And it’s a lovely day today in our neighborhood, just lovely. The javelinas are rooting, the coyotes are basking, the Mormons are toasting with Hi C, and Joe Arpaio is plotting his comeback. This is my comeback, which will not pay as well.
Birthdays are second rank today, but we should mention Gropy Al; Big Man Tyrone’s spirit animal; a novel diet guru and all-around fun guy; and a lawyer who never lost, other than his ability to walk.
On to the news!
The Eric Cartman School of Diplomacy.
I’ve got a solution: PUT FEWER PEOPLE IN CAGES.
My suspicion: Big Dairy is behind this.
He’s a Jew. He’s a comedian. He’s the president.
A sudden grasp of the obvious.
Judge Ferguson smiles from Heaven.
On the bright side, he’s certainly a looker.
Old Guy Music today is from a project that… well… it was damned interesting. Some of our favorite musicians collaborating on this one.
So…. are you one of these there (((Supremacists)))?
*squints suspiciously*
I’d explain it to you, but you couldn’t understand.
*barks for pizza
Someone misses you.
Tell her she’s married.
Who’s a good cured pork?
“On the bright side, he’s certainly a looker.”
Looking at his nose, perhaps he should have used needles.
I feel for the guy. He can’t shake his demons.
#metoo – He was an essential part of the best years of Stern, where his troubles were aired pretty wide-openly.
I just finished listening a very interesting covnersation. Jordan Peterson interviewing Milo Yiannopoulos.
Milo: The Forbidden Converasion
My prediction: a third of us will find it absolutely riveting. I certainly did.
He’s a pretty smart guy and he’s worth listening to when he drops his shtick.
Who Jorp or Milo?
Yeah, I listened to that one on Sunday and yesterday. It was definitely a damned interesting interview.
The thing that struck me is the same thing that struck me when the topic of Yiannopoulos came up at TOS. What’s with all the hatred of this guy? I mean, they made a point of making a stink about his comments about adult/teen relationships. But, a lot of that wasn’t all that far off of stuff I regularly read in their articles.
I still think that CPAC thing was a set-up.
Dalmia blamed the Berkeley riot on him.
I can pretty safely say he’s perfectly innocent of all charges if Dalmia thinks he’s guilty.
He was cool, hip, gay, witty and… supporting Trump. Reason’s ethos is that cool, hip, gay, witty people support free minds and free markets.
The thing was that Reason should have stood up for him. The smear against him was based on a doctored video.
I think they went after him because they resented his popularity. I stopped reading Reason because I had come to believe that they lacked principles and were playing the man vs the ball and were an unreliable source of information. How they handled Milo typified those shortcomings.
Reason’s journalism and opinion pieces became subservient to their desired image instead of their purported principles.
Seems rather a Victorian attitude for “progressive” people and a rather reactionary one since it ignores The Soul of Man under Socialism.
I only made it to 12:00.
The public square is a joyless, miserable place was the only well-crafted observation I heard.
Never studied these guys, but they just seem like pawns in the partisan gotcha game: I would have never thought anything about either except that someone got their nose out of joint for being schooled/owned/shown-up by one of them. Otherwise banal by Glib standards: we kick around tougher notions most weeks.
Mr.T’s tux had sleeves. I’m disappointed.
On the neo-segregation report I can only think to myself that D’Souza called this situation back in 1991 with one of his earlier books, Illiberal Education, and before he went off the rails.
The new and improved race hustlers…
Illinois Wesleyan?
This alum had no idea.
Remember that when people bitch about their student loan debt.
Now for the weather, it’s a bit chilly in Los Angeles.
I suppose I should thank you for not posting a Demi Rose photo.
You can definitely see her Dad in her face.
Pro-tip: when you’re a chick and your hairline is that high, don’t pull your hair back in a ponytail. Geez.
Put fewer people in cages? Just think of all of the jobs that would cost.
“We can’t end the war on drugs – there’s too much money in it.”
Only true thing Hillary Clinton has ever said.
You think there’s dairy in those milkshakes?
Not the one’s at McD’s, although Burger King in the UK tweeted support for throwing their milkshakes at politicians they don’t like.
Burger King also made a video supporting net neutrality. So I’m thinking Burger King sucks ass.
Their corporate offices are notoriously stupid. 99% of the stores are franchised, and most of the owners can’t stand corporate, no matter who the owner is.
I know a guy who used to own most of the Burger Kings in Hawaii, and getting out was the smartest thing he ever did.
I made the horrible mistake of trying the BK spicy nuggets. At least it was a good reminder as to why they are at the bottom of my fast food list.
It takes a really unique combination of luck and ingenuity to make french fries as bad as Burger King’s.
BK was once delicious and was our preferred fast food place growing up. Sometime around the year 2000, things changed and it was a shadow of its former self. Same with Hardee’s.
I keep falling victim to nostalgia and going back once every couple years and always regretting it.
Several months ago, I stopped at a Burger King for the first time in years and ordered 2 cheeseburgers. They were inedible. I’m not picky about food, and these things were so bad I tossed them out the window of the truck for the buzzards to (probably) gag on as well. I mean, how do you fuck up cheeseburgers?
“I’m not picky about food”
No shit?
OK, you’re right. I do prefer no shit in my food.
They’re struggling in Japan (again). And I noticed a couple of locations closing locally, with no new ones opening.
I have always wanted to try the burger chain First Kitchen in Japan. Supposed to be good.
Best part is that in the Kansai area they are frequently abbreviated as “faakingu” aka the same katakana as the English “fucking” which is as it is everywhere in the world also used in Japanese.
So you can find yourself a pretty girl in line at the Osaka First Kitchen and ask “faakingu ga suki?” Let me know how it goes!
Sorry, on second thought, make that “faakin”. I hat trying to turn English into katakana.
There is at Chick-fil-a.
I’d even take Checkers over them. At least they know how to make fries.
Oops. I’d take Checkers over Burker King. Chik-Fil-A is usually pretty good.
Still not a big fan of the waffle fries, although admittedly, I don’t think I’ve ever left many in the carton.
Is Checkers like Rallys? They used to be out here, but left a long time ago.
More importantly, do they bring the fellas to the yard?
“EXCLUSIVE: Michael Avenatti’s ex-lover tells how he wouldn’t let her work as a waitress because she was the future First Lady and likens their sex life to ‘salted crackers’, admitting ‘you don’t crave them but you eat when the doctor says you should'”
I hit you because
I love youcan’t get it up, baby!man, that year: when it was going on with the girl who was going on and the boat and then the indictments and bankruptcy . . . who hasn’t been there
Avenatti: Disgusting piece of shit or vile nugget of feces?
No one but SugarFree could capture his utter vileness in words. I won’t even try.
He’s still pushing the Nike stuff to the media. Is he representing himself?
First Playa peeked at my Poll topic, so I changed it. Now YOU have gone and looked at the edited version! %^&^%&$# Founders!
Yessss, my plan to become the new favorite is coming together nicely!
“Quality Wood at Rockler. Shop Our Large Selection of Domestic and Exotic Lumber, Molding, Edge Banding, Furniture Parts, Plywood, Inlays & More.”
Not aging very well at all.
And not highly figured lumber, IYKWIM.
It’s weird that the media only got their knickers in a twist over Sniper 3D Assassin just now. The game has been out since 2014. I guess President Trump used his special time travelling powers to convince the game makers.
He is very stupid and incapable of doing anything right. He is all powerful.
I like the guy who had to have “a talk” about it with his 10-year-old. Dude, WTF were you expecting?
I hope the son responded, “I learned it from you, Dad!”
“The 51-year-old was picked up without incident shortly after 7am on Tuesday morning at Freedom House, an addiction center and halfway house”
If you can think of a better place to score drugs, I’m all ears.
AA meetings are usually a pretty sure bet.
Lucky 13!
Can I get a quarter?
No Quarter
I asked for a 13 but they drew a 31
+1 Danzig
I have absolutely no idea why Artie Lange isn’t dead yet.
Transfusions from Keith Richards.
It’s sad really, there’s a lot of squandered funnyness there.
Every time I see the name Artie Lange I immediately think of Isaac Washington.
Why not?
I have to admit I have no idea who he is.
Just another very funny comedian with a crippling substance habit.
Artie’s been trying to seek immortality the Farley/Belushi/Candy route but his body won’t let him. instead of going out on top, now he’s just sad and thin.
As my wife’s yellow-dog Democrat, segregationist relatives would always say “Segregation is natural – them coloreds (when they were being sensitive to there being a Yankee present (me)) just want to be with their own kind!”
They’re fist pumping in their graves now “See. We were right!”
Does that mean you’re half-Jewish?
It’s hard to tell which half.
Heh. I wish. A half share of that ((gold)) would be nice.
More like a bunch of potato-eating catholics, Christian Church preachers and Dutch reformists.
Actually my mid-western family was just as racist as my wife’s southerners. They were just more genteel and quiet about it. The southerners were quite up front about it while the mid westerners would let it slip out once in awhile and then they’d quickly move on like nothing had been said.
Should that be “we was right”?
An episode of the kid’s show ‘Arthur’ featuring a same-sex wedding won’t air in Alabama
Alabama Public Television says it won’t air an episode of the children’s show “Arthur” that featured a same-sex marriage. “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone” aired as the premiere for the show’s 22nd season on May 13. But not in Alabama. Programming director Mike McKenzie says Alabama Public Television has no plans to broadcast the episode. The storyline about Mr. Ratburn’s marriage conveys a positive message, he said. But while many parents will find it appropriate, many others will disagree, he said — “either because their children are too young, or because of their beliefs.”
“Our broadcast would take away the choice of parents who feel it is inappropriate,” McKenzie told CNN in a statement.
He sounds totally cool with the overall message.
Oh shit, here comes another wave of memes and rants on FB about Alabama.
When “Love wins” became a thing after the Obergfell decision, I said it was nice to see so many people supporting plural marriage.
A southern man don’t need him around anyhow.
[rebel yell]
“More. More. More”
How do you like it,
How do you like your love?
The episode doesn’t specifically address Ratburn’s sexuality or show a marriage ceremony.
“Who is Mr. Ratburn marrying?” Muffie, one of the character, asks.
The scene then cuts to Mr. Ratburn, their third-grade teacher walking down the aisle with Patrick, a chocolate maker.
Chocolate maker? Sounds like some quality trolling.
Yeah, when the chirruns get ahold of that via older kids all hell is going to break loose.
doesn’t . . . show a marriage ceremony
walking down the aisle
Err. . .
When our middle kid was 2, she got pissed at something. She stomped her foot and said “It’s not fair! It’s not fair at all!” We had no idea where she learned this. Then we talked to my MIL and found out she saw a character on Arthur have a temper tantrum and that’s where she learned it. Thereafter Arthur was banned at my house.
Arthur sucks.
See, I would have showed her the Dudley Moore Arthur, and really blown her mind.
Then the kid woulda been caught between the moon and New York City
“You’re a hooker? I thought I was doing great with you!”
It is inappropriate. Mr. Ratburn is a rat or a weasel, of some kind. His partner is a gerbil or something.
Isn’t Arthur’s sister some sort of monkey with a page-boy haircut?
When my son was little there was a playgroup mom who looked identical to the character who I think is Arthur’s sister. I refrained from pointing that out, though.
I don’t know, but that confuses me more.
OMWC posting from New Zealand?:
I have an alibi. I swear!
“Rich white men rule America. How much longer will we tolerate that for?”
“But that’s precisely why we may see increasingly totalitarian measures, as the gap between the will of the people and the interests of the small minority in charge continues to widen. History’s bloody revolutions show us what happens when this gap becomes too large, and the government entirely ceases to effectively represent the governed”
That’s pretty close to a call for revolution.
“Conservatives will continue to push unpopular policies on an unwilling United States. But it’s unclear how long people will accept having decisions made for them by a few dozen rich white men.”
Those two sentences appear to be inconsistent.
Out with the rich white men! Bernie/Biden in 2020!
Hey, what’s O’Rourke? Chopped chorizo?
Not popular anymore.
Yeah, its weird how he was teh awesomest when he was running against a Repub, but is a nobody when he’s running against Dems.
He doesn’t have enough of teh gay. He got cock blocked by Booty-gag.
So Nathan’s writing for the Guardian now.
It’s at least somewhat aggravating to me that a mental midget like him continues to find employment as a self-loathing race hustler and general dipshit.
He’s got a flair for Marxist claptrap that fits right in there.
couple funny observations in the comments about rich Chinese men running China and rich black men running [insert random African shithole country].
I’m pretty sure rich Chinese men run much of Africa as well.
Well, try to.
I’m pretty sure much of Africa is pretty much ungovernable. From what I hear, they don’t even have roads!
Hence Belt and Road Initiative!
They haven’t developed belts? How do their pants stay up?
*light bulb blinks on*
The droopy drawers fad was just that decade’s dashiki/kente/Kwanzaa
*slow clap*
Here it is, the worst GoT take:
Don’t rent from Hertz, apparently they’re pretty slack with their auto inventory and keep mistakingly reporting rented cars as stolen:
That seems like a sure way to get rid of those pesky repeat customers.
I switched to Enterprise some time ago. Prices and service are light-years better.
Each one of those is a 6 figure payout, minimum.
It’s stunning that they didn’t fix the problem after the first incident.
Be sure to bring up the PTSD, “until this happened I always thought of the police as my friends, now every time I see police I relive the trauma”.
Didn’t they use to have OJ as their spokesman? This doesn’t sound like a coincidence.
I will never rent from Hertz.
In the early ’90’s I was the events coordinator for our college ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Club. I had planned a tour of engineering places for 40 other wanna-be engineers. I get to the rental counter and the lady asks for my (and the other driver’s) drivers licenses. We were both under the 25 year old cut off limit. They refuse to rent to us.
I mean it was obvious from the initial (weeks previous) conversation that I was a college kid. They didn’t think to bring up that little detail?
We rented from rent-a-wreck for a much better price.
I just re-forwarded correspondence from four years ago to everyone at a certain dealership explaining how happy we were with our new truck
that we bought from someone else in no small part because of how poorly a situation was handled (exquisite detailed provided then and re-attached). I blind-copied everyone in their firm under the assumption that it would be fun for them to spend the rest of the day figuring out who got it, to draw out the emotional impact . . except for the part where they just don’t give a damn, now as then
Law review article (don’t say I didn’t warn you) on the solution to the opioid crisis. Hint: they get it right.
Thanks, I’ll save it and read it later.
On the one hand yea. On the other hand, they lifted a graphic from Vox and put it in a law review article.
So its hard to know who to believe.
“Men Paid More Than Women in Kamala Harris’s Senate Office and Campaign
A new plan from Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) to eliminate the gender pay gap would fine companies if they are unable to prove they’re paying men and women equally, something Harris isn’t currently achieving in either her official office or on her campaign, a Washington Free Beacon analysis found.”
She said corporations, not politicians!
I once posted a still from Bernie’s 2016 campaign. There was an article about his “fight for $15”. I aligned that with a request for interns. Who would be paid $12 an hour.
Here it is.
You are doing the Lord’s work.
Chafed / CP: I kind of blocked it out, but the next line down was a notice that housing would not be provided for Interns, they’d be expected to find their own, near the office.
“Oh, when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal.”
Zarif criticized the US for sending the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Gulf. “Having all these military assets in a small area is in of itself prone to accidents,” Zarif said. “Extreme prudence is required and the United States is playing a very, very dangerous game.”
I don’t think they are in a position to be making threats.
Nice carrier strike group you have there. Be a real shame if it were to have an accident…
“Fidel Lopez, an illegal alien living in #Portland, was convicted of charges related to raping a dog so violently it died from internal injuries. He only served 60 days & was released to public because of sanctuary laws. County refused to cooperate w/ICE. ”
Jesus, are we going to hear ululations over “Angel Pets” now?
Dicks in for Dogrambe?
Don’t forget: 5/28!
Is that the enumeration for fur babies in the next census?
No, that’s the day our site’s Lord and Savior sacrificed himself so that we may meme.
No idea how one could defend raping a dog to death.
Ok, but did you see the collar it was wearing?
If it’s your dog then “property rights” would be a good starting point.
You could say the same thing about slavery. The law doesn’t make things moral.
There is a libertarian argument against slavery, not so much against the ownership of animals. If you can justify outlawing dog fucking then you can justify no dog/horse racing, rodeos, livestock, hunting, fishing, and so on and so on and scooby dooby doo.
Are you being deliberately obtuse?
Depends. Are you arguing that dog fucking is immoral or indefensible?
The point you seem to be missing is that making something legal doesn’t make it good, and making something illegal doesn’t make it bad. Even though there are legal things that are right, and illegal things that are wrong.
Not missing it, I’ve grokked that distinction for many years, I am arguing that dog fucking, while immoral, is defensible from a property rights standpoint. You seem to think that defensible and moral are equivalent, sometimes you have the right to do the wrong thing.
It appears Oregon Live pulled the linked article.
I gotta believe someone who would do that isn’t confining their sadistic dysfunction just to snuff sex with dogs.
Link works for me.
Its back. I wonder if they edited the article?
I wonder if he was sentenced to time served so he could be released before ICE caught up with him. Meh, I would say that’s within a judge’s discretion.
I also wonder if they are right about the immigration detainer having no legal effect. I am not keen on government agencies detaining people without a warrant or other judicial process in hand.
Today I learned that, in Hawaii, New Mexico, Wyoming, West Virginia, and D.C., bestiality is still 100 percent legal.
Carnac: Which places in the US have the most sheep?
I wish bestiality was the worst of DC’s problems.
From HM’s link, it’s apparently not considered a problem there!
For different reasons for each, I’m not surprised.
That’s allegedly been one of the hang-ups with the whole “city ain’t cooperating with ICE” thing. The local jail claims that it can’t hold someone without a warrant, and thus must let people go before ICE drops by to pick them up. Some local governments have written agreements with ICE to hold people ICE is interested in.
There’s a lot of “passive” resistance that locals can do to help illegals avoid ICE, and in general I don’t have a legal problem with it.
There’s a few places that seem to be going more “active” resistance, though. Its one thing to not cooperate, its another to actively impede. When you are discharging illegals from jail, hustling them out side doors, etc. specifically in order to avoid ICE, that’s getting into aiding and abetting territory.
It’s the same thing as pot: the USG should staff and pay to enforce its own damned laws. There is no reason I should pay a cent of overtime to my local pigs to babysit national hysterics.
Agreed, Don.
I also don’t want to pay anything to my local pigs so they can (a) assist people in breaking laws and (b) break laws themselves.
Non-cooperation? Fine.
Active assistance to illegals and active impeding of federal law enforcement? Not a fan.
Yeah there was something semi-local where a judge kicked the waiting ICE agents out of his courtroom… then had the baliff lead the defendant/deportee out a side door avoid them.
There’s obstruction of justice and abuse of power. The judge was prosecuted, right?
/I know, I know.
You are right. There are either human victims who haven’t reported him or this is the warm up to something else.
Why Are Milkshakes Being Thrown at Right-Wing Politicians Like Nigel Farage?
Leftists do not practice civil discourse.
And do you know who else dumped milkshakes on people?
Harry Reems?
A bunch of YouTubing kids in the late oughts/early teens?
They’re trying to bring all the boys to the yard?
These guys?
Daniel Plainview?
Or rather, he did the reverse. Close enough.
The Wieners Circle?
Since milk is a white supremacist symbol, wouldn’t dumping milkshakes on people be some kind of white supremacist thing?
What if it’s a chocolate milk shake?
Cultural appropriation!
Racist bastards.
“Very pleased to share my memoir, Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For. Simon and Schuster will publish on October 8. I hope you will enjoy reading it. It’s described in this link and available for pre-order now”
Things worth fighting for. I guess Chris Stevens isn’t one of them.
She actually has had an interesting life and is probably worth reading about. But there’s no fucking way I’m reading a politician’s autobiography, not even Condoleezza Rice’s.
That’s Susan Rice…
Who’s that?
A paid liar like the rest of them.
Famous 49ers receiver
Jerry pulled a Bruce Jenner?
Famous Andrew Lloyd Webber librettist.
The San Francisco Treat.
Famous author of vampire novels.
Uncle Ben’s niece
Former Director of Unmasking under Obama.
Important contributing architect to Obama’s Libya policy.
A) Who the fuck would read that? It would take a lot for me to read the memoirs of some asshat politician let alone one that wasn’t even interesting.
B) Love the comments and the Benghazi spins.
Christ, what a narcissistic a-hole.
And I’m just going by her continued use of the “@AmbassadorRice” handle years after she stopped being any such thing.
If you told my great-grandparents that in 2019 both the president and the prime minister of Ukraine are Jews, you would be speaking to two 130 year old zombies.
If you line up every internal organ of a human being down on the highway, starting at the westernmost tip of Highway 55, you will make it all the way to jail.
Food for thought.
/Jeffery Dahmer
That’s Notre Dame alum Jeffrey “Golden” Dahmer.
That’s deep.
Did you know that in every 60 seconds, a minute passes in Africa?
Did the Dali Lama steal your handle?
If you stretched a man’s intestines around the equator, he would die.
If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. – Dorothy Parker
Ok, that made me laugh.
“All I need is enough room to lay a hat and a few friends.”
Yale has a prom?
It probably has several now, all sorted by race, sex, gender, sexual preference, religion, and neurosis.
Justin Raimondo told me the pro-western Ukrainians are all neo-Nazis.
He was sworn in as President with his hand on the new testament (actually only the four gospels). So, I’m not sure he’s Jewish by American standards. He’s certainly still a Jew by Russian/Ukrainian ones.
Does Ukraine allow other texts to be used or is there a state religion and a mandate that the gospels be used?
It’s definitely a tradition to use this specific book.
Looking at Wikipedia page for it (and why am I surprised there’s one?), first president didn’t use the gospel, the rest did.
And not just any gospel – this one. So it’s less religious and more nationalist in its bent, since it’s in Old Ukrainian instead of Church Slavonic.
So Bran from Game of Thrones becomes King thanks in part to his ability to tell stories apparently. Doesn’t that sound a bit Mary Sueish? A writer writing about how important storytellers are?
The big twist is GRRM is just another pen-name for Stephen King. That fat guy he hired to play GRRM is his butler.
*mind blown*
This makes the most sense.
No, there would already be 100,000 more pages were that the case.
Let me wait 30 years for the books to finish and I’ll tell you what the author meant.
Yeah great job GOT, a guy connected to a big organic computer runs things. Break the wheel got replaced by 4 wheels.
“”If “redhead’ is an often-repeated personal branding device for you, then you, in my opinion, are not a redhead, because clearly no one has ever used that term against you while yelling, ‘Ginger!’ or ‘Red!’ or, worst of all, ‘Red, eye on the ball!'”
TW: Jezebel
Annnnnd… I’m out.
Not so fast. I just saw one I didn’t like as well.
I think John Marshall Harlan is smiling too:
I’m surprised Lange has managed to stay alive.
He’s a Jew. He’s a comedian. He’s the president.
He also has bold plans. FTA:
The other two I get, but are the Icelanders actually any good at football (the soccer type, I presume)?
So does this mean I should start looking into Ukraine for my next off-shore bank account?
That’s a lot of cultural appropriation. Many problematics.
They were European-famous for punching well above their weight in a couple recent tournaments.
Sounds kinda like what we used to call “rodeo hot” in Texas.
Good to know. As someone who knows next to nothing about soccer, I would’ve expected a Brazil or Spain in that analogy, but punching above your weight works better when making an aspirational comparison for a country like Ukraine.
Did you know that for every person in Iceland there are 24 people in Mexico City who couldn’t care less about Iceland?
Not only was Lloyd George a “social liberal” in it’s original sense (as a crypto-socialist), he put Britain in WWI he was also an avid Free Trader.
So this popped up on derpbook, linked by one of my old jarhead buddies. The Commandant says there will be no further changes to boot camp as far as sex segregation goes. Which led to this amusing gem:
You’d think someone whose job it is to give quotes to the media about this stuff would get the most basic things right – Marine drill instructors absolutely ARE housed in the recruit barracks. One DI sleeps at the barracks in the DI hut every night. They rotate every few days. Capt. Lory Manning certainly is a credit to her service and sex!
She’s using technicalities. She’s using housing to mean assigned living quarters vs merely sleeping/eating/bathing/etc.
It’s as if they didn’t even see Full Metal Jacket.
I suspect the Marines care very little indeed about what some Navy puke thinks about how Marines are trained.
She’s retired. They didn’t ask my opinion and I’m retired. Have about the same concern probably.
US nominal GDP: $78 trillion.
World GDP: $108 trillion.
Green New Deal cost: $93 trillion.
Any questions?
Whoops – scratch the World GDP.
Stick to the US figure.
Man did I mess this up:
World nominal GDP in USD is $78 trillion.
Green New Deal cost: $93 trillion.
I misread the numbers.
Why do you hate the children?
I think the Guardian would say it is worth it.
That’s more than I make in a year!
in very round figures that are low but easy to remember
US GDP is $20T = 333M folk x $60k average income
or, as I actually meant, that are “high”
a tick over $19T just now
So we have less than 12 years to spend $93TT on the Green New Deal. Total GDP over that time will be around $220TT. So take nearly half the economic output of the US and redirect it to the GND. Sure. That’ll work, no prob.
Obama announced once that X% of cars would be all-electric by 202Y.
I laughed and explained to those nearby that he would be stretched to make all cars red by 202Y. Cars last over 12 years and that number is growing, so just understand that if you have instantaneous, 100% compliance, you can only move the needle 8% per year. But nothing is instantaneous or universal.
Telsa can’t even hit its production and sale targets.
It’s like you don’t even grok 5 year plans.
5 year plans typically get updated every year.
The best part is they don’t actually care if it “works” or not.
Looks like SHOWTIME is cutting into CPRM’s territory.
So, haven’t had a lot of posting time lately. Last weekend was an extended drill with lousy connectivity, etc. Catching up on a few flicks at the theaters before I head out of town again this weekend to visit some friends. (Catching the subbed version of Nausicaa for Ghiblifest tonight).
Anyhoo – for some reason, only just heard about this from Kyle Smith’s review at NRO this afternoon. “Cold Blue” –
Looks like it’s playing Thursday night – one night only before it comes out on HBO next month for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. For the folks who caught “They Shall Not Grow Old” – this looks like a great companion piece. If I get in ahead of schedule, I may try to catch it in Charleston, WV.
Oh that headline. Does that make Raimondo a libertarian Stalinist?
I like how expressing any kind of opinion on foreign affairs that doesn’t attack the US or it’s allies is inherently neocon warmongering.
Why do these conservatives have to politicizing something because liberals want to be ban something?
Also will she be hired by Reason.
In a ridiculous move, apparently some Instagram meme-makers want to unionize. They want a cut of the money they say Instagram makes off of their work, among other things. But at least they came up with an appropriate name:
Very serious, indeed.
They’re Instagram employees?
If not, then they are likely engaged in illegal “collective bargaining”, an anti-trust violation.
You can find some emanation or penumbra…
They’re Instagram employees?
Not in the slightest. Just users who feel entitled to more than they bargained for when they signed up for the service.
With all due respect, isn’t anti-trust bad law in the first place?
How exactly can you unionize when you are not actually an employee of the entity you are bargaining with?
Oh hush….
They also don’t pay them or hire them either…
Two Comments:
Becoming heavily unionized like Hollywood would create major barriers to entry for content creators which would exacerbate the corporatization of these platforms that people complain about.
Ellis is a SJW prog so here being a corporate employer with shell companies is hilarious to me.
Exactly. We have never had such an astounding variety of content, and unions would fuck that all up.
What really pisses me off – just because it hits close to home – is this notion floated by Hillary Clinton and other Lefties that “gig” employers (e.g. those that operate like Uber) should have to give all of their contractors a benefits package, despite the fact that they have no set working hours nor minimum work volume. Such a change would destroy the business models of these places, and the Left fucking knows it. These gigs are excellent for people who already have a job but don’t have enough time to commit to a second job. I really think the Left just doesn’t want people to get ahead through hard work; they’d rather you get on welfare and vote Democrat.
… But I suppose that private sector union membership is on the decline, and every parasite needs a host. When their host dies or starts to fight them off, they desperately search for a new victim from which to suck their lifeblood.
Ding Ding. Since at least the 1990s the left has adopted the strategy that they are the Party of Government and of anyone who gets a government check. Hence why they loathe budget cuts and love bureaucracy since that means more government employees to vote for them. This also drives their immigration policy. Oh and this also means their embrace of laissez faire will not happen anytime soon.
90’s? It’s been longer than that.
shell corporation to pay her out-of-state employees
Gee, I wonder why that is.
FTA: :“People that are trying to earn a living on these platforms …”
OKAAAY. I know I’m almost as old as 4score, but why would you try to earn a living at something that doesn’t pay anything?
Ad revenue. My wife’s friend makes $4k a month in ad revenue and paid product placements on her IG account.
She also madr $84293 last year and bought a 2011 Toyota Corolla. Click here to learn how!!!
It can pay extremely well.
But like most other things entertainment related, positive results are rare yet highly touted.
OK. You see an opportunity, figure out the system, work hard, do something that people want and you can make money.
If, not. Tough.
Actually, it’s pretty cool that people can make money doing what they’d probably do for free while using a tool built by people that really had no idea how the tool would be ultimately be used.
Yup. I’ve tried a few times, but my attempts fizzle out after a few weeks because I don’t want to put in the effort to comment on 50k posts in order to get a following. There’s a level of pretending to care that some random person’s kitchen remodel was designed to be a replica of her childhood home that I just can’t muster.
why would you try to earn a living at something that doesn’t pay anything?
Depends on what you are trying to influence via Instagram. This guy for example, pretty much live on Yachts he doesn’t own.
A friend of Mrs. Dean has been pulling down around $5K a month with a YouTube channel (I think) where she posts videos of Barbie dolls acting out fairy tales (recollection is a little fuzzy here, but that’s the gist). Apparently she has quite a following of other young mothers?
Is it called the Fizzy Toy Show?
There’s a STEVE SMITH joke in there somewhere.
Mark Steyn interviews George Papadopoulos (Part 1):
What a bullshit frame job they pulled on the guy.
There’s a part 2 as well:
Papadopoulos is an alum of my alma mater. Also, I worked with his uncle (the nicest and one of the best professors at DePaul) in the Geography department.
I knew you were a Russkie
Got a picture of Putin on my fireplace mantle at home.
Please tell me he’s shirtless in it.
Sexy Putin is Best Putin.
Are you Putin me on?
I think you’re Russian to conclusions here.
Trump needs to shoot the guy a pardon on the way out the door whenever that is, that’s for sure.
That’s what bothers me about the whole Russian interference investigation. They ruined a lot people’s lives simply because the woman they wanted in the White House didn’t win. The Left could have had a “Come to Jesus” moment and try to win back the people they lost but instead they threw an expensive and destructive temper tantrum.
You speak as if they’re done.
Trump already threw him under the bus.
Please, please let there be transcripts of those assets trying to get Papadop to do something illegal or unsavory. I bet they’d make the FISA app look boring.
Christ, what an asshole.
I don’t speak asshole. What does that even mean?
We live in an era where a woman can hold up a Supreme Court appointment (with an entire political party and most of the media cheering her on) while she spouts off a contradiction-riddled accusation of rape with no time or place specified, and not only escape any consequences but walk away with close to a million dollars in GoFundMe donations and a good possibility of a sweet book deal.
I’m sorry, but I’m completely closed off to the idea that women have a reduced set of rights in this country.
Anybody else read that as “Gunts”?
So would you need a concealed woman permit to wear a burqa?
Is he trying to say I have a conditional protected right to own a woman?
I like the first reply.
The comments are spot on.
I keep my
gunswomen locked up in the attic until I want to use them.“Cannes: Sci-Fi Film Poster Features Decapitated Donald Trump Head in MAGA Hat
It’s called When Women Rule the World and the poster image — circulating at the Cannes Market and in trade publications including The Hollywood Reporter — features a bikini-clad woman (a Melania Trump-type character called Maria Putin, played by actress Anna Hera) holding two decapitated heads. One is bloodied up to look like Trump in a Make America Great Again hat and a shaggy blond wig. The other, a gray-skinned, bug-eyed zombie. “Meet the First Lady of the Future with her Heads of State,” reads the tagline for the film from writer-director-producer Sheldon Silverstein.”
Stunning and brave.
Now do ones with the heads of Barack and Michelle Obama.
I couldn’t resist
Derivative. There was a Bush-assassination flick during the W Presidency.
Eh. Raquel Welch wore it better.
SAV loses stupid licensing power
“Today’s ruling vindicates a simple principle,” explained IJ Senior Attorney Robert McNamara. “In this country, we rely on people to decide who they want to listen to. We do not rely on government to decide who will get to speak.”
I love Savannah and even the tours, but that was a really stupid law. I can’t believe the right thing happened here.
As long as they don’t braid hair, I see no problem.
Imagine being this guy:
“LEFTWING DOXXING: hey, we ID’d this person as a member of a hate group, and he’s a cop…. in a school… so that’s probably bad
RIGHTWING DOXXING: here’s a feminist’s home address, someone should go literally murder her over a YouTube video
CENTRIST: these are the same”
“Literally “Its okay when we dox people”
The left is disgusting, you can’t reason with them.”
here’s a feminist’s home address, someone should go literally murder her over a YouTube video
Did that actually happen, or is “AntiFash” making shit up?
I note his example of left-wing doxxing is rather tame, as well. Why not the one where the politician demanded that two teenage pro-life girls get doxxed?
In another tweet, he’s complaining about “straw man” accusations, so I think you have your answer.
Chicago commentary follows. Written while still holding obvious libertarian criticisms regarding corruption, debt, pubsec unions, etc.
I like Chicago.
I end up coming here for work every few months. Usually stay in River North or the Loop area, but this time staying in Wicker Park. The place I’m visiting is on Goose Island, so about a 1.5 mile walk. If I’m staying in the usual spots I’ll ride the train to Division or North/Clybourn. All my relatives think this country boy is nuts and in more-than-the-usual danger of getting killed.
I’m a fan of the late-19th century city architecture, and I don’t think anywhere beats Chicago for that – residential or commercial/industrial. I’m still also impressed by the commercial/industrial power that used to be created here.
And a lot of Chicagoans (Chicagoites?) still have “normal” midwesterner inside them, so when a Southern drawl comes out of my mouth, they kinda like it.
It’s too bad the people running the joint are doing their best to destroy it.
I do love the architecture and history in big cities like NYC and Chicago, but I still don’t think I’d go. I’m very uncomfortable in extremely crowded places, and I’m also bothered by germs, and I imagine more crowded cities as being dirtier, especially public transport (Is this completely rational? Probably not, but neither are most people when deciding where to take vacations). The deep blue politics and inability to carry my gun is not really a deciding factor, but it’s salt in the wound.
People always tell me that I would love the food in those cities and I’m missing out. I don’t doubt there’s good food there, but if you can become a 25% competent cook, you can make food better than most restaurants anyway.
I think the compromise for me is going to take trips to less-gigantic cities like Louisville, KY that still have some amenities of big cities but fewer of the downsides.
13 teen boys caught peeping into girls’ hot spring bath during class trip
Though the school says the boys will undergo sensitivity lessons, no criminal charges have been filed, but considering the scandal, as well as the fact that not just students, but other female guests of the hotel were in the bath when the boys peeped over the wall, odds are the school won’t be welcome back at the hotel the next time it wants to organize a trip to Nikko
But nobody minds those stupid monkeys that park their asses in the springs-its “cute”. Like teens are any different.
The monkeys have their own hot springs. Speciesism at its worst.
When did Japan turn into an American HR department?!
The big companies all have that stuff. The “diversity departments” don’t have an easy job.
*tugs collar at “Microaggression” workshops he had to attend*
“Teen-aged boys act like teen-aged boys. Film at 11”
Had the janitors already scraped the paint off the windows (on the door) to the girls shower room or did these kids do that? Oh yeah, that was 60 years ago and it was the janitors.
“when the boys peeped over the wall”
No expectation of privacy. Not guilty.
“US woman’s false rape claim results in neighbour’s death
A US woman’s lie about being raped set off a chain of events that resulted in her neighbour’s death.
Brittany Sorey contacted police last month and reported that she had been sexually assaulted by a man who forced his way into her apartment in Largo, Florida.
She alleged a man of Hispanic appearance forced his way in and used a broken broom handle and a box cutter to “vaginally penetrate her” according to a police report.
The 30-year-old maintained her story when re-interviewed by detectives later.
At the time of Sorey’s claim, she and her husband Gerald, were behind in their rent and had been handed an eviction notice.
After making the sexual assault report, the mother-of-five and her family moved out of the Largo apartment and allowed a male friend to take up the lease.
On May 10, the friend was at the apartment when a neighbour who Sorey allegedly owes money to started banging on the front door, unaware Sorey and her husband had moved out.
Sorey’s friend then called her to tell her what was happening and she told him the person knocking on the door sounded like the man who sexually assaulted her, according to a police report.
The friend then exited the apartment to try and take a photo of the man banging on the front door when the neighbour reportedly attacked him.
During the confrontation, the friend killed the neighbour, claiming self-defence.
After a police investigation into the neighbour’s death began, Sorey admitted to detectives that she was not raped and she made the story up.
She was arrested and charged with making a false report to police.”
It’s like Rube Goldberg machine of retarded.
Looks at photos, shudders
Eyes never lie.
Right? I immediately thought “cray cray”
I was disappointed they didnt provide a link, so as to be more reputable
Here ya go:
I wouldn’t buy a car for the visually impaired either.
Box cutter?
Surely there would be evidence of that, right?
False report? How about accessory to murder?
Why do you want to discourage women from reporting they were raped?
Funny you should mention, cause I already looked to see what FLO-rida had on the books
Florida must have the worst meth.
Christ, what a mess of a story. But hey, still gotta believe every accusation right?
Snowflake in a forest fire :
See, they were just trying to follow his own idiocy by making sure the pure vegan food didn’t touch his (animal) lips.
Oh FFS. I’m sure this asshole is just a joy to deal with in the firehouse. When Alaskan Inuit crews come to the lower 48 to fight fires, they bring their own food because there isn’t enough fat for them in the camp diet and they get sick. This fuck stick needs to throw a few cans of beans in his bag and deal with it.
I’m fucking triggered.
No shit. Either he needs to provide his own special food or be DQ’d just like a diabetic or someone else with special diets in primitive conditions.
Good luck consuming 6000 calories of plant food every day.
Good luck consuming 6000 calories of plant food every day.
There was more than one vegetarian dinner that Spud and I made which approached that.
You drank a jar of warm coconut oil?
I eat a spoonful a day, plus a spoonful in my coffee.
Bomb-proof coffee. Great stuff.
But who can eat 2 bushels of lettuce?
“Ontario firefighter says his human rights were violated because he wasn’t given”
That last word there. Given.