Gather ‘round children, it’s time for another exciting installment of Q’s brain toilet! It may be snowy and cold outside, but my tortured neurons are just getting warmed up. So let’s jump right in.
MGTOW: Pathetic Losers, Misogynists or Canaries in the Coal Mine?
First off, MGTOW is something I could never do. There’s no way I could live without nourishing my soul by drinking from the well of feminine soft sweetness. Sure, there are plenty of crazy bitches out there (just as there are plenty of imbalanced doods), but after a certain age and experience level, I’d like to think that a person can get better at spotting the true nutballs and avoiding them. And if you get fooled and roped in by one… oh well, shit happens. You play, you pay (another one of my personal mottoes).
However, I will say that I would consider myself a MGTOW sympathizer on some level. After watching several videos produced by self-proclaimed MGTOW, I would say that the majority of them are making a rational, thoughtful choice based on a personal cost-benefit analysis. Feminism, the Pill and openly misandric family courts have upended male and female relations to such an extent that, at least until people truly adapt to the situation (probably in a few generations), I can understand how a man would come to the rational conclusion that opting out is the safest and most reasonable course of action. The rub here is that maximizing safety is not always the best way to go through life, and there are plenty of people who think that the only reason these guys “go MGTOW” is that they can’t get a girl anyway so they cover up their inadequacy by claiming that it’s a choice (hence the “pathetic loser” label). There also are some genuine misogynists in the community, though I would say that the vast majority of apparent woman-haters have been legitimately screwed over by a specific woman or set of women and make a category error of ascribing evil motives to all women. I will say that I think the problem will get worse before it gets better (if it ever does) and many men will take a MGTOW-like path even if they don’t formally ascribe to the philosophy. So in answer to the question, MGTOW are all of the above.
One final point addressing criticism of the group that they gather online to constantly talk about women. If you’re walking away from opposite sex relations, then why obsessively talk about them all the time? My theory on that is MGTOW primarily acts like a support group for men in recovery. The desire for sex, love and companionship is so fundamental that consciously choosing to walk away from it is extremely difficult and daunting; akin to an alcoholic walking away from alcohol, but from a healthy, even stronger, drive. Therefore, MGTOW groups are like AA meetings and one could make the same criticism; if these AA people are trying to quit drinking, why do they talk about it so much?
Supplements Galore!
As many of you may have surmised, I am a great proponent of better living through chemistry. Capitalism and human innovation has provided us with a cornucopia of options to enhance, modify and optimize our physical and mental abilities, so why wouldn’t you take advantage. This section will focus on my favorite OTC supplements. Future Brain Toilets may touch on prescriptions, but I’m not sure about liability in that case and would need to confer with the Overlords (if you’re feeling bold, go here for your favorite prescription meds).
Yohimbine: I relentlessly evangelize for this, but only because I’m a true believer in its amazing sexual powers. If I’m anticipating a particularly boisterous bedroom session, I’ll pop a capsule an hour before, then break open another one about 20 minutes before and take about half sublingually. PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra may help the flag get to full staff, but Yohimbine will make the big finish so explosive that it’s like unleashing a tsunami. You may just feel like passing out and your partner(s) will be greatly impressed by the increased volume of “output”. Women can get in on the fun too as it’s been reported to me it turned her into an “orgasm machine”. Side effects at high doses can be uncomfortable (racing heart, sweats, chills, anxiety) so start slow.
Diphenhydramine: AKA Benadryl. Sticking with the sexual side of things, if you are unfortunate enough to suffer from premature ejaculation (or you just feel like having an extra long session), popping a Benadryl about 30 minutes will effectively delay climax and give you more control over when it happens. Side effects are well known, so unless you want to be falling asleep on her instead of servicing her, tread lightly.
DHEA: This is a testosterone precursor that is (inexplicably) legal and OTC. If you like it, I’d stockpile it before the DEA decides it’s eeeeeeeevul and poleaxes it. This basically works like a kinder, gentler anabolic steroid. Good for weight loss, increased muscle mass/gym performance and even elevating mood. Women get all these benefits plus a raging libido and a “magic vagina”. Taking too much has similar side effects to steroids; acne, mood swings and possibly lowered fertility. Don’t take it longer than 4 weeks at a time without a 2 week break.
5-HTP: This is a chemical precursor to Serotonin so at higher doses it can work on depression in a similar way to an SSRI, but with a completely different mechanism of action. At lower doses, it just promotes relaxation. This can be serious stuff though, so I’d recommend asking your doctor before taking it (especially if you’re already on antidepressants).
Commieball 101
As a preface, I can completely understand why some people think soccer is boring, especially if you don’t watch it much and aren’t familiar with the strategy. It’s low-scoring, can be (apparently) slow and doesn’t have the rigid structure of more traditionally American sports. This isn’t trying to convince anyone to watch it, just explain why I love it and it’s played such a big part in my life.
To my eyes, the moniker “beautiful game”, clichéd as it may be, is entirely accurate. I believe it is the sport that most closely mirrors life itself in all its beauty. There can be stretches of boredom and torpidity (though I like to think of these stretches as deliberation) but they are always punctuated by bursts of excitement, speed and energy. While the object is definitely to score, it’s not the centerpiece of the joy in watching. It’s about the strategy, teamwork and skill. The journey is more important in many ways than the destination and the free-flow lack of structure gives great freedom to players. An individual contributor can have an effect on a game, but one star player is never enough to win single-handedly without support from his family (team). Similarly, team cohesion almost always beats individual skill and flashiness. On a practical level, the amount of conditioning and stamina required is monumental with the average professional running 7 miles each game, much of that sprinting. In high school, we practiced on a field right next to the football team and always chuckled at their “conditioning training” which consisted of running 50 yards then taking a 5 minute break. Boxing Day is one of my favorite days of the year in which I can rise early, head to a bar and drink beer and watch the Premiership all day long.
That’s All Folks!
Another installment of Q’s Brain Toilet is on the books, hope you enjoyed it. It’s like a wart, it’ll just keep coming back until someone freezes or cauterizes me.
How to go about listening to male-centric wisdom in a PC way: with a female, of course.
Note: she’s actually really good.
MGTOW is overall a form of collectivism. No such thing as “women” as a uniform group
If I’m anticipating a particularly boisterous bedroom session – implying you get laid… hmmmm
As a preface, I can completely understand why some people think soccer is boring – I find it strange that a country who watches baseball could consider *football/ boring
Soccer is boring, and not even the people in the stands are watching baseball.
Baseball is billed as a past time. You go for food, beer, sunshine, outdoors. Once a great while something happens down on that patch of grass and dirt.
Baseball is primarily a chess match between pitcher and batter.
It didn’t used to be, but strikeouts have doubled over the last 15 years. 40 years ago for a pitcher to amass 300 strikeouts he had to pitch over 300 innings, now hardly anyone pitches 200 innings and we still have 300-strikeout pitchers.
So the game now takes longer and has less action. I love baseball but anyone that says the (pro) game is boring won’t get any disagreement from me.
Not a big fan, but my impression has been that the strike zone has been shrinking. Which doesn’t seem like it would result in more strikeouts.
Am I just wrong about that?
It’s hard to say if the zone has shrunk, it has certainly moved.
But if it DID shrink, you are intuitively correct that strikeouts should fall. But what has happened is that the batters don’t care about striking out anymore. Better to strikeout (or pop up) trying to hit a home run than trying to hit a line drive and hitting a double-play grounder instead. In other words, not putting the ball in play is a better outcome than putting it in play weakly. With batters taking that approach, the size of the strike zone hardly matters if they can hit enough home runs.
Another part of the problem is it’s easier ( for a big league hitter) to get a home run on a lazy fly ball because the distance to the fences is getting smaller. And as the strikeout increases the need for defensive skill is lessened so you get more guys in the lineup that can hit homers but can’t field well.
I’m fairly certain the strike zone hasn’t shrunk (enough to make a difference anyway) because the result of that would be more bases on balls, but that rate has been fairly steady for 40 years.
Rising strikeouts is WHY the pitchers do not pitch 300 innings anymore. At least one of the reasons.
Batters are continuing to get hits and walks at basically the same rate however hitters have become more patient and are willing to strike out if they do not get the pitch they are looking for. This has 2 impacts…
1) it increases the leagues slugging percentage, basically a greater percentage of the hits are for multiple bases
2) It forces the pitchers to throw more pitches per inning resulting in their not being able to throw as many innings per season
Number of pitches per inning hasn’t really increased much though. Number of pitchers per BATTER has gone up, but on-base percentages are down from 12-15 years ago so the pitches per inning is about the same.
Pitchers can’t pitch 300 innings anymore because scouts have fallen in love with radar guns and strikeouts. This causes pitchers to throw 15 pitches per inning (like always) but all of the pitches are now at max effort. Pitchers in high school and college are trying to throw over 95 mph as much as they can to impress scouts – they’ll get ignored if they don’t throw consistently over 90 mph.
I pulled the stats from this morning before I posted this and plopped them into a spreadsheet so I could chart league OBP by season and that line is as flat as they come. There was a barely perceptible bump in OBP between ~94 and 2000, so basically the height of the steroid era but since 2001 league average OBP has ranged from 0.314 to 0.337 and in the 20 years prior to the steroid era OBP averaged 0.318 to 0.332, the 20 years before that it ranged from 0.299 to 0.333 and only one of those years was it below 0.309.
So basically since the end of WW2 OBP hs consistently been between 0.310 and 0.335 with the only exceptions being the steroid era of 1994 where it ranged from a low of 0.335 and a high of 0.345 with 4 of the 6 years being over 0.340 and then 2006 and 2007 where it was 0.336 and 0.337 respectively and then in 1968 when it fell to 0.299.
No OBP’s are not down from where they were 20 years ago, they just reverted to the mean after the league started testing for steroids
Yep that’s really the thing, and it’s a thing that scales. T-Ball, Little League, HS, college, minors, pros. No such thing as a bad summer day at the ballpark. Unless it rains.
The vestiges of Communist rule remain with you, I see.
Regarding soccer and structure – there may be something to that argument, but then the same could be said about hockey, which I love. Hockey bears much similarity to soccer with two very important distinctions – it’s much more fast-paced (which leads to many more scoring opportunities) and it’s violent.
Wait, Soccer is violent… No, sorry, Soccer fans are violent.
My son plays soccer. It can be quite violent at times. It’s also a game I’ve come to appreciate the more I know about/play it. It’s immensely hard to do what you think looks easy.
Also, I agree with Swiss on baseball. There’s nothing quite like relaxing on a nice early summer day at a ballgame.
The one thing I’d like to see come to baseball is automated pitch calling. Give it the standardized strike zone it needs, and gets rid of some bad calls by the plate umpire.
Why do you hate short batters?
I don’t, the strike zone would be set to:
You’d probably see an upswing in short batters, as they would have a smaller strike zone.
Found this out (happily) during the 2015 Royals season. Great when going with Mr. Mojeaux. Equally great when going with a couple of gal pals.
The Indians have finally figured out how to bring people back into the ballpark. Have a solid team, and have some cheap standing room only areas. $15 tickets, that come with a $5 voucher for a drink. Missed the first inning? Oh well. Game looks to be a blow out? Well then, you can leave without a big sunk cost.
It’s weird. Objectively, I know basketball and hockey are much more action-filled sports, yet I don’t ever watch them, but I’ll still watch a baseball game.
Meh, I struggle to watch a baseball game on tv for more than ten minutes but I’ll watch golf for an hour.
I’ll watch golf for hours. Sometimes I wake up in time to see who won.
Have you seen all the diving? There are ninjas all over the field.
I can honestly say I’ve watched more hockey than soccer. And I haven’t watched all that much hockey.
Snipers picking them off all over the field.
There’s are some flaws about the game that encourage it. The reward for diving in the penalty box is too great (an almost certain goal in a game that is designed to have very few of them) and/or the rules around tackling are vague and completely subjective.
I saw an Italian player hurt so badly he was laying on the field screaming and writhing in pain.
After the penalty was called, did he hop up and run off the pitch?
I did find his recuperative powers very impressive.
And then the magic spray fixed everything?
Also breast implant should be banned. Mandatory breast reduction for every woman above a C cup.
I am reminded of an old commercial….
“Pierod Dobbler” – Famous Troublemaker.
Way to bury the lede!
Why not mention that that was a commercial from the Vikes beating Dallas on Thanksgiving 1987?
When Herschel was still a Cowboy and Jesse Soloman was still a Vike.
I played against Tommy Kramer in Texas State 4A quarterfinals in 72 or 73.
We led the game 12 to nothing with 2 minutes on the clock in the 4th quarter.
We lost 14-12. Kramer threw the winning touchdown to future MLB’er Pat Rockett over my head.
The F’uh D of A would like to have a word with Q. They’re once again ready to focus on their natural god given right to ‘regulate’ harmful substances you might choose to put into your own body, including vitamins, supplements, and herbs. We’ll just call of these ‘drugs’ in order to avoid confusion.
Titty Tuesday dun gotcha chesticles.
You tit-linked your own post that had tits in it?
Give him credit for consistancy.
Really, to keep things consistent, Swiss and Brett should threaten him with a cattbut shouldn’t they?
After all, Q’s titposting is taking away from all the hard work that the contributer put into this post.
What you did there… it was perceived.
Nah, it came 23 minutes in…not immediately.
That’s what I appreciates about him.
+1 Squirrely Dan
take about 15% off the top over there….
It’s tits all the way down.
Swedish tits seem smaller than their reputation would otherwise have you believe.
Not off-topic, for once.
Q here is arguably on topic for once.
Hey Q, just want to say I find your Brain Toilet articles very entertaining.
The rub here is that maximizing safety is not always the best way to go through life, and there are plenty of people who think that the only reason these guys “go MGTOW” is that they can’t get a girl anyway so they cover up their inadequacy by claiming that it’s a choice (hence the “pathetic loser” label).
Considering the men I’ve known who are prematurely balding, or fat, or surly, unmotivated, unemployed, depressive, a little dumb, or some combination of all of the above, but who married and had kids anyway, it would seem going MGTOW requires motivation beyond being an all-time loser. I only know only one man who is MGTOW as much by circumstance as by choice, but he’s so disinclined I doubt he considers himself MGTOW anyway.
I know two guys who were kinda doing that for awhile. One was following a divorce and kind of generally disconnecting in order to get his life on track. The other was just really bitter about radfems and some bad relationships. The one’s back on the market and the other got back with an old girlfriend.
I can understand the impulse but I’m not sure it’s necessary to link it to a men’s lib movement. Plenty of people have for one reason or another wanted to avoid romantic entanglements. They might have a few casual relationships, or maybe they just go and get their ashes hauled now and again, or they’re totally celibate, but the point is they answer to nobody else and want no dependents or obligations. It’s not for me, but I don’t think the phenomenon is new.
“magic vagina”
Like last Sunday’s Oglaf strip?
(NSFW, but good fun.)
Thank you for the tip on DHEA.
My nootropics of choice is the ECA stack: ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin (baby, optional). I don’t think I could stay awake without it. I don’t know if it’s my depression, chronic fatigue, or narcolepsy, but I would sleep 24/7 if I didn’t do something. I don’t know how I got myself through all those years without it.
Does ethanol count as nootropic?
I don’t believe Bulletproof would agree, no.
I didn’t know you could still get ephedrine.
You have to make it yourself from crystal meth.
There is a published paper on how to do that.
Bronkaid*. In Missouri you can buy 3 boxes every 30 days.
*Primatene tablets also, but they’re 3-4 times the price.
Yohimbine, aside from the sezzooul stuff, will also perk you up. Great for energy.
Thanks. I’ll try it.
Speaking of brain toilet, I blogged just yesterday about my vomit book.
>>an “orgasm machine”.
I think of the phrase “the beautiful game” as being associated with Brazil.
But this is the true beautiful game:
Oh, that was very enjoyable. Almost makes up for their “effort” of 4 years later.
I was in London for the 2002 final. Put $500 or so down on Brazil – fortunately for me, the game ended up a tad differently.
Had a hell of a time trying to cash the ticket, though. Flew out the day after and had to try to cash it at the Betfair stand at Gatwick, when I’d bought it in the City.
You talking about the old beautiful game? As in Pele and scoring lots of goals while making it look graceful? Or are you talking about the modern beautiful game, where as soon as you get behind, you fall down and grab your knee? Also known as pulling a ‘Neymar’.
a 71 L bra size? That is one morbidly obese woman.
Dare I google at work to find out what the fuck MGTOW means?
“Men Going Their Own Way”, basically guys who’ve given up on relationships.
Ah. So “losers.”
/looks at SP and smiles with contentment
My wife made me give up on relationships so I know what these guys are going through.
I’ve given up on relationships – outside my wife, of course.
What about relationships inside your wife?
Men going their own way.
Ah. So “jerking off.”
Monk, without the religion.
Sex doll beta testers.
beta testers
Cucked by a sex doll? Now THAT is pathetic.
It was noticed, what you did there.
So you post as Old Man With Candy and have an avatar of a white van with Free Candy spraypainted on it, apparently doing so from work, but you are afraid to google MGTOW?
Thanks for asking, OM. I was wondering the same thing.
I was hesitant to Google, since apparently our firewall now includes barracudas with lasers on their heads or something. I’m guessing the only reason Glibs still comes through is the world’s most hilarious Family Friendly rating.
At my old job, the IT guy was a libertarian who thought Glibs was amusing, so I had pretty much no worries.
IT guys are weird.
No we’re not, it’s the end users who are weird.
Maximum Gross Takeoff Weight
“(if you’re feeling bold, go here for your favorite prescription meds)”
Is that legal?
‘Tis, assuming you have a prescription. Though these sites are not typically real assiduous about checking the validity of said prescriptions.
YMMV and do what thou wilt.
Did you ask permission? No? Then obviously not legal.
Time to load up on some Xanax? Asking for a friend.
OT, but I know y’all are the ones who can inform me on this….
So, I’m evidently the only libertarian who’s never smoked pot and has no inclination, but I have the strong (…) impression that some of y’all have. I’m trying to build a credible explanation for why it’s just untrue to say “even one joint and you’re intoxicated”. I know it isn’t pharmacologically true of ANYTHING, but some folks have just been mal-educated on this matter.
The context is a pastor friend who’s 100% clear on the biblical instruction of (short version) “drinking is NOT prohibited, but getting drunk is”. So how does that translate to pot? Analogy to # of drinks, with progressive levels of impact?
Weed has gotten much stronger in the past thirty years. It doesn’t take much for someone to get high now.
*Ahem* …or so I’ve heard.
I have also heard that this is true. One joint will in fact probably get you stoned. But most people don’t smoke an entire joint – they pass it around. But more importantly, if you have any self-control, it’s perfectly possible to get “slightly stoned” without being “intoxicated”-equivalent.
I’ve heard.
I’ve… “heard” the same thing.
This is what I’ve been told as an explanation when I’ve told people that pot never did anything for me the handful of times I tried it in the ’90s.
Now, codeine cough syrup on the other hand, that stuff was bottled happiness. I was so upset when I finally kicked the bronchitis I had for like 2 months back in 1998.
Codeine is the only thing I can take that has no bad effects and I am not really worried about overdoing. Vicodin made me feel like SPACE SMITH had abducted me – upset stomach and a feeling of missing time. I know too many old rugby players that crave that stuff, bad.
and if it takes a whole joint to get high, you’re smoking hemp, not weed.
One joint of decent modern weed, and you’ll be hammered. I would say if you give the pharma grade stuff a go, take it real slow. One hit, let that soak in, then another, then maybe a third. In my experience, people’s first experience with weed tends to be variable as hell, but that may go back to when weed was variable as hell.
Also, don’t roll a joint with quality weed. Very wasteful.
What you won’t be after one joint is addicted (ever) or habituated.
bowl.. beer.. bourbon.. bowl.. beer.. bourbon
space them out to let them sink in.
This is important to remember. It can make people very anxious, or silly, or garrulous, or shy or happy. The initial experience is extremely variable.
There’s no rule that says you have to smoke the whole joint at once. And there are edibles with controlled dosages.
The thing to be careful about with edibles is that they tend to work much slower, leading people to take way more than they should.
+1 Maureen Dowd
“Intoxicated” is subjective, I don’t know how you would define it.
You are intoxicated. I am insightful, amusing, and sociable.
Being drunk is feeling sophisticated without being able to say it.
/Modern Drunkard Magazine
The first time I smoked weed – age 16 if I recall – I don’t remember feeling that high at all. Same with the second time. Maybe I wasn’t smoking enough or the grade was really low.
But once I started hanging out with the druggie crowd – especially these two ex-cheerleaders – I started to get stoned a lot and in a more satisfying way. Even back then it would take a good joint (or two) to get fucked up.
These days – given the hybrids and grow methods – it only takes (or so I’ve heard) a puff or two to get the equivalent high. Of course my tolerance is a lot lower than it once was (or so I’ve heard). So what RC Dean – first time take a very small hit and release it fairly quickly. Wait a few minutes to see if it affected you. I wouldn’t suggest smoking an entire joint or consuming an entire edible for the first time. I have – for example – thrown up from getting too high; especially when mixed with alcohol.
And honestly I preferred just to be a little high – and just a little drunk – over the full blown experience.
Yeah, I mastered the European art of getting to the sociable and glowing stage of alcohol consumption but not going past that. Being actually drunk is an experience I have found to be quite unpleasant.
So, “You are intoxicated. I am insightful, amusing, and sociable”?
You’ve been with me when I was in that condition.
Hmmm, that may explain the constant look of horror on your face during dinner.
That’s . . . not the explanation.
OK, so she was only 9. But she’s had a birthday since then, so at least it’s a double digits deal now.
Don’t judge me.
I would say that alcohol is more easy to regulate by nursing your drink for a while etc. so you can achieve/maintain a buzz without getting “drunk”.
Pot is more like doing shots of hard alcohol of unknown proof.
Ever been to Utah?
BTW, last line was a Repo Man ref.
I’d imagine there’s a practice element, too. People who don’t drink very often or haven’t before tend to overestimate their tolerance and get sloppy drunk in short order. I would assume someone who smokes regularly would have a good sense of how to self-regulate.
Let’s ask Maureen Dowd.
Welcome to the club Pine_Tree.
I smoked it once back in about ’79 or ’80 at the behest of my friends. I didn’t like it one bit. They tried to badger me into trying again and that set me off. It is kind of a pet peeve of mine. As a kid I was told a hundred times “Here, try this” and I would take a small bite. If I didn’t like it the ‘ol “Oh c’mon, it’s good. You will like it!” would start. That got under my skin. So, when my friends tried that on me they got a very forceful “I tried it. It’s not good. I dont like it. Stop telling me what I like. Leave me the hell alone.”
I may have even lost a friend over that. In any case that set things in stone. Never fooled with the stuff since and have no use for it.
Sorry, I cant answer your question.
I’m a one timer too Suthen.
I had a blast though. Of course, the one time I tried mj, was also the first nice day of spring in high school and my buddies and I cut school and were out goofing around drinking beer too.
I would have had a good time pot, beer, or nothing at all.
My main reason for not smoking is that I didn’t need the hassle of smoking illegal stuff. I had booze and was happy with that.
I’m sure if Minnesoda legalizes it, I will try it.
I can assure you that will be the case. I’m buying.
Club Pine Tree was (possibly still is) a rub and tug parlor in Honolulu.
So … phrasing?
It’s been at least 26 years since I have sampled.
When fedgov decides that they won’t throw me in jail for trying to purchase a new gun after sampling the demon weed, I may try again.
They won’t tell you that. They’ll pass some obscure regulatory shit hidden in a behemoth bill, at 12am on a holiday, that no one will ever hear of until the crackdown starts. ‘He’s on the list for marijuana addicts! Get them guns, he’s dangerous!
The minute that people started accepted common sense regulations on guns, the first amendment was already dead. Just a matter of time, but they’ll never pass anything in Congress, it will all be done by regulation. The list of who cannot have guns will just keep growing until it’s everyone but cops, politicians, and bureaucrats.
One-hitter is the answer.
Or so I’ve heard.
By that I mean small hits at a time are the easiest way to sneak up on a smooth buzz without getting to the point when driving home in the rain you have trouble looking past the fucking windshield wipers.
I’ll put it this way, most of the time people had no idea I was baked. We’re not all Cheech.
Y’all are great. Thx.
Not really related to your question but you are definitely not the only libertarian who has never smoked pot and while I have some minimal interest in trying edibles I have zero interest in smoking it cause this stuff smells nasty
The very idea of voluntarily putting smoke in my lungs is horrifying.
My Dad was a smoker (cigarettes). I have never smoked anything.
High quality cigars smell great, but I will let someone else do the smoking.
Huh, my Dad was too – when I was about 8-9, he quit. But I still loathe smoke to this day.
Concentrates and a vaporizer. EZ on your lungs and no noticeable smell.
Yeah, main reason here too.
Learn from our Sconni neighbors. Even if your dad is a full fledged Packer Backer and can handle his paint thinner cocktails, don’t slip him cow tranquilizers.
If were to become single again somehow, I wouldn’t be full MGTOW, but I sure would have some hard and fast rules on relationships. Walking away and being alone isn’t scary now like it was when I was 20.
My father’s college roommate (in his 70’s now) has never been married and has always had a bunch of girl friends at any given time. As he said on a hunting trip when I was much younger “variety beats convenience every time”.
He would buy cheap suit cases at goodwill so that he could pack up the belongings of any gal he thought was trying to move in with him. He didn’t mind them keeping a few necessities at his place, but if he thought they were trying to slip in a few too many belongings they would find all their stuff in a second hand suit case sitting in the hall and that was the end of their relationships.
He’s an interesting guy, but I’m not sure I’d take his life over the one I have with the wife and kids. Before I had a wife and kids, I might have thought that his life was way cool, but after living with those weirdos I have to admit my life is way better for having them in it.
When you’re in an area where the unattached female population is rife with intersectional feminists being driven crazy by their biological clock, it’s easy to see why people become discouraged and withdrawn.
Well sure – that’s the kind of shit (moving in with me) I would be highly intolerant of without discussion and agreement.
“5-HTP: This is a chemical precursor to Serotonin so at higher doses it can work on depression in a similar way to an SSRI, but with a completely different mechanism of action. At lower doses, it just promotes relaxation. This can be serious stuff though, so I’d recommend asking your doctor before taking it (especially if you’re already on antidepressants).”
I’m convinced it doesn’t work. It was put on the market back when the FDA had a ban on l-tryptophan (although it could still be purchased for veterinary use; I bought capsules for my imaginary horse for years). It’s so close to serotonin it converts to serotonin outside the brain. The way to cross the blood-brain barrier is l-tryptophan combined with vitamin C, B-complex, and magnesium, taken with a sugary beverage. Orange juice works well.
5-HTP for me was all side-effect: I started getting very painful lower abdomen cramps, and the abdomen itself started becoming hard and sensitive to touch. I stopped taking 5-HTP and the sensation/effect went away completely within 48 hours. I was very careful to do an A/B test to see if that was what truly caused me grief. Yep.
Funny thing is, my wife can use it without any adverse effects at all.
80% of your body’s serotonin is sequestered in your digestive tract.
In lefties, only 20% is absorbed by their digestive tract. The rest is floating around in their brain ‘Green New Deal, yippee, that sounds really great, I like choo choo twains, yipee oh boy!’.
Too much seratonin causes permanent brain damage.
Meh, I’m a big fan of supplements. Currently I take a multi, l-carnitine, Co-Q10, other stuff. Never took anything like that in an attempt to get a buzz, alcohol works just fine. I hear this ketamine stuff works, but I assume the FDA have their monopolies already in place and it’s on the schedule right beside of heroin. Supplement for anything fitness related, you can get an advantage from the right stuff for sure, but testosterone will work far better than any of it. You know something really works when it’s on a schedule. The FDA will soon find any supplements that work for anything and get those on a schedule too.
SWAT RAID AT 4am, dangerous herbs and vitamins found! Owners and puppies taken out, officers made it home safely, our streets safe once again.
Oh, l-tryptophan isn’t used to get a buzz. It doesn’t do that. It’s generally used to improve sleep and relieve depression. It can also take months to work. Others notice a difference the first time they take it. YMMV.
“Colorism matters”
He’s not the color of coal, so he’s clearly too white to play a black person.
The world doesn’t contain enough popcorn for the proggy immolation that is currently underway.
It’s going to be glorious.
This is exactly why these Hollywood types should be learning from Jussie Smollet.
Now that’s a sick burn
“Hamilton” called…
I’m guessing that those same people were very big fans of black actors playing the lily-white Founders in “Hamilton”
He should threaten to shove a fucking ball down the critics’ fucking throats.
I would expect nothing less from Airstrip One.
“UK VPN Usage mysteriously skyrockets.”
Followed by VPNs outlawed.
This will all be so convenient when the Islamists take over.
MGTOW strikes me as a rational response to a misalignment of incentives under asymmetric information. When a guy and a woman meet each other, neither knows if the other is a good person or a sociopath who will completely ruin their lives. So, both have a rational reason to be suspicious. The sociopaths aren’t going to advertise themselves as such. Now, historically, women got the short end of the uncertainty stick. They had little protection from male sociopaths and major pressures to be in relationships. In response, society put a lot of protections in place. Family law was tilted in their favor, social norms urged deference, etc. But, you also saw women’s optons incrrease tremendously. They had much less pressure to marry themselves off. Now, logically, that should have entailed some offset in the protections, but that didn’t happen. That said, things probably would have been fine . But, it didn’t really stop there. A women’s culture of entitlement and self-approval arose and society largely adapted to support that culture, even to the point of tolerating predatory or sociopathic behavior. While keeping the special protections of women intact. These days, a woman could walk up to a random guy on Fifth Avenue and kick him in the nuts, and the only person who’d get in trouble would be the guy if he tried to defend himself.
So, are all women sociopaths and predators? By no stretch of the imagination. Probably not even a majority. Most women, I’ve no doubt, are simply trying to muddle through life and find find some swath of decent human companionship. But, a guy looking at the prospect of a relationship simply has no way of knowing if she is or not. And, a guy looking at the prospect of a relationship faces that uncertainty knowiing full well that if she does turn out to be a predatory sociopath, or even if she later decides to follow the incentives to go that route, she’ll be able to do so not only with the acceptance of society, but its outright support.
Given that bet, walking away from the table isn’t an outlandish choice.
Probably not even a majority.
PoundMeToo and “MUH TOKSIK MASKYOOLINITEE” have only made things worse.
Well, yeah. The fundamental problem is that the risk of a relationship for the guy has skyrocketed, while the reward has either stagnated or declined. Both trends (hell, there’s even a book out showing how to destroy guys reputatons) drastically shift the risk element out further while encouraging women to view a man’s interest in the reward element as inappropriate.
wdalasio: see my comment at the beginning of the thread. It’s a link to Karen Straughn’s vids.
Even with that haircut, she’s a good woman. So yeah, they definitely exist. Finding them can be a pain in the ass, sometimes.
As I’ve told people who expect me to stand-up for women who are being mistreated: “Look, that’s the price of equality. If some random dude is about to beat the shit out of some other random dude, I’m staying the fuck out of it. If some random guy is harassing some random woman, I’m also staying the fuck out of it. That’s not my problem. And the deal with being treated as an equal is that I treat you as a fucking equal. Deal with your own shit and problems. Unlike Ellis, I’m not your white knight, bubby.” Too many modern feminists want it both ways.
Mic drop.
Well said.
El Oh El.
“Libertarian socialist”
Does not compute.
“I am going to force you to leave other people alone, and share your stuff!”
If you have the time I can give you a detailed summary of the fuzzy logic behind that.
Gah! I missed the first one I was going for. I am terrible at jokes.
“If you have the time I can quickly give you a detailed summary of the fuzzy logic behind that.”
I find it very sad, actually.
I am incapable of feeling sad for people that want to enslave me. If they don’t reproduce, so much the better.
I guess its a chicken and egg thing – are they miserable and lonely, with little chance of that changing, because their lives are empty and meaningless and they have filled the void with toxic politics, or the other way around?
This right here.
Yeah, I thought this was a good reply:
So at this party, do they divvy up their antipsychotics according to need, or do wymyn and POC get first dibs?
What dating one of these people is like.
The yentas aren’t aware of anyone who’s found love through their accounts yet.
Yeah, color me shocked.
That said, shouldn’t the more eligible, attractive socialists be forced to be with the have-nots? I mean that unequal distribution of social and romantic capital is a a serious injustice.
“U can’t spell BDSM w/out BDS!” begins one Red Yenta personal ad
Must be thrilling to politicize your sex life.
There is a certain appeal to making a woman wear her ‘This is What A Feminist Looks Like’ or ‘Smash The Patriarchy’ t-shirt with a skirt that barely covers her ass and high heels while you lead her around by a leash and collar.
Theoretically. So I’ve heard. From a friend.
I can dig it (although it’s nothing I could ever do myself).
Okay, the more I read that article, the more I’m finding it funnyL
“I was complaining about how socialist men don’t date socialist women and it really bothers me,” Isser says.
Which raises a question? If a socialist man dates a socialist woman, whose daddy pays for dinner?
In the end, taxpayers most likely.
Yohimbine didn’t do much for me. Racing heartrate, cold sweat, chills, and a tingling feeling. Tried it twice and then tossed it in the garbage.
DHEA sounds interesting, though. I wouldn’t mind a little jumpstart on getting down to my fighting weight, which ain’t gettin’ easier as I get older.
As I was saying upthread, I take supplements. But none of those is going to do much for you compared to restricting calories and exercise as far as weight loss is concerned. I’ve lost 60 lbs since a year ago and now I’m attempting to add some muscle to it through strength training. l-caritine is supposed to be good for that, I just started taking it.
I do a regular exercise routine and after falling off the wagon for a couple months I’m back to keeping track of calories. Actually I’ve gotten a little more aggressive there and dropped my daily limit a bit. I’m getting somewhere, I’m just not an especially patient person.
Interestingly, at least to me, I used a heart rate monitor to try to estimate how many calories I burn in an exercise session, because I noticed I would be both sleepy and absolutely ravenous afterwards. On my light days, I’m somewhere around 800 in an hour, so I’m definitely working at a deficit. I think part of the problem is that I’m trying to both build muscle and lose fat at the same time.
60 lbs in a year is hard work, congrats.
Thanks, but It included almost dying from out of control blood pressure, I have to admit. So not all hard work. Years and years of a sedentary lifestyle, being 60 lbs overweight, and boozing it up all of the while finally did a number on me.
Since then though, I’ve worked pretty hard to get the extra weight off. Now I just feel skinny, although good. I’m struggling to get my muscle weight back though because I got so weak from being sick. But I’m very slowly getting some strength back. My wife still says I’m too skinny and worries that I don’t eat enough. Not really true though. At 5’8″, I was 170 this morning. That’s as low as I’ve been since my 30s. I don’t miss the beer gut, at all, neither does my blood pressure.
I was 170 this morning
*Tries to remember 170, fails, morosely crunches cookie*
We’re in a shockingly similar boat health-wise, with the exception that I’ve never really been a big drinker and got my BP diagnosed last summer before I hit the “almost died” part – just a few days spent in the hospital while they tested me to see how many silent strokes I’ve had (apparently none).
I think they ran every test available on me. No strokes, anything like that, no blockages or coronary heart disease, all high blood pressure. You’re lucky to be alive. Blood pressure meds, get out of here, here’s your 31K bill, thanks for shopping.
Is that the near-death experience you wrote about some time ago? Dude, good on you for losing the weight, though. That’s an accomplishment.
Yes, the one and only. I don’t plan on a 2nd time, that really sucked. I’m just now starting to recover from being depressed over it all of the time. Time is the great healer I suppose.
There’s something way way way too many women of my age and social circle (27-35, college or at least could have gone to college, working people) don’t want to hear, and that’s that serious relationships, and especially marriage are based on mutual benefit. Your juice has to be worth the squeeze. I’m nearly 30. There’s an absolute ton of women around my age who:
1. Are 30+ and its a 30+ of partying, drinking, and not enough exercise.
2. Have six figures just in student loan debt, and often a ton of CC debt.
3. Bio clock screaming at them, they want to be married and having kids in the next 5 years.
4. Can’t cook, live with roomates, have jobs that simply will not pay back their debt in any reasonable timeframe.
Why would you seriously date or marry them? They don’t bring anything to the table other than sex, and you can get sex without getting married.
I only got married because I met a woman who was worth marrying. Before I met her, I had no intentions of marrying.
I wanted to get married, but I was very particular about who I dated for exactly that reason. If I knew right off the bat that there was no potential future with this person, I didn’t bother. I’m not a particularly outgoing/extroverted sort and I fucking hated the game-playing nature of dating in its early stages, so that was what worked for me. If I were a real ladykiller type, I might have felt differently about things.
I was not, however, so bent on getting married that I would have been very indiscriminate about who I ended up with. I just happened to be fortunate enough to meet the right woman when I was still rather young (26).
What is MGTOW?
Yeah I’m pretty much a wolf when it comes to women, but, at my age, the pool of ladies I’m interested in has shrunk dramatically. The younger ones are nice to look at but I can’t stand to hear their opinion on anything; given their limited life experience. The older ones – broad-brush here – are either divorced or kooks or don’t meet my (not very) high standards in the looks department.
The ROI – if I was still in the dating game – just isn’t there. So if EF was to leave me, I would probably just stay single unless some woman from my past magically showed up, was still fit, and not out to take my (very small) family fortune.
“but, at my age, the pool of ladies I’m interested in has shrunk dramatically.”
Dude, how old are you? 90? Or are you 60 and looking for 20 year old women? Or do you live in Siberia? The amount of available women around here my age is astronomical. Seriously, I could date one of them who is acceptable, every day for 30 years and never run out of choices. I mean if I wasn’t married. Wife is restricting my dating access, damnit. If not, no excuses, there are a practically unlimited pool of single wiminz.
Hey some of us have standards. My likes are very, very narrow.
So, Anorexic?
So thin I can’t see her when she’s standing sideways.
‘very, very narrow.’
I found that restricting my choices to 20 year old super models, lead to too many lonely evenings. Had to loosen up my standards a little. Now only 25 or less year old super models.
I hear ya. If I lost SP, that would be it, I’d never deal with another woman. I got spoiled, and there aren’t many women out there with off-the-chart IQs, deep self-reliance, excellent firearms skills, a tolerance of my nerd-passions, and fantastic organizational skills.
If I ever lose my current one, I’m with you, no more marriage stuff. I’m going to be a full time man whore (pronounced ‘MAN-HARR’). Terrorizing senior citizen centers everywhere with toxic masculinity and man whoring.
If I ever lose my current one, I’m with you
Glibs Odd Couple.
We could team up in a Man HARR duo, old man and me. Need to change some things on his van is all.
Absolutely BRILLIANT idea.
That’s probably my issue – I just don’t find many women (or most people) all that interesting to talk to. ie – EF is a lot smarter than I am and has no problem keeping up with my rapid-fire weirdness, philosophical musings, and running social commentary. And also put up with my hobbies and introverted nature.
And libertarianism (or whatever my political philosophy is). Plus I like goth, punk, or skinhead girls – or strippers. So it’s a pretty small pool to start with that has only shrunk with time.
Yeah, how many women would actually be excited to hear that SugarFree was coming to visit for a few days?
Dread can be exciting. I was … almost disappointed with how wonderful SF was. HM too.
She still says “I miss Swiss” at least 5 times a day.
And I am sad you two (and Wonder Dog) left.
Someday I may escape Illinois.
There’s hope, LH, I’m sure that septuagenarian goth, punk, skinhead girls are going to be aplenty in the future.
SP sounds like my wife to a tee. I would have to add baking and cooking skills and a love of great music and books.
Yes, #hertoo. She was on a music scholarship to college, plays piano, trombone, guitar, and sings, and has world-class baking and cooking skills. As for books… we just painfully moved about 10,000 of them.
The books were the worst part of our move, my text books and Sci-fi collection didn’t help. She now reads E-books, books on tape, or donates hard copies after reading.
I read ebooks almost exclusively, buy hardbacks (if available) of things I want to keep, and have a taste for beautiful and coffee table books.
Mr. Mojeaux collects Stephen King in hardback.
What’s he think of The Dark Tower? As exasperated as I was with it I still dwell on those books several years later.
When the movers came, they just stared and were silent for several seconds. Then said, “That’s… a lot of books.”
I am not sure he’s read them, but he rarely shares what he thinks about the books he reads. If he has NOT read them, they would be the only ones in our bookcase he hasn’t. He’s got a high Stephen King TBR pile right now, too, since he’s beta reading my book.
I am an anti-packrat and I don’t like stuff. As I get older, I get more crotchety about things that come into the house. So I don’t mind getting rid of books anymore if a) I’ve read them or b) they don’t mean anything special to me.
For example, I’m getting ready to list my hardback Harry Potter set on Craigslist. At one time I enjoyed them and enjoyed seeing them on my shelf, waiting for the day the kids would enjoy them. They didn’t. Now, they are not special.
Same here, Mojeaux, especially now that I have neither a basement nor an attic. I have gotten rid of truckloads of stuff over the past few years, and probably have another truckload I wouldn’t miss, and another truckload after that which really serves no purpose. Its to the point that I’ve looked in the gun safe and thought “You know, I’ll probably never shoot that .22-250 again. I should probably sell it.” I haven’t, but I’ve thought about it.
Both my kids are hoarders, XY more so than XX, and it drives me nucking futs. I can close XY’s door so I don’t see it, but he trashes my garage faster than I can get back to cleaning it up and re-organizing it.
Tangentially, the hobby-love of my life used to be counted cross stitch–until I made a business out of it. Then I got sick of it and didn’t pick up a needle forever. I finally let go of some of my old patterns. They were valuable as hell. ONE pattern I bought in 1995 sold for almost $300. I made a shit-ton of money on those old patterns. Now I have to sell what’s left of my inventory of fabric.
I would hoard pretty journals and trinkets if I let myself.
I wouldn’t get married again if something happened to Mr. Mojeaux.
#metoo. If Mrs. Dean ever smartens up and I have to hit the road, I can’t imagine getting married again or even dating seriously. Like LH, my Overtton Window for women gets narrower all the time, and for much the same reasons. The Venn diagram of “smart and interesting” and “physically attractive” just ain’t trending the right way.
I split with my last FWB because she started pushing for a relationship. She’d just graduated law school, was working in a prosecutor’s office, and had a quarter million dollars of debt. Even if I wanted to date her, that’s a massive deal breaker.
I’ve mentioned here before that I have a “list of stuff to teach the kids”. Well, in the Marriage section, Item #1 is “be worth marrying”.
Huh. Could have sworn I wrote a comment complimenting Q and providing some pithy discussion of soccer.
But it’s not there!
Oh, well. Maybe I need more chemicals in my life. Thanks, Q!
That first young lady wins, by the way.
Q, are you reasonably confident the various testosterone-related supps don’t increase the risk of prostate cancer? Mr. GT having been through two rounds of treatment for same (AFAIK he never took any such supps,) I guess I’m just a bit leery. (For the record, I’m not an anti-vaxxer.)
Not a doctor or researcher or anyone smart or anything. But I slept in a Holiday Inn once. I don’t think testosterone has ever been indicated as linked to cancer in any studies. Estrogen has, but not testosterone. I’d also say skip all of those supplements as they do very little to increase test if anything, and just go straight for bio-identical testosterone, which most definitely works for most people.
I’ve been taking DHEA for about 20 years. There have been no health consequences that I know of.
No positive ones either, eh? Maybe you should stop buying it.
*runs from room, cackling*
No positive ones either,
I am 60ish and have only one small patch of grey. My wife only has a few strands of grey (her younger sisters are completely grey).
And I can still lift a 60-lb carboy off the floor.
Good on ya!
I am rapidly approaching the split point – I can be a weak older man or a strong older man.
I have chosen to follow the WAY OF WARTY – DEADLIFT, YOU FOOL!! MOAR!!!
With only one kidney, I am a bit leery of supplements, however.
I have both kidneys but father time is starting to kick my ass a little. I would rather just go straight to HGH but my fucking doc said my T levels are normal. I told him I wasn’t interested in normal, I wanted exceptional. He wouldn’t relent.
My T levels is just under the mid-point. Not great, but not bad for over 60.
So this story I’m working on has a framing device. The narrator has withdrawn from society and his father comes by to see what happened to him. He debates how much to tell the obviously concerned guy he’s not on very good terms with. The story then goes into flashback.
The question is – how often should I return to the ‘present’? Every jump between time frames carries a chance of losing the audience, and there’s not that much in the ‘present’ of the story to advance the overall tale, except maybe explore the relationship between the narrator and father.
Sounds like you have no need to return other than as the frame, lead in and epilogue.
My personal preference is, not very often, and keep it short when you do.
Once or twice for short pithy comment in the narrator’s head – no more.
Are you they kind of guy who starts a chapter with a year and place? Sometimes I appreciate it.
I do that. Cuts to the chase.
Just don’t use some made up fantasy calendar that I can’t keep track off.
I don’t write fantasy. Contemporary and historical.
This is a fantasy book, I’ve avoided an explicit calendar.
I find they don’t help me when reading a book, as my eyes just jump over them.
Every third paragraph.
What did you think of The Princess Bride switching back to the framing device? Too much, too little, was it needed at all?
In the book, I’m not sure they used it. The framing device there was that the author was editing down a dreary and overblown ‘historical’ work in emulation of the way his grandfather read it.
There’s woke, and then there’s Minnesoda Woke
A Somali member of one of the city’s biggest gangs is going on trial in April.
If he gets found NG and restored to the police force, will there Scandi riots? Lutefisk hurled at cops? Personally, someone threw that @#$% at me, I’d shoot.
I think he’ll be sacrificed. You can shoot all the northside bangers you want, but a pretty blonde in an affluent area is another story.
It’s interesting – there were some Sheriff vehicles in my neighborhood the other night looking for some punk. The next day I was chatting with a couple neighbors and one lady commented about how I lived in the safest cul de sac in the city with all the cops. I told her that I prefer my police a long ways away. Another neighbor said “yeah, they might end up shooting your dog or your wife” and then referenced Justine Damond.
I was floored. Maybe people are starting to pay more attention to the heroes.
“but a pretty blonde in an affluent area is another story.”
At least in normal times. Today, that gets you the proggie badge of wokeness.
No comment.
Just what a member of 1627 would say!!!!!!!!!!
/See something, Say something
The situation down there annoys me. I choose not to comment to minimize the risk of saying something unkind.
I wonder where all the native born poor minority criminals went when the Somalis took over Cedar RIverside?
That place has always been a shit hole.
DHEA: This is a testosterone precursor that is (inexplicably) legal and OTC.
I just don’t find many women (or most people) all that interesting to talk to
My “problem”-
I’m insidious. I worm my way into a woman’s consciousness over time, until suddenly, she awakens one day, and says, “Hey. I like *THAT GUY*.”
I don’t have an opportunity to work my magic, because I just don’t come into contact with any intereting (to me) unattached women on anything like a recurring basis.
I seem to take a similar path, to a different end.
I worm my way into a woman’s consciousness over time, until suddenly, she awakens one day, and says, “Hey.
I like *THAT GUY*I need a restraining order.”Could be worse. I seem to have this SEP Field around me when it comes to women (well really most people) where they seem to forget I exist 30 seconds after I am no longer in front of them.
If I ever found myself single again my basic assumption is that I would be an incel minus the whining and self loathing more than a mgtow, but if I ever did find a woman who actually was interested I’d probably find myself married again even though that would not be my intent because so far I am batting 1000 on the whole relationship front (that is I have married every single woman I have ever had a romantic relationship with)
Revisiting the soccer theme from up thread: shit is happening in the Champions’ League.