I was going to make a different analogy with Trump playing both the tar baby and Brer Rabbit after he’s caught, but that’s probably beyond the pale racist now. So I’ll use a more modern analogy. Trump is like the Roadrunner. He’s just going about his business, maybe well, maybe poorly, but basically minding his own, while suuupergeniuses concoct elaborate devices to entrap and destroy him. And somehow, at the end of each of each day, another anti-Trumper is sitting around bewildered and hurt, while Trump pops up to give the equivalent of a victory “meep” on Twitter, and runs off into the distance.

So here’s my favorite justification of why the Mueller report isn’t a total victory for Trump.

Mueller made sure to give his old friend Comey a little handjob in the report. Guys! Guys! You’ll never believe it! The White House Press Secretary was less than truthful about something! Poor Pie, just trying to do her job and fend off the Hat and Hair.

Somehow Sears’ creditors are just now figuring out that Eddie Lampert funneled all the assets to his real-estate company and left the company a hollow shell. I will hasten to add that I have no idea whether this is illegal, but it does seem like he tried to ditch these guys through bankruptcy after cutting the best of the company out for himself.

Huh. Radley Balko had me convinced that bite mark analysis was an ineffective pathology tool.