You should save this link so that if anyone tells you we only have 12 years left to solve the climate change problem, you can point them to the correct amount of time left.
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Posted by robc | May 16, 2019 | Advice, History, Products You Need | 370
You should save this link so that if anyone tells you we only have 12 years left to solve the climate change problem, you can point them to the correct amount of time left.
Happy Frigedag! First, my apologies for not being around much this week and missing some terrific content from our great…
Hi guys, I'm excited to say, I didn't make the police blotter last night. Tonight could be a different story.…
In another year of so, if someone says 12 years again, I want them to explain which of Trump’s policies extended the date out.
Hey! You can’t be first on your own post! I claim 1st! ME!!!
Thats not a rule!
only for the Links
I hate all of you.
*hugs Spud*
*immediately goes for antibiotic shots*
I expect the asteroid we’re hoping for any day now.
I’d rather have a zombie apocalypse. I’ve got a ton of ammo…
Me too. Kinda worried it’s going to go bad if it sits there much longer. I guess I should just order some fresh stuff. Need to build an addition tho and my wife will think its for her shoes. Life is hardz.
Spam cans ftw. Gotta love that com bloc stuff.
It’s corrosive though.
GP-11 is my favorite military surplus ammo.×39-123-grain-fmj-barnaul-mil-spec-ammo-spam-cans-la
Nope. Non-corrosive is available.
Huh. I didn’t know they were making new ammo in spam cans.
Modern ammo doesn’t go bad – not in any meaningful timeframe.
I have fired 60 year-old ammo in a rifle that was 50 years-old. No significant problems.
I fired 30+ yr old tracer ammo in the military, and the tracers were starting to go bad, but the ammo perfectly fine.
By going bad, mean they wouldn’t start range fires?
In case anyone is wondering, Oct 7, 2018 was the date the “12 year” report was released.
I like that it’s “Chicago Time”. Gotta make sure we know the DOOM in the right timezone!
And the right city…..does it say what corner we should go to for the final toast?
That means the zombies will come in red hats and drape nooses around our necks. All off camera, of course.
Chicago time?
I’d always thought that song was about a somewhat bad acid trip. Turns out it was apparently just a song about them trying to write a song and staying up all night to do so.
Still, best thing they ever did. Also, Terry Kath was a good guitarist.
It was just a joke.
You Republicans just don’t get dark humor.
/AOC really said this
AOC cannot become “no longer relevant” soon enough. And I would bet that time will be here in a few months.
I would say that it’s already happened.
Oh, for the love of crikey. I’ve been hearing we are right at midnight on that doomsday clock since I was born. First it was jeebus coming back. Then it was a nuclear Armageddon with Russia (OK, that was was at least a real possibility), and since then it’s been any manor of absurd bullshit, global warming leading the way. Fuck it, none of this apocalypse is going to kill me before old age or a traffic accident. Who did that song ‘Killed by Death’? Yeah, they were the real prophets.
the hands that threaten dooom,
There are three minutes to midnight.
Yep, those Aussie bands loved some apocalyptic ideas:
Debbie Downer jeez dude
Fine, have some upbeat Redgum:
Here’s one on how to rip off corporations:
Well, shit, that’ll teach me to go down memory lane:
And The Highway to Hell.
Their politics sucked for the most part, but I loved their music.
I have all their albums up to the 8th one (and both EPs). Huge fan back in the day.
I’ve gone my whole life without ever encountering other midnight oil fans! What are the odds? I had those ep’s on cassette
I prefer two tickets to paradise.
I prefer the movie version.
/quality to match
When, the clock ticks over
The clock is tick, tick tickin away.
Lemmy Kilminster, RIP
You left out over population, global cooling and the ozone layer. It’s amazing we’re alive.
Yeah, population bomb, filed under ‘absurd bullshit’.
Blast from the past:
Zika,ebola, peak oil, super hiv, flesh eating bacteria…
shut up, Billy Joel.
I’ve been on an 80’s kick and I’m not ashamed to admit that Billy kicked ass for a time then, Goodnight Saigon, hokey as it is, is a great song ‘The Bridge’ is a great album, and while I’m sabotaging my musical taste rep I’ll say it – Paul Simon’s Graceland is one of the best albums ever.
I loved Graceland. Piano Man, Aja and Jim Croce’s greatest hits is what got me interested in music in the early ’70s.
I’m a fan of BJ’s. Say goodbye to hollywood, Only the good die young, Anthony’s song, Honesty, There’s lot’s of good songs. Plus, he married Christie Brinkley AND he was riding Harleys way back in the eighties. Guy is cool.
Graceland never appealed to me, however.
Nah, too easy.
Also a fan of BJs.
Wait, what are we talking about?
This is excellent:
“I’m a fan of BJ’s.”
Who, except for a woman who identifies as a man, doesn’t? I would say a man who identifies as a woman is still in our camp on that one.
So, are we just not doing “phrasing” anymore?
He has a lot of great tunes, no shame there. I don’t own anything by him (except for a long-lost LP of An Innocent Man I won from a radio call-in contest…) but I will hum along when I hear some of the oldies.
He did kick ass. In the 70’s.
It’s still rock and roll to me.
Net Neutrality did, however, kill us all.
And the Obamacare mandate repeal made sure we double-died.
Oh, yeah, it’s Lemmy. This is probably the first music video I’ve ever posted here that I won’t get toxic hatred for and have to go to my safe space and color puppies.
Killed by Death
Can never go wrong with Motorhead:)
He has good taste in dancers.
There was music?
” if anyone tells you we only have 12 years left to solve the climate change problem”
What do you mean”we” ? Y’all only have….
So, the one dem presidential candidate, that no one has ever heard of, is saying he has a ‘9 trillion dollar plan’ to solve the problem. OK, sure, here you go, can I get a receipt?
Damn, next week is the PA primary elections already.
ONLY 594 more times to get wasted on the weekend.
I have no idea how you have folded time like that… I assume you mean ‘this weekend’, since we are obviously doomed and it’s too late, again.
We have 2 minutes.
I hope the Russians love their children too.
That’s a great song.
We’re a bunch of MANIACS
Isn’t this Special
Midnight Blue
Doom, Despair, and Agony on Me
I was not disappointed.
Needed more farmers daughters though:)
It is possible Hee Haw is the greatest show in the history of American TV.
And, filled with Canuckis, no less.
Sa – Lute !!
I’m tempted to say I might be interested in a revival of sorts.
But, I won’t.
Elon will save us!
Have some woke overload. I can only assume that the Post makes junk like this their top story just to troll their readership.
And the world is a better place without their snotty brats running around in it.
It’s an epidemic. Something must be done. For the children.
Finally, we’re having the long-overdue national conversation about abortion.
All the women can hold hands and sing “We are the World! We killed our children!”
“We sucked a fetus out, with a tube, and kept on livin…”
Well, if it
saveskills Just. One. Child.The world breathes collective sighs at their decision-making skills.
And here I thought this was going to be a hype piece for Doom Eternal. Now I’m just upset.
I was hoping it was going to be an update from DoomCo, letting us know he;s been too busy banging coeds to check in.
*pours a drink out for DoomCo*
And one for Just Sayin’
I hadn’t seen him lately, but didn’t know he’s gone-gone too. Dang, hope he’s doing okay.
I like that website.
I have two links to that website bookmarked for my two retention bonuses. Four weeks, zero days, three hours, and 24 minutes from now until I receive my first retention bonus.
I was disappointed it didnt have a year option. I know coding for leap days is hard, but still, your site does 1 thing.
It’s not that hard – regardless of your language, someone has already done the hard work and there’s a date/time package that handles leap years perfectly well.
This. Hell, they handle leap seconds.
I almost mentioned that, but leap seconds gets into serious nerdery. Which, upon reflection, would be perfectly appropriate here.
Love those weirdoes.
It might be the only song that mentions leap seconds.
( ب_ب )
My bonus comes next Friday. It’s paying for a fence. When did my life become so boring that I’m spending my bonus on home improvement?
I feel your pain.
My first retention bonus is going towards home improvements.
Second one, if I get it, will go towards something fun.
Adulting is hard.
My crappy assed union got us zero for bonuses and about 3/4 of the cola for a raise. Hey, it’s a hard year to negotiate, right, what with money being tight all over and the fact that we should be happy to even have jobs. Fucking losers. What pisses me off is that I just transferred out from trash trucks and took a 5 dollar an hour pay cut. The trash truck guys got a 25% bump ( and they deserved it!) I wouldn’t have left had I known.
Uncle Milty and a young Thomas Sowell take it on.
Wrong thread. Lol.
I was idly looking around today – what are the “steel man” arguments regarding why income inequality is bad?
Most of the arguments I found just boil down to “it’s not fair!” and/or a bunch of bad things that correlate, but without showing causation.
This was marginally better, but still weak tea:
#1 is just “the
Jewsrich control the media/banks/newspapers” – it implies “the poors” lack agency.#2 boils down to “government has too much impact on your life and is prone to being swayed by money”. The solution is to reduce government intrusion in your life, not trying to make the rich poorer.
#3 is just “it’s not faaaaair!” – it’s not fair I’m under 6 feet tall and I’m not hung like John Holmes, but whaddya gonna do?
#4 is just labor theory of value – GTFO with that nonsense. The owners assume all the risk, but you think you deserve an equal cut of the profits?
#2 is the only one that carries any weight, but their solution to that would certainly be wrong.
Are there good arguments I haven’t seen?
Freedom = inequality
Fairness = tyranny
I “get” some of the arguments about wealth inequality but all “solutions” seem to be way worse than the problem.
Here’s my proposed solution: identify governmental policies that disproportionately reward the top of the distribution* and those that entrench the current distribution** and nuke them from orbit***
* For example, the current policing practice in this country greatly rewards those at the top of the distribution. An upper income person in a nice suburban neighborhood is going to have a better chance of a productive encounter with a cop than a poor black young man, even if the poor black young man is doing nothing wrong. We should target policy changes in this area aggressively. I would suggest getting rid of QI and making every cop carry malpractice insurance.
** For example, we currently tie school quality to home location. The best public schools are available to the best off, giving them a better educational experience and post-secondary chance, entrenching them at the top at a population level. We should target policy changes in this area aggressively. I would suggest 100% backpack funding and tax-credit scholarships.
*** Its the only way to be sure.
Whatever we can do to make the country more free economically is going to increase opportunies for everyone. We can move forward with that, instead of getting bogged down with how the government helped creat winners and losers in the past. Get the government out of everything.
Kinda the point. Instead of saying “Income Inequality interacts with big government to make these bad things happen, lets knock everyone down to the bottom run” I”m suggesting we should say “Income Inequality interacts with big government to make these bad things happen, lets stop doing those bad things.”
As long as it’s administered by government, it’ll turn out the same. The only answer is to limit the influence of the state. Having them “even things up” will never work. Hall monitors gonna monitor.
For example, we currently tie school quality to home location. The best public schools are available to the best off
Unless you randomly start assigning kids, I don’t think this changes. Given the complete failure of increased funding to meaningfully change outcomes, funding isn’t the problem and won’t be the solution. Those higher quality schools are as much or more like to be so because of involved parents and a culture of importance of schooling.
And that’s why most people will never correctly diagnose the problem with American schools. They’re scared shitless to mention the fact that inner city ghetto culture does not place a very high value on education. Race and culture are two completely distinct concepts, but they’re too tightly linked in the minds of most people.
I don’t know a perfect solution right off hand, but we’ll never come up with one if we can’t even state the nature of the problem.
There isn’t one short of a trusted wise man like Bill Cosby to step up and… oh, never mind.
I would think HM is qualified to speak on the matter, but, isn’t it the case that, if a child refuses to learn*, the teacher/school isn’t going to make that happen?
*learn specific data in a structured classroom environment.
I think some of the older arguments I have heard have been more about old money, especially when there might be a question about how “honestly” the money was originally made. But you can’t possibly reconcile inequity created long before we were all born. There’s also the “fainess” argument you discuss in terms of luck of the draw. I was born in the Hamptons, you were born in the ghetto. Am I actually worth more as a human being than you? But again, what are you going to do? Punish people for working hard so they can provide a better life for their children? Just be happy you live in the most free country on the planet where you have the opportunity to make a better life, and stop worrying about rich people. You’ll go farther and be happier.
slatestarcodex does a good job of steelmanning things, I don’t know if he’s done income inequality.
Get rid of the Fed.
This is the answer and what we should be pushing. The Fed is a banking cartel created to keep the inner circle rich.
The Creature from Jekyll Island.
That Income inequality causes crime and instability. (Allegedly)
I’ve heard this one a lot.
That seems like a stretch. You could just as easily say “envy” there. There’s nothing inherent about inequality that would cause crime.
I’ve heard that too, along with a claim that extreme income inequality has historically led to violent revolution.
I’m pretty sure they’re conflating third world totalitarian kleptocracies with the USA right now, which is apples and oranges. Most historical examples are cases where the people are reduced to serfs (if they’re not there already) and their day-to-day survival is uncertain. Sure, those situations will lead to violent revolution.
But a similar Gini coefficient does not mean that the two countries are in exactly the same situation. Even the lower class in the USA has a level of material comfort that is unpredecented. Starvation is practically nonexistent. Our government definitely commits its share of injustice up to and including extrajudicial killings. But the majority of citizens will go through life fat, happy, and safe.
Right – the number of Americans who would be considered “poor” by any worldwide standard is quite small. The bottom quartile is reasonably comfortable.
The greatest threat to the bottom quartile is obesity. That’s hardly the stuff of grinding poverty. They lack private jets, but so do I – and the fact Zuckerberg and Gates have private jets doesn’t impact my life at all.
I think a really high Gini can be really dangerous depending on the social institutions around it. If those at the top are entrenched and got there on the backs of a slave class, that’s a very different society than one made up of a bunch of poor homesteaders pushing out west and a few get fabulously wealthy because they got good land and managed it well.
I think the US is turning into the first and away from the second, unfortunantly 🙁
Also, I believe that the US Gini coefficient is the same now as feudal japan (but don’t quote me because I can’t find it.) Even if that’s true, maybe you can spot a difference between the two. I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with “We-have-massive-immigration-of-very-very-low-earners-and-Japan-was-a-closed-society-which-is-going-to-greatly-skew-our-Gini-coefficient-bligher.”
I think on some level it may. I do 1st world populist movements around the world right now may have something to do with stagnancy of the 1st world’s lower class (still pretty good in the world overall though).
But I think it’s overstated.
Also I think research has shown that they only thing that reliably reduces income equality are war, famine, or depression. Reducing income inequality pretty much only happens for negative reasons.
The fact that the solutions are out there to stop keeping “the poor” poor – and the left knows what they are but refuses to apply them – tells you all you need to know.
The whole “income inequality” canard is based around a communistic belief that nobody has a right to have more wealth than another person, regardless of the different roles that people play in creating wealth.
Everything else they come up with is just fake logic designed to justify this baseless belief.
The late 60’s rock band Ten Years After wrote a song called “I’d Like To Change The World.” I’m going to quote the most relevant line here:
“Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more.” Note – not “until there are no poor no more, which you’d think would be the goal.
Admittedly, I’ll still listen to it on occasion – because Alvin Lee’s solo shreds – but when that lyric first hit me, it really pissed me off. Do you want to raise people up, or just tear others down?
Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs! Am I not free to gambol? Lol.
This is why the only music you should look to for political advice is Dr. Hook.
I don’t know, JJ Cale made at least one good argument.
Oh, wait… you said political advice. Nevermind.
“Freaker’s Ball” is a deep, political treatise.
Whatever you do, don’t miss the message
the message
a message
Or the Suicide Commandos
Maybe Alvin Lee would have lived had he used the NHS for his surgery.
More freedom will almost certainly lead to more income inequality. Of course it will also likely lead to an increased living standard for almost everyone. But that is really just a side benefit. ,
SAT will assign adversity score
Soon to become a great seller on amazon and bookstores: The Official SAT Adversity Score Study Guide (2019).
“I was born a poor black child.”
+1 jerk
I mean, I wouldn’t classify Not Adahn as a jerk. Aberrant personality, yeah, but not necessarily a jerk.
Oh, wait…
I found my special purpose!
“Honey, can’t you see I’m drinking!”
I mean I guess private colleges can be free to use it . Not too keen on public schools using it.
I’ve mentioned this book before, but Mismatch is a good book about why programs like that are not only unlikely to succeed, they can easily be a hindrance to the very goals promoted by those who proclaim them.
I know, I know… a leftist program achieving the exact opposite of it’s stated goals? Shocking to you all, I’m sure.
Warning: it’s very dry, and repetitive toward the end. Still, it’s a good examination of the issues involved, from a left-of-center perspective.
You start out with setting the kids up for failure. And if they took out loans to get in, you screwed them twice as hard.
‘You start out with setting the kids up for failure.’
Exactly the conclusion they come to. Their biggest point is that AA “shifts” minority students up to colleges where they don’t have the background to compete, and therefore, many students who could have been successful at somewhat less competitive colleges wind up discouraged and defeated.
You also end up with worse doctors, teachers, etc. which hurts everyone, minorities included.
Riffing on one of RC’s Iron Laws: if this is the obvious conclusion, one has to believe that was the unspoken intention.
If it only roped in willing suckers, I wouldn’t even care.
” a hindrance to the very goals promoted”
But a positive boon to the unstated goals
Holy crap, I would’ve won the trifecta. Oh wait, I was already accepted to a top school but chose state because I didn’t want $100K in debt.
According to your school transcripts you failed every class you took at Harvard but still graduated? Oh my mistake, I missed your adversity score. Well I don’t think we need to go any further with this interview. Welcome to the firm! That is if you’ll except our offer?
As Dave Rubin postulated, this is designed to fuck over Asians, mostly. After universities got caught and sued for discrimination, now College Board will do it for them.
It makes me angry that my spawn, with his brilliance in mathematics, will lose his place to some unprepared kid from some weak shit public school who will then take grievance studies in that college because it’s easy and they can’t do math, producing another race grifting authoritarian scumbag who will then lie about how oppressed he/she is.
They aren’t telling a lie, just look at that adversity score. There’s no way the SAT people are pulling those numbers out of their asses.
I was expecting DOOMCO!
I miss that guy.
I feel unwanted.
Nah, I bookmarked the counter. I’m gonna have a blast with my proggies.
So thanks for that!
It’s good to be in touch with your feelings.
We’ll make it to Year Zero eventually.
The scholarship will remain…for now. And what about Dorothy Gish? She is being purged because of her sister.
And I wonder what will happen to Charlie Chaplin. He had rather questionable relationships with teenage girls and was DW Griffith’s business partner in United Artist (along with Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford). Buster Keaton’s most famous role was as a Confederate soldier. Harold Lloyd apparently defended some racial covenant. Marion Davies was the mistress of William Randolph Hearst who had plenty of unwoke views and behavior.
I recall Tarantino condemned John Ford for playing a Klansmen in the Birth of a Nation. He of course has clean hands due to his work with Harvey Weinstein…
Tarantino criticized someone for a role they played in a movie? What a sleazeball that guy is, makes great movies though.
Oh, give me a fucking break. Does this author seriously think that the generation of Instagram and Twitter actually has the patience to sit through a silent movie??
Show me on the doll where Birth of a Nation touched you.
I should point out that this latest purge is promoted by BLM and the one of the writers of BlacKKKLansmen promoted the purge of the posters.
I do find it interesting that a tolerant and anti-nationalist society is up in arms about a 150-year failed separatist revolt and a 100 year old movie is dangerous.
Message and meaning aside, Birth of a Nation pretty much created the format we make movies in today. You’re kind of missing a huge chunk of film history without it.
One of my pet peeves, if you can call it that, is not being able to find a tool I own when I want to use it.
Fucking maddening. I owned a motorcycle shop for about 10 years and I had to have every tool that an employee might be missing. It was a constant struggle to keep my box organized and my tools unbroken and not missing. I had numerous arguments over that, like, uncountable.
1/2″ wrenches. There’s secret 1/2″ wrench burial ground in Nevada where the sneak off to when they think it’s their time. I did find one trapped in a corner of the chassis when I took the Healey apart. I don’t think it was even mine. But then I also found a pair of vice-grips clamped to a flange where I’d put it so I’d be sure to able to get at it while working under the car – been there for 20 years.
7/16 for me. I should just buy one every time I go to the store.
13mm and 14mm wrenches seem to be prized by some sort of elf (or gnome) that comes in the night and takes them.
13mm is commie for 1/2″ – I can’t find any of those either.
Yeah, why are you guys speaking Canadian?
First of all, how has a foodie of such pomposity as myself never seen this technique before.
Second, why the fuck am I on a cowboy cooking youtube channel on a Scotch eggs recipe to see it?
Spent so long asking if we could, never stopped to ask if we should.
You’re not a cowboy?
My FIL does that in the same area as Cowboy Kent. I asked him, over the holidays, if he knew him. Kinda-sorta. Says Kent’s wife is the one responsible for his small cooking empire, if that’s the proper term.
So, six degrees kinda, for me.
“that” being chuckwagon cooking.
The UK is getting worse and worse.
Sure it is, but what the fuck can the limeys do about it?
Sounds like a spot of a bad show, mate.
Knell before Zod.
I heard that facial recognition technology helped to nab a wanted pedophile once. Why do you sympathize with those people Tundra?
You know I hate The Children.
I wonder what that guy needed to keep secret…..
Double middle finger from across the pond?
Identify a political party that opposes this shit – stop laughing – and vote for it?
Is there one?
No idea.
I think there’s a very real danger that the only party to stand up to this shit will be some actual, no-shit white nationalist party like the British National Party.
That’s what happens when you push basic liberty outside the realm of acceptable opinions.
Yeah, I was thinking maybe UKIP who are also beyond the pale.
The Bee is so good
My phone cuts off half the pic.
Jeff Tucker. Naive or hypocrite?
I’ve never really heard anything come out of his mouth that made me think “hmm, he probably has something of value to add to the discourse”. Derivative and milquetoast are the two words that come to mind.
Well for it is worth he has attacked identity politics and online censorship and defended Jordan Peterson. I was wondering if he was just being incredibly naïve here thinking that only the alt-right would get purged and that is was purely an economic decision or hypocrisy since he was fine with purging them since he hates them but now he realizes that he is getting lumped with the alt-right despite his attacks on them and “libertarian brutalism” and these attacks haven’t earned him any friends on the left.
Also this reveals a huge flaw in libertarian thinking. Since the 1960s there has been assumption among a large number of libertarians and “classical liberals” is that the left really doesn’t mind libertarianism but what they loathe are socons and racists. If we stopped being so soconish and racist (insert a certain John quote here) the left would support us. Of course the left absolutely loathes libertarian economics and not even the radical ancap stuff and have been pretty upfront about that for decades.
Who are you referencing here? I would push back against the claim that “a large number” of libertarians are enamored with an leftist-libertarian fusionism. I don’t believe that’s what Tucker advocates, and outside of a few Reason mag caricatures, I can’t think of anyone else who does either. TradCon-SoCon/Libertarian fusionism, however, has been advocated ad nauseam for the past 60 years. There is nothing at the scale of the Fusionist project that exists going the other way, as much as paleos might fret over beltway boogeymen.
Well I was speaking more of the Nolan chart and the “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” mantra. There was that Gulker article I posted a few days ago that blames Socialism on the Socons. The LP and Cato seem to have the same issues.
And I am aware of the serious flaws of fusionism. One of the obvious is that Republicans have always been mercantilists and the Socons have always been wary of libertarianism for being too individualistic, irreligious, amoral, undermining of institutions and atomistic.
I think there is something to that, though. I mentioned back in 2016 when Trump was first elected that his legacy might be a shift in the American right to something that resembles a North American version of Christian democracy, or to wax Nolan-esque “fiscally liberal, socially conservative.”
The fact that Christian democrat parties use the color orange as a representative symbol is Charles Fort at work again.
Well I’m more critical of how he glosses over the rather questionable “progressive” social views of the millennials and how it always seem to the right’s fault that the left has terrible views.
Also one could argue that the Republicans have always been that way? It was very Mercantilist and Northeastern Protestant when it started
Also aren’t we forgetting that Christian Democracy grew out of the old Centre party which resisted the kulturkampf that was the only thing that classical liberal Germans of the time supported Bismarck on and the term was itself coined by a Liberal?
Hey, at least Tucker put his money where his mouth is and created his own social media platform before it was cool.
You know what else Tucker put where his mouth is?
I’m not sure that I do want to know.
genuine belly-laugh
The Tucker Sedan?
Time for the ‘Canes to book their tee times.
Good riddance.
Is that a Caribbean Jai Alia team?
Man, how bad were the Pens? Swept by the Isles who were swept by the Canes who just got swept themselves.
You could go mad trying to read too much into that.
For sure Of all the leagues, the NHL has achieved remarkable parity. Stay in the mix and hope your goalie heats up for the playoffs.
Yes, how dare they win.
Oh, thought that was just a general sentiment, not related to anything sports.
If you’re lucky, SJ wins the west and I have to root for Boston.
(Yes, this whole playoffs is me triangulating who I hate less.)
Why the SJ hate?
beardo-worship + region war
Petty, I know. Such is life when my team sucked so hard.
Either team would make for a good final.
The Marchand vignette on NBC before the game was pretty good but I wish that included the studio reaction;
Keith Jones saying it may make him a bad person, but he enjoys the way Marchand does things and Patrick Sharp saying he likes watching Marchand now that he doesn’t have to play against him – “he says some terrible things on the ice – he told me my kids were ugly; I had to think a moment, since I only had one child – did he know something I didn’t?”.
Good stuff.
Enh… I’ve never been a huge fan of the “designated asshole” role.
I don’t think it’s designated – I suspect it’s a lifetime of the 5’9″ guy doing whatever he can to get a little edge. It just comes naturally at this point.
The video points out that calmed it down quite a bit this year – and scored 100 points in the regular season.
Heh, OK, he’s a natural asshole. That makes it better.
Yeah, that’s build-in behavior at this point.
I’d really hate him if he wasn’t on the Bruins. 😀
How will I watch the Bruins in Austria? I’m there for a week from May 26. Exactly during the finals. Sign up for NHL.TV? Request a cable box with component connections from RCN, so that I could use my Sling Box? Hope that the AirBnB will have the TV channel that carries the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs in the middle of the night?
Or should I just sleep through like I did in Avignon in 2011 during Game 7?
I’m more concerned about this doomsday countdown, to be honest.
Isn’t the debt clock like literally white supremacist genocide?
Are we genociding white supremacists or is the genocide white supremacist in nature?
The latter. Budget cuts are social murder says the Toronto Star.
Christ, what an asshole!
HM’s analysis: Confirmed
/please fuck off with your definition of “reasonable”, Dennis.
Trump’s tariffs will pay that off in no time.
Mesmerizing, isn’t it?
It’s hypnotizing.
The KY debt clock is counting down. Slowly, but its the right direction.
Like Jeff Tucker Reason called for purging the Alt-right but are shocked it is leading to mass censorship. What did they think was going to happen?
Also Mr. libertarian Moment says that the “open internet is over” showing another one of his brilliant prognostication powers.
I think you messed up the link.
You are right goddamit.
Not surprised those hacks are all in for it. For acting like they’re a “victim class” they’re just a bunch of statist authoritarian jerkwads.
Liberalism has always had a problem with dealing with dissent.
Interesting the theme of “if those reactionaries stopped resisting we wouldn’t be forced to be so repressive!”
Damn, I just realized that I am kinda drunk.
I love you guys.
My friend/coworker got his hand wrapped up in a lathe today. Thankfully, it didn’t get torn off. He has a cyborg-looking contraption attached to his arm now, but he’ll be OK.
Which statement, you decide.
…aaaand I got the hiccups. Christ all friday, I haven’t had the hiccups for at least half decade. Shoot me.
Pew Pew!
Laser, phaser, or, plasma?
Super Volcano Death Ray, and I have no hitsies! *hides behind banister* Pew Pew!
I kept reading that as ‘histies’. As in, you had no anti-histamine meds.
Or, that you did have the meds, and no longer had the histies.
Also, is it safe to say my contribution was received, C?
Bribecontribution received.Now, when you become god-emperor, I expect some flattering depictions in your animations.
Say, maybe reduce the overall size of my back-hump, or, just move it to the other side
What if I told you it was none of the above?
Phased-plasma rifle in the 40-watt range
Now, see–slumbrew gets it.
Of course, I am interested in where Raphael was going with his comment.
You really shouldn’t be. At least for your own good.
OK….pew =/= spew, just so ya know.
/I still approve
Hey, just what ya see pal.
Cue my story of a HS friend who swore up and down that that response indicated that the guy rally did have those types of weapons “in the back”.
Heh, conspiracy theories within movies. I like it.
“Cue my story of a HS friend who swore up and down that that response indicated that the guy rally did have those types of weapons “in the back”.”
It makes sense since the Terminator is supposed to know everything about the time and thus must have been aware that a “phased-plasma rifle in the 40 Watt range” could possibly be available.
There are a few Sarah Connors in 1984 Los Angeles that would disagree with that assessment.
We (at least I) love you too, Mike. Cheers man and hope your future hangover doesn’t kick your ass too hard.
You know, Raph; you are one of, if not the, nicest people in this pit of
vipersGlibertarians.I’m never rude to anyone here, except Sir Digby.
How about if some of us commiserate about lost pets?
To prove his point, here’s a short video of him being rude.
Hey Digs! You’re up!
Yes I am, and, a good evening to you!
Well maybe not rude, but awfully judgy.
That is accurate.
You make me blush, good sir. I only do what I can to help maintain the holy Family-Friendly Rating.
@CPRM, did you get the patreon message I sent ya?
Yeah I got it, sorry for being late, lots of things going on, not the best at multi-tasking. I apologize.
Wait a minute…..I thought your orphans did all the busy work!
What the heck are you spending all that sweet cash on, food? Electricity?
My orphans all died in a labor dispute. They went on a hunger strike, but I just thought that was better for the bottom line…
No worries, just wanted to know.
*gives a thumb’s up*
Squish hug!!
*Hugs back for an awkward amount of time*
*As hug ends and we part, eyes stray down to cleavage for awkward amount of time*
Lol. Aww I miss my Dakota/Minnesota Glibertariat.
Remember I am emailable through my handle at
Awww…a “glib hug”, as I like to call it.
Wow….that was some good reply timing on my part.
/meant to do that.
*Suddenly thinks of Archer episodes *
::Thinks of Pam::
Excuse me for a….I have to…I’ll be back
Exactly! ^^^ This guy gets it.
Actually, I think I’m one of the few who hasn’t “gotten it”, in regards to Pam.
This is why I need CPRM to animate me–to get in on some Pam Poovey lovin’. I mean, I probably wouldn’t survive in tact*, but, I’d risk it.
*I’m no Sterling Archer, mind you. Also, Cocaine Pam.
I can do this, but for technical reasons I’ll need your date of birth, social security number, credit card number, mailing address and your mother’s maiden name. But it will be so worth it for you ts see that happen! I can make your dreams come true!
“Welcome to CPRM’s Hentai House”
Bah! I couldn’t do that to your sweet soul.
I’m very, very disappointed in you. The set up asked us how close it is to midnight. You failed to post this:
I thought I could count on you MikeS. I really did. Now I’m not so sure.
I mean I know you’re drunk. And I love too buddy. But even drunk, I expect the metal to flow through your veins.
I know you’ll do better next time.
Well, to his credit, it was mentioned earlier.
However, in my humble opinion, you are the one who should officially link, which you did. So, all’s right with the world.
Except for the fact we’re all gonna die from whatever shit they’re peddlin’
My scrolling MOJO has failed me. I looked for it and missed it. Who do I credit for their excellent taste?
Our former Yusef mentioned it @#4. Hence, your legit honor for linking it.
I scrolled again. Yusef gets props for the quote but Almighty JB gave the link at #8. I suppose that’s why he is almighty.
Damn. I’ve not been clicking on quite so many links, so that I can post early ::ahem::
Says the man who links damn near anything I can find.
Still, I think you deserve, at least, an honorable mention.
You received wise counsel.
And thanks for the compliment.
Yes, I believe I did.
Best link evah
I just got back from a Happy Hour farewell for a guy leaving my Group because it’s too much travel for him and he had 3 kids and a wife.
Fair enough. But I’m also being berated from above to press ahead and do things next week we have set up for the following week. When i point out that we are short handed because we treat our dudes like rented mikes and that’s why they leave: they move to the next PowerPoint slide
Are they still as good of an employer as you originally thought (whatever that entails)?
Or, are you still enjoying the change, is probably the better question….
Never ask a woman about ‘the change’!
Hi dig. It’s a mixed bag for sure. Lots of talent but growing pains for a company expanding quickly.
I think I can really help so I am challenged but excited and determined
That’s kinda been my personal motto.
That’s good. Have things gotten better on the home front?
Also, glad to hear that you are positive about it.
Keep on keepin’ on.
That’s good at least. Hope you keep that energy and your higher-ups give you an ear for once. Good luck and hang in there.
I get up in the morning, read about Trump’s stupid trade war, and get mad.
I come home from a long day and read this:
I just can’t stay mad at Orange Bad Man.
But your betters don’t like him, so you shouldn’t either. Can’t you get that through your pea brain?! *This Message Brought To You By The DNC PAC For Convincing Idiots That They Are Dumb*
***Note: I did not vote for Trumputin, and I plan not to again, but neither will I vote for any of the D candidates, and probably won’t even vote L this time, but Trump has let me make some fun cartoons***
I thought Newsome was trying to sweep that clusterfuck under the rug? I guess he changed his spots.
Newsom showed us all how callow he is from the beginning. He said it was being scaled back, or something similar, and we would be building a short segment out in sticks. The environmentalists screamed at him and the rest of us laughed. He knew it was a failure but wouldn’t give up the ghost. His version is economically impossible to sustain. Even building that segment looked very, very dicey. Everyone just assumed he would let it fade away.
Trump poked him with a stick so Newsom popped off. He is a hollow idiot.
I mean, the damn thing was the plot device of True Detective #2 (heh). I say, let him drown with that steel turd around his neck.
Yeah, I know–like he’s gonna ‘drown’ in CA. He comes across like a politician made by Fleshlight. And, yes, I see what I did there.
I remember when he was a “rising star” in local politics during my annus horribilus in SF. He hasn’t changed a bit.
Fuck that stupid ass train in the caboose. They’ve already wasted craploads on it, if it gets completed it will be the biggest waste ever. Trump has been vastly entertaining. Unfortunately, California is gonna just throw more money at the idiocy.
I distinctly remember him saying – perhaps not in so many words – that it was a waste. For him to now pull every SJW trope out of the book seems a tad… disingenuous.
Newsom is the worst sort of hypocrite. A cokehead boozer that got ahead from his connections. The man has little time for the lesser mortals that serve him.
I don’t think so KS. The current version is so far from the ballot measure the inevitable lawsuit will be successful. It’s also lost voter support. This thing is dead. It just doesn’t know it yet.
I hope you are right, I am cynical at this point on anything to do with this state. I think most people have realized the HSR is a load of shite, but it seems that doesn’t even matter. Maybe this will be one of the final nails in the coffin of medium speed rail stupidity.
Everything Trump does is “illegal”. Guess “racist” has lost its appeal.
Florida Man ain’t got nuthin’ on Florida Government*.
This pisses me off in so many ways. I hope you lot have seen this, but I still hadda post it.
*I almost went with Florida The Man. But, you know.
My blood is boiling. doG bless IJ.
I’ve seen many here and at TOS (way back when) saying they try to contribute IJ when it’s time to give. I see why.
CPRM, I have an idea for your animation services…
Ding dong IM Pei is gone.
He was unhappy with the focus at both schools on Beaux-Arts architecture, and spent his free time researching emerging architects
Too bad he didn’t become unhappy with the entire profession and choose something else.
Not a fan, Gustave? I know him more because of his fame than any real work.
Not a fan. I find his work ugly and a blight, and the esteem he was held for those monstrosities is baffling.
OCP HQ is one of those. I wouldn’t buy his buildings for a dollar.
I had no idea you were going to post “OCP HQ” when I was writing mine….
Also, didn’t mean to get you riled up.
OH!! He did
OPC HQDallas City Hall.Huh…
/I have no opinion on his stuff, tbh
Ouch. I saw his annex to the Louvre. I know very little about architecture. I didn’t see the appeal of the annex and have no idea why he was held in such high esteem.
It looks like some crazy street person pissed off at an actually beautiful building, took a giant shit in the forecourt.
He was perhaps the OG modern “starchitect”* – a breed whose entire notion of architecture is being ugly for ugly’s sake.
*There were earlier “modern” architects who pursued a similar path – Mies van der Rohe comes to mind – but were more constrained by reality.
For future episodes of Woke TV reviews, we have the newest entry: Batwoman
sigh. JUST BE ENTERTAINING. why does it have to be hamfisted #feminism is every single show, CW?
Hamfisted would be a good name for that show.
CW: Crappy Writing?
Catastrophically Woke?
Cringy Wymyn
What is that cheap filming technique they use?
Oooh, another show with 120-pound females beating the shit out of multiple men twice their size!
Goes with red or white wine?
In regards to my comment above about Gavin Newsome, I’d be perfectly OK with calling this, “Getting a Gavin”.
Well, at least they should have the smell part dialed in proper.
::looks around at late-night posters::
We were all thinking it, Tejicano…
I was thinking about tartar sauce.
I thought I phrased it well.
Oh, you did. On the nosey!
*finds nearest trashcan and vomits in it*
*shakes fist*
I think us non-Canuckis need a little lesson in dealing with our northern neighbors*.
Did you all fuck off for the night?
Of course we did. You posted in the wee hours of the morning in the regions where most Glibs are located.
RIP grumpy cat.
seven is young for a cat.