Good Sunday to all the little goyim and goyettes! We continue this lovely weekend with depressing news, just to balance things out. I’m heading back to the San Tan Mountains today to catch just one more trail before the gates of Hell open and I go into my “Why the fuck did I move here?” phase. SP might drop in, you never know with her; sometimes, there’s a special Brownie meeting. Either way, I’m sure you’ll all be here and have fun.
Speaking of fun, there’s a few notable birthdays! A guy who makes me think of too goddamn many cars; the best brother who was in the best movie; and the very best person in The Aristocrats.
On to the news.
ANC ensures that South Africa remains a one-party state.
It’s the (((Jews))). It’s always the (((Jews))).
This strikes me as an incredibly bad precedent.
This strikes me as an incredibly bad idea.
Maybe West Virginians really ARE retarded.
Old Guy Music today has a little Easter egg in it- besides Sonny and Terry, the two acknowledged masters of blues-roots performance, the bass player is none but… Willie Dixon! Holy shit.
No music to honor the birthday boy? Good mornin’ glibs one and all.
Not this one?
Yeah, or this one
Both solid suggestions.
I dig this one
Gimme Some Lovin’
And I don’t think you understand the purpose of the IPO tax – San Francisco obviously wants to rid itself of prosperity. Hell I think the whole state of California wants to do that. Who are we to tell them they are wrong?
The article says they cut the tax in 2011 to keep companies from leaving. They clearly understand that companies will consider leaving if the taxes go back up but want to do it anyway.
Your conclusion is pretty sound.
Equality here we come!
Well, someone has to administer the tax, right?
Great, more Californians moving to TX.
In a tacit recognition that this approach isn’t working, O’Rourke is planning to try again, taking a hands-on role in staging a “reintroduction”…
Hey, Beto. The jerk store called.
Love the “Flavor of the Day” sign in the photo of Beto.
Good catch. I wonder if that was intentional.
Flavor of the day -Mexican Vanilla
This morning has been unusual enough for a hundred mornings. I’m going to have to write a story about this when I get back home.
Run in with Chris Hansen?
He said UNusual.
Yeah, sometimes the chloroform just isn’t enough.
Reminds me of my old pick up line. “Does this drink taste roofied?”
I didn’t realize shitlords get up this early on Sunday.
Like all the other day’s that end in ‘y,’ shitlords have to keep the wheels turning.
Nightmare fuel:
youngestdumbest woman to wield gavel”fixed it
Truly. But it also she’s that she’s there to stay and head become s swamp creature herself. She’s more reserved than before.
I wonder who the other side of the political duopoly will be once the democrats have completely self imploded? Because they are well on the way.
I thought they were going to implode after Clinton, Realize that even as they go crazy, they still have support.
By what is going to become an ever shrinking far left fringe. People, in general, do not want to fuck with the economy and their own best interest like that. Outside of an ever shrinking minority. The dems are already way outside the mainstream and they’re tearing themselves apart to go even further left.
Doesn’t matter. That minority is well positioned. If only 5% of the country supports the Democrats but those 5% consist of the board of elections in every major city, they’ll win every election by greater and greater margins.
Its who counts the votes that matters, comrade.
Brenda Snipes agrees.
“— The elections office, expecting a massive turnout, ordered more than triple the amount of Election Day ballots actually needed. The printing of those ballots came in almost $800,000 over budget.”
“And if Rambam ate pizza, wondered Professor Jared Ellias, how did we Ashkenazim get stuck with gefilte fish and stuffed cabbage?”
I don’t know what those words mean, but stuffed cabbage is just Eastern European. Many of the recipes have ground pork or cream sauces, which I’m pretty sure aren’t kosher. The beef and tomato sauce version is good though.
It’s alright, but I’ll stick to pierogies over stuffed cabbage any day.
“She’s a good ol’ country girl like anyone else,” she said of Warren, who grew up in Oklahoma. “She’s earned where she is, it wasn’t given to her. I respect that.”
Yeah, I get her confused with Daisy Duke all the time.
Thanks for making me visualize her in those shorts.
Indigenous people attire?
“She’s earned where she is, it wasn’t given to her.”
That’s right. It was given to some woman who claimed to be American Indian.
Didn’t we go through this already?
Ah yes, the Great Ebola Freakout of 2014, when the closed-borders people thought we were going to have 38 trillion cases in America….
Stoopeeed. Who’s pushing the scare mongering this time? WHO?
I never understood the freakout. Though I remember it being fueled by more than immigration arguments.
The virus won’t survive in the climate here. It’s a non-starter.
“besides Sonny and Terry”
You mean Sonny and Brownie? Sonny Terry is how I first learned to play harp.
“how I first learned to play harp”
Do you float on a cloud when doing so?
I leaned against a graffiti wall, not just for the acoustics, also that it looks cool.
You’ve never seen graffiti, if you haven’t been to Rio and see it there. Fucking art is what it is there. Here it’s a bunch of chicken scratching by retarded adult children.
Seriously. I know an Uber driver there I hire to drive us around when we’re down there. I told wifey I’m going to get him to take us on a tour just so I can photograph the graffiti. I’ll post some of it here, it’s incredible.
There is plenty of great graffiti in the U.S. and throughout Latin America.
Yeah, I’ve been all over the US and Latin America. Not like in Rio there isn’t. Trust me on this.
There’s an interesting little video game that shows off some of it. Maybe not Rio specifically, but possibly.
Fuck, yes.
Happy Mother’s Day!!
Oh Salon… please go die in a fire:
I still have the same question. When did it become a crime to have filed a tax return? Oh yeah, when The One left office and her annointed queen of the universe got her crown stolen by the Trumputin. Fuck these idiots, the democrats are going to become unelectable in our lifetime. Trump is going to win in a historic landslide in 2020 and the dems are going to lose the house back to the Thuglicans.
I mean, I can’t believe I can actually say this, but Pelosi is the only one of them left to have any common sense at all. They’ve gone batshit crazy.
Pelosi gives the vibe of ‘holy shit what have we created?’
It really bothers me how open political attacks using our federal government are now just SOP. At least, they used to have to have some kind of bullshit lie to drive it. Now it’s just “Fuck you! We witch hunt how we want and when we want.” WTF is everyone else who isn’t a demonrat on this?
I’m beginning to believe indeed it’s some form of mental illness to be an activist progressive.
They’r relentless and they don’t care that stuff like this has boomerang effect. Any thing they do to ‘get Trump’ will be used against them at some point in the future.
Fighting and fending them off is exhausting and normal (and upstanding) people just, well, either slow down or stop thus ceding territory to them.
You can’t fight zealotry. Unless you match them in your fanaticism ‘oublie ca’ as they say here.
Leftist zealots are the people who would have been religious fanatics in a more religious time. Most people have to believe in something and this fills their godhole.
That is the entire point – to keep Bad Man too occupied to pay any attention to his reign of terror.
You know how there are evangelical Christians that can’t engage in 5 minutes of conversation without bringing up their Lord and Savior? It’s the same thing with progressives – just substitute Government for God.
I don’t get the fascination of Trump’s tax returns. I understand the “if he doesn’t want to show it it’s because he wants to hide something”. It could be true, but it’s just as plausible that he’s letting the Dems pound sand on something useless. Every other tax leak had been a big nothing. This is obviously political, but it also serves as a statement to private sector individuals: government is the domain of career politicians.
“I don’t get the fascination of Trump’s tax returns.”
I think it’s fairly self-explanatory. I’d just call it ‘grasping at straws’.
They want to get the returns and then reveal that he’s not really as rich as he says he is thereby delegitimizing him in his supporters’ eyes. It’s really that simple along with the fact that the Dem base loves it for some reason.
People don’t understand their own taxes. They sure as hell won’t understand his, and there’s no way the MSM would give an even handed explanation of his taxes.
“I hope those signatures are more credible than the voter registration rolls in Democrat districts.
— CerebralLavage (pun-ene) (@DevereMrs)”
I guess they couldn’t stay together.
Damn, glad I refreshed before posting.
“3 tenths of 1 pct of the population is not a mandate”
Further proving that neither Republicans or Democrats can do math.
Funny, I actually saw a Beto lawn sign the other day, and ‘Good luck with that’ was exactly what I thought.
Also, you are correct about the best movie.
Hey, Beta is the best John Kerry clone since Lurch.
Yeah, but his boat isn’t so swift, IYKWIM. And “oooh, he’s a skateboarding guitarist!” That should get him at least 5% of the 14 year old girls vote. Along with people who think like 14 yo girls.
Well, he at least does have a rich wife. Fugly as she is…
That’s the problem; there’s millions of people like that.
I enjoy watching the Democrats candidates flail as they can’t get any support and go even more radical. Warren is particular amusing as she kicked this off early and first so that she could get a bump.
“Rashida Jones’ mother Peggy Lipton of Mod Squad and Twin Peaks fame dies at 72 after battle with cancer”
Wow, OMWC really is old.
Is it a sin to drink beer this early in the day? I feel a confession coming on…
Not if you bring a second beer for the priest.
/makes a sign of the cross gesture
Go forth and drink much more.
Wife would smack me upside the head for this, but now that she’s safely 5000 miles way… DRANK!
Are you fishing? Fishing absolves all beer sins.
How is it possible to fish and not drink beer?
There’s no such thing as that.
I concur, doctor.
How is it possible to fish and not drink beer?
Never take just one Mormon fishing – he will drink your beer and smoke your cigars.
Tell Father Tonio all about it, my son…
It’s fine as long as it’s a continuation of the drinking from last night and you haven’t gone to bed yet.
Well, shit, I did sleep. But I was still sort of drunk when I woke up. Does that count?
The judges will allow it.
This is why I love you guys.
I believe you just rested your eyes.
You can’t drink all day unless you start drinking in the morning.
“The Home Depot has a large selection of lumber and wood products, including shingles, fences, decks, composite decking, lattice, chain link fence, plywood, hardwood, timber, bamboo, wood veneer and more.”
The 2nd link is by far better. But I’m one of those dudes who likes curves on wiminz.
What a strange tattoo that first one has.
Yo, OMWC: I’m liking your tea jug cap photoshopping. Witty. Much better job on font matching today than when you started.
Also, I uploaded some ‘squatch pix for anyone who needs some filler illos.
Seconded. I’m really getting a kick out of them.
What, they aren’t true? I needed something to believe in. My hopes, my dreams, dashed.
Anyone here play ESO? I need some help killing some dude…
Two bacon-wrapped briskets, low and slow.
Just put a small pork butt in with some apple wood smoke. Smells good already. Once that’s far enough along it’ll be joined by some [REDACTED] BBQ.
So you are saying you put a small apple in your butt?
To each their own….
Not doing anything that ambitious today. Guess I’ll go put some bacon on though. Might go see Endgame later.
“Ray Blanchard served on the gender dysphoria working group and chaired the paraphilia working group for DSM V. He is a world expert in the field. Twitter has just suspended his account for a thread setting out his findings from A lifetime of research. Unreal”
The narrative must be maintained research findings be damned.
They’re fucking idjits. Cutting off you wee-wee and injecting female hormones into your body for life leads to a very high percent chance of suicide level depression.
Funny thing is, a leading researcher at JHU declared that it is in fact, gender dysphoria, and they kowtowed to his dictate, lol. Snow flakes melting all over.
Re Harvard. Indeed, a terrible precedent.
Can colleges be shitholes?
They’re Derpholes. Yeah, bad precedent but lawyers not a sympathetic bunch.
True. The majority tend to support left-wingism and vote Democrat…or Liberal.
Up here, they wrote a letter saying they support Bill C-16.
Christ OMWC, you just moved there and the government already wants to “do something” and by do something mean….
Fainting couch buster outers and public health hustlers make me fucking sick.
So you’re saying they are a public health nuisance
Go full Meese? He invented the process as punishment and drove many porn producers out of business.
They’re upset that he’s singlehandedly slowing down the internet for the whole state.
Slutty Sunday provides ladies of the fake and photoshopped variety; and you know you love them.
The cat is snoring like a little old lady. The dog is letting out contented sighs. Its a gray sunless day and I’m having a hard time staying awake even after 2 cups of coffee.
Anyways – my mom is at a third hospital, this one psychiatric. Dad reported so far she is doing a lot better without the uber-paranoid swings. A strange coincidence: another patient there was a co-worker of my dad’s from 25+ years ago. Weird. So I guess the moral of the story is: the old man drives people crazy?
I’m glad your mom is doing better. Hopefully, it’s a good week for you.
Sounds plausible
I too am very happy to hear of your mom’s improvement.
Glad your mother is doing better.
LH, my heart goes out to you and your family, especially to your father. Oftentimes the outcome can be disappointing, however, but you already know that.
Good morning all.
Something new must have bloomed outside—sneezing my brains out over here.
Raining in NYC which is keeping the pollen down. It might be just a 1 Claritin day.
Crazy kids and your allergies.
/not even allergic to poison ivy
My sinuses are acting a little weird and I can’t figure it out because I don’t feel sick despite that. No allergy history at all.
Good Sunday morning to everyone. Happy mother’s day to all of the mothers out there.
And if course now they’re pushing this MMT nonsense on everyone
Clickbait headline of the day.
Well I certainly have never searched for nun porn.
Ah, a Protestant, eh?
Why I’ve never heard of such nunsex.
Don’t make this a habit.
I pray that it isn’t just a fad.
“You see how they twist the narrative? In the episode the MAGA boy (who defaces a mosque) is yelling at the Ilhan Omar character who is grinning. Also he’s a rapist and a Jew.
In real life churches are burned, Jews are attacked in NYC, female Trump supporters are assaulted, etc.
Let’s not forget they made an episode where a @Lauren_Southern/@AnnCoulter character gets sexually assaulted by a Proud Boy. Law & Order SVU really has it out for conservatives.”
“‘Law & Order: SVU’ Smears Covington Students with the Help of Ilhan Omar Character
NBC crime procedural Law & Order: Special Victims Unit featured a “ripped from the headlines” theme in its latest episode, which smeared the Covington Catholic kids by pitting them against an Ilhan Omar-styled character who is portrayed as a hero.
The plot centered on a poor, put-upon Islamic city politician being confronted by a red ballcap-wearing crowd of young men who scream at her and taunt her. But the episode also throws in a big dollop of male oppression and lesbianism for good measure, Newsbusters reported.
The Law & Order: SVU episode entitled, “Assumptions,” opens with a pair of teenaged boys running away from a vandalized mosque in which we soon see that Muslim Councilwoman Nahla Nasar (Nazneen Contractor) has been raped.
We later find out that the teens who supposedly vandalized the mosque are Jewish… because there are lots of Jews running around New York vandalizing mosques, apparently. And minutes later we see a Jewish teen named Ari (Ted Sutherland) leading a group of teens who are clearly modeled after the left’s version of the Covington Catholic kids who were maligned by the media for “confronting” a Native American group in Washington D.C. early this year. The tip-in for that characterization is that Ari wears a MAGA-like red ballcap on his head in every scene as he screams spittle-specked hatred into the Muslim woman’s face.”
Muslims are always the victims, even when they’re the perpetrators. Life will be less stressful after you come to accept this reality.
Does it end in a twist where the audience has been shown from only one person’s perspective and in the end you see that the reality is that the whole thing was staged, and the original witnesses were all liars?
Cause that would be more true to life.
Do they beat up and hang a Jussie Smollett like character from the streetlights for good measure? If not, maybe they’re saving that for another episode.
My wife watches that nonsense all of the time. Lately they have really gone off of the rails. They were bad before but now they are way over the top. Laughable really. Who do they think is buying into that shit?
Just when I think there couldn’t possibly be a more insufferable show Comedy Central says “hold my beer”
Well she definitely is a broad.
Is that what people find funny these days?
Humor is subjective but goddamn.
UN-supplied “statistics”, no doubt.
Yeah, the only comedy CC shows now is/are reruns of older, much better shows. They totally ignoredJim Jeffries completely deceptive editing of Avi Yemeni, an Australian Jewish (conservative) activist.
Is there literally, and I mean literally, anything Warren does not want to throw money at, or have the government take over?
I dunno but I could hardly come up with a more fool-proof plan to get states, cities, and nonprofits to encourage more overdosing.
Genetic testing services?
Heh, heh. Yup, that might be one.
I’d love to hear some tough questions posed to these government worshipping asshats every once in a while. Westernsloper’s one would be nice to hear asked.
Since someone mentioned Eric Burdon yesterday….
Happy Mother’s Day
I posted it yesterday, but I’ll do it again. My fav Burdon/War song.
We went out to celebrate the wife’s bday last nite and had a good conversation with the Lyft driver on the way downtown. My wife asked him if he joined the strike of Uber/Lyft drivers that happened the other day here. He laughed and said no. In his opinion he was getting a sweet deal from Lyft and he thought it was ridiculous that drivers would get to share in the IPO riches. “They didn’t start the company or make the investments in it, why would they deserve to get that money? Did the janitor at Microsoft get turned into a millionaire?” Quite a sensible fellow. He went on to detail why he works for Lyft instead of Uber and told us the differences in the background check process between the two companies. He laughed and said, “that’s why it’s always an Uber driver that you hear about raping or murdreing or doing some crazy ass shit.”
Interesting. And happy birthday to the missus!
I have just used Uber by default – never downloaded the Lyft app. Have you noticed a difference in availability?
Thanks! At least here in SF there is no real difference in availability between the two. I have never waited more than 5 minutes for either. A couple years ago I deleted my Uber app and just went full time with Lyft as I onky use it maybe once or twice a month anyway. I almost always talk to the drivers and it just seemed to me that the Lyft ones were happier with the company.
I’ll have to try them out. I’ve had almost universally awesome drivers with Uber, but it never hurts to compare.
Huh. I just figured Uber was a juicier target for clickbait.
According to him, it was a pretty significant background check for Lyft, and they gave him the report afterwards. Checked his police records, driving records, credit, insurance, etc. He said it was way less for Uber. I’m sure that we hear more horror stories about Uber also due to the fact that it is more widely used than Lyft.