This just never gets old.


So, it’s Saturday. Definitely been a week. We went up to the cabin, so that I could finally mow the two foot tall lawn. Yeah, the lawn mower committed seppuku about 10% into the job. Now I have to buy another one and hall it up there. I’m on a four day mowing cycle at home, and I got all the shrubs pruned for summer. The garden is all in and cruising along nicely.

As for the rock we call home? We could really benefit from Yellowstone going all Krakatoa right about now.


Something, something, birthdays, something.


Archbishop dons Holy Hard Hat of Notre Dame.


Seriously, what could go wrong?


Online hookups? Totes okay.


Hong Kong leader brinks.


I’m sure she’s just a lovely girl.


Head on the desk, Darwin moment. Seriously, you can’t trust the minibar in your hotel, but “hey, can you do something about these love handles?”.


A tune and off into the booze soaked evening.