Last night, we had our farewell dinner with Swiss, who volunteered to help me with boxing up the immense sound-producing monoliths that I love and SP hates. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for her, the process went more or less smoothly. But most important, Wonder Dog got to see her fren and he brought… PIZZA FOR WONDER DOG! Cue Lipizzaner dance and joy of the sort that humans can only dream about. And I got us some deep dish Chicago casserole, no pineapple, and started reducing the amount of wine we have to move. Three people should be able to drain a magnum of a 40 year old Bordeaux, right? We did, so I opened another magnum, this time a 30 year old Santa Barbara Pinot Noir. Damn, what happened to that, it was full a minute ago? Well, shit, better open a 25 year old Rhone Syrah. Fuck, it seems to have evaporated. I guess we’ll have to finish off this limoncello…
So if I fuck things up here, you’ll understand why.
There are quite a few interesting people born on this day, starting with “a dumb son of a bitch” Douglas MacArthur; “a smart son of a bitch” Frank Costello, who rose to power because of government interference with free commerce; pioneering aviatrix Bessie Coleman, whom I only knew because of the street named after her, but sure lead an interesting (if short) life; one of my favorite character actors, Charles Lane (who was born to play bank examiners); Maria von Trapp, who was far less hot than Julie Andrews; iconic jazz fiddler Stephane Grappelli; the pride of Cleveland, Polycarp Kusch; strongman and wine collector Nicolae Ceausescu; my mother’s fantasy, Paul Newman; amazing writer Philip Jose Farmer; Jew-hater and pride of Team Blue, Angela Davis; and Most Boring Talk Show Host Ellen DeGeneres (whose standup back in the day was pretty funny).
On to the news.
What would we do without intellectuals?
Speaking of intellectuals, The Los Angeles Times beclowns itself once again by running one of the most dishonest and (frankly) evil pieces I’ve ever seen. And this guy got a Pulitzer Prize, which is comparable to Obama and Arafat winning the Nobel Peace Prize. He manages to avoid using the word “kulak,” which is quite an achievement.
When you lose Nixon, you know you’re fucked.
Commie Pope remains an embarrassment to the Catholic church. Maybe a tour of the former site of the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem and consideration of the terrorism decline in Israel after the barrier was built might be eye opening. Well, probably not. (Disclaimer: the Trump border wall is a ridiculous idea, but not for any sort of reason that this dumb fuck dribbles out)
Vegetables can kill. And WaPo being WaPo, it’s Trump’s fault.
Richard Ojeda drops out of the 2020 Team Blue presidential race. The nation is aghast!
“We’re looking at this very holistically and then empowering the store managers to make great decisions around customers.” Advice: short Starbucks.
Just as I thought. And next week will be worse. The day we’re rolling out in our caravan, the wind chill is supposed to be -60. I’m also certain that this will be cited as evidence of global warming.
One more reason that I will never move back to California.
A plea for more First Amendment restrictions. Fuck off, slaver.
Old Guy Music time! Today is also the birthday of brilliant composer Jimmy Van Heusen, whose output of jazz standards rivals Billy Strayhorn’s. Here’s a sweet and delightful version of one of his classics, Darn That Dream, with some superb Sarah Vaughan vocals with perfect backing by the Count.
That’s gold, Jerry. Gold.
“Most of the people have flipped so far. The prosecutors have this enormous power. They can threaten not only the person but also his relatives and friends and associates,” Dershowitz said.
I didn’t see “enormous responsibility” anywhere in that.
“They can threaten not only the person but also his relatives and friends and associates”
Why no one gets outraged by this…
Because as a society we’re broken.
I vote it is because “She who was foretold” lost an election rigged by the “Man who would stop the Oceans rise” to the “Man with Cheetos skin” and that is unacceptable to the state and the media. The powers were rebuked by the “deplorables” and that must NEVER be allowed to happened unchallenged.
As others have pointed out on this site, the Left has always been murderous scum, and the rebuke of 2016 is too much a threat to them to let it go without destroying the kulaks and wreckers who are denying the State’s supporters dreams.
What? You have never seen a herd of ungulates flee from a predator. The predator gets one and the rest of the herd breaths a sigh of relief. “Thank God it wasn’t me.”
I’m the new guy at the office I’m never in, and when I answered that I was “ruminating” on something it was met with blank stares. Have I made a mistake riding for this brand?
When we first saw Jurassic Park in the theater, I noted that scene where they see a herd of Gallimimus, and Dr. Grant (who, as a paleontologist, couldn’t really be expected to know shit about behavior) observe “see how they wheel like a flock of birds, avoiding a predator?”
My reaction to that, were I on the scene, would have been “Wait, wait – what did you just say? We need to get the hell out of here!”
And, of course, seconds later, BOOM, T-rex!
No shit. Observing the behavior of animals with sharper senses than you have is an important skill.
And vitally important if your goal is to put some venison in the freezer as well.
My lack of outrage is due to the fact that all the characters involved are long-time players in the corrupt and vile cesspool that now has been turned on them, live by the system, die by the system. Call me shortsighted sure, if they can do this to these guys they can do it and much worse to the average joe. Thing is they’ve been giving it to the average joe forever, I’ll save my outrage for bullshit asset forfeiture and stop and frisk type strongarming.
I think it’s scary, but I’m not outraged because it doesn’t seem to be violating a better, more just standard of behavior. If the justice system had been apolitical up until now, then I’d be outraged. This just confirms my prior observations.
Your point is well made.
The reason that this should bother you is this.
John Podesta penned an article today that basically laughes at and praises these actions against his political enemies and restates the lie that the Russians “hacked” his emails.
All the while he and the Hildebeast walk free.
I’d be laughing, too, if I were Podesta, I mean, the guy should be sharing a cell with Manafort and he knows it.
Vegetables can kill. And WaPo being WaPo, it’s Trump’s fault.
I wouldn’t know, since this linked to the Pope Connie Francis story.
Fuck, gotta fix that. I blame alcohol.
You don’t know how to Google “WaPo”?
Why should I enact your labor for you?
Manville tells DnA that congestion pricing is the only proven way to alleviate traffic woes because it “addresses what really is the root cause of traffic congestion, and the root cause of traffic congestion is that the price to drive on busy roads at busy times is too low to the drivers.”
The only way, eh? Pretty sure Disneyland could tell you how to allocate a scarce resource without turning to gubbmint.
“Speaking of intellectuals, The Los Angeles Times beclowns itself once again by running one of the most dishonest and (frankly) evil pieces I’ve ever seen”
Further proof that you can always find someone willing to agree with your preferred political goal.
A wealth tax requires valuing all assets. These chumps seem to believe that rich people only own publicly traded securities. Valuing hard assets and especially closely held companies is a stone bitch. You think the income tax is intrusive, wait until you have to submit a complete and nventory of everything you own, with its value, under oath. And hire experts to opine on value when challenged.
Sort of like what they do with property taxes…
The property tax is a walk in the park compared to a wealth tax. With a property tax, the taxing authority already knows what your property is because the deed is registered, as is the purchase price, plus there is a trove of valuation info to use to value the property. A wealth tax would take in all of your possessions, and it would require disclosure and valuation.
Anyone who has tried to value a closely-held business knows how hard that is and how much scope for argument there is. Oh, you own a bunch of valuable art? What about an extensive collection of collector cars, guns, or whatever? You want more valuation problems, try valuing overseas assets.
It begs to be gamed and abused. It manages to be both stupid and evil.
I don’t disagree.
Random prediction:
Progs hate 1A as much as they hate 2A. Expect to see an assault on strict scrutiny by prog jurists after SCOTUS rules in NYSPR vs New York. And dem-friendly media will provide the cover.
Strict scrutiny? Is it just me, or is the entire notion of compelling governmental interest bogus?
We keep arguing in circles about what amendments mean because everyone is looking to the Constitution to enumerate rights, while 9A clearly says “fuck off.”
We don’t need the laws explained to us; we need them largely eliminated. I’m not going to live long enough to see anything like this, and, as I age, the nonsense (FoxNews, Rush, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT) just gets louder every day.
Tim Gatin Subscriber 12 hours ago
I am a Life member of the NRA and have no desire to compromise on my 2nd Amendment rights. Bump stocks are not part of those rights, in my opinion. They are just a insanely dumb invention that I am surprised people are defending. The private ownership of machine guns is severely restricted for good reason. Inventing a work around to turn something into a machine gun is bone a** stupid. No one has yet to bring me a valid reason for allowing them.
Even 2A geniuses know you need valid reasons for things, and, since there is no such reason presented in the Constitution, we libertarian types are just fapping in the wind.
I don’t think Tim necessarily represents the body of 2A supporters. For that matter, that looks an awful lot like the ol’ classic, “I have been a member of the Republican party all of my life, but {{Democratic Party platform position}}…”
I don’t think Tim necessarily represents the body of 2A supporters.
yes, quite. I just meant: here’s how nutty a purported NRA lifer can get; he’s extreme.
Again, my main point is that the heavy overhead of laws leave us busy arguing about what they mean instead of lustily pursuing life, liberty, happiness. At this point I’m wasting words by qualifying his wasted words: it’s a BS tornadoes all the way down.
That’s a sound point, for sure. Over-regulation is a symptom of an unhealthy vision of the purpose of law and government.
No one has yet to bring me a valid reason for allowing them.
There’s a lot of people who say that about every gun, you knob. Don’t come crying to me when your state outlaws every single one of your guns because you don’t have a valid reason for owning any murder machine.
Hunting? Animal cruelty, unnecessary in a country with grocery stores.
Self-defense? Don’t make me laugh; our law enforcement agencies are here to keep you safe.
Target shooting? A hobby is not sufficient reason to own something as dangerous as a gun.
That’s my point: such obviously flawed and self-defeating logic is not unrepresented in the NRA membership.
I strongly suspect this is motivated by the “just give them this thing we don’t care about and they’ll leave us alone” mindset. These people have no idea that “and they’ll leave us alone” was never part of the deal.
These people
have no idea thatrefuse to accept that “and they’ll leave us alone” was never part of the deal, in spite of innumerable examples to he contrary.Richard Ojeda drops out of the 2020 Team Blue presidential race. The nation is aghast!
Also aghast
(Baby can you dig it?)
+1 Icandigityoucandigithecandigitwecandigit
Ellen was funny at one time. As was Rosie, and even Janeane Garofalo.
Then they got woke and started substituting their social agenda for comedy.
It is more than them. Aside from a few old school comedians educated a generation ago the problem extends across the board.
There is a reason very little art, culture and comedy came out of the USSR.
And what did manage to survive was extremely dark.
In America you can always find a party,
In Soviet Union, party finds you.
/Extent of comedy to arise in the USSR
Today is also Wayne Gretzky’s birthday.
I only linked to birthdays of important people, not Canadian ice skaters.
The preferred term is “ice dancers” you shitlord
“Toothless ice dancers.”
The day we’re rolling out in our caravan – what the hell is a caravan? like a bunch of camels?
If you’d have been here last night, we might have managed another magnum. And having Swiss read us the ZARDOZ post with funny voices was perfect drunk humor.
I’m driving the truck with our wine, SP is driving the car with our dog. Camel optional.
i never know what you Americans mean by truck
if it’s configured to carry more cargo than passengers, it’s a truck (generally speaking).
Except for vans.
I hope you packed enough food. I’ve heard (((you))) guys have a hard time navigating in a desert and become lost for long periods of time.
And heaven forbid someone drops a quarter.
I think it’s the preferred method for migrating into a foreign land, according to the news lately.
I can’t find it now, but I cracked up over this lefty article that argued that “caravan” is a sinister word deliberately chosen to conjure up images of scary brown people.
Because it’s not like there’s a popular family vehicle called the Caravan or anything.
Fine. Rather than use the badword “caravan”, we will now refer to migrant “hordes”. Happy now?
What would we do without intellectuals? – we would manage
The group of 30 writers, historians and Nobel laureates declared in a manifesto published in several newspapers, including the Guardian, that Europe as an idea was “coming apart before our eyes”.
“We must now will Europe or perish beneath the waves of populism,” the document reads. “We must rediscover political voluntarism or accept that resentment, hatred and their cortege of sad passions will surround and submerge us.”
How about the EU reform from being a bunch of worthless bureaucrats with zero accountability pushing idiotic policies? no? ok….
Is there a succinct review of the EU’s goals and the actual situation? Would you be the guy to write it?
eliminate war through tighter economic and social relationships
make it easier to export toasters by making everyone use the same electrical outlet shapes
make logistics easier by eliminating needless border transactions between nations of reasonable populations
created a fiat currency that drains Germany and props up Greeces
installed trade bureaucracy akin to Stalin’s fever dream of how a weaponized Underwriters’ Laboratories could be used to crush the West
created a super-highway to funnel aggressive, destructive foreigners into otherwise safe, stable, and remote nations
For 100 words or less, am I close?
i assume the goals were total bureaucratic control of the populace. the results are many
The things I hear in favor of the EU are:
– Countries teaming up on national defense to be more secure than they otherwise would be
– Easy travel and trade between nations
… But you can have all those things without this supra-national bureaucracy. It has frequently been done throughout history and is currently done all over the world.
They bring up these positive points as if the EU is the one and only way to obtain them while downplaying the stupid, oppressive regulations that (up until very recently) prohibited the sale of “misshapen or discolored” produce. To their credit, they did get rid of that law, but it stood for two fucking decades. And there are hundreds of other laws just like it that are still in effect.
But you can have all those things without this supra-national bureaucracy. – the problem is that some countries want to protect special interests and they need the supra-national bureaucracy to do that. All countries must get to the most inefficient level of regulation and taxation as not to be unfair competition to the inefficient ones.
Yes; there was a Nordic border control-free zone before Schengen.
What’s bizarre is that they’ve gotten further away in terms of unified defense than they were during the Cold War. Just look at how much trouble it is to move one BDE from Germany to Poland for an exercise in terms of railheads, bridges, etc.
Granted this is peacetime (not Red Storm Rising), but with the bureaucratic clusters the way they are now – I think things went downhill for 20 years with the “peace dividends” – aka Europe not funding any domestic defense growth and relying on the US (with the exception of Eastern Europe – etc.). Anyone else remember that Georgia and Ukraine had two of the largest coalition contingents in 2003?
Europe as an idea was “coming apart before our eyes”.
“We must now will Europe or perish beneath the waves of populism,” the document reads. “We must rediscover political voluntarism or accept that resentment, hatred and their cortege of sad passions will surround and submerge us.”
tl;dr- OBEY
Eurodeplorables are wrecking our beautiful nannytarian Paradise. Oh, woe.
i never know what you Americans mean by truck
minimum 32 lugnuts
there rest of you drive pickups
I was going to suggest he google “u-haul images”.
Why do you want pictures of lesbian dates?
Too much porn.
This series of words makes no sense.
but do you need a special license to drive that? If I look at image search of U-Haul I would not be allowed to drive hat I think on my license. Total weight should be under 3 tons.
In the US you generally need a CDL to drive a class 7 vehicle (more than 13tons) or to tow anything larger than 5tons.
anarchy. chaos.
Hot take: if your eleven-year-old can’t back a trailer properly (6ton CGVW min), you’re a failure as a parent.
when I was 11 I could drive a trabant
But could you drive a car?
my good sir: you might be onto something !
The fact that you could start a Trabant shows your skill.
That is the proper application of Ostalgie.
*smiles proudly*
*ponders shortcomings as a man and a human being*
I learned to drive in a grain truck. I was supposed to follow the combine in the field. I was so little, I had to stand up with one foot on the clutch and use my body weight to shift. There was much grinding of years. But I learned.
Exactly: until you weigh more than a bale, all you’re fit to do is drive.
I’d never backed a trailer up until last year, but I did learn to drive stick by being chased out of a parking lot by a bartender with a baseball bat. My dad tried to get me a beer, the bartender told him he needed to see my ID, my dad said he’d vouch for me, the bartender insisted, and then things went downhill. On the way to the truck he tossed me the keys and said, “Well I can’t do it, I’ve been drinking.”
He had an unorthodox style, but an angry West Virginian with a bat is one hell of a motivator.
That’s the best learning to drive story I’ve heard.
This is how WW3 map will look like
So, apples vs pears?
Wow, apparently I’m a minority in the U.S. — do I get extra privileges for that?
Hiltzik- Christ, what an asshole.
A burqa might be a great garment for working out, give it a shot.
lol. how the fuck is that revealing… maaan you should see the women in Romanian gym.
Yes we should.
Get on it.
that would be improper
Improper in what way?
I took that comment as in I should take pictures at the gym and post them here
*taps foot impatiently*
Yeah, I think that is the idea
You know what I will give you one of the less revealing ones just for fun. I have no account on any image sharing site so I will try something that may not work, glibertarians admins can delete it if it is not appropriate. I need to get an account on some image sharing site though
To be honest I do not really take pictures from the gym as it is bad manners, when I started I did take some of it in which people are seen and I cropped that as an example. I have no pictures of really revealing outfits and will never take any
We’ll need more data. Much, much more data. Tell them it’s for research.
but I am talking tiny sports bra and shorts that do not fully cover the but cheek
Aaaand the male customers would complain about that?
Maybe the straight female customers who don’t want to compete against thots.
I think there is something left out of that story.
I agree.
And they don’t work on Sunday either.
What would happen if my place of employment was shutdown? If I went in and started working even though my employer couldn’t afford to pay me I cant honestly expect a paycheck and I would be laughed at for doing so. But just like the banks and car companies from a decade ago, the federal government is too big to fail
More like “Too many guns to fail.” The banks and car companies had to ask the feds to steal from the proles and then hand it over — the feds can do so directly.
No one has yet to bring me a valid reason for allowing them.
You’ve got that ass backwards, Bub. Bring me a valid reason to prohibit them.
Hush. He is fully qualified to decide what you need.
I am sorry to hear how Global Warning, errr Climate Change, ummmm Climate Extremism is impacting your move. Moving in the cold and snow turns a sucky experience up to “11” for sure.
Good luck with getting south and west of the line of doom.
“People can change the comfort level simply by saying ‘hello,’ treating them calmly, presuming that people are not going to be violent,” said Gionfriddo, whose son has schizophrenia and has experienced homelessness.
I’m pretty sure McDonald’s has this market cornered and yet you never seem to hear an incident or existential crisis from them. Also, what, are they gonna expect ‘associates’ to spot mental illness? Are cops trained for that? I don’t think so.
Working for SB must be stressful especially for the pay!
“We’re looking at this very holistically and then empowering the store managers to make great decisions around customers,”
Woke corp use woke jargon.
VPs getting paid well to create word salad from jargon.
It’s a thing.
“Don’t piss off the customers. Be nice to everyone, even if they are being dicks.” doesn’t get you promoted.
Banging a drum in their face should work, too.
On the Stone/Flynn shenanigans, that the majority cannot seem to understand that this is purely politically motivated boggles my mind. They’re indicting them on crimes that they ignored for HIllary Inc. Abedin and Mills both lied to the FBI and absolutely nothing has occurred to them.
We are probably pretty close to “refused to talk to cops or FBI” as being indictable for “obstructing an investigation.” Either we get an ethical FBI head or this whole thing becomes the Gestapo.
It seems to me that they are creating conditions for no one ever to speak to them or testify before congress. They have less than zero credibility now.
Europe is tearing itself a-paht! The same intellectuals (and journalists) who embraced progressivism and thought commies and Stalin and Hitler were good people?
The one, the only, the original
I once compared it to George Costanza’s imitation of his mother — the whole “George! You could fill Madison Square Garden!” scene. Some of the movie buffs were not amused.
Europe: I’m falling apart here!
“Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax proposal is constitutional, experts say”
So, an appeal to authority in the headline?
It is a deliberate attempt to wreck the economy. No wealth creation, no job creation. Simple as that.
That has always been their goal but in this case it would deny Trump a good economy, icing on the cake.
Letters to the Local Rag: Art Criticism Continues Its Long Decline
Someone needs to do something incorporating MAGA for that judge.
WTF do they mean by technical merit? “That Soviet Realism poster is good because the lines were drawn very straight”? Value is subjective, dammit.
It’s more of a commentary on the value of an art professor.
I’m a painter. I’ve seen an art exhibit where the artist used very straight lines to fill painting after painting with squares within squares of different colors. Great technical skill, terrible lack of imagination and style.
So much WTF in modern art museums.
But yeah, a lot of art professors are angry because they can’t sell their work, so the ones who can must be hacks obviously.
Art: Panoramic photographs of church ceilings
Art has devolved from a celebration of the human spirit and a capacity for great things to a celebration of an individual trying to placate an angry and fickle mob.
Everything must be political, skill is nothing.
See what happens when you strive for something outside of yourself?
Pure beauty.
That’s why everything that comes from the hand of an SJW is pathetic and useless to the human experience.
What is most appropriate in this situation? Transgender axe attacker split man’s face in HALF in rampage after bad Tinder date
1) common sense tranny control
2) common sense axe control
3) common sense 7-11 control
4)all the above
Four years?
“Hm. Let’s see. Axe. A split face. Out to kill. Thinks people deserve to die.Four years sounds about right!”
“She’ll do her time easily and get paroled in mid-2021. It’s played out perfectly for her, perhaps better than she expected.”
He has launched a petition on urging for her sentence to be increased to at least 10 years – which has already amassed 5,500 signatures.”
No shit.
I’m guessing there were some issues before the operation.
““We’re looking at this very holistically and then empowering the store managers to make great decisions around customers.” Advice: short Starbucks.”
Nah, it’s damage control PR, after fucking up by treating African-Americans in their stores like perps. Basically telling employees to treat everyone in their store as a valued customer unless they prove otherwise, to err on the side of caution.
A few free overpriced sammidges is way less pricy than pissing off millions of customers paying inordinate amounts for coffee.
‘Do you want your coffee black?’
“What did you say cracker?”
“The customer may not always be right, but the customer is always the customer” is how you build repeat business.
I asked a client “want it black?” earlier this week while getting them a coffee – and got a “yes.” But: It felt odd to say it – like I should know I might be offensive? Odd.
That’s how they fuck you up.
I have a friend who left Quebec because he always felt like he was wrong or committing a crime if he dared to speak English.
That’s the part of protecting their language punitively through laws messes people up.
I suspect that turning themselves into a chain of drug dens and soup kitchens will turn away a few customers, too.
In 2016, the County Commission released a disparity study that showed 88.3 percent of all prime contract dollars from Shelby County government went to white male contractors, 5.8 percent to African-American contractors and 5.1 percent to white women contractors. The commission created the MWBE program later that year to address the disparities.
I hate these meddlesome laws, of course, but it is worth noticing that
half the county is Black
In fairness to me, I wouldn’t care less if the work went to competent contractors who were the lowest bid even if 98% of them were Black. Whatever. As I like to say, the only way to be postracial is to be postracial.
I prefer “nonracist” to “postracial”. It eliminates some ambiguity in the messaging.
Haha. Get a load of this guy.
*Remembers Crazy Maxie balking at the idea of the Dems giving up on identity politics*
Prediction: number of women “owned” businesses contracting jumps up, actual work is still done by the same companies and men.
That’s already the case, of course. All these regulations merely move the goalposts to a new contrived standard, and then the pros run around dreaming up new ways to score while the average schmo is lost because he doesn’t have an ace accountant or attorney who can filter the kernel from the legalese in which the new rules are bound. IOW: NASCAR without the class.
CAFE for cars >>> it’s a commercial vehicle, not a car
Affirmative action >>> it’s not my company, it’s my wife’s company (coming soon: I identify as a black girl)
The Ford Econoline my dad bought and converted that I’ve mentioned a few times in the past was bought as a commercial vehicle to (as I understand it) get around the second oil shock. At least, that’s the story I heard as a kid.
A variant:
I know a guy who runs a small analytical equipment company, with himself being the owner, chief engineer, etc.
When he wanted to install some of his equipment at TSMC, they wouldn’t permit it, since they don’t allow executives form other companies into their production space.
So the guy promoted his wife to President and demoted himself to Manager.
Stone, arrested in a dramatic FBI raid before dawn on Friday, has vowed not to turn against Trump. But the 66-year-old operative now faces a long sentence if convicted of five counts of making false statements, one count of witness tampering, and one count of obstruction of an official proceeding.
Dershowitz said more than a decade behind bars is likely if Stone’s convicted on all counts. “If you do them consecutively rather than concurrently, it’s probably more than 10 [years] and he’s no youngster. You’re talking about dying in prison,” he said.
It’s not as satisfying as gibbetting, but it’s the best we can do, for now. Once the Democratic Socialists get the tiller, we’ll be able to adjust our methodology appropriately.
So, all of this thing pisses me off since it’s clear the goal is to destroy anyone Trump is associated with since they can’t go after the man himself, but this phrase:
“arrested in a dramatic FBI raid”
really gets to me in a completely irrational way. The over-the-top praise, the law enforcement agencies acting like action heroes for no reason when they could just calmly arrest or have him turn himself in, the fact that people cheer as they do these things. Like, this is how you get Waco and I’m not even being facetious.
Who made it “dramatic”? This is absurd.
Ots also the way you get Oklahoma Federal Buildings.
China’s gene-edited monkey clones raise ethical concerns
“It was the best of times, it was the brurst of times? You stupid monkey!”
He has launched a petition on urging for her sentence to be increased to at least 10 years – which has already amassed 5,500 signatures.”
Ooh, mob justice by phone vote.
What could possibly go wrong?
“Will car-loving Angelenos say yes to congestion pricing?”
Depends on what they mean by that. A new tax on top of all the other taxes? Bad. Something like in Austin, where they are at least partially financing a fast moving toll lane with congestion pricing so that people with higher values on their time effectively finance the lane, relieving congestion for everyone? A lot better.
The most recent Flathead Valley, Montana crime update .
obviously, all our caravans should be immediately re-routed to MT
5:52 p.m. A local parent was curious if it was a crime for his children not to follow his orders.
Did anyone else get the scary tour of the county jail when you were a teenager?
9:59 a.m. Teens were “spinning brodies.”
Uh, do I wanna ask?
According to my Google research, it’s doing donuts in a car. I’m disappointed, I thought it would be like “boofing” or some sick shit like that.
Decades from now, a candidate for the Supreme Court will have to answer what “spinning brodies” means and the nation will devolve into a moral panic over it.
Oh, I’ve done brodies in an empty snow covered parking lot when I was young and stupid-er. Just punch it, crank the wheel hard to either side, and let the rear end break loose, and get an adrenaline rush.
Not sure if still possible in cars with traction control.
The GM’s I’ve been in a have a button to turn that off. 🙂
Their term for doing donuts in a car.
Mr. Filthymind.
We (1980’s) called them “shities”. A cousin, a generation older than me, called them “shit-hooks”. Don’t how excrement got involved in the naming process…
We called them shitties also. Used to drive to Warroad in the winter and do them on the lake.
A couple buddies and I were out on the lake one night in a winter with a lot of glare ice on the lakes and were doing shitties. It stopped when we spun into someone’s fish house. The house was destroyed, with the floor staying in place because it was frozen to the lake.
Luckily no one was in it at the time. Scared the living shit out of us.
11:13 p.m. A Kalispell woman accused her neighbors of having some mysterious technology that could disrupt her telephone calls.
I’m not saying it was aliens, but…
This warning popped up on my weather page:
Potentially Record Setting Arctic Airmass Poised To Plunge Through The Central And Eastern U.S. Late This Weekend
I blame the ocean, for hoarding all the heat.
“The global warming is causing those starter glaciers to form!”
Letters to the Local Rag: Thanks for reminding me I hate George Bush Edition
Yeah, let’s have the most hated people in the feds conspicuously act like dicks and make people miss flights. What could go wrong?
The pure pettiness is what gets me.
Most recent encounter with the TSA — we were waiting and waiting in line, and realized we would miss our flight if we just passively accepted it. So we urgently but politely told the people ahead of us that we would miss our flight, and quickly moved to the head of the line. I even took off my FN belt despite that coming close to mooning everyone when I assumed the Surrender Stance.
And they STILL gave me the terrorist groping and hand bomb trace chemical thing — once again — while I repeatedly told the fucker that I was gonna miss my flight if he didn’t hurry the fuck up.
“Give us more money or we will make your life a living hell”. Not hopeful, but maybe if that happened some people would come around and see that the TSA is really a microcosm of the entire Government.
Yeah but doing their job would be …. work.
I got threatened by a TSA supervisor in San Diego when I was getting groped because I asked the groper why he didn’t get a job as a garbage man. I said it paid about the same and he’d have a bit of dignity. The supervisor heard me and told me if I said another thing I was going to the detention room. Since I was flying on business with other people from my company, I sissied out and shut up.
OMWC; I’m curious to hear you reasoning for this. While I am a proponent, I’m not married to the idea and facts could change my mind.
The best fact to change your mind is to go to the wall and look at it, and then ask yourself how is that different than turning people on both sides of the line into inmates in a low security open air prison?
My fiancee was relatively sanguine about it — then she saw it.
Getting stopped and questioned by a proto Stasi border guard looking to rob me or throw me into secondary at the Detroit border while coming back from Canada turned me against those fuckers.
But since we do have enforced borders, nothing would be different really. Just now you have to go through the proto-Stasi guard instead of just crossing wherever the hell you feel like it.
The enforced borders part is the part where they violate my rights. How would you feel if you went through the same thing every time you crossed a state line, or a county line?
An unenforced border isn’t a border in any meaningful sense.
This might have happened in other cars, but Mom enforced the border between the sister and me: in the ’59 Impala, she could manage traffic, shift her gears herself, and slap the s**t out of either of us from way up there somehow.
I guess if “Open Borders” is your argument, we’re done arguing. I’m looking for what practical reason are there for not building a wall.
As long as you brought it up, I’ve been curious how open border libertarians square that with property rights. I have the right to tell you that you can’t come on my property, don’t I?
The second sentence has nothing to do with the first.
You closed border types are telling me that I don’t have a right to invite people onto my property even when you have no ownership share of it. You’re insisting that you have a right to veto whom I choose to do business with, marry, etc.
Government borders, as implemented worldwide, inherently violate people’s property rights and their freedom of association.
Do you live on the border? What if I do and I refuse to let anyone cross my property to get to yours?
Then they have no ability to make it on to my property. Of course, in practice such cartels always have ‘cheaters’ who decide that the profit from doing business with people the cartel is trying to exclude from the marketplace is worth pursuing. So it’s up there with all the O2 rushing to a corner of the room causing me to drop dead from anoxia with likelihood of it happening.
Moreoever, that’s not really what’s happening here, is it? What’s happening here is Greyhound is quite willing to sell bus tickets to willing customers. It’s you guys saying “nuh uh! we get to choose who rides on the bus”
The issue I have isn’t with a border wall, we already have some 700 miles of that, we probably do need to update and repair some of that and add some more, But Trump’s Wall ™, at least the campaign rhetoric one, would in many places be useless and wasteful, to his credit he has changed up the talk lately talking up ‘border security’ as opposed to ‘A big beautiful wall along the southern border, that Mexico will pay for’. He evens had Kellyanne out there asking why the Media keeps referiing to ‘The Wall’ it’d be surreal if anyone else tried that.
As for property rights, that’s the problem with the country as a house analogy. Generally, one or two people own a house and get to decide who comes and goes, There is no “We” in the “We get to decide who comes into the country” some of the ‘We’s’ want more immigration, some less, some none, some no borders at all.
Yeah, poor analogy. But my question to Tarran still stands; what if I, or even every property owner for the length of the border, exercised their property rights and wouldn’t allow anyone on their property?
In your hypothetical, yes. If every inch of the border was privately owned and all those owners enforced zero tolerance no trespassing then a closed border would square with libertarian property right views. Although there may be some questions concerning ‘landlocking’ I’ve seen some thought pieces how total private ownership of land would work and most make some nods to that but it’s been a while and I don’t recall the particulars.
I don’t get this analogy at all. You can’t voluntarily leave a prison. Nobody is stopping you from leaving the country (or returning), wall or no wall.
Wall-less borders work fine so long as people respect them. When they don’t, you either need to give up on borders, or defend them. Walls are part of not giving up on a border that is routinely violated.
A wall doesn’t make country an open air prison. If that’s what you think, your real problem may be with borders.
I agree with this generally. Accepting the concept of a nation-state, to me anyway, implies said nation-state can exercise control over who enters and leaves. Part of that is some kind of security on borders with other nation-states. IMO, it’s related to, but really a separate question from, illegal immigration. If you don’t believe in nation-states, that’s a legitimate position to hold, but then many of these questions are moot.
I think you can solve the illegal immigration problem by making legal status simpler, and disincentivizing people to come illegally. Currently, there are enough loopholes in the system, and the government so routinely violates people’s property rights, that it makes more sense for desperate people with lucky geography to come try their luck hopping the border, rather than trying to be legit. The physical barrier plays a part in this by funneling people to legitimate ports of entry and, if there were simpler processing procedures, allowing them to enter the country on legitimate work visas. That only works though, again IMO, by getting rid of minimum wage and the welfare state (good luck with that).
Basically, it’s expensive, won’t do much, and inevitably will invoke eminent domain. Israel has a small enough border that a wall can be useful as part of a defense, since there’s enough soldiers to watch the entire length. But of course, the analogy is poor because Israel is surrounded by people who want only to kill Jews, whereas we’re bordering a country where the “invaders” want to work in our kitchens and mow our lawns. Less so than in the past, of course, which is why the number of alien crossings is sharply down from, say, 15 years ago.
To get around the Wall in the absence of close-by guards, there’s remarkable technologies out there. One is an amazing invention called a “ladder.”
I don’t think anyone is suggesting we build a wall and then never patrol it or monitor it. (Are they?)
To the imminent domain question; I asked this before but nobody answered; wouldn’t there be some sort of an easement along the border allowing the Fed to do what it wants within X feet of it?
Looking at the length of the border, consider the manpower to patrol it effectively.
At best, it’s a minor speed bump.
I suppose. I think that may be my (and many other’s, I suspect) blindspot; Not really fathoming the vast distance and terrain we are talking about here.
The other side of it is, really, how much of a problem IS this? There’s a weird perception about job losses to immigrants rather than considering wealth creation. The reality, most job losses are to machines, not brown hordes.
Disclaimer: we have lived (and currently live) in mostly immigrant neighborhoods and have found them to be almost universally hard working and fine people. Maybe that’s prejudiced us. But I think the willingness to immigrate is in itself a filter for selecting people who are ambitious and relatively adventurous. The threat to Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico is more of “immigrants” from California and New York who really want to fuck those places up good and hard.
My take on this is that people lost the squib.
Here is how I recall it starting:
1) Obama, in a bit to get them damn wetbacks voting Democrat for 100 years announced he wouldnt’ be enforcing federal law on a subset of illegal immigrants and encouraged them to register with the state. This was utterly illegal.
2) Many people who believed in the rule of law were aghast and protested and were smeared as racist.
3) Moreover, the now tolerated illegal immigrants are driving down wages for the unskilled in southern job markets and creating resentment.
4) So Trump – who wants to restore the US to a functioning nation state attacked the original Obama policy.
5) And his opponents used his desire to restrict immigration for the good of the U.S. as an excuse to paint him as racist and made it a hill to die on.
6) And Trump, recognizing that his opponents were treating this as a big deal, started treating it as a big deal too.
The original policy doesn’t matter. It has become a proxy for do you love America or not. If you think America is evil and racist and patriarchial, you are in favor of keeping the Obama era policy in place. If you think America is good and that its old traditions were uplifting and created prosperity despite the occasional area where reality fell short of the ideal, then you are in favor of the wall.
This is one area where Obama really played multi-dimensional chess.
how much of a problem IS this
That’s a very good question, and there is a real absence of data on it.
First, of course, is that many illegals have false IDs, so you can’t identify (easily) their burden on public services, or whatever taxes they might pay. Trying to estimate any impact on wages and employment is a fool’s errand. Naturally, any study is highly suspect as a political enterprise, regardless of its conclusions.
Even beyond that, the government does not make available whatever information it might have on the burdens (and benefits) of identified illegals, not really. They know exactly how many are convicted of various crimes, yet do not make this available, for example. There was one study of how many illegals were imprisoned in Texas for I think it was violent crimes, and it was an extraordinary percentage – something like 20% or more of Texas inmates were illegals, but I’m going on memory here.
I know this much – my hospital probably loses well over a million dollars a year on illegals who never pay a nickel for medical care. We have one patient now who has figured out how to scam us into providing free cancer treatment, who may well cost us a million dollars all be herself in actual out of pocket expense.
You know, I sound like an asshole but I really think shit like this is counterproductive and turns little kids into cynics.
From my youngest’s elementary school:
I’m all about kindness, but that’s kinda killing with kindness.
It’s a bit much.
I’m waiting for Diligence Week or Hard Work Week or Persistence Week.
I’m guessing whomever wrote that gets paid by the exclamation mark! Only one period in the whole thing!
Too big (sorry Q). Everything over D tends to look a bit cartoonish.
Everyone’s got a right to be completely wrong.
Did I miss something? Does google own CNN, now, because it seems as if every other story on the google nooz feed is a CNN headline.
to wit:
The numbers show Trump lost the shutdown and Pelosi won
From the story:
Make no mistake: Trump lost the shutdown fight. The ABC News/Washington Post poll is merely the latest to show that Trump’s approval rating was plummeting. In average of all recent polls, Trump’s net approval rating had dropped 6 points compared to before the shutdown.
Moreover, it was clear that the longer the shutdown, the worse it was getting for Trump. Just two weeks ago (i.e. halfway into the shutdown), Trump’s net approval rating had declined only 3 points. In other words, half the drop occurred in the last two weeks.
Trump’s decline occurred during a time when Americans clearly blamed Trump and the Republicans for the shutdown.
That’s it then. Trump’s goose is cooked. You can’t argue with the voice of the people. I blame the Electoral College.
Well, their ideologies align so nicely it would be a shame for them not work together.
Good grief, what idiots. Trump is playing them like a fiddle. He is going to get his wall and they are going to be blank faced wondering “Whaaaaa? Whaaaa happen?”
1. Pretend to back down, give ’em some rope
2. They cook up a shit deal
3. He declares emergency, guts various budgets, builds wall.
4. Various activist judges try to stop him, SC rules in his favor.
Keep doing your victory dance, assholes.
How? Looks like he just got them off the hook so everyone on furlough gets back pay, then in three weeks starts over from a weaker negotiating position.
I don’t know. I can see the Dems pulling a Leon Lett and doing too much dancing and posturing before crossing the goal line.
Is Trump Bebe and willing to hustle and work to knock them out at the last second? No idea.
My greatest fear is that Pelosi and the MSM get smart and go out of their way to praise his statesmanship. If they give him positive reinforcement for caving, there is going to be a lot more caving.
Best scenario, Pelosi is smart enough to realize this, but those meddling teens (AOC & Michigan Muslim & Minnesoda Muslim) don’t listen and fuck everything up.
Cultural appropriation is so delicious.
This morning, the diner served me eggs chorizo and cream cheese on a bagel. With fried potatoes on the side. God bless the mexijewmicks!
*submits Not Adahn to the Cultural Appropriation Team Leaders Against Dietary Indigenous Expropriation Systems*
Kindness is a CAREER!
I want to be an interviewer for the Ministry of Love.
How are you at handling starving rats?
How ’bout some Slutty Saturday sideboob?
14 plz.
2, 14 (thicc pick), 15, 22. Nice, very nice Q.
This morning, the diner served me eggs chorizo and cream cheese on a bagel.
I had a ham and cheese on a bagel sammich yesterday.
When I was in Iraq, we got a bunch of care packages with Spam for some reason. We used to take bagels, English muffins, and cream cheese from the DFAC and make hot sandwiches out of them with the Spam in the toaster oven we had in the radar van.
Teens were “spinning brodies.”
That’s what they call them, up here. Don’t ask me why.
Art has devolved
It might be art. In a Savannah gallery I recently saw a pile of elements welded together as art, and I felt sorry for everyone involved: artist, buyer, curator, and patron.
I would never limit art to this range, but I see beauty in
the 4L80E
process design
People make inspiring things every day.
This is part of the larger Marxist cultural project. Destroying objective value includes destroying standards of beauty. That’s why modern art purposely appears to go out of its way to look ridiculous, repulsive and/or talentless. It’s also behind all the “fat acceptance” and “liking pretty girls is toxic masculinity” horseshit. Just more examples of pissing on people and telling them that it’s rain.
You dont see the inspirational beauty in commie art?
You should see the crap that passes for art in the city of Denver. The city will apparently give an art contract to any lunatic with astigmatism and a blowtorch.
And then there’s the Blue Demon Horse.
We have The Bean. And I’m predicting much work for EMTs over the next week, unsticking kids’ tongues.
I like The Bean. Waste of government dollars? Yes. Cool looking? Yes.
The have always been a favorButterfield Horses at PDXite.
Jimenez was a critically acclaimed artist and well known for using bright colors and settings to fuse Chicano themes and American history in his work.
Sounds like a perfect choice for Denver, a city known for its veneration of cowboy culture and a symbol of the modern era of the American West.
Not sure how an artist who fuses Chicano themes in his work is a perfect choice for Denver, which has approximately zero Chicano (whatever that means) heritage.
In a Savannah gallery I recently saw a pile of elements welded together as art
Why are “artists” almost always such shitty welders? Virtually every time I see a welded metal sculpture, all I can focus on is how ugly the welds are.
Have some pride in craftsmanship, for fuck’s sake.
If they were good welders, they could hold down a real job and wouldn’t need to try to get by as an “artist”.
They could at least grind and buff the welds seeing as how it’s not a functional product.
“The Level of Violent Imagery Directed Against Covington High Boys Is Dangerous and Wrong”
Also a very valuable tell. If anyone thinks the left in this country is different from the lefties of everywhere else this should convince them otherwise. Anyone notice the glee the hags on The View displayed over Roger Stone’s banana republic style arrest by govt thugs? Stupid bitches think it will never happen to them or theirs. Only the people they hate will end up in gulags.
B-but I thought those leftist influencers and major figures were the adults in the room? I thought they were right about everything?
Jokes aside, thanks Mr. Gerstmann.
Clearing house of the best and the brightest toiling away, doing G-d’s work when they were cruelly and unjustifiably fired by evil billionaires just for the pure pleasure of watching them suffer.
These motherfuckers act as if something so unique has happened here, as if everyone else is somehow immune to layoffs and only the poor wretched propagandists like them suffer. Try working in construction equipment rental circa late 2007, assholes.
Nakedness in the news!
FloridaWoman® goes to Waffle House.
Not-Mojeaux (as far as I know….) tempts fate as Steve Smith bait.
Naked hiker: would.
Hah! The 850 REPRESENTIN! That Waffle House is a block or two from my old place of employment.
Not-Mojeaux. It’s all I can do to go to Oceans of Fun.
And I somehow doubt you have tattoos, let alone the goal-post tramp stamp.
Then again, what do I know ?
You would have lost that bet. I got a tramp stamp before it was called that. It was a trophy for an accomplishment I had worked for for years.
*tries to respectfully imagine the accomplishment that a tramp stamp would by a trophy for, fails*
The accomplishment itself requires a long backstory and overcoming insurmountable odds, and I’m embarrassed that I had to do it, so I’m not going to spill that.
Oh, fuck it.
I lost a lot of weight.
I can’t help but feel that she was just doing the Florida mating dance.
Fourscore and Spud likely have plans for August 2019
I have seen Spud naked numerous times. It is not something I’d recommend inflicting on the innocent.
Hopefully, that was only witnessed in a clinical setting.
Hot tub at his old California house. Many naked females as well, which tended to ease the pain.
If I’m in as good of shape as Fourscore when I’m on the plus side of 80, there ain’t enough orderlies in the old folks home to keep clothes on me. *nohomo*
I did have plans but I’m gonna change them now. Thanks, Tres
Another sob story about noble, selfless servants of the public weal, from NYT
The workers at Glenn are mostly waiting, drawing down savings, wondering about the state of their untended lab work, reading about Chinese spacecraft landing on the moon and pondering the appeal of the public good when a good chunk of the public seems to have little use for it.
“All these people seem to be celebrating our misfortune,” said Michael Kulis, a NASA chemist, who had seen comments on social media portraying federal workers as layabouts enjoying their vacations.
Or, as one administration official said in an op-ed shared on Twitter by the president, the workers offered “nothing of external value” and were doing “errands for the sake of errands.”
A Navy veteran who is the son of a police officer, Dr. Kulis is committed to staying at NASA, but finds all the scorn for public servants disheartening. “We didn’t get Ph.D.s just to sit around,” he said.
We have all these cool taxpayer-provided toys to play with, and we’re bored. We want to get back to being paid to do bunch of random shit with dubious return.
Speaking as a scientist, the fast the government gets out of it, the better. The vast majority of government labs are jokes. When I think of top people in any of the fields I’ve worked in, I can’t think of any who work for NASA or Lawrence-Livermore or Sandia or…
Counter-anecdote: one of our managers here got poached to run a lab at JPL. He was quite good.
There is actually some good stuff that comes out of the labs. The problem is that they are expensive and inefficient.
The scientists tended to be the worst but the engineers were hard-working and dedicated (ahem).
“‘All these people seem to be celebrating our misfortune,’ said Michael Kulis, a NASA chemist, who had seen comments on social media portraying federal workers as layabouts enjoying their vacations.”
Because private sector employees, when their company takes a dive, definitely get furloughed with back pay and not laid off.
If the shoe fits…
What the fuck is it with the China envy? These people really are totalitarians.
pondering the appeal of the public good when a good chunk of the public seems to have little use for it.
An excellent thing for these pubsecs to be pondering. Somehow, I doubt they will reach the conclusion that its unlikely something is actually a public good when the public has little use for it.
I can’t feed our dog pizza as it gives her atomic diarrhea.
When I was in High School some girl had a party and people were feeding her small dog pepperoni pizza and it died.
SP took a quick video of Wonder Dog hopping and whining with excitement as Swiss tore off pieces to feed her. Adorbs.
What sort of super powers does contact with atomic diarrhea give you?
So I copy the link of that beautiful song to open in YouTube so I can save it to my music list. Opens with loud obnixious Kia car commercial. Way to fuck up the mood YouTube. They couldn’t have picked a worse ad to run before that song.
uBlock origin keeps most of that garbage out of my YT.
…which is why Im prone to cussing when I try to play something on my phone
I do all my browising on my phone. Just got a new Pixel 3 XL last week. Haven’t put any type of ad blocking on it yet. Love the camera on this thing which why I bought it.
Kia? Obnoxious? Take it back you shitlord!
LOL. Sorry Yusef:)
I watched the documentary on this.
Acting like this is some kind of unique fraud though is a little alarmist. Con artists and hucksters have existed as long as the human race.
Yeah, even if the event took place they were flushing their money down the toilet. Their’s to flush. No sleep lost for me.
Congratulations on the new job OMWC, and good luck to you and SP on your move and new adventure. I’m a little bummed I won’t get a chance to meet you guys this winter, but maybe in a year or two we can meet when I go to Arizona to visit some relatives and old friends. You seem to be fun and interesting people.
Until then, I guess I’ll just continue to have this image of you in my head playing the flute and wooing the young girls.
Heh, I used to cover that song!
Great choice! Herbie is one groovy (((flautist))).
Did I do that right?
Not bad at all.
My real flute god was, of course, Roland Kirk.
Why ya’ll dismissing candidates based on their past political actions. That’s not what’s most important. As long as they’re willing to lie to us on the campaign trail all can be forgiven and we can vote for them based on sex and color which is way more important than their past actions and stances. Because everyone else is racist and sexist but not us.
One more try, I think my copy link button is changing it.
ok. Guess 3rd time was a charm.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I was really hoping for the rare Triple Sugarfree.
Doesn’t that get you the Exploding Pancreas award?
Exploding Pancreas. Good band name?
SO after insane freezing rain a tree fell on my street blocking the street. Most peaceful day ever. no sounds of traffic
10 hours later some people came to remove it. now the peace has been replaced by sounds of chainsaw
I played hooky yesterday. I kind of wish I would have held off until next week after seeing OMWC’s forescast:) lol. Especially since I really didn’t do squat with my day off. Cooked and sat on couch watching gun channel YouTube videos.
I don’t know why but I could never ‘get’ Sarah Vaughan. And Dinah Washington. Nina Simone just scares me.
David Sedaris gets it
See if you get this one, Rufus.
Europe is coming apart because of the intellectuals policies, not because of the populist. The populism is in response to that. Many of the populist demands are not going to fix the problem and may well be theowing the baby out with the bath water, they would have never felt the need to rise up if the intellectuals hadn’t f’d everything up so bad. But then of course, victim blamer that I am, who voted for them.
theowing the baby out with the bath water, – which baby? never liked this saying
Free trade for one. Of course across the pond, they were protectionist to begin with. Their unions do everything they can to shut down competition.
The EU is a giant managerial trade agreement. If that is what is meant by “free trade” then clearly words have no meaning
You’re right of course but restricting trade even further is not the answer either. It’s hard to use the same terminology to describe what goes on over there as to here given the different flavors of populism due to the fact that they’re so much further down the self-inflicted road to serfdom.
throw baby
It’s like the boom bust cycle.
Everyone blames the bust for the misery, but the bust is actually getting rid of the unprofitable/economically wasteful endeavors that improperly grew up during the boom. They keep trying to recreate the boom under a mistaken belief that it’s the antidote to the bust when it’s all part of the same disease.
People is the disease. People are messy.
I had an ad pop up for a T-Shirt the other day that gave me a chuckle. “I want to be nice but people are so stupid”.
Sounds like Houellebecq’s recoccuring thesis since the 90’s. Western elites deserve contempt from the masses. That doesn’t mean the nationalists are entirely correct, either.
It takes a certain kind of moral degeneration to feel more sympathy for journalists losing their job due to market forces than coal miners losing their jobs in part due to government regulation.
Iowahawk nails it here
“Privacy scholars should think of ways to give people more control over the distribution of their own image”
What the fuck is a privacy scholar?
I’ll let Bea Arthur answer that one.
Well, after all it IS a retriever
They were like their own little gang. Also, Goat Labs would be an ok band name.
Runaway Goat Labs ?
It’s pretty good.
I’m thinking of Ojai Estates for my band name.
Bucking Goats
“Redheaded women buck like goats.” Mulligan, methinks, in Ulysses.
What the fuck is a privacy scholar?
They’re sort of like leeches, but they serve no useful purpose.
From LA Times article:
“Whenever there is … unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right.” – THOMAS JEFFERSON, 1785
As in minimum wage laws and welfare state wealth distribution like you’re advocating for? Brain dead.
People is the disease. People are messy.
The statistician in me wishes everyone had to run the manufacturing distributions on things we think of as “identical” or “perfect” like camshafts or internal prosthetics. Then maybe the urge to perfection and it’s step-child regulation would cool: you can’t make things perfect, you can only make things workable as agreed between supplier and customer . . . that is all that there ever was or ever will be.
Life is like running the pick-and-roll: it’s just one play from the book you might choose; left-hand or right might work; and a shot that rattles around quite a bit before going in counts just as much as one that pops the net dead center.
Everything is messy . . . but did the shot go in?
Alternatively invest in Tim Hortons?
Don’t you people have jobs!?
I went back to work, and my Glib time has plummeted (you lucky bastards). I’m pretty much busy all day. Reading a dead thread is still hilarious, but then there’s that aching emptiness when you have just the right comment, that overlooked citation, your lagniappe to add to the meal, but everyone has gone home. Maybe Suthen is tossing a log on the fire at 3am or Pie has stepped away from his labors and might sound off, which is sweet, but the hot repartee is most of the fun: Glibs is a dish best served hot.
Is there an app that will read the Commentariat to me in the car? Should I just quit and go back to a life of golf, booze, and Glibs? What would ZARDOZ do? What would STEVE SMITH do? Should I just raise bees? Is there any more acreage to be taken from the Choctaw? Should I just plant a hundred hickories and not worry about it?
Bonus points for use of “lagniappe.”
My word of the day now.
I worked for the French for four years, and they have no idea of half the things I say. I’m so far north we say “boocoos,” and most in these parts have long given up on Bayou de Chien and simply say Dog Ditch. My fait accompli is, apparently, unintelligible. Being a dirty American is hell . . . except when we been making the rice.
Stick around Messy is posting in 5 minutes
So save any links?
So life is a disease and is the cure? I like it.
Beats more cowbell, actually.
I got a tramp stamp before it was called that. It was a trophy for an accomplishment I had worked for for years.
*sticks fingers in ears*
That accomplishment was a pain in the ass.
Apropos of nothing whatsoever:
I like my women like I like my suspensions; supple and compliant.
*I should have been an ad writer for Jaguar Cars.
Florida woman
I think we’d be better off as a society, a far less violent place, if we just accepted the fact that Waffle Houses are their own thing. Places where the normal rules, laws, and customs that govern the rest of society just do not apply and that the attempt to keep trying to impose order there is one of the most futile acts any government has been arrogant enough to take. It’s time for officially recognized Waffle House Zones.
I’m in.
Every Waffle House is located in a dimensional time warp from the 1950’s. That’s why even brand new ones that suddenly “appear” look like they’ve been there for many decades.
“Freedom Ryder Zobrist”
Of course that’s her name. Of course.
Is there an app that will read the Commentariat to me in the car?
Siri, are you okay? What’s wrong? You seem oddly insolent, today.
I took both dog and cat to the vet this morning to get their shots. I’m happy to say the cat has forgiven me for sticking him in a box and taking him to the scary place. The dog loves the vet.
Whew. What a day. By 5:30am I had twenty lbs of sausage in vacuum sealed bags and in the freezer (1/2 hot in links, 1/2 maple in patties). Then cut my long-haired dogs hair (no easy task), trimmed my muscadine vines back for the coming of spring, trimmed the jasmine back, pressure washed my 45×20 back porch, fed the bees, serviced both cars (fluids and tires), and did a couple loads of laundry.
I am pooped. I think it is time to pour a drink and put my feet up. It is the weekend after all.