Hey guys, two in a row. I’m really starting to put a streak together. Stay warm if you live in the Glacial Expanse. I have people from Chicago and Michigan telling me they are cold, so it must be for real.
Japan is pioneering “Rent-a-sister”, which is apparently NOT affiliated with Pornhub. I’m sure many of you are dissapoint.
Oh noes, Davos will be much harder to expense this year without many of the “world decision makers” attending. Another win for Trump’s CO2 mitigation efforts.
Local opinion writer is right but for wrong reasons objecting to 50-story tower in St. Pete. My main objection is that it will end up in some sort of taxpayer supported receivership in the next downturn.
Shocker, diplomats and spies for the US and the Norks have been talking for years. Something, something, “jaw, jaw is better than war, war.”
Here’s a pop-tune for Florida Man. Fun fact, I had never heard this song until a local instrumental-only cover band played it years ago.
It’s rent a step sister, dummy.
*step-sister pov*
Whoops, wrong browser tab.
There is an entire genre of p0rn dedicated to this I believe…
Wind chill well below zero here in our temporary digs in (ugh) New Jersey. I just walked a few blocks downtown for butter. Cold ain’t anything if you know how to dress for it: Heavy Carhartt jacket, good gloves, thick scarf, fur hat.
Judging from the folks I saw out and about today, the locals know crap about cold weather. Lots of nitwits with no hat, no gloves, a t-shirt under a hoodie, bitching about the weather.
Heh. Townies.
Snowing like hell in the north woods, gonna get another few inches and then winter shows up.
Heat wave today. Currently 13 and no wind!
Gonna get colder in a couple days, you guys need to plug in the headbolt heater.
The garage is some 30 degrees warmer than the outside temps, even with no heat. Easier on the truck starting
Thanks god, because I’m not sure mine is safe to plug in.
I passed through M-StP this morning on the train. I got out to stretch my legs and the weather was not Minnesoda nice. Montana at 7000ft was much warmer.
Sorry. Give us a shot in spring/summer/fall.
I’m curious, though, why you are traveling by train…
It was amusing how many of the Memphis hillbillies thought I had an electric truck when they saw the plug from my block heater dangling from the front of it.
A former co-worker’s wife was from Winnipeg. When she moved to warmer climates, she didn’t understand why no one had a place to plug in her car’s block heater.
13˚ and 40mph gusts in NYC. I wouldn’t mind so much if my building was heated properly. I have to block off the parts of the house facing Canada.
Winter in NJ is funny. You never know what you’re going to get.
Cold snap here. Low tonight of 34, down to a low tomorrow night of 32.
It warmed up here. 1 degree Fahrenheit when I got home from the dentist. 3 degrees Fahrenheit now.
I’m going to be disappointed if the diplomacy team to North Korea doesn’t include MATT DAMON.
I’m going to be disappointed if the diplomacy team to North Korea doesn’t include
MATT DAMON.Dennis Rodman.As long as it isn’t AREC BAWDWIN.
Right now, with none of them there, it’s so ronery.
Here’s a pop-tune for Florida Man.
Not this one?
Man, CeeLo can sing.
Nice version, Brett.
I would have never imagined he could improve on that song but damn that was ridiculous.
And he’s not wearing a moo moo.
“Japan is pioneering “Rent-a-sister””
She doesn’t even look black.
[golf clap]
From the St. Pete link:
Um we are talking about a movie with a bad guy named “Lord Business”.
President* Business.
My wife is totally the Will Ferrell character. Nothing makes her crazy faster than trying to follow the Lego instructions with two boys who DGAF.
I defy anyone to help a 7-yo build a 300 piece lego set and not see Will Ferrell as the hero in that movie.
Nothing makes her crazy faster than trying to follow the Lego instructions with two boys who DGAF.
Are they her Lego sets that she’s letting the boys “help” with, or is she trying to build them for the two boys who DGAF? Because if it’s the latter, well, that’s kind of missing the point. The boys will need to know how to assemble it themselves if they want to “reset” after a battle/fight/natural disaster/crash befalls their Lego people. And sometimes a car that used to be a boat just sprouts wings.
Mammary Monday rolls on!
Sorry Swiss, gotta give the people what they want.
Come on, even Germaine Greer came in favor of Page Three.
Yes, I think Germaine Greer came every time she looked at Page Three.
One and done, but I couldn’t fault anyone for moving on….CAUSE 1 IS MINE!
I’m looking for Glib recommendations for things to do in New Mexico for vacation in early April.
Last year we went (me, Mrs. Tree, and 5 kids who’ll be 10-18) to NM, and everybody wanted to go back. Last year’s trip was several days of off-trail hiking in the mountains north of Santa Fe, plus Bandelier, Santa Fe itself, El Morro, and the lava fields/caves at El Malpais. This year we’re definitely back into the same area of mountains for hiking, and they want to re-do El Malpais.
Anyway, any recommendations for other things to do/see? Thinking of Acoma Pueblo and going to the Great Sand Dunes area of CO. So the southern part of CO is open for consideration as well.
Carlsbad Caverns
If you make it down to Albuquerque, there’s, there’s a nice tram up the mountain, but they do annual maintenance in the off season and it looks like it’ll be unavailable in the first two weeks in April.
I mention its unavailability because it’s one of the most recommended things to do when visiting Albuquerque, but not everyone doing the recommending pays attention to that calendar (which can and _does_) change.
I love hiking in the Sandias (the mountains immediately to the east of Albuquerque), but if you’ve already done a bunch of hiking north of Santa Fe, there’s not a lot of reason to come down to ABQ just for the hiking, especially since the “High Finance” restaurant at the top of the tram isn’t yet reopened and the tram may not be running …
Mrs. Tree wanted to do the tram, and since we’re flying into and out of ABQ, we’ll be close anyway, but yeah, it’s supposed to be down for maintenance. Last year in Albuquerque we had basically a half-day, and walked around old town. Highlight was the Rattlesnake Museum.
Commodious, Jemez and I are all in the general area. Those two may have some good recommendations.
If you want to grab a bite and a beer, my guess is a couple of us would show up (although I’m headed out to Boston on April 10th).
I’ll probably be down there inspecting the tram during the shutdown. I plan on going to the nuke museum while I’m there.
When is that hot air balloon festival? I drove through ABQ once while that was going on and it was fairly amazing.
It’s October, so not on our radar. But apparently everybody agrees with you, ’cause that’s THE THING that comes up about Albuquerque.
Save your pennies, go to Japan, and rent a sister instead.
I thought we covered that it wasn’t the PornHub variety…
SW CO Stuff: Mesa Verde, Million Dollar Highway from Durango to Ouray, Pagosa Springs.
N NM Stuff: Shiprock, Chaco Canyon, Bradbury Museum at LANL.
Not sure if you’re going all the way down but S NM Stuff: Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands (way cooler than Sand Dunes in CO), Cloudcroft resort.
Well, no visit to southern NM would be complete without this: https://www.roswellufomuseum.com/
If you’re going to Mesa Verde or Shiprock go a bit further to AZ and take in Canyon de Chelly and the Hopi Rez as well. Ouray has a public hot spring that has a good pool. April is probably too late to try ice climbing on the outskirts of town.
I like Taos. Lotta great southwestern art and crazy local history around there.
Second. Plus Taos Pueblo is very cool.
We were hoping to get into Taos Pueblo last year, but it was closed when we were there. Haven’t checked their timing for this year yet. If we do go back to El Malpais, then Acoma Pueblo is on the “probably” list.
We saw Taos gorge/bridge last year, and spent an afternoon in Taos itself.
Los Alamos museum, Puye Cliff Dwellings (nearby). If you venture northeast, the Clayton Lake dinosaur trackway and nearby caldera.
James O’Keefe sure has come a long way since his dopey Superfly cosplay. This is jaw dropping:
That’s really something there.
What is it with unions and their need to defend the worst of the absolute fucking worst employees? Like, do the rank and file teachers really want to protect someone who actually abused a student? They aren’t defense attorneys. That one fucks dues aren’t really worth it. The only thing you can say is that they aren’t really held accountable so they just go all in and why the fuck not defend them outside some pesky sense of morality getting in the way?
Is it the power they get over institutions? Like, don’t even think of fucking with our mediocre employees because we’re going to fight you tooth and nail and win (thanks to corrupt Dems) with even the shittiest, scummiest cases!
It’s a religion. Where I work, the slightest hint of questioning the union is met with pitchforks. I had 10 co-workers go off on me because I said Janus would mean that the union would have to try harder to please it’s members. Now, I keep my mouth shut.
“We don’t get our names in the paper”.
I have been sitting on this, because I didn’t want to OT fourscore’s submission. Bloomberg “Constitutional scholar” talks about the “living Constitution”. I had to get up and walk around the room, kicking things, for a while when I got to this part:
What’s scary is the premise of the question: that by living under the U.S. Constitution, Americans are self-managing using the same exact principles that the Framers dreamed up in the late 1780s.
That perception may be our myth. But it isn’t our reality. The Constitution that was drafted in 1787 and took effect two years later has developed drastically since, by formal amendment, by judicial interpretation, and by evolving customs and norms. The Constitution still works because it’s alive.
Don’t take my word for it. The metaphor of the living Constitution is itself 99 years old. Its author is none other than Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., by many lights the greatest justice to have graced the Supreme Court bench.
It’s crazy to think the relationship between the states and the federal government should be held in some sort of troglodyte reverence. Without a little tweaking here and there, how could Washington have become the bloated monster we find today? If we had treated the Commerce Clause as some sort of Holy Writ, we probably wouldn’t even have the Drug War.
We all know O W Holmes was the smartest man in history (except Woodrow Wilson, of course).
That’s fourth-generation imbecile Holmes.
Yes, he never lived up to the intellect of his uncle Sherlock.
Living document, dead letter, Whatever.
The ‘living document’ concept really grinds my gears. If it can mean anything then it effectively means nothing and there are no limits on the government.
no limits on the government = Authoritarian viagra
I’m not a fan of the living document idea either. On the other hand, I would imagine that phrases like “cruel and unusual punishment” can change over time.
Yes, now they mean it is totally ok to subject prisoners to forcible sodomy but an hour exposed in the pillory is outrageous.
Don’t take your word for it, take Holmes’, because he was “great”—i.e. loomed large, wasn’t bogged down by anti-authoritarian limitations and logical rules of inference.
Fuck off, slaver.
“The Ocean Floor Is Sinking Under the Water Weight From Melting Glaciers, and It’s As Bad As It Sounds”
“Oceans Heating Up 40 Percent Faster Than Thought, 2018 Expected to See Record Temperatures, Scientists Warn”
“Climate Change Sparks Bloody War Among Birds With Great Tits Killing Flycatchers and Eating Their Brains”
Yeah, I’ve had my brain eaten by great tits a few times.
Hmm, I was just at the Sea of Cortez and the fisherman whose boat I fished on (and has fished there for 5 decades) was remarking how the sea there was a bit cooler than usual or the time of year.
That was a fisherman, K. Not a scientist.
Look Local
weatherwater temperatures != climate.Wouldn’t that keep the Oceans from rising? I thought Rising Oceans destroying California and Florida were the worst disasters yet to come.
We can hope.
Even assuming their calculations are correct, they say it’s an 8% error in icemelt. That’s pretty much negligible given the already existing variability in the measurements and calculations.
So if the ocean floor sinks, the sea-levels won’t rise? Then why are they bothering me with this shit?
So that didn’t make you panic? Hold on, I’ve got another study somewhere around here…
It’s like you don’t even subscribe to Ocean Bounce Theory.
Uh huh.
If the ocean floor is sinking isn’t that the same as the land rising? Hooray, Florida man is saved !
There hasn’t been enough of the predicted warming so it must be being stored in the deep ocean.
There hasn’t been enough of the predicted sea level rise, so the ocean floor must be sinking.
Keep in mind, these type of measurements are basically impossible. They’re extrapolating based on sea surface altimeters and satellite gravitometers.
It’s almost like the earth is in a stable equilibrium.
Equilibrium? C’mon, were supposed to be talking about Science here.
“The seventh sign of the Apocalypse will amaze you!”
By invoking the Civil War, Holmes was reminding his readers — and us — that the Constitution that emerged from the war was radically different from the one that went in. The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were added, purging the Constitution of the original sin of slavery. And the whole structure became much more national than federal, as Congress and the Supreme Court gained authority over state laws.
Interesting perspective. I bet none of the States would have even joined in the first place if the understanding was “if you try to leave we will shoot you”.
Other than this, I don’t see much in those amendments giving Congress and SCOTUS authority over state laws:
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
As we know, this primarily empowers SCOTUS to overturn state laws. There is a section that says “The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”, but I suspect that applies more to the other provisions (on validity of debt and composition of the legislature). As we know, SCOTUS quickly rendered the privileges and immunities clause a virtual dead letter. Even the public accommodation part of the Civil Rights laws were justified under the (expansive) reading of the Commerce Clause.
To me, that breezy assertion that the post Civil War amendments drastically shifted power to the feds is more wishful thinking by an authoritarian a-hole than a sober account of what those amendments really did.
For decades I found the Lincoln memorial to be where I found my soul. The words he spoke, engraved on those walls made me cry more than once. I felt his greatness. And I have sat upon the steps of his memorial thinking of the wonderful things he accomplished. Keeping our country whole. Freeing the slaves. Ending a terrible war. Since then I have realized the terrible path he set us upon. The oppression of the federal government upon the states and the people has opened a path for oligarchs to destroy our republic. I am now ashamed of my weakness. Fuck Lincoln for what he started no matter what his intentions, and fuck those who have used his accomplishments to destroy our republic.
I’m reminded of the good old days when libertarians thought that the left, despite their economics, opposed war and supported free-speech. Never thought that Trump of all people would prove this wrong but he did. :shrug:
Classically you don’t give much information to pin down on, but if you are talking about the Left of the 60’s, you can’t say that today’s left really is the Same Group. Today’s left is just what the 60’s Right was, mixed in with Marxist thinking.
Well the left was pretty anti-war until just 10 years ago and Mitt Romney was ridiculed for his views on Russia.
Well we still have Chomsky and Jane Fonda and all those university professors who were activists back in the day..
You could say that the Left was the “Anti-establishment” then they got power. And Power felt good. And Why shouldn’t they use it to help people abroad. And you know what they are pretty smart, and sometimes waging war is the best way to stop war, right? And Since they were in power, they couldn’t risk letting the evil Right back in, so of course they have to use that power to keep the “Anti-Establishment” people out.
The Left is anti-war when it suits their purposes and pro-war when it suits their purposes. I’d say that’s unique to the Left, but we all know that’s not true.
+100 Dalton Trumbos
Not even close to the same:
It used to be about fighting the man, the draft, war on drugs, gov. enforced morality, and just wanting to be left alone. Yeah, there was environmental issues too, but the “man” was way more apt to violate your rights than the hippies. They changed.
“Shocker, diplomats and spies for the US and the Norks have been talking for years. ”
Does the prez know this? Someone tell Pompeo.
Speaking of great tits and eaten brains,
“Alyssa Milano is slammed for saying MAGA hats are ‘the new white hood’ after watching viral video of Trump-supporting teenagers taunting Native American veteran”
And Twitter is the new struggle session.
As terrible as she is, I still would.
Hit it, quit it, slam it through all the gears, neutral slam it, and leave it right where you found it.
Hotter and saner women abound.
My day is now complete.
It’s just a means to rationalize the hate shown to the Covington kids.
The original hate narrative was proven false, so in order to rationalize the continued hatred, an ex post facto reason has to be made up.
Simple as that.
I’ve spent way too much time thinking about Covington Catholic.
One thing that really bothers me is what I’ll call “progressive privilege”. Why should I have to limit my arguments to facts and reality when the other side gets to cite feelings and “historical structures”?
The whole story is utterly infuriating. The fact that a few outlets such as AP and the NY Post, to name a couple, still have the original fake story up is just showing that facts, even easily identifiable ones, are of zero importance. Just make shit up and pretend that no one notices, even when it’s in plain sight.
The coverage is extremely racist as well. The white kids are responsible for behavior going back several generations, but the grown-up noble savage isn’t even responsible for his own actions.
Didn’t you get the memo, Playa? That’s how you “defuse a situation” or something. By banging a drum right next to somebody’s face.
Yeah, but then that kid had to escalate the situation by smiling.
The NY Post is interesting – their editorial stance is right-of-center but their front page will host any fucking mendacious click-bait you could care to imagine.
It didn’t get that way by accident. The only way they can “win” is to frame it in that manner.
The number of people who:
a) consider themselves reasonable people and
b) ironically claim that MAGA hats are a racist symbol
baffles me.
Do they not realize that they are saying they are unwilling to coexist with their political opponents?
*gives hand signal for OK*
Shame, shame, shame!
If you talk to those people, they will tell you that they absolutely tolerate diversity of political opinion and are happy to welcome and consider all points of view.
… UNLESS, of course, your political opinion “dehumanizes” people. Then you’re obviously evil and must be shunned, if not destroyed.
Oh, and coincidentally all political opinions that differ from their own are considered dehumanizing.
But other than that, they’re the most open-minded people you’ll ever meet.
I’ve spent way too much time thinking about Covington Catholic.
I havn’t really. Every time there is an outrage i try to ignore it. I feel bad for the kids, but it looks like they are going to be fine. They are right, the media is trying to fuck em over. The best advice i think for anyone in this situation is: Don’t Say sorry, and realize that the people screaming the loudest are also the people who matter the least. Give it a week and they will have moved on.
There are kids involved this time, which makes it especially egregious.
Apparently, poor Catholic teenagers from Kentucky have a systemic power advantage over Ivy League educated navel-gazers with tens of thousands of social media followers.
Dude they are just the faces of the movement, supported by all the victims out there, speaking the truth for them.
Cov Cath is not “poor Catholic Teenagers” It’s where the upper middle class and wealthy of Northern Ky. send their boys to high school. Your point stands, but the narrative about this has equated Kentucky with Toothless Hick Racists and I find it hilarious. It is in Park Hills, a $300k average house price neighborhood (for those of you in Chicago, California etc. $300k is more than twice the median price in Greater Cincinnati.
Their own school throwing them under the bus isn’t helping.
Don’t let facts stand in your way, let your overly emotional shithead freak flag fly. Hell, it works for them and they’re doing a pretty good job of kicking our asses.
RE: Playa- I used always think when I debated with Progressives, that if I used facts perhaps they would see my point of view even if they still don’t agree with it. Being in college dissuaded me from that notion because no matter how many facts or examples I tried to throw in the conversation, they never ever argued in good faith and emote like motherfuckers.
I might give it a shot.
I need to learn how to be crazy.
If it helps, I could punch you in the nuts. It’s about as productive as trying to argue with proggies.
“I used to hang around libertarians, and let me tell you: it feels like getting punched in the dick. I just can’t even…”
But if we abandon principle we are no better than they.
What good is it to be morally superior if your moral inferiors erase you from existence?
I’m still better than them
One can still argue for a principled, rational position using emotional, irrational arguments. Play to your audience, and you have a better chance of being seen as right. Debates are won by facts only if the audience is interested in facts.
This one has really been grinding my gears since I first heard about it too, and I can’t quite figure out why. There’s something very sinister lurking beneath it.
It’s such egregious BS even the NYT is starting to walk it back?
It’s so preposterous it almost seems like it’s some sort of trial balloon. The event itself is so utterly insignificant that one can’t help but wonder how it gained so much traction.
Meh, it’s got video, it’s got a white guy in a MAGA hat, it’s got an obvious minority expressing his culture. It’s kind of made for the way news is done today.
I think it’s because it really shows how deep the rot goes. Our fearless firefighters of truth had no problem blazing the internet and airwaves with slurs of racism and harassment on minors, because they’re white, solely on the word of one Noble Savage activist– with no attempt at corroboration. Only spreading a vile rumor. That’s the part I find most egregious– the blue checkmark mob would’ve howled no matter what, but it’s CNN/MSNBC/WaPo and their associated personalities who proved they’re just tabloids, spreading emotion (hate) with no actual newsworthy action to report on at all.
Anyway, it definitely terrifies me. My son was in DC last spring on his 8th grade field trip. This could have been him — bunch of mostly white kids waiting for a bus and some activists harass them until they get a reaction on video they want. It’s just TOO EASY now. The left is unhinged mob that wants blood and half the Right is constantly bowing and scraping to be The Good Ones that they don’t even say ‘uh wait a minute have we learned nothing?”
I must confess to not really following this beyond comments here, but did the Native American get all this going, or was it a third party?
The Native American rabble rouser claims that he went in to diffuse the situation…. which of course you do by banging a drum inches from someone’s face.
And then he later claims that he went in to pray with the kids.
He’s claimed a lot of things.
He was “performing medicine” for the kid to purify the Trump out of him, the ungrateful little shit.
It apparently started with the guy saying he had been surrounded – he started changing his story once video surfaced that he had actually walked into the middle of a high school crowd in the midst of doing a chant as a response to verbal harassment from a third party.
It started through Instagram with people involved with the Native American. So, fellow activists in arms who spread this crap through social media with a very slanted version of events.
Yes, and Noble Savage went on the evening news circuit and further perpetuated the lies.
Noble lies!
He’s morally right, and that’s what’s important.
I’m usually able to shrug off progtardation, but this story had me fuming as well. The Kavanaugh story re-engaged me politically in the sense that I started pushing back against friends and family who were parroting prog talking points. It was the last straw for me. No longer could I keep silent in order to “keep the peace” while these evil (and yes, I mean evil) people destroyed this man. I satrted engaging people again and fighting back. Now the CovCath thing really has me fuming. I live 20 minutes from there. I’m prepared to go down there to push back against any leftists protestors.
Enough is enough. These people are evil and must be defeated.
So the Indian activist is a named Nathan Phillips? What does he think of having the same name as a prominent Jew?
Interesting he was a Progressive Conservative when this party was still very Orange, especially in Toronto.
Oh right, Nathan Phillips Square. I thought the name was familiar.
Bloomberg also has a couple of “Populist-lite” bits about Davos. Those damned fatcats lolling about in cartoon luxury while the rest of us survive on fish heads and rice, and sleeping on park benches, draped with newspapers. It ain’t fair!
I found no mention of billionaire fatcat busybodies Michael Bloomberg or Tom Steyer, however. Just an oversight, I’m sure.
CJ Pearson
Verified account
Follow Follow @thecjpearson
We’re getting new submissions every 30 seconds. Every member of the media who defamed, slandered, and doxxed the #CovingtonBoys on Twitter will be served.
Each and every tweet will be archived and turned over to the students’ legal counsel.
Make those bastards pay. That story is so fucking infuriating. The media has really plumbed new stinking lows with it.
I noticed both NBC and NYT came out with “New video shows more complicated story” today. Like it was a brand new revelation. I was wondering if the editors/big bosses had a “Oh shit, o shit” moment and are trying to cover their ass.
They got what they wanted. The true believers will not alter their positions from their initial claims. Red meat for the base.
Yep, I wonder how many people still think the Duke lacrosse team raped that dancer. People tend to remember the initial story and forget the later truths that come out and that’s if they even see them.
So what you’re saying is we need to get a bunch of outlets to publish blatantly false stories naming every major prog as personally involved in a UK-style child grooming gang, then retract them the next day?
They story isn’t complicated at all.
“Gimme a break, waddya want? for me to say we was wrong?” / NYT
Bro, do you even
liftobfuscate?Meh. I’m not holding my breath for any legal repercussions. CJ Pearson looks to be just a kid and I haven’t seen any attention from anyone with the real means to do anything. Of course serious people wouldn’t bother posting about it on twitter, so we’ll see. It would be a pleasant surprise though.
From what I’ve read, CJ Pearson is just collecting data; but the boys themselves have already secured pro-bono legal representation and Pearson is sharing that data with them.
It’s why the celebs and politicians are so desperately sanitizing their social media accounts.
You gotta show real damages. Maybe fired from a job, kicked out of contract, something like that. I doubt a high school kid has any real losses from this.
IANAL, but emotional distress wins a lot of big payouts
These kids can also submit their college resume under a false name, get accepted, then rejected by virtue of them being at this event. Not getting into a college on the basis of defamatory statements from the media could impact future earnings. Then add emotional and reputational damages.
I’d be tempted to go the defamation per se route. Don’t need to prove damages. I think you could argue with a straight face that manipulating a video to make people seem racist falls into one of the categories of defamation per se.
Didn’t their school threaten expulsion?
Watch Company Launches Response To Gillette ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Ad
The video features footage of men in various situations — from fighting fires to hugging their children — while the company’s founder, Ilan Srulovicz, narrates. The footage and narration are accompanied by sobering statistics relating to men.
“What is a man?” Srulovicz asks as a fireman carries a child from a burning building. “Is a man brave?” The on-screen text reads: “Men account for 93% of workplace fatalities.” The number comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
“Is a man a hero? Is a man a protector? Is a man vulnerable? Is a man disposable? Is a man broken? Is a man trying?”
As each of the above questions are asked, the following statistics are shown on the screen:
Men comprise over 97% of war fatalities. (U.S. Department of Defense)
79% of all homicide victims are male. (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
Nearly half of fathers without any visitation rights still financially support their children. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Men account for 80% of all suicide victims. (World Health Organization)
75% of single homeless people are men. (National Coalition for the Homeless)
“We see the good in men,” Srulovicz concludes.
Just proof masculinity is toxic. Mostly to men.
Fuck off Gillette, I’m going to keep shaving with a broken beer bottle as god intended.
Been thinking about trying to start wearing a watch recently. What kind of watches y’all like? Just cheapo ones or anything fancy?
If you’re going to do it, do it like a boss 12-year-old.
Or boss like this guy.
Paging Sensei to the white courtesy phone.
Sorry logged in late… Got lost in the Japanese rent a sister. Immediate thought was Onee-san or Imouto-san?
I recently bought one from these guys.
Rufus turned me onto them. Great service and a lot of interesting watches to choose from.
Sensei wrote a couple articles about mechanical watches. Good stuff.
Japan grey market Seiko
Or you can go high end. I prefer the Breitling, just because I learned to fly and that’s the kind of watch an asshole who learned how to fly would wear.
Heh. I work with assholes who learned to fly (test pilots) nearly every day.
I’m not all that enamored of Breitling’s quality v. cost.
Yes- in that market segment of the Swatch Group I’d lean toward Omega.
For me my only interest in Breitling would be a signature chronograph. Problem is they can be a bit hard to read depending on your dial choice.
Those Breitling looks really nice, but wayyy more than I want to spend on a starter watch I may or may not stick with.
What’s your budget? For a nice watch in a variety of forms for a great price I’d suggest Seiko 5.
But depending on what you want to pay there are plenty of options.
And way cheaper would be welcomed if the quality v price ratio makes more sense.
Seiko 5 in that price range for sure would be my recommendation. You can get them in a variety of styles from sporty to dress and anything in between.
I have a self winding Rolex, which doesn’t keep very good time and stops if you don’t have it on for a half day. Their solution? Buy an expensive electric automatic winder that you put it in when you take it off, that moves the watch in a circle for ten minutes every hour.
It seems when you get to higher end watches they’re really more to be considered jewelry than an accurate timekeeper. If you need the latter, get a cheap digital one.
The only reason I have it is my wife won it as a prize, and had little use for a man’s watch herself.
Lol. I have an Orient that runs about +5 sec./24 hour with at least a 40 hour reserve).
I just like mechanical watches. Someday (after I have the cars and other toys I need), I’ll buy a high end one.
That’s correct. Rolex did make an accuracy play, but the Japanese quartz movements of the era were much cheaper, although not as accurate.
The big issue is temperature compensation. And with the the tech of the time that was hard to do affordably.
Yeah I was shooting for the more jewelry angle. The habit of looking at my phone or computer for the time may never change.
Looks like a good option, thanks! And thanks to everyone else that has or will respond, appreciate it!
You want a Detroit.
Of course, I can’t afford one. I have an Apple Watch and a Skagen.
Father John Jenkins, the president of the University of Notre Dame, announced on Sunday that he has decided to cover a series of murals of Christopher Columbus displayed in Main Building, the central administrative building on campus.
“In recent years I have heard from students, alumni, faculty, staff, representatives of the Native American community, and others on this complex topic,” Fr. Jenkins said in an email to the Notre Dame community, a copy of which was obtained by National Review. “I have decided, after consultation with the University’s Board of Fellows, on a course that will preserve the murals, but will not display them regularly in their current location.”
But in light of shifting modern attitudes toward Columbus and colonization, the Notre Dame administration has faced criticism for allowing the murals to remain on display. In the fall of 2017, a group of progressive students and faculty demanded that the murals be taken down, and some asked the university to rename its celebration of Columbus Day “Indigenous People’s Day.”
History is for chumps.
Uffda. What a bunch of pikers. They should have bounced Columbus a long time ago.
Here in Sunny Minnesoda, we’ve already worked our way down to generic depictions of white men who settled the territory. The Indians and blacks looked too subservient for the enlightened progs.
Unfortunately for them, the “problematic” murals on are on the Historic Register, so they can’t smash them Taliban style. So they are going to cover them up with modern art works.
Pope, the Korean lady that your wife met at the Honey Harvest is getting married to my bee keeping partner, no date has been set. They’ve been together about 5 years or so, live in Blaine.
…and take that white settler off the MN state flag, Indians settled here first…
Not another race traitor who has asian fever!
He seemed like such a nice guy. Does he know what he is getting himself into?
I wouldn’t be surprised if I tell my wife this news and she rolls her eyes and tells me that she already knows.
Yellow fever is alt-right approved, because today’s racists were yesterday’s anime kids.
Except for Jared Taylor, he grew up in Japan but I don’t know if he was a weeb (god I hope so).
He was previously married to my wife’s niece. When they got divorced we kept him. Yeah, it could be that my friend is the last one to know, besides us.
OMG, won’t someone think of that forest raping pre-STEVE SMITH, Paul Bunyan?
Yet the dozens or hundreds of various Soviet inspired WPA propaganda pieces will continue to be celebrated.
I’m against the draft, but might make an exception in this case. They ought to be dragged off to boot camp and harden the fuck up. Then a few months of infantry school in the mountains. Might turn them into functioning men with proper testosterone levels and something to contribute to society.
+1,000,000 Kamikaze pilots
The Hikikomori Division doesn’t fear death!
In fact, they welcome it as an escape from this earthly Hell.
Not sure Nanking is looking forward to that.
Makes you wonder what’s going on there. It’s a more traditional society than ours so you really can’t blame feminism, unless it’s the women not wanting to deal with men with patriarchal viewpoint. Are the video games that more attractive then flesh and blood women? Is it simply too expensive to form a family? Maybe one of our Japan residents can shed some light on this.
Never been to Japan, but the US did pretty thoroughly castrate that nation’s masculinity after WW2 which might have something to do with it.
Getting doubled nuked then forced to forever renounce war and forever rely on the people that doubled nuked you to maintain your sovereignty must have a pretty deleterious effect on a nation’s men.
I’ve seen a couple alternatives suggested – such as Eden of the East. https://youtu.be/_m6jolMTiRg
Just when we thought we had become more batshit crazy than Europe.
Black, white…. That kids going to be ugly.
And the malpractice suit against the doctor when the baby comes out as a wypipo.
No shit. That is one fugly woman.
And the man?!
Hey, at least she’s trying. That dude just threw on a daishiki.
That logic is perfectly acceptable in certain circles.
Lamark is coming back! New Soviet Man is just around the corner!
What is Janet Jackson doing with Will Sasso?
He looks more Samoan than anything.
I…uh…I got nothing.
*slowly backs out of thread*
They’re 30 and 31. Holy shit.
Speaking of tax payer funded boon doggles….
The cost for hosting the Final Four this year keeps growing and growing.
A story just popped up last week that the taxpayers are on the hook for about $10M to host the Final Four that isn’t going to be reimbursed by the NCAA. The Super Bowl by comparison was $600K.
Kelm-Helgen was the political hack who had to resign when it was discovered that she was using a private luxury box as her own without paying a dime. Why don’t us tax cattle every get pissed off enough at these financial shenanigans to go burn the place down and hang these leeches from a few lamp posts?
Do those numbers include the fucking drapes?
I think part of the problem is that too many of the tax cattle think this shit makes us a real city or some such shit.
You don’t want to live in a World Class City(tm)?
Sure, but we’re talking about Minneapolis.
No, you go to World Class City(tm) on vacation, you know the only time you will actually go to the restaurants, museums, theaters and other attractions that make it ‘world class’. Then you go home to your drab life of NOT paying 4 times as much in taxes to your city and not having mobs of lunatics blocking the freeway to protest whiteness.
Not sure about the drapes. This is one of those deals where if you are a hack who gets a grant from the legislature (or city hall) to form a rent seeking group like “Meet Minneapolis” everything is great. You got paid to create a proposal that is going to allow you to grift even more money in the future. And during the tourney, you will get to rub elbows with all the other big wigs.
Us rubes just need to shut up and pay for all this shit.
On the other hand, the rest of the year they can use the drapes to cover the glass panels on the outside that kill all the birds.
Do they match the carpet?
Why don’t us tax cattle every get pissed off enough at these financial shenanigans to go burn the place down and hang these leeches from a few lamp posts?
My understanding is that this wouldn’t be Minnesota Nice.
RE: Hikkikomori.
That’s an interesting, and I suspect unique, cultural phenomenon. If I started refusing to go to school, or especially if I became violent or aggressive, my parents would have kicked my ass and sent me to military school or something similar. It’s interesting that Japanese parents are willing to put up with so much from their kids.
Especially since I was under the impression that honoring your parents and trying hard in school was an important part of Japanese identity. Guess I watched too many movies back in the 80’s.
Keep in mind that this is a very small number of people in the first place, but I’d argue yes, this is a part of it. Because if your only options are “total success” and “miserable failure” and you aren’t total success….
Too many 1 kid families where they spoil and smother the little brats?
A parents with multiple kids don’t usually take that kid of shit.
+1 “I’ve already got 2 replacements ready for when you fuck up badly enough”
Yup, but don’t get caught calling one of your twins a “hot spare”.
Not just the parents. Only children never get into fights with siblings.
Siblings can be pretty brutal at times.
There must be a more or less equal number of young women who have withdrawn as well, right?
Who said you could do that?
Washington State Democratic Party Chair Tina Podlodowski issued a blunt waring to Mr Schultz. “I have two words for Howard Schultz on a potential run for president as an independent: Just. Don’t,” she said. “Too much is at stake to make this about the ambitions of any one person.”
Howard Wolfson, a strategist for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign who is now advising former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is considering a presidential run as a Democrat, told the Post: “Anyone thinking of running for president as an independent would have to think really hard about splitting the anti-incumbent, anti-Trump vote and just playing the spoiler role and reelecting Trump. “I think that would be a terrible legacy for anyone to leave.”
Howard Schultz wants a piece of that sweet Presidential action. If Trump can do it, anybody can, right?
Is the federal government still shut down? Hopefully Trump is prepping a massive RIF.
Trump’s a big government guy so that won’t happen. It’s a loser politically as well.
I beg to differ. I think a lot of people now see the federal government as the enemy as well as too big.
We and some of the more conservative Republicans do but the moderates, the independents, and the Reagan Democrat types don’t. He’d lose a chunk of his voters if he started firing willy nilly.
Yes and no. I think they would disapprove of the firing, but after a while when the realized it didn’t effect them they wouldn’t mind. It’s the type of thing I think he could get away with in 2019, but not 2020 (an election year).
Can’t you look out your window and see all of the bodies stacked up like cordwood?
No. There isn’t anyone left after Net Neutrality and the Tax Cut. There are a few dead feral dogs, but that’s it.
I just finished reading I am legend, not realizing that it was thinly veiled allegory for the Trump Era.
Never change, CNN.
“They will have plenty of challenges to discuss. Climate change is wreaking havoc…”
Such as?
I love the St. Pete story.
“Call me crazy, but I rather enjoy the scenic green space…”
Do you own the land?
“No, but i think…”
Do you pay the taxes on the land?
“No, but I think green sp….”
So, it’s not yours and you pay nothing for taxes or maintenance. Are you paying for the construction of this tower?
“No but I enjoy looking at…”
Well then. You think you have a say over what others do with their property. The truth is that no one gives a fuck what you think you commie prick.
Exactly. If the view is so damn important to you, buy the property yourself.
It’s funny that mention this; my area is undergoing a big development boom and there’s a big open space area that is currently owned by a rancher. Developers are planning on buying it, but the townfolk want to keep it open so there’s a fund to buy the land and keep it from being developed. They’re about 75% of the way to the price set by the rancher.
If you really want your green space, do something like that.
Yep. There was some timber land in Oregon many years ago that the local greenies purchased to keep the loggers out. Fine by me.
I dont like seeing trees cut any more than anyone else but taxes have to be paid. Hunting leases will cover the taxes at the going rate today and soon I think they will cover even more. When that is the case I will never cut again, but until then the crops will be sold and harvested from the field. (It aint ‘wood’ or ‘forest’. It is a crop in the field)
I dont like seeing trees cut any more than anyone else but taxes have to be paid.
That’s an interesting incentive right there. Property taxes incentive deforestation.
And re-forestation. As much as I hate to admit it they do incentivize best use of land rather than letting it lay fallow. That is in no way an endorsement for property taxes. It is an argument for using taxes not as a source of revenue but as a way to coerce activity out of landowners. Individual property rights trump all. It is my property, I will grow dandelions on it if I decide to because I can.
If you really want your green space, do something like that.
That’s the right way to do it. When I was in Maryland visiting some friends a while back they told a story about how their town went about it the wrong way, through zoning they kept the last farmer from selling his land to the developers so that they could keep their illusion of being in the countryside. The farmer’s one revenge was that most of the new developments (built on land other farmers had sold) were accessed by a road that went through his property, so he would regularly block the road by moving his cows across it from one field to the next.
My neighbors are trying to stop a nearby development. I told them they should buy the land to prevent development, and they looked at me like I had two heads. They’d prefer to steal the use of the land.
Tell me again how the US is TEH MOSTEST HOMOFOBIK KUNTREE.
What about “Jews to the Ovens” signs?
Cosmo’s a little late to the party. Or maybe they just hate Jews.
“Fuck U, Next”
That’s a nice message to be promoting, Cosmo. I totally can’t understand why the big media magazine business is dying.
Chinks (RAAAAACIST!) in the armor?
I think it may be dawning on a lot of blacks that the left is about to throw them under the bus and replace them with more commie minded hispanics, because that is what is going to happen. Of course he wants a wall.
Or he’s just being pragmatic and admitting that in some areas a wall is effective and useful in others not so much. The idea that it’s a battle between “No Borders” or “The Wall” is theater.
Looks like some people are doubling down:
This Viral Thread Explains Why The ‘Unedited’ Video Of That Protest Confrontation Is Even Worse
Some men, you just can’t reach…..
“four Black men who were also present on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. ”
I divide people into 2 categories. Useful idiots who don’t know the truth, and evil liars.
This falls under evil liars.
Most of what the Black Israelites do is so vile that it can’t be hosted on YouTube, but you can find it if you look in the right places.
Or you can stand on the corner of Broadway and Liberty Street (think: Occupy Wall Street) and hear it live.
I can’t find the video anymore (mostly because I don’t want it in my search history), but the incident I’m thinking of was on Broadway iirc.
A militant feminist was walking by, and they called her a “land whale”. She tried to grab the mic, and ended up getting arrested.
The best new one I’ve read is that the Indian wasn’t “banging a drum in the kid’s face,” he was “performing medicine” and that the little nazis need to educate themselves bout Indian spirituality.
“Ten words in faded red ink adorn the glass door of the federal building: “Please hold mail for duration of government shutdown. Thank you.”
Here in this northern Colorado coal town, those 10 words, and the unplowed parking lot of that Bureau of Land Management facility, are among the few obvious signs that the nation’s federal government is partially closed”
It brings a tear of joy to my eye.
“‘It kind of makes me question what they do on a day-to-day basis,’ says Paul James, 31, who runs the town’s sole medical marijuana dispensary. ‘If I don’t miss them, what were they doing?'”
“‘It kind of makes me question what they do on a day-to-day basis,’ says Paul James, 31, who runs the town’s sole medical marijuana dispensary. ‘If I don’t miss them, what were they doing?’”
Boom. Fed employees’ worst nightmare.
We really do need a Chamber of Nullification.
Oh god not after that “nullo” article someone linked this morning.
“nullo” I missed it. Maybe I would want to miss it. Can never tell with you all.
Yeah, forget I mentioned it. You don’t want to know.
Dave’s not here, man.
PS: Don’t read the comments unless you want tons of “Stupid rubes don’t know what’s good for ’em!” horseshit.
So, with the Korean story, I can’t read it all, being as the WSJ thinks a paywall is going to save them. To their credit, they have one of the rare paywalls that can’t be bypassed easily. Regardless…
The story is that there have been secret back channels paving the way for Trump’s success for the last 10 years? Like, when Obama took office, right? Isn’t it funny how that works? Obama’s holdovers and the establishment overall trashed Trump and called him a simpleton for meeting with Kim. And the jury is still out on that, but with the news of a second meeting coming these clowns are now trying to take the credit. If not for Obama, than the career people are doing it for themselves. We were right all along and made this possible! The timing, though, tells me that this is definitely Obama people.
Though, in reality, you’d think and suspect that there was always back channel talks between diplomats and spies. We were never completely not communicating with them or anyone else.
So has anyone confirmed whether the Native american “activist” veteran even has a DD214? Last I heard he claimed to be a Vietnam Vet but was too young to have served (17 in ’75 or something like that).
I was in ‘Nam, man.
He would have been 17 in 1972. But you can tell he’s full of shit just by the fact that he says he served in “Vietnam times.” That’s a dead giveaway that he missed it. And he probably was in at some point. I mean, you don’t use weasel words like that if the entire thing is a fabrication.
I was in ‘Nam.
Le Meridian Saigon, 2013.
Hasn’t he also called himself a “Marine Recon Ranger?”
Someone doesn’t believe his story pans out.
So I’ve lurked off and on for a while, both here and on TOS, and I hate for my second post to be completely OT, but I figured I’d turn to you guys for help, or at least some reassurance. If memory serves, a fair number of you fine folks work in IT, and I was hoping to get a bit of advice from someone(s). My brother in law, who works in IT, and has had access to our wifi networks previously, our devices being on his home wifi in the past as well, has had what appears to be a psychotic break, either from excessive Adderall consumption, taking far more Zoloft than he should, or just old fashioned paranoiod schizophrenia. I’m more than able to protect myself physically, but my concern (among other things) is computer and network security for myself, and more importantly, for my inlaws and brother in law, both of which live within 5 to 7 houses down the street from him, given his side hobby of breaking into the neighbors’ wifi connections in order to torrent movies on someone else’s cable bill. He has quite an array of very high end directional antennas, my guess is that a high end Yagi can reach, the other houses, plus, for much of the last year, our Roku’s have been connected to his Plex server.
I personally have told family members to change wifi passwords to as random as possible, staying away from the password guidelines, and to make them as long as possible. I grabbed the premium free trials of both Avast and Malwarebytes to check my own stuff, and and currently investigating how secure Galaxy S9s and Iphone 6s are in this situation, ( any help with that would be great), and have deleted the Plex app from my Roku, advising others to do the same. I said to chuck any router that isn’t WPA2 and replace ASAP.
I would really appreciate any help with this big or small, the family is at a loss of what to do, but we at the very least want to ensure that we minimize damage to our own relationships, since he’s started apparently sending porn search histories of family members to spouses and significant others.
Again, any help would be appreciated, big or small.
As a final note, if any of happens to be an attorney in AZ, where I am, a recommendation for a lawyer that we can sit down with in order to explore options for hospitalization under the law, would be helpful. Police involvement, as I ‘m sure everyone agrees, has a high possibility of ending with either him dead, or a dead cop, given his recently propensity for answering the door armed.
Sorry to ask like this, and I know this is a weird request, but I’ve always found you all to be someone of the most reasonable, intelligent people I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading on the internet.
I don’t have any help, but I just want to say: you sound like you’ll fit right in here. Oh, and, fuck off tulpa!
Well, I guess you could go search for the craziest porn you can imagine on all of the affected devices, thereby obscuring the real kinks. Be like “Come on who actually searches for tentacle porn, amirite?”
Damn, I’m almost reticent to call you Tulpa, now.
Physical safety would be my first concern. Securing the accounts/devices is pretty trivial compared with that.
Who’s in his house?
Oh, and great avatar, Tulpa.
If I’m reading this correctly, Tundra just replied to himself. He complimented his own avatar and called himself Tulpa. Tulpa = Tundra = confirmed. Fuck off, get ball cancer, and die in a fire in your last moments before the cancer takes you, Tulpa.
You really need a girlfriend, B.
*hops boards and drops gloves*
Like I’d entertain a Tulpa fight.
He separated from his wife as of Thanksgiving , when this started to take a turn for the worse, so just himself. His brother checked on him yesterday, and he was apparently going full Beautiful Mind, writing on the walls. My apartment is crazy secure, and my office if badge in with armed security, plus I started carrying this week as a precaution, since he’s convinced I’m out to get him, so I can steal his wife. I’m also 50 miles away and just moved to a new apartment, so he doesn’t know where my wife and I live.
I have reached out to the primary care physician today to try to get something on record, but due to HIPAA it’s limited what anyone in the family can do, and there hasn’t been any specific threats of violence.
A big part of the security stuff is that he recently decided to start emailing the White House, which given the recent acceleration of the craziness, might lead to swat kicking in the door of my mother and father in laws’ front door by some bored SWAT team eager to try out some new toys.
You might want to mention your Adderall suspicions to the Primary, and he can pass that on to the Shrink, if there is one.
Privacy aside, doctors are very concerned about getting caught overprescribing schedule II drugs. It’s a good way to lose a medical license.
Privacy aside, doctors are very concerned about getting caught overprescribing schedule II drugs.
Fuck the war on opioids.
Not sure what state you live in but most have 5150/Baker Act/Involuntary Commission Statute. It might be time to consider it if you have serious concerns about him attempting to harm himself or someone else. I’m not one to want to get the cops involved, but in many states you can petition the judge and have a grace period to get him to voluntarily surrender without police involved.
If’s he’s got porn search histories, he’s in much deeper than just accessing your wifi network.
Makes me wonder what exactly it is in AKAZ’s porn searches that makes him this desperate to stop it from getting out.
He’s not desperate to keep his search history from getting out. He’s desperate to not see his mom’s porn search history.
Tentacle, obviously, but that’s pretty mainstream these day’s, isn’t it?
Your mom is Kurt Eichenwald?
Did you just assume his mom’s gender?
Kurt Eichenwald has a gender?
Yes, assholefluid
There are people who don’t have porn search histories?
I have no suggestions, but my heart goes out to you.
And welcome. (I don’t do the “Fuck off, Tulpa,” but if I did…)
Get new routers and update the firmware. Turn off the SSID broadcast and set up a MAC address white list. You’ll be fine.
FWIW, I have Ubiquiti everything. USG, Unifi AP Pros, and a cloudkey controller. Nobody is getting on to my network without my knowledge. I have a record of everything that goes on with logs going back 6 months.
Sorry 🙁
It sounds like a bunch of people need better computer security, and your brother in law needs psychiatric help.
I’m not an IT expert, but whenever security is a concern, I’d recommend a VPN gateway between your router and the web. It’ll slow things down a bit but it sounds like it’s worth it. Also, hid your WiFi SSID. You’re on the right track with long and complex passwords.
I doubt Zoloft would cause a psychotic break. Severe Adderall abuse might, but it sounds like he might have just started manifesting schizophrenia. How old is he? Does he have a family history?
Sorry for the situation.
He’s 32, and there is a family history of mental illness, not schizophrenia per se, my thought on the Zoloft is that he, by his own admission, is double/triple dosing his prescribed dosage. The adderall suspicion is due to to apparent zero sleep, loss of 30+ pounds in a short period, and talking to him is like talking to someone on a coke or meth bender.
Appreciate all the thoughts and kind words, VPNs are definitely on the agenda, as is turning off the SSID broadcast.
And I’m not Tulpa *laughs*. BULLY
And I’m not Tulpa *laughs*. BULLY
You’re hihnfectious!
We’re all Tulpa.
It’s Tulpae all the way down.
Apparently, I’m Iowahawk, not Tulpa.
May I sit on your grammar bench with you?
*takes notes*
Sounds like the manic side of manic depression to me. Antidepressants at normal doses can push succeptable people into mania and whoo boy if he’s taking too much of the stuff. The appearing to be on speed without a known ready supply is a giveaway as well.
That happened to me when my shrink doubled my dose of Wellbutrin. First and only time I’ve ever been manic. In 2 months, I wrote a 1400-page manuscript (I always say Wellbutrin wrote that book), lost 40 pounds, didn’t work, barely managed to feed my children, nearly crashed my family financially, and generally didn’t give a shit about anything but my project. The really bad part was that I knew what I was doing and that I should get my shit together and that I should worry that my shit was not together, but I did not care. Husband and mom had to rescue me, but it was my boss who figured out I was overmedicated. Threw out the meds immediately. Scariest time in my life.
I went through a similar coke period a few years ago, though maybe not as “compressed”. And I didn’t lose any weight >:(
Beat it, though. I look back on thinking that “sure I can catch an hour of sleep before work” was something normal and SMDH.
Oh, yeah, I didn’t sleep much, either and my libido got kicked into overdrive. And I was not on a big dose, either.
I shudder to think what cocaine would do to do me.
“my libido got kicked into overdrive”
Go on…
Considering my husband was seeing me crash and burn, he did not partake. Instead, I wrote it all down and published it.
Did the kids at least learn to cook for themselves? j/k
No, I am not kidding.
A valuable skill for kids to learn.
My fear is you may be approaching a “they knew something but didn’t say anything” moment. If he is acting like he’s had a psychotic breakdown, is writing on the walls and answering the door armed, you might consider escalating the intervention.
Good luck, I hope for the best for you.
I’m a bit late to the thread. I have no suggestions for the IT security beyond what is already here.
Well, shit, my asthmatic sister and 85 yo mother just evacuated from the Geeveston area because of this: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-21/tasmanian-bushfires-emergency-warning-issued-for-miena/10731168
Damn that sucks. Hope it all works out ok!
Yeah, I’m sure they’ll be fine.
“The TFS told ABC Hobart there were no residents left in Miena, and that just “firefighters and wombats” were left in the area.”
As long as the wombats don’t get them.
Yeah, that got a laugh from me. But they evacuated because of the fire at Tahune. But latest update is that they left because of air quality not immediate fire danger. They do have a boutique farm and had to leave ducks, chickens, alpacas, and a lamb behind.
*Wakes up a rubs eyes* Hey! Where’d all those terrible tweets about the MAGA kids go? Was it all a dream?
Well, how about that, It turns out that Ted S. is Iowahawk.
Isn’t that first guy some sort of Professional Journalist?
Um….No! I bet he goes to all the right parties, though!
No, but he owns a pretty cool jacket
Iowahawk AND The Zodiac Killer. Impressive.
Look, we all know that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac, and that the GOP is covering it up.
Larry Wilmore is the Zodiac Killer.
Come on. The Zodiac Killer isn’t THAT evil.
I thought Not Adahn was the zodiac killer.
So now you’ll all bow down before my superior intellect and humor! 🙂
And all the Patriot haters are outed as disciples of The Jacket.
It’s a contraction. Why’s that improper? (Genuinely asking.)
Because it’s not a contraction. It’s the plural form of a nickname.
Consider: “I knew four Matt’s in high school”. Wrong – right?
I gotcha. Thanks.
Since English is not my first language, I never make these mistakes: their/there, it’s/its, s/’s in general. I make other mistakes–but never these.
Dog with ACL tear and surgery (with ligament removed) in September has come up lame today and won’t put any pressure on it. That means 2 things:
1. Scar tissue is bugging her and she’s in a bit of pain.
2. She tore her meniscus which requires another surgery. She is scheduled to have surgery to remove a growth on her lip on Thursday at the regular vet.
First surgery is in the $5k ballpark. The one Thursday is around $700. If she has to have the meniscus fixed/removed I’m probably looking at another $3500-$4000. She is a wonderful dog and a full-fledged part of the family.
What. The. Fuck.
First World problems, I hope for the best for you and puppy,
That’s fucked up. I’m a couple of thou into my cat right now. Just dodged a 5k surgery bullet. she’s 15 and I doubt she’d make it through a surgery. We’re trying some less invasive stuff instead. Good luck with your puppy.
Fuck. Mine was in today for a routine exam and the doc found a big abdominal mass. Too early to know anything but… fuck.
Like you say – part of the family.
It also could be
3. She fucked up a pad on her bad foot.
I’m hoping for 1 or 3.
I should have been a vet.
Sorry 🙁
Thanks for all the well wishes.
Speaking of doubling down:
I saw that ENB is refuting Robby’s take (which is just a recounting of the events in the video that don’t support any of the man’s shifting account).
The shitbags are exposing themselves
“Libertarians for collective guilt” sounds awesome.
Seeing a lot of overlap between “boofing” truthers (those who insist that the word was totally code for gangbangs) and the people who don’t believe their lying eyes, because they don’t like the accused.
You know, maybe the guy deserved to be mocked? A bunch of teens mocking a delusional, cunty old Indian who is acting stupid shouldn’t be a national story to begin with. That’s not violence. That’s not, you know, hitting multiple people in head with a bike lock or actual political violence. At the end of the day, the adult Native American entered a crowd of teens who weren’t actually doing anything but drowning out some batshit crazy black dudes shouting all kinds of things that would offend the sensibilities of progressives.
Some adult activists decided they were going to fuck with the (mostly) white Catholic students in MAGA hats. Because they’re white, and because they had on MAGA hats. And no one gave a damn about their shitty protest otherwise. And the media grabbed onto it because it fits their narrative.
They came from the March for Life which was their greatest sin
That’s probably the best criticism of the kid who has been the primary target in this media brouhaha: he was explicitly reverent of the Indian. You get more of what you reward, kid. How many times do we have to acquiesce to shitty drumming?!?
+1 White Stripes song
I was listening to an interview (either by Bob Murphy or Tom Woods) with Scott Horton, in which SH said (I’m paraphrasing) that Reason in the early 90s was defensive of the official US government line RE: the Gulf War—that is, a lot of “to be sure”-ing, even then.
I was reading the newsstand version back then, and I don’t recall them being easy on the first gulf war at all.
Noted. I wonder why he thought that.
One of the more interesting elements when the story broke was the attempt to attack all students who attend a school because apparently there was a former graduate who went on to rape a girl. Going down that path creates a whole lot of issues they obviously haven’t thought through.
I don’t know what the point of that photo is, but even if they were doing honest to god blackface it has little to do with what happened in DC.
It’s called a blackout, apparently common in Catholic schools. They dress completely in their school color to show support. Other schools might be red or yellow or brown, but Covington is…. yep…. black.
It’s called a blackout, apparently common in Catholic schools.
It’s common in just about every school these days. Penn State was one of the early adopters years and years ago, and it has become ubiquitous in the interim.
I only know this because I get the alumni newsletter, but the Purdue game where we pantsed OSU was our blackout game, and there were students in black facepaint all throughout the student section.
Yeah. But it does look hella stupid.
Gotta admit I’ve never heard of a “blackout day” or whatever that is.
Then again my HS was like 60% black so I doubt it would have gone over well even in the 80s.
Ohio State does it-
My HS colors were black and white too
I did find a video of the Black Israelites that’s pretty amusing.
An SJW got an actual taste of justice.
By a show of hands, who was rooting for the white woman?
I sure wasn’t.
Does rooting for a nuke from orbit to take them all out count?
I remember seeing that video.
I wanted all of them to lose.
I wanted land whale to lose more.
The Black Israelites are not a threat to me and mine. They are silly loons whose path through crazyland brings them back around to self reliance, like the NOI. The 3rd wave feminists are actively pursuing the destruction of masculinity. Of course I am rooting for the Black Israelites here.
Ha, ha! That is on Market Street in SF. I have gone by a few of the BHI dudes over the years spouting their insane bullshit. It would be hard to root for them, but Land Whale ? puts me in that position. Pretty funny that she got arrested for them pushing her.
Ahem. Pushing her away after she tried to grab their camera.
I…I don’t know who I hate more.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that video before at some point in the last few years with all the SJW crap.
“Apparently, smirks are why genocides happen.”
That soyboy tweeted that 2 days ago. Has he walked it back yet?
That’s a guy!?
Fuck no, he has a looooooong series of posts about how he found out kid’s name, and how true horror show is the kid’s school.
That loon works for gizmodo.
The assault smirk on the gun is hilarious.
First came hate speech. Then came the male gaze. Now we have the death smirk! NOBODY NEEDS MORE THAN 3 FACIAL EXPRESSIONS!!!
These people are seriously unhinged.
“Women’s March (Indiana division) puts out a call for people to attend the #CovingtonCatholic protest”
Professional agitators.
And the kids are the ones who are assholes?
In addition to the targeting of kids, this is another aspect of the incident that really troubles me.
How are we supposed to have a public discourse when we can’t even agree on reality? We’re not disagreeing on a policy prescription here. We’re disagreeing on reality.
These people still think the kids did something wrong, even though they clearly didn’t.
They don’t care. They obviously don’t care if they destroy those kids. It’s all collateral damage on their march to utopia.
This has been going on for a while. There is more evidence proving Kavanaugh innocent than there is in favor of his guilt, yet there are still boofing truthers.
Michael Malice has been spot on this, but he’s said this for a while “Why would you expect the same people who are open about hating you to treat you fairly?”
I don’t anymore. When the rest of the country comes to the same conclusion, it does not bode well for anyone. They are reducing all of politics to a power metric and when they finally succeed at it, blood will run.
How are we supposed to have a public discourse when we can’t even agree on reality? We’re not disagreeing on a policy prescription here. We’re disagreeing on reality.
Feature, not bug.
Hayek in 1933 addressed the necessity of class conditioning reality for Marxism to gain a foothold.
I hate me some postmodernist politics.
Don’t forget that the same people going after these kids in the most vile ways possible were the ones saying you can’t take any issue with the Parkland kids because of their age. The double standard is really something to see.
Look at this Tweet:
Tweet’s still up after more than a day and the guy still has his blue checkmark.
“BREAKING: FIRST Video Statement From Covington Catholic School Students Details How the Fake News Mob Has Impacted Their Lives
Two students from Covington Catholic High School spoke to 16-year-old conservative political commentator CJ Pearson about how the media has impacted their lives over an out of context video.
The students in the video, who identified themselves as Sam and Grant, have been harassed and threatened by a swarm of leftist journalists and celebrities over a fake account of what happened to them in the viral video of them being confronted by a far-left Native American protester.
“Several media platforms blatantly lied about the events regarding the controversy in DC and it has effected us as a community and individuals greatly,” Grant said.
Sam added that “there have been many threats against our lives, against our parents, some of these threats include that we should be locked in the school and it should be burned to the ground, the school being bombed, school shooting threats. It’s really scary. I know that a lot of people are scared to go to school tomorrow and won’t be attending because of what could happen.”
“There have been cops there ever since the incident and I think there will be a lot more tomorrow,” Sam said.
Grant explained that a lot of the negativity and the hate is coming from people on social media doxing the students.
“I myself wasn’t even present, but I am very vocal about defending my school and my peers and I have been doxed on three separate occasions,” Grant said. “This has lead to a tsunami of hateful messages and threats.”
Sam said that he was also doxed, along with one of his good friends.
“A lot of people’s parents were also doxed, their work was called — I mean, this could greatly effect their jobs, they could be fired. There are real consequences for these actions,” Sam said. “It all stems from a 30 second clip taken out of a two hour long video and taken out of context,” Sam explained. “Nobody did their research and it’s now showing.””
I want Kavanaugh’s take on it.
Sue them into oblivion. Start with Captain America. Hopefully it costs him a job with Lady Gillette. Gonna have to shave his vagina with a dull bic
No, start with some marginally known person with a bunch of followers. Ruin their life. Strike the fear of God into these every day lunatics and drive a wedge between them and their elitist masters.
Early Simpsons fans will get this.
“Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish”
Without looking it up, what’s the name of the fish?
Look at me! I’m just like you!
Simpson’s did it first.
Looks like a lot of woketarians are pushing back against Robby’s piece. Usual suspects: Sarwark, ENB, Shikha, etc.
Seems pretty retarded. Almost as if people refuse to question a narrative despite evidence to the contrary
Props to Robby, he may have tanked his career by telling the truth.
Half truth.
“Maybe the kids could have handled it better, but…”
Go fuck yourself. They were the targets of vile harassment for over an hour, and they handled it like fucking gentlemen.
In the land of the blind etc…
And what the hell were they supposed to do? If they stood up for themselves like Brett Kavanaugh did, they’d be excoriated for that.
I’ve got Tucker mansplaining the Covington scandal on tv and my gf trying to red pill her sister on the same topic via cell phone at the same time.
Time to refill my drink.
LOL Tucker has Robby on!
+1 to be sure
He still wants to be on the cocktail circuit, but he was slightly more forceful this time.
OMG what did he do to his hair?!
Got it ready for Fox News? ?
OK that’s enough. I will now not turn on TV news in another five or ten years.
“It turns out the the bastion of conservatism, the National Review, turned out to be Kathy Griffin with just a few more 3 syllable words.”
“The Catholic Church’s shameful history of Native American abuses”
The Indigenous Peoples March in Washington on Friday was marred by a disturbing incident. A large group of teenagers, many of whom wore red Make America Great Again hats, surrounded Nathan Phillips, an elder of the Omaha Nation, while he was performing a song. The teens, who appear to be students at a Catholic high school in Kentucky and apparent participants in the simultaneous March for Life, were caught on video hurling insults at Phillips and trying to drown him out.
Colonizing indigenous land and constructing walls, both figurative and literal, to win public influence and political power is not a new story in American Catholic history. Many white Catholics of the Reconstruction Era and Gilded Age depicted Native Americans in racist, infantilized ways. Historian Carol Berg argues that even when they had “the best of intentions, most missionaries failed to respect Indian culture for its own worth.” They denigrated indigenous cultures in attempts to fuse Catholicism and Americanism at a time when Catholics were frequently considered inherently un-American. They then used this colonizing experience to help spread the American empire beyond the country’s borders at the turn of the 20th century.
Trying to make sense of the troubling scene that took place at the Indigenous Peoples March may be difficult for the Diocese of Covington and for Catholics not familiar with the U.S. Catholic Church’s often violent relationship with indigenous Catholics and non-Catholics. The records of abuse of Native Americans by Catholic clerics in Alaska and New Mexico, for example, are just starting to be uncovered by historians, even though memories of colonizing violence have remained alive within local communities for decades. Reckoning with this past is essential for coming to terms with the injustices faced by indigenous people both in history and in the 21st century. The actions of the young men harassing Phillips are only possible because of the failure to address and understand this shameful history.”
were caught on video hurling insults at Phillips and trying to drown him out.
… Ok so you lying slime are citing the video, which clearly shows you are lying as evidence of your lies? I spend a lot of mental energy these days reminding myself that just because everyone on the left is now my enemy, that doesn’t make everyone on the right my friend, but this is vile. These people really need consequences for this dishonest vileness.
I’m hoping for devestating lawsuits. That’s the only way they’ll learn.
Wow. Where do you even start with that?
By burning down the universitt history departments…
Wow these Catholics really seem to be bad people. I hope nobody ever decides to nominate one for the Supreme Court.
I think Harris and Hirono have the anti-Catholic bigotry beat well-in-hand but hey they could always use more ammunition.
I would like for them to punished for all the aerobics they made me do in mass as a child. Stand, sit, kneel, peace be with you, stand, sit, kneel, dollar in the hat, repeat until you’re tired.
Reminds me of the Seinfeld bit where he sat on the kneeler in the confession booth LOL
something lighter and less hateful:
Fuck Tupperware guns. I hate them.
Even though my Springfield XDM is what I carry the most.
Back from vacation. I’m worn out.
Where’d you go? Beautiful weekend in SoCal. I wanted to go to the desert, but every single place was sold out.
Got shitfaced fall down drunk the night before we left for vacation. It was last Tuesday and our local bar was getting flooded because of all the rain. The owner kept buying shots for the bar as we were bailing water out the front door. Everybody was splashing around in 3 inches of water, laughing, singing and drinking. Woke up to go the airport still in my Sorels, and my rain coat, crashed on the living room floor. I haven’t recovered from that night.
My parents rented a condo on the sand in Indian Rocks Beach, FLA to get out of the cold of Indy for January and February. My bro, his wife, me, my wife all went down there for a extra long weekend and to celebrate my mom’s birthday. Lounged on the sand, in the hottub. Rented boats and goofed around the Intercostal. Went bar hopping every night.
My liver is kaput!
The first casualty: