Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is as Mnuchin refuses to hand over Trump’s tax returns and Barr refuses to hand over the full underacted Mueller report and the corresponding material to Congress as it would reveal grand jury information for ongoing cases. I’m sure he will be sharing a jail cell with Eric Holder if found in contempt.
Trump’s gives Tiger Woods Medal of Freedom, causing Krugnuts to say something stupid.
PA state senator records himself harassing an elderly woman quietly praying live on Periscope. He had previously harassed teenage girls, offering money to dox them.
I don’t know what a gala is, but it looks retarded.
Not as retarded as this, though.
That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
I am sure Winston’s Mom might have a word or two for Kruggie…
Tiger Woods … hits golf balls for money.
Too bad that doesn’t say “Krug Nuts for money.” I’d pay to see Tiger take out his driver for that.
Sand Wedge, I want to see him sky them…
His balls are Taylor Made for that.
None of that!
*narrows gaze*
Titlist man are you? That may explain the issues with Q.
Krugabe would have to have balls in the first place, and I am sure, like all good liberal douchebags, they are in his wife’s purse if he ever had them.
Good morning!
Nice song. Sometimes I feel like that too. Like when I had to pay 1400.00 for new catalytic converters because I live in prisonifornia.
BTW, mornin’
Lying liar (Clapper) admits he was lying again.
That guy needs to do prison time. The shit that went down under his watch can not be allowed to go unpunished, or we can kiss our republic goodbye for real.
It’s already gone. None of the big players will face any serious consequences.
This. Equal treatment under the law has been dead in our republic for some time.
*stares into coffee mug, wonders what’s in there*
Oh hamburgers, I thought I was reading duplicate comments. I guess I’m just having a stroke instead. Carry on.
You have a mug full of hamburgers? I am intrigued.
He’s having a stroke and put his lunch in the mug and poured coffee on the plate.
So he is going to be indicted for perjury? (stop laughing…)
“Push back against Planned Parenthood protestors, PLEASE! They prey on young women, they use white privilege, & shame. They’re racist, classist, bigots who NEED & DESERVE our righteous opposition”
Religious Zelots always did think the enfs justify the means.
If it wasn’t clear, I’m talking about the douchbag representative.
We got it. You’re right.
In the PR game, what he did was a total own-goal. I may be pro-choice, but that video is a dipshit move.
I think his seat is safe.
What the fuck is a Jared Leto?
The Met thing is just fricking ridiculous. But, I did find his documentary Artifact very interesting to watch.
The Met Gala is just a Hollywood/New York circle jerk, but I did find this picture quite humorous.
It’s a bunch of drag queens having fun. They can’t enjoy waterskiing or whatever, like the rest of us.
I love Kanye.
It looks like something out of the Hunger Games.
I don’t have a problem with the Met Gala. Let people dress up in crazy shit. It’s kind of fun as it gets more absurd.
A millionaire movie god and rock star.
Thank you for saving me from having to point out the obvious.
Jared Leto rocked a silk red Gucci gown and carried a replica of his head on the red carpet.
Hollywood. *Sigh*
But as soon as Leto says we should tax the rich more, they will act like he’s the paragon of clear thinking.
Tiger Woods is a race traitor for going to the White House and allowing Massa Trump to put that collar on him.
The way the left has race relations set up, it’s impossible for mixed race Tiger not to be a race traitor.
He would just have to pay himself reparations, and come out for every D that runs for office.
So, pay reparations for slavery, and support the party of slavery?
Sure, why not.
Too funny.
It is the unrelenting pressure of crap like that that causes Tiger to drink too much. Every night he reads the hate tweets and then proceeds to Thai one on.
It was only his white part that went, so he’s ok.
I am sure Winston’s Mom might have a word or two for Kruggie…
I presume there is an extra charge for a nut punch from Winston’s mom.
I bet she’s very good at it, though.
RE: medical kidnapping and CPS. I only have so much to live for. You take my kids away and believe me I’d be willing to sell my soul for them back.
No kidding. Don’t any of those SWAT guys have kids of their own? How hard would it be for one of them to say, “Hell no. I’m not doing this.”?
“We’re taking them away from those awful people who are not able to properly look after the children.”
That would justify me kidnapping the SWAT guy’s kid.
I am kind of surprised a Judge and / or cop hasn’t been assassinated by a furious parent yet.
Uffda. Think of the collateral damage if some parent did start assassinating SWAT team members for taking their kid.
Once it became clear that they were on a hit list, how many people would the remaining SWAT pussies kill with panic fire?
“I saw him making furtive moves toward his pocket and I feared for my life!”
“Um, the guy was reaching for his car keys in a parking lot.”
I’m certainly not advocating it. Just that some people have different reactions to BS.
Yeah, but consider that they’re going to dangle the prospect of getting your kids back once the paperwork is filed, whereas getting shot in an assassination attempt or doing life for murder means your kids stay in the system for the rest of their childhoods. It’s kidnapping and ransom, more properly.
When I read articles like this, I think “good, good” in my best Palpatine voice. Not that I’m advocating violence…
Long Range Shooting Experiences Major Growth In Popularity
Krugabe doesn’t really need any reason to say stupid things, it just comes naturally.
Other PMOF recipients include the noted contributors to freedom Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, and Lorne Michaels.
If it’s been cheapened by giving it to those yahoos why not give one to Tiger? They should save that medal for nonfamous people who wouldn’t receive accolades otherwise.
Hell, Tiger single-handedly de-whitey’d golf. You would think they love him for that.
What’s Calvin Pete, chopped liver?
Seriously though, you’re right, it does seem like they’d love him for being a minority performing well in a “white” sport.
I’ll see your Calvin Peete and raise you a Lee Elder.
They actually hate him for taking away another weapon in their race baiting quiver. Telling people that gold was a white man’s game and oppressive made them a lot of campaign donations and now Tiger ruined that.
I thought gold was a (((white man’s))) game?
No, you’re thinking Diamonds
They really hate him because he refuses to stay on the plantation.
That would be based on a false premise….that they aren’t screaming racists themselves. That is probably one of the reasons they hate him.
“I hereby award you this classy medal for grabbing a huuuge number of pussies.”
Maybe Krugabe has a point and the MoF should only be given to civilians who perform great acts of heroism at tremendous risk to themselves. In that case, there are a bunch of recalls that need to happen. On the other hand, maybe it’s just a medal the President gives to famous Americans for being famous, and maybe Kruggo is jelly.
Meh, it’s just the American equivalent of knights and dames. Bread and circuses bullshit.
Something one minute of research would have turned up. I still refuse to believe that Krugnuts earned a Nobel with his own work. He’s far too lazy. I’m guessing he cribbed most of it from an underling or another source. Putting a spin on somebody else’s work seems more his style than actually coming up with something original to say.
As somebody who has published sourced, structured content on this site and has also published stream of consciousness posts on this site, I don’t doubt that he could simultaneously be the guy who won a nobel in economics and also write some of the laziest, most derivative crap to be published.
If you dig deep enough, you can find it. There are some econ blogs where some grad students (from the style of writing, content, and discussion) who go over this exact subject. Evidently, Krugman was called out by some famous economist for the fact that his Nobel research was nothing that hadn’t already been said by some much more obscure, long-dead economist – right down to the mathematics involved. I linked the Forbes article first and the blog second. So, yes, nice surmise.
That Game of Thrones article is so stupid, for many reasons, chief among them is that it was stated in the most recent article that winter is still coming.
’round these parts, it’s a comin’ every December.
*resumes whittling*
You certainly don’t live in the southern hemisphere….
as it would reveal grand jury information for ongoing cases
This is at least a reasonable position/argument.
They are demanding that he violate federal law. ‘No’ is the only proper answer.
I allowed Firefox to do a couple of updates, and now I’m locked out of some sites which previously were accessible to me. I guess Mozilla(?) knows which side of their bread the butter is on.
I don’t want to have to update to the latest version to be able to use add-ons again.
Found out this morning that videos don’t play – even lowly Youtube – which provides me with misc music and uh… other entertainment.
The latest update screws up a bunch of authentication stuff because of some issue with SSL certificates. Supposedly a fix is on the way. This is a pretty big eff up on their part. This is the kind of thing that you’d think would be picked up in testing.
They A: Required all add-ons to be signed by them, then B: let the intermediate signing cert expire, so C: scrambled to get out a replacement update that D: broke other stuff.
B: isn’t something that gets picked up in testing, and C: was a result of panic mode fixing because the screeching was, well, most of their userbase. (I don’t know if there are users who don’t have add-ons, it’s a core element of the product)
This never would have happened if they hadn’t REEEEEE’d out Brendan Eich.
I’m on 66.0.4 and everything appears to be back to normal. I had some weird stuff going on with Eyepiece yesterday after the FF update, but I uninstalled and reinstalled Grease Monkey and it is working fine now. No issues with any websites being blocked (so far) and no issues playing videos on YouTube or anywhere else.
Brooks: which sites are you locked out of? I’d like to see if I see the same behavior.
No pr0n for Brooksy!
I keep hearing ‘Everyone deserves a second chance’, which I believe is a noble sentiment but this aint a second. This is about fifty chances for Woods. Well, it looks like he finally pulled his shit together and that is good to see. I dont think he ever had any malice. All of his screwups were just self destructive, not directed at others. Where there is life there is hope and Woods is an excellent inspiration for all of the other screwups out there. Good for him.
No Paul, the medal isnt for whacking balls you moron but you keep doing you….please.
If Trump gave a MOF to Krugman Krugman would criticize the decision. He’s just reflexively antiTrump because that’s what keeps him employed.
Turning it down would be a great grandstanding opportunity for Krugman.
Woods is a case study in what an insane level of focus and dedication to a single thing can cost.
Banging Perkin’s waitresses?
Pimpin ain’t easy.
I was thinking about $100M in alimony and myriad health issues.
Seriously, it’s hard to imagine that someone could destroy their back and joints golfing, but Tiger is such an aggressive player that he managed to do it and still come back to win the Masters. That’s nuts.
I’m thinking the back injury came from his extra curriculars, not the game even Trump is fit enough to play.
Pretty sure Trump plays both those games.
Nah, Woods is notorious for striking the ball like he’s trying to kill it, every time. Other golfers wince when they see his swing up close.
And golfers with normal swings end up with back problems.
Yeah, even the most biomechanically benign golf swing puts an enormous amount of strain on your spine, particularly on drives. You’re generating a shit-ton of velocity at the club head (physics majors feel free to jump in at any point here) that’s basically twisting your spine against the counteraction of muscle and bone.
I thought the thread abut nuts was up above and dealt with Krugabe’s nuts or lack there off….
Not only does the golf swing call for the spine to rotate, it forces it to do so at a tilt, over and over again, at excessive speed—not what the doctor ordered.
. . .
“Just in general, the swing has gotten shorter, faster and tighter,” says Golf Channel analyst Brandel Chamblee, who fleshes out that thesis in his book The Anatomy of Greatness: Lessons from the Best Golf Swings in History. “When you do that, you’re basically turning the body into a time bomb, and sooner or later the spokes are going to start busting off the hub.”
I wonder if graphite shafts and lightweight heads have made it worse simply because you can generate so much power with the whip of the graphite that you can’t with a steel shaft, or a wooden shaft from way back in the day.
Better or worse that Parkinson’s waitresses?
Better. The Perkin’s waitresses don’t spill coffee all over you.
That’s a shaky premise.
Knock that right off!
*narrows gaze*
There’s nothing quite like a vibrating handjob.
What can you say about a Parkinson’s waitress except she’s a Fox.
Man I’m good. She was quivering with an orgasm the whole time.
Word. I’m struggling navigating a relationship with a professional classical musician. There is no higher priority for her than the pursuit of perfection and accomplishment.
I’m guessing we’ve all screwed up a little along the way, didn’t get caught or if caught got away with a warning of sorts, either by nature or the Man. Life is trial and error, sometimes we learn to test the water before doing the same thing over and over. Sometimes we don’t. Good for Tiger.
I knew a guy from high school in my circle of friends who’s about four years older, and he generated a reputation for himself as a real master of effing his life up. But the thing is, it’s not that he did anything worse than all the rest of us were doing, it’s just that every single time we caught a break, he didn’t. So, he had one last fling with his horrible ex-girlfriend and, naturally, she gets pregnant. He drops out of college to be a photographer, can’t land a single gig, can’t get back into college. The son he has with the ex has persistent, serious medical issues that require routine and costly treatment, so he’s stuck working a dead-end job to cover child support and medical costs. Drinks like a fish, drives when he’s had a few too many–which all of us have at least once–but in his case he hits a homeless guy crossing the street in the dark…outside of a damn liquor store. Doesn’t kill him, but bruises him up. Homeless guy runs off into the night, then a week later my friend gets a call from the police that someone filed a report against him. It’s one of those “there but for the grace of God” situations, except it seems like God’s hanging on to his grace in my friend’s case.
To paraphrase Bill Burr, I don’t know his level of temptation. Not a bevy of Swedish whores waiting to suck my dick as I waddle out to my Ford Focus parked by the dumpster.
I love Bill Burr, without a doubt one of the funniest mofos on the face of the planet.
And he’s one of the big name comics that will tell the pearl clutchers to GFY.
One of the best bits in comedy, but I imagine there are temptresses around you in Japan.
If I get a goofy smile from some lady, I just assume she’s either crazy or has VD. Keeps me on the straight and narrow.
Man’s gotta keep temptation bottled up, or there will be hell to pay straff. And we always pay for it. Sooner or later.
18 years and so far so good. Only problem is the wife is questioning why we go through so much conditioner in the shower.
Blame the kid?
Or the humidity. “It takes a lot of gel for hair to look this good.”
causing Krugnuts to say something stupid.
TDS is a hell of a drug.
Saatchi Gallery covers up SKU artworks after complaints by Muslims
Exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery by an artist known as SKU, the works overlaid Arabic script on nude images, and were meant to represent the conflict between America and Islamic extremists.
Just posted this because it’s interesting they didn’t object to the picture next to it.
“Please direct any complaints to the complaints department. You’ll find it by sliding down this chute, just past the woodchipper.”
Feel free to purchase them and destroy them.
Putting dung on a Virgin Mary is totes OK, however.
It’s a lot safer, anyway.
“Don’t look at it, then.”
Heh, the action of covering them up illustrates the conflict between America and Islamic extremists far better than the paintings ever could have.
Are Muslims heeded because some have a habit of cutting people’s heads off or because they are percieved to be a minority?
Check out the expression of the girl on the right.
Caption contest:
Woah Jenny, we just wanted to scare them, not get felonies
“Whoa! I thought we were going to get head, not chop them off”
Several entertainment/media types have admitted they don’t mock Muslims the way they do Christians because they are afraid of Muslims. I believe Lawrence O’Donnell and Bill Maher both agreed to this on Maher’s show.
Penn Jillette has said that openly. That he is scared of what Muslims might do to his family if he criticizes them.
And yet the same assholes will keep lecturing Christians about how Islam is the “religion of peace”.
That load of bullshit comes from Bush’s post-9/11 pronouncement, where he also claimed “Islam means ‘peace'”. Of course Islam does not translate to “peace” it more closely translates to “submission”. He never should have made any such statements anyway, he was the commander in chief, not the theologian in chief.
But yeah, you are right. And he bent over backwards to not offend American Muslims. Wasn’t he the first to have a Ramadan meal in the White House? Or something like that…?
No, Bill Clinton was. Bush held one every year though
That crap was just Bush showing his contempt for average Americans, assuming they were fixin’ for revenge unless he soothed them with bromides.
Uncivil, you missed some fan mail last night:
CPRM on May 6, 2019 at 9:27 pm
Uncivil, what is your route back from Minnisoda?
MikeS on May 6, 2019 at 9:36 pm
And when are you getting to Fargo? Memorial Day?
Arrival in Fargo should be June 1st.
My route from Minnesoda is -> Milwaukee -> large circle around Chicagoland -> Near Indianapolis -> Port Clinton, Ohio (Or nearby town on Lake Erie) – >Rochester NY -> Capital District, NY
If your route to Milwaukee is via Green Bay I should be able to meet up. You can contact me at this address.
Work may be on the verge of blocking Glibs, because it’s been… intermittant this morning (sometimes blocked, sometimes failing, sometimes working.)
My phone is also low on battery, so I may end up having to respond in more detail in the PM lynx.
Looking at the map, it would not be a great detour to go by way of Green Bay. We’d be looking at June 3rd, which is a Monday.
UC, check out this story. You better bring another liver if you are taking the scenic route through Wisconsin. They have more entries in the top 20 drunkest cites than anyone else.
Leaving Sunny Minnesoda your itinerary will be:
#2 Eau Claire
#9 Wasau
#1 Green Bay
#3 Appleton
#6 Oshkosh
#12 Fond du Lac
#20 Milwaukee
I left out La Crosse and Sheboygan because they are slightly off the route you want to take. The list I did put there are all right on your route if you go visit CPRM.
(by the way Fargo is #5)
The younger people in Wisconsin drink a lot more than the young people here. Middle aged people drink a helluva lot more here than in Wisconsin. My experience, anyways.
Good ol’ Sloshkosh.
I wish I had that shirt a few years ago. I was working on a project with Mercury and spent a lot of time in Fond du Lac and their boatworks in Oshkosh.
When this list came out, I had a lot of fun teasing them. My theory was that the west side of Lake Winnebago was populated by drunks who were trying to get back to Milwaukee after a Packer game.
Unfortunately they couldn’t drive straight and when they hit the lake, they just said fuck it and put down roots.
I am usually free on Mondays, so should work.
All right, I’ll send an e-mail when I get home.
Me email is my handle followed by underscore jm at outlook
Sorry I missed the topic. What’s the route through MN? Didn’t you say you were going north of Duluth as well?
I was entering by way of Duluth/Superior, since I’ll be wrapping up the Canukistani leg of the trip in that area.
Ahh. Well if you head north of there give me a shout.
How far north? My route into the country is Thunder Bay -> Superior.
I don’t remeber if I was stopping by Soudan on the way or after I checked into my hotel. I’d have to check my notes.
I’m east of Soudan in Ely, “the end of the road”. (Not really the end…)
Oh yeah, and not to out pedant the pedant, but you are entering MN near Grand Portage not Duluth!
*sticks tongue out*
Who says I’m not taking a boat?
I’m working from memory and didn’t have the map in front of me, thus mistook where the border was along the lakefront.
It’s like this guy has never North Shored before!
Watch it, or we’ll give the Daks to Trudy.
“Who says I’m not taking a boat?“
I’m in Duluth. I’d buy you a beer if you stop by.
When were you starting your trip? I remember we were going to have breakfast in Saratoga.
It starts the Saturday before Memorial day – so, 5/25.
What is the best way to reach you to work out specifics?
I’m assuming that TPTB have your contact info since you’ve submitted @ gllibs before.
I hereby give them permission to forward my email address to you.
Woods is a case study in what an insane level of focus and dedication to a single thing can cost.
There is an ad which I have seen a few times featuring Michael Phelps; He talks about the benefits of therapy and how it might have helped him be a “better” person. He also would not, in all likelihood, have those olympic medals in his sock drawer, if some psychoanalyst had convinced him to not be so obsessed with swim meets.
However, it is good that they exist at the point that swim meets aren’t his future. Otherwise his monomania might have latched onto something destructive.
Exactly. It’s extremely rare that someone who achieves so much is well-adjusted or even pleasant to be around. Take Steve Jobs for an example.
Everyone loves Wayne Gretzky, though. He’s the rare superstar who is a pretty normal, unassuming guy. Mariano Rivera is another one.
The number one reason to love Gretzky.
Uffda. When did Gretzky transition?
Whoever did the lop job did good work though.
Their daughter is hot too, though a high-maintenance famewhore.
Listening to some congresscritter justify the ongoing demands for documents from the DOJ this morning, it’s more than apparent that the Dems are simply trying to drag this out for political theater. They know they can’t get the grand jury documents.
The phrase of the day is “securing our democracy”.
Or trying to distract from the crimes committed by their Deep State operatives.
I’m just disappointed in the lack of creativity. We already did the Trump Tax thing. At least the Russia Connection was something different.
And constitutional crises. Don’t let the people forget that they are breaking the rules cause the Constitution didn’t lay out how to handle this.
Do they not look insane to the rest of the people in this country or is it just the people on this website? They seem to have completely lost it and they have no self-awareness of that fact.
Even NPR admits that it is a play to their base and that any dispute they have with the DOJ is going to have to go tho the courts because Barr has a legal case for not turning over the documents.
And an Obama federal appointee will rule in favor of the Dems and eventually SCOTUS will reverse them. But the damage (they hope) will be done by stretching this out into the lection.
Yeah “securing our democracy” (it’s a republic, fucknut) by trying to overturn the results of an election they didn’t like.
They really do think 1984 was an instruction manual.
The phrase of the day is “securing our democracy”.
Curious considering we do not have a one.
Erdoğan understands democracy – keep the rubes voting until they get it right.
Huh, Erdogan’s Turkey really does belong in the EU after all.
I suspect the real reason there is such a push for this documentation is so team blue members can get advanced information on what evidence the people that will now bring charges against numerous Obama admin hacks have, all so they can prepare their defense (both legally and in the public arena), because the shit is not going to go well for them. Their copu attempt failed, and now it is an exercise in circling the wagons to protect the guilty.
On the Trump link…time to punch back. I keep hearing the hysterical left calling for jailing anyone who doesnt co-operate in their witch hunt. How much of an ignorant moron does one have to be to take that position? Piss on the rule of law and it is a a certainty that you yourself will end up in a cage. Dumbasses. These people have to go.
As for the child kidnapping by the state…it wont stop until someone is slapped down hard.
PA state senator? Woodchipper.
Dude in a dress? Looking at that makes me think the elite class portrayed in Hunger Games living on rarified air, caviar and silk completely removed from reality while everyone else scratches around in the dirt for roots to eat is how these morons see themselves. Actually the movie didn’t really go far enough. How creepy is that?
Think Progress. Not sure what else to say. The commie shitweasels are still pushing the same ol’ ridiculous scam.
“On the Trump link…time to punch back. I keep hearing the hysterical left calling for jailing anyone who doesnt co-operate in their witch hunt. How much of an ignorant moron does one have to be to take that position? Piss on the rule of law and it is a a certainty that you yourself will end up in a cage. Dumbasses. These people have to go.”
Remember that these people demanding everyone and anyone related to Trump, as well as Trump himself be jailed, are the same people that spend all their energy defending the real crimes and the real collusion with Russia (and other foreign agents) committed by Clinton, and did so by giving her a pass because she meant well but supposedly didn’t know she was committing a crime (yeah, right). Expecting them to be consistent or moral is a recipe for disaster.
We need to remember that the only standard that these people have is a double standard. I sure as hell am hoping that their demands people be jailed for the appearance (and practically in every case manufactured appearance by Obama admin people that were running entrapment scams) of impropriety gets turned on them, and we jail a ton of Obama people that really committed crimes, but I suspect – and it clearly has already started – that the usual dnc operatives with bylines will do a complete 180 and suddenly demand that these poor people not be held accountable even when there is indisputable evidence that what they did was wrong, because they meant well.
I don’t know how many people caught the NYT article that went out this past weekend admitting now that the Obama administration’s weaponized intelligence and justice departments did spy on Trump, but did so accidentally in a frenzied situation. Basically the new defense is that they committed crimes, but meant well. Of course, the fact that we have the existing system in place precisely to prevent chaos to be used as an excuse (or otherwise), is now being ignored by the people that wanted us to believe their coup attempt wasn’t to reverse the result of an election they thought they had rigged for Clinton, but purely an accident of ill timing. Someone should ask them why we should give them the benefit of the doubt about their intentions being correct and this just having gone wrong. After all, they realized this was the case almost immediately, but then spend some 2 1/2 years and $30 million pursuing a lie with the whole Mueller witch-hunt.
This was not an accident. They tried to entrap Trump and his people, not once, but at least 5 times that we know of, and failed. Then lost the rigged election and realized their criminal behavior would come out, and have repercussion,s and decided to double down and execute a coup based on a manufactured premise (which completely destroys their new claims that their efforts were just accidental). When they realized they had no evidence to deliver on their collusion charges, they spent 2 1/2 years trying to goad him into doing something they could then label as obstruction to impeach him with. When Barr finally took over from that idiot Sessions, their time ran out. Now they are desperately circling the wagons and hoping they can run out the clock or convince the public this was all just a misunderstanding and oramge man is still bad.
Fuck them. I hope the lot of them are fucking making small rocks out of big ones.
I don’t know where Barr is on actual issues, odds are he is just a run of the mill system authoritarian. However, the fact that he is treating these show trails with the contempt they deserve is wildly entertaining. The press and team blue’s hysterics about Barr’s unwillingness to play their silly game is fun to watch.
He seems like an old guy who doesn’t give a fuck. He was AG almost 30 years ago. He made all the money he’ll ever need as an EVP at GTE. His sensibilities were offended by Mueller
investigationcover-up before he came back to the job. Now he’s just enjoying life by putting beat-downs on Democrats.He made all the money he’ll ever need as an EVP at GTE.
He made even more money at Kirkland & Ellis. Probably to the tune of a few million a year.
His facial expressions alone make it pretty clear why Trump choose him.
Huh. I didn’t think Bar had a Horse Face.
That only applies to porn actresses, I think.
I think it’s similar to Lindsey Graham’s awakening. They’re both swamp creatures. But the swamp had rules, damn it. They’re trying to get things back to a semblance of normality.
What we’ve got here is a bunch of protesters – a bunch of pseudo-Christian protesters – who have been out here shaming young girls for being here. I’ve got $100 for anybody who’ll identify any of these three.
So, look, a bunch of white people standing in front of a Planned Parenthood shaming people. There’s nothing Christian about what you’re doing … nothing Christian, loving, or godly about what you’re doing. I’ve got $100 for anybody who’ll identify them.
Protesting and praying over what you perceive to be murder is actually quite christian. And if you are trying to dox teen aged girls there is a problem, but it is not them.
Example no. 30,546,782 illustrating ‘If you appeal to the worst parts of human nature your followers will be the worst kinds of people’.
I’ve got to hand it to Philadelphia for belching up a local pol who manages to out-asshole any of the ones I’ve seen out of Chicago or NYC recently. Well done.
If Philly sports fans are any indication their asshole quota is quite full. No one hates Philly teams as much as their fans.
What pray tell is especially Christian, godly, or loving about offering a bounty for doxxing teenagers? Also, why is it worse because they’re white? If I were someone who actually believed in God I’d maybe lay off that kind of behavior, chief. I’m not through the whole thing yet but I think there’s a theme in the Bible about God not thinking it’s cute when people do bad shit and say he told them to.
Tard Tuesday: True Believers
I should sell a shirt ‘We’ve got him this time!’.
The report is already available, you fucking idiots. Minus redacted classified info and Grand Jury testimony, which can not be released.
It’s fun watching the Democrats scream at the sky because Barr won’t break the law at their request (after which they would cheerfully impeach him).
They know damn well he can’t by law release what they are asking, which allows to scream “coverup!!!” to deflect from the real criminality by the Dems and keep their idiot followers worked up.
At this point it is a desperate act to make him do something, anything, they can use to declare obstruction and keep the shit show going. That and also to get as much information of what Barr has on whom so they can properly prepare their defense cases.
To some extent, Democrat leaders have got a tiger by the tail. If they back off on all this, or admit they’re wrong, the idiot part of their base (which is not all of them), is going to try and primary their asses.
There should be consequences for making promises you knew you couldn’t keep all so people would give you money…
which can not be released.
Psht. The law only applies to pols that don’t have a ‘D’ next to their name.
Ah, the good old Democratic Underground aka the Huffington Post for the mentally retarded.
Those people are insane.
Take that to the bank. He is up shit creek without a paddle. This has broken open like a busted dam
The triple cliche. Bold move.
Let’s see how it works out for them.
The huge HBO hit Game of Thrones has long been seen as a metaphor or parable for the climate crisis
I don’t know why anyone would think it is. And no, I do not wish to allow thinkprogress to send me
fake“progressive” news. But thanks for asking.So if GOT is a parable for the climate crisis, how can this be the last season?
If I remember right the climate crisis here on planet earth started in the early ’70s with claims that we were in a new ice age. Then we moved to Global Warming in the ’90s. So GOT should have 20 more seasons if they want to stay true to the metaphor.
BTW, Littlefinger will definitely be the one who comes out with the hockey stick graph and “data” that proves that Westeros will be flooded by the rising seas.
Apparently GRRM is supportive of the theory. Glad I dropped out of that a long time ago.
I think GRRM is supportive of anything that’s going to bump his royalty check up. If I was him I’d say it was about climate change, gender inequality, trans…stuff, and #BLM. And electric cars. Get money, player.
Yeah, he decided to let the HBO show runners turn a decent story into cliched shit because he likes those fat checks. Not that I blame him, it’s easier than finishing the story himself, I guess.
The night is long and full of errors.
The long night sounds unforgivably dumb.
I watched the episode, and it drove me nuts how tactically stupid and incompetent they were. I guess people are expected to have no knowledge of military history and tactics.
I am too lazy to go look for a video clip, but to the best of my recollection this was addressed in Episode 2. The good guys knew they could not win a large drawn out siege. The only way to win was to kill the night kin. So they needed to “lose fast” and put Bran out as bait.
Yeah that doesn’t explain the stupidity
–“Here let me throw away all my cavalry on a pointless frontal charge against an enemy that does not feel fear and outnumbers 100 to 1”–
Hey while we are at it lets not build ANY defensive fortifications besides a single small ditch and then we are going to put all of our artillery outside of that ditch, not inside of it.
Oh yeah, and lets put all of our best infantry outside of that ditch too, that way we can get half of them killed before we retreat behind it rather than using the ditch as a method of controlling the movements of the massively numerically superior enemy and alowing us to achieve local superiority at least some of the time.
Combine that plan with the Battle of the Bastards and Jon Snow for all his qualities might just be the worst military commander in the history of the 7 kingdoms
Brit and American talk about their governmental systems. The American has the respectable liberal opinions.
– Brit understands the original role of the president better than the American.
– American says: Senators will always claim something is unconstitutional, but there isn’t anything in the Constitution saying you can’t do that.
– they both think the others system is more resilient than theirs.
– the American doesn’t wrap his head around the fact that the UK is still a monarchy and that the Queen can still dissolve parliament if she wanted to.
Land of the Magna Carta…where you will be imprisoned for telling an off-color joke.
Here is some first rate cognitive dissonance. I just dont get how anyone can be so shackled in their own minds.
Y’all do what you want but leave us the fuck alone.
Good lord… “Hateful speech” is subjective and there is no standard to enforce against it, freedom of speech principle notwithstanding.
I can’t even read that stuff it’s so enraging. The level of stupidity is just mind-boggling.
“Please, benevolent overlords, tell us what we can and can not say! Tell us, oh Lords, what thoughts we may be allowed express!”
These people are fucking pathetic.
And they will jump from one leg to the other as what is woke speech changes every five minutes.
brave New World, 1984, and Animal Farm were not “how to” manuals you fucking idiots.
We might be past that. Let’s send over some barges to take refugees and then, I don’t know, some kind of bioweapon? Xenomorphs? Fork some dough over to the Mongolians and see if they’re down for another Golden Horde scenario? I’d say bomb the shit out of it, but I don’t want to wreck the buildings.
Sad to see Australia losing the plot too. I had high hopes for them.
there isn’t anything in the Constitution saying you can’t do that
The Constitution tells the gov’t what is can do, and a few things it is explicitly not allowed to do. If it’s not a delegated authority then the gov’t is not allowed to do it*.
*But it does shit it’s not supposed to anyway.
– the American doesn’t wrap his head around the fact that the UK is still a monarchy and that the Queen can still dissolve parliament if she wanted to.
Akshually, she no longer can do so unilaterally:
The phrase of the day is “securing our democracy”.
I saw “Vice” the other night. I despise Dick Cheney, and I thought the movie pretty much sucked. Just another recitation of the laundry list of crimes against humanity perpetrated by conservative Republikkkinz.
Oh, the humanity.
My wife and I tried to watch it. She fell asleep and I got bored. Cheney was a dick, but the movie made everyone into such a caricature that I just rolled my eyes the scenes that were suppose to outrage me.
That plot was straight up a piece of fiction from the minds of your usual team blue moron. If there was anything factual in it, it was purely by coincidence. And yet, I am sure there will be a ton of morons that watch it and think that is really how things happened. Cheney was a true dick, as was his pussy of a boss, but they managed to be made to look decent, if not good, by team Obama.
I liked it. ‘Twas a fairly good depiction of how the most competent do *not* make it to the top, but the most ruthless do.
Dying raccoon in the equipment lot yesterday afternoon. The mechanic came up front to ask me to shoot it. He says “You can probably get right up to it and put one behind the ear.”
I respond “There’s no way in hell I’m getting that close to a raccoon, particularly one that doesn’t run away from me. I’ll shoot it from over there.”
I’ve got to wonder about people and their sense of what animals are capable of.
When a raccoon doesn’t run it is rabies. If you want some of the most painful injections possible out there with no guarantee that they will prevent the disease from still killing you, you get close to them.
We just told the kids last night. “If an animal doesn’t run away from you, run away from it.” Particularly if it’s a nocturnal animal during the daytime.
Looking forward to my reparations.
EVERYONE is descended from slaves AND slave owners. No exceptions.
That would be my Scotch-Irish immigrant dirt farmer ancestors that fled to the mountains and hooked up with Indians and former African slaves.
Yup. But leftists only care about a very small window of time and a narrowly defined population for some reason.
Putting the “peculiar” in peculiar institution.
the movie made everyone into such a caricature that I just rolled my eyes the scenes that were suppose to outrage me.
Pretty much.
It would make for a good liberal outrage bingo drinking game.
I have just discovered my brother secretly wears women’s underwear. What should I do?
Wear his boxers.
It is a pity Penthouse Letters is not a thing anymore and these people now have to pretend this shit is something real they need to deal with…
“…what should I do?”
Mind your own business?
That would be a good app. MYOB. If you see something that outrages you, you can take a pic and then type up your screed. When you are done you press the “Post” button and the app just deletes everything and puts up a message that says “Mind your own business”
Then there’s the NIMBY app, where you post a picture and someone else has to write a screed about it.
It would be like a modern Magic 8 Ball, where all the answers are the same.
This might be genius. The screed-writing is the catharsis the person obviously needs, but the app ensures that the collateral BS of actually posting something on social media doesn’t really occur. Sounds like a win-win.
That’s unwoke. You’re supposed to throw him a party.
Insert “Ed Wood” DVD, press Play.
Christmas and birthday shopping just got easier. Get him a Victoria’s Secret giftcard.
Plus it sounds like she knows his size, too, even easier.
What Mormon says “knickers”?
Trump’s America vs. Obama’s America.
Heh. Make Tiger Great Again.
If millennials choose socialism, fine. Just don’t make this mistake
The people complaining about capitalism aren’t really very interested in a functional society, whether it looks like southern Europe or northern Europe. They want a punitive society.
Nobody ever asks if it is even Constitutional for the US government to become (more…) socialist*. I would argue that it is not.
*Actual socialism, not just more welfare.
Once again the assholes in these 2 generations are missing the fact that there is an entire generation between them and now a new generation coming up behind the Millenials who WILL have to live with the bullshit
The generation that time forgot.
More than HALF of the penguins at Irish aquarium are now in same-sex pairs and are raising chicks together
So, they’re guessing because the mating efficiency of penguins is always 100%? also:
Wait, wut?
Penguins are not gay? I thought any animal forced to waddle (butt hurt) like they did and wearing a tux had to be gay….
OK, that was lame… Sorry.
Never apologize
Lysenko vouches for the legitimacy of Lysenkoism. Of course he does.
I was raised on a farm. I know what it looks like when someone is shoveling horseshit.
How are the male pairs obtaining a chick to raise? Are they using their male privilege to steal eggs?
No, they’re doing it the old fashioned way. Maybe they just get tired of the gals’ shit. (And vice versa.)
This idea that it makes them “homosexual” is a bit ridiculous – unless they’re having sex with each other, which I have never seen noted in these stories, or reading their minds to determine that they’re “in love”.
There is a lot of discussion here about Dems’ motives for getting Trump’s tax returns, etc. I think our discussion is giving them too much credit. Bottom line, IMO, is that they are truly convinced Trump is a bad person, and if they dig hard enough they will find that smoking gun they are certain is out there.
No different than true believers in Steve Smith and the Loch Ness Monster. No lack of evidence will ever be enough so stop paying attention to them already.
“Breaking News: Trump would have been charged with obstruction were he not president, more than 370 former federal prosecutors assert in statement”
Don’t read the comments. Don’t the article either. Actually, all things considered, we should just transition back to a preliterate society.
Ask them if they defended Hilary when the evidence that she committed a crime was so much more than the flimsy shit they want to use to charge Trump with or not. My guess is they will twist themselves into pretzels trying to find a reason she should be given a pass and he should not. This Trump witch hunt has nothing to do with any real crimes and is more about reversing the election results because they didn’t like the fact they still lost an election team Obama had rigged for Hillary to win.
No doubt they could have found well over 370 current federal prosecutors who disagreed with Comey’s absurd “no reasonable prosecutor” standard, if anyone had bothered to ask.
I’m curious how many current and past federal prosecutors are there?
Yeah, that seems like a whole lot of prosecutin’.
Said prosecutors do not sound reasonable.
Are there any examples given of actual obstruction? Evidence?
I know the answer, just axin’ so no one can say I didn’t.
Remember, prosecutors don’t need an actual crime to prosecute someone. The process is the punishment.
Non-presidents can fire the head of the FBI & the AG? I’ll have to remember that.
Finally saw Avengers: Endgame last night. I won’t post any spoilers, but Mrs. TOK, her brother, and I were all pretty disappointed by it. Anyone else think it was just ok? There were some parts I liked, but I can think of at least 10 MCU movies I liked better.
I’ll wait for the DVD to show up at the library.
I thought it was fine for the end of the era, not great and had problems but better than 99% of movies that come out anymore.
There was a ton of wokeness added to this by Disney, and it reflects in the end product.
I can fly straight through space battleships, but I need GRRRL POWA! to get past a bunch of infantry.
The first hour was well done, the second hour was amusing, the third hour was just another CGI shitshow (but that’s what the fans boys want and they’ll cough up 2 billion bucks to see it).
I was more entertained that the newest trailer for Far From Home has a spoiler warning for Endgame in front of it. I’m really interested in seeing where they’re going next (and Spidey is the best).
MCU Spider-Man has been better in the other movies than in his own, hopefully this one is better.
Honestly, I found Homecomingto be the cringiest of the MCU movies. Even worse than The Hulk.
I admit my Spider-Man fanboyism. I even remember watching the old terrible made for TV movies back in the day.
So you didn’t hat the way he was made into a cross between Wesley Crusher and Gomer Pyle?
Into the Spiderverse OTOH was just space bananas awesome.
I own the third Raimi Spider-Man, and both of the Andrew Garfield ones. Homecoming was better then both of those by far. And I don’t mind going with a young kid who’s excited about having fantastic powers. I don’t need an angst filled old Spidey as the primary one (although the character worked in the Spiderverse). And have you kept up with the Spidey comics at all? They’ve gone in some crazy directions over the past decade (we don’t talk about One More Day).
Spider-Man 3 is another movie that got a fan edit from, sadly the dance number scene has to stay for the movie to make sense.
Nope, I have not kept up with the comics at all.
However, Spidey was never about wacky hijinx and slapstick pratfall comedy. Or desperately craving a daddy figure. There wasn’t really a Spiderman “line” in the MCU, so I can’t really say if that’s what it was supposed to be (like Captain America being serious, Thor being campy and Ant-Man being silly)
Not Adahn: At this point, Spidey in the MCU is the kid. Impulsive, doesn’t think things through, takes risks to prove himself, and doesn’t realize the danger around him. The Iron Man/Spider-Man team up has happened in the comics, but the comics also have Spidey as a tech genius at about the Stark level. I’m a little disappointed that the next movie is taking Spidey out into the big world instead of leaving him fighting local threats (and that it’ll be years before we can actually have Daredevil meet up with Spidey).
Hell, I watched those again last year.
I thought it was very appropriate for the conclusion of the MCU.
As a stand alone movie, or even as the second half of Infinity War, it wouldn’t be considered good.
I haven’t seen all of the MCU, and it was apparent to me when I was missing references.
Show us your
titstaxes!In a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, Mnuchin, citing guidance he received from the Justice Department, said the committee’s request for Trump’s returns “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose” and he was “therefore not authorized” to release them. With that, Mnuchin said he was “informing” Neal that Treasury “may not lawfully fulfill the Committee’s request.”
If it wasn’t clear before, then it is now: Trump’s White House has decided to wage war on the principles of transparency and oversight, arguing in a series of recent confrontations with the law enforcement community and Congress that the executive branch has the authority and independence to decide for itself whether it has to respond to – and even recognize – checks on its power.
Give him an inch, and he’ll invade Poland.
And no other President has ever done anything like this. Holder and Lerner et all gave congress all the info they asked for every time.
Can we get to see his wife’s tits?
Of course they don’t even bother to try to state just exactly what their “legitimate legislative purpose” is. Because they don’t have one.
Trump’s White House has decided to wage war on the principles of transparency and oversight
This type of lawless stonewalling would never have happened in the Obama administration as it is well known that his was the most transparent administration in history. //prog
For nearly three years while the absurd Russia hoax was being perpetrated he was completely transparent. I think he said ‘enough is enough’.
It is time to start kicking sand int heir eyes.
“Exercising oversight” is the justification used by every micromanaging, intrusive, arbitrary, self-contradictory, unhinged dickwad boss, ever.
“Sen. @KamalaHarris speaks to Detroit @NAACP: “Let’s say this loud and clear — without voter suppression, @StaceyAbrams would be the governor of Georgia, @AndrewGillum is the governor of Florida. So the truth is we need a new Voting Rights Act.”
Didn’t Michelle Strahan lose by 55,000 votes?
My Vote Integrety Act
All prospective voters must show proof of identity and right to vote at time of casting the ballot
All voter rolls must be rigorously purged of people who have ceased to be eligable to vote in that district on an annual basis.
Irregularities and delays in vote counting is a presumption of incompetence and everyone responsible is immediately suspended without pay, pending termination, and the audit trails of all ballots in that district must be verified by a 100% public, multipartisan outside audit before the results can be included in the vote total.
So, you want to suppress the votes of minorities, you racist!
Well, not allowing democrats to find vans full of uncounted votes that skew 99.995 for the (D) candidate (the other 0.01% are bad ballots) making the voter turnout for heavily team blue districts go upwards of 125%, is voter suppression, dontcha know…
And don’t forget “ballot harvesting”, where they go door to door to collect ballots, and help the occupants fill out the ballots, and lack proper chain of custody for the harvested ballots.
I remain flummoxed how this can be considered legitimate.
By all means and at all costs Q…
Shit they are actively undermining the security of the current citizens & residents and of the republic so they can import a more vote buying friendly electorate, and there are people cheering this because orange man is bad and they think this hurts him (and not them).
“Literally right now, the 2016 election loser and someone who is top of the list to be a VP nomination in 2020 are out NOT conceding their election losses almost daily and the press are talking about a hypothetical with Trump, to avoid addressing it.”
that’s hilarious. i get that Cillizza’s a stupid motherfucker but that is weapons-grade retarded to put in writing when Abrams and every single Dem mouthpiece in the country for the past two years have refused to concede defeat and accept legitimate election results.
It’s great that Google let’s you time box searches so the old stuff doesn’t get drowned out by the new narrative.
a new Voting Rights Act
To read: “The Democrat Party shall be the victor in all elections.”
Titty Tuesday rides again!
AOC parody Twitter account banned by Twitter:
The personal account of the person who ran the account was also suspended.
I wonder why they have not banned the parody account for Instapundit or other not team blue people.
I think it’s a largely a function of how willing to bitch and complain to authorities the leftists are compared to anyone else. They love it.
Guilty of lese majeste.
Maybe booting off users with actual followings is a dumb idea when your active base is plummeting year over year. But it’s fun watching the idiots set themselves on fire to punish others.
Twitter banned the Salon parody account years ago.
Parody and satire are relics of an older time. Barbaric really, we are far more enlightened and only trust Truth (TM).
Is it even possible to parody her official account?
No. I am convinced her schtick is purely an act.
I think they have dropped the act. It is just shameless propaganda now and all wrong thinkers are to be purged. It will be the death of them. Oh well.
So Twitter is admitting that their blue check mark scheme is a failure?
Some local news for you.
Now, it’s also by an airport, a mall, a brewery, and a bunch of other things. But I’m glad they mentioned NASA…
And people scoffed when I said I’d rather have a mechanical key.
“And people scoffed when I said…”
Yes, they did.
Just because I’m a luddite doesn’t mean technology isn’t bad.
So are you taking an oxcart on this jaunt around the Great Lakes?
Don’t be silly. Oxen walk slow.
I’m bending space-time.
Oxen bend space-time more than humans. I think you are missing a bet, unless… oh wait, you meant you were riding an elephant. Carry on.
Dont knock an ox. They might be slow but they never tire. They just go and go and go.
Like he’s gonna trust don’t new fangled invention like the wheel.
I’m a luddite, not uber-amish
I assume it is okay for the amish to use uber? Do new amish have a cell phone at the end of their drive way instead of a pay phone?
Please, UCS is classy. He has a pimped out Conestoga wagon.
And his oxen have those super cool spinning horns that keep spinning even after the wagon stops.
Most of the fobs that I’ve seen have a mechanical key as well. It’s just a pain to access, and to use.
I know.
Lies! Filthy Lies!
Nope. The fob with my car is much better then the key. The battery in it charges while it’s plugged into the car, it stores the maintenance history, it even saves the car preferences (radio stations, single/triple blink on a turn signal tap, etc). And I can use it to roll down the windows as I’m walking to my car. And the mechanical key for my car is inside the fob, so I have to take the fob off in order to use the mechanical key.
… That is way to much to cram into a losable device. And they poorly designed the key placement, so I worry what else they designed badly.
When was the last time you lost a car key? I can’t remember losing one.
My car doesn’t even have an ignition switch. The doors lock & unlock by touch and fob proximity. The fob never leaves my pocket during the day.
In Cleveland, the year before last. The Valet at the hotel dropped one behind the counter. If I hadn’t had a spare with me, I’d have been stuck there.
Also, the very idea of the car unlocking in such a manner without being explicitly told to do so utterly horrifies me.
I don’t want the damn theing unlocking or locking on its whim. I also hate that my current car unlocks all the doors if I merely open the driver’s door. These should be individually controlled by the user
The fob has to be by the door and you put your hand inside the handle to unlock. To lock, the fob has to be near the door and you touch a spot on the outside of the door handle.
That’s a changeable setting on my car. You sure you can’t alter it on yours.
How near is “near”?
When was the last time you lost a car key?
I still haven’t found the second fob for my car. Im not sure whether it made the move to VA or not.
And if it can be changed, I haven’t found it.
Mind you, the geniouses who designed this PoS decided that the best way to bring the wipers up so you can clean/change the blades would be to require the operator to quickly turn the car on then off, then hold the wiper control in the ‘pulse’ position until the computer deigned to move the wipers up to a position where you could get at them (and if you get the recommended sizes of blades, the shorter one hits the longer one each time they sweep, leaving a triangle of uncleared winscreen until the corner gets worn down.)
How near is “near”?
Less than 5 feet.
All of that electronic shit can easily be hacked by thieves. The truth is that the only people it slows down are the owners.
It also pisses me off when a car does something I didn’t tell it to do. If I want the doors locked I will lock them. If I want them unlocked I will unlock them. Now, do as you are told. I didn’t pay a fortune to be told what I need. Fuck that.
My in-laws have some kind of nice Kia sedan. Last time we were out to dinner with them, the FIL drove off to park while we all went inside, only to have the MIL subsequently discover that she’s still got the (only) fob in her purse. I don’t know what the operating rules are supposed to be in that scenario, but the car didn’t stop running when he was far outside the range of the fob.
All of that electronic shit can easily be hacked by thieves.
The mechanical locks can be bypassed in a matter of seconds, too.
So the claim that it’s only supposed to work if the device is in the car only applies to when you push the “on” button?
*shakes head*
I keep a 10mm open end under my seat. In high risk areas I have been known to unhook the battery in addition to locking the doors. No such thing as thief proof but you can make it more trouble and time consuming for them.
I keep a 10mm under my seat. In high risk areas
/speed reading
“When was the last time you lost a car key? I can’t remember losing one.“
Have you met my wife?
It also helpfully informs the local police when you’ve been near a known drug house.
“Ocasio-Cortez reportedly in talks to make Green New Deal documentary”
“An Inconvenient Thot”
This is most excellent. It will be a riot.
“AOC currently on Instagram saying she has never seen a garbage disposal before”
Tard Tuesday!
I’ve only seen them in movies and also am unsure of it’s purpose.
They are used to grind up silverware, clog if someone tries to dispose of potato peel, and occasionally inflict an ‘ungloving’ injury.
Strangely, they also shut off the dishwasher.
(The dishwasher in my apartment drained through the disposal in a manner that made no sense to me, but if the disposal wasn’t working, the dishwasher wasn’t either)
Probably true. She grew up in a home with maids. She has probably never stood in front of a sink in her life.
I like the excuses being made for her. “Oh, they were banned in NYC until 1997!” Except a)she was 7 years old in 1997, so they’ve been legal in NYC for most of her life b)she didn’t grow up in NYC anyway.
Are they really that common? *wikipedia’s* OK, 50% of US homes have one. Huh.
The NYT article says only new buildings have them plus a very few old ones, most of which still ban them. It’s not like a lot of landlords are running around installing them in 50- or 60-year-old buildings.
Every* new construction sink is going to have one.
I never had one growing up (house built in the 50s) but every place I have owned (1998+) has had one.
*I am sure there are exceptions.
Not if I’m in charge. I’ve seen them in enough TV shows to know the carnage they cause.
My house (built 14 years ago) does not have a garbage disposal. I had to tell the plumber more that once not to install one. I live in the country and have a septic system. Garbage disposals are a no-no with septic systems.
I’ve seen one or two but never lived anywhere that had one.
“Florida woman pulls gator from her yoga pants during traffic stop”
How is this news?
That the yoga pants survived the gator?
Because it was a gator. Normally, when the cops search yoga pants they find red snapper.
Better links:
L A Times headline, via google nooze:
“Will Meghan Markle and Prince harry raise their baby to be black?”
Somebody tougher than me is going to have to find out.
Well he can be Martin Lawrence’s squire
Save your sanity and don’t read it.
“Our #libertarian children’s book has been pulled from Facebook’s store due to “adult content””
Well if they want to sell books, they should become mayor of Baltimore.
Not hurting people is the adult response…
Have they purged enough conservatives that they can bother with us now?
Oh, they will get around to us eventually. Count on it.
I don’t think they bothered to make the distinction in the first place.
Corey Booker is having a hard time admitting that he wants to commit violence against peaceful people who own tools that he doesn’t think they should own.
Harlow asked Booker if he supports Swalwell’s buy-back program, which would impose harsh penalties, including jail time, on those who refuse to sell the government their guns. When asked directly if he supports such penalties, Booker refused to answer.
“When I was mayor of the city of Newark, again I have a record on dealing with gun violence. We did a lot of gun buy-backs and even other creative ideas,” he recalled, promising similar proposals if he becomes president. “The critical thing is I think most Americans agree that these weapons of war should not be on our streets.”
Unsatisfied, Harlow pressed him, “But would you prosecute people? Do you support the government buying them back and if not potentially people could go to jail if they don’t want to sell them back? Yes or no.”
Once again Booker refused to answer the question.
“Again, we should have a law that bans these weapons and we should have a reasonable period in which these people can turn in these weapons,” the presidential candidate said. “Right now we have a nation that allows in streets and communities weapons that should not exist.”
the only thing worse than a true-believer batshit crazy fascist gun grabber is a tepid gun grabber who doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to own up to mass revolt.
Yeah, ok. That’s not a “buy-back”, that’s just confiscation.
Something something my cold dead hands
fuck off, slaver
Duke Nukem really wants to start a civil war.
How is that going in Baltimore Spartacus?
Whether you believe gun control “works” or not, it’s pretty obvious that criminals don’t give a shit about it. Why does Booker only want criminals to have guns?
Well, some of them will wear badges.
Because high crime rates are an important tool in the totalitarians toolbox. It keeps people beaten down, breaks the spirit and keeps them occupied with things other than hanging the powers that be.
C’mon, this is totalitarianism 101.
I’ve only seen them in movies and also am unsure of it’s purpose.
What I learned about garbage disposals from the movies is they are highly effective interrogation tools.
+1 Royale with cheese