Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except Alabama and Georgia residents who were devastated by a series of tornadoes which killed 23.
After failing miserably to prove Russiagate, Democrats are moving on to try to prove obstructions of justice. From what I gather from the batshit crazy TDS types on the Twitter, they couldn’t prove ZOMG RUSSIA because Trump obstructed the investigation. Hope spring eternal as does cognitive dissonance.
Cohen’s own testimony debunked the Steele Dossier as Cohen was a main character in the piece of fiction.
Senator Paul plans to vote yes on blocking Trump’s wall building emergency declaration along with all Senate Democrats and so far three other senators, not nearly enough to override a veto from Trump.
House plans to pass an election reform bill. Which includes automatic voter registration, “increased election security by pushing back on foreign threats” (what the hell does this even mean?), making Election Day a National Holiday for Federal Workers, and my personal favorite: “tackle campaign finance reform by ending Citizens United”. Unless this bill is actually a constitutional amendment, I have no idea how you plan on doing that last one. Somehow I doubt voter ID to go along with the automatic registration or stopping voter harvesting is involved is this prog wishlist that’ll go nowhere in the Senate.
Remember that woman who was stabbed by a panhandler after she gave him money? Turns out she was actually murdered by her husband and stepdaughter.
That’s all I got for the day, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Good Morning to You!
Morning Banjos,
Never give money to a panhandlers, beer only, cut out the middleman.
Beer? Wouldn’t MD 20/20 be more appropriate?
Wait, I thought the key takeaway here was to stab panhandlers before they get a chance to stab you.
Mornin’. Good advice.
Panhandlers that drink beer are made up. Those guys drink ripple.
Fortified Wine.
Lighter fluid FTW!
With a hand sanitizer chaser.
What’s the word?
What’s the price?
Who drinks the most?
Though in Montana is was the injuns from the Res who drank TBird
You forgot:
What’s the jive?
Bird’s alive!
How’s it sold?
Good and cold!
Never heard that part! Love it!
Years after I broke up with my ex (not the squeeze – the one before him) I found one of his “water” bottles under my bathroom sink, filled with what smelled like turpentine, but was probably Thunderbird.
Party animal?
Just a fucking drunk whose liver killed him at 41 years old.
I once bought a panhandler a couple of packs of cigarettes.
Cheaper to buy him a couple of steaks.
House plans to pass election reform bill. Which includes automatic voter registration, “increased election security by pushing back on foreign threats” (what the hell does this even mean?), making Election Day a National Holiday for Federal Workers, and my personal favorite: “tackle campaign finance reform by ending Citizens United”. Unless this bill is actually a constitutional amendment, I have no idea how you plan on doing that last one. Somehow I doubt voter ID to go along with the automatic registration or stopping voter harvesting is involved is this prog wishlist that’ll go no where in the Senate.
Say what you will about Democrats. At least they don’t give a crap about the fact that there is no way their proposals will be passed, they still give it a shot. Republicans just fold and try to get consensus.
Oh, the Republicans were good at passing Obamacare repeals when they knew Obama would veto it.
Or when they knew they didn’t have the votes in the Senate.
making Election Day a National Holiday for Federal Workers
Nope, no transparent vote-buying there. None at all. This will of course drag the banking industry and the insurance industry along with it. And create another “f*ck me” day for the federal contractors who have to take leave those days or do LWOP (hint: HR hates it when you go into LWOP).
I understand making election day a federal holiday is potentially a mixed bag, but I expect it would be a net win in that most of corporate america would probably follow suit thereby making it easier for non-union working people to get out and vote. This one would get a thumbs up from me.
I’d say OK if they got rid of one of the other bullshit holidays, like President’s Day or MLK Day.
Election Day should be on Christmas, since most are expecting something in the results will bring them some sort of present. Vote your pocketbook without the pretense. Honesty in elections.!
No, if we want to make Election day interesting, we make it April 16.
This guy gets it.. And we should do it in a year where we tell everyone they have to mail their taxes to the IRS instead of getting money withheld…
Just like Most of Corporate America that doesn’t follow MLK Day, President’s Day, Veteran’s Day….
LWOP… Life without parole?
So far the House Dems strategy seems to be “Fuck it, let’s see what happens.” Honestly, it’s not a bad strategy. They might be able to sneak one past. Or maybe it’s the old strategy of throwing in a bunch of obviously awful shit so they can complain about it and then think they’re getting a deal when you pull it out.
“Tomorrow is election day, remember who gave you the day off.”
It’s going to be brought up again and passed the next time they control the government, because this is how Democrats operate. If you can’t win the game, you change the rules.
““increased election security by pushing back on foreign threats” (what the hell does this even mean?),”
Whatever it means, it doesn’t mean preventing foreign nationals from voting.
Or donating to campaigns
Unless they’re Russian.
The burden of proof will now be on Republicans to prove that they weren’t elected due to Russian mind control.
“…pushing back on foreign threats” (what the hell does this even mean?),…Whatever it means, it doesn’t mean preventing foreign nationals from voting.”
This is from the same people who are ‘saving democracy’ by attempting to execute a soft coup against a legitimately elected president.
Can’t be legitimate, he’s a.) a Republican, and b.) not Hillary.
Underrated track from an underrated album.
Terrible spelling though.
automatic voter registration, “increased election security by pushing back on foreign threats” (what the hell does this even mean?), making Election Day a National Holiday for Federal Workers, and my personal favorite: “tackle campaign finance reform by ending Citizens United”.
I hope they call it the “When Republicans Win, Democracy Loses” Bill. Anything else would be false advertising.
Force it to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital.
Letters to the Local Rag: Better Go Back To Work
Will no one think of the landscapers?
HOA’s are a thing, dude. Go find one.
That’s just it. Even people who would like to think they can dictate the external appearance of property that isn’t theirs can find places to live just like that. But, oh the horrors of living in the suburbs!
Also, there was a house on our street that was, frankly, a shambles. I’d notice it walking the dog, but honestly when you’ve got bums cutting through between the liquor store and the public housing at 9:00 AM somebody’s grass being a little long is low on the list. Anyhoo, someone passive-aggressively complained, because there’s always someone, and after a few snarky posts on the neighborhood’s Facebook page they complained to the city, who posted a nastygram on the guy’s door.
Well, as it turns out, he’d been undergoing chemo and was essentially bedridden for a couple of years. He’d just recovered, but between a lengthy fight with the big casino and serious medical bills he was having a bit of a rough time catching up on stuff. But once he could stand up for an hour or more at a time he started fixing the place back up.
I’d like to think the person who ratted felt like an asshole, but knowing the people around here I’m guessing that’s not the case.
“I would like to think I earned the money to live in a better neighborhood.”
I would like to think I am taller, stronger, smarter, better looking and more talented. Oh, and richer. I would like to think that too.
I dont even know what ‘I would like to think’ means.
In this case I think it means “pick the shit up out of your yards and fix up that damaged siding you fucking savages!”
Gawd forbid he offer to help them with a little of his own manual labor. Or does he not even know the names of the people that live there – which would say quite a bit about the state of his “neighborhood”.
Housed are hit or miss in my subdivision, which was built in the 80s. A few falling apart and a few exceedingly well kept and everything in between. My house was decently kept up, but the yard sucks (weeds and shit).One irony is that a couple houses have siding that is rotting but 2 new(er) cars in the driveway. What are “priorities”?
We are that house, or at least the neighbors (who could be the ones who wrote that letter) think we are. It’s not really that bad and we keep the lawn mown, but we are still paying for the new siding and new windows, which is all we can afford to do on the outside since we’re spending pur money on plumbing and other infrastructure—none of which can be seen.
And despite some appearances to the contrary (a beater car and a very old work truck), they seem to think we’re made of money and should be able to fix all these things with a call to a contractor immediately.
My son destroys and wrecks things faster than I can keep up and they don’t seem to understand not everyone is as well off as they are.
Finally, I have to admit I have made some unfortunate landscape design decisions that make it look even worse. I just have no idea what I’m doing.
Finally, I have to admit I have made some unfortunate landscape design decisions
As someone who appreciates a nice exterior design but has absolutely no clue how to pull one off, I got a chuckle out of this. I’m even worse with interior design.
You know what my interior design fails have been? Lighting. Looking for light in all the wrong places.
That said, my electrician said this is a problem for professional designers and electricians, too, so then I didn’t feel so bad.
I’m the guy who does all his landscaping, and it looks awesome. Been thinking of going into landscape architecture, since all the new houses where we’re moving to have just the shitty standard landscaping package everyone gets. They need semi-pro help.
Short version: a few large boulders as anchors front and back, a curving walkway, and four layers of plants in groupings: tall trees, shorter trees, shrubs, and ground cover. Curves everywhere, no straight lines.
Bring in plenty of dirt. Mounding is your friend.
I have, actually been working on curving things. My problem is plant placement. Also, I spent a lot of money on hollies that were thick and lovely and now, 4 years on, are thin and barely hanging on no matter what I do.
@Tundra, yes, I’ve been doing that, too.
I have not been able to work on it this past couple of years because my shoulders got too bad, but now I have one working one again, so I’ll get back to work.
Use rocks or tree limbs to create circles / ovals around trees or shrubs. Use smooth-ish rocks as a border between mulch beds and grass.
Massive biodiversity — just one sample of each species, or at least different colors of a given species. A riot of different flowering plants. Get a native wildflower seed mix or two from someplace like Lowe’s and create beds of such flowers.
You’re gonna have some stuff that dies or does poorly. The one copy of each species thing ensures that those oops don’t stand out or cost a lot of money, and can be easily swapped out.
Thanks, prolefeed.
I’ve kept your posts for reference.
Letters to the Local Rag: Humans Back To Africa
Tell these asshats that primitive societies didn’t let other humans come to their places either, and watch them have a heart attack.
Alpaca right of return?
Alpaca reparations!
Alpaca bag right away
Back to Pangaea! Let’s stop messing about with half measures.
Will there be gamboling? Please tell me there will be gamboling…
There will be gamboling and capering.
Capering? Wait, where do they put those?
Not that kind of capering. The other kind of capering.
Well, first you need some cream cheese…
Chunky style milk?
Why the fuck would a pampered, well-fed, and well-loved Huskie go back to the snowy wilderness to live the daily life and death struggle?
Out of respect for Mother Nature of course
*Looks at thermometer*
Apparently not.
Shorter letter: “I am retarded.”
There is a lot of that going around these days. The tards are the ones loudly proclaiming their stupidity for political gain.
Ah, but this is America, where everyone has the right to be a prat.
The vast majority of us have better sense…
..and/or a pair hanging and some self-respect.
The vast majority of us have better sense…
Citation needed. We are all idiots about something. It is very hard to see which of our own ideas are stupid, but logic and observation tells me that either:
1. Everyone has areas in which they believe stupid things
2. Everyone else has areas in which they believe stupid things, and I alone am always right.
While number 2 has a gut appeal, number one is almost certainly true.
Somebody doesn’t Fucking Love Science. With dog breeds it isn’t what God did to them, it’s what we did to them.
Dogs are man’s greatest invention.
“BASF, We Don’t Make Things, We Make Things Better.”
At least you live someplace where people can read and write, right?
Those are not useful skills when there is no ability to think just even one cogent thought.
I made it all the way to “Animals have the right…”.
Foot of snow last night in the People’s Republic of Connecticut, and we are all being told to wait for the government to clear the roads cause we didn’t build them!
Usually the county is pretty good about plowing and sanding after a snow here, but when the don’t, one of my extended neighbors takes his tractor with a grading blade on it and clears the road.
I live and work in a small corner of south Brooklyn (Bay Ridge). I go into Manhattan once every 3 months or so. The last time I took the subway as soon as the train got into Manhattan the beggars jumped on. I got off in Midtown, but in that time there was
1) the Homeless Vet
2) the Mexican guitar and accordion duet
3) the 4 older black guys doing acappella doo-wop
4) the beggar who got beat-up by the other beggars for begging on their other train Territory
5) the pregnant lady with the baby
6) the regular old run of the mill beggar
So that’s 6 in a 17 minute train ride.
Courtesy of democrats..
2) the Mexican guitar and accordion duet
If you didn’t give them 5 bucks to play Wonderwall then what are you even doing with your life?
No one plays the accordion like a eastern European gypsy. Mexicans…
My Hungarian grandfather was a professional accordion player. I am not kidding.
I’d love to buy one
Buying a professional accordion player is slavery, dude.
Indentured Servitude for three hots and a cot.
Maybe a little spending money here and there. It’s gotta be better than begging on the subway train.
Don’t be so sure about that Slammer. Some of those beggars can make some real money.
Accordion joke, as told by my father, who did own an accordion, although I never heard him play it:
An accordion player is driving home from a gig late one night and decides to stop and get some coffee for the ride home. He pulls into a gas station, and goes inside to get the coffee. As he’s pouring, he is struck by a thought: “Oh, no, I left my windows open! My accordion!” He rushes back outside, but by the time he gets there, it’s too late: someone has already thrown another accordion into the car.
Cleveland remembers the accordion players. The girlfriend went to high school with his son.
One of the unsung advantages of joining the EU is that a lot of Bucharest beggars and pickpockets moved to greener and more profitable pastures. Don’t need to constantly worry bout the wallet no more.
THE wallet? What happened to your drop wallet?
1) Vets seem to be overrepresented in the homeless population (RIP JsubD). I do wonder how many are actually faking being a veteran and if there is any sort of enforcement mechanism (ie, point 4).
4) When I worked downtown I would often see what appeared to be coordinated shift-changes at the prime begging locations. The woman who coordinated those changes also works at least two suburban locations (theoretically but not practically walkable from downtown) including another instance of what appeared to be managerial behavior.
Things like territories and shifts and a leader do make me suspicious. I’ve been thinking about trying to document this but it’s a crap-ton of work going through a day’s worth of GoPro timelapse photos, etc. I’d thought about hiring college students to do the legwork, but would be suspicious of them tipping off the panhandlers, missing critical photos, etc.
A lot of the vets are either complete phonies or major embellishers – the type who were kicked out in less than a year and never left the states.
Needs more drums
It’s a well-known fact that most of the traffic light panhandlers around here do it as either a side-gig or as a full-time job. There was one guy I used to see who looked scruffy but was always wearing new Pumas. The local paper did a bit on him and it turns out that he lived in Ocean City and hit our town during the off-season. He drove about a block away and parked. It’s a job for some of these people.
I remember back in the ’90s a DC station (I want to say the local NBC affiliate) did a story like that where they found panhandlers who weren’t homeless at all – they lived in homes and drove cars and treated panhandling as a 9-5 occupation.
I recently bought a meal for a homeless guy who claimed to be a vet. He used his military ID for a discount on his meal. I appreciated that. Also, watched him eat/guzzle a handful of hand sanitizer while he waited for the food. Thus the reference to the homeless drinking hand sanitizer on an earlier comment.
Living in Tucson in the mid-1980’S – there were two competing Vietnam veteran organizations competing for leadership of the political following. Somehow the leaders of each faction never seemed to show up when the other was going to be there. It turned out that both were fakes – obviously worried that the other would out them…
Only in America. I luv dis country!
I miss the blind Russian (?) guy with the accordion.
“Donald Trump slammed Democrats and blamed their ‘interview’ of lawyer Michael Cohen as the reason that the nuclear summit in Vietnam failed – after initially stating that he walked away from a ‘bad deal’ put forward by Kim Jong-un.
The President took to Twitter to lambaste the party and Thursday’s congressional hearing, which consisted mostly of Democrats asking questions pertaining to Trump and Republicans questioning the lawyer’s credibility.
‘For the Democrats to interview in open hearings a convicted liar & fraudster, at the same time as the very important Nuclear Summit with North Korea, is perhaps a new low in American politics and may have contributed to the “walk.”‘ Trump said on Twitter. ‘Never done when a president is overseas. Shame!'”
I don’t know the Cohen sideshow made any difference with North Korea. But that the Democrats would rather have a nuclear threat and massive suffering than Orange Man succeed is truly despicable.
I don’t know the Cohen sideshow made any difference with North Korea. But that the Democrats would rather have a nuclear threat and massive suffering than Orange Man succeed is truly despicable.
B-but muh Iran deal!
They would rather everyone (but them) die a horrible death than let this maverick non-member of the elite cadre actually show how inept and corrupt they are.
I watched the Trump biography (2 hours) and an hour of Roger Ailes bio last night. We really do get what we deserve in elected officials. Trump is right about the fake news, after having been the beneficiary of it for 3 years. Roy Cohn did a great job as a despicable piece of humanity, as well.
30 years
So he knows what he is dealing with…
Yesterday, on Meet the Press, Chuckie was doing his rabid badger routine, and gnawing furiously way at whoever it was on the other side of the table about teh Rooshunz Intereferences, and I kept waiting for that person to ask, “Well, Chuck, do you seriously want to pretend the Russians (Or the Italians, or the Finns, or the Maoris, for that matter) do not have a legitimate interest in an American Presidential election?”
Just at a bare minimum. It would be too much to expect him to point out something like the Ascended One’s flagrant meddling in the Brexit referendum.
IIRC, Chocolate Nixon actively funded the opposition candidate in the Israeli election.
Perish the thought!
And the link perished tok!
we’re about to have elections again and Netanyahu is being indicted. it’s going to be a total circus.
How much Chinese money did Bubba have to give back? Why would the Chinese have wanted to “interfere” in our Presidential election?
Besides Chuck is just pissed that the Russians had switched sides.
Bubba not only sold away miniaturization tech, but the rocket tech to,deliver it to the US accurately, and did it for 2 million. The guy was not even bright enough to demand 2 billion, or 200 billion, which is what that all saved the Chicomm government in R&D.
“What we learned from the Cohen testimony is that he directly implicated the president in — in various crimes, both while seeking the office of president and while in the White House,” Nadler said on “This Week.”
“We don’t have the facts yet. But we’re going to initiate proper investigations,” but not impeachment investigations.
But you feel it so it must be true.
They feel they need something to keep people distracted from the fact that they turned the US into a banana republic under Obama’s tenure, and expected to never be caught.
This will continue for two years minimum. Mueller got them thru the mid-terms, it’s up to the House to get them over the finish line in 2020
I suspect that the 5-D chess player in the WH plans to do his own thing around the election that will seriously torpedo the plans of these stupid fucks to keep people distracted, both increasing his chances to overcome the rigged election and hopefully getting a lot of these libtards in serious trouble with the law. I would love to get me a license plate made by Obama, Clinton, Lynch, or Holder in that order.
GOP Rep. Amash Won’t Rule Out 2020 Libertarian Bid
I’d love to see that happen if only for the exposure and the ballot-access preserving. He’d perform much better in the debates than GayJay. I predict that if the Democrats nominate a moderate candidate (Biden, Klobuchar, Harris) that they’ll be all for including the LP in the presidential debates. I also predict that if Trump loses that we’ll be blamed and be totally in the cold for a generation as far as the GOP.
Sure Amash will set a new highwater mark for LP votes – 5%.
I hate to break it to you but the vast majority of voting Americans are assholes that want to make sure you aren’t doing anything they don’t approve of. And by you, I mean any one, any where at any time. As soon as we discover extra-terrestrial life, we’ll be setting down rules for them too.
Americans are assholes that want to make sure you aren’t doing anything they don’t approve of
Looks like someone read my article
How dare you write an article! Did you even get your blogging license?
As soon as we discover extra-terrestrial life, we’ll be setting down rules for them too.
Which would explain Mr. Lizard’s orbital bombardment cannons.
Prodigy frontman Keith Flint dies aged 49
I’m going to take a wild guess and say drugs were involved.
Drugs? Self inflicted?
Suicide according to the article.
I’ve been contemplating suicide, / But it really doesn’t suit my style, / So I think I’ll just act bored instead
I had no idea he was that old.
Fat of the Land was 22 years ago…
True, they formed in 1990.
That sucks, man. Prodigy featured very prominently in my musical life as a teenager.
It was either drugs or his bitch smacked him up.
I looks like she gained a few pounds.
I’ve never seen her smile
Just do a search for “kristen stewart smiling”
Never thought she was attractive at all. The mopey face doesn’t help.
She looks better with a few more pounds, but yeah, she doesn’t really do anything for me. Apparently I’m not her target demographic, though.
There definitely won’t be any voter ID provision in that Elections Reform Bill. It’s too icky and racist.
You can’t expect those
dumbpoorblacksminorities to be able to navigate the complex process of getting a state issued ID. It’s far too complex. That’s why banks, liquor stores, car rentals, plane tickets, and hotels all accept your word on your name, age, and identity.You left out welfare agencies.
Living next door to neighbors who might not be able to afford to keep their property up to the standards of the neighborhood could become a bad situation for all.
Muh Viewscape!
It’s Viewshed.
No Demi Thicc in the fails sidebar but there is something called Sahara which I will link just because it looks more human and I ended up on the website and feel compeled to link something from the sidebar.
Tiny string versus ocean wave is not really a ‘malfunction”
She has a smoking body but a face like a Grey Alien
Also remember that many of the racier girls will deliberately buy tops at least a cup size small which further reduces the ability of bikini tops to stay on.
What gives? There is no point in a story about a wardrobe fail if it is blacked out or pixelated.
WHat Suthen said!
blacked out
Oh, you meant one of those black bars they use to cover up the fun parts. I thought you meant something else.
-27, this morning
Note: when you wire the choke open on your “performance carburetor” it can be a little finicky about starting in sub-zero temperatures.
The more you know…
Ufda. Its a balmy -10 before windchill here in sunny Minnnesoda.
We fell down to 15 here in Cleveland. It’s currently looking like it’s going to be a damned cold St. Patrick’s Day.
-20 in the woods but its a dry cold
+One of Us to Leap for starting to use the vernacular
Uffda, I dropped my hot dish in the ice fishing hole I cut in the hockey rink when the PA yelled at me. Damn Dakotan savages!
Run away, Leap! Before it’s too late!
He’s doomed. Where else is he going to get his fix of tater tots soaked in cream of mushroom soup?
I have to replace the bulb in one of my headlights. 🙁
My Husband’s Terrible Farts Are Ruining Our Sex Life
What should I do?
Shit, I didn’t know my wife read Slate.
I bet you a lot of guys read this and figured, now that’s how I get rid of her….
The broccoli diet?
Brussels sprouts.
And beer. Gotta add that squish to the sound.
Garbanzos would also work.
No love for Lentils?
Or lentils, yes.
Dear How to Do It,
My wife stopped putting out, so I starting bringing in in-calls. But one told me she wanted more money or she’d tell my wife, so I killed her wrapped her in a carpet, and put her in the mattress.
NOW my wife says she “isn’t in the mood” because “it smells like something died under the bed.” WELL YEAH.
What can I do?
You know how you know your wife died? The sex is the same, but the dishes and laundry start piling up…
He’s here all week, folks…
That is the second time he got me to laugh out loud this morning.
Thank you my people… Try the veal!
Now that one is hilarious.
My wife says her having a deviated septum and almost no sense of smell means we were meant to be together
You know, the same is true for me, except it’s my dogs farts that put a damper on my wife and I’s conjugals. Christ’s sake, that dog can take the paint off the walls. He’s actually woken himself up once.
How amenable is he to ass play? A 30′ polyethylene hose hanging out the bedroom window will fix all of your problems.
Polyurethane will get you a better seal. May I suggest Tygon(R) by Saint-Gobain?
Breast-ironing: victims urge stronger action to root out dangerous custom
Medical experts and victims say practice, deemed by perpetrators to protect girls from sexual harassment and rape, is child abuse
Jesus there’s some fucked up habits out there
I have a more effective plan for protecting girls from sexual harassment and rape but I dont think they want to hear about it.
Banning screwdrivers and potato peelers and other dangerous weapons?
I was thinking of advising them to invest in rope manufacturer’s stock.
I have a different plan. It’s initials are 9.M.M.
It’s Britain. Even their top Spy need a License to Kill
Because all cultures are equal?
Will be fun to see if this becomes an issue in the election.
One day the Brits will wake up and understand how thoroughly Tony Blair destroyed their country.
Tony BlairAsquith destroyed their country.Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, is more to blame than the politicians.
But let’s freak out anyway because it triggers our yuck factor!
Aesthetic preference should be the guiding principle of a polity!
Manic Monday: Live Your Dreams Even If It Kills You
Jaguar: “…you’ve got to be shitting me.”
Okay, But What’s Wrong With Liberalism? A Chat With Jonathan Chait and Jacobin’s Bhaskar Sunkara
A strawman and a false choice all wrapped up in one tidy little sentence. How Chait-Like.
Obama had two years with a Dem. Majority in both houses of Congress. Screw off with any kind of “mobilized right” undermining him. And even with a Rep. Majority in both houses and Trump in office, they STILL didn’t get rid of the beautiful Obama legacy that was the ACA.
“between socialism and laissez-faire”
So, fascism.
“I’d argue Obama’s presidency is one of the more successful historical periods of progress.”
And you would be right.
Well, if you have a loose definition of “successful, perhaps.
UPS stops delivering to Swedish neighborhood as drivers get attacked in ‘no-go zone’ – report
Imagine how boring Sweden must have been 20 years ago. Nobody to be racist against and everyone got their deliveries without any violence.
Sweden has a pretty active mafia, so there is that.
But yeah, pretty boring except for the bikinis and nightlife.
My son ended up arriving very late (early morning) in Malmo and his train to Stockholm didn’t leave til later in the morning; so he finds an open bar and being an American is treated quite well. It also turns out he was drinking with a fairly notorious local crime boss.
Where is cytotoxic to stomp his feet and exclaim that ‘no go zones’ in europe are a myth?
Thankfully he’s somewhere else.
Yep, and I actually feel sorry for the people wherever he is.
I assume he finally went ahead and bet his life on Trump losing.
I’m sure CNN will get right on that story.
The “P” in UPS is for parcel, not postal. Crack reporting by RT. Is UPS using PostNord, the actual postal service, for deliveries or their people?
Would we get this without socialism?
I’d argue Obama’s presidency is one of the more successful historical periods of progress. Adding up the successes and subtracting the failures yields a positive picture.
Yeah, like how racism has completely vanished from American life.
Donald Trump tells a fake American story. We must tell the real one
Robert Reich
It’s a short story.
“Real” and “Robert Reich” Should only appear in the same sentence with the word “Asshole”.
What about douche nozzle? I think we need some of that and asshat too..
Kiwi ISIS jihadist wants to come home
This is a friggin white dude that decided to go join ISIS.
But oh, he has regrets.
NZ is taking the tactic most countries are taking, which is “Yeah, we won’t leave you stateless, but we’re not going to Syria to help you. You need to make it to a country where we have a consulate, but, oh yeah, you can’t. Good luck.”
I think we can all get behind this one:
Fuck. Off. Slaver.
I’m only down with Yazidi slaves if that’s some kind of reference to a Princess Leia cosplayer who’s into middle-aged (damn that hurt to type) white guys and knows how to be discrete.
and knows how to be discrete
I too, like them individually separate and distinct.
I like my ladies like I like my array comparisons: shallow and all the same type.
Dude, your nerd status was already well established.
Yeah, that pretty much knocks it outta the park I guess.
I like my ladies like I like my Hash Maps: Constant time insert.
“Her name is Umm Mohammed.”
Sounds like he forgot her name.
LOL – close enough. Everyone there probably answers to it.
I thought that the big benefit of being Muslim and joining ISIS was being able to keep your bitches in line? This guy struck-out with Syrian girls he was married to!
What a fuckstick. I hope a Mortar lands on your nuts.
Seems to be an epidemic lately of western fucktards who joined ISIS deciding they were just kidding.
What I have noticed in common with all ISIS people is that they are batshit crazy. Shocking, isnt it?
In October 2015 he gave away the location of Islamic State fighters on Twitter when he forgot to turn off the geotagging function.
Enjoy those cushy Middle Eastern prisons, dickhead.
What a piece of shit. Yet us lads who are just squeaking by back in the States/West are the terrible Patriarchy misogynists. Hope he gets his 72 neckbeard virgins in Hell.
Donald Trump Keeps Strong GOP Support Ahead of 2020, While Only 18 Percent of Americans Would View ‘Socialist’ Candidate Positively: Poll
The Democrats are re-electing Trump.
It’s like they couldn’t try harder.
Why not? He’s been great for their fundraising.
Beating Trump should, in theory, be pretty achievable for the Democrats next year.
The way they’re going, he’s going to win with a Reagan 1984-like landslide.
And if you think the far left has been driven insane by Trump now, just wait and see what they’re like if he’s re-elected.
Better start stocking up on popcorn now.
Is this the same polling outfit that gave Hillary a 97% chance of winning?
Half of Americans view the term “negatively,” according to the poll.
The sad part is only half view it negatively. If you replace socialism with the common term for national socialism and only got 50% disapproval, I’d be shocked.
I would prefer if they broke the term into its components:
1) Do you have a positive or negative view of national socialism?
2) If negative, do you have a positive or negative view of international socialism?
This is the second article I’ve seen this morning with “socialist” in scare quotes.
Just as I figured, it’s racist to criticize the Broward superintendent for the screwups before and after Parkland
(does anyone want to tell me how that’s an offensive racial remark? At all? Even if you twist the logic like a pretzel?)
“Department of Equity and Diversity”…..IOW, the Department of Bullshit
Paging Diana Moon Glampers to the white courtesy phone…
Let’s not forget a school district employing at least one spokesperson.
They probably think “despicable” is the origin of “spic.” And any mention of busing anyone or anything anywhere concerning schools is in support of segregation.
I wanted to laugh at this SF, but then realized that I would eventually find out that some of them do, and then the laugh will be on me…
Well did they? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a city council pulled some bullshit like that.
There were a lot of people bused in from black churches. Not planned by anyone in government but actively supported by a lot of them.
Will be interesting to see if he can produce the evidence. Playing the race card in the face of legitimate criticism is a time-honored political tradition. And the gun grabbers are also going to pile onto this because anything that distracts from their message of “teh ebil gunz” must be suppressed.
yes Warty can deadlift whatever but can he do this?
I sure hope so.. that looked like the 45lbs weight and she would have a brain injury if she was hit not once, but twice…
He would simply pick the gym up and wave it back and forth, making it look like he was moving thusly.
Fucking Peter Pan wanna be..
Looks like our new governor will not be much better than our old one. In fact he might be worse because he might be competent enough to get his policies enacted.
Last November, the govt bean counters projected a $1.5B surplus. DFLers eyes got big and they were coming up with proposal after proposal to spend that money on something. Well just recently, that surplus was revised to only be $1B. Oh no! What will we do?
New governor says that this proves the need for his package of tax hikes. Yup. We already (theoretically) paid way too much in taxes. But the missing half billion proves that we need to raise even more.
By the way, 8 years ago the budget for our state was $32B. Now it is $50B. Nothing left to cut. (and the proposed gas tax is going to be $.20/gal.)
I am also sick of our state using forecasts to pass budgets. This sort of crap always happens. The bean counters make a projection by pulling numbers out of their asses and then the pols decide what they are going to do with that imaginary money.
Why not use the actual tax receipts to create your budget?
That was part of Harry Browne’s balanced budget plan. You balance against the previous year’s receipts. In good times, you end up running a small surplus, in down times, you would run a small deficit.
If isn’t often that an LP presidential candidate is more Keynesian than the Keynesians.
I actually think it should be 2 years previous receipts, because you are preparing the budget for year X during year X-1, so you don’t know receipts yet, so you need to use receipts from year X-2.
So, following this plan, Fiscal Year 2020 budget would be prepared during Fiscal year 2019 and based on Fiscal year 2018 receipts.
There’s a mechanism here (the kicker) that refunds tax revenue above the projection back to taxpayers. It’s dumb but it’s also prevented the legislature from blowing windfalls and acted as a slight brake to the ever expanding state. Of course it’s been hated by the leftists that control the place now and they’re trying to get it excised from the state constitution.
By the way, 8 years ago the budget for our state was $32B. Now it is $50B.
How much of that is Medicaid expansion?
No idea. I’m part of the problem. I know the legislature is up to all sorts of shenanigans, but I can’t be bothered to learn enough about it. I just sigh and go about my day.
But yeah, old Gov. Mumbles was probably big into Medicaid expansion.
Teacher shown door after Christian school discovers she had sex ‘outside of a heterosexual marriage’
Well, perhaps not signing a contract containing said clause would have been the wise choice?
her contract would not be renewed… violating a clause in her employment contract…
Did she read that thing before signing?
Who reads contracts, huh?
I don’t understand, I thought Christian sexual morality was nothing but a flimsy pretense to lynch the homos?
I’m glad to see this happening to a straight person cohabiting for a change. I may not like their morality but at least they are being consistent.
Not a big fan of Michelle Malkin – but Twitter lets her know she broke Pakistani laws years ago by linking to Mohammed cartoons. They really are the new religious police.
It’s a good thing they told her, really. She may have been planning on going there on vacation or something.
Wait, wHUT?
Who the fuck wants to go to Pakistan for anything but a tour of how terrorism supporting government creates a pure shithole?
*grabs popcorn*
BANNED within 48 hours.
“This is all of a piece. As I reported in December, citizen journalist Laura Loomer was banned from Twitter for stating true facts about radical Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar’s embrace of sharia laws that threaten gays, Jews and women. Loomer has since been deplatformed from PayPal and just learned she can no longer sell T-shirts protesting Twitter’s ban with the hashtag #StopTheBias on Teespring.
Paypal’s CEO admitted this week that he relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s powerful smear machine for input on which conservatives to blacklist in order to uphold the company’s alleged values of “diversity and inclusion.” SPLC’s de-Paypal’d victims include Tommy Robinson, an English anti-jihad activist; VDARE, a nationalist immigration news and commentary site that publishes my syndicated column; and Gavin McInnes, a humorist, social critic and media entrepreneur whose fans have raised nearly $140,000 at for his powerful defamation lawsuit against the SPLC. McInnes was also de-Twittered and temporarily de-YouTube’d.”
People are getting banned from banks and ride-sharing services as well.
Give Morris Dees credit, he’s effectively weaponized his scam.
The take-over of the media by a few companies and their total willingness to enforce censorship is pretty disturbing. We all thought Big Brother would be the federal government – instead it’s corporate HR.
Blue states band together looking to bypass Electoral College
Could this backfire on the Democrats? How many Republicans in these deep blue states don’t bother to vote? Would it be enough to tip the popular vote?
Could this backfire on the Democrats?
It will at some point. Remember that GWB got the popular vote after not getting it. If they got their way they would have to have put their EC’s to him in 2004. Also what happens when their is no Majority of the Popular Vote?
Whoever got the plurality would be my guess.
How could it not backfire, when these states are already blue? This could lead to the type of electoral sweep for a Republican that we haven’t seen since Reagan.
The states making up the compact, which already includes New York, Illinois and all the New England states except for New Hampshire, would commit to awarding their electoral votes to whomever wins the popular vote nationally, regardless of the results in the Electoral College.
IOW they intend to disenfranchise their own citizens.
Yay! Bacon!
In today’s weird news, the WWF (the one with the cuddly panda logo, not the ones that changed their name to the WWE) is funding paramilitary organizations to, quite literally, carry out a war on poaching.
Sounds like they should change their logo to a polar bear.
AnCap as fuck.
Military graffiti has been all about drawing dicks for at least 1800 years.
Do you like movies about gladiators, Chipwooder?
No, but I have been in a Turkish prison.
I see an article for the Gliberati!
Reminds me of this story.
“They hate me! They really hate me!” Ilhan Omar finally hits the big time with a hate crime directed against her.
Odds that this is a hoax? That it was actually written by a supporter who wanted to shift the conversation from the topic of “Why can’t she speak for more than five minutes without bashing (((them)))?”
I’m sure the Strib is happy with the news because they can finally write a story about her.
The odds that this is a hoax is about equal to the odds of having a sore rear end after meeting STEVE SMITH in the woods.
Hopefully, it will lead to a national conversation whether she should be assassinated.
You know, I’m not a fan of Charlie Daniels-style “love it or leave it” rhetoric, but there is something seriously fucking wrong when a woman who was a refugee grows up to do nothing but bitch and moan and attack the country that took her in when she and her family fled their own shithole country. Talk about ingratitude.
Well, Rogers is just down the road from Coon Rapids. How can it not be a hotbed of bigotry?
I heard a great story on local talk radio once. A black guy from Mississippi somehow became a teacher at the Coon Rapids High School. I guess he did a good job because he won “Coon of the Month” from the school.
He was laughing about how he had to convince his mother back in Mississippi that this was a good thing when he called her to tell about his award.
Maybe, though it really isn’t beyond possiblity or plausibility that someone wrote this about a politician.
What? You mean I shouldn’t take everything I read on the shitter wall in a public restroom as gospel truth?
That sucks. I had a hot date with Pat set up for tonight. I got her number off the wall at the rest area. Although now that you mention it, her voice did seem pretty deep and raspy for a chick.
*tries to look inconspicuous*
Shit. Well at least it wasn’t Tundra.
“Please stay on the line, your call will be taken in the order…”
“Good morning, how may I help you” with an Indian accent
“Omar Doubles Down On Anti-Semitism, Accuses Jewish Congresswoman Of Wanting Her To Have Dual Loyalty To Israel”
They misread that. I went Assassandate Ilhan Omar.
The timing was pretty, pretty convenient.
Chandler police remove kids from home after sick child not taken to hospital
Copied more than I meant to, oops.
Our heroes!
Hopefully they learned their lesson which is don’t take your sick kids to the doctor.
You know who else forced entry into homes…
Santa Claus?
Google? Apple? The NSA?
police could hear “someone coughing inside one of the bedrooms,”
Sure they could.
Smelt some marijuana to.
I’ll leave it smelt for Ted.
Fish bong, or I guess more accurately one hitter.
She’s angry that her former employer receives half of its annual funding — $5 million — from the B.C. government when the school discriminates against employees.
Discrimination against liars doesn’t exactly peg my outrage meter.
It is the kind of annoying weather when it is cold in the morning and very warm in the afternoon.
It’s even more annoying when it’s frigid in the morning and very cold in the afternoon (we nearly set a record low low and record low high). At least the sun is out today.
California teens salute Hitler
Southern California high school students post photos of ‘Heil Hitler’ salute, drinking game with swastikas.
Teenagers are the dumbest creatures on earth.
Drunk teenagers are an order of magnitude dumber than their sober peers.
They aren’t dumb they are racist! This must be made national news so we can ruin their lives! Their parents must be punished too!
And if anyone in any position of power attempts to excuse their students for being dumb, drunk edgelords, they too must be destroyed.
Just the new version of kids doing stupid stuff. I’d be worried if no kids were doing dumb shit like that.
Teenagers do things to demonstrate their rebellion. It is an absolutely necessary part of their development from dependent children into independent adults. The ‘nazi’ teens today are doing the same thing as the flower children. They are trying to piss off mommy and daddy.
Then they turn into twenty-somethings and far too many of them take their idiotic rebelliousness seriously.
“Welcome to The OC, bitch!”
I saw this over the weekend and thought of you.
I can’t believe they gave that a second season. The first season was a Lost: great set-up, ending so bad as to be insulting.
Britt Marling keeps making science fiction, but I’m not sure she understands what science fiction is and I know she actually hasn’t read much of it.
Science fiction is very, extremely, calmly to the point of inducing a coma, stroking the egos of angsty teenagers and social justice warriors with an oscilloscope in the background
I see you’ve been watching Black Mirror.
I guess I’m proud that I watched about 6 minutes of Black Mirror before realizing it was shit. Apparently some people needed more convincing.
A few episodes are good, but then you have the ones that fundamentally make no sense or are just heavy-handed hand-job to the social justice Twitter mob.
This is…MAGA Country?
I think that what really chaps the proggies is that young cool kids are mocking them when they do shit like this.
The self image proggies have of themselves is that of heroic fighters against evil. Kids mocking them by laughing about Nazis under every bed threaten that vision that they have of themselves. If they aren’t careful, they will realize that they are tilting against windmills not dragons.
And having the cool kids that get invited to parties mock them probably dredges up all sorts of bad memories from high school.
Exactly. This is just like Sid Vicious wearing a swastika shirt. Sid wasn’t a Nazi, in fact, Sid might not have even known what a Nazi was, but his shirt pissed off The Olds, so it was perfect.
If you ever watch The Decline of Western Civilization, swastikas were hardly uncommon in late ’70s LA area punk shows, either.
Wish I were a high school kid. I’d have an NPC/Eyes Wide Shut themed party.
And if the proggies manage to ruin those kids’ lives over this then actual, no-shit Nazis (etc) will be waiting with open arms.
Orange County eh? We’ve seen this before.
I’ll take movies I saw at the video store but never rented for $200
What the hell does this have to do with the local school district?
There’s a club of hate-Nazis brewing there and ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED??
No photos on the news article, though. You know, the entire thing the story is based on?
Yeah, just take our word for it.
making Election Day a National Holiday for Federal Workers
Gotta make sure the leeches can keep voting themselves power and other peoples stuff.
“tackle campaign finance reform by ending Citizens United”.
How do they intend to “end” a court decision supporting freedom of speech?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) added at the press conference announcing the bill that “restoring the people’s’ faith in government is really our agenda.”
Yea, sure…
Of course it is. And we will know that because the peoples faith in government is restored when democrats continue to win elections
Aren’t unions corporations? How about the media? Exceptions will be carved out and 9th district will uphold them.
Aren’t unions corporations?
I would assume so, but I actually looked a few years ago (briefly) and didn’t find anything either way.
There is a reason the AFL-CIO was on the side of Citizens United and not the progressive alliance of assholes.
By loading the courts with more liberal hacks that will find all sorts of excuses to do this shit?
It is the kind of annoying weather when it is cold in the morning and very warm in the afternoon.
Sounds like Phoenix in the spring.
Paypal’s CEO admitted this week that he relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s powerful smear machine for input on which conservatives to blacklist in order to uphold the company’s alleged values of “diversity and inclusion.”
As if I needed another reason to hate those thieving bastards.
House Republican not ruling out Libertarian run in 2020
“Right now, we have a wild amount of partisan rhetoric on both sides and Congress is totally broken,” Amash said Sunday. “We can’t debate things in a clear way anymore. Everything has become, ‘Do you like President Trump or do you not like President Trump?'”
Amash isn’t my favorite of the Liberty Caucus guys, but he sure as hell would be a better LP candidate than anyone else who’s been on that ticket in recent elections.
I would vote for Amash in a second, and I would take time to campaign and volunteer for him.
He’d be the best Presidential candidate for liberty in my voting lifetime (going back to 1996).
I think that’s a fair statement, and like I said I’m not even that big of a fan – I like Rand and Massie better, but Amash is certainly better than almost any other congresscritter.
I’d go Massie > Amash > Rand. But they’re all better than anyone else in that Washington DC cesspool.
Amash is far and away my favorite congresscritter. Chances of him running, 1 in 50. Chances of his getting completely savaged if he runs, 99.9 in 100.
So you’re saying there’s a chance?
99.9 to 100…. so you saying there’s a chance?
Libertarian Moment!
Nice, I wouldn’t mind voting for him if the LP considers him.
If the LP considers him? Maybe if he gets really high on camera and pries Sawark’s lips off Bill Weld’s cock.
Needs more Mexican ass-sex, but yes, you bring up a good point and that’s why I have a sad now.
A bit dramatic on my part. Don’t be sad, enjoy the apocalypse!
Independent Socialists running as Democrats, Republicans running as Libertarians? What’s going on here?
Cats and dogs are living together?
I’d much rather have more libertarians run as republicans. It would be nice to triple the size of the FC and get to double digits in the Senate.
A libertarian will NEVER get the Team Red presidential nomination. Never. Team Red is just as hungry for “leaders” as Team Blue is. “Libertarian” (philosophy, not party) is the antithesis of “team player.”
I know. I want more libertarians in place to help stem the shit that comes out of congress. FFS, the House is trying to ban assault weapons again!
Sure, just like the Republican-controlled House was repealing Obamacare.
The biggest Russian colluder I see is Bernie, in that video of him praising the USSR and blaming ‘Merica for all of the world’s ills.
+1 Bread Line
-23 different kinds of deodorant
How about this video of Bernie in the USSR doing naked karaoke with commies?
not clicking!
Was that when he was there for his honeymoon?
Yup. For some reason he got naked and sang “This land is your land” with a bunch of soviets.
That was back when they were the good guys.
Yep, back when Putin was in the KGB being a good egg!
“My guess is 100 percent of the people who don’t want a socialist have zero idea what socialism actually means.”
My guess is that you’re 100 percent retarded.
My guess is 90 percent of the people who want socialism have zero idea what socialism actually means. The other 10 percent are evil.
“My guess is 90 percent of the people who want socialism have zero idea what socialism actually means.”
Of course they do. It’s Sweden and they know it’s totally the best place ever, and everything is free and everyone is always happy 24/7, like they would be here if we get socialism. You just plug in socialism and *poof*, instant happy, it’s like mac and cheese in a box!
Yep. Socialism is just like spending Summer in Europe, throwing around colorful monopoly money without a care in the world, only every single day!
^this. I had a wonderful time when I spent a week in the UK years ago. I enjoyed the food, saw fascinating things, and just enjoyed the hell out of myself. I also spent two months’ income in that week, didn’t think about work, or any thing stressful, and ate, drank and did what I felt like. Hard to do that for more than a week of vacation for most of us.
There’s also a non-zero overlap between the two groups that they often aren’t aware of. I meet a number of Dem-Socs who decry all the excesses of socialism and talk about life being “fairer.” This normally revolves around increasing taxes on “the rich.” When they assure me they abhor the use of force, I ask them how they plan to get rich people to pay more. *vacant stare* They just don’t get that enforcing tax law requires state power.
Jemele Hill was an awful excuse for a sports reporter, so yeah, promote her into covering politics instead. What could possibly be wrong with that?
It would get rid of Keith Olbermann?
At least Olbermann was good at sports. Hill is good at nothing.
The only thing I ever watch on ESPN is actual sports. The fucking talking heads? They can all die in a fire.
She’d be right in China. They’re all dead.
My guess is 100% of people who got out of Socialist countries can tell you exactly what Socialism means
My guess is that a very large portion of people who want socialism don’t know what socialism actually means.
Mark Warner is a dishonest asshole? Who knew???
“Oh my god you guys, there’s totally a mountain of collusion evidence! I can’t actually tell you what it is but, trust me, there’s a ton of it!”
We have some really shitty Senators, Spackle-Face and Brown-Nose.
Alex, I’ll take “what I learned from Harry Reid” for $500.
I despise our senators.
Dankula doing standup. Some good zingers in there.
He seems to be a personable enough fellow. It’s a shame he’s been demonized the way he has.
After all the crap he’s put up with and then he comes out with that stand up routine? That’s ballsy.
As far as I know, he was doing stand-up before the dog video thing.
“Democrats are moving on to try to prove obstructions of justice.”
Should be re-titled to: Mentally challenged dems entertain their retarded constituents with shiny objects.
Greenpeace co-founder calls AOC a “pompous little twit,” rips her so-called plan to decarbonize power generation.
“Pompous little twit. You don’t have a plan to grow food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels”
Someone hasn’t been listening to the left for at least the last decade. We don’t need food for 8 billion people when they openly advocate for a world population of 500 million or less. They don’t tell us how we get rid of 7.5 billion people, but I’m sure some Stalin or Pol Pot methods will do just fine.
+1 Georgia Guidestones
a world population of 500 million or less.
Usually these are pampered urbanites who 1) think that they’d get to be one of the 500M (lol) and 2) don’t understand the first thing about living off the land.
The Eloi will be sure to keep enough Morlocks around.
+1 Rainbow 6
Apparently Patrick Moore has has gone off the reservation since leaving Greenpeace.
It is nice to know that an environmentalist can regain sanity.
Patrick Moore is a double-plus ungood thinker. Even if he helped found Greenpeace, he became a shit lord a long time ago.
Sounds like Greenpeace left him, tbh.
In case anyone was wondering how to get rid of a couple billion people…
Including sodium chloride, I assume?
Mammary Monday is all oiled up and ready to go!
14, 16, 19, 27, 32, 33. Bless these blessed ladies.
18 has some nice thiccness
Oh, no. Eric Holder has decided not to run for President, disappointing dozens of Americans.
Lickenpooper announced though. Cuomo any day now.
“Guyyyyys! Don’t forget about meeeee!”
Lol. Lickenpooper/Cummo 2020. It’s no Blockyomama, but…
What about McMuffin? McMuffin/Weld, LOL.
“The podcaster and performer Katie Halper tells me she’s a fourth-generation socialist”
That is not something to be proud of.
Maybe Oliver Wendell Holmes had a point. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.
Dammit. That quote was floating just out of my reach. Well played, Fatty.
Proving that lack of intelligence is inheritable after all.
“The podcaster and performer Katie Halper tells me she’s a fourth-generation socialist”
Another know-nothing nobody.
Is fourth-generation the good one? Y’know, all the pluses and none of the labor camps, bread lines, and secret police?
Mental illness is not funny
“I was the first person who ran for president without the protection of the Voting Rights Act and I will tell you, it makes a really big difference,” Clinton said.
Clinton prefaced her comments by discussing the history of the Voting Rights Act, which was passed in 1965. The law required federal oversight of voting in nine southern states and an array of other jurisdictions that were found to have engaged in discriminatory practices. Clinton noted the law was reauthorized by Congress in 2006 while she was in the Senate.
“It was based on thousands and thousands of pages of testimony as to why we … needed the Voting Rights Act. I thought it was a done deal, passed out of the Congress, signed by a Republican president, and then it found its way to the Supreme Court,” Clinton recounted.
But I laughed, anyway.
What a delusional old bat.
Run, Hillary, run!
Say what you want about the crone, but she knows how to wield power inside the DNC. How many of the snow flakes running now would wilt in about 10 seconds once Hilary started unleashing the super delegates and oppo research?
Hillary would have been president several times already if it wasn’t for those meddling voters who refuse to vote for her for some unknown reason.
I wonder whether Hillary is behind the oppo dumps we’ve seen so far. Didn’t she bleed the DNC essentially penniless? Granted, they’ve had a couple banner years for fundraising in the long shadow of the Trumpenfuhrer, but if anyone has money to spend and an ax to grind, it’s Clinton.
I was possessed by the spirit of a Russian bot in the voting booth or I certainly would have.
I remember the glow I felt when she lost. It was a nice morning at the monthly breakfast meeting. I’ll take Trump at his very worst over the Hilldawg.
Trump at his worst is hemmed in. He can spit bile about trade, immigration, and Mueller, but he’s effectively cowed by a noncommittal Congress, activist courts, and a wholly antagonistic bureaucracy. Not to mention media companies operating like BAMN affiliates.
Clinton would have been Obama redux: maybe an obstructionist Congress, at least for awhile. But free reign to do as she pleases, and air cover from every major American institution.
Trump could be the shrieking lunatic white supremacist lefties believe he is, it doesn’t matter. He’s still neutered.
I made a few mistakes. Insulting one of the three core constituencies of the party was a bad idea. Ignoring pleas for help from the front lines did little to help the campaign. Burning tons of money in deep blue states to run up the score didn’t save the blue wall from bad orange man. I’ll do better this time, I promise.
*Faceplants into van*
Good times.
My favorite part of that was, after she “recovered”, they staged a photo op with a little girl, which ran concurrently with the cover story that she had pneumonia. Yes, if you take them at their word, Hillary exposed a child to a serious communicable disease, in order to advance her political career.
I’m sure the little girl was fine. Dictators use body doubles all the time.
You know, it must really sting to know that you outspent your opponent 2-1, and still lost.
You’ve really buried the lede here. Apparently, aol-dot-com is still around.
From the “this is quite a mystery!” file, the body cameras of police officers accused of brutality in an incident last year either were “accidentally” not turned on, failed, or were somehow “accidentally” turned off after being jostled just before the action.
Two possibilities:
1) Mom is an idiot for calling the police to break up a fight between her kids because the odds are pretty far from 0 that when police show up someone is going to get violently arrested or killed.
2) Those two kids fight so violently that it was appropriate for the cops to be called, in which case there’s a high probability that one or both kids have serious anger management issues of the sort that sets cops off.
This strikes me as one of those situations that, if investigated thoroughly, would leave me hating everyone involved.
So the House Dems are proposing a lot of stuff. Have they proposed anything to rewrite current immigration law? Interesting if not.
If you’re gunna have a lina, you should go whole hog and also have a nagila.
Not that a married man would notice, but how’s the turnout among twenty-something women?
Looks like JJ100M last year had 9 starters and 4 finishers in F20-29. This year, so far only five F20-29 have signed up, but the race is more than six months away. I don’t know how to make links that select those age groups, but once you’re on the right page, there are radio buttons that allow you to.
I’m too lazy to write a screen scraper to tease out the numbers, but BMDM is 2:1 male:female, and has pages of F20-29.
FTR, we notice.
My original reply is awaiting moderation due to the number of links, but JJ100M last year had 9 starters and 4 finishers in F20-29. This year, so far only five F20-29 have signed up, but the race is more than six months away.
BMDM, thirteen days from today, has about 500 F20-29 signed up.
Women in combat units has become the complete shitshow I predicted.
Leftist Ideology and the Corruption of the American Military
If we get into another serious war, I wonder how many of those female officers are going to get fragged. Probably not many, because I expect most of them would quickly become non-deployable anyway.
I think a female LT is probably less dangerous than enlisted women. The Platoon Sergeant runs the show anyhow. When Mary Sue the machine gunner can’t keep up, somebody else has to do the job and the platoon starts getting spread thin.
Maybe the platoon shouldn’t be so sexist and should set a less misogynistic pace.
Brand new baby boom.
Yup. If we ever want to increase the native born population, just implement a draft that includes wommen.
So, that’s why the Israelis do it!
I’m sure if we got into a serious war with Iran and videos started coming out of female POW’s getting the shit raped out of them by the Revolutionary Guard, the female pols who push this bullshit would issue a statement saying “you mess with the bull, sometimes you get the horns. Shit happens in war, but our gals are tough.”
No way they’d ever hold hearings and rake the military over the coals for letting women get in such dangerous situations.
Remember Jessica Lynch and Shoshana Johnson?
They made up a fake story about Lynch’s heroic last stand – until they found her rifle unfired.
Where the fuck is Chesty Puller when we need him?
That’s basically an evolutionary psychology dissertation right there.
But that would imply that we might evolve toward more aggressive natures not less! And that would make the “New Soviet Man” hard to achieve.
But we also need to realize our monkey brain’s prerogatives act as cognitive biases that don’t always lead us to the best outcomes.
Are you implying that one should not “choke a bitch” every time a bitch appears to call for choking?
Heavens forfend!
Bitches be choked.
Goodnight, Chesty, wherever you are!
I’ll take Trump at his very worst over the Hilldawg.
Trump may be a buffoon, but he’s (mostly) harmless. Hillary Clinton is a bad person, and she frightens me.
That’s my take. My wife can’t handle it because she hates Donald Trump with a passion. I keep telling her that Trump might not be someone you want to hang out with but he’s like drunk fratboy bad guy, where Hillary is Bond villain bad guy.
Has she articulated exactly why she hates him or why he is more hatable than the average politician?
I have had a few Trump haters that I have pushed on the issue and all I get is confused sputtering and no answer.
I understand why the political establishment hates him, he threatens their hold on power in their perception. But the average American who has no stake in that….confuses me.
I always go with “Tell one policy stance you like/dislike about the candidate you like/dislike”. I get a lot of “He/she seems reasonable”-type answers.
The daily Two Minutes Hate tells them to hate Trump, so they do.
“Is ‘Thin Privilege’ real?”
“My iPhone X, which requires facial recognition to be unlocked, was just successfully unlocked by my twin sister.”
Um… turn it off? It’s is not a “requirement”.
And those phones are not sending that information to anyone else. Totally not. Nosiree.
Wait, she has a twin sister?
*updates fantasy*
I had no idea who this person is so I looked her up. I get this from Rationalwiki.
“Brittany Alicia Merced Pettibone (1992-) is an American young adult-fiction writer, alt-right commentator, Schrödinger’s white nationalist, and overall conspiracy theorist who refers to herself as an “American nationalist”.
That doesnt come off as biased at all. Does that site exist solely as a commie shitweasel smear job for anyone not a commie shitweasel?
Shrodinger’s white nationalist is my favorite.
Rationalwiki has as much intellectual and factual cachet as Encyclopedia Dramatica.
What the fuck is a “Schrödinger’s white nationalist”?
Is it a gal who really, really is sweating about the skin color of the baby she is about to deliver?
Schrödinger’s white nationalist
You don’t find out if she is a white nationalist until you open her box?
“”Artists” Explain Why They Put White Men in MAGA Hats on Leashes and ‘Walked’ Them on Donald Trump’s Star in Hollywood …Update ”
Because they are exhibitionists with no talent or creativity?
“What. The. Hell. According to this report, since February, YouTube has all but stopped recommending videos by creators featured in the “Alternative Influence Network.”
The article INCORRECTLY labels all the creators featured in that report (like yours truly) alt-right, but you can read more here:”
“YouTube stops recommending alt-right channels
In a long-awaited move, YouTube seems to have made major changes to its ‘up next’ recommendations.
We used the 80+ YouTube channels listed by Rebecca Lewis in her report on Alternative Influence Networks on YouTube as a starting point. These are influential ‘alt-right’ channels that push reactionary views — “a general opposition to feminism, social justice, or left-wing politics”, “from mainstream versions of libertarianism and conservatism, all the way to overt white nationalism.”
Using a random sample of 3.6 million videos over the last month, we counted the number of times that a video from one of these channels was recommended by YouTube.
Our preliminary results are stunning. For the first two weeks of February, YouTube was recommending videos from at least one of these major alt-right channels on more than one in every thirteen randomly selected videos (7.8%). From February 15th, this number has dropped to less than one in two hundred and fifty (0.4%).”
Serves them right for getting those secret nazi haircuts.
I have had a few Trump haters that I have pushed on the issue and all I get is confused sputtering and no answer.
He’s a crass boorish loudmouth. A profiteer, and his suits don’t even fit properly.
I hear he likes ketchup. What an unsophisticate.
And orders his steaks well done!
A monster, to be sure.
“He’s a crass boorish loudmouth”
This seems to be the biggest problem for those who are not engaged on all the issues. Hilary, Obama, even Bush had a veneer of gentility which served them well.
I cant believe no one has ever gotten video of Hillary or Waters or Jackson Lee or a plethora of other ‘genteel’ Pols screaming and cursing and abusing their staff. I get the notion from several accounts that in private Trump treats people well in spite of his boorishness.
Okay, so that describes Chuck Schumer too.
It does but Trump is a world figure and Schumer isn’t.
During the campaign I said to a lefty acquaintance that I didn’t like all of Trump’s positions but most of them I did. I asked if they could tell me specifically which of his stated policies they did not like. In answer I got “If he is elected, what will the world think of us?!”
I literally got a dropped jaw and silence, thank God, when I answered with….hell, y’all know me well enough that I would bet ten bucks know exactly how I answered that question.
“No, you can’t take my guns.”
Nah, Schumer is the nanny who tsk-tsks you if you pick up the wrong fork. The crasser boorish loudmouth around here is Cuomo.
“Greenpeace co-founder calls AOC a “pompous little twit,” rips her so-called plan to decarbonize power generation.”
“Pompous little twit. You don’t have a plan to grow food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels”
That’s the whole point, dummy.
I hope she gets primaried but chances are, she’ll be in office for a long time.
And also, “Pompous little twit” is the best and accurate way to describe her. Whenever she talks or have some opinion, it seems like she can’t fathom the possibility of being wrong especially when she’s way out of her depth along with accusing those who disagree with her doing so because they are evil.
If she keeps trying to throw her weight around with the old guard she may not be around that long.
*crosses fingers*
Circling the drain
In an era when consumers crave authenticity, the Tocqueville version, which sees profits as a by-product of business rather than its singular mission, offers a natural strain of capitalism that’s already hugely popular, especially among younger Americans. For Millennials, according to a massive Deloitte survey in 2018, the bottom three priorities for a business should be profits, efficiency and sales. The top three? Generating jobs, improving society and innovation.
Long thumbsucker (TW: Forbes) about “fixing” kkkapitalism. Not sure how much farther I can slog through this mess.
When your definition of”going concern” means “going broke” you’ve got a problem.
Slipping right into no-shit fascism, while bawling about the fascists on the other side. Classic.
Out of thin air, I suppose.
I remember Obama saying exactly that a number of times.
It’s pretty easy to see this out there: businesses where the going belief is that the business exists primarily to provide jobs for the employees, rather than to sell goods and services to the public. They tend not to have the best customer service.
Get ready for an avalanche of woke commercials.
Indie Sci-Fi Authors Are Upending Traditional Publishing, And It’s Turned Into A War
The 20BooksTo50K group is focused on appealing to readers—and what most readers want out of science fiction is escapism and fun. The big authors of the past understood this, and that’s why we still hail so many of the greats like Frank Herbert, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Robert Heinlein.
Bullshit, those readers are reactionaries who just want to read white men! They’ll never read our POC and LGBTQ authors!
But, uh, we can’t just let them have their little corner of the market.
They’ll never read our POC and LGBTQ authors!
I don’t care what an author looks like, who they screw, but I am tired of reading completely unbelievable and unrelatable characters written to fit whatever the most recent sjw tropes require.
My irritation with it is writing characters who are gay or whatever when it isn’t necessary. By that I mean stories where the protagonist is believable and sympathetic and where their partner/spouse/whatever plays no role in the story. But, the author feels the need to add in a para just to make the point. I guess if you think it helps you get published…
I’m going to push back on that. It assumes that “white, heterosexual, etc.” is the norm and you need a plot reason to justify a deviation. What if the author just imagines the character is gay? In my younger days, I penned a script for a comic book where the main character was basically a combination of Alfred and Batman – he was a British butler trained in the martial arts of bartitsu and savate in the service of an 8 year old heiress to a secret society devoted to the protection of the British Empire. So, Black Butler a few years before it was published and without the supernatural elements.
Anyway, from the very first imagining of the character, he was a “confirmed bachelor”. I never really wrote an episode where he interacted with a lover, shared his sleeping quarters with a young Gurkha, or visited a gloryhole, but it was a part of his character and I couldn’t imagine him otherwise. There was some period-style, quite British “wink, winking” at his sexuality – and it was flavor not plot. But it fleshed him out, and I would have make no apologies for it had it been more widely disseminated and read.
As long as it is the writer making the decision I am firmly on your side. When the scolds start their attacks on writers who don’t write enough POCs or queer characters, or even worse attack publishers for publishing too many white straight writers I get angry.
Of course. That’s obnoxious.
I agree, and in fact I find it refreshing when the “gay” is just “there” as opposed to being some sort of plot-point. Gay people do, in fact, do interesting things that don’t necessarily revolve around being gay.
Like mowing the lawn, for example.
Fair enough. I guess my problem (and it’s probably largely subjective) is that it often has the appearance of a box to be checked off rather than something that adds to the story. So, contra-Chekov, make sure you mention a rifle in any story even if you don’t use it.
“I’m going to push back on that. It assumes that “white, heterosexual, etc.” is the norm and you need a plot reason to justify a deviation. What if the author just imagines the character is gay?”
No, it doesn’t assume anything. The reader assumes it. If the author doesn’t insist on identity politics, the reader is free to inject his own upon the character since it is inconsequential to the plot.
Fiction authors that don’t let the readers use some imagination of their own bore the hell out of me.
Some characters are best left undescribed.
I’m going to push back on that. It assumes that “white, heterosexual, etc.” is the norm and you need a plot reason to justify a deviation.
I think its more, why make a point of it if there isn’t a plot reason to do so?
If your protagonist is constantly hitting on women, and this is irrelevant to (and a distraction from) the story, then you are wasting my time, regardless of whether the protagonist is male or female.
I never really wrote an episode where he interacted with a lover, shared his sleeping quarters with a young Gurkha, or visited a gloryhole, but it was a part of his character and I couldn’t imagine him otherwise.
Then you did it correctly.
I’m going to push back on that. It assumes that “white, heterosexual, etc.” is the norm
It may be worth pointing out that, for better or worse, and despite considerable wishing and effort, that actually is the norm. 60% of America is white and 95% of America is heterosexual. By sheer coincidence you’re going to have more characters reflecting those traits.
Mind you, there’s nothing wrong with deliberate norm-breaking or writing for a particular audience. But when that’s your entire shtick and all you do are hackneyed tropes because you still think it’s edgy to have a gay sex scene in 20 fucking 19 it’s every bit as boring as yet another story about a white straight dude.
But, uh, we can’t just let them have their little corner of the market.
Note, that is the growing segment of the market while the traditional publisher market share is shrinking. Of course they can’t allow that little corner to exist.
Lol, syncronicity. I was just reading that article linked on a Facebook page I visit.
Romance was already full of lefties and POCs with chips on their shoulders. You aren’t going to see this sort of movement there.
I don’t get it. This is nothing new. Baen has been the home of John Ringo/Tom Kratman “Kill All the Space Muslims” fiction for decades now.
And is hated for it by the rest of the industry.
I think, at least at the beginning, it was less about political ideology and more about snobbery against pulp-y scifi versus the more literary stuff a la Samuel Delany et al.. I read both with a slight bias towards pulp, old-school style space opera and the like, so it always seemed like university or church politics to me. I know where to find both kinds depending on my mood.
I’ll also just add that Liu Cixin is extremely overrated.
Jus’ sayin’.
I read more Baen these days than other houses, and even some Castalia. Ringo is a guilty pleasure, Correia is a genuinely talented writer, L. Jagi Lamplighter is derivative, but I’m a fan,I like her husband’s stuff also, Sarah Hoyt is good as well. I started reading all of them after reading some diatribes against Correia and Vox day after the whole angry/sad puppies nonsense. So I am grateful to the sjws for introducing me to new writers.
And vice versa, Ken Liu or Kij Johnston might warrant an eye roll from time to time, but they do more than yeoman’s work.
I’ll give them a try.
Interesting stuff, thanks. I’ve noticed a distinct lack of interest on my part to read any of the stuff I see winning Hugos and Nebulas lately.
some Asher got his work past the Tor censors.
He’s British, which is a kind of gay, like being a bear or a twink or a choreographer.
“Oh, he’s gay? I thought he was just European.”
Got caught up on ‘The Orville’ yesterday. It took kindof a dark turn and it turns out that *SPOILER ALERT* the Kaylon are genocidal nazis. I don’t know how I feel about that.
Bleh. Screw that allegorical claptrap. I stopped watching halfway through season one because it felt like I was being lectured to by a smarmy douche (MacFarlane).
I felt that way through (season 1) episode 1, then episode 2 cemented it. It wasn’t funny enough to put up with the preaching.
Haven’t seen it. I guess I’m glad I dodged a bullet.
It gets better. They did a good ep on how democracy is not inherently good.
More of that Forbes excrescence:
Something unusual happened a few hours after my sit-down with Bill Gates. Fresh off pondering the future of billionaires, he went on Stephen Colbert’s eponymous show with his wife, Melinda, to a crescendo of cheers. In accepting his new role as the world’s second-richest person, he quipped, “We’re trying to give it away faster”—and the audience swooned. From their call for higher taxes on the superrich to the obligations of the successful to the empowerment of women, the applause kept coming. By the end, Colbert was playfully goading the Gateses to run for political office.
Compare that with the Bronx cheer that echoed through New York later that week, when Amazon announced it was pulling out from its HQ2 plan in Queens. The math-challenged politicians who killed the deal took justifiable heat from pretty much everyone except their base. But Bezos was bloodied just as badly. He’s worth over $130 billion (at least until his divorce settles), and Amazon is worth $800 billion. Why extract a measly $3 billion in corporate welfare from New York? In the truest Friedman sense: because he has shareholders—and he could.
Again, they toss out that “corporate welfare” smoke grenade. I think it’s safe to assume Bezos, et al, were a lot less concerned with getting that (standard issue, available to any “job creator” dumb enough to airdrop a business division into the commie shithole which is NYC) “corporate welfare” than they were about having to take on a bunch of race hustlers, neighborhood activism grifters and union goons as active partners in the day to day operations of the business.
The peasants cry out for noblesse oblige.
If that writer doesn’t know – or wants you to think he doesn’t know – the difference between “corporate welfare” and “tax break”, I’m glad I didn’t waste my time reading the piece.
But, uh, we can’t just let them have their little corner of the market.
Heretics must be purged.
You’ve really buried the lede here. Apparently, aol-dot-com is still around.
I wondered if anybody would point that out.
I realize I have a well earned reputation for unwittingly posting things that have already been posted, so I offer any necessary apologies for this in advance. This is what an economics major in 2019 looks like:
The minimum cost of labor is whatever the employer and employee negotiate it to be. “Living wage” is a nonsense term devoid of any empirical meaning.
I want to know which DSA intern came up with “post-profit”.
Aaaand after his massive stroke at 52!, Luke Perry died.
Man that sucks… I beat him in life expectancy by 3 years…
Yes, it does suck. I had a college roommate whose obituary I found when I was randomly googling. She died at 42 from some sort of cancer.
Well damn…