Its nice to have the site back from the Cryptids. The real story is that SP showed up and everyone fled in terror. Even ZARDOZ and the SMITH clan want no part of an even mildly annoyed SP. So now we have our website back, if we can keep it. I hope everyone’s Monday is going well. We went and rode Thomas the Train, drove past a barn fire, and generally enjoyed ourselves.
Here, have some links.
Self-avowed Marxist Millenial blames… nah, you guess, what does he blame for Millenial burnout? (t/w the paste eaters at Vox)
Former EPA advisor tells Macron that the Paris Climate Accord is junk.
Don’t forget its March Madness time. Take the under on FSU winning 2 games. Always. Maybe they’ll win 3, but don’t bet on it.
This is going to be someone’s fetish, so here you go. (Not SF worthy) And this will be someone else’s.
Is it really Spring Break if you’re not taking a break from anything?
Also, don’t you have to work hard before you get burned out?
Between TDS, victimhood bingo, and keeping up on snapchat and instagram, they only have 30 minutes in a day for themselves.
You would think so. But these idiots have no soul and words have no meaning (to them).
I’m sympathetic to the idea that white yuppie parents did Tiger Parenting all wrong (not enough beatings) and some huge percentage of college graduate millenials have neuroses that should rightly belong to 40 year olds with alcohol or gambling problems and at least two “families”. However, the solution of just finding someone else to blame will work about as well as it always does. A guy I really respected used to say about some things “that may not be your fault, but its still your problem”. I would apply that to a lot of things many young people complain about. People they trusted told them to do things that later turned out to be not in their self-interest. That sucks. Quit listening to those people and figure out what you can do that IS in your self-interest.
You won me over at “not enough beatings”
“that may not be your fault, but its still your problem”
I’ve given that speech to interns many a time.
Along with the “what is your job? Nope. Your job is the same as everyone else’s job. Whether you’re an intern, an admin, an engineer, or garbage collector your job is to make life easier for your boss. Congratulations, you will likely have this exact same job for the rest of your life. Are complaints and excuses making life easier for your boss right now? Exactly. Now go do your job.”
I just wanted to get to the top of this thread to say you’re all fucking awesome. Got way more donations to my MS Walk than I could’ve thought I’d get. Thanks. Really.
Whut? I missed that. How did I miss that?
I missed it too, and I’m here all the time.
Link for the afternoon crowd:
This will be used for public recognition on the participant’s webpage (example, The Smith Family).
The SMITHS are everywhere.
I’m in!
May the Schwartz be with you.
Also, so help me gawd; if you embarrass me by not finishing this walk, I will do absolutely nothing about it!
So he’s the millennial anti-Rasilio?
Productivity vs wages is a stupid, stupid metric.
Anyone who is old enough to remember having to type on an actual typewriter knows how much more productive word processing programs are. Did people really have to work harder? Or did they just not have to waste gobs of time using correcting tape/whiteout?
All that drudgery is gone. However, all that time spent on drudgery was not used 100% on more productive chores. I’m guessing a lot of that time turned into fuckoff on Glibs time.
Imagine if a millenial was sent back to 1975 and they had to deal with all the inefficiencies of pre-internet commerce. Only having a few broadcast tv channels, having to wait 4-6 weeks for their Pocket Fisherman to be delivered from RonCo. One phone per house.
Capitalism has allowed fucking the poorest Americans to have luxuries that the richest of people dreamed of.
But muh wealth inequality!!!eleventy!!!
Maggie put it best, almost 30 years ago.
Phrasing …
Eh sure a lot of drudge work of the past is gone but you have to be a fool to ignore that technology as brought on almost as much drudgery as it has eliminated by taking jobs which were once the realm of highly trained specialists and allowing them to be performed by semi trained monkeys. Futher if you consider business processes as technology (and you should) then it has also opened up whole new worlds of essentially non productive drudge work which would just never have existed without the produtivity gains in other areas of technology.
Case in point: The Powerpoint meeting, where some middle manager gets a dozen people in a room for 2 hours as they proceed to read a Powerpoint slide deck in preparation for the actual meeting where decisions will be made next week.
Both producing the slide deck and the meeting where it is reviewed offer no real value to anyone and are every bit the drudge work of sitting in the typing pool but they endemic in business.
I fucking hate the “meeting culture” that is so pervasive in workplaces. 99 percent of the time, it’s just general announcements that could have easily been sent out in a group email.
Reason # 48,237,642,958 that I prefer to work at the smallest company possible (all other things being equal).
My daughter is still waiting for her “Captain and Tennille” recording with “Muskrat Love” on it from a NY,NY company, has it been 6-8 weeks yet?
They’re either going to lose in round 1 or make it to the final 4.
I’m one of the dumb people who has them in the final 4. Gonzaga’s a really vulnerable 1; have them losing to Syracuse in round 2.
I feel orders of magnitude dumber after reading that article.
That dude denying having sex with his cat is the greatest thing in Twitter history. It makes that entire hellsite worth it.
Is it me, or does that Daily Mail page not have any Demi Rose in the sidebar?
Her check didn’t clear.
It’s been almost three weeks.
Someone check the local rehab facilities.
Thicc chick’s clicks nixed.
Duke Yam kidnapped her and took her to his sweet potatolair.
Gabrielle Anwar. Not even a question.
I would so hard, she’d need to be buried in a Y-shaped coffin.
There’s one episode of Burn Notice where she’s clearly flashing her brights. My wife pointed it out.
The “Rachel”
Please tell me that you didn’t have to look that up.
I can just close my eyes any time I like.
More than one, I’d say.
Lot of cold days in FL, apparently.
Wouldn’t be hard. You could put her on a scale with a 10lb roast and it would still come in at 2 digits.
I’m conflicted. She’s got that skeletor look starting but I have very happy childhood memories of the movie Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken. Can’t tell you what it was about or any plot details now.
I called her years ago! Get in line, man!
A line? That’s not going to make the train run on time!
Not that kind of train, Benito…
*Narrows gaze*
Well for a train shouldn’t it be *narrows gauge*?
Dammit! Yes. Don’t know how I missed that…someone must have spiked my drink.
That’s some good white guilt there, Slate.
Sorry, not sorry. I have enough Catholic guilt for my own direct actions, I ain’t taking on any guilt for actions 876,351 times removed.
Today’s shooting in the Netherlands should implicate all Muslim Turks.
Shame and apology is not enough in confronting our country’s virulent islamofacism.
Beds are Burning isn’t enough?
*spastic, twitchy dancing*
In addition to singing, he was a pretty good soccer ref.
Huh. I only knew him as a far-left pol.
Its a joke, as he is a twin of a now retired Italian ref.
Tell me baby, what’s my name
Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
Tell me baby, what’s my name
I tell you one time, you’re to blame
^^^This is how you create and sustain a robust white nationalist movement.
I think that is the point.
The way to drive extremism is double down and blame a particular group for the terrible actions of an individual. Yeah, that’s the stuff.
I’ve never heard anything good about Christchurch. Not so long ago there were two(?) devastating earthquakes and now there’s a massacre. That’s all I know about the city.
Frodo summers there.
One of my oldest friends has retired to his horse ranch just outside of Christchurch. He’s lived and worked all over the world (Spain, Yemen, Angola, Nigeria, Antarctica, Indonesia…) lost a two-story, outdoor fireplace in one of the quakes.
I blame Hoodoo Gurus.
Great band!
There’s plenty more blame to go around.
Plenty, indeed.
Don’t even get me started with these guys.
This is one of the tightest examples of white funk ever made.
This could take awhile
h/t EDG
The power of hoodoo
This is your scene
Double yes!
I met that guy.
I know that blaming myself and my cohort is illogical
This should have been the end of the article. Alas, she brays on for another 5000 words or so.
Hey now, the 2013 New Zealander of the year agrees:
Yeah, I thought Christchurch was Kiwiland, not Oz.
And, in totally unexpected news, the PM implores, “You can surrender your gun to the police at any time,” Ardern said in a message to gun owners at her weekly post-Cabinet press conference. “I’ve seen reports that people are in fact already doing this. I applaud that effort and if you’re thinking about surrendering your weapon, I would encourage you to do so.”
There’s a bizarre statement in that story from a Green MP and farmer who wrote on Twitter, “Until today I was one of the New Zealanders who owned a semi-automatic rifle. On the farm they are a useful tool in some circumstances, but my convenience doesn’t outweigh the risk of misuse.” So, he’s suggesting he MIGHT have gone out and committed mass murder?
“How about never? Does that time work for you?”
So, they’re doing exactly what the “manifesto” wanted them to. Congratulations, I guess.
Some peeps’ reaction to a violent attack is to give up their right to self defense? Damn, the statists are good at twisting people up.
What an absolute utter fucking turd. I hope she dies of fear overnight after she sees her shadow.
“You can surrender your gun to the police at any time,”
Encouraging people to show up with firearms right after an incident like that? Is she trying to get law abiding gun owners killed? (yes, she is. Now and later when they are unable to defend themselves against tyrants small and big. What an immoral cunt.)
Islam is a race now?
Christchurch Shootingsinner-city crime rate in the US Should Implicate AllWhite Australiansblack AmericansAre they even familiar with the concept of taking your positions to their logical conclusion to see if it leads you to something that you don’t want to get on board with?
You either can or cannot assign collective guilt to races based on the actions of a small number of members. You’re not allowed to pick and choose which races get to be treated as monoliths that act as one entity and which ones get treated as aggregates of individuals who cannot be judged as a group. “Progressives” need to be called out on this shit. I’m getting sick of it.
Yes they can.
They do it every day.
They shouldn’t be able to but they do and get away with it.
Over 100 Christian were murdered by peaceful Muslims in the two weeks prior to Christchurch in Nigeria alone.
I promise to feel collectively guilty if I get to knock the shit out of anyone (everyone?) telling me to feel guilty.
Don’t worry, Ms.* Withers–I’m not even Australian, and, after reading just a smidge of your dreck, I hate you, too.
*it is ‘Ms.’, isn’t it? I would hope…
“Extreme capitalism”
I see words still don’t have meanings.
It’s like regular capitalism while drinking Mountain Dew on a skateboard.
Beto is doing that right now.
Ahem, that’s 373373 haxor & notes deceased bovine fucker Psychopathic Warez Beto now.
“Well, I take a very Marxist perspective on the world”
That’s when I stopped reading.
Marxist perspective = gimme your shit
Well, according to the article, it’s due to the “extreme individualism of modern American society”.
Oh no! People are individuals rather than the Borg! Why won’t they unify and support me and have me be the one individual who holds the clipboard?
Judging by the picture alone, that dude absolutely had sexual encounters with his cat. Multiple, sustained sexual encounters with many cats.
Mammary Monday rolls on!
Mmmm … 71
And 23, too.
Fuck these assholes. I worked nearly full time and went to college full time and never once did I blame capitalism. They’re complaining because they feel entitled to get a shit ton of money without the hard work and sacrifices required to get that money.
Fuck these assholes
The cats’ assholes?
France just needs to stop practicing “extreme capitalism”, duh.
I think I’ve heard my kids mention Shane Dawson. Part of me wants to talk to them about this, but then I remember that any such conversation will end with “Dad, just stop” and an eye roll.
Didn’t Shane Dawson used to play shortstop for the Cubs?
“Hey, kids, why does the cat leave the room every time you walk in?”
Marxists would refer to this as an increase in the rate of exploitation
Capitalist exploitation doesn’t care if you believe in it or not.
Damn son.
Whoa. That’s gonna leave a mark.
*forwards to family progs*
Flawless Victory.
That’s a damn fine looking Lesbian Geopolitical Commentator.
Damn you.
You scared me.
I’ve still got a shot.
Go get her, tiger!
A lot of my friends on the Left either hand wave away that Obama loved bombing brown people or somehow blame the GOP. Seriously, I had an acquaintance tell me that due to the GOP’s intransigence towards Obama, he was forced to bomb people in the Middle east.
Obama is a war criminal.
So was Dubya.
So is Trump.
The next President’s going to be one too, because that’s what we do here.
You’re only a war criminal if you lose the war.
And if the war never ends, you can’t lose!
“Self-avowed Marxist Millenial blames… nah, you guess, what does he blame for Millenial burnout? (t/w the paste eaters at Vox)”
Speaking of millennials. They’re more stressed out than ever, apparently. Here’s a list of 20 top most stressful things they are stressed about. No fewer than 5 of those things are directly related to their cell phones. That’s right, cell phones. No hunger, dangerous wild beasts, war zones. Cell phone problems. Trump and climate change don’t even make the list. Who could have predicted that? Not our esteemed media for sure.
Muh cell phone!
“Washing dishes”
Oh for fuck’s sake.
Wow, that’s just unbelievable. Here’s the list for lazy people:
1. Losing wallet/credit card
2. Arguing with partner
3. Commute/traffic delays
4. Losing phone
5. Arriving late to work
6. Slow WiFi
7. Phone battery dying
8. Forgetting passwords
9. Credit card fraud
10. Forgetting phone charger
11. Losing/misplacing keys
12. Paying bills
13. Job interviews
14. Phone screen breaking
15. Credit card bills
16. Check engine light coming on
17. School loan payments
18. Job security
19. Choosing what to wear
20. Washing dishes
3, 5, 12, 13, 18 — all adult stresses, if 12 is different from 17, you have too many loans. The rest are just a pile of random shit you worry about when your life is really good. But its okay, as more get married, #2 will turn from being a stressor into their favorite sport.
Arriving late to work….is being on time really that difficult???
By the time you stop to get avocado toast & a latte it is.
I couldn’t find my keys, my cell phone was dead, and I just couldn’t decide what to wear. Also, climate change caused a volcano, an asteroid, and a tornado. And Trump bombed the interstate to kill a busload of illegal migrant children. And then I had to rescue a polar bear stuck on an iceberg and save the planet.
That’s not exclusive to Millenials.
Eh. When I was 25 it used to stress me out that if I had 2 more drinks, I might not hear my alarm and be late. After the two drinks, I wasn’t nearly as worried about it.
If I have one more and don’t get to sleep by 2:00, I’ll be shit for work tomorrow.
If I have one more and don’t get to sleep by 3:30, I’ll be really shit for work tomorrow.
If I have one more and get to sleep by 5:00, I’ll sleep through work tomorrow. Might as well stay up. And have one more.
“There are five levels of drinking…”
If the left are really depending on these people for their ‘revolution’, I’m afraid they are going to very disappointed. ‘Sorry, I can’t do revolution right now, my cell phone needs charged and I can’t figure out what to wear!’.
I don’t see fighting off mountain lions on the list. Or bringing in the harvest.
How about a fucking cancer diagnosis? Loss of a parent (or child)?
Only two things scare me and one of them is nuclear war.
Grew up during the 80’s. Nuclear war never bothered me. The possibility of it happening was just there, like earthquakes or floods. If it’s going to happen, it’ll happen and I’ll be fucked. Until then, meh.
Today, I find it more concerning intellectually but still just don’t have that emotional response to it over other cataclysmic disasters.
Me neither. It’s no different than worrying about “climate change”. And who does that?!
Well, I just put an old high school friend in Derpbook “timeout” for the 3rd time in a year for (this time) climate change ranting. WTF is happening to smart people???
I’m a little disappointed in you both
Is the other one carnies? Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.
Thank you.
21. Clicking the link.
Thanks Joe!
People rag on Steve Jobs for the black turtleneck. But nobody asks themselves, did Steve Jobs stress out about what to wear?
No. He had a shitload of shitload of jeans and black turtlenecks he bought at Old Navy. Problem solved.
Actually, according to this, the jeans were Levis 501 and the sneakers New Balance — but the turtlenecks were made by a famous designer, Issey Miyake, that Jobs met while visting at Sony. The guy sent Jobs something like 100 of the shirts, and that was all he wore for shirts from then on.
He spent too much.
Little known fact, the same company supplies Archer’s Black, and slightly-darker-black Tactilenecks.
So…don’t get married. Problem solved.
Pay for things in cash. Problem solved.
Take the bus, ride a bike, call an Uber. Problem solved.
I should write a self-help book.
Ignore the fucking light.
No. You don’t ignore the Check Engine Light. NEVER IGNORE THE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT.
What would you do if you’re gas cap wasn’t closed?
There’s a parts store every 2 miles that will loan you an OBD II code scanner, and sell you the parts, tools, and manuals to fix the problem. If you’re polite and act the least bit interested, one of the old guys who works there will probably tell you exactly how to do the job and what to look out for. Or give you the name of a reliable local mechanic.
They even make bluetooth OBDII readers so Millennials will feel right at home looking shit up on their phones.
I have this one.
Works great.
And yes, the FIRST time you fix something, you’ll spend an “extra” $500 on things like jack stands and specialized tools. But you also won’t pay $500 (or more) in labor to the shop and you’ll know a hell of a lot more about how cars in general, and yours in particular, work. And when you do decide to take it to the mechanic, you’ll smile and think you’re getting the better deal at $125/hr in labor once you’ve spent four hours trying to contort your hands to fit into the wee space in the engine compartment to twist a couple of bolts, or fought a belt back on.
Like my wife’s CRV. That fucking alternator is jammed way in the front in this wee tiny space, and then I look and there’s at least six inches between the back of the engine and the firewall. They couldn’t have moved the engine and all the shit that hangs off it back 3 inches? Oh and the terminals are juuust long enough to bolt on and off if you hold it juuust right and have a good twisty head bolt. It still took me at least an hour to get the terminals off and back on. Fucking robots probably get to do it without the radiator and fan installed at the factory.
They even make bluetooth OBDII readers so Millennials will feel right at home looking shit up on their phones.
This. It’ll even clear the code for you.
Back in the 90s I had to remove the left side driveshaft in order to replace the alternator in my wife’s Accord. Honda loves burying them at the bottom for some reason.
My dad used to “fix” that by putting electrical tape over the light.
Like this?
Pretty much.
Nearly half of those things are plain dumbassery/lack of organization. They could eliminate half of their stress by just not forgetting/losing shit.
Sounds like their lives are pretty good to me.
It’s all first world problems. Problems like billions of people around the world would love to have instead of the real problems they have.
16. Check engine light coming on
Wait, wait, wait. Millennials own cars?
As a Millennial (supposedly) car owner all I can say…is I just got off the phone with Discount Tire. My new tires are in the shop.
New tires!? Too much trouble. Can’t you just buy a new car with your trust fund?
I even got A/T’s. Soon I will be jumping curbs…everywhere.
That guy fucked his cat.
The Bible says that we’re going to have to punish the cat too.
It’s only fair: we don’t want any promiscuous animals out there flaunting themselves and tempting other people into sin.
Bitch set him up.
He never touched the dog!
Those pussies just let you grab them.
Climate change?
I’m Gen X. I just like to sit on the sidelines and watch the world burn.
*nods and passes joint to AC*
Why did we have to get sandwiched in between the 2 dumbest generations in history? 🙂
There is hope. My son’s on a text message group (I get to see all of his texts) that is nothing but un-woke memes.
Cheers, br…aw fuck it. don’t care.
*all of the above*
The yellow vest movement demanding economic justice had been dwindling before taking off again last weekend.
Protesters had tried to raise their profile Saturday to mark the end of a national debate Macron had organized to respond to protesters’ concerns about sinking living standards, stagnant wages, and high unemployment.
Many demonstrators, especially from the political extremes, feel the debate didn’t address their real demands.
Burn some more tires. That’ll show how serious you are.
I don’t visit TOS much these days. So I went by there today and witnessed 2 awful bad horrible Shikha articles. And I mean bad even by Shikha standards. And apparently shreek has been banned again for posting kiddie pr0n, but he’s back under a different sock.
That one about how left wing identity politics aren’t as dangerous or scary as “the right’s identity politics” was really something. Reminded me why I cancelled my print membership and never visit TOS anymore.
The left-right equivocation that often drifted into left apologia was for me what absolutely killed the site. I stand by Evil vs Stupid (and sometimes evil by virtue of their stupidity).
Evil but stupid vs. Stupid but evil.
That sums it up better
A website I frequented daily just went to comment moderation via the owner deciding on what she wanted to put up. It used to be a free-for-all with some dumb back and forth between a handful of commenters. I told her to tell users to get Blog Comment KIllFile to customize their experience, but she didn’t listen. So far, I’ve been back just to peek at the results. It’s boring as shit now. Usual comment threads would easily reach 100 or more. The most on any single post now is about 80. As an adult who knows how the scroll function works, this is disappointing. But she’s a professor with lefty tendencies who built a following by being very tolerant of speech. I mean, it’s her place so she can do what she wants, but …
Yup. Didn’t want to use the name unless I had to.
They’re still good on the small stuff, but their in-house “serious” articles have mostly become a joke.
I really enjoy their ReasonTV stuff. I gave up on the print stuff after “Trump killed Grandma” and “Cultural Marxism is a fever dream of the right”
“We are in a war between those who choose to be human and those who choose to be white. In order to effectively stamp out fascism, we must take on all hierarchies at once. White supremacy cannot be disentangled from patriarchy and class oppression. Liberalism is not the answer.”
If only there were a movement out there to make a New Man. A Man without all the flaws of capitalism, hegemony, and repression of the working class… Maybe it could also fail to deliver basic sanitation and run functioning petro-states into the ground.
Where do you even begin with that? There’s at least three levels of cognitive dissonance wrapped up in there.
I think a throat punch is more effective.
As someone pointed out in the comments, Titania McGrath may have some competition.
“Bernie Sanders Pledges To Do A Better Job Of Explaining Socialism”
He’s gonna mess up his hair more, eat less, dress like a hobo and not shower.
Don’t forget to look more angrier.
He’ll have to kill off a few million of the less useful followers to really get his point across.
The problem is just that is hasn’t been explained well enough.
Not the outcomes. Those are fine — if, when TSHTF for any given iteration, the No True Scotsman fallacy is invoked about it not being TRUE socialism.
Socialism has been creating poverty, misery and dead bodies for well over 100 years and Bernie is gonna ‘splain all that away.
Sounds legit.
How dare you compare fake socialism to Bernie’s glorious real socialism. See, that wasn’t Democratic Socialism™. Calling it “democratic” obviously makes it good, and this time it’s gonna work.
Lying to obtain political power? Derivative, but sometimes you just need to go with the classics.
No explanation necessary. There’s been plenty of real life examples over the past century. Hundreds of millions dead or impoverished.
The SEC appears to be getting pissed at Elon
I really expected something about the South Eastern Conference getting mad at Elon College for something to do with the NCAA tournament.
Very disappoint.
Do you ever recall me posting anything about basketball? Ever?
I thought the same thing.
And Elon the grifter will still skate with the public.
How can the man who founded (what I think is) the greatest private company of all time, SpaceX, be such a douchecanoe?
The same way Steve Jobs was a total asshole.
Are there enough Glibs to throw together a bracket ?
Made my stupid picks in the office pool under the guise of “Instant Loser” Have Tennessee beating Duke, which is probably a terrible prognostication.
Let’s stop beating around the bush and be honest.
It would be nice if one of these commies would give us a hard and fast definition of the word ‘capitalism’.
Paris Climate Scam = International communism. Fuck that. They aren’t called watermelons for no reason.
Nobody fucks a cat. Try bathing one and see how that goes. Also, someone recently said to me after we had a row in a local Walmart “Have you ever noticed that every time this sort of thing happens a hairpiece goes flying?” – Yeah, I know, racist.
One of the funniest things I ever observed: When I was working at the prison, this lazy, rude, out-of-shape officer was driving a golf cart across the yard, and her weave fell off. Looked like a fucking dead racoon laying there on the concrete. One of the inmates yells, “Ay officer, you dropped your weave on the ground!” The officer pats her head, and her eyes bug out in surprise upon realizing that her weave did in fact fall off. She throws the golf cart in reverse, picks it up and tosses it in her lap, and speeds away.
I know someone who works in Broward County Jail. I should set you guys up to swap tales.
I love going to a site meeting and receiving a call that the other party needs to cancel right as I am arriving.
And apparently I am going to be one of our company reps at a job fair at my alma mater. There is nothing particularly wrong with that except they gave kind of short notice and I’ll lose a day of productivity. But I’m still getting paid, so that’s something.
What is this “productivity” you speak of? I’m not sure I know anyone who does anything of merit in exchange for their paycheck…..
So you get to cruise for coeds. Nice.
what does he blame for Millenial burnout?
Random observation:
Universal basic income would be less destructive than a federal government “job guarantee”.
Initially. That is until special interest groups start asking for more than the flat rate. And we recreate the welfare state to care for those who can’t figure out how to live withing their means. And the amount per month will be a political football we’ll argue over until the heat death of the universe.
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
+1 minimum wage
Fun bar bet. Guess the minimum wage of the Scandinavian countries.
They all happen not to have one.
Ssssshh, some of the “progressives” are still getting over the shock of learning that Trump’s evil cut to the corporate tax rate was merely taking it down to the level of those idyllic Scandinavian countries.
Millennial burn out?
From what? Whining and activism, combing their beards and getting too many tattoos?
This is going to be someone’s fetish, so here you go.
Juneteenth already? This year has certainly flown by.
If people wanted to troll that Shane Dawson character they should tweet at him that clip from a Plinkett review where the character goes to town on his cat. #ShaneDawsonHomeMovies
Run, Joe!, Run!
As the political world continues to wait for Joe Biden to decide whether he will seek the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, the former vice president nearly revealed his plans Saturday night as he defended his record at a Delaware Democratic Party fundraising dinner.
“I’m told I get criticized by the new left,” Biden said, referring to claims that he would occupy a moderate lane should he join the presidential race. “I have the most progressive record for anybody running.”
But as his home state audience erupted in cheers, the longtime Delaware senator quickly walked a piece of the comment back.
“I didn’t mean it. I mean, of anyone who would run. Of anybody who would run,” he said.
Interesting how even the would-be establishment candidate will even try to out-left the rabid leftists.
“We’ve got to get to know one another again,” Biden said, describing what he called the “Delaware way,” where, because the state is so small, personal relationships supersede political differences.
“You have to arrive at consensus,” he continued. “Without consensus, nothing gets done period. Have to listen to the other guy, the other woman. Work with one another, respect one another no matter how badly you disagree.”
Yea, sure, Joe. ///putyalbackinchains
Beta wants a female veep
O’Rourke was asked by a supporter point-blank if he would “put a woman” as his vice president if he were to become the Democratic nominee. There was not a specific candidate’s name mentioned, but a general request that whomever he chooses be female.
“It’s hard for me to think of a reason that I would not do that,” O’Rourke answered, noting that “talking about who I would pick as vice president feels really premature.”
“I know it feels premature,” the supporter acknowledged, “but you’re half of a ticket, and you’re becoming president. You represent the other half of this country, too. They need to see in a position of power in this country.”
“Yes,” said O’Rourke, nodding along.
“We haven’t had a woman vice president,” the supporter continued. “I would like the youngest person that I’m gonna vote for to drive this country forward and put a woman on his ticket.”
“I hear you, and again, that would be my preference,” confirmed O’Rourke.
“I feel like it would be very presumptuous for me to talk about who I would select as vice present right now, but your point is taken,” the Democrat added.
I don’t like you. But I will give you advice. Do not chose Her Shrillness. You wouldn’t make it a week beyond inauguration.
I nominate Alyssa Milano. She’s right on par with Beto’s intellect.
PowerDerp duo.I’m getting the impression he’s pretty suggestible.
Also, he’s going to need someone with multiple intersections in order to pass muster in today’s Party.
Yep. He is nothing but box-checking, virtue-signalling.
What I dont get is that he said outright that the constitution is nonsense and should be trashed completely and no one batted an eye. Everyone is just pretending he never said it.
He didn’t quite say the entire constitution should go, just hinted at it:
“I’m hesitant to answer it because I really feel like it deserves its due, and I don’t want to give you a — actually, just selfishly, I don’t want a sound bite of it reported, but, yeah, I think that’s the question of the moment: Does this still work?” O’Rourke said. “Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships…and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?”
He’s so close, so close… But he fumbles at the last minute and concludes that the Constitution is the problem, not the foreign entanglements that he just described.
He doesn’t come close at all. He WANTS the foreign entanglements. The constitution is in his way.
And Jefferson thought there should be a revolution every couple of decades, which I imagine would require new constitutions, governing principles,etc.
choose*, even.
Especially if the deal was he would step down after winning. I can see the lure of power being too much for him to want to hold to that agreement and then… accidents happen.
No, he’ll pick Harris, so that we can have the most insufferable ticket of all time.
Beto/Harris 2020
She’ll be too busy winning the nomination for president.
/calling it now
I agree. She checks enough grevance boxes and has less obvious flaws than most of the other jackasses.
Not just checks grievance boxes but she does so without actually having come from the progressive wing of the party. She fits in quite well with the corporatist establishment of the Dems. Much better than any of the other intersectional candidates.
Yep, she’ll be able to tie the establishment and the loony intersectional wing together with ease.
She gives me the willies
She gives me the willies
Willy Brown concurs. With a smile on his face.
*narrows gaze*
She gives me the willies
Biden will get it and will beat Trump easily.
“Easily”=3rd world country levels of voter fraud.
I’m maxxing out my credit cards on cases of bourbon and ammo.
take out some student loans to pay for it instead, if the left wins they’ll be forgiven.
He should keep his gropes up.
Dude has a problem. A legit problem with children. It’s disgusting.
Never forget that O’Rourke apologized for this joke:
Somehow I find it particularly retarded that somebody complained about it and he apologized.
I’m still not getting what the supposed offense was.
Candor and a sense of humor. Those, apparently, are unforgivable offenses for a politician.
Every day now is Retardation Celebration Day.
“Beta wants a female veep”
Is Julia Louis-Dreyfus available?
Damn I need to get into the fence building business. Companies in our area are booked out until April just for estimates and the prices are outrageous. Might be building this thing myself.
Often, this is the only way to do it right.
I paid cashy-money for mine right after the hurricane. Got in line in front of all the insurance claims, and got a fair price from a local guy, too. I had a fence in 3 weeks. By the end of the job, they were booked for the next 4 months. But they also weren’t in a hurry to hire new guys. They were happy doing 2 jobs/crew/week and making wheelbarrows full of money. I’m sure other companies were making it by the truckload.
Do not chose Her Shrillness. You wouldn’t make it a week beyond inauguration.
William Henry Harrison’s record would be in serious jeopardy.
Naw. She wouldn’t be that obvious. The unfortunate accident would happen maybe several months in, when he lets his guard down and the Secret Service are momentarily not in that room of the White House.
I’m getting the impression he’s pretty suggestible.
If Beto makes it to the White House, he’ll be nothing more than a ventriloquist’s dummy. We have to ask ourselves who the ventriloquist will be.
Dick Cheney?
You know he’s bought and paid for, already.
If true, then as another Glib put it, Beto really will be your version of The Hair That Walks Like A Man™.
You just described every candidate except Trump. Why do you think the world is shitting it’s pants over Trump.
Don’t cry for me
Argentinapole vaultersWoman writes sob story about a super hot pole vaulter “had her life ripped apart” due to the Male Gaze being turned on her. It is truly horrifying. Well except maybe that the pole vaulter is also a model. And most of the shots are obviously posed (not candid at a meet).
Make sure you have a box of kleenex handy when you read about how awful her life was/is.
Ooops. I meant to add a NSFW (probably) tag to that link. Definite Q territory.
She’s clothed in all of them.
What a rip!
What’s Jimbo doing with that box of kleenex?
They have soothing lotion.
I was trying to create some clothes for that poor gal that would fit her better!
Most of the clothes she is forced to wear for you pigs have substantially less material than can be found in a kleenex (or so it seems to me after rigorous visual inspection).
You can tell that she hates being paid to wear athletic clothes and have her picture taken.
She is really pretty, though. I assume she’s so offended because when she’s not wearing athletic clothes she’s a neurosurgeon saving children with life threatening conditions.
I can see the safety issues though. A lot of not too stable guys out there.
A more Glib-like story about pole vaulters: Hot Japanese pole on pole action
Seems like tucking would be the norm in that pursuit.
And they said Asian guys had small dicks.
“…and he later got it up to 5.45 meters.”
The writer had a little fun there.
Isn’t that considered jousting?
Japanese John Holmes had a raging hard on.
“LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!”
Most of the shots were from her own Instagram account – being sexualized @17 must have broken her completely.
must have broken her completely.
You mean she didn’t figure out how to monetize it?
Whatever will she do with her expensive education, beauty, fame and monetized social media? She is a delicate flower, crushed under the weight of the world.
I mean, if she had managed to remain anonymous, imagine how much better she would have done than just some professional golfer as a fiancé.
Why do I think she will be a gal who will be very, very bitter when she ages and loses her looks?
Genetics can be a bitch but I’m guessing unless hers are a time bomb she’s got about 25 years before it’s a concern.
Oh yes she did, the minute she agreed to pose for those photos she was begging on her hands and knees to be made a sex symbol. She might not have realized that was what she was asking for but it wasn’t even in the small print of the contract, it was an act of willful negligence on the part of everyone involved in her getting into modeling not to have explained to her that if she had any success at all as a model that as a result of her looks and physique that she would be known as a sex symbol far more than as an athlete.
Also while I am at it, I hate to break it to her but literally nobody outside of Pole Vaulters and their families gives a damn about Pole Vaulters. It is a mildly interesting oddity of a sport that people watch without really even paying attention to during the olympics and then it quickly goes back to not even being background noise in peoples lives. Further she clearly wasn’t that good at it. Sure she was one of the best at her school, big deal someone is the best Football player at Harvard, doesn’t mean that anyone is going to know about them for their athletic prowess. She by all apperances was pretty much just an above average competitor in a single College level track and field event, there are literally thousands of college athletes who graduate from college every year with equal skill levels in their sports as her and nobody writes articles about them or knows or cares about their athletic exploits, they also don’t get famous enough to travel in the social circles that lets them meet and marry actually successful professional athletes. So lets not pretend that her career as a college athlete was something that was actually anything that ANYONE should care about in the slightest unless they know and care for her personally.
There is something very disconcerting about the Instagram generation. It seems as though it’s vanity personified. I know several girls who model and post mostly naked pictures regularly, only to turn around and unironically make overtures about humility, objectification of women, etc. It seems impossible someone can have that little self-awareness yet here we are…
Uffda. What a shitlord. Next you will probably start defending Michelle Jenneke and the shame she brought to women’s hurdles!
These poor girls don’t have any choice about how they are objectified. They just want to have a quiet life and then some photographer sneaks up on them and takes hundreds of pics of them (and forces them to sign releases at the point of a gun).
Thank you for saving me the effort of posting a link to Jenneke. She seems awesome.
Hey don’t forget the part about all the filthy capitalist money they were forced by the patriarchy to accept.
DQ’d for not posting the version with Sabrina’s Boys as the music.
Just have to post the original music video instead. Mildly NSFW.
Also would have accepted Michelle’s Chive video.
So another article complaining about the objectification of Allison Stokke filled with hot pictures of Allison Stokke.
Texas ADA: Hey, I found this evidence that might exonerate the defendant. I’m going to turn it over to them!
His Bosses: No, you should definitely keep that to yourself.
Texas ADA: No, really, this is exonerative evidence and legal ethics attorneys are telling me I need to turn it over. I’m giving it to the defense.
His bosses: You’re fired for not following orders!
Texas Supreme Court: Nothing to see here, this is totally alright.
Absolute and sovereign immunity. It’s up to the legislature to waive it.
*looks at Walk MS page*
You guys are super fucking awesome. I love y’all. Because I’ve learned that platonic love is possible between two grown men.
You see, a Glib’s love is very different from that of a square.
Your realize with the term ‘Glibs love’ you lit the SF and HM signal?
/Crawls under desk and hugs knees
Not to mention the STEVE SMITH signal.
I already got a donation from the entire SMITH family!
Sadly, there are no libertarian women.
Apropos of nothing, here’s a poem I ran across penned by Barack Obama and published in 1981:
Under water grottos, caverns
Filled with apes
That eat figs.
Stepping on the figs
That the apes
Eat, they crunch.
The apes howl, bare
Their fangs, dance,
Tumble in the
Rushing water,
Musty, wet pelts
Glistening in the blue.
It ain’t Robert Frost but I’ve read worse.
You are trolling for Michelle jokes. Racist.
I admit I hate the Michelle jokes. I think they’re dumb and most are unfunny.
She’s not attractive, but she’s not hideous. In fact she looks about how you’d expect an undistinguished con law professor would marry.
Agreed, but I get annoyed by the media telling me how wonderful and beautiful she is, and if you don’t agree you’re a racist.
I think Michelle is sexy, but I like big booty black women, and I’m cognizant enough of economics to understand that value is subjective, including taste in women or men.
Ain’t racist to like whatever the hell you like, just as it isn’t sexist to prefer only one gender.
Titled: An ode to my love?
Nice. Since you made the reference, is it worth reading after Restaurant…? I read somewhere that it wasn’t.
I liked them, but then again I was also reading the Xanth books at about the same time. I’d imagine Adams will age better than Anthony but I could be wrong.
Yes. At least the third. After that, meh.
Boy that’s a tough one. The first two were great, the next two not so much. Also, I was quite young when I read them. I noticed, too, that they aren’t nearly as funny today. Same with Dirk Gently. The first one is still terrific, but the sequel is painful.
Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me, (with big yawning)
As plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,
Its earted jurtles, grumbling
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and stipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries.
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don’t!
Serious case of plagiarism, TC, just sayin’
Funny words make blood flow. I liked it.
There once was a man from Nantucket…
Who’s poetry made you puke in a bucket?
He looked in the bucket to see…
If there was anything larger than a pee…
And then slurped it all down and thought “fuck it”.
Here’s a dumb one I wrote a while ago. Maybe we should have an open poetry (and limerick, I’m sure) post.
We climbed hills in search of mountains
We swam rivers in search of the sea.
We tore flesh from the heart of youth
And traded it for dull-edged swords.
We devoured the forest.
But came away with nothing but the silvery taste of hardship thick on our tongues.
We barked at lights grown dim and watched stars fade.
We dismantled our rose-colored glass-blowing machine.
We drank the alkaline blood of over-promise
And lay amongst the fallen leaves of long-lost accolades.
We clothed ourselves in second-hand souls … sang dirges for Cadillacs, and dreamt every dream we knew.
And then we let go.
We were once.
We were fleeting.
We were gone.
Not bad, at least it makes sense.
Roses are red
violets are blue
Chickens peck the ground
modern poems don’t rhyme
I traded my heroes for ghosts, and hot ashes for trees.
I laughed. But then, I’ve been drinking.
Conspiracy theories: not just for Alex Jones anymore!
Isn’t risperidone cheaper than surgery?
“you fall in love with people, not genitals”
Speak for yourself, asshole.
I’m sure your wife is thrilled to know you only care about her genitals.
He also likes her boobs.
I have no idea what she knows.
She knows you’re wrong.
“Bernie Sanders Pledges To Do A Better Job Of Explaining Socialism”
Their problem is that they really are too smart for the rest of us.
Remember Herself saying the reason Hillarycare failed was because she hadn’t explained it to us simple enough terms? The MSM just nodded their bobble heads in agreement
We let our elites down everyday. They deserve so much better than us.
From TOS, guess who wrote this article:
“The Right’s Identity Politics Is More Dangerous Than the Left’s”: The left has badly overplayed its hand by insisting on a forced program of diversity. The right’s program of engineered homogeneity might well be worse.
I’m not sure, but I’ll bet he has superb hair.
She does not.
Oh. It didn’t badmouth people for opposition to any controls on immigration, so I didn’t figure it was her.
I clicked over to look.
It reminded me why I left.
For real. Everything that got me lurking in the comments is over here. Everything that repulsed me about the comments is over there…..on steroids, having an epileptic fit,….with an electrical current running through it.
Has SPACE SMITH been tested? Cause it seems that there’s SPACE HERPES !
Also, relevant.
(Ice Pirates was highly underrated)
This clip is actually more relevant.
A damn good movie.
I’ve searched the weekend posts, and I can’t see this magnificent intersection of Roadzzz and Romania (for shame, Pie!) so I’ll leave it here, preemptively being contrite if it’s a double post.
World’s shortest motorway built to shame a nation
The tiny road is adorable. I guess he couldn’t fully commit to the bit and a do a single meter of a six-lane highway since then people would assume width is length.
How do you say “Shovel Ready” in Romanese ?
Moldavia? Isn’t it a separate country?
Not quite, the old country of Moldavia got rolled into Romania, but some bits didn’t make it because Turks lost them to Austrians and Russians.
Confused me too. Because there a Moldova as well, which is its own country.
I pity poor, poor Pan.
Well, to be honest, no, I don’t really pity him.
If you just poop out a link with no keywords such as “road” and thread it four deep, I will not be shamed.
And just to state the obvious, I sure as fuck ain’t searching for “pie” on SugarFree Images post!
You are a wise man, P.Z.
You would have found it if you searched for “Motorway”. :-p
Fellow GenX nerds: Can you be happy?
My wife and I watched Valley Girl over the weekend. Your song should have been in it.
Wasnt it closer to 1984?
It was 1983. I wonder if the linked music was remastered or something.
That drives me nuts in my iTunes library. Nobody gives a shit when an album was remastered – put the original year on it!
via Weigel:
Of course, people are … unhappy with that?
Ah, yes. Gaslighting.
Weigel blocked me.
I’m quite proud.
Super cool I stay far, far away from Twitter.
Ah, death threats… Those things that are ubiquitous on the Internet and are followed up by any type of real-world action 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of the time.
Wait a minute buddy boy!
Omar’s death threat was totes real. Somebody wrote a threat against her in a truck stop bathroom! Everyone knows that bathroom walls are like a half step away from the stone tables that the 10 commandments were written on when it comes to truthiness.
Whoa! The Eszter Balint from Stranger than Paradise? Would do the version in the movie
Made me think of Thunder in Paradise.
Wow time warp. Saw that when I shared a house with a film-nerd. I liked Night on Earth better.
Denis Villeneuve’s Dune begins filming.
I wonder how they will capture the tedium of the book…
Brian Herbert has an EP credit, and Kevin Anderson a consulting credit, so if nothing else it will have all the tedium of Frank’s work and all the intellectual firepower of those two jamokes.
*still seething*
I’m guessing that’s to pay off the two idiots so they’d sign off on the paper. Villeneuve might fuck it up, but it will be because of his own vision not because he listened to Kevin J. Anderson (a.k.a. “the man who with a single novel convinced me to drop the Star Wars EU”).
I read one of Brian Herbert’s feel novels and literally tore it apart. I was so angry after finishing it, it’s so stupid and poorly written. I don’t remember a whole lot about it, this being at least ten years ago, but I recall a principal plot development involves an Ixian teenager building an ansible device from spare parts and pocket lint. FUCK. YOU. ASSHOLES.
feelA good friend of mine got banned from John Scalzi’s website… maybe a decade ago now for pointing out the fact that KJA had ruined both the Starwars and Dune galaxies.
Don’t forget the SPACE GYPSIES!!!!
I will gut you with a crysknife.
*draws crysknife*
I’m sorry, you were saying?
Right? I love Dune, and his writing in general. I couldn’t make it through any of Dune++ but he’s got a few other great ones.
$1,700 for a knife
And that’s not their most expensive.
No, it’s not
And people think Korth is expensive.
Check out the gold Trump 45 at 3:42
So, they’re trying it again, but still no-one’s working on bringing Ringworld to the big screen?
I read that as Ringwald and was much disappoint.
(likely NSFW)
Given the success of Game of Thrones and the competition for content I find myself constantly perplexed that there isn’t any platform or network that is working to get the rights to as many of the classic sci fi and fantasy IP works that they can and turning them into television shows
Imagine turning Pournelle’s Falkenberg’s Legion books into a 6 season series? The books are perfectly set up for it as much of the advanced tech is kept out of the stories by the Codominium forces and the military gear actually used is not much more advanced than what we have today and there is a pretty good mix of combat to non combat portions of the books
I think I’m OK with Hollywood ignoring a lot of my favorite books.
Yeah, mebbe you’re right. {stares semi-drunkenly into glass of dry mead, downs the last of it, goes to get more…}
I wish my wife would understand that. We just watched two steaming piles of shit based on books she loved.
As a HUGE fan of Heinlein, I don’t understand why more of his books haven’t hit the movies.
The sex stuff (Stranger in a Strange Land, Time Enough for Love) is probably too hot for contemporary norms but how about some of his juveniles? I would think that Tunnel in the Sky would make a great YA movie. It’s even sort of woke with it’s strong female roles.
Stranger in a Strange Land was by far his most popular book, and Hollywood was made plenty of movies with lots of sex stuff. I couldn’t care less about woke, but it has strong female characters. Most of his books do.
The two films made from RAH’s books, Puppet Masters and Starship Troopers, are IMHO trash. Reminds me of a line from Stranger in a Strange Land (slightly revised): “When a producer pees in it, he likes the flavor better, so he buys it”.
I love Starship Troopers: The Movie.
On its own terms.
TBF, I never read the book.
Never read the book?
OK, this may explain why you like Frank Herbert’s writing.
/I liked the themes, but his style was just….I’ll watch the Lynch movies for entertainment.
*shrug* I think Herbert was a superior SF writer. I didn’t like *everything* he wrote, but I loved his style – strictly in-universe – which seemed to me a direct contrast to the gee-whiz fourth-wall of the likes of Clark or (much of) Asimov.
Slated for release November 2020. So does it narrowly avoid being a dumb culture war flash point, or will they premise the marketing entirely on the election?
Baron Trumpkonnen. Beast Bannon. Jared-Rautha. Imperial army based on Literally Aryans.
Beto Atreides. Chani O’Cortez. Lady Kamallica. Reverend Mother Gaius Hilary Mohiam. A freedom-loving army of Free Muslim-ish People.
I see nothing untoward here.
And no doubt simply ignoring the fact that Paul unleashed jihad on the galaxy. Ugh.
That’s kinda the whole point, so I’m sure the final bit of dialogue between Paul and Padishah is going to be in there. And then have some stills from the Jihad over the end credits.
At the very least, the image of Fremen seeing the rain for the first time is too good for a director to pass. And if he can be convinced, a mid-credit scene to set up a sequel could also hint that no, Paul didn’t win, the shit still goes on.
Come on, Skargard and Bautista as the Baron and the Beast? Sure Bautista is no Sting, but how bad can it be?
**Consults previous Dune films**
Now if they had the guts to do the fifth book with a pubescent kid playing Teg complete with the imprinter scenes, well, they’d definitely have the American Teachers Union support.
Was that Teg or another Idaho ghola? Or both? I don’t remember the latter books much too good.
Shit. Now I’m double clutching. I don’t remember either.
Bashar Teg definitely had the super-speed.
[rolls out geek creds]
It was both, Idaho-ghola first (with the Honored Matre, but was supposed to be a GB Imprinter) with *ahem* unexpected results. The Teg-ghola was the book 6 with the GB/HM hybrid.
GB? damn dyslexia. BG!
lmao – now have the image of a Green Bay reverend mother in my head.
I got “George Bush” in mine 🙁
Just imagine a cheesehead instead of the hood.
Fun fact:
Duncan Idaho has shiny black hair and epicanthic folds.
And AFAICT, has never been cast as an Asian actor.
I’m gonna guess you lot have never read National Lampoon’s version of Dune ?
No shit, I read that first. I found it in the rec center library, and the giant pretzel on the cover seemed funny. I was maybe ten. A friend introduced me to the series a couple years later. (Coincidentally, the same friend introduced me to H2G2 by way of the trading cards.)
This was one of my favorite parodies.
Spud, I was too late to the link last night.
I hope you get through everything with a minimum of pain and trouble.
Thank you.
Oh, Damn I didn’t even click your link before responding.
I have to see if I still have my old copy if they’re going for $30.
Yeah, I loved that book. I thought no one had ever heard of it, but 2 or 3 other Glibs wrote direct references to it.
Sorry, that was inappropriate.
Fire them Kremlin domes!—Grandpa-Wore-Tights.html
One of my favorite episodes.
Season 2 of Amazon’s version starts soon…
Mother wore tights, too.
Not in the face! Not in the face!
Staring At The Board
Season 1 on Amazon was interesting. I enjoyed it, but took a bit to get into.
I’ll throw this out there and see who cares: free might be fun. Glib NCAA bracket
The got him this time for sure.
Lies we all know all of Trump’s checks are serial number 666.
That signature… still SMDH.
Mine is illegible, but it at least has some resemblance to my name in script.
Mine is just my initials, stylized. Sometimes I’ll throw a line off to the right to represent the rest. I have better things to do with my time.
It looks like the EKG of Weiner while he’s sexting.
You misspelled “penile plethysmograph”.
I wouldn’t think he’d need to pay Winston’s Mom.
To take a break out of her busy schedule to deal with that little mushroom thing? Time is money.
Winston’s mom pays me.
She forwards that check to Spud.
Who knew being a lube and towel boy was that lucrative.
Sweetheart, your supporters aren’t watching Fox News.
Meh, I’m not fooled. She loves the attention, favorable or not.
Hint to AOC: I personally like your gender and ethnicity. That ain’t the problem at all. It’s your communism that makes people fucking hate you.
I see that Donna Brazille has been drafted by Fox. Maybe she can push up those numbers for AOC.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Also, Alexa, maybe turn off standing bitch face when you know you’re in a situation where you’ll be photographed.
I keep seeing these polls but the only poll that matters is on election day with her constituents.
Impulse buy today.
What are you going to mount it on?
I’ll probably just keep it on my 870 Which is my bedroom gun, well one if my bedroom guns:) But I’ll use it on my Colt A2 AR as well.
If I ever come up with a decent mounting option for my .45 Uzi it may end up on that.
You need a scope on your bedroom gun? My bedroom must be really small.
Lol, I’m hoping no one makes it to the bedroom. It’s the house gun. Has a rear peep sight and I have old eyes. Do I need one, no, but why not take the red circle. I wouldn’t have bought just for the shotgun but since I’ll have it why not use it.
It’s 1x technically not a scope. Just a big red circle.
A scope can be 1x. 1-4x scopes are fairly common for guide/dangerous game rifles.
Or a slug gun.
AMS is like a drug dealer. Stop sending me emails and showing me this! It’s like waving rocks in front of a crack addict.
I could have a little Fender Jazz Performer, right? Just a little…just a taste…
Just fucking do it. Sean buys like 3 guns per week.
You owe it to yourself.
You People should listen to Series of Sneaks.
Special thanks to Bobarian for the memory jog.
Another series of sneaks.
Worth the wait.
Good stuff. Never heard of this.
It’s the problem with switching formats. I have a ton of Spoon on CD, but I’ve been a Spotify bobo and forgot about them.
I know what I’ll be listening to the rest of the week.
It reminds me of Iggy Pop.
Lol. Puritans don’t have the self-control to be anarchist.
I know you are an anacap, but anarcho-anything doesn’t work. Power hates a vacuum.
At work, so couldn’t respond. I’m an ancap in theory. As in “taxation is theft” not “a little taxation isn’t theft if used to fund a very limited government”. The actual situation in the world today wouldn’t allow for an ancapistan. I realize that.
And I take it no one from Florida was ever on the plane
What even in the fuck? Flying your friendly Eurotrash skies?
I hate people. Not you guys though.
People who take off their shoes indoors disgust me. (unless sleeping, showering or swimming)
LOL I go shoeless all the time in my cubicle. Airs out the feets.
It’s common in many asian countries.
Are you trying to start a race war? This isn’t about race. This is about people walking barefoot like damn raccoons (it would be racist to monkeys or apes) instead of wearing shoes like civilized people!
I once went to a party in Brooklyn hosted by a couple who just got back from Thailand. They got mad at me because I didn’t know to take off my shoes.
Sigh. I’ve been to a zillion gatherings where the hosts asked me to remove my shoes without being assholes about it.
Not uncommon in the US either, especially at smaller gatherings. But yeah, it’s not an *expectation* here.
Yeah, to stop with the bit for second, I don’t care if people want to take their shoes off; what I do mind are people who expect me to take my shoes off. I can’t walk correctly without shoes, so fuck you bozo I’m keeping them on. (also people who complain about stepping on things like legos, that shit wouldn’t matter if you were wearing shoes dumbass)
That sucks. I actually greatly prefer to be shoeless but I recognize that ain’t for everyone. As always, the solution is right in front of people’s faces – be accommodating, and don’t be a dick.
Playa Manhattan not only refuses to wear any covering for his ugly-ass feet, he send pics of them to his unsuspecting friends.
sounds like a fetish. Is that crazy enough behavior to set the new gun chasers after him?
He also collects his toenail trimmings, puts them in a zip lock baggie, and stores them in the freezer. He had about a ten year collection going last time I was at his place.
What’s wrong with that? Assuming they are categorized by which toe they came from of course.
Sounds like there needs to be a cleansing.
I think I found the one Glib without Yellow Fever.
Hey, I was cured of Yellow Fever over 20 years ago.
*goes back to Amazon to find perfect 26th anniversary gift for Korean woman who has everything*
I’m guessing you haven’t clicked on any of my links of big booty black or latina women.
I’ve got AnythingButSkinnyAssWhiteGirl Fever.
I like skinny guys. There’s probably a research grant in figuring out why thicc ladies ??, thicc dudes ??.
Wait, I thought bears were a thing?! Isn’t that the same? I dunno, no matter my sexuality I’m sure I’d be doomed to be alone. TUNE IN NEXT WEEK FOR THE NEXT BORING ADVENTURE OF INCEL, THE LONESOME HERO!
Sure, bears are a thing. They’re like the fat chicks of gay-dom – loud and proud!
But the ideal “guy” is always going to be more like 90s Brad Pitt – pretty and chiseled – not hairy and large.
I hope you’re talking Fight Club era Brad Pitt and not Thelma and Louise era Brad Pitt. (Not that I, er,) GET OFF MY LAWNS!!
I’m… not sure what the difference is. Other than eight years.
/there’s a reason I still watch Thelma & Louse can you guess what it is
Really? I’m straight as hell I can see the difference between this and this,
er, this.
Your Thelma link doesn’t work.
Anyway, if you’re implying that T&L Pitt wasn’t hott, you’re wrong.
The second one works. And I’m not judging hotness, just aesthetics. Pitt was a bit spindly when he first appeared, but by the time of Fight Club, he really did fit the part of what a crazy person would imagine themselves as to project physical perfection.
All I know is whatever he was doin’ in T&L, it was workin’ for me. I did say I like skinny guys.
Enh, volcel isn’t much more interesting.
Trust me, it’s not the constant sex the media would have you believe.
That’s part’o’me joke. As I’ve said before 90% of what I post on here isn’t serious. I’m the real ‘volcel’ as you put it, my stodgy ass doesn’t believe in sex before marriage, and I ain’t married.
IRL I’m the stodgiest gay man you’ve never met.
Like I said last night, if I were gay I think we’d have a great relationship. I’ma go passout now……
A Wisco has rules for what is and is not disgusting?
I’m with Rhywun, I hate wearing shoes anywhere. Amazing how much better my back started feeling when I stopped wearing shoes and started either barefooting or wearing huaraches from Xero
I got Merrel Trail Glove 4s for Christmas to replace my Keen Slip On I wear during my nursing shift. AHH the weight difference is beautiful. So much nicer to wear the minimalist shoes at work.
Fortunately for me, my aversion to shoes is only about sweaty feet. Though I seem to have picked up a back problem in the last few weeks, if the fact that my back hurts after walking a few blocks to the supermarket is any indication ?
/turns 50 in a couple weeks
Look at mister ‘Ayrian Master Race’ here! Glad your feet aren’t flat and numb! That must mean I’m doing it wrong.
My feet are very flat. I was having a lot of back pain and plantar fascitus (sp?).
A buddy got me to start going barefoot about 10 years ago and it is has helped so much. My theory (and it is nutty) is that barefooting makes my pathetic arches have to shape up and work. They don’t get coddled with sissy ass “arch support”.
Took me a summer to really get comfortable though. So it isn’t an overnight cure.
Yeah, without shoes it’s like duck feet slapping on pavement for me, with the added bonus of numb spots and toes I can’t feel that constantly remind me of my failing nervous system, no thanks.
Bare footing makes you walk more on the balls of your feet, which is more natural and gets your calves more involved in walking/standing.
You sir must be a great scientist, knowing what my unique physiology has adapted to and what health problems I specifically have!
Bow to my superior feet, bitch.
Don’t forget to make him give them a proper tongue bath.
I wear minimalist running shoes like these all the time when not at work.
So much better for foot pain, some RA and plantar fasciitis.
Shoes have always puzzled me, as in, why wear them at home? (Medical conditions aside) i even hate wearing socks, and nothing feels nicer underfoot than some soft grass. Even hiking and things. .. not as uncomfortable as one would think, once you get used to the sensation. It is almost like humans evolved without shoes.
“Glasgow to Tenerife”
Ah, I found the issue.
Just getting an early start on the yobbery.
They can’t show that in the trailers man, that’s the twist!
What is that happy horseshit??
If you didn’t already know, STEVE SMITH beats it to hot, Viking women.
He also says, “Piss on this suck-stick!”
Who is madame bluetooth le scoped rifle, anyway?
Chick from Burn Notice whatever the hell that is.
Oh, I didn’t understand what he was talking about. Yeah, she was Fiona on Burn Notice, which was a show about about a burned spy on USA; but the reason (I’m pretty sure) it had any success was because Bruce Campbell was on it (only reason I watched) (To play six degrees one of my college profs wrote a play that the main actor starred in the early ots)
I was a huge fan. Still one of may favorite shows ever. But then, as has been pointed out before, my tastes don’t align with many Glibs.
Im not sure I’d put in my list of favorites but I enjoyed it even when it went into the plodding soap opera territory.
I liked the Cagney and Lacy call back episode.
Chain smoking Sharon Gless was great as Michael’s mother.
and in a strange way, a milf…er I need to go see my therapist…
Holy crap. I rarely watched that show but that clip is giving me all kinds of reactions.
– I miss the 80s
– I don’t miss random street-flashers (OK, I’ve never seen that)
– I hate cop-sucking TV dramas now – I didn’t then
– token
+ 1 (yogurt)
Skeletor from He-Man
Thanks. I thought that I was the only one who didn’t get the reference.
This is the best movie ever. The lore goes deep!
Meh, when the movie is bland and boring lore doesn’t help much.
I thought well of you once.
Well, then change my mind, tough guy!
It’s a touching romance comedy zombie alien flick about thoroughgoing inebriates. There’s best friends, there’s life-long love affairs, there’s comeuppance, there’s real character growth. And recidivism. There’s tons of cameos and callbacks from the rest of the trilogy, it’s just a cornucopia of self-reference. It’s endlessly delightful. And most of all it’s a movie about dear friends getting trashed together. I miss having good friends and getting trashed with them.
So where are the parts that aren’t boring or bland?
I told you not to ask that!
On this we can agree, but thats why
GodSP created glibs,It’s such a damn charming movie.
OH. OK. ‘Charming’, yeah I don’t do that.
Well, piss off, then.
Well….to the point, then, eh, cs?
Damn, that was like a visit from Mr. Smith.
She needs to show her boobs.
I remember that show. Would.
I liked it before it was popular.
Back when SNL was sometimes funny.
“The NSW government is launching a new crackdown on drugs, planning to give police the power to search homes without a warrant. #9News”
-1 Constitution
Wow just wow
It’s Australia, they don’t have rights,
I would just think without a warrant would result in rioting in the street. Sometimes slippery slope is a valid argument.
You guys with your rights and your constitution. Let’s get to what’s important. Would the anchor woman.
Off to work, see ya!!
Where are you working now.