Hey guys, how’s life? I assume many of us are back to work. We had a great time on NYE, but my wife had too good a time, so she took her first parenting sick day of 2019 yesterday. But it got her at least one day of not drinking closer to a dry January goal. How are your resolutions coming?
Goddam, Florida Man will shoot you and your dogs. If they were chihuahuas, they deserved it.
He also believes in “celebratory gunfire”. Shooting a dead bad guy again is acceptable celebratory gunfire, negligently discharging your firearm into the air is stupid and dangerous.
Scientists “find” dark matter by… assuming it exists and mapping galaxy rotation. Uh, no. You found that gravity was consistent, and that Newtonian-Einstein gravity still can’t be explained on a cosmic scale without the assumed, unobservable mass.
Harry Reid is dying. Quit filibustering, Harry. Godspeed.
My new year’s resolution.
Fuck you Harry, you corrupt piece of shit.
In unrelated nooze — Harry Reid is a moral and has no conscience.
“amoral” not “a moral” like ‘the Tortoise and the Whore House Lawyer‘.
Seriously. Why project?
Die in peace already.
Well, bye………
Pro-tip — if you’re gonna celebratory fire, shoot straight up.
You increase the likelihood of hitting yourself, and the bullet destabilizes, decreasing its lethality.
Or just don’t. Just go buy some damned illegal fireworks and set them off.
In the eternal battle of tits vs. ass, we’re all winners.
1, 3, 5… since the tits are the odd numbers, you get the idea who I’m picking.
Odd number of tits? Are you posting mastectomies, now?
Do you even Rule 34 bro?
I’m sorry, did you take that as a complaint?
Relevant: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2966012/Three-breasted-woman-lying-evidence-thermal-camera-shows-breast-no-blood-circulating-footage-shows-final-demolition-claims.html
Get you-uh ess to Mahhhz!
53, 70, 73.
You are a man amongst men.
“Harry Reid is dying.”
As I’ve stated more than once here before, I’m not a religious person. But there’s something in me that just tells me that spending my last breaths criticizing another human being, is just somewhere I am not going.
He knows where he’s headed, he wants to be Satan’s court jester
I was thinking consigliere…
I’ll spend Harry’s last moments criticizing him, as I think most of us did with John McCain.
Different. I’ll spend, did, McCains’s last breaths’s criticizing him. But I’m not wasting mine.
Me during last breaths is something like this:
‘OK, God, you there big guy? Hey, I never said I don’t believe in you, I said I’m agnostic. You know, what about that stuff you said about letting us reason together? Well, here I am. Can you just appear or something? What about 27 virgins, can I get some of that? OK, they don’t even have to be virgins. Can I get some beer up there?
spending my last breaths criticizing another human being, is just somewhere I am not going.
Yeah, it strikes me as incredibly petty. I mean, if you’re dying, worry about your own moral house being in order. Trashing people, even “the enemy”, doesn’t do much to improve your esteem, even among your nominal friends.
Yeah, isn’t that weird? What kind of a person, knowing they’re going to die soon, spends even a second of that time criticizing their political foes? Hell, criticizing anyone? I find that sort of thing very telling about a person’s character.
Seriously. There’s much better things to do in your dying days
I for one am glad Harry is doing his part to help Trump’s reelection chances before Reid bites the dust.
But there’s something in me that just tells me that spending my last breaths criticizing another human being, is just somewhere I am not going.
Going out in a blaze of insults – who has the heart to tell Mr. Reid that this is the Trumpiest way to die? In death, he has become what he hated most. Requiescat in pace.
Meh, he gave one interview where I’d wager the interviewer brought up the subject, he answered honestly, a couple of sentences. You all acting like he’s spent the entirety of his death bedding time bashing Trump may want to breathe into a paper bag for a while.
I think it plays right into people’s presuppositions about Reid, mainly that he is a power grubbing asshole with no tact and even less perspective.
Frankly, I try not to waste too many cycles worrying about what Harry Reid thinks about… well, anything. If he wants to score political points as he wastes away, it has exactly zero impact on my life beyond the headlines that trickle into this site.
RE: Harry Reid.
While, outside of extraordinary circumstances, I’m opposed to taking pleasure in another’s death, I will just say that I trust in G-d’s choice to end him in probably the most painful way possible.
If only we could find a way to make lawmakers live by the laws they vote for, maybe things would improve.
And that would be how?
Pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic cancer? Hmmm, not good. 60 days? Has there been a lottery established? I’m not being crass or insensitive but pancreatic cancer is fast, painful and fatal.
He was diagnosed with the problem in November, my prediction is January 25th. Hopefully he has access to opioids.
Meh….Mama Tres succumbed to pancreatic, and she was diagnosed mid-Stage III. She lasted 15 months.
I hope he doesn’t. The drug warriors deserve to die horribly painful deaths without access to opioids as an example of the evil they’ve inflicted on everybody else.
Speaking of the bond market
Some of the most accurate gauges of economic health are pricing in lower Fed rates for the first time in more than a decade.
The little-known near-term forward spread, which reflects the difference between the forward rate implied by Treasury bills six quarters from now and the current three-month yield, fell into negative territory on Wednesday for the first time since March 2008. Two-year yields dipped below those on one-year paper in December.
“This is a crystal ball, it’s telling you about the future and what the market thinks of the Fed and what it will do with its policy rate,” Tony Crescenzi, market strategist and portfolio manager at Pimco, said in an interview with Bloomberg TV. “The market is predicting a rate cut at the beginning part of next year.”
Stuff like that first sentence irks the shit out of me. We seem to have a little confusion regarding causes and effects, here. Bond prices based on speculation about what the Fed might do in the future are subject to revision.
Also, I don’t think we’re going to solve the problems caused by low interest rates by lowering interest rates.
What about even lower lowered interest rates after lower the interest rates?
Negative interest rates for the win! Stop fooling around !
Tony should be fired for that kind of talk. Seriously, “crystal ball”? Should I get a Ouija board for my next investment advice?
What about some post colonialism portfolio management? Your investment adviser will just dance around with a dead chicken and pick your investments?
This is the proverbial ricak and a hard place for the Fed.
Which is the phrase my 2.5 year old has learned from me.
He learned “Oh shit” from my wife
Fire over the water, so you’re only going to kill fish.
Here you go… read a sprawling Huffpo article by a lesbian former “cable guy” who seems obsessed with people who watch Fox News:
Here, she explains an exchange she had with the wife of a customer who was angry about a cable outage:
“She said she was sorry about him. I said, “It’s fine.” I said there really wasn’t anything I could do. She blinked back the flood of tears she’d been holding since God knows when. She said, “It’s just, when he has Fox, he has Obama to hate. If he doesn’t have that …” She kept looking over her shoulder. She was terrified of him. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I just need him to have Fox.” I got out of my van.”
Read on for recollections of breaking a customer’s nose with a pair of pliers, referencing waterboarding to Dick Cheney while on a house call, and other shit that didn’t happen.
“She said she was sorry about him. I said, “It’s fine.” I said there really wasn’t anything I could do. She blinked back the flood of tears she’d been holding since God knows when. She said, “It’s just, when he has Fox, he has Obama to hate. If he doesn’t have that …” She kept looking over her shoulder. She was terrified of him. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I just need him to have Fox.” I got out of my van.”
I think we need $800 for things that didn’t happen, Alex.
So Fox News is the only that diverts her husband’s attention enough to prevent him beating her.
Seems legit.
The Left’s obsession with Fox News is quite comical considering that it’s a pretty milquetoast establishment outlet.
These are the same people who speak as if Republicans are actually cutting spending.
And given that it gets on its best show numbers that would get a show cancelled on any of the major networks.
Did she fix the cable?
How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm once they’ve seen Karl Hungus?
Worst pRon ever.
That popped up on my Firefox start tab and I made the mistake of reading through a bit of it. I think it’s interesting how fixated the person was on typical leftist bugaboos, like old white people, especially old white people who watch Fox News. It sure is strange how none of these crazy, weird, dangerous people are POCs who watch MSNBC, isn’t it?
Firefox is where I came across it too. She’s playing to her audience harder than a court jester with a pole axe to the back.
We’re all dying. Some of us just have a narrower idea of the time window.
Sütterlin update –
One of my German dictionaries states that “Tambour” is an obsolete word for “drummer (esp. military)”.
Explains why Jeffrey Tambor was drummed off that tranny show after sexual harassment charges.
Awesome thanks! I started looking into it. I knew they had drummers just didn’t realize how common it was.
*takes bow*
My 105 credit hours towards a BFA finally paid off!
What about even lower lowered interest rates after lower the interest rates?
“what makes you think you can park that money in our bank for free?”
I hear that negative interest rates are a thing.
You’ve been talking to my wife about our sex plans for 2019?
“Officials said that the victims likely knew whoever committed the murder, adding that police believe there is no threat to the public. Police have not publicly identified a person or persons of interest.
Young said the three dogs found inside the home were small breed. It was not immediately clear what caused the dogs’ deaths.”
It sounds like the murderers were cops.
What caused the dogs death was their incessant yapping.
OT: This Elizabeth Warren story made my eyes roll. The funny part of it, even when you see her “swig” the beer, it looks fake. The way she drank the beer looks like a high school or college student would drink a beer. And it’s funny the way it cuts off. It’s like whoever her media person is lives in the same bubble that they had no clue that it would look that belabored.
I heard about that, but I hadn’t watched the video until today. 1) Did she try to up the relatable factor by having a twist off beer? 2) He husband turned down a beer? What a beta! 3) Speaking of beta, he didn’t try to grab her ass or cop a feel? BETA!
I could die happy if the primaries for 2020 come down to Warren vs Hillary. Think of the ads those two hags would run trying to show how they are just like us.
Ocasio Cortez really was a game changer. I can’t wait even a few months for Hillary to start releasing instagram posts from inside her kitchen that attempt to make her seem human, too.
So what you are saying is that if O-C leaks a sex tape we are all doomed to a Sugar Free future where we have to watch Warren and Pelosi in hawt lesbo action?
On the upside, an O-C sex tape would not be a bad thing.
Right up until she bites a huge chunk out of some poor dude’s calf and smiles at the camera, wide-eyed with blood streaming down her face.
Warren and Pelosi
Maybe ok if done with their younger versions. The dark side has had a pretty detrimental effect on Pelosi’s body.
attempt to make her seem human
As I understand, she has the drinking part down. I’d watch her chug chardonnay and get sloppy.
“cop a feel”
You’re kidding, right? Right? Heheehehehehe
She actually said, “Hold on a second, I’m gonna get me a beer.”
She had better up her game some if she wants to wrest the Deplorable vote away from Hillary “No ways tired” Clinton.
Yup. It’s like her and whoever her media person is think that’s how everyone outside their little bubble actually talks. I’m only surprised she didn’t show up in a wife-beater and open flannel shirt.
I can’t wait to see the livestream of her next Windows launch party.
I watched for about 90 seconds waiting for something funny to happen. Joke’s on me.
Vista Gotta Get Me Some
Heh. Sometimes I wonder if Microsoft is being your uncool niece on purpose.
Her husband had a sort of “I love you honey but nobody’s buying this shit” look on his face.
I noticed that as well. I didn’t even know she had a husband.
If Charlie Crist can find a wife…
Not into blonds with high cheekbones?
yeah, but can she nonchalantly flick a Zippo into action ?
You know, I fucking hate that shit. Because the assholes who do it are invariably the idiots who asked to borrow your Zippo for a light and then pull that their little bit of performance art. There’s are exactly two moving pieces on a Zippo (the cover hinge and the wheel). Those stunts are how you break both.
/rant off
It’s sad to me that the linked video has 15k views. How dreadfully boring.
Zippos are the schnizzle.
Auto White Balance fail.
Oh wait, men are more likely to die. Nevermind.
It’s pretty much 100% guaranteed you’ll die of brain cancer if you get it, man or woman. Duh.
Dying Harry Reid on Trump: He’s Amoral, Has No Conscience
forceprogjection is strong with you.Scientists “find” dark matter by… assuming it exists and mapping galaxy rotation.
Working backward from the conclusion? That seems… familiar.
I for one am just sick of hearing from you dark matter deniers.
Dark Matter Lives
No it doesn’t.
eh, there’s some pretty good evidence for its existence
Buckle Up, The Punisher’s Season 2 Villain Is An Alt-Right Christian Fundamentalist
That’s a good way to lose viewership…
It is about a white vigilante killing criminals so they need to be woke.
Yeah… I saw that that. At least it’s most likely going to be cancelled in a couple weeks regardless.
I guess if you know you’re getting cancelled and if you don’t want to be known as the guy who ran the show that those icky conservatives liked, you just say fuck it.
And…I’m out.
You’d think they know their demographics.
I didn’t buy anything from Levis, Nike, or Dick’s this Christmas, but apparently there are two rich Millennials somewhere who will replace my profit contribution. . . which is also fine.
What did Levi’s do? I can’t keep up.
Among other things.
“It’s inevitable that we’re going to alienate some consumers, but we can no longer sit on the sidelines and remain silent on this issue.”
Well, you could, and just sell stuff. Maybe toss some change to the Salvation Army once in a while or something. But that’s crazy talk, I know.
I have a decent stock portfolio. I’m considering instructing my money manager to dump any stock that pulls this bullshit.
I miss the days when that was a lay-down breach of fiduciary duties that would result in either (a) the CEO canned by the Board, or if not then (b) the Board named in a shareholder suit demanding damages from the Board members personally for lost profits.
IIRC Levi’s was one of the very first to get woke…decades before most big corporations. Of course, they are headquartered in SF.
That’s actually a smart move. I mean, their old customer base just wanted a pair of cheap, functional jeans. Urban hipsterites are willing to pay buy non-functional jeans at top dollar.
When was the last time someone earned a hole (or even a frayed edge) in his/her jeans, anyway?
Monica Lewinsky about 20 years ago.
It honestly has worked very well for them. Meanwhile, Wrangler, Lee, Arizona have gladly taken the cheap, functional jeans market that Levi’s abandon.
Huh, they all cost about the same at the local Meijers, I usually buy what’s on sale and haven’t noticed any difference in quality, I do like the relaxed fit Levi’s best and have more of them than the others, and about half have holes in them that I earned.
So where Far Cry 5’s villian founded a violent cult and was not on thebpolitical spectrum, so as to keep its fans. The Punisher would like to trash some fans.
I am just finishing up FC5. I am not seeing the Trump’s America people were talking about. The cult is bad, and the rebel don’t have a clean record either. The gun nut caricture characters are pretty funny imo
Why, praytell, is it a Bad Thing (TM) that a villain is an “Alt-Right Christian Fundamentalist”? Alt-Right Christian Fundamentalist just parses as “asshole” to me, and I love to see assholes killed in my escapist fiction.
I think most people suspect that it’s going to a mixture of shallow, pretty typical conservative viewpoints and beliefs mixed with…Nazism. And by extension, it will attempt to associate the more mundane with…Nazism. Which is what many on the left have been doing with the Alt-Right label from the get-go.
I’d also add that fear mongering over the Alt-Right tends to produce more of a groan from many because of how niche truly far right views are. There’s far more people running around calling themselves commies and larping as ANTIFA causing violence. And it being condoned or dismissed. Those types are more unified in their beliefs, as well, compared to those who get labeled Alt-Right. So, there’s that element. Some guy who espouses beliefs he and a couple other piss ants believe in. What a villain…
Plus, they already went this route to a limited extent last season with the crazy little veteran dude who just wanted to kill people.
Also Guns Are Bad.
And Libertarians are Nazis too.
I get your point, though I’d wait until the episode actually aired to see if my hackles are raised. I, for one, was disappointed, but not unexpectedly so, with the new Aquaman movie wussing out on Black Manta’s origin as a black supremacist.
They may have wanted to differentiate their film from Black Panther but I don’t know…
Also if they did portray Black Manta as a black supremacist they would have acknowledged that he has legitimate complaints about White Men. I wonder if this show will acknowledge that the Alt-Right Christian Fundamentalists have any legitimate complaints about modern America?
In the original source material, Manta isn’t viewed sympathetically because of this. Rather, it is another sign of his criminal insanity, which eventually leads him to drown Aquababy in a bubble of air. (I shit you not.)
Even if ARCF(undies) weren’t assholes the – ‘The bad guy is an X so all X’s should be pissed’ thing is very stupid. So much for religious white males being the only ones it’s safe to mock or demonize because they have thick skins and don’t get all bitchy like every other group. I guess we’re all snowflakes now.
Except the fundies have always been complaining about the entertainment industry?
I’m going to go create a hashtag to prevent Netflix from airing this thing or to get someone fired.
It’s not that religious white males are safe to mock or demonize because they have thicker skins, it’s because nobody else gives a shit when it happens the way they do when other groups are mocked or demonized. WASPs are one of the only demographics that it’s socially acceptable to tell “ethnic” jokes about. As one, to the extent that I actually care the thing that bugs me isn’t that it’s socially acceptable, it’s that everybody else is verboten now. Society is a much better place when we can bust each other’s balls in good fun.
Agreed, I’d just prefer that the WASPs would stick to the ‘Lighten up Francis.’ doctrine than adopting the outrage culture, which is what some of them seem to be doing.
I can’t blame them for adopting a tactic that works.
I can, if by adopting tactics that work you get to a point where nobody can make fun of anyone or anything. They hold themselves up as the adults in the room, the should lead by example. You get more of what you praise less of what you punish. When someone lampoons you laugh and say ‘good one!’ even if you believe they are trying to demonize/hurt your feelings, not giving a shit is a good way to counteract that.
Wasn’t that the plot to In The Name of The Rose?
But of course, that’s nonsense, and you know it’s nonsense. But assuming for the moment that you’re not engaging in an isolated demand for rigor, you’ll always be able to make fun of Libertarians.
For my part it’s because I suspect “alt-right Christian fundamentalist” will translate to anti-abortion Christian racist gun-owner, IOW a caricature of conservatives. I’m afraid it’ll be a commentary on “Trump’s America” and follow a pattern in the media of painting conservatives as a basket of deplorables, so to speak, and associating qualities such as “gun-owning” with “ignorant”, and portray a character who hates Jews and Social Security in equal portions, inextricably linked together. It’s an old, tired thing the media has done for years now, and I’m kind of over it.
Scientists “find” dark matter by…
Climate Change methodology is seeping into other areas of science.
Speaking of “dark” matter, I have a problem with the name.
Einstein started this one. “Hey, this only works if I insert this factor that I have no physical phenomenon to identify with.” He was just very straightforward about that. Its everyone after him who keeps trying to force a phenomenon that only shows up in the relativity equations to be there I have an issue with. I find the MOND theory no more unlikely, although the fact that there’s no observable boundary transition between N-E local gravity (dark matter term can be neglected in GR) and cosmic scale gravity is a huge strike against it. But its just as internally consistent and, while not as thoroughly tested, has had good agreement in the observations they have done. It also doesn’t assume that 5/6 of the universe is made up of some strange substance that only interacts with observable matter through gravity. But yet the aether persists.
good agreement in the observations
Exactly: everything’s a model; that’s all there is. That’s all any science does.
I’m not sure if we’ve seen many sub-atomic particles, but most of that stuff is just a name to give to a bit of math. Einstein literally intuited the very facts of nature, which is stunning for the ages, but, beyond an actual reactor and some explosions, the rest is just handy models and pictures. Like Bohr: there really aren’t electrons in holding patterns and levels orbiting some center point with various English spinning them . . . it’s just a picture.
And gravity is just a model. And so is electricity, just theories. But don’t jump off a ten story building or lick any fuse boxes because it’s only math.
So I guess this means we’ll have droves of people leaving the US?
Oh fuck me.
Cuomo is stuck between a rock and a hard (left) place. Sounds like he’s stating his intention to trash the state in pursuit of his (hilariously unlikely) presidential aspirations.
I love it that the progs and dems in general, have trapped themselves in a self perpetuating race to see who can go the furthest left.
Except the right is not able to turn any of that back. And you do know that the Dems control the house now? And the Senate and the Presidency might not be too far off?
Not able to turn any of what back? The dems have the house, but they cannot do anything without the Senate and president letting it pass. I can see already how it’s going, that nothing the house approves is going anywhere.
Past that, it depends on your mindset, what you believe. If you believe that America is ready to fully embrace socialism, then there is plenty to worry about. Myself, I don’t see that happening. Instead it’s going to be a massive blunder that will see the Democrats punished worse than they were for passing Ocare.
OCare is still here…
If you believe that America is ready to fully embrace socialism, then there is plenty to worry about. Myself, I don’t see that happening.
It doesn’t matter if America is ready. All that matters is that the Deep State, the courts, and the elected officials are ready. We already know the first two are, and the last is teetering on the brink, IMO. As the Dems do proof-of-concept on misc. ways to steal elections, I think we are a lot closer than you may think.
Your investment adviser will just dance around with a dead chicken and pick your investments?
Are you trying to tell me that’s not what they do now, Shirley?
Breaking news:
Physicists have actually discovered physical states below Absolute Zero!
So new Season for Star Trek Discovery is coming up. First season had Jason Isaacs as a Mirror Universe villain trying to overthrow the (female) Emperor while spouting Trump slogans so what will season 2 bring? And the first season show runners were fired for being abusive.
But what is the game like?
It’s dicks all the way down.
Imagine the realism you can get for that kind of scratch.
The learning curve is a real pain in the ass.
“Sixty-seven percent of young gay men do not disclose their HIV status to first-time sex partners, according to the grant behind the study.”
Well, what percentage of them have HIV?
“The virtual reality game lets young gay men practice several scenarios of disclosing they have HIV “post-condomless anal intercourse” with casual or primary partners.”
No doubt the feds will bugger it up.
But what is the game like?
It sucks?
As a way of answering Count Spud when he posits “thicc?”, here go a visual primer.
Some of those chicks have left “thicc” and hit “centaur”.
It’s so heartening that shoving your giant ass in front a camera at an angle calculated to show off how giant your giant ass is is a thing now.
What a change in our culture in such a short time.
Now when your wife/girlfriend/female pal tries on pants and asks you “does this make my butt look big?”, if you say “yes” they will be thrilled and thank you.
Not long ago, answering ‘yes’ was a good way to get a hair dryer thrown at you.
I think it’s more like the guys that used to knuckle under and pretend that the women they found attractive weren’t attractive, because they didn’t look like the models in magazines, are now more assertive about liking what they like, and the women likewise.
I look at movies from the 80s and wonder why the “hot” chicks in swimsuits have no asses. Our culture is clearly moving towards an assier place, but I’m not quite there yet.
Ah 10 years ago Welch and Gillespie assured us the Libertarian Moment was upon us, despite you know Obamacare. Is the new Dem Congress proof of that?
Apparently Chomsky is against US withdrawal from Syria? Damn Trump has truly killed the anti-war left.
It certainly is a sight to see.
Nothing new really. See Dalton Trumbo for example.
Economics for Simpletons
A decade ago, 80 percent of Americans believed that a free market economy was the best economic system. Today, that number is 60 percent. Another recent poll shows that only 42 percent of millennials support capitalism.
So what happened? Why have so many people, both in the US and abroad, lost faith in capitalism?
Steven Pearlstein, a columnist for the Washington Post and public affairs professor at George Mason University, has a few answers. The primary reason is that the system has become too unstable: Wages are largely stagnant, and the income gap is so wide that the rich and the poor effectively live in different worlds. No surprise, then, that people are unhappy with the status quo.
Pearlstein’s new book, Can American Capitalism Survive?, chronicles the excesses of capitalism and shows how its ethical foundations have been shattered by a radical free market ideology — often referred to as “neoliberalism.” Capitalism isn’t dead, Pearlstein argues, but it has to be saved from itself before it’s too late.
Those damned neoliberals have wrecked our cozy cronytariarism.
I thought Iphones, uber and gay marriage meant teh yutes are totes libertarian?
Social libertarians.
Eh…it used to be impolite to call oneself a socialist. You know, people tended to associate you with the Soviets and such. It also helped serve as a real life reminder of the benefits of our system. Now people are measuring the present economy not against an evil, philosophically opposed empire but nostalgic notions of the past. Naturally, there’s a whole lot of old lefties, especially in academia, who are all too willing to encourage it.
The American proles were happy when they were valued highly in the world because they worked for firms whose capital-intensive processes had survived WW2. Great schools and great thinking kept them in good stead while Germany, the UK, and France were recycling bricks by hand. Like flies taking credit for the landfill, they rested on their laurels and enjoyed great organized leverage with management: nothing wrong with that.
Now cars and such are a century-old business that even India and Brasil compete in, and proper design means that design-for-manufacturing and programming robots are a great deal more cost-effective than herding proles. Leverage died, management got the good end of the stick, and prole income plummetted: nothing wrong with that.
The primary reason is that the system has become too unstable: Wages are largely stagnant, and the income gap is so wide that the rich and the poor effectively live in different worlds. No surprise, then, that people are unhappy with the status quo
This literally could have come out of 1930s Weimar Republic.
which literally resulted in Hitler 🙂
I just started listening to Road to Serfdom this morning. It’s amazing to see how fast the socialists hopped on the “not an actual socialist ” train when Hitler started going all Nazi on everybody.
I hate “literally” as used anymore. Words mean things; and dull happenstance doesn’t equate to Hitler or slavery . . . it’s stupid and profoundly disrespectful to toss such things off.
My dad posted “flood” on FB yesterday, and now I’ve got to answer three texts from well-meaning folk who clearly read that the Mississippi has climbed the bluff. “No, but thanks for calling. Memphis doesn’t flood. Yeah. mmmmhmm I know. Well, he’s an idiot. Yes ma’am. Well, just don’t call back until after you’ve seen two million corpses floating around in Arkansas on FoxNews, k? Cause that’s all downhill from here? Got it. But, sure: nice talking to you. BuBye.”
I hate “literally” as used anymore
Yup, the new way of using literally to mean “figuratively, but with gusto” is idiotic.
On the other hand, the quoted portion is a few stylistic edits and a language translation away from being the exact propaganda points used by the Nazis as they overran the Weimar Republic.
Another recent poll shows that only 42 percent of millennials support capitalism.
Because we’ve produced a generation convinced that any idea they have, no matter how self-contradictory, utterly irrational, and incoherent on its face, deserves to be treated with the same deference and respect as the wisdom of the ages. I mean that. Seriously. Large swaths of today’s youth grew up with participation trophies and points for effort. They’ve never had to contend with the notion that if they aren’t right, they fail. The only place they encounter the need to not screw up is in fitting in with their peer group. So, any imbecilic drivel is gospel, just as long as it’s popular imbecilic drivel. And socialism, while you’re sipping on your Starbucks latte, typing away on your iPhone, feels good. Advocating that poor people be given more makes you feel like you’re a noble-minded philanthropist, especially when you get the out of insisting it happen with someone else’s money.
The problem is just the opposite of what they try to portray. The problem is first world problems. Most people in the USA are so well off, that they literally have no serious issues to worry about. They are not worried about hunger, about a roof over their head, about any serious stuff. Not even about their cell phone minutes running out or missing the next episode of whatever the hot Netflix series is.
Seriously, when I was a kid, we were considered middle class and I did not know one single family who had 3 cars with a garage to put all of them in, 4-5 smart TVs, a computer for everyone in the family, including desktop and laptop, and a smart phone for everyone, including anyone over 3 years old. And living in a 500K plus McMansion. I didn’t know a single person like that, now I know many. Just STFU, you idiots. People are FAR richer than they were even when I was a kid and vastly richer than 100 years ago.
The problem is, is that people are so well off, they don’t even consider the potential problems of their silly juvenile ideas, like socialism. They think it would be different for us, because we’re the USA. We’re rich, so we can have socialism and still be rich. Dummies.
I think a lot of the wealth you describe today is illusionary. Many of our friends and some family members regularly vacation overseas… trips to the Caribbean, Italy, you name it. They eat out regularly, buy designer clothes, and travel extensively within the USA.
Most of them are up to their eyeballs in debt. Credit cards maxed, too big of a mortgage for a dream home instead of a starter home, home equity loan maxed, and then the icing on the debt cake with at least tens of thousands in student loans. I’m guessing they are making minimum debt payments on everything.
I’m curious how much of the apparent increase in living standards today comes from actual increases in wealth versus being fueled by debt and a decrease in acquisition costs (for example computers/TVs are much cheaper today than a couple decades ago). I don’t believe the average person took on the debt loads back then that is happening now, but I don’t really know.
Cafehayek posed this question not long ago and Don Boudreaux gave his answer.
I find the Mountain Man era fascinating and WY & MT are still some of my most favorite places. Even if I could jump on a chance to visit that era and place I would not be much on visiting without a chance to return to now.
Those are fair points. I saw something similar in the WSJ not too long ago with the same arguments.
And for what it’s worth, I agree that we are much better off today than we were 100 years ago. I’m not arguing we aren’t.
I do think some of these points aren’t quite as good as they make it though. A common one is that everyone can afford a dishwasher today at a very inexpensive price. Big deal. I have a top of the line model and it can’t clean for shit due to that energy saving nonsense. My wife (because I’m a shitlord) spends as much time cleaning dishes by hand that the dishwasher failed to clean as it is supposed to save. Hired help for light housework, such as dishes, was pittance 60 years ago compared to today. I can easily afford a dishwasher today, but 60 years ago I could have easily afforded to hire someone else to wash my dishes and other house chores.
I do think some of these points aren’t quite as good as they make it though.
Agreed. Modern medicine is damn hard to leave behind. Modern communication tech is awesome, if not exactly necessary.
The vanity and entertainment crap isn’t really all that appealing. As much as I’d miss certain things that come with tech (like glibs), it would take about a month to adjust.
Another aspect that isn’t really discussed is the cultural norms at the time. I’m a mutt with Irish, Jew, and Italian being the most prominent ancestries. Am I going back to be shat upon by racist assholes like Woody Wilson?
I couldn’t imagine going back if I were black or Chinese or strongly identifiable as any of the other particularly disliked ethnicities.
Back when the Turdeau Sr. and the Toronto Star opposed Free Trade.
Gee what changed? Oh wait it was the old Progressive Conservatives signing a deal with a Republican president.
What was Trump saying about this in 1988?
Video not available to dirty foreigners.
Do you get this?
Yes I do, and I’m a hangin’ onto that one.
“Because veganism as practiced by white Western culture *is* neocolonialist. It harvests and expropriated ingredients and preparation techniques from nonwhite cultures to create expensive foodstuffs that many people in their origin cultures couldn’t hope to afford.
Tofu, tempeh and quinoa are fancy Whole Foods goods for white folk but they were subsistence proteins in Asia and Latin America first.
And while poor local farmers initially benefited from white interest in their fare, mass commercialization has subsequently crushed them.
America is now the world’s soy king, to the point where Trump is making Chinese imports of a plant that originated in China a central part of his trade agenda.”
Dude, step away from the Twitter.
Then how can I eat my rice and beans without oppressing Chinese people?
I hate to break this to you, but you can’t. You’ll never be able to eat rice and beans without being an oppressive colonizing piece of shit. And don’t even get me started on what you are if you eat General Tso’s chicken.
But he wasn’t a general! Neither was Colonel Sanders. Popeye wasn’t a real sailor. The entire take-out chicken industry is over run with military imposters.
“The Militarism of Chicken.”
Stolen Valor!
(Bawk bawk.)
And that guy with the burgers isn’t really king either. Bullshit.
He’s got a crown and everything.
31 Dec 2018
No, veganism is great. My issue is with white western hypocrisy and its co-opting of nonwhite beliefs, practices and foodstuffs while exploiting and attacking nonwhite people and cultures.”
If Jeff was in my gang it would be like all “Shut the fuck up Jeff. Are you playing hockey tonight or not?”
Meg Brayshaw
29 Dec 2018
Replying to @originalspin @evelynaraluen
I think you’re talking about the Whole Foods/superfoods/wellness industry, not individual food preferences. Capitalism is the problem here, not people who choose not to eat animal products. Also, calling out individual food prefs like this is massively triggering for ED sufferers”
If Meg was in our gang we’d be all like, “Meg, cool. You and Melanie meet us at Shed Cafe later on.”
Anyway. It’s always interesting to read Tweets. It reminds me there are all kinds out there.
/Goes back to roasting carrots.
Are carrots cultural appropriation by the way?
They are orange thanks to the Dutch. Nationalism, colonialism and slavery all in one!
I’d imagine that there are a lot of vegans with erectile dysfunction.
Remember, these are the non-racists.
“America is now the world’s soy king, to the point where Trump is making Chinese imports of a plant that originated in China a central part of his trade agenda.”
OH MUH GAWDS! The Chinese have never taken anything that originated somewhere else and profited off it. WHY CUM WE ALL CANNOT BE AS PURE AS THE CHINESE!?
*Looks up from voraciously ripping meat off a thigh bone*
“What the fuck is tempeh? Who voluntarily eats tofu?”
*Goes back gorging on non-cultural appropriated dead animal that my ancestors have been feasting on since time immemorial.*
I wished that I had this much time and energy to be outraged at the dumbest shit. The very economic system they shit on has allowed them to write this bullshit.
Same thing for the last few centuries. Reason no. 54395734809257324573420 why classical liberalism died.
Has the American left entered a final phase where the endgame is to out-smug one another?
Someone should tell him that in the 1960s, the US produced 90% of the world’s soybeans.
If he ever drove through Indiana or Iowa, he’d be shocked at all the soybean fields.
No. He’d have no idea what sort of plants they were.
Where’s Iowa?
The replies are even dumber.
“Sorry buddy, you don’t eat a tradition based meal, you consume a colonialists version of your original diet yet are not freaking out about dairy. As a Latina, who cares about the planet & has healed disease I find your attitude more ignorant than you understand.”
Vox interlocutor goes on to ask:
You seem to think that capitalism can be saved from itself. What do you say to people who think it’s not salvageable, not morally legitimate, and in any case not worth salvaging?
What do I say? I say, “That’s stupid. You’re stupid.”
Save you breath and just roll your eyes.
What do you say to people who think it’s not salvageable, not morally legitimate, and in any case not worth salvaging?
Capitalism is two things:
1) Free markets – the ability to choose what to buy and not to buy.
2) Private property ownership – the ability to dictate how your stuff is handled without somebody else getting to overrule you.
Which one are you against, buddy?
They’re against both, for the record.
Your property rights, and the free market in their industry.
“You seem to think that capitalism can be saved from itself. What do you say to people who think it’s not salvageable, not morally legitimate, and in any case not worth salvaging?”
Glibs, I propose we pool our resources and charter a boat. We can load it with all the spoiled American people that say stupid shit like this, sail it to Venezuela, and then exchange them for nice, kind, and above all, hot Venezuelans. I think, considering the demographics of the site, 80% should be charming Venezuelan ladies, and 20% should be handsome Venezuelan men. Plus we can grab some kind of deformed midget shemale to be Sugar Free’s new muse.
I figure if at the same time we grab 10 or 20 of the most formidable Venezuelan abuelas, we can start a chain of restaurants that will earn back the capital outlay in no more than five years.
The exchange rate is going to be brutal though. I figure if we grab the fattest Noam Chomskey fanboys and Tumblr SJWs, then Maduro will give us maybe 1 for every 3. Maybe 1 for every 5.
I’m in.
*grabs sailor outfit*
not morally legitimate
All right-thinking people know that it is only morally legitimate to hold your fellow man at gunpoint and force him/her/xer to subsidize your existence.
“Florida man becomes upset over cigarette prices, brings loaded rifle into store, officials say”
We need common sense cigarette tax control.
Cigarettes don’t kill people, cigarette taxes kill people.
+1 Eric Garner
LOL the minimum legal price in NYC is now $13. For one pack.
Happy New Year!
Sounds like you need to tool up.
I switched to Juul a few months ago but I saw the prices going up before New Year’s. Haven’t bought any in 2019 yet but I bet it’s gone up again. Because fuck you, that’s why.
I was thinking more like a double-stack nine, but that could work too, I guess.
They tried to raise the smoking age in Illinois to 21. It was defeated but I have a feeling that Governor Pritzker will try to ram that thing through once he becomes Governor.
The big government “conservative” county commissioners did that shit here. Chip chip chip. All 18+ restrictions should be struck down on their face. Either you’re a man or you’re not.
I think it was already 21 here. Congratulations, now smoking is more “edgy” than ever.
And also, in Cook County the cigarettes are damn near 12 dollars but if you cross the street on over to Lake County the cigarettes are 6-7 dollars.
Dee Dee Mega-doo-doo?
Now that is quality humor.
wow: would
so long as she keeps her trap shut
Don likes ’em with slight reading impediments.
booze and broads: very little I don’t like
but those eyes: surely some epic North Sea magic there
I noticed that Reason’s take on the shutdown is that it is bad because it costs more money. Yet they still complain that spending isn’t being cut. How is spending going to be cut if every spending increase must be passed?
If a cosmo masturbates on Reason, does it make a sound?
Their strategy seems to hoping that those cocktail parties will convince Schumer, Pelosi, Warren, Ocasio-Cortez, O’Rourke and Sanders to become crypto-libertarians. Why the Dems would suddenly try to out-libertarian the GOP is not explained.
ex-MrsTresCool would never be this kind .
It’s so heartening that shoving your giant ass in front a camera at an angle calculated to show off how giant your giant ass is is a thing now.
Kinda makes you miss ducklips, don’t it?
New Hampshire dining update .
Pho King
Tacoma, WA
The fish balls are excellent.
I have an actual interview for an actual job tomorrow, this is a good tbing, I always rock in interviews.
Good luck. Rock it
Grip it and rip it, YUFUS!
Thanks tres and TnT
Tall cans tonight
1st one of 2019, so turn it to 11 !!
And a packet of Black Jack!
Not too many tall cans, mang. Gotta nail the interview, after all . . .
Air guitar tryout?
No I actually play the real thing, this is a warehouse position but thanks just the same
Fingers crossed!
go get ’em
I expect a second written offer this week, which is great because the job I was just offered is real work
but all I really want to do is have opinions, run some spreadsheets, fly around, and drink coffee all day
which it turns out pays better with zero accountability . . . life is screwy that way.
Rock on, responsibility can suck
Good luck Yusef!
Careful, Mojeaux. Dyslexics think you just told Yusef to go fuck yerself.
I can only control my spelling.
I wish Yusef luck, too. It is odd that “Good luck Yusef!” is an anagram for “Go duck Yo self!”
I saw it after you posted. ?
your anagram is missing a ‘u’
Go duck You self.
I wish you actual good luck.
I find this video very simplistic and poorly researched. For example the “mustache twirling villain” is a much later caricature of Victorian Melodrama bankers and businessmen rather than the actual thing and it glosses over 1930s gangster movies and film noir. And its take on 1950s is just a handful of scifi and Red Scare films and not a real representative of 1950s film. Also he glosses over how the 1959 Ben-Hur made Massala into a McCarthy analogue. His James Bond discussion uses Smersh which did not happen in the movies. Etc.
I dont disagree with the outcome, but Im not currently a CCW holder. Anyone care to weigh-in on the wisdom of this:
NH Good Samaritan Holds Allegedly Drunk Driver At Gunpoint After Destructive Ride
Only if he violated the NAP, then it’s game over
Of course I’m okay with it but I probably wouldn’t have done it myself. Tailing the guy is good, and following him further as he stumbled about could probably be done from a hundred feet with no risk.
The thing about pulling a gun when you haven’t been threatened is you’re going to hafta defend deadly action if you use it, and that’s gonna be a jury’s call, a place that I don’t want to be. Now if he hops out and starts attacking people, cap his ass.
But that space in the middle is a bad place, and I’ve got other things I’m living for and gotta get back to and can’t get wrapped around any legalistic axle not of my making. All he did was risk hurting someone, but he just ended up wrecking some stuff; it only seems like a big deal.
Destroying a good bahn mi place is justification enough for a bullet to the head.
Fucking asshole.
It’s a personal choice to get involved, or not. He made a choice and I think he handled it well. He potentially saved lives and property.
Had the guy tried to drive away and hit his car though, insurance wouldn’t have covered it.
I’m just gonna say, Myspace, AIM, Livejournal, ICQ, IRC, and Yahoo Groups >>> Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media giants of today
Yahoo! and IRC got me laid quite a bit.
Myspace did right by me on the dating front. Plus, back in the day I successfully conducted a cross-country wooing via AIM that resulted in my getting back together with an ex-girlfriend. It didn’t last, and it wasn’t a good relationship, but the sex was bonkers.
I’ll just stay right here, all the other shit is Shit, social media? I already hate every one, why socialise with them
CNN host hectors guest whose brother is detained in Russia for alleged espionage: Why did your brother call us “fake news”?
Are these morons just bound and determined to live down to their terrible reputation?
Camerota asked Whelan about posts his brother made on a Russian social media platform, where he called CNN “fake news.”
“There are some strange elements of your brother’s story,” Camerota said, describing a social media post where Paul Whelan was drinking coffee and watching CNN with the caption, “Just drinking coffee and watching fake news.”
Camerota continued, “Now, I’m not taking this personally that he’s pictured with CNN, but I just am wondering is this a statement on his part somehow?”
To answer your query, yes. Remember, they located and threatened a guy for creating a meme about CNN’s ongoing feud with the president and they made him give a soviet style apology.
Was it CNN or MSNBC that harassed some old lady for sharing a troll meme?
CNN (via RT, a news org who’s actually more trustworthy):
^ Russian Troll confirmed.
You know how they could improve their ratings? Do that shit Jerry Springer style so that the brother being interviewed could whoop the anchor’s ass on live television. Shit, I’d tune in for the chance to see someone hang a foot in Don Lemon’s ass.
What an idiot. Gee, i dunno why someone who spends time in Russia might possibly have a Russian social media account. It’s a fucking mystery. Next you’ll be telling me someone who works with people in China has a Wechat account and someone who travels to Japan or Taiwan is on Line.
re: car window shot out,
If you fire a Barrett in a car with the barrel sticking out the window, you will blow out the windows on the opposite side of the car.
That was good times.
The Captain has died 🙁
What a shitty day….Super Dave, Mean Gene, and now THIS ?
Damn, Super Dave, Mean Gene, Ray, and now the Captain 2019 is going to make 2016 seem like a walk through the park.
Maybe it’s just frontloading and it’s smooth sailing come March?
-1 Muskrat
Jesus, I was trying ti play Higher Ground (Chili Peppers version). Fuck, Flea is fast – and I’m an old man.
How’s it hanging McFly?
Pretty good, Tulpa. Dick.
That’s heavy.
That’s what she said.
Here, have some Monster Magnet. Also, GFY.
What are you-Chicken?
OK, fair point.
You hear about the bass player that locked himself in the van?
Took the drummer an hour to get him out.
Related: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fv-pFFaJnAY
That old fucker has some chops don’t he?
Yeah, shoulda known. I remember being 20=ish and trying to play his lines. It was tough then, and that was 20+ years ago..
Hey Tres: you heard about… ah, fuck, I got nothin’….um…. fuck you. That’s witty.
I have a P bass, but I also play a Fender BG29, short scale, real nice for old hands, sounds like I’m 30 again
Nice. I’m struggling along with my ESP
Bootsy or GTFO
Also relevant:
Don’t think you picked the best vid, but Bootsy is badass.
Agreed! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=etviGf1uWlg
Pigs try to be funny.
HuffPo opens and swallows.
Huffpo does love their unimaginative middle of the road humor don’t they? I wonder what they said about Louis CK’s recent bit.
The left is going apeshit over it.
Dude realized that he could either be a comic or be the beaten puppy for the rest of his life. He decided he’d rather be a comic. The old, “Do the right thing after exhausting all the other possibilities.”
It was a great and brutal set.
Many of the greatest comics share one thing in common: The hate bullies. That whole set was one haymaker after another landing on the biggest bullies of our time.
It would have a little more punch to me if it came before he was ostracized by those people. Because he was pretty on board prior to that point, from what I saw.
Because he was pretty on board prior to that point, from what I saw.
I think we need to stop finding reasons to dislike people who merely disagree with us. I won’t hold C.K. up as any kind of hero, and he’s certainly not a libertarian, but I think he is mostly honest (as honest as a comedian can be, anyway). He was and probably still is left-wing. The problem isn’t that he was a leftist until it wasn’t convenient any more, it’s that his brand of leftism has mostly held still while the movement at large has veered much farther left. The Maoists have come out of the woodwork lately, and while some are happy to be useful idiots for them, and others have the heads planted firmly in the sand, many are only just starting to come to grips with how the left is changing.
Re: Harry Reid
Asshole. I had him as a contender for a death pool I play in, but left him off my yearly list because I figured he was too young and has been lingering along so far.
+0 RBG
Already got her.
Someone needs to set up a Glibs death pool, not dead glibs the other kind, natch. I’d do it but I’m very busy right now.
As a movie blogger, I have Wikipedia’s deaths page bookmarked so I don’t miss any important movie-related deaths.
(That’s also how I was able to post about Daryl Dragon before the rest of you.)
Death pools are about predictions not noticings.
Playing Borderlands 2 for the first time. I never played the original, so it’s all new to me. The combat feels like downscale Doom 2016, which is less thrilling but also less upsetting. I’m not a huge fan of the regenerating shield mechanic, and Doom definitely had the upper hand in that regard. But the cell-shading is pleasant and I like the humor so far.
Hot damn. 5 new Carpenter Brut videos in the last 2 days. 2019’s looking up already.
And thanks for the folks who linked that Spanish Civil War stuff from last night. Interesting reading.
Sweet – will check out. I saw they were going to be in concert here recently, then I saw they were opening for I think Ministry. Bummer. Not that I dislike Ministry but I don’t wanna pay 50 bucks just to see CB and kind of ignore Ministry.
Tour list was pretty short – at least in the SE IIRC. I’m just waiting for the Blood Machines movie release (backed through the website for the blu-ray version since I missed the kickstarter) – trailer looks tight.
I have no idea what that is. Must research!
OK the website is a disaster zone but the vids are awesome (Turbo Killer and the new promo).
Ha so “Monday Hunt” is age-restricted (“at the request of the uploader”), so I can’t watch it because I don’t have a Youtube account.
The 2nd link I click is “Hairspray Hurricane” and it’s full-speed ahead – and crammed with gratuitous nudity and extreme gore from start to finish.
I’m afraid to click another one!
Yeah, I forgot to mention NSFW – the one for Maniac from the Live album was pretty graphic too – almost all 70s/80s Grindhouse clips ;p
I thought you’d seen Turbo Killer before – unless it was someone else here who bought both albums on my recommendation ;p
“Scientists “find” dark matter by… assuming it exists and mapping galaxy rotation. Uh, no. You found that gravity was consistent, and that Newtonian-Einstein gravity still can’t be explained on a cosmic scale without the assumed, unobservable mass.”
Dark Matter TM sounds like the more and more convoluted ways scientists hundreds of years ago were trying to reconcile their flawed theories of gravity and whatnot with contrary evidence. That is, rather than admitting their theoretical models of gravity are fundamentally flawed and that they don’t know how it actually works, they’re proposing unseen and undetected forms of mass that are conveniently located in places that would explain why galaxies don’t rotate the way gravitational theory proposes.
Because that makes more sense than saying they don’t yet understand rotation of galaxies and the stars within them.