Celebrating me!


No flippin’ way am I going to bring it like Spud did yesterday…or SP does … or SugarFree…or OMWC, or, well, anyone else. So I have decided the Links this morning will be ME. ME linking to my hobbyhorses and such. Probably not great links, but they are MINE!!!! First things first… Need to make sure the Links Control Room is secure. OK boys, line ’em up!

“Ein, zwei. Ein Zwei!”


There, now on to the Links!

Hobbyhorse? No, it is a War Horse!

  • Trial of the Century Update – “Stop Resisting!” Needless to say the turmoil in Catalonia has had some negative consequences. Looks like it is time to fight, or roll over, Catalans.
  • This is shocking! Only in that I thought they would be higher.
  • And also from the foreign correspondence desk – This would signal the end for Algerian dictator. Insert Borat Joke Here.

OK, this time you get a music link….right in line with today’s theme. Me.


How Now, Swiss Brown Cow?