Hi guys, Happy Monday. I’m celebrating being able to keep food down after the stomach bug my youngest had made its way through all of us. I don’t know who is in charge of my digestive tract, but that daemon decided to purge the whole system Saturday night, and I just had my first real meal today. Even then I didn’t eat much. I hope you all had better weekends.
It seems like the punishment for this crime is for the guy to live with all four of his wives. He’s no Seldom Seen Smith.
Poll: Even Plurality of Dems back Trump on Economy 42-32. Article: Populist economic frustration threatens Trump’s strongest reelection issue
Proof that deep sea divers don’t have enough brain tissue to get brain damage.
Why can’t we have nice things? Oh.
Here’s a song related to the first link’s reference.
“I just had my first real meal today.”
I just finished a half-pound cheeseburger. It was good.
See this is how Glibs express sympathy.
Feel better, Brett!
RIP Chet
Glad you’re on the mend.
I can barely handle one wife. He’s either a saint or a masochist.
I would never cheat on my wife because it is morally wrong. But also because I couldn’t even imagine trying to keep two women happy.
And, because I would like my life expectancy to be measured in years, not days.
Rusty tin can lids FTW!
Same here. One is enough work for me, thank you very much.
Many. many years ago I had two GFs, one I was living with in a 1 bedroom apartment, and the other, who had a place I often stayed at.
It was uh complicated to keep those uh balls in the uh air.
A friend of mine has three girlfriends, all of which know about each other.
One isn’t too happy with the situation and has caused some drama, but the other two have no problems with the arrangement.
For some reason, I could never make that work out. They would get jealous and start hating each other, or me, or both.
I didn’t even needed any side pieces for my gfs to start hating me.
You guys had girlfriends? And I thought this was a libertarian site.
for the most part I havn’t. Although I have been married twice.
Somehow I have always skipped past the dating part and right into pretty much immediately living together after a brief period of LDR.
I have been on 1 date in my life with someone I wasn’t already sleeping with.
Rasilio that’s an article! I know you are not a PUA so I am really curious to know how you go directly from meeting someone to sleeping with them.
He’s a lesbian.
The short answer is IRC back in the day.
Met both of my wives either directly through it or indirectly through it.
I think at various times I have shared all of this either here or over at TOS but basically I’m fixing to turn 50 later this year and I’ve been with 3 women
#1 My Best friend in high school got his GF pregnant and they both dropped out and had the kid. A year later, my senior year I had just enlisted in the Air Force but didn’t report for another year and the two of them decided to experiment and I was the perfect guinea pig since I was close friends with both of them since before they started dating and the 3 of us were pretty much always hanging out anyway. So yeah I lost my virginity in an MFM threesome. He and I had a falling out a couple of years later but she and I remained friends and while she is not my closest friend she is my oldest friend.
#2 6 years later I’m in college (#1 and I had hooked up a few times in the intervening years but it was only ever as FWB’s and by few I mean like 4 or 5) a friend of mine asked me to come help this chick he had met in an IRC channel we both hung out in because she had lost her job and needed to move back to Alabama to move in with her mother (we were in Mass) and she didn’t have anyone to help her. A comedy of errors later I end up volunteering to spend the night to help her finish because the only class I had the next day was at 4 and I could blow it off if I needed to. Problem is she lived 60 miles away from me and I had driven my buddy from his place to hers because he was mostly on the way inbetween and he needed to get back to go to work. So I drove him back to his place and then back to hers only my car ran out of gas on the way back. Did I mention it was during a polar vortex (not that the term existed back then)? I spent about 90 minutes outside not at all dressed for it waiting for her to show up with gas (days before cell phones) and when we got back to her place she decided to warm me up the best way she knew how. The next day she left for Alabama but we stayed in touch on IRC and at the end of the semester I dropped out and moved in with her. We were together for 8 years.
#3 wife #1 and I had an open relationship but being a geek that amounted more to her occasionally having a boyfriend and my not, That doesn’t bother me at all, I’m weird in that I don’t get jealous but rather turned on by it. But eventually I met someone on IRC. Wife and I lived in Atlanta at the time, the new girl lived in Dallas. Flew out to meet her and had one of the best long weekends of my life and stupidly 6 months later she moved in with wife and I. This was right at the start of the dot com bust. Wife and I both worked in IT and had really grown apart of the previous 2 years because we wanted different things out of life (wife wanted to pursue her career in music, I was fine with that but demanded we at least try to become financially responsible) Then new girl got knocked up, with twins nonetheless. Wife decided that meant I was somehow breaking our arrangments (I wasn’t, but it is irrelivant) and ended it. In reality we should have broken up 2 years earlier.
Moved in with #3 and have been together ever since, we’ve been together 18 years now.
The Universe’s natural punishment for multiple wives is multiple mothers-in-law.
re: populist frustration – where is it? unemployment is at a level nobody ever thought we’d see again.
asking “are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” is going to be a big net positive
I wonder if that has anything to do with outfits like the Washington Post and ABC News feeding that misinformation to the public constantly for the last year and a half? Nah.
You are so cynical. Top Men would never lie to us.
Nuh-uh! Tax returns were down significantly. Clearly people are not doing better.
What should I trust huh? My bank statements or the woke media?
Everyone else is poorer, because everyone says so, so it must be true. If your bank statements say otherwise then you must be the problem, and you need to whip yourself into agitating for even more slavery than you have been heretofore.
A rising tide swamps all boats!
“DOVER, N.H. — A man accused of being married to four women pleaded guilty Monday to bigamy in New Hampshire, but he will avoid jail time if he behaves for the next five years.
Michael Middleton, 43, married a Georgia woman in 2006, an Alabama woman in 2011 and a New Hampshire woman in 2013. That led to the bigamy charge in New Hampshire, but according to court documents, he also married a fourth woman in Kentucky in 2016.”
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Having the pic of the husband, I’m definitely not interested, for reasons of sanity.
He certainly looks like a guy who eats a lot of sandwiches.
But does he enjoy them?
What about tacos?
Well there is this guy
So that might not hold
So…the strong economy is good for everyone, but it’s better for “the powerful” so…Drumph bad!!11!!???
Just goes to show you’re ignoring the rising INCOME INEQUITY! The rich are getting richer while the poor and middle class get richer too, but the rich are getting richer faster, and eventually will have the whole pie!
They’re not about raising the standard of living for poor people, the goal is leveling, even if it means everyone is poor.
I’m not even sure it’s that, I really just think it’s all about power.
Exerting power is easier if everyone is poor.
^This. But that is the pervasive narrative of collectivism. Public schools in poor neighborhoods suck? Bus in kids from good neighborhoods with good schools to force those parents to do something to improve those sucky schools; ignoring the fact that there is only so much they can do against an entrenched educracy, etc.
even if it means everyone else is poor.
The nomenklatura has no intention of being poor.
Agree with this revision.
Misery is the one thing that can easily be delivered by those that ask for support from the envious/jealous. And way too many people are quite content living in misery and with a boot on their neck as long as they know the same, or hopefully worse, is happening to their neighbor.
The economy was stronger for some people than others – shitlord.
Fuck the labor union, it’s not their call to make. If they don’t like the job, do something else.
They don’t even represent Amazon, although I’m sure they’d love to. You know, to protect the workers. From performance management and productivity.
They’ll eventually be replaced by robots.
You know, to protect the workers. From performance management and productivity.
That does seem to be the goal. In the article they expressed disapproval of the fact that Amazon apparently fires about 10% of its warehouse workforce a year for being insufficiently productive. On the one hand I don’t want to see people over-worked, but on the other hand 10% is about the number of lazy-bones I’d expect to exist in any organization so I don’t see any problem here. You hamper yourself if you don’t separate the wheat from the chaff.
When GE was the biggest company in America, that was the CEO’s policy. At least for sales guys.
So how is GE doing these days?
See that tit back there on the back end? That’s the one GE is sucking.
I like the fact that the woke folk are all up in arms because Amazon is tracking warehouse workers and is firing those that aren’t working hard enough.
I guess GE is getting a pass on its plan to fire the bottom 10% every year because they are already unionized.
Anyone who has worked anywhere (except maybe the govt) probably isn’t surprised by the fact that 10% of the workers aren’t pulling their weight. My guess is that after canning those people, the rest of the workers will realize that they can’t fuck off and work hard enough to meet the standards.
Firing an arbitrary percentage of people is idiotic, as many GE incubated management ideas are.
Getting back to Amazon, extrapolating from a single warehouse is iffy at best. Especially since I doubt Amazon is officially releasing any numbers for any of their warehouses.
President Donald Trump’s strongest case for reelection remains the country’s healthy economy, but the potency of that issue for him is complicated by a widespread belief that the economy mainly benefits people already in power, a Washington Post-ABC News poll finds.
Some people have more than me and that’s not fair. //prog
The game is rigged! And rather than unrigging it, I want it rigged more to benefit me!
My Easter at my “progressive” family’s house was thankfully politics-free except for one discussion I heard off to the side where someone said “I mean, every time in history when inequality of this level has existed, it has always ended in violent revolution… We have to find a way to fix this country.”
I would bet dollars to donuts that they’re counting ONLY the Gini coefficient of various countries and lumping them all together to create the illusion that there’s some parallel between the USA right now and some third world dictatorship where everyone was dirt poor except the ruler and his inner circle.
The whole “income inequality” schtick is getting really fucking old. It makes about as much sense as saying that some people are skinny and weak because other people work out too much and get super muscular.
I’d be fine with two-day shipping if they’d quit letting the USPS deliver my packages.
Although, an increasingly large percentage of the deliveries are now coming via Amazon-branded shipping, so they seem to be fixing that as well.
In my rural area, I cringe when UPS or FedEx are slated to bring it all the way to my door. If they drop it off at my local post office, I know I’ll actually get it that day.
WIfey and I try very hard to do all of Amazon purchases from the 2-hour or same-day delivery items as those are shipped (here in NYC) by a firm called Lasership who actually do a pretty good job. Federal Express has been ok, UPS is hit or miss, but the USPS is wholly awful – leaving packages on random neighbor’s porches, leaving packages (once a vintage Hess truck for my son’s birthday, once a big shipment of powdered drink mix) on the porch in a thunderstorm, or (most often) marking the package as delivered then denying that they ever had a package for us. USPS caused refunds and reorders must be costing Amazon a pretty penny.
Just had to take care of one of those last night. There’s some sort of vortex between the warehouse and the USPS distribution center, because I have packages disappear in that stage of the process every couple months.
They’re mostly* fine for the last mile stuff since we’re somewhat rural and walking distance from the post office.
*they consistently get it to the right neighborhood, but are often off by a house or two
Not disturbing at all
That’s just pathetic.
The Cat in the What the Fuck Is That?
The Opioid crisis claims two more victims
Way to kink-shame those furries.
[golf clap]
Why does the cat only have two breasts?
Horton Heard A “What The Fuck Are You Supposed To Be?”
Sad Lorax is sad.
“Why are all the kids running away from us?”
They just need to improve their messaging to convey to kids that actually these characters are not scary at all.
Yeah, they did not do a good job with those masks. And it looks like it’s at a Wal-Mart, so you think they’d be able to do better than that.
“Nearly seven years later, Lemons is still perplexed as to how he managed to survive for so long without oxygen. Common sense suggests he should have perished after so long at the bottom of the sea.
But it seems likely the cold water of the North Sea may have played a role –around 100m (328ft) down, the water was probably below 3C (37F). Without the hot water flowing through the umbilical cord to heat his suit, his body and brain will have quickly cooled.
“Rapid cooling of the brain can increase survival time without oxygen,” says Tipton. “If you reduce the temperature by 10 degrees the metabolic rate drops by a half to a third. If you lower the brain temperature down to 30C (86F), it can increase the survival time from 10 to 20 minutes. If you cool the brain to 20C (68F), you can get an hour.”
The pressurised gas that saturation divers usually breathe may have given Lemons an additional chance. When breathing high levels of oxygen under pressure, it can dissolve into the blood stream, giving the body additional reserves to draw on.”
This is why it’s important to chill cocktails.
“He’s no Seldom Seen Smith.”
+1 Monkey Wrench Gang
Society is like a stew. If you don’t stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top.
– Edward Abbey
Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.
– Edward Abbey
“I’m against all government. Even good government. “
The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other – instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals.
= Edward Abbey
I am a big Edward Abbey fan if you can’t tell
No shit.
Amazing story. And there’s not enough money in the world.
I disagree. Although I did run out of air once on a scuba dive – that was no fun. Turns out that a buoy rope had torn off my reserve lever. One of the guys I was diving with figured out my frantic hand signals and turned the valve – spared me the risk of an emergency ascent from 75 feet.
You made Miley sad!
The hippy dippy boomers have been talking about this like it’s a reawakening of the sixties. Even if it wasn’t, I laugh at their disappointment. Fucking hippies, I hate hippies.
Fuck yea!
So, more boomer porn.
She’s only 26.
Meh, I don’t care about her, just people like Terri Gross who had an interview with one of the performers recently and was fawning over the return of Woodstock
For the hockey nerds. Discuss:
I’ve never seen blades pop out os skates like has been happening in the playoffs. There is a flaw with the quick release design. I haven’t been assed to check the brand each of the players is using, so I’m not sure if it’s a Bauer or CCM issue. I’ve played and watched hockey my entire life and I’ve never seen blades just fall out of the tuuk like they do now. Now, I’ve broken tuuks 3 of the past 4 years, but the blade was still held tight enough to finish the game.
There is no way in hell I’d be wearing a quick release in the NHL playoffs now. I’d have the trainer pull them on put on old style ones until they figure out a better locking mechanism.
I’ve looked at the CCM version and I can’t see how, if it’s properly tightened, the blade can come out. The lure of fresh edges appears to be worth the risk for those guys
a blade falling out isn’t half as funny as when i forgot to take off my soakers.
That does reduce the efficiency of the skate blade.
I recently go back into playing after a decade hiatus. Got all new shit, got to the rink early for pickup to get dressed and not look like an idiot, stepped out onto the ice and tried to push off and was like, “WTF?!?” Looked down at my skate and saw I still had a soaker on one skate. Thank God only one guy saw me and as I skated by after taking it off and hurling it over the glass he smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I’m the only one who saw. Our little secret.” Fuck me.
Manic Monday: (((THEY’RE EVERYWHERE)))
That is an awful lot of numbers to pull out of one’s ass.
He is a big ass.
I don’t know him or that outfit. But from the tone of it, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him wearing a sandwich-board downtown some day.
Wait, he’s saying it’s the Jews?
I figured he was referring to the OMWC Global Syndicate.
Looks like there’s enough of him to go around.
“If Amazon plans to effectively double the speed, it must also address existing workforce needs and ensure its workers are safe. Increasing fulfillment speeds means they need to hire more workers, under more sustainable speeds that don’t put workers’ lives in jeopardy.”
They’ll address the problems, just not in the way you want. More automation, fewer employees who might want to join a union.
“‘Rest in Power, my friend’: Jamie Foxx and Regina King lead emotional celebrity tributes to Boyz n the Hood director John Singleton after his family announce they’ll be switching off his life support machine 12 days after he suffered a major stroke
The 51-year-old suffered a stroke on April 17 shortly after having experienced pain in his legs during a run in Costa Rica days earlier”
What’s with all the early fifties celebrities stroking out lately?
Drugs, dude.
*smacks forehead*
You missed your nostrils by a few inches there Scruffy.
Poll: Even Plurality of Dems back Trump on Economy 42-32. Article: Populist economic frustration threatens Trump’s strongest reelection issue
Gosh, I have no idea what could have embedded such a silly belief in so many people’s heads. I wonder if it’s the same reason people think their taxes have gone up this year. The world may never know.
I wonder if these guys could help us figure it out?
Buttigieg is accused of sexual assault. No details are provided. I cannot figure out if it’s credible or not.
What do you expect from a guy named Buttchug?
It’s Booty Judge.
Ima need the usual corroborating evidence. Which it appears is nowhere in view.
Besides, the mantra was Believe All Women. He’s a gay dude. Nobody needs to believe him, right?
Besides, the mantra was Believe All Women.
I believe you meant Believe All Women*
*Unless they’re accusing a Democratic politician. In which case, they’re just skanks.
Trailer park trash that came out because someone dragged a $100 bill on a rope through the park!
But what if the accuser was a woman? Would we have to #believeher even if it seems highly unlikely that Mr. Mayor would go there?
Apparently he is not the candidate the establishment is looking for.
So that’s the husband. I wasn’t expecting Pete! to be the sort-of better-looking of the pair, but there it is.
He’s not completely uncute, like “lawyer hot.”
Based on that pic, Buttigieg needs to make friends with his razor. Unless he has decided that a lumberhomosexual look will be the winning look for the campaign trail, of course.
completely uncute. I read that as uncut and doubled down on my decision not to click on the link.
Granted, it’s splitting hairs. Pete! has a little visual interest in his face going on; the husband is that guy you meet a dozen times and still forget what he looks like.
Youth may offset the lack of handsomeness. Though usually it works on older guys than Mayor Pete.
I’m reminded of a joke:
A professor of mathematics sent a fax to his wife:
Dear Wife:
You must realize that you are 54 years old and I have certain needs which you are no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise happy with you as a wife and I sincerely hope you will not be hurt or offended to learn that by the time you receive this letter that I will be at the Grand Hotel with my 18 year old teaching assistant. I will be home before midnight.
When he arrived at the hotel, there a fax was waiting for him that read as follows:
Dear Husband,
You, too, are 54 years old and by the time you read this, I will be at the Breakwater Hotel with the 18 year old pool boy. Being the brilliant mathematician you are, you can easily appreciate the fact that 18 goes into 54 many more times than 54 goes into 18. Therefore, my love, do not wait up!
I like that!
“Would Pete Buttigieg really sexually assault a young man while he was contemplating a run for president? I highly doubt it. ”
I’m not saying it’s true, but that’s a poor argument that it isn’t. Didn’t Clinton assault women while running for office?
Yeah, that line of argument is pretty questionable…
He kept assaulting them even when it became common knowledge because he knew he could go on TeeVee and just say that he had no sexual relations with that woman…
Hell, Teddy Kennedy killed a woman while in office. What’s a little grab-ass while you’re running for office?
Nothing, this GQ article talks about a claim Kennedy man-handled women in the 80s:
Brasserie I: In December 1985, just before he announced he would run for president in 1988, Kennedy allegedly manhandled a pretty young woman employed as a Brasserie waitress. The woman, Carla Gaviglio, declined to be quoted in this article, but says the following account, a similar version of which first appeared in Penthouse last year, is full and accurate:
+1 Kennedy sandwich
To be fair, it probably did keep him form being president.
Yeah but different time and Buttchug isn’t Royalty.
Kennedy had every expectation that the media would cover for him given the way they covered for his brothers.
Oh, my.
George Takai has a sad.
“Proof that deep sea divers don’t have enough brain tissue to get brain damage.”
As a scuba instructor, I am with you on that Brett. That this guy survived this is really surprising. I am worried that stupid people however will see this and think they too will be OK if they run out of air at depth and will just be fine or won’t have to worry about decompression or anything like science…
Why stop them?
Yeah, being an instructor and qualifying someone that should not have been qualified (be it because they are stupid or lack the temperament to do it) is just an open invitation to a law suit. I tend to avoid that shit. Then again, I can see the value of this being used as a means to clean out the gene pool of stupid people.
I actually, for the firs time in over 15 years, thought another class in October/November last year. That was because my son wanted to get certified (we were going down to the Caribbean for a trip and he wanted to scuba there). And I actually had a woman that could not complete the mask replacement exercise in 6 feet of water in a pool no matter how often I tried and over the course of 6 hours trying to get her to get comfortable in water. I pointed out to her that if she could not avoid panic when she had to replace her mask and vent the water in 6 feet of water and had to constantly surface, having something result in her mask becoming compromised at 66 feet (3ATM) or lower and bolting for the surface would result in an embolism, and disqualified her. She tried to sue me and the scuba shack that I did the class for supposedly to get back damages and to pay for some $15K trip to go diving with the sharks in South Africa she had signed up for but now couldn’t attend. Lucky for me I had kept meticulous records and also had contact with other people in the class that immediately pointed out this woman should not be under water. Ever. She ended up dropping that suit.
I understand your point of view. I’m in the camp of “We need more chum”
Ah a fisherman that wants others to help with the task of chumming. You sir are wise.
Chum? That seems a waste, I’d put a hook through her to catch one of those sharks.
The only question I’d have is whether you’d hook her through the lips like a fathead minnow, or through the back like a sucker minnow.
I miss diving so much. Haven’t done it in at least a decade. My best memories from Okinawa, by far, were diving.
Uffda. I was either too busy or too broke during my time in Okinawa to get certified. I regret it to this day.
I did tons of snorkeling though. I went almost every weekend. Growing up in the Mid West, the sea life fascinated me. You know you are in a good place when visibility of only 30 ft in the diving report makes you groan.
I was just broke enough that I only bought half the gear, cheapo stuff at that, unlike the guys who dropped upwards of $3K top of the line Scubapro everything.
Did you ever jump off the cliff at Maeda Point?
Sure did.
I remember one time we went to Maeda Point to snorkel and we went down this narrow ass trail to the water. The tide was out, so there was a shelf of coral we could walk out to the water over.
While we were snorkeling the tide came in and flooded the coral shelf. A front had also moved in so the surf was really big. That meant that there was really no good way to get out of the water. The surf was crashing up against the trail we came in on. So you had to time it to go with the surf and get up on the trail before the undertow sucked you back in the water.
So we all got scraped up on the coral pretty good getting out. It was a pretty sobering day for kids who had grown up no where near the ocean on how big and powerful it can be.
In the late ’80s, I dove Monterey Bay on a regular basis. I don’t miss 5mm wet suits but I do miss diving. I even got to a point where I could free dive to 40′.
Yep – If he had tried an emergency ascent, he’d be dead.
and a painful death at that
So you are saying that you are for scuba?
An excellent book on Deep Sea Divers is Hitler’s Lost Sub. John Chatterton has a pair of massive balls – based on his history at a Viet Nam paramedic and a deep sea diver.
Forward to the 7min mark as he gets into a part of a German submarine that hadn’t been visited since its sinking.
wrong clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt6ifo0P2oE
10min part
Holy claustrophobia, Batman!
I am with the author of this piece, and am very suspicious of the accusation until we get facts to back it up, but if this is true it is a huge deal.
Not letting your dislike of someone overcome your skepticism? How unwoke!
I would like to think the guy is brighter than this, but then again, politicians can have that power go to their heads. For now I am on the seriously skeptical track, even though I can’t see why a gay man would make an accusation like that. That is, unless it is an attack. With Clinton not being in this race, I am wondering which one of the others would go to this length to damage an opponent.
Bill Clinton is smart as a whip.
Just saying.
He got a fat chick to let him cigar diddle her. I think that is more cunning that smarts. His wife of convenience (we all know Huma Abedin is her real love) however, is down right evil, but dumb as a fucking rock.
“With Clinton not being in this race…”
But she looms over it like a malevolent presence, like something out of a Lovecraftian story.
Agreed Tonio… And I would not put it past her to show up late and demand to be allowed to run…
If she can lose that decrepit body she can be just like Futurama’s Nixon.
sounds like complete bullshit.
I agree. On the other hand, I will enjoy the “believe all survivors!” crowd tying themselves into knots over why they don’t believe this guy.
He did it again ?
That’s twice.
He did it again ?
Nobody knows if he did anything. What we have is an accusation devoid of any detail or corroboration.
What we have is two posts close to each other about the same accusation.
Bde Maka Ska is Lake Calhoun again, Court of Appeals rules
DNR lacked authority to change the name of lake after 40 years, court ruled.
What kind of neo-Confederate ignores feels?
Also isn’t purging Calhoun rather nationalist for supposed anti-nationalists?
I expect an emergency session and lawmaking at record-breaking speed to fix this obscenity.
Groovy. I’m going down to the slave auction then and picking me up a few John C. Calhoun branded field hands, now that it is OK to do that again.
You know if the woke brigade hadn’t brought up this whole mess, no one would have known that it was named after that shitlord.
And I took swim lessons there back in the 60′.
“Calhoun branded field hands”
The lawyer from Amos and Andy had field hands? Not even woke…
Well I hope they saved the old signs. I can see wanting to rename the lake, but using an untranslated version of an obscure(?) foreign(?) name is a bit too “woke” for me. Lake White Earth is much easier to pronounce, and doesn’t require calling the lake a bidet.
I can see wanting to rename the lake,
I can’t. This Year Zero thing purging all reference to slave owners, etc. is horseshit.
Locke, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. are next. All were treasonous by the way.
Also DeBlasio conveniently decided that New York should retain the name of a slave-trader.
What a shitlord! How hard is it to learn a new language? Oh, there are only 5 living people who are fluent in the Dakota language? And the professor isn’t one of them?
Rumor has it than Indians got their name from the first thing the father saw after the birth.
So, bent dick son?
+1 “Why do you ask, Two-Dogs-Fucking?
Damn you, Nimble Fingers.
I told that joke to a buddy of mine who is part Arapaho. His 10 year old son asked what we were talking about, and my buddy said, “Oh, it’s just that 2 dogs joke again.” I guess that joke has gotten around.
Why do you ask, Two Dogs For?
Damn autocorrect, Two Dogs Fucking.
Not a good week for the woke people in Minnesoda. THE U of M regents did not cave into the mob and voted 10-1 to keep building names even though those people were totes unwoke!
I like how he claims that only a Nazi would question who gets to decide what is white supremacy…
The game is up as soon as people tell you that they not only reserve the right to make the rules of the debate, but also to change them, with no warning or notice to suit their cause, and that anyone that doesn’t like that setup is the one with the problem. The left has gotten pissed that the promised 1000 year Reich after the Obama wins has not only turned out to be shit, but real smelly and stupid shit, and has decided they will no longer bother playing by the rules. It’s not accidental that Marx’s religion required a “revolution” to take over power, and these people have decided they want said revolution. Waiting for another 2 or 3 generations to co-opt people is lame. So we replace the voters with a more pliable voting class.
And only whiny babies defend themselves from questionable media coverage. ///Trumpbaby
Fascinating! So you have zero issue with Colin Kaepernick being out of football, I presume?
Now do healthcare.
Oh, foreign meddling in domestic US politics. And a government employee too. I hope he properly registered as a foreign agent before he decided to meddle.
Yesterday Q asked this:
Murderous, psychopathic pieces of shit deserve representation, too?
Well isn’t that the purpose of politics?
Love the pic of the black guy with the Confederate flag facing off with the white guy carrying the Black Lives Matter sign.
The hell is “trap”?
It’s a kind of hip-hop (eg. Childish Gambino’s “This Is America”).
It’s amazing how accurate and detailed depictions of babies in the womb have become.
Love her arm, too.
I didn’t know pregnancy did that to your left arm, either.
We now know Ted’s Twitter handle:
Practicing too much with the English Longbow?
I larfed!
That fetus is a dead ringer for Brando’s portrayal of Col. Kurtz in Apocalypse Now
“.@Alyssa_Milano defends Biden: “He was raised in a family that was super affectionate.” Adds she knows what it’s like: “I walked onto set a few weeks ago and I kissed our prop guy on the arm. And I had this moment of, like, maybe that made him uncomfortable.””
“I kissed our prop guy on the arm”
Yeah, that would freak me out a little.
“Oh, it’s twue! It’s twue!”
Why are you licking my elbow?
He probably was freaked out about a potential #metoo event.
That wasn’t his arm, Alyssa.
“It’s OK when we do it.”
I’m having a hard time believing she got affirmative consent for that.
I walked onto set a few weeks ago and I kissed our prop guy on the arm.
He needs you to kiss him more or he’ll stop being the prop guy, and just be the guy who had some stage equipment crush his pelvis.
“Abrams: I’m Comfortable Saying ‘I Won’ Georgia Governor’s Race Because ‘Something Happened’
Democrat Stacey Abrams said she is comfortable saying “I won” the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election because “something happened” regarding voter suppression to push Republican Brian Kemp to victory.
In an interview with New York Times Magazine, Abrams said she continues to claim victory because of the “totality of information” about the election and also because she transformed the Georgia electorate. Abrams lost by nearly 55,000 votes to Kemp in the closest Georgia governor’s race in decades, but she earned nearly 50,000 more votes than Hillary Clinton did in the state in 2016 and won more votes than any Democrat in state history.”
She is no Ellis Arnall
Well, if she lost because some people did something, eh. I’m told that happens all the time, and is no big deal.
All the most promising upcoming Democrats are losers.
Some people did something?
“Polish museum draws criticism for banning ‘scandalous’ banana artwork
Poland’s National Museum removed artwork that shows a woman eating a banana after authorities deemed it to be “too scandalous.” The museum has reportedly returned the piece after people shared photos of themselves eating bananas in protest of the removal.”
“Banana drama: Protesters photograph themselves eating bananas after Poland’s national gallery bans ‘obscene’ 1973 video showing a young woman eating the fruit”
So are the censors woke or not? /SJW
Oh this has to get that Japanese Dole commercial GIF
So Ron Chernow said something stupid at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
It would be one thing if it were just your typical, not-too-bright, uneducated journalist. But this guy is supposed to be a top-shelf expert Presidential historian.
It’s possible he could have been sarcastic and that CNN is quoting him out of context but I’m not sure…
Know your audience, tell them what they want to hear, and hope no one calls you on it.
Ed Kray-Kray from the top ropes.
Speaking which, does anyone know why TOS canned him?
Knows how to change a tire or make a sammich?
Probably wouldn’t tow the cosmo lion.
He was the only one who thought that Hillary would be worse than Trump before the election. Seriously. Check their 2016 article about the staff voting preferences.
Nothing says “Free Minds and Free Markets” like having a staff that tows the editorial lion on politics.
Check out his pinned tweet.
2016 certainly ripped off a lot of masks, didn’t it? Not that I’m a uber-Trump guy, but damn, we gotta a 4-year reprieve from the evil that is Hillary. And Trump certainly has been entertaining!
Interesting article on the Missouri River. Some history, current state and thoughts for the future (with regards to flood mitigation, or lack thereof). From a quick read it seems pretty well balanced.
Commentary: The Missouri River is just going to keep on flooding
If it doesn’t advocate for the Green New Deal then that article is white supremacy…
Fucking Army Corps of Engineers. Can we just eliminate those busy bodies?
No problem is impossible* to engineers.
*But sometimes the cost of the possible is, erm, unintentional downstream effects that are suboptimal.
*Obama nods sagely*
So how many of you gave out your hard earned cash to give Iger and Feige a $357 Million opening weekend?
I saw it but I did not really shell out any money.
I have Movie Pass so the money was already spent all I did was decide whether Movie Pass or Disney got to keep it.
Overall a worthy ending to the series but unless they are going to try and reboot the universe somehow I have no clue how they could do another Avengers movie. The individual hero movies sure but the big event teamup just isn’t going to work going forward,
That said rebooting the universe makes some sense as they could then work the X-men characters into the storyline.
For the core avengers, loved the treatment of Stark, and Rogers. Hated what they did with Thor but I understand it and wasn’t really a fan of the way they handled Banner and Romanoff. There were some holes in the way the storyline got resolved but overall they were easy enough to overlook given that it is a world already filled with magic and other nonsensical things.
I gotta say I generally liked Captain Marvel the movie while I did not like her character in it (that movie was carried by Nick Fury, the Skrull commander, and Danvers best friend whose name escapes me) somehow she managed to be even more unlikable in Endgame. Like literally ever scene she appeared in sucked and it sucked specifically because of the way the character is portrayed. It is like someone said “Lets throw away all of Tony Stark’s positive traits, keep the negative ones but then pretend that they are actually good things and then give the character deus ex machina power levels for no apparent reason”.
On the other hand Karen Gillian was awesome as Nebula.
Overall 8.5 out of 10, would have been a 9 if they left Captain Marvel out of it
racist incel confirmed!
Agree with your assessment. What is interesting is I have heard Romanoff is getting her own movie. Which is overdue in my opinion.
Not I . . . I don’t think I’ve watched a single comic book movie since the Nolan Batmans. Just not my thing. I also haven’t been to a movie theater in at least ten years.
Mammary Monday bounces on!
Butt why?
Samsung introduces a $1,600 43 inch television that rotates to present as a smartphone screen (hat tip AOSHQ):
It seems like a stupid idea but what do I know, I thought smartphones would be a flop (I mean, what kind of pathetic internet addicted jackass would need a phone that’s also a computer?).
Seems like it’d be easier to rotate the phone instead.
Apparently, its damn near impossible, since nobody fucking videos in fucking landscape mode.
*extended all-caps rant deleted*
I feel your pain, brother.
“I’ve written a bit about this strain of hardline science denialism on the left. It will generate massive amounts of backlsh and do little to help anyone. Astounding to see it being disseminated by NBC, The Nation, the ACLU, Bleacher Report, others.”
In a nutshell, truth and reality are subjective. That allows one to say whatever is expedient at the moment and declare it ‘my truth’. It is also indistinguishable from insanity.
I remember my parents telling me to not let my mind become so open that my brain falls out. There are a whole lot of pomo leftists with brains splattered on the floor next to their bodies.
Useful idiots
I think they didn’t have brains in the first place.
Postmodernism has a tendency to break people’s brains.
“‘There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a man and who’s a woman,’ Roger Pielke Jr., director of the Sports Governance Center at the U of Colorado, said.”
Here’s how they are playing the game. Its a play they run over and over again.
(1) Reject, usually implicitly, the meaning of a word. (In this case, “man” and “woman” as determined by biology).
(2) Create a new meaning for the word (In this case, “man” means anyone who thinks he is a man, etc.).
(3) (optional) Do the same for related words (“sex” no longer means biological sex, “gender” no longer means self-perceived sex, etc.)
(4) Viciously attack anyone who uses the meaning of the words at issue as ignorant, bigoted, whatever the Two Minute Hate of the day is.
(5) Having stripped meaning from a word, use it to mean whatever you want and achieve whatever goals you want, today.
The genius of this is that it demoralizes opponents, forcing them to accept a falsity (your new made-up meanings) and leaves them with no way to respond since they no longer have any language with which to respond.
“Oh, fuck off moron” isnt a response?
Harnessed beluga whale could be weapon of Russian navy, according to the ghost of Tom Clancy scraping absolute bottom for material.
Oh come on.
The US Navy used to have dolphin and orcas that could grip a set of tools for recovering torpedoes and the like. I isn’t that farfetched that Russia would have something like that in the works.
I’d assume that drones have surpassed the toothed whales for these purposes by now, but it still isn’t ludicrous.
I’m guessing somebody in Russia is following MacAfee’s twitter feed, and decided to get in on some of that hot whale bondage action.
OT: OMWC and any others interested in the guitar kit I’m working on, I started a profile on MeWe, since I am liking their setup much better than FB. Haven’t yet figured out how to get proper URLs from there, I have no contacts there, and just uploaded the pics to the profile I created there. I have no fucks to give about doxing myself and I cant code, so here
Thanks, dude. We were discussing MeWe just the other day. I guess I gotta join now!
Very clever, “Don”. Creating an account with a normie name to throw people off the scent.
He’s clearly a Mafia boss.
What the hell is a MeWe?
A FaceBook type platform without the evil.
I just signed up and you’re my first contact! Gonna try and upload a music video I recorded and see how it goes. Gonna see if I can get some friends to make the switch.
Sweet all! I got the idea from you guys after reading here about MeWe… The wife is recovering after a couple of biopsies and some spots frozen off. I’ll check in periodically, and thanks for helping to spur me on to do something about my obsession with the guitar stuff.
That’s cool@ I don’t play, but I’m a music junkie who’s always hung around with musicians.
I’ve got a friend that started building instruments a couple years ago. He got some old, thick ash barn timbers from a barn built in the 1850’s in Wisconsin. He counted over 150 rings, so the wood goes as far back as 1700. He built himself a really cool bass, and he’s built a few of his friends custom guitars out of the wood. They are beautiful instruments, and more importantly they sound great! Maybe I can steal a few pictures and post on MeWe.
Bet that old ash sounded incredible.
I’m uploading tomorrow’s Woke Charmed right now and like half the images in the Glib media library right now are Green Acres or Keeping Up Appearances related, this is fantastic.
You’re going to break my brain with that stuff.
I would have expected more porn…
I thought the whole point of the burqa/burkini was female modesty and the avoidance of over stimulating the men.
Yet, oddly, not entirely inappropriate for where it is.
I’d rather be lucky than good, as my dad always says.
I mean there was also a crab with a baby head on it, that was weird
Please. After you and SF, we call that ‘Monday’.
Don’t get “Charmed”. It’s what happens when you delve into wokeness even to expose it. I’ve seen it happen more than once.
Dispatches from the decline of, well, everything:
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue will feature a pic of some Muslim chick in a burqa.
*shrug* It’ll either succeed for them, or not.
Muslim in a Burkina is serious. I know, I know it’s serious.
I would hate anything to happen to her.
She’s really quite attractive and the poses are sexy.
Which kind of defeats the whole point of a burkini.
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing.
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue
There’s porn on the internet these days, so I think the swimsuit issue isn’t quite as big a draw as it used to be.
It peaked, and boy, what a peak, with Kathy Ireland and Christie Brinkley.
Mmmmm…Kathy Ireland.
Aside from the virtue signaling from SI the point of that is…..???
I’m not going to laugh when the fundies throw acid on her, but I’m not going to be surprised.
Here’s the thing: revolutionaries are robots that can only do one thing; push for as much change as possible as rapidly as possible. The insanity is accelerating such that eventually they’re going to lose control of it and there will be a *massive* backlash from the “reactionaries”.
We are Weimar America.
Spam from my website contact page, part 3862.
“free porn watch in media porn girls meat hook piercing video glamour porn stockings sex and porn free videos bachlorette parties porn ”
Meat hooks?
Sorry, Scruff. That’s my latest Glibs submission. No idea how I sent that to you.
When you think you’re good enough to live in a glass house.
So, I guess the mullah does the call to prayer on the viewing platform?
Yes, make Notre Dame look like a fancy office building. Awesome idea.
I kind of like it.
No way. Churches need to be dark and mysterious.
Don’t say that to a Miyadaiku.
Those guys are nuts. I can’t fathom how long it takes them to do anything.
Time, as we think of it, is a concept non-industrial societies do not have. The Japs have only been industrial for less than 100 years. While most of them get it, the traditional carpenters do not.
There are a zillion of those videos, ever one worth watching.
The modern buildings here are absolutely hideous. I think they do it on purpose just so the Temples and Shrines look gorgeous in comparison.
If you mean ‘aware’ of time in the sense of precise measurement of it and a schedule that adheres to it, like the modern industrial age work schedule, then yeah. Otherwise, I think humans have been aware of the passage of time for a very long time. Once you grasp the concept of ‘something happened in the past, something is happening presently, and something will happen in the future’, you are very well aware of the concept of time.
Of course that is what I mean.
I once saw a saddle made by an Apache woman. It was made from seed beads with all kinds of intricate patterns. Can you imagine how long that took? Years.
She understands day and night and seasons but does not think of time the way we do. In fact much of the world doesnt. Try catching the 3:15 train in…just about anywhere. It arrives anywhere from 2:00 to 6:00. Usually closer to six and no one thinks a thing about it. To them 3:15 means ‘sometime after noon today’, if you are lucky.
Just so Tulip’s fine contribution isn’t sullied with mouth diarrhea, let’s just put this here…
Dear CBS,
Go fuck yourselves.
Looking back from someone on the inside. I still will always remember a college prof of mine who was British. Way back when there were still a few sane limeys left. He said, in class ‘The worst mistake, United States, you have ever made since defeating us as your oppressors, was to allow women to vote’.
How the hell can I disagree with that?
I really, really, really don’t want to believe that’s true, but the feminist Left is making an Olympian effort to push me to it.
Heh, I know we bat these ideas around a lot.
I’d settle for restricting the vote to net taxpayers. Even if I don’t make the cut (though I’m pretty sure I do).
Or maybe they could look to us for speech laws, get on the right side of things for once. How about that?
Hoooooly shit, I’ve heard people say that Wikipedia is biased, but damn, that first paragraph is some straight up propaganda.
And notice that nowhere in the article does it debunk the idea that Jews were disarmed in Nazi Germany; it just argues that it’s not the one-and-only factor that led to the Holocaust and declares it pointless to even bring up gun control under the Nazis.
Or under the bolsheviks, or the maoists, or under Castro, or Maduro, or in Cambodia….on and on.
Said the spider to the fly. Fuck you wikipedia. Fuck you very much.
Isn’t there an opportunity to edit Wikipedia? I did so a year or so ago regarding a Civil War general and “they” accepted the changes.
Someone probably could. I’m not well-versed in Wikipedia rules, so someone else is probably better for the job.
Also, I looked at their article entitled “Russian Interference in the 2016 US Elections” (because apparently I hate my blood pressure) and it’s locked from editing.
Anyone can edit, if it’s not locked. But you can count on your edits being edited out within five minutes on anything political.