A long time ago, humans invented language. This may or may not have been a good idea, but it is here now, the damage is done, there is no going back. So what do we do with it? Talk nonsense and get very worked up about it. This is sometimes called a debate, other times a shouting match. Whenever a debate is on, let’s say for the sake of this article about politics, there can be more than one purpose in theory, but that is rarely the case in practice.
In theory most people debate to win, to either change the mind of the opponent or persuade the audience of something. In practice, many people debate because it is in their nature to do so, with little expectation of achieving anything.
If applied properly, a debate can be useful beyond changing other people’s opinions. It can help one with their own doubts or uncertainties, be a good way to go through some issues, clarify some things and even reach a conclusion. When I am unsure of something, a conversation in which people take multiple sides can help. This only works when people debate in good faith, and this can occasionally happen for example on glibertarians, where people are generally overall agreeable to each other, even though they may differ on some issues.
Across the aisle, it is different. Most conversations between side A and side B are rarely in good faith. Both sides convince themselves the other side are stupid and evil, and are quite satisfied with this results, because that was what they wanted to get out of the debate anyway. Scream a little and go away thinking the other is an idiot. Can this be changed though? Honestly, I doubt it. One of the main issues is that people differ in fundamental values, and this is unlikely to change. Most of these values, usually of the moral kind, are not based on reason or argument, and as such will not be changed by those means. Furthermore, people get very angry when their base values are questioned.
People seem set in their ways, and opinions are not different. In controversial conversations, I rarely see people listen carefully to the entire argument made by the opposite side and then try to give a appropriate answer. It is not that they are not convinced, they don’t really try to listen and process it. You can see their eyes glaze over and then they give a standard counter response, as if reciting from rote learning. Why this is the case, I do not know.
This got me thinking, after a few debates with friends on the left and right. Is it possible to change my mind at this point, and if so how much? Can I have minor changes on my views on one issue or other or can I even fully reconsider libertarianism in favor of social democracy? For good or bad, I think the answer is yes to the former and a clear no to the latter. Some say: well you must be open to change your mind… well I am open, I just do not see that happening. I am, after all, people.
For one thing, among my fundamental values you will find individualism and individual liberty. You cannot have an argument to make me turn collectivist – especially since I find it quite objectively true that humans are unique individuals not an eusocial group. For another, I did not reach my opinions lightly, I have spent a long time reading, writing and thinking about it, and if that process led me here, I cannot see what could lead me in another direction. I have not heard, for what must be years now, a new and different argument, from either left or right. So if old arguments did not convince me, and no new arguments appear, can there be a way to change minds?
Of course others may say those exact same things, but with the vast majority of people I met I easily come ahead on knowledge of the issues, of history, economics, political philosophy and the like. Most people I ask know very little which they did not learn on the big TV network programs. Most people cannot tell me of a topic they spent multiple hours thinking about. Most have not tried to write 10 coherent pages on why they believe what they believe to see if it makes sense. Most say things that can be proven wrong by a 30 second google search. For whatever all this is worth, I feel I can be more assured of my views.
Changing is even harder for a proponent of deontology. Consequentialists may sometimes be swayed by proving that their desired outcome can be better achieved in another way. A deontological socialist or an-cap will not be swayed in any such argument. Fiat iustitia pereat mundus, if you will. I am not quite like that – I have made the case for a certain small dose of pragmatism and I think this goes for most people, which have a preferred outcome. So there will maybe be some wiggle room in a debate, but overall not that much. In the end, most are not 100% utilitarian or 100% deontological, but each has core values – which I cannot see as being anything other than deontological – which are hard if not impossible to change.
I, off course, believe that my fundamental values come from a place of reason. Do others believe the same? I would say most – with the exception of people who get everything from religion – strongly claim they do, although in the end many seem to me to appeal to emotion a little too often. I believe my conclusions, beyond fundamental values, also have reality and logic behind them. So do many others.
There are plenty of people on the internet who write about “how to win debates”, but I saw little evidence this actually works. Yes, some politicians convince people to vote for them, but I am not sure that it is more than being disliked less than the other side and little to do with changing fundamental opinions of people. Opinions do change, off course, but it is usually due to multiple years of personal experiences eroding one belief and replacing it with another, not after a two hour talk. In the end, in many a democracy, you have a majority of people voting sort of the same and a small central group which swings both ways. So the debate issue boils down to: how to get the undecided to vote for you this one time.
If you are not running for office or making a living as a pundit, I really am trying to see the point of it all. In my experience, people cannot even start from a basic foundation of fact, as people do not agree to the facts. If we have a pencil on the table, A sees a cup and B sees a glass, what can be debated?
This is another one of my thought pieces which, in the end, has not much of a conclusion. It is one of the things that I classify in the category: if it were possible, the world would be different right now. But I still find the question interesting: to what point, fellow glibs, do you think a series of arguments would change your mind? Can you learn to stop worrying and embrace Ocasio-Cortez? Discuss.
Clean my pipes!
Now that’s a first.
“This got me thinking, after a few debates with friends on the left and right. Is it possible to change my mind at this point, and if so how I include random immages so there is not to much textmuch? Can I have minor changes on my views on one issue or other or can I even fully reconsider libertarianism in favor of social democracy?”
I am all for changing my mind if the facts lead me to do so, and have done so just recently. I am not going to change my mind however when the argument I get is that I am a racist/sexist/evil fuck for not letting the marsist asshats do whatever the fuck they want, though, and that seems to be the bulk of the mind changing that is expected from me these days.
But is minor or major opinions? What fact would lead you to social democracy?
“What fact would lead you to social democracy?”
If someone tried full-on libertarianism for the first time ever and it was a bigger and more colossal failure than Venezuela or North Korea, then sure.
The outcomes of socialism, even small scale versions of it like the DMV, lead me to think it is a terrible idea.
I would see failure of libertarianism leading me to center right, never center left or beyond
Nothing will lead me to accept social democracy as anything but a real bad solution to a non-existent problem. Ever. Because I have too much evidence and over a century of proof that it is just a first step to horrible tyranny and eventually death camps and outright misery for all but the ruling class. If we are going to do this shit, lets just stop pretending we want to go back to feudalism and just do that.
“Social democracy” is nothing more than socialism which is adopted pursuant to some democratic process. You can be assured that, once the socialists have gotten to their stop on the democracy train, they will be getting off the train.
IOW, the violence that always attends socialism won’t be on the front end, but will definitely be there afterwards. Because you can’t have socialism without violent repression of dissent.
As you run out of other people’s money and the ineptitude writ large that always accompanies these entities destroys the country, things spiral out of control and the people that buy power with said money need to get more and more brutal. See Venezuela. That is ALWAYS how this shit will play out. Other socialist entities have not gotten there yet, but they will eventually. It’s a question of time.
I have changed my views on a number of smaller things over the last 25 or so years in which I have considered myself a libertarian, but if anything, it has made me more libertarian.
The SLT is so so libertarian. ?
You don’t automatically get rent payments from the land fairy every month on the unimproved value of your home?
Economic Rents don’t involve payments.
Economic Rents are Mythical, invented to justify robbing people who’ve invested heavily in their capital.
Economic Rents are not mythical. No one would buy unimproved land if they didn’t think they got some value for owning it. Why would people invest heavily if the thing they were investing in had no value.
The value is all in the improvements. They buy something they can turn into something else. Even if that something else is a place to live. Yet you want to tax it as though it magically spits out monetary value without investment.
If the value is all in the improvements, why would they pay for the unimproved lot?
Answer — it has value to them.
I payed between 30-40k for an empty lot to build my house on. It had value before it was improved.
It did have monetary value without investment. The fact that the previous owner could see it and I would buy it proves that.
The value is all in the improvements. – bullshit. scarcity and demand create value
Before we get off into the weeds again and dance the same ground we do every time this argument pops up, I want to see if I can sum up the fundamental disagreement.
My fundamental objection to any for of wealth tax – be it on total assets, or just on land owned – is that it is penalizing someone for simply existing and having something.
I regard this as unconscionable, and you don’t.
Neither of us is likely to change our position on that, else we wouldn’t have danced this dance a dozen time already.
You are both right. Scarcity and demand… true in all cases.
But why is there demand?
In the case of the lot purchased to build a house, presumably this is not unimproved land. It has road access, probably access to water, sewer, power, phone, etc.
Taking a 50 acre parcel and putting a bunch of roads and ponds in place, then whacking it up into a 90 lot subdivision will take that $3,000 per acre land and transform it into $50k per lot land.
A bunch of other people doing the same thing in the area and attracting a bunch of shopping and dining establishments to the area will turn that $50k lot into a $90k lot. **
** please adjust all values for your local real-estate market. Here in south Florida that would be $50k/acre swampland transformed into $250k lots of 1/8 acre in size.
And I agree that wealth taxes are unconscionable.
Unrealized gains are mythical. If I could cash in all of the unrealized gains I’ve made over the last (very volatile) year, I’d have another half-million in the bank. ( by the same token, If I could cash in all of the unrealized losses, I’d be bankrupt.)
True, and I covered that in my article. But the unimproved value is still not zero.
The value as farmland (which it was a decade ago) is probably close to its unimproved value.
I wasn’t even arguing about that. Now you don’t even accept basic economic concepts that every economist agrees exist.
Concepts which you insist on misapplying? Or the ones where your argument is based upon linguistic sleight of hand where you change between the technical and vernacular meaning of ‘supply’ to back up a claim where it isn’t supported?
I don’t think I have mentioned supply today, so I have no idea what you are talking about.
You are the one not accepting the economic concept of rent and keep implying some sort of payment like a “rent check” to a landlord.
It’s a callback to the previous few times we had the argument.
And you are the one trying to tax ‘Economic Rents’ as though they were monetary.
Now, before you go “Aha! What I really meant was…” How about declaring which of the half dozen partially exlusive defintions you’re using.
From wikipedia, but that sounds about right. Bolding is mine.
My fundamental objection to any for of wealth tax – be it on total assets, or just on land owned – is that it is penalizing someone for simply existing and having something.
All taxes do this to someone. Income taxes tax people for the activity needed to sustain life, tariffs do the same, but to a slightly more limited group (only slightly as the raised prices that result spread the pain). Every time you guys have this argument this whole taxation is theft thing gets brought up.
And if anyone was arguing for instituting a tax for the first time, or even adding taxes that would be a valid argument. But the thing is taxation is always theft, so that fact has precisely zero weight in a discussion of what tax to implement. Now you can certainly argue that one tax’s theft is less extreme, less unfairly applied, less damaging to prosperity etc., but simply saying tax x is specially bad because it is theft? Not so much.
@Jarflax – I have always maintained that use fees are the proper funding mechanism. But I take umbrage at the absurd assertion that a tax based upon envy is the ‘more moral’ solution. And the roots of the SLT are in envy of the rich of the day when the idea was first floated. All of the artificial distinctions between types of property or gains are based upon an attempt to justify the ends desired. It is no more moral than seizing the means of production in the name of the workers, merely smaller in scope and scale.
@robc, if you’re back to subjective benefits, you’re at the impossible obstacle of putting an objective value to asses such a tax.
And that is different from today’s property tax how?
All benefits are subjective, that is why people outbid others at auctions. But you can have a reasonably good estimate from the amount they paid for it.
Just because I pay the current property tax with a gun to my head, doesn’t mean I support an equally unconscionable property tax based upon a different, even more subjective assay. I can be opposed to both theory and practice.
I would say more libertarian than progressive income taxes
More libertarian that a flat income tax too. The government via deeds already knows who owns what land. They have no business knowing what me and my employer have negotiating for payments.
I was going to bring it up as one of the things I have changed on. 10 years ago, I would have opposed the SLT.
But, yes, it is libertarian, unless you can convince me (and believe me, I would be happy to be convinced) of a natural law right to ownership of land. Lockean mixing of labor bullshit is just that.
Now that I have called UCS out for his refrain allow me to hit robc as well:
But, yes, it is libertarian, unless you can convince me (and believe me, I would be happy to be convinced) of a natural law right to ownership of land. Lockean mixing of labor bullshit is just that.
This is another BS argument. If you were magically talking about this in Eden as Adam and Eve packed to go out into the cruel world a discussion of the special nature of property in land might make sense. But land ownership in the world today doesn’t need to be justified with arguments of mixing labor etc. It is justified because regardless of the origin of the title, pretty much ALL the current holders paid for it in good faith. So unless you dispute a moral claim to all property, including wages, the land is their’s because they freely contracted, in good faith for it.
Okay, but the owners, in good faith, also freely contracted in a system with property taxes. So a reduction* to an unimproved land tax would seem to be an improvement the owner wouldn’t need to question.
*okay, there would probably be an increase in the case of some land. But, tax increases are part of the system they acquired the land under, so suck it up.
Here is what someone said on this very site about that some months back (agreeing with you totally):
You Know Who Else had a utopian fantasy?
I have pretty much changed my mind on:
Global Adventurism via war
The Drug War
Criminal Sentencing
Police Brutality
Me too. It took going to war to open my eyes. And then with the help of TOS and the Glibs, I’ve abandoned ideology and embraced a principle oriented approach to things. Deprogramming oneself, eliminating a lifetime of imprinting, is a bitch.
Yes, some politicians convince people to vote for them, but I am not sure that it is more than being disliked less than the other side and little to do with changing fundamental opinions of people.
I agree with this.
I thought I was going to read the article.
Then I changed my mind.
Something completely new and different for you
It’s not my fault I’m right.
I think that when confronted by people who argue in bad faith, then one has to consider whether continued engagement is worth bothering with. Most of the time the answer will be no, and one should simply ignore the bad faithers.
In my opinion, the question of continued engagement boils down to this: is the effort needed to earn the bad-faither’s respect so that they will actually talk honestly and openly with one worth the benefit of opening their mind to my ideas? People argue in bad faith for many different reasons, but universally these reasons will include a lack of respect for the person they are talking to. Basically, the bad faither doesn’t want you to honestly form an opinion, but to trick or fool you into doing (or saying) the things they want you to.
Converting them requires adopting a sort of Martin Luther King persona. One has to befriend them or earn their grudging respect. Think that black man who befriends klansmen and convinces them to give up the robe. It can take months or years. It’s not going to happen in a single conversation.
Absent that sort of commitment, unless you are engaged in some sort of back and forth debate before a large audience, you are better off just depriving the bad-faithers of the oxygen of your attention.
That’s my opinion anyway.
Thing is, you don’t always tell at first the bad faith. This article was triggered by the holidays and all sorts of seasonal drinks with various people who are in general friends…
Yeah, being married gets you trained to this type of argument.
Early on in my life I would engage with my wife as if we were arguing about whatever it was that she was upset about. So I would try to reason with her and explain my point of view, just digging a deeper and deeper whole. I don’t argue unless I’m pretty darned sure I’m right, so I’d hold on till the bitter end.
Finally I had an epiphany. Wives don’t usually argue *about* something. They are upset with you. And they have a little meter that says “I’m 15 minutes worth of upset with you.” They are going to give you the beans for 15 minutes because that’s how much angry they have laying around. If you argue, all you are doing is adding to the amount of angry, and you just turned 15 minutes into 45 minutes.
When I learned that I just needed to accept “you are wrong” as a starting position, I found a lot more peace. I also learned that if it was important, I should wait a couple of days and then come back around to it when emotions aren’t high.
With politics, emotions are always high. Because it is only about team. You can tell this because both teams will swap sides on an issue if the top guy takes the other side. When Reagan was in office, Welfare Reform was code language for racism. Magically the presence of Clinton made that go away. Watching the left embrace war under Obama was amusing (and painful). Watching the right twist around into pretzels trying to support Trump is…. comical?
But because it is only driven by emotions, there is no arguing in good faith with these people. You’ll only brand yourself as an apostate.
I went through some similar revelation. Even more important was the realization that when women complained about things they were not really looking for solutions but just wanted to bitch. The problem with this was that eventually I became immune to it and would just not even bother engaging in this sort of counterproductive behavior to the detriment of losing the ability to actually care when I needed to.
This shit drives me nuts…
His look at 1:04 makes me laugh every time
Thanks, I saw that a few years ago, still good for a laugh.
That is the most absolutely maddening thing I’ve learned being married.
I wonder what would happen if the next time I encounter this sort of thing I go with
“Lets fix it and then we can talk about how awesome it is that you don’t have to worry about XYZ any more.”
My wife once told me pre-marriage “I don’t want you to fix my problems.”
Things have gone fairly smoothly since then.
I told mine that in return I don’t want to have to endlessly hear her complain about them either. She never kept up with her end of the deal. Maybe that is why after 23 years I decided I had had enough.
Sometimes, the point of the argument is for the benefit of the other people watching.
I found that on ToS. I lurked mostly. I changed my mind (slowly) on the death penalty, the war on drugs, and police brutality.
I would consider embracing the dumb Latino lady although I doubt I’ll ever agree with her on anything.
I don’t usually ask this when reading comments about women being considered attractive, but–Really?
When I see this about Occassional, I think, “Yeah, I guess we could each take a nostril around the block, and meet back later for smokes…”
I just don’t see it. And, that’s OK.
Just remember. Hipster socialist. You’d better have some industrial-grade latex or a lifetime supply of antibiotics.
At least the state would be paying for it.
Like some disgraced cosmonaut.A million miles, a million miles.
I’m pretty set in my ways on major things. I’m open to either a really persuasive argument with data and that fits with my core principles and experience of the world changing my mind, but I don’t think any of the major things are going to change at this point. Minor things I try to be really humble and willing to learn from others about or change my opinions on.
I tend to think that the best way to change people’s minds on major things is by how you live. When I was an evangelical, most of the preacher’s I had advocated that one’s witness to the world was how one lived one’s life, not so much going up to random people and asking if they know Jesus. For any major change I think that’s probably true.
But if many people of different opinion are set, there is little point in talking about it…
I wouldn’t necessarily agree. There’s value in honing your thought process, questioning first principles and following consequences to their logical progression and then evaluating it. You can also learn a great deal about a person by having those conversations.
Well said CA.
>>or a proponent of deontology
What’s wrong with strong teeth?
no toothpaste in the libertarian post-apocalyptic wasteland
And there’s too much fluoride in the water.
One of the main issues is that people differ in fundamental values, and this is unlikely to change.
I think this is the core issue. Generally, if you can show me that my position is at odds with my fundamental values, I’ll probably alter my position accordingly. Once you get there, it really isn’t that difficult.
The problem is that so much of modern politics, progressive politics in particular, expect my fundamental values to be malleable. The argument is that I should change my values because…well…reasons.
Ah but we expect socialists to change their values that everyone should get the same stuff regardless of life choices
Actually, I don’t care if they change their values or not. What I want to prevent is their ability to steal from the productive to buy power from the jealous. I am not so much interested in changing what they belief as much as I am in preventing them from acting on it. They can believe whatever evil shit they want. They just shouldn’t be allowed to steal and pretend they are doing something good.
Mostly I don’t. More often than not, I’m either trying to convince the marginal socialist that socialism is incompatible with their more basic values (liberty, responsibility, fairness) or to show folks in the middle that socialism is incompatible with theirs.
I think the issue is that the socialists don’t have first principles like that. I’ve never heard one espouse that everyone should get the same stuff, it’s always weasel words such as “things should be more fair”, or “that doesn’t feel right”.
And what is fair or right will change as the wind blows to address whatever grievance of the day they are solving for. It’s not about fixing anything as much as making sure the serfs know they live at the mercy of the masters and their whim. Which is why I say that if we are going to go back to a system that makes us serfs, we should stop pretending and just do that.
It’s not about fixing anything as much as making sure the serfs know they live at the mercy of the masters and their whim.
For their intellectual leadership, that is their first principle. Socialism manages to lure a lot of otherwise innocent people in with promises of free stuff and by pretenses of charity, equality, and fairness. But, the core of the ideology lies in the desire to hold that whip hand over one’s fellow man.
Don’t forget the booth on the neck of people that refuse to just bend over and take it. That is a major motivator for these people that feel the serfs should know better than to challenge them.
In last nights thread Baked Penguin convinced me to believe in UFO.
I wore out this album
I have the CD.
Insofar as there are sightings of things that appear to be flying that were not identified at the time by the observer, I will agree that UFOs exist.
Personally I have a stark memory of seeing something hovering over the athletic fields at college one evening that looked very much like the clasic sort of pattern. It even seemed to move oddly – until I realized it was the backside of a lighting array much closer to me than I mistook it for at the time and the movements were because of that mistake of perspective. Had I not made that identification, I whould have seen a UFO.
An alien lighting array?
No. It was one of the rigs to illuminate the field, but the light wasn’t falling on the post holding it up, and there was dark sky behind it, so all I saw was the light being reflected inside the main rig until I’d walked further along.
I gots powers….
Also, UFO was an awesome band, totally overlooked in their day. Seriously, I don’t get why they weren’t considered a ‘top ten in metal’ band. Especially with Shenker in their lineup
Nothing really matters. Anyone can see. Nothing really matters to me.
unless you can convince me (and believe me, I would be happy to be convinced) of a natural law right to ownership of land.
Convince me
“society”the government rightfully owns everything, and merely permits me to borrow some of it for my use.OK. Stop paying your taxes.
Ownership of land is the fundamentally the right to exclude others from coming on or using your land. Saying there is no natural right to exclude others from your property seems hard to defend without throwing out all property rights.
OK. Stop paying your taxes.
You will note the modifier “rightfully”.
I dont need to, because I dont believe they own it either.
Under an SLT, they will own all of it eventually, as owners fail to pay taxes on it and the land is confiscated. Really, taking us back to ye olden days when the King owned all the land, and let his nobles possess it (until he changed his mind). Although, with a fee simple, rather than alluvial, title system, we aren’t that far from the olden days now.
We are exactly there today. There is no difference.
Agreed, but by what natural right can I claim this particular chunk of land is mine to exclude you from? That is my point. There is no natural right to land, it is a might-make-right system. It is a useful fiction to pretend there is property right to land. And that useful fiction is backed up by a state issuing deeds and enforcing the property rights via a court system. The return, IMO, for that useful fiction being enforced by the state is the SLT. YMMV on that last point, and I would expect the ANCAPs to disagree on all of this, but the SLT seems far superior to any other suggested form of taxation and has such a low cap on the amount that could be collected as to force a minimal government. It is win-win for me.
All property began in a might makes right system. Those who cannot defend their property will see it taken. This does not differentiate less portable property from the more easily moved. The fact that all such property disputes have been outsourced for arbitation could be used to justify taxing possessing anything – from the dirt under your feet to the clothes on your back. The distinction between the land and any other property is more artificial than the recognition of property as a right.
Agreed, but by what natural right can I claim this particular
chunk of landanything is mine to exclude you from?I’m one of those people who don’t see a lot of distinction between the various flavors of property – real, intangible, and tangible (I actually find a lot of parallels between intangible/intellectual property and real property).
Your ability to defend your rights always boils down to “might-makes-right”, I suppose. The question is whether your use of violence to exclude is protecting your natural right to ownership. If I can’t rightfully prohibit you from using “my” land, on what basis can I rightfully prohibit you from using “my” hammer?
The creator of the hammer is the rightful owner*. If you made it or bought it or otherwise legitimately acquired it from the rightful owner, then you are the rightful owner. The problem is that you have no chain back of rightful ownership claims back to the creator of the land (possible exception ((them)) and certain lands in the ME). That is the basis you can prevent me from using the hammer.
*there is still the question of who owned the iron ore or the tree.
there is still the question of who owned the iron ore or the tree.
This is where I get lost. So a plot of land cannot be owned, but the components of that land can be owned? Or am I paying some sort of “unimproved value tax” on all property?
Wouldn’t improving the land confer ownership just like improving the iron ore and tree into a hammer seems to confer ownership?
Yes, this is the idea. Any improvements belong to the owner and are untaxed. The land is taxed at the “unimproved value”.
So the tree for the wood handle of the hammer would depend on if it was part of the unimproved land or if you grew it after acquiring the land. The raw wood would be taxed in the former case but not the latter.
And same for the ore, but I doubt you grew that. Taxing ore would have to be done differently than taxing land, for obvious reasons.
And if we want to keep around patents and copyrights, we would tax them too (see the definition I quoted above).
So inventing something is not improving what came before and thus unearned?
Curious, I guess, as to why you would tax intellectual property with something like a SLT. If improvements to land shouldn’t be taxable, why should improvements to products, technology, etc. be taxable?
And same for the ore, but I doubt you grew that. Taxing ore would have to be done differently than taxing land, for obvious reasons.
This leads to the second point of confusion. Even if we take the premise that found (unimproved) property is not able to be individually owned (claimed), it seems like a massive leap to assume that either 1) the sovereign owns it; or 2) people collectively own it. If the property is legitimately unowned, there doesn’t seem to be a viable legal theory to collect the economic rents.
I dont need to, because I dont believe they own it either.
“You cannot have an argument to make me turn collectivist”
Gulag Barbie’s dance video didn’t do it? Racist!
Even if some collectivist solution did work, unicorns and rainbows, giving everyone equality (whatever that means) or a living wage, I would hate it exactly because it will, by it’s very nature, limit my freedom in some way. No utilitarian argument or social contract crapola changes that.
Even if some collectivist solution did work, unicorns and rainbows, giving everyone equality (whatever that means) or a living wage, I would hate it exactly because it will, by it’s very nature, limit my freedom in some way. No utilitarian argument or social contract crapola changes that.
My brother, who should know better, believes strongly that here should be a wealth tax, mostly just to punish
rich peoplepeople richer than he is. It’s not fair the Waltons are hoarding all that loot. He’ll say, “I want somebody to convince me I’m wrong, but nobody can.”That’s because his reasoning boils down to, “Because I say so.”
And you’re right- his utilitarian arguments about the multitude of better uses the enlightened Top Men could put Paris Hilton’s money to, instead of shoes and dresses and parties; they carry no weight with me.
When Top Men spend Paris’ money, to largely goes to Bureaucrats, who make nothing but hassles. When Paris spends her money on parties, it goes to food service people, entertainers, planners, staff, and so on – people who make things or provide a service. Both of these second order groups (the Bureaucrats and the private sector producers) spend it on other things. Though with the Bureaucrats, you have that one layer of no value add before it starts to be productive again.
Or there’s the fact that it’s Paris’s money. Someone willingly gave her that money. Either because they care for her or for services rendered. It isn’t my money,. It isn’t P Brooks’ brother’s. It’s hers. Maybe I’m a little old-fashioned here, but when did our society get to the point where people are ashamed to say that stealing is wrong?
1) Don’t hurt people
2) Don’t take their stuff
Getting a bunch of people together to vote to hurt someone or take their stuff does not magically make it morally right.
to be clear, I am agreeing, not complaining.
I was addressing Brother Brooks’ ‘utilitarian’ line of thought, since the “she can do what she likes with her money” argument wasn’t going to fly with the straw B Brooks I was addressing.
Oh, I wasn’t criticizing you. It’s just something that frustrates me.
Fucking Brook’s Brother. Always trying to dress things up to be fancier than they really are.
…multitude of better uses the enlightened Top Men could put Paris Hilton’s money to, instead of shoes and dresses and parties
It sounds like he presumes he’s the one who gets to pick the right Top Men. It doesn’t quite work that way. What that ignores is that the world he’d create is one where those Top Men get to make every economic decision of every peasant, just as assuredly as those of Paris Hilton. The difference, of course, is that women like Ms. Hilton have a much higher likelihood of being able to influence just how those Top Men choose to enslave the populace and distribute the resulting wealth.
There’s a reason the old Soviet nomenklatura lived standards that would have made the old robber barons blush.
Ask him if building the wall on our southern border is one of those multitude of betters uses.
The biggest difference between wage slavery and tax slavery is that you can quit your job.
Entering a voluntary agreement that pays less than a utopian price for labor is slavery.
Being born into a mandatory system where wealth is extracted from you with the implied threat of force is your patriotic duty
Yeah, I think that about sums up their reasoning.
to be fair, profit is theft
When it comes to socialists, OTHER people making a profit is theft. When they do it it is totes legit…
+3 mansions….
And, as has been said many times, here and at the Before Place: you cannot reason somebody out of a position which never had a rational foundation.
Stop paying your taxes.
I still can distinguish between justice and power.
Sure, you will be right in principle, but without your property. So when someone says ‘you don’t really own any property in America’, they are factually correct, even though it’s wrong in principle that the government can take your property you’ve already paid for. This is why I’m against property tax. Fuck roads and bridges, find a principled way to pay for it.
With regards to changing one’s mind, when I first saw Occasional Cortex I was certain that she was a 34 B cup. After reviewing other pictures, I’ve changed my mind and I think that she’s likely a 34 C cup.
I am open to changing my mind
My first impression was “Those are some crazy eyes – stay away from her.”
Crazy eyes, donkey teeth, ignorant…
Not my thang.
Olive Oyl. Ewww.
She looks sane and attractive in the pic in the article. She seems to look that way until she starts waxing retarded.
She is actually pretty photogenic, in the narrow sense of “can take a good picture.” Anyone at all can look bad in a photo, as I am sure we have all proven.
She ruins it when her lips start moving.
“photo” genic. Not “tele” genic.
I suspect she uses padding. My experience has been most of them do that.
There’s only one way to know for sure
+1 Department of Booby Inspections
New name: “AOC Cup Size Apologist”
Do you even government?
It is the Federal Booby Inspectorate.
Oh, a bureau of the Department of Fish and Game?
I would fuck her.
So what ?
She is trying to fuck all of us so you might just get lucky?
What I notice annoy me ar arguments not about what can be done but what they think should be done irrespective if it works. The “we must do something”. Or if you point out it does not work, well you got a better idea? I don’t need to have a better idea, because if something does not work we are better off doing nothing.
But then you aren’t doing anything! And doing something is how you show you care.
“we must do something”
That’s more typically spoken as ‘Someone has to do something!’, which eventually gets translated to ‘Congress has to do something!’.
That has gotten us into more trouble than probably anything, except for ‘for the children’.
“we must do something”
“Doing nothing counts, in my book. If you must quibble, I have decided (which is doing something), to do nothing. Happy now?”
Didn’t Rush write that into a song?
Closest I can think of off the top of my head is from Freewill:
I was trying to make a … glib comment.
Sorry, I may be a bit artistic.
I would also be open to the idea that “doing something” could include repealing the dumb law that caused the unintended consequences in the first place. But that never seems to be an option. Nope. Only additional tweaks to the first law are to be considered.
Yes, the TOS objection to OCare repeal. The writers simply could not imagine life without a massive federal bureaucracy squatting on health care finance. They just wanted to tweak it a little. You know, optimize the outcomes from the massive federal bureaucracy, because Libertarian Moment.
TOS also argued that if it really sucked it could be repealed and that opposition to it was a huge overreaction. Then – like you said – once it was passed, they refused to entertain the idea that you could roll back to what was in place before its passage.
What I notice annoy me ar arguments not about what can be done but what they think should be done irrespective if it works.
In a practicable worldview, what should be done is aligned with what can be done. It may be hard. It may be distasteful, but it is possible.
In utopian worldviews, what can be done is irrelevant. Consequences are pointless when all importance is placed on intentions.
You’re just not doing it hard enough!
I avoid having to change my mind by never committing to anything in the first place. All I know is I don’t like them, so whatever they’re for, I’m resolutely against.
Crazy eyes, donkey teeth…
Butterface Barbie.
Change my mind on first principals? I suppose it could happen but I doubt it. That said Perfection is an unattainable goal and I am quite capable of changing my opinion on details of implementation.
Look I know the perfect word of my dreams is never going to happen. even if I were elected king of the world with no limits on my authority I could still not achieve it because the policy initiatives required to build the world the way I would prefer it exist would actually me to violate the first principles which guide my desire for the world to exist in that way and invalidate the entire project so this means I have to accept things I do not agree with an be willing to compromise to at least keep the world from moving ever further away from that vision
What I notice annoy me ar arguments not about what can be done but what they think should be done irrespective if it works. The “we must do something”.
They mean well. And the flowers in the Fields of Flanders are quite beautiful, I’m told.
I’ve evolved in my views since HS/college age. I started as a ditto head who just didn’t really care all that much about social issues, and through years of lurking and participating on TOS, ended up libertarian-ish.
Looking back, it was a clarifying of views and values that shifted my overall worldview. My views on gay marriage first pushed me in the libertarian direction, but the clarification of my opinions on various social, economic, and foreign policy issues kept nudging me further away from the GOP and toward libertarianism.
Could I end up in the socialist camp? No. I’m confident that the foundation of my worldview is true, and that foundation is incompatible with socialism. Could I end up drifting into some other liberty-loving ideology? Possibly.
OT: Gillete is totally woke yo.. https://youtu.be/koPmuEyP3a0
I see we’re getting away from the tired old “dumb husband/smart wife” commercials and now we’re just getting outright lectured.
Also, it appears 4chan got ahold of this…. ha ha ha.
Fuck. Now I have to find a new razor and blades.
this will help
More work than I am willing to put into it.
*scratches beard*
Have you tried the stubble look? I just buzz away inconvenient lengths rather than fuss around with blades against my skin.
I wore a full beard for years. Then the cheeks went white, so I trimmed it down to a Van Dyke. Then the chin went white, so I trimmed it down to a mustache. Then the mustache went white, so now I shave it all when I go to work.
I feel the grey in the beard adds some much needed gravitas.
White, not grey, not silver. . fucking white.
I am a 60-something engineer working with people who are roughly the same age as my kids. Few of them have any idea how old I am. I want to keep it that way.
When the new engineer showed up at work I discovered that he was two years younger than my youngest daughter. That made me feel reeeeeel old.
Grow it out in the winter, Kinnath and you can be the office Santy Claus for all the little kids you work with.
I blame Global Warming for why my beard turned white. Like you, I shaved it so that I don’t needlessly scare the kids with proof of their impending doom from rising sea levels.
Now I just have a bad ass mustache.
How bad is it?
I noticed that I could no longer read documents up close after my beard started to turn white. I figured if I kept it shaved, it would improve my eyesight. No such luck.
Gillette and the Selective Service were the first two entities to wish me a happy birthday on my 18th birthday. Now it’s Bic razors for me, I guess
I got the same thing, but the really funny part was it was delivered to my dad’s house, when I was living in a different state. Funnier still, I was actually visiting on the day it arrived.
Which, speaking of “privilege”, as Gillette alludes to in this commercial, how many young girls get a special “Happy Birthday” from the US federal government saying “complete this form so that your name can be included in the draft, if need be, or you will not be afforded student loans and you will not be eligible for government employment”.
It’s hard to have a principled position on student loans and government employment when your eighteen and all you care about is that you can legally buy smokes for the first time.
Dollar Shave Club my friends.
Who needs to shave?
/bearded man
Hmm, that’s funny, I was just considering their products as of late.
Am I the only one who noticed that right after they started boasting about their price drop on razors, that the quality mysteriously fell to meet the price? I guess it’s time to start buying 2 razors for $10.
This is about right:
“Undead Chronic
1 hour ago
Its ok Gillette im sure the land whale feminists who never shave will buy your razors!”
Even better:
Dash Attack
2 hours ago
My wife’s son loved this. Thank you!
1 hour ago
Happy to hear he enjoyed it! And thank YOU for watching!
Where’s that safety razor article?
Shave like a man!
or go for the STEVE SMITH look
Fuck that, I won’t let the matriarchy control my grooming habits.
Once or twice a week I run over it with a trimmer. Done.
The marketing firm that generated that should be taken out back and shot. Diving into the shallow end of the culture war headfirst is a good way to end up dead.
This seems to be a common tactic. Company that previously had a virtual monopoly gets large amount of their market share stolen by upstarts/shifting consumer preferences. Company tries to solidify any semblance of a consumer base by going woke.
Why can’t companies implement the simple process of “learning from other people’s mistakes” and see that this will not work?
the reaction just confirms the misogyny in our society
Fucking great. I just bought some Gillette razors yesterday. And I have a decent amount of P&G stock.
Is this going to be foisted up my ass during the Super Bowl?
the Super Bowl is toxic an needs to change. No contact football is the future
Also, bullying and harassment are now synonymous with men?
girls don’t bully and if they do it is men’s fault
Anyone with the least familiarity with adolescent girls knows that’s not true.
It’s like Mean Girls wasnt a thing.
During my freshman year of college, i lived in a dorm that had was co-ed on the 2nd and 3rd floors but was all female on the 4th floor. Holy shit, the stories we used to hear about that floor. Women are vicious towards each other.
Every time I hear someone claim there’d be less conflict if there were more female politicians, I boggle.
For all (heh, right – “all”) the female Glibs, I don’t mean that to be some sort of anti-female statement, just that the thought that politics would magically be better if it was all women in charge is insane. It’d be just as bad, albeit possibly in different way.
Since it is usually a leftist that makes such a statement, I ask, “like Margaret Thatcher?” That’s not what they meant.
A bizarre thing that I noticed in high school (having attended a single-sex high school and having dated girls from neighboring single-sex high schools) is that girls are nastier to one another when guys are around, whereas guys are nicer to each other when girls are near. When girls aren’t around, high school boys behalf like animals, whereas high school girls are friendlier to one another when boys aren’t around.
Send your daughters to single-sex schools, but for the love of God send your boys to a school where there are girls. Outside of prison there is nothing more violent or foul than an all boys high school.
Can you learn to stop worrying and embrace Ocasio-Cortez?
do you think a series of arguments would change your mind?
I cannot be persuaded. Change my mind.
I was sure I had alt text on the pics. It seems it vanished
You know who else couldn’t change their mind even when faced with overwhelming evidence…
Your average internet commenter?
Diving into the shallow end of the culture war headfirst is a good way to end up dead.
[insert “nobody I know…” anecdote]
It’s sampling errors, all the way down.
This is how you promote shaving
Houellebecq has a new book out and anyone who reads it will probably be labeled a “Nazi” or “alt-right” now. Considering that his books always seem to predict reality by a decade or more, this plot seems already outdated:
“Serotonin, the story of a lovesick agricultural engineer who writes trade reports for the French agriculture ministry and loathes the EU, has been hailed by the French media as scathing and visionary. The novel rails against politicians who “do not fight for the interests of their people but are ready to die to defend free trade”.”
Agree or disagree with his thesis (which is pretty illiberal), at least he offers something different from the bland novels that are constantly regurgitating the same theme over and over again nowadays.
In before someone mentions “Houellebecq girl”
Thanks. Just bought a Kindle edition.
Article said the English translation won’t be available until September. Is it out already or do you speak frog?
My French is good enough to read novels.
Parlez-vous grenouille?
(Amusingly, that term has made it to the second definition of frog on Google translate. That’s got to be a microaggression or something.)
Story not as much fun as headline suggested.
Just one town over from me. It’s like I’m living in my own little corner of Florida.
police recovered four bras, 14 pairs of panties, two candles and some air freshener refills – altogether valued at $445
They must of been some of those fancy, out-on-the-town type of panties…
Because $445 would buy me about 200 pair underwear.
Look, they just wanted to treat themselves this one time.
One of the things that attracted me to my now wife was how willing she was to listen to my views despite her being a typical Northwest Ohio Liberal. She disagreed with a lot of stuff I said (and still do on some stuff) but what separated her from her peers was that she was willing to discuss politics and philosophy in good faith and never once thought I was evil for having a different stance than her. While we still don’t agree on some politics, we at least understand why we have the politics we have.
Unfortunately, especially with the advent of social media and the 24 hour news cycle, debate or at the very least understanding someone else’s views are damn near impossible because we are constantly bombarded with how the other side is bad and how your side is as pure as snow.
An incident that comes to mind was when Rand Paul discussed with Rachel Maddow about how forcing businesses to not discriminate against customers was going against the concept of freedom of association. He even made clear that the laws created in the 60’s to counter that were right at the time but now unecessary and it’s stupid to discriminate against someone based on their gender race, or sexual orientation. He thought that he could have a philosophical discussion but what he got instead was accusations of being a racist from Maddow, because at the end of the day she twisted his arguments to suit her ends.
One of the things that attracted me to my now wife was how willing she was to listen to my views despite her being a typical Northwest Ohio Liberal. – figured you for an ass man
But yes it is good to have decent arguments as long as there is some common ground. I could probably not data an unapologetic communist. I find mainstream views center right/left wrong, i find commies evil
I think her being raised in an upper class household and watching her Dad work his ass off to give her a good life made Communism abhorrent. The idea that someone who worked their ass off being forced to give their shit up just because didn’t sit well with her. And also, she saw how incredibly generous her parents where with their money and always chafed at this idea that rich people are assholes.
The idea that someone who worked their ass off being forced to give their shit up just because didn’t sit well with her.
It’s one of the fundamental lies of socialism. Socialists claim their movement is about fairness. But, it’s only “fair” if you assume that everyone got their situation purely by random chance. But, effort, thought, risk-taking, perseverance and sacrifice do play a role in shaping people’s destinies. I’ve always cited the case of a doctor. This is a guy who had to bust his rear end throughout their entire education, getting top grades, taking difficult courses, studying when everyone else was partying. Then, for their efforts, they get to go on to still more school for three years. When all of that is over, what’s their reward? They get to do a year of internship, something that every discussion I’ve ever read sounds pretty much like hell. After that? Two to seven years of residency, only becoming a little less hellish each year. By that time, if they’re lucky, they get to call themselves a doctor. They’ve given up pretty much all their youth and are lucky if they’re not deeply in debt.
Now, some asshole comes along and says it’s unfair that they make more than other people? That the government ought to step in to keep their salaries low? Sorry, but that goes against any sane definition of fairness I’d understand.
But, it’s only “fair” if you assume that everyone got their situation purely by
random chance.societal oppression based on immutable, inborn characteristics.Agree, aside from the fact that none of that should be necessary to hang up a shingle as a sawbones, and the medical establishment with the help of the government controls the supply of doctors, you want to distort the market for your own benefit I don’t have much sympathy, you created the hoops you had to jump through partly to justify your big paycheck. Not ‘you’ “you” the “royal” ‘you’.
Your wife knew you to be a good person or at least knew you were arguing in good faith. When a bunch of randos online argue they know nothing about each other. And where Rand Paul messed-up was thinking that Maddow would at least give him the benefit of the doubt, because they agreed with regards to war and civil liberties (at that time, of course, since Maddow is to the Right of the John Birch Society now).
If a friend or relative won’t listen to or consider your opinion or assumes bad intentions on your part than they don’t respect you to begin with.
One of her friends who is this crazy Progressive asked what she saw in me because in her minds Republicans and Libertarians are generally terrible people. My wife responded that while I don’t think that government should be giving out welfare benefits, as a Christian, I should help those less fortunate. Her friend couldn’t wrap her mind around being charitable without the government forcing you to do so.
Her friend couldn’t wrap her mind around being charitable without the government forcing you to do so.
I think that’s the part of the Overton Window I’ve moved with my wife – I believe she understands that now – intellectually, anyway.
There is a large portion of the populace that has been trained that help (or at least benefits) comes from the government. They don’t look to their neighbor for help, but instead they and their neighbor look to the government for more assistance. It’s the way of things.
I learned early on that no one is going to help you. Not your neighbors, who’ll gleefully rob you blind, and cartainly not the government, who’s more liable to bury you in penalties and prison sentences if you catch their attention.
Your neighbors suck.
Agreed – my neighbors would help (and have helped) me out in a heartbeat.
I one of your neighbors is an asshole, you have an asshole neighbor. If all of your neighbors are assholes…
You’re a Glibertarian?
With one or two minor exceptions, my neighbors are awesome : the parties, the community, the sharing of beer and wine. But we are tied together by the community pool, which is actually owned and run by neighborhood volunteers. Even the lifeguards usually live in the area and know each kid personally.
We’re planning on an indoor pool party for February, and my wife and I will also be hosting a “Winter BBQ” some time soon.
We were walking down Clark Street in Andersonville with her friends from college (they all went to a liberal arts college in Illinois) and guess who was the only one who gave their food and a couple of bucks to the homeless guy? The asshole libertarian.
It’s easy to pretend to be all charitable when it’s not you giving your money.
I have never met a progressive who regularly donated to charity. I have known old-school liberals who did so, but progressivism is such a bizarre mix of an upper class mentality with a faith in centralization and scientism that individual charity is such a foreign concept to them. I’ve had one explain to me that direct charity or charity through a non-profit is less effective than government programs, because the government can force people to donate to more effective charities.
“Progressivism” is basically a good old-fashioned caste system, with no noblesse oblige or other sense of duty. It is about the “right people” reshaping the entire society by any means necessary. The fact that the right people come from a pretty narrow network of the upper strata of society and is further defined by certain cultural and economic markers, rather than membership in an overtly hereditary class, isn’t really much of a distinction.
In my experience, most of the progressive lawyer’s pro bono work is political activism that is:
1) small and self contained
2) emotionally gratifying (to a prog); and
3) mostly clerical in nature
The fact that the right people come from a pretty narrow network of the upper strata of society and is further defined by certain cultural and economic markers, rather than membership in an overtly hereditary class, isn’t really much of a distinction.
Actually, it has one important distincition. It’s why progressivism has no sense of noblesse oblige.
Interestingly enough 100 years weren’t they quite explicit that the “right people” were white people? So are the white privilege tirades progjection? And do they have a Charles Manson-esque views of race relations?
Your wife knew you to be a good person or at least knew you were arguing in good faith.
That’s important – my wife was incensed when I told I I voted ‘No’ on Question 3 in November – public accommodation laws being immoral and all – but eventually let it go based on the fact she knows I’m not some terrible person.
She doesn’t agree with my voting on principle but can sort-of understands I have solid reasons, even if they seem alien to her. We mostly don’t talk politics for that reason, but I think I’ve moved the Overton Window over the years.
Jeff Jacoby’s column published on the election day in the Boston Globe was very good–and I would even say brave–in explaining why he voted “NO” on Question 3.
I missed that, will have to look it up.
That is, indeed, a rather brave thing to write around here – it’s hard to be the object of unreasoning hate.
It’s pretty succinct and well thought out.
I don’t know why I clicked on the comments:
He literally wrote 1,000 words explaining his principled opposition to it.
My wife, bless her soul, was (is?) a black sheep like myself. We are pretty lockstep politically, due to long, rambling conversations about various subjects. Going to law school, oddly enough, made her even more logical and less emotional about people. Well that and dealing with the freaks, losers, addicts, and weirdos that she has to defend.
OT: I always thought it was Big Chief gotta go downtown. I suck at hearing. In other news, I’ll be in greater Phoenix March 18th, 19th and 20th, looking forward to getting together with other glibs.
Watchatalkingbout Willis?
Misheard lyrics and imaginary friends.
One of the things that attracted me to my now wife was how willing she was to listen to my views despite her being a typical Northwest Ohio Liberal. She disagreed with a lot of stuff I said (and still do on some stuff) but what separated her from her peers was that she was willing to discuss politics and philosophy in good faith and never once thought I was evil for having a different stance than her. While we still don’t agree on some politics, we at least understand why we have the politics we have.
Nice. You’re a lucky man.
My wife and I don’t talk about politics. Never have.
During Ron Paul’s run 10 years ago, I noticed a Ron Paul flyer in her car. She said someone had left it on her windshield at work. She thought it made a lot of sense.
We both caucused for Ron Paul. She’s not exactly libertarian, but she hates leeches that suck off the public teat.
*wipes single tear away remembering 2008 Ron Paul campaign*
2012, the Paulites succeeded in taking over the state party apparatus and filling every delegate slot except for the one reserved for the “dignitaries”, i.e, the current senator and congressmen. This resulted in the RNC refusing to allow the Iowa delegation to post its vote at the national convention.
The RNC can go fuck themselves.
Yes. I remember that. I think some Paul representative was eventually prosecuted for some nonsense campaign finance violation or something. I also remember the Rally for the Republic in MN that year. I bet no one remembers who the MC was at the Rally for the Republic, because it makes no sense nowadays.
Ron Paul was one of the major reason why I became a libertarian. It was refreshing to hear a politician be anti-war and willing to discuss monetary and fiscal policies. What the RNC did to the delegates in 2012 was the final straw that broke the camel’s back.
On changing one’s mind: Very often I read something online, hit the reply button, then blank out on what I want to say and why, then back off to think about it for a while. My remembery is not the best, so I am trying to be careful about saying things like “IME…” when I may not be remembering correctly. That leads me to think about the REST of the conversation and what’s really being said.
I cut my teeth on Usenet when “call for references!” was a thing and I had the time to go look up reputable sites for information to back up my position before having to be told “call for references!” I don’t have that kind of time anymore, nor the interest, nor do I know what sites are reputable for which audience. I feel like I’m drowning in misinformation and what good information I do get will be waved off by the person I am trying to persuade as an illegitimate source.
For an instance, on FB, I have a prog friend who was castigating Republicans for blocking birth control. I feel strongly about OTC birth control, so I decided to engage, but first I went to the actual bills that Rs had introduced to make birth control OTC, and that it was democrats who were blocking it. I presented it in a calm manner, and said, “Here’s the evidence.” She thanked me and sat on that for a while. Another of her proggy friends came in and pulled out the “Women won’t know what to choose because of all the different formulations,” and at that point I bailed. Neither of those women know what lengths poor women have to go through to get birth control. But to my proggy friend’s credit, she did stop and think about it, and said she was going to have to reorder her thinking on that subject.
said she was going to have to reorder her thinking on that subject.
That is all too rare.
I’ve mentioned it before, but a dear friend works in “women’s health” as a counselor, and when we very briefly debated the merits of OTC BC, she shut me down with: “Women need to speak with a physician so they get the right prescription.” There was no persuading her that there’s a worthwhile tradeoff: women should have to speak to a physician to get birth control, and if they can’t or can’t afford to, well, that’s the fault of the same Republicans who are pushing to make it OTC.
And I’ve mentioned before, it’s not even the cost of going to the doctor. There are sliding-scale clinics everywhere. It’s very often just getting off work and getting there that is overly burdensome. I had a medical issue in my 20s that required lots of hormone therapy and getting the prescriptions was a nightmare of logistics.
See, that’s because haters didn’t want you to have therapy or prescriptions, and you shouldn’t have to overturn the regulatory or drug scheduling regimes to get what you need, you just have to direct all your scorn at the haters till they stop hating on you.
Yes, I have good insurance (i am out of pocket less than $100 for my whole face plant episode), but arranging appointments and time off is a hassle.
You ain’t whistlin’ Dixie.
I’m self-employed but I couldn’t get an outside job if I wanted to because it seems all my real time is taken up carting kids and myself to the doctor. I honestly don’t know how mothers who work outside the home do it (or why their employers put up with it).
I honestly don’t know how mothers who work outside the home do it (or why their employers put up with it).
A lot of them pay for the flexibility with lower wages. #wageGap
castigating Republicans for blocking birth control
Of course, once its OTC, then it won’t be paid for by health insurance. If she figures that out, she’ll be able to castigate Repubs for denying women “free” birth control.
I remember asking on usenet way back when for help on a wiring diagram for a car stereo I had bought at a garage sale. I had a pretty good idea of most of them, but figured this would be an easy way to confirm.
Anyhow, one of the first responders to the post accused me of being a thief and told me to die in a fire. Then another guy told that dude to read my post and take a chill pill. The next 30 responses were from those two fighting with each other. A third guy made a comment about the flame war and that got the two original shitposters to bury the hatchet and go after the new guy. I swear it was like John vs MNG vs Shriek vs Bo.
Some guy finally did post a wiring diagram, but it was an amazing pre-web display of how anonymity on the internet leads to no fucking good.
John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory
Another problem in debate is when people only have a surface knowledge of why things are the way they are and want to change outcomes without changing process. This is the whole health care debate. Instead of wondering why health care costs rise, what role regulation, insurance and tax incentives have in that rise they just want to change the outcome of how much it costs on a per purchase basis.
From the Iron Laws:
I don’t think that’s as ironclad as the name seems. There have been a number of things that turned out to be easier than I thought when I was ignorant. It’s more of a copper law.
*Raises the black flag, prepares to begin slitting throats*
*Realizes its UnCiv, who is sui generis. Lowers the black flag, notices a nick on Ol’ Gullet-Slicer, heads to belt grinder to touch up the edge.*
Surely that should be Kindness
Leave my fucking heroes alone!
Famed Physicist Richard Feynman Was Known as an Odd Genius. Was He Also an Abuser?
It is too late for careful reporting on these incidents, for interviewing both sides to understand more about what may have happened.
But we’re going to destroy a man’s legacy anyway.
If only he had progged harder in life, then they would have buried all of this.
One again, the best thing to do with these monsters is to deprive them of the oxygen of our attention.
I would say it is unusual for the combination of massive intellect and supreme communication skills that Feynman had to be without some other serious personality flaw. There was a time that it was “accepted” as eccentric, even though they were assholes. The objection to the modern treatment that I have is that the value of the contributions they made is judged in light of whatever personality flaw they had, even if the flaws had zero bearing on their work.
It’s an excuse to not grapple with the ideas.
Modern progressivism is so incoherent, vapid, and rife with inconsistencies and contradictions that it can’t withstand any rational and systematic analysis of its prescriptions. So they basically have a tantrum until people walk away in fatigue or exasperation and then declare themselves the victors.
Which is why ignoring them or telling them calmly and simply to their faces that they can RHEEEEEEE all they want, you won’t budge an inch are the best courses of action when confronted by their immaturity or superstitions.
Which is why ignoring them or telling them calmly and simply to their faces that they can RHEEEEEEE all they want, you won’t budge an inch are the best courses of action when confronted by their immaturity or superstitions.
Meh, I’m kinda leaning toward loading a scattergun with rock salt and about a half charge of powder and getting the lefties off my lawn the old fashioned way.
More people are going to come to the same conclusion as the progs continue on their rampage through all of our cultural institutions. A large portion of the foundation of civil society is based on the fact that we can dicker about certain policy changes, but you don’t make it personal. That has gone out the window, and now just about anybody is a potential target of the metastatic left.
Kevin Hart on Good Morning America last week said that he had enough of apologizing and explaining his tweets from years ago. The Outrage Machine doesn’t give a shit about the folks they pretend to care about because what they really want is to make you grovel and beg for their forgiveness. They want to take their enemies swords and melt it down so they can add to their bullshit throne.
Where muh linx!?!
Looks like they changed their mind.
The links will be late today. Change my mind
It can never ever be proven that there’s such a thing as ‘hate speech’. There’s just speech. And it’s free.
Which leads to another axiom of human nature I’ve learned: Individual over the collective.
And no to Ocasio-Cortez because she’s an illiterate ignoramus and has quite literally nothing of importance to impart.
If Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t just another pretty face, she’d be working at Starbucks with here economics degree.
She should sue BU for making her pay to be that stupid. In turn, BU should sue her for making them look like a crappy institution unable to teach basic economics.
She could marry money.
Guaranteed this will happen. Its the fastest way for her to get the lucre that is her due. Sure, you can get rich on just regular old graft as a Congresser, but finding some cuck with piles of money won’t be hard for her, at all, and would be quicker.
The Cuck and the Socialist philanthropist power couple.
And they all swoon.
*John Heinz waves hi from beyond the grave*
I find it odd that now with all the screeching about objectifying women, the recent Democrat female entrants have been better looking than the young women voted into Democratic office before.
And International Relations.
The term “hate speech” is so infantile it drives me nuts. “Hate speech” implies that there are words that carry emotion with them; that’s idiotic. Words are just words. They’re symbols. Humans load them with emotion through use and interpretation. “Hate speech” as a concept and in implementation is nothing short of Orwellian.
AOC. The voice of… Not really fair to collectivize the yuts like that.
The Brown Shirts are causing violence yet again!
Links are late. Change my mind.
You are Early.
Refresh before posting. Change my mind.
This won’t be the last time today that this joke is used. Change my mind.
This joke was old before the third appearance.
Don’t change my mind.
I thought you liked bland jokes.
Change my mind.
Puns and wordplay, teds.
I’m beginning to worry that Mr. Lizard finally ate Brett.
I’m sure they’ll find a substitute eventually.
I guess my day wasn’t so bad.
I had a flat tire at 5:30 this morning, and had to wait outside in 10-degree weather for my ride.
Then, work didn’t have the heat turned up, so I never had a chance to get warm. 😡
Dang. That also sucks wads.
Oh, and the last time I had a flat a few months back, couldn’t change the spare with the car’s default jack. Thankfully Dad’s pickup truck has a jack that provides more clearance.
Last time I had a full-on flat I couldn’t get the goddamn lug nuts off since they used an air gun to put them on when the tires were changed.
Too bad you didn’t have some beer to make you feel better.
Sorry 🙁
You didn’t have a spare?
The spare is on it now, but I would have been late to work if I had had to change it right then and there. Besides, last time I had a flat, I had problems getting the spare on.
So the S stands for Soave?
I doubt he has the majestic locks of hair. Or the yappy dog.
Dude, that’s just mean
That is the silver lining I look at with my car problems, at least it happened when I was going to work later in the day.
That’s unsettling.
Get some mouth wash Mr Lizard! Your breath smells like monkey butt.
Well, hell I was waiting to post this in the new thread, ok:
Now that I got some work out of the way. Checked the car out today. Oil on the bottom of the crank case, looked like at some point head gasket had leaked, not sure how recently. Engine turns over and even starts, but one of the pistons is definitely damaged. The extent of the damage to the block or head isn’t clear at this point. Depending on the damage it’ll either become a project car for my niece or parted off, I guess. I still have a few more payments to make on it before I can even start working on getting a lone for another car. Using a loner car from family while I figure everything out.
Thanks for giving me a place to vent. New cartoon Tuesday night, I’d say it’s as a thanks, but it was already scheduled before ‘My life got flipped-turned upside down’.
That sucks donkey balls.
What Mojo said.
Is it losing coolant?
To find the oil leak, clean the engine, then see where it’s leaking.
A good way to check the pistons is to use a compression checker. Clean the area around the spark plugs very thoroughly. Then remove the spark plugs, disable the fuel pump (usually you can just pull a fuse), then check each cylinder by running the starter. They should all read about the same. You can also look online for the correct numbers for your engine.
The coolant level in the overflow was low, but barely. It’ll get the full work-up and diagnosis eventually. It’s being moved to a heated garage today.
Also, look for oil in water or water in oil.
It will look kinda like chocolate milk.
That’s good indicator it’s the head gasket.
May have lost a valve or lifter.
Detroit man dies playing hide and seek.
At 21? Yeah, IDK.
I know a guy who knew a girl who died exactly this way, while exploring some abandoned complex in Denver. Or maybe it was her boyfriend, I forget which. In any event, someone fell down an elevator shaft and died.
Which one of you is the hippy?
The downside of volunteryism is that hippies like it too. Screw this
Surely you can spare a couple weaker orphans for the week.
Rand Paul is getting hernia surgery in Canada. Everyone is freaking the fuck out.
The clinic is a private one though.
Are you suggesting that our brave guardians of truth fail at discerning basic facts and are more concerned with furthering a political narrative than being honest?
How dare you suggest that the MSM isn’t on the up and up at the same time that TrumpHitler attacks them!
Yep Canada has private clinics. The ones where the Liberals and NDP will go despite being the protectors of Canada’s Sacred Bond that defines them.
Yep, he’s paying for it out of pocket at a private hospital. Still makes him a hypocrite apparently.
Is this now a MSM news site where you can just make an assertion without backing it up? Give a link!
of course we can make an assertion.
Well I was saving it for the links…
Since you got sassy, you get a splinter link instead: https://splinternews.com/1831747511
Um, there’s that ‘apart’ instead of ‘a part’, twice in one day. Grammer be hard!
“Free Market Boner Rand Paul Is Getting Hernia Surgery in Canada
There are two things you need to know about Sen. Rand Paul: He hates government-funded healthcare and he loves getting his ass kicked by his neighbor over petty Nextdoor-style bullshit. This time, love actually did trump hate: the Louisville Courier Journal reports that Paul, who is still recovering from his injuries as a result of Neighborgate, will go to Canada later this month to get hernia surgery.
Paul spokesperson Kelsey Cooper predictably blew a gasket when confronted with this tasty bit of hypocrisy. “This is more fake news on a story that has been terribly reported from day one—this is a private, world renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” Cooper told the Courier Journal in an email.
While Shouldice is a for-profit clinic, it’s very much apart of the Canadian healthcare system. As the National Post wrote in 2012, the government of the province of Ontario “still pays for thousands of patients a year to get operations there at taxpayers’ expense,” and that it “receives yearly funding from the province, and medicare fees for services offered by its doctors.”
Turns out the invisible hand isn’t as good at fixing hernias as a real one.”
That’s some serious asshole journalism.
I wonder who told people he was going to Canada.
Turns out the invisible hand isn’t as good at fixing hernias as a real one.
I think it was always going to be a surgeon’s hand that fixed his hernia.
Well, until we invent the autodoc.
I’m no expert on hernia repair, but Ive always had the impression that its pretty routine stuff. Why would anyone travel outside the country to have it done?
I don’t know either, but who am I to judge which private contractor anyone chooses to pay for a particular service?
Oh, I dont begrudge him for where he chooses to spend his money. I could care less. Ive just never heard of anyone leaving the country for a hernia repair.
Que sera, sera.
“Mesh-free” from what I read.
I see ambulance-chaser commercials for mesh surgery victims – I think they tend to go wrong.
Do we have any doctors to explain the difference to the non-medical?
“Rand Paul Is Getting Hernia Surgery in Canada”
Lucky he didn’t have to go the VA for that repair job
/been there, done that/ and ain’t goin’ back
/seeing my VA doc later this week.
/they wont ever cut on me
So the clinic receives government fee-for-service money to perform procedures? So, when a U.S. government agency ships something FedEx or buys a twelve pack of Coca Cola, those companies become “apart” of the U.S. government?
Also: Yeah, great snark on the author’s part. Violent assault is so very funny.
We’re not the enemy of the American people! We just create stories that will fit our narratives and if we leave out a couple of important details, it’s fine because we are doing it for your good.
And remember, Democracy Dies in the Dark…or something like that.
Everyone is freaking the fuck out
So Rand Paul broke the internet?
Proggy doc friend of mine posted that link with a prolonged laugh. I didn’t even bother to point out the facts, since he’s immune to them.
Does she do anything else besides wear a bikini and get photographed for the Daily Mail? Because that sounds like a sweet gig.
Why would she need to?
It was about time that someone made one of those subtitled Hitler movies using Glibertarians inside jokes.
Nein! Nein!
Who was it that did that? I forget.
Injun, as from India did the one on Soave
Thanks, Raven. Of all the people we lost I miss Injun and Groovus the most.
Thanks. That’s what I was thinking but wasn’t sure.
Encyclopedia of Deplatforms (version 1.0)
Notice how almost none of them have clear explanations, and many were the result of personal favors.
I see they are de-platforming members of the Yellow Vests too. It’s hilarious how statist TOS looks with its trumpeting support for the original de-platforming. This is just silencing voices to maintain the status quo.
Jeff Tucker defended the original deplatforming of the alt-right back in 2017 though a few months ago he admitted that Big Tech is in fact censoring dissenting opinions.
Doesn’t “deplatforming of the alt-right” = “censoring dissenting opinions”*. Does this Tucker guy think there is a distinction?
*Of course, there is always the classic definition of censoring, which is “prior restraint by a government”. That’s not what Big Tech is doing, so Tucker must go with the more colloquial definition of censoring, in which case I’m wondering what changed.
I like Tucker, but he’s been desperately trying to distance himself from the Mises Institute and Hoppe (of whom he was once friendly with) by getting a little ridiculous.
He wrote an article a couple months back praising Jordan Peterson and he got so much hate from the garbage brand of libertarianism that he had to write another article defending his right to like Jordan Peterson. He’s having a hard time keeping up with the ever changing and contradictory rules.
I wonder why ENB and others at Reason aren’t fans of Peterson.
Oh come on. You know why. You’re just being factious.
I’m pretty serious. I mean from some of stuff I’ve read of her’s it makes sense but as a whole, you would think that as a libertarian, she would be in agreement with some of his stuff.
The problem with ENB and most writers at TOS, which can also be said about half of the staff at CATO is that they are fully vested in the status quo. They are reflexively conservative, so they rarely push against the common narrative. If the common narrative is “Jordan Peterson bad”, they’re going to repeat it.
They look really bad mainly because Peterson is only famous because he originally opposed a pronoun law. They always dodge that point or ignore it, because it exposes them as no better defenders of free speech than PopeHat (who is actually really shitty on that topic, even though it’s suppose to be his big issue).
Oh the irony of it all.
His recent articles are extremely critical of identity politics so he is not to going to get any cocktail invites.
Ah. You would think though that an organization claiming to be Libertarian, they would be the most against identity politics.
“You would think though that an organization claiming to be Libertarian, they would be the most against identity politics.”
He is. Tucker is good all around. He just tries a little too hard now. I think it’s because he’s got some skeletons in his closet that he doesn’t want brought up. Including the fact that he is rumored to have written the infamous Ron Paul newsletters and that he was very close with Hoppe in the past.
@ “TGA” Is that why he’s trying to distance himself from Mises?
From what I can tell, most of the hosts at Liberty.me have a pretty good relationship with various Mises people.
I posted his articles a few days back. He seemed to think the original deplatforming was just a business decision not a general desire to quash dissent.
There was also a stupid faux outrage when he kicked Richard Spencer out of some event that he was having. People actually criticized him for that, which I think was so profoundly stupid that I don’t even understand what people were making a big hubbub about.
See No. 22
And now:
Not necessarily. Sargon is hardly right-wing, but he exposed Anita Sarkeesian as a liar, and she has friends at Twitter (if I remember, she was on their bias response team), so he was banned.
I wonder if he conflated censorship with infringing on the right to free speech. Just because private companies and individuals have no burden to provide a venue for a speaker doesn’t mean that they can’t perform censorship. They have a right to do so, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t censorship. But depending on the naughtiness of the speaker and the position of the opinion-giver there seems to be reluctance to call it what it is.
” Can you learn to stop worrying and embrace Ocasio-Cortez?”
Yeah, I could embrace her. Don’t know about changing my mind.
If I told her she had a beautiful body, do you think she would hold it against me?
No, she’d scream ‘muh soggy knees’ and turn as many twits against you as possible.
I keep seeing versions of “wood” here in regards to AOC. Her womb is biologically identical to the pet cemetery.
Yeah, I’m not getting it either. She doesn’t even move the needle for me.
“As Queen Lactacia, Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden is taking the world of drag by storm. We speak with him and his mother about the highs and lows of finding stardom at just 10 years old.”
This shit needs to stop.
With an arrest of the parents for child abuse, just given the stuff I know about.
This is totes cool but football is unconscionable child abuse.
How the fuck is it that child abuse can be not letting your minor child get a sex change OR letting them walk outside without direct supervision?
“James Watson: Scientist loses titles after claims over race
Nobel Prize-winning American scientist James Watson has been stripped of his honorary titles after repeating comments about race and intelligence.
In a TV programme, the pioneer in DNA studies made a reference to a view that genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said the 90-year-old scientist’s remarks were “unsubstantiated and reckless”.
Dr Watson had made similar claims in 2007 and subsequently apologised.
He shared the Nobel in 1962 with Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick for their 1953 discovery of the DNA’s double helix structure.
Dr Watson sold his gold medal in 2014, saying he had been ostracised by the scientific community after his remarks about race.
He is currently in a nursing home recovering from a car accident and is said to have “very minimal” awareness of his surroundings.”
You will NOT speak anything against the narrative, regardless of what the truth may be, or else!
here you go.
I’ll let the distinguished scientists hash this one out with the raving Twitter mobs. I want no part.
Flathead Valley, MT crime update
Man, I moved to FV from north Jersey. It took me a while to adapt to the locals’ definition of “unsafe” parts of town, “high” crime rates, “traffic problems.”
Likely my favorite entry:
5:50 p.m. A Kalispell woman was upset because her boyfriend in jail had apparently been sleeping with her aunt.
“The homeowner said it’s his land and, either way, he didn’t want them shooting at his house anymore.”
It all sounds so polite, doesn’t it? Even the fist fight sounded amicable.
Wait. Reading that it makes me think the “Unsafe” areas don’t mean “You could get gunned down, and will be robbed” that “High” crime rates is not “A corpse a day” and “Traffic problems” doesn’t mean “The road is a parking lot for hours.”
Traffic problems were more than 3 cars at the same red light.
9:28 a.m. Two teenage boys got into a fistfight in Kila. One of the boys broke the other boy’s nose.
It’s good to know there’s still men in training in this country.
4:16 p.m. A Kalispell teenager was “out of control.”
Lost a Fortnite match, no doubt.
What? They didn’t bust the Teenagers’ Smoking Club? Need to beef up the anti-crime patrol
You can convince me that you’re an asshole if you tell me to STFU because of something someone somewhere else did.
Wait, I need to go that far to convince you? You’re a softy.
Great topic. Occasionally I have to “switch shoes” as I call it, or argue the other side’s case, just to show my client that his/ her position might be just a tad unreasonable. Which is hard to do sometimes, and even harder to do for me when I represent criminal clients, as I can’t usually sympathize with law enforcement. But once I read sentencing memos, which often include “victim /witness statements” it’s a lot easier for me to see the other side’s point of view.
What does this do to me politically, I don’t know.
However, I did use to spend a lot of time trying to convince family /friends /anyone about “my” views, which ended in a lot of ended connections. because no one wanted to be convinced about what I thought.
The Wright Brothers technique. JSM said it even better. Would it be better if everyone were more easily swayed by arguments? Of course we should be swayed by good arguments, but how do you know an argument is good unless you push back against it?
Isn’t that like Debate Class basics? If you know the other side’s arguments then you can defend against them.
I think its an essential skill for lawyers and anybody who has to do negotiations. Goes all the way back to Sun Tzu. Figure out what the other guy wants, get inside his OODA loop, and you’ll do well.
I think I’ve told the story where I was asked to do a panel on the OCare case at SCOTUS. I said sure, and then found out the other guy was an Assistant AG working the “repeal” side, so I was stuck with the “uphold” side. No prob, I figured. I read some briefs, was thoroughly unimpressed, and consulted with a cigar and scotch on the back porch to develop my argument.
The AG was just kind of sitting over on his side of the table when I started, then as I unspooled my theory, he sat straight up and started taking notes frantically. It was a new argument, and I think he was pretty concerned about it.
My argument basically was that the idea that the government requiring you to buy goods or services was unprecedented was hilariously wrong, that the government uses its Commerce Clause powers to require people to buy all kinds of stuff all the time. The examples I gave were OSHA and safety gear, and EPA and pollution mitigation equipment. If OCare was overturned, then the foundations of the entire regulatory state would be undermined (hint, hint). There was a little garnish of the philosophical difficulty of distinguishing action from inaction, as well, since part of the argument against OCare had to do with requiring people who hadn’t actually done anything at all to buy something was unprecedented as well.
Being able to argue against what you believe is truly an amazing skill. Wish I had developed that skill more over the years. However, nothing is better than having an opponent that actually believes in something passionately and will argue in good faith. That’s why I detest ideology so much because it doesn’t require good faith, but only an advancement of the ideology as the prime objective.
Women. Is there anything they won’t put in there ?
Uffda. I guess she was doing some real science and testing whether it would keep on ticking after taking a licking.
You can lick that one… I pass..
The couple later ended up at the Clarion Suites, some 12 miles east at 5301 NW 36th St. After Diaz freshened up in the bathroom, he came back into the hotel room and noticed his Crown Royal whiskey bag — containing five watches valued at a total of $108,000 — gone.
That dude has class.
Well, sounds like she didn’t let *him* in there…
“Cops swept the area and found Brookens — who sports a tattoo on her left arm that reads ‘Whore’ — in a nearby alley”
Where else would she be?
It’s nature’s pocket!
She sounds positively marsupial.
British fashion update .
You just put yourself on the HM No Click List.
The “quirky trend” that isn’t going to be a trend no matter how hard you push it, lefties.
But, but, we found more than one person doing it!
Okay. It IS Januhairy, after all.
I switch sides at work a lot. It is amazing to me how much this confounds people.
My intransigence arises mostly because I don’t have a lot of deeply held convictions in any particular technology. I might start off saying that I think we should use a relational database to do something, but then have someone else instantly scoff and say we should use No SQL database. Instead of getting in a long drawn out fight, I will ask if the other alternative can do what is needed. If it does, I will usually cave. This throws a huge amount of IT guys for a loop. They are ready for a giant fight to prove that their choice is the only true way and then I don’t fight back.
The worst people for this are Java developers. They will insist on using Java for everything. No matter how painful it is, they will insist that Java can do it.
Java can do anything. It will just do it horribly.
+1 morning shit.
SQL rules. Java sucks. That’s all.
Different tools for different purposes.
Okay, give you that.
Also, stop being right. It pisses me off.
The real disgrace is workplaces that don’t use the right tool for the right job. Some of the SQL I had to write, holy shit. Sprocs thousands of lines long. My team was definitely a fan of solving every problem with fucking SQL.
OK, I wish you were wrong so I could be mean.
One of the least favorite jobs I ever held was at the distribution office for a major auto manufacturer. My job was to decide which parts were needed at which warehouses and compile a list of parts that would fill a trailer to that location (you had to make sure to fill the trailer 95% full without shipping a bunch of parts they don’t need).
There was a “program” set up to calculate how many parts were needed, but it wasn’t so much a program as it was a goat rodeo of MS Excel spreadsheets and MS Access databases. My daily routine consisted of copying and pasting things from the Access database to an Excel sheet, dragging down formulas, sorting it a certain way, pasting it into another Access database, running some queries on that, posting that output into the same Excel sheet, and so on. It was a fucking mess.
Towards the end of my horrid career at that place, they hired a guy to automate several of their functions including that one. I was assigned to help him diagram the whole process. Many times, I would explain to him how something was done in this process, and he would pinch the bridge of his nose and look at me in astonishment. My reply was always a glance that said, “hey man – it was like this when I got here.”
I remember one occasion where I was showing him a part of the process where we had to get some numbers off a piece of paper and plug them into the Excel sheet. He asked one of the more senior people where the numbers on this paper could be found on the shared drive. Her response was that it was not on the drive; that paper copy was the only one. Yes, the whole process depended on this dog-eared, coffee-stained sheet tacked to this lady’s cubicle wall.
I converted a whole Hispanic family from raging Democrats to raging Republicans. But I can’t get them to libertarian because of their religious beliefs.
They believe in authoritarianism, and that’s that?
I’m guessing Catholic…but how does that prevent Libertarianism? They think papal edicts should be law?
I think it’s their religion that causes this mental block, as they’re pretty hard core, but I could be wrong.
They’re with me on cops and taxes and wasteful government but they want to fight the Muslims and drugs are bad
Fight the Muslims with drugs!
So you support the hashashin?
I don’t have the patience to proseletyze anything to anyone.
The state comptroller has implemented an epayroll system that would let employees get their W-2s early.
They also apparently are allowed to turn off their self-service portals outside of the workday.
What is the point of having a self-service portal that can’t be used when the user is NOT at work?
I would think the government would be open 24/7, so there wouldn’t be an “outside the workday”. Don’t they have cops and stuff on duty overnight?
Well, the workday for the office of the state comptroller.
They work banker’s hours.
Perhaps you can service yourself on your own time?
I got closer to the actual W-2 (I saw the link that’s supposed to let me download it) but the program repeatedly fails on the way there, or randomly logs me out upon clicking a link to get closer to that download. I still haven’t gotten the document before I ragequit.
Got it! Got it! Finally got the stupid form!
And was it good for you?
Saw Tim Pool talking about this ad from Gillette and so decided to watch the whole thing. Whoa.
Why did you link to the Ad?
He wanted us to suffer.
You wanna hear some other guy talking about the ad or just wanna watch it yourself?
Since everyone who talks about it shows it, there’s no need to see it again
Losers. I use Schick anyways. Because I’m a winner.
At least they’re encouraging men to intervene with other men, rather than demand the government do something. No idea how that’s supposed to sell razors.
A white guy goes lunging after some random chick that walks by and his black friend says, “Hey, not cool” as he places a hand in his chest. Now I don’t live in the states, but…
“Dang it, how’m I supposed to rape her on the street in broad daylight if you won’t get out of my way!”
Real men grow beards….because they’re too lazy to shave every day
Okay, sure, I’ll confess to that.
I also look better with a goutee than cleanshaven (or fully-bearded)
I shaved once but it grew back so I said, “Fuck it”.
You mean Danimal up at #27, not Tim Pool, right?
Should’ve figured you guys had talked about this while I was still in bed.
It’s what you get for living on the wrong side of the world.
He couldn’t read that because of the time difference.
Bailed half-way through.
Execrable. If I haven’t learned “how to be a man” by the age of 49, no virtue signalling of theirs is going to “teach” me.
What are you saying, that you’re going to ignore the heartfelt advice of one of America’s longest-lasting and most trusted names in hair removal?
From the comments.
Also, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a lopsided up-vote/down-vote ratio.
Oh good lord there’s a Wikipedia page with sortable list of most disliked videos, including by ratio.
This one is not on it yet – give it time though.
And the Gillette account thought that was a compliment.
FloridaDog® nearly conks out in the line of duty.
FloridaMan™ does FloridaMan stuff, with no dog available.
“[Jake] started having some problems with balance and had some type of seizure incident of some sort, was showing effects of having inhaled some substance,”
Pretty sure all dogs lick their balls.
Not the bitches.
OK, how about sniffing ass?
Since afternoon lynx never appeared, here are your second set of titties for Mammary Monday.
No like I wouldn’t any of them, but 2, 49 and 55 stand out.
11, 39, and 52 are the ones I liked the most.
I like 3, she seems sturdy, and that pose implies she’s trying to not fall over forwards, which is promising. How ’bout I take 1 through 5. I like that there are plenty of women in this one who are wearing bikinis but probably don’t demure at the prospect of barbecue.
22 has the right idea
What’s the opinion on avatar changes? I don’t change handles, but why not change avatars? I mean, we get haircuts, don’t we?
I don’t like change.
/same avatar since I set up the account.
Fuck off slaver.
Change is good.
Change avatar but not handle – OK.
Change handle but not avatar – please make it somehow related.
Don’t change for at least six months.
I think the shape of your avatar is racist.
I change avatars on occasion, but have stuck with this one for a few months.
SugarFree has Infinity Stones. It’s the only explanation.
Trump greets Clemson Tigers with fast-food buffet of Wendy’s, McDonald’s, and Burger King as they celebrate their national championship
Reminds me of that clip where the Olympic champion was on with Michelle Obama.
Interviewer: “What are you going to do now?”
Champion: “I’m going to go to McDonalds”
Chief Nanny of the Nation: “Should have a plate of broccoli instead”
That moment alone made me hate Michelle Obama with the heat of a thousand suns.
“No, broccoli doesn’t have sufficient protein or caloric rate for my metabolism. I’d starve. Do you not know basic nutrition?”
LOL what a bitch.
I would have told Michelle to mind her own goddamn business.
It takes some remarkable lack of self-awareness for a middle-aged woman who ain’t exactly a gym rat to criticize the dietary choices of a young woman who probably burns the caloric equivalent of an entire emu every practice.
I think that right there just earned my vote in 2020.
Jesus – is this Deborah Harry? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9kw1nOUVPg
40 years ago
~20 years ago she had a chair near the entrance to a club I used to go to, where she would spend the evening entertaining courtiers.
Damn. I’m douchey enough that I’d have done that, but apparently the option is no longer open.
‘Kay, that’s what I thought. Damn, she’s hot, though.
Also looks exactly like Blondie
Blondie covering Bowie
You can’t make this shit up.
If the URL says “thesun.co.uk” someone may have…
Technically, everybody has a cervix.
A honda cervix 2 door?
Me right now.
I’m still not sure if that is a parody. It realizes that if the Palestinians are liberated it will be tossed off of a building or put in a burqa, right?
Not ‘or’… ‘and’.
No afternoon links time to riot! Follow me, comrades! We shall over throw the tyranny of a single post for the mid morning and all afternoon! No? Okay then.
This is why you don’t put Florida Man on afternoon links duty.
I tried to find the video that Injun from TOS had made for the late links but my google-fu is not up to the task.
I have one saved from YouTube that’s all about Reason – is that the one? It’s fucking genious. I can put it up somewhere, I don’t know how to find it now.
(saved from somewhere, not necessarily YouTube)