Hi guys, I’m excited to say, I didn’t make the police blotter last night. Tonight could be a different story. My wife has a some sort of pre-graduation ceremony, and then I think we are going out with some of her classmates. One of whom’s husband is an honest-to-god sailor. Like, makes his living working on a boat. So, who knows what will happen then.
Oxford Rhodes Scholar, world record beer drinker, and former Australian PM passes. Good on ya, myte.
This sounds like good news. Fuck cancer.
Its almost like there’s a reason we don’t reuse needles. Fuck this guy.
I’m thinking about a career change.
Tonight, bring me the Disco King.
Be sure to practice your “Arrs” and “Ayes” so you don’t feel out of place.
If he said he needs to go to the head…point him to the outhouse. (Not too knowledgeable on FloridaMan hygiene but I assume some of your establishments have outhouses).
And if he says bulkhead, he’s talking about a wall, not a volume discount at a massage parlor.
The goal is to keep the disease under control for so long that people eventually die of something else.-
We have that tech now. It’s called a shotgun.
“Keep quiet and plead…”
Brett, don’t know if this was intentional, but the illo ends halfway down the word “plead.”
“The Fifth”
“I’ll take that as ‘not guilty’.”
Taking a fifth is what got me in trouble to start with.
‘appy birthday, Brett.
I’d read the links, but I’m on my phone.
I hate waiting around for other people. Other people suck.
Happy Birthday, Brett.
Happy bear-day!
“I’d read the links, but I’m on my phone”
Don’t lie to is, it’s unbecoming
If I were not reading them from apathy, I’d nof bother with an excusr.
Happy Birthday, dude!
*Starts the line for the most awesome Glib spanking machine ever*
Bears…spanking, this thread is taking a most unsavory turn.
That’s not true Tonio. We’re just just a bunch of guys hanging out. Now. Who wants to take their shirt off and wrestle?
I guess it all depends on what you’re into.
Happy Birthday Brett!
Happy Birthday
I sail Catamarans, definitely Sailing when I do it, so fuck you I’m real
Batten down the keel haul! Kill the women and children first!
But does anybody PAY you to do it?
that just makes you a Pro, does he use Gods Gas? i.e. Sails or a dirty stinking motor?
Happy Bday Brett
And thanks for the kind words Peoples,
It’s not the size, Yusef, it’s the technique. LOL
What scale catamaran?
[tiny little golf clap]
1/1 scale, 16 foot Prindle, asymmetric hulls, no daggerboards
I gave sailing a go a few times when I was a teenager. I think its something I’d appreciate a hell of a lot more as an adult than I did then. Maybe I should try it out again.
Come sail away…
Fuck off Tulpa!
My wife works for a yacht staffing company. A month or so back they had an event for some of the crews they manage. This included some drinking games for the crew and blindfolded whiskey identification for the captains (they were surprisingly good at it).
And then…..
the orgy?
“Just a little peril!”
“No, no… its too perilous…”
Ah the SD-f 7 . . . I loved Robotech.
I’m thinking about a career change.-
FTA: it doesn’t pay much, but we still are going to charge you for a permit.
Hey Brett! Welcome to Old, population: you.
Just kidding happy birthday.
Mike Munger writes a boring article that everyone should digest.
The Most Boring Article About Mainstream Media Curation You’ll Ever Read
He concludes that while crowd-sourcing is great at finding errors, it’s unsuitable for curating information because what catches people’s eyes is stuff that’s flash and not necessarily stuff that’s important.
He then goes to posit that there should be a government agency to officially curate news stories… PSYCH! He just simply leaves it at that. He doesn’t have a solution, so he contents himself in laying out the problem. As one would expect from an academic who understand free-market economics.
I don’t trust my co-workers to curate information. I wouldn’t trust minitruth either.
This, of course, assumes that mainstream media is actually in pursuit of the truth and not motivated to curate stories based on what best suits a certain ideology. *
*it’s impossible to not do this.
Cancer cure in ten years, so we’ll have two years of cancer free before we all burn to death?! Stop funding pie in the sky stuff like this and get serious about Climate Change, deniers!
I have to think reading the cancer article while having cancer would be pretty infuriating.
Probably a bunch of white men working on the project?
She was just funnin’ with us about the 12 years – even a sea sponge knows that!
Snopes rates: God’s given Truth.
In 12 years we’ll all be living in pineapples under the sea.
Happy Birthday! It’s my granddaughters birthday as well.
A cure for cancer is just like fusion energy: just ten short years away!
You and your nimble fingers!
Maybe we’ll get a nimble researcher to beat the deadline…
I’d give that a lot more credibility if it the announcement was from almost anywhere other than England.
we’ll there was a cancer cure announcement from israel a few months back.
But they have all the boffins.
Yeah, but they’re too busy playing with moggies.
That cure for cancer requires a lot of energy, so it will be available once we get desktop nuclear generators.
University of Utah medical center gets an idea
Ouch, that hurt.
/former Pons colleague
OT: What with the Alabama/Ohio abortion laws and such, I’ve heard several media types cite the claim that “roughly 1 in 4 women in the United States have had an abortion”. Can that be right? Sounds really high to me, but I could just be in the dark on this.
It has to be all those college rape victims.
no way that’s true.
It’s probably like 1 in 10 women get enough abortions to cover the 1 in 4 number.
Ok, that would make a lot more sense.
My guess is that they are dividing apples by oranges. My guess is that the numerator is skewed by the women who have multiple abortions – especially the ones treating it as a form of birth control.
No chance. The proggies would love it to be true, though.
From CDC:
In 2015, 638,169 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate for 2015 was 11.8 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, and the abortion ratio was 188 abortions per 1,000 live births.
I’m about to attempt math, so be warned.
Those numbers would mean that for a given cohort of 1,000 women of the same age, over the 30 year period from age 15 – 44 years, there will be 354 abortions. Of course, those aren’t distributed at 1 each, some will have multiples. If we say half the women who have abortions have two abortions, and the rest only have one, that leaves 265 women who have had abortions, or just over 1/4.
Frankly, I find the number of abortions remarkably high. Remember when the pro-choice mantra was safe, legal and rare?
Some additional CDC information below – overwhelmingly less than 13 weeks. Women with three or more previous abortions accounted for 8.2% of total in 2015.
In 2015, almost two thirds (65.4%) of abortions were performed at ≤8 weeks’ gestation, and nearly all (91.1%) were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation. Few abortions were performed between 14 and 20 weeks’ gestation (7.6%) or at ≥21 weeks’ gestation (1.3%). During 2006–2015 the percentage of all abortions performed at >13 weeks’ gestation remained consistently low (≤9.0%). Among abortions performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation, a shift occurred toward earlier gestational ages, with the percentage performed at ≤6 weeks’ gestation increasing 11%.
In 2015, 24.6% of all abortions were performed by early medical abortion (a nonsurgical abortion at ≤8 weeks’ gestation), 64.3% were performed by surgical abortion at ≤13 weeks’ gestation, and 8.8% were performed by surgical abortion at >13 weeks’ gestation; all other methods were uncommon (≤2.2%). Among those that were eligible for early medical abortion on the basis of gestational age (i.e., performed at ≤8 weeks’ gestation), 35.8% were completed by this method.
In 2015, women with one or more previous live births accounted for 59.3% of abortions, and women with no previous live births accounted for 40.7%. Women with one or more previous induced abortions accounted for 43.6% of abortions, and women with no previous abortion accounted for 56.3%. Women with three or more previous births accounted for 14.2% of abortions, and women with three or more previous abortions accounted for 8.2% of abortions.
Women with one or more previous induced abortions accounted for 43.6% of abortions, and women with no previous abortion accounted for 56.3%. Women with three or more previous births accounted for 14.2% of abortions, and women with three or more previous abortions accounted for 8.2% of abortions.
Based on this, there’s no way 1/4 of women have had an abortion. I’m not mathy enough to really do much of a calculation, but I would guess this is more like 1 in 8.
2.75 million women have used mifepristone – this is not counted in the CDC data.
Over thirty one year cohorts, that’s another 91,000 per cohort. No idea how that affects the percentages.
Mifipristone data is since 2000. Perhaps wdalasio will provide an assist on this…
My best guess at translation, 2.75MM since 2000, translates to 144,737 per year. Using 2016’s population of American Women 15-44 of 63,613,014, we get just over two additional abortions per 1,000 women per year. Again, this doesn’t account for women who’ve gone the Mifipristone or abortion route before.
Since those figures are per year, couldn’t you just multiply your previous number (354) by 56.3% to get a rough estimate? So that would mean the ratio is about 1/5.
I believe the kind of analysis needed to get to a decent number exceeds my capabilities, and probably can’t be done with the data we have. It matters, for example, where each cohort is on the thirty year timeline. Some of the women listed as first-timers are young, and will eventually join the group of frequent fliers.
The “three or more” also could shift the final percentage by a lot, depending on how much the “or more” really is. If nobody ever has more than four abortions, that’s going to lead to a higher percentage than you’d see if some women have 6, 8, or more abortions.
Thanks, RAH, for the additional research.
It’s amazing how they always find an expensive drug to keep you alive that needs to be constantly taken if you can afford it. REAL HEADLINE, wealthy may no longer have to worry about ever getting cancer.-
This guy gets it. Name one disease cured by modern medicine. See! You can’t do it!
Yeah but hepD is coming out next year. Wake up!
All kidding aside, curing hepC came out of nowhere. I was always cautioned about it because there was no vaccine and then, bang, cured.
How far back counts as “modern?”
That’s a good question. When did modern medicine begin?
I’m too lazy to look it up, but I remember reading something about WWI being a real inflection point for health care. Before that docs had aspirin and sugar pills (placebos). The war got people focused on health care and all sorts of new drugs and treatments came out.
It is one of the reasons it is sill to complain about today’s health care costs. Doctors used to be willing to treat you for a chicken or two because the value of their treatment wasn’t really worth any more than that.
I know Vietnam let to a lot of advancements in trauma care, so that makes sense.
Ww2 as well
I vaguely recall reading that super glue was adapted for use by medics in Vietnam, but I’m too lazy to look it up to confirm.
As I understand it, the medics and corpsmen who experienced combat in Vietnam – who got into medical care afterwards – were responsible for the evolution towards paramedics in ambulances. There was no similar role (in the US at least) before the 1970’s.
Wars in which the US has fought have been responsible for a huge number of advances in trauma care.
That’s a good question, too. Certainly not before the adoption of germ theory and antiseptic instruments, etc. Possibly as late as the widespread availability of CAT and MRI imaging. Possibly, 2001 (sequencing of human DNA complete) will be seen as the dawn of truly modern medicine by late century folks.
It’s sucks that the government was hassling 23andMe. Who knows what they can discover with millions of DNA samples.
Name one disease cured by modern medicine.
But what about LargePox? Huh smart guy?
That would be Syphilis, fka “the great pox.”
Huh. The things I learn here.
“The things you pick up at places like that…”
Noyce one
OK. Aside from curing smallpox, typhus, diptheria, the flu, what has western medicine done for us?
General health and well-being?
HIV is now manageable with a pill per day; this same pill also prevents transmission of HIV from infected people.
Guinea-Worm Disease down to 30 reported cases in 2017. This is down from an estimated 3.5 million cases in 1986.
Prostate cancer is almost totally curable now. Leukemia too, I think.
Nope, Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Also breast, cervical and testicular cancer are treatable.
Melanoma is much much less lethal with immunotherapy.
Boner Piiiiiiiiiiiiils!
I was going to suggest that but stopped because somebody might split hairs.
Happy Birthday Brett!
Nice song! I’ve never heard that version before. I like it!
Uffda. That was so brave (and quick)!
History prof at THE U of M gets tenure and instantly unloads on the U’s Board of Regents for not knuckling under to the SJW crowd that want to rename a bunch of buildings on campus because they were named after white men who were insufficiently woke.
I’d have been more impressed by her moral stature if she had tweeted all this before she got tenure.
It sounds like her training has made her a very effective silencer of those whom the elites want to oppress. I’m sure she’ll be a valuable scourge of the filth called cis-male whites.
The filth that is largely responsible for funding her position?
My alma mater is going the way of this whole fucking state.
Altar Boy #2 has decided to attend the U, so there might still be a few decent kids going there.
There are plenty of decent kids going there. They deserve better than this shit!
Congrats to deuce. What’s his plan?
He’s in the engineering school. He’s thinking Electrical or Mechanical. We’ll see. He’s the dreamer of the family. He’s bright enough but he tends to have a bit of Walter Mitty in him and I will be shocked if he sticks with it.
This isn’t to knock him. I had no idea either what I was going to do with my life when I was his age. Shoot, I still ain’t real sure I am doing what I am supposed to
Nope. I’m 51 and have no idea what I’ll be when I grow up. I told my kids to get a difficult degree and don’t worry about what you do with it. Spawn 2 is considering EE but has awhile to decide. Spawn 1 declared for mechanical. Really enjoyed his first year.
Success is a trap in some ways. There are days I don’t want to do what I do anymore, but there are very few jobs where I could make the same money.
Don’t let a good education stand in the way of success.
He’s thinking Electrical or Mechanical. We’ll see. He’s the dreamer of the family. He’s bright enough but he tends to have a bit of Walter Mitty in him and I will be shocked if he sticks with it.
Sounds like me at that age. I started in Aero and ended up in Computer. Did a co-op and worked 3 years in industry before jumping to law school.
As long as he’s studying more than he’s drinking, he’ll come out ahead. If not, he might end up like the guy I knew who would sneak out onto a window ledge of the EE building to take horse tranquilizers and E every couple hours before continuing to design processors. I dunno if that guy actually graduated or not. He was on the 1 semester school, 1 semester rehab plan.
Good for all yas, we need more EEs and MEs
“Gerbner’s tweet-storm is essentially a 27-punch-combination knockout…”
You know who else numbered their thoughts?
HAL 9000?
Universities are choke full of tenured professors who stay silent. At least she did it now.
watching how voices were silenced
How? Are “voices silenced” when they aren’t on the agenda, or are limited to speaking for a set period of time? I mean, if she wants to try to govern a major institution by letting random people jabber throughout board meetings, go right ahead.
Now do de-platforming (her, not RC)…
She was afraid to jump on the same SJW bandwagon that literally everyone around her was already on? Huh.
You know, tenure is protection against getting fired. And that’s right and well and as it should be. That said, if the Board of Regents really wanted to stoop to Gerbner’s degree of immaturity and pettiness, there’s plenty of ways they might persuade her to consider her career options. They could schedule her class times for, say 6:30 on Sunday morning and 9:00 on Friday night. They could relocate her office space to a trailer behind the janitorial building. They could move her classroom to the basement of the athletic building.
….and take away her stapler.
I wouldn’t take her stapler away. I would make sure all the staples she gets from supply are the wrong size by a small margin.
Wouldn’t have been able to where my parents were on faculty. They were protected by a union.
something something marginalized something something voices silenced something something of color something something literally shaking
Lol. People are congratulating her and saying she’s brave.
Now she’s gonna wreak SJW havoc with her job security.
Christ, what an asshole
World-class. The constant petulance is just the tip of the iceberg.
At least he didn’t spontaneously kiss someone. That would be an automatic boot off the circuit
I miss the saner days of McEnroe and Connors
Ah, Bob Hawke: the first election I voted in was 1980 and the Malcolm Fraser-led, right-of-center, coalition was (re)-elected for the third term in a row. I hated that guy with a white-hot passion because of his role in the 1975 Constitutional Crisis.
Fast forward to 1983, and Bob Hawke became leader of the Labour Party on February 3, 1983, the same day that Fraser announces a snap election. The election was held March 5, 1983 – the same night I had my 21st birthday party. In those days, turning 21 was a BFD in Oz and so there was a big party at my place with lots of my college friends. Given our significantly left-of-center politics, we celebrated Labour’s landslide win. Given that Hawke was a former leader of the ACTU (equivalent to AFL-CIO), we thought spring-time for workers had arrived. In the end, Labour did a pretty good job – by adopting modest free-market reforms.
Hawke’s finest moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8mdHO2_Zo8
I’ve voted twice, and both were out of pure hate of the alternatives. Perot and Trump.
Meaning I voted for those 2.
Its almost like there’s a reason we don’t reuse needles.
So you don’t get Full Blown Aids
Why is mf’ing Google giving me a little lecture on AIDS under a joke video about AIDS?
That’s part of their new campaign to battle “fake news”.
Great. Now do Alzheimer’s.
Fix my back pain
Had a patient yesterday with early onset Alz’s, and her husband had it almost as bad. The sadness in their son’s eyes was heartbreaking.
I just visited my parents at the cemetery. A blessing that neither had Alzeimer’s and were lucid until they said goodbye. So many of my classmates or their spouses have or had alz. Early onset would be doubly tough.
This doesn’t say anything that might suggest a timeline for a cure, but it looks like the cause has more or less been identified.
And as grimly utilitarian as this sounds, stopping Alzheimer’s is functionally pretty much the same as curing it.
A normal brain routinely flushes the proteins out. One hypothesis is that Alzheimer’s patients are missing the gene that makes that happen.
Cuz if they cure cancer I see Alzheimer’s getting a lot more common.
Speaking of bad proggie ideas, Killing Education: SATs to Add ‘Adversity Score’ to Address ‘Wealth Disparity’ in Results
I wonder what the excuse will be when the number of underprepared students fleeing STEM continues to rise.
I never took the SAT, like others here mentioned earlier, the last time I took the ACT I closed up shop at work the night before.
While ETS can do whatever they like as a private company, it should be possible to contest the use of these numbers by public colleges. Once that information gets out, ETS will hopefully find it prudent to discontinue this nonsense.
Or when it gets out that colleges are using the adversity score to weed out certain applicants. Or just show disparate impact using those scores.
“like the relative quality of the student’s high school and the crime rate and poverty level of the student’s home neighborhood. ”
I would have scored high on this but I’m sure the color of my skin would have negated that completely.
Of all the retarded ideas in education, this is near the top.
Agreed. So the test scores will be useless. Nice. So what are we left with to make decisions?
Occupational testing…
What’s interesting is that pre-employment skills testing used to be fairly common, but most employers were scared away from it by some lawsuits wherein it was declared to have a “disparate impact”.
I swear, I hate that fucking phrase with every fiber of my being. The moment those two words were strung together like that was the moment that the whole anti-discrimination movement went off the rails.
An idea so stupid only an intellectual could think it’s a good idea. Good Lord…
Why MLB is old and busted and minor league baseball is where it is at.
My kid and I have had more fun watching the St. Paul Saints play than we ever have had at the Twins. The Twins – even with their hot start – are losing fans at an alarming rate.
Every year, the Saints get a new pig as a mascot. The quote was from this years press release announcing the new pig.
Good timing. Mike Veeck is on KFAN as we speak.
The guy is hilarious!
Minor league games can be a lot of fun. The level of play isn’t nearly as good, so they have to work at entertaining you. And there are no long breaks between innings for commercials.
One of whom’s husband is an honest-to-god sailor. Like, makes his living working on a boat. So, who knows what will happen then.
This is for Mike after he made such a rash statement this morning about the lack of any redeeming qualities in warm pineapple: Fireball Pineapple
That’s my grill!
I’m gonna do this.
How? You just said that guy stole your grill.
I think I can take him. He looks slow.
Like, makes his living working on a boat. So, who knows what will happen then.
I would think that there would be an implication.
I finished “Time Enough for Love” yesterday. What is it with Heinlein and incest? Are the pornhub curators huge Heinlein fans?
Yeah, that theme is a little creepy. I choose to believe that that was the brain tumor writing those parts. Also, possibly another reason why we’ll never see TMIAHM produced as a film.
Still surprised Stranger In A Strange Land was never a film or mini-series.
I’m willing to be most of his stuff’s been optioned. Just like Niven’s Ringworld.
Now if only a good writer and production team would actually start making some of these into movies . . .
be = bet
One of the writers for Buffy wrote a a script of Mistress. It ended up published on the internet. It wasn’t bad. It started weak, but got better.
Tim Minear. Angel and Firefly, but not Buffy.
Amazon picked up the option for Ringworld and was reportedly developing a series based on it. Haven’t heard much since then.
I’m delighted it hasn’t been done. Can you imagine how badly Hollywood would fuck it up?
I’m still nauseated by what they did to Childhood’s End and Starship Troopers.
My understanding is that that’s why the estate was so cautious with the film rights – fear of what Hollywood would do with it.
I have a soft spot, or perhaps a hard one, for “Starship Troopers” the movie.
I loved the book, and I love the movie, for entirely different reasons.
Starship Troopers was, absent the knowledge that it was an adaptation of RAH’s book, not a bad effort at all. But I was righteously pissed how far it departed from the book (and its major ideas). People leaving the theatre where I saw it were talking about how RAH must’ve been “some kind of fascist.” I had a couple of earnest convos with complete strangers that night.
But Dizzy, so hot……
You do realize Starship Troopers was directed Verhoeven. You know, the same guy who made Showgirls and Robocop.
You do realize Starship Troopers was directed [by] Verhoeven.
Yep. It’s almost as if he read Starship Troopers a few years prior and thought to himself, “What a great book — I think I’ll riff on it uncontrollably.”
From what I’ve heard he was developing a film, and someone pointed out the similarities to Starship Troopers so they bought the film rights and made some minor changes to the script to be closer to the book. I seem to recall Verhoeven said he had never even read the book.
I got through ten minutes of Showgirls before realizing that no tits were worth this.
Fifteen minutes of Robocop.
These were as awful as Jaws.
That reminds me, in stranger he avoided gay sex, but fully goes into incest in other works. I wonder if gay stuff was his buggaboo.
I wonder if gay stuff was his buggaboo.
Don’t think so. I seem to recall a passage in Friday (?) where two gay lovers comment that the Friday operative was enough to make them consider switching teams or somesuch. I also seem to remember something in Double Star, but it was long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . .
I Will Fear No Evil was an odd story.
Not sure whether that was Hollywood, or the RAH estate, or maybe a little of both.
I really enjoyed the fleshing out of what it would be like to live thousands of years. Some really advanced ideas like computer AI and cloning. I just didn’t get the “all incest, all the time” part.
Almost every RAH book I’ve read follows the same story arc. The first half of the book is a rousing space adventure by two friends destined to be lovers. One of them has a secret. Right around the middle of the book, it’s revealed that the secret is that the entire universe dropped acid, and everybody fucks like bunnies while the plot resolves at a glacial pace.
After the success of Game of Thrones, I don’t think that subject matter will be preventing any other-wise film-able stories from being produced.
When I read Heinlein’s biography, I was struck by how often he seemed to relish talking/writing about taboos.
That was a truly awful book. But that’s true of Heinlein’s entire output after about 1965 or so.
It did lack focus. I like the big ideas, but the jump cuts via computer edits were hard to follow.
Great writer, but the man had issues.
“–All you Zombies–” was about an extremely elaborate masturbation technique.
All you zombies.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I own two Hooters albums.
“Emily Ratajkowski poses naked to decry ’25 old white men’ who voted to ban abortion in Alabama… as Kylie Jenner and Rihanna share outrage”
So how does this work exactly? If you oppose abortion more hot chicks will get naked?
Yeah…. I’m sure all those older men will be terrified of seeing her nude and will immediately change course.
They should call her to testify.
Um, but wasn’t it a woman governor who signed the bill? And didn’t the lower chamber of the AL state legislature also vote for this?
Yes, and it was also written by a female legislator.
Fake Women. Gender Traitors. Internalized Misogyny.
I don’t understand. Do any of them live in Alabama?
Do you even lockstep, bruh?
Hmm. I know dub-step.
*furiously white guy dance*
How about half steppin
Did she also decry the old white woman who signed it into law?
The pink plant leaf with the erection is an interesting choice.
Why don’t they strip to protest infanticide?
Dumb as a rock. That’s too bad.
Just add it to her other nude photos.
“Transgender woman gets new vagina made from fish skin
A trans woman had a vagina constructed using the skin of a tilapia fish after her genitals began to shrink and close up following botched surgery.
According to surgeons, Maju, 35, has been the chance of a “proper sex life” and a boost of confidence thanks to the sea creature’s skin.
The highly complex procedure, called neovaginoplasty, used a tubular-shaped acrylic mold wrapped with the skin of the freshwater fish in the form of a biological prosthesis to rebuild and extend the vaginal canal in a three-hour operation on April 23.
The process involved inserting two separate molds to create the new vagina. The first device, mounted with the marine membrane, was incorporated inside the vagina over a period of six days.
In contact with the patient’s body, the sterilized and odor free fish skin displays stimulatory cell growth properties. It is rich in type 1 collagen a substance that promotes healing and has a firmness and elasticity which is as strong and resilient as human skin.
The tilapia membrane attached to and recoated the walls of the vaginal canal acting like stem cells. These were absorbed into the body, transforming into cellular tissue similar to that of an actual vagina.
The second device made from silicone and described as a very ‘big tampon’ is designed to remain inside the vagina for up to six months to prevent the walls from closing.”
a tubular-shaped acrylic mold
A surgically implanted fleshlight?
Hey, whatever floats xer boat.
Two things smell like fish. One of them is fish…
Well played.
I was going to say, it seems pretty appropriate. Now you too can have that fishy smell.
They are going overboard with these GMOs! FrankenFish!
“second device made from silicone and described as a very ‘big tampon’”
Silicone doesn’t absorb. We call that a strap-in around these parts.
So, basically, this procedure involves a fleshlight wrapped in fish skin, and a dildo.
Cutting. Edge. Stuff.
No, you are thinking of fleshlighta dentata.
this is killing fish tacos for me.
Thanks for that thought.
I larfed.
That literally is a fish taco.
Who paid for it?
Weird fact o’ the day:
Gene Simmons’ mother was a concentration camp survivor.
I heard that on Mike Rowe’s “The Way I Heard It” podcast. Of course, he only tells you who he is talking about at the very end, so sorry for the spoiler.
Mike Rowe has turned into Paul Harvey?
And that is the rest of the story
As were Geddy Lee’s parents.
Red Sector A is loosely based on her story.
Her being Geddy’s mom.
Dan your fingers!
Or Damn, what ever works
So were Geddy Lee’s Parents
You can shout it out loud, again.
Back in the day, Larry King (I think it was him) would have Gene Simmons on as an expert on policy related to Israel.
“California wants to teach kindergartners about gender identity. Seriously.”
WaPo link paywalled.
Judging by how he’s managed the pentagon in the past, this means we’ll be at war in the next month.
Death and popcorn. Those two things seem to go together a lot in the modern world.
I can hear the war cries of the human that belongs to the Bolton mustache from here.
The Guns and Gunplay of ‘The Highwaymen’ Were Actually Accurate
Great scene when Costner goes shopping. If you’ve not watched the movie, I highly recommend it.
I want a Monitor. Brand new high quality repro.
I’m 1/2 way through. I didn’t realize how long it was until I started it, the had to watch GOT.
I liked it. The fact that they filmed the ambush where it actually happened was a nice touch. They did sanitize the ambush a bit, I understand (B & C weren’t really given the opportunity to surrender).
The gun store scene was great fun, but I seriously doubt it actually happened that way. I can’t believe he would have bought all that out of his own pocket, and I can’t believe he was given a pile of money by the Highway Patrol to buy a bunch of guns. But who knows?
I concur with the recommendation. I watched that film after watching Bonnie and Clyde the previous evening, which was an interesting way to see the same story from two different perspectives. The Highwaymen is pretty good all on it’s own, for anyone into police/detective dramas.
Great show. I started looking for a Thompson again right after. Still need to stow away some cash for that one tho.
I’ve always had a sweet spot for the Thompson. I have an old Arms Corp semi-auto version, with a couple 50-round drums, which I need to do paperwork to make into a Short Barrel Rifle to put the 10.5 inch barrel on. My goal is to convert it into a semi-auto copy of the M-1928 TSMG and find an old viola case to turn into a case for the gun.
I (stupidly) passed up the chance to buy a registered, full-auto M-1928 in the original FBI case for $2,500 about 30 years ago.
Greetings from Bill and Hillary Clinton Little Rock Airport.
I was on the Obama freeway today, the 134 in Glendale Ca
What the hell does Obama have to do with Glendale?
Wow that was fast. I know every big city will have an Obama named street, like every big city had an MLK BLVD that should be avoided after dark.
Naming shit after living American royalty is nauseating.
Man, you’re hitting all the AR high points! What in the heck were you doing in Paragould, anyway? Only reason I even know the name is because we have customers there…
Haven’t been to Pine Bluff nor do I have any plans to do so. It’s apparently like Mogadishu these days, you know… Libertopia.
Paragould is home to Allen Engineering. I’m trying to facilitate a deal between then and a chemical company out in Lowell.
Can someone remind me why ENB writes for Reason again? This morning she was mocking conservatives as ‘snowflakes’ for complaining about very real and proven censorship and now….
Me: transgender predators in bathrooms are an imaginary fear people are conjuring to oppose the Equality Act
Patron Saint of Perpetual Outrage: “ENB uncritically amplifies the long debunked bathroom predator” ?
What’s she jabbering about? Who is the Patron Saint? Did anyone actually say she was “uncritically amplifying” etc.
Yep, Parker Molloy appears to have tweeted that. “ENB uncritically amplifies…”
No idea who that is.
Ah. Got it. Not adept at untangling Twitter threads.
Since ENB supports transgenders using the other bathroom, which will have a disproportionate impact on bio-women, I wonder what other things she supports that will have a disproportionate impact on women.
I don’t think it has a disproportionate impact on bio-women, since no one noticed it before. What might have a disproportionate impact on bio-women is making stupid laws about it.
Well, I can tell you for a fact that people are noticing it now, at least in locker rooms. Because I fielded complaints about an uncut tranny waving his dick around our women’s locker room.
There’s no question that this will result in more biological men using the women’s facilities than vice versa. Sounds like a disparate impact* on women to me.
*I think disparate impact is horseshit, but folks like ENB think its da bomb. How she squares this circle, without telling other women who would prefer to have their facilities be for, you know, women, that they are wrong and should just take one for Team Tranny, I couldn’t say.
I think anyone who would wave their dick around a women’s locker room isn’t actually transgender. (Which isn’t to say transgender people can’t be assholes like anyone else.)
That’s basically the the problem. There are two opposing groups who are both wrong. On the right, you have people saying transgender isn’t a real condition. On the left, you have people saying people are whatever gender they identify themselves. Neither of those things are true. However, since most people advocating for trans people are leftists pushing identity politics, you end up with dumbass laws that allow men in women’s spaces.
As far as “disparate impact”, historically there were more MTF than FTM. Globally that is still true. Although the politicization of the issue in U.S. and a number of of other Western nations is leading to an increasing number of XX transitioning, and there is substantial evidence that is causing serious problems for many of them.
I’ve said that the left is right on the gender/sex distinction, but wrong on how bathrooms/lockerrooms work.
Gender is what’s above your neck and sex is what’s between your knees, and people have been picking where to shit based on what’s between their knees.
Like I said, plenty of people have been picking where to shit based on how they look, and no one noticed.
My perception is that cis folk, aka the vast vast majority, pick which bathroom to use based on their sex and not their gender. In particular, my perception is that cis women generally want to be able to disrobe away from humans with penises, not away from humans who identify with masculine social roles.
My perception is that men are much, much less likely to be bothered by disrobing in front of a person of the female sex and male gender.
Maybe my perception is way off, but that’s my observations.
Leap: When I was working with two FTMs who were in the living life as the gender they want to be phase of the process, there were a couple of guys who complained about them using the men’s room. They were pretty quickly mocked by the other guys.
That’s about my actual experience. Some cis men would be uncomfortable, many cis men would not. I don’t know what #’s to put on “some” an “many.”
Rufus left out the blockquote tag above. The “Me” part is ENB, not Rufus. The PSPO is Parker Molloy.
I’ve never heard anyone claim that this has happened, ie male predator in women’s room claiming to be recent, pre-transition, transgender. Which is a very different thing from debating whether it can, and will, happen; nobody has ever addressed this head-on, they always dance around, and rephrase the question.
Don’t worry, Vox is on it
I have no idea if allowing/encouraging (either through the law or norms) people to chose their bathroom based on gender instead of sex would cause an uptick in violence or if trans-using-the-bathroom-of-their-gender-not-sex wold result in those trans folks committing crimes at a higher rate than their non-trans counterpart (there’ was a story not too long ago of two aggressive non-trans women in bar sexually assaulting a trans MtoF woman, for example, but I’m not going to post a link because the spam filter has it out for me. Should be able to find it with a quick web search.)
But to say it never happens isn’t correct. (yes, the first link is only an allegation, but the second seems to not be.)
I’m like RC. I don’t know how to use Twitter. And don’t give a shit. Fuck Dorsey that punk.
Her takes generally get lefties on her side.
She’s correct in that private entities can dictate terms of service. But she’s wrong in not criticizing those companies for being unilaterally unfair against differing opinions.
From the little I have seen, the pushback on deplatforming is coming from the right angle: stripping the platforms who do it based on politics or ideology of their immunity from defamation under the current statute.
Exactly. They’re no longer impartial platforms, they’re publishers. Can’t have it both ways.
When did they say they were impartial?
When they claimed the immunity.
My understanding of the way it works are platform are not publishers:
They shall not be held liable for
So, they can block harassing or otherwise objectionable posts (and presumably posters, although the statute only refers to “material”) so long as they do so in good faith. The problem they have is that it is hard to argue that applying a political or ideological double standard is acting in good faith.
OK thanks!
It does say “Otherwise objectionable”, whether protected or not.
Your better bet is to force them to state what the “otherwise objectionable” counts for in their case. And how shadowbanning squares with that.
Just as an aside, isn’t Section 13 EU law thing everyone flipped over exactly treating “platform” as “publisher”?
Everything is subject to whatever filtering being done “in good faith”. Objectionable is pretty loose, but the “otherwise” provides some boundaries by referring back to the “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing,”. Arguing that you find Republicans objectionable, and so you ban them, when others are posting things that are otherwise equally harassing, etc. is not likely to be a winning argument.
I’m not sure, to tell you the truth, that our newly selective platforms can be treated pari passu with publishers under the current law.
I was unaware anyone was proposing legislation or regulations that would dictate what people can and can’t say on social media. Again I ask, what’s she jabbering about?
Right wing BAD that’s about all she said,
The old MAD-avoiding policy used to be you can be a publisher, or you can be a neutral platform. That worked pretty well.
But the MAD-avoiding policy has a clause that says the platform can moderate your platform under the kind of thing that people though of as moderation when the safe harbor was in place – moving swearing and off topic rants, etc.
Some platforms now intentionally (seemingly, I don’t know really) skew their moderation with the intent of making their platform skew heavily in one ideological direction or another. I’ve been told by people way smarter than me who write for Volokh that this comports with the letter of the law.
but MAD-avoiding policies are based on the letter of the law. They are based on the spirit of the law. That’s why that heroic Russian officer didn’t nude the shit out of the eastern seaboard. And that’s why pissing off the law makers and saying “LOOK, we got this fig leaf!!!” makes the platforms technically correct but wrong in reality.
TLDR: Don’t abuse the spirit of the law when you are at the mercy of the law makers because they might change the letter of the law to fuck you up.
I’ve been told by people way smarter than me who write for Volokh that this comports with the letter of the law.
To get to this point, you have to conclude that filtering ideologically can be done in good faith. I think there are way too many counterexamples for that to stand up.
Banning someone for making an OK sign, but leaving antifa posts organizing violent demonstrations? Good luck convincing anyone that’s in good faith.
That’s why that heroic Russian officer didn’t nude the shit out of the eastern seaboard
You don’t want to nude the shit out of the eastern seaboard?
Eh. I don’t use FB or twitter. I imagine they’ll go the way of MySpace and vine eventually
It seems like she’s gotten better looking. Not as mousy.
And the terms of service these private companies are dictating is what individuals can & cannot say on those platforms. And, in dictating what what individuals can & cannot say on their platforms, these private companies are now acting as publishers, rather than communications mediums. And I completely agree that they should be able, as publishers, to decide what they will and will not publish and that the government has no business deciding what can and cannot be published on their platforms. That’s sort of the essence of freedom. What isn’t the essence of freedom is singling out a group of companies in the publishing business, those that are digital, and exempting them the civil liability other publishers are burdened with for what they choose to publish and not publish.
Can you expand upon this? I’m not familiar with how a publisher can be liable.
For defamation.
A statement by the someone in the NYT can impose liability on the NYT. The exact same statement by the same person on Facebook cannot impose liability on Facebook.
I see. Thank you.
Also thank you, much good info
Thot Thursday will be banned as Hate Speech.
6 and 37 want to play with your pet bunny.
He also earned somewhat of a legendary status among beer lovers thanks to him earning a Guinness world record by downing a yard of beer (2 1/2 pints) in 11 seconds while attending Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar
“This feat was to endear me to some of my fellow Australians more than anything else I ever achieved,” Hawke wrote about the 1955 record in his autobiography.
Not bad.
Another day, another Tesla vs Semi ends just as you would expect.
I would never trust autopilot. Not from Tesla anyway.
Keep your damn hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
Are you saying that Tesla might be less than perfect?!? Heretic!!
Here’s another:
Feeling the Burn: Tesla Issues Software Update Following Rash of Fires
Fire’s Highway.
“…forced the automaker into action, issuing over-the-air updates in an attempt to snuff out the problem… ”
“…investigations continue into the cause of recent blazes in Shanghai, San Francisco, and Hong Kong.”
IOW the “fix” likely didn’t.
Beginning to think Tesla is Tundra’s Demi Rose
It’s a fair cop. I just can’t get over the double standards. The fucking Feds just about killed Ford and did kill Firestone over bullshit, but Elon gets a pass on all kinds of stupid shit.
This times a thousand, and PUT DOWN THE FUCKING PHONE!
There is a very Tulpa like individual in those comments.
Here are some other things to consider if you’re interested in applying:
Applicants must have a clean criminal history, no fish or wildlife law violations.
I guess Florida is only hiring out-of-staters for this position?
Gun Jesus announces a poster.
He looks like a member of an Islamist group.
I think you’d like him.
I’m finding that Philly is a rough town, so I’ve been looking into self defense tools that won’t land me in jail and don’t require me to be Bruce Lee. I think mace is the ticket, but I have no idea where to buy it. Anybody know Philly/mace?
PA is shall-issue for carry permits. A permit is required for open or concealed carry inside of Philly, but outside of Philly only for concealed carry. On the other hand, Philly cops have been known to harass gun owners.
Yes I am more scared of the cops and going to jail than I am of street issues
I understand. I don’t like cops in general but Philly cops are “special”.
See section 6108, “Carrying firearms on public streets or public property in Philadelphia”.
While looking for that, I found the Philly mayor’s web page on gun control policies. Barf.
Mace is an ok choice. Needs less skill than a sword, and more effective if you run across someone in heavy plate armor, but less effective against someone in street clothes.
Yep, they both do 1d8 damage to humanoid creatures.
No idea where to buy mace, but in Canada, we can buy bear spray at most outdoor stores. Not legal to use for self-defense, but rumour and innuendo suggest that people widely flout this aspect of the criminal law. You’re buggered if you’re caught with it, though — it would be classed as a “concealed weapon.”
Buy it from the blacksmith.
WRT chemical irritant spray – is most parts of the US its permissible to carry. Like other mentioned, you can pick it up at wal mart. I’ve even seen it at the grocery store.
Not in New York. “Pharmacies and licensed gun dealers”. Just to be dicks, I guess.
I’d look into getting a karambit or push knife. Both of them don’t require you overly skilled (but it doesn’t hurt), as they just amplify your “natural” weapon – that is, your fist. A quick search suggests that PA knife law only outlaws switchblades and the like, so you should be good.
I also don’t want to kill anybody.
But thank you I will look into it.
Not even the person in front of you at McD’s that just can’t make up their mind?
Completely unhelpful, but I love my auto Benchmade. Switchblade laws at state and federal level are idiotic.
You can get pepper spray at Walmart.
Thanks I didn’t know that. Never saw it there
Do a google search and you will be able to find someplace close to you. Target sells it also, as do sporting goods stores.
I used to carry mace when I lived in Buffalo decades ago but never used it. Someone gave it to me. Sorry can’t help 🙂
Or maybe it was pepper spray. Never really knew the difference. The list of countries/states where it is legal makes for interesting reading.
You can order it on Amazon
Another non-lethel (well could be lethel I suppose:)) option. Discreet.
Nice! Perfect for my new job with the open office space!
“This item cannot be shipped to your selected location.”
LOL of course not.
Thanks to all. I ordered pepper spray from Walmart. It will be delivered Saturday. Also ordered a couple of cheap end tables as my Philly apt is 3 times the size of my Hoboken place and I’m having trouble filling it
That sucks
Most gun stores also carry pepper spray. Amazon sells the good stuff too.
Brennan was not the only former (?) Communist at the very top of the “intelligence community.”
Here comes James Comey:
Minutes before my naturalization ceremony last year an official wrote down on a form that the NRA was not a terrorist or Communist organization: I managed to join it between the naturalization interview and oath ceremony and had to explain myself. But just a year before that the heads of both the CIA and the FBI were “former” commies.
Yet Trump is the Russian stooge.
Maybe he was into Hoxhaism.
Brennan is/was a Communist?
Voted for a Communist in 1976, not a party member:
Ah, so ‘Fine people on both sides’ for Trumpsters. Got it.
A question for you:
How much weight can residential stairs support? I want to put a gun safe in the basement, but the fuckers are heavy, and require the additional weight of large people to move them down said stairs.
I called my builder, but he claimed not to know.
I know one way you can find out.
Yes, but It might gouge the concrete.
I was curious about this and what I’ve found Googling is people lay 2x6s down the stairs to make a slide (and spread the weight over several treads at once) then tie a rope to the safe and let gravity do the work. Wrap the safe in cardboard or something to protect the paint.
Nah. Do something far less sensible and put it on youtube.
If you have concerns, can you access the backside of the stairs to add temporary bracing?
“Nah. Do something far less sensible and put it on youtube.”
Yeah, but then you need somebody there to hold your beer.
Unless your builder cut massive corner (and I mean massive, we overbuild the fuck outta things these days) the stairs will support anything two men could carry down them, even with a hand truck. It’s sad that he can’t’ just say yes but I get it in this litigious society.
Think of it this way, to get to the stairway you are going to have to transport this safe across the floor, which is most likely 3/4′ plywood or OSB over 2×10 joists at 16″ on center, the stairs are 2×10 or 12 treads on 2×12 stringers which might even be attached to side walls, if you have risers ( 1x8s on the ‘face’ of each step) then the stairs are more solidly built than the rest of the house you are going to be moving this safe through.
This tweet is NOT meant for you.
OT: and so old that no one will read: Our new doggy has had (with me) two training sessions so far. It’s going really well.
The thing I had to learn is 1. it’s OK to be the boss -your dog prefers that!
And 2. keep reading what signals your dog is giving before you try something new.
So far she’s great at listening when you call her, sitting (hand signal alone is OK if it’s me giving it), and loose-leash walking. As a result, she’s been asking for affection more often, and a lot more relaxed on walks. I am so glad we decided to start this.
Yay! Any kind of training, obedience, agility, whatever, with your dog is great on both sides. So glad we made the effort when our dog was pup to do that. It’s really paid dividends over the years.
If only people would do this with their kids. I’m tired of being around kids who run around on public annoying the kidless
I’m just glad that we’ll cure cancer before we all die from climate change in 12 years
Dammit, I should have read the whole thread. Pacific time zone may be the best time zone, but I always seem to be late.