So, it’s Saturday. Definitely been a week. We went up to the cabin, so that I could finally mow the two foot tall lawn. Yeah, the lawn mower committed seppuku about 10% into the job. Now I have to buy another one and hall it up there. I’m on a four day mowing cycle at home, and I got all the shrubs pruned for summer. The garden is all in and cruising along nicely.
As for the rock we call home? We could really benefit from Yellowstone going all Krakatoa right about now.
Something, something, birthdays, something.
Archbishop dons Holy Hard Hat of Notre Dame.
Seriously, what could go wrong?
Online hookups? Totes okay.
Hong Kong leader brinks.
I’m sure she’s just a lovely girl.
Head on the desk, Darwin moment. Seriously, you can’t trust the minibar in your hotel, but “hey, can you do something about these love handles?”.
A tune and off into the booze soaked evening.
Well King Arthur has the Holy Hand Grenade so it makes sense the French have a Holy Helmet.
About to enjoy spicy poke and a South Side for lunch.
I took some chopped jerk chicken and threw it, and some fresh mozzarella, on top of some leftover pizza and fired it until the cheese got all bubbly. Paired with a pleasantly malty Gulden Draak it’s better than I thought it was going to be.
I like the Gulden Draak.
I’m sitting at a bar with a plate of osso bucco ravioli in front of me.
Draak is a sipping beer. Almost like eating ice cream.
“spicy poke”
Is that when you bang a Latina?
And a South side is a left handed hand job.
The DR tourism situation is in really bad shape. It looks like there are multiple employees at the hotels trying to poison guests.
My guess: the people responsible are going to be on the receiving end of some extra-judicial punishment.
Extra judicial….?
The judge punishes them extra?
It means that the judge is extra fair.
Good question. Do you parade them before the cameras and convict them before they disappear to show the government has control of the situation, or so you just make the problem go away?
This is all pretty fresh news, so there’s no data on how much damage this has done to the tourism industry, but it’s going to be bad. Hundreds, if not thousands, will lose their jobs. They’re going to be pretty pissed.
Poisoning people with pesticides because they don’t want to buy shitty timeshares??? That’s fucking crazy and evil. Break out the torches and pitchforks! They’ll be lucky if the police get to them first.
Yeah, that’s their entire economy. Do they want to be like like their neighbor?
It could be one person. The first half were in the same town, and the ones in the other town were in the same brand hotel as the first death.
Where’s Hercule Poirot when you need him?
Visiting Father Brown for some tips on real sleuthing.
Damn straight.
Just one more question, please? Why did you not choose Columbo?
I’m up way past my
pass outbed time.Good night, you glorious bastards.
How the fuck did this get here? *sigh*
Best to just fade out without some faggy “good night”.
“the Dominican Republic – one of the top Caribbean destinations for U.S. travelers”
I suspect this may change.
I used to know this couple that went there every year because it was cheap. He would say that you tip really well from day one and they would treat you like royalty. Guess some folks didn’t get the memo.
Played golf at “Teeth of the Dog” some years ago. We were told the caddy (one for 4 of us!) got $5 per bag. He could have died when we each handed him $20 at the end of the round. Next day, we asked for him again. “His brother says he not come in, spent big bucks getting drunk last night.” Missed out on another $80 extra, but why try to climb out of poverty when you can be drunk and lazy?
Organophosphate poisoning is an awful way to die.
You’re much better off getting beheaded in Cancun.
At this point I think I just stay north of the Rio Grande. Maybe north of the Mason-Dixon. ?
Are you saying that Florida isn….
Oh, yeah.
That seems to work out good for me…
“‘Dragon girl’ with tongue split in half reveals new FANGS and 130 tattoos”
Probably still would
*tries to avoid judging AJB*
Dude, I’ve looked up worst porn than that.
Just stick your dick in a wood chipper, it’s probably safer.
Death penalty.
Dude. Not cool.
That’s why the death penalty should never be removed from the table.
“Capital punishment is a long unused form of punishment in Brazil. Its last recorded use was in 1876. Although virtually abolished, it is still possible during wartime, according to the Article 5, XLVII, “a”, of the Federal Constitution. Brazil is the most populous country in the world that does not retain the death penalty in practice (Mexico is the most populous to have abolished it entirely).
Brazil’s current president Jair Bolsonaro supports the revival of capital punishment for crimes such as murder and rape.”
Jair is awesome.
I’m against capital punishment primarily because courts are often wrong.
unless your guilt is obvious and you killed your own son after dismembering him.
I don’t having “guilty” and “obviously guilty” could work.
You guys are misspelling “cops are lazy-assed liars.”
Good lord. ?
I can’t stop laughing at that Beto gif.
It always looks fake to me.
Wait, that’s who that is?!
I doubt that’s him but it’s still a fine piece of video.
If you were to combine Justin Trudeau and Jeb Bush….
Ashton Birdie — crazy worth sticking.
Nice little tatas, but that voice.
Watch some Lexi Belle videos, then it won’t bother you.
Just got a look at Friday’s links. Blasphemy! Zardoz is a real God. Hail Zardoz!
Grocery had prime ribeyes in stock today. All mine as wifey prefers tenderloin. Now what to drink? Choices choices…
Black Manhattan.
Ooh, I had to look that up. Looks lovely
Another liqueur added to my shopping list.
I’m sure I’m SOL in Ohio
Not so Almighty now, are you!
Looks like Campari bought them so look next to the Campari. Your liquor stores are way better than mine so I bet you could find it.
Yeah, no Campari. Aperol is the closest thing I can get.
Campari owns Aperol now too.
Since Campari was the only one I’d heard of before I started my adventures in cocktailing a few months ago, I figured it was probably available everywhere. Oh well.
Nope. It’s available. The Ohio liquor control board has a surprisingly useful site that lets you search for items nearby. The in stock notifications aren’t always the best, but at least you can see if it’s standard, special order, or hard to find.
Thanks Neph!
A tasty cocktail.
Only had it once. Steakhouse at a hotel. Perfect ribeye cocktail.
“Archbishop dons Holy Hard Hat of Notre Dame.”
Pussies, if God approves he won’t make the church fall on you.
That’s why they wore hardhats.
I agree. /Catholic
Robby in the wild alert.
To be sure, some good stuff – but I disagree with his conclusion. Nobody on the left is going to stay home rather than pull the lever for Biden or Harris. He makes the mistake of believing that they, like normal people, have principles.
*Starts loading AK mags*
I actually partially agree with his analysis. Trump really didn’t do much better than Mitt Romney did. The difference that elected him was that Clinton just didn’t turn out voters. All the reporting prior to the election showed Hillary winning easily, so many disaffected democrats didn’t go to the polls as they were angry, justifiably, over the exclusion of Bernie Sanders.
The difference this time around is that Trump isn’t going to sneak up on anyone. Democrats that last time would have stayed away in protest will cast a ballot for their candidate just to try to get Trump out of office.
I think Trump is being underestimated again though. The democratic candidate will likely be bloodied in the primary. They likely will have to run far left to pick up the nomination in the hope they can tack to the center enough to capture swing votes. I don’t think it’ll work, especially if Trump continues to enjoy economic good times and hasn’t started any wars. It’s not like the public hasn’t noticed the crazy leftist swing of the democratic party. Further, I’m not sure the dems have any candidate that really will inspire people the way Bill Clinton or Obama did. Biden is about as milquetoast as they come. He’s looking good now running as Obama 2.0, but we will see what happens once the debates start.
The debates might pull the nominee so far to the left that they’ll have trouble recovering in time for the general.
And the hard lefty shit will scare the normies. Which is why I’m not currently worried.
See also, Fox’s high ratings.
Fox has been moving left though. They have a bunch of opinion shows that are preaching to the choir, but their regular news coverage isn’t decidedly pro Trump. While all the other networks are blatantly anti-Trump. Plus they aren’t going to give him all this free media like they did during primaries because they thought he was the Republican most likely to lose.
What’s his names kids took over and wanted them to change their coverage inn the U.S. to acquire some other group.
They didn’t go full prog yet, but they will.
And the u.k.**
I’d argue that they were never that conservative. They started as right leaning moderate. The other media outlets were just so in the bag for the left that it made them seem more conservative. I’d argue right now they are left leaning moderate, not including the editorial shows.
Call me a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, but I think Murdoch’s kids are taking it left. And they are taking it left as slowly as possible, hoping the rubes don’t notice. Then, in a few more years, we’ll be back to an all left-wing media like the good old days.
*Adjust tin foil*
Actually, I don’t think that’s crazy at all. They’re going to try to make everyone like my dad a leftist. I think they’ll fail, I hope they do, because I don’t want to see a world where it’s all like new York.
Fox New is in the skin it stage of left takeover. Even if Ailes was still alive, the knives were out to get rid of him.
I also suspect that many of the people who voted for Johnson in 2016 will revert to Trump because of the economy, no major new wars, and Neil Gorsuch, and to keep whichever Team Blue lunatic winds up with the nomination out of office.
I didn’t vote last cycle, but I’m very tempted to vote for the clown I know over the lunatic I don’t know.
Well I don’t want to vote for Trump but the Democrats are doing everything they can to convince me to.
I think there’s definitely a chance of that. I’d think the Libertarian party would seize an opportunity to capture both disaffected republicans and democrats, but that’s a fool’s dream. They had the perfect chance in 2016 and blew it in a spectacular manner. I don’t see any compelling candidate coming up in 2020 either.
Trump will probably pull a lot of former libertarian voters and will probably gain a decent amount of voters who are repelled by the democrats and who like the status quo. I don’t see him losing, but there’s a lot of time left.
This basically describes me.
Not that it’ll matter. Trump will likely win North Dakota by 20+% again.
*raises hand*
Not that my vote matters. .. I just want to see some more meme magic.
Not me. Unless he does something amazing like withdrawing our troops from a dozen or so wars or disbanding Homeland Security, I can’t see why in the world I’d vote for him. If Team L gives me a Bob Barr choice like they did a few years back, I’ll just stay home. If they run someone even vaguely OK, I’ll vote L.
Yes Gorsuch, but then Kavanaugh, who looks like every other Team Red appointee (cough, cough, Roberts, cough).
Re: Justices: I understand why you feel that way, I really do. But, the left won’t nominate a Kavanaugh. They’ll nominate someone oven worse. Kavanaugh and Roberts don’t want to rock the boat too much either way. Left wing justices do, and they want to rock it further away from freedom.
I don’t have a good answer to that, because I don’t want to reward republicans, but I have a much more immediate fear of what democrats will do right now.
Fuxking Roberts man. Maybe he’ll have another stroke and die.
By the end of his term he was popular, but Clinton only got like 40% of the vote first time atound, right?
43% in a three-way race. Bush got 38% and Perot 19%.
“It’s not like the public hasn’t noticed the crazy leftist swing of the democratic party.”
Most of them haven’t because the MSM doesn’t report it.
Clinton got about 60K fewer votes than Obama in 2012. Trump got about 2M more than Romney in 2012.
I was speaking more based on percentage of the vote. Trump got more total votes than Romney, but Romney had a greater percentage of the total vote as there were about seven million more voters in 2016 than in 2012. Similarly, Clinton’s slightly smaller total vote number doesn’t look like much, but given the considerably larger total number of voters, she did very poorly.
Plenty of people stayed home and didn’t vote for Hillary. It’s not like Biden is exciting and new.
Fair enough. The left seems even more fired-up this time around, though.
They are, but the left doesn’t win elections, the middle does. Biden appeals more to the middle than the left. So it’s possible more of the left will stay home, and people who always vote but aren’t that into politics might be more likely to vote for him.
Pulling numbers out of my ass, I’d say 20% are fired-up left, 20% are hail Trump, and the remaining 60% lean one way or another, but aren’t reliable.
Things are way more polarized now than in 1984 when Reagan won 49 states, but the extreme ends don’t matter.
The left is fired up, but they are so over the top that I think they’ll repel the average voter. Sure, die hard democrats are going to vote for whomever the party nominates, but the loudest voices in the democratic party are screeching such nonsense it’s going to be hard to win over the middle.
Look, the House is now opening hearings on slavery reparations. I’m convinced this is a desperate attempt to secure strong black voter turnout in 2020 which they lost in 2016. Unfortunately for them, reparations are not a winning issue with the majority of the country. I’m not sure they’ll even win over black voters, either, because I’m pretty sure those voters are smart enough to realize they’re getting played. I believe this venture to be a very poor calculation on the part of the democrats, especially long term because they’re never going to get reparations passed.
They hitched their wagon to the Russia conspiracy and that has failed to gain traction after the Mueller report ended up being a dud. The obstruction of justice charge isn’t going anywhere either. They’ve been screeching racism, sexism, and whatever else ever since prior to 2016 and it isn’t working. Trump’s polling popularity has been increasing despite all this noise. I don’t see any new strategy that won’t prove intolerable to their base.
Thing is, I have a hard time believing that the intersectional brown shirts represent the majority of that age group. They’re just the loud, obnoxious bullies of the group. Hopefully, the rest will be ready to fight back politically when the time comes.
I’d say it’s 30-70. /millennial
Lots of psychos, but most people are actually normal.
It’s also highly culturally and geographically dependent. Single 29 year old girl in LA? Likely an intersectional loon. Married 30 year old with 2 kids in Des Moines? Likely a proud boys sympathizer.
I would agree. I’m in a weird part of new York and it’s 50-50, but a lot puff people are afraid to say anything also.
Maybe, but now she’s too busy with the kids and won’t hear from anyone like the Proud Boys on Facebook because they’ve been purged.
“Hong Kong leader brinks.”
Whenever I read this sort of thing out reminds me of an ex’s uncle who is a firefighter in HK. incidentally their last name is Lam.
I should have mentioned this earlier, in Pittsburgh until Wednesday if anyone wants to grab a beer.
Mike’s really does have 500 beers. Awesome place just steps from the hotel.
Holy Hard Hat of Notre Dame.
That is a bump helmet. I am not sure what that is supposed to protect from, but anyways, everybody knows the Catholics wear hoods.
I’m going to drink this evening. No idea what, but I’m going to drink.
There’s some glyphosate in the minibar.
Roundup the gang. It’s a party!
Dibs on the house.
Let’s go hardcore so we can weed out the lightweights!
The culture here is poisonous.
Herb aside, it’s all swill.
The comments here are toxic.
I feel inspired. So say we all.
We did the early, old people dinner. Primarily because I wasn’t interested in cooking after a day of yard work. I had an “Italian Mojito”, which has Limoncello in addition to lime juice.
I’m in early on whiskey with a small splash of water.
Stone Enjoy By 7/4/19.
9.4% ABV, so just having the first beer now. I have some adulting to do, and can’t be a hot mess.
That whole adulting thing really cuts into drinking time.
Can’t wait until i retire so i can drink full time like before I had I real job.
Just finished second Mule Named Barb, having a couple light American lagers waiting for the Twins game to start. Bulleit Rye will likely make an appearance later.
““Italian Mojito”, which has Limoncello in addition to lime juice.”
That sounds really good.
It was tasty. Needed a little more spritz.
I usually do my mojitos with Sprite zero instead of simple syrup and soda. Works pretty good.
That’s why we have a SodaStream, the carbonation of Palestinian oppression.
“The bubbles tickle my hook nose!”
Bravo MikeS!
Yeah, I meant to contribute a hearty LOL too.
I make my Electric Lemonade in “bulk”, about four or five drinks’ worth at a time. It keeps because of the alcohol.
4 or 5 drinks is “bulk”?
They’re doubles (they each have 4oz of vodka) and I usually only drink on weekends.
I usually only drink
on weekendslike a junior high girl.FIFY
He’s no sconie.
Just remeber you only had two…your first and your last.
Probably posted already but I like the cut of this girls jib. I only wish she’d gotten around to inditing the idea of public education at large.
You missed the morning links I see.
People don’t read the links.
You must be new around here…
Well, he says he comes here for the comments.
Fuck off, Tulpa!!!11!!!
So many tuplas so little time. Sick of all these tuplas stinking up the place.
SP’s server clean-up got all the Tulpas moving about.
We’re so lousy with Tulpas that I think we should send them all to the DR for a little vacay.
True story. Like stirring up settled dirty water.
Laced with ebola.
Yep, too busy for much Glibing this weekend.
So, the Lebrons gave away everyone but the equipment manager to land Davis. I guess they’re hoping to sign a bunch of desperate veterans on minimum deals. Or they’ll re-up last year’s desperate vets.
Alex Jones offers $1M reward as FBI investigates child pornography planted on his Infowars server
I’d ask for the money first before coughing up the information.
What a shitshow.
Probably someone at YouTube.
We can only hope it’s someone associated with big tech.
Then they’ll ban anyone who talks about it.
Reading the article I am either concerned or unsure.
Was the FBI crawling InfoWars emails and suspected the child porn or did InfoWars request the FBI to crawl its emails.
If the previous, the FBI is digging through InfoWars email via backdoor?
Ive haf too many beers
To be fair, one beer is one too many.
*throws rotting vegetables in Ted’s direction*
*joins in*
For Keto?
You’d be right.
I saw someone mention golden draak, this bar has the regular and the 9000, which is a quadruple, is either worth trying?
Damn, you guys are helpful.
If you like Belgians, they’re both worth trying.
Thanks potato man, will do.
/per diem, your tax dollars at work!
Only had the “regular”. Was unaware there was another version.
I would give the regular 9/10, Werth.
Signed up on Gab just to throw a little support to an alternative to Twitter. Same for Bitchute. Wanna see alt tech at least make life a little more difficult for the censorship assholes in silicon valley. Oh, boy. Didn’t spend much time on it, but every post I looked at on Gab had at least one (((interesting))) comment. Bitchute was a bit better, but still more (((edgy))) than I prefer. I still wish these alt tech sites luck, but I felt dirty even simply looking at them. *Sigh*
Don’t be a (((pussy)))
Are you saying straff looks more like Mila Kunis or Natalie Portman?
Asking for a friend.
Mila Kunis (((would)))
If the anti-semites were funnier, I would at least enjoy wallowing in the mud.
When your whole thing is hating the people who basically invented comedy, well….
And that is why they invented comedy in the first place? Circle of life.
Well the first youtube prank video was:
God: “Kill your son”
Abraham: “Err…ok”
Issac: “What the fuck?”
Abraham: “Sorry, son.”
God: “It’s just a prank, bro!“
God needs to be deplatformed.
But is there grass on the field? I would guess so in Japan.
Wondering how many of the anti-semites are real people.
Yep. It would be so easy to discredit the site. Whaddayagonnado?
Hundreds of millions of them?
Yea, it’s a sad dilemma – nobody really has any reason to join Gab unless they’ve been banned from some other platform, and you’re liable to get a large portion of actual, no-shit Nazis (which only serves to further scare off normies).
If all your friends are on Facebook, and you visit Gab and see nothing but anti-Semitism, you’re probably just going to go back to Facebook.
The issue is that more normies need to sign up and crowd out the Nazis, but the presence of the Nazis makes it unappealing for normies. Quite the conundrum.
I’m comfortable with having neither in my life.
“Heidi Klum leaves little to the imagination as she goes topless while brushing her teeth in a raunchy social media clip”
I’ve had enough of these. I don’t need to see supermodels clipping their toenails, eating salad, or whatever.
I’d be ok with “supermodels using their vibrator”.
I was with you until you tossed eating salad in there.
Would 11…Oh did I do that on the wrong link?
Eleven of them? Rather Herculean of you, bruh!
Madonna identifies as a slutty pirate.
And yet, I’ve never seen her at a Ren Faire.
I call shenanigans!
Mating with that would be like trying to do a rabid, shaven ,leathery spider monkey that has the strength to tear you limb from limb if you displeased it (which you most certainly would).
Crazy dragon girl is probably dynamite in the sack, assuming you survive the encounter.
I feel like that’s a bad assumption.
Probably not worth finding out.
Too big of a downside.
Not when there are so many spicy Latinas and curvy Indians one could bang instead, with only a small chance out death or dismemberment.
Fangs. Count me out.
You don’t like a good rake?
That’s not a rake, dude. That’s a furrow.
Looks like she wouldn’t care about the line between drama and trauma. And I don’t even care for added drama.
A big wood knot.
Doggy style, Dude. The answer to that is Doggy style. Gives you a few steps head start if you live long enough.
Wife’s last day of Vancomycin.
Wine, cheese, and egg flower soup.
I’m also having some supplemental meat.
She better?
It’s hard to tell. She has to take a pill every 6 hours, even at night. And it makes you feel like shit for about… 6 hours.
I’m optimistic. We’ll know for sure tomorrow.
Yesterday was rough. She had a meeting in the Bay Area. Tried JetSuiteX for the first time. I warned her. So of course the flight home was cancelled, and she was stuck at the airport in Concord with just the pills and a bottle of water. Do NOT take on an empty stomach.
That sucks she’s having a reaction to the Vanco. Vanco didn’t bother me at all whereas Metronidazole KO’ed me. I remember the every 6 hours thing now; having to set an alarm to get up and take it.
Sucks, but hopefully she kicks it for good.
What’s JetSuiteX?
Scheduled FBO operator. Between private plane and airline.
No TSA, better service.
Semi private jet travel. It’s actually cheaper than Southwest for LA to Bay Area, and there’s no TSA. Show up 10 minutes before the flight and board.
The problem is…. they’re not a common carrier. If they cancel your flight, you’re fucked. And they cancel all the time if the flights are only half full.
They’re under no obligation to re-book you or put you on another airline. You get a refund for the cancelled flight, and then you have to go find a flight home somewhere else, paying the last minute fare.
Sorry to hear about Wifey, Friend. I had “beaver fever” (giardosis you cretins) when I was 22. Landed me in the hospital for a week.
“Cretins”?! Why, I learned about it from Ren and St-Oh, right…
Silicone Saturday bringin’ da pain.
Anne Frankenbeans.
A “game changer”.
Writing a legendary memoir of her experiences hiding from Nazis was blasé; she wasn’t really interesting until we discovered that she happened to like both tacos and brats.
Which is pretty astounding. Where would you find a taco in 1940s Germany?
Too bad she didn’t like spätzle.
Well, a memoir is intended for others to read. Anne Frank wrote a diary that she probably never thought millions would gawk over, and in that spirit, I can understand why her dad didn’t want strangers to read the preliminary sexual thoughts of his late, barely pubescent daughter.
The guy touches on that a bit but the whole “I AM QUEER HEAR ME ROAR” schtick isn’t helping. “Queer” == “tedious annoying person I tune out”.
You’re out of the club.
Meh, wouldn’t be the first time.
It’s mid June, it’s 68* with not a cloud in the sky, and I’m on the back porch watching the bats decimate the mosquito population around my house. It’s gonna be hard to move back to TX if/when we decide to do so. Too bad most of the other living considerations say move.
Why TX? Can’t you pretty much write your own ticket as a patent attorney?
Yes, but he specializes in patents for sex toys and other adult novelties. It’s a very regional market. The only RealDoll factory is in California.
I’d look into Amsterdam.
There are only so many places to go if I want to make people O
Hit that music.
Of the surprisingly larger than you would think genre of vocaloid songs about Japan’s ambiguous relationship with its sex trade, I prefer the work of Masa who is both more poetic and artful when approaching the subject.
Or just makes more danceable tunes.
That one is depressing. She doesn’t like humans and wants to vomit at their touch. I suppose some people want a sex doll that hates them.
Japanese klezmer?
If you like the musical genre, I recommend Masa’s more ero guro stuff. He weaves this Lovecraftian mythology throughout a number of his horror-genre songs like the on-going saga of a kitsune and jorogumo who were lovers (yokai yuri!) but the kitsune clan kidnapped the spider woman for some decadent samurai to get off in some snuff performance, so the spiderwoman curses the kitsune clan to reincarnate as flesh-eating demons over and over again into the modern era.
There is also a four song cycle about a cult that operates in a thinly-disguised Dubai that drugs and seduces women to be used in erotic debasement before they are sacrificed to raise a demon, and Nazis and vampires are involved somehow. The song cycle finishes in the future where the cult has successfully formed an authoritarian world government, but is plunged into civil war over science versus mysticism.
Nah. Nowhere maudlin enough to be klezmer-y. It would classify this as straight up swing.
Well, true, not emotionally, but the mix of Eastern European and Middle East scales.
The rhythm is too straight for swing.
Re-listening to the drums, you’re right.
I was vacillating between swing and something like gypsy jazz because of the tonality. Japanese electro-big band-klezmer-horrorcore? Yeah, that’s Masa, the crazy bastard.
Oddly the first time I heard the term “Dutch wife” was actually in Japanese.
Naturally it was “dachii waifu” or some variation of katakana-go.
Even some of Hatsune Miku’s “official cannon” is a bit bleak…
If you get all the historical references in Senbonzakura, holy shit.
That particular song turned me onto Wagakiband.
Oh shit! How could I forget the song about child prostitution! Hold, Release; Rakshasa and Carcasses
HM – I don’t think that one ever showed up on any of my playlists.
That’s definitely bleak…
According to the composer, it’s about that uniquely Japanese form of bullying, ijime, as well as enjo kosai.
Of all the aspects of Japanese culture, you guys spend your time focusing on that one. 住人十色。
Well, if you’re putting me in the mix, 十人十一 色.
Yeah, I’ve always liked the phrase 人生色々.
Wife has basically said the only way she’s moving (cross country) again is if we move back to TX, specifically Dallas or Austin.
I’m also limited in options because I don’t want to go back to a law firm, and 60% of the available in-house jobs I’m qualified for are in silicon Valley. That’s a hard pass for me, 3 months out there was enough.
Any preference on either city, trash?
I’m not particularly interested in Austin. I had my chance to live there and should’ve taken it (law school), but I want to live as far northeast in Texas as possible. That means the northeast suburbs of Dallas (where we used to live) are the main competitor to staying in NoVa.
Well, gitcha ass on up here, boy!
At the very least, I’ll be out there for Thanksgiving, so we’ll have to do a DFW meet up.
Ooohh….meet-space? I was told, specifically, that everyone is a tulpa, and there would be no need to interact with actual people.
Sorry to hear the bag Nazis landed in Nipponland.
What are the bag Nazis?
Olympics ruin everything.
SEIYU has been charging us ¥1 for our bags for about a year. The “My bag” movement has already taken a pretty firm hold, so this new law is only going to screw people who really needed a bag. I use a “My bag” but I mistakenly thought that would mean I get charged less and not that those who don’t would get charged more.
Would? Ids that a guy? Can never tell these days
She is not, according to some… research. Lust away.
Have a spare $2500?
So who’s knifing the Kennedys’ legacy? The recent Chappaquiddick movie and now Oxygen is running a Martha Mosley expose. Can’t believe it’s just a coincidence.
They’re no longer valuable in the new woke era. JFK said horrible, alt-right stuff like not asking what your country can do for you (DUH they can give me free stuff). And he was a toxic white male who liked pussy.
They must be unpersoned.
No one gives a shit about the Boomers’ sacred cattle anymore.
That’s all.
It’s also time to admit that Woodstock was the Fyre Festival before Fyre Festival was a thing.
I’m not so sure. Look at the freakout over Trump’s comparing Melania to Jackie O.
The freakout from which age cohort? I’m guessing the same age cohort of most editors-in-chief in the MSM.
The Twitter freakout, which I assume isn’t all old farts.
There’s also a fair amount of pop culture nostalgia set in the Boomer era, with The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel being the latest example.
Having said that, I’ll be thrilled to see the back if the Boomers.
Hillary. There can be only one!
Well, she seems to be leaving a wake of corpses in a similar quantity.
Destroying the past in order to create a new future doesn’t just mean conservatives. In the new world order, the “Liberal Lion” needs to be diminished. Same reason we found out last week that MLK was a serial philanderer and may have watched a rape happen. Rabid leftist ideology doesn’t have political boundaries.
The way you put it, it doesn’t sound like a bad idea until you think about what new sacred cows they’ll erect.
You said erect.
“Hey, it’s just like destroying Confederate statues! We could really learn something from that guy, who is he?”
-Millenial SJWs
I thought he was a preacher, not a priest.
If he was a priest he would have been the one doing the raping.
So you’re saying rapists usually don’t watch what they are doing? Sounds dangerous. We should regulate that.
I thought that was already widely known.
The woke generation has the ability to be always learning something “new”, which was already widely understood, without really learning anything whatsoever.
Yes, but before that was only his and his wife’s business, now he must be judged and punished by the sjw brown shirts.
I don’t think the 40+ number was known, but then again, this is all unverified and suspiciously timed.
Men are just awful.
OT – Thanks for the Aggrestuko 2 heads up.
I’m about half through it tonight currently taking a break and surfing here.
So far I think I liked season 1 slightly better, but it is still a thumbs up.
That’s too bad. I haven’t gotten around to watching anything more than the intro so far.
I got my Gun Jesus poster, featuring Ian from Forgotten Weapons, so I’m having his preferred French 75 recipe.
2oz of navy strength gin
1/2 oz lemon juice
1/4 oz simple syrup
Champagne (brut)
Mix ingredients over ice, and then strain into a tall glass full of ice. Full with Champagne (~2 1/2 ounces) and garnish with a twist of lemon peel.
Turned out delicious. And very strong.
Hell, by the time I have a good drunk on I’m lucky if I can remember how to open a beer can. How I supposed to remember that?
That’s why you start with this to get that drunk going, then move on to drinking the gin right from the bottle once you’re good and wasted.
I like to start how I end, at least that’s my excuse. (think about that as a sex joke and it’s much funnier)
It’s kind of amazing how fast specialized information bubbles can form. A dude gets noticed by enough people for his geekery such that a major international arms manufacturer buyd into the meme.
And approximately 6 billion people have never and will never hear of him.
God bless modern information distribution.
Stahp. ? ? Don’t Flirt Wit Meh. Do Yhu Not Know What In A➡ RELATIONSHIP⬅ Means.? Frfr.? ? I Am Loyal. ? I Am In Love.? && Nobody Gunna Come Between Us. ? Stop Wit Yhur Thirsty Asses Tryna Hit Me Up On The DL, I Am Commited.✌ ????
No idea. I seem to have misplaced my Woke-Human dictionary.
Haven’t heard of this movie.
I shan’t be seeing it.
I’d rather have a root canal on my balls.
Yeah, I’d rather watch SF’s latest Subaru Horror Theater on the big screen than watch that.
“Mindy Kaling”
And, I’m out.
Trailer is set for innagural groom…though still needs work thanks all who offered advice. After work then the river for some meat and bone chilling water..with lots of beer
I’m watching Forever (prime series) on Amazon. I like it.
*cue The Sandlot clip*
Patriot or GTFO
A R’lyeh architect couldn’t square that circle.
…the fuck?
Excuse me if I don’t take an obvious photoshop at face value. Not that I’d put it past them, but an obvious photoshop (even if done by supporters) doesn’t really add up to much.
I find it interesting that Tweeter considers that image “sensitive material”.
Well, at least I’ll have you guys to keep me entertained while I’m stuck on this change call. Seven hour window, my role in the whole thing is to shut down services on four servers, bring them down, then bring them back up when four other systems get rebooted.
So, the easy part. My job is always the “scramble fixing bugs” part.
Easy. But tedious waiting for a whole bunch of other stuff to get done, just so I can power up machines and make sure they come up stable.
Oh…claiming our labor, are you?
Labor? Nope, just hoping you can help me pass the time while I wait. I’ve powered down the machines I need to (which to this day still makes me nervous that they won’t come back up). Now I’m just on a WebEx waiting.
Well, I understood about half of that post. So, I’m improving.
Turn on the webcam, pretend you’re not aware it’s on and procede to ever more damning acts.
I do like getting a paycheck, so I’ll probably pass on this.
In the modern age that’s how you get a paycheck.
Now would be a good time to break out those Babylon 5 DVDs you ripped for just such an occasion.
Ripped? I’ve got downloads sitting on my external hard drive for some of the rarer shows from back in the day. There was an old site that was dedicated to rescuing shows that weren’t likely to get a DVD release (and if one was released on DVD, they pulled down the links to the shows). But, conference call, so not really able to watch a show or listen to music. Too big of a chance of a missed mute button.
And in case you didn’t see it, there’s even more writing going on about B5:
I… uhhhh…
That story has been floating around the tubez for a while. I just whistled past it because it’s too depressing.
To be fair, if the newspaper’s picture is accurate, the kid does look like an asshole.
Is that you, Reza?
^That’s how you glib.
To be honest, HM’s horrible, glib comment improved my evening after Mrs. RM asked what I was so shocked by and then had a full blown panic attack when I (foolishly) told her.
So you’re right – that is indeed how you glib.
All kids
look likeare assholes.‘A post-natal abortion, in the 36th trimester. I don’t see the problem…”
/PP, NARAL, Alyssa Milano, et al
From the sidebar of the Brazil story.
Much happier.
Thanks. I needed that after the last story.
Nothing to see,move along.
Speaking of STEVE SMITH (oh, God…), he has apparently made his way into mattress commercials—go figure.
Going down the rabbit hole of purple mattress commercials with a certain, hairy rapist, leads to even weirder commercials that sorta explain that other one.
I think I hate places with a dedicated parts counter where you can’t look up the stuff yourself and pull it off the shelf. It’s always a crapshoot if they can do their fucking jobs with a modicum of competence. And of course, they’re closed until a Monday now
And the guy in front of you in line knows even less about what he needs than the counter guy.
Well, the H&H shirts arrived today. I will, hopefully, go out Thursday, and fulfill the rest of the mission for an article*
*never head back about my pitch
/has no idea what Sir Digby is talking about?
He will walk around with a Hat and Hair shirt, observe the reactions of normies, and report back.
Why do the enemies of the military industrial complex continue to give the MIC perfectly good reasons to attack them?
Good question. Miscalculation? Hubris? Positive cost-benefit? Some people just like to see the world burn?
Keep going. There may be another possibility.
“California School Has “Condom Race” Where 10-Year-Old Girls Learn How to Put On Condoms”
It’s like parents are teaching their kids any of that stuff.
*not like
Competitive condom sheathing? Doubt it.
Rents wanted their children taught this without having to be the ones to do so-generally speaking. So, they farm it out to the government, not realizing those people wouldn’t be teaching SE the way the parents were thinking.
Troubling hilarity ensued.
If your ten-your-old needs to know how to put on a condom, you’re doing it wrong.
Could be fake news though.
“Neighborhood couple Has “Condom Race” Where 10-Year-Old Girls Learn How to Put On Condoms”
But that would get a CPS SWAT team dispatched.
“It’s acceptable when our side does it.”
That should cut down on unwanted pregnancies.
That was my exact thought. Esp. seeing as Planned Parenthood seems to have their fingerprints all over this.
Why would Planned Parenthood want to cut down on unwanted pregnancies?
I was being cynical. I’m not certain they do.
Either that or I’m drunk.
Why not both?
There is beer waiting for me in the fridge, some beers I have never had before. They sit there taunting me as I wait to finish this change.
Hey, Neph. Sorry about your shitty night working. On the bright side, I have a good buzz going.
You’re pulling an all-nighter sober? What the hell is wrong with you?
It wouldn’t be so bad, if it wasn’t just sitting and waiting. I’m now up to almost 150 minutes of just sitting on a conference call. I’ve spent about 15 minutes of that actually doing something, and have about 15 minutes of work once everything is done.
Hopefully it’ll be over soon.
Rhywun: If I have work to do, I’ll refrain from drinking until the work is done. Sounds like we’ve got about another half hour before this is done tonight.
I’m just joshing. I won’t lie though – I’ve had a couple tipsy all-nighters.
Saturday night’s all right for fighting—just not having a refreshing beer while sitting in on a barely-productive phone call.
Rhywun: Emergency issues are another situation. There’s a story that was told for a while about the time me and my coworkers stopped at a bar after work, and we got an outage call. I went out to my car, grabbed my laptop, hopped onto the bar’s wireless network, and restarted the service that was causing the issue.
Rhywun, back in his working days
Goddamn sometimes I miss the eighties.
Are those the days that end in “y”?
Nah. A lot of things sucked, too.
Oh, yes. I just wrote that because you’ve expressed fondness for the decade. Or, at least, appear to have had good experiences.
Unfortunately for me, the wife I had through most of the 80’s was much like the 80’s in that she didn’t suck either – and that was not a good thing.
I know better than to click on your links. I’m comfy, about to tap out for the night, and then I click on a tater link. FFS!!!
I’ve just recently threatened him with the Peelerator but he just don’t listen!
The eyes have it.
*slow clap that goes nowhere*
BTW, has OMWC been “volunteering” a lot lately? I think I know where…
False flag? What was a false flag in that area?
It does seem to be assuming facts not in evidence.
Anti-Semitic* and Islamophobic at the same time. Clearly alt right.
*Lights The Akshully signal
This is Glibs, man. That signal is like the Olympic Flame around these parts.
Well, even when Ben Garrison is right, there is someone we can still count on always being wrong:
The hell is wrong with her face and brain.
I believe she has You’re Stupid And Your Shit Is All Fucked Up-itis
Ahh. Then, there’s only one thing missing to complete the scene.
/Rhy, cover your eyes
“Do you believe that the Failing New York Times just did a story stating that the United States is substantially increasing Cyber Attacks on Russia. This is a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, any story, even if bad for our Country…..”
Oh look, he has a new number one fan.
Come on Rhy, it’s right there in the Twitter handle. Forever Logical is legit!
He’s gonna need new batteries for the laser pointer if he keeps using it like that.
The new batteries cost about ten times what the laser pointer sells for. I like to think that he keeps a bin of them under his desk.
Saw a performance of Tartuffe set in the antebellum south. I like local theater.
Sitting shoulder to shoulder with other people? *shudders*
What Festus said. (DON’T TOUCH ME!)
*Digby and Festus retreat to separate corners to resume rocking back and forth and playing with spinners*
::looks around for Festus’ hdden cameras::
How the hell did he…..?
I was in an aisle seat and it’s a tiny venue, and the actors were constantly up that aisle. It was petticoat assault all evening.
Wait—this WASN’T a burlesque show/trip bar? What the hell, man?!
A Go-Go dancer sat on my face at a strip club one night and later on finger-poked me in the eye when I tried to buy her a drink. I guess I shouldn’t have done what I did with my finger earlier…
It’s fingers all the way down….
Drunk 19 year-old Festus asked her to sit on his face and she enthusiastically complied. Even my pals were shocked.
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.
So one of those Kung-Fu pansies,huh?
Can’t be too careful with your company.
They grew truffles in the antebellum south?
That’s why so many pig farms.
S, if we have coffee drinkers on now I have become a fan of:
All of Door County’s coffee have so far been top notch. That particular link in to the flavor I just got today (and, am enjoying now).
I buy through Amazon, but, my try direct, depending on costs/availability.
If you don’t care for flavored coffee, you’ll kindly disregard this post. Otherwise, take a look and see what you think. Remember, a coffee company that makes a German Chocolate cake flavor cannot be evil.
Yes—“S” for super…
I was an inveterate coffee-holic for about thirty years and then switched to tea. Now I can barely stand my one cup constitutional in the morning. Getting my teeth yanked ruined my sense of taste and smell. I used to enjoy cooking and even did it professionally for a few years but those days are done.
Festus, you’re killing me, man. OUCH!
I’ve lived a lot of lives for a redneck from a podunk town. I’ve got stories, man…*stares off into nothing*
I see your thousand-yard stare, and, don’t know whether to stay for the stories, or, run.
Come for the stories, stay for the involuntary commitment! Not really. I used to run on the fringes of various scenes and wore a shit-load of hats in my younger years. Some of it was pretty hard-core but most was just either me or someone I knew fucking up in unexpected ways. I have the curse of not forgetting anything that happens. It’s not like I went to war or anything like that.
I figured it was interesting life stories, BTW, do you have a photographic memory?
Only for events, unfortunately. God kept his fingers crossed when he touched my brow.
A world of debauchery is literally at our finger tips but I appreciate Q’s efforts, all the same.
Yes: not a facet I expected here at the beginning. But, I can now not imagine it being absent on threads I visit.
There was a pretender to the throne for awhile but he seems to have “Bonny Prince Charlied”. Good guy, just didn’t have the chops for a titty link like agent Q.
I have no recollection of that guy. When was that?
Bonus for my boys.
Jesus… watch your pets.
She has a pretty amazing ass.
10/10! See, Daily Mail, that’s a “pert” bottom!
I like your research.
I’d share a 6 pack with her.
Damn you to hell Windows patching!
Servers come back up, and immediately start getting Windows patches installed on them because they were down for their normal patching window.
At least another half hour. But I was weak, and now I have a beer in front of me.
That’s the spirit.
At this point, the end is in sight. If I had started drinking four and a half hours ago (when I called into this bridge), things would have gone differently…
And today I learned that Google Voice will terminate a call at 4 hours.
Ugh. Our ISP was down for an entire day last week and my lap-top has not been the same since. Slower and I keep getting 504 messages when I try to comment. I had to re-up my password tonight just to talk with you reprobates. I’m sure the problem is at my end but it still sucks camel balls.
That’s four hours you could have had B5 playing.
Chafed with the 3-pointer! Excellent point.
/still need an HD version
Also…I almost bought Beyond Meat patties today. I was ready to try being an adult, and making better choices, but they were so small!
Just try them you giant Texan.
But….so tiny….
Then have two.
Also no B5 in HD for reasons Rhywun has explained.
Oh, yeah…I read the article(s). Just a grouse for glibs.
I was more annoyed I had to quite a Battletech mission (in Iron Man mode) in order to join the call. I was hoping to be able to complete the mission, but reinforcements came in, which prolonged the mission past where I was feeling secure about being done before the call started.
That’s the spirit.
OK, this is too stupid to NOT laugh…
You are warned…
I only wish that afternoon chat shows were like that. Imagine all the toddlers running around yelling randomly “Fucking Haters!” while their Moms try to corral them.
I can get behind that concept.
Incidentally, whoever made that video seems to have made a few Alex jones mash-ups, too.
That was funny.
I didn’t not watch that whole thing.
Playa: trying lifeway on your recommend. Only had it twice, but I am letting it sit for a while before drinking.
Fingers crossed for….well, I don’t actually know what to expect.
Father’s Day and so the wife took half the day off from work. Being Sunday afternoon noon, I take the kid to electone lessons at the mall. Now I’m stuck at the super crowded mall with the wife shopping for a present I don’t want. “You don’t want to be here with me buying you a present?” “No. I’d rather be anywhere but here.” “How selfish!”
If I get food, tools for cooking food, or booze, I’ll be happy.
I’d take a cup of coffee and being left alone.
You gaijins just don’t understand the culture.
Your name doesn’t happen to be Miles O’Brien, does it?
Wasn’t his wife Korean?
I think Keiko is a Japanese name. The actress is of Chinese extraction. But they all look al-
Not Trekkie, but Keiko certainly is Japanese.
My bad.
She played Klinger’s Korean girlfriend and then wife, so you’re not entirely wrong.
I don’t recognize cultural symbolism. Birthdays, Xmas, Mother’s and Father’s day etc. It works fine for me. I’ll be pulling a double shift tomorrow and if they must buy me a present, make it tube socks because the thirty pairs that I have are getting worn out.
She likes those things, so I bite the bullet and plan something special. My present on Father’s Day should be I don’t have to celebrate Father’s Day.
^^^Gaijin Knows!
Neph if you are still up this is for you. You’ll know it all but what the heck.
A bit long to watch tonight, but I’ve got it saved.
My change is complete, the bridge is closed, I’ve got another beer. And tomorrow is another day.
Good night you glorious bastards, thanks for giving me something to do while waiting for health checks on a half dozen servers.
Thunderf00t deconstructs Chernobyl.
For anyone following the Oberlin college trial
That was one news story that warmed the cockles of my cold, dead heart this week. Watching those imperious little cunts get slapped back to reality was delicious.
Amen. This doesn’t look like the stereotype of hayseed locals taking out their jealousy on the university. It looks like the university was in it up to its neck.
Yes. Oberlin should be burned to the ground, the ground salted, and the infantile adults involved branded with an L on their foreheads.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves. A tattooed “L” would suffice (watched some PETA chick get branded yesterday).
Sh eshould think that through. ‘Cause, when she gets older, and her skin is saggy…she’s gonna look so silly.
Whelp, Wifey just fucked my mood with a guilt-trip. Think I’ll go sit on the bench at the mall with Straff for awhile.
Well, pick me up something at Things Remembered, or whatever is popular with the kids these days.
A kicky little miniskirt from Forever 21?
The name alone sounds like a horror movie.
Ehh…as long as it covers my balls.
Just remember not to bend at the waist and you should be fine. Be extra careful exiting low-slung automobiles.
The low-slung vehicles often times offer the best breezes…IFYKWIM
“Knees together, swing. Knees together, swing”
Jeez. At this point I’ll soon have you parading about with a stack of books balanced on your head!
??? Who says you don’t already?
This thread is why I keep coming back for more.
Speaking of proper posture when gender-bending…
Ol’ Karen, here.
One of my best friends used to say that the only thing she had to worry about (when she was in a match) was jamming her cock up against the rail.
Looks like she means bidness. I quavered.
This describes my mood today.
Nomihodai. Tabehodai yakiniku. 3 hours all you can drink, all you can eat yakiniku. 6~9. See if I’m still able to type when 9pm lynx come out. #Wifetotallyredeemsherself
So all is folgriven?
Of course. Booze me up and I love you, man.
Stub yer toe or drop the soap there Big Guy?