Hello, and welcome to episode 2 of Woke Charmed! If your brains weren’t bleeding already, they will be by the end of this!
We start out in the Generic Science Lab where in our last episode, the demon Taydeus met his foul end. (I forgot to mention this in the last recap, but the spell the girls used to destroy Taydeus was a bunch of garbled “Latin” that Number.6 kindly translated for me: “Your fear of Strong Women will be your undoing.” NOPE, NOT JOKING.) A janitor is mopping the floor and notices some sort of black blob on a nearby tray, which appears to be moving. The blob comes to life, attacking the janitor, going into her chest like it’s going to possibly possess her, then changes its mind, jumping out of her chest, and slithering into an air vent.
The episode then cuts to the sisters’ attic, where they are still sitting around the Ouija board that warned them about Harry at the end of the last episode. Harry appears behind them—apparently whenever they say his name, it summons him. They jabber some excuse and he tells them that he will be on his way, but to please call him if they notice any signs of demonic activity, which includes fog, cold patches, random dog fornication, and presidential tweets. He also notices the Ouija board on the table and tells them they should leave it alone, due to the fact that spirit boards are notoriously vulnerable to demonic manipulation.

…black cats crossing your path, Betsy DeVos wearing pink, three-eyed toads croaking at the moon, PewDiePie releasing a new diss track…
After the title card, Macy begins moving her things into the house, where she is apparently going to be living in their dead mom’s room. Maggie tells her that she’s completely welcome and that it’s not weird for her to take over their mom’s room, and then proceeds to forbid her from moving anything in the entire room. One of the objects Macy isn’t allowed to touch is a vividly painted bong, which apparently Maggie made for their mom when she was eight because they had a perfectly normal childhood. Throughout this scene of sisterly hijinks, Macy and Mel show off their powers while Maggie sulks that mindreading is a sucky power.
Mel then starts telling her sisters what she’s learned about spirit boards in the Book of Shadows. The book says that they’re a legitimate means of communicating with the spirit world, but Macy is still inclined to believe what Harry warned them. Being a Scientist, she decrees that they need to find Objective Evidence about the spirit board’s veracity. The Book of Shadows (or, as Maggie dubs it, “Magical Siri lol I’m a millennial I use technologyyyy”) opens to a page about truth serums. Mel thinks the truth serum is unnecessary because, being Mel, she immediately is jumping to the wrong conclusion. (This isn’t a spoiler, right? Like, we all already know how this is going to go.) She’s on Team Mom Is In The Ouija Board, Macy is on Team Harry Is Telling The Truth, which leaves Maggie as tiebreaker. Maggie sides with Macy, sending Mel into a classic fit of rage.
Macy and Maggie begin working on the truth serum while Mel rages. Maggie decrees that until they figure out whether he’s evil or not, Harry’s code name will be Meghan Markle. Get it? Because Harry is British, just like Prince Harry? Get it? Get it? Is this thing on?

If only I had a cool power like making bongs hover in midair and not just hallucinating that they do while high.
Maggie then puts on a pair of gloves in the hopes of blocking her mindreading powers and heads off to a Kappa pledge event, in which they… are… visiting Mysterious Coma Girl (the witness from the first episode who wasn’t able to testify against Professor Rapey McRaperton because of her coma) in the hospital. This seems like an appropriate pledge event for a sorority that Coma Girl wasn’t even a member of. Regina George immediately zeroes in on the gloves and is a predictable bitch about them. And guess what! The gloves don’t even work. She takes Mysterious Coma Girl’s hand and her mind is filled with screaming.
At the Generic Science Lab, Macy is attempting to steal ingredients for the truth serum when she’s interrupted by Friendzone, who works there I guess? He tells her he’s been added to her team by the new person in charge of the project (I have literally no idea what’s going on in this lab), since Professor McRaperton resigned the day after getting reinstated—how weird, right? So weird. He also mentions the janitor who got attacked by the mysterious black blob the night before, which makes the processor in Macy’s brain start clicking and whirring. She grabs an empty test tube and scrapes residue from the black blob off the air vent.
The scene switches and suddenly… Maggie is making out with her ex-boyfriend? What? Did I miss a scene here? She tells him she needs him for stress-relief sex, but they are NOT back together, all right? But she can hear his thoughts, which makes properly getting off difficult, since his thoughts careen wildly from boobs boobs boobs to some other girl’s chin mole to broccoli farts to I love her so much I have to get her back. Is this truly the inner workings of the mind of an American male? The world may never know.

Gentlemen, please don’t tell me in the comments if this is your internal monologue during intercourse.
Mel is also planning some stress-relief scissoring with her ex, who I guess isn’t her ex anymore. While they work out the details of their lunch date, the Ouija board starts talking to Mel, who it definitely hasn’t figured out is the easiest mark in the house. It spells out “Melly,” which is PROOF! that it’s their mom’s spirit because that was her nickname for Mel! Duh!
Macy goes to the hospital, conveniently attached to the university (have I mentioned that Hilltowne appears to be a college campus, some houses and a police station? That’s IT in the entire town), to check on the janitor. She finds Harry doing some kind of magic to the janitor, which could be shady or innocuous. He explains that he was wiping the woman’s memory about the demon attack at the lab. Macy decides to not tell him about the black blob or the test tube sample.
Maggie comes home screeching about how sex has been ruined for her forever to find Mel being conned by Miss Cleo at the Ouija board. She knows it’s their mom! She knows!! It has to be!!!

This explains a lot about Maggie’s love life.
In a moment of weakness, Maggie decides to sit down and have a chat with the board as well. Macy comes in like, “Dude, what the fuck?” but is interrupted by an arm shooting out from the board and grabbing Maggie around the wrists. Macy uses her powers to launch the board across the room, freeing Maggie from the arm, but also breaking the board. Mel goes predictably apeshit.
While Mel searches through the Book of Shadows for a way to repair the board, Macy tells her and Maggie about the janitor attack at the lab. She says she believes Harry was telling the truth and that the spirit board’s activities could be related to the demon. She wants to show Harry the test tube with the black blob sample. Mel argues that she doesn’t trust Harry (presumably because he’s a cis male) and that she trusts that the board is really their mom. Macy says she doesn’t want to do anything until they give Harry the truth serum, which she has prepared and stored in a silver Thermos. Mel accuses her of being a heartless bitch who doesn’t love their mother. Macy retorts that she is a Scientist who is objective enough to analyze data.
Their argument is interrupted by the appearance of Mel’s girlfriend (Niko), who has brought sub sandwiches and some tea in a silver Thermos.
She introduces herself to Macy, who sets her Thermos down on the table to shake hands with her. When Macy leaves, GUESS WHOSE THERMOS SHE TAKES???
Maggie says she will also be on her way, telling Mel that she’s going to look for a way to fix their mom’s s—ssssssewing machine! Niko is surprised that Mel is interested in taking up sewing, and Mel coolly informs her that she’s come to realize that not all domestic tasks are oppressive.
Real dialogue alert: That was the real dialogue.
Niko is so pleased by this that she gives Mel a gift: an original 1987 pressing of The Cure’s Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, still sealed in plastic. The reaction Mel has to this is so incredibly fake that it gave me the fits. She instantly recognized what it was (some bitch could give me a sealed ABBA record and it would still take me a minute to figure out what I’m looking at) and was just like, “Aw, you shouldn’t have,” in this fake-ass voice like Britney Spears in “Oops! I Did It Again.” (Once I figured out what I was looking at, you can bet I would be screaming and jumping around clutching my ABBA record to my chest.)
Niko’s pager goes off and she has to return to the station, leaving Mel with her undeserved gift. Mel tells her to bring her handcuffs later (>insert stock “bow-chicka-wow-wow”) and after some more gratuitous lesbian liplocking, Niko leaves with the Thermos.

For whichever one of you was asking about the softcore porn last week
While waiting for Harry to arrive, Macy is on the phone with Friendzone talking about work stuff. Macy comments that it sounds loud on his end and he says everyone is freaking out because apparently the janitor has died. Macy gasps and Harry walks in holding GODDAMN ROYAL DOULTON (but no hand-painted periwinkles) BECAUSE HE’S BRITISH IN CASE YOU FORGOT! THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A CUPPA! Harry brought china and Macy brought tea in a plastic Thermos.
Meanwhile, at the Hilltowne police station, Detective Niko begins making an ass out of herself during an interrogation. BET YOU DIDN’T SEE THAT ONE COMING! Such lovable hijinks on this show.
At the college, Macy waits for the truth serum to take effect on Harry. She’s going to be waiting for a while.
At the house, Mel and Maggie are trying to fix the Ouija board. Maggie feels bad that they fought with Macy. Mel doesn’t give a flying fuck.
Mel’s phone rings. It’s Niko, and she’s yelling everything that comes into her mind at the top of her lungs. Mel realizes she must have gotten the truth serum and runs to the station to collect her before she can do any more damage. On their way out the door, Niko yells at a man for sexually harassing his partner (who’s also a man, I guess she figures that gay guys, being cis males, can be sexual harassers too) and at another cop for microaggressing her by assuming she’s Chinese when she’s JAPANESE GODDAMIT!

Niko then informs Mel that she slept with her ex-fiancee while they were broken up. WHILE THEY WERE BROKEN UP. Mel blows a goddamn gasket and tells her that she doesn’t want that Cure album if it was just a guilt present, and she and Niko break up… again.
(BTW, I am astounded at all that Niko has managed to accomplish in her life. She looks like she’s 23 years old and she’s already a police detective and has been engaged, broken up with that fiancee, and been dating someone else long-term. Talk about an overachiever.)
Back at the house, Maggie has fixed the Ouija board and Regina George starts cuntily texting her. Maggie starts crying and says she wishes her mom could help her. The Ouija board comes to life and spells out Release me.
When Mel gets home, they follow the Ouija board’s instructions and perform a spell that breaks all the mirrors in the house. Their mom’s figure emerges from the board. They embrace, and she asks where Macy is. They say she’s with Harry, and their “mom” tells them that the reason she warned them not to trust Harry is because he’s the one who killed her, and he’s planning to kill them to take their powers.
At the campus, Macy, expecting the truth serum to have taken effect by now, asks Harry if he killed the janitor. Harry evades the question and asks her what she and her sisters are up to. Her phone starts going off with rapid-fire texts from Mel and Maggie telling her to come home now, don’t trust Harry, etc. Harry menacingly grabs her and they apparate to the sisters’ attic.
Harry sees the Ouija board on the table and asks what the girls did. He turns and sees their “mom” standing there. He tries to attack her, but Mel, who learned her social skills from Mags Visaggio, hits him over the head with a heavy object, knocking him cold.

Look at her expression! This is the face of a woman who enjoys inflicting blunt-force trauma.
Their “mom” has a moment with Macy while Harry lies unconscious on the floor. She tells them that the sisters have to retrieve the Prism of Souls, which Harry has hidden somewhere, which is the only thing that can protect them from him. They deduce that it’s hidden inside the antique mirror in their mom’s old office. The sisters hug their “mom” before they leave, and Maggie notices that she can’t read her “mom’s” thoughts.
The mirror has Latin inscribed on the rim. Mel pulls out her phone to translate it, but Macy, without a moment’s hesitation, tells them it means “The only way out is together.” When Maggie and Mel look at her in surprise, she says, “What? I’m a Scientist.” LMAO okay, we must live on Gilligan’s Island where the Professor is an expert in literally everything.
The three pass through the mirror into another dimension filled with thousands of mirrors. They have to find the right one to get the prism and get out. As I’m sure you can deduce, they do this by using the Power of Three. Maggie is hesitant because she’s starting to have her doubts that their “mom” is really their mom, but Mel screeches at her that MAJORITY RULES, PUT YOUR HAND ON THE GODDAMN PRISM. When Maggie still hesitates, Mel grabs her hand and physically drags it to the prism. But this is definitely a healthy sisterly relationship, unlike those goddamn sorori—
Once they have the prism, she drags her back to the house as well, and they come through the front door to find Harry fighting with their “mom.”

It’s not how it looks! We were just playing a riveting game of charades!
It then turns into a classic “who do we trust” situation, with Harry urging the girls to realize that this is not their mother, and their “mom” correcting him, that they are WAMEN, not girls, and that they need to trust her. She reminds Maggie about the eight-year-old bong story, and Harry says that impostor demons are able to read minds, which is how she’s been able to answer all their questions and so accurately pretend to be their mom. Maggie is convinced now that this is not their mother. Macy, who had come around to thinking she was, comes back around and agrees with Maggie. Mel screeches at them that they are crazy, but the impostor demon slips up and says that Mel was always her favorite, which FINALLY convinces the bitch that this isn’t their mom, because their mom didn’t play favorites. Mel takes the knife that’s been supernaturally hovering between Harry and the demon and plunges it into the demon’s heart.
This doesn’t kill the demon, though—it can only be killed by seeing its reflection in a mirror, which conveniently broke when they released the demon. But that’s okay! Maggie and her cell phone come to the rescue! Maggie takes a selfie of the demon, which destroys it. Oh, those uncanny millennials!
In the aftermath, the girls and Harry talk it all over. Harry, realizing that this episode has been unforgivably low on wokeness, tells the girls, “You’re not the first to fall for an impostor demon. I’m pretty sure that’s how Brexit happened.”
The girls give Harry back the prism, which has the power to take away their magic. Harry is surprised that Mel trusts him, but don’t worry—Mel tells him that even though she trusts him, she still hates him. Good old Mel, that predictably cunty Latina lesbian. We’ve never seen one of those before.
Macy gives Harry the test tube with the black blob residue, which Harry believes is what killed the janitor. Harry tells Maggie that the way to control her powers is to improve her own self-confidence, which will make her own internal voice louder to her than the voices of the others she encounters. The girls agree to no longer make decisions by majority rules, but to only do things if the decision is unanimous.
Maggie gives her sisters some unsolicited romantic advice, and then heads off to the campus where her ex-boyfriend is bussing a table. She breaks up with him… AGAIN.
Macy goes to Friendzone and apologizes to him for something. I’m not sure what she’s apologizing to him for? Since the last time she talked to him was when he told her about the janitor being dead, and it didn’t seem like they were fighting. Possibly for accidentally making a bottle fly across the bar with her rage magic in the first episode?
Mel calls Niko and…well, she doesn’t need to patch things up with her because Niko doesn’t remember anything that happened while she was under the influence of the truth serum, including telling her about sleeping with her ex-fiancee. Niko just remembers having a fever or something and saying weird things while delirious. So everything’s all good there, easy peasy!
Finally, Macy comes back to the house and finds that her sisters have cleared out the shrine to their dead mother in the master bedroom, allowing the room to become totally her own.
As Maggie takes possession of her beautiful pastel bong, Harry comes zipping in to inform them that the Whitelighter Lab (I guess they have one of those) has analyzed the black goo sample and recognized it as belonging to the Harbinger of Hell, Part 3 of the prophecy from the Book of Shadows (remember—Part 1: Drumpf, Part 2: Dead Mom, Part 3: Hell).

Macy’s face upon learning that there are still 20 episodes left in this season alone.
THE APOCALYPSE IS NIGH! The Harbinger is hunting for a human vessel. It tried the janitor but decided she wasn’t good enough. It’s found a better vessel…
Mysterious Coma Girl.
And that’s it for episode 2 of Woke Charmed! I know this one wasn’t as woke as the first one, but don’t worry: I’ve seen more episodes of this show. There is more woke goodness to come. Just you all wait for the next one, I’m already snickering in anticipation…
Anyway, overall thoughts: Honestly, if the show was like this all the time, I would probably genuinely enjoy it rather than ironically enjoying it. It was extremely predictable, but it was also fun and low on the politics (apart from that goddamn Brexit line). In some ways this show reminds me more of Sabrina: The Teenage Witch (the 90s one, not this abomination) than the original Charmed. While it’s not a sitcom, it’s basically one step above one. It’s campy, it’s cheesy, it honestly doesn’t seem to take itself very seriously (which is why, when it does go full-on feminist, it feels weird and almost like they’re making fun of feminism rather than promoting it). It’s like if Sabrina had an overarching plot about saving the world.
But if all the episodes of the show were like this, I wouldn’t be recapping it for you! Don’t worry, we’ll be back to the woke goodness next week. See you then!
Charmed without Julian McMahon – what’s the point?
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
I had to look up that guy – do try to contain your surprise that Google Images is littered with dozens of teen-beat-esque torso pics.
If you want to watch a Woke new show with Julian McMahon, he’s on Runaways on Hulu. That show is a 50/50 because I legitimately enjoy the parts about the parents but want to murder the teenagers.
I can at least forgive teenager characters for making bad decisions, I seem to remember making a lot of them myself when I was a teen.
Ain’t that the truth. Between the ages of 16 and 19 I spent pretty much every penny I got on cars, motorcycles and girls.
I sure wish I had back all the money I spent on cars and motorcycles.
“I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.”
Do they ever actually run away? I really liked the comics but I couldn’t even finish season 1 of that shit show. I made it like 8 episodes in and NOTHING. FUCKING. HAPPENS.
The entirety of that show covers like half of issue 1 of the comic.
Near the end of the first season. It’s not quite as slow as Preacher, which spent a season (and moved one of the best bad guys) on the first 6 pages of the first comic.
It’s because they added the storyline about the parents, so I think they wanted to keep the kids around to interact with them more. What makes me want to murder the kids isn’t so much their bad decisions but that they’re all so cunty except Alex, and I don’t know what to make of that because… you know.
He’s still around?
He’s on the Discord server.
Wait, we have a discord server?
Hilltowne == Clemson
They were on a break!
“(BTW, I am astounded at all that Niko has managed to accomplish in her life. She looks like she’s 23 years old and she’s already a police detective and has been engaged, broken up with that fiancee, and been dating someone else long-term. Talk about an overachiever.)”
XOMG!! Asian stereotype! I can’t even! I have lost the ability to can!
I’m still trying to figure out how woke Hollywood deals with Asian casting.
For Example, ABC’s “Fresh Off the Boat” is about a first generation Taiwanese family with the father played by a Korean actor.
That’s apparently OK, but I assuming that having a white guy in the lead would cause all kinds of issues…
In a sane world, this wouldn’t be a problem because “white” people are able to play all Europeans—you don’t expect a movie set in Italy to be played by just Italian actors, or one in Scotland to be all Scottish actors, etc. As long as they look right, it’s fine.
But this isn’t a sane world, and I know there are people on the internet who get mad about it, and I’m sure this is going to get worse soon.
(Side note: in A Woke Wrinkle in Time, they had Charles Wallace be adopted and I couldn’t figure out why. Turns out the kid playing him was Filipino, but I couldn’t tell. He looked enough like Meg that I wouldn’t have thought anything of it. That movie was an absolute abomination that I couldn’t even enjoy for the lulz, I walked out of the theater halfway through.)
A Woke Wrinkle in Time
I have no idea what that is.
It’s a movie that flopped at the box office.
I remember loving the book in 6th grade. I tried to watch the movie and made it about 5 minutes in.
I have to admit, I look forward to these almost as much as I look forward to Animal’s gun articles. Or SugarFree’s Hat and Hair episodes.
How do I unload the information about this show so I can get the IQ points I lost trying to understand wtf is going on? Note that I am not complaining about the article. It actually does a great job of explaining something I would consider to be against the Geneva convention to force anyone except for woke people to watch. I am trying to understand wtf the people that rebooted this teenie bopper show from back when that guys only watched so they could get points with their ladies to then get laid where thinking by going even more stupid.
On a personal note, this was the first time/show I told my ex that I would not watch with her regardless of how painful it got for me otherwise after watching just one episode. I paid for that. But I was then able to use the “I watched one episode so I tried” logic to avoid a lot of really bad shit and all the reality crap people spent so much time watching. Shit, I remember telling her that Survivor let me down, cause I was hoping to see horror as the cameramen dropped their cameras when they found the lone survivor of the nights mortal combat fights cooking human jerky, and now simply couldn’t be bothered to watch it anymore.
I was able to keep the 3 gals straight in my head last week, but I didn’t even try this week. Still just as enjoyable, and less strain on my brain.
I could do a little character guide at the beginning of each recap with their pictures.
Only if you tell us about their likes & dislikes and provide measurements!
OK, maybe that was over the top.
The blob comes to life, attacking the janitor, going into her chest like it’s going to possibly possess her, then changes its mind, jumping out of her chest, and slithering into an air vent.
Wait, wasn’t this done on Star Trek already?
Multiple times.
+and the X-Files
Someone should sue these fuckers for recycling not just a crappy show, but recycling old content their betters put together to provide content that might make people want to watch (like you can’t help but watch a train wreck).
Star Trek doesn’t have janitors, it’s a Utopian future! They have maintenance engineers.
Which is why it’s not as good as Babylon 5 (which had an episode from a maintenance crew’s POV).
/looks for Chaffed
Woke Star Wars has janitors, you want that to be a claim to being good, go ahead and run with it…
Babylon 5 also had currency, and (for the most part) followed rules of thrust and gravity for space combat. It also predicted that Zima would survive in the future.
(TBH, my problems with Babylon 5 were never about story, but production design/execution)
They seemed pretty good at the time.
If it helps, there’s been some rumors kicking around that they may be a remastered release sometime soon. The only real drag is that the fifth season is weak, and the first season starts slow.
I fear what a reboot would do to the show now.
My problem with B5 was the assumption that earth people could combat alien ships with gravity generators with ships that had to use spin to simulate gravity.
They would be completely out classed
Timeloose: And the humans were. Previous to the show starting (referred to in dialog, and through some of the movies) humans were about to lose the Earth-Minbari war. The battle of the line was the humans taking anyone who could fly a ship with weapons, and having them be cannon fodder to protect the civilians and let them escape. One of the mysteries is that the Minbari surrendered during that fight, and then allied with the humans, providing some upgraded tech (while keeping most of it secret).
The visuals really made it hard for me to watch. I know early CGI had teething pains, and someone had to be an early adopter, but I had not invested into the characters or story, so it ended up a dealbreaker. The worst part is, I probably had more tolerance for early CGI when it first aired than I do now, which makes trying to view it even harder now that the years have passed.
Neph, I’m referring to the Dilgar war that gave Earthforce the inflated sense of strength to contact the Minbari in the first place. The Dilgar were supposed to be superior to all of the powers except the Minbari and Centari, but Earth was able to wipe them out. I’m nitpicking a show I really enjoyed and re-watched several times.
On another note, the Expanse buried all other SciFi space based TV shows for realism, world building, visuals, etc. It’s a shame it seems like its canceled.
I think they’re filming the fourth season now.
You are correct though, it is a fantastic series, even if some of the changes from the books don’t make a lot of sense.
Correct, Amazon rescued The Expanse, Season 4 to come sometime this year.
Timeloose: My apologies, I didn’t realize you were another deep fan. But I seem to remember the Dilgar were about the same level of tech as the humans, while the Minbari were the ones who were way ahead of everyone on tech (not counting the Vorlon).
No problem Neph. The Dilgar were supposed to be filling the vacuum left by the Centari as their empire declined. They were concurring systems founded by the league of non-aligned worlds and the Narn until the Earth entered the war. I believe they explained it as Earth being lucky several times and also blockading the jumpgate to the Dilgar home world as it was going nova.
Re: Expanse
Just ordered S03, after stopping at S02. Amazon better eventually put S04 on BluRay or I will be very angry with them.
Actually the Humans were the force that gave the non aligned worlds the power to defeat the Dilgar.
The Dilgar were attacking and battling EVERYBODY except the Centauri, Narn, and Minbari and had been doing so for quite some time then the humans jumped in and while the human ships were not significantly more powerful than the Dilgar the Dilgar were already overextended and they had several technological flaws specifically in that they did not possess any Fighters type ships and the Humans had the best space fighter outside of the Minbari because they were the only race that built a dedicate space superiority fighter in the Starfury.
The other issue that was a common theme in the show was that Humans were better than any other race at community building so in addition to adding pretty significant military assets to the war against the Dilgar they were able to rally the varied forces arrayed against the Dilgar to fight as a unified while where previously the other races battling the Dilgar did not really coordinate their defenses.
Finally, from a technological standpoint the Dilgar were not really all that advanced compared to the other non aligned worlds. Sure they were beyond the Drazi and Pak’Marra but they were at best on par with the Brakiri and Abbai and significantly behind the Vree who are actually more technologically advanced than the Centauri. The reason the Vree, Brakiri and Abbai couldn’t hold their own against the Dilgar is that the first two were essentially loose capitalist confederations and so therefore had little military and no unified navies or armies and the Abbai were pacifists who were entirely focused on defensive technologies. Of the major races fighting the Dilgar only the Drazi had a real military tradition.
If the Humans of the time had to battle the Dilgar on their own the Dilgar would have won handily
Yes I know WAY too much about that show
Disney Planet. Not that it’s hard to predict, but it’s definitely looming closer now than in 1992.
OK, I read the whole thing completely sober, which qualifies me for a Purple Heart or something.
*narrows gaze*
Because there was no drinking in the Swiss Army?
The knife has a corkscrew!
My sister and I watched a couple yesterday to try to get out ahead on the recaps and I had a meltdown about halfway through the second one. As she tucked me consolingly into bed, she said, “Really, we can’t watch this without drinking. This show can’t be watched sober.”
I need to hang out with your sister.
She’s probably too old for you.
Everybody else is thinking “threesome”.
The writers and actors can’t possibly be sober making it so it’s not fair for you to be sober watching it.
This really should be in the evening rotation like last week’s was.
Next on your bucket list is to watch a complete Bernie Town Hall Meeting. Good luck. Please don’t hate me, I’m only the messenger.
Bah. This one was positively innocuous compared to the first one. Go back and read that, you’ll be clawing out your eyes so you can funnel bleach directly into your brain.
They needed a break to prepare for the absolute insanity of next week’s episode.
“Gentlemen, please don’t tell me in the comments if this is your internal monologue during intercourse.”
Fine. I won’t tell you that.
(…even if it is the truth)
But that’s always your internal monologue, not just during sex.
Q’s internal monologue…
Internal? I don’t think this word means what you think it means….
I won’t tell you that either.
My sex life is pretty much a monologue, no matter what I’m saying.
On the rare occasions, there is someone else around during sex, I pretty much keep reminding mysellf, that while yes mace burns like hell, it isn’t doing any real damage to my eyes so don’t worry about it.
This is why I spend time here. I was thinking this is the best comment possible and then I saw your super wookie comment below and it tops this one.
*stares at shoes while mumbling thanks*
A, B, C, D, … shit shit… shit! E, F, G,…
Please tell me this is really from the show.
This is funny stuff, but I still keep thinking you have to be exaggerating.
100% real.
WOW, That’s awesome.
So… Hat and Hair are demons?
I think Trump’s election was a sign of the apocalypse or something.
I find it difficult to believe (but don’t doubt your recap, and I’m not willing to risk it myself) that the CW decided they really wanted to capture the Sunday programming block with WokeTV. Supergirl has been going ultra-woke as well.
Superwolk, some might say.
wolkwoke, some might say.Damnit!
You know who else was interested in a supervolk…
Is that Michelle Obama’s new Netflix program?
I was just pondering how the Assassin’s Creed games went down hill as they took more of political side, when the best villain was SuperPope, everyone hates the Medici.
I think I’ve mentioned I dropped Syndicate when the mission was “Protect Karl Marx” instead of “Assassinate the Bastard”
I remember that, I’m playing syndicate now, seems like the Marx missions are just side quests, so I’m just not doing it.
The first episode I saw of Supergirl was also the last one.
Same. Hot Jimmy Olsen was just too far to stretch my disbelief.
Only time I ever watched SG was when they do the crossovers with Flash.
Did not seem like an interesting show.
Then I saw this.
I guess it was worse than I thought it could be.
The girlfriend still likes it, so I’ll put it on while I’m reading/doing something else in the other monitor. She seems to have been losing interest though, so soon I may be able to write it off.
I would have never predicted Legends of Tomorrow would become the best Arrowverse show (skip season 1, jump to season 2, understand they’re a bunch of C-list heroes and villains trying to fix time).
I still watch and try, I try so damned hard, to ignore the politics, but they just do it SO poorly that now it’s becoming parody and I’m back to not be bothered.
That Civil War Episode was so fucking gag worthy woke….
No where near as bad as Arrow’s gun control episode.
People who have no fear of bullets themselves find it easy to be anti-self defense.
Is that the one where they did a whole thing with “zomg the perp used an AR15 with super lazer-guided heat-seeking death-bullets…why does anyone nee one of those?!?!?!” ?
Hard pass.
an AR15 with super lazer-guided heat-seeking death-bullets
*places order*
Is this truly the inner workings of the mind of an American male?
Nope. Too subtle.
I’m exhausted.
I legitimately enjoy the parts about the parents but want to murder the teenagers.
Neighbor: Where’s your son? I haven’t seen him around, this summer.
MLW: He ran away.
Neighbor: Aww. Your roses are lovely this year. What did you feed them?
MLW: Garbage, kitchen scraps. You know.
Maggie takes a selfie of the demon, which destroys it.
Thank you for these recaps. Even at a remove, I had to roll vs. sanity on the last one; this was indeed tamer.
Your recaps are now on my “read immediately” list. I hope one of you has a couch I can crash on as my work productivity plummets.
Who’s a good boy?
Calvinist Dog Corrects Owner: ‘No One Is A Good Boy’
Somebody’s gonna be the guest of honor at a barbecue.
The Babylon Bee has written an article about me:
Back in the day, the onion wrote an article about me:
It’s a sound plan.
It is literally something I am going to be doing, meeting with my Pastor tomorrow about it.
It keeps him out of treble.
He’ll have to keep his motives low key.
And avoid talking about his bass instincts
He turned the volume solo we couldn’t hear the singer.
I also have done that job at a previous church I attended. Wow, we are such nerds.
I’m looking for a human sanity check to a machine translation.
People who understand the French, what would “L’anse de Cherise” translate to?
“We surrender”?
I could tell you everything about Le Temps des Cerises.
Land of Cherries
It’s in contention for a placename in an ancien regime-inspired region in the book I’m working on.
My main goals are for it to be A: linguistically sane, B: not already in use, and C: not a nasty surprise on me when human translated.
You afraid it will offend the woke?
No, I’m afraid I’ll find out it means something I’d be embarassed by well after it’s too late to change.
“Land of Popped Cherries”
How far is that from here?
And thank you.
Cerise not Cherise is “cherry” in modern French. Cherise sounds a lot like an invented French-ish word, but is actually a much older form of cerise, so yeah, still “cherry.” Apparently we get the modern French word cheri (“darling” or “beloved”) from cherise.
L’anse just means “cove,” so that’s okay.
Cherry Cove. Cute name.
How can you stand watching this stuff? You are made of sterner stuff than I.
Mentioned on an early posting: she started having a nosebleed while watching these.
The sacrifices she makes on our behalf.
boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
And a selfie. On topic AF!
My physician sister says this happens with alarming frequency during Chiropractic “adjustments”.
I get that it works for many people, but you wouldn’t catch me dead at a Chiropractor’s office.
Also: would (even based on the lousy pic).
I love my chiropractor. I will also admit that like all chiropractors he is a complete loon.
He has helped me rehab my back and get fairly functional after I really dinged it up after falling off a dock one summer (while sober! Let that be a lesson to you kids).
When he starts going on and on about how he can also help with allergies, colds, etc by cracking my back I just nod politely and go home.
Paging robc
Among all the complicated, unpopular, and inefficient taxes that have been implemented in the interim decades, George’s simple idea to use the land-value tax to fight economic inequality could be worth another look.
Unlike other assets, George observed in his 1879 book Progress and Poverty, land—separate from any buildings constructed on it—generates wealth not through individual effort or ingenuity, but instead as a result of societal change. Communities engineered developments that prompted economic growth—building up commercial districts, for instance, or constructing railroads—and already well-off landowners reaped the benefits in the form of rising land values. George prescribed the land-value tax as a way of putting some of that collectively produced wealth back toward the commonweal. His supporters, often referred to as “Single Taxers,” advocated eliminating all other taxes and raising revenue solely through this tax, which they viewed as the most equitable and just way of funding the state.
“It may be described as government without taxation,” F. W. Garrison wrote in his 1913 Atlantic article “The Case for the Single Tax,” “for, if the Georgian contention is true, the rent of land belongs not to the individual who would be required to surrender it, but to the community as a whole.”
“From the economist’s perspective,” Youngman says, there’s also another argument for the tax: It’s uncommonly efficient. Most taxes, she says, “leave people worse off” because of the way they lead people to behave in the interest of avoiding or reducing taxation. She says land presents an appealing, and rare, contrast, because it “is not the subject of individual effort or production” and “is in fixed supply,” and so could be taxed without changing behavior for the worse.
No magical thinking, here.
This tax based on some magically derived value will be frictionlessly transmuted into social benefits and equality.
Sounds legit.
I think this article shows that individuals can cause great change in neighborhoods:
That neighborhood is now a bustling walking area with a half dozen breweries, more bars and restaurants, and shopping that’s opened. Go about a mile away in most directions, and you’ll be back in a rough neighborhood.
Same happened with Goose Island in Chicago.
I would argue that GLBC could make the case before the assessor that any land value increase of THEIR land was due to their improvements, and so would be untaxed.
Their neighbors might have to pay a higher tax due to GLBC improving the neighborhood.
Once again, that happens now with property tax, only Great Lakes would have no argument to keep their own tax down.
Seems to me that would stall the gentrification at some point later. As each newcomer points out the value added by them moving to the neighborhood and pushing the land value tax up for anyone who moves in after them.
Like I said, it is even worse now, as the evaluation of entire buildings goes up, versus just the evaluation of unimproved land.
Interestingly, one you look at the cities that had the biggest housing bubbles in 2007 it wasn’t the building value that caused the issues, it was land valuation. So a single land tax would have put an automatic check on the bubble. The SLT in SF, for example, would have, in theory, caused a slowdown in the growth. A negative feedback might have prevented the bubble from ever getting too bubbly.
Since property taxes on both the land and improvement value did not prove an impediment to the bubble, I’m not sure how a property tax on the land value alone would have.
The land value of a parcel wouldn’t go up, after all, because the value of the improvements on the parcel (and other nearby parcels) went up, would it? If it did, wouldn’t it really be a tax on the value of the land and the improvements after all?
You want me to pay property tax yet not have the use of the property? How about you fuck off instead? Looks like a shell game designed to call communism by another name. Really…fuck off.
How do they not have the use of the property?
Community generated wealth. Rent doesnt belong to the individual but to the community…etc. There are a hundred cues in there that tell me that you, the landowner, is not calling the shots.
the rent of land belongs not to the individual who would be required to surrender it, but to the community as a whole.
Indeed. Whoever controls the revenue from property, controls the property.
To quote Obama, you didnt build that.
And what you did build, George wouldnt tax.
On the other hand, the state didnt build it either, but sending the SLT to God is a problem too.
Wait, wait, so it’s using the capital gains justification, only billing you every year for unrealized gains?
I dont think they understand what happens when you strip a landowner of their property rights but not their obligations.
But they don’t lose any property rights (other than having to pay the land tax, but that is no different from today).
So I get to call all of the shots and reap the benefits of my investment and effort? That is how it is today.
Yes. George thought 100% of income from work should go to the individual. It was only the economic rents of unimproved land from ownership that was taxed.
In your case, for example, 100% of the revenue from harvesting timber would belong to you, but you would have to pay tax based on the value of the lot if it was treeless.
On the other hand, I have no idea what the author that Brooks quoted means by it, but that is the originalist Georgist idea.
As it is now property tax in Louisiana is one of if not the lowest in the nation.
Take the cost of planting and add up property tax for 30-40 years and compare that to what you get for the timber. Guess what? I am growing timber for free as things are now. Raise that tax and every grower in the state will walk off and leave their land fallow. The price of lumber and paper will skyrocket. The only timber grower will be the state. The net effect would be a system barely distinguishable from communism and poverty would result. The same would be true for rental properties.
Want a single tax? Shit-can all of the current taxes and put a single tax on consumer goods and limit that tax by law.
15%, that’s what you get. Cant cut it on that? Too bad.
George thought 100% of income from work should go to the individual.
What about income from investments?
Investments in some one else’s work would be untaxed. its the SINGLE land tax, not one tax among many.
I worded it that way to avoid the obvious comeback about investments in land.
Investments in some one else’s work would be untaxed.
The way people “invest” in someone else’s work is to employ them, hopefully retaining the surplus value produced by the employee.
Investments are usually thought of as investments in capital assets or securities. Capital assets include land, so I’m not sure you are out of the woods yet.
But they don’t lose any property rights
Other than the right to the revenue from the property, which used to be, well, their property as well.
Only the revenue from the unimproved value of the property. Any revenue from improvements is tax free.
OK, I get it now. You can understand why I am a little sensitive about this issue.
All of my life I have been hearing people talk about how they have some kind of right to use other people’s (mine) property yet on tax day when I go to pay the taxes those people always seem to have some other place they have to be.
One of the key things of the SLT is that there is no way it can even be close to revenue neutral. It might have been in George’s day.
It would be, at most, a 3-4% tax on the value of the land. It would require DRAMATIC cuts in government at all levels.
I would do maybe 2% for the Feds, and 1% each for the state and for localities.
I have seen $23T as an estimate for the value of US land, so that would raise $460B for the feds. Currently they get about $3.6B in revenue. So about an 87% cut.
It is entirely unrealistic unless there was a dramatic willingness to switch to the kind of very limited government we favor. In which case, I think your other fears would also not be a problem.
I’m seeing around $7TT in total government expenditures for the US. backing out around $1.5TT in debt issued annually by government, you would need around a 24% SLT rate for it to be revenue neutral with current tax collections, you would need an SLT rate of about 24% of the value of unimproved land.
Unless, as you note, we reduce government to around a tenth its current size.
Well this ought to act like oil on troubled water.
Woman who assaulted Kellyanne Conway in restaurant has charges dropped against her. Why? Because the prosecutor thought that any punishment would be too much.
Prosecutors are the absolute worst.
Yeah. That’s not going to help things.
I wonder what would happen were someone to treat that prosecutor in exactly the same manner.
There’s only one way to find out.
Reading through your description of the show, I think it would be vastly improved by putting it to the soundtrack of Yakety Sax
It seems that thievery is now legal in Dallas, so long as what you steal is worth less than $750 and you really, really need it.
Well, I could use that whole beef tenderloin, that’s under $750, right?
I see a rash of small business owners shooting shoplifters in Dallas.
And then being prosecuted for shooting those poor, poor people who weren’t even committing a crime.
My wife’s been wanting to switch to organic milk. I’ve resisted because it’s twice as expensive, but hey, since it’s now legal to just swipe it….might as well lift a rack of lamb and a few briskets while I’m at it, maybe the really good olive oil too.
Insane. NYC is kicking themselves for not coming up with something so woke first.
I think that was one of the exercises we did in my college ethics class. I can’t remember if we decided the solution was “do nothing” or “golden rule”.
When I lived in Dallas over ten years ago it was common knowledge that the police did nothing with petty theft. Most people know not to have anything outdoors that wasn’t behind a locked gate or otherwise locked down.
Oh, so this is merely codifying what was already de facto law?
Sounds like the cops just admitting it officially. Back then, apparently they would tell you if you tried to report petty theft that you were just wasting your time.
Also: the cops wouldn’t patrol many pretty nice neighborhoods at night. Amazingly, though, you could hire them to do as “private security”, and they could wear their uniforms and I believe even use a squad car.
“I had some valuable papers in my briefcase”
Back then, apparently they would tell you if you tried to report petty theft that you were just wasting your time.
Yep, happened to my brother in law when his car was stolen. “Who do you think we are? Plano PD?”
In Tucson, I don’t think they do much to investigate car thefts, either, because by the time you find out, your car is probably already in Mexico.
Unless you are the mayor, who hilariously had his city-issued Prius stolen out of his driveway. That got the fuck investigated out of it. To be fair, though, no self-respecting car thief is going to take a Prius to a Mexican chop shop.
“business owners[…]are worried that word of the policy will encourage shoplifting”
This totally won’t cause more businesses to close down in less favorable neighborhoods.
Duh, just pass a law requiring them to stay open. Or just take over all those businesses and let the state run them.
Do you think so?
Easily foreseeable consequences are not unintended.
I also see an expanse of which items are “necessary”.
Sounds reasonable to me.
*reads article*
I’m so confused.
Me too.
Thanks (?) for taking one for the team, MLW. You must have Bulldog Skin
My only quibble with this is that the Dems have been hard-Left and fact-free for a while, they were just better at hiding it.
Do I need to read that? Progressivism ends in socialism…who didn’t know this? They are commies. Their policies are indistinguishable from those of the USSR. Just call them what they are.
“business owners[…]are worried that word of the policy will encourage shoplifting”
You say, “shoplifting”. Others say “justice”.
“Social sharing”? “Social shopping”?
Asset leveling
“shopping justice”
Remember, justice after a word reverses the meaning of the word.
a.k.a., full-employment for security guards
Only the revenue from the unimproved value of the property. Any revenue from improvements is tax free.
Sounds legit.
Dallas County’s new district attorney announced his office will no longer prosecute “theft of necessary items” up to $750.
This reminds me of my uncle the liberal retired school principal, who said ,in the aftermath of Katrina- “You can’t fault those people for smashing shop windows to get (not “steal”) water and diapers. They NEED that stuff.”
He was agnostic about the teevees and booze and microwaves, I guess.
I would really hate for him to find out about the NOPD
lootingsecuring all of the firearms and ammunition from the New Orleans Walmart.So they are creating no-shit real food deserts. This will turn out well.
So I can fill up my shopping card with 749 worth of edibles and walk out the door, as long as I don’t take the shopping cart home with me? I need the cart to haul all my loot in to the house. I can see some well dressed homeless at the intersections,”Will trade groceries for cash” signs. “Shop Jo-jo’s for the freshest freedom groceries”
George thought 100% of income from work should go to the individual. It was only the economic rents of unimproved land from ownership that was taxed.
And how does the all-knowing, all-seeing government bureaucrat impute that economic rent”, if not by basing it on the income generated?
when it comes to NatRev, my money’s on KDW.
In this case, Representative Omar characterized the events of September 11, 2001, this way: “Some people did something.” Someone assembled a video intercutting her blasé account of mass murder with images of that day’s events, and Donald Trump, who serves simultaneously as president of the United States and the nation’s social-media intern, tweeted the video, along with some vintage all-caps emoting: “WE WILL NEVER FORGET!”
She is following a pretty obvious career path and hopes to be to American Muslims what the Reverend Jesse Jackson has been to African Americans and what Hillary Rodham Clinton has been to embittered left-wing women who faint a lot: a sacred person, beyond the reach of the profane.
In context, of course, she combined the radical minimization of 3,000 murders with a call to get in the face of anyone who you think looks at you funny because you are a minority. Which somehow, MSNBC tells me, makes the radical minimization of 3,000 murder totes OK.
A real peach, that one.
bahahaahha…..I read the headline on this one, and as I clicked it I thought to myself, “Dimwitted prog sportswriter says something really stupid….most likely Jeff Pearlman.”
I crunched the numbers on this issue a decade ago and found that (at the time) the most densely populated place in the USA was Union City, NJ at about 57,000 people per square mile. If one were to force the entirety of Earth’s human population to live at that density, the human race would fit nicely inside of Arkansas. Malthusians combine ignorance with an arrogant evil that I find quite disturbing.
I’m fine with Malthusians deciding not to reproduce; just don’t try to force the state to make it a law.
great minds: We should think about not allowing Malthusians to have kids.
Late to the party, but these are now my favorite articles. Keep it up!