See, I go away for a day to get some quality hiking time in (and the Tonto National Forest is absolutely gorgeous), and whaddaya know, some asshole starts shitposting.
Now, I do have some sympathy for a guy who suffered brain damage from breathing in too much smoke over his career- and it wasn’t like he had a full complement of chromosomes to start with. But this is the kind of shit that none of you fine people should have to deal with. It’s low class, and Spud’s mashed-potatoes-for-brains aren’t an excuse. So in partial recompense, I’ll give you some decent links today. Starting with birthdays, the kind of thing that, along with a man-sized assortment of links, Spud’s laziness would deny you.
Birthdays today include a harelip; a guy who was unfortunately born before GPS and navigation to “home”; an enigma; a beaver that got killed in Viet Nam; and an academic grifter who has debased political discourse.
And now the news.
This is my congressman. It would take a lot to get me to vote for Team Blue, but Andy’s doing his best. Higher taxes, tanked economy, and Moar Drug War are for your own good, Citizen. Fuck you, Andy, you’re a disgrace.
Agree with him or not, there actually IS someone with principles in congress. Who knew?
World’s Smallest Violin. And as I knew before I even started, the first subject of their sob story deliberately chose an expensive school, voluntarily put herself deed in debt, majored in something with no financial payoff, and finished with a degree from a school known principally for turning out perverts.
I thought, “This HAS to be The Onion.”
I should not have laughed half as hard as I did when I read this.
“Flying commercial is like getting in a long tube full of demons.” Well, I can’t argue that point.
“Kids, that’s where your dinner comes from.”
I love intersectionality. Even better, there seems to be a pattern.
And this is a sad note for me to post. I loved Roky and his music, and his collaboration with Okkerville River (the band featured for Old Guy Music yesterday) was a highlight of my time in Austin.
Old Guy Music, and specifically chosen today to piss you people off. But I like it and I’m the guy posting this.
For a family flick (PG-13), there was a lot more swearing than necessary in Godzilla. Definitely a lot of fun as a flick though – and as Sonny Bunch always says “Environmentalists make the best villains”.
A bit annoying, but maybe it was necessary for the plot.
This is something that people without younger children don’t get …. I know I didn’t. When I watch a movie without the kids, I don’t even notice this stuff. Luckily I have a wife to notice that stuff for me. When we go to watch PG-13 stuff on DVD or Netflix, I consult Common Sense Media because they provide detailed descriptions of things some parents might find objectionable.
The annoying bit is that the studios have obviously decided that G won’t cut it with audiences, so they stick in a few extras to get a PG-13. So now for anything beyond an animated feature, you really have trouble bringing the whole family.
Luckily for me my oldest is in middle school, and his middle-school flirtation with profanity is entering full bloom. So my 6 year old is getting a full dose of language that he wouldn’t use at all until he reached double digits. We haven’t gotten the “your kid said..” call yet, but it can’t be too far away. There’s no mute button on a middle schooler.
I don’t think the studios just randomly decided that. I believe it was one of those market pressure thingies.
Yeah. I blame us. We won’t go see a G rated version of Pokemon: Detective Pikachu – so they make it PG. Even though it is obviously a kids movie. Even kids know you don’t go see a stupid G rated movie.
And the other end of the scale is bad too. They really don’t want the big movies slipping into R territory, so they have to rub off the rough edges there too.
Can’t I have my cake and eat it too? I want family movies that are entertaining for everyone without a couple of extra suggestive moments tossed in or a subplot about a gay love story, and at the same time I want to see adult movies that have gratuitous nudity and violence and a poly-amorous subplot that involves a bizarre subculture that I never knew existed.
But it ain’t my $100 million, so I guess I don’t get to choose what movies get made.
One of the joys of watching old movies.
I was riding my bike with my 6 y/o in the back seat. Mommy’s bicycle. She taps me on the shoulder and says, “Papa, oh shit.” She had dropped her hanky on the road. Yessiree, they pick stuff up quickly at that age. That one was papa’s bad.
Do you mainly curse in English or Japanese?
English. Japanese swearing sounds ridiculous.
+1 Japanese swearing is comical.
Did she really say “kuso”?
No, no. She said, “Oh, shit” in English. She appears to have learned that it means you dropped something. No idea where she got that from. *Plays innocent*
Ah got it. Reminds of the time my six year old son was hanging Christmas ornaments with us and dropped one. He said, “Oh, fuck!”.
That did not go over well with my wife…
With regards to your daughter you’re good. Just tell everyone it she was using the “te -form” of “suru” or して. Every time I hear it say it I think “shitty”.
what counts as conservative?
The conservative intellectual movement, in addition to generating excellent writing, has had seven real-world applications since its formation after the Second World War:
1/ originalism and
2/ supply side economics in the 1970s;
3/ welfare reform and
4/ crime policy in the 1980s and ’90s;
5/ educational choice and reform over the last two decades;
6/ James Burnham’s anti-Communist strategies that found expression in the Reagan Doctrine;
7/ and the counterinsurgency plan known as the “surge” that prevented the defeat of American forces in the second Iraq war.
damning with faint praise
Well, the really sad part is that it’s about seven more than the Dems have.
We haven’t gotten the “your kid said..” call yet
“Fuck Off, Slaver?”
“No, that’s not what he sai…”
“NO, you, go fuck off. Take a step back and literally fuck your own face. To death.” *click*
Probably better than I’m not a parent. Mine weren’t terribly proactive on the no-swearing front, but I’ve been continuously employed in skilled trade for 21 years, never been arrested, never struck a person in anger and don’t agitate for stealing from my neighbor to pay for my kids education, so I think I turned out OK.
We need common sense college control. There’s too much predatory schooling out there.
Swedish Startup to Bring Pogo Sticks to S.F. as E-Scooter Alternative
Be fun to watch the junkies hallucinating as tourists jump around on giant needles.
A Swedish company. Sweden…isnt that the country that has gender equality snowplows? Once you are off of the rails an inch is as good as a mile so this is no surprise.
Just imagine the traffic snarl driving downtown when they add freaking pogo stick lanes next to the bike lanes.
And stomping (pogoing?) people’s feet.
“I’m a big believer in liberty and the Constitution,” Amash said at his town hall Tuesday. “Nobody cares about liberty in Congress more than I do.”
Okay. I’m convinced.
I believe him. Low bar and all…
But I’m still not convinced that a call to “Wrap it up, already!” from a chief executive talking about a 30 million dollar project that should have been wrapped up already is really obstruction of justice.
Although it does seem to offer a roadmap for anyone in law enforcement who wants lifelong employment and perks….. Just investigate the bosses and then if they try to limit you in any way – including hiring more staff or pay raises – just threaten them with obstruction charges.
You can reasonably disagree with Amash’s conclusion. He has a demonstrated history of promoting freedom. What’s your gripe with him?
grrizzly on June 2, 2019 at 4:36 pm
Glenn Beck on Justin “I support the secret police coup to own the trumpkins” Amash.
The Pogo Stick story is definitely a hoax. RIght? I mean… it is too obvious…… has to be a hoax.
Like the “rainbow parties” stories and “butt chugging”…..
Somehow I just don’t see this as at all plausible. So I’m calling hoax.
It is Sweden cyto. Hoax, earnestness, who can tell the difference?
^This. The most earnest idiocy out there.
Trump’s tariffs are stupid and punish the average person. BUT, I get that his end goal is to do things like open up freer trade and limit illegal immigration. Those are debatable strategies. What irks me is that he’s out there telling us how much moolah we’re getting from these tariffs and how we can use the money. As they say, don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining. The tariffs are a net loss of money. Quit saying otherwise.
it’s a tax: the cash goes to Treasury
so GDP is unaffected short run; GDP will go down long run because of the allocation inefficiency of government spending
but that’s already a third of GDP, so these few trillion pennies will hardly matter
but Trump is still a child and an idiot
Yeah, that’s the old-school fig leaf.
Like we used to do for gay couples in the olden days. If you really can’t handle “this is gonna hurt, but it is necessary for negotiations” you can hang your hat on “look, we just paid for a tank!” It is just like calling Marge and Betty “a couple of spinsters that share a house” instead of “that nice lesbian couple down the road”. That way people who can’t handle it don’t have to face it. But everyone else knows what is really going on.
Same the line of thinking that helps sell the multiplier effect. Never ends, does it?
It will be very interesting to see what Mexico does with the migrants request.
I hope they don’t do something dumb or inhumane.
His end goal is to line the pockets of his cronies and ideologically fellate his base.
Via CNN:
The gunman fired indiscriminately Friday on a municipal building in the coastal city in Virginia before he died after a long shootout with police officers.
I don’t think “indiscriminately” is the word you’re looking for.
Indiscriminately is the way cops fire.
I for one enjoy the banter our TOP MEN™ have.
Now with the links, damn it, one day one of these “muh student debt/loan” articles will bring up how colleges have been playing with the feds and wasting all those $$$ but I won’t hold my breath.
Just shut up and fork over the cash to pay off everyone else’s student loans already…
Rapheal is in Japan, but thanks our money laundering laws and greed the US of A is doing its best to pull money out of his pocket.
The amount of shit that ex-pats go through to open a bank account abroad is nuts. In large part because it isn’t worth damaging the banks banking relationship with US institutions if accused of money laundering for US citizens. As a result many banks won’t bank US citizens with small accounts.
I always welcome chastisement via Tool songs.
If we had tanks and armed men marching across the border flying a foreign flag it would be considered an invasion, would it not? It is organized aggression against our sovereignty.
What we do have are hordes of people marching over the border. They don’t have guns but it is aggression. I don’t believe for one minute that they are part of some sort of grass-roots organic movement. They are organized and encouraged by someone. It is still organized aggression despite the lack of arms. How should we respond to that? It has to be stopped. We can’t defend our own border? We have no right to decide who can and who can’t come into our house? That is absurd. They all arrive here and what, open border advocates are going to feed them on their back porches like stray cats? No, they are going on welfare and we all feed them. The situation is out of hand in a big way. We should find out who is behind it (I have my suspicions) and blow their fucking head off.
Who is to blame for this? Who frustrates me the most? The goddamned useless Republicans.
I liked Trump’s idea of just sending them all to the sanctuary cities who had these open policies, but I don’t think/remember if that really went anywhere.
They cried foul and accused Trump of trying to punish sanctuary cities. Ironic, huh?
Yea, when the Lefties turned around and acted like illegal immigrants were some kind of scourge after they had spent years harping on about how they’re 100 percent wonderful with no downsides whatsoever.
Almost like the time labor unions spent years fighting for a minimum wage increase, then asked for an exemption for unionized companies.
Who/what do you suspect?
I know Soros’s name always comes up.
Dude’s one evil poison pill.
Soro’s organizations are probably in on it as are the top democrats here. It is always the same gallery of rogues. No doubt plenty of the Chamber of Commerce people.
It is a naked attempt to destabilize our society and import commie votes. There really is no down side for them.
Saying unarmed people, who are not aggressing against anyone’s rights by trying to cross an artificial government enforced border, are taking part in aggression is like the claim of some liberals who say that speaking opinions that they disapprove of is literally aggression.
Neither of them is aggression.
I think it is an aggression upon the citizenry of the US.
These “refugees” are a seemingly organized attempt to overwhelm our social and institutions.
Take away the immediate welfare and medical care and see how many keep coming.
Some recent articles said that the average American couldn’t handle a $500 emergency. Yet we are also being told these refugees have to pay thousands of dollars to coyote s to get them here ?
To me that doesn’t compute.
I’m looking at the people building all the houses in our new neighborhood. Virtually all ESL or Spanish only speakers, working their tails off day after day, making the houses very affordable.
I’d like to welcome as many people like that as want to move here, thanks.
Illegal immigrants don’t get welfare and legal immigrants can’t get most welfare for 5 years. The only thing they can get is WIC.
Prolefeed is right. It’s not an invasion.
And who is behind it? If we were taking bets I’d say Zelaya, Ortega, and/or Castro.
The Romans considered both types of invasions to be dangerous. The unarmed groups were often admitted, broken into small groups and sent to different areas of the Empire to ensure assimilation and prevent revolts.
So much to chose from, like going to Old Country Buffet with a stolen credit card. Thanks OM
I felt so sorry about those kids and their college debt, (sarc). To paraphrase, “we didn’t know we had to pay it back, think I’ll get a master’s” That tells us more about the sorry state of public school than anything else. Isn’t something like interest (% ages) ever taught/discussed? How do these people ever expect to buy a house if they don’t/can’t learn basic math? It’s pathetic
The debt problems are symptoms of a more serious malaise.
The only economics related class I ever had the option of taking was a Macroeconomics class in high school. They really really should have made personal accounting or what-not a class of its own. I would have definitely taken it back when I was at school.
Florida requires for HS graduation one semester of economics, “which shall include financial literacy.”
It’s not going to matter much because mostly it will be either taught by the wresting coach or done as some bullshit online class.
What happens when Marxists like Sanders and McMarxist take hold of the curriculum. Even economics will be useless.
Curriculum is just words on paper. It is up to the person teaching to make the class valuable. Or not.
From what I understand, you MUST teach whatever is in the curriculum. At least here, questions on the exam that come from the idiotic Ministry will reflect that. So sure, you can get some eclectic teacher but he or she has to go with that’s in the text book.
Up to a point, sure, but the teacher can say, “Read what’s on page 22 and then I’ll spend an hour telling you why Marxism says the textbook is wrong” or “Read page 22 while I take a nap or draw up football plays on this here legal pad. If you finish early, read page 23.” 6 months of that, and then 2 weeks of cramming for the standardized exam.
How many teachers are that caring to that point though?
Ohhhhh, page 23 AFTER page 22, stupid me, Thanks Coach!
I believe that was my “financial literacy” course since I went to school in Florida. I mean I did learn the supply/demand relationship, game theory, and competitive advantage, but we still didn’t get anything on how bank accounts, taxes, or interest rates worked.
We had to calculate interest rates in 7th grade, including compounded interest.
And we got savings account books in first grade. Parents should be able to show kids those things way before high school.
“When it came time to apply to college, she said her guidance counselors recommended she attend a private college rather than take the full ride that the University of Virginia’s College at Wise offered her. ”
I have zero fucks to give for these people.
I know, right? Who listens to a guidance counselor? If they had anything of value to say they wouldn’t be guidance counselors.
Seriously, the handful of guidance counselors I dealt with as a child always struck me as dejected, hollowed eyed middle aged men on the cusp of suicide.
Counselors are almost like the HR Dept.
Mmmm. ya know, words like that can be hurtful, Mkay?
Srsly? Fucking moron.
The chancellor at UVA-Wise is a friend and former colleague. I’m going to send that to her, and let her call the school.
I read each of the college debt stories. I understand the issues some of these people faced. My parents made too much for me to get grants, My HS grades were not impressive enough to get scholarships, and while I understood money well for an 18 year old that’s a low bar.
My parents were a mix of cheap on one side and spend it while you have it if it’s important. Not the best role models. They also gave till it hurt to their family and others.
I worked part time during the school year and full time during the breaks. I used this to reduce the loan amounts, but it’s tempting to just get a bigger loan so you can have more disposable income. I did this my Jr and senior years.
State schools, partial payment of school bills, and living lean still created a $35K bill at the end. I had to pay more than the minimum and make a plan to pay off the private loans. I took ~8 years, but I paid them off. I could have paid them off sooner, but I chose not to.
Adjusted for inflation that’s ~$60K. That is the price for one year at some private schools nearby. I also had a degree in the sciences that was in demand. The economy was not booming yet, so my first job out of school was great except for the pay.
In summary, quit your bitching about your dumb choices, own them, learn from them, adjust accordingly.
Loans are given out like candy, everything is done to insulate students from their bleak futures, students are pressured into completing their degree in the shortest amount of time, costs have ballooned out of control, and a degree is becoming near mandatory for an unskilled kid to get a job.
Caveat emptor. However, if there happened to be some invasive anti-corruption probes that hit the top public and private schools, I wouldn’t complain.
Like a pay for admission scandal?
Loans are given out like candy because there is no risk. They will gladly loan $20K to an 18 year old for college; if the same kid came in to borrow half as much to buy a car he would be laughed out of the bank.
I have to disagree, at least somewhat, about costs. I work at a Florida university, and in the Floriduh state system, per-student costs of instruction are about the same as 30 years ago, after adjusting for inflation. What has changed is that 30 years ago, the Legislature paid 75-80% of that, and today it’s less than half. That means that students are paying more of their own way–whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is something reasonable people can disagree on. This leaves aside entirely one of the biggest causes of increasing costs–student activities and housing. If you looked at some of the “dorms” that have been built in the last decade, you would want to move in yourself. Prices have gone up accordingly. But this is in response to demand. About 20 years ago, we built some dorms with double-occupancy bedrooms (you know, what most of us lived in at school) to have some lower-cost housing options. They sat mostly empty until we finally renovated the building to make them single-occupancy.
And of course, none of these statements apply to private colleges.
Florida state spending on higher education, in 2017 dollars:
1987: $7880 per student
2017: $9350 per student
If the state legislature from 1987 was funding the schools today, they’d be giving about $1,470 less per student. In other words, the state is contributing 18% more now than it did 30 years ago.
It is absolutely a problem of cost, not funding. The difference between the 75-80% of then and the 50% of now is how the money is spent.
Is there some reason that college kids have to live in dorms? There seems to be this idea that college is an “experience” rather than a place of learning. That “experience” is what is being pitched to kids going off to college.
Actually, it would be a more enriching experience to just go live abroad for a year or two and a whole lot cheaper.
Are you including community colleges (now state colleges) in that? I guess I didn’t explicitly say state *universities* but that’s the data I am using. Enrollment data is here and funding data is here and tuition data is here .
I don’t know what “state spending on higher education” means. Does it include grants like Bright Futures? Does it include capital expenditures such as PECO? Does it include subsidies paid to students attending private colleges? Does it include
reparationsappropriations to private HBCUs? I should have been more precise in my definitions, but “state spending on higher education” can be defined in many different ways and you didn’t link to a source so I don’t know which one you are using.No one criticizes dumb debt more than me, but your case (and figures) and mine were similar, and I’ll defend my decision this far:
1/ I got top degrees with rates of return and a general stability and flexibility few others have
2/ I was low risk: proven academic and healthy enough to pay things off the hard way if it didn’t work out
For others, the sad situation, dumb debt aside, is that a bachelors is the baseline admission to the clerical class in the way that a high school diploma once was; I can’t trust that you can read and add without it anymore. That many people find the rewards of the clerical class to be less than their parents’ prospects as mere laborers is an outcome that the American markets have decided: don’t go into a line of work if you don’t like the pay grade there.
I fully agree. I was a hard worker inside and outside of school. My failure to graduate would not ruin me. I would find something and do something to pay my loans off.
Getting a degree to do clerical work is silly to me. Attitude, hard work, and previous work experience should be enough to get in the door. A degree in literature was fine if you were going to work at dad’s firm or marry a guy from college. Now that everyone thinks that they need to go to college the same degrees have a huge opportunity cost.
I believe in caveat emptor, but…
Student loans must be dis-chargeable
Federal loan guarantees must go away
Education is a product like anything else, certainly no more necessary than food, water, health care, or housing. The free market should be setting the price of it in accordance with its actual worth.
I completely agree. From my standpoint, one of the most frustrating things about being in a public college is that we have zero ability to set our own tuition rates. Classes are clogged in the middle of the day, but we aren’t allowed to offer peak pricing rates or discount to motivate students to sign up for classes at other times. Every major pays the same tuition rates, regardless of how much instruction costs (this is one reason universities have ballooning social studies areas–it’s cheap and a profit center as opposed to, say, engineering). The state says we should be run like a business, but there aren’t many businesses that cannot set their own prices.
Very good point
Do private universities do this? That’s where it could start. Public institutions of any kind have little imagination and even less reason to innovate.
And as I knew before I even started, the first subject of their sob story deliberately chose an expensive school, voluntarily put herself deed in debt, majored in something with no financial payoff, and finished with a degree from a school known principally for turning out perverts.
What, can’t be that bad.
FTA: When it came time to apply to college, she said her guidance counselors recommended she attend a private college rather than take the full ride that the University of Virginia’s College at Wise offered her.
Yep, we’re back to burn public education to the ground.
Make work great again
For Uber and Lyft drivers, among others, the law would mean a bevy of legal rights and protections, including better pay, benefits and the ability to unionize. As employees, drivers would have some stability and predictability after seeing their earnings decline in what had once been a reasonably lucrative gig.
The law would be a blow to Uber and Lyft at a crucial time for the ride-hailing companies, both of which remain unprofitable. The stocks of both companies are now publicly traded, and investors have shown skepticism about whether they will ever make money. In their mandatory Securities and Exchange filings, each company listed the prospect of being forced to consider drivers as employees as risks to their businesses.
California will save those poor victims from themselves.
“the company I drive for has never made a profit. Maybe I should make myself a bigger liability to the company!”
The stupidity of wearing out a car so that your employer doesn’t have to pay for it amazes me. The link isn’t obvious to the labor.
But the same stupid game has worked in trucking for thirty years.
Again, again: bad ideas are masked with credit; few people can see (feel and understand) something’s true cost unless they are counting out C-notes on the barrel head up front.
So much this.
I’m willing to bet that there ARE ways to to economically drive for Lyft and Uber, but it likely requires financial skills that most drivers don’t have.
For example, I saw a video by someone who is self employed and drives for both services. Whenever he is out running errands or driving with no schedule he signs onto the services. He also runs the “black” version so only folks who want a premium ride can hail him. As a result all of his mileage is a business expense. He almost never gets a call, but if he does he also gets the premium rate so it makes up for the lost time and the trip.
*starts preparing to short Uber and Lyft*
Welcome to the fish bowl.
I’m having trouble generating much of anything when people willingly pay Amazon, Google and Apple for spy devices in their homes.
Instead of trying to ban these devices, how about more products like this?
I can’t keep up this morning. Trying to keep from burning the hash browns. Omelet I perfect, bacon done…
I am still waiting to hear what we should do about tens of thousands of ‘migrants’ streaming across our border.
It’s strange because I keep waiting for Reason to offer a solution other than Orange Man Bad and open borders is good y’all.
Their position strikes me as immature. Their articles on the subject reads like something out of high school.
Nobody said a goddamned word when every president in modern history put travel bans on almost the exact same countries. We had a problem and most people agreed with the bans. Trump does the exact same thing and they all lit their hair on fire and started screaming.
Who do they think they are kidding? They don’t give a damn about Syria or Iraq. It is about Trump, plain and simple. He said he was going to drain the swamp and the slimy swamp critters and in a panic. Anything he does or says is bad even if it is the same thing they did yesterday. They are lying slimy shits.
The fact is that we have a problem. I am waiting for someone honest to offer a genuine solution.
Since before Trump was anything on the political scene, Reason follows the MSM’s lead. The idea of doing their own reporting is, outside of a few niche areas, anathema to them. “Too local” is just the icing on the shit sundae that was their general refusal to step outside the mainstream comfort zone.
“Their position strikes me as immature. Their articles on the subject reads like something out of high school.”
This is my main problem with Reason; in days gone by, I always thought their articles and positions on issues were thoughtful and nuanced. Ever since they hired all the yoots and started trying to kiss Millennial ass, their positions have become facile and unserious.
Immigration is probably the most obvious; I simply can’t see how *anyone* could argue for the status quo. Even someone who’s rabidly pro-immigration can see the current situation is unsustainable and dangerous, both to the immigrants and to the communities forced to try and ingest them. Ending the WoD would actually do quite a bit to rectify at least part of the issue, but that’s hardly ever discussed. A pro-immigration stance that I think actually makes sense is the “tall fence, wide gate” solution. Let in as many people as you like, but there should be some kind of at least minimal vetting/control, if only a medical exam. Reformation of the welfare state would also go a long way as far as adjusting the incentives for the immigrants. If you read the specifics of Trump’s plan, it actually incorporates many of these ideas and it’s far from the isolationist, nativist, “NO MOOR IMUHGRUNTZ” horseshit that it’s portrayed as.
Unfortunately, Reason seems to have fallen into the “Trump’s for it, therefore we’re against it” camp.
Don’t worry, as soon as the R’s have the house, senate and Oval Office they will get right on it.
*face turns red, smoke begins coming out of ears*
ENB is the worst offender of that tactic in my view.
Plus she has taken to calling conservatives ‘snowflakes’ in a very disingenuous manner.
Conservative: They’re debanking us!
ENB: Snowflakes!
Joe Rogan had an interview with Ed Calderon (a former Mexican cop) that was pretty interesting. One of the things Ed mentioned is that when this first started, he predicted the caravan would first go to Tijuana. This was because when they were in Southern Mexico, they picked up a lot of gang members who would have to walk through Zetas (? – whatevs, a rival gang) territory if they went East.
And know thanks to idiot leftists, those gang members are here. Joy.
I read that as hash brownies and thought, what’s up with Suthen?
Party at his house!
how to stand out from the other gun grabbers
Hickenlooper’s presidential campaign had previewed the remarks hours before he spoke. The Coloradan, who was a geologist and a brewer before entering politics, has repeatedly argued for Democrats to embrace and reform capitalism.
He always portrayed himself as a “moderate”, at least when it came to economics. In retrospect, given the current Team Blue attitude toward the economy, I suppose he was. He didn’t incessantly agitate for raising taxes, didn’t try to destroy the oil and gas industry (which accounts for an enormous chunk of CO’s economy) and he made a sincere effort to create a climate in which businesses would actually succeed. Too bad the current shithead elected by shithead voters is going to undo all of that.
And Lickapooper is still a dipshit on pretty much every other issue.
Stuff Wisconsinites Say in Summer
“You guys want bloodies, er no?”
“‘One thing you see around the world is liberty cannot survive in a system where people hate each other and where there is no virtue,’ he continued. ‘You can’t have a system like that.'”
I agree with this, and I respect him not being a TEAM player; but is impeaching Trump going to accomplish this? Team Blue (not all, but a good portion) is comprised of hateful, unvirtuous people. I’m definitely not implying that Team Blue is solely responsible for the current political predicament, but I will say that the hate-filled, nonstop agitation and destabilization campaign they are engaged in is a textbook Alinsky/revolutionary tactic. I credit them with at least 80% of the shitshow, and impeaching Trump isn’t going to solve it, it’s going to make it worse.
62 million Americans voted for the guy. He’d get impeach over nothing really, I’d be pissed as a voter.
Why? You think your vote means something?
*belly laugh*
The Democrats’ conduct during the Kavanaugh hearings gave me everything I need to know about how they intend to govern in the future. Everything is in service to their political goals, everything. Individual rights, the rule of law, and the truth are meaningless impediments to them.
Add to that a politically inspired investigation of a presidential campaign and aggressive attempt to cover it up and I’m not terribly concerned if Trump is bombastic and coarse. So far, his misdeeds haven’t exceeded anything that hasn’t gone before him and don’t even approach the institutional rot represented by Obama and Clinton.
Do I wish we have President Paul? Sure. But Trump is far better than any alternative the Dems are throwing up.
Amash wants us to die on principle here while the opposition burns down the whole show.
Now try to imagine if Trump started playing by their rules. Wanna see an iron fisted dictatorship? That is how you get one.
They don’t want us disarmed for no reason.
They’re progectionists through and through. Antifa, SPLC, and the rest are damned lucky there isn’t right wing violence anywhere near on the scale they try to make it. Organized paramilitary groups like in Ireland or Central America would be stacking bodies like cordwood. These people running around twitter gleefully smirking about doxxing people or giving aid and comfort? Enjoy getting capped picking up your soy latte or an Amazon delivery of plastic explosives that you didn’t order.
The Amazon ploy would work like gangbusters too, you think that type keeps track of what’s-arriving-when?
Enh, bring it on. Impeachment means Trump goes nuclear and the country can no longer pretend the spying stuff never happened.
Climate Barbie (aka as Catherine McKenna) let’s out what we all know already. If you shout and lie enough, people will believe.
I’m telling you, worst Canadian government in my lifetime; and likely of all time.
You just have to watch them in Parliament to see her words play out. They answer ZERO questions. All they do is deflect, blame Harper (seriously they still do that), shout and point aggressively, and lie out of their asses to levels I’ve never seen.
Truly a loathsome bunch. They’re all for banning ‘hate speech’ but that’s all they do is attack people through their ideological stances. To me, that’s hate speech. Hate them with a passion.
And they’re terrible at it. They’re remedial public speakers, have no humour and no charm. Just a bunch of nagging scolding half-wits.
So, a fool, but an honest fool he remains?
I appreciate his principle of never questioning a NYT narrative. Anyone who ever believed in fever dreams is…not a smart person.
Bernie should be thrilled to learn that MLB won’t be paying players billions for much longer
One theory is that baseball is losing its true fans, the ones who appreciate the game and how it unfolds over nine innings. They’re increasingly frustrated watching a game that features little strategy, lots of time consuming pitching changes, and more strikeouts than hits.
Well, while that’s probably true, he’s describing the AL game more than the NL; both are falling apart so far as I know. The answer is a smaller league and smaller investments, but they won’t go that way; any number of changes that ruin the intellectual appreciation of the old game will come first, driving off the traditional fan in favor of demographics who, ultimately, won’t save the sport anyway. As with most things American, it’s a race to the bottom.
* returns to carding out CHC@STL on DVR from two days ago *
Nobody needs nine innings.
I laughed
I blame the DH. Everything wrong with baseball is because of the DH.
I’m on record: staunch NL guy. There are tons on the other side, and I catch grief here: who wants to watch pitchers hit?!1!
I do: I’ve already gone to three MLB games this year. I card out over 100 games a year. I’m the last guy footing the bill and caring.
But they will destroy the game for the hopes of attracting another demographic.
The correct answer is downsizing, but they’re stuck with their huge stadia and salaries for now.
Dan Schatzeder could hit. Well, for a pitcher:
I’m in favor of pitchers having to go to the plate and face getting beamed like they just did to the guy who homered off of him his previous at bat.
IIRC, The Braves had a starting rotation average over .250 a few years in the nineties.
Never liked the AL.
/spits on the ground.
The most important thing nowadays is to get on Sports Center Top Plays. (If that’s still a thing – maybe ESPN actually killed sports…) The highlight.
A well-played game or savvy strategy – hit and run, run the ball all day and wear your opponent down – don’t matter anymore. The kids just want to see big hits that knock the tight red’s helmet off, bat flips watching a .231 hitter admire his 400-ft dinger, and crotch-shot facials no matter who wins.
They all just want that big humiliating single act as if the whole world’s a cipher and one gotcha line makes you the man.
That’s great if you’re the hack golfer and, after back-to-back snowman, you hit a lob wedge for a 2-ft putt, and par the 7th hole then brag about it in the club house.
I don’t want to pay $9.75/ beer to watch hacks. But I do, saw my first ever game at Wrigley – Hendricks pitched a gem against the Cards and is rolling now – last month.
*sad O’s fan*
That moment when Eric Swalwell goes full retard:
If he thinks he “owned” that chick, he really is stupider than anyone thinks he is, and that’s saying a lot.
If Trump started calling this guy “low IQ” it would be dead on the money.
Speaking of people who want to disarm you not for your own good….
This was in the replies. LOL
His future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.
Meet the Press is on the case. The guy in Virginia used a SILENCER! He bought those guns legally, so obviously we need to prevent people from legally buying guns.
Also, those victims just wanted to make people’s lives better through public service.
The guy went through a background investigation on the order of obtaining a security clearance and likely waited almost a year to get the suppressor. If that isn’t proof that background checks are utter bullshit I don’t know what is.
Feature, not a bug, to gun grabbers. This is what they’ve been waiting for. Background checks don’t work. Law abiding gun owners are just as dangerous as criminals using guns. No one (except for the connected and their security forces) should have guns. Everything is a one way ratchet to these people. There is no reasoning or bargaining with them, other than to concede more ground.
Maybe we should keep a closer eye on people who brush their teeth at work.
I always did. Those people are weirdoes.
Pretty much all of Costa Rica brushes their teeth after lunch break.
But they seem nice.
We have a huge expat population here, and that seems to be normal behavior in Taiwan and Singapore.
Her best (dumbest) tweet yet?
Jeez, she and Swallowwell are in a contest to see who has the most extra chromosomes.
She’s even responding to a Jessica Valenti tweet to double up the stupid.
Air conditioning is misogyny
Now there’s evidence that women have had good reason all along to complain about arctic office air. A new study indicates that, when the temperature plummets, we really do suffer. Researchers found that women perform better on math and verbal tasks in higher temperatures, while men perform more poorly. But many corporate offices automatically respond to the arrival of the summer months by turning the air conditioning up. There’s an inherent unfairness: The study also found that the negative effects of lowering the indoor temperature are much greater on women than what men experience when it is increased.
Women suffer. It’s what they do.
As it turns out, corporate climactic conditions are designed to ensure the comfort of a person who is male, 40 years old and 154 pounds.
I’ve never seen this guy around the office.
Every. Single. Office I’ve ever worked in has two settings: blast furnace or meat locker. I’m accustomed to bringing in a sweatshirt during the summer. If you’re too fragile to handle that, perhaps you shouldn’t be in the workforce.
Do they even peer review research any more? Or do they just throw out whatever meets their agenda… Wait they probably are peer reviewed, problem is their peers have the same agenda.
So, near as I can tell, the way these modern feminists propose to disprove the stereotypes the patriarchy has about women is to bitch and whine about anything and everything they can. Bold strategy, Cotton.
…usually unintentionally confirming said stereotypes in the process.
Beat me to it.
They nag in other words.
We are looking at a crowd that can’t tell a man from a woman. Other facts that escape them: A rock is a rock, a tree is a tree, up is up, the sky is blue and water…surprisingly…is wet.
At this point there is no stupid that comes out of their mouth that would surprise me.
“We are looking at a crowd that can’t tell a man from a woman. Other facts that escape them: A rock is a rock, a tree is a tree, up is up, the sky is blue and water…surprisingly…is wet.”
C’mon, you’re making that up, right?
Went out and shot the Mini-14 yesterday and damned if that gun isn’t superior to an AR in almost every measure. The *only* complaint I have about it is the rock-in magazine configuration. If they changed it to a straight in mag-well, it would just about be the perfect mid-caliber rifle.
Q nails it again. The only reason the Mini-14 wasn’t adopted by the military over the crappy, unreliable M-16 is because the Mini doesn’t have an easily changeable barrel in the field. That and the mag problem you mention seem easy to fix. Ruger managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory.
Oh, and it isn’t a mid-caliber. It is a 22. That makes it small caliber.
You have the collapsible stock on it? I like the look of that variant. Reminds me of the M1-Carbine.
Just the OEM wood stock. I like the look of it that way.
There is a used mini-30 on the wall of the LGS. I have resisted.
Based on my personal experience, I recommend continued resistance.
Having other demands on my gun budget is helping immensely.
Keep resisting. the 7.65 x 39 has limited range. The 223 is the better caliber.
Slightly relevant: Son-in-law Alpha and I went to the big Tanner Gun Show here in Denver yesterday. As usual it was 80-85% Tacticool stuff which doesn’t really blow up my skirts, but I was very tempted by a really nice old Colt Lightning, .38 Long Colt, made in 1881.
It was in great shape, action and cylinder tight, timing looked good, maybe 80% original finish intact. Guy wanted $1100 for it, which isn’t bad. I just couldn’t make up my mind if I wanted it that bad, and when I can’t make up my mind, I wave off.
Still though. Damn thing was nice.
I am being roped in to Cowboy Shooting and Wild Bunch.
Wild Bunch will be a hell of a lot cheaper to get into, but the focus at the club is Cowboy.
As an owner of two Mini-14s I have a different opinion. First one was a 180 series, bolt failure. Right hand lug broke off while shooting. Friends 181 series, bolt disassembled itself while shooting. Extractor broke and ejector and firing pin came out.
20 years later, and I have a bunch of extended mags with no gun. They have to be better now right? So I buy a 583 series, failure to extract about every 5 rounds. New extractor, now only failure to extract every 20 rounds.
I like them for the compact design, but I’ll take my Inland M1 carbine over it any day.
A lot of these tweets rest on “well I got into a great school, what was I supposed to do?”
Not go? Choose a school you can afford? You don’t get a pass on math because of where you were accepted.
“I had to prove that poor students could also excel.”
Prove to who exactly?
Your thinking is all wrong.
And to prove that you’re wasting $300/mo.
How is this, for the love God, society’s problem?
Notice how he puts in ‘no parents to bail me out’ to probably argue the government should.
So, he’s 72 K in, gonna take him a long time to make that up, plus the time element of that 72K and still has more to go. Somehow he can make the monthly payments. Investing that $300 a month would have put him well on the way to retirement, plus the time lost in the 2 years in school.
Damn, and his answer is “Cancelmydebt” Mine two, partner, if I choose one of the rides Tundra shows us every day.
Reminding me more and more of housing crisis. I bought a house I could afford, a bunch if other people didn’t. Then democrats expected me to subsidize their stupid decisions. Argh!
WTF? Beta wants everybody to be a citizen.
What a vapid imbecile.
He just says whatever he thinks will appease the ultra left.
As in, the whole world?
The New Colonialism! We’ll unilaterally start imposing US law on the entire Globe!
Today’s photos reflect an Arizona summer quite well.
I larfed.
Condensing unit wins again!
Good old evenhanded nonpartisan Chuck Todd- totally not gloating as he reads his the story about how “Republicans” want Trump to be primaried.
I eagerly await the return of good Old Guy Music.
I have arrived in Chaska Minnesota. I left Fargo abnormally early in the morning. Not due to any issues with the city, but the hotel room was vying for “Worst one I’ve actually slept in.” While not the worst I’ve seen, the AC was broken (checking the thermostat multiple times failed to get the room below sweltering), the bathroom was so small it could fit inside a handicapped stall in a Denny’s, and to open or close the door from the inside, you had to retreat into the tiny shower stall. If you had the temerity to need to sit, you’d find yourself in contact with both wall and door on opposite sides. To accomplish this, the sink got displaced outside the bathroom into the main room. The springs were sprung on the bed, leading to absurd sagging mixed with high pressure ridges. And, as I mentioned, the internet cut out at random times.
The hotel in Chaska is nicer on every metric so far.
“Go Bears!”
You shoulda came back to the cabin. We could have had oatmeal out on the deck.
Hope you have the Chaska place for a few days’ recovery from the meet up with the TC boys.
I’m afraid not, I’m moving on to Milwaukee, where I will be for a few days. That one is a wannabe hoity toity place, so it might have decent standards with regards to keeping things in order.
Enjoy Milwaukee and say hello to LaVerne and Shirley. Should be a tour at the Blatz brewery. Good to see you, UCS, and enjoyed your company. Any woodticks are free and no need to thank me.
By the time the issues became apparent, it was too late.
And I’m still hunting psychosomatic wood ticks… My mind just hates me (and small parasitic invertibrates)
Holy shit. My cat/dog got fleas and now stuck with the same thing. I can feel the lil fucker, right there on my arm….while looking directly at nothing causing the sensation. Feel a little better knowing it’s not just me.
Did you see Molly Yeh when you were in Fargo?
How gigs destroyed the world
It’s a great deal for companies like Uber and Google. They set workers’ rates, terms, and working conditions, while at the same time treating them like arms-length contractors.
But for many workers it amounts to wage theft.
Wait, what?
Not getting paid for not working is wage theft?
*TW: Robert Reich/ Guardian
Hard pass
Reich knows zero about the real world. Contract works provides real experience and often leads to full-time employment. It can also provide flexibility to people who need it. Telling a potential employer about exeriance you gained as a contractor at Google is worth something. If you don’t want to do it, you can always be a televangelist if you have no soul.
This push to reclassify gig work as regular employment pisses me the fuck off.
I make money writing articles for sites that work on an Uber-like model. I don’t have the time to commit to a second job, but if I need some extra cash, I can earn it by spending a few evenings writing.
I’m so goddamn sick of being told what’s good for me by rich Lefties with highly paid, easy jobs where they are under no pressure to actually produce results.
Yeah, I missed the part where Uber is going under because nobody wants to work for them.
They *are* arms-length contractors. The drivers use their own vehicles, pay their own expenses, offer services in a location of their choosing, and determine their own working hours and which customers they will provide service for.
Someone decided to cover The Who.
Very cool, Sup Tres!
“why do children need to see these things?”
That may be the best story your child has to tell so far.
This is why you can’t trust the Left – they build up this coalition of diverse groups, but always end up selling some of those groups up the river. They told women they would fight for them. But they did some calculations and concluded that it was more advantageous for them to cater to the transgender crowd, so now women are told to put up and shut up while biological males stomp them in every sport.
Almost the same thing as German Jews being advised by the government to avoid wearing their yarmulkes in certain places due to the threat of violence. All because Merkel wanted to virtue signal and open the country to the most virulent anti-Semites in the world.
But they did some calculations
*humorously doubtful expression*
The solution:
Whatever national rule eventually emerges for defining gig workers, they’ll need a different system of social insurance than was the case when steady full-time employment was the norm.
For example, they need income insurance rather than unemployment insurance. One model: If someone’s monthly income dips below their average monthly income from all jobs over the preceding five years, they automatically receive half the difference for up to a year.
They’ll also need a guaranteed minimum basic income – a subsistence-level cushion against earnings downturns. And universal health insurance and more generous social security, to make up for the unpredictability of work.
All of this should be financed by higher corporate taxes, ideally in proportion to a corporation’s use of gig workers.
Gig work is making capitalism harsher. Unless government defines legitimate gig work more narrowly and provides stronger safety nets for gig workers, gig capitalism cannot endure.
Sounds legit. I foresee no problems down the road.
“$760 million fortune”
Sometimes, it pays to be a psychopath.
I have literally never heard of this school, despite living in the area for all of my adult life & my wife working in higher ed.
Nice quoting.
Not my best work.
“defends using THREE private jets”
I assume they’re not all flying at the same time, unless he carries that much support staff?