Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always is!
Crazy Eyes’ adventure into adulthood continues as she discovers farming.
Farmers raise wages and are using more automation due to the Mexican shortage.
Cohen admits it was plausible that Trump didn’t tell him to lie to Congress.
Maddow’s ratings plummet to a yearly low.
Nevada gives a middle finger to its own voters. It’s going to be hilarious when this backfires and Nevada and Colorado and all the other blue states who are voting in similar bills are forced to give up their electoral votes to someone they detest like say, I don’t know, Trump.
Scientists are using CRISPRs to fight against super bugs.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
The blue states are really fucking their own constituents hard these days.
constituentstax cattleObligatory:
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
Ohayo! (As we say over on this side of the pond – even though it’s evening for us now)
konnban wa
She discussed in the live broadcast how it was important that people of color felt they were able to grow foods familiar to them in these green spaces.
I wasn’t aware that they weren’t allowed to do that. In my experience these community gardens are almost always the pet projects of white hippies and woke soccer moms. Sounds like our girl wants it mandatory that POC make the final decisions on everything.
And that is why a lot of communities of color get resistant to certain environmentalist movements because they come with the colonial lens on them.
Or maybe, just maybe Alex, those POC are happy to not be picking cotton or lettuce and really resent the implication that they should be doing so. That’s your colonialism right there, hon.
Colonialism – argle bargle! – I’m tired of that weak kneed excuse.
She’s a goddamned joke being perpetuated on the nation.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win, they you open death camps.
Sometimes I think she’s just pulling a long, elaborate troll job. Or maybe it’s some kind of performance art. I just have a really difficult time believing that she’s actually this person, which is strange, because I do know a lot of idiots.
Also, if we’re talking about staying in our cultural lanes, does that mean no more pork or ham for the Latinx community? Pigs were introduced by the Spanish, and I gather that AOC isn’t as interested in the European aspect of that cultural mashup. No beer, wine, or any of the liquors you’d buy in a store, either. Lose the cutlery, too. Oh, and the clothing? Products of “colonialism”. But, at least she’s not Scottish. We’ll be stuck to culturally authentic crops such as barley, oats, alcoholism, and teen pregnancy.
Sometimes I think she’s just pulling a long, elaborate troll job.
OTOH we all know these people are out there. It’s rare for one to fall into national politics, though.
She saw how much money Sarah Palin made, post politics, and realized she needs to raise her public profile by any means necessary, and doing it by saying smart stuff isn’t in the cards for her. Even us talking about her right now plays into her plan.
What ever happened to the story about her campaign finance violations?
She really should do an internet search on her last name some day.
LOL! God that needs to be a meme!
That would be killer!
It’s not a troll job, it’s the culmination of the millennial ascent to adulthood. It’s characterized by the abolition of shame, puritanical need for conformity, dripping condescension, and a need to feel right rather than be right.
She’s a typical product of modern prog leftist public schooling. I know dozens of people with similar personalities. She’s the first of many. In 10 years, there will be not one AOC, but a hundred.
Thanks for the uplifting message.
Well-said, Trashy.
“She’s the first of many. In 10 years, there will be not one AOC, but a hundred.”
Nay, a thousand at all levels of lawmaking from town council to the US Senate.
The wheel. Totally colonialism.
I’m sure a garden in an urban environment would be respected at harvest time. I’m a little curious how people that have never had a house plant will find seeds even and then nurture the little plants along to maturity. They may need to hire some illegals to tend their gardens. How about zoning? It looks easy when some one else is doing it.
Here in the Rockaways, we have 2 rather large (several square city blocks) urban farms. One is helmed by one of the many QUANGOs suckling on the city’s teat. The other is a passion project of one of wifey’s cousins; he has 2 Manhattan restaurants and the farm is his wife’s way of giving back. He sources most of his produce from there, they have all kinds of membership programs where one may work in exchange for produce, eggs, and honey, and they sell retail at wonderfully low prices. Both farms grow just about any items that will work in our climate; I don’t know what the Devil the Representative is blabbering about.
I hope the parcels are properly assigned by race and culturally-relevant crop.
You should see the fisticuffs that break out between the Cajuns, Crackers, and Africans over who gets to grow the okra.
Loser has to grow it?
Loser has to eat it. Runner up grows.
So, the guy who pled guilty to lying to congress thought he was being told to lie when he heard “cooperate with them, there’s nothing to hide.” Sounds legit.
Mornin’ BTW.
You can see why he was confused.
‘But when you really think about it, when someone says that it’s “too hard” to do a green space that grows Yucca instead of, I don’t know, cauliflower or something – what you’re doing is you’re taking a colonial approach to environmentalism.
Bless her heart.
Or maybe people aren’t that into yucca. I wish there was some way we could figure out what people preferred, some mechanism by which people could signal their preferences to producers through their actions. Then producers could grow more or less cauliflower or yucca depending. Maybe with computers some day.
Top men can do that.
Last week Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that the ‘GOP doesn’t care about babies at all – especially brown, black, or poor ones,’ claiming that if they did they would back her Green New Deal, ‘or at LEAST have a real climate plan.’
Rethuglitards only want to keep babies alive so they can torture them.
“Migrant babies haz heartbeats, too!!1!”
AOC going for the “round the world” slam dunk of tropes! “For the children”, racist, classist, and People Will Die!
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this “Republicans don’t care about babies” bit. It was a throwaway line on that godawful Dead to Me show. I think it’s a new one they’re trying to roll out. The first time I heard it was jarring, because, you know, abortion. I mean, that’s like Olympic gold medal caliber mental gymnastics to claim that the party that by and large believes that life begins at conception and abortion should be restricted if not banned outright also hates babies.
So . . . . Planned Parenthood must hate babies too then, especially the ones from mothers of color.
Those babies wouldn’t have been wanted anyway, so PP does them a favor by getting rid of ’em now.
I don’t think it is a coincidence. It is how they immunize themselves. That’s like when the dems freaked out about Trump not pledging to immediately accept the election results, regardless of the actual facts. They had already freaked out about the last 2 elections they had lost, spending years screaming about made-up voter suppression, etc.
They do it all the time – like the way they are attacking Barr in order to immunize themselves against the coming storm when his prosecutors start charging the members of that totally imaginary “deep state”.
Did Obama co-produce that series for them?
I would not be at all surprised. Christina Applegate is the sole redeeming feature of that show. Aside from that, it’s kind of a walking tour of everything I detest about stereotypical southern California.
Huh. My wife and I watched it and thought it was pretty funny.
It’s usually framed as follows:
1) Republicans force babies to be born
2) poor babies are born into suffering
3) Republicans are against the welfare state, so they want the babies to suffer
1) Well, why don’t you knuckle-draggers take care of all of these unwanted babies, then?
2) *Religious organizations set up vast network of charities to feed, clothe, adopt newborns*
3) *Crickets*
Yeah, my wife insisted on taking that show out for a test drive and….no, just no. It’s awful.
especially brown, black, or poor ones,
Ironically the leftist position on abortion leads to the deaths of countless unborn brown, black and poor babies.
More aborted than born in NY last year.
She discussed in the live broadcast how it was important that people of color felt they were able to grow foods familiar to them in these green spaces.
Everything that is “colonial” would also be “familiar”.
It’s going to be hilarious when this backfires
The funniest thing will be CA giving its votes to a Republican in these woke times. People will change voting decisions if the conditions change.
Yep, the thousands if not millions of red CA or NY voters who don’t bother voting because their state was previously going blue anyway now have an incentive to vote.
They still don’t outnumber the big blue dots on the West Coast.
But pooled with the red votes of the deplorables in flyover country they may help to move the popular vote needle a little (not that the popular vote matters, but still…).
Morning, Banjos and all you glibs.
Man, I’m getting tired of them peeps getting cold feet. Just go and impeach Trump already, let the crazy flag fly and throw all the cards on the table.
^This. Shit or get off the pot, Dems. This business needs to be completed by Spring of 2020 so as not to interfere with the election.
But they know what a dangerous game they are playing. If they impeach him without removing him from office it will turn out really badly for them.
It will certainly get out the “Democrats need to accept the election results” vote.
If they succeed, given the scant evidence of any wrongdoing, it will end worse.
Then they get President Pence.
And a very angry country full of deplorables.
I don’t get it. Pelosi seems to be the only Dem who knows that pushing this means exposing everything they did in the run up to Orange and after.
As a result of what he perceived to be pro-bourgeois thinking prevalent during the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong declared certain privileged urban youth would be sent to mountainous areas or farming villages to learn from the workers and farmers there. In total, approximately 17 million youth were sent to rural areas as a result of the movement.
I’d love for someone to propose this, with the Mao references stripped, to AOC to see if she’d buy in. Because it’s always relocation, forced labor, and utopian goals with these people.
It would ba vaguely entertaining sending young urban hipsters and liberal arts studies majors to work the land
Pol Pot did it and it worked out splendidly.
“The Hipsters of Phnom Penh”
You’ll work harder with a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day,
Slave to soldiers till you starve
And your head is skewered on a stake
Hell, the “free college education” in Cuba is backstopped by forced agricultural labor.
Xiu Xiu The sent down Girl
I remember it being a pretty good movie
AOC – we need to have environmentalist gardening programs that are culturally sensitive, so instead of growing colonialist Cauliflower in The Bronx, grow something culturally relevant……..
Like Yucca!?!
Exactly how is a tropical, drought resistant plant “culturally relevant” to the northeastern US? I mean, sure, lots of older New Yorkers probably love themselves some tapioca pudding… and there’s plenty of people from areas that eat cassava who live there…. but exactly why would you think that growing a tropical plant like Cassava/Yucca in NYC makes any sense at all? Whereas crops that derive from cabbage grow great in cold climates.
It is almost as if… dare I say it? It is almost as if she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
“Exactly how is a tropical, drought resistant plant “culturally relevant” to the northeastern US?”
It’s because God is a man, isn’t it? Keeping Mother Nature down ‘n’ shit.
From the Wikipedia article on Yucca: The natural distribution range of the genus Yucca (49 species and 24 subspecies) covers a vast area of the Americas. The genus is represented throughout Mexico and extends into Guatemala (Yucca guatemalensis). It also extends to the north through Baja California in the west, northwards into the southwestern United States, through the drier central states as far north as southern Alberta in Canada.
So probably will grow in outdoors in Brooklyn, but bet she’s unaware that, for instance, Limes will not. I bet her experience with horticulture is limited to potted plants.
Her IQ is very similar to that of a potted plant, so you may be right.
It’s Yuca. Very different. Some Yucca will actually grow happily in NYC, if there were any soil.
Manioc vs Joshua Tree
This is why common names are often confusing.
Ah, obviously I’m not a gardener, either.
Just to prove that my last point, notice the range, formerly restricted to the SE US but now naturalized as far as Long Island Sound (and the shores of the Mediterranean). Not really a food crop for humans, though.
Some tropicals similar to manioc are started in greenhouses (or windowsills), set out in northern climates for summer, and are harvestable, but I don’t know if that’s possible for Yuca/cassava/manioc. It’s not really possible for bananas, for example, because they need 14 months to fruit and it’s impractical to extend a temperate growing season that long.
Lime is colonialist. It must be excised from the Americas.
I’ll do my part by casting it into my G&Ts this weekend.
That’s Yucca the genus, not Yucca the crop food.
Yucca the genus is like saying “pine tree”. There’s pine trees in the desert and pine trees in northern Alaska. Those aren’t the same pine trees.
Yuca/Cassava is from Africa, IIR, not south America. It is not a part of the Yucca genus.
Still, I’m sure you could get Yucca/Cassava to grow in NYC. But you can get Cauliflower to grow in St. Martin too…. but not nearly as well as Yucca. Even Yucca the food crop isn’t just one thing. Cassava likes loose sandy soils, warm climate, etc. NY has clay soils and cold climate. So smaller roots and less yield.
At least that’s what I’ve heard. I never planted the stuff, because I live in America where we have wheat, corn, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, oats… all of those come ahead of “woody root starch thing” for my staple source of calories. And when I did garden, I didn’t grow any staple crops – because they are so dang cheap. I grew stuff as exotic as okra and gourds, and expensive stuff like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries (I like berries), stuff that you can’t get at the store like good tomatoes… but no wheat.
But I have tried to grow cabbage and cauliflower and broccoli in the south. It doesn’t work so great. Too hot.
blueberries, blackberries, raspberries (I like berries)
This is the second year for most of my berry plants. Its already looking like a bumper crop and it’s only May!
Growing them yourself makes you appreciate the price at the store. It takes a lot of land and a lot of picking to get a little bit of food. But at least it doesn’t take any maintenance.
I bet her experience with horticulture is limited to pot
ted plants.FIFY
I thought her experience with horticulture was from watching the hookers in NYC.
But make certain it’s not whitey growing the yucca, because that would be appropriation.
How do you parody these people?
You can’t. I don’t see how Sug does it, although he manages to hit perfect pitch with Ally, Illy and Sheedy. I went back to my Glibening series (shameless plug – tonight at seven) partly because it’s hard to come up with anything so outrageously over-the-top that reality doesn’t upstage the parody.
Sugar is just plagiarizing Salon and slapping the parody tag on it that’s how.
Everyone must grow the crop assigned to their caste at birth. The assignments are based on what that caste’s ancestry was growing at an arbitrary time and place chosen by the Committee.
I’m getting the feeling we are being trolled.
I’m still waiting for her to give a speech and suddenly put on a MAGA hat, claiming she was a GOP plant all along.
I had originally considered that, but apparently she really is that clueless. I’d love to see her dropped into an actual garden and given the task “harvest the yucca over there” to see if she can ID the plant, knows how to use a shovel, etc.
I was going to suggest watermelon and collard greens.
[golf clap]
+1 Buckwheat
?? Ohhhh-tay!
I was going to suggest marihuana. (Colonialist spelling)
That’s how Michigan officially spells it too.
That’s the super-dangerous kind. The stuff that makes innocent white women listen to the jazz music.
Who said it?
And a song.
That’s gotta be Ainslinger, no? My fave quote from him (in Congressional testimony, no less) – “If Frankenstein’s Monster ever met the Demon Marihuana, he would drop dead of fright!“
Although, I can’t help but read the “Result – Pregnancy” bit in the voice of Walter Winchell – America’s One-Man Newspaper
You win!
Have another song.
Would. Absolutely and unequivocally would.
Does that young lady debate Krugabe here?
This should be your first clue that the marijuana panic was overwrought. If passing her a joint was going to turn her into a sex crazed maniac, there wouldn’t be a dude on the planet who wasn’t walking around with a pocket full of joints.
there wouldn’t be a dude on the planet who wasn’t walking around with a pocket full of joints.
*recalls college years*
Umm. . . .
That technique was known to be rather efficacious at the FSU Student Union in the mid-1990s.
Fair enough….
But I’ll posit that the “being on a campus with 20,000 19 year old girls was the decisive factor there, not the pot. (or beer, as the case may be.)
I know that my college years were squandered for a lack of understanding of the entirely unique nature of the college campus society. Having a surplus of young single women is not the norm, unfortunately.
And raising chickens too. Racism disguised as wokeness seems to be acceptable.
“I was going to suggest watermelon and collard greens.”
Great. Now I’m hungry.
farmers using more automation
¡Ellos robaron nuestros trabajos!
Shouldn’t that be:
¡Erros roberern nerrstrus traberjers!
That’s funny right there.
My Spanish is pretty weak but I laughed because I thought I understood it.
Here in CO, people seem to be pretty pissed off about the popular vote thing. Assuming they can get the signatures, there is going to be a referendum on the ballot this year to overturn it. I like its chances, especially since it’s an odd-numbered year and progs can’t be bothered to vote.
What are the odds this would benefit team blue over team red? I’m thinking pretty low.
“We are confronting what might be the largest, broadest cover-up in American history,” Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told reporters. If a House inquiry “leads to other avenues including impeachment,” the Maryland Democrat said, “so be it.”
He might be right, but not how he means.
Democrats are playing up to their base – shriek impeach! impeach! – but I bet they won’t do it (shades of the Clinton impeachment). Instead it’s more about fundraising, even though the Dem leadership will eventually disappoint.
“Associated Press writers Laurie Kellman, Matthew Daly, Michael Balsamo, Jonathan Lemire, Eric Tucker and Mark Sherman contributed to this
reportshamelessly slanted advocacy.”Why does it take 6 fucking writers to write one stupid story?
Maybe those Democrats who want to impeach Public Enemy Number One just recognize beating him in 2020 is becoming more and more problematic.
The same people who have been telling us for years that we should happily pay a premium to local moms and pops in order to stick it to the big box kkkorporate behemoth-opoly are now bleating about how Trump’s tariffs are going to jack up prices. At some point, the rubes are going to get wise to this shit.
Taxes and tariffs are not the same! This nice economist helpfully explains how you can be for taxes but not for tariffs.
See? Trump’s tariffs provide almost no benefit for anyone. But taxes on sick people and hospitals provide lots of extra good benefits to people.
Bonus quote from the first comment:
The tax comes out of the pockets of both health care consumers and providers, but they receive the benefits as well.
He conveniently skips the part where the tax is used to fund Medicaid, in order to draw more federal matching funds. Minnesota only benefits from it, on net, because it draws in twice as much federal money as it raises with the provider tax.
He’s correct, sort-of. You have to launder it through your wife’s sister’s husband’s construction company building the projects you voted for first. Duh.
Michael Cohen acknowledged in congressional testimony it was “plausible” that President Donald Trump had not instructed him through coded language to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, as the former Trump lawyer has claimed.
I am sure Beth Rogen will be all over this revelation. She needs the ratings after all.
The secret code of ‘opposite day’ … I mean seriously, team blue has been up in arms for months because a man convicted of perjury has claimed that when Trump said cooperate with Congress he really secretly meant lie. They really do believe that shouting orders at the tide will keep their feet dry.
Farmers’ raise wages and are using more automation due to the Mexican shortage.
No ass sex jokes yet? Or did that one stay behind at the old place?
Good afternoon glibs.
Morning Pie. SP had a vampireland question for you at the end of the last night’s post.
Dude! *coughs*
Robot Ass Sex is good, but give me a ripe Mexican butt any day of the week.
On a side note, Ripe Mexican Butt is playing tonight at 7 at the Mercury Lounge.
Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Ass Weed came out in ’83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. They’ve been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Ripe Mexican Butt has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
I’ve got to return some videotapes.
Make sure you re-wound them – you know they charge 50 cents if they’re not re-wound!
I am kind, I do rewind.
Q: What happens when you buy a mini-donkey ?
A: Your getting a little ass!
Scientists are using CRISPRs to fight against super bugs. – I am still slightly wary of this what is the create ultrasuper bugs?
Lighten up man, we’ve got to get to the zombie apocalypse somehow.
If it did, it would be super phage, which eats bacteria, not people (or eukaryotes).
Barney Frank emerged from hie burrow to be on the MSNBC business channel this morning.
The conversation went something like this:
“But you have historically been in favor of tariffs, haven’t you?”
“Not when Trump does it.”
‘Miss Hitler’ jury gets the day off
I need a picture with less makeup to determine that. Also an escape plan for afterward.
I may have to disqualify her for duckface and weird eyebrow makeup. I’d need more data to make an accurate assessment.
Does she do anal?
She’s like the Hitler of anal.
She gets split in half, one of her friends gets bombed, and the rest have brownshirts?
I hear she likes getting pounded on all fronts.
Hot-Crazy matrix is skewing too far crazy at this point.
Italians need to give up colonialist tomatoes.
and pasta. They stole that too.
Wanton Wednesday may or may not save your life, so why take chances?
6, 7, 29, 62, 65, 74, 80. Thanks for the lovely ladies, Q. One of my job leads rejected me after I had two interviews with them so I felt a bit down, but these chicas are perking me up a bit.
That sucks. Bonus:
Thanks, dude. Hot damn, she’s gorgeous.
I don’t even see the code. I just see redhead, brunette…
*slow clap*
dad Fuq? I’m scrolling on my phone, accidentally hit reply and then f. Autocomplete makes it feet. Then, tried tp cancel and must hit submit. I don’t even have the foot thing at all. Kinda like the squishier and curvier parts a lot more.
dad Fuq?
Uhm, are we allowed to make requests to Q?
Whoa, #13 is hitting every single one of my buttons for some reason.
24 should be given babies immediately.
My pr0n is probably the worst by Glib standards: smart specs and a smile.
* crawls in bunk *
“That’s nice, but those plants won’t grow here.”
“Ugh, that’s like totally colonialist, dood. That’s insensitive.”
I live again! I got to spend my full day yesterday in an 8 hour hand over meeting for someone at the company who’s retiring at the end of the month. It’s great that he’s doing a full hand over, and providing a bunch of documentation, but it’s scary that there’s a huge gap (from someone else who retired) where the new person doesn’t even know where the source code for several critical applications are.
As a counterpoint to the Democrat run states riding roughshod over the will of the cities, here’s something from the other side. My favorite quote:
I can’t wait for this grand experiment to blow up in their faces. The Dems are deluding themselves into believing that a majority of the state’s residents are as woke as the activist class that shows up to vote for them.
Maybe. A bunch of people will grumble, but nothing will come of it most likely. What are they going to do? Vote R?
Why not? Most R’s don’t vote now.
SJWednesday: Obituary Edition
I think one of my derp wells has finally gone dry. , the brainchild of Jessica Valenti, hasn’t posted any new content for the last two months.
Let us all say a little prayer for the petit mort we all feel at hearing this news.
‘Worker’s tell McDonald’s #timesup’.
Yeah, times up for a company that probably has one of the most successful humanitarian program in corporate history with the Ronald McDonald House.
Say it ain’t so, Joe!
Oh noes!
Woke-Media can’t sustain itself.
It would stun me if there actually was a large enough market for that crap. Which makes me wonder why companies like Burger King are jumping in on the act.
The other day I saw this Tweet from BK in Scotland:
They advocate violence now. Apparently attacking someone with a milkshake is not assault because it’s not a brick or some other object. Go and douse some on BK CEO or at one of their locations and see how they react.
Burger King? More like Burger Serf, amirite?
Which in turn reminds me of this lovely incident at UNC. The poor SJW soul didn’t think she was stealing private property.They’re so blinded by their righteousness, they can’t conceive they’re committing a crime – worse, they think law enforcement must side with them because feelings.
At least Dunkin knows which side its donuts are buttered on
>>“We don’t want to engage you in political conversation, we want to get you in and out of our store in a matter of seconds.”
Words of Fuckin’ Wisdom
Holy shit, good on them.
I love their Pastrnak commercial
I’ve seen it all through the playoffs and I still laugh when it comes on.
Too bad you ceded the market to Tim Horton’s here.
But I shall buy your doughnuts when I get a chance. Plus their coffee is pretty good. Better than that piss at TH.
There’s no Dunkin Donuts in my downtown. In fact it’s a donut desert. I have to go two miles, in either direction, for a donut. Then my options are: Tim Horton or Van’s Pastry (my preferred source: small, independent bakery owned by the same family since 1939). Of course, there is a Starbucks here, and a Biggby. . . Biggby’s has donut holes but nothing else donut-y.
It’s pretty much a wasteland here too. Sure there are the odd bakeries here and there who make a doughnut or two. If you want a ‘quick’ doughnut it’s TH. Remember the scene in The Simpsons in the mall with all those Starbucks outlets? That’s pretty much the landscape here with doughnuts. It’s pathetic beyond comprehension. And Canadians celebrate this lack of choice because ‘Timmy pride’ or some stupid nonsense.
By contrast, in Philly for example, at a Farmer’s Market. In there, I had the choice of Dutch, Polish or German doughnuts. It was awesome. Heck, one of our favourite places was a shop in Rehoboth Beach called the Fractured Prune.
I’m sorry for you Elspeth. I’m surrounded by more donut shops, strudel shops, and Italian bakeries then I can count. There’s even still a Krispy Kreme stand alone location near me (they have stopped giving out free donuts when the hot sign was on).
We have this awesome place, started locally and rapidly expanding through the rest of the state. Home of the glorious bacon maple donut.
Every day I’m reminded about the prejudice against MUPPET-CANADIANS.
None of you care about our feelings. It’s as if our synthetic fibres don’r matter.
Chipwooder: Allow me to introduce you to one of the best donut shops with some of the worst policies ever. They do not label the flavors of the donuts in the racks, so you have to ask what they are. The website just has a huge list of their flavors under donuts. Even with this, there’s always a line, and they’ve been around since 1937.
For the modern take, we have Brewnuts, donuts made with beer. And they have beer on tap in the store as well.
Rufus: Puppet lives matter man…
So you’ll be in agony if I point you in the direction of the Outer Banks’ own Duck Donuts?
You could make it into a fun surprise, though – guess the flavor!
While I mentioned Duck Donuts before and they ARE good, when I go to Cape Hatteras my go-to bakery is this little place. They have these mammoth apple fritters called Apple Uglies that have been a must-have on every OBX vacation I’ve been on since the first time we went down there when I was a kid.
It’s like Canadians and Americans!
/shakes like muppet and runs off arms flailing.
I’m not a fan of Duck Donuts, too cakey
I have a mom’n’pop donut shop around the corner from me. The poor Dunkin’ Donuts kitty-corner from it doesn’t stand a chance with their inferior donuts and shitty coffee.
I like their stance here, though. Good on them.
Chipwooder: There’s a Duck Donuts near Cleveland already. They don’t even make it into the top five.
We have Dunkin, Duck , and a small handful of independent places. Dunkin is what you’d expect out of a national chain. Not great, but not terrible. Duck is good if you like the objectively inferior cake donuts. There’s a place called Texas Donuts that I’ve been to a few times, and it’s pretty good, but it’s a 25 minute drive without traffic and over an hour during traffic, so we don’t go there often.
It’s a much different landscape here in NoVa compared to Dallas, where every shopping mall had a donut shop owned by a Vietnamese family.
We have a plethora of doughnut places. We have Duck Donuts as well, but all they make a cake donuts, which are my least favorite kind.
Except that Dunkin stayed open to feed the pigs during #BostonWeak.
we want to get you in and out of our store in a matter of seconds
Contra Starbucks, homeless shelter franchise.
why companies like Burger King are jumping in on the act.
Because they are run by idiots.
Brew the Fasc
As Europe goes to the polls to vote in the EU Parliamentary elections this week and with Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party forecast to gain the most votes in the UK, left-wing activists are acting out in an unprecedented manner.
In a recent tweet, the owner of a beer company in Manchester England urged his customers to hit “fascists” (like Farage and Tommy Robinson) over the head with a brick.
“Note to our customers: Please don’t throw out beer over fascists,” wrote Mike Marcus, the director and founder of the Chorlton Brewing Company. “Hit them over the head with a brick as is traditional.”
In his Twitter profile, Marcus describes himself as “Anti-fascist (any means necessary).”
When one of his followers responded to his tweet, saying it “sickened” her, Marcus doubled down, arguing that his call for violence was “acceptable.”
“The only possible end point of the political path espoused by the far right is genocide,” Marcus tweeted in response. “It happened before and it may happen again. Selective, considered violent action is acceptable if it helps prevent another 12 million murders.”
Wanting an independent UK is fascism but engaging in violence because of someones political positions is totes not fascistic.
What a bloody mess in jolly ole.
*let the hate flow through you*
I’m sure they’d like you to pronounce it “Newt and Go” but c’mon. That’s a fail.
States signing those NP votes are retardedly short sighted.
Didn’t; Trump win something like 2450 counties to that twat’s 450? They literally want L.A., CHI, and NYC to determine elections? Are they mental?
She won the NP by 3.5. I wonder how many of those were illegal votes.
Is there any way this actually helps Republicans?
It helps Republicans (potentially) in that they’d start campaigning hard in places like LA, NYC and Chicago; places where I guarantee there are a significant number of Pubs that don’t vote because they outcome is a foregone conclusion.
It’s still a horseshit idea.
That and the percent difference is around 2%, not counting third party ballots. No one running got a majority of ballots cast no matter how you cut it. They just can’t win by the established rules so they want to change them. They are mental and shortsighted.
Subverting the Constitution has been their game plan for over a century. This is no different.
They literally want L.A., CHI, and NYC to determine elections? Are they mental?
Yes, and yes.
My recollection is that the National Popular Vote Compact doesn’t go into effect in states that adopt it until a majority of states do. I wouldn’t expect any state that has a Republican governor or house in its legislature to pass it. Have any Republican legislatures or governors approved this thing?
That’s all you need to know.
Belgian monks resurrect 220-year-old beer after finding recipe
I am very interested in trying that. Although the recipe may be the same, the ingredients sure have changed a lot. Better malts, different yeasts, etc.
That’s exciting and I want to try it as well. I’ve enjoyed all but one of the Dogfish Head Ancient Ales series. The Kvasir is a thing of beauty and wonder.
On impeachment, I say, “Go for it.”. Do they understand that an impeachment would almost certainly fail. The Republicans in the Senate simply aren’t going to vote to remove Trump and they’re the Senate majority. And an impeachment attempt means there will be a direct laying out to the accusations and their rebuttals. Frankly, I can’t think of a better way to guarantee a Donald Trump victory in 2020 with some pretty damned significant coattails.
Maybe Amash is playing the role of temptress here.
He was twirling his hair with one hand while he typed that tweet.
Nah, he’s a troo bleever. A charter NeverTrumper.
If he really wanted a showdown in the House as a trap for the Dems, he wouldn’t have gone about it the way he has, which I think has likely ended his career in the House. He damn near got kicked out of the Freedom Caucus, for chrissake.
Politicians of all stripe are idiots.
The dems have been in some crazy-town mania ever since they lost in 2016. They may have hit the peak of their insane hubris when several states began passing “all abortion, all the time” laws and the Virginia governor made his infamous declarations.
Which prompted the republicans to go full crazy and start passing full abortion bans willy-nilly. So they are attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory too.
That has prompted pro-abortion protests across the country. I wonder why the same does not happen along the lines of 2A considering the ongoing infringements, particularly in CA, NY, IL, etc. . .
OT: Need advice. I’m looking to acquire a 9mm revolver that can take semiauto rounds. I do *not* want to deal with moon clips, so I’m torn between a design that requires manually punching out used cartridges and the Charter Arms pitbull that his this proprietary ejection system that can deal with standard 9mil (it has these little springs in each chamber). Convenient, absolutely, but I worry that it’s just one more moving piece that can fail.
Anyone have any experience with any of these?
Question: Why 9mm? 38 Special has somewhat similar ballistics, why not just go with that?
Because I’m consolidating down on ammunition types. Right now I have 5 firearms that take 5 different types of ammo. It’s annoying, and in the event of civil unrest I want to be reliant on as few, and as common, of rounds as I can. So I’m getting rid of my .22 rifle, .357 snub nose, and .40 XD and replacing them with a gen 5 Glock 19, a 9mm revolver, and a Ruger Mini-14 (interchangable rounds with my AR). Nothing I can do about the shotgun unfortunately, but this way I’ll be down to 3 types: shells, 5.56 & 9mm.
9mm pistol carbines so hot right now
speaking of..
ohhhhhhhhhhh pretty
Or this?
The CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1 Pistol is legally classified by the ATF as a pistol, and is intended by CZ-USA to be used as a pistol. Under current federal law and ATF policy attaching a stock to this pistol – or attaching a device which is then used as a stock or intended to be used as a stock – constitutes the making of a short-barreled rifle which requires registration with ATF and the payment of the applicable tax. Users of the CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1 Pistol bear the sole responsibility for ensuring their use of the firearm complies with all local, state, and federal firearms laws.
you just know one of the casualties of a Dem executive will be the ATF reversing its “pistol brace” ruling. and an all-Dem legislative branch + Dem executive will straight up ban them.
HOLY MACKEREL! Wrist braces need to continue flying under the radar of the commonweal. I’ve mounted one onto a .20 gauge Mossberg Shockwave and it makes for a phenomenal wee lead-belcher.
Now do a MP7 knockoff.
don’t know of any but honestly haven’t looked around.
Sorry, was meaning PTR. That 9kt looks nice.
Yep. Went and bought the Kel-Tec Sub2K about eight months ago. Thing’s a tack driver at the range, and the ability to stuff it into a backpack or BOB should the SHTF was a bonus for me.
The linked article says it doesn’t have any “cons,” but I respectfully disagree — if you ever need to clean the area surrounding the trigger group, it’s really difficult to access properly. The rest of the rifle’s fine, and I like it enough to live with the trigger group issue.
Just don’t sell the other guns just yet. In the case of an actual extended civil unrest those (with a handful of appropriate ammo) will trade for much more ammo than they are worth right now. You already have the money sunk into them – if the plan rests on social disruption keep the items which will be worth more when that happens.
Don’t sell your guns. It’s usually a bad idea, unless you *really* don’t like them.
To you and Tejicano, I hear you, but don’t have a choice. It’s not *my* money, it’s *our* money (wife & myself), and she’s not down with adding more firearms. I presented this plan to her as being close to cost-neutral (frankly it isn’t, but should only be a couple hundred bucks out of pocket), so my only two options are maintaining status quo, or selling current stock. Of those two options, I prefer consolidation over maintaining the status quo.
Being able to use the same ammo in your rifle and handgun is handy and 9mm is a good choice for that, but it’s also good to have available weapons in all of the more popular calibers so you can take advantage of whatever ammo you may run across in quantity. This is pretty easy to do in 9mm, .38/.357, 22LR, .40/.45, and .223/5.56.
Ruger offers their LCR in 9mm, IIRC
Ships with three full moon clips
Sorry having to use moon clips is a deal-breaker.
Sorry to challenge you – but what’s the problem with moon clips? Similar to magazines or speed-loaders but much simpler. Really cheap so you can stock up on a lot of them for a few bucks. Reloads are even faster than speed-loaders.
Just askin’
Never used them myself, but have read lots of stories on gun blogs, and anecdotes from people I know who have used them, that they bend easily and are near impossible to get bent back into usable shape. Several recommended a specific tool used to remove brass & reload them without damage. That’s too many moving parts and additional risk of failure. I’d rather be limited to punching the brass out with a pencil than be reliant on something flimsy that requires a specialized tool.
They also offer it in their SP101 frame
headspacing is your friend
Ruger offers “convertible” Blackhawks where you swap out the cylinder. my understanding is no moon clips for the 9MM cylinder.
SJWednesday: IFLSJA
we’re busy surviving capitalism
I’m busy thriving capitalism.
What nourishes you and makes you feel good? What helps you be kind to yourself? How do you feel safety and make sure that your needs are getting met?
Winston’s Mom.
” What nourishes you and makes you feel good? What helps you be kind to yourself? ”
the labor of my child slaves? and the labor of my child slaves. . . .
Crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women?
“.. and watching their daughters bellies blossom the following spring as they feed my horses.”
Ix-nay on the aves-slay. Elspeth. “Orphans”, amirite?
self-care is necessary to be a functioning human being in this stressful world with a 24-hour news cycle.
You know what I did when I discovered that the news was affecting my mood? I turned it off.
That is indeed the best solution. I was a CSPAN junkie for decades until around 2008 or ’09 when the sheer stupidity of the shills calling in overwhelmed the discourse. I’ll still watch BookTV but that’s about it.
Surprisingly: Slate
Should the U.S. Trash Capitalism?
After reading The Socialist Manifesto, I’d have to say no.
Broken clock, blind squirrel, etc.
you still have the private sector to fall back on.
With more private sector comes more innovation and when some things fail there is creative destruction to pick up the pieces. The socialists among us would have only have a single point of failure, which is what you get with actual socialism.
Yeah. It’s so simple, really. When a business fails, what happens? It dies. It goes away. It’s gone, “poof”, forever. Whatever it has of value is sold off, usually quite efficiently. Other more capable businesses pick up their former customers.
When a government organization fails, what happens? Nothing. It keeps going forever. If you’re lucky you get halfhearted reform. What kind of idiot wants that to be how *everything* works?
Wow. Someone at Salon actually reasoned themselves into advocating for some limitation on federal government? That’s pretty amazing.
Slate, not Salon, though there is no functional difference I suppose.
Oh, duh. I get the two confused.
Salon is the one that’s for sale for a twenty spot, I think.
Slate is not going under (as far as I know) Salon is looking to be sold for $5m.
Someone doesn’t want to kill the goose.
you still have the private sector to fall back on
Yup. The State is primary, the default. The private sector is tolerated solely as the corral for the tax cattle.
left capital structurally dominant with the power to withhold investment
Damn them, owning their property and deciding what to do with it. Only one solution to that.
capital tends to strike back
They actually believe that capitalists will withhold or withdraw investment solely because of politics, and not because of their desire to protect and grow their holdings. It probably looks like its political when capital flees or avoids socialist countries, but its not. Capital goes where it is safe and can get returns, which means, not socialist countries. Its not political, its economic.
Same broken thinking: the US must manage the middle east so they don’t cut off the oil. Because sitting on huge reserves of natural resources in abject poverty to own the Americans is better than selling the juice and spending the billions on
(fun consumption idea goes here)
pro tip: don’t use pointy brackets >< because they make your witty text disappear
Who said it’s good to have a strong government as a check on corporate power?
“…controlled by a democratically elected government as corrupt or politically vindictive as the Donald Trump administration…”
Politically vindictive, sure, but how is the Trump Administration an anomaly in terms of corruption? Hell, some of the corruption has been on autopilot for decades despite the current administration’s efforts.
Yeah, I know, Slate…
Tesla hires the ‘absolute unit’ meme guy to run its social media
I have to admit I cam across the MERL twitter account a couple of times and it was enjoyable…
I’m looking to acquire a 9mm revolver that can take semiauto rounds.
Do you harbor some sort of irrational prejudice against .38s?
Consolidation. If I have a .38, it’s one more type I have to deal with keeping stocked. I’m trying to winnow down to keeping no more than 3 types max.
Funny, I’m trying to do the opposite for variety’s sake. This is not a good strategy based on my storage capacity, but YOLO.
How about a 357/38 lever gun? Tried and true, and you can top up the mag as you go.
WTF? My 2 year old is still asleep at 9am…i feel like I should take the day off work and celebrate!
“a new kind of living antibiotic made out of viruses”
What could go wrong?
he doesn’t really grapple with the potential downsides of, say, putting business lending and venture capital entirely in the hands of the federal government.
Down side? What could possibly go wrong?
SJWednesday: Maximum Overderp
Riiiiight. I totally understand, because I’m a 20-something billionaire with the body of Adonis who currently retains grey hairs, bad credit, and a beer gut.
More struggle sessions needed:
One in three Australian men believe rape victims just ‘regretted’ consensual sex
Are the questions 9f the survey available?
“with one in three men believing women who say they were raped actually had consensual sex and later regretted it.”
Wut? This can’t be right. They need to rephrase that.
As I understand it more men area raped (by other men) in Australia than are women. Not to raise the SJW flag but I wonder what the average 16 to 24 year old Ozzie thinks about that?
That is, to use the medical terminology for lack of better universal language: men who currently retain their uteruses, ovaries, and vaginas. Men like me.
*makes motorboat noise, falls down stairs*
Can we delete these comments before RC sees them? Genuinely concerned for his health if he reads this.
Good morning, Glibs! Hope you have a wonderful day as the doomsday clock ticks ever closer to peak stupid.
“Several instances of “bunny-ears” were also noted, but deemed acceptable by the Committee.”
The trolls win again. Hot damn.
It’s awfully easy being a high school kid these days in terms of ruffling the squares’ feathers.
I mean, why are they bothering to make pee and semen crepes when all they have to do is flash an okey-dokey sign?
That happened in my school district! My son took Global Gourmet at a different middle school.
I have been what I would call a serious gardener for 20 years now. I typically have 36-40 tomato plants, and at least 15 other varieties in my garden. And I have to say, that AOC take on gardening is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Well played.?
Supposed to be a response to MikeS above you.
Agreed. I was considering showing this article to my wife -who has a degree in horticulture- but I am afraid her head might explode.
“AOC take on gardening is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard”
But probably not the dumbest thing you’ll hear today, spoken by a politician.
that AOC take
on gardeningis about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.Here’s the thing with impeachment. If the Democrats earnestly believe Trump did wrong and is dangerous, they need to start impeachment on him. It’s their duty. But by calculating it politically they are saying that their political gains are more important than the country.
McConnell introduces bill making the legal smoking age 21
Fuck off slavers.
As if they care about smoking traditional cigarettes this whole bill is geared towards staving off the loss of revenue vaping is creating in the tobacco industry.
youth use of e-cigarettes, which reached record levels in 2018. That marked a troubling reversal of declines in smoking traditional cigarettes.
this does not reconcile.
i assume lung cancer rates will plummet in 30 years and these shameless fuckers will still take credit. and nicotine-related [insert whatever mortality is caused by nicotine] will increase. so.. how does nicotine kill you?
Team Stupid’s gotta stupid.
And tobacco products should be rationed and cards only issued to proven smokers after a blood test, to reduce non-smokers black marketing their ciggies.
Ration cards, of course, would have a photograph of user, we don’t want this poison in our neighborhoods, competing with drugs.
Government-sponsored safe smoking sites, where all the tobacco junkies can get their fix under medical supervision.
Just before I went full-time vaping, I was at the Cleveland airport which has a “smoking lounge” on the drop-off road. It is as convincing as any anti-smoking ad. I was bored out of my fucking mind for a couple hours so I went in there to smoke and had to exit between each one it was so gross and depressing in there.
I’ve seen configurations in airports where the smoking area is a big glass box, like a zoo exhibit. The atmosphere appears as you’ve described.
At LaGuardia you just walk outside at one end of the terminal and nobody gives a shit.
The article that I linked to above that “proved” that taxes are great because govt spends them and provides benefits had a line in it that said one of the reasons for taxes is to change behavior.
My comment that quoted that line and said “The idea that government should be changing behavior should be morally repugnant to anyone who cherishes liberty” was rejected by the moderator (no reason given, just hasn’t shown up).
So much for me trying to sugar coat “Fuck off slaver”
That AOC article…holy shit.
I’m pleased to see that she’s progressed to the “Dear Leader Pointing at Things” stage of her political career.
It’s gotta be all connected:
Soil Instead Of Ashes: Human Composting Is About To Become Legal In Washington State
They’re building the trains as well.
I hate thieves, hate hate hate them
I don’t understand why stores don’t put in automatic door locks that prevent them from exiting the outer door and then locking the inner doors behind them.
I don’t understand why stores don’t put in automatic door locks that prevent them from exiting the outer door and then locking the inner doors behind them.
I’ve noticed that stores in some states have signs posted above the exits stating that doors must remain unlocked during business hours. I’m beginning to suspect this may have been mandated by the efforts of the worthless shitbag lobby.
Fire codes enacted after the Hamlet Chicken Plant Disaster?
I was in the Apple store when some yutes ran in and grabbed some shit and ran out. The guy who was helping us just rolled his eyes and said it was company policy to let them go.
I fucking hate that.
Drives me nuts.
The liability insurers probably insist on those policies. I’m more of the “beat the ever loving shit out of them and throw their ass in prison” type.
Every large retailer has “shrinkage” built into their budget. They expect a certain amount of theft. I would guess it’s cheaper to allow theft than it would be to deal with the lawsuits from “innocent” thieves who were seriously injured by the security guards of a large retailer with deep pockets.
Combined with the push to decriminalize petty theft (Dallas I believe), retailers are fools to remain anywhere near the ghetto.
Yes, that was Dallas. You can steal anything worth $750 and less so long as it’s a “necessity”. Insanity.
NYC is going down this path, too. It’s like they learned nothing from the past.
We have a serial shoplifter at my Pause & Purchase. Every couple three weeks, I find large (105 fl. oz.) containers of Liquid Tide and Downey (1 each) sitting empty on the shelf. Someone is siphoning the softener and detergent into their own containers and making it out of the store with several pounds of liquid unseen.
When I worked retail (OfficeMax), there were several scams that were common. One was the guy who would come in and buy ~$250 of printer ink every month, then return it three days later. The other was a shoplifter who could have given classes on how to do it. One time he took a computer (cheap Packard Bell knockoff one), stuffed it into a floor lamp box, and paid for the “floor lamp”. He then brought the empty box back into the store, lifted another floor lamp, shoved it into his box, and returned it.
Needless to say, the LP guy at our store was not the best.
Ok, so what’s the deal with laundry detergent theft? The Rite Aid a few blocks from me is where people from the nearby housing projects and the likely illegal immigrants shop a lot of the time and all the laundry stuff has Lo-Jacks or whatever on them. I think they’re close to chaining them down and requiring an employee to walk them up to the counter for you.
Around me, when you choose a deodorant at Rite Aid you have to lift an (unlocked) plastic door and a bell goes off.
Expensive things in small packages that people “need”. Laundry detergent is a new one on me, though.
Several articles (one of them) believe it’s become an underground street currency. I have a hard time believing that, since I can think of several easier to shoplift items, that everyone uses that would probably be a better currency.
Fascinating – I hadn’t thought of the “selling stolen good to bogedas” angle.
I wouldn’t expect them to be worried about $2.50/unit items.
It is common in areas with laundromats. The thieves resell the detergent as individual servings retail under the price that the official dispenser.
They are relatively high $$ per volume.
I think the last one I bought was Old Spice antiperspirant in the 5 to 6 dollar range. It’s a little cheaper on Amazon but not by much.
@Neph: From the article:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So, both sides of my family have lived in Bowie since the 50s. I lived there as a young kid until we moved to Annapolis, then I moved back in my early 20s to live with a couple friends. We were I’d say maybe two miles away from the Safeway they’re likely talking about, which is right next to the Bowie Town Center. All the stores in that area had a hard time with shoplifters (and car and motorcycle thefts were epidemic) because there are two exits to the highway on either side of three large shopping centers. When I worked at the Borders in one of those places people would seriously just come in during a shift change with a backpack, throw as many DVDs and CDs in as they could, and haul ass out the front door. They’d be back on the highway in under a minute.
Why eat a Tide pod when you can mainline the stuff?
(Er, I have no idea why detergent is being stolen)
I subscribe more to the pikes affixed above the door on which you display the most recent thief’s head.
Nice. Let’s do that outside the Fed.
My wife used to work at Victoria’s Secret and used to tell me stories like that, how people would just stroll right out the door with an armload of merchandise and they couldn’t do a thing to stop them because they could be fired for trying to stop a shoplifter.
I worked in a drugstore when I was a kid. One day we caught a shoplifter and brought him back to the pharmacist. He was the most mild-mannered, sweethheart of a guy you could ever imagine. But tall and strong.
He picked the punk up and held him against the wall in the warehouse and lit the kid up for at least a minute. It was epic, especially coming from him. Then he tossed the kid out the back door and told him never to come back.
Guess what? He never did.
*misses the old days*
I’d imagine rubbers being shoplifted often. Especially the micro sizes.
I think I read once that Preparation H is the single most shoplifted item from stores.
Not me, I’m proud of my ‘roids.
Besides which, Anusol HC is far better.
Buy a tooth brush at the same time and speak in broken English. Worked for me.
Nah. My friends would always shop while I was working. Less embarrassing than buying them from the sweet old lady who worked the back counter.
How about “for the sweet…”?
+1 Wang Dang
I caught several thieves over the years when I was working. I threatened in a very loud voice so all other customers would hear and issued a non-entry disclosure. I threw a few out for offensive behavior. Had a law suit threatened and I told the jerk to bring it on.
Funniest one was a phone call and in a very soft voice the guy said, “Does your mother run out from under the steps and bark at you when you get home?”
Had a gay phone call and invitation but I think that was the caller looking for another employee.
How come brick-and-mortar retail disappeared? Why, it must be that devious Amazon.
they didn’t take the tag off the back of their Audi. and almost hit a guy pulling out.
I just saw a couple of headlines about how the New York state legislature is busily passing laws to undercut Presidential rule-of-whim.
Do they have an explicit “until Trump leaves office” expiration proviso?
They don’t need to just as long as the right people are prosecutors. And it is NY after all.
I hope they seced…, I mean succeed.
Oooh! A new buzzword!
That’s not a word.
Hey shitlord, they have their own truth AND their own dictionary.
Watching the Yankees-Orioles game last night on the YES Network feed, and it reinforced my determination to never eat an oblong food in public again.
Still only second place.
haha, ah yes, the beginning of the end of Michelle Bachman’s career.
How about tacos?
They are OK.
Not burritos, though.
Where’s Tonio when you need him?
Okay, I LOL’d.
Have you no manners? Don’t lol with your mouthful.
Also be careful with trophies!
I want to give her my number if she, um, needs to talk to someone about how that makes her feel.
DNC’s cybersecurity lags behind RNC, new study finds
something something always a bridesmaid
It’s hard to keep up with security when you won’t let anyone look at your systems for fear of exposing corruption and incompetence.
Jeez, you’d think they could get McAfee to do something there, maybe in his downtime when he’s not fucking whales or getting high.
So, never.
Green Party wins because no one cares enough to hack.
You saying Glibs will never get hacked?
The Libertarian party was last in the rankings, with a score of 78.1.
I believe they are doing the “security through obscurity” thing.
Transforming Your Community Using Lean, Adaptive Problem Solving, and Generativity
After the Green New Deal renders the electrical grid inoperable you’ll be powering your computer by pedaling a stationary bike which drives a generator?
+1 Gilligan’s Island
Jamie Oliver’s UK restaurants declare bankruptcy
Now over to correspondent Nelson Muntz for a reaction.
Maybe it’s just me, but pondering Karla Marx’s gardening idiocy…..since yucca is not native to the region, wouldn’t that make it the colonial crop?
She’s making the common mistake of confusing “native” and “indigenous”. For instance, Karla Marx is not indigenous to the area, although she is, I believe, native. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the number of people indigenous to NYC living in NYC can fit in a phone booth. If she’s looking for indigenous plants, I think she’s stuck with ramp, various wild berries, maybe pawpaw…I’m drawing a blank on the rest. Maize isn’t indigenous, and there aren’t any beans that I can think of off the top of my head that are indigenous to the region.
It’s not about horticulture, it’s about class and race.
Yep. It’s not about authenticity even, it’s about anti-Westernism, and dare I say anti-white racism.
Yes, we can’t have members of the community deciding what goes into the community garden.
Ladies and gentlemen, “democratic” socialism at work.
Yang is a goofball, but I love this.
Just as long as they don’t reduce their inventory of bad ideas
There was some big news coming out of Dearborn, MI, yesterday, as Ford Motor Co. said by August it will have given 7,000 white-collar workers pink slips worldwide, a 10% reduction in its global salaried workforce, as part of a restructuring plan to reduce bureaucracy and increase revenue. And accountants are reportedly among those losing their jobs.
The biggest job cuts will be felt among the higher ranks of the automaking giant. Ford CEO Jim Hackett said in an email to employees on Monday that “we will have reduced management structure by close to 20%.”
It’s a good thing Henry is not around to see what they have done to his legacy.
It got my dad. He wasn’t an employee, but was a consultant who has worked as a contractor for Ford for several years. Rough spot for him, jobhunting ain’t easy when you’re 68.
Good Morning! I spent the last 2 hours doing this,
LA sucks
Sitting in traffic
Got it. I only use my car on weekends and holidays. Bumper to bumper for hours. Gotta go stoic.
Truism, I gave up getting pissed off, it does no good
I learned that in Dallas. If I was on the clock relax and put a “Willie” in the machine. Luckenbach was where I was at.
Podcasts, books on tape. The only way I could tolerate it, even on an occasional basis.
My commute to work my entire working life (except for one year in Chicago) has been less than half an hour. Even when I lived in Dallas. For me, the sweet spot is 20 – 30 minutes. Enough to get spun up for work and spun down for home, not long enough to be a pain in my ass.
One of the reasons we moved from Dallas was the traffic. Not so much that the commute was long, but it was becoming unpredictable. I had some job offers downtown, and I had some job offers on the west side of Plano. Downtown was the worst because depending on where the crashes were, it was either a 45 minute commute or a 1 hour 45 minute commute. Commuting across Plano was getting bad, too. One day it was 25 minutes, the next it was an hour.
Little did we know that we were moving out of the frying pan and into the fire here in NoVa. At least here it’s still mostly predictable at the times I go in. The issue is it’s progressively getting worse week by week.
I worked downtown, and lived near White Rock Lake (Hollywood/Santa Monica neighborhood). Surface streets, rarely more than 30 minutes door-to-door. We ruled out any commute that involved interstates, although we were tempted by a house across the Trinity River. But, that one would have put us on the other side of a bridge, so we passed.
Plus you don’t want to get the Itasha dirty!
Those things deserve a good old Teruma and Rooize ending.
It’s like you’ve given up finding a 3D girlfriend.
Also brilliantly named – 痛車 – pain + car
That subculture is nowhere near my life. May as well be in France.
…are there, like, men in Japan?
It doesn’t count if they’re imported according to the Ocasio-Cortez metric!
Giving handjobs for crack?
Is that not gainful employment?
Installing EMS systems for Chipotle
Oooh, that sounds like a baller payday. Just don’t eat anything while you’re there.
Heading to SoCal in 10 days or so for a family vacation. I’m sure all my old traffic tricks don’t work anymore (lived out there in the late 90s)
It got my dad. He wasn’t an employee, but was a consultant who has worked as a contractor for Ford for several years. Rough spot for him, jobhunting ain’t easy when you’re 68.
Ouch. That sucks.
And before I forget:
Congrats, bacon! Go Blues!
Mississippi lawmaker punched his wife because she undressed too slowly for sex
Deputies report McLeod had punched his wife and bloodied her nose.
If they witnessed that act, why didn’t they stop it?
Looking out for the little man
Sen. Bernie Sanders plans to crash Walmart Inc.’s annual shareholder meeting next month, but he won’t get the VIP treatment the retailer usually extends to famous guests.
Sanders, a longtime critic of labor practices at the nation’s biggest private employer, will introduce a shareholder proposal at the June 5 meeting in Rogers, Ark., a spokeswoman for his campaign said. The proposal, which has no chance of passing, calls for Walmart to give its hourly workers a board seat.
Kabuki Theater For Dummies.
I hope somebody asks Bernie how many honest jobs he has held or created.
That would require a modicum of self-awareness. Does Grandpa Gulag actually own Walmart stock?
And what exactly would this usual VIP treatment entail? And who does qualify for it?
“Oh, you’ve come to cause trouble? How can we make your visit more comfortable and enjoyable?”
I’m sure Ms. Ocasio-Cortez will soon be issuing a clarification of her earlier comments to the effect of “Well, it’s obvious that Republicans are just to stupid to tell I was just joking and miss my larger point. They clearly should be growing kale.”
Let them eat Kale!
Speaking of Cale
Hmm, I must be some kind of redneck — this is what I think of when I hear Cale.
::twangs banjo:: You do you.
*files primary challenge*
My recipe for kale:
(1) Add olive oil to a shallow saute pan.
(2) Add kale to saute pan.
(3) Dump into trash. The oil helps the kale slide right out.
They all want kale.
I planted some yesterday, half of the Fourscore Dynamic Duo loves kale.
I don’t. But I might if you add bacon bits.
Kale and bacon is pretty good. Kale and ham, too. Honestly, roast kale is pretty good as a snack. It kinda depends on how you feel about stuff like seaweed.
That just means you want bacon.
Memphis was incorporated 200 years ago today. Like most places, it has a history of highs and lows.
But it grows on you: folks move here (Elvis, Cash, International Paper) and pretty much stay with few exceptions (Joe Walsh, not sure what that means). Huge, rusty holes were left by Ford, International Harvester, and Firestone. A few things were born here (FedEx, Holiday Inn, Shannon Doherty).
Come for the barbecue, listen to some old tunes , drink our beer (Neph can attest), and maybe marry a chick who can actually cook. Humidity and mosquitoes are free.
TW: WaPo (Where Democracy Dies in Derp)
How San Francisco broke America’s heart
Obviously a combination of rent control and strict building and zoning requirements will fix that!
As always with these types, they want “the rich” to pay for “the poor” and the middle class can go fuck itself.
Yeah, real unregulated unbridled anything. Other than unfettered government.
Something tells me Mr. Fourth Generation San Franciscan has never raised the idea of building higher.
But they have razed the idea of building higher.
…axis of liberal politics…unregulated capitalism…
Oh FFS. I guess iron laws aint called iron for nuthin’.
Iron law: It can always get worse and Marc is gonna prove it.
Because if there’s one place that stands as a symbol of unfettered capitalism, it’s San Fran Fucking Cisco.
Yeah, unbridled capitalism, here in SF. That counts as the most idiotic statement I have heard this week. I’m presently trying to build an addition on my very small house so that I can continue to live here until my kids are grown. The amount of bullshit that I have to go through, and the amount of fees that I have to pay to do so would be utterly shocking to most of the country. And this is to build something that will block absolutely no ones view, and will just make the house the same height as both of my neighbors. I know the thread is dead, but that statement made me fucking livid.
What an irony. Isn’t the basis of the town and the post-Mexican greatness of the state import/export, local freedom, and mining?
Senator you’ve never heard of who is running for president will not be outdone by attention-getting nitwit on climate change, ups ante to $1 trillion.
Note that this is one of those sane, moderate candidates in the Dem primary.
Zero emissions.
Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-…)
Climate change and ocean acidification have killed off one of the most spectacular features on the planet.
Is this person aware of how obituaries work, or are we just living in the land of speculative fiction?
We have become demoralized to the point where it is acceptable to spout pure fiction if it is for the right cause.
So just a couple of years ago I was diving on….what exactly? It looked like a coral reef to me but maybe I am crazy.
I’ll be honest here. I don’t give a flying fuck about corals or reefs. What have they ever done for me?
Claiming that something that grows in relatively shallow water is over 25 million years old is the first tip-off they don’t know what they are talking about. A quick trip to Wiki confirms my suspicions: “The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) considers the earliest evidence of complete reef structures to have been 600,000 years ago. … The CRC Reef Research Centre estimates the age of the present, living reef structure at 6,000 to 8,000 years old.”
SP – thanks for sharing the bread video in the previous thread. I would guess that a combination of ash detritus and high heat makes the outer crust unpalatable (I could feel the roof of my mouth being cut by the crust just from the sound of knocking it off). At the Polish place by us, they have a similar looking bread. I’ve always assumed they just got banged up during shipping but now I’ll have to ask next time I’m in there.
Too many links got me in moderation
but I don’t see the link to management tools; I probably don’t rate any more (never did?) or have so many add-ons that I can’t see the icon.
shorter Don: somebody go moderate me?
It was my Firefox add-ons. . . or maybe a setting I use there.
In Edge, I can see the WordPress header just like always.
For those into this sort of thing, some nice cake stuff from Townsends.
Cool channel, thanks.
If not for colonialism 90% of the world would still be without electricty, no indoor plumbing, no internal combustion engines, roads, computers, antibiotics or television. The stupid motherfuckers would still be without even the wheel, naked and killing each other for food. And they have a bug up their ass about it?
Fuck them.
For a while I was convinced that AOC’s shtick was just that, an act, but in this case I think she is on the level and just dumber than a turd.
If not for colonialism AOC wouldn’t exist, so maybe she’s on to something.
The cognitive dissonance in that AOC video is breathtaking. She is railing about local people not having a voice in how they run their community gardens. And somehow that is an argument in support of a massive $40T Fed Gov initiative? The Feds aren’t well known for their nuanced approach to local problems.
She understands that the GND will have a chapter on the “correct” composition of any urban garden that will receive Fed $$. Maybe she’s just advocating that even the Lutherans in Fargo will have to grow more Yucca than cauliflower?
“…local people not having a voice in how they run their community gardens.”
But she is going to tell you what y ou are allowed to grow in those gardens. Also, it is cheaper to just buy your veggies at the grocery…cheaper because the suppliers are far more efficient and have less environmental impact.
I guess I ate my own comment. Don’t forget about the fights between plot holders ! Putting lots of people in close quarters with “their” property works about as well as anywhere else.
Almost certainly. She’s neglecting to mention the fact that “community gardens” are a hobby for hipsters and little old ladies. “Her community” has a bodega on every corner selling all the yucca they could ever desire.
Depends on the plant. I can get a lot of tomatoes out of a $1 plant and I don’t have to do much besides plant it and water it the first few weeks. But I’m just a simple Indiana man, I don’t have to buy artisan plants and clear tires out of a vacant lot to do that.
On a small scale you are correct but in the long run you can buy a hell of a lot of produce for what it takes to garden.
I’m sure it happens, but I don’t know anybody who gardens to save money. They do it because they enjoy gardening and prefer the taste of fresh veggies.
Its like hunting. Possibly the most expensive meat (outside of a restaurant) I’ve ever eaten.
We might be bordering on the commoditization question. There’s literally a sweet spot; as the son of a produce clerk, I hit the farmers’ markets because I’m generally disgusted by the blandness of chain grocery tomatoes, asparagus, squash, cucumbers, and lettuce. Herbs, onions, and potatoes from Kroger would be okay; I probably can’t tell what I’m missing there. Tomatoes are just too beautiful an idea to settle for the hard pink things sold at the big chain.
But buy it where? Food desertz!
One aspect not controlled is quality. I’ve never tasted a supermarket tomato that could remotely compare to a backyard tomato, for example.
Or I could read the comments that already pointed that out.
I’ll point out that just like any other hobby, you’re trading effort for cost savings. If you buy all of the convenience tools, you’ll never break even. If you buy a water can, a hand trowel, and a few packs of seeds, you’re much more likely to get both quality and cheapness.
I’m not about to watch that but this line is a bald-faced lie. What she’s actually pointing out is that people in “her community” aren’t actually all that interested in farming. The people who ARE interested in that stuff are people who are not in “her community”.
So she’s in favor of all other local people losing a say in funding her local people’s gardens? Yep, that’s socialism in a nutshell.
local people not having a voice
Now do the National Popular Vote Compact.
I own my yard, and grow whatever the fuck I want in it. So maybe she should be advocating for more private ownership of those gardens. /LOL
Shot: She is railing about local people not having a voice
First quote:
I thought AOC would be our savior
Odds that this “local activist” has learned anything? Near zero.
How ‘The View’ Became the Most Important Political TV Show in America
Of course, I have my own theory.
Me too.
I’m gonna go ahead and disagree with that headline
I’ve reached my limit of free NYT articles thanks to this place. Darn, I guess i won’t be able to read it.
Not Hannity?
I haz a confuze.
CNN runs an interview with a mother who was raped, the kid had a lethal abnormality and died after birth. The mother, by the way, claims not to have known she was pregnant for eight months, so get yer grain of salt out. The story was an attack on the Alabama abortion law (which, BTW, allows abortions in cases like this).
My confuze? The story is all emotional payload about what a tragedy this was. A story pushing late-term abortions is based on the suffering and death of the child.
emotional payload
What an apt characterization of a too-common situation. It’s no “Pie’s ditch,” but “emotional payload” is good.
That same mother was on ABC news the other night. Exact same line as CNN.
The fact that they run this without noting the obvious fact that she could have gotten an abortion under the new law tells you all you need to know.
Also unasked: “When this happened, you could have gotten an abortion in any state, except possibly Montana. Why didn’t you?”
It struck me as an implicit endorsement of eugenics. Even if you’re pro choice, this is not the way to win converts.
The people pushing that are advocating the murder of babies. Let that sink in. Baby murderers. It is not an abstraction. Imagine you are holding a baby in your hands and then you kill it.
There is no possible argument for that that will win converts.
They don’t get it because they have forbidden themselves from attempting to understand the other side’s point of view.
which, BTW, allows abortions in cases like this
You mean to tell me that I cannot count on nuance and accuracy from the msm?
*hands Rebel pearls to clutch*
So it’s only a tragedy because the child wasn’t blessed by the steel of a surgeon’s scalpel?
I’ve always been pro-choice, but I swear these people are doing their best to change my mind.
more unsolicited financial advice
Read “The Millionaire Next Door” and then discreetly buy a house like this.
Or get a mortgage to buy a house from your sister like all billionaires do.
I wonder how many days a year Buffett actually spends in that house.
Most of them: his office is still in Omaha.
Buffet’s home is very modest compared to people like Trump but it is located in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Omaha and is near the high end for the market there (I’ve got friends who live there).
Buffet’s wisdom and modesty stems from deciding to stay in Nebraska, rather than living in a modest neighborhood. That said, he’s also quite the local philanthropist.
A nice way to get some money to your sister at a low (capital gains) or zero (sale of primary home) tax rate. As a rental property, the interest on the mortgage is deductible, so his real interest rate is more like, oh, 3.50%. Pretty cheap capital. I’m sure he was planning on the arbitrage of investing the $11.2mm; unfortunately, the markets have been basically flat since then.
Even without the arbitrage, not a bad deal if you count the minimization on taxes for his sister.
I don’t want to disrespect the latest HatH by going OT too soon, so I’ll put this here:
This is Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia having a chat about postmodernism. Man, it’s a great watch/listen. Peterson has a great allegory about academic language as group camouflage sort of like zebra stripes. Also, I wish I could hang out with Camille Paglia, but I’m also absolutely terrified she’d pause at some point, tell me I’m not very bright, and I’d run away in tears because I couldn’t prove her wrong.
Very cool, thanks for that.
You’re right about Paglia, she’s mildly terrifying. I’m reading her Provocations book right now and she pulls no punches.
And right off the bat I find out Peterson interviewed Stephen Hicks as well. Excellent.
Yeah, I just lined up Hicks’ book on my Kindle based on this.
I highly recommend it.