Happy Friday to each and every one of you. Except that one guy. Stick around this weekend when Mexican Sharpshooter rises to my defense, and Paul Krugman gets taken down a notch by an independent business owner. Lots of good things in store. Me, I’m at a conference all day tomorrow. yay.
Robert Kraft gets busted for going to a massage parlor in Florida. Yes, yes. We have made all the jokes about deflating balls. Jesus, the guys richer’n hell and gets the rub’n’tug by your standard old Asian lady? What’s wrong with you man?!
He was supposed to be at a black tie affair, but wore the wrong monkey suit to the wrong address.
It seems weird to me that the Fed uses the stock and bond market as its primary gauge of what to do. On the one had, marketz!!1! on the other hand, if the more accurate valuation is not what the current valuation is, what’s the problem with volatility? Of course, not mentioned in this is that as the government’s debt to GDP ration blows past 1:1, they have an interest in keeping borrowing cheap.
It looks like Mexico isn’t the only place Americans can go for meds. Another place I’m of mixed opinions on. On the one hand, it would be great if the American market wasn’t the primary subsidizer of pharma’s R&D market. On the other hand, I have no idea what part of the total cost for developing and certifying a new drug is jumping through FDA hoops.
We’ll go throw back to my high school days here.
Happy Friday Brett!
*Hangs head and wanders mororsely.*
*points and jeers*
Promotion? I thought it was trshmnstr, esq
CPRM promoted me.
The trash minister.
I thought it was trish minster?
Chin up, UCS: half of what you post is brilliant.
I heard tell someone got jettisoned, but we’re still here!
It’s also safer to joke at my own expense.
“He was supposed to be at a black tie affair, but wore the wrong monkey suit to the wrong address.”
Do photos of a person in gorilla face ruin a person’s election chances? Asking for a friend.
“gets the rub’n’tug by your standard old Asian lady?”
The best a cheap man can get.
You don’t get rich by wasting money on expensive whores.
From previous thread.
Chipwooder: “Were I a billionaire, I’d be knee deep in those $5000 an hour chicks that look like Victoria’s Secret models.”
Me: “Kraft can afford the ones that ARE Victoria’s Secret models.”
But those ladies don’t have the sweaty smell of desperation about them.
Sometimes you want a filet. Sometimes you want a Big Mac…
Prostitutes that look like models are better at prostitution than actual models.
Just like his Quarterback.
There’s an old episode of The Simpsons with Bill Gates in it, where he said “I didn’t get rich writing a lot of checks”.
That advice has always stuck with me.
I told my bestie once about my well-off uncle once washing his sandwich baggies. I laughed. She said, “Why do you think he’s well off?”
But sometimes you should just pay for the good stuff.
There is such a thing as a false economy, where the cost and effort required exceeds the savings generated.
Yeah, there’s a time to be cheap and a time to pay for quality. If you’re a billionaire, and you want a rub and tug, the difference between the $79 special at a low end place and the $7999 in call girl is trivial for exactly the same reason. It’s stepping over dollars to pick up nickels.
Something something nickel, something something tickle the pickle. I don’t know, there’s a joke in there somewhere.
If nothing else, your chances of getting busted are much lower. Asian massage places get raided all the time, with far more frequency than high-dollar call girls who look like Victoria’s Secret models.
Your chances of getting busted are much lower if you are buddies with the Clintons and not the Trumps. Bill Clinton and Bob Menendez were regular visitors to underage whore island.
I was lucky to not get beat up on election night when I yelled out, “Yay, the kid fucker won!” as the Hoboken bar I was in cheered the announcement that he won.
It got quiet except for one guy yelling at me to shut the fuck up.
The cheering of that corrupt tucker really put a bad taste in my mouth.
Then you have my father, who is comfortable enough to be broke on his own dime, and washes his dishes by hand before running them through the dishwasher.
Son! My Son…..
At some point you have saved more money than you’re going to be able to spend with the amount of life you have left, which is the time to stop washing sandwich baggies.
Leave sandwich baggie washing to the environmentalists that like to waste water.
If I had a dollar for every woman wouldn’t sleep with me, they would have slept with me.
I don’t think anyone caught your Gillette reference, especially considering the stadium the Pats play in
Or maybe it just wasn’t all that good. Or the tagline is from too long ago and I’m a geezer.
I’ve been listening to Tom Woods for like 3 days and I’m persuaded the FED should die in a fire.
Also, I’m not obviously an expert in economics and monetary policy. You should listen to me!
That’s probably in your favor.
Everyone says the economy isn’t a zero sum game, but I keep balancing my checkbook and getting a 0! Explain that!
Nope! I’m fairly resistant to domestication.
We’ll go throw back to my high school days here.
Get off my lawn.
*sets up milk and cookie stand across the street
Not even sure what to say about this it’s so far out there…
Krugman speaks highly of Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in his column, although he indicates that he prefers her as a U.S. senator and economic theorist than as a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.
“I don’t know whether Warren will or even should get the nomination,” Krugman writes. “But she’s a major intellectual figure and is pushing her party toward serious policy discussion in a way that will have huge influence whatever her personal trajectory.”
But she’s a major intellectual figure and is pushing her party toward serious policy discussion
As somebody who has used her textbook to try to learn bankruptcy law, let me give this a hearty “fuck off with this bullshit”
It has to be an elaborate act, right? He must laugh until he cries every night.
“Sen. Elizabeth Warren economic theorist”
You decide
Sure, she can be….just a horrible, no good, lousy one.
I guess Krugman can smell his own.
I’ve posted this before (I think only on TOS, though), but here it is again.
Pedro Schwartz slams Krugman
“But she’s a major intellectual figure and is pushing her party toward serious policy discussion in a way that will have huge influence whatever her personal trajectory.”
After that line, I was half expecting your link to go to the Babylon Bee or the Onion.
I can’t wait for the serious discussion about reparations that she’s pushing. Bonus points if it’s like a dozen or more Dems standing on a debate stage next summer.
Every time I hear her discuss her plans for our lives I think of the Hayek quote: “The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.”
Maybe the quote doesn’t apply to her because she’s a woman.
Krugman wants a piece of Lizzie’s sweet little Warren. Krug thirsty. Liz better stock up on estrogen lube.
Thank goodness, someone is willing to save conservatism from Trump
A certain quixotic quality pervades The Bulwark. Launched last month by former staffers of the defunct Weekly Standard magazine, the site is headquartered in a rented cluster of cubicles in downtown Washington, D.C. To keep overhead low, the team is small—fewer than 10 full-time writers and editors—and many of them work remotely. “We’re basically camping here,” says Sykes, a former talk-radio host who edits the site while commuting back and forth from Wisconsin.
The modest trappings have not kept them from grandiose ambitions. In the site’s founding manifesto, Sykes wrote that The Bulwark would stand in defiant opposition to President Trump, and “push back against the moral and intellectual corruption that now poses an existential threat to conservatism as a viable political force.”
But The Bulwark is pursuing a different kind of relevance. Rather than crafting coverage that aims to turn rank-and-file Trump voters against the president—an effort that would almost certainly fail—it wants to shame and stigmatize the “bad actors” in the conservative elite, as Sykes puts it.
Scroll through the home page on any given day, and you’ll find one lively polemic after another calling out Trump-friendly politicos by name—often in witheringly personal terms.
In recent weeks, the site has run a scornful piece on the former White House official Sebastian Gorka (“a ridiculous figure”), and another on the high-profile #MAGA activist Candace Owens (“not a serious person”). When Trump failed to secure funding for a border wall with his government shutdown, The Bulwark compiled a meticulous list of conservative commentators who had cheered on the strategy. And in a particularly biting essay, the writer Andrew Egger examined how a radio interview between Milo Yiannopoulos (a “loathsome and tiresome egotist”) and Eric Metaxas (a “pop theologian”) highlighted “the political corruption of the modern evangelical movement.”
“The Sean Hannitys to me are not that offensive,” Sykes says of the Fox News Trump booster. “Because Sean Hannity is dumb as a box of rocks—he doesn’t know any better.” (Through a spokesperson, Hannity responded, “If Charlie and the rest of the sore-loser, establishment Never Trumpers had their way, Hillary would be president … I wish them well supporting the next radical socialist that runs for president.”)
A bunch of petulant losers with delusions of grandeur. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say.
When Hannity can put that kind of burn on you, you really should consider reconsidering your position. Or at least lower your voice.
Speaks to the rather pathetic nature of the endeavor that the best Kristol can get to lead this crew is that guy. Seriously, without Trump, who the hell is Charlie Sykes? Some nobody radio guy from Milwaukee who was known by virtually no one outside of Wisconsin a few years ago. Some serious A-list talent Billy Bot is pulling in there!
…or at least not call him dumber than a box of rocks.
The thing is, he’s not wrong.
Then what does that make him?
A blind pig?
I think President Trump or his supporters would be perfectly justified in responding to Kristol and The Bulwark team in much the same terms as Francis Urquhart responded to the soon-to-be-deposed king when he threatened to challenge Urquhart as a commoner:
I didn’t think anything could get me to side with Hannity. I was wrong.
I’m Sweden on this one.
If we are going to complain about what kind of service Kraft can afford but isn’t getting, when are we going to start talking about his tailor needing to convince him to stop wearing blue shirts with white collars. That bother’s me a lot more than his hand-moisturizer dispensing issues.
Sorry to go OT so soon – Anyone knowledgeable about getting long term rehab/nursing facility care for someone with a GSW to the head via suicide attempt? A buddy’s family is going through some shit. The family member is being released from the hospital but they haven’t been able to find any private or VA facility to accept him due to the suicide attempt. If anyone is and is not comfortable discussing it here, TPB are free to forward my registration email or I can setup a burner address and post it up. Thanks.
I have no advice to give, but that sounds like an awful thing to have to go through.
What part of the country?
The only thing I can help with here is my sympathies. That sounds terrible.
Got no idea.
Sorry to hear that.
We have some experienced medical people here. Make sure to post this a few times so one of them can weigh in.
I’m very sorry about your pal’s family.
I’ve no idea how to help. But, for what it’s worth, they have my sympathies.
Ugh. I’m so sorry about hearing that. Are there any Catholic charity hospitals in the area? I know they (Catholics) get a bad rap but they do a lot of good once in awhile.
I don’t know of any but I’ll tell my buddy to check that avenue. The only hospitals that I know of with Catholic sounding names have been eaten up by the bigger systems around here (one of which I work for but in IT so I don’t know anything about actual care, administration or the legal end of the business).
Do not be afraid to go ask someone at the hospital you work for.
Good point, thanks. My wife works for a local university in the med school administration and was able to run down information from faculty that also work at the local VA. On that front, essentially if the family member had a service related psych diagnosis they would be able to do more, but without that there’s not a lot they can do.
Finding a facility like that requires local knowledge.
The hospital shouldn’t discharge him until they can make a safe discharge to an appropriate accepting facility.
Thank you.
I’m really sorry to hear that. I don’t know that I have any knowledge that can help you. What I would suggest is that they make contact with hospital officials and try and work out an agreement on when he’s discharged. The need to cite that they have been unable to find placement due to the circumstances and that they are unable to provide the care that he needs. That may also give them the impetus to help find a facility.
Thank you.
From what little I can tell from your note the issue with the placement appears to be concerns over continued suicidality? If the individual in question continues to be a suicide risk that would explain the difficulty, but if he is no longer suicidal that should be removed from consideration and the placement should be done on the basis of the impairment and continued nursing needs alone.
If they feel he is no longer suicidal, arrange for a psychiatrist to do a full evaluation (a physician psychiatrist, not an alternate type of mental health professional, as their opinion likely won’t carry enough weight). If the psychiatrist clears him and says he is not a suicide risk, then long-term placement should not be concerned with the origin of his disability. Then other questions will come into play, however. Is he able to walk? Can he speak or at least understand/follow simple commands? How much total care does he need (toileting, washing, eating, etc.)? And then what’s always the elephant in the room, what’s the payment source for the placement? If Medicaid only, many sites may be reluctant to accept and look for reasons they cannot. If there’s better funding available, it may be much easier to place.
There would also be problems if he is frequently agitated, aggressive or combative, or prone to loud outbursts.
My sympathies for this difficult situation, I’ve seen many similar troublesome situations in my 33 years as a physician working in hospitals. But no matter how many problematic aspects of his current conditions there might be, there’s always going to be a place that can take him at some point. Be optimistic but be prepared for what might be a long haul. It might be easier to have him at home with a home health aide, if that’s possible for the family.
Thank you.
Virgin nails it again, Bulgarian judge not impressed.
Of course the Bulgarian judge gave a poor score. The US recognizes 50 miles up for astronaut status and the Euros go with 100km.
^This guy gets it.
When the Euros have their first human on another globe moment they get to have an opinion.
Branson is struggling to break the von Karman line (100 km), and Bezos is promising that flights on Blue Origin will all go above that.
How could a virgin “nail it” again, I thought…
Oh, the space company.
Gaze, narrowed, one each.
I’m sure there is some loophole or back door way to arrive at that
Ah, but Musk is about to put an Israeli probe on the moon.
“I hate to say we were right,” Dallas Federal Reserve president Robert Kaplan told reporters on Jan. 15 in Dallas. “But we have been warning for quite some time that…the structure of the economy has changed dramatically.”
Technological innovation, globalization, and the Fed’s commitment to its inflation target all held down prices, and “those forces are powerful and they are accelerating,” he said.
The next recession is gonna suck… bad.
…but if they are so busy fighting each other and manage to do nothing…it might be short!
And we already have a new crop of FDRs ready to shepherd in another lost decade.
2% inflation a year it’ll only take 36 years for today’s dollar to be worth 1/2 a buck.
So 2% inflation, 5% income tax on savings, need to make 7% just to stay even. Makes Orchids of Asia look better
So, when are we commandeering a derilict oil platform and declaring libertopia?
It’s going to have to have high speed internet, blackjack, and hookers.
I have a 100ft roll of cat6, a deck of cards, and a bottle of hand lotion. That will have to suffice.
*executes perfect swan dive off of platform, swims away*
It’s a North Sea platform Swiss. Have a warm swim.
*hurriedly disables phalanx system*
Ever swim in a Swiss lake that is naught but run-off from the Alps?!
Just a Canadian Rocky Mountains one. I had shrinkage for a week.
…”Well, Wednesday’s your turn in the barrel.”
Well. 20 bucks is 20 bucks.
And what is tied to prices?
Oh right wages. I think we can start to see where the wage stagnation has been coming in
For STEVE SMITH, rape is not a job, it’s a calling.
Yuba City! The Gateway to Marysville.
Also home to one of the great medical center names in the country, Rideout Hospital.
I’m going home. You all have a lovely weekend. If you feel like it.
I hate flying. What a thoroughly unenjoyable experience from top to bottom.
I’ve been on a travel binge lately. I really does suck. Trying my best to avoid the truly awful airports like Newark helps a little. I flew out of Allentown this week.
My parents always comment that they don’t mind flying out of Allentown.
I thought they closed all the factories down….
*narrows gaze*
They are getting better flights these days. I like be able to park in economy and walk into the airport like it’s a department store.
ABE is handy and friendly . . . luv
They keep throwing more travel my way, despite this being a ‹10% travel job.
I may have to spring for precheck.
Worth every dime.
NO. Global Entry. ALWAYS Global Entry.
Yes, sorry. Breezing through customs at Charlotte in less than 60 seconds was a life changing event.
My parents did the whole global entry thing and then got tagged for random harassment coming back the first time they traveled with it. Think my Dad hit a new level of pissed.
Were they coming back from Afghanistan?
Afghanistan to Thailand to Turkey to Colombia to Bolivia, and they had bags of brown sugar and white flour in their luggage right?
What if you only want to be entered by Americans?
The right answer is NEXUS ($50 less!). Or maybe it’s my inexplicable pro-Canadian bias.
Isn’t NEXUS just NAFTA countries?
I actually was miffed coming across the border from Manitoba to North Dakota and having my car searched even with my Global Entry land crossing card in hand.
At least the CBP officer interviewing me was beefy and attractive.
NEXUS is for the US-Canada border. SENTRI is for the US-Mexico one.
I’ve crossed the Canadian border by car way too many times. My take is that the Canadians suffer bigly from the inferiority complex: they find it suspicious that somebody wants to visit their country without a solid reason. In my experience, visiting a common-law partner or attending an ice hockey game are understandable reasons to visit Canada. Everything else sounds too suspicious.
As for driving South, the last I was returning from Canada my car’s trunk was searched too in the bona fide NEXUS lane. I guess the guy was just bored.
I remember once I was going to Niagara because I hadn’t been in a while. 5 minutes of being asked why I was going. In hindsight “I’m here for the falls, poutine and ketchup chips”* was probably *not* ideal.
On the way back the American asks what I’m bringing back “A bottle of water, some maple candy and two big bags of ketchup chips.” his response was “You messed up if you didn’t get all dressed as well.” and sent me on my way.
*I was in no way fucking with the guy. I went to see the falls, found a pub that did poutine and bought a bunch of ketchup chips.
PreCheck: PreCheck (sometimes covered by credit card or other benefits)
Global Entry: Global Entry + PreCheck benefits (sometimes covered by credit card or other benefits)
Nexus: Nexus + GE & PreCheck benefits (must be interviewed by US and Canada at limited number of locations near the border)
You’re all wrong.
NEXUS is the third book of The Rosy Crucifixion trilogy, after SEXUS and PLEXUS.
The spousal unit and I got precheck last time we flew back to Vancouver out of Oahu. We didn’t even know what it was, and started dutifully prepping all our carry-on crap for the extended examination they’re usually given; then some grumpy rando in a uniform said “You don’t need to do that, you’re precheck!”
We don’t even know how we “qualified” for it (if that is indeed the right term). ???
We don’t even know how we “qualified” for it (if that is indeed the right term). ???
I suspect it’s a marketing ploy. I got it randomly at one point which certainly got me interested in having it all the time. I think they just randomly give it out to otherwise low-risk people and see if anyone does it permanently.
Marketing like a drug dealer.
We’ve been marked with precheck the last six flights we’ve taken. Not asking questions, just enjoying the white priveledge.
I flew out of Allentown this week.
Were they closing all the factories down?
I think they’ve recovered. Seems to be a fair amount of growth in that section of PA.
Billy Joel lyrics
I hate that fucking song. I hate all his songs.
You’re just jealous that he got to bang Christie Brinkley and you didn’t
Scruffy got ya by 5 minutes – but don’t think you get away, simply because of that.
*narrows gaze*
The actual flying part or the airline/tsa experience part?
Both. The only way I hate the flying part is that the seat is so damn small and uncomfortable.
Look at Robert Kraft here
“What a thoroughly unenjoyable experience from top to bottom.”
Archer would like to have some words with you …
From my high school days
It’s like mechanical MIDI.
My senior year of high school
My senior year
Interspecies erotica?
I’m sure the pug became a snack as soon as the leopard got hungry.
“‘Rage Yoga’ encourages posing while cursing, drinking, and listening to metal”
If I’m doing those things already, what the hell do I need the yoga for?
The only “yoga” I do is above the toilet bowl, if I’m lucky.
In yoga pants.
Drunk, swearing, metal chicks in yoga pants?!
Careful, you’ll give Leap a heart attack.
Ooh, you are right.
Doesn’t the crispy sprayed hair interfere with certain poses?
O.T. On March 3rd the NatGeo Channel will have the network premiere of “Free Solo” commercial free.
I saw the movie in the theater and it is pretty amazing. The movie shows a climber preparing for and then climbing El Capitan sans rope. One “oops” and you have 3000 feet of falling to contemplate your mistake.
If my earlier bit of writing on rock climbing interested you, this movie shows climbing well in front of the “pointy end of the spear.” I’ve climbed El Capitan several times, with ropes and a mix of free and aid climbing, and I can’t fully comprehend what he accomplished. It is simply in a new dimension of skills and confidence.
If you find yourself in front of the tube that evening you may enjoy this movie.
It makes me dizzy just thinking about it.
I saw the movie in the theater and it is pretty amazing. The movie shows a climber preparing for and then climbing El Capitan sans rope. One “oops” and you have 3000 feet of falling to contemplate your mistake.
Doesn’t Spock just catch you if you fall? What’s the big deal?
Not this Spock.
That’s the Spock that steps on your fingers.
Knowing about the alternate universe Spock pictured above, the best inside joke on the TV show Fringe was that the billionaire scientist character who was able to travel into an alternate universe was played by Leonard Nimoy.
It was in a few short hours, too, right?
I saw some footage from NG while the film was in production. That guy is superhuman.
I don’t even like climbing to the top of an extension ladder.
“Firemen are banned from climbing ladders more than two metres high because they may fall off and hurt themselves”
Next they’re going to ban them from getting too close to flames, as that’s dangerous, too.
Well they’re not wrong
Is that YOU?
OMG I winced.
Heh. I got to flex collective bargaining at the terrible woman that runs one of my locations. No changing bulbs above ten feet. I even brought a tape measure to prove my point. 13 feet. She hates me still and it’s been nearly four years since that rule came into effect.
Yes, almost five years back though, I’m all better now.
I climb ladders.
Hate every second of it. Now I’m really gonna hate it.
The guy who bossed the crew for the GC who did the rehab on my nightclub (how’s that for a confused description) was playing strawboss because 9 month earlier he had improperly secured an extension ladder and it severed his foot mid calf when it collapsed. They sewed it on and saved it but his scar was truly impressive, about 3 inches below the knee in front and just above the ankle in back connected all the way around. Ladder guillotine.
You’ll be fine, It was a fluke, I landed on a bowling ball sized and shaped chunk of dirt. I’ve fallen from much higher with no injuries. To paraphrase the Caesers – It’s not the fall that hurts it’s how you hit the ground.
OH, FFS!!! Spud is triggered. JTFC, “we’d rather they just fall off tall ladders on a real fire because they haven’t trained on them.” And, “here’s a dull axe to ventilate with because saws are too dangerous for you to use to cut a hole in a roof that has a fire burning underneath it”.
Seriously, even though the story is out of Australia, there are areas of this country where the same, damn, stupid, shit, is taking place.
Thank you! Cops and firefighters want to be recognized as heroes, but then seem to want all sorts of special protections; you wanna be a hero? Heroes put the damn mission ahead of personal safety, and the damn mission is preserve innocent lives, not get home safe,
Not a single firefighter that I’ve known and/or worked with that was worth a shit wanted to be recognized as a hero. Just the opposite.
I almost felt bad using your comment to segue off to attack cops, but … You are a fire fighter, you’d take a shot to hit the fuzz right?
Cops are no different than anybody else. In fact, I hold them to a higher standard than other non safety folk, so I’m even harder on them when they do stupid shit. But as far as I’m concerned, what you see in the news is equivalent to “all white people are racists”.
Few years ago the woman bought a Smart 3D television. We set it up and watched a 3d video of stunt skiing on Netflix. It was pretty good.
When it was over I ran the YouTube app and I had her watch the Laurel & Hardy short “Liberty” (2D of course) which mostly takes place on a skyscraper under construction. A few scenes in that had her flinching/jumping. I don’t believe she’s watched 3D anything since.
Eventually I’ll get her to watch Apocalypse Now for the tiger scene.
Did you show her Safety Last!?
Is that the one in the saw mill?
Harold Lloyd climbs the side of a building and hangs off the hands of a clock.
Fucking mangoes.
I dead threaded my last few comments. Do any of you have experience with vaping? Wifey is insistent and I’m at a loss. (Truth be told, last thread I described vapers as guys that are furtively sucking cock but don’t wanna be caught. How do you balance the nicotine, etc.?
Just be a real man and get some chaw!
If you’re a real nicotine addict, Juul delivers the most nicotine than any other vape device. Something like 5% concentration per pod, which is equivalent to a pack of smokes. You don’t blow huge clouds of smoke like some of the other obnoxious vaping devices out there. And it looks like a USB stick, so it fits anywhere. Only downside is that the pods are a bit pricey when compared to other vapes, but I still find it well worth it.
Yeah, I used the disposables when quitting since I didn’t want to feel obligated to have to keep using the system. If you go that route always keep an extra in case of loss, accidental laundering, etc.
I used vaping to quit the last time and it has been over ten years since I’ve had any nicotine. You can get “juice” with different nicotine concentrations. Start high and work down, the folks at the store can advise you. When you smoke you generally finish the cigarette; with vaping you hit it until you feel right. That makes it easier to taper off until you get your daily dosage down to where you feel you can go cold turkey.
The fog gives the visual reinforcement that one is smoking. But you can also go fogless or low-fog if you want to decouple the presence of bloodstream nicotine from that visual stimulus.
There is also an irritant component that deliberately causes mild throat irritation, again to fool your body into thinking that its smoking.
Good luck to your missus.
Yours, nonfurtively.
Thank you!
I use Juul. It’s just like smoking but half the price* and no more coughing or out of breath.
If you mean the fancy kits and stuff – nope, I don’t know anything.
*For now. I fully expect it to be either taxed into oblivion if not banned in the near future.
Yep. Pot everywhere but beer and fags outlawed. Whatta world. I used to hit the pub regularly, played pool league. Once the smoking ban came in I’ve not darkened a door since. Damn near twenty years now.
If you are vaping with a tank and mod, the nicotine concentration is based on how much you used to smoke. For example, if you smoked a pack of regular cigarettes a day, then you probably want 12 mg. juice. If you smoked a half a pack, then you probably want 6 mg. juice. If you are unsure buy stronger juice, and the same flavor juice with zero nicotine, then mix them until you figure out the right concentration for you.
Helpful! Thanks M’Lord!
“Robert Kraft gets busted for going to a massage parlor in Florida. Yes, yes. We have made all the jokes about deflating balls. Jesus, the guys richer’n hell and gets the rub’n’tug by your standard old Asian lady?”
The Asian women whose services he probably could have engaged if he wasn’t such a cheapskate:
/staying on topic so Swiss can’t get riled up
Lighten up, Francis.
I inadvertently left off the winky face to show it was jk
Oh, and 38 is the rare thicc Asian:
As is 78:
After 1 and 2, I just went to my bunk.
You are trying to summon HM, aren’t you?
HM and I both enjoy the thicc.
Poor, Swiss. He’s not mad about the TITTTTTTAYS, he’s just disappointed that we slave over a hot WordPress editor all day and then Q dumps a bunch of TITTTTTTAYS all over the content before he’s even taken the time to taste it.
It’s fine to TITTTTAAAYS the content after you’ve tasted it and found it needs more TITTTTAYS, but it’s impolite to the cook to TITTTTTAYS it right as it’s served.
Come now Jesse, even a hard-ass like you must have enjoyed the TITTTAAY for the first couple years of your life?
My understanding is that many gay men like tits, they’re just not sexually attracted to the women sporting them.
So they’re into Chuckie Schumer?
I still find TITTTTTAY visually engaging. But there is a time and a place for staring at TITTTTTAY and that’s at the spot where the first wave of commenting slows down and you’re looking to goose it because you’re stuck at work for another two hours and don’t want to hit F5 over and over again to no new comments.
Ah, boredom – the universal solvent.
I get that. I’m like 98% straight, but I can visually admire a good looking guy. I’m assuming guys who consider themselves 100% straight might have the same reaction, albeit possibly with massive levels of denial.
The sudden vacuum left by intense social pressure to not be gay has made for some really weird social interactions. Having straight friends be upset you don’t find them attractive not because they’re into you or anything but because it’s nice to be found attractive is a mindfuck for someone who is cautious about flirting with strangers because he’s afraid of getting teeth punched out.
That’s just wrong. I’ve been complimented by gays before. Lesbians, even. Never hurt my heart.
Write an article! The massive sea change in that set of attitudes in the last 30 years or so has to have had really interesting effects on life.
I know Obergefell had some really odd unforeseen consequences (some of which I experienced in my real estate practice)
It’s fine to TITTTTAAAYS the content after you’ve tasted it and found it needs more TITTTTAYS, but it’s impolite to the cook to TITTTTTAYS it right as it’s served.
This analogy, I like it. Now I’m imagining Q as one of those guys who always carries around his own spice shaker because no place seasons the food how he likes it.
Hot sauce in his purse.
I’m imagining Q as one of those guys who always carries around his own spice shaker
So he’s UCS with a goatee?
But… I have a Goutee.
Eat less red meat.
I haven’t had enough lately, my last few meals were leftover chicken.
I need to buy some pastrami
That’s what I named my big toe.
UCS carries a spice REMOVER not a shaker.
Spice handling gloves.
The goatee is the tell of the mirrorverse-doppelganger/evil-twin. UCS may not carry a spice shaker, but his evil-twin would.
Spice shaker? UCS????
With. A. Goatee.
/Edith Bunker
I love this place.
Interesting GMO experiment
Hit post too fast, any more scientifically educated Glibs want to explain to me how a mutation that sterilizes offspring can possibly be expected to spread through the population?
Without reading, if it only prevents mosquitoes who are likely carriers of malaria from mating, it would reduce their percentage of the total population.
Life, uh, finds a way.
You are quoting Satan!
You are so inexplicably sexy…
Riven, is that you?
I could be your Riven if you gave me half the chance… *puts on Bugs Bunny drag*
It’s meant to reduce the local population for the next few years by having a lot of the otherwise fertile mosquitoes waste their energy and lay nonviable eggs. It’s not a permanant fix.
But how do you get enough sterile skeeters out there to matter? You modify momma skeeter, she has babies you can release to dilute skeeter populations, but it seems an unworkably daunting task to modify enough mommas, to matter since the mutation is dominant and therefore you can only work with 1 generation of offspring.
I have no clue. I’ve never thought the sterility efforts have ever been worth anything in mosquito control.
“Hit post too fast, any more scientifically educated Glibs want to explain to me how a mutation that sterilizes offspring can possibly be expected to spread through the population?”
It’s in the article. Short version: it’s a supercharged gene that spreads quicker than usual, but it’s a recessive gene, so it only sterilizes the female mosquitoes that inherit two copies of the gene. So it theoretically spreads faster than it dies out, until the mosquito population crashes:
But in this case, researchers want the modification to spread. So they engineered mosquitoes with a “gene drive.”
A gene drive is like a “selfish gene,” Mueller says, because it doesn’t follow the normal rules of genetics. Normally, traits are passed to only half of all offspring. With the gene drive, nearly all the progeny inherit the modification.
“All the offspring. All the children — the mosquito children — have this modification,” Mueller says.
“The females become a bit more male,” Mueller says. “A kind of hermaphrodite.”
While genetically female, the transformed insects have mouths that resemble male mosquito mouths. That means they can’t bite and so can’t spread the malaria parasite. In addition, the insects’ reproductive organs are deformed, which means they can’t lay eggs.
As more and more female mosquitoes inherit two copies of the modification, more and more become sterile.
As more and more female mosquitoes inherit two copies of the modification, more and more become sterile.
But won’t less and less inherit it? Yes they found a way to make all 1st gen offspring carriers, but if it is in fact recessive that means it takes a mating between 2 carriers to produce the sterile generation. 2 carriers with a single copy of the recessive produce 25% non-carriers, 50% carriers non reinforced and 25% with the actual trait. The last 25% terminate their line as they are sterile, so you are left with a gen 2 breeding population in which 1/3 no longer carry the trait. It seems like penetration would at best stabilize at that point, and more likely go down from there.
My guess is that mosquitoes would evolve to find single recessive carriers of the gene unattractive, eventually driving the gene frequency down to tiny levels.
Or the gene could jump species and fuck over humanity big time.
The universe doesn’t care if we live or not.
Do you want planet of the apes? Because this is how you get planet of the apes.
I don’t care. I’m with Suthen on this one. I’ve been places where you don’t slap mosquitoes, you wipe them.
I shot one with an M-16 at Camp Grayling, MI.
The worst part was when you realized that a 5.56 couldn’t put it down, right?
“We’re going back to Q.”
When one lands on my forearm, I like making a tight fist. They get stuck and eventually explode.
I have heard that the itch is caused by the anti-coagulant that they excrete before sucking. Claim is that if you kill them before the anti-coagulant is all sucked up then you’ll have an itch site and, conversely, it you let them finish their dinner then you won’t itch.
I remain unconvinced.
For the car aficionados – flogging a 1 of 5 ’63 Grand Sport Corvette.
I think everyone involved needed a change of clothing after the 8:20 mark or so.
I love that vintage.
#METOO. Not that I could afford even a replica, but I’ve gone way down the Superformance rabbit hole on youtube lately and ended up on the link above of the real deal.
Well, at least you waited until well into the thread to post Pr()n. LOL
Robert Kraft’s gf is way better looking than these asian women.
Clearly his girlfriend loves him for his personality…
How can you simultaneously charge the owners with crimes that include enslaving the girls, and the girls with crimes that include the actions that they were allegedly compelled to perform? Cop and Prosecutor logic makes me angry.
Do you even morality, bruh?
If they throw 8,000 charges at them, one of them is bound to stick. Or, scare the shit out of them so they agree to a bigger fine.
Drunk, swearing, metal chicks in yoga pants?!
I’ll be in my bunk.
For any Glibs who have yet to binge watch Firefly (if any):
*raises hand*
I have the DVDs but haven’t watched it yet.
It’s overrated.
No, it’s rated just about right.
Just like Archer.
It’s entertaining, but I’m glad it was canceled when it was. I don’t think the charm would have survived a second season, and Serenity gave it a proper send-off.
And as much as I enjoyed the Archer noir season, it’s overstayed its welcome.
(Granted, I haven’t seen season 9 yet… probably for that reason.)
Firefly was AWESOME the first time I saw it.
Pretty good the second time,
I never finished watching it a third.
The casting agent for that show deserved a fucking medal, because those people carried some badly thought out plotting and mediocre writing like champions.
There was a great show inside it (A-Team in Spaaace!) that was beneath Whedon, so he crammed nine people onto the ship, of which the show had use for about a half at any one time. In a just world, it got three seasons because it started with core crew and added passengers over time, before it shipwrecked on reefs of Brunette Blithering Waif Is Most Important Thing Ever coast, the place where all Whedon shows go to die (Dawn, Drusilla, Fred, River – you’re all fired).
I liked Fred, especially after she turned blue.
(Dawn, Drusilla, Fred, River – you’re all fired).
I dunno, there is something intensely attractive about Summer Glau.
I will never speak a word against actresses playing them. I believe Whedon used the same casting director on Buffy and Angel, and that woman did the stellar job on those shows as well.
They would have been better used not playing Crazy Skinny Chick Everyone Loves. OK, it was fine on Drusilla at first because her screen time was limited in Season 2, she was a villain, and only Spike loved her.
*swears at commodious spittoon in mandarin*
Emanuel: Sydney Is Chicago’s Newest Sister City
Sydney better get to work on that murder rate. Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump them up.
No to mention the MAGA attacks.
Eventually I’ll get her to watch Apocalypse Now for the tiger scene.
“Never get out of the boat, man. Never get out of the boat!”
Parents took us to that movie on Christmas Eve when I was 14. We were stoned on the down-low. Life-altering.
Tonight’s tipple comes to me back tracking the Bonnie Prince’s flight. Talisker is more my taste than Ardbeg, much crisper, much less peat.
Nice! I wish I could drink hard likker. We were afficianados of rye when I was a pup. Nothing less than 10 year-old and sipped straight from the bottle. I was a Gibson’s Finest boy, myself!
Talisker is fine bottle to have.
At the start of the thread addressing cheapness, PBR mentioned something about Bill Gates writing checks.
Think that’s it.
My brother, sis-and-law and my two nephews just left to visit family in Louisville.
I have their house to myself for about 48 hours. This is the first extended stretch of having a place all to myself in over 6 weeks.
I am going to get loaded, play the drums obnoxiously loud, and luxuriate in glorious solitude. There is also a cat for cuddling.
You’ll need to set some time aside to find that cat if you play those drums with abandon.
Not if you put it in the bass drum first.
So that’s what the pillows are for… Wisdom inculcated.
Just what is it that you want to do?
You mentioned living out of a suitcase, what do you do about your drums?
I had a real kit when I was 18-23 years old. Before that I used my bro’s. Then I bought a really nice Roland electric that I used in Korea and Singapore.
When I left SG it was too expensive to ship and I didn’t have the space anymore to even have it disassembled. So I had to shed a tear and say goodbye.
Ever since I just played whenever we had practice or a gig.
Cuddling the cat is a euphemism that I have not heard before. Must be an asian thing
“Grabbing the pussy”? Hello???
argh – came down with a nasty cold yesterday. All I want to do is sleep… and sleep…. glib on, brothers. And sisters! And otherkins!
Funny. I get sick rarely and even when I do it’s no more than a day or two. Wifey works at the airport and even though she’s quite robust some of her viruses knock her down for days.
Get well soon.
Question for the commentariat.
Does it strike any of you as contradictory to describe something as being colored in “Bright earth tones”?
Being a bit of a Photoshop nerd, no. You can turn the saturation up on anything.
Don’t say that to Baked Penguin.
Not necessarily. Orange is a bright color, but dusky versions also occur in nature and are bright as compared to regular ol’ dirt colors.
It depends on how people read “earth tones”. I’d describe the orange of the ’70s color triad of cream, brown and orange (or the extended palette including light and dark brown and split-pea green to be “bright” and also broadly in the color set “earth tone” but ultimately it’d be a stretch.
I’m happy 70’s fashion came to mind for somebody else.
“fashion” I’m just thinking of the shag bathmats and toilet lid overs of my early ’80s childhood.
People rag on shag carpets, but it can feel really nice between your toes on a cold morning.
So THAT’s how you wake the missus up!
You know, MS’ avatar is holding a gun.
Hmm, I was assuming he meant with a massive shag carpet static shock, but Chafed seems to be going with an assumption that Mrs. Festus is bushed like a 70s porn star…
My memory of my house’s shag carpet was my mom spilling a box of straight pins on it. We were finding those pins for YEARS until my parents finally ripped it all out.
Ha I’m pretty sure my mom crocheted that exact afghan at some point in the seventies.
Yeah. I was looking for a good example of the color palette and remember curling up under a VERY similar afghan when I was a kid and went with that picture.
To provide context, I was describing the attire of some characters and I began to wonder. Here’s the draft scene:
The man I took to be their captain had a broad, matching sash over his right shoulder and a spotted gold animal pelt over his left.
The Cap’n be pimpin’, yo.
Compared to the outfits some of the people in this world have, he’s downright subdued. Pimps look at dwarf courtiers and go “you overdid it on the bling there.”
It was red. The hull, the deck, the masts, most of it was covered in red paint. The sails were bright white linen, and there was a band along the side of geometric patterns in other hues, but for the most part it was a bright scarlet.
You seem to be gilding the lily a bit there.
sandals and kilts in bright earth tones
perhaps bold earth tones? “bright earth tones” just makes me think they’re all dressed in something vaguely terracotta-colored.
That’s why I asked, something just struck me as not quite conveying what I intended.
Like “bright brown”? That does sound odd.
I tend to use the terms dull versus saturated, so I’m still not having a problem with this way of describing the earth tones.
Poor UCS must be pulling what’s left of his hair out. Tough crowd.
If I couldn’t take the feedback, I’d not ask for it.
You’re a trooper, just like Winston.
Jesse’s “bold” works; I guess you could also say “striking” or somesuch.
What if UCS views the world in Sepia?
*cleans glasses*
Oh, that was the problem.
Perhaps he’s playing a fictional Polish virtual reality game. It could happen to anyone really.
Oh, thank you. You just gave me an idea for an effect of the drug the Twenty Zombi Man is going to feed the narrator later. It desaturates his vision, making everything appear a muted sepia save for blood and other bright reds.
mythos mythoses mythosiarchetypal palettes aren’t you?Why not?
Ever see the movie Traffic? You know how every scene that takes place in Mexico has the brown hazy tinge?
That’s why.
Strangely enough, I did see that movie. I know the drug is going to screw with his senses somehow, as a side effect rather than the primary.
So I’ll put you down as opposed to the sepia vision idea?
I’m ambivalent.
I know the drug is going to screw with his senses somehow, as a side effect rather than the primary.
Sooooo it’s the plot from S07E01 of Mad About You where Paul Reiser’s character takes Viagara and it tints his vision blue?
I didn’t watch that show.
It seems like it’s poaching heavily from early ’00s horror PC games.
I’m hoping to get higher resolution imagery.
I always thought “earth” in that context meant dirt, cowpies and ricin. Don’t see how they could be bright.
I don’t know; they are describing AOC as a bright young star.
Ocher, sandstone, yellow clay?
I thank Bob Ross for my knowledge of Ocher.
Burnt umber, that is all.
Burnt umber mixed with bright crimson until it is almost not brown — that’s how I envision bright brown.
Having this exact issue today. First color sample (sepia, umber, ochre— raw, burnt, or otherwise) has been deprecated. New prints arrived… and are bland and monochrome and dreary and most probably wrong. The first version is positively luminous in comparison. Any half-assed mud-based attempt at yellow is exuberant compared to lots of things in this world.
OT: Tech savvy Glibs, a short time ago there was a discussion about shake down emails being sent where the sender claims to have video of you jerking it to a porn video. I’ve gotten a bunch of those that were pretty obviously garbage. They didn’t have any meaningful identifying information. Today I got one that has my username and password for some business related services (not a euphemism) I use. I’m not worried about video of me appearing on the internet. I am worried I’ve somehow been hacked. So, how concerned should I be and (if I’ve been hacked) how do I prevent this from happening in the future?
Your actual password?
It may be someone abusing a known dump of hacked content rather than something personal. Use a password manager (LastPass is my jam, but there are some very valid other options including Google if you trust them to not be evil). and change the fuck out of any passwords that might have been compromised or really all of them once you can generate random passwords for each site to exactly the spec of the site’s maximum.
Is your avatar you? and if the answer is yes are those sunglasses?
yes and yes.
Lol, thanks, sorry about the question but I have a 10 year old niece and there maaaaayyyy be pics of me with the same beard and wolf ears out in the world,
there maaaaayyyy be pics of me with the same beard and wolf ears
Furry, say no more.
Well I did have a crush on Maid Marian from Disney’s Bluegrass Robin Hood when I was young…
Yes. I like KeePass.
I recently went through this exercise, for exactly the same reason as Chafed. Then I deactivated that email account, created a new one, and set the new account at all the sites I trust.
Bonus is I don’t get any spam any more.
Bonus is I don’t get any spam any more.
pfft wait 3 months
Yeah, we’ll see. It’s been a couple months so far.
That’s good advice thanks.
You should probably be storing your dick pics in the patented “jesse.in.mb Dick Pic Vault“.
Is this a free service or do you have a monthly fee?
There’s an extended free trial period so you can test our services without obligation, but jesse.in.mb Heavy Industries: Web Services Division has found that to maintain the quality and confidentiality of our dick-pic management systems without monetizing the dick pics themselves, we must charge a very small recurring fee.
I can’t but speculate on what captcha images are like!
Sounds interesting. How do I sign up?
huh. you know, that was easier back when we had publicly linked email addresses in our handle on ToS. I was actually surprised to get some “Hey thought you might like to add something to your vault.” emails from commenters who preferred the anonymity of not telling me their handles.
Ho-lee shit! That’s hysterical. I can’t believe you were actually offered pics. I guess it’s true to be careful what you ask for.
Actually I got pics. *Very* good pics, and if I’m ever out in a certain corner of the country, the sender is down to grab a beer and catch up (no sexytimes implied). Since I have no qualms meeting strangers from the internet it could be a fun way to kill time if I’m ever out that way.
“Ho-lee shit! That’s hysterical. I can’t believe you were actually offered pics. I guess it’s true to be careful what you ask for.”
Gay or DL men on hook up sites will send dick pics as the default unless you specifically instruct them not to.
Silly-Billy. You order twenty copies of the newsletter first and then you enter the elimination round.
Not tech savvy at all but given your handle and your situation…. Nah just hinting the joke is better.
Check if said business has been hacked, of (if you can remember) if you used the same email/pwd combo on another site. It’s more likely that they got your email and password off a data breach list somewhere and fired the spam off in hopes that the address is valid.
Feck. I forgot to include the link to Have I Been Pwned. This is as good a place as any.
Thanks. Sure enough, my business email address is no the list. That explains it. Grrrr.
Mine was pwned in 8 different “breaches” (though the site explains that a lot of breaches are just hoards of other breaches). Not at all surprising – let’s just say I was not following best practices – like, ever – where I should have been.
Mine was in Adobe and LinkedIn breaches – I mean, what the hell was I supposed to do? I created the Adobe account so long ago Apple wasn’t charging for the email address, FFS!
Mine got leaked thru Adobe and LinkedIn also. I follow best practices, but apparently “reputable” companies don’t.
“I follow best practices, but apparently “reputable” companies don’t.”
That’s a sneaky move, but some people do that with stock picks. You’re probably right.
Thanks PZ.
Change your password and/or notify the business they got hacked.
I cut a tiny piece of electrical tape and stuck it so the sun don’t shine. Easy peasy. Now I can whack to my heart’s content! (Not really, I’m quite averse to visiting those sites but yes, the black tape abides).
A computer ago, my dad called really upset because he was trying to Skype with a missionary friend on the other side of the globe and by golly his video stream wasn’t showing up and needed me to drop everything, come over fix it.
*flash back less than a month*
“Look it even comes with a slide tab camera cover to keep the government from spying on me!”
S’okay. I used a tiny piece of tape so that my truck would stop reminding me that the now non-existent tire pressure gauges have detected a problem.
I’ve taped over a whole lotta LED lights in my bedroom.
Also, I really, really advise you not to watch Black Mirror any time soon.
The world keeps getting better, or at least stranger, which is a closely related thing:
Vets opening art studios to appeal to the gunz n’ gear crowd:
Ugh. Teddy Roosevelt?
Teddy was a warmonger, but his idea that men need to be fighting for their lives so they don’t get all soft and mushy seems to be at least partially right. *Looks at the protests on college campuses.
I’ll give him that but he WAS a cunt of the first order. Not as bad as Woodrow (the H.P. Lovecraft of Presidents) but still shockingly bad. Little rich man trying to prove himself, over and over and over.
There was an Abe Lincoln, but I didn’t want to start any fights.
He doesn’t look 6’20” in this one
And they painted him in his apron?
Opponents beware!
LOL and yeah, in more ways than one
I think I just coined a “newy”!
At least when Teddy got his war, he resigned, raised a volunteer regiment, and went off to fight. Shot and got shot at, which puts him above most warmongers since 1850 or so.
Also, you can be an asshole and a badass (and a president; cf. Andrew Jackson).
Does it make me a non-glib to have the urge to grab Jackson by his luxurious mane and deftly knee him in the face? Actually, darn near every president could use a busted nose, just to learn ’em.
I think he might have had a busted nose in between the times he was shot and stabbed.
I suspect that would have turned out badly for you. The guy had quite a bit of experience killing people.
Yeah, he was 1820’s tough. Reminds me of my Grand-dad that was such a good soldier that they sent him back to train other soldiers. I’d probably have thirty pounds on him.
“Jussie Smollett is back on the #Empire set two hours after leaving jail.”
I was going to comment that a later report has the show already writing him out of two remaining episodes and when I went to confirm there was another update: he’s claiming a “drug problem”.
Ah.. The scourge of fart-sniffing seems endemic these days. Tut-tut.
They going to take her to the woodshed or just let it slide after they didn’t get the reaction they were expecting. Adults should be horsewhipped.
Just hilarious and raises my respect for Feinstein.
These people truly are religious zealots. What will they do if everything is basically still the same in 12 years? Oh yeah, set up a new absurd goalpost, just like they’ve been doing with every missed milestone since the 1970s.
We were supposed to be living in igloos. Where the fuck is my igloo “Mr. President”?
*inchoate screech*
This MWO challenge is custom designed to spite me. It’s damage with Pulse lasers. the lasers that have all the drawbacks – short range, high weight, high heat. I don’t even usually go with direct fire weapons, and when I do, they’re sniping ones. Racking up damage with small pulse lasers is driving me bonkers. I literally need to be on top of them to do anything.
I don’t even want to know what she does to the people tied up in her basement.
They have death matches to decide which one gets to comb her anal hair?
Trashed on Canuckistani beer from Saskatchewan.
She’s hot
Something about a screen door in a hurricane…
Nice, natural bubbies but she’ll run to fat.
For some levels of “fat”, that’s a Prolefeed Feature Not Bug TM.
I’m impressed that you can tell what beer she guzzled before having that pic taken.
Fucking asshole cops bragging about busting a friend of mine for something that is legal in half the country. Prices. The guy they busted is a good dude that I have worked with for years.
It’s infuriating. My mom and my MIL are both benefitting from THC and CBD. After years and years of failure, these two old women are finally getting relief from their afflictions.
From a fucking plant.
Drug warriors who continue on their crusade despite mountains of evidence in the futility of their of their endeavor are some of the worst scum in this country.
David is a good hard working dude who has raised a good family who is now fucked because of this.
That sucks!
It ain’t about anything but the Revenue Man. Infuriating.
Revenue and power.
Gotta protect ‘society’, you know.
“Nice, natural bubbies but she’ll run to fat.”
Not necessarily a drawback. For example, this (NSFW):
Phat? Hell yes.
Gonna get phatter?
Almost assuredly.
Fuck yeah.
She has her charms but let’s say that you and I differ in that regard and leave it at that.
This is called “playing the system”.
Dems have been doin it for years and the fact that Trump does it is why he continues to have support from his base. People like a leader that knows the location of his gonads.
My avatar and I approve of the index picture for this article