Like I mentioned before about a year ago, I give up beer for Lent.  I do it every year.  Not to worry, I’m not going to explain it again.  I am just going to leave a link here, explaining the whole thing.

This is my review of Saison Dupont Avec Les Bons Vouex.

If you’ve been following long enough, this is not to be confused with regular old, Saison Dupont…which I reviewed here.

Incidentally, this one was even mentioned before.  Bon Voeux is a French phrase meaning, “best wishes.”  This beer was initially put to market during the 1970s and offered to the brewer’s most loyal customers.  Am offering of sorts, for best wishes for the new year.   I guess I am a bit late.

The biggest difference with this one over the standard is it is quite a bit more intense with the citrus notes.  I might go so far as to say it has an almost lemon-like sourness.  Like Nephilium, I will have to say the standard is better.  Saison Dupont Avec Les Bons Voeux 3.5/5

I drink a ton of Saison, don’t I?  Maybe I need to give it up for a while…