It appears that the SMITH family and ZARDOZ are going to “let” me do the afternoon links today. And before I do, I’d like to read a statement… blink,blink,blink
My fellow Glibs, I would like each of you to know that many of my best friends are cryptids. blink… blink… blink…
Cryptids have served the glibertarian cause well and honorably both in peace and in war, blink, blink, blink
and I’m sure whatever they are doing right now is to the direct benefit of the Glibertariat. Thank you.
Well, we know why THIS woman thinks nobody should have guns. The rest of us don’t let our wombs get out of position.
I mean, Trump is trying REALLY hard to get me to hate him least.
“Where can I get me some of that barbecue, you all?” Politicians attempt to play country mouse again as election pre-game commences.
Buy Hayek’s Nobel Prize, or typewriter. h/t OMWC.
I’m still sick, been sick all weekend, so here’s a sick thought for you sick freaks. Maybe y’all could crowd-source a cover of this for AOC, called “Are you sure Che done it this way?”
Free Cascadia ?
Hail Zardoz?
Something like that
Just cause Im in the mood- HIT IT !
TW- “urban” lyrics may not be SFW. Otherwise turn up the bass.
So you’re saying it really is all about the bass.
No one wants to see your colon!
It’s a big colon, you could drive a semi in there.
“When he left this morning I could still smell his colon on my sheets
Good thing we didn’t pay the ransom.
“to get me to hate him least”
Don’t read the comments.
I only read the comments here.
The Hawaiian judge says you’re required to.
I’m not listening to anyone who puts pineapple on pizza.
I mean, how’s that Defense budget doing again? Has he eliminated or even reduced ag subsidies? No? Then forgive me if I don’t catch the vapors over the idea of cutting the Stafford loan program. That’s pretty damned far down the list for me, and frankly I don’t even think it’s very good from a “low-hanging fruit” perspective since it’ll never pass and it’ll just piss people off.
it’ll just piss people off.
You understand that a significant part of his base voted for just that purpose, right?
I’d rather be urinate people off than pass legislation. I’ve gotten to the point where I no longer think we can roll things back. I just want the ratchet to get jammed up
Yeah, and in that regard he’s functioning as intended. I’m just saying it feels a lot like a gesture and not a lot like “draining the swamp” or anything resembling small government conservatism. Not that he claimed to be the latter, but I’m still waiting on evidence of the former.
Still like to see some of the proposals:
I wonder why Brazil spends so much.
The EPA would be cut by 31 percent, the State Department by 23 percent, Transportation by 22 percent, the Department of Housing and Urban Development by 16.4 percent, Agriculture by 14.8 percent and Education by 12 percent. The National Science Foundation would receive a 9 percent cut.
I like the gesture, but this has as much chance of getting passed by
a Democratany House as OCare repeal.Right?
And why did he wait until after the Ds took the House?
The cynic in me says he waited because he knew it was a fight he couldn’t win even with the Rs controlling the House, so this way he gets to say he tried to shrink the budget the year before he runs for reelection.
These links are a lot less rapey and cleansey.
I, for one, welcome our new cryptid overlords.
“Sanders struggled with that balance in 2016 when Hillary Clinton hammered him for some Senate votes against gun measures that most Democrats backed. Sanders noted that many Vermonters, as in the rest of rural America, view guns differently than most big-city residents, but Clinton successfully used the issue against Sanders, particularly with black women.”
They want their children to be more likely to get shot?
Purely anecdotal personal experience, but nearly everyone one I know that is obsessed with gun control is a white woman. African-Americans, male and female, are split fairly evenly.
I happen to know a bunch of African-Americans via my wife’s relatives. They’re almost all modern liberals (or quiet when the subject of politics comes up), and seem to hold the standard modern liberal POV that disarming the citizenry while leaving the government enforcers armed is gonna reduce the death toll among African-Americans.
I have to hold my tongue and not point out that their ancestors who were slaves could only be forced into continuing servitude because they were disarmed.
Between African-Americans using illegally-obtained firearms, police, and people using lawfully-owned firearms, I wonder what the ranking is in terms of African-American murders committed. I’ll bet the first two are a hell of a lot closer than the last one and either of the others.
“hate him least”
Either make it permanent or make it go away. I hate it, this morning like every other morning we move the clock forward, I get insomnia, wake up 20 times in the night and feel tired as shit the next day. This goes on for at least a week. The person responsible for making this shit law needs the worst punishment possible. Ant hills, bamboo torture, I don’t care.
Seasons gonna change, it’s what they do. As long as we want to schedule our lives based on the clock instead of the sun there are going to be some times of year that someone has to either go to work or come home in the dark. DST just shifts the burden, it doesn’t eliminate it.
This, the time can just be…the time.
The Time
There are better reasons to hate Lyndon Johnson than signing the current daylight savings time law into effect, but he deserves more hate than he’ll ever receive so I’m not going to stop you.
Damn, this year I move the clock forward to the summer time twice: I’ll be in France on March 31.
He really was a despicable piece of shit.
Every summer thousands of businesses in Minnesoda implement “summer hours” all on their own.
The idea is that you work four 10 hour days and can then take Friday off.
In reality you show up a bit early a few days and then take off Friday.
No govt needed.
So, some of you might remember this case from last year. Vice cop arrests sex worker. Sex worker stabs vice cop in hand fighting back. Vice cop shoots and kills sex worker for attacking him. Good shoot, everyone goes home happy!
The FBI just arrested the vice cop for kidnapping multiple women and forcing them into sex in exchange for their freedom.
Probably no way to know if the sex worker knew about this scumbag, and that’s why she fought back. If so, then I’m thinking that good shoot is felony murder.
Wouldn’t it be felony murder anyways? Foreseeable death in the commission of an inherently dangerous felony (rape/kidnapping). He doesn’t get to claim self defense when he caused the situation in the first place.
Exactly right
Good point. The problem is proving this was one of his kidnap/rapes, rather than just a plain old arrest.
Apparently, those cops in NYC who had sex with a woman in custody got off.
She was 16 and it was totally voluntary!
Isn’t New York’s age of consent 17?
And then feds arrested his supervisors for failing to properly supervise him, resulting the violations of the victims’ civil rights?
And they fire every fucker in the precinct for knowing about and tolerating it?
Pour encourager les autres
That would involve a different kind of firing.
She must have been a real dog.
An update to safe storage laws
Fuck off.
A measure requiring anyone open-carrying a firearm to produce a permit if asked by police
Keep right on fucking off.
A move to regulate “ghost guns” or 3-D printed firearms and components
Don’t stop fucking off quite yet.
A bill prohibiting cities and towns to enact their own firearms laws
Well, alrighty then.
Among those present at Monday’s hearing were activists on both sides of gun issues and the parents of Ethan Song, a teen who accidentally shot himself last year with a gun belonging to his friend’s father.
Sounds like his parents should have done a better job of teaching him gun safety.
Or about leaving other people’s shit alone.
Accidentally? Well, anyhow give those parents a Darwin Award in his name.
“A measure requiring anyone open-carrying a firearm to produce a permit if asked by police”
I would be required to carry a copy of the KY constitution with me?
All men are, by nature, free and equal, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights, among which may be reckoned:
Seventh: The right to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the State, subject to the power of the General Assembly to enact laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed weapons.
A measure requiring anyone open-carrying a firearm to produce a permit if asked by police
Pocket copies of the Constitution start selling like hotcakes following the passage of that resolution.
Paperz pleez!
I remember reading a study a long time ago about the astonishing number of kids who were killed accidentally who came from no gun households. They would go to a house that had guns and start fucking around with the and end up shooting themselves or more tragically the kid who was telling them it wasn’t a toy.
It would be political suicide but it would be nice if someone would straight up tell these parents that they were the reason their kid was dead
Politicians attempt to play country mouse again.
Oh, good we get to see politicians wearing flannel and trying to look Presidential while milking a cow.
“Should we tell him that’s the bull?”
“Nah, they both seem to be enjoyin’ themselves.”
Who was the guy who held the ears of corn upside down? And of course there’s Hillary “I ain’t nothin but a country girl” Clinton. Or was she trying to talk like black folk? I can’t remember, which is probably a good thing.
+ hot sauce
Who knows. I know Clinton kept changing accents. Funny thing about milking cows. Most farmers nowadays wouldn’t know how to do it either. It’s all been automated.
I seem to remember Hillary blacking it up at a church.
And Biden with the ‘They gonna put y’all back in chains”
Once an ear is off the stalk I don’t see it’s orientation being relevant. You eat it horizontally, there’s no up or down side then.
Once an ear is off the stalk – you cut the kernels off so the angle of the cob is irrelevent.
Ya know, I just got this email from PalPay:
| PayPal
| Your account has been limited due to inactivity
| Dear Customer,
|Your account has been limited temporarily in order to protect it. The account will continue to be limited until it is approved. Once you have updated your account records, your information |will be confirmed and your account will start to work as normal once again. please click the link below to Secure your Account .
| 1. It’s usually pretty easy to take care of things like this. Most of the time, we just need a little more information about your account or latest transactions.
| 2. To help us with this and to find out what you can and can’t do with your account until the issue is resolved, log in to your account and go to the Resolution Center.
Since the origin email is “” should I confirm all my settings and change the password to P0DE$$TA ?
Fun fact- Ive never used PayPal.
You should e-mail them your social security number, mother’s maiden name and date of birth. Just to be safe.
Hey, they also need account and routing numbers for all accounts.
Ya know, cgerdgferwfwdbg has been real helpful to me on a number of these kinds of things.
Welch is he?
He’s grape juice?
I still love this – Welsh is cray-cray.
But never trust cgerdgferwfwdbh
Huh. Similar experience except that it’s some helpful government employee that suspended my SSN because of suspicious activity
Ha! I got that one too.
I guess I don’t have to pay into SS anymore.
Awesome! Hadn’t considered that angle. I was just wondering when was the last time I saw my SS card and where it might be.
I had to get a replacement card because mine was seemingly lost (it did turn up) because you have to show your SS card to the PA DMV to get a drivers license. That’s right, the card that says right on it “not for use as identification” is required by the fucktards of the commonwealth as identification.
That’s funny, I need a replacement card myself so I just looked and one of the things they need is your drivers license or ID card. SMDH.
I keep expecting this generational gap where there’s a cohort of people who can’t obtain ID because they were born before the digital era.
maybe they can hook you up with a job making $1500 a week working from home?
Your first day on the job they send you the password for the cgerdgferwfwdbh account.
You’re not cgerdgferwfwdbh material.
meanwhile, I’ve earned cgerdgferwfwdbh Of The Month 3 times running.
Do I get a miata?
You get a Miata!
YOU get a Miata!
Why would I want to work when I’m getting my share of the inheritance from my Nigerian prince friend? May be a little early, I just sent him the info he needs a couple weeks ago.
I’ve been getting those messages from GoDaddy. I reported the first one to them, they confirmed it was a scam, and I just ignore them now.
Internet security is not joke. Gotta be careful with what you share. How about you email me that information, and I’ll go over it and make sure there is nothing sensitive in there. Can never be too safe.
“Hayek’s set of presidential cufflinks”
Do they even sell shirts that still need cufflinks?
/splutters, huffs
My God man! I’ll bet you don’t even own a pair of Oxfords!
I’d settle for Brogues. The Kingsman movie was wrong.
I’ve always thought the French cuff was ugly af.
I own a few, but there’s a time and place. Also, it’s not necessarily a more formal look, it’s just a fancier look, and people often make the mistake of thinking it’s the former rather than the latter.
^^Formerly Formal Fancypants…shirts, w/e
…and a , uuhh , cold beer to wash it down with.
Thought leaders
I was once very supportive of the idea of a federal job guarantee, but I’ve changed my mind. Although the economics of the idea are sound, the implementation of the program matters crucially. And it’s becoming clearer that the politics surrounding the job guarantee would lead to significant problems.
The basic idea of having the federal government act as the country’s employer of last resort is a good one.
The wasted labor of these unemployed and underemployed people represents a real resource that could be put to work for the economy. Even if government jobs fixing sidewalks, cleaning public spaces and making art were only marginally productive, that would still be better than having people sit at home playing video games as their skills and work ethic steadily deteriorate.
There are two, and only two, alternatives, and I have listed them. It is absurd to imagine those workers priced out of the market, or displaced by other forces, might enter into unlicensed(!) home child care, or buying and selling used furniture, or making and selling art, or any of a billion other ways to make money not recognized by the Bureau of Labor statistics. Nope. They’ll just sit at home playing Rape and Murder games.
I’m sure AFSCME won’t mind when you put those people to work doing grounds maintenance on the town square.
The basic idea of having the federal government act as the country’s employer of last resort is a good one.
Mandatory full employment rocks! You too can dig ditches and live in the barracoon!
The Works Progress Administration (WPA; renamed in 1939 as the Work Projects Administration) was an American New Deal agency, employing millions of people (mostly unskilled men) to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads.
And people wonder why so many public spaces in America look like shit.
I support this. If living off the government teat meant being forced to report for duty, we’d have far less people on welfare / sarc
Be honest… Connecticut Woman is a gun lobby plant.
I’ll miss our cryptid friends when the Pacific Northwest is annihilated in a 9.0 earthquake.
Man, if only…..
Who cares, we’re all going to be dead in 12 years? From global warming. Right? Why talk about this?
Who’s talking? We all died from the net neutrality repeal a year ago.
Except the ones of us who were later killed just by almost surviving Trump.
I’ve been dead since Y2K
Alls I know is is that we’re running low on Cleveland Browns and the bodies are piling up.
At least we won’t need to keep paying into Social Security as none of us will be alive to collect.
If Steve Smith falls in an earthquake alone with nobody to witness it, does he really exist?
When / if the Yellowstone caldera blows, earthquakes will not be a concern.
Not worth it
Yeah, we know, not worth it because you got nothing and you can’t. Now get on to the next shiny object for your retard voters.
They couldn’t draft and pass a statement simply denouncing antisemitism. It would have been the easiest vapid exercise of meaningless fluff, and they couldn’t manage it. Not because it’s difficult, or because they’re just that incompetent, but because they’re overwhelmed by narcissistic personalities and vanity projects. With Pelosi outmatched, even substance-free everyday politicking is beyond them. It’s pathetic. So no, I don’t think they’d be capable of impeaching Trump. But I dearly hope they try. The hearings would be farcical.
I read that resolution, and it was actually funny how much of a Frankenstein’s monster it was. It was quite clear that it started as a reasonable, straightforward denunciation of antisemitism, then had a completely different resolution against Islamophobia grafted onto it, and finally had the whole kitchen sink of grievances salted throughout to spice things up. The end result was a mess, but it was a bit amusing to see clearly all the different components that had been hatched apart from their original wholes and sewn haphazardly together.
Can you imagine the tension headaches Pelosi was having by the end of that first day? “I’VE BEEN DOING THIS THIRTY YEARS YOU FUCKING NAIFS!”
Not because it’s difficult, or because they’re just that incompetent, but because they’re overwhelmed by narcissistic personalities and vanity projects.
And not really opposed to Jew-Hate. They have put up with quite a lot of it from the CBC, Farrakhan, and their ilk over the years.
Nancy is a lot of things, but she’s not the dumbest creature in Congress.
Making Daylight Saving Time permanent is O.K. with me!
Make Time Great Again?
Yes please?
Every time I see it discussed, though, people behind the move seem to want to do Standard Time all year. Please not that!
I wouldn’t mind daylight saving all year long instead of the change. All it means is that it’s dark in the morning. Fine. Extra light in the evening is good.
I actually have never had an issue with the Spring Forward, Fall Back thing like so many people seem to. In California, it’s one of the few ways you can tell that time is passing. The weather is so similar year round here that you barely notice ‘seasons’ — so much unlike growing up in Illinois, where you definitely knew what month it was by your clothes and your gut, which increased from October to February and slimmed back from March through September.
LOL yeah, sure it does.
But count me in as a supporter of more light later.
Make the President Understand that Daylight Saving Time is Voluntary on the Local Level Again!
Who needs DST? Let’s make it DJT time.
Mammary Monday for the pleasure of our cryptid overlords.
5… drool…
10, thanks
23 has a nice set of … eyes
She has nice everything.
She has eyes?
You missed the alt-text: “And by eyes, I mean tits.”
Um, based on the method of partner “acquisition”, I would assume our cryptid overlords are “back door men”.
Permanent DST would mean I would be on EST (or CDT as some call it) year round. Works for me!
I don’t like it. Not one bit. I’d rather have the hour of daylight in the morning. I don’t need little rugrat hoodlum nar-do-wells out screaming and running around and getting on my lawn an hour later every day when I’m trying to get my beauty rest. Keep your damn brats and barking dogs inside after supper ya heathens.
No amount of beauty rest is going to help you, hon.
Can’t blame a girl for trying.
When daughter #2 moved to Michigan I couldn’t believe that they are on Eastern time. I mean, the 90th Meridian (center of the Central Time Zone) passes through the state.
Nancy Pelosi invites NATO commander to address the House, because of course she did.
The talking point about people who support Israel having “loyalty to a foreign nation” was excused away as “questioning American policy toward Israel”. OK, so then can we say that Nancy Pelosi has “loyalty” to France and Germany over the US? Why can’t we question our NATO alliance? What is so sacrosanct about a coalition of wealthy nations that refuse to defend themselves and forcing the US to undertaken counterproductive military actions at their bidding (most recently- the ouster of Qaddafi in Libya)?
“Ex-teacher arrested for heroin gets jail time for sex with student
A former teacher in Georgia who pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage male student has been sentenced to spend at least three months behind bars.
Raquel Eleana Spencer, who previously taught English at Northwest Whitfield High School in Tunnel Hill, was sentenced Friday to spend between 90 and 120 days at a minimum-security detention center that also provides life skills classes and substance abuse counseling, the Dalton Daily Citizen reports.
Spencer, 29, must also serve the rest of a 10-year sentence on probation, perform 300 hours of community service and pay a $1,000 fine after pleading guilty to sexual assault by a person with supervisory and disciplinary authority.
Spencer, who resigned after being arrested at the school last April, was also found in possession of heroin after staffers suspected that she was under the influence while at school. Those charges were dropped, however, as part of a plea agreement, according to the newspaper.
A grand jury indicted Spencer last year after sheriff’s officials in Whitfield County accused her of having sex with a student at the school between October 2017 and April 2018. Investigators uncovered the illicit encounters during a search of Spencer’s phone after heroin was found in her possession, the Daily Citizen reports.”
That seems like an awfully light sentence.
That seems like an awfully light sentence.
Yeah. It’s pussy privilege. Where a guy would get the book thrown at him if the roles were reversed, women teachers usually get off with a slap on the wrist, if even that.
women teachers usually get off with a slap on the wrist
Well given that they are hooking up with teenaged boys there ain’t much else getting them off
Also, aren’t schools “drug free zones” or some bullshit like that? Kids get in trouble for allergy medication. She had heroin.
Based on the pic, not guilty
I assume you all tore apart the following over the weekend. Feminist raises three boys, and doesn’t learn a fucking thing.
“At one meal, when I tried to explain to a table of men and boys why #MeToo was a necessary act of mass civil disobedience, how the ideal of a rule of law actually shielded white men and protected the status quo, how most women who are assaulted never get justice, it all fell apart. The meaning of rule of law was explained to me. I lost it and walked away in tears.”
It’s not all terrible, just mostly.
If the law is functioning in a way she thinks is biased, she should thank the people in favor of demographically-exclusionary legislation and regulation such as affirmative action and hate crime legislation. The rule of law is the alternative to the rule of men, understood of course to mean arbitrary abuse of power. I suspect that bothers her less if she thinks she’s going to benefit from it.
Bookmark that article to share with anyone of your friends who starts complaining about their childhoods. It will put the little things like beatings, burning with cigarettes, and starvation in perspective.
“Feminist raises three boys”
Is that you, Zoolander?
Why do they all have to be so retarded?
It’s just stupid.
“I interviewed two of [her sons], but the middle one refused and now says, ‘Is it a gender thing?’ every time it seems funny.”
I think the word she is looking for is “appropriate,” not “funny.” Good for him.
Huh, cryptids got Brett to do the links and do them on time? Perhaps we should put them in charge of much much more.
I’m starting to worry about Swiss. I hope he’s escaped.
I worry he escaped before he could acquire the fetching red ensemble ZARDOZ provides.
I assumed he already had a closet full. That’s how I picture him. No homo.
The zardoz outfit and one of those swiss hats (like the pope’s guards wear). And carrying a pike.
Lest there be any doubt that we are living in the dumbest timeline:
Why do they all have to be so retarded?
I suspect some sort of brain damage.
There was a time when I considered heroin addicts idiots. Lately I am wondering if they aren’t on to something.
At least they could teach High School in Georgia.
Look, every normal person I know makes vagina cupcakes. They’re served at children’s parties around our neighborhood. I hear there will be a Girlscout version next year. What’s your problem, you some sort of prude or something?
Just sprinkle some nuts on the cupcakes and it would have been all-inclusive.
Next thing you know, you’ll suggest penis cupcakes. And that would just be wrong. And sexist.
They’re called Twinkies and Ho-Hos.
Strangely, I think that’s precisely what the people complaining are asking for. Of course, had Messing made penis cupcakes, they would have complained nonetheless.
She is simply isn’t smart to realize that the only way to win the Woke battle royale is to refuse to play.
I like the one with what appears to be stitches.
C-section cupcake.
Actually, I was, uh, familiar with a woman who claimed one of her kids was a C-section, but she had literally no visible scar. I was a tad dubious, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to start an argument over it.
“Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard might have ‘unfair advantage’ – expert”
The funny thing is, years ago here at Glibs and even before that at TOS, this is exactly how retarded we predicted the progs would become. And I mean, it was half sarcasm. Well, what do you know?
You can predict a lot of stupid shit with progs.
If someone is routinely smashing records by a high percentage then yes, you’re probably looking at an unfair advantage.
That’s only relevant for cisgender males.
Dude’s not even trying.
You mean dudette, and isn’t she lovely.
I think this is going to play out pretty quickly if they allow it in the Olympics. First Olympics, there will be some transgender athletes, and some records broken. There will be some griping, but mostly people celebrating all the wonderful inclusiveness.
After that, people will figure out how easy it is to get a women’s world record. It will start with world championships, then at the next Olympics there will be a big increase in trans athletes, and record after record will be broken. It will become a huge embarrassment for the Olympics, and they’ll be forced to rethink the whole thing.
It will become a huge embarrassment for the Olympics
, and they’ll be forced to rethink the whole thing.“Males will generally have a bigger heart”
Get your ass back on narrative!
Mine grew three sizes today.
Your heart or your ass?
I would like to thank Washington – and soon California, Illinois, Rhode Island, and Connecticut – for eliminating themselves from any list of possible states I may choose to relocate to in the future.
Bonus points for providing further evidence that the Drug War will never, ever end.
Look, it was just some ‘low’ level crime anyway and you really didn’t need all of that stuff, you rich one percenter.
Why stop at low level property crime? If they’re just victims & aren’t responsible for their actions, they should be able to mug or rape with impunity. And sick fucks like Rankin will be enabling them all the way.
Hey now, shitting on the sidewalk is a human right. Since the measure would legalize camping on sidewalks, why not set up camp on the sidewalk in front of the bill sponsor’s house? Or Sara Rankin’s house.
There is a ballot initiative in my town to pass this same thing at the next election.
I suppose in a lot of places the people are just going to have to actually see this in practice before they come to their senses and put a stop to it.
people are just going to have to actually see this in practice before they
come to their senses and put a stop to ittut tut & handwave it away.I dunno. I think there is a breaking point. It will be interesting to see how far it goes first.
The breaking point will be when the public camping and low level property crime starts to occur in well to do neighborhoods, not before.
As in, how many pounds of shit on your lawn does it take to reconsider voting Democrat? Yeah, you’re probably right.
Needs zoning
I’d like to think so, but the I suspect the result won’t be a crack down on insanity or un-normalizing antisocial/criminal behavior, but a chance to expand government programs and budgets to “deal” with the unhoused crisis.
Columbus vice officer federally charged for holding victims, forcing them to engage in sex
And the previous post, if I’m not mistaken.
“Science Denial Won’t End Sexism
Not a week goes by without yet another research study, popular science book, or mainstream news article promoting the idea that (a) any differences between men and women in the brain are purely socially constructed and (b) these differences have been exaggerated beyond any meaningful relevance. More recently, this argument has evolved to contend that (c) there are, in fact, no brain differences between the sexes at all. Eliot’s article appears to subscribe to a hodgepodge of all three perspectives, which not only contradict one another but are also factually incorrect.
So begins the book review, titled, “Neurosexism: The myth that men and women have different brains.” “Neurosexism,” a term coined by philosopher of science, Cordelia Fine, brands as “sexist” any claim that sex differences in the brain have a bearing on our personalities and behavior. From this line of thinking, wanting to understand these differences from a scientific point of view is inherently suspect—“bad neuroscience” and “bad research practice,” in the words of Eliot—because only sexists and those seeking to subjugate women would presumably be interested in them.
It is a tired argument that incorrectly conflates the potential for bad applications of a research finding with the finding itself. We can acknowledge that male and female brains have differences in structure and function, on average, without subscribing to the belief that one sex is better than the other.”
“This, the neuroscientific view of life, has become the strategic high ground in the academic world, and the battle for it has already spread well beyond the scientific disciplines and, for that matter, out into the general public. Both liberals and conservatives without a scientific bone in their bodies are busy trying to seize the terrain. The gay rights movement, for example, has fastened onto a study published in July of 1993 by the highly respected Dean Hamer of the National Institutes of Health, announcing the discovery of “the gay gene.” Obviously, if homosexuality is a genetically determined trait, like left–handedness or hazel eyes, then laws and sanctions against it are attempts to legislate against Nature. Conservatives, meantime, have fastened upon studies indicating that men’s and women’s brains are wired so differently, thanks to the long haul of evolution, that feminist attempts to open up traditionally male roles to women are the same thing: a doomed violation of Nature.
Wilson himself has wound up in deep water on this score; or cold water, if one need edit. In his personal life Wilson is a conventional liberal, PC, as the saying goes—he is, after all, a member of the Harvard faculty—concerned about environmental issues and all the usual things. But he has said that “forcing similar role identities” on both men and women “flies in the face of thousands of years in which mammals demonstrated a strong tendency for sexual division of labor. Since this division of labor is persistent from hunter–gatherer through agricultural and industrial societies, it suggests a genetic origin. We do not know when this trait evolved in human evolution or how resistant it is to the continuing and justified pressures for human rights.”
“Resistant” was Darwin II, the neuroscientist, speaking. “Justified” was the PC Harvard liberal. He was not PC or liberal enough. Feminist protesters invaded a conference where Wilson was appearing, dumped a pitcher of ice water, cubes and all, over his head, and began chanting, “You’re all wet! You’re all wet!” The most prominent feminist in America, Gloria Steinem, went on television and, in an interview with John Stossel of ABC, insisted that studies of genetic differences between male and female nervous systems should cease forthwith.”
Didn’t they try to claim 30 years ago there was something different in gays’ brains?
How’s this? Male and female brains are the same. But male and female hormones are different, and those cause the brain to respond differently.
Let me know when my Nobel Prize ceremony is, I have to have my tux dry cleaned and my monocle polished.
You mean auto-de-fé.
The sack cloth garment and dunce cap will be supplied.
Male and female brains are the same.
The thing is, the average male brain is larger than the average female brain.
Which raises the question: what is that extra brain-space being used for?
My theory: it’s being used to ponder life’s most important philosophical question.
It isn’t just a response to different hormones. There are numerous anatomical and physiological differences.
“misinformation only adds unnecessary confusion and damages basic science literacy. Happily embracing a distorted view of world, whether intentionally or out of ignorance, does nothing to promote gender equality. If anything, it offers evidence to those who are genuinely misogynistic that women aren’t as good at science and math.”
If you can’t compete with men, it’s down to institutional sexism
if you can’t compete with trans-women, it’s down to personal inability.
Somehow, all of the trans-women are record-setting athletes. Men outpace women because sexism, but trans-women outpace women because…
The patriarchy keeping her down
I’m not surprised. The Avengers story line is like crack. Captain Marvel was pretty good, but they could have shown a film of grass growing for 3 hours and people would sit through it just to see the post credit scenes.
I still haven’t gotten around to watching Infinity War and finally watched Black Panther last month. It was… fine.
Yeah, you need to watch Infinity Wars.
In my defense I did watch Deadpool 2 and enjoyed it.
I have not seen that yet. Liked the first one though.
I like the alternate version of Deadpool 2 better than the original version. But the first first Deadpool is way better than either sequel.
Oh? – which alternate version?
Agreed that the first one was just on another level, though a big part of that was it being the first(?) R superhero movie.
Infinity War was …. okay. Too many people.
Not by the end.
Watch the latest Thor movie first, if you haven’t already.
I did catch that – I was entertained.
So weird
A Tokyo court rejected ousted Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn’s request to attend a board meeting this week, denying him a seat at the table even as the carmaker looks set to bolster an alliance he built over two decades.
Prosecutors submitted a document to the Tokyo District Court from Nissan stating its opposition to Ghosn attending Tuesday’s board meeting, Ghosn’s lawyer, Junichiro Hironaka, told reporters.
“Nissan’s strong opposition to Ghosn’s attendance is very regrettable,” Hironaka said outside his law office. The defense team still had time to appeal the decision, he added, and the lawyers later duly filed an appeal, according to Kyodo News.
The Tokyo District Court on Monday declined to temporarily suspend a condition of Ghosn’s bail that stops him from meeting people linked to his case, blocking what would have been a dramatic face off between the once-feted executive and the colleagues he has accused of fomenting a coup.
The court did not give a reason for its ruling.
I assume Ghosn is a Nissan shareholder.
And still a board member?
Huh. Apparently he still is, despite being fired as chairman of Nissan & Mitsubishi (and resigning from CEO & Chairman of Renault).
That’s how a palace coup works.
So I always thought Dave Barry was just being hyperbolic about Florida drivers but holy Uffda!
I’ve been here two days and am scared shitless.
Worse than Korea and that is saying something.
I guess that was also a roundabout way of asking if any Florida Glibs are out there.
We are here until Friday
I lived there for 2 years. They are marginally better than New Delhi drivers. Just marginally.
Where in Florida? It’s a big place.
We are in Miami now.
I am in trouble for calling one of the Alter Boys gay for not noticing the young gal in a thong who kept jumping up and down while playing shuffleboard.
Doral area?
I am in trouble for calling one of the Alter Boys gay for not noticing the young gal in a thong who kept jumping up and down
I’m pretty sure that as a pope you can absolve yourself.
And ignoring a sight like that sounds more like ace than gay.
Ive driven in 7 countries, on 3 continents. The most terrifying places I refuse to operate a car in again are Miami, Fl and Montreal.
It varies by area. South Florida drivers are completely insane.
Here in Orlando, I was once leaving a Publix (supermarket) where the entry and exit were separated by large medians. There was a little old lady driving down the wrong side of the road. I pulled over into the parking lot to let her pass, although I tried to let her know what she was doing wrong, she drove by too quickly.
Was she driving a Rascal?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Also, ha ha ha ha ha. I seldom LOL, but that was good.
I can’t stop watching that. The audio is priceless, too. “No, no no no”
Perfect for college campuses of today:
Loved Dice!
I’ll be honest. He never made me laugh at the time. If you grew up around the type of guys he’s lampooning, I can see how it would’ve been good stuff. Today? SMDH. How female comedians can talk about their pussy for 30 minutes and bore me to death is problematic.
#meneither – but I loved Kinison *shrug*
Dice was crude and that was the joke (for the most part), Kinison was crude but the jokes were about life, Dice was the kid that said ‘Booger’ because boogers are funny, Kinison said ‘Booger’ to show you that the principal was picking his nose.
Kinison also had the good sense to do a tamer version of his act in a pretty good movie and with Dangerfield, no less.
Wow, that “country mouse” article started off with a doozy:
That, right there, encapsulates everything that is wrong with the country. Looking to government to fix things, nationalizing local issues, and shirking basic responsibilities.
Exactly, I had to stop reading it at that point.
Or “I want him to understand me and help.”
No – I want him to leave me the fuck alone.
I’m guessing the number of people that think way is about the same as the number of people that frequent this site.
But… but that’s costly. And it doesn’t get her name on a street sign or rec center or public park. And it doesn’t fund a light rail feasibility pilot for fighting global warming. Or a gun buyback program. How is she supposed to get on the national stage to run for governor someday if she’s wasting taxpayer dollars fixing taxpayers’ problems?
Looking to government to fix things, nationalizing local issues, and shirking basic responsibilities.
You can’t expect the people who actually drink and bathe in that water to pay for it! Thyat’s crazy talk.
Speaking of Dave Barry, he said “In miami we call this carpooling”
Needs Yakkity Yak playing.
Think you mean Yakety Sax. Yakety Yak is an old Coasters song. They both have really good sax players, though.
/pedantic dick.
And in other Women’s Day News..
/sets Q signal ablaze
Gillespie and the boys are horning in on Glib action.
Heh. I don’t even remember how the Zardoz thing started here.
Why is “socialism” in quotes? Is The Jacket embracing the “not real socialism” trope?
Zardoz isn’t going to make me donate again.
Fire Shika Dalmia and publicly apologize, and maybe I’ll consider it.
The Reason donor weekend must have gone pretty poorly.
“right-wing attempt to destroy O’Rourke from the left in the Democratic Party”
Using their retardation against them
What are the odds he quietly changes his name to Barack O’Rourke?
Beto is bad enough.
Only if he wears the dashiki.
Why would you have an anti-Beta ad? It’s like having an anti-Cleveland Indians ad. They’re not going to win anyway, this is as necessary as a clown car at the Daytona 500.
Cleveland Indians fan. I haz a sad.
Actually, they are the winningest team in the American League over the past six seasons.
They’re remaking Pet Sematary.
Is there any franchise they won’t dig up?
I figured this one was long dead and buried.
Sometimes they come back… wrong.
As long as they casket with some A-list actor it might not be a grave mistake.×250/x/l/xlrahlxzfjkafx.jpg?skj2io4l
Grave mistake.
With all due respect to Mr. Wilcox’ family.
Howard Johnson’s?
“Hey, y’all” Lindsey Graham may have gotten his balls back in McCain’s will, but he’s still a Constitution hating proggy.
It all falls under the exceptions clause of 2A
It also must be in the exceptions clause of 4A.
I thought 4A was repealed?
And 5th and 6th. Fuckers.
How is this not a de facto gun prohibition?
What a shock. After doing squat (Obamacare repeal, spending cuts, actual movement towards restoring gun rights) when they controlled both chambers, the Concession Party is trying to further piss off their base and retain their cocktail party invites.
If “dangerous individuals” are not allowed 2nd Amendment rights then why are they allowed 8th Amendment rights? They’re bad people, right? Why not flogging in the public square?
Or any other rights. They are “dangerous individuals” so why are they allowed property under the 6th Amendment? Might as well open Army barracks in their home and screw the 3rd Amendment while they’re at it, too.
May as well.
This effectively strips anyone of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th Rights based simply on hearsay. And it is way beyond the bounds of the federal government’s authority.
Mind-boggling how evil and unconstitutional this idea is.
“Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard might have ‘unfair advantage’ – expert”…”I think this is going to play out pretty quickly if they allow it in the Olympics”
This will occur 11 weeks before the 2020 election. How can Trump and the Rs not curb stomp the Ds if this happens?
My most favorite handgun (Pre boating accident of course.)
Just bought this
Bear gun.
Nice. ?
All 25 ounces of it.
Nice looking piece. For someone with arthritic hands, that has “pain” written all over it.
I was expecting much worse than it is. I was going to put one magnum round through it so I’d know what to expect and then practice with .44 Specials. I ended up putting several through it. Not that bad at all. The Specials are easy.
My friend offered me his .44 Mag to shoot a while back. I fired off two rounds then handed it back to him.
On the other hand, I love shooting .357 over .38 Spl.
Yeah, my FIL let me shoot his large frame .44 mag years ago. I think that was a S&W, as well. It actually hurt. I think it has a lot to do with the frame design, based on my limited experience.
I’ve shot .357s that hurt too and they weighed much more than this gun.
Any idea what could cause one computer to hijack the Wi-Fi such that when it’s 0n, any other computer trying to connect to the modem experiences extreme lag?
It’s been rooted and is being used as a Tor node for child pr0n?
“Maryland Democratic official takes heat for calls to ‘dox’ gun rights activists”
They should that picture on this page:
Facebook removes Lizzy Warren ads calling for breakup of tech giants like Facebook. They’ve since restored them, but it brings to mind something I’ve been wondering about for awhile: are the people to whom Lizzy’s broadcasting her progressive bona fides really so dumb and myopic that they want the platform broken up over a pittance in Russian campaign ads despite the fact that Facebook is out doing yeoman’s work for progressive causes? Ditto Google. These are companies in bed with progressive politics and hostile to conservative voices. Is it… principled consistency I’m seeing from Warren and the breed of Dems to whom she wants to appeal? Are she and they willing to bust up some of their biggest allies in media/informational warfare? Or do they suppose they can bring them even closer to heel, make them conniving vicious guard dogs of the progressive line rather than mere lapdogs?
Hell, if they should want something broken up, it’s Twitter, a direct conduit for heaping scorn and abuse on the closest thing to a landing page most public voices have. Russian bots!
Team Red continues to trigger me.
It’s been a busy twenty four hours around here….
I own this shirt with good reason.