Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water, SEA SMITH reminds me that I have links duty this afternoon. So although I could be at the beach, I’m here with you. Don’t want no bloody chocolate starfish.
$38M for 186 arrests. About what you’d expect from government work. Can’t decide if I’m more pissed off that forensics labs claimed poverty for shit that several of my friends did as HS interns back in the 90s, or that after 52,000 tests they had a 1/3 of 1% conversion rate.
Florida Cop used Federal database to find women. I wonder how he opened that. “Listen, you really need to pay that parking ticket from Spring Break in ’05.”
Damn, Florida (schizophrenic) Man came up if his first arrest was as a no-known-address and his last one is the Hilton on Clearwater Beach.
I wish I could give this the SugarFree treatment it deserves. I would have the Warren-Biden feud arise from her being the one woman he hasn’t done his “Creepy Hands” on. And then, she even offered to settle for a ride in his bitchin’ Trans-Am, but he told her she’d ruin the vinyl.
Its hard times for the Glibertarian Overlords. Where are you, Chuck Norris, when we need you?
The beach is for tourists.
It ain’t the water that is the problem.
It’s refreshing to hear a creature so friendly towards hoomans. Kinda like my butt sniffing dog.
“Man calls 911 eight times threatening to blow up Clearwater Beach resort, kill police officers”
Well, he didn’t get beat up by confessing in advance. Police are disappointed.
My first question when I saw the headline this morning. Thanks for doing the math!
My first question was where the hell is all that money coming from? Turns out it’s from the vast pot that the AG has been amassing from all the bank shakedowns – see, it’s a force for good! Never mind the other hundreds of millions we’re using to line the pockets of friendly suitors!
And worse than that, the one case that they cited as an example was a case of date rape where presumably the identity of the perpetrator was not in question. so the DNA evidence really did not add much to the case, one would think.
Lunatic fringe or GTFO
For grass-roots organizers, the wide-open Democratic field — already veering to the left on taxes, health care, super PAC donations and other issues — provides multiple openings to elevate their agendas. In recent weeks they have helped spur similar exchanges on fraught topics like reparations and ending the Senate filibuster. They have also helped broaden the conversation on climate change to include an expansive proposal called the Green New Deal.
Candidates, including those in the top tier, are increasingly being urged to address these topics in interviews, at events and during media appearances. Senator Bernie Sanders, for instance, has been asked repeatedly about reparations, including recently on ABC’s “The View.” Senator Elizabeth Warren answered a question about ending the filibuster at an event last week in New York. And on Sunday, Mr. Buttigieg was asked again about packing the courts — during a town hall-style forum on CNN.
Representative Pramila Jayapal, the Washington State Democrat and co-chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said candidates who do not project boldness on such issues “are just not going to win.” She said the country was in a unique moment and that issues like court-packing give candidates opportunities to show they understand this.
“Even if you don’t call it a litmus test, this is what defines us: a willingness and a courage to make bold changes — not to just follow when it’s all said and done,” she said.
Reparations? Of course. Pack the Supreme Court? Absolutely. Wealth tax? Now’s the time. No idea is too far to the left.
Sure, Dems, play to the SXSW crowd, and the BMW socialistas. You’ll win this time, for sure.
So if one candidate can roll all these ideas/talking points into 1 speech the game is over?
Dance to the crazy left for the nomination and sashay back on over to the squishy middle for the election. It’s a tried and true strategy so long as you don’t say anything too crazy.
Yeah, that is gonna be hard this time around I am guessing…
when you’ve been feeding your base the assertion that our Judicial branch has lost all integrity, then packing it to gain a clear majority is the next logical move.
Yet no pushback so the Overton Window lurches leftward.
Mr. Buttigieg
I’m pulling for a Hickenlooper/Buttigieg ticket, based on the names alone.
When I was in avionics school, there was a Navy guy whose name was “Reamsbottom”. I swear I’m not making that up.
I’ve heard of people named “Bottoms” but “Reamsbottom” takes the cake.
I must also indulge in a bit of blue comedy to snark that “Reamsbottom” is a perfect name for a Navy chap.
My x-wife went to high school in North Dakota with a couple of kids whose last name was Stinkaway.
True story.
The Navy should have promoted him to rear admiral…
… Lower-Half
You know why the Navy uses powdered soap?
It’s harder to drop, but it takes a long time to pick it up.
Hey stop that. I don’t tell golf jokes about the Air Force, make fun of grunts or jarheads, laugh at the coast guard, or pick on members of the Postal Service (according to Cliff Claven they are the 6th branch of service), now do I? And I never served on the Queerbarge.
When I used to do environmental training, everyone that suffered through my lectures got a handy certificate. After one session I was looking at the sign-in sheet to hand it off to our secretary/certificate maker, and saw I had a ‘Richard Rash’.
Finally, Buttigieg can make something of his life beyond trolling Hit ‘n’ Run.
*slow clap*
*sustained applause*
Well, if court packing is such a legitimate strategy, then by all means Trump should get right on the case. I mean, why not – these people are saying it’s totally the right thing to do.
I have heard several people propose he agree this is a great idea and say he is gonna do it, and watch the left lost it…
My suggestion for this was to go to a 21-member court immediately, and appoint a bunch of 30 something year old conservatives. The agreement would be that they would retire before the age of 65 and only retire during a republican administration.
Step 2 would be to pass a constitutional amendment setting the size of the court at 9 members, with all existing members grandfathered in. It would take at least 100 years for that to wear off.
Trump may outdo Reagan 1984 at this pace.
50 states AND DC? That would be impressive.
I’m in awe of how much the Democrats’ progressive wing are willing to overplay their hand right now.
Derp. Edit faerie, halp! Quoted text should be:
Damn my copypasta.
Dean Ambrose hardest hit.
How’s this for a delicious scandal involving colleges and celebrities?
My respect for William H. Macy has pretty much completely tanked today.
He was smart enough to not get directly involved, apparently.
This was all so unnecessary.
All the kids had to do was identify as a native American tranny and presto, instant admission plus scholarships.
Why is an old Indian respectfully called a Native Elder but I’m just an old white guy?
I am waiting to see the mug shots.
One of my spousal unit’s guilty pleasures is a series of made-for-TV movies starring Lori Loughlin as some kinda amateur crime-fighting sleuth when she’s not running her curio shop. (The series is filmed in and around the Langley/Fort Langley/Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge area.) Loughlin’s one of the ones who’s been charged along with her husband.
She’s one of the more natural beauts in the business.
Apparently someone has dug up an old Full House episode where Jesse lies on a preschool application form.
The jokes write themselves.
Hoo boy.
So if one candidate can roll all these ideas/talking points into 1 speech the game is over?
If Beto does it (in drag) the rest of those losers might as well fold their tents.
“fold their tents”
Just saw Ilhan Omar said something I kinda agree with. I may have to rethink my life.
Well, not the “pretty face” part. Rest of statement is correct.
Yeh I heard that the other day and thought finally.
But still.
She’s a loon.
If Omar can thank Fox News we can thank her.
Besides is there a more effective kiss of death politically than libertarians agreeing with you?
Yeah…having Bill Weld as a running mate.
“His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Omar said.
“And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”
The explosive comments about a man lionized by Democrats were only the latest in a series of incendiary statements that have put the national spotlight on Omar, a Somali-American Muslim who spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya after her family fled the violence in their homeland.
She walked those comments back. Unlike the job hating comments.
Of course it being her, her walk back was super lame. The link to the raw comments proved she was quoted accurately.
But yeah, I have to admit that blind pigs do find an acorn.
She’s an Islamist and a Somali refugee. Obama was the “Drone President”. It’s really not a far reach.
My understanding is Omar didn’t really walk it back just claim the reporter misquoted her.
And then the reporter released the tapes and the reporter actually did his job right.
Exactly. She called Fake News and then got called out. Hope?
I wonder whether ultra-woke vanguard warrior Obama realized he would have to be destroyed in order to advance the cause.
What’s interesting to me is that Tlaib is 10 times worse than Omar, but Omar gets the brunt of the retaliation. Probably because she looks more the part.
My contribution to the social sciences is a theory that fake fits are waaaay more prevalent in warm climates than cold ones.
Uffda the thousands of giant fake fits in Miami is amazing. My theory is that Minnesoda women don’t bother paying for upgrades because they spend nine months a year hiding their “sweater puppies”. In Florida they are wearing tank tops all year so it makes sense.
Of course I’ll need a large grant from the National science foundation to be sure.
*I will also be contributing to the hard sciences by investigating the evolutionary pressures on Southern Man to develop lizard eyes. Lizard eyes are where you can keep the eye closest to your wife staring straight ahead while your other eye voles the big shooters – or thong bikini -on other nearby women. Minnesota AMman is adapting evolutionarily a second eyelid to screen out blowing snow.
In Minnesota, no one can see your rack. Or fack, as I guess it’s called there.
fake fits
Conniption fits, or did you mean fake tits?
Uffda. That is quite the deal.
Yup meant fake funbags. Stupid autocorrect on stupid tablet.
Don’t apologize! You were distracted by the thoughts of those boobs.
Faux social science theorist? Needs hands on experience and a large gov grant
You can’t believe how much tail I used to get telling chicks I was writing a book on men loving women with big boods and wanting them to be a subject for a chapter in it…
I’m doing something similar only about vacuum cleaners and nozzle attachments.
Although a few spring breakers in thongs did make my eyes roll back and I spoke in tongues. But those were real fits.
Many Uffdas were uttered?
You have to look out for fake asses too.
Miami is second to LA for plastic surgery. Did you go to South Beach? It’s top-optional and gloooooorious around Spring Break.
I’ve realized as I have aged that I don’t really like fake breasts — at least most of them.
We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.
What was that line about Bluto chowing down in the cafeteria?
“Just keep your hands and feet away from his mouth.”
“Fake fits”
Just in case Mom looks over your shoulder.
Mrs. Holiness is mad at the Alter Boys today and because she can’t really be mad at her babies she has decided to blame me for their behavior.
The problem began at some Miami tourist trap. We we looking at critters and ran across a drake mallard putting the coals to some hen. My wife was oblivious to what was really going on and said something about them fighting. Both Altar Boys started snickering and told her that wasn’t fighting.
Then I said something about them ha ing to make themselves scarce if Mom filled up the big tub in the hotel room because they had put ideas in her head.
Everyone laughed except Mrs. Holiness.
So you talked yourself out of some fun?
My son’s talked me out of it. They think it is super funny when anger at them is transferred to me.
Your son’s what talked you out of it?
They think it is super funny when anger at them is transferred to me.
From an outsider’s perspective, they’re probably right. After all, “Tragedy is when I cut my finger; comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.”
You’re a good dad!
That’s $529 per test. Apparently I’m in the wrong business.
Good afternoon everybody!
Fuck off, Tulpa.
Afternoon, Tulpa!
Dudes! He B McGinty! Have some respect!
Frickin’ Tulpas.
Look at the suck ass Tulpa, here.
Titty Tuesday continues!
16 and 23 get honorable mentions but 2 gets the win
21 (I don’t care how much flack I get.) and 43.
She’s nicely built. I’m not an ink fan, but ya know, you do you (or her), and I’m fine w/it.
Glib grammar national socialists (looking at you Ted), question incoming.
I’ve heard this usage throughout my life and I think it sounds wrong:
“This freezer needs cleaned.”
“This freezer needs to be cleaned” sounds way better. Is the previous usage correct?
The former sounds like a regionalism to me.
Wow it’s that local?
That link is wrong, in Southern Indiana clothes “need warshed”.
They needs arned, too!
My mom said “warsh”, too, and she wasn’t from Indiana.
Yeah, but I heard your mom gets around, Winston.
Well, she’s dead, so if you want to fuck her, be my guest.
Always the risk of Mom jokes.
Eh, she’s been dead four years and was a very difficult person, so I’m not offended.
Come to SW Ohio where we refer to bell peppers as ‘mangos’ and call each other ‘briar’ as a pejorative.
My entire life I’ve said it the second way, which I think is correct. We have a friend from southern Indiana who says it the first way, and she’s the first person who I heard say it that way. I think it’s a southern-ish dialect thing.
I am from across the river from Southern Indiana and I have never heard that. But then again, it sounds dumb enough to be from southern Indiana.
I have Pittsburgh friend who talks like that. “She needs fucked.”
To be fair, she does.
This freezer needs cleaning
This is correct
Needs must when the devil vomits into your kettle.
It is a western Pennsylvania regionalism called infinitival copula deletion.
Grammar Girl explains
Can confirm. Western PA dialect.
Western Pennsylvania drops the “to be” as well.
Whoops. Scroll down Cooper!
I am finding the college admission bribe story overly fascinating.
It really is intriguing. The guy in the middle of it is kind of a genius. I mean, as I understand it his scheme was he’d help cheat on the SAT, then pass them off as athletes to make sure they got in under lower athletic standards in exchange for a donation to his ‘charity’. He’d use some of the bribe to pay off the non-revenue sports coaches who make diddly-piss anyway to carry out the athlete part of it. And this was at major universities like Yale and Stanford. It’s kind of sad how corrupt the culture has become.
USC seems to be the deepest involvement, plus a high member of the athletic department was involved, so they were doing it across multiple sports.
USC is already pretty well known for that.
The weird thing is, since when do really wealthy people have to resort to this kind of chicanery? Don’t they just write a half-million dollar check to help fund a building? I guess they’d rather find a cheaper method these days.
Funding a building just puts your kid near the top of the legacy list. They still need to have some type of decent grades/test scores to get in.
The standards are lower for athletes, even for “preferred walk-ons”.
Apparently the younger Loughlin daughter had trouble filling out her application ever after they had bribed her way past admissions.
When you aren’t smart enough to fill out the application, you might not belong.
She also said on her youtube channel (of course, she has one) that she wasn’t going to go to class much, she was going for the parties and game days.
But can she Tweet?
I foresee a sextape with some pro athlete in the near future.
And the product placements. Apparently Amazon Prime paid her to shill for them.
Her entire dorm room was free stuff from Amazon.
She’s an instagram whore.
Bonus points for her dad dragging ASU.
“I’d like to maybe sit with you after your session with the girls as I have some concerns and want to fully understand the game plan and make sure we have a road map for success as it relates to [our daughter] and getting her into a school other than ASU!”
The ASU part was awesome, I saw that a while ago. I guess he didn’t want her going from instagram whore to whore whore.
Hey, don’t say mean things about Courtney Simpson!
Had to look that up. I can’t say she does anything for me.
Hey now, some of the best videos on the internet originate from ASU.
If you’re not going to go to class anyway, wouldn’t it be cheaper to just rent an apartment near campus and go to the parties?
That’s mommy and daddy’s problem.
Should it be illegal, though. I mean, yeah, the entire “charity” part, sure. But, it isn’t only the guy who ran the fake charity getting indicted here. There are already all sorts of admissions consultants out there. Is this arrangement really all that different? I’m willing to bet that the ostensible victims of this arrangement, the schools, would rather drop the matter.
I think the parents are getting nailed for deducting the payments off their taxes. And for some fraud stuff too.
Ah, that makes sense, then. So, this is a bribery scandal where no one is getting in trouble for bribery (except maybe the state school admissions officers).
I have seen racketeering and wire fraud charges, but not bribery per se.
Some bullshit mail charges. Things suddenly become very illegal when you use the US Postal Service.
There was fraud involved. He had SAT officials report fake test scores, or he had another person take the test in place of the students. He also got some kids accepted into sports programs when they had no experience in the sport, then the kids never showed up to practice, faked an injury, or dropped out.
To me, it’s no different than a regular “donation” when you have relatives applying.
It’s not really a donation; you’re buying access. Why should that be a tax deduction?
The guy had legit contacts and he found a way to work them for his own advantage. There seems to be a non-trivial amount of coordination involved. Apparently it worked for a while. Does it say how he got caught? I’d imagine there is a ton more of this going on.
It looks like his “charity” got audited. Lots of people taking big money off their taxes and I guess he couldnt prove where it went.
I know that being entrepreneurial often means being a bit aggressive, but this is not the way to go IMO.
I like how him getting handsy was buried in the middle. WTF?
What could SF do with this pic of a young Helen Hunt in modified shoulder pads?
From a clever story contrasting new Marvel gal with old unspoken 80s movie about QB Princess.
Maybe in the Marvel universe, this is an IPO for the vagina. And hey, the more the merrier. But here on Earth, I was shocked to learn that we chicks have been starving for female superheroes.
Quarterback Princess.
The Tom Brady story?
[insert applause gif here]
Congratulations, you win one internet!
She’s more of a ballerina.
hah, I remember that movie! It was one of those afterschool type TV movies.
Hey Chip- WRT the morning linx and the guy that guy that got electrocuted, your radar story reminded me of the (still kinda visible) scar I have on my wrist. I was working on a HF radio antenna on an aircraft, and the pilot (doing his pre-flight) keyed the mic. RF burns arent pleasant .
That sounds….unpleasant.
I managed to shock myself once, a very minor one fortunately. My instructor had a funny story once about one of the other instructors, who had been in the detachment in Yuma with him years earlier. The other instructor touched a live wire, which caused a reflexive spitting of tobacco juice that dribbled out over his face and onto his uniform blouse.
No shit. I got a waveguide burn in the lab one time.
And that’s how it got the name ‘radar range’
I burned my palm. Working on a microwave transmitter, trying to trace the mic key ground. Keyed the mic while holding myself up by the antenna. Doh!
“I burned my palm”
Have you tried lubricant? 🙂
I touched the coil wire on my distributor after hooking up an MSD ignition. Didn’t leave a scar but my hands felt funny for a couple of hours.
But is Ilhan or AOC worse than….Zack Morris?
I can watch these over and over.
Scruffy’s Life Tips Part 2:
Never volunteer to edit 2 hours of video with multiple microphones for nothing.
They use more than 1 mic on pr0n shoots ?
You need a couple of omnis for the room ambience, a shotgun for the action, and some good condensors for the voice-over.
Can’t do VR without positional audio.
@Creosote Achilles — Prohibition book is done. If you’re still interested in beta-ing, could you email me at moriah at moriahjovan dot com?
Yes’m. Done and done.
If you’re still interested in beta-ing
Performing cuck services?
“Cuck” and “Creosote Achilles” do not go together.
Not vers? Unwoke and problematic.
I bottomed once.
A…not really a friend, but a domme I knew who was/is loudly a feminist was always running her mouth about how much better women are at topping, and she could bring any man to his knees, yadda, yadda, yadda. There’s some doms/tops like that who think they are best at everything.
So I said, “Alright, here’s the deal. We’ll flog each other. You get to flog me first. You get to pick the flogger. BUT, however many I can take from you, you gotta take from me with the same one. I got a $20 bill that says I can get you to safeword while topping.”
I take off my shirt, drop trau and grab the St. Andrews. Wiggle my ass at her.
She starts swinging, and I start heckling her, “Come on bitch, hit me. No, really, hit me” And, “Do I look like a big black bald guy? No? then why you treating me like Morpheus. Stop trying to hit me, and /hit/ me.” She was so mad and swinging so damn hard, putting everything she had in it and either her technique was shit or she picked a light flogger for when it was her turn and she was hedging, but whatever, she got maybe 2-3 strokes in that hurt at all.
But she called Red and gave me $20.
And as well know….$20 is $20.
Apparently I’m not up on my lingo. I figured “bottomed” would involve pegging.
It’s a little different than for the gays.
The Top in a scene is the person doing the action, the bottom is the person receiving the action. It’s also a way to note a scene that doesn’t involve a power dynamic/authority transfer. Top is sometimes interchangeably used for the dominant, and there’s usually a pretty good correspondence, but not necessarily. Same for the bottom and submissive.
Our instructor is talking about modifying sub elements and now I’ve got sub/dom mixed up with my Revit class.
The world just got bigger ?
Well that escalated quickly.
This place really is the best. I love our collection of misfits. (By which I mean eccentric and interesting, no disparagement attached.)
You got to plow her too CA? Or was she the type that held grudges and would make you give back $20 you made for that?
Whoa, hoss, no plowing involved. Just swinging a flogger. I took my $20 and let it rest. My point that she was a loud-mouth was made.
YKINMK, but, you do you boo.
The jerk off from Media Matters going after Tucker Carlson has said stupid things in the past it turns out.
Gee, how am I not surprised by this?
This shit will have all these people eating themselves up eventually.
It’s already happening, they just seem oblivious to it.
Well, I think it was more of a case of they figured the other side was fighting by Marquis of Queensbury boxing rules while they were doing prison yard brawling and shanking the fuck out of the idiots fighting by the rules, but that recently changed and they have not caught on they no longer are in a fight where they are fighting an opponent not willing to take their shank away and bury it right back up their prison wallet.
I’ve got a question for teachers/writers. Has anyone ever heard of or dealt with UVOCorp?
I’m pretty far along in the rather complex process to become an editor for them. Everything about it screams sketch at me, but looking around it is apparently a legit place to freelance. I see people saying it’s a scam for the writers and that only the content editor really benefits…but that’s what I’m signing up for…
There is a clearinghouse for jobs. Customers put in an order and writers bid on it. They write it and pass it to me. I do a mixture of straight editing and teaching the writers about why these are mistakes and what they can do to improve on it. I pass the paper to the customer.
These are clearly school papers with 5-paragraph structures with sourcing and bibliographies, etc. The customers are principally non-native English speakers, so I’m left with the conclusion that this is a huge paper mill for kids to buy papers to pass classes. Being the shitlord I am (who needs some steady cash) and looking at the failings of higher education, I am not morally concerned with this.
The whole thing is very strange. There is simply too much effort on their part for this probationary period for this to be a scam, yet everything sort of screams scam about it. I think it is a scam…but I’m not the primary target.
If anyone has heard anything I’d appreciate it. Be gentle, [INSERT APPROPRIATE VARIATION HERE] SMITHS; this gig and its flexibility is pretty much perfect for me.
Curious, is online editing a good ($) living? Looking for something new as the corporate burnout approaches.
Eh. This is my first formal foray into it. I was an ESL teacher for about 9 years and am trying to move into editing, which is what I actually want to do. This gig (theoretically, if not a scam) is a mix of editing and teaching.
I’m looking at something like $1-2k/month depending how many gigs I take a month. I can change that up and take other jobs on the side. But no office–completely location independent. This is why we’re moving to Chiang Mai where the cost of living actually puts me “solidly” in the green for finances.
Being debt free fucking rules.
I couldn’t possibly live on that where I am but agree about the debt-free!
I’m debt free and my credit rating sucks. Apparently in order to raise my credit rating I need to get and use credit cards. Seems like a scam/collusion between credit card companies and rating agencies.
Pisces me off
You can get no-fee credit cards and pay them off every month. That’s what I do. My credit rating is *stellar*, and I don’t even own anything big-ticket like a car or house.
The spousal unit and I rotate through cards, and almost never carry a balance on any of ’em (except by accident, dammit…). They keep trying to up our limits, but we don’t bite (we don’t need it). The biggest single expenditure we ever did at one time was on the AMEX Gold card, which we used to put in a down-payment on a new SUV. I honestly didn’t think the dealership would do that, but they didn’t even blink. It was . . . educational.
That’s what I have to do. But I have no self control. I’ll end up with a 30 k limit and flying to vegas on weekends
Heh, can’t help you there.
Have you had to pay any money for this?
That’s the first indicator that it stinks.
Nope. I’m even being paid a nominal sum to do this first step in the probationary period. I haven’t had to give a bank account or a SSN or anything like that. Just PayPal info.
Then ride it until it proves valueless to you ?
That’s the plan….
“FBI special agent says 300 FBI, IRS agents participated in arrests in alleged college cheating scam, named “Operation Varsity Blues”; 38 individuals have been taken into custody so far. ”
Nothing left to cut.
Here’s a question: what happens to these cheaters after they’re admitted to these schools? Do they still graduate? Yes? Hmm….. Maybe your degree program is bullshit then.
They probably stole a slot from a deserving person of color. Kind of like what Elizabeth Warren did.
Oh absolutely, this is how it will be spun. If it is at all possible to insert race into some narrative, it will happen and everything else will be swept under the rug.
Oh man that would be a great Trump line if they debated
I know the economics degree at BU is a joke. AOC supposedly has one.
That failure is self evident. She doesn’t even have an 8th grade grasp of economics.
+1 constitutional scholar with a phone
And what fucking world is this where rich people need to cheat to get into USC?
I was like “can’t she just get in based on living in California?” It’s not fucking Stanford
Their business model has been the same for 3 generations. Top 50% get scholarships of varying degrees, and the bottom 50% pay for it. I have classmates who weren’t even junior college material who went to USC, but their parents had to pay.
Did they have to pay $500k and pretend they were rowers?
To clarify, USC has some great programs that are very competitive.
But, if you’re a complete moron with wealthy parents, a communications degree from USC is a sure thing.
They have the hottest cheerleaders from what I see watching college football
+1 Song Girls
The first step to get into the University of Social Climbers is cheat. Seems about right.
Oh my.
*buys box set of Desperate Housewives, sets it on fire, sheds a tear*
Funny. She appears to post daily, yet no post today. No selfie from the booking station?
Damn. Today I also learned that she and Macy stumped for Kerry back in ’04. It would be abso-fucking-lutely hilarious if the arraignment list is revealed to consist entirely of Dem boosters.
Does anyone know what this place is??? Iff I can find it, I’ll get a perfect 25,000 on Geoguessr
I’ve exhausted all other options!
Somewhere in Greece or Turkey?
Could be. Almost looks Roman.
The rock work up front looks modern, so it could be a canard.
Some rich asshole’s backyard in Arizona?
It probably wouldn’t be on Street View if it were private property.
I managed to find a bungee jumping facility in India with almost no clues, but this I can’t find! GAH!
Is this what you’ve been doing for weeks?
Thank God it doesn’t like my ad-blocker, otherwise I could get sucked into that for weeks on end too.
I pause my ad blocker on that site – worth it!
Pretty much!!! LOL
A colleague and I have a friendly competition going during lunch. This one was left over from today. It was my last one in the game (it’s 5 maps per game – if you’re under 200 yards from the initial location you get max points). I just hope my browser is still open when I go back to the office on Thursday if I can get the answer.
To me the pointiness of some of the domes looks more like Iran/Iraq, possibly Afghanistan. It doesn’t appear to be on the UNESCO list of heritage sites.
Do a Google image search….
Tried. Failed.
It’s just a screen grab I took of Google Maps Street View, so no metadata
What rules do you play by?
You mean which maps do we play? We do the world map, not the famous places one.
As far as looking things up and Googling things – that’s kind of the point of the game, so yeah. We do all that.
Heh, I thought the using Google search thing would be cheating.
Nah – it’s meant to be educational. For example, I was in Argentina on one of the maps, and there were political campaign signs along the road, so I looked up the names and found out they were running for Governor of one of the provinces. Then I saw a border sign for “Dep. Angel V. Penaloza”, so I looked up Penaloza and looked up what a Departemento was in Argentina (it’s a smaller municipality within a province).
Nice – that sounds engrossing.
I looked on the internet and its not there.
Got within 130 miles of some place in Greece. How can you tell how far from start you moved?
The flag on the left of the map puts you back where you started. What I do is narrow it down on Google maps, then I compare the street view at the start point in the game with street view in Google Maps until they match.
You might try the Google Translate app – you can take pics of non-Latin alphabet words and Translate will scan the image and try to translate. You can zoom in on signs in the game, take a pic of the screen, then run it through translate. I did that with a place in Japan. It’s great for Cyrillic, because lots of the maps in the game are in and around Russia.
This one was fun.
(it’s taken me up to an hour to do one map. Not one game – one MAP. It’s like Monopoly, or Risk)
It’s Atlantis baby!
Somewhere in western North Africa-there looks to be a section of ruined aqueduct in the background.
Damn you. Damn you. Damn you directly to hell.
I made the mistake of dropping my uBlock and looking….now I have a new hobby
Trust the ad-blocker. It’s on your side.
Too late….Ive already started playing
Welcome to hell…
Just completed a game and motherfucking IOWA did me in. I’ve found remote villages in Japan, but it was Iowa that got me. Fuck Iowa. Also, the quality of the street view was so poor, I couldn’t read any signs on the road.
I was gonna say Heraklion, but there’s no whitewash stucco on any of the buildings, and the whole area is suspiciously devoid of tourists.
Bazinga! This is a different game than he one I had with the mystery place.
Apparently now that the private sector is taking over space, the spacecraft being built now have style:
Still waiting for my Jetsons car and moving sidewalks
Sorry, but instead you get an empty stall at the mall where the Tesla dealerships used to be and some articles in Wired fapping over a hyper loop.
There was a used M9 at the gun store for $400. Now it is mine. Now to look up what the qualification test for it is.
Kick ass.
That’s awesome bro.
The Army qualification test is a joke. If you can’t fire expert with it, you should sell it before you hurt yourself.
Did the CPQC at Ft Lewis the first time I shot the M9. Had a blast doing it. So much better than shooting at pop ups from a fixed position on the rifle range. Don’t remember what I shot but it wasn’t great. Another piece of flair for the next year.
*pew pew pew*
AFAICT it’s in good shape. All the finish is still on the slide, and most is still on the frame. The barrel is… “developing a patina” but that is an easy replacement if it bugs me. The previous owner put some rubber Hogue grips on it that are comfy and functional, if not exactly pretty.
yeah, there’s approximately eleventybillion aftermarket options… some of which cost double the price of the gun.
Goddamn, going down the grip rabbit hole…
I want to buy this gun just so I can put these grips on it.
Embrace your inner pimp self.
Love John Lee Hooker.
+3 Haw
wait….+1 more
So, +5?
*common core math*
4 should do it
Now count the “You”s
As a punk kid in Memphis one of the coolest things ever was to hear a random street performer who sounded just like Johnnie Lee. It was so cool to hear. When I was raving about it some dark green classmate turned me onto JLH.
The man was insanely underappreciated.
Can any of you give me a ref to a video editing software that IS NOT Adobe? I have zero confidence in the company since I couldn’t even open up jpg files without them being distorted. I don’t want to pay $500 for the privilege of opening unwatchable, distorted video. If any of you have knowledge of a decent video software company, pls let me know.
Sony Vegas
TY, Mad Scientist
I hate Adobe for not pushing ColdFusion harder. A decent language that really could have done something in REST services if they wanted.
What kind of editing? Like this?
I am a Premiere man through-and-through. Sorry, you are having difficulties.
Woo hoo. After almost a week of playing a high stakes game of chicken with the company, we finally managed to get them to blink and take random drug testing off the table and to recognize newly legal medical marijuana as a legitimate treatment option that wont get you immediately fired for having a script for.
Woo hoo.
Thumbs up.
Nice work.
Happy for you Lachsy!
Give your kid a hug and brag on yourself a bit.
Excellent work!
Nice work.
And so began Lachowsky’s career as a high-priced negotiator-for-hire.
Meh…more like medium priced. It’s not like he got the employer to pay for the medical mj.
What concession did you have to make in return? Hopefully nothing important.
That’s a lot of effort for a stoner.
I didn’t think there could be a ‘scandal’ that I could give fewer fucks about than the Jesse Smollet thing, but this college admission flap just might do it. The only thing marginally interesting is why any of it should be a crime.
SVU is the worst of the L&O franchises. Absolutely morally bankrupt. Mariska Hargitay should be embarrassed to show her face, let alone clown for the cameras for a supposed real press conference.
L&O: College Admissions Unit
Kids being unable to go do kid things on their own because somebody’s going to tattle on the parents—I blame that on SVU. The whole sex trafficking thing—also SVU.
Good call.
+10000000. It’s embarrassing. They practically play evil music in the background when the conservative rapist / pedophile appears on the screen.
The first 4 years of the original L&O was great. Same for the first few years of Criminal Intent.
Were great
I really liked Criminal Intent. It was so low-key.
Also, Lenny and Mike.
CI was a basic remake of Homicide: Life on the Streets. Which, incidentally, was where the character Munch (SVU) originated.
Frank Pembleton working the box was a thing of TV beauty.