 15 ,24 are my top three woulds.
Literally worse than Hitler.
If true then human carbon emissions should sort themselves out naturally. Trump literally cannot stop winning.
And those low oil prices are killing Venezuela, so there’s that.
Didn’t Chomsky come out and lambast Trump for pulling out of Syria? He used to be somewhat principled in his anti war stance, but that wing of the far left is toast. Fuck off.
Yeah, suddenly my liberal FB friends are deeply concerned about the Syrians.
Apparently Chomsky came out against the Syria troop withdrawal as well. How that squares with the Literally Hitler thing, I don’t know.
I stayed at your house last night?
You started talking about the SLT again didn’t you?
I’m sure his daughter knows the word “asshole”.
These little girls regularly drop f-bombs.
Assholes can be weird too.
I’m not touching that. Literally.
And by stay… mean sneaking in the middle of the night? And then sleeping on the sofa, waking up in the morning to puke on the floor, and then ask for breakfast?
But the glyphs carved on the fence said that it was OK!
I watched The World’s Greatest Sinner last night. It’s no Doctor Strangelove (or The Loved One, for sure), but as an example of a weird mid-60s “cult” movie, it was worth watching.
It’s terrible.
I mean, it’s not even “so bad it’s good”. It’s just flat out awful.
Savage Love: The new, prudish Tumblr is ruining my sex life
If she sends me her email address I could help her out. I’m a pioneer in the community dedicated to female orgasm denial. (I didn’t choose the denial life, the denial life chose me)
I have a feeling it won’t turn out the way you think it will.
I’ve got a feeling that if you can’t find the Pron you are looking for on the interwebs… you are not trying, or incompetent.
You’re into orgasm denial and are complaining about a ban? Just flick your bean as you read the new TOS.
Hearty guffaw
It’s called “Mastodon,” lady.
Jesus, do I have to do everything around here?
Jesus, do I have to do everything around here?
I mean, you are the local subject matter expert on fetishes.
“The new, prudish Tumblr is ruining my sex life”
I’ve got bad news for you, young lady, it’s just prudish all the way down.
I’m a 19-year-old bisexual woman really into orgasm denial and edging. With the recent Tumblr ban on all NSFW content, I have no idea where to indulge my kinks and find my community.
There must be a biker bar in town, or a spot behind the dumpster at a Quik E Mart on the wrong side of the tracks.
It’s like she’s never looked for porn at all, and never heard of FetLife.
Being 19 and female, maybe that’s possible.
I used to work with a very hot young gal who was dumb as a box of rocks. One of the jokes we used to laugh about was whether she understood that drinks in a bar weren’t free. Because I’m sure she never had to buy one in her life.
Free drinks? Maybe she’s not as dumb as one thinks.
I’ve seen some very bright rocks. Admittedly they were only ever green and emitted and eerie lambency. The sick plants and dead animals are totally unrelated.
In high school, we convinced a cheerleader that spam was an animal and that my father had a taxidermied one on his wall.
True Overheard Conversation From High School:
Hot Girl #1: I heard you were going to study in France next year. How can you afford that?
Hot Girl #2: I got some grants and I’ll also do some light house work
Hot Girl #1: Are there a lot of light houses in France?
Hot Girl #1 is not wrong to ask.
really into orgasm denial
That’s my move!
Some good news to start off the year. For the first time in about 2/3rds of an Evan, some works are entering the Public Domain.
Even though I thoroughly support copyright protection for my own work, I don’t see how it should last so long after the creator is gone. The only people benefiting at that point are rent-seekers who should go out and produce something on their own.
That’s the real issue. Even if we should have copyright, it should not last for a damned century. I’d also argue that there needs to be some sort of abandonment to allow works to enter the public domain.
Used to be 28 Years and then you had to Re-copyright. 85% of holders would not do so, and so we could be seeing things from the 1990’s in the public domain.
I thought it was 24 years.
I’m just reading what the Website said.
After some searching I’ve found that my memory was incorrect, it was indeed 28 years.
We really should return to that system. 28+28 means an author could get a good 56 years of profit from a work, so a one hit wonder could still make a living for an entire career but things would still enter the public domain at a reasonable rate.
Yes we have not Copyright, we have not copyright today!
Elizabeth Warren Compares Scrutiny Of Native American Heritage Claim To Obama Birtherism
Having to substantiate your own claims is racist.
Yes the people making fun of the Lilly White Grandma claiming to be Native American on employment forms are the racists.
Streisand Effect
So, the people mocking the false claim of racial identity are the racists?
Release your birth certificate.
This is relevant to do given that one of the two legal qualifications to be president is to be a natural born citizen.
to make Elizabeth the butt of a joke
She did that to herself.
perpetuate harmful stereotypes
Stereotypes are humorous. Lighten up, Francis.
So Hillary was a right winger when she started the birth certificate thing?
It’s Fauxcahontas. Or Lieawatha, please.
Sitting Bullshit was my favorite.
I’m also excited to see the results when all those rubes out in the sticks have to start paying $$ to get a background check run when Grandpa decides he’s done deer hunting and wants to give it to a grandson.
“The transfer was denied. You can’t give a rifle to a 14 year old. No, you can’t have your money back.”
Google Bans Gateway Pundit From News Search
Review Complete: Site Rejected
Thanks for your interest in sharing your content via Google News. Unfortunately, we can’t include your website in Google News at this time.
Before you request inclusion again, review our content policies and technical guidelines. You can also visit the Google News Help Forum, where Google News employees and publishers often share helpful tips and expertise. Members of the forum may provide specific suggestions and feedback for your website.
“Helpful tips”.
You know who is on Google News…
Jalopnik, Vox,…
You can also visit the Google News Help Forum, where Google News employees and publishers often share helpful tips and expertise. Members of the forum may provide specific suggestions and feedback for your website.
Go left, young news man.
I can’t help but notice the google nooz coughs up content from places like Slate and Salon and Vox and Newsweek at about a about ten thousand to one higher frequency rate than any “right wing” sites.
And no matter how much I block those sites they continue to pop up in my Google news feed.
Why are you using a google news feed?
Because as much as I hate the agenda they push, it’s the easiest feed to use, and I’ve still been able to manage it so I get the sites I trust. Unless you have a better alternative.
I just bookmark the sites I trust and visit them individually.
Is RSS still a thing?
It’s still a thing, but it’s not really supported anymore. I used to have a nice RSS feed that scrolled along the bottom of my browser, with new stories highlighted to stand out.
Yeah, I used to have an RSS reader built into my email client, but I rarely used it, and when it disappeared I didn’t even really notice. I figured it might have been deprecated since I almost never see the little icon on any websites anymore. Kind of too bad.
They current design philosophy is assume everyone ditched their real computers in favor of tiny handheld screens with limited data plans. Having something make an http call every five to fifteen minutes eats up data and bandwidth.
If RSS were to ever cease working I have no idea what I’d do.
I don’t exactly have a ton of sites I read or follow, but it would be annoying to have to check each one individually for new content.
Yes, I use it every day. My browser has an add on – you just enter “” and it finds the RSS feed for you.
In 2019, California workers gain on pay and working conditions. Employers say it will be costly
“For workers, “2018 was a stellar year” for protections passed into law, said STEVE SMITH, a spokesman for the California Labor Federation”
Sweet mother of God, he’s worked his way into the union business!
In 2019, California workers gain on pay and working conditions.
Except of course for those workers who will get laid off due to the rising costs this imposes on businesses.
And even if you keep your job, you will be working more to cover for the saps who got canned.
“STEVE SMITH, UNION BOSS” sounds like it has all the makings of a new series…
History’s greatest monster
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called President Donald Trump an “amoral” person and said he’s “the worst President we’ve ever had” in an interview with The New York Times Magazine published Wednesday.
“Trump is an interesting person. He is not immoral but is amoral,” Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said in the interview. “Amoral is when you shoot someone in the head, it doesn’t make a difference. No conscience.”
Reid, who retired in 2017 at the end of his fifth term, told the magazine that Trump “is without question the worst president we’ve ever had.”
“We’ve had some bad ones, and there’s not even a close second to him,” he said, according to the magazine. “He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him,” he added.
“He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him”
Yeah like that time he claimed the Democrats Presidential Candidate hadn’t paid taxes in years…
After 5 terms in Washington, he finally comes across a bad person, and must speak about it publicly.
He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him
This is the same Harry Reid who went into congress as an out of work lawyer and left with a 12 million dollar fortune, right?
Some time, I’d like to her one thing bad about Trump that wasn’t worse about LBJ. Just one.
Trump is from New York.
Is not liking dogs worse than liking them, but then picking them up by the ears?
Does he have doll’s eyes too?
Why are you using a google news feed?
What else is out there which might be better? Yahoo nooz?
Haha, I crack myself up.
I’ve been fixing a banking / computer problem for my mom. This means that I spent time looking at her browsers, etc. Zomg, is the shortest way to put it.
No one needs 37 browser add-on bars.
As a serious recommendation, get Malware Bytes and run it on the machine and make sure it’s clean too.
Second this recommendation. Also make sure the anti-virus software – if any! – is updated.
Thanks for the tips. I also changed her facebook notifications so she’s not getting an email every time someone posts. . .
Texas, Florida see big population gains, while New York, Illinois see big losses, Census Bureau data show
“It’s taxes. It’s corruption. It’s politics,” Mary Miller, a former Illinois resident, told the Chicago Tribune, explaining why she moved to Florida. “And I don’t mean Republicans or Democrats. It’s all of them.”
This comes off as it’s all of them but maybe the Democrats will be different in this red state so I will vote for them here.
She’s got a good point though. All 6 Republicans in Illinois are pretty scummy.
How soon until Florida starts taxing individual income?
I think the media is drastically underestimating the deep resentment of the Uniparty. I see that term used on both left and right-leaning sites.
I don’t know anything about UNESCO, but apparently we quit funding it during the Obama administration.
The good news keeps coming!
Warning — Some might be NSFW and all but 10 appear to be Thicc:
If you only have time for three, try 4, 8, 24
Reid added that he disagrees with former FBI Director James Comey’s frequent comparisons between Trump and a mob boss.
“Organized crime is a business,” he told the magazine, “and they are really good with what they do. But they are better off when things are predictable. In my opinion, they do not do well with chaos. And that’s what we have going with Trump.”
If anybody is qualified to comment on the business practices of mobsters, it’s a former Senator from Nevada.
This is just the easy stuff. Dude is up to his asshole in corruption in this state. As are all of his piece of shit children.
Ask a silly question department : read in a police report today “Officer V asked the suspect why he smokes crack, and he replied ‘It’s what I do.’ “
Why kids can’t read
Jack Silva didn’t know anything about how children learn to read. What he did know is that a lot of students in his district were struggling.
Silva is the chief academic officer for Bethlehem, Pa., public schools. In 2015, only 56 percent of third graders were scoring proficient on the state reading test. That year, he set out to do something about that.
Because the “degreed educators” running the schools are a bunch of incompetent self-serving frauds.
What did I win?
They’re also likely using common core reading which is almost custom designed to cripple a person’s ability to become fully literate.
Common Core gets a worse rap than it really should. A lot of it actually is about achieving actually reasoning/understanding around basic mathematics rather than just rote memorization of an algorithm. Mostly the implementation fucked up. All the memes of the “confused” parents are because all the parents only learned how to go through the algorithm, and never learned why. If you ask most adults today why they have to “borrow” when subtracting, you’d get a blank stare. It never occurred to them to think about why they have to do it, they were just taught as kids that they have to do it that way.
Some people don’t think that way and don’t learn it until after powering through the algo with rote memory. Being able to understand WHY it works that way isn’t as important as being able to do it relatively quickly. For those people who CAN think and understand that way, well, yay for them, but it cripples everybody else.
I have post-graduate level math under my belt and have been helping three kids thru the process. I hate Common Core because it treats all kids the same way. Most kids just need to learn the rote memorization first and then can obtain some level of understanding after they are comfortable with it. Only a small percentage benefit from the theory and can absorb it at the beginning. Common Core attempts to treat them all as able to deal with the theory aspect right from the start.
Nevermind that the materials are just plain shitty with mistakes galore.
I actually agree with you in part. I think learning the Algorithm is important because it eliminates trying to learn two difficult things at once. But its a bit silly that you could ask someone who went through calculus, but they couldn’t explain why you borrow when you subtract. Like i said, i think the goals of Common Core are actually laudable, but the execution is flawed.
I went through calculus. I don’t care why you borrow. I only need to know that it’s how the process works.
I am terrible at following rote. If I understand what is going on, why you borrow, why multiplying exponents is done by adding them, etc. I can work out the rote by reasoning my way through what is happening in the problem, rote only works as long as you remember all the steps.
Correct. But for those of us who rely on rote memory, trying to teach the theory on a very short timeline guarantees we will never get the theory or the right answers to advance to the next section, much less the next grade level.
What I mean to say, is that it is correct for the way you learn, not that it is correct as a teaching tool across the board.
I was not disputing your learning preference, just pointing out that any universal method is going to fail some people. I do tend to think the default should be to explain, then if the child struggles show them the rote steps method; not the reverse where you teach everyone the rote and only explain if the student asks for it because I tend to think you should never default to ‘just do it the way I told you’.
I don’t care why you borrow. I only need to know that it’s how the process works.
I am terrible at following rote.
I do think that the majority of people are in the first category. Ideally, the teacher would teach rote but be able to competently explain theory to the few kids who bothered to ask “why”.
Or we could stop trying to create a one-size-fits-all education system, but in that case I want to try aerial bacon and see if it tastes better than the terrestrial kind.
To add: I also have a degree in English. I don’t need to know the where froms and whys and meanings of how a word is put together, prefixes and suffixes and what they mean and where they come from. I only need to know how to arrange the words to communicate effectively. It’s interesting, but unnecessary.
Important to whom? Well, sure, if the goal of education is to produce Subservient Corporate Cog #3891-Z, then yeah, rote performance of a skill is most important. Some of us, however, believe education should have different goals. We need some John Taylor Gatto up in this bitch.
Important to getting through to the next section and the next grade level on time. Corporate Dronism isn’t going to go away or get looser for people who don’t get it on schedule.
I had to drag both my children through this. One caught on, but only after he’d memorized rotely. The other never did, but she can add and subtract, multiply and divide.
Some of us do. Some of us have to work with what we’ve got, though.
That’s more of an issue of the current hegemony of the Carnegie Unit vs. competency-based education and mastery learning than it is a teaching methodology and outcomes issue. Fortunately, there is growing inertia around CBE, with plenty of opportunities – public and private.
As my first boss’s boss explained to me, “Not everyone is suited for or capable of designing an electronic product, just like not everyone is suited for manually assembling said product, now get the fuck off the assemblers’ bench and let them do their job.”
That is not a judgement of the assembler or designer.
+1 The world needs ditch diggers too!
That’s confusing the issue, though. It’s not a debate about the limits of intelligence, but the nature of the educative process. Even for a manual assembler, you can just tell him to torque something to a particular amount of foot-pounds-force and leave it at that or you can tell him you torque it to the particular amount because if you over-torque it, the gear breaks. The latter produces more resilient and anti-fragile systems, in my experience.
A smart person I know described the goal of education (as opposed to training, for instance) as helping people make sense of the world around them. Knowing that 2 + 2 = 4 is good, but it doesn’t help you when you see 2 + 3. Knowing why 2 + 2 = 4 means that when you see 2 + 3 you know that it equals 5.
Exactly. It’s being able to apply that knowledge to deal with novel situations and contexts when they come up.
I don’t think we disagree that much in reality, my main objections with Common Core have always been its’ lousy implementation and the foolhardy attempt to treat all kids as if they learn in the same manner, which is fundamentally untrue.
I’ve looked at many of the math worksheets and said to myself, “I see what they’re getting at, but holy shit is that a bad way to explain it and it’s confusing the hell out of my kid.”
On this subject I I pretty much am in HMs camp. Understanding is inherently superior to memorization. Yes people have different levels of intelligence and not therefore we each have different limits to our understanding, but to the extent possible the goal should be to give kids understanding rather than memorized knowledge. It lasts longer and has wider application.
The latter produces more resilient and anti-fragile systems, in my experience.
I agree. As somebody who works in a field where the answer is always that we do things certain ways because that’s how we’ve always done them, I could use a bit more thoughtful reflection on the whys from my coworkers.
As you stated, HM, the purpose of education drives the method of education.
I was the opposite, especially regarding math. I’ve always been weak in math, and it’s because I’ve always gotten stuck on needing to know the “why” behind something before I progressed to the next step. “Just do this and you’ll learn why you do it later” was never good enough. I excelled in history, French, and English, because it was easy for me to perceive them as systems and thereby understand what I was learning. Everything made sense, even when there were exceptions to rules. Interestingly, the only math class I ever got an “A” in was geometry; you proved everything from square one so there was never a “just trust me and it’ll make sense later” moment.
Working with Common Core that kids around here get, it seems to be about guessing and trying rather than knowing what you’re doing or why.
I read all the common core criteria in the Math section. It’s just a bunch of goals of what should be achieved by a certain age/grade level.
The teaching materials associated with common core are produced by independent for-profit organizations. This is where the real bullshit appears. The handful of samples that I reviewed were terrible.
^This. Common Core and NGSS got a lot of shit because of the administration they happened under and because people who were against school choice initiatives used implementation of CC or NGSS as an argument in favor of public schools over charter or private schools, and because Obumbles incentivized adoption of CC standards by tying them to federal education grants and so forth.
Neither set of standards impose a particular curriculum, nor do they espouse any particular pedagogy. They are just a set of standards. Now, people who get excited about them tend to also be big fans of constructivist pedagogy, and that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Also, implementations often suck, but that’s not because the standards themselves are flawed.
“Jack Silva didn’t know anything about how children learn to read. What he did know is that a lot of students in his district were struggling.
Silva is the chief academic officer for Bethlehem, Pa., public schools.”
But we definitely can’t leave education to the private sector…
He doesn’t know how children learn to read. He doesn’t know how reading is taught in his school district. Yet he is the chief academic officer. And his director of literacy apparently has to be told to find out how children are being taught to read.
Words just fail.
That district is clearly not spending enough money on schools.
Could it be that they got rid of phonics? So many children never getting the chance to hear the word diphthong.
There is a strong trend to return to reading/riting/rithmatic, including phonics. My kids public school in a not-at-all upscale area spends a lot of time on RRR and very little time on anything else.
The pendulum always swings back.
For more data points, my small Catholic grade school did phonics in grade school, the girlfriend’s public grade school did not. We both graduated high school in the same year. I should ask the nephews if they’re doing phonics at some point.
Got a kid that is halfway through kindergarten and phonics is again a big part of the way they are being taught, though they do still have a list of sight words.
Ohio just passed a law that put cursive writing back on the curriculum.
“Here’s a squiggle with no discernable features. Yes, there are letters in there, we swear it.”
Cursive is slower to write, harder to read and doesn’t have anything in its favor other than being the style to use when you have a fountain pen around.
“harder to read”
I thought that was the point. It covers up peoples horrible spelling.
I literally have a fountain pen on my desk and used it three times already today.
Also, cursive in the curriculum is stupid. Its a nice skill, like saddle making or cookie decorating that maybe belongs in a high-school level arts program.
Ooo, fancy.
I have to bring my own pens if I want any that write. Because theft of working writing utensils is an issue, I don’t bring any valuable pens to work.
Its just a Pilot Metropolitan that takes ink cartridges. It isn’t better in any dimension than the Papermate Liquid Expresso pens I’ve been using for 10 years, But I get a little glimmer of enjoyment out of it for no apparent reason.
Sucks that you have stuff stolen at work. A good pen is like a good razor. Something about the tactile experience of a tool that’s 50% heavier than it strictly needs to be.
Cursive is slower to write…
Huh? I’ve never found this to be the case. I can write a sentence in cursive in about half the time it takes me to print the letters. Your pencil/pen never leaves the page.
I write in a cursive/block letter hybrid – mixed in with my own version of shorthand – that takes the least amount of time. Of course no one else can read it very easily but its great for note taking.
Drawing a horizontal line with a few up or down bumps is not writing out a sentence.
What is this writing bullshit you guys keep talking about?
Now all they need is teachers who are able teach it.
We are homeschooling. I will admit, I was a little uneasy when my wife wanted to do it since she has an information systems degree (I know). But, teaching a kid to read seems to be as simple as taking them to the library and letting them pick out whatever they want to read. My son is pretty fluent as a first grader and it’s because he wanted to read Captain Underpants books.
Spider Robinson tells the story several times of how his mom taught him to read. She would let him pick out comic books that she would read to him, then would stop at the climax (to start dinner, run errands, or some other excuse), leaving him alone with the comic (with words and pictures to help out). For me, it was Sesame Street, Electric Company, and lots of books sitting around the house.
I’ll repeat it ad nauseum: I was taught how to read and do math when I was 3 or 4 by a 9-year old who’s only interest in doing so was so that she could play “bitch teacher” after spending 6 hours earlier in the day having to listen to “bitch teacher”. So the material she used was her 3rd or 4th grade textbooks. We just had fun. When I went to first grade, I finally understood that “bitch teacher” was the norm and not the exception and why my sister hated school so much.
I can not stress this enough. Find what your child likes to read and just keep shoveling those books into the house. What they like will change, if they learn to enjoy reading, they will be reading what they enjoy.
My now 10 year old did not enjoy reading at 7. She was given a lot of what her brother had read before and didn’t read it. We found what she liked and she read it faster than we could get it from the library. Now she doesn’t like to read the same sort of genre, but is on to having 3 or 4 chapter books on her plate at once.
I taught 2 of my nieces to read before they went to school, and one of my nephews got the basics before school. I have no idea how the school teaches the other kids. I just know school taught me to hate reading.
High school English turned me off of reading anything other than Dragonlance an REH for a half a decade. Before that, I was reading all kinds of shit, and it wasn’t till I was out in the real world for a while that I started reading like what you see in my posts in the What Have We Been Reading columns.
My reaction to high school english was to start writing so I could have something entertaining to read.
I am finally getting around to reading Gruefield 18, so far I am enjoying it.
I’m glad.
Having school teach your children reading is an excellent way to ensure they never perform above the curve.
Reading was something that I loved from a young age. If it weren’t for primary school doing its darndest to beat that love out of me, I’d pay have a better appreciation for the classics. I think that a love of reading is the single biggest leg up in life you can give a kid.
We’re working hard with the 1.5 year old to inculcate a love of reading. Her attention span is about 3 seconds, so it comes in spurts, but we are starting to see fruits of the effort. She will occasionally get in a reading mood and want us to read 2 or 3 books in a row to her.
Since about age 2 we’ve read to our kid about every night. The more you do it, the more they seem to want it.
Ours is almost 6 and capable of reading the little kid books by herself, but she still wants someone to read to her before bed.
We’ve graduated to novels now at least (thankfully). About halfway through the Hobbit currently.
Silva didn’t know what to do. To begin with, he didn’t know how students in his district were being taught to read. So, he assigned his new director of literacy, Kim Harper, to find out.
Cleanse it the old fashioned way. With fire.
But that’s with a chief academic officer. Imagine how much worse it’d be without him.
We’d have a bunch of children spending the day learning what they want to learn and having independent thought. The horror!
Complete crapshoot on this question, but I figure there’s some smart fellers in here so I’ll ask you all. Anyone familiar the Bavarian army ranking from WWI? I’m reading though copies of handwritten personnel sheets and I came across an abbreviated rank I am not familiar with. The abreviated word appears to be “Trinb.” Whoever wrote it did so in a hybrid Kurrent/Sütterlin format. I know it’s a random question, but I’m exhausting all my resources.
No luck with my search. You may want to try here?
or any other military history website, a further search shows that one is a little inactive.
Could it be “Trieb.”? Sütterlin “e” looks a lot like “n”. “Trieb” is a word that can mean “impulse” or “transmission”…
Try here. The closest I see is Trompeter
I had the same question: some trends survive, but prewar (WW2) writing in DE isn’t obvious to some American eyes. If the image can be pasted up somewhere, I could take a look.
I would go further and posit that Sütterlin is completely illegible to almost all Americans (and probably Germans under the age of 65 or so too).
Fuck. I thought 16th century German was bad.
Apparently you can write a squiggle and call it German.
You said it better. I’ve written so many severe things here lately that I had dialed that one back.
When beginning in technical Deutsch, I had a lot to learn, and a certain bit of this did influence my lettering; I always cross sevens and tail back nines, but I only use a two-stroke eins for German eyes. I heard of a German plan to eliminate Arabic numerals, but no details were forthcoming!
Fraktur is cool.
Could be a specialist job title.
teaching a kid to read seems to be as simple as taking them to the library and letting them pick out whatever they want to read.
Reading that NPR article makes it sound like the educrats set out with the specific goal of designing a curriculum which would prevent children from ever learning how to read.
Its a freakin’ snowpocalypse in my front yard this morning.
That’s more snow than I’ve seen here in Cleveland this year.
/Nelson laugh
Its odd, living near the mountains in southern AZ. We see snow on the mountains every year, and the weather forecasts include a prediction about what altitude will see snow (“it will snow down to 4,000 feet tonight”, that kind of thing). This is the first time in four years it has snowed at my house, but by the time I got halfway to work, there was no snow at all. We live right on the edge of town (literally – I can walk to the national park in 15 minutes). The ground is warm enough that its not really sticking much, but I would say we got 3″ at my house.
We’ve had one real snow fall that stuck this year, but it was also right at 32 degrees. So the snow stuck on the grass, and on the trees, and houses, but did not stick on the sidewalks or the streets. Best snow possible, then it all melted and it went back to raining over Christmas.
Today we’re in the mid-30’s with fog and clouds. Still no snow on the 10 day forecast.
I can’t remember seeing even a flake of snow yet this winter.
I survived the blizzard of ’85.
I arrived in Phoenix in Aug ’85. That fall they had the first recorded “measurable” snow fall at the airport in 50 years or so.
The “I survived” T-shirts were on the market a few days later.
So far this is some of the least snow I’ve seen in Michigan, but it happens once in a while. I’m sure January and February (and March) will be payback time for all us dimwitted folks living in the Mitten State.
2010/11 had less snow. It was colder in Dallas for the Superbowl than it was here. I just don’t want another April like last year, that was bullshit.
White nationalist Cleveland Clinic resident fired after threatening to “give all the Jews the wrong meds” and comparing Jews to dogs.
Kinda weird for a Muslim woman to take on the mantle of white supremacy, but that’s just how dangerous it is.
This individual was employed as a supervised resident at our hospital from July to September 2018.
Hard to know, but that could have just been a standard clinical rotation, so she wasn’t “fired” at all. Doesn’t say where she is now. For a resident to get actually fired could mean loss of her doctor “learner’s permit” (residents aren’t actually fully licensed, at least not in all states, and instead have a permit or similar to do residency work under supervision) and/or getting kicked out of the residency program altogether (it varies).
Yep, I misread. Is it appropriate to refer to a resident as a doctor?
Yeah, you can call them doctor.
They are a doctor, yes.
What are you, some kinda hospital lawyer?
I once had a doctor who got her medical degree from a school in Pakistan (which was also her nationality). That made me feel a little uneasy, even though my current doctor is also a Muslim but with better bedside manners; and easier on the eyes.
I found this little tidbit in a WaPo tearjerker about teh Shutdownz:
The Kennedy Center and Ford’s Theatre operate in a gray area: Neither uses federal funds for performances, so those will go on as scheduled, but the Kennedy Center’s hours are slashed, because the government pays for essential services, such as cleaning and security, and the National Park Service-run museum at Ford’s Theatre is closed.
Ford’s Theater, site of the assassination of an American President is still open and operating?
In these new and enlightened times, when something bad happens, the site is razed, and every effort is made to erase it from living memory.
Unless, of course, Trump were to be bumped off prior to the expiration of his term. The site of his demise would likely be turned into a shrine to freedom and enlightened bravery.
The Kennedy Center is just an arena for Democratic circle jerks anyway. Let the DNC pay for it.
Ford’s Theater is indeed still operating: I’ve even seen a play there when I visited relatives in the DC area. The booth where Lincoln was killed is preserved and roped off, with a picture of him (in fine health) hanging there, but other than that the theater has moved on. I agree with you that this whole movement to destroy or memorialize an entire site of a tragedy is a bad trend. Very superstitious, IMO.
Trudeau’s environmental record on the line in Canada election year
“The good news for the prime minister is that when you ask Canadians who they think would make the best prime minister, he still has a comfortable advantage over Conservative leader Andrew Scheer,” said Nik Nanos, a Canadian pollster. “The bad news is that leading up to the next federal election right now, it’s basically a coin toss between the Liberals and Conservatives.”
Canadians have shown an increasing concern for the environment, but in a country largely dependent on resource extraction, the results are often messy.
Pretty much.
Scheer is far more better suited to lead. But he’s basically a RINO. Trudeau doesn’t lead, he emotes and dictates.
Maxime Bernier for me.
Not only is the debate about pipelines pointless given it’s key to our economy; it’s immoral to deny it because so many jobs depend on it.
I’ll take it a step further in describing the Canadian mindset.
Our resources – to extract, refine, manufacture equipment – mostly began with British capital and then American. Canada didn’t invest in itself referring to off load that responsibility to others.
Colonials to the end.
Rufus I sometimes get a feeling you are not fully satisfied at the state of Canadian politics, although I may be wrong.
Not with the Trudeau liberals I’m not. Correct. Culturally is for another discussion.
But on a wider scope, Canada pretending it doesn’t need pipelines is a pipe dream of stupidity.
It’s important to this country and I’m afraid too many politicians play politics with this to court the enviro-vote.
I’m actually working today, but swung by because I believe you will enjoy this:
New Bar in [Town]
Using Sriracha in the article is a mistake I think. It is no longer that hip. It has appeared in supermarkets in Romania.
Not bad, I’m going there after work.
I was getting a little worried about Africa, due to the recent goings on in South Africa. But appears they have found their salvation. Alternative math.
Woke Math
Hey, I’m pretty sure Paul Krugman uses this, and he has a prize.
due to the recent goings on in South Africa – I can never tell what to believe about that place
Does Woke Math let me call down lightning on my adversaries?
No, but it lets you believe there are people who can.
As a practitioner, if I say it does, you best believe me to avoid some smiting.
Part of the first “Woke” Engineered Lunar Lander?
“Decolonized math”
Note to self: Do not hire any freshly graduated South African engineers (or anything really, math is kinda important).
Democrats should be all over this. I’m pretty sure I can pay for all the free stuff we want with some decolonized math.
So at DePaul probably around 8 years ago, there was a group of black students who protested that forcing commerce students to take Business Calc 1&2 and Business Stats was discriminatory because a lot of black students (their words) weren’t taught mathematics in high school and therefore were shut out of the commerce program. They wanted the School of Commerce to make the requirements optional for students.
Luckily when the alum and members of the Board of Trustees caught wind of this they in a rare move shut that shit down immediately. Even the students were pissed (including myself ) because we had to take those classes and for others to get a pass was bullshit and unfair.
Social justice especially among black activist groups aren’t for justice or equality whatsoever. What they want are exceptions and the lowering of standards because they have been convinced that they can’t complete on the same level as whites.
The math teachers I had in HS were terrible, my white ass had to go remedial in college.
Mine were too but I would have rather eaten a can of SPAM and washed it down with two shots of Malort before asking the school to drop the math courses. I hated Math but knew that I needed to have the discipline to study extra since it wasn’t my strongest subject.
I romania private tutoring is the norm for all who can afford it
“and therefore were shut out of the commerce program. ”
I’m pretty sure DePaul knows exactly what the typical CPS high school course offerings are, after all it’s mostly a commuter school. DePaul offered pre-calc courses when I went. So if your chosen major/program required something and you weren’t up to snuff, you could use an elective to get up to snuff.
Also, that’s what junior college is for.
I am a HUGE believer in junior college.
Me too. If I could do it all over again, I would have went to one of junior colleges in the area.
It’s amazing how high school guidance counselors poo-poo junior college. Must affect their compensation/resume.
Nothing that rational. It’s purely prejudice/culture. My step-dad was an admission rep. for a large trades school. The guidance counselors were the gatekeepers to the school. Regardless of having a 97% job placement rate, with the average graduate making 70-75,000 in his first year, you’d be surprised at the barriers many guidance counselors placed in front of my step-dad getting in to the schools to educate students about this option.
Some of it is (recent) history. In some states, Jucos became the destination for those whose SATs didn’t hit the minimum for entrance to a 4-year school. But now a lot of states require admission to the 4-year state school for anyone with a HS diploma. So, I doubt there’s much difference between the students in an intro class in either place.
Nonetheless, the idea persists that Juco is where weaker students go.
Sounds like something a significant annual donation to the school would have fixed.
I think that’s illegal for the same reason my step-dad couldn’t earn commission per student enrolled.
What, you don’t know how to properly embribe an employee of the district?
“Nonetheless, the idea persists that Juco is where weaker students go.”
I wonder if that’s starting to change. The step-kid was in music and theater programs in high school and every spring the final performance pamphlets listed the seniors and their future plans. So I saw these things for four years and the last year there seemed to be an unusually large number of students listing JC as their next stop. And this is a middle-to-upper-middle community so I think sticker shock is starting to affect the smarter kids/parents into looking at JC as an option. There doesn’t seem to ever be an issue with JC credits transferring. Where you start doesn’t matter as much as where you end.
“I think that’s illegal ”
Not at my high school. They used to have trade tracks and I’m certain most of the tools and whatnot were donated rather than purchased by the district. The school ended those tracks when the union realized there were too many people going into the trades and suppressing wages. The rural area my mom lives in still does it that way at the high school but there’s no danger of getting too many tradesmen there.
Invisible finger: I think you’re correct. In the state where I teach, the Jucos offer many of the same courses as we do and we’re required to transfer the credits (think intro courses like US History & World Civ.). The pricing is a huge factor in choosing Jucos. And, with the glut of History PhDs, the instructors at the Jucos often have the same training as those who teach at 4-year schools.
That was what they did for me. I didn’t bomb the math entrance exam but wasn’t stellar so they made me take a remedial course before I was able to take Pre-Calc.
The students’ first mistake was agreeing to take the racist entrance exam.
Nobody told me there were entrance exams, so they made me take remedial English. The prof apologized by the end of the semester, and when I transferred it changed to English 101 (not sure how or why)
I made it as far as “racist legacy” [agreed] “means unequal outcomes today” [logic fail] – and bailed. It just means they will do everything to ensure “equal outcomes” at the expense of anything that will actually work.
Over-application of postmodernism. It takes a special kind of stupid to say that since there are some things we can never know the truth of exactly, there are no things we can ever know to be fundamentally true.
Look, I’ll be down with anyone who’s culture has a math system that models the real world better than the current one. I’ll switch in a minute to one that has the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter end up in a whole number with no call for some fancy greek symbol.
I don’t think they are as woke as they could be after reading that.
Black marker on blackboard = A’s for everyone!
But appears they have found their salvation. Alternative math.
It’s amazing to me that so many developing nations decide to try for an alternative way instead of determining to beat the first world at their own game. Japan should be a great example for them to follow, but so few do. Japan was a backwater, was bitch-slapped by the westerners, then instead of turning inwards decided to westernize like crazy (while maintaining the core of their own culture) and became a powerhouse. Others can do it, too.
But, but, that takes WORK!
YouTube set up a playlist for me, and I was irritated it didn’t include this (Cracker – Low)
Whatever. They had The Donnas, so I can forgive a lot of sins.
A question to the Vapers, how do you carry around your mod? Damn thing is too heavy to just toss in a pocket like a pack of cigs.
Give it to your pack orphan to haul around?
Roll it up in your shirtsleeve.
For my VV/VW box I just throw it in a pocket.
But then, I wear cargo pants most of the time anyways and there are plenty of big pockets.
Inside jacket pocket in winter.
Just get yourself a nice pod vape and some nicotine salts. Way smaller devices (think Juul-sized).
I use a Suorin Air, that has worked great for me. No bulky box mods to lug around.
My mod (without the tank) is smaller than than a package of cigarettes. Without the battery, it weighs less than than a package of cigarettes. Anyway, even with a 2 mL tank and a battery, it’s small and light enough to easily fit in a pocket. Just make sure you lock the fire button so it doesn’t go on accidentally.
Louis CK’s new full set..
glad he’s back. maybe he can save the state of comedy.
5 minutes in and i found something that can be interpreted as racist
around 23m he’s eviscerating the pronoun police and teen activists.
So, the question is ‘How long before he’s apologizing like a quivering blob of jelly before the high inquisition of the PC?’. That’s the only question I have.
I think he is past that. Which I respect.
I hope so. We could definitely use a few more of those.
His homily on big black cocks is pretty woke.
Louis C.K.’s Parkland joke is what happens when comedy fails
Ricky Gervais is one of several comedians who have commented on the Louis C.K. leak (he didn’t name him, but it seems safe to assume the reference), tweeting: “Please stop saying ‘You can’t joke about anything anymore.’ You can. You can joke about whatever the **** you like. And some people won’t like it and they will tell you they don’t like it. And then it’s up to you whether you give a **** or not. And so on. It’s a good system.”
It’s not that good a system, though. The problem with the argument that you can joke about what you like as long as you’re cool with people’s reactions is that it’s not a system that would realistically sustain itself if everyone took advantage of it, because barely anyone would actually keep their cool. It also just assumes a level of entitlement and disregard for the feelings of others which — mostly — is the station of wealthy men for whom processing constructive criticism is almost always too much effort.
I am convinced. We need a panel of SJWs to decide for us what is funny
I believe MI has this situation covered. He puts his hate speech online. Some maladjusted snowflake hears it and offs himself. C.K. winds up in court on murder charges. This shitshow is just getting warmed up.
Michigan – cyberbully laws, I assume
I was thinking Mobile Infantry
Michigan (postal abbreviation)
I generally know the abbreviations od US states but for some reason did not reaize this is what this was about
Yeah, MI just decided to experiment with their very own version of UK style hate speech law. Because god knows we need more school children with criminal records.
i thought you had a bit in your constitution against that
You forget about the FYTW clause. It takes precedent over all the others.
Precedence over, damnit.
Too much derp in that quote to process.
I’d love to hear Louis but Nitrous Oxide, Jr. is getting annoying.
So at DePaul probably around 8 years ago, there was a group of black students who protested that forcing commerce students to take Business Calc 1&2 and Business Stats was discriminatory because a lot of black students (their words) weren’t taught mathematics in high school and therefore were shut out of the commerce program.
Were they actively prohibited from taking some sort of remedial course(s) to get up to speed for the required business math? Because that would be discriminatory.
Nope. From what I remember, if you didn’t do so hot on the math entrance exam, they required to take remedial courses. The Black Student Union knew this of course but wanted something to bitch about and didn’t want to abide by the same standards.
I’m old enough to remember when Mitt Romney was an “arch-conservative” who was going to put women and minorities in chains.
And put dogs in cages on top of every car.
That was when he was running for President against the anointed one. He said some racist math stuff, like 47%.
He put women in binders!
Cities in Dust.No connection to modern America, obviously
Don’t forget the pony
These House Democrats will have an even bigger bullhorn in Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent and champion of Medicare-for-all. Sanders’ plan calls for creating a health insurance program that would be run by the federal government and would cover all Americans, supplanting today’s job-based policies that cover roughly half the nation. The effort, which would roll out over four years, would cover all medical care, as well as dental and vision with no premiums and few out-of-pocket expenses. The bill Sanders released in 2017 called for consumers to pay up to $250 for prescription drugs.
Sanders acknowledges his plan would be pricey — in the trillions of dollars range — and involve raising taxes on businesses and people. But he says Americans would still come out ahead because they would no longer have to pay premiums, deductibles or co-pays.
Sounds legit.
>> in the trillions of dollars range
well at least he is honest.
and I’m sure there will be plenty of people who won’t mind the extra taxes, provided it is less* than the premiums, deductibles and co-pays.
*hello, NHS!
FFS, several lefty states have already trial-ballooned this nonsense and even they paled at the numbers. This isn’t going anywhere nationally either.
How many people do you know who pay 25-30% of their income in insurance premiums? None? Yeah, me too. I’m telling you, all we need to make this work is some post-colonial math.
Last time I checked monthly healthcare *premiums (via the Michigan State Bar) for my family would almost be equivalent to my mortgage payment, so roughly 25% of my current income. That’s not something I can afford if I left my job to start a business or something like that. Frankly it sucks. And I know a NHS-style system would also suck, but I could see it’s selling points to a misinformed public.
*maybe these are higher than I think?
For my wife and I, from private employer, I think it’s around 10%. I need to look, but that should be pretty close.
Oops, I was way off. It’s around 6%.
Oh I agree with you – only pay a small amount of my income currently for insurance; because the rest is being paid by the company. If I self-insured, it would be a lot more.
Ah yes, the European model. You pay an extra 30% of your gross pay in taxes so that you can get “free” healthcare. Never mind that your premiums used to only be 10% of your gross. But health care is free!
I used to have that argument all the time with the Germans I worked for. They would always crow about how their health care was free, but refuse to acknowledge that they were having way more taken out of their pay than it would have cost to simply buy their insurance on their own.
And it drives me nuts that to get rid of Obamacare you have to come up with a totally new plan. Couldn’t you just get rid of everything and let people figure out what works for them? Or at the very least make the tax benefits that currently are employer based, be individual based?
Silly Jimbo, that was never the objective.
“so that you can get “free” healthcare”
IF you can get it. Remember you are a number and that number represents costs and we must control costs. Too young? Die. Too old? Die. Too expensive? Die.
Report to the oven room?
Most of the Germans were OK with that. You could say it is in their national DNA.
You have to wonder if every country in the EU had a program where you report to the oven room on your 40th birthday, if CNN would be saying ‘Every civilized country has common sense over room control!’.
“The new Logan Act has raised the age to Thirty.”
Fun fact: in the book it was 21.
Incrementalism. It’s as if you don’t even tyranny.
all medical care
Buzzwords destroy meaning; tropes take over and no understanding is possible; that’s what I try struggle to explain to my CommieMommie. “Medical care” isn’t a thing unless by that you mean a market of various services that buyers select from (who often have interesting financial programs that deliver cashflow when the buyer suddenly needs the service). There’s no “system;” there’s just a fight and no agreement that equates the necessity and guarantees the distribution of both pre-school inoculations and knee replacements for 95-year-olds; the utility of those services is a judgment call, an economic elasticity curve, not a right.
When we start talking about things in economic terms, we will stop lying to ourselves and the facts often reveal themselves; this stuff is obvious, so easy:
1/ “You can keep your doctor.” No you can’t, and you never did: fucking BSBC kicked your favorite doc off the plan three years ago and will do it again next year. Been asleep twenty years?
2/ “Death panels!” Of course there are death panels; again, there always were. You buy a Chevy policy and get a Cadillac disease = Prudential killed me. Happens every day and twice on Saturday.
This isn’t politics: it’s money. The government will turn your healthcare, at best, into D-Day: basically, if there’s a break in the weather, get the job done at incredible expense with corpses all over the place, and if you get assigned to attack that pillbox (pardon the pun) up the bluff, well buddy, it’s been nice knowing you and I’ll take real good care of your sister. Then comes ACA and all the screaming:
3/ “I can’t afford to have or even use ObamaCare!” You never could afford shit, you nobody. Healthcare as described by our economy today is one sixth of income! Did you think adding a bureaucracy would lower that fraction!?1? And if you make less than the average household income, it is an even bigger bite for you. We’re talking $7k out of $42k for easy math . . . per person! If you could’t write that check before Obama, you still can’t, so you better get a job where the real and total cost of your neighbor’s cancer radiation and your other neighbor’s heroic-end-of-life-procedure is diluted and subsidized beyond your ability to even see or feel it.
Until people start talking about healthcare in realistic economic terms without government interference (not that that really exists), they’re not remotely ready to discuss nanny-state healthcare.
Of course there are death panels; again, there always were. You buy a Chevy policy and get a Cadillac disease = Prudential killed me. Happens every day and twice on Saturday.
Actually, I’ve never seen this happen. Not once. I have never seen an insurer refuse to pay for care on the basis of its futility (“medical necessity” is the closest you’ll get, and that’s mostly about the order of treatment options and speed of escalation). For a serious condition, the only real limiting factor in your health insurance isn’t going to be the condition itself, its going to be the cap on total benefits.
There are for-profits and non-profits who will refuse transfers if there isn’t a payor in view, but that’s not Prudential killing you. That’s health care providers declining to lose significant sums of money on you.
we generally agree, and I know you know your business
and I’m not gunning for hospitals, insurance, or even Obama, and I’m not endorsing nor refuting public health programs
I just want to talk about economics in economic terms instead of the FoxNews hysteria, and I used some street language
I didn’t mean real death panels re futility; I was using a shortcut and putting the Glib in Glibdotcom. I rather meant cap on total benefits; you put it better that way … and that’s where we agree entirely: if you burn through most of your lifetime coverage on your first bout of cancer, you’ve got a good shot of busting the policy on the recurrence. That’s all I mean, and this scenario definitely happens every day somewhere. The point of the policy (to me) is to weather huge bills; if my bill is one day in ICU too long, that could be very bad for someone with no reserves or friends.
And lots of “healthcare” is or isn’t covered here or there, but people refuse to view it as a market with utility questions. Spectacles are seldom covered, which makes perfect sense. But cochlear implants for a senior are not covered in any way anywhere that I know of, but many, many seniors think that should be in the bucket; for them, if it ain’t covered it’s like buying a new car with a donut spare (or no spare!): not what I had in mind.
I was letting the Gov have her poetic license; I’m not a fan of hers at all, but I am simply annoyed that healthcare isn’t discussed in terms of money and markets.
businesses andpeopleBusinesses don’t pay taxes. They transfer that cost to the consumer.
Also, that’s what junior college is for.
To teach the stuff they used to teach in high school?
Of course, high school is there to teach the stuff they used to teach in 7th and 8th grade.
“Currently, only businesses with 50 or more employees are required to provide a sexual harassment training course. By Jan. 1, 2020, businesses with five or more employees will need to do the same. ”
Why would one train employees to sexually harass people?
Let me mansplain that for you Slippery Tits….
No talent family members and friends of crony politicians need jobs also.
Why do you want the hotties at small companies to go without their due share of male attention?
As a business owner who is happily under the 50 employee federal limit right now…
the secretary or the HR lady?
I don’t have either.
Well, good on you for avoiding the HR scam.
But what kind of shitlord doesn’t have a secretary to harass?
The kind that has a personal assistant.
Maybe he’s gay.
Are you saying all secretaries are automatically women?
I merely implied.
“Now the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control can issue licenses for cemeteries to sell booze if they’re over 100 years old and designated monuments by the city of Los Angeles, among other criteria (AB 1217).”
“Can you make a carve out for my business?”
“Hrmm, that’s a tough one… we’ve got to put in a lot of conditions no one else can meet”
But what about the sexual harassment of the corpses? Do necrophiliacs really need the liquid courage?
Dead drunk =/= consent!
How many more sexual harassment training sessions do we have to mandate for you shitlords?
several lefty states have already trial-ballooned this nonsense and even they paled at the numbers.
Vermont came up with a number in the trillions, as I recall. A small state with a comparatively healthy population. Just imagine what it would cost in Illinois.
They tried it in Cali too. Didn’t make it to a vote after they had to tell the tax payers they’re getting a 30% tax hike.
Maybe it was the shitty cars?
GM’s decline truly began with its quest to turn people into machines
This is the place on the “U” where Trumpism and Progressivism meet.
The University of Michigan Has At Least 82 Full-Time Diversity Officers at a Total Annual Payroll Cost of $10.6M. That Would Support Full In-State Tuition for 708 Students.
Dumb people need jobs too. What are you going to do with them? Make them cops? *shudder*
Dry January? This is the worst time to give up booze
This 30-days-hate for every sinful behavior that the nanny-state disapproves of is really starting to grind my gears.
There’s no worst time to give up booze. There’s also no best time.
Apropos of nothing:
Damn, I used to HATE HATE HATE The Smiths. Then, the last time I used LSD (about 25 years ago) someone put on How Soon Is Now. I really have to say, that song is as good or better than Floyd when you’re tripping.
How Soon Is Now.
I love the Smiths but got really, really sick of that particular song.
I wont recommend my personal method of getting to like it. But if you happen to be tripping…
Circa 1990 They Might Be Giants was my go-to back in the day. I already liked it, but it got way better.
I’ll always love Ana Ng. Matter of fact….YouTube…