Celebrate the new order of things here at Glibs.
Monday Mornings, we are trying to give Banjos a bit of a break. Thus you will be seeing Links of Me. Links of Mine. My Links. Whichever. OMWC will be taking Fridays, so steel yourself for that.
So, befitting my oft times minimalist style – here are your Links for Monday, April 22, Anno Domini two thousand and nineteen.
- Um….wut? That almost compares to “Franco and Mussolini form joint peacekeeping force”.
- Um…who? We’ve gone from clown car to the short bus. Lets see if they can get to 25…30 declared candidates.
- BACK THE BLUE! CPD has another shining moment of glory. “Alcohol may have also been a factor.” NO WAY!!!?
- Stay classy, MSNBC. Maybe wait until he is at brunch, then shove your way over to his table.
- I shan’t have tears enough to shed for these poor, unfortunate souls. Oh, wait…I meant I am laughing quite hard. Now, go out and campaign for moar socialisms.
Music links are crowdsourced to the commentariat.
Right on time. 8 am EST. Swiss timekeeping is real.
“Um…who? We’ve gone from clown car to the short bus. Lets see if they can get to 25…30 declared candidates.”
I say the more the merrier. And let them eat each other up.
The Trump 2020 Re-Election Committee
I think the media are going to try to drag Buttigieg over the finish line.
Harris wins the Intersectionality Stack.
Too much baggage. Buttigieg can be the cipher everyone can project whatever they want on to, just like Obama.
Too prissy and mean. Even some leftie Christians I know are cringing when he goes into his “Pence is Satan” routine.
And it’s too tempting to pronounce it “Buttchug”
That will just expose the institutional homophobia that must be opposed and give him more victim cred on the intersectionality stack.
White male homo has a way lower intersectionality victimhood score than black woman. But he’d make a good VP candidate for that party.
I think the media and the left (I repeat myself) will actually see this “Buttchug” thing as a bonus and a means to rally the eternally offended. The fact that other than being a mean bitch the guy is a real unknown, I suspect, will be very appealing, because the indoctrinators can do the same shit they did with Obama (paint any sloganeering as a positive instead of the real nasty shit that will actually be done). But, as Tonio points out, being a gay white male is these days very low on the victimhood bar, so maybe I am wrong about his end score on their chart.
The primary voters will go for an absolute nutjob marxism peddling asshat. But that is a death sentence for them in the general election unless the PR machine can “redefine” the candidate, and Buttchug is the one guy I see them having the most ease doing this with (if he can keep his mean girl off screen, that is).
Hmm, could be. I agree too prissy and mean for the general, but the Dems will eat that up in the primaries.
Agreed about prissy and mean, but it’s early yet and he could realize that and try to change his image.
Slept her way to the top of the stack?
Willie Brown smiles and nods.
She make the trains run on time?
“While our country marches forward, Washington is anchored in the past”
No, I can’t believe that. Say it isn’t true. Well, they just have to use the late us then.
Add a ‘b’ somewhere in the last sentence. Like Washington, I’m trying to catch up.
Honestly, why not, if it does not cost them their own money. They get some donations and some fame / notoriety
The CNN town halls should be fun. And what better excuse to inadvertently get drunk on a Monday.
They are going to be a shitshow, as always. Unless a lot of candidates drop out before the election ramps up they will have to limit the number of candidates – say exclude anyone currently polling under, idk, 10%. That will also give them a bully excuse for excluding third party candidates from the debates in the general election.
The New York Times begs to differ as to who may be properly considered for the Democratic nomination.
Who cares what the racists at the New York Times think?
Well it may go down by one after a scathing report from ThinkProgress goes after Minnesoda’s Great White Hope.
They claim that Klobuchar has been way too easy on Trump’s judicial nominees. Sure she raked Kavanaugh over the coals, but she has approved 56% of his nominees.
*Also, there is no way Special K is going to drop out of the race. I think that her strategy is to hang on until all the crazies knock each other out. Then somehow, people will beg her to be the nominee.
Last woman standing. Just might work. But Kamala will be a tough opponent. Is it wrong of me to hope for “catfight” moments between the two of them?
Yes it is. With her sturdy axe-handle-and-a-half-across-the-ass, I’m pretty sure Kamala would lose the fight, but there is always the chance she might get lucky and tear the clothes off Klobuchar. No one wants to see that.
I could deal with a Harris v. Gillibrand fight though.
I wouldn’t PPV it, but for free on the Internets…
^this man knows how to survive a presidential race.
Kamala went toe to toe with Andre the Giant, I’m pretty sure Klobuchar would not present a challenge.
Kamala-toe. *barf*
I think in a bit of TragiComedy, the last woman standing will be Hillary, with the aid of her exoskeleton.
No exoskeleton needed. Hillary would just pull her skirt up and flash her opponent. Then she’d totter over and collapse on the body of her opponent who would be laying there helplessly retching and crying.
I’ve said that for a couple years. Klobuchar hasn’t done much, little baggage, flyover country. The internal gossip from her staff just shows how tough she is. She can poise herself as not being a liberal from the coast (s).
Which is why she stands no chance in the primaries…
I wonder who will get relegated to the Wrestlemania Pre-Show.
“Stay classy, MSNBC. Maybe wait until he is at brunch, then shove your way over to his table.”
They should be mad with him. After they kept getting told that Mueller would provide the means to allow them to stage a coup against evil orangeman, and then delivered, erm, a big nothing burger, I would be mad as well…
Stay classy, MSNBC. Maybe wait until he is at brunch, then shove your way over to his table.
In all fairness, he should have been run out on a rail after the anthrax case. Couldn’t happen to a nicer chunk of shit.
I still don’t approve – even if he is a dirtball. I do wonder how he has skated from failure to failure, while I dread making the slightest error at my job. I understand some of his failures re: the Clintons, have worked in favor of very powerful people and interests…but as you mentioned, that anthrax case should have seen him sent out of the office in disgrace.
I had forgotten that part of the FBI’s case against Hatfill was the use of two anthrax-sniffing dogs which proved once again how useful dogs are to Leviathan.
Wouldn’t successfully sniffing anthrax kill the dog?
Not necessarily, since dogs can detect just a few molecules of a substance, which wouldn’t be sufficient to cause an infection. Anthrax is treatable with antibiotics anyway.
That being said, dogs are geniuses at reading human body language and non-verbal cues, and want to please their humans. So since the dogs get rewarded for “alerting” and they can tell when their handler wants them to alert, they will learn to alert based on their handler’s cues and not based on detecting any actual material.
They use the K9 to “hit” to get in the vehicle. It’s all bullshit. The pull over, the dialogue, the K9. It’s a charade to get inside the vehicle. That’s all they care about..access to search the vehicle. Nothing else matters when they pull some “suspects” over. They’ve already made their mind up before they pull them over, everything else is a ruse for access
Maybe they can give all fourteen Anthrax shots to canines, as well as service members.
Director Mueller? Is he on some sort of board at his church or elsewhere?
He’s active in political theater.
[golf clap]
“Seth Moulton” sounds like an archaic term for a fungal infection, or a beer style.
Soth Moulton Bitter
Hey, you guys!
For-Seth!, a Moulton yonder window breaks…
Does this new order include replacing the article title in the url with a cryptic number? Or was that happenstance for this one set of links?
Nerd! [moistens finger and plots best course of attack to UCS’ ear canal]
Leave me out of your fetishes.
I’d have thought the blandness of just numbering articles would be right up your alley.
I don’t think she sent either message. I suspect some staffer did.
That cannot be real. That just cannot possibly be real. It has to be a hoax. There is just no way.
Please, tell me that’s a fake…
Hey – sounds like some people who died were Islamic suicide bombers. You too Islamophobic to mourn for them?
I guess Islamic terrorists and their murderous hatred don’t need to be condemned and stopped.
Religion of Peace, dude.
That really was one of Bush’s dumber statements. I understand why he thought he should do it, but still.
I was honestly surprised that mosques did not burn that night, or the next…
hey, those “Easter worshipers”, whatever the fuck that implies/means, brought it upon themselves, ya know….
Well the attacks were pretty random. There isn’t much that connects “Easter Worshippers” with each other.
Is there somewhere I can send a charitable contribution to, like Hillary Inc. ? Her prayers would be answered faster than mine.
It was just some people doing some stuff.
That quote should always be associated with that lunatic. In a just world that soundbite follows her to her grave, just like Nixon’s “I am not a crook”.
Human composting bill approved by Washington state Legislature
Nothing helps a garden grow like your husband’s remains.
You could, um, just be buried.
But that wouldn’t be so explicit a show of faith in gaia, would it?
I want my ashes to be scattered in the garden, just not yet. Until then I’ll use a bag of commercial fertilizer.
I want to be scattered over Safeco Field. Also, I don’t want to be cremated.
That guy that started the whole earth day thing composted his girlfriend, didn’t he? Is this movement in his honor?
There’s nothing particularly virtuous about a shallow grave.
This fucking nutbag actually put her corpse in a trunk in a closet man. Not a shallow grave. And maybe that was done so he could share some special time with her as the body became nature’s food or something….
So not only does he know nothing about climate, he knows nothing about composting, or human dignity.
Yawn. Ira Einhorn, Earth Day founder, has been calling for this since 1977. To be fair, his experimentation does make me doubt the practicality of home composting.
#banplastic #plastickills #plasticisthedevil #totelife
Holy shit that subhead:
Ira Einhorn preached against Vietnam War and violence but had a dark side.
Wait, you are surprised by this? I have often found the people most vocal about pacifism or vocal against war tend to be the ones with a dark side of their own.
Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards
Kinda cheapens the word ‘elite’.
He also has advocated stricter gun laws, saying military-style weapons should not be owned by civilians.
Slaver. Noted.
Possible penalties for violations of these rules include “reprimand, the assignment of extra duty without compensation, suspension of pay for a period not to exceed thirty days and institution of charges before the Police Board.”
Oh, no. Not that. Anything but that…
He had been coming out of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC, …
Ah-hah! That explains everything!
Actors are being unfairly targeted by the taxman for National Insurance contributions, according to a showbusiness union.
SO? Who isn’t?
Music links are crowdsourced to the commentariat.
“military-style weapons should not be owned by civilians”
Already true as evidenced by the fact that I don’t own an RPG launcher.
Seems like he thinks you should have one. The US military doesn’t use RPG’s but random goat herders from Helmand do.
“military-style weapons should not be owned by civilians”
Second amendment says “false”.
So Americans should not own Garands or Springfields?
Oh, he is not a dumb ass, He knows exactly what he is doing.
He had been coming out of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC, …
Is the objection here, that as a good Catholic he should have been coming inside of the church? Pulling out is close to birth control?
Does the IRG wear berets? No. They don’t . Because if they did, that makes them elite. Like when the US upgraded all of its troops to elite status by changing their headgear.
“We had a camera crew waiting outside. It was, of course, Easter service. And, yes, we did surprise director Mueller upon his exiting of the church,” Viqueira said. “But nevertheless, that’s the first time we have heard from Bob Mueller in quite some time, even if his only comment was no comment.”
That’s some mighty fine reporting there, Lou.
Does this reporting make us look more like an asshole?
Seriously though, ambushing someone coming out of their religious service is shitty.
Moderation in opposing Drumpfenfuhrer is no virtue!!
I do find it humorous that they’re reporting his “no comment” as being his first public comments on the investigation.
He commented without commenting! Clearly a Russian plant! The whole investigation was a sham! We need another Special Prosecutor!!!
Mueller, a known Republican, was clearly in league with Trump and Putin’s payroll. We need to investigate whether they both colluded to obstruct justice.
*Runs “No Comment” through MSNBC Enigma* ….Obstruction of Justice…
So in random Pie news for 3 days I am staying at an airbnb 300 meters from my house…
Any particular reason? Or just wanted a (subtle) change of scenery?
Annual exterminator visit. Did they go with Bade or Van Helsing?
My apartment is not livable as of today on account of the the renovatin
Euro-speak for “I spent the weekend drinking cheap beer and eating chili and old leftovers”?
Pie’s Carfax Abbey torn down, stone by stone, excavated a mile around
Don’t want the prostitutes to know where you live?
Never understood people who got call girls to where they live. That sounds dangerous.
Indeed. You have to factor a hotel room into the cost.
I’m working on a story that touches on that…sorta.
Hmmm. Looks like some interesting content is coming up!
Thanks. Unfortunately, I’ve shifted over to summer mode so my output will probably slow unless we get an extended hot/rainy spell.
Will someone wake up in a bathtub full of ice and be missing organs?
Wake up? If you’re going to harvest, take everything.
+1 cock merhants rule!
Inspect the attic when the work is done.
True story from a friend of a relative. About two months ago a couple started renting a one-story house with basement in Chicago. A week or so after moving in they started hearing noises at night. After a few days later they figured the noises were on the roof, and then a few more days later realized the noise was in the attic. Being city dwellers they are scared shitless of wildlife so they figured the thing would leave the same way it came in. (I’m sure they mentioned it to people at work who had assumed squirrel or raccoon and would eventually leave.)
After two months and still hearing the noise one of them put their phone on a selfie stick and slipped it through the attic opening in a closet and took a couple minutes of video, turning the stick around.
It was a human. He had a mattress, a couple of surge protectors, a lamp, phone charging, some of their clothes, etc. Once he figured out their work patterns he apparently had been going down into their bathroom and doing the 3 S’s, helping himself to food from the refrigerator, etc. He must have got in before they moved in. Not sure what the cops did.
Talk about squatting to an extreme.
and doing the 3 S’s
I’d probably be doing the other 3 S’s if I encountered that situation.
And I’d vote to acquit.
Only 2 of the s variety.
RE: Dem clown car.
I will be interested to see who the DNC tries to rig the primaries in favor of. 6 months ago I would’ve said they’d move Heaven and Earth for Biden; however, his gropiness plus his age and pallor will sink him.
I’m still thinking Harris.
Buttchug. He’s the modern proggie archetype.
Y’know, back in 2017 I would have bet a not-insignificant amount of money that Trump would be a one-termer; now I’m having difficulty seeing how any of these clowns could beat him.
Trump will have a field day with Buttchug.
The only thing that beats him at this point is a major financial crisis. Team Blue still doesn’t understand that the election will be decided by Florida Man and a few thousand UAW workers in the mid-west.
It’s funny how the reporter is calling out this latest contender for a lack of political experience when Harris has a similar paper thin federal political record. And her local gov experience comes with a bunch of baggage, including Brown.
It doesn’t help that she was a hardass as California’s AG either.
While Trump has been instituting genuine criminal justice reform.
That’s bad and racist somehow.
That’ll get shoved down the memory hole faster than Omar’s immigration fraud allegations.
What’s Joe Biden, chopped liver?
Old. White. Creepy. #metoo fodder.
The woke squad would blow a gasket.
The woke squad forgives those with the Holy “D” after their names.
His polls have been unaffected.
Liver spots, anyway.
[golf clap]
Oh you guys…
The pApEr oF rEcOrD proving once again that the Dems haven’t learned a damn thing in the past 3 years.
People who voted twice for Obama then switched to Trump are what gave Trump the presidency. Call me crazy, but I don’t think those people are voting on skin color.
Didn’t you hear? Simply by running, Trump fomented racial strife and division. We had achieved peace and harmony under Obama, then Trump undid all that as stole those votes that now rightfully belong to Democrats.
Joe/Mayor Pete 2020. The Hair/Butt Plugs.
Buttplug will inevitably become the name his haters use for him.
It’s what I imagine he looks like given I’ve never seen him.
He’s pretty average looking, but the prissiness comes through in his face. Never heard his voice.
So basically TedS?
Total p’wndemonium.
The word you seek is “Backpfeifengesicht.”
Is this where you shave someone’s ass and teach em to walk backwards so their ugly mug is not what leads them and makes the first impression?
They are already talking of using the super delegates to deny it to Bernie again, aren’t they?
Let the record show that I waited 30 minutes and made an on-topic comment first.
Lucious mounds of pleasure kick off your Mammary Monday.
*carefully sets down sniper rifle*
Alles in ordnung.
#24 should be buying stock in “Wheelbarrow Depot” as she will be one of their best customers some day.
45 wins it for sense of humor.
or you know, 47, because I can’t type.
You had one job, Theresa. Now, Even your own vassals are rebelling
That picture of her might top the Michelle Bachman one for hilarious unflatteringness.
I saw a video on YouTube the other day where Sargon of Akkad and Count Dankula were announcing their campaign for MEP from UKIP. Sargon seemed to be trying the Trump tactic of insulting the press to their faces whenever they asked him a leading question.
I think he just wants to insult the press to their faces.
I don’t blame him.
To be fair it is hard work considering how stupid these people are.
No way.
Her face stuck like that after her last bitter orgasm.
Who was doing the hate fucking?
What. It was a what. Her vibrator hates her. And it throws up batteries after.
Can inanimate things cry rape?
I’m not hearing affirmative consent, so yes.
That kid from the movie America Pie that fucked the apple pie is in trouble now….
When you’ve screwed the pooch so bad that you’re viewed as a couple of rungs below Neville Chamberlain it’s time to go.
It’s not gonna stop until they get their second referendum; and you can be sure they won’t let Leave win again…
If they did have a second referendum and Leave won by an ever greater margin, how many heads would explode?
Enough that remain will win the third one.
That makes no sense, as the leavers would not suffer cranial detonation from victory.
I’m saying the remainers in govt would thin the electorate IYKWIM.
“We realize that the timeline we have set for the second Brexit referendum is very short and many groups feel that they may not be able to get their message out or set up polling stations. To help with that, we will be distributing pre-marked ballots. This should help people who can’t make it to the polls. If you can’t make it to vote, know that your government is there to help.”
Why Don’t Women Get Comebacks Like Tiger Woods?
As the father of a daughter, it’s difficult sometimes to counteract the narrative that chicks are victims. Nothing is fucking ‘given’ to you. Go out and earn it.
Women already enjoy the allowance of playing in separated women’s sports.
Kind of. And not for much longer.
….ummmmm, not really sure what point they’re trying to make here….
The main reason I can think that women dislike Tiger is that he treated females like disposable jazz-rags.
And beyond that, this is why prog hate sports in general; it’s the ultimate meritocracy. They can’t stand that there are people who work harder and have more talent and, thus, win. It goes counter to the Gospel.
Not just that, but their is a subtext that only ‘righteous’ people should be successful. Having someone despicable be rich is terrible. Even though they would be the first to say that wealth does not denote moral worth.
I think a lot of the Tiger hate is also abut the fact that he is seriously anti prog shit. The guy despite being a minority, wants nothing to do with the system the progs peddle and is all about merit. He is even a fan of evil orange man. That by itself is a crime the left can’t forgive.
Hell, he doesn’t even really accept that he is “black”. I think he would identify as asian if he wouldn’t be crucified for it.
I actually remember seeing him react to someone that asked him about what he felt like to succeed as a black man by asking WTF that had to do with anything and pointing out he was half asian (implying that would make him into overachieving).
He identifies as cablinasian. Caucasian, Black, Indian, and Asian. Father was black with a bit of native american. Mother is half Thai and half Dutch.
I think a lot of the Tiger hate is also abut the fact that he is seriously anti prog shit.
Eh, most of the tiger hate ive encountered was because he treated his wife like shit.
Mostly I’ve encountered women who think he’s scummy for that. Not that I blame them, but I think that after 10 years of having everything go wrong in his life, he has paid for his sins.
Same. With three daughters I can get the point brought up by some feminists. Fairy tales are terrible for girls.
The real world will sooner than later punch all the women that bought this nonsense in the teeth, and they are going to be seriously jaded when that happens, unfortunately. Just like with guys that have stupid beliefs that go against how the real world works. Reality doesn’t give a shit about stupid.
What was given to Tiger? He won the fuckin’ Masters. No one gave him that.
Personally, I’m guessing he’s a still a major dickhead like he’s always been, but the comeback narrative is about his winning, period. He hadn’t won a major in however many years largely because of serious injuries. He fought his way back from that when it would have been really easy for him to just give up and let his professional reputation rest on the incredible career he already had.
Yeah, that’s the point. The chick at NYT babbled incoherently about some athlete chick I never heard of who was turning tricks or something and then, of course, Serena, who was denied a comeback (from what, she didn’t say) because she’s an angry black chick.
I think you have to be a major dickhead to get to the levels that Tiger, Jordan and the other all time greats get to. They were born with great genetics that gave them elite physical abilities. There are many who are blessed with that. What sets the GOAT’s usually is that they are so driven to succeed that they sacrifice everything to win. And that usually makes them dickheads to people around them.
My counterpoint to this is Jim Courier. Worked his ass off to become #1 in the world and then coasted the rest of his career. Once he had those wins, he had the money and didn’t really give a shit anymore.
Except Gretzky. I’ve never heard anyone say he was anything but a sweetheart off the ice.
“Why Don’t Women Get Comebacks Like Tiger Woods?”
Because they get multiple orgasms. #fairness
Yeah, talk about unfair!
Then again, if most dude’s bodies would respond like my athlete ex-wife, they really would never leave the house…..
/humble brag
yeah, I’ve told the story on here once before. It is a pretty ugly story involving the loss of a baby and multiple miscarriages. But she was a Ferrari, not a Yugo. And I doubt I’ve ever reached a 2 on the “that was awesome” scale if her best reaction was a 10. I kind of doubt my best ever gets past a 5 vs the average reaction of most women that I’ve been with.
back in the sixties and seventies there was a lot of talk about women being frigid and the myth of the female orgasm. I have no idea what those guys were talking about.
Monica Seles
Lindsay Vonn
Tina Fucking Turner.
Austria draft law would require real names for internet comments
“Why are threre a hundred million people named ‘Johan Schmit’?”
No problem.
Last: Meehoff
First: Jack
Address: 7801 Audubon Rd, Chanhassen, MN 55317
You could go through the entire Moe’s prank call list: I.P. Frehly, Amanda Huggenkiss, Moe Rahn, etc
Mike Hockenbals was always a favourite of mine as a young man, it would have worked well in The Simpsons too. “Hey, can you see if can find Mike Hockenbals?”
“only affect sites with more than 100,000 registered users”
For now, Pat, for now. And of course government would absolutely not use shady bots to create enough fake users to push sites over that limit.
“or receive press subsidies larger than €50,000”
Ah, I see a bigger problem.
Is that how they solved the bathroom stall slander back in the day? Suzy didn’t want to have a good time I discovered.
You know who else was Austrian and may have changed their name?
Johann “Hans” Hölzel?
God Bless You
Otto von Habsburg?
Action Man?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt?
I think Heywood Jablomey is about to become a popular new Austrian name.
“Lower Wacker shooting scene”
I just had a momentary impulse to ask politicians TheHardQuestions and upload it to YouTube, but it passed.
You mean the Susan Piven ones?
Thanks, but I was honestly clueless. I searched the web for “the hard questions” and the results all seemed to be relationship-oriented.
Also, Piver, not Piven. Dammit.
Indeed. Highly worth clicking through.
Assumes 1) they’d realize that and 2) they’d care about being hypocrites.
I think Hilary is going to wait until the last minute to announce giving it maximum theatrical ‘saviour’ effect.
Ugh. This wasn’t meant for this part of the thread.
Has anyone seen Gilmore?
“I’m running because we have to beat Donald Trump,” he said.
Straight/white/male doesn’t play well for the Democrats right now.
He also has advocated stricter gun laws, saying military-style weapons should not be owned by civilians.
A musket is a military weapon. Is he saying he doesn’t think I should be able to have a musket?
I’m pretty sure he’s saying you shouldn’t own any weapon, or any object that might be used as one.
So you’ll be pretty miserable.
Dang, I have to give up my KA-BAR and early 1900s rifle officers sword, too.
“I’m running because we have to beat Donald Trump,”
This man is clearly delusional enough to be president. Imagine being this guy. Not only do you feel strongly about it, you also think you are the guy to do it more than any if those nationally recognized names.
Well, he said, apparently, “military style”, so presumably
hot pink machine guns are ok.
Not in the “Don’t ask, don’t sell” era.
Any weapon that might make resistance possible.
Welcome to the Democrat primary contest. Please take a number and wait in line at the next counter over to receive your campaign slogans.
Hmm we’ll have to dust off an old one:
“In your Guts, you know he’s nuts”
I wonder if anyone remotely friendly to the economy and/or to the 2nd Amendment will jump in? 0/20 so far.
Uffda. Ilhan Omar said something I agree with.
I don’t agree with her reason for reasoning, but welcome aboard?
“Cannabis criminalization disproportionately impacts communities of color,” wrote Omar on Twitter Saturday morning.
You could counter this imbalance by imprisoning more white people (communities of colorlessness?) and it would have the same desired effect. Progressive logic is great because it is always right no matter what conclusion is arrived at.
“…disproportionately impacts communities of color.”
Now do sales taxes!
Or gun control.
Or the Lottery!
Even a stopped clock, etc. etc.
20 years from now when weed is legal and there is no more crime in the black community, can we use the same excuse to legalize meth and fentanyl because their criminalization disproportionately impacts poor white trash?
You make me laugh. Go to gulag.
Yeah, that’s a pretty excellent own.
I’d bet her definition of legalize is different than yours too. I’d bet she’d like to legalize it so she can tax and regulate it.
Yeah. Pot will be “legal”, but still a disqualifier on the 4473.
My big fear is that the Democrats will try to own this as an issue in 2020 and that the Republicans will follow their worst instincts and go full law-n-order socon.
OTOH, I could see Trump coming out in favor of decrim/legalization, or preemptively rescheduling marijuana, which would pull the rug out from under the Democrats.
I think he has already said he was amenable to that. Unfoortunately his AGs awas/re both hard core anti-drug dicks.
But the fact that he has demonstrated willingness to change out AGs is also hopeful.
The machine that makes a living keeping this shit illegal is not going to be very happy with Trump, but I sure as hell hope he gets this done.
-1odor of marijuana
Don’t count on it. Even the more genial corners of conservatism are ramping up a backlash.
Cannabis criminalization disproportionately impacts communities of color
Fuck her is this is her reasoning.
I know some of you guys have posted links to Bella Thorne before.
The only reason I am posting is because I know Mod Sun’s mom. Used to work with her years ago and I just found out this weekend that that was her kid.
Looks like they both fell into my tackle box…
Abigail Disney Calls Bob Iger’s $65 Million Compensation ‘Insane’
Let me very clear. I like Bob Iger. I do NOT speak for my family but only for myself. Other than owning shares (not that many) I have no more say in what happens there than anyone else. But by any objective measure a pay ratio over a thousand is insane,”
Says the woman with a net worth of $500 million which I’d bet mostly came from the same company.
Assuming she’s a shareholder, she has every right to bitch about what she perceives as over compensation. There is this incestuous relationships between Sr. Management and BODs at a lot of large companies that takes advantage if the fact that the compensation packages while large, is still a very small percentage of earnings and is spread out among a large number of shareholders kind of like government programs. I don’t know if he’s worth $65,000,000 or not but it’s high enough to be questioned by shareholders.
But by any objective measure a pay ratio over a thousand is insane
Except of course the measure of corporate responsibility. If the boss is responsible for the entire company, and the average employee is only responsible for 1/1,000th of the company, then it would make sense for the boss to earn 1,000x as much as the average. This would be highly likely at a very large corporation.
No, Men Don’t Need Cuddle Parties To ‘Fix’ Their Masculinity
Not even sure what I did, but at least the text and link still work.
You never closed the link tag, I’m guessing
“Don’t even get me started on the shit you will get for cuddle parties”
– M. Jackson
I would suspect cuddle parties would actually seriously undermine my masculinity… Especially when other guys found out about it and started making fun of me for doing it…
“Enter the male-only cuddle party…”
Yeah, bears been doing that shit for years. There is always a big cuddle pile at certain types of events.
I am sure the fun doesn’t stop there however Tonio…
Don’t be too sure, Al. Last time I went to one of those parties the cuddle pile was in the front parlor and it was understood that it was a cuddle pile (ie, partially clothed making-out where nothing came out of or went into anyone’s pants) and that IF (not when) you wanted to do something else you went elsewhere in the house with one or more buddies.
Pro-Tip: Don’t assume.
Knowing what is allowed and what isn’t is key to avoiding problematic situations. More power to people that have guidance of dos and don’ts.
“Those aren’t pillows!”
Sometimes stereotypes are rooted in truth. There’s the old one about a man marrying a woman hoping she doesn’t change, and women marrying a man hoping she can change him. Maybe this “toxic masculinity” thing is that stereotype blown completely out of proportion.
“Sometimes stereotypes are rooted in truth. There’s the old one about a man marrying a woman hoping she doesn’t change, and women marrying a man hoping she can change him. ”
I am pretty certain women are expecting to change the guy, not hoping they can… That seems to be the root of a lot of marital problems.
“Expecting” is a better word choice here.
A masochist and a sadist get married, thinking its the best of worlds for each.
On their wedding night the masochist says, “Beat me”
The sadist replies, “No”
FEE always has some interesting stuff:
When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State: From Jesus Christ to Julian Assange
The guy gets a little overwrought at times, but it’s a good read.
Meanwhile salon finds calling Assange and other dissidents journalists problematic. Because, you know, it might cause the government to get stricter rules on the press. So we should be careful who we give freedom of the press to.
After Salon and other blogs years fighting the perception they weren’t journalists because they weren’t making paper editions.
Because, you know, it might cause the government to get stricter rules on the press. So we should be careful who we give freedom of the press to.
Sounds like the same logic behind the “we have to exclude people in order to be inclusive” stuff.
‘Instead of being celebrated for their contribution to the local culture and global reputation of the UK, these self-employed professionals are being pursued for National Insurance contributions, including paying for employers’ secondary contributions,’ she added.
I thought everyone needed to pay their “fair share”.
‘Instead of being celebrated for their contribution to the local culture and global reputation of the UK, these self-employed professionals are being pursued for National Insurance contributions, including paying for employers’ secondary contributions,’ she added.
I thought everyone needed to pay their “fair share”.
I also thought squirrel comments did not happen here.
They don’t, you just suck.
Squirrel comments? You’re nuts!
(maybe the squirrels are homeless after TOS pulled HyR?)
Wow. So H&R is just gone-gone?
In 2017, a judge had ruled against Big Bad Wolff after a tribunal hearing and the company recently lost an appeal.
Two appeal judges, Mr Justice Henry Carr and Judge Jonathan Richards, dismissed Big Bad Wolff’s appeal in a written ruling published following an appeal tribunal hearing in London in March.
If 5% should seem to small
be thankful I don’t take it all
The Kinks, FTW!
Beatles, right? Sunny afternoon doesn’t have that line, does it?
Yes. Someone linked it above.
The tax man’s taken all my dough And left me in my stately home Lazing on a sunny afternoon And I can’t sail my yacht He’s taken everything I got All I’ve got’s this sunny afternoon
Clearly not paying his fair share, if he has a sunny afternoon to lay around…
Your snark is from the right side of the pond, but I’m not inclined to give the actor’s guild a pass on this one.
They are complaining because the government has outed their illegal tax-avoidance scheme (they basically seem to be forming a shell corp to do the work and then subcontracting themselves out to the shell corp. The studio then pays for services, so they don’t pay payroll taxes – particularly the national health insurance tax in this case. the shell corp is then liable for paying the actor and the actors taxes – which is doesn’t do).
Since actors and their unions are such big supporters of collectivist things like nationalized health care, I’m not gonna let them slide on actually paying for the things they so loudly and publicly support other people paying for.
But healthcare is free in the U.K.
Tne DNC is clown town.
Honk, honk.
What the heck was that?!?!
I dunno, but I kind of like it.
It’s the latest incarnation of the Pepe meme.
So apparently some dumbfuck state senator in Washington said something stupid about hospital nurses “playing cards all day.” And now my facebook is lit up with angry harpies doxing the politician and telling people to send her a deck of playing cards in protest.
The mean-spiritedness and vindictiveness of these people is incredible. Sure, politicians say dumb things all the time. And unless you live in the State of Washington that politician can’t say or do anything which has any effect on you. But the retailers, distributors and manufacturer’s of playing cards approve (I wonder if the nurses came up with that idea on their own, or were expertly pwned). The taxpayers of Washington not so much as every package has to be processed by someone on their payroll.
It also sets the nurses up for an epic pwning if the legislator decides to donate the decks of cards…to hospitals.
She fitting the self important, I-Work-Harder-Than-You stereotypes.
Though, unless Washington has a part time legislature, glass houses and what not.
They are* not she
Nurses are one of the “must never criticize” professions along with teachers. While I have known competent, hard working, intelligent nurses and teachers it hasn’t been anything close to a majority of the profession.
So, the FBI is cracking down on the citizen border patrols. Apparently they’ve helped the Border Patrol detain some 5,500 illegal immigrants. But they are being arrested.
The question is: Are you not allowed to detain someone found in the process of committing a crime? The New Mexico AG says they don’t need vigilantes in their state, only trained LEO should be doing border enforcement.
But that doesn’t make any sense from a legal theory perspective – the state derives its police powers from the individual rights of its citizens – namely your right to self defense.
If this is really where we are, then I’m a criminal. I just posted about breaking up a fight (in response to the article on TOS about the Broward County deputy slamming a 14 year old kid’s face into the pavement), and I have previously posted about apprehending a bike thief and holding him until police arrived.
So next time am I supposed to just let a bunch of teenagers go at it until someone gets seriously injured and leave it for the police to levy charges later, if they feel like it? Am I supposed to just let the guy’s bike get stolen and let the police offer to allow him to file a report for insurance purposes?
What the heck are we doing? That sounds like an amoral view of society.
This is the article in question, for those who are confused by my rant
I’m at a loss to understand how Americans view and handle this illegal immigration problem. It’s perplexing. Some take it very seriously others are flippant about it others deny it exists….and the government seems completely disjointed and paralyzed about what needs to be done.
I bet you border agents appreciate a hand because I’m guessing they’re over worked and short staffed?
Not if they are getting shown up or losing overtime money.
Alex gets it.
Coming from a boi whose family came a little after the Cuban Revolution, I understand the plight a number of the illegal immigrants have, but even my refugee grandparents had to go through a lot of ropes, paperwork, and sponsorship stuff to be able to immigrate here. Honestly at this point, I just feel bad for all the people who are legal and stuck in that hell of trying to get in.
Yeah, we have things ass-backward. Really, really low quotas for legal immigration and huge volumes of illegals.
Dumb as a box of rocks, we are….
I think the quotas are the single stupidest part of it. Immigration is driven by differences in opportunity available between countries. When Ireland offered no opportunity and America was booming we got a lot of Irish. Quotas disrupt that natural dynamic.
It’s almost like the system is designed to fail or something….
My last job had an office stuffed full of smart developers from Mexico, Spain, Italy, Germany, Philippines and India. It was painful listening to them talk about how hard it was for them to get a green card.
Most of them were far more leftist than I was, but none of them had much love for illegals.
Yeah, there’s lots of hostility in the computer industry toward H1-b programs, but I’ve had great experiences with the ones that I’ve hired. I just flat cannot understand why our national policy would be to prioritize people who can walk here and sneak across the border over people with high intellect and skills.
Yet we’ve continually ratcheted that program down (relative to demand).
I get that it hurts your prospects if you are a below-average programmer. But the nation as a whole is much better off.
Also ironic – those super-left Silicon Valley workplaces where they would gladly march in solidarity with illegals is also really hostile to H1-B workers being brought in.
Ok, not ironic. Just obvious when you follow the money.
Being required to train your replacement while being laid off for the cheaper import model does engender some resentment.
So? Learn to co…
Never mind.
That and the BS H1B required job posting with ridiculous requirements clearly tailored for a specific candidate in mind.
Those people are critical to several industries.
As the H1B in the cube next to me says, its because India sided with Russia in the cold war.
He’s wrong.
That knowledge would have required your average engineer to not have slept through his gen eds.
Cuba is on the short list of countries from which the US should be accepting refugees, along with Canada and Mexico. We should not be taking in refugees from the far side of the planet. We also should not accept anyone who shows bad faith by trying to sneak in first.
That’s fascinating, Raphael. Sounds like someone needs to write an article for Glibs.
I’ll consider writing one up on their story. And actually, a couple days ago I was looking into the circumstances and causes of my grandfather being arrested and detained by the Dirección de Inteligencia aka G2.
[claps Rafe on shoulder, leads him aside] See, kid, it’s like this. You get access to the Glib staff lounge. All those donations people make? Sure, some goes for server time but most of it goes for Glenlivet and Courvoisier, etc. You might even get to meet Sug, just don’t go approaching him like no fanboy or nothing. Dig?
You might even get to meet Sug, just don’t go approaching him
like no fanboy or nothingbecause it’s not clear that whatever it is that makes him so fucked up is not communicable.It also sets the nurses up for an epic pwning if the legislator decides to donate the decks of cards…to hospitals.
Hospitals and firehouses.
Re: The Clown Car
This is how you get a really off the wall candidate. Split the vote so many times that some wacko with 9% of the votes wins.
True… but don’t worry. The DNC establishment will pick their preferred Trump Killer by next spring and they’ll rig things so that the “right” person has it all sewn up before the second half of primary season starts, just like they always do.
I’m really not sure which one that will be. None of them seem super-cozy with the DNC power structure like Hillary was, and none of them is the fundraising juggernaut like the Clintons. Unless someone is anointed quickly, they might have a hard time finding a horse to back. They all seem to have serious downsides with one portion of the base or the other.
It will be interesting. Obama has built his machine to be pretty formidable over the last decade. It is no Clinton juggernaut, but he house-cleaning at the DNC in the wake of the Podesta hack probably put a bunch of his people in place.
That would auger well for Harris or Booker, who I think are closest to the Obama machine (Biden notwithstanding – and Pochahantas is out in the wilderness with Bernie). Buttigeig is pulling an Obama by trying to be a Rorschach test and spewing platitudes that are hard to pin down. So does Beto. So they are kind of his political progeny, even if they are not members of the team.
Obama says he’s staying out of it and will just offer advise and counseling – which means he’s in the game to get his candidate nominated. You know Clinton isn’t going to give up the levers of power… they have billions on the line.
I’m not sure which of these is closest to Clinton. They all have pretty close ties to the Clinton machine… you don’t succeed in today’s DNC without that.
I think Hilary is going to wait until the last minute to announce giving it maximum theatrical ‘saviour’ effect.
She just HAD to run to fight evil orange man and the Roosians? And here is another dossier with unverifiable or made up shit about everyone in Trump’s circle being into piss-hookers and donkey porn with midgets that proves the country needs her?
It’s gonna be Kamala, I’ll bet, and I think it’s because, like you say, she’s tied into the Obama people. She ticks all the diversity checkboxes that matter, frankly–no LGBTQ president yet, I’m afraid–and she’s a good soldier for the Party. Plus, I’ll come out right now and say that as soon as someone brings up Willie Brown the media will shout, “Misogynist! You can’t stand women with power!” They’ll turn the Willie Brown affair into some bizarre feminist power narrative, just wait.
Sorta like how Bill’s sexual escapade with Monica has been spun into ‘just a blow job’.
I had someone tell me this with a straight face. ‘That was just a blow job…..but Trump! NOW that’s evil!
The whole thing came out of his perjured testimony in a civil trial stemming from a rape claim by someone not named Lewinsky, too.
This is true, but it says more about the Dem electorate than the candidates. The fringe SJW lefties claim the moral high ground, and are utterly uncompromising in their morality, which they revise on a monthly basis. Centrists are as unacceptable to them as Far lefties are to “business Democrats” aka, relatively sane left-of-centrists.
Ultimately, I think the growing power of the ultra-far left will cause continued fracturing, meaning anyone not drinking the Kool-Aid will either
1) suck it up and vote for the “consensus” candidate on the grounds that Orange is the new Evil
2) get red pilled and vote R …or
3) vote for some fringe candidate with no chance in hell
Meanwhile, I need to go to the bookies to place my bet for Trump in 2020. As someone said above, barring a major economic problem, he’s got it locked.
Speaking of which, at my online bookie of choice, they like Biden or Sanders for the nomination but I think Harris is closing in. Trump’s the favorite to win by…not quite a landslide, but let’s just say you should get your money in now while you’re still getting some value.
Xbet already has Harris in the lead, with Buttigieg, Sanders and Biden not far behind. Considering the current state of the Dems, I think you’re right to focus on Harris. (They also have Al Franken as a 300-1 shot).
Trump has an o/u line there of -600. Betfair was slightly better, basically 1-5 odds.
Oops. Trump @ -300 in the general.
Yeah, so far it’s looked like they’re doing a good job with their struggle session (ideological purges). It’s a pretty wacky clown car over there.
Cannibalism is never a pretty thing, but it can at least be funny.
Actually, split that way, the superdelegates will end up making the choice.
Anyone else having the reply buttons redirect to the comment box at the bottom of the page (at least on Chrome)?
Yes. The recommended solution is to clear your cookies/cache and restart.
Apparently related to a WordPress update.
That solution works, BTW.
Fixed. Thank you!
Was getting it in Firefox.
I was getting it on Opera too, but like y’all good people said, clearing the cache/cookies did the trick.
I think things will get ugly on Sri Lanka. I was there for 6 months in ’86 during their civil war. That war ended when the military decided to kill every last member of the Tamil Tigers.
Now the Muslims want in on that? It isn’t the UK or US where people will accept scoldings for Islamophobia and import more Muslims. The military and civilian mobs will literally go burn down Muslim villages and kill all the men if they think that’s where the terrorists came from. Muslims are a pretty small ethnic / religious minority there and tribalism is alive and well.
These are people who fought a civil war for 33 years. THIRTY-THREE YEARS! They are not shy about killing.
In long civil war news, I see some IRA splinter group of a splinter group is active.
The super-duper really real Genuine IRA
The Sri Lankan government does not fuck around. I don’t know what group is responsible for those attacks, but that was a serious, serious miscalculation. IIRC there was some international outcry at the methods being used to eliminate the Tigers, and the Sri Lankan official response was something along the lines of “DGAF, kthxbai”.
The SL government is blaming some obscure Muslim group but no one’s made any claims as yet. Serious question: is that the norm? Don’t most of these groups claim responsibility almost immediately?
I don’t seriously doubt the Islamic terror narrative but, for example, the Spanish government got the Madrid bombings badly wrong at first.
The whole thing is weird. Christians are pretty lite on the ground in Sri Lanka. Probably rules out any remaining Tamil Tigers whose grudge was with the Sinhalese Buddhists. I assume the hotel attacks is supposed to wreck their recovering tourist industry.
The Tigers were all about attacking public transit (fuckers loved blowing up bus stations) and government officials & structures (they nailed the president, defence minister & navy commander and took a chunk out of armed forces HQ during my four years there.)
Christians & foreigners? That’s the jihadi MO.
So if I read correctly, we don’t have to read links on Monday morning and can post whatever we want?
Sounds good to me.
Why the “on Monday morning” qualifier?
Because it pisses Swiss off more than anyone else.
“Does Microsoft have any plans to end the current policy that financially incentivizes discriminatory hiring practices? To be clear, I am referring to the fact that senior leadership is awarded more money if they discriminate against Asians and white men,” read the original post by the Microsoft program manager on Yammer, a corporate messaging platform owned by Microsoft. The employee commented consistently throughout the thread, making similar arguments. Quartz reviewed lengthy sections of the internal discussion provided by Microsoft employees.
“I have an ever-increasing file of white male Microsoft employees who have faced outright and overt discrimination because they had the misfortune of being born both white and male. This is unacceptable,” the program manager wrote in a comment later. The Microsoft employees who spoke to Quartz said they weren’t aware of any action by the company in response, despite the comments being reported to Microsoft’s human resources department.
Fighting back against the real and stupid abuse.
Yeah, good luck with that.
My brother was slated to be President of his local Bar association. But they decided they needed “diversity”. So they recruited a noob out of law school who had the right chromosomes and pigmentation. Never been to a single Bar meeting before, and they named her President at her first meeting. He quit after having put in 15 years of work in the local chapter. Hasn’t looked back…
When the people that do the actual work start quitting and these entities are left manned by the inept and unqualified, the problem will fix itself, I believe,
“despite the comments being reported to Microsoft’s human resources department.”
Corporate America has conditioned people to be used to the Gestapo
I suspect there will be consequences. HR will not tolerate their power and ability to get paid for doing nothing to end up threatened.
It’s important to share your hobbies with your spouse.
If it’s music you want
Who is surprised that the only ‘green” that the people peddling green energy really are after is dollars?
One of my favorite college courses was “A History of Organized Crime in America”. One thing we learned was, without exception, where there is money there is crime. It’s naive to think that pumping billions of dollars into green energy is not going to attract a lot of scam artists.
If government is involved in the money transfer, you can be assured their role will be providing the veneer of legitimacy to something that otherwise would be criminal. See green energy support .
Re: The Clown Car
This is how you get a really off the wall candidate. Split the vote so many times that some wacko with 9% of the votes wins.
Some of them openly yearn for a return to the smoke filled room.
“Here’s your candidate. Now, get out there and vote for it.”
‘Walmart of liquor’ fighting for store in Westchester County
Wherein NYS may at long last get a chance to justify to the public its policy of gouging the everloving fuck out of drinkers.
The only thing wrong with my local Total Wine is their location. They built in a big development that was designed by “urban planners” who would never, ever have to drive their. Traffic is a nightmare. It is difficult as a local to navigate in/out of the area. It is made significantly worse by people who don’t come there often clogging up the system as they try to figure out what to do.
I also have a minor quibble with some of the people working the register being sub-optimal. Not all of them but enough that management should do something about it.
But their prices and selection make up for all of it.
Should also point out that Total Wines has been fought tooth and nail by other liquor stores and municipal liquor stores everywhere they’ve set up shop in Minnesoda.
Read the horror of a local muni having to compete for customers!
At least we don’t have state-run stores. If we did there’s no chance in hell they’d let anyone else in on that action.
But where will I buy my Victory GIn?
So, this is very rare in practice, as I understand it, especially the “jack up the prices” bit which can only happen in a true monopoly, generally-speaking, which itself can only exist for any significant duration in the presence of government regulation. What’s usually happening is that a company has found a way to reduce their costs, which means they can sell at a lower price than their competition, or they’re “loss leading” to get customers into the store for something else, which I doubt is Total Wine’s strategy.
See, let’s say Total Wine is trying to drive competitors out of the market by temporarily operating at a loss. They drop their prices. Everybody else in the market has to either a.) drop their prices, too, or b.) offer some value that entices customers away from Total Wine, or of course c.) get out of the market. Companies that reduce their prices or increase value will reduce the advantage Total Wine created by dropping prices, while companies that fold will send more customers to Total Wine. But remember that Total Wine–according to the scheme, at least–is selling at a loss. That means that the more customers it gains, the higher its losses. So, in essence, the more successful it is in pulling customers away, the more money it’s losing, reducing the amount of time it can continue the “strategy”.
What’s really happening here is that Total Wine has, like Wal-Mart, found a retail liquor model that allows them to sell at lower prices than other companies. IOW, they’re better at what they’re doing than their competitors. And just like Wal-Mart, there are plenty of strategies that competitors can pursue to remain in the market–Target springs to mind, as does Old Navy.
Total Wine is a ~10 minute drive from the house. I could walk to two different grocers in about five minute. (Or drive in under a minute, like a sane person.) Total Wine can compete on price and selection, but it’s not competing on location, and it’s certainly not competing on grocery selection. It might drive down sales for Whole Foods, just like Whole Food does to Smith’s and vice-versa, but it’s not driving either store out of business. They’d go bankrupt if they tried lowering prices sufficiently to soak up every penny of convenience that local grocers offer. And they still wouldn’t prevent Smith’s from stocking liquor at a cost-effective price. It’s such a dumb strategy to imagine a company undertakes.
In NY, liquor is only sold in liquor stores. Total Wine’s only competition would the mom-n-pop pseudo-monopoly prescribed by the state. And the fact that Total Wine already opened one on Long Island would seem to indicate that the state has already caved on its existing law that requires the store owner to live within (I think) a 1.5 mile radius.
It’s over. Cheap booze FTW.
They put other stores out of business by lowering their prices, and when [the smaller stores] go out of business they jack up their prices…
What a steaming load. There is simply no way to get that kind of market dominance in the liquor biz. Way too many businesses sell liquor, often as a minor part of their overall business or as a loss leader, even, to get traffic in the stores. I use Total Wine, but their biggest strength is wine, which I don’t buy. They are hard to beat for commodity booze, and have a good selection of top-shelf, but honestly when I am looking for real top-shelf Scotch, bourbon or tequlia, there are a couple of other places I check.
Pure fictional hysteria by rent-seeking licensed retailers looking to block a competitor.
The way Total Wines wins is by having its own private label wines. Their profit margins are way higher on brands that it owns. You may love the low prices on national brands, but they do a good job of convincing people to buy their store brand wines and make their money there.
In Minnesoda, local govt hacks have exploited a state law to sell the same Total WInes brands.
Minnesota should simply get out of the liquor store business, but it is too lucrative for local cities.
“Stay classy, MSNBC. Maybe wait until he is at brunch, then shove your way over to his table.“
The didn’t light up enough of those Mueller votive candles I guess.
Dispatch from the Unintended Consequences desk
New York City’s complicated building regulations are meant to produce predictable developments. Height requirements are imposed in most of the city, though parts of Manhattan are exempt. Every block is also effectively assigned a maximum square footage, which can be spread across smaller buildings on a block or condensed in larger developments.
Savvy, well-heeled and patient developers have worked that system to their benefit. A developer seeking to build a supertall tower might start with one lot on a block and then buy unused square footage from its neighbors.
With advancements in engineering and construction, that developer can take the accumulated square footage and concentrate it in a skinny mega-tower. Floors of mechanical space, exempt from the square footage calculations, make the tower even taller.
“There is no question that they have become this lightning rod because they are not just luxury housing but uber-luxury housing,” said Elizabeth Goldstein, president of the Municipal Art Society, a nonprofit group that seeks to preserve the city’s architecture and urban design. She said they were unaffordable not only for the 99 percent but also for most of the 1 percent.
In New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the proposed rules would “stop luxury developers from gaming the system.”
“Artificially tall mechanical spaces that serve no purpose but to boost views of top-floor apartments violate the spirit of our zoning regulations,” Mr. de Blasio said in a statement.
Those rat bastard developers read the rulebook, found some incredibly expensive workarounds (the kind only billionaires can pay for) and now people like deBlasio are crying “FOUL!”. The lack of affordable housing remains a mystery.
“New York City’s complicated building regulations are meant to produce predictable developments.,/em>”
I had me a massive laugh at this shit and these people’s lack of awareness of how the real world works….
Yep. The results are rather predictable.
I don’t know, Alex. I think many of the developments that result from the NYC building code are totally predictable.
Ah, crap, invisible finger beat me to it.
Yup. Complicated regulations cannot produce predictable outcomes. Simple regs can, but by definition the more complicated something is, the more variables it puts in play, and the less predictable the outcomes are.
nonprofit group that seeks to preserve the city’s architecture and urban design. She said they were unaffordable not only for the 99 percent but also for most of the 1 percent.
Physician heal thyself.
They pretend to rant against the tippy-tops but secretly they know that all that uber-luxury housing – which is the only thing worth building in the regulatory environment they’ve set up – is what’s keeping the city afloat.
For you animal lovers. Cherry talks about Tortorella saving a couple of horses:
It’s great. For those who don’t want to wait:
What dhouls I make of this?
““Creating Black community is beautiful, but always threatening to institutions of power,” one student organizer told the Record. “But it always gets created because it’s necessary. Black community helps us survive predatory violence.””
Yeah, sure.
Black community helps us survive predatory violence
But I thought most violence against blacks was coming from inside the community.
Apparently it’s from preppy $60K/year schools across the Vermont border.
I’m not sure that’s how it works.
I wish someone would explain to me what the grievance was about. The guy was all over the place. I love me some colorful language but this was like a word salad using the occasional cursing.
That darn Constitution
“Mark believes that by updating the rules for the internet, we can preserve what’s best about it — the freedom for people to express themselves and entrepreneurs to build new things,” one Facebook lobbyist wrote in an email widely distributed to conservative groups. The lobbyists’ actions were described by two people who encountered the outreach and shared the emails with The New York Times but would speak only on the condition of anonymity.
Mr. Zuckerberg’s call for action, and his lobbyists’ response, encapsulate why the United States is on an island of its own when it comes to managing violent and racist speech online.
Britain, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and India have adopted or are considering laws that require stricter content moderation by tech platforms. But none of them need to work around free speech protections like the First Amendment in the United States.
“For the first time, I’m seeing the left and right agree that something has gotten out of control, and there is a lot of consensus on the harms created by fake news, terrorist content and election interference,” said Nicole Wong, deputy chief technology officer for the Obama administration.
We all know what a Paradise on Earth we could be living in, right now, if not for the outmoded restrictions imposed by the Constitution.
Who will rid us of that pesky fucking piece of paper?
For the first time, I’m seeing the left and right agree that something has gotten out of control
First time? The Establishment has always been about protecting themselves and their kabuki hostility between sides. They feel threatened and are lashing out now.
If you don’t like it, move to some paradise with no free speech.
“For the first time, I’m seeing the left and right agree that something has gotten out of control, and there is a lot of consensus on the harms created by fake news, terrorist content and election interference,”
The left and right might agree there is a problem, but I’d bet there’s a big difference in their definitions of fake news, terrorist content, and election interference.
I find ballot harvesting, multiple votes by single voters, voting by dead people and noncitizens and misuse of courts to be election interference.
Some progs I know find buying a few thousand dollars in facebook ads no one ever saw to be election interference.
Peddled towards the people that make the wrong choices and end up having to work as baristas is my guess.
I am opposed to forgiving student debt. Make people face the consequences of their decisions.
I am also opposed to not getting anything from it, since I paid off my debt.
Let the lawsuits begin! Just like the silly admissions ‘scandal’, such a thing would cause a massive uproar among those who played by the rules.
There has been a tendency for as long as I can remember that, especially when you have politicians catering to special interests, the people that do the right thing are not just told thank you for doing the right thing stupid, but excoriated if they complain.
I am opposed to forgiving student debt.
Same here, although in my case its as much because there is never any forgiveness of debt. There is merely a transfer of the liability from one party to another. In this case, the debt would be transferred to the government, which means my revenue will be taxed or my assets devalued to pay for it.
Fuck. That.
She can’t be this pig-ignorant.
I believe she is playing three-card monte here. She is lowering costs to people who now hold that debt, but is shifting those costs to everybody (else) by adding them to the overall federal debt, which will be taxed and inflated away.
Of course, it does absolutely zero to lower current and future costs.
Yeah, it makes them rise even faster.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) is proposing using taxpayer money to wipe out hundreds of billions of dollars in student-loan debt as a way to control rising college costs.
The proposal, which the Democratic presidential candidate would pay for by increasing taxes on high-wealth households, steers the bulk of debt relief toward people whom Ms. Warren views as least likely to be able to repay their loans.
In other words, the people who got useless degrees. If anyone’s student loans should be forgiven it should be mine* as I have been paying on them consistently since college, am a net taxpayer and productive member of society.
*That said, I am against this in principle. You borrow taxpayer money, you pay it back**.
**Also, I’m against the federal student loan program for a variety of reasons.
I assume it is, or soon will be, a widely disseminated talking point, but I had a good laugh yesterday when the nodders on Meet the Press all started ooh-ing and ahh-ing about how well written and erudite the Mueller report is.
It’s a goddam masterpiece of literature.
It was long-winded drama about all sorts of nefarious activities, rivaling spy novels, that run on for pages, then conclude with a single sentence saying there was nothing to substantiate the long-winded team blue circle jerk propaganda. The real criminal stuff, what the FBI and other agencies did at behest of the Clinton campaign under guidance of the Obama admin, however, is never mentioned.
From Alex’s link:
A recent Williams College student government meeting was disrupted by several black-activist students who yelled at the group for what they said they perceived as a lack of respect from their white peers, with one student saying “to be here is like sucking white d*** every f***ing day.”
“See when black people try to create space on this campus … it’s always a f***ing problem,” a black male student told the College Council on April 9 in a rant that was live streamed on Facebook from the student government’s Facebook page.
If there were only a simple and effective solution to this horrible oppression.
“to be here is like sucking white d*** every f***ing day.”
So you’re saying that you don’t like vanilla?
Well, would you suck a white dick?
I am not passing judgment on people that like to suck dick, but as a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, I am not doing that. Ever. I don’t think there is enough money to make me want to. But if you tell me to eat pussy, as long as the thing is passably clean (may smell like fish, but tastes like chicken) I am game.
“so steel yourself for that”
If libertarians believe in self-ownership, how could I steal myself?
Develop multiple personalities.
Sit on your right hand until it goes numb and then use it to jack off.
Samsung reportedly delaying launch of Galaxy Fold following display issues
Not surprised why was Samsung was planning on releasing the phone in its current design? The flaw was glaringly obvious. Not sure how they didn’t catch it.
Okay, why do you keep using these “amp project” links?
That’s what my newsfeed defaults to via mobile. It’s Google’s thing, to speed up mobile browsing.
Ah. It loads poorly on my work computer, and I end up sifting out the original URL from the address to load that and see what the articles say.
I’ll make sure to post desktop friendly for future posts.
I can cope, and I’m not sure if it afflicts others. I was just wondering where it came from. (If not for the loading issues I’d not have noticed, probably)
Oh, plenty of people caught it. Unfortunately the more powerful voices wanted it released and the next level down was too chickenshit to challenge them.
Not exactly a new phenomenon, right Elon?
Am I right in thinking the problem is (mostly?) people peeling off a layer of the screen?
So many devices ship with a screen protector that is there primarily for protection during transport. From the sound of it, this layer of the screen resembles this common element, and can be peeled off without undue effort. So the design is flawed, and should be revised so people can’t just peel up the outer layer of screen.
Shouldn’t this Pete Buttplug guy have to prove he’s gay? The left is so obsessed with identity politics any white man running as a Democrat is going to say he is gay. So he needs to post a video sucking a big black cock.
What if he just doesn’t like black guys, though?
Not allowed.
Yup. That would be racist, right?
What if his kink is sucking constructed cocks on post-surgical M-to-Fs? Is he still gay, or what?
I’d go with ‘or what’ in that case.
I think you mean FTM, but I make the same typo all the time.
You are correct. I will now don the Cone of Mis-Transgender Shame.
It’s easy to do because Female From Male and Male From Female make more sense as acronyms because they would start with the same letter as the cis-gender abbreviations.
What if he just doesn’t like black guys, though?
He can find a girl cock to suck?
Except that wouldn’t be gay.
I believe he’s already married. Don’t know if the husband is black. Although with a name like Chasten Buttigieg (né Glezman), maybe not.
They just got married for the insurance.
His husband looks just like one non-Jew from The Lonely Island.
Prove me wrong.
Don’t they extend the presumption to Lindsay Graham gratis, often in unflattering terms?
But would that even be enough? They (leftists) hate on Milo and call him a racist even though he has a fetish for black guys and recently married one.
Lefties either use homosexuality as a punchline or quietly ignore lefties who do. They don’t color inside the lines to well.
I see what I’m looking for, everywhere I look.
Today, when we talk about futurism, we’re not usually talking about sculpture, painting, or poetry. Futurists today are scenario builders, people with advanced degrees in strategic foresight, science fiction writers, consultants to businesses. Futurists focus largely on technology, and the field today is inextricably linked to technologists working on everything from artificial intelligence to Crispr. And today’s Futurists almost never link their work to the existence of Marinetti, and the Italian movement that came before them. This is in part because Marinetti was an artist, and the Italian Futurists worked in paint and bronze and clay, rather than future forecasts. And there is no direct link between Marinetti’s group and the strategic foresight consultants working today. But the link is also one that today’s futurists would prefer to avoid in part because of another element of the artists behind the Futurist Manifesto of 1909: Marinetti and his cohort embraced and championed fascism. There are lessons to be learned for today’s technologists and futurists in Marinetti’s manifesto, and it would be foolish to ignore them.
Where the Italian Futurists were hypnotized by cars and planes, today’s technologists are drooling over rocket ships and space travel. Where Marinetti believed that women were too effeminate to bring about the kind of speedy progress he desired, former Google employee James Damore writes about how the gender gap in tech exists because men and women “biologically differ”.
Fascists to the left of me, Nazis to the right. Men, men men. Ruining everything they touch.
“biologically differ”
An obviously ridiculous notion.
“On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.”
“Just like you were never able to say “ISLAM” after the Pulse shooting, you can’t say “CHRISTIANS” after 200 of them lay dead. Easter worshippers? Girl bye.”
Disgusting. I wonder how many people are still not seeing through the DemOp messaging tropes?
I’m not, nor have I ever been, a Christian, so take it as you will, but I find this outrage a bit silly. Not as silly as the annual Starbucks and mall greetings freakout, but silly nonetheless. If anything, one could make the argument that the phrase “Easter worshippers [sic]” highlights the evil of the attack in that it wasn’t merely an attack on Christians, but an attack that occurred during their holiest day. Kind of like how we call it the “Yom Kippur War” and not just the Arab-Israeli War of ’73.
Just my 0.000004 bitcoin.
If anything, one could make the argument that the phrase “Easter worshippers [sic]” highlights the evil of the attack in that it wasn’t merely an attack on Christians, but an attack that occurred during their holiest day.
If it wasn’t part of a pattern of obscuring and diverting from the nature and purposes of Islamist terrorism, on the one hand, and highlighting (even when its not true) the nature of any other kind of terrorist attack as “alt-right” “white supremacy”, I might agree. But, it is, which makes it part of the overall project of denigrating white people and Western culture. But I don’t think you can seriously argue that the use of the anodyne and secularized term “Easter” (not to mention “travellers”) is an attempt to heighten condemnation of the attacks. If that was the purpose why not say “Islamist terrorists killed hundreds of Christians in their churches while they celebrated one of their high holy days”?
As I said, just my perspective. As we are starting with vastly different premises, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. I don’t except the premise that there is some “overall project of denigrating white people and Western culture” outside of the fever-dreams of QAnon conspiracy-theorist social media, nor that the term “Easter” is “anodyne and secularized”. Also, considering that three hotels were also attacked, it is more than acceptable to mention “travelers.” Was every hotel guest a Christian?
The larger point is that it seems to me to be an odd set of priorities to focus one’s outrage on the wording of a few people one doesn’t already like than to be outraged over the killings themselves. For years, we had to put up with the Left cherry-picking words and phrases from political opponents for the purposes of manufactured outrage. Now that the tide has shifted, we see many on the Right indulging in the very same antics they claimed to abhor. The dead deserve better than being used to score political points by either side (prime example being the rush by Jacinda Ardern to stick her dick in the global conversation).
Also, considering that three hotels were also attacked, it is more than acceptable to mention “travelers.”
Fair point.
As was noted elsewhere, there is really no such thing as “Easter worshipers”. Nobody worships Easter. Nobody refers to “Christmas worshipers” or “Ramadan worshipers”. It is a made-up term to divert from the fact that these were religiousl motivated attacks against Christians.
I wouldn’t say that the overall project of denigrating white people and Western European culture is a top-down, organized thing. But I think that it is a pervasive and ongoing activity in certain high-visibility precincts of academia and the media, at a minimum. I see context and patterns, you don’t. One of us is wrong, and I don’t rule out that it could be me.
In a way this is like the choice everyone is being forced to make in American politics, between believing the conspiracy theory that Trump is a Russian asset installed in office by Russian interference in the elections, and the conspiracy theory that the Hillary campaign and the Obama Justice Department and FBI engaged in an illegal campaign of spying, leaking, and ultimately attempting to frame the President to, first, influence the election and second, to overturn it. With the Mueller report out, there is practically no viable middle ground between these two conspiracy theories.
I read that elsewhere too, and I also disagree with that. From the point of view of someone who analyzes language everyday, it’s some pretzel-logic that ignores how the English language works. Yes, taken by itself, the syntactic ambiguity exists in which one can parse the phrase “Easter worshipers” as consisting of a noun+postpositive adjective, thus an “Easter worshiper” is “one who worships Easter”. However, it can just as correctly be parsed as a prepositive attributive adjective+noun, thus an “Easter worshiper” is a “worshiper that is in someway Easter-y” or more accurately in context “a worshiper during the time of Easter”. (And yes, when they get killed, people use the term Ramadan worshipers too. Oh, the fun of corpus linguistics!)
“Easter worshiper” sounds weird because people want it to sound weird. However, in natural speech, Grice’s Maxims (kind of like Dean’s Iron Laws, but boring) suggest that one will give as much information as needed for one’s interlocutor to understand, but not any less or any more. If we accept that they wanted to highlight that the attack occurred on Easter, choosing “Christians attending church on Easter” over “Easter worshipers” when the context needed to understand the later phrase is assumed would violate the Maxims of quantity.
Now, of course, the Gricean maxims are descriptive observations of how people speak and not some sort of natural laws, so you are free to call bullshit on them if you’d like. The crux of the issue for me is do you interpret the phrase charitably even though it comes from someone you loathe or you assume bad faith. And even if you assume bad faith, why does one care about what an ex-President and a non-President have to say about anything? If a dog barks at you during your daily run, do you stop to bark back at it or do you keep on with what you are doing? This moral panic cum outrage culture is not a good look on the Left nor the Right. Again, it seems silly to seek outrage from anything anyone says outside of the Sri Lankan authorities.
Let me amend that, it seems silly to seek outrage. Full stop.
“Easter worshiper” sounds weird because people want it to sound weird.
It sounds weird because it never showed up until a few days ago, not in anything resembling common usage.
If we accept that they wanted to highlight that the attack occurred on Easter, choosing “Christians attending church on Easter” over “Easter worshipers” when the context needed to understand the later phrase is assumed would violate the Maxims of quantity.
“If we accept”. That’s where (perceived) context and patterns come in. I do not give people who have a record of minimizing and diverting Islamic terror attacks, and exaggerating and highlighting wypipo terror attacks, the benefit of that doubt.
And even if you assume bad faith, why does one care about what an ex-President and a non-President have to say about anything?
Its not just them. This is one of those “spontaneous” eruptions of identical messaging that periodically bursts out of an interconnected group of politicians and media outlets.
The thing is a large number of people suddenly using the nonsensical term “Easter worshipers”.
“We should not be surprised that so many today refused to use the term “Christian” in respect to Sri Lanka. This is the insanity of intersectionality at work. It refuses logic & views all situations through faulty definitions of “privilege.””
*chef’s kiss*
Now that’s some-a spicy shadetree psychoanalysis!
Snark all you want, but what she is saying is perfectly true.
“One names the specific victim group targeted & the ideology that inspired attack. The other does not. ”
I wasn’t aware Allie Beth Stuckey was an X-Man with the power of mass telepathy. What is her code name?
I mean, seriously, you can drop twitter links like Q drops titty links all you want, but it just proves two things
a.) People on social media have been socialized to be thin-skinned
b.) You can find an idiot anywhere
So more snark?
“Suspect we’d be hearing a lot more outrage from Trump and co. if the Christians killed in Sri Lanka were white”
“The Christchurch shooting was all about identity – the ideology of the shooter, and the religion of the victims. Suddenly in Sri Lanka there is this mad dash to avoid discussing both the extreme ideology of the perps, and the religious identity of the victims.”
It’s not Easter they worship, dipshit.
I am opposed to forgiving student debt. Make people face the consequences of their decisions.
Far more important is the lesson to be learned by those not yet victimized.
I think a lot of eyes have been opened to the mythology of “higher education at any cost” and the last thing on Earth we should want is for that to be cast aside.
“CNN Ratings Continue To Plummet To All-Year Low”
The spittle-flecked replies are a good source if your tear barrels are running low. These are more your bitter, angry tears, though, not your sweet-n-salty tears.
There is an awful lot of progjection and lack of self-awareness in that thread.
The only thing wrong with my local Total Wine is their location. They built in a big development that was designed by “urban planners” who would never, ever have to drive their. Traffic is a nightmare. It is difficult as a local to navigate in/out of the area. It is made significantly worse by people who don’t come there often clogging up the system as they try to figure out what to do.
There are a bunch of neighborhoods in Bozeman like that. Maze-like cul-de-sacs, no doubt intentionally designed to eliminate the possibility of “shortcuts”. Some say liveable, some say idiotic pain in the ass.
There is a brand new grocery store on the east end of town; a new bigger/better location for a store which has been downtown since forever. That’s nice, but the city planners, in their infinite wisdom (the ones who do their best to refuse to let any business have a sign big enough to be read from a car travelling 30mph) have made it nigh impossible to get into and out of the the place. If the store was going to disrupt the flow of traffic that much, why “allow” it to be put there?
“idiotic pain in the ass”
This is the correct answer.
An interconnected grid is the best design. I know this because this is what happens historically when you have little to know interference and central planning. This grid should probably not be a rectangular grid with right angles at every interesection, unless you are starting a city from scratch on the salt flats. See also, previous sentence.
Grids are typically planned. Unplanned is what gets you the warrens of mazes in Paris or London.
Those are grids, using the term loosely. I specifically meant Paris and London and Rome as my examples.
Used to be planned. More recently it was cul de sacs and limited entry subdivisions. Now it’s traffic calming, multi use, transit idiocy, and such. Grids with through streets would be a blessing.
Tundra and I live in a suburb that used to have a giant gravel pit on the north end. As the gravel was mined, urban planners turned it all into a series of developments that feature giant squares of big box retail. Each has a giant central parking lot and retail around the edges. Which wouldn’t be bad except that there is only two ways in/out of each square. So getting in/out is a nightmare.
Compounding it is the fact that once you do fight your way out of one of these squares, you discover that you have to cross 3 lanes of traffic to get on the ramp to the freeway (because they tied the developments to an old freeway ramp that was built for a few gravel trucks every day).
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) is proposing using taxpayer money to wipe out hundreds of billions of dollars in student-loan debt as a way to control rising college costs.
And she’s the smert one. All up-to-date on economics, and whatnot.
Blatant vote-buying with looted money.
That’s all of them.
Yup. My cousin is a doctor and loves her some Warren. She wants so bad to get out of that debt. She’s smart but has a a blind spot for this. No problem asking everyone else pay for her decision, but she’d be howling if she was required to pay into my booze fund every week from her own check.
She wants so bad to get out of that debt.
But not bad enough to pay it off herself apparently.
And who’d bother trying to pay it down in a timelier manner now that the premise of consequence-free default is on the horizon?
C’mon. She wants the Dr. lifestyle – now!
She is not bright enough to realize that she is considered the demographic that they will fleece to pay not just for that give away, but forall the other give aways? If she was supposed to pay back $300-350K in debt, but she ends up paying between one and 1.5 million dollars (cause these people are offering trillions of dollars in free shit) in new taxes, is she really getting ahead? For a doctor she is not that bright…
She wants so bad to get out of that debt.
Not very bad, since there are debt forgiveness programs right now for doctors who work in rural areas, work for non-profits, etc.
Join the army…
Yep. My best friend is a doc that moved out to the area we live in specifically for that reason.
And how mad will she be when she learns that she will only get a bit of relief? (I think it starts getting clipped when you make over $100K and none above $250K)
Your future is so bright, you better buy shades. Getting to listen to her bitch about the fact that since she makes six figures a year means she has to pay back that money while the English major at Starbucks gets to walk entirely away from their debts.
Lucky dog.
Privilege, checked
Dozens of public housing advocates are protesting outside the gutted Notre Dame in Paris to demand that France’s poorest be remembered after donors pledged $1 billion to rebuild the cathedral and its destroyed roof.
Around 50 people from a French homeless association gathered Monday with placards reading “1 billion in 24 hours.” They chanted slogans directed at Bernard Arnault, the CEO of luxury group LVMH, who last week pledged 200 million euros ($226 million). Some chanted “Notre Dame needs a roof, we need a roof too!”
Apparently, “the homeless” don’t rate.
Called home
A vulture caused a crash that killed two people as they rode a motorcycle in southern Kansas, authorities say.
The Kansas Highway Patrol says the bird came out of a ditch Saturday afternoon and struck 42-year-old Brandon Husband, of Fowler, in the head on a rural road 13 miles northwest of the Barber County town of Medicine Lodge. The motorcycle then went off the road, struck a barbed wire fence and overturned.
The patrol says Husband died at the scene, and his passenger, 43-year-old Jennifer Husband, was pronounced dead at a hospital. Neither was wearing a helmet.
Was the bird okay?
*I’m a baaaaaad person.
I’m tired of waiting. I’m going to kill something.
True story:
They have a road race in Big Bend country every year (how its legal, I have no clue, since its on public roads). We were talking to some locals about it, and they said that one of the highlights in recent years was one of the racers hit a vulture so hard, and was going so fast, that the vulture stayed stuck to their grill until they got to the finish line and stopped.
At which point, the ex-vulture sort of slid off their grill and hit the ground.
I could definitely see both of these incidents happening, since vultures feed on road kill either on or right next to the road.
“Queen Elizabeth II just turned 93 years old. See her banknote evolution.”
She’ll outlive Charles if it’s the last thing she does.
And a grateful country will thank her.
As if it would matter.
Investigative reporting? No time for that, man. No time.
Warren’s plan would scale back relief for people with incomes above $100,000 and would end entirely at the $250,000 level. She said her proposal would benefit 95% of the 45 million Americans carrying student debt and wipe it out for 75% of them. Those steps, she argued, that would stimulate the economy by improving credit scores, increasing homebuying and easing small-business formation.
At the same time, it would cut off federal money from for-profit colleges, which she says “enrich themselves while targeting lower-income students, service members and students of color and leaving them saddled with debt.”
Warren’s wealth tax would raise an estimated $2.7 trillion over 10 years. She has previously proposed using roughly $700 billion of that money to provide universal child care and early childhood education. In theory, that would leave nearly $1 trillion more for Warren to spend.
MSNBC Business Channel regurgitates Warren’s talking points.
Sounds legit.
And this:
At the same time, it would cut off federal money from for-profit colleges, which she says “enrich themselves while targeting lower-income students, service members and students of color and leaving them saddled with debt.”
How do people say shit like this and not just burst into flames? Let’s stop for a moment and contemplate the concept of “useless” degrees. How can she/they/anyone pretend this isn’t exactly what “legit” schools have been doing for decades, propped up by their bogus “lifetime earnings” factoid?
Its this kind of raving lunacy being taken seriously by a party that will undoubtedly hold the levers of power again that has me structuring my assets and income to be as hard for these fuckers to get their hands on as possible. The biggest threat to my economic security at this point is either a Venezuela-style economic and social collapse and/or runaway inflation.
Wealth tax? Is that even Constitutional?
Is that even Constitutional?
A question never asked by people that want ever more government.
vultures feed on road kill either on or right next to the road.
Bald eagles, too. I have seen them sitting on deer carcasses on the side of the road. Do you get fined thousands of dollars if one takes it into his head to fly into your windshield as you drive past?
Definitively if you keep any feathers or body parts from such as a suicide bird.
New rules for golf as the bombs keep dropping around Trump.
Wealth tax? Is that even Constitutional?
You slay me.