It was 1998 or so, I can’t place it exactly. My friend B worked for a company with a client in Southern Indiana. He heard from some co-workers about this place with really good pizza and an unheard of beer selection. As a fan of craft beer, such as it was in Kentucky at the time, it sounded like a place worth the trip.
Before the rest, here is a little backstory, as best as I understand it. There was a sports bar called Sportstime Pizza. Not a creative name, but it was exactly what it was. They served the expected BMC beers, in regular and light versions, along with a better pizza than you would expect. Their specialty was a deep dish that is closer to Detroit-style than Chicago-style, but not quite that either. Let’s just call it New Albany style pizza, because I have never run into exactly it anywhere else. The son-in-law of the owner convinced the father-in-law to let him open the space next door in the strip mall. They would share the kitchen and the new place would serve craft and foreign beers. At the beginning, they served Bud, Miller, and Coors, but never light beer. Or Lite. There wasn’t much at first, I think for the first month Guinness was the only option. But by the time of this story, Rich O’s, as the place was called, had an extensive list of American craft and foreign beers, on bottle and on tap. A death and a divorce later, the two daughters and an ex-husband would combine them into one name, New Albanian Brewing Company. But everyone still calls the two sides Sportstime and Rich O’s.
Back to the story, as I knew none of that at the time. I was enjoying good pizza and good beer, trying some beers I had never had before, but in styles that I was comfortable with. I wasn’t pushing the envelope. My friend and I ended up in conversation with the two very drunk guys at the next table. That were drinking beers from wine-sized bottles. They had gone through at least a ½ dozen bottles between them. They were regulars and were leaving the next day for a hunting trip in Canada to hunt beer or moose or elk or something. When they discovered they neither of us had ever tried Belgian beer, they bought us a bottle of Chimay Grande Reserve.
That night, my life changed. I had never tasted anything like that beer before. Learning more about beer, trying everything I could, homebrewing, starting a brewery, all these events could be traced back to that night. Chimay Blue will always be one of my favorite beers. If you want to tell me that St Bernardus ABT 12 is a better beer in that style, I won’t argue with you. It might even be true. I have never had Westy, but most who have say it is better. But those beers don’t have the history. There isn’t an emotional attachment.
I don’t know what happened to these guys. B and I have joked over the years that they were eaten by bears. I do know we never saw them at Rich O’s again, as often as we were there. They may have gotten a DUI on their way home and never made it to Canada. Lots of possibilities. But whenever I drink a Chimay, as I did while celebrating my 5th wedding anniversary recently, I think back to over 20 years ago, and toast them with my Chalice.
I remember my first beer. Sadly, it was warm Coors, not Chimay.
Mine was warm, skunked Schmidt.
I think I remember this ad on the radio as a kid:
Man 1: Oh no, we are out of beer!
Man 2: No Schmidt?
Also, you better not be throwing any shade at Schmidt Big Mouth beers, NoDak-breath.
No way. For reasons obvious to some I have a 6 pack of Big Mouths, as well as a lot of other Schmidt beer stuff. This is my favorite piece.
It came that way from the brewery.
Mine was a Kalik. Also warm.
First full beer? That I don’t remember, but first time I had beer, well I don’t remember that either. Probably Miller Genuine Draft, because that was my dad’s beer and the first time I had any was before I was in kindergarten, hence the not remembering.
My first beer was Bacardi Rum.
I ended up grounded for 6 weeks.
Old Milwaukee – 10 years old and out in Arizona with my family. No more pop in the cooler so dad hands me a beer. Blah!
Hated beer until I turned 18 and went on a trip to the Ann Arbor Art festival with my best friend. It was a hot day and he had a cooler with MGD and Foster’s. I fell in love with the latter and drank that, along with some bad beers in the college days. Thank goodness the craft/import beer thing took off.
Foster’s, Australian for piss.
Yeah I can’t remember the last time I had Foster’s – and hope to keep it that way. Used to drink the big “oil cans” when playing Euchre with my old HS buddies. Now? Bleh!
I think Dad offered me a silver bullet when I was 12. Hated it.
When I was 16, Anheuser products were our preference due to the local brewery.
Coors Light on my grandmother’s sailboat. Boat beer is cheap beer.
Drunk from an insulated cup over ice to hydrate.
This is somehow disappointing, but not.
Fond memories can make ok beer great (personally I’m no fan of Chimay at all). But I grew up in Texas and drank a shit ton of Shiner Bock and Lone Star in my youth. These days I’m a craft beer snob to the extreme, but I can still drink Shiner and Lone Star and enjoy it.
Beer flavored with nostalgia can often beat newfangled fancy pants beer.
Ain’t nothing wrong with Shiner Bock, and I’m not even a Texan.
Oh, I remember Texas Pride (which I think was/is a Pearl product) from when I was stationed at Ft Hood. It wasnt uncommon for us to drink it warm, too
They were regulars and were leaving the next day for a hunting trip in Canada to hunt beer or moose or elk or something.
They might have to go to Canada to hunt moose or elk, but if you want to be a Beer Hunter, you can follow this instructional tape and do it wherever you are.
Take off!
I will never forget my first beer with my dad. It was August in Redding, CA, and we had just finished doing a bunch of outside projects for my paternal grandmother around her place. It was hot and humid all damn day and only getting more-so as we passed the noon-hour.
We decided to break for lunch: cold-cut sandwiches on sourdough. Dad figured we were probably done doing outside work and we’d probably spend the rest of the afternoon lounging by the pool.
I’ll always remember that–drinking an ice cold beer on my grandma’s pool deck with my dad after working outside for hours in the heat.
Mine was with my favorite cousin, Krissy. Hot summer day in PA. All the relatives at our house having a get together. Dad got annoyed with me asking for sips of his, so he took a can of Genesee out of the ice filled tub (didn’t have a cooler back then), handed it to me and said, “share this with your cousin.” So, Krissy and I, ages 10 and 8 respectively, sat on the lawn and drank our first beer and then pretended to be drunk for the remainder of the afternoon.
You left out the part where you got to third base.
That was supposed to be a secret
Or it can be your first article.
There’s got to be a laundry list of reasons why she was his favorite cousin, right?
Hah! Oh, kids… You know, that’s one thing I never did: ask for sips of Dad’s beer. Hell, I didn’t even ask for a beer that one day; that was all Dad’s idea. I mean, I was a late teen and I’d certainly had alcohol before, but I think that really was the first beer I’d ever had.
Those are the times you actually knew adulthood was imminent, and that it was gonna be great.
The memory of a great day with the old man is a gift, the beer just makes it a little better!
First good beer I ever had was Erdinger Weissbier Dunkel (on tap!!!), which I downed in about 3 gulps after pulling a 40 hour shift in the robotics lab at school. Everything I had up to that point had the words “beast” or “Yeungling” in the name, and I didn’t really know any better.
The crotchety old lab tech that took me to the bar just about lost his shit and made me drink the second one slow. I’m really glad he did.
My first decent beer was a Dunkel, too. Warsteiner.
That’s one I haven’t heard in a while.
Starting a list for the next beer run.
The first taste of a craft beer on tap was an eye-opener. I still recall my first stout at a place in Winston-Salem, NC and discovering that it wasn’t that I didn’t like beer. It was that I didn’t like the terrible piss-water that the BMCs offer as beer.
Yep. Before that Erdinger, beer was something I put up with to get a buzz (I am to heavy and had too much of a tolerance to get drunk without shots of straight hard stuff.) Yeungling is still the high-school girlfriend of beers for me, but for the most part I’d rather drink nothing than the BMC pisswater.
That happened to me when I lived in Switzerland in 1991. I thought I didnt like beer. I was wrong.
My first beers were in Germany – at home, at the Bierstube, at Oktoberfest. Don’t remember a single name. By the time I returned to America at age 17 I was sadly restricted to what was available in my kitchen’s refrigerator. Which meant Genny Lite, or Genny Lite.
Personally, I like a good German lager better than a lot of the American microbrews so many people swoon over, particularly the ones with goofy flavors.
Very much #metoo
kinnath in his teens getting a first beer before he was legal — “man I hate this shit”.
kinnath in his thirties hitting happy hour with the crew from work and drinking cheap draws — “man I hate this shit”.
kinnath in his fifties at numerous brew pubs cause his friends won’t go anywhere else for dinner — here, you must try this new 100 IBU IPA — “man I hate this shit”.
kinnath at lunch with a couple of other friends at a brewpub his first friend insists we go to — they order some weird beer in a wine bottle from the menu — here have a try — “man I love this. what the hell is it?”
Duchesse de Bourgogne — beer for people that hate beer.
*thoughtful hum*
Trappists 4 lyfe!
And yes, Westmalle is better than Chimay.
*balls up fists, remembers his friend stealing us Chimay’ Reds from the fridge, and his dad (in Belgian accented English) yelling at him to stop doing that.*
At least you are only a heretic, as you do follow the Trappist Way, and not an infidel Lambic sipper.
I like Lambics dammit!
The wine coolers of beer 😉
Tundra is wise.
Not a wine cooler
I should right the story of my first Cantillon Gueuze.
Interestingly, it happened at the same place. Possibly even the same table, but probably not.
Not a fan of Westmalle myself.
And by “not a fan” I mean I rank it below Chimay and St B.
I have yet to try them all (I still haven’t gotten the American one) but the Westmalle Tripel is my favorite. Then maybe the Chimay Grande Reserve, or maybe Orval. Hard to say.
Can I get that at the gas station down the street?
If you live in Liege, yes.
Anyone else have the reverse reminiscence?
Every summer, I will buy a sixer of some absolutely shit beer because it makes me think back to when I was a punk kid drinking underage and roaring around causing trouble and having a blast.
Last summer, I found a place that still sells Old Milwaukee and I bought some. Just the smell of the top of the cans made me think of one particular road house just south of my home town where I could drink underage at.
BTW, my beer preferences should be ignored by all you fancy boys who drink fancy boy beers.
My goto beer is still the High Life (official motto: Quantity has a quality all its own)
High Life is my old, and longest beer friend. I remember washing down an MRE in 1986, at a National Guard FTX, with one of those …the Supply Sgt just somehow had a small cooler of them handy.
I love High Life. It reminds of the summer before law school. My best friend and I would plan food and drink menu’s based on where the Cup series race was that weekend but we always had plenty of High Life on hand. Anyway, that’s how I wound up on a two week trip to Europe with one pair of pants, flip flops, a few t-shirts and no underwear.
Anyway, that’s how I wound up on a two week trip to Europe with one pair of pants, flip flops, a few t-shirts and no underwear.
You submitting that story right?
Would read.
It’s still perfectly acceptable to travel like that if you’re going to Hawaii.
Mexico is the same way, except you technically don’t need a shirt.
My neighbor loves it as well. “How can they make it so good and sell it so cheap?”
I think he does it so none of us steal beers from his garage fridge.
The Champagne of Beers! According to my mother, the go-to favorite of my great-grandmother.
My b-i-l bought a 6 pack of the Beast for laughs a while back. Ah, memories.
I used to love Rolling Rock. Now I can’t even.
I remember when Summit EPA first made the scene here. It was my first foray into good beers and it is still one of my favorites today.
Rolling Rock was the Cadillac of cheap beers before they were bought out.
The green glass on all the office-park windows is still there, even if the fuckers don’t brew the beer there any more.
So the workers get only slightly less sunburnt than the clear glass building.
Latrobe was populated by folk that range from “swarthy” to “really swarthy” so no.
Rolling Rock or Labatts were my college beers when we couldn’t afford Molson. Those were the only choices pretty much anywhere other than the big ones, which nobody drank.
I remember drinking 12 Rolling Rocks in college. 12. No buzz whatsoever.
Rolling Rock was – at the time – better than most of the piss water. I thought RR was awesome! Now I can’t drink the stuff.
All I remember about Rolling Rock is that they had nice looking cans.
Mickey’s Big Mouth, the green grenade of malt liquor.
Not really. I guy bad beer from time to time as a writing prompt.
*shudders in memory of our Bum Beer Challenge*
For my [does math] 34th birthday, I hosted a bad beer night. I forget the rules, but we set an insanely low price ceiling. King Cobra won the blind taste test. I bought a 12 pack of skunked Old Style. It scored the lowest.
I started homebrewing the next month. Correlation? Probably.
Tons of bad experiences:
Old Swill
Red White and Blue
Black Label
Fire brewed Stroh’s…
Damn, we drank anything!
You haven’t lived until you’ve drank these
Still better than Dixie White Mousse.
I never had it, but reading descriptions from people who have almost made me ill.
I believe most of my worst experiences come from the “ghetto malt liquor” scene.
After 2 or 3 40s of Mickey’s, the forecast for morning diarrhea is 100%
+1 moped noises coming from the bathroom
The barracks in Okinawa was split in half by the entry way. When you showed up, you were randomly assigned whatever room happened to be open.
By chance we had a situation where all the dark green Marines lived on one half and all the light green Marines lived on the other half. We all thought it was pretty funny and referred to the two halves as the “Ghetto” and “Uptown” (the room the one white guy lived in on the Ghetto half was called the Trailer Park).
One weekend we had a lazy Sunday party where everyone from the Ghetto brought wine coolers and Zimas and we all brought malt liquor (in 40’s).
That Monday the squadron was extra lethargic due to hangovers from over indulgence of shitty liquor.
Was there a black ’46 Ford sitting by the back door? My reserved spot when “The Kid” went bar hopping in the place you described, on a lake. Probably was drinking Hamm’s at the time.
My grandpa was a steam fitter at the Hamm’s brewery for a bunch of years. He was a loyal customer of theirs.
Natty Light is fishing in a can for me.
My first beer was a Dos Equis dark with a cute young Cathy Rigby lookalike. “Hey, this ain’t bad!” Neither was the beer.
grew up on Miller Lite. first beer ever with flavor was Abita’s Turbo Dog. tried not to look back since but there’s always that one teammate who drops a 12-pack of Miller Lite down in the middle of the locker room after every game.
Congrats on the anniversary and a terrific story!
Thanks, dude.
5 years and 6 days.
Doesn’t feel a day over 15 years and 18 days.
I had something crappy like a Natural Light and I was just trying to get tipsy so I could find it easier to talk to girls. It was only later I discovered beer could be enjoyable.
Fun story, Chimay is good stuff
Beer was disgusting to me at the beginning and I would only drink it because it was usually the only game in town at parties. I loved (and continue to love) G&Ts. I’m still not the biggest beer fan in the world, but I’ve come around on a few varieties.
G&Ts are terrific. If it ever fucking warms up…
I am with you Q. I will drink hard liquor over beer any day. All beer does is make me feel bloated.
I used to be a beer guy – now I only drink it once a week and during the summer. I really really like G&Ts though.
But wait – there is a beer for fans of gin & tonic:
Same here, kind of. I drink about 4 pints a week (a growler). In the warm weather G & Ts are on my short list. Currently grooving on Citadelle gin, and I am blanking on the tonic. Sadly, due to [redacted], we are doing a zero-sugar keto thing, which plays hell on mixers, including tonic syrups. I keep meaning to do a write-up on the trials and tribulations of keto cocktailing.
I drink a number of different gins, but for sugar-free tonic I prefer Canadian Dry over other brands I’ve tried. It isn’t overly sweet tasting and doesn’t go flat within a day, unlike so many other brands. Faygo brand is the worst!
For gin: Hendrick’s or Gray Sky Barrel Finished are my favorites. Bombay Dry Gin (red cap) is my favorite budget gin.
Personally I think this stuff should be outlawed under the Geneva Convention – because I could happily drink it until I die.
*adds to list*
I haven’t tried the Canada Dry sugar-free, but I recall their standard product as being typical of the grocery-store tonics – too sweet, and almost entirely unacquainted with cinchona bark or other bittering agents.
It’s not a high-level tonic like Fever Tree or Q, but it mostly gets out of the way so you can taste the gin. I also like CD SF just for drinking by itself. Maybe it’s an acquired taste but I don’t find it overly sweet compared to some other brands I’ve tried. YMMV
I liked G&T’s when I was a child. Then I put away childish things (like tonic) and just drink gin (maybe a lime if I’m feeling emotionally vulnerable).
The secret was to buy good gin.
Could be on topic considering that these are essentially equivalent to drunken rantings of homeless people.
Then again, drinking is probably less harmful to your brain than watching this.
They are desperate for the road to impeachment to remain pertinent and they will do whatever it takes to make it so.
What’s their position on things like:
Lying under oath about not having sex with “that woman”?
30,000 deleted emails?
Assassinating an American citizen?
I need an editor. I was convinced I searched out the beer/bear typos to not make that mistake. Plus a bunch of others.
I will not that I wrote that in about 5 minutes. Which says something about all the other pieces I havent finished.
Also, if I can throw that together in 5 minutes, some of you probably have some actual interesting stuff that you can put together in 15 or 20 minutes.
You will not what?
I’ve been thinking of doing another movie-related post, but have to figure out what exactly to post about.
Great article, looks like you hit a trip down Memory Lane that many (most) of us can relate to. Reading the other guys’ experiences was so close to home its almost like finding an old diary of each of us. Thanks, robc, good reminder of the good ol’ days of youth and innocence.
Note for the lambic discussion upthread. Cantillon refuses to join the official lambic organization because they let Lindemans in.
If you think Lendemans is lambic, you are wrong.
Looking at you, Tundra.
What a goof-ball! Who would consider Lindemans to be lambic?
*looks nervously around…hides empty Lindemans Peche bottle*
Not a lambic; still better than a wine cooler. — says the dude with 250 bottles of wine in the cellar.
It is fine for what it is. It just isn’t lambic.
Well, the Belgian lambic association says it counts, but that says more about the goals of business organizations. And why Yuengling counts as “craft” these days.
What would you guys recommend for a more authentic lambic? Preferably one available nationwide.
Fruit or no fruit?
For either answer, anything you can find from Cantillon, 3 Fonteinen, Boon, Girardin, Hanssens.
Good question. Willing to try either. I will add those brands to Chimay on my shopping list.
Key: If it is sweet instead of sour, it isnt really a lambic.
The fruit ones are more sweet than the unfruited, but the sour should still dominate.
So, when you guys say Lindemands isn’t a lambic, do you say that because it’s too sweet, or is it not a lambic in the sense that it isn’t brewed the “proper” way? IIRC, authentic lambics are open fermented?
Many of the non-traditional fruit beers derived from lambic that were commercialized in the last decades are considered to be low quality products by many beer enthusiasts. These products are typically artificially sweetened, artificially carbonated, sterilized, and based on syrups instead of whole fruit.
A basic Lambic is a relatively young, unblended sour ale. A Gueuze is a mixture of young (one-year-old) and old (two- and three-year-old) lambics. A fruited Lambic is a lambic that is racked onto whole fruit to start fermentation all over again. This helps to ensure fresh healthy yeast to support bottle conditioning. They can be mildly sweet, but bottle conditioning cannot produce very sweet products without producing bottle bombs.
Lindemans is frequently referred to as pancake syrup because it is so sweet.
“The period since President Donald Trump’s election in 2016 has been one of the “American journalism community’s darkest moments”, the report added.”
I agree with that statement, but only because “journalists” themselves have become open propagandists. People have hated the media for decades, Trump is just a reflection of that hate. Also, if you’re so worried about getting killed in a civil war, maybe you should stop trying to incite one.
Great story Rob. You convinced me that I need to give Chimay a try. Will look for it after work.
The beer that I have a soft-spot for is Leinenkugel Honey Weiss. I was a unabashed Busch Light drinker who dabbled rarely into craft beers. And the few I did try I seldom liked. But on my honeymoon we went up the north shore of Lake Superior. We were at a nice place and I had the local caught lake trout. I figured the occasion and the entree deserved better than Busch Light, so I ended up having a Honey Weiss. That was about all I drank the rest of the trip, and that started a Leinie kick that lasted a few years. I’ve since found many beers better than Leinie’s offerings, but I still like to have a Honey Weiss every once in a while. It was the first non-BMC beer I actually liked.
Leinie is owned by the M (and I guess the C too) in BMC.
Yeah, I know. But they still allow the family to run it as they see fit. And even if they didn’t, I’m not going to limit myself to beers not owned by the big boys.
*thinks about the Blue Moon sampler in the beer fridge*
Hoegaarden (owned by B) is better than Blue Moon (owned by C).
St Bernardus Wit is better than both, and was created under contract to the monks by Pierre Celis (RIP), who also founded Hoegaarden.
He also founded Celis Brewery in Texas which was purchased and run into the ground by M.
Michigan brewing company somehow acquired the rights to Celis White and Pierre approved of their beer, but they went under due to tax issues.
I agree. The Blue Moon was being clearanced so I said what the hell. Hoegaarden has been one of my absolute favorite beers ever since I had it on tap at a place in Chicago about 10 years ago. It was at an English pub. Elephant and Cask? Something like that.
I’ve seen the St Bernardus before, but haven’t ever pulled the trigger.
…my trip to the liquor store tonight might get expensive…
Elephant & Castle, maybe? It’s in the Club Quarters hotel in the Loop. I stay there most times I go to Chicago.
Their whisky selection is excellent.
There you go, that’s it. Cool place.
I was there twice. The second time two very slick purse snatchers got a lady’s purse without any of the 7 or so of us sitting at the bar noticing. They were 10-15 minutes gone before she realized it left with them. It was actually kind of impressive. I always enjoy watching a talented professional do his job.
I live Leinies Honey Weiss. My go to beer back when I could get it all of the time was Leinies Creamy Dark Lager. Good stuff.
The Creamy Dark is good, too. My go to was Sunset Wheat for quite a while.
“Digby described the kakapo as an “unusual” parrot as the females control the breeding process”
No wonder they’re almost extinct amirite?
Grrl power!
Red White and Blue
That was about $1.60 a sixpack at the grocery store, when I was in high school, as i recall.
I was at the gas station yesterday at 2 pm and a 50-60 year old guy with an AC/DC T-shirt and shorts came out carrying a 24 pack of PBR.
Made me proud to be American.
Almost had to wipe away a tear.
When I was in Pasadena, Teslas have definitely become the new status symbol cars of the elite.
Incidents like this, along with the fact that I can’t take a road trip longer than 200 miles without stopping to charge, make me extremely skeptical. Then again, it’s an opportunity to have a nifty looking car and get sweet dopamine shots of self-righteousness all at once so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
First time I had Chimay, a buddy brought two bottles to my house as payment for replacing the spark plugs on his Ford Ranger/Mazda truck.
At the time I had recently started down the path of beer snobbery and it is good stuff.
When I was stationed in Kansas City I would always get a bottle of it at Jackstack’s with my meal.
DAMMIT! I just filled the beer fridge and now I want Chimay.
I like beer.
Anyway, the beers of my youth were the usual suspects: Beast, Old Mil, Molson Ice, MGD, Keystone. I remember Red Dog becoming very popular senior year because it was perceived to be more “adult” somehow. Remember Pete’s Wicked? That was fancy stuff that guys who were trying to impress people bought.
One night in college we found an old six pack of Pete’s at the store and washed it down various flavors of MD 20/20.
In high school we all drank Busch, and I always got sick so I smoked weed more than I drank beer.
After I joined the Marines, weed was no longer an option, but I could now afford Budweiser and suddenly I didn’t get sick off of beer any more.
And for some reason Zima was popular with women at about that same time, at least the 18-25 crowd. Icehouse was another from that period.
But dear god the whole Zima w/ a jolly rancher tossed in thing. What, making it taste like cough syrup is an improvement ladies? Either way, the bitches loved it.
Ice House…
First saw Zima in a bar with my brother and a lot of people were drinking it.
Out of curiosity he ordered one, took a swig and handed it to me.
I took a swig, set it on the bar and walked away from it.
Oh, shit. I had forgotten about Icehouse. The extra couple points of ABV got young MikeS a couple times. One time, a buddy puked on my while we were both passed out in the front seat of my car after a bonfire.
No euphemism!
Early 2000s saw a few Zima-like creations – Bacardi Silver, Skyy Blue, and yeah I never saw anyone drink it but girls. It’s also when Mike’s Hard Lemonade was popular.
Pretty much everything about the early 2000s was trash.
Smirnoff Ice was another one
When I was making fun of UVA this morning, I avoided the cheap Zima jokes.
I don’t know how Charlottesville survived the decade it wasnt being produced.
Then again, it’s an opportunity to have a nifty looking car and get sweet dopamine shots of self-righteousness all at once so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
I have no idea what happened to them, but at one point, Bob Lutz was stuffing Corvette drivetrains into Fiskers, which turned them into something which would actually make it back from lunch.
*this was how a friend used to classify “custom cars” and “hotrods”- “Can you take it to lunch and make it back without having to call somebody to bring the trailer?”
I was at the gas station yesterday at 2 pm and a 50-60 year old guy with an AC/DC T-shirt and shorts came out carrying a 24 pack of PBR.
It wasn’t me. I buy Rolling Rock at the gas station.
For the legal eagles, what is the legal meaning of ‘often’, it seems to be coming up a lot in this reporter regarding support for Trump over Hillary by the ROOSHUNS. IE “…often supporting the Trump Campaign and opposing the Hillary Campaign.”
Is it like more than 5%0? More than 75%? More than 90%?
Morons in my office are poring over the report right now.
1. It’s >400 pages.
2. If you’re reading it at work, you’re a loser.
3. Whatever you read is going to confirm your preexisting biases anyway.
Well, there’s always that special 90 minute episode of Seth Meyers…..
I’m not at work, so ha! *scratches balls goes back to readin*
All I remember about my first beer is that it tasted like shit and most of them still do. I drink hard cider in place of beer.
You are both wrong.
Well, if we go by volume, Plinker might be right.
But Strugeon’s Law probably applies to beer as much as anything else.
Sturgeon – I really really need an editor.
I can’t do cider unless it’s at least a little sweet.
And I don’t really even have a sweet tooth.
I’m in the same boat. Though I do recall not hating a very heavy stout that a friend had in college, and there was a sour cherry beer I had at the Big Red Cock in Houston that was tasty.
Beer. It’s how I get my vitamin B.
There is a contingent of employees at my office that talks about hunting and shooting quite often (there’s also a contingent of anti-freedom and and-2a pansies.). One of them printed out a copy of a concealed carry permit. I was asked if it was mine. I replied “No, and I don’t believe I should have to get a permit to carry concealed.” Apparently this makes me “against the rule of law” even though I qualified that position by appealing to the highest law in the land. I conveniently “ignored the ‘well-regulated’ part that comes before ‘shall not be infringed’, hardy har har”. They walked off before I could correct them on terms and definitions. But they were extra smug and condescending in their historical and general illiteracy. I think that is what I despise most.
Anyway, is is well that there is beer in the world. I hated beer at first, but I developed a taste for it over the years.
As an OC’er I have had that same conversation a few times.
I always tell them that I am sorry they hate freedom.
Then I watch the brain cells burn.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives est. 1789
Fuck them.
I refer to my permit as my ‘unconstitutional and immoral governmental permission slip’.
“This is my proof that my rights have been infringed. Having to ask permission to exercise your rights is an infringement on your rights. What would you think if a woman had to get government permission to get an abortion?”
I assure you that I’m very well-regulated on the use of firearms.
That might be the way to go in the future to quickly and decisively defeat the muh regulayshuns! assertion:
“Holding to the original meaning of the term, I am very well-regulated in the function and use of firearms.”
“I have over 1000 times the training required by the police academy”
And you probably have a better hit ratio than 1 out of 15 on a man size target.
anyone remember this Sound of Music cover by Homer Jay Simpson?
Dough, the stuff that buys me beer.
Ray, the guy who brings me beer.
Me, the guy who drinks the beer.
Far, a long way to get beer.
So, I’ll have another beer.
La, la la la la la beer.
Tea, no thanks I’m having beer.
That will bring us back to doh!
I remember giggling at that:)
I have no recollection of my first beer, but it was either Bud or Coors in high school.
I also have no recollection of my first decent beer. Probably Dos Equis in college. As for my first really good beer, it was probably Chimay. Of course, I’m so old that I actually brewed my own until I was probably 30, because it was just about the only way to get good beer. Then the craft beer revolution started, and (independently) I found the Essen Haus in Madison, WI, which had a phenomenal selection of top shelf German beers on tap.
Essen Haus…….yeah, I have vague memories.
It has been 6 years since my last trip to Madison, I really need to fix that.
Flag me down on Discord or wherever if you’re coming this way, I’ll join you for a beer.
My first non-domestic was probably Heiniken. We used to drink Calgery and Moosehead as well. Did some Red Stripe,Shapero, Kirin and the like.
“domestic” is a funny term.
At the bar mentioned in the article, a pair of couples walk in and sit it the table next to my group. The guys start to walk over to the beer board to see what is available and one of the women (who had clearly never been to Rich O’s before) says, “Order me anything domestic.”
The room goes silent. The waiter is handing me my beer at that moment, so I turn and hand it to her, “here you go.”
It was a Stone Arrogant Bastard. Which was one of the handful of domestics on the board at the time.
Yeap:) I think the brewing some of the best beer in the world right now.
I love Chimay. It’s like drinking a loaf of bread. I usually keep a bottle in the fridge but I don’t think I replenished last time. / Adds Chimay to grocery list.
My first drink of beer was probably Black Label. At some point as a child, I had a Black Label Vanilla milkshake . I think I liked it. Probably wasn’t much beer in it.
During the “punk rock” years, part 2 – PBR was the beer of choice for us skeevies. And I was also a big fan of the other “classics” like Schlitz, Blatz, and Stroh’s.
The last time I had a PBR I said “never again!” So much corn. Too sweet.
We used to play quarters with Old Milwaukee. Way too much.
Alright you guys talked me into cracking open a beer:) Devil’s Backbone Danzig Baltic Porter. I gotta say this is delish. Interestingly it’s pretty refreshing for a Porter but still full flavered. In fact this may be my new favorite Porter. Picked up from new local Craft Beer store in a mix six. Will definitely be getting more.
ABV 8% IBU 28
Devil’s Backbone is my favorite of the local VA breweries. Vienna Lager and Schwartzbier are great.
I’ll look for them. I love both of those styles.
Just noticed I have a Devil’s Backbone Maibock in the fridge as well:) Going to wait until wife’s home to open that because she might like that and I’m trying to expand her beer horizons.
I’m working on that too. It started a few months ago when some co-workers/friends and I went to a class in Charleston, had a few at lunch then stopped by the Lowe’s Beer Den when home. I needed something to distract the wife so I got a growler of something I thought we would both enjoy.
She’s doing a lot better. I’ve got her into some browns, ambers, and hefeweizens. Of course we’re going into summer where everything on tap is weedy so that doesn’t helpm.
After 16 years, I’ve accepted that my wife won’t drink beer. Kaluha-based mixed drinks or sweet white wines, that’s it.
You fucker did you marry my wife?!?!
The only thing is that we’ll go on vacation and I want to go have a few at a local brewery and I want her to have something she likes too.
Are you, Leap and I all married to the same woman?
If you’re going to evoke his name….
I play this one on the juke box more but both are great.
Soul On Fire is my favorite of his solo stuff.
For Samhain, I go with Archangel. The sounds quality on this isn’t great, but the live version has more juice than the studio version. Studio version is too slow and dirge-like.
And, of course, virtually anything from the Misfits.
Yeah, that live version is tits.
I only watch for the spectacle. Politics is WWE for people who think they’re brighter than people who watch WWE.
“Journalists” engaging with “critics” on Twitter has to be the dumbest trend in news.
I just hit some of the news and political sites and I would say I don’t give a shit about 99% of what they’re babbling on about. Does anyone give rats ass about the Mueller report or the college admissions “scandal”?
But the heel used a folding chair to knock down the babyface while the ref was distracted!
I don’t give a shit about 99% of what they’re babbling on about
I’m guessing I wouldn’t either, if I hit MSM/DemOp sites. Other than to get my blood pressure up at their dishonesty and smug mendacity. But who needs the aggravation?
We’ll TOS was one of them as well. Oh, you said DemOp site:)
>Does anyone give rats ass about the Mueller report or the college admissions “scandal”?
I work on the theory that everything is a pendulum, and since I have elementary age kids, I’m watching the admissions scandal. I want the rot to come to the surface now so that there’s a decade of clean up before we need to figure out what the kids are going to do about their post-secondary education.
Ditto. Hopefully all the top schools are offering relatively cheap on-line options, bringing way down the price of on-campus options.
Except my daughter is 3, so pre-elementary. I have about 15 years for the market to crash.
Universal post-secondary education ruined both post-secondary education and the young workforce. I am praying that that college goes back to being a non-universal path, and one that doesn’t lead to the highest pay
Ultimately, I’d like to see most things go certification based that requires passing tests instead if just credit hours.
That’s 180 degrees from what I want to see. I want to see the return of the apprenticeship.
Oh, I think you have WAY bigger worries in regards to post-secondary education than some Hollywood sleazebags buying their way in.
Of course we do, but change happens when stories with a lot of valiance for normies show them a real problem they can’t wrap their tiny, weak, normy mind around.
We used to drink a ton of cheap beer in high school, Old Mill, Henry Weinhards, Oly, Hamm’s, Keystone, and my favorite cheapie, Lucky Lager, which had those cool bottle cap puzzles that got harder as you made your way through the 12er. On my 16th birthday we drove to Market Street and I got my first fake ID, Angus Young from Ft Lauderdale, Florida. Still drank mostly cheapie stuff till I got a job at a local deli that had a smoking beer selection. My first Sierra Nevada was a revelation, it’s still one of my three or four go-to beers.
Part of the scavenger hunt at Berkeley:
locate a 12 pack of Hamm’s Light.
I think we had to cross the Oregon border to find it.
Ha! It was around stores a lot when I was in high school and then it disappeared for a few years. I still have a cool ass light up Hamms sign where the twinkling stars over a lake turn into beer glasses. My wife has relegated it to the garage.
Hamms was easy to find. Liquor store in Emeryville.
Hamm’s light? Almost impossible. This would have been 1998 or so.
Angus Young! hahaha…..a friend and I used Emmitt Fitzhume and Austin Millbarge, Chevy Chase and Dan Ackroyd’s characters in Spies Like Us.
Heh, heh. Ah, the joys of fake IDs. That Angus Young served me well until I lost it or had it stolen with my wallet at the drive-ins one Friday nite. I got home from my job at the deli Saturday evening and my parents asked me what I got up to the nite before. “Are you sure that was all Angus.” “Damn, did I leave my wallet out somewhere, I can’t find it.”
Whoever took my wallet decided to vandalize a local park and tossed my empty wallet with Angus and my DL in it at the scene. “I guess they won’t be giving that back?”
Went with the Samyal Smith Imperual Stout for beer #2. Wish I had another Danzig instead.
Went with the Samyal Smith Imperual Stout for beer #2
Sounds like pony keg #2.
Yeah, I noticed that:) lol.
My first sip of beer was one of dads’ Lowenbrau on Christmas, he was splurging from the typical Genny Cream Ale.
First drunk was a sixpack of Genny Cream Ale pounders
College cheap beer favorite was Carlings Black Label and easy drinking Black Label Ice, Yiengling, and Liebotschaner Cream Ale in 16 oz returnables
First non-standard beer not from Germany, Canada, or USA was Chimay Red on draft at Zeno’s in College
The 1st Chimay was a gateway beer to the world of craft and great Foreign beers
In Tallahassee college times, we drank White-Trash Mimosas – take a big sip of your Schlitz beer, then top can off with orange juice.