Yes, I’m sure you were expecting Banjos and hence I am a severe disappointment. Along with it being Taxes Are Theft Day. Well, suck it, Cupcake, you’ve got me doing Links this morning, and the it’s the annual reminder of how viciously government is sucking away your lifeblood. Can’t be helped.
And what are Old Man Links without some curated birthdays? For one, the only mathematician who had an NFL team named after him, Leonhard Euler; Jew-hater and famous splitter, Johannes Stark; painter of heroic images, Thomas Hart Benton (who, oddly and coincidentally, SP and I were talking about last night); Steve Buscemi-imitator and all-around fun guy Nikita Khrushchev; patron saint of libertarian psychiatrists, Thomas Szasz; and hero of the 1966 World Series, Willie Davis.
On to actual news. Sorry for the paucity of Team Red bashing today, but they have wisely been quiet and allowing their enemies to destroy themselves.
Team Blue circles the wagons when morons speak.
On tax day, apparently rich people in Deep Blue states are unhappy with the new tax laws. (Disclaimer: we got fucked good and hard from them this year as well)
This is why I’m always careful to answer SP.
I’m shocked that Bernie is outraged- or feigning- when Team Blue looks out for itself.
Eric Swalwell, Team Blue presidential candidate and constitutional scholar.
More homophobic white supremacists. And as a bonus, here’s the video, where you can see the MAGA hats and almost imagine the white robes and hoods.
Wasn’t this news several weeks ago? Woke Canadians.
Solar power has run us to Peak Dysprosium. Seriously, did any of the eco numbnuts wonder how “rare earths” got their name?
I’m sure no alcohol was involved.
Old Guys Music features someone I’ve tossed out here from time to time, Brett Newski, playing a unique style of punk folk. I love this guy’s music and it pisses me off that he’s playing near our now-former IL home and not here on this year’s tour. Anyway, great song and great performer.
No fuckin’ theme music?
Here ya go. The subtitles are worth reading.
They should have used him as a double in that movie they recently made…
The Amy Schumer Story?
He is hotter than she is…
Good morning.
As a resident of NJ, I, too, got fucked good and hard by the new tax laws.
I didn’t.
Then again, I didn’t cross the 10K threshold for state and local taxes.
My current presence on-project in Joisey is the reason I only do contracts on a corp-to-corp basis. Colorado state taxes are no picnic, but they beat the hell out of Joisey and Californey, the last two long-terms I’ve had.
Nobody from NJ says “Joisey”. Other than that, you are spot-on, NJ taxes are the pinnacle of suck.
He’s not from Joisey.
I know, but people not from NJ typically say “Joisey” thinking they are mocking the way people from here say “Jersey”. But they actually don’t.
‘Joisey’ is just fun to say.
Are you some kind of wise guy?
I’m a wise ass, not sure if that counts.
Why I oughta…
This. Plus we do it on purpose to annoy people from NJ.
I doubt you really did unless you mortgaged a mansion.
My wife and I paid almost exactly the same total taxes in 2018 as 2017 while earning $25k more.
No mansion, but they also removed some allowances that previously existed. So, maybe only mildly fucked. But still worse than last year.
I netted a lot more in my paycheck, but my check to the Feds is gonna be double what I used to. The net effect is still positive in my favor, but I am still pissed they are taking this much from me.
Fortunately, IL last year had only moderate state tax, and since we didn’t own property there, we didn’t have an issue with it. Where we got fucked was moving expenses, and getting nailed for pulling enough out of our retirement account to cover that.
Did you use a loan to pull it out or did you withdraw it as cash? There is a way to get money out of 401Ks where you borrow and repay yourself with interest that completely avoids taxes if I recall correctly….
We wanted to do it that way, but there were a pile of reasons we couldn’t. I’m dim on the process, but SP consulted with Riven, who does that stuff for a living.
This was about a $5000 hit.
Ouch.. fucking government mafia fucked you over…
Did the 401k pullout recently too with the $5k reaming. I planned on using most of it for the Illinois exodus but my p.o.s. GMC terrain’s motor blew up 4000 miles after the warranty expired. I have the orphans working overtime to extricate myself from the Illinois cash trap asap.
*cracks whip
“Back to work or no gruel for the lot of ye” (They respond better to olde English terms, I also include mold strains from that time period in the gruel for their immune system health)
Rates are down, standard deductions are up, so there shouldn’t be more than a pretty small percentage who paid a higher percentage this year.
I think I paid around the same, myself, but we had some one-time events that make it hard to be sure without doing math.
The ending of deductibility of state and local income taxes can, in high tax Blue states, overwhelm the other tax cuts.
Course, the people in Blue states bitching about this likely vote for politicians who want to grab all the taxes they can, so Schadenfreude for them. Sucks if you’re TeamNotBlue in those states.
Folks in states like where I live, Texas, not as affected by the non-deductibility of the 0% state income tax. Maybe consider moving to such a state?
The ending of deductibility of state and local income taxes can, in high tax Blue states, overwhelm the other tax cuts.
It was limited, not eliminated.
And the increase in the standard deduction from $12,700 (married, jointly) to $24,000 means some people who might have been hit by the SALT cap weren’t, because they aren’t itemizing anymore, and for a lot of people who never itemized, they come out ahead.
My wife and I made $5000 more than last year, but paid $700 less in federal taxes, so not great, but still better. The $10,000 SALT cap did hurt us — we would have done a lot better without it.
You probably came out more like $1700 (or more) ahead, if you look at what you would have paid on that $5K without the tax reform.
Illinois resident here. My federal went up quite a bit…$600 more in tax on $400 less in income. I had much less in the way of deductions due to the SALT limit, declining mortgage interest, and the eliminated deductibility of college sports ticket license fees. Of course none of those are things the rest of the country should be paying me for anyway.
“Am I pretty?”
“Yeah…pretty crazy”
“If you need constant validation, you’ve got bigger problems.”
Hmmmm… I know the sample size is small, but in my experience this is normal from the fairer sex. The reaction I have experienced however is not ever been what we see in this story when the asker doesn’t get the answer they want.
If she goes nuts from a non-answer, instead of thinking maybe he didn’t hear her and thus asking again, her physical beauty or lack thereof isn’t the real problem.
“Of course you’re pretty. You think I’d be with you if I didn’t find you beautiful?” is the correct answer, BTW. And if you’re lying, maybe you’re with the wrong woman.
My guess is that she asks this question on a fairly frequent basis. If the fool (lookin’ at you, dood) doesn’t have a standard answer ready for her he deserves everything she gave him and more. You don’t go an marry a woman without having some idea of her standard operating modes.
I’m not racist, but if I was dating a 20 year old from El Paso whose middle name was Guadalupe, I would be expecting physical assault. Although probably aggravated with a knife.
Or shoe…
Shoes are for children, not love interests.
“Swalwell says “shall not be infringed” allows government to infringe. And people actually voted for this idiot.
He’s trying to be so out in front of the woke crowd that nobody realizes he’s a white dude.
So he may be our first blue-skinned president?
I am surprised they have not labeled him a “constitutional scholar” for his interpretations of that 100 year old paper put together by a bunch of white dudes that owned slaves and fucked their sisters…
“And people actually voted for this idiot”
It’s Cali, they will vote for any idiot and only idiots.
I voted for him his first time around. We’re in a district where we can choose whichever candidate we want as long as it’s a Democrat. The incumbent was an old fart who basically lived in DC and only kept in touch with his district by leaving threatening messages on his constituents’ voice mails. Whatever Swalwell’s many faults are, he at least come back to the district frequently.
“And the Second Amendment is not an absolute right. Just like free speech — you can’t shout fire in a theater…
Eric would love to yell “fire” when you’re lined up against the theater wall.
So, he agrees that like the first amendment, any prior restraint of the second amendment right is prohibited, and only actual harm arising from a wrongful act may be acted on by the government?
I always wonder if morons who trot that one out are aware of the history and context of that statement.
What am I saying? Of course not, they’re morons.
I was gonna answer you, but you seem to have been able to figure it out all on your own OMWC.
Given that at the time of the Constitutions ratification the 2nd amendment was understood to allow for the private ownership of the most powerful military weapon in existence at that time, the warship, it is hard to see how the 2nd amendment is a limited right. But then the mere fact that he is attempting to talk about the 2nd amendment as if it is a right shows how far off base the entire discussion is.
Neither the 1st or 2nd amendments grant rights, both are limitations on governments ability to infringe on rights which you possess outside of government
Hearing “Fire in a Crowded Theater” is a great way for me to determine that someone is Constitutionally ignorant.
Fordham University student dies after falling from campus clock tower
When it’s your time it’s your time
Too soon?
Too late, probably.
It’s a shame she gravitated to such a timely and hard future.
3am was apparently that time.
It’s 3 A.M. I must be
The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu.
Therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.
“President Trump must take down his disrespectful and dangerous video.”
“Dangerous”…from the people who routinely and deceptively take Trumps words out of context in such a manner that it can actually incite political violence… Fuck. Off.
And who, like Maxine Waters and her ilk, actually incite people to harass and attack their political opponents.
That too. Literally calling for harassment against political opponents and their supporters is a-ok if you have the right letter next to your name.
>say something retarded and offensive to some people
>people say “hey that’s retarded and offensive to me”
>respond with “you’re encouraging violence toward me”
> think this BS still works and doesn’t create even more anger
“>say something retarded and offensive to some people”
That was a bit more than just retarded and offensive.
With the left, their response is always to scream racism and then try to silence the person who is saying what they don’t like. Always. They have nothing else.
Arguing using logic and facts, especially when all you have is appeal to emotion and neither logic nor fact on your side, is a recipe for disaster. That is why you are better off just silencing the opposition.
Over the weekend CBS released a video encouraging violence against any whities who aren’t ultra woke.
Later the same day, a 5-year-old white kid got chucked off the balcony at the Mall of America by a black man.
I’m sure that this was all about race and that there wasn’t anything else going on. That man just hated whites so much and that 5 year old was the first white he saw at the Mallof America
Well, based on the article, we don’t know either way, do we?
I’m trying to figure out if this is their version of a wet dream or just bait for viewership.
It is certainly disgusting when any side does it.
Clear causation. Much science.
Why worry about things like motive and clear causation when there’s an opportunity to score political points on your opponents? Surely you’re not suggesting we wait for more information before passing judgment?
I did not say CBS was responsible – I meant to point out that they either:
1. Know and don’t care that they are helping push the Overton window over to “full race war”,
2. Are so stupid they can’t see the consequences of pushing the narrative that far.
I think people are objecting to the way you put the two links together as if their is some direct causation involved.
But you are saying that this was racially motivated.
I agree on both points. It just seemed from your original post that you were implying causation, which while possible, the two can’t actually be connected based on the information at hand. Thanks for the clarification.
I assumed the implication was tongue in cheek…
Before reading the story I am gonna guess ‘the black dude’ is actually ‘the crazy dude’. That’s just completely batshit evil and insane.
As for the video…what the fuck did I just see?
It’s a drama show. Still very disturbing in the same way that Law and Order is.
Everyone has lost their minds falling for these racial disharmony narratives and lies.
Note that they draw a connection to the French yellow vest protesters as well.
But where the hell do people wear red vests?
And why are they breaking the fourth wall?
Fuck CBS.
“Omar has weighed in… she says some guy did something”
Sanders sent a personally signed letter Saturday to the board of the Center for American Progress and CAP Action Fund, tying the group to right-wing political attacks on his personal finances and fight against income inequality.
The senator accused the group of undermining the Democratic Party’s “effort to defeat Donald Trump” and demanded the Washington think tank end its “counterproductive negative campaigning” against himself, Booker, Warren and other progressive liberal Democrats.
Sanders said conservatives and right-wing news outlets have “excitedly” re-published any and all reports critical of himself and other progressive candidates.
“I and other Democratic candidates are running campaigns based on principles and ideas and not engaging in mudslinging or personal attacks on each other,” Sanders wrote in the April 13 letter first obtained by The New York Times Sunday. “Meanwhile, the Center for American Progress is using its resources to smear Senator Booker, Senator Warren, and myself, among others. This is hard the way to build unity, or to win the general election.”
“Whose side are you on?”
“undermining the Democratic Party’s ‘effort to defeat Donald Trump’”
Which side are you on?
I and other Democratic candidates are running campaigns based on principles and ideas and not engaging in mudslinging or personal attacks
Yea, sure…
Well, they are, I mean just because it’s old worn out recycled Marxism…
When we call you a racist, that’s not a personal attack, we’re just citing facts.
He also called out Omar and the Dems who are defending her.
Oh, what sad times are these when passing
ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladiesaging socialists are the only ones making sense in the Democratic party.Because Berntard, you retarded old commie, the Dems ARE anti-Semites, it’s part of their official platform. Besides Omar has several boxed checked, Muslim, black, vagina. The only way she can get more popular with the Dems is to get munchin some rug. Didn’t she commit immigration fraud by marrying her own brother? Or was that the other one?
Wrong Sanders.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
That makes so much more sense now. My head was spinning.
Oh, is that Pie?
Uffda. My Memphis State reading skillz really showed there.
Manic Monday: Philosophical Musings During A Weekend Bender
What the fuck am I reading?
I’m guessing the weekend bender has spilled over into Monday morning…
Some people feel obligated to make sure sane & smart people know they are so stupid that mother nature should eliminate them like a chlorine tablet does bad germs in a pool.
“What do, Warty, SugarFree, OMWC, BrettL, JW, sloopy, CPRM, Bearded Hobbitt, Los Doyers, and about 90% of the rest of you have in common?”
For sure thought that this was going to be about autism
“90 % of the rest of you have in common?”
Finally, I’m a 10%er, wait ’til I tell Mrs Fourscore!
Tells Mrs Fourscore, who continues to ignore me.
I have to be more careful when planning hardware upgrades. I forgot to check to see if the processor actually came with a factory heat sink, rather than assuming it did. It didn’t, so I had to order a heat sink and now the upgrade has been delayed until at least wednesday evening.
The cold darkness of space is the best heat sink.
No, not really. The vacuum is a great insulator, removing conductive and convective dissipation entirely, leaving only radiative as an option.
But in the long run …
In the long run, after you’ve fried the electronics because your radiator fins were not big enough, or shaded enough from the sunlight, it will cool down the now-useless hunk of silicon by letting the infrared rays fly off unimpeded.
You’re the life of the party I’m sure of it.
If I wanted to be liked, I’d have… well, I’d have not become me.
Never said I didn’t like you. It takes a lot for me not to like you.
You have the heat-transfer paste, right?
It’s in the box with the heat sink. So I will when that arrives.
I’ve never ordered one that didn’t come with a heat sink and fan. Where’d you order yours from?
For $999.99 you’d think they could have put a bare minimum heat sink in.
Let me guess….
The extra work now cost you another $300?
I mean, if someone spends a grand ona processor, it’s safe to assume they’re going to pick up a water cooling system or some monstrous after market heat sink. WTH are you going to be doing with a $1k processor? I mean, besides being the coolest guy on the internet?
I’m going to run it for as many years as I can. And that was the bottom entry for the socket type chosen. I don’t like doing hardware refreshes, so I try to build for as many years of use as I can. The later years will only be ‘good enough’, but so long as there are as many years of ‘good enough’ as possible, I’m happy.
Hense the overinvestment up-front.
It may be foolish given the price/time profile for computer hardware, but… *shrugs*
The 1K CPU will future proof your fig for a while. You may as well stuff 2-3 2080ti in there while you’re at it.
I can run the 980 for the time being until my bank account recovers from this hit.
Any Intel CPU ending in “k” doesn’t come with any cooling because they expect you to OC.
It didn’t end in a k. But even if it had, I wouldn’t have known (it’s been quite some time since II last got a CPU)
Yeah, they sell retail boxed and OEM versions of their standard CPUs as well. The retail boxed used to come with a basic heat sink and fan, but not the OEM.
The ones that end in “k” have an unlocked multiplier
If I had remembered to check what was actually in the box, I would have added the heat sink to the initial order. But I blame me, I overlooked that detail.
I’ve never bought a CPU that came with a heat sink. I suppose the sell them like that…
What CPU did you get? I’m contemplating a 10 core i9, 9-9900X X-Series LGA2066 socket, but it’s around a grand, so not sure, might go with a 8 core for less money. Since I also will need a new board and new ram.
That may be exactly the chip I bought.
I knew I needed a new board because I had maxed out the memory on the existing board and my current crunch was ram shortages.
The thing I hate most about upgrading is that I currently have 64G of ram and it’s going to be useless with a new board. But I’m running an ancient i7 3820 that’s probably bottle necking my 1080ti to some degree.
I have… either 8 or 16G of RAM.
There’s a reason I’m upgrading.
Multiple polls show a majority of Americans don’t think they got a tax cut at all
I wonder why…
But I definitely got a cut. Since I actually pay attention to my pay-stubs and my net income generally, I noted a significantly larger amount of money that I got to keep each month.
I think what has happened in a lot of cases, is that people actually got a pay raise with the new rates. But by the time tax time rolled around, they’d forgotten about that and expected a big return and didn’t get it because less was being taken out of payroll.
Booker said it’s not the first time his daughter has faced hatred as a transgender woman, though it is the most violent.
First they came for the transgender…
I feel like that video is extremely out of context. Was it justified, hell no. But even in the hood you don’t get a beat down like that just because.
You don’t beat the hell out of the transgender under any circs unless you want a hate crime charge. Wearing a dress is better protection than mace.
Homophobia runs rampant in that community man.
Raphael or Tejicano can pipe in on this, but you just don’t see any of this violence or bullying of transgender people here. I see them walking through Shinjuku station all the time. Nobody GAF. They appear on the variety shows regulary and you don’t even notice after a while. It’s almost as if no one cares what you want to do with your own body.
Live and let live works real well…
Truth as far as Japan is concerned. People here (Japan) could care less what other people do (consensually) with their or other people’s genitalia.
*Ed Gein looks into moving to Japan
From the news video it looks like it started with a minor car accident.
A Trans fender bender.
Do you drive stick? Lol
Trans AM?
patron saint of libertarian psychiatrists, Thomas Szasz
Isn’t that like making Carrie Nation your patron saint of booze?
Huh? You’re going to have to elaborate that one for it to make any sense whatsoever.
Way late now, but Szasz spent his entire career arguing, more or less, that mental illness is a myth and psychological is a fraud.
“Along with it being Taxes Are Theft Day.”
Yeah, I got to go mail the fucking crooks at the iRS a huge check today. I am sure they will promptly spend it on things that help me like buying fucking votes from people that do shit.
I love the argument that taxes aren’t theft because rich people aren’t even as deserving of the money, because it doesn’t explain why poor People are required to pay taxes. They think that they have a good argument and it doesn’t even pass basic muster when you even accept the basic premise.
I love revelations like this one even more…
Reserve your copy now.
The guy that does that got outed a couple weeks ago. He was on Michael Malice’s podcast. Interesting guy.
Way to deny xer experienced gender, shitlord.
But, he’s gay. Doesn’t that mitigate my wordy violence?
Doesn’t that mitigate my wordy violence?
No, it just makes it a hate crime.
>>calling out an elderly person
My son is playing the pipe organ for a play being performed on the W&M campus this coming week. Apparently, it’s written by a student and is heavily steeped in wokeness. I just told him to take his money and keep his mouth shut.
Playing the pipe organ. That’s some euphemism.
In a non-patronising manner
Yea, sure…at any rate, PASS.
I have been patronized just reading that sentence.
“social media has now made it possible to show how virtuous you are without having to do anything at all.”
I couldn’t have said it better.
“Titania will explain why you are wrong about everything and how to become more like her.”
Umm, no.
Umm, no.
Titania is a parody persona, FYI. That reaction you had is exactly what the author is going for.
I always read that name as Titty-ania.
It’s parody – and a pretty good one too. A female Godfrey Elfwick.
She could be Gulag Barbie and it would be hard to tell the difference.
Good morning, Mr. With Candy!
That is a top notch musical selection! Here’s one I think you’ll like from a local lassie.
She is excellent, and the band’s backup is spot on.
Hey, that was really good!
Pelosi, who was traveling in London, issued a statement saying she had spoken with congressional authorities after Trump’s tweet “to ensure that Capitol Police are conducting a security assessment to safeguard Congresswoman Omar, her family and her staff.”
What was she doing in London?
I sure hope she wasn’t there to meddle in their internal political affairs or attempt to influence the outcome of a domestic election. They tell me that’s unacceptable behavior.
More importantly, did she fly commercial?
Holey FCUK….
I wonder in which decade she last degraded herself to sit in cattle class. 1970’s? I would place not bets on the 1980’s.
She flew on a broom.
Former White House Counsel was indicted for shenanigans in the Ukraine last week. For some reason, the mainstream outlets didn’t want to cover it.
What’s with the guys in the 25 year old uniforms?
Stock photo maybe?
The Metal Demand for Fairies and Unicorns paper was interesting. From the summary under the heading ‘Solution Pathways’:
I’m still wiping tears from laughing so hard. Watching the idiots try to jump start an effort in Europe would be the funniest thing ever.
TBF, yttrium, terbium, erbium, and ytterbium all originated in Sweden…
Just reading the list aloud sounds like the Swedish Chef.
And now I’ve gotten a Tom Lehrer earworm.
Anybody seen Pie lately?
US convicts Romanians over scheme that hijacked 400,000 computers
“Fly this plane to Havana or the Dell gets it!”
Hmm. He was hiring guys who sit around and smoke cigarettes come to “fix his house” or something
Sounds like a cover story for something bad… Unless they left him in the bathtub full of ice. Quick someone check if there are any e-Bay posts selling organs in Romania…
“infect PCs when users opened an attachment”
That beating on the transgender person was despicable and even gut wrenching. Just awful.
Amazing how when it’s black on black the media stays silent. Goes to show they don’t give a SHIT about any of the causes they push. It’s all virtue-signalling.
Doing more than virtue signaling might have consequences/costs, man…
Black Lives Matter!!! ……except when it’s other black people doing the killing (or, in this case, severe beating). Then, the enlightened Left doesn’t give a fuck.
That roided-up dude doing the ground and pound was way out of control. He should do some serious time for battery that might rise to “mayhem”.
That being said, there is more to the story. They keep putting it up as a “hate crime” because she is transgender. But there was a car “accident” that initiated the whole thing.
I didn’t dig around to find more footage, but they showed a brief clip of the accident in the news story. It didn’t look very much like an accident. A big black SUV was rammed by a silver sedan and spun “pit maneuver” style into a road sign. The silver sedan then rammed the SUV a second time. The news described this as “a minor crash” . That is not accurate. It looked for all the world like a deliberate act – the sedan hit the SUV in the rear quarter panel and accelerated into it, spinning it off of the road. The sedan stops, and then turns the wheel and accelerates into the back of the SUV very aggressively.
I could spin a scenario where this was an “accident”, but it is far from the most likely explanation. It very much looked like a deliberate action (twice).
Then there is a photo of the victim standing in the middle of the street with a lot of onlookers. This was apparently before the viscous beating. The comments on the video say she was banging on the assailant’s car and yelling at them.
So whatever happened, the news coverage is incomplete at best, and entirely dishonest at worst.
They made no mention of a connection between these people, but it would be odd to ram a random stranger’s vehicle like that and even stranger still to start verbally assaulting them afterwords. All of the setup has the look of a lover’s quarrel.
Just as a general rule, if you get into a fender bender with someone in some parts of Baltimore City, DO NOT get out of your car and if anyone tries to block your way, run over them. I’m dead serious.
Meh, some guy beating the shit out of another guy they got into an accident with. I’m not going to go down the gut wrenching route over that.
If you watch the video of the actual fight, it went way over the line of “got angry and beat some guy up”. Dude was huge and seemed to have some MMA style experience. And he did not relent when things went way past “you won the fight”.
Even if you just go “two dudes got in a fight and the big guy won” as a scenario, this was over the line by quite a lot.
Right, I agree with you that he’d clearly won, and didn’t stop at that point… I never said it was okay, hell, even if that isn’t how it played out, ‘two guys getting into a fight’ is still wrong.
This should make you smile:
Dumbass tries to hold up pizza joint – gets ass kicked instead.
An excellent beatdown with an hilarious ending. Enjoy!
That was a glorious beatdown. What an asshat and nice to see some justice done to that prick.
He just wanted some pineapple on his pie.
Fucker’s lucky he got out alive!
That beating was deserved unlike the transgender hence it was enjoyable.
Nice. Notice the co workers standing around and not helping. I get it though having been robbed before and often you are just processing what happened.
In fairness, the guy needed zero assistance. It was as if he had done that a time or two!
From the sidebar:
“This robbery is going so well, I think I’ll just holster my pistol”
This! The whole damn time, I was thinking the same thing. A saucepan with a heaping scoop of deep-fryer oil or dual-wielding the 8” chef’s knives (or, being a pizza-pie parlor, a giant Mezzaluna) would reinforce the error of that decision.
I started watching The Tick last night. I tried to keep my expectations somewhere in the region of the “If it doesn’t unremittingly suck, I’ll be happy” level.
Surprise. It’s actually extremely entertaining. And funny. Will watch more.
Season 2 is better than Season 1. Overkill is hilarious.
I have only just started season 2. Season 1 took a bit to get rolling. I am 2 eps into season 2 so far, but it is good.
I’m a fan.
Danger boat is my favorite character.
Danger boat is everyone’s favorite character.
Arthur’s step dad amuses me.
I blame Fox Kids for hurting other live action Tick attempts. They held onto the rights for all the characters created for the show (Die Fladermause, American Maid, Speak, etc.) and refused to allow the other live action show to use those characters.
Batmanuel was awesome.
“I saved them three times later that night, if you know what I mean” Batmanuel
“Nope” the Tick
*Skips over the standard logical fallacies, distortions and lies*
“So we should put some limits in place,” Swalwell said. “And I think the American people are with me. I’m no longer intimidated by the NRA. The moms and the kids, they’re behind us on this issue. And I think it just takes leadership in Washington.”
Whether or not “the American people” are with you is irrelevant to what the gov’t is allowed to do and “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is incredibly unambiguous.
Swalwell said his plan would allow gun owners to continue to have pistols
Constitutional question aside, this proves he is mendacious and/or stupid with regard to gun violence. I refrain from arguing statistics with people because statistics are irrelevant to what the gov’t is actually allowed to do. But statistics show that pistols are used in the most gun crime by an overwhelming margin.
Just stupid. Hell, traditionally, the gun control lobby was against pistols moreso than rifles of any sort. It only adopted the assault rifle hate because it inspires more fear than a Saturday Night Special.
But rifles are scary. And no one needs them anymore. We are civilized and our food comes from the grocery store, not hunted.
But the Moms and kids are behind it!!it cannot fail.
Molon Labe, Mr. Swalwell. If you want to get rid of the guns so damn badly, go door-to-door yourself and collect them on your own. Have fun.
And when Eric gets to my house he is gonna be disappointed because I wont be here. I will be at his house.
He’ll just nuke ya, bro.
This isn’t how it’s gonna go down. They’d kick off a shooting rebellion if they tried to systematically go door to door and round up all the guns.
Instead, they’ll do what they’re already doing: expand the number of ways each individual person’s guns can be seized by law enforcement. Its the frog-in-boiling-water approach.
They started off with felons, and nobody cared because felons shouldn’t have guns.
Then they expanded into misdemeanor DV convicts, and everyone agreed cause those people are violent.
Then they expanded into anyone simply accused of DV, and everyone agreed cause those people might hurt someone.
Then they started expanding into anyone who has ever been diagnosed with a mental health issue, and everyone agreed because other than terrorists the mentally ill commit most mass shootings.
Then they started expanding the definition of mentally ill, and nobody cared because they weren’t mentally ill.
Now we’re expanding to anyone against whom an anonymous tip is submitted by anyone who knows that person, or any law enforcement officer using their infallible discretion, that believes the ‘respondent’ could pose a danger to themselves or others. No other justification needed.
Next up – if you buy more than a specified amount of armaments you’ll be deemed to be preparing to conduct a shooting and lose all your guns.
Down the road, they’ll say we have enough guns in this country that anyone who wants to obtain any more without written permission (which will never be granted, e.g. Hawaii CCW permits) is a security risk.
Eventually, they’ll ingrain the idea that anyone who wants a gun for any reason is a threat to society and will be disarmed.
At that point, we’re effectively disarmed, because any time someone is discovered to possess one it will be seized and the entire public will support it, because generations of stigma will have done its job.
They don’t need to go door to door; it’ll happen over time if things stay on their current course. The only way they can screw it up is if they get antsy and impatient.
This is why I have no patience for the “gun whiners”, as I call them. How many lines in the sand are they gonna redraw before they actually do something about their rights being infringed.
Instead, they roll over like a puppy with a bone, and talk about not dying on that hill.
This is exactly right. I’ve been saying it for a long time, the list of people who can have their 2nd amendment rights taken away for life, without Congress ever passing a single law, will just keep expanding until it’s basically anyone who’s not law enforcement or on active military duty. Then once they have mostly disarmed the public, they’ll go right to work on free speech. Free speech is just too dangerous, we need common sense controls.
without Congress ever passing a single law
I think you could have an excellent debate over what has been more destructive of our Constitutional republic, the expansion of the Interstate Commerce powers, or the delegation of legislative authority to executive agencies.
In combination, of course, they have nearly destroyed what the Founders created.
Yeah, “not infringed” is way, way stronger language than “shall make no law”.
Not infringed means.. well, not infringed.
So you could say any restraint on trade in “arms” would be illegal. Including tariffs, taxes and regulation.
“Shall not be infringed” is incredibly broad. We are pretty willful in ignoring the letter of the law on this one. This is true whatever your stand is on gun control as a policy matter.
>Whether or not “the American people” are with you is irrelevant to what the gov’t is allowed to do and “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is incredibly unambiguous.
Define “the right.” How does “the right” intersect with other constitutional rights? How does “the right” interact with things like city-wide confiscation of firearms, where those part of the original understanding of “the right” or was “the right” a statement that refuted that practice? Does “the right” only cover open carry, which was in some places the only legal way to bear arms at the time of ratification, or does it incorporate evolving norms about concealed carry?
If you think these questions are unambiguous, good news, there’s a ton of material out there that you can learn from, even if you only want to restrict yourself to proRKBA scholars looking at “the right” through an originalist interpretation.
“So we should put some limits in place,” Swalwell said. “And I think the American people are with me.”
He’s sort of forgetting that California is not the entire country.
They’ll never get the 2nd repealed or even pass any meaningful gun control legislation. What they will do is to do it through regulation. They’ll eventually make owning a firearm practically illegal, like in the UK, and then they’ll get started on getting rid of that pesky first amendment by making everything critical of the left, a hate crime. People will literally go to prison for Tweets or posts on Facebook.
We did put limits in place – limits on the government barring it from restircting civilian ownership and use of weapons.
People will literally go to prison for Tweets or posts on Facebook.
Or posting videos critical of Islam on YouTube.
It’ll be just like before! Just you wait and see.
Perhaps the best argument for a Biden ticket is the possibility of reclaiming working-class Obama-Trump voters for the Democratic Party. According to a Harvard-Harris poll from February, three out of four voters who said they’d back a Biden run don’t have a college education. The same poll states he’s winning 42 percent of non-college-educated voters, 20 points more than his closest competitor, Bernie Sanders.
Biden 2020. Because we all miss Obama so much. Maybe Obama can be VP. Would that be a violation of the 22nd? I don’t think so.
I am still not convinced that Her Shrillness is not running.
She’ll be named as a “compromise candidate” at a split convention.
I sure hope so.
She will let the kids squabble, then step in as The Adult in the Room.
Even though I could grow a beard by age12 or 13, I have never had one. No desire to.
I hated shaving. Especially since it didn’t even last to dinnertime.
So I figure nature was just telling me I’m supposed to have facial hair.
I have one out of laziness.
The sun tends to bleach my beard white. Since I’m not Santa Claus, I shave.
Heard a podcast today where the guy was claiming that hipster culture was a way of reasserting masculinity in Brooklyn (Or the Bronx..don’t remember which and don’t care about NY anyways). Kind of interesting to think about hipster culture as a pathetic way for metrosexuals to come back to their caveman roots.
“hipster culture as a pathetic way for metrosexuals to come back to their caveman roots” This works as well in practice as you would think. The knitted sweater with a deer on it and a beard can’t make a man manly.
You see the same with the fake “tough guy biker” types, the leather chaps, coat, and gloves don’t make a banker a 1%er.
That’s the problem. They know that something is missing and they are just putting on the trappings of masculinity.
I thought it was all irony with them? A full-beard and lumberjack shirt is ironic on a guy with the arm-strength of an 8-year-old girl.
But he will look so butch!
I can grow a full neckbeard and a scraggly collection of hair on the rest of my face. My beard growth is so slow I only shave once a week.
Weird thing: I have a head of full, thick wavy hair with zero baldness.
My beard grows fast. I hate having a beard however.
I’m the same way. I’ve read that both facial/body hair and male pattern baldness are linked to dihydrotestosterone production. More good news as it also is linked to prostate enlargement so, if this is the cause, we will have lower risk of prostate cancer.
I don’t enjoy shaving, but I hate when my beard gets too long and ends up getting in my soups so I just gave up on growing it much.
I haven’t had a beard in years, but when I did, it was only in winter. I don’t know how anyone can stand a beard in hot, humid weather. “Hey, I really should have a heavy covering on my face to make it sweat a whole lot more!”
Sunblock dries my skin out!
Never had a ‘real’ beard. Went white at 38-ish so I tend to shave. Hair is still not grey at 47 though.
I’m starting to get quite a few grays in the beard at 30. That and in the hair around the temples.
However, I look baby faced without a beard, so I’ll keep the beard even as it goes salt and pepper.
“Even though I could grow a beard by age12 or 13, I have never had one. No desire to.”
I’ve had this goat for about 30 years. Because I have Welsh ancestry, people were telling me I’m supposed to have a goat, so I grew one.
Drop the car off at the stealership – no doughnuts! – just coffee. ::shakes fist at sky::
So they will fix it without parts too?
Amazon Shareholders Set to Vote on a Proposal to Ban Sales of Facial Recognition Tech to Governments
There will be an exception for foreign governments. Meaning if Amazon branch in Europe sells to China it is OK, but they can’t sell it to the UK, and vice versa.
So, Amazon AI is racist and thinks black people look the same?
It seems like every AI these SV tech firms pump out is decidedly not woke. Skynet will become self aware, realize humanity is full of idiots that insist on their truth/reality rather than objective truth/reality, and wipe us out.
Obligatory Better off Ted clip.
I lament that we only got two seasons of Better off Ted.
“My white guy sucks.”
But those 28 members of Congress *are* criminals!
If any technology exists to aid in spying on Americans, our government is going to get it and use it. Doesn’t matter if they get it from Amazon, or not.
Misogyny! Male privilege!
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-N.Y.) presidential campaign suggested Sunday that the campaign’s low first-quarter fundraising totals could be partly attributed to backlash over Gillibrand’s decision in 2017 to call for the resignation of Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.).
In a memo obtained by The New York Times, the campaign reportedly said there’s “no question” that donors are retaliating in response to Gillibrand calling on Franken, who had been accused of sexual harassment, to step aside.
“There’s no question that the first quarter was adversely impacted by certain establishment donors — and many online — who continue to punish Kirsten for standing up for her values and for women,” the memo reads.
Good grief. Is there anybody in the 57 states (other than Senator Sorority Girl, herself) who can imagine a President Gillibrand without collapsing in guffaws?
I tend to forget she exists. That’s likely why no one gives her money, she’s forgettable.
Did you just call her a two dollah ho?
And her campaign managers plan to overcome this how? Gillibrand is just another one of a dozen or so Dems who are actually angling for the V.P. slot.
I think it’s closer to two dozen.
My wife, who is in their voting bloc, was like, “Who ISN’T running for President? Jesus!” the other day. There are maybe a couple of Republicans who have made very quiet noises about possibly being interested, and then something like every single Democrat, the whackier the better. They’re absolutely rudderless.
I attribute it to derp overload. There’s only so much derp the Democrats can take in so naturally some candidates will be squeezed out.
“There’s no question that the first quarter was adversely impacted by certain establishment donors — and many online — who continue to punish Kirsten for standing up for her values and for women,”
I eagerly await the objective data that demonstrates this.
Is Gillibrand the slutty milf?
That’s Kyrsten Sinema.
Ah, that’s right.
*searches Internet briefly*
Oh she’s mos def been in a video. I’m going to guess “amateur” stepmom stuff, maybe girl-on-girl-on-guy.
She’s a lesbian, correct?
I call her Senator Stripper Shoes
Bisexual, supposedly.
Speaking of taxes, as of my next paycheck (Friday), I have officially moved from EXEMPT to slight withholding (11 allowances was my calculation).
After a few years of Trump-style taxes, I am back in the taxpaying class.
Actual conversation with my pastor a few years back:
Me: since I lost {insert big number here} this year, does that mean the church is going to cut my a check for 10% of that as my tithe?
Pastor: [laughs]
I love ogling women and looking at porn. Am I addicted?
Bill Clinton, is that you?
The response was surprisingly even-keeled and reasonable. Coming from the Grauniad I would have expected “U have teh TOKSIK MASKYOOLINITEE!! We gon cut off yo balls!”
You know those two dangly bits in front of your butt, between your legs? Blame those.
Wow! He has a penis with accouterments!
Yes, you are a pr0n addicted menace to society. Report directly to the gulag for your re-edumencations.
OT: I cleaned my office like a banshee last Friday & now I can’t find anything. Reason why was one of the other attorneys had a client . . . who opened her folder of documents, and bed bugs jumped out of it. (He has had clients with hoarding problems before, so no huge surprise, I guess). I come back from appointments and smell Lysol, and wonder what the heck? ‘Cause I am pretty much the only one who cleans. So I hear the story, then proceed to clean. Garbage emptied, desk wiped down . . . hard to stop after that.
Can’t blame you considering those mitigating factors EF
Our group getting ready to move desks so I’ll be going through stuff this week. Shouldn’t be too bad.
Bedbugs? Burn the place down, and find another firm.
Heat treatment of the whole office. 135 F for 6 hours.
The little fuckers are tenacious and will hitch a ride with you home.
I did a pro bono consult at a free legal clinic awhile back with a client who – 10 minutes in – mentioned he wants to sue the landlord for bedbugs. I already had shaken hands with him, and had 20 minutes to go for the consult. To say I was grossed out is putting it mildly.
” who opened her folder of documents, and bed bugs jumped out of it”
If you have the presence of bedbugs you also have the presence of someone they have been feeding on.
“OT: I cleaned my office like a banshee last Friday & now I can’t find anything.”
That’s what gfs and wives are for. To clean your desk and make your stuff disappear.
Trump has fascistic leanings
As opposed to the people who merely want to disarm you, limit your speech, tax you into poverty and generally control every aspect of your life.
I find it hilarious that people steeped in marxist ideology and clamoring for real fascism, always see fascism elsewhere…
Something something landing in Europe.
And dress in black and beat people up that don’t share their opinions. Or at least ruin their careers and publicly destroy them and everyone related to them or associated with them for even the slightest departure from leftest ideology. Or have agents of the government compel speech. Or turn bastions if free speech, free thought, and free inquiry into re-education camps for sheep. Or enslave future generations to government debt so they can go on a spending spree with other peoples money. Yeah, Trump’s the fascist.
Nothing says anti-fascist like running through the streets in a mask beating people, smashing windows and setting things on fire.
They’re just ‘resisting’, so it’s OK.
Ellsberg vs. Assange. Columnist Kathleen Parker assures us today that Ellsberg’s stealing of the Pentagon Papers was “an historic act of bravery” because it exposed the U.S. lies regarding Vietnam. Whereas Assange’s act was “feces-smearing by a fishy-smelling cypherpunk” because it “potentially endangered Americans and allies around the world and, possibly, helped get Donald Trump elected.” She seems to think the 1st amendment only applies to Katharine Graham and the Wash. Post and NY Times because they supposedly carefully filtered Ellsberg’s pilfered documents before releasing them, while, on the other hand, Assange “dumped secrets in the town square and let the scavengers sort it out.”
and, possibly, helped get Donald Trump elected
The real crime, in their view.
They spent a lot of time rigging that election for Hillary only to have evil orange man win the damned thing…
“The scavengers” in this instance meaning at least in part “the American public”.
You unwashed plebs don’t know what’s relevent!
If Trump was really a smartass, he’d have Assange come to the Whitehouse and give him some sort of medal, live televised. That would put the media and the left in an epic tizzy.
How to wear: tie-dye
The hippy-affiliated pattern is back, and this time I’m a fan
Here’s how you wear tie-dye:
1. Don’t.
My kids like them, but they’re kids. Anyone over, say, 14 who wears it has problems.
I’d imagine my daughter would like it, but she’s 3 and she uses the words “pink” and “purple” both to describe colors and to express approval. They aren’t synonyms for “good” exactly, but anything that’s good in her mind is also pink and/or purple, possibly in spirit.
I have an uncle-in-law who wears it still, but he’s in his mid-60s, rides a Harley, listens to a lot of Allman Brothers and Grateful Dead and stuff, and smokes weed like it’s free.
That got a chuckle of appreciation out of me. Enjoying those little idiosyncrasies in how kids think was definitely one of the enjoyable parts of parenting.
Good lord STFU
We have friends who live in New Jersey, and they were just complaining about how they’re getting it good and hard this tax season. After we were done with that phone call I explained to my wife that, though I really like our friends, I don’t feel bad that we are no longer subsidizing their outrageous property taxes. (Our property taxes in Indiana are running about $1200 a year for twice the house and four times the property).
But you pay an additional county income tax.
I do, but it’s 0.5% so it comes out to a couple hundred bucks.
I know, I just don’t know why Hoosier’s always fail to mention it. Some Indiana counties are as high as 1.5%.
Maybe they don’t realize it’s not normal.
KY is worse than that, in the big cities.
Louisville was a 2.2% occupational tax if you lived in Jefferson County, 1.45% if you were outside it.
BG is worse. I am paying 1.85% to the city and .5% for county schools, for 2.35% total.
Highway robbery.
Unfortunately, the pain will not change voting patterns in NJ as the Dems are elected by the huge numbers of public employees and masses of urban people who don’t pay federal income taxes anyway.
This. Also, our friends our both teachers, so the Dem is strong with them.
So they don’t pay into Social Security. And they likely don’t contribute enough to the teachers pension system.
So they don’t pay into Social Security.
They don’t?
State and local government employees (including teachers) typically don’t pay into Social Security (they do pay into medicare).
I didn’t know that. So not only are they not playing in the Ponzi scheme, they are fucking their future colleagues. Sounds about right.
That depends on the state, right? I work for a state university and pay SS taxes. We do, however, have the government version of a 401(k) and not a pension, so maybe that changes things?
No. Teachers have their own plan.
They are itemizing? How much are they making, that with the standard deduction and change in brackets they are paying more?
“they’re getting it good and hard”
That is the point. They were getting it good and hard before. The new tax scheme is designed to let them feel it. Stop voting for free shit. Stop voting for ‘there oughta be a law’. The people who are running your state…run the cocksuckers out of town.
Isn’t Stockton, CA the town where the mayor and others went to jail over ripping off their constituents?
That place is a shit-hole, shit-hole. It’s as bad as Richmond, CA, just a different kind of shit-hole. Never go there unarmed.
You coulda stopped at ‘never go there’.
I just had a thought about UBI — would employers offer lower wages because they know their employees have UBI? That is an incentive I haven’t seen discussed before (not that I’ve looked for it). Then it becomes an even more massive redistribution that it would be otherwise.
would employers offer lower wages because they know their employees have UBI
Not at the bottom of the pay scale, because minimum wage. If anything, as the pool of workers (mostly at the bottom) dries up, I would expect them to have to offer more.
I wasn’t just thinking of the bottom. If the number of workers truly dries up and they have to offer more (and charge more for their products), wouldn’t that effectively be inflation? The value of the UBI would go down.
As with most tinkerings with the ecomony, it seems that there would be (potentially massive) unintended consequences.
Oh, the UBI will be inflation-adjusted, have no fear.
Undoubtably. But it might also contribute to it.
Socialist-style restaurants bill customers for their waiters’ health care costs via surcharge
Is this a new establishment itching to burn it’s startup capital, or one that’s theying to hide the fact that it was already unprofitable?
hide the fact that it was already unprofitable
I call that “The Kaepernick”.
They are correct in estimating that their hipster/millenial customer base has an ingrained need to virtue signal with every single action they take. I would bet that they would do even better if they automatically tweeted the name of the customer with what they contributed to with every purchase.
The young and retarded love to virtue signal, so long as it costs nothing. When it’s time to put the chips on the table I’d guess the line is a lot shorter.
It’s not socialist if it’s voluntary…
The point would be lost on them.
Nothing conveys selfless empathy like a mandatory surcharge.
Pfft. I’d just reduce the tip accordingly.
So, the stupid, virtue-signalling tom-fuckery of this is that businesses have done this for decades. It’s called a fixed cost. If you want to provide your employees with some benefit, that’s a cost, and you bake that into your prices. Advertising to the consumer that you’re banking a buck for PTO (and I’m skeptical) per transaction is just that: advertising.
Voluntary? Doesn’t sound socialist to me. Charity is not socialism
“they’re thrilled to pay extra for someone else’s health care costs.”
I was raised on a farm so I know horseshit when I run across it.
I remember after Obamacare went live seeing an interview with some morons who said their healthcare insurance had doubled and deductibles had skyrocketed. They said “We wanted everyone to have health insurance so we supported Obamacare, we just didn’t know we were going to have to pay for it.”
No thanks, I’d rather leave a tip that comes without strings attached (other than, of course, the earning condition of good service). Let the staff decide whether they want to spend it on healthcare or booze.
a mandatory $1 “community value contribution” to cover the costs of paid sick leave for its employees
I wonder if that sick leave is mandated by the state (like it is in AZ). Since they passed that law a year or two ago, we have seen our PTO costs go up by somewhere in the high six figures.
“Seriously, did any of the eco numbnuts wonder how “rare earths” got their name?”
I thought Berry Gordy was responsible.
The Western Left Needs to Stop Commusplaining to China and Russia
Somebody drank the Kool-Aid
The newest season of Grand Tour does an episode in China. There are camera arrays on the highways that snap pictures of every car (and driver) that passes under them, which are then scrutinized by police for any possible criminal activity, such as holding a cell phone while driving. Submitted without comment.
Also, “But the more progressive, independent-minded and kind to its people China becomes…” is rich with significance when you break it down. Apparently China is a unitary actor, like a person, who owns people, and when it behaves kindly to them we should congratulate it.
The one thing that struck me was that, when they were commenting about the amount of new roads the Red Chinese had built recntly, the helicopter shot was showing that the roads on which they were driving were veritably deserted. They built a lot of roads that no one ever uses.
It’s not just roads. There are entire cities standing empty that were part of the government racket to jack up China’s annual GDP numbers in order to keep fleecing stupid western investors and governments.
I know, I was remarking on the episode. I figure they didn’t mention the lack of traffic because their permission to film was dependant upon pre-approval of output by the government.
Yeah, that was…stunning? Telling? It had the distinct feel of a Potemkin village.
Understand that a huge part of “foreign investment” in Chinese buildings/apartments are from Chinese who have emigrated and want to set up a place to retire to in the long run. And a bunch of them were buying places they hoped to rent out to others. Very few investors were actual foreigners hoping to score on cheap condos.
I mean the roads specifically. All brand-spankin’ new, headed nowhere in particular, with nobody on them. It’s what you’d expect a government to do if it had the power to just make construction happen and wanted to do so in order to promote the appearance of rapid growth and expansion, realities on the ground be damned.
The Chinese social security forgery shops in Chicago have seen their weekly processing drop from 200 a week a few years ago to only 400 a week today.
That’s because they dumped communism and embraced fascism instead.
This. There’s nothing communist about their system anymore. It’s not free, not by a long shot, but it’s freer than it was which is enough to stimulate economic growth. At some point the communist aristocracy decided it was better be masters of a rich nation than a poor one and dumped the ideology in favor of something more practical. Those same aristocrats have benefited enormously from the decision (their ruling council has something like 10x the personal wealth as the US Congress).
China, from it’s early origins to the current day, has always reverted to the same style of organization, regardless of who was Emperor and what trappings the administration was draped in.
“Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist.”
Ok then.
For thefirstsecond time in modern history, people are moving from urban centers to villages. The greatEcological CivilizationLeap Forward effort is demonstrating to the world how to save the environment and the planet.Wisconsin teacher left asking Was that wrong? Should I have not done that?
What, like “Pretend You Can’t Read”? “Guess Where Dad Lives Now”?
Why the hell not?
So…what are “slave games”?
It’s where you have slaves fight each other other wild animals to the death for the amusement of the crowds.
Teachers: the people we are supposed to honor for what again?
I don’t know. Putting up with hellspawn, maybe. But after having to correct them as a student, I have no respect for teachers. Even those teaching elementary school had not mastered their subjects.
Putting up with hellspawn, maybe.
This. The people who are most into the cult of the teacher are the ones who hardly parent their kids and wonder why their kids are always getting in trouble. It’s a “I can’t handle my kid for the 2 hours of waking time per day that I have to be with them, so I can’t imagine how anybody puts up with them for 7 hours straight!” thing.
Actual quote from one of those types of parents: “my kid may not be able to read or count, but she is cool!”
Holy Eff. One of the deciding factors on why I keep my kids in the local Japanese school system is because it is the most efficient path to literacy in Japanese – which is slightly more difficult than English (which I am pushing them towards in the interim). Learning math at a high level is a given here.
At the very least I can expect they will learn how to study which is the basic discipline required anyway.
To be fair, she was talking about her preschooler, but still, those are some messed up priorities.
It also adds evidence to my conclusion that lawyers are trailer trash with 6 figure incomes.
4th grade Suthenboy: “What is fire? The actual flames….what material is that and why does it glow?”
Mr. xxxxx, fourth grade science teacher: *crinkles forehead, scratches head* “Uh….I dont know”
*Suthenboy goes home, asks father. Gets an easy to understand explanation of the structure of atoms and electronic orbits combined with an explanation of the laws of the conservation of energy. Thinks of Mr. xxxxx as Mr. Dumbass to this day*
If my dusty memory is right, the flame proper is a plasma resulting from the rapid oxidation of whatever is combusting.
Now I want to know if any of the reaction is going on in the flame, or if it’s just a jet of energized by-product.
Electrons exist in orbits around the nucleus of atoms. If you heat them up they absorb energy causing the electrons to jump into orbits further away from the nucleus(higher energy orbits). This cannot be sustained so they fall back into the closer orbits. When they do that the energy they have absorbed is given off as light. You can tell which orbits the electrons are jumping from and to by looking at the color or the light given off. The bluer the light is the higher energy difference is. The redder, the lower. By the color you can also tell what material you have heated up. For the usual suspects you are looking at glowing CO2, carbon, or water.
This is how neon lights and fluorescent lights work. You fill a tube with gas and then run electricity through it. Depending on what gas you put in the tube determines the color of light it emits because each gas has a different electronic configuration.
Oh…in all of my babble I forgot to answer your question. It is energized by-products.
I’m familiar with the concept. But that doesn’t answer what material the flame itself consists of and whether the reaction is ongoing there as well as on the surface of the combusting material.
When I answered, your second comment hadn’t shown up yet.
Not to get too into geekery, but nearly all of that is incorrect. There are no orbits. Heating does not cause electrons to “jump” into other “orbits.” And that’s not how neon or fluorescent lights work.
This is what you get for backing down against those Public School bastards! We never hear the truth!
Ok….OMWC….please do explain. It’s been thirty years since I sat in a class. I thought I had a solid understanding of the concepts.
If I am wrong, please do correct me.
That would take a longer post than I have time for here. But the very very brief stuff: “orbit” is a meaningless concept in quantum mechanics because it involves non-physical localization. It was in vogue for about 6 months in the 1920s, then fell by the wayside. There’s a mathematical construct called “orbitals” which is a different thing entirely and is not physical. Electrons exist as waves of probability amplitudes.
Thermal excitations in gases affect vibrational energy levels, not electronic energy levels. In metallic solids, things are far more complicated because the electrons are not localized to particular nuclei and exist as a nearly-free gas.
Electrons can be moved into different energy states by absorption of higher energy photons (i.e., visible light, UV).
I am familiar with the ‘sea of electrons’ theory of metals and while I understand everything you said it is clear that my understanding is outdated.
If I remember correctly the teaching at the time used the concept of orbits analogous to energy levels while the disclaimer of ‘non-physical location’ was always added in after the fact. I find it easier in explanations to use the orbital explanation to non-chemists because it is easier to grasp for people not accustomed to thinking that way.
Still, I would prefer not to make a fool of myself by telling people wrong info.
Keep in mind, an orbital is NOT an orbit, nor is the geometry described anything like an orbit. It is a mathematical abstract, usually consisting of a spatial function multiplied by a spin function (and the spatial function is usually separated into a radial part multiplied by a spherical harmonic). Orbitals do not describe electron motion, only probability amplitudes. Worse yet, they’re by nature inexact, and moving an electron (conceptually) from one orbital to another changes all the orbitals. And even worse, there’s the necessity of antisymmetry, which leads to exchange energy.
If you want to bend your mind a bit, look up Hartree-Fock self consistent field theory.
And the whole orbit thing was one of the things my kid’s science teacher got wrong. She refused to believe me or read any references to show that the orbit concept was already out of date by the time her grandparents were born.
They are dinosaurs.
Wildlife officials did not answer phone calls late Saturday from The Associated Press and it could not be learned what happened to the bird.
I suspect a loud “BANG!” was involved.
Does a cassowary burger taste like turkey?
I’ll bet the Alachua County Sheriff’s Department knows.
All birds are dinosaurs.
scary dinosaur image:
Baby dinosaurs from Hell.
My wife used to go out to some of the little islands in the Chesapeake around Smith Island that are basically just sand bars with few trees and, depending on the tree cover, pelican roosts. She said that when you get on the island, once the first baby sees you they all start to go off and the sound is deafening. And they’re not cute. Not even a little bit.
We lived for a time in a beach condo in Alabama that my in-laws owned. Pelicans used to fly right by the balcony, almost close enough to reach out and grab one. They are freaky looking creatures.
Pelicans are even freakier when you see then flying 15 – 20 feet over your driveway… …in Arizona.
All birds are dinosaurs.
This really came home to me recently when I was watching a roadrunner pacing down the, err, road. Yeah, that’s definitely a feathery dinosaur.
Oh, How the mighty have fallen.
How did you manage…
*shakes head*
At least copy-paste works.
Well, that was weird. I guess I Coopered the link!
Bolivia circa 1985: Drunken bored gringo – “Hey lets go catch one of those bastards and eat it” *On the altiplano you can see for miles and miles…it’s flat as a pancake and there is nothing growing there aside from the occasional clump of grass. You can scan the horizon and see rhea, vicuna, llamas etc just about any time.*
Bunch of drunken gringos take off in a truck across the altiplano. After chasing a herd of rhea around for 20 minutes bored drunken geologist leaps out of back of pickup truck and throws his arms around one of the birds.
Two weeks later Suthenboy is still bringing magazines, cokes, cigarettes etc to no longer bored drunken geologist in hospital.
This is why it is so important to get consent from even a bird before you start breeding it
Mammary Monday provides the two things missing from your life.
16, 29, 38, 41, 56. Thanks, Q and sorry I haven’t been on the last couple weeks to appreciate the comfy t&a pics.
The tits will always be here when you need them.
God dammit, I think number 3’s my aunt, or at least her doppelganger. There goes THAT erection.
Keep up Bill. These days that is supposed to give you an erection.
Not if you’ve ever talked to her for five consecutive minutes, bless her heart.
Plenty of cleavage at Chez Prolefeed.
So I have a sink with a dripping faucet. Although the dripping seems to stop overnight. It has separate spigots for hot and cold as nature intended. What do you think is broken? I already checked the thermostat.
The P trap is clogged
Sounds like the internal cartridge. How old and what brand?
I can’t remember, honestly. I think I put it in over five years ago. I’ll go look and see if I can find a label.
It isn’t labeled anywhere. Although I found the installation instructions in a box of plumbing shit. It’s a Baypointe 623712.
I hate fancy faucets. The same sink had one those wand things that I had to replace or re-kit every couple years. So I decided to replace it with the most basic thing I could find. Up until now, it’s been fine.
Delta and Moen, everything else is crap or you won’t be able to get parts when you need to.
Or Kohler.
But this x 1000. I bought some fancy schmacy German stuff for my bathroom and had a bitch of a time getting replacement parts.
In this case, buy American.
It’s probably all made in China at this point.
Funny, looking at a couple sites the Delta looks identical. So I’m guessing they are made by the same manufacturer and just sold under different names.
If you bought it from a local place and they’re still in business, check if they stock replacement parts. If they do, take the handles off/apart, put all the bits (washers, springs, cartridge, ball, whatever) in a ziploc, and take them in. If they do stock parts odds are fair to good that you can match them up by eye and/or part number.
Otherwise, googling “Baypointe faucet 623712 parts” does generate a few hits on online parts stores.
Or, take Scruffy’s advice and replace with a Delta or Moen so that you can easily find parts next time.
Thanks 🙂
They are sold by True Value, and the same place is still in business. There don’t seem to be any cartridges listed online though. Anyway, it looks like the first step is pulling out the cartridge, cleaning it, and putting it back. So I’ll try that first.
I can fix anything electrical blindfolded, on acid, with one hand, but fixing plumbing always results in being wet, injured, and making at least two trips to the store.
I think the odds of True Value carrying replacement parts are very good, they usually have a whole wall full of that stuff. If you write your model number down and walk in with a ziploc baggie of parts, one of the old guys can probably even point you right to the correct replacements.
Hunting down the replacement parts is most of the job. Installing them is pretty easy even if you don’t know shit about proper plumbing (which I don’t).
Get a cartridge wrench. And triple-check that you turned off the supply. Trust me on this one.
You’ll have to shut each off separately to determine which is leaking, unless you are just gonna do both.
Clearly you have an ice valve that refreezes in the evening and closes off the water flow.
Seals need to be replaced in the faucet. The nicer brands will just send you new ones if you call up their customer service.
Separate spigots? It has a flat rubber washer in it. The flat rubber washer screws down and presses against a lipped inlet hole. Over time the lip oxidizes and becomes sharp. When you screw the handle down and press the washer against that now sharpened lip it cuts the washer.
A. Turn the water main off.
B. Pop the cap off of the top of the handle
C. Use a no. 2 phillips bit to take the screw out of the top of the handle.
D. Use a cresent wrench to unscrew the cap just below the now removed handle
E. Use a no. 1 phillips bit to unscrew the screw in the center of the ruined rubber washer.
F. Replace the rubber washer with a new one purchases at your local Ace Hardware
G. Reassemble in reverse order
H. Curse, spit and throw all components as hard as you can because none of that shit is going to go as planned.
I want to ask you reprobates for some advice.
On Thursday night, my eight-grade daughter brought home her latest social studies test which was on the U.S. constitution and the separation of powers. On it the teacher had given them a list of duties the US president had, and listed various pronouncements Donald Trump had made and asked them to match the pronouncements to his duties.
Included int he list were:
Chief Legislator & Manager of the economy.
The section on the electoral college was a blatant push poll for its abolition.
I don’t want to let this pass. Part of me wants to scan the test and email it to Tucker Carlson, but that would make the imbecilic fascist teaching my daughter a martyr to the left. I know if I email them and bitch about it nothing will happen. I doubt any newspapers in MA would think it worth publishing a letter to the editor denouncing this crap. If they did, I fear they’d edit it for length and neuter the editorial.
So anyone want to brainstorm some ideas as to what I could do?
At a minimum I want the school to back off on the promotion of mussolini style fascism so its less blatant.
Make as loud a stink as you can, pull the kid from the brainwashing center and start homeschooling.
We have an ex-public school psychologist acting as parental coordinator overseeing custody issues between my and my ex-wife. Guess how she would react to my proposal to homeshool?
We’re stuck in MA. We’re effectively stuck with sending her to public school. My ex-wife is looking for any excuse to gain back some measure of physical custody.
My sympathies.
Keep countering with discussions at home. Maybe even plan a vacation around historic sites that will help founding fathers ideas stick in her head.
Good idea.
^This. Exposing your kids to alternative viewpoints and letting them figure it out is a good strategy. Also, you get the added bonus of providing a great example of how biased schools can be, which will help her filter out some of the bullshit hopefully as she proceeds.
Ouch. I am sorry to hear that. I wish I had a magic wand…I’d fix it for you in a second.
I was divorced. It was the only peaceful divorce in the history of the world. We both agreed that the primary goal in the divorce was to not traumatize our son. I gave her everything she wanted and I got to keep my guns, books and photography equipment. I homeschooled my son and got visitation. She got custody. I paid the child support she asked for and then some. A lot more some.
We never said a cross word to each other.
Yours was not the only peaceful divorce, but the quiet, clean splits do not get any attention.
Oh, and btw…the only duties of the president are to sign bills into law and be the commander and chief of the armed forces. That teacher if full of shit.
Making it go viral on Carlson would probably be effective; my guess is there are a lot of other parents that feel the way you do, but they just keep their mouths shut to avoid rocking the boat. You could also just yank her out of that school (that may not be practical though). At the very least you can give the teacher an earful at the next PTC.
Actually, I always use that bullshit as a teaching moment for the kids. It’s helpful when teachers are so obvious in their bias.
I have brought up things at conferences as well. It’s important to be polite and professional, but also to let them know that you know more than they do and that you are paying attention. I also make sure and praise the teachers that get it right.
I have been and I shall.
Of course, the less she respects her teachers, the lower her effort in class, and the worse her grades get. 😡
It takes time for them to learn the game. We can lament how bad it’s gotten – and it has – but this situation will not be resolved in time for our kids.
I just look at it as self defense training.
Same here (mine’s only in 4th grade though). I think it’s starting to take.
(though after DARE she thought I wasn’t being serious when I told her that people shouldn’t be put in jail for the things they put in their own bodies, so there’s more work to do.)
Same here. My kid knows they are full of shit when they push this stuff and we have a good chuckle over the handouts that she brings home.
Whaaaa???? He has no duty in Legislation. He has to SIGN legislation, but that is simply a separation of powers, in that both the Legislative and Executive branch must approve a bill in order for it to become law.
Yeah, the “chief legislator(s)” would be Speaker of the House and/or Senate Majority Leader.
and >>Manager of the economy
from his Captain Kirk-like chair?
I would have a daughter attach the appropriate section of the Constitution to each role and why that role isn’t the President’s to do.
but that would make the imbecilic fascist teaching my daughter a martyr to the left.
They don’t get to be a martyr unless they get killed. Seriously, though, who cares if they’re martyrs? No matter what you do, they’ll look at themselves as the victims and you the aggressor. Even when they get to the point of their boots stomping on your face. If they’re going to twist your daughter’s mind and the minds of every child in her class, they should at least have the integrity to do so in the light of day. Let Carlson show them for the totalitarian turds they are, if that is an option.
My guess is that Tucker is inundated with those type of letters. Tell the teacher directly to her face that she is factually wrong. She won’t change? Put it on a FB post. Escalate slowly and let them show their true colors.
My guess is that Tucker is inundated with those type of letters.
Yeah, that’s why I caveated my comments with “if that is an option”.
On the other hand, if you wanted to push the issue, it strikes me that the assignment would be pretty good red meat for a school board run.
Maybe a YouTuber like Tim Pool would cover it.
And when they don’t change a damn thing or admit their mistake, take it up with the principal. “My daughter’s teaching is teaching stuff that is factually wrong, and refuses to change course even after I pointed out the relevant parts of the Constitution. What are you going to do about this?”
If the principal refuses to fix the problem, escalate up the chain of command. Getting basic facts wrong isn’t acceptable.
Yeah, you don’t confront your kids teachers in that way – at least not if your objective is to get the best education for your kids.
Step one is to build a relationship. If you haven’t already done that, it is too late. Start on next year’s crop of teachers now. Volunteering at the school is a big plus. I do the after-school robotics program – for the kids, for the joy of helping others and for the street credit you get with the teachers and administration. They all know me, and it gives me some pull when I need something from them.
Second, you are trying to influence the behavior of others. Just ask yourself this: when in the entire history of my life has getting in someone’s face and telling them that they are wrong (particularly about politics) ever won you any favors? People don’t work like that.
So what you do is have a discussion in a friendly manner. You are talking about your child alone, and what is best for their education. Approach everything with an outward appearance that you view them as the expert in matters of education. In other words, stroke the ego.
Usually if you have a relationship, that won’t fail. If it does, then you can use the same techniques to bring in the guidance counselor and the principal. I’ve done this a couple of times and taken pains to make it clear that I’m working with the teacher, not going over her head (all while going over her head).
Remember, this is the long game. The important thing is that your child reaches her potential, not scoring political points or saving humanity from the scourge of political indoctrination. The principal would almost always recognize this assignment as problematic, even if they have strong proggie leanings. So playing it from the bottom up is important. You don’t want to be “that guy” who runs in yelling at the boss about the employees. (always go to the teacher first – it is just plain etiquette. How pissed would you be if someone had a problem with you at work and didn’t talk to you before going to the boss).
Even if you don’t win anything on this round, handling it politely and respectfully from the point of view of “I want to make sure my child is reaching her potential” and “we are all on the same team trying to raise a child” will probably get the results you desire going forward, even if they never admit it to you. Make sure you leave them a fig leaf so they can declare victory and still make the changes you want.
Just ask yourself this: when in the entire history of my life has getting in someone’s face and telling them that they are wrong (particularly about politics) ever won you any favors? People don’t work like that.
This actually is quite situational. While yes, you can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar, other factors motivate people as well. I’ve absolutely seen the getting in someone’s face and telling them they are wrong work, and work when being nice did not, not by winning favor but by establishing dominance. This is usually established successfully by knowing the system and working it or by appealing to the lizard brain part of people by being naturally intimidating. I’ve known many people who consistently take the friendly approach just to get walked all over. The fact is that there is no hard and fast way to deal with things, and you have to be able to read a specific situation to know which approach will better work.
I completely agree, that is also true.
But not in situations where the other person holds the power.
In this case, the school and the county hold the power. He holds none. He can’t even take his educational business elsewhere without great risk.
So this teacher holds most of the power over the student’s educational experience. And the administration holds the rest. So if you have a little juice, you can hold their feet to the fire. But you have to do it in a way that doesn’t burn bridges (unless this is your last year – I have three offspring, so everything has to happen in a “we are going to be here for a long, long time” environment).
I have handled a couple of situations very firmly – even intimidatingly with dire consequences held over people’s heads. But always with an eye toward creating “we are on the same side”, rather than an adversarial relationship. So when our administration screwed up really badly with my son, I took a couple of days of working nicely through the system, and then called together a come-to-Jesus meeting with everyone involved and (verbally) beat them into a pulp – but from the point of view of showing them just how terrible their actions were. (they were doing the defensive CYA thing, avoiding really understanding their actions). I won the day and simultaneously maintained the good relationships.
I have seen other parents go in shouting demands and holding copies of statutes or policies aloft. It usually doesn’t work all that well. People dig their heels in if you start there. Better to start with “I need you to help me out with this” and escalate to using the hammer when needed. That way everyone involved knows that you are a reasonable person and therefore you have added credibility when you are pissed off.
Although I will admit that there is one lady who is just a straight-up old-fashioned bitch about everything and she usually gets her way. Mostly from a “nobody wants to deal with her shit” point of view. But I don’t think she gets any unasked favors. Like, her kid might have gotten some program she didn’t know about, but nobody is going out of their way to bring it up. And she volunteers a lot, so she is at the school all the time.
Fair points all. And this:
Better to start with “I need you to help me out with this” and escalate to using the hammer when needed.
…is representative of what I’ve seen be most effective. Both carrots and sticks move the mule, but you are right that starting with the carrot is usually the best practice.
It’s not even debatably wrong. I’m assuming you already went thru it with your kid, that’s the most important thing.
I know you hate it, but set up a burner twitter account and send it a friendly outlet that way.
That’s tougher, in some ways, because you aren’t just dealing with bias, you are dealing with outright incorrect information. The president is emphatically not the Chief Legislator. This would be the same as a geometry teacher teaching your kid that the internal angles of a triangle ad up to 180 degrees, or that the famous British playright Chaucer had his plays performed in the Globe theater.
So its tougher because you pretty much have to deal with it.
Personally, I would schedule a parent/teacher conference to discuss it, and if (when) I didn’t get satisfaction from it, I would elevate it to the principal, then to the superintendent, then to the school board.
I also monitor what is being taught to my kids, and correct them. My 4th grader is getting some “news for kids” bullshit magazine, and every week they present some in the news issue as a horse race. Last week I had a long discussion with him about how “build the wall” is not a simple yes/no question, how the news he got was bias in its presentation, how it was even more bias in its exclusion of important factors, etc.
Its more work, but its worth it.
Do they teach non-Euclidean geometry in 8th grade?
Did you leave out a not? 180 is the sum of the internal angles of a triangle.
Only on a two-dimensional plane.
Ha. Yes I did.
Fair enough, Here you go:
Ugh. I had a similar issue with my kid when he was in school in CA but this was about science, and specifically atoms and molecules. The stuff they were teaching him was just plain wrong. I took it up with his teacher, who blew me off. “That’s what’s in the curriculum.” The principal wouldn’t even respond to emails or phone calls. I gave up.
See, the system works!
Tenure is a wonderful thing. No competence needed.
Look, mister Doctor of Chemistry, what makes you think you know more about atoms and molecules than the Master of Early Childhood Education Studies who drew up the curriculum?
That was not far from the answer I got. Though it was larded with things like “the accurate answers will just confuse the students.”
Way to inspire kids with the awesome mysteries of actual science!
“Feynman on school textbooks”'Judging%20Books%20by%20Their%20Covers‘.pdf
404, SugarFree Junior.
Works for me
I’ll check.
*clicks link*
Try this:
One of my favorite parts of moving to California from Minnesota is that the cunt known as Rep Omar is not my congresscritter. She would have been, had I stayed.
WTF is wrong with you, MN Democrats??? Minneapolis (5th district) should be a plum job that the best Dems squabble over, but it was Keith “Nation of Islam” Ellison and now this crazy bitch.
I swear they’ve decided to commit cultural suicide even faster than their Swedish forebears.
Still, a libertarian moving TO California? That has to be a first.
Well, I’m a mercenary. The number was right, and I live in San Diego, that Navy and Marine influenced city.
I’m in a more conservative area now than in Minnesota
All but 3 counties in California are red.
It’s gotta be more than 3? There are like 6 or 7 counties in the SF area alone.
2016 map shows way more blue.
Yeah, but who is your new congresscritter? Odds are it’s someone no better than Omar.
New congresscritter is the semi disgraced Republican Duncan Hunter (wife misspent campaign dollars).
He’s probably corrupt but he tends to vote the right way.
White tower liberals won’t know how bad they’ve fucked up until their ropes stretch at the gallows. Their pets will turn on them and even then I think they’ll may still be congratulating themselves for their self imposed guilt.
So tragically true.
Already starting.
I’m just gonna sit back here and watch the Dems go full Donner Party.
You’re completely wrong. They won’t even turn on them when the ropes are around their neck. They’ll think it was some kind of Abrahamic test.
It’s not just the fuckheads in the 5th. It’s the whole goddamn dem whinosphere:
Pay attention to how tight the messaging is in defense of Ilhan Omar and how precise and consistent the wording is from media, politics, academia, etc. Also I’m not searching for these. I’ll just add ones that pop into my TL.
But what does her brother-husband make of it all?
That is rather creepily well coordinated messaging.
“Inciting”—please. He linked a video of her speaking her own words. If they were such a bad idea to say, whose fault is that?
+1 Republicans Pounce
They don’t even need a Journolist anymore; they just get the daily talking points in their email from whichever Open Societies Foundation rep happens to be working that day and off they go!
The best response was something like: “I don’t see how the video was enticing violence, it was just some people doing stuff.”
If this works, safetyism will now be a regular part of the Democratic response to anything they fuck up. This will not be good for the 5th amendment rights in this country.
Raise your hand if you are at all surprised that it was the dems pulling this out in response to damage control, and not the republicans pulling it out in response to literally getting shot and hospitalized for their political voting habits.
If I understand correctly, the whole video is just a capture of Omar’s remarks with a caption to the effect of “We Won’t Forget”. If there’s incitement to violence there, it’s on the part of Omar.
Full quote:
I have read that in context, its not so bad. But I don’t see how the context helps. The rest of her remarks are about getting in the face of people who look at you funny. It smells of confrontational SJW type bullshit. Of course, the notion that you can’t hate up close is utter crap. If that was the case, the Israelis and the Palestinians would be best buds by now.
*Flat wrong. CAIR was founded in 1994, with money from a terrorist organization (Foundation for Holy Land Relief).
“Anytime you have an opportunity to go talk to someone, the chances of them hating you lessens.”
I’m going to have to disagree with her there. Every time I hear her talk, I can feel the hate begin to flow.
Indeed. I can more readily tolerate people when they don’t talk to me.
“You have to say this person is looking at me strange, I am not comfortable with it, I am going to go talk to them and ask them why. Because that is a right you have. ”
They’re looking at YOU strange because YOU make them uncomfortable. And your “solution” is to escalate it? Fuck off you goddamned narcissist.
It makes all the difference who approaches who. I was showing somebody around the hospital and we popped into the chapel. There was a guy from environmental services doing the Muslim prayer thing (turns out we have prayer rugs and everything in there). He jumped up and was nervous and apologetic. So I asked him about the Muslim prayer ritual (I had never talked to a Muslim about it). We chatted a few minutes, I apologized for interrupting him, and it was all cool.
Now, if he had gotten in my face for walking in on him (as Omar advises), the conversation wouldn’t have gone that way.
The same way I’d look at a German wearing lederhosen waving a beer stein or some jungle tribesman wearing stick on his penis – like some kind of asshole who isn’t assimilating into American life.
I have read that in context, its not so bad.
Maybe not. But, I fail to see how accurately quoting her, even out of context, is “incitement”. She said what she said, not Donald Trump. If the statement is incitement against her, the incitement is not on Donald Trump’s part.
Pete Buttigieg
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The threats against the life of @IlhanMN make clear what is at stake if we fail to to do this, and to beat back hate in all all its forms.
“Except for the hate we spew. That hate is noble and just”
The threats against the life of @IlhanMN
What threats, and from who?
Her brother-husband.
The one who went to so much trouble to come to the US, and then immediately left for some reason, becoming totally unavailable to journalists or investigator, when she ran for office and the story surfaced about her (probably) marrying him?
“I swear they’ve decided to commit cultural suicide even faster than their Swedish forebears.”
Spending thousands of years living in a communal house sleeping, eating, shitting, fucking together while raising your children according to the ‘it takes a village’ mentality has its consequences.
So courage. Much brave.
I’ll assume you’re referring to the idiots that disrupted the speech and not FIRE here?
Also, the chancellor of the school had the absolute worst take on this: ACKSHUALLY, the heckler’s veto is a good thing (TW: Facebook link.
Yes, totes. FIRE is one of my go-tos for donations, they’re doing G-d’s work.
Police grabbed the protester and a scuffle then broke out in the room
Nah, the dude got body slammer by officer friendly. Deservedly.
Who knew Cher was a Nazi?
Heh. Put that in the over night thread with a snappy one liner: “Cher doesn’t wanna Cher”.
Cher and Cher alike.
*narrows gaze*
If she could turn back time,
She’d say it another way.
Whoops. She’ll get hammered for that.
Q, I finally finished the Seattle is Dying video from last week. It was fantastic and I thank you for linking it.
One thing they discussed was the obsession on the term ‘homeless’ in framing the problem, with no mention of the bigger issue ‘addiction’. One of the dudes even admitted that they lived on the streets by choice. Give them somewhere to live, they strip it down and sell it for dope money. Same as it ever was.
And yet, the pols keep throwing money at the ‘homeless’ problem.
All in all a sad goddamn video.
It is. I also like the punchline of medically assisted treatment; one of the only proven effective ways of treating heroin/fentanyl addiction. Even better: it doesn’t require “crackdowns” or expanded WoD abuse! Which of course means it will never been implemented on a large scale.
Plus: I miss real journalism.
Yeah, watching those sad souls struggling with their demons was bad. Their problem isn’t that their condo lease in the Marina District wasn’t renewed. Even their addictions are a sign of deeper troubles.
Sure seems like when they emptied out the mental hospitals, the patients all moved to the sidewalks of West Coast cities.
That was a long time ago.
They address the why pretty well in the video. They referred to the city as ‘Freeattle’.
If those hospitals were still operating, these would be the residents. Whether that’s right or wrong is debatable and might depend on if they are camping in your neighborhood.
I’m guessing she doesn’t have enough brain cells to rub together in order to come up with a couple realistic reasons for why LA can’t “take care of its own”.
I’ve been reading this on the recommendation of someone here, and he actually gets into the 14th Amendment, Radical Reconstruction, and how that’s come to affect California and I believe Oregon particularly hard. Presumably Washington, too. One example was the overruling of a California law that limited welfare to people who’d been a state resident for at least one year on the basis of the “Privileges and Immunities” clause, claiming that the law violated the “right to travel”.
Derpity derp derp?
I don’t get it.
People are dumb. I suppose a few percent in high tax states may have actually seen a rise in their taxes, but you’d probably have to be in the top 10% or so, I assume. They should have never changed the tax tables and people would all be slobbin’ on his knob.
49 percent heard on MSNBC that the tax cuts went to rich people, and that’s all they need to know.
How many of them actually pay taxes? I’d wager people who are on benefits are not the most economically literate and will think a tax cut will mean less money getting redistributed to them.
I wish they were right.
Thats a great picture of him, though I wish people would stop giving him attention.
At a minimum I want the school to back off on the promotion of mussolini style fascism so its less blatant.
That train sailed out of the barn and foundered on a reef, quite some time ago.
I am 1.9 hours into the Witcher 3. Six more minutes of game time and I can no longer get a refund. So far, I’ve found that the combat is easier than the earlier versions. The tutorials interrupt at the wrong times, and go into a blocking state where they demand you respond to them rather than what you’re actually trying to do. I want to explore the UI before going in depth to each segment, but the moment you first open one of them the damn tutorial wants to go in-depth to what that page does. I know I can turn these off in the options, but I’d rather just have it wait until I want to know about a screen in detail before giving me the screen in detail I couldn’t even read what the description on some of the level up options did because the tutorial box telling me to pick and ability was covering it up.
Anyway, I’m not sure if I’m going to get a refund yet. I can’t play it any more without crossing the two hour threshold, so… thoughts?
Assuming you picked it up on sale, I’d stick it out. I’ve played through the main quest and one of the DLC’s. Overall, it’s easy to overlevel some of the story, which means that some fights get to be too easy. There’s several decisions that stick with you through the game, and will change the ending and later options based on what you did, which is something that’s been missing in a lot of recent RPG’s.
Got it for free back when I bought my previous graphics card and still haven’t gotten around to playing it. I blame capitalism for providing me with more games than I need.
I really enjoyed it. It’s the first game I’ve gotten to complete in over a decade. If you decide to keep playing it, once you meet the bloody baron, I’d step off the main story line for a LONG time and explore/quest. I didn’t realize how locked out of quests I’d be by progressing the main story line.
What Cy said.
Also, it’s definitely easier combat at first, but there are some challenging fights. The biggest difference is that you can now pick two potions to just pop when you need them. Personally, I had mixed feelings about that. It’s a familiar mechanic from the genre, but it’s contrary to The Witcher lore, for sure, and the previous two games.
Overall, though, I loved the game. I thought the play itself was pretty enjoyable once you get the hang of it, and the story aspect, particularly all the little random side-quests, was outstanding. It was really refreshing to happen upon somebody at a hut outside a village, thinking “This is going to be some FedEx quest” and then finding that there was actually some depth and in some cases even long-term impact.
I am so little into the game that the hardest fight so far was the ghost at the haunted well.
And that was a tutorial quest. I realize the series is known for 100+ hour games, but I delayed so long with 3 because both 1 and 2 led to me just abandoning them.
I don’t finish many games at all, and I stuck with this one to the very end, including DLC content. If I didn’t have a 100+ game backlog I’d probably fire it back up and do it again.
Q, I finally finished the Seattle is Dying video from last week. It was fantastic and I thank you for linking it.
Is that the one on Amazon? I keep looking at it, but I don’t think I could survive watching it.
Here you go.
It’s an hour, but worth it.
Thanks for the reminder – I watched earlier today.
Tarran- on a more serious note, if you want to give your daughter an antidote to the kinder, gentler 21st century fascism being peddled at school, teach her about Britain in the ’60s and ’70s, and how efficient and productive nationalized labor-friendly industry can be.
find some clips of Arthur Scargill leading some gold-brickin’ miners
And when they don’t change a damn thing or admit their mistake, take it up with the principal. “My daughter’s teaching is teaching stuff that is factually wrong, and refuses to change course even after I pointed out the relevant parts of the Constitution. What are you going to do about this?”
If the principal refuses to fix the problem, escalate up the chain of command. Getting basic facts wrong isn’t acceptable.
And they will deflect, deny and defer.
“You want the complaint department. It’s back the way you came, out the door and down the steps.”
“But that would put me back in the parking lot.”
“We’ll get someone to show you the way.”
That must be the same one.
One of these evenings, maybe.
Okay, time for a chemistry quiz!
My Porsche, which has barely been driven in the past three years or so, for reasons I won’t go into, is sitting outside with about 1/3 tank of “gasoline” (that’s what they call it on the pump, anyway) in it. Last fall, when I started it up to move it to it’s winter spot, It was damn near impossible to get it to start; it ran like shit, and the exhaust smelled truly awful. I used to just mock people who talked about “bad gas” but times and gasoline have changed.
I’m thinking of dumping some toluene or acetone in there to boost volatility. What say ye, denizens of teh Peanut Gallery?
*preferably something which will not result in a tank full of flammable toxic jelly
I only use non-oxy gas, but I always use Sea Foam as well. The fucking ethanol sucks moisture into the gas beautifully.
Honestly, I probably just drain it and start over. Then drive the fucking thing.
I’m pretty sure you need to drain the bad gas pronto. You’re probably going to need to clean your entire fuel system. My understanding is that when gas starts going bad, it has what amounts to varnish and shit that will do a lot of damage to your engine if you try to run it through.
IANAMechanic, but I would definitely consult one.
Yeah, and depending on what that ethanol drew in, the fuel filter might be in for a replacement.
fresh gas to dilute and some seafoam to clean the fuel system.
carbs or injectors or *shudder* CIS?
Get a new car.
Something that has less old gas in the system.
Gas with corn alcohol in it does not last very long. Fill it with premium and drive it to almost empty. If it’s going to sit for a long time, add some gas stabilizer like STA-BIL.
Oh, I almost forgot.
Did you check the thermostat?
My Porsche, which has barely been driven in the past three years or so,
Oh, and nice humblebrag, shitlord.
Only if you have a high opinion of Porsche. It could just as easily have said “My Lada, which has barely been driven in the past three years” but then the issue of poor performance would be “How could you tell?”
^ This ^
Probably less reliable than the Bugatti, and the Ferraris take up all the garage space.
Sea Foam
Drain the gas out of it and put fresh in. Yes, the ‘gasoline’ degrades over time but in addition to that heating and cooling between day and night will cause condensation inside the tank so you get water accumulating in the tank.
Drain all of that shit out of there and replace.
If you have a car sitting up make sure it has a full tank of gas. Run the engine at least once per week. If you let the engine sit idle for too long the oil settles in the bottom of the pan and all of the seals will begin to dry out. Also, there is usually a clock or something that requires electricity running….unhook the battery.
Unhook the battery
Once per week rebook the battery, start it up and run it a bit then unhook the battery
Keep the gas tank as full as possible
Where did that apostrophe come from? I blame squirrels.
I got the bill for my Out of state and waaay out oof network Urgent Care visit in Utah last month. I expected a good rodgering, but insurance paid everything but the $25 copay! I can’t believe it, but I’ll take it.
How much could an urgent care visit have been?
They probably pay well on those so you don’t go to the ED. That’s where the rogering really happens. We’re pros at it.
carbs or injectors or *shudder* CIS?
I put a Weber 36/36 non-progressive on it, a while back, but I have hardly driven it since. I need to see how much of an improvement it is over the progressive. I’m guessing bigly.
I don’t mind CIS. I’d rather have that than the stock K-jetronic.
I have the 32/36 on the Triumph. Runs great and requires zero fucking round. What did you have on there before?
K-jetro is CIS!
if fresh gas doesn’t fix it, the idle jets are probably gummed up.
Just saw that the flu season this year is estimated to have killed 54,000 people. Damn, that seems like a lot.
Over what portion of the globe?
Just in the U.S. Actually down from 80,000 last year.
Mostly old people and little kids I imagine,
I am guessing all elderly or young children from pneumonia.
Oh, and nice humblebrag, shitlord.
Haha, sucker. It’s just a lowly 914. Or, as I like to call it, The Karmann Ghia mkIV.
I have the 32/36 on the Triumph. Runs great and requires zero fucking round. What did you have on there before?
I had the 32/36 progressive. It always seemed to be running out of breath in the midrange, well before the secondary opened.
Interesting. Do you mean 38/38?
I’ll be interested in how it works out for you.
The 914 is currently sitting out there with a couple fresh inches of snow on it, so it’s not like I’m in a big rush. I have a friend who is a big fan of Seafoam, but I don’t know if it can help much after the fuel has already sat for so long.
Drain it. Maybe fresh gas, a new filter, and a heavy dose of cleaner will do. But unless you want a reason to buy a new engine, I wouldn’t even try to run it again with old gas in the tank, diluted, with cleaner added, or whatever.
I think this is the right idea. Something else might work, but why risk it?
You guys are no fun.
Maybe it is a 38/38. I’d have to look at it.
I always seem to see the craziest stuff. Yesterday I was walking from my bank to the supermarket and there was this Jewish guy and a pretty lady in a dress standing in front of Wells Fargo bank, passing a joint back and forth. Right in front of a lot of people walking. It just struck me as weird how they were standing on the sidewalk just casually smoking weed. It’s not legal here, but they didn’t seem to have a care in the world about it. It smelled pretty good actually.
unless you want a reason to buy a new engine, I wouldn’t even try to run it again with old gas in the tank, diluted, with cleaner added, or whatever.
Extremely unlikely. I suppose there’s some vanishingly small possibility it could burn a hole in a piston, due to some weird mixture issue. I’m more worried about it not even burning at all.
I’ll pump most of the old gas out to clean parts with.
Extremely unlikely.
Sure, but why risk it?
Something else might work, but why risk it?
Oh, come on. A little benzene? A little toluene? The exhaust will smell like burning plastic. Racy.
skip the two plebe aromatics and go straight for xylene!
K-jetro is CIS!
D’oh! It’s been a while. L-jetronic, then. I have a big pile of not-completely-random 914 injection stuff. Some day, I’m going to drag it all out and see if I can put together a complete functioning injection system, which I will then sell to somebody else.
skip the two plebe aromatics and go straight for xylene!
Now we’re talking. A long time ago, I stumbled across the recipe Mercedes used for fuel in the W196. It was about 85% methanol, with benzene, acteone, toluene, Xylol… various paint thinners and solvents guaranteed to shorten your life expectancy if you spent much time in a closed area with them.