Well, we hit a million comments. And we’re also about to hit 50 intelligent comments. So let’s celebrate by putting up the usual ratio.
Birthdays today include one more WR disappointment for the Ravens; a real animal; the pride of Team Blue; my nomination for the greatest scientist of the 20th century and certainly the most interesting one; and the guy who brought performance to painting.
News to follow.
The Glibertarians aren’t just all about fun, we have a purpose.
A small step, but in the right direction.
This is keeping government off the streets and out of trouble. Or on second thought, maybe not.
Team Blue: totally not antisemitic.
The comments here are unintentionally hilarious. Or maybe intentionally. Either way, (((we))) should be armed. There’s lots of Sheedys in this world.
Hey, do NOT horn in on my shtick.
I’m shocked at this incompetence. Shocked, I say.
I’m equally shocked at this. Shocked!
Old Guy Music returns to my roots. In this case, Jaki Byard and Roy Haynes (fantastic combination) backing up Eric Dolphy and Freddie Hubbard running through a standard. I can say without fear of contradiction that Dolphy was the best bass clarinet player in jazz history (sorry Bennie Maupin, but second place here ain’t bad). Listen and you’ll agree.
Good morning, good morning, to you!
Who ya gonna call? Swiss!
Good morning.
Good morning, good morning! We oomphed the whole night through,
Good morning, good morning, to you! And you! And you!
I call nepotism! Just because your’e the cutest nine year old in the van doesn’t mean that you get to be first! Uh, waitaminute I want to rethink this…
Whoa, SP is in a good mood today.
Good Morning, Everyone!
Guten Tag, SP!
Up late and up early. You go girl.
Herp a derp derp derp durr.
THEY say that we’re Trump apologists. THEY said that our efforts would go over like a lead balloon. THEY said that our commentary was too local. Who’s laughing now, Robbie?
That’s going to leave a mark.
I don’t know about that. Seems rather high for this group.
50 intelligent comments
hahahahaha Still waiting
I think we are going to need some evidence of the 50 “intelligent” comments
All my comments are intelligent, and I’ve made more than 50.
The rest of you are Tulpa or something.
Shut up, Tulpa!
Exactly what Tulpa would say!
Ted is the smartest Tulpa here!
That would be the 51st intelligent comment right there.
And we’re also about to hit 50 intelligent comments.
What did I win?
Beer with me.
I’m In!
I think he’s too old for you.
Other way ’round, Ted.
“US Treasury To Accuse Vietnam Of Manipulating Its Dong”
Looking at a map of Viet Nam, it sort of does look like Uncle Ho was manipulating the whole country. I still have some VN currency/coin left over from a long ago paid vacation.
OK, now that I said good morning, I’m off to sleep.
Have a super groovy, peachy keen, neato day, my dear Glibs!
Sleep? I need to be off to my morning hungover walk/run. /no fat guys allowed round these here parts
Can we talk about the anti-fouling from yestarday’s links? I just had to have a complete bottom job done, HOLY SHIT that stuff is expensive!
“Yestarday” *snickers and tries not to think of past idiocy*
All my troubles seamed so far away….
A million comments since we broke away…
I think the correct response was “Now I knead a place to hide away”.
“I just had to have a complete bottom job done.”
Sounds like someone needs more Jesse brand Lube, now available in gallon party size with convenient pump dispenser.
The John-o that keeps on giving.
“I’d get bottom surgery but I don’t want a giggling nurse to be the last thing my dick ever sees”
It’s pretty much a bucket of copper. Heavy as hell too.
The factory I work at makes it. The trucks carrying it out have 12 pallets on them. Drives the warehouse guys crazy getting it secured.
When I first moved to NYC, I found a job at a Brooklyn hardware store that had been in constant operation for almost 100 years. In the basement, we had several 5 gallon buckets of genuine Red Lead bottom paint. A ridiculous combination of FedGov, StateGov, and CityGov regulations meant that it could never be sold or transported anywhere. It just sits in a basement on Bergen St., rotting away forever.
I’ve got a whole warehouse full of stuff like that.
We can’t move it since it’s trash and considered hazardous waste and comes with a slew of requirements on transportation and storage.
So it sits until the C-suite decides to pay someone to remove it.
This sort of waste just infuriates me. Unsold product with the added bonus of square footage that can’t be used for productive things.
When I worked at the state prison, unused/unwanted furniture was taken to “the warehouse”. One time they took a really nice computer desk over there, and I asked if there was a possibility of buying it from some kind of state auction. The business office lady told me that it gets destroyed. They just have inmate workers break it down and throw it in the garbage. I was told that this is for “tax reasons”. Not sure what kind of taxation arrangement there is with a state prison, but in any case, they’re destroying tons of perfectly good furniture every year.
Federal property is sent to DRMO to be auctioned off. Whenever we get new office stuff, safes, etc – the old stuff would sit in the DRMO warehouse for a year or so before auction.
If it’s not too inconvenient, get hauled in Mexico and have the bottom job done there. They can still use the good stuff.
[golf clap] for you all, just because.
Sure, the millionth comment thing is arbitrary. But it’s something. And it wouldn’t have happened had the site gone offline, or just lingered on. All those articles. I really thought we’d be scraping by with links and maybe a few articles a week.
[breaks down in tears]
Not that it matters but who had the millionth comment? I’ll bet UCS
I did.
But UCS figured it out.
RobC posted comment number 1,000,000 but there have been some deleted comments (mostly spam, a few acts of assholery) that don’t count but whose numbers remain.
*offers Grandpa’s back pocket hankie*
Shit, I could have sworn I left a million intelligent comments just on my own… I need to stop drinking and commenting…
>>Freddie Hubbard
By strange coincidence, I just ordered a 1971 album by him.
“WASHINGTON (JTA) — An imam who has wished for the end of Zionism, called for a third Intifada and likened Israel to Nazi-era Germany delivered the opening prayer for a session of the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday.
Suleiman has a long record of incendiary social media statements about Israel, as compiled two years ago by Petra Marquardt-Bigman, a researcher, and posted on the Algeimeiner Jewish news site. He has on multiple occasions wished for a third Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, likened Israeli troops to Nazis, and has wished for the end of Zionism, calling Zionists “the enemies of God.” He is a backer of the boycott Israel movement.”
He seems nice.
Bless his little heart.
Some guy did something?
>>Clown Giving Kids Candy From Car Meant Well, Police Tell a Relieved Town
What kind of America do we live in if a clown can’t hand out candy from a car?
“What kind of America do we live in if a clown can’t hand out candy from a car?”
John Wayne Gacy remembers…
Clowns aren’t frightening, clowns are annoying. Whenever you go to a sporting event there’s always some poor dip-shit dressed up as a Furry, badgering you to cheer harder. Fuck off, intern. I paid good money to come here and you’re invading my personal space with your antics.
Clowns are experts (at making us laugh)
Metaphor for Congress?
“clown(s) can hand out candy”
Only what they have taken from us plus 20 % from the credit card.
Sort of like the finder’s fee when my wife picks up my billfold
So, OMWC wearing a clown costume these days?
“Deepfake videos are usually associated with fake celebrity porn, the dangers that come from fake news, or the possibility of making political figures say volatile things. The technology is easily available for anyone to use. GS&P technical director Nathan Shipley, says he pulled the code from GitHub. Shipley believes that Dalí Lives may be the first time a cultural institution has used deepfakes for artistic purposes. It’s hard to think of another artist who would be better suited for this than Dalí.
There are lots of moral arguments for and against bringing the dead back to life through technology. In the case of something like hologram Tupac, the Coachella performance was done with permission from the artist’s estate. In Dalí’s case, he has no living family, and instead named the Spanish Kingdom as the sole heir in his will, so the exhibition was run with permission from the Dalí Foundation in Spain.”
Why am I thinking someday some asshole is going to do this with Hillary Clinton?
I don’t mean to come off as a conspiracy theorist, but I believe this is exactly what has happened. The original Hillary ODed on Chardonnay and Valium about 2.5 years ago.
I had to help my Mom to bed and it was eerily similar to what happened that day. She swore that I’d made it up from whole cloth.
Only Mr Lizard knows.
*pours one out for Mr Lizard*
“I’m equally shocked at this. Shocked!”
Have you seen The Wire? That place is a shithole.
Part of it was filmed in the neighborhood near my childhood home.
This explains so much.
That’s actually not completely true. It’s sort of a tale of 2 cities. The good parts of the city (some NW areas, Canton waterfront, Harbor East) are extremely nice, beautiful, wealthy, and safe. Only about 85% of the city is a shithole. Just stay out of all of those parts. I have to drive through some of them to visit clients a few days a week, but otherwise stay in my own hood, which is patrolled by private security 24/7. There is virtually no crime here.
Only about 85%?
Unfortunately, yes.
I noticed that too.
Beer with me.
Nice try. I’ve been to Phoenix. I’m not going back.
Okay, off to begin my day, such as it is. Everyone have a great day and weekend. And remember to smirk in the knowledge that you are part of something which brings pleasure to us all.
Right back atcha! I love this place.
“The cop reported feeling “something hard in her vagina area.””
I’d put something hard in her vagina area, if you know what I mean.
Please consider the crazy to hot ratio.
Discovered that the high speed jets on my chainsaw are fixed so replacing the carburetor with adjustable ones. Except that the high speed jet on the new one has a limiter installed and dealer won’t sell the puller tool because of threats from the manufacturer and fears of fines. Well, it’s off now. Fuck you EPA.
Don’t you see you are killing the planet!
That’s been a thing with Stihl for a long time. I used to like tuning my saws for the task at hand but too many idiots ruined too many saws under warranty.
Considering you can’t even buy gas containers with regular spouts anymore, that doesn’t surprise me.
It is easy enough to fix those damned spouts.
I’ve got a bunch of nice steel cans with spouts that don’t spill.
Yep, I’ve been using EZPour for a while. They’re excellent.
And if you live in a state that doesn’t allow you to replace your gas can spout, just buy them for your “water” cans!
Hey I’m also about to hit 50 comments.
Thank you for doing your part to keep the noise to signal ratio so high.
Laughed after I read it twice. Good one, Trashy
Russian election hacking? Totally legit.
On Thursday, the New York Times published a review condemning the Aperol spritz as “something that drinks like a Capri Sun after soccer practice on a hot day. Not in a good way.”
The internet aptly lost its mind. Party lines were drawn, couples were divided and booze was shed.
Choosing sides over a fruity “cocktail”? That’s crazy.
Yer either with us or against us, Comrade.
The Pink Gin will make a comeback soon!
So Trump is doing his own campaign spying on Biden?
Truly once one side gets the ok the other runs with it.
I wonder what he hands out?
Ecxtasy and free hand jobs.
That’s way too close to the truth.
He’s not the first idiot to say this. Look if you are going to use immigration to criticise policy, at least use one that actually influences that policy. Like the drug war for example.
He would probably have to be against the drug war for that to be believable.
Cuba has announced rationing of more products amid shortages it blames on the US trade embargo and hoarders.
There have been hours-long queues for basic foodstuffs in recent weeks on the Caribbean island.
People have posted photos of long waits at the supermarket under the hashtag #lacolachallenge, meaning queue challenge.
A universal rationing system was introduced on the island just after the revolution in 1959.
Cuba brings in up to 70% of its food from abroad. Numerous agricultural reforms in recent years have failed to boost production.
Commerce Minister Betsy Díaz said supermarkets will now restrict how much people can buy of certain products like chicken and soap, while other items – including rice, beans, eggs and sausage – will only be available on the ration card, and limited to a monthly amount.
Hoarders. Wreckers. Profiteers. Enemies of the revolucion.
My best friend’s parents moved away from that shit in the mid sixties. They hated that socialist stuff and were always quick with a swipe at the National Heath.
That’s how they pronounced it “Heath”. Something to do with the Liberal Party Prime Minister. Cool people, turned me on to steak and kidney pie.
Uncanny how the same things always happen and they always blame it on the same thing.
Socialism = Groundhog Day.
It’s unbelievable that places like Cuba and Venezuela are so fucking poor. Some of the most fertile soil in the world and gorgeous beaches… They should be awash in wealth.
It’s aggravating that American Lefties get all misty-eyed when they talk about Cuba soon being “spoiled” by American influences. Cubans are POOR. They’re just really fucking poor. There’s a reason that Cubans risk their lives on rickety rafts in a desperate bid to float to the US.
But Ms Díaz also blamed Cubans who hoard products for the shortages, saying some people kept items they felt might disappear from the shops while others resold goods on the black market.
Journalists Yoani Sánchez tweeted that what was once of the best-stocked shops in the city had “turned into a battlefield to get a kilogram of frozen chicken”.
If only there was an easy solution for that.
Hoarders! Now, what are the damn Kulaks up to?!
Win for the first amendment!
HM’s Florida Man cousin?
“his employer had temporarily suspended him.”
And the taxpayers are on the hook once again. I wonder if the cop that busted him is going to be suspended.
“Financial Blacklisting: Activists Pressure MasterCard Stockholders to Censor “Far Right”
Left-wing activists have forced Mastercard to hold a shareholder vote on the creation of a “human rights committee” that would monitor payments to the “far right,” with a view to cut off disfavored individuals and political groups from receiving money from supporters.
Left-wing activists, who call themselves ThisIsUs and are linked to Color of Change, forced MasterCard to hold a shareholder vote on creating a ‘human rights committee’ to “stop designated white supremacist groups and anti-Islam activists, such as Tommy Robinson, from getting access to money sent from donors using the company’s card payment services. The Board of MasterCard has opposed the proposal, stating that consumers should be able to make all lawful purchases, and urged stockholders to vote against it.”
TW: Brietbart
Color Of Change Is Attacking Hate Groups At The Source: Their Funding
The top 20 widely recognized hate groups received over $20 million in contributions, sales, and grants in 2014 and 2015. The nonprofit wants to stop credit companies from processing those payments.
After the white nationalist rally for hate groups protesting the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee turned violent in Charlottesville this month, one might have wondered where the groups got their riot shields, batons, and automatic weapons (not to mention their tickets to Virginia). Sadly, these hate groups are often extremely well-funded by online donations.
All four major card companies and PayPal appear to have facilitated transactions with the majority of 100 hate groups identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center. That’s the conclusion of “Blood Money,” an online tracker from the nonprofit group Color of Change, an online racial justice organization, that charts what payment processing companies allow funding to hate groups.”
I’m not sure, but I’m thinking the last time a group of white nationalists had automatic weapons was 1945.
….appear to have facilitated transactions with the majority of 100 hate groups identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center
Ya, that might be a problem.
Next up:
“Color of Change is attacking wrongthinkers at the source: their public utilities. The group, dedicated to advancing justice, has identified several million registered Rethuglikkkans and is working to pressure water and electric companies to shut off their utilities. Leader Sunrise Rodrigo Kobayashi Maru went on record with ‘These hateful bigots are free to express their evil opinions, but they are not free to have electricity or running water. The next step in our operation is getting them blacklisted from all grocery stores and markets.’
The narrative was ceded to these psychos. Good luck getting it back.
“Automatic weapons”. It’s like they’re not even trying anymore.
I grew up in the era of The Order, Covenant Sword And The Arm Of The Lord, White Aryan Resistance, the murder of Dave Berg, etc.. The idea that today’s ‘white power’ groups are a threat of any kind is just laughable.
That article is disturbing. If you think they’ll stop at ‘white supremacist’ groups you’re fricken out of your mind. They”l just expand the definition and thus expand the roster of figures and organizations targeted.
Think removing ‘racist’ statues. It went from low-level figures to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington (and Sir John A. MacDonald here).
We’re all potential targets to these illiberal, ideological lunatics.
Sad thing is, I think they’re gonna to convince companies to bend.
Robert “Jihadwatch” Spencer already got deplatformed by PayPal and (I think) – Visa or mastercard last year. Absolutely nuts.
One of the excuses I heard lately for the collapse of socialist Venezuela is that things would have been fine if only real socialism had been allowed but instead Chavez/Maduro neutered the legislature and courts to set themselves up as dictators.
Oh. Like socialists always do? They were just following the leftist script, dummies. Now these defunding fuckers are just following the leftist script.
Pinkos: always and everywhere the same. It is the same old shit over and over again and people never learn.
The lefties I run in to blame the US for Venezuela’s problems.
Dude, there are people who blame America for WW1 and WW2.
They usually do it incrementally but these door knobs are right up there in your face, waving the Red Flag. I was a leftist in theory but not in practice when I was a kid but experience changed my mind. When I first came here I was pretty vehement about a woman’s right to choose but more reading has tempered that opinion. Thanks, Glibs! You have made me see the world from a different perspective in many ways.
That’s what’s great about this place – we all agree that the government currently does way too much, but beyond that, it’s all up for debate.
PS: Pineapple pizza
“The RADICAL Left aren’t just silencing you: they’re now targeting your MONEY”
Odd, there is no link to the video on her Twitter.
“I only MENTION the names Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson & Tommy Robinson in my new YouTube video – It was demonetized upon upload. Good to know that just mentioning certain folks will get you blocked everywhere.”
youtube is run by a faux-woke, virtue-signalling asshat.
What did you think was gonna happen?
He also looks like a hobo.
Why, oh why did I read the comments. Tweeterer is cancer.
“Imagine a cashless society where your grocery purchase gets declined because some pencil neck in Silicon Valley got offended by your tweets.
You just imagined our collective future.”
In some of the Church of the Subgenius short stories, they wrote of this very thing (in the mid 1980s). It was called being Politically Insolvent.
Say what now? How does this end in any way other than “Go fuck yourself”?
“These people are so sophisticated that their job is just to disrupt,” Young said. “I wish they would use it for more good than they are for just bad in trying to extort money from cities and companies. It’s just not right.”
LOL, he sounds like a 9 year old girl who had her bike vandalized by the local teenagers.
“the Dong has been materially limp relative to the excited surge in positivity that has seen Vietnam’s CDS spread collapse”
Give him a minute or so, he’ll be fine.
The spread collapse I’m sure isn’t helping.
A little rest, a glass of water, and maybe a few porn videos.
I first read the headline as Tactical Rabbit. Lol. Get me the Holy Grenade!
Crazy syringe Florida Woman: would.
Also, how many tits are contained within those 1,000,000 posts?
Well here are a few more.
One million tall cans!
We’ll always have Tulpa but this is a Glib original.
Cheers to Tres and Yufus
Thank you to everyone who makes this website great; y’all are an oasis of sanity and intelligence in a mad, mad, mad, mad world and I am deeply humbled and grateful that y’all tolerate my tomfoolery. I also want to echo earlier comments about the article quality and the wonderful variety of writing here. I am consistently amazed by the life-experiences and deep wisdom from this, our merry band.
Apropos of nothing, I’ve seen more traffic accidents in my neighborhood in the last 3 days than I have in the last 7 years (one lady even drove through the front of one of our many Rite-Aid drug stores).
Also, apart from the Guardians Of The Galaxy and Into The Spiderverse, Marvel’s television shows are (IMO) far better than the MCU movies (watching the new season of Agents Of Shield right now).
Fuck off Tulpa.
LOL… My very first experience with HnR was Tulpa arguing with me about city regulations minutiae covering my business (a business he was not in and a city in which he did not live). Good times. Am I free to gambol?
Gambol away.
You the man!
Eat shit.
Whoa… a Rufus sighting!
For ya yutzes that use Harry’s:
Shaving upstart Harry’s is selling for $1.37 billion to the company that owns Schick razors
As long as they’re not selling to shitty Gillette.
I am sure that was the plan all along. Good for them.
Well this will certainly help Kali’s overpriced housing.
Government needs to build more high rise apartments, like Cabrini Greens, because everyone has a right to a place to live. Base rent on a willingness to pay. Solar/wind power provided with excess being sold back to the market.
We’ll need some kind of private security to patrol those places, I think I have an idea as to what we could call them.
In NYC any repairs are added to your rent over a year or so. In my current place, I had to pay extra to cover new windows that had been installed before I moved in. Oh, and I had to pay for the new stove and fridge that were installed before I moved in, too.
This on top of the artificially high rent (higher than market rate) which is no more than a wealth-transfer to old people.
/out of here as soon as I can
No doubt. My brother just got a software development job in NYC, and he’s currently living in an AirBnB and apartment hunting. The housing market he describes sounds fucking ridiculous (of course, he seems reluctant to admit that maybe government policy has something to do with it).
I know some people like the big city, but I don’t think I’d ever voluntarily go back to apartment living. Living in a cheap, roomy house has spoiled me.
At the last job, one of my coworkers was born and raised in NYC (and still living there). When I was showing pictures of the house I bought, he thought I was a millionaire. I then pointed out that the house was just over $100k, he couldn’t believe it. Although I did really like it when I was first hired on at the company, they offered me a salary based on the cost of living in Philadelphia, instead of Cleveland. I was making more then my boss for several years.
Fortunately, none of this applies to buildings with 6 units or less. Which is the majority of buildings in my area. I could move around the corner and probably cut $500 or $600 off my rent.
NPR is reporting that NY is trying to implement rent control across the entire state.
Yes, although it’s obviously just for show because there is no housing “emergency” anywhere upstate.
But the real damage is they also want to eliminate “vacancy decontrol”. This means when that little old lady down the hall dies, that apartment has to stay at the old-people rate she way paying forever instead of rising to market-rate. I can’t think of a way to destroy the housing market any faster.
Wifey and I are reaching the point where we will need to get separate bedrooms for the kids. Here on the Penninsula, it runs around $1000 per bedroom. A new, well an old, housing project a couple miles down from us has just been renovated (it’s really nice looking) but it is rent controlled with a lottery for applications – 5 bedrooms = $760 per month. I fucking HATE this city.
Public housing? It probably has a waiting-list 20 years long, unless you “know” somebody.
It was public housing but is given to a developer to remodel. They spent the past 6 years gradually getting rid of the old tenants. Now it is a private building with a lottery to apply and income cutoffs (wifey, a teacher, and me, a grocery store stocker, make too much money to even apply) and HEAVY Fed, state, or City subsidies.
So, public housing. Just run by somebody other than NYCHA.
A century ago, this whole area was luxury hotels, amusement parks, and factories. Then came Robert Moses (may he burn in Hell) who decided that Manhattan had too many darkies, so he bulldozed their neighborhoods and shipped them all to public housing here in The Rockaways.
Whoa whoa whoa – are you saying that the government can’t just “provide” something and have no problems with supply??
*head explodes*
The communists in city hall are talking about doing exactly that type of rent control here in SF. Currently when a tenant dies or moves the unit goes back to whatever market value is. That would really fuck things over here worse for the next generation.
It’s satire… or is it?
Actually that’s probably too generous.
Florida Mother. Gross.
That’s just revolting.
Much like ER nurses have stories to tell, talk to any apartment property manager for tales of horror, like the OR nurse living in complete filth with her three kids.
When I first came here I was pretty vehement about a woman’s right to choose but more reading has tempered that opinion. Thanks, Glibs! You have made me see the world from a different perspective in many ways.
Lockstep faux individualism strikes again.
Orange Man Good!
,em>Also, how many tits are contained within those 1,000,000 posts?
An even number, I hope.
Yes, yes, I know. I am an ableist who fetishizes symmetry.
Cancel my credit card.
No bank account for you!
“Michelle Malkin Censored on Facebook for Opposing Censorship
Conservative author, media entrepreneur and CPAC 2019 star Michelle Malkin has been censored by Facebook for posting supportive messages about recently-banned conservative figures Laura Loomer and Gavin McInnes.
As Breitbart News has reported, Facebook recently declared that posting support for certain banned individuals and organizations — including links to Infowars — would result in post takedowns and bans. This is a formula not just for banning the targeted individuals, but their friends and supporters as well. Used to its full extent, it could result in the purge of large swathes of the anti-establishment grassroots from Facebook by the 2020 election.”
TW: Breitbart
She’s censored because a Hillary apparatchik is doing the censoring for Facebook.
I dont think this is going to have the effect they think it will.
Us: “I support the first amendment and oppose authoritarianism.”
Them: “NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!”
Us: “Yeah? How about ‘fuck you’ and I make my own soup. “
Why is Facebook censoring a woman of color??
I think you lose POC status if you depart from the narrative.
I’ve never thought Shapiro was the mental giant he’s made out to be anyway, but the article does make a good point; the “news media” in the US is such a pathetic collection of echo chambers that no one knows how to actually debate rationally anymore.
In fact, Peterson is one of the only “public intellectuals” I can think of that regularly debates ideological opponents and doesn’t lose his cool.
And yet he still made headlines.
Postmodernism and debate do not get along. Stephen Hicks covers this in great detail.
“Andrew Neil: *Pretends to be indignant when @benshapiro questions his bias* Also Andrew Neil: *Retweets things referring to Ben as a fascist-enabler and racist* Thank you, @afneil, for showing us that establishment “journalists” in Europe are as garbage as they are here”
Calling that a “tantrum” is ridiculous.
“The lavish event, featuring some of the world’s top models strutting in its signature lingerie, will no longer air on network television amid plummeting television ratings and increased criticism.”
Hey Blackjack, i never got back to the gymnastics discussion last night, but I wanted to make a pitch for Trampoline and Tumbling.
My daughter switched to this from artistic gymnastics and really loved it. It is also great training for other sports and, in the time we were involved, I saw very few injuries. If your kid is already showing good sense of awareness and body position, it may be just the thing for him.
A lot if the kids from my daughter’s gym were also freestyle skiers and snowboarders. They tended to be larger, stronger athletes, so traditional gymnastics really wasn’t a good path for them.
Yeah, that’s what he does now. The instructors were telling us last night that he’s going to outgrow their gym quickly and we should consider finding a next level place for him. Thanks, I appreciate it.
If you like, I’d be happy to reach out to our coaches to get a recommendation out there. LA, correct?
Yeah, sounds cool, Thanks.
“Lumber Liquidators is the nation’s largest specialty retailer of hardwood flooring. Shop laminate flooring, handscraped and engineered hardwood, bamboo floors, cork, vinyl & more at incredibly low prices.”
Upton still looking good.
“NEW VIDEO: The Truth About Trans Women In Sports. I’ve never touched this topic, but let’s talk science and fairness.”
That there is even any debate about this is absurd. Postmodernist gibberish for the win.
My view on trannies in sports has always been:
Privately owned sporting associations should do whatever their paying customers want. Government sporting associations shouldn’t exist in the first place.
People just look at me like I have three heads when I tell them this. They think it should be universally forced one way or the other.
I know this thread is still a bit young, but I can’t believe nobody started an Eric Burdon sub-thread yet.
What a voice.
I love his work with War as well.
Haha. Great comment under that video:
“House of the Rising Sun” is a metaphor for our first teen age experience
This is my favorite Burdon/War track.
When women cheat it’s empowering and totes her husband’s fault.
Well, duh.
Yeah, she couched it in terms of empowerment, but what she really described was validation seeking. Women getting their sense of self worth from their ability to attract and get attention from men.
More Jew Dark Humor.
Zerohedge comment section.
!st world problems – I really want to go to the store but today is the first really nice day here in NYC so our beach is packed and if I leave, I’ll never get a parking space. So, we are doing some heavy Spring Cleaning. It is actually really cathartic to just throw stuff away.
It’s still a bit chilly here in Cleveland, but it’s sunny so I’m planning on biking up to a couple of breweries today. I’ve got four more that I need to get passport stamps at to complete the first Cleveland Brewery Passport (I’ve been to all four places before there was a passport). Thankfully I’ve got a long sleeve jersey to wear.
And, thanks to deep Spring Cleaning, I found a (1963) 16mm film from Castle Productions about JFK. Now, if only I had a 16mm projector.
What about those 8mm snuff films you left in a shoe box?
When my grandfather died, we found a VERY large collection of pornography, mostly on film. And, to my delight, he had every single Russ Meyer movie (he was quite the breast man).
At this point better to just sell to an archive/collector. Unless its 35mm, just not worth the effort IMO.
“So, Here’s A Giant List Of All The Dumb Stuff I’ve Ever Done (Don’t Worry, I’ll Keep Updating It)
Here’s how this sort of thing typically works. A liberal says something decent about a person who has said things not in keeping with the liberal agenda; Twitter trolls drag comments out of context to suggest that this person is actually an evil human being; liberal retracts. That’s not unusual. It’s now happened to Kevin Williamson, Bari Weiss, Daniella Greenbaum, Sam Harris, Bret Weinstein, Dave Rubin, Jason Riley, Heather MacDonald, Jordan Peterson, Charles Murray, and many others.
That’s just the way this works. It’s not that these people are hated because they’ve said terrible things. It’s that they’re hated, so the hard Left tries to dig up supposedly terrible things they’ve said.
So, let me take this opportunity to respond to the myriad of items thrown at me by the members of the motivated online Left. First, let me point out that I’ve made mistakes and said dumb stuff. When this is pointed out, I’m more than happy to admit it, as my past retractions and statements openly suggest. In fact, you’ll see some of that below. I’ve been writing a weekly column since I was 17 years old, which provides a great window into seeing how my thinking has changed – and a great window into how people say dumb things when they’re young, and hopefully grow over time. I’ve written millions upon millions of words. I assume some of these words were stupid or immoral or both. In fact, I know some of them were.”
I finally watched the Shapiro interview on BBC. He was totally unprepared and unable to answer questions. I never followed this Shapiro guy. How did people decide that he was interesting?
“Who Should Be Allowed to Compete in Women’s Sports?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never really questioned the existence of separate sports leagues and competitions for men and women. It’s always seemed obvious that distinguishing between male and female athletes is a no-brainer if women are to have a real chance of winning medals and tournaments in most sports, and if they aren’t going to be gravely injured in some contact sports. That simple distinction doesn’t say anything normative about either sex (although resilient, if narrowing, pay differentials are evidence that sexism hasn’t disappeared). It doesn’t say that Billie Jean King couldn’t beat a man at tennis. She famously did, after all. The whole point of separate contests, to my mind, is to empower women. Title IX, for example, is designed specifically to ensure equal access to sports for women, who had previously been sidelined in college athletics. In this case, separate is the only way to be fully equal.”
If women want to save women’s sports, there is a pretty easy way to do that. Boycott every event where there are tranny’s competing. If you don’t have the balls to stand up for yourselves, then I don’t know what to tell you.
I can do better. Maybe if those women were at home taking care if their man instead trying to do man things, they wouldn’t have these problems. The trannies are doing them a favor by reminding them of their real responsibilities.
Butts in seats, idiot.
Went to the dentist today. He had me laying back in the chair, my mouth wide open. I couldn’t see, but what felt like a hot load was shot in my my mouth. The assistant quickly used the rubber vacuum thing to slurp it all out of my mouth. Should I be worried?
Does your dentist operate out of an adult bookstore?
Yours doesn’t?
Worst Penthouse letter ever.
I don’t know, does your dentist look like Ash from the original Alien?
There’s only one Ash. Hail to the king baby.
Shop smart, shop S-Mart!
I went to the dentist and guess what he told me
Guess what he told me
He said boy you better try to have fun no matter what you do
Went to a doctor, said “I look so hard”
And with a smile on his face, pointed me to a junkyard
Look for an answer in empty doorways
Talked to a dancer, said “It’s out on the highways”
Well come on, Doctor, won’t you gimme a shot?
I’m feeling cold boy, feeling hot
Doctor said, “No, boy, you gotta learn
First I’ll shoot up and then it’s your turn”
I think it is too late to worry now.
Well, you said the assistant got it all out, so I can’t imagine what there is to worry about.
Is it safe?
Apparently not.
Dinah Washington had a good dentist.
Then there’s Eric’s barbeque
Great song.
So, on the Wikipedia section about Rothbard’s views on race and civil rights, it seems to portray him pretty badly.
Is there any truth to that? I know Wikipedia can indeed have a Leftist bias (just look at the article on “Russian Interference in the 2016 Election” if you don’t believe it). Is any of that derived from stuff that Rothbard actually wrote, or is it twisted and wildly out of context? Just wondering.
I have limited info. But I’d say that is about as accurate as leftist criticism of Tommy Robinson, Ben Shapiro, or anyone else.
“I know Wikipedia can indeed have a Leftist bias”
Ya’ don’t say!
I find them to be an outright propaganda outfit on par with MSNBC, CNN etc.
Louis Farrakhan only wants to help Jews!
Farrakhan speaks of ‘satanic Jews’ in talk at Catholic church
You can tell which ones are the satanic ones because they filed away their horns to attempt to blend in with normal people, so they can better trick us.
Just in case anyone hasn’t noticed Farrakhan is nuttier than a squirrel turd. His rantings are indistinguishable from those I used to hear up on Unit 7 at a mental hospital. Picking on him is hardly fair.
And here’s a decent article (TW: Forbes) talking about the new war on alcohol.
You’d think that the Brits would be smart enough to know that they need to stay on our good side.
Sorry, mayor – you’ve been trumped.
Yes, I remember when Bush visited. The Brits embraced him and talked incessantly about his ‘class’.
Or, you know, not.
The UK seems to be a lost cause. They seem to be completely demoralized now.