Buenos tardes Gliberinos! Brett is out, selling the Tampastan Devil Rays some cocaine, so they called me in from the bullpen…apparently Raymond is his grease-man.
Who is leading off? Why it’s Venezuela! Evidently inflation there fell BELOW 1 million percent. Which means they can now use currency for fuel, assuming they still possess the means to make fire.
Up next is El Trumpeñero, who inadvertently waved around details of the deal with Mexico in front of reporters. Which strikes me more as a deliberate move rather than foolishness on his part.
The three hole is Peru. If you didn’t know, Machu Pichu is a massive tourist attraction, but has one significant drawback: its in the middle of nowhere. So they decided to break ground on an airport somewhat nearby. Naturally, people want to protest, so we’ll call this one out on fielder’s choice.
Batting clean-up is Cuba. Team Trump is allowing Cuban ballplayers now with the proviso that MLB assist with Venezuela, which has a slightly less crappy government than Cuba but also has significantly more active professional players. There are three on my team.

Deseo paz para mis hijos
Finally, Mexico clears the bases with the new policy mandating gender neutral school uniforms. In case you didn’t know, former Mexican President Vincente Fox has an absurdly large social media following, and said this in response:
“They’re robbing us of the freedom to decide how to dress, how to educate our own children,” Fox wrote on Twitter. “They behave like a ‘sect’ following the high ‘priest’ Lopez.”
Whatever muchacho.
Here’s some tunes. Have a great day.
Maybe I should start watching more soccer.
Look thumbnail for this post on the main Glib page.
Now it makes sense.
Yeah. I shouldn’t have reloaded the main page while on a work laptop working in a coffee shop.
Soccer moms had to start from somewhere.
Knowing Peru they probably have a legit complaint here.
“The three hole is Peru.”
The third hole?
“The three hole is Peru.” “Batting clean-up is Cuba.” “Mexico clears the bases”
“One of these things is not like the others[.] One of these things just doesn’t belong[.] Can you tell which thing is not like the others[?] By the time I finish my song?”
Three hole, its baseball lingo for the third sport in a batting order.
gender neutral school uniforms.
So they’re making the boys wear skirts?
If you don’t like it then send your kids to a private school. Oh…wait…Mexico does not allow for private schools that violate state mandated standards. Oh well, I guess that’s fake liberalism for you
Inclusion! Diversity! Uniforms!
To be fair, you could just home school your kids if you don’t like it. Oh…wait…like most of Europe….
Yay, fake liberalism! We should be more like these countries!
Cheese and crackers, you can home school in Mexico.
I’m pushing nothing, but fake news today. I am an idiot and I apologize to the good people of Mexico
Whoa. Don’t do that. Don’t apologize. You’ll just make them angry.
“Never explain, never complain, never apologize”
— Benjamin Disraeli
Fake? Past history suggests it might in fact be real liberalism?
Nearly kilt ’em.
I hope Swiss doesn’t let you get away scot-free with that one.
Thistle get him going.
**Narrows gaze***
Swiss is dealing with some family health problems, I’m happy to stand in.
Oh, no. My best wishes to him and his family.
Very sorry to hear that. (I probably won’t stop punning, though.)
I probably won’t stop punning, though.
I think under the circumstances it is permissible to pun, as long as one appends one’s post with *narrows gaze*.
Best wishes to Swiss and family.
That’s it! This subthread is officially on loch down.
I’m not going to get my panties in a bunch over this.
Kim Jung Un style grey coveralls for all.
I guess you did not get the ‘memo:’ “Pants are a symbol of power and self-possession. Pants encase and protect the genitals while skirts offer access. A woman in pants is claiming her body as her own, treading her own path in the world.” nationalmemo.com/pantsuit-feminism-real-feminism/
In other news about today’s ‘feminists,’ HuffPost (formerly “the Huffington Post”) says that “Muslims Are the True Feminists [.]” huffpost.com/entry/muslims-are-the-true-feminists_b_9877692
Nice story shaming all American women who call themselves feminists as sex-obsessed. No wonder it’s closed for comments.
And to prove her point, the story below it links to a mother-daughter porn act.
I just threw up.
Do you even PornHub, Bro?
Half of their videos = dude goes to visit his boring gf, gf mom starts banging dude, gf walks in and joins them while learning pointers from mom.
Or so I’ve heard.
Kilts are great! You never need to do an adjustment; bend your knees slightly and wiggle — everything falls into place. Bliss.
But they are a PITA because you have to learn to sit (etc) without flashing and without dragging your junk on whatever you’re sitting on.
have to learn to sit (etc) without flashing and without dragging your junk on whatever you’re sitting on.-
That sounds like a problem for other people, more so than for the kilt wearers
The sporran helps with the flashing bit, though dancing still involves a high risk of mooning.
I’ll sit how I want to sit.
Oh, sit. I misread that. sorry
Predictable link:
Nah, not for me. I don’t even like boxers. I need my equipment secured in place. I am aroused enough just being awake in knowledge that a female is in my vicinity. The sensation of flopping and bouncing around will only keep me more distracted.
I like boxers, enjoy the wind whistling through my ass.
A leftist is a leftist. Shocking!
Mexico City’s mayor is named Claudia Sheinbaum?
I’d think she’d have a tough time in the US convincing people she’s Latinx with her name and look.
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo is her full name
So Phineas and Ferb were on to something!
Full as in both paternal and maternal surnames. Not sure how common it is to use both?
Don Pardo, tell her what she’s won….
“Control of Mexico City,Gene!”
Forward, comrades! Let a million boy-skirts flower!
Yeah, right.
Ernest Lynch seems to have them all fooled then.
Sorry I missed the Joe Morrissey fun this morning. I wanted to point out that he won the entire district by 1,876 votes, but won my hometown, Petersburg, by 2,034 votes. So his win is all on the ‘Burg. Nice work ladies and gents.
You’re from Petersburg and you survived to adulthood? Very impressive.
And degree of difficulty multiplier for attending the public schools and being Caucasian. Basketball kept me alive and in one piece.
I have a Cambodian friend that’s says his ability to ball keep him alive in Philadelphia.
Goddamn, you went to Petersburg High School too? You must be a baller if you’re white and played ball there.
I knew one guy from Petersburg growing up, but the only reason I knew him is because his parents could afford to send him to private school in Richmond.
I had some game back then for sure.
Petersburg isn’t big, what was the guy’s last name?
Chapman Syme. He was a year behind me so class of ’95. I didn’t know him well or anything, but I do remember he was from Petersburg.
Only a few years younger than me, but don’t recognize the name though. Guess he was too fancy to hang with the riff-raff even outside of school. I don’t blame him, staying away from Petersburg is almost always the right move.
I mean, there must be some sort of ritzy part of Petersburg, right?
I have a new respect for you, PeeBee.
I was fortunate to have some great, and physically large, teammates. Good dudes all the way around. One came from a poor single parent household to now having an Ivy league MBA and being a partner at a private equity firm. Some people get clear of it.
Caption cleanup needed on Walrus illo.
Raymond is a coke fiend, just let it go.
You have posted that cover photo of the Mexican ladies reciting the anthem so many times, but each time I’m mesmerized by that brunette. She must be a weather girl down in Mexico
I, for one, don’t mind the repetition at all
No, no. I am certainly not complaining.
I’m not saying It’s Q worthy but it is.
Without seeing her culo in a miniskirt, it’s hard to guess.
The article the link goes to does not say how the construction is being funded: taxes, promissory notes to be repaid by taxes, or other. Would NPR mention it if a bond issue had been approved by the voters? Guess which one of the three methods I would find acceptable.
Today, in “stupendously moronic questions”: Could Public Banks Help Cities Keep Their Money Away From Wall Street?
When a ballot measure that would’ve allowed Los Angeles to start its own public bank was rejected by the city’s voters last year, even proponents of the idea acknowledged that it was a little far out.
Get one of the nation’s largest cities to take the billions of dollars it deposits in big commercial banks and instead park that money in a financial institution that would invest it back into things like affordable housing? It sounded like a progressive pipe dream.
The bill, A.B. 857, would create a process for local governments to start their own public banks, if they choose to.
“Currently California cities turn over hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to our country’s largest Wall Street banks, who invest our money in industries antithetical to our state’s values and policies,” Assemblyman David Chiu, one of the bill’s authors, told me. “This is an idea driven by millions of consumers who in recent years have experienced predatory lending, foreclosures, student loan debt, lack of access to small business capital and having millions of fake bank accounts opened in their names.”
David Jette, the legislative director for Public Bank L.A., said many of the predictions about high start-up costs were overblown in part because there isn’t currently a regulatory framework for municipal banks. Mr. Chiu’s bill would help solve that, he said.
In any case, he said, something has to change.
“We are the richest country in the history of mankind,” Mr. Jette said. “And we cannot solve the intractable problems of inequality and homelessness.”
This is like a farmer saying, “My cow stopped giving milk. I think I’ll set my house on fire, and see if that helps.”
Oh yes, i’m sure they won’t come to the federal gov in 5 years asking for a bailout after these “municipal banks” lose all their money on bad investments.
I love the money fires!
“This is an idea driven by millions of consumers who in recent years have experienced predatory lending, foreclosures, student loan debt…
So, they want to loan money to people who have made poor financial choices in the past, and presumably offer those people a very forgiving late payment policy. Sounds legit.
Not just common folk. Cronies will also mysteriously get loans with generous “repayment” terms.
I am shocked, shocked do you hear.
Yes, Cali, please stop investing in things that might help you stay afloat. Invest in your own stupidity and go all in on your race to self-destruction.
We will. I’m sure this is only a temporary setback.
“Currently California cities turn over hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to our country’s largest Wall Street banks, who invest our money in industries antithetical to our state’s values and policies,” Assemblyman David Chiu”
The just need to put the money in a locked box.
But not antithetical to getting a decent return on investment.
Something tells me that will no longer be true with Woke Street banks.
I got the AlGore joke.
States don’t have values, you fucking moron. Not even one that values throwing money out the window.
I actually kind of dig the idea. As long as there are ironclad guarantees that they will never, ever be bailed out by federal funds, then let a thousand flowers bloom or whatever. Let’s watch the limo liberal class shove their retirement into this institution. I’ll have popcorn ready in fifteen years.
Kind of like my opinion on everything. As long as it’s voluntary and I don’t have to pay for it, go for it.
Yes, because the solution to “systemic risk” is to put more money in the government. No systemic risk there at all; no siree bob.
Also, if the “progressive” idea of “affordable housing” were really a great investment, it would be done by the market.
“Construction on the controversial Chinchero International Airport began earlier this year. Bulldozers are clearing the site at the mouth of the Sacred Valley to make way for a gleaming new structure that is expected to become the nation’s second-largest and most modern hub, accommodating more than 7 million passengers per year.”
Well, there’s the problem. They named it Sacred Valley. You can’t build an airport there! They should have named it something like Death Valley. Or Sudden Valley.
“Cannibal Pass”
“Nativerape junction”
“Patagonian toothfish meadows”
Winner, winner… On a tangential note – The presence of Tilapia on so many menus these days is a very cruel joke being played upon the gringos by our Southern neighbors (and native Trout farmers).
Uncanny Valley
Malaria Falls
They could call it Hidden Valley, and score some sponsorship money.
They already have a productive salad dressing industry.
But will there be a Chick Fila?
I saw cuy on a stick as advertising. My wife wouldn’t let me get one because she doesn’t trust road food. Anyways, I went to nice restaurant to try cuy and they were all out. That was my one big regret of visiting Peru.
My oldest son does a very poor job of caring for his Guinea Pig. If I follow through with my threat, I’ll let you know.
Sweet Valley
I kind of appreciate that they named it Sacred Valley. Here a valley doesn’t become sacred until someone proposes to build something there. At least the Peruvians can say, “Hey, we told you. It’s right there in the name.”
Candiru Pass
They should just use the one the aliens built:
Hidden Valley Ranch?Hidden V alley Ranch?
Mousie Dung Ravine.
San Francisco prosecutors turn to AI to reduce racial bias
Criminal-justice experts say they have never heard of any project like it, and they applauded the idea as a creative, bold effort to make charging practices more colorblind.
This is a great idea! If it’s colorblind, we will all be able to see the disproportionate number of crimes committed by specific groups without being able to falsely claim RACISM!
I’m waiting for the articles claiming that either the AI is racist or it was programmed by racists or something…
I’m sure it would circle back to the fake fact that there are “too many white men in STEM”.
(Despite the fact that there are tons of Indians and East Asians in STEM fields… The white supremacist conspiracy must be getting a little lax.)
^ This. The concept of “colorblind” isn’t very popular lately.
Colorblind is racist because you are denying the fact of race. An attitude that in the past was regarded as extremely racist but whatever..
According to that ‘logic,’ proof that the United States is still a racist society is that they have not revoked the status of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. What was that “dream?”
I used to read Word Up magazine with Salt n Pepper and Heavy D up in the limousine?
“The concept of ‘colorblind’ isn’t very popular lately” with _____
That won’t backfire at all. Genius.
So they’re making the boys wear skirts?
That’s England not Mexico.
Meanwhile, in France…..
I saw a lady today in full Muslim gear from head to toe, and wearing crazy colorful sneakers. I was too slow to take a pic but it would make a great meme of some sort
I can probably look out my front window, down six floors, and see the same if I wait a couple minutes for the right sneakers to show up.
So that’s how an Emirati foot fetish manifests…
So…. don’t bother looking. Got it.
OT, but I got this in an email earlier. It’s for some kind of diversity panel related to a high school program that i sit on the board for. Just thought it sounded ridiculous and wanted to share. They’re “looking for a panelist who would be comfortable representing one of the following demographics”
“So far our two participants are African American females. It would be good to have the panel be diverse in its entirety. If local representation on the panel mirrors other identities in the intern population that would be ideal. (Black man, another racial/ethnic/religious minority any gender, LGBTQ, etc. A couple of individuals – ‘OR’ is great – does not have to be one human who represents all of these.)
A white person who is comfortable speaking on diversity, with awareness of their own privilege and biases, would be acceptable on the panel too. It is important to have white ally/advocate voice(s), but the panel will be excellent with or without such person on the panel itself. (I have been this person and would do it differently just a year later! If such an individual is identified before I’m on maternity leave, I would more than be happy to chat with them 1:1.)”
So two black women + one gay black dude = “diverse in it’s entirety”. Oh and one token white person to apologize on behalf of all caucasians. I really just feel like – if you’re the type of person who’s gonna sign up to represent and speak on behalf of your entire race, gender, etc – you’re a collectivist asshole
“with awareness of their own privilege and biases”
Sounds like they’re pushing religious beliefs at your school. But, let’s pretend like the notion of inherited “racial privilege” and “subconscious bias” is totally not some unquantifiable word salad that is part of a bizarre intersectional faith of nonsense.
Yeah, it really seems that way. unquantifiable, undefined, and not able to be proven or disproven. Sounds like a religion to me.
(and just to clarify, i’m not really affiliated with the school, i just help out with their financial education program, which is the best part of the school by far, imo)
Good luck with this. I don’t envy you. This is a classic Catch-22
“unquantifiable, undefined, and not able to be proven or disproven”
14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.
17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
I was gonna say get your kids, if any, the hell out of there, ASAP.
I would honestly respond requesting a definition for “racial privilege” and “subconscious bias”. Then I would ask them for the specific data that shows such a thing exists.
Without any data proving such a thing and with fungible definitions tailored to fit a specific situation, the only way such things can be described is as “religious tenets”.
But, it’s different, of course, because no one mentioned Jesus or something
I really want to, but it’s all through my work email. I’d rather just not stir the pot. I plan to completely ignore it
Yeah. That’s what I would do too, unfortunately, because my wife would roll her eyes if I told her what I would like to do.
I was just in a webinar earlier today where they were really pushing ‘unconscious bias’ as the root of ‘racial disparity’ in health outcomes.
My first thought was, gee, people are now so non-racist we have to go looking deep into their brains to find some, shouldn’t we see that as progress? Of course, I knew better than to ask that.
But also, the pitch was that any disparity in racial makeup of healthcare outcomes can only be due to unconscious bias. I guess because correlation always has to have a causation, and if the wrong ratios are there, the causation must be racism, so dammit, we’re going to find it, even if we have to dig into your lizard brain!
in regard to correlation and causation, you might enjoy these charts: http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
But, let’s pretend like the notion of inherited “racial privilege” and “subconscious bias” is totally not some unquantifiable word salad that is part of a bizarre intersectional faith of nonsense.
I was expecting you to compare it to “original sin”, given your rather biting comparison with transubstantiation earlier today.
Your game is slipping. Have a Snickers.
Sounds like you should volunteer.
Yeah, i definitely feel qualified to speak on behalf of my entire race lol /s
NOT speaking on behalf of your entire race makes you an individualist, which means invariably means you support patriarchy, and, inevitably, Nazis.
“This opens the school district to lawsuits for racial discrimination.”
Diversity == anti-white. Right?
Will there be diversity of ideas?
“a high school program that i sit on the board for” How is it funded?
it’s a public high school. I only sit on the board for the financial education program, it’s like a magnet program. That program is funded by the school, and also by the national branch of the program as well as private donations.
Thank you for your prompt reply. I like the part about “private donations.”
You’re welcome. it’s a great program, and teaches kids about finance, with the aim of gaining employment soon after graduation. It includes (usually paid) internships at local firms in insurance, banking, lending, accounting, and financial planning. The seniors in the program will actually run a branch of a local credit union that is located inside the school.
I enjoy being part of it but this type of prog stuff just makes me roll my eyes
Show up at the first meeting painted green. Tell them when it comes to finance this is the only color that matters.
This seems like something a lawyer would love.
Nobody Knows What Socialism Means
Does socialism mean “Venezuela?” No. I think we can agree it does not mean that, despite the constant yelling. Academics will tell you that socialism means “public ownership of the means of production.” Is that what everyone is talking about? No. Clearly it is not. Not even the most well-known advocates of socialism in America mean that. If I were to do my level best to honestly sum up what most people here mean when they talk about socialism, I would say that people on the left tend to mean “A kinder government with a stronger social safety net,” and people on the right tend to mean “Whatever the Russian villains in a jingoistic 1980s action movie were into.”
Socialism is powerful people feathering their own nests while destroying the lives of everyone else in the name of some form of mandatory “equality”.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
We’ll just have to try it to find out what’s in it. What could possibly go wrong.
“Does socialism mean “Venezuela?” No. I think we can agree it does not mean that, despite the constant yelling.”
No, we cannot agree on that. Venezuela is clearly socialist.
“Academics will tell you that socialism means “public ownership of the means of production.” Is that what everyone is talking about? No. Clearly it is not. Not even the most well-known advocates of socialism in America mean that.”
I’m pretty sure ‘ol Bernie Sanders and other Democrats proposed something about companies being forced to give employees ownership just the other day. Weird, huh? And then there’s this (courtesy of Welch at TOS):
Gosh, that last bit sounds familiar. Forty years later, they’re singing the same old tune.
A white person who is comfortable speaking on diversity, with awareness of their own privilege and biases, would be acceptable on the panel too.
“Honkey wanted, for ostentatious self-flagellation.”
[golf clap]
+1 Tom Willis
USA 128th most peaceful nation on Earth.
By what Metric?
The Orange Man Bad metric.
BS, mostly.
We ranked them to specifically point out what we don’t like!!
I am shocked.
Bullshit by definition. Widespread lawful gun ownership means very unpeaceful.
“….and even climate change.”
Said in Bullwinkle’s voice.
That would explain the masses of Americans clamoring to gain entry into Honduras and El Salvador.
well, at least it gives some teeth to denying asylum claims from those Central American countries. “you say you’re escaping the violence? well, sorry, but we’re even more violent. you hae to go back. ASYLUM DENIED. Bye.”
Well played. I like it.
“In an economic democracy, supervisory or advisory boards would always have to include equal representation for capital and labour, possibly supplemented by a third seat representing the state, consumer protection and environmental concerns, among others.”
Someone took Michael Moore’s movies way too seriously
Not even the most well-known advocates of socialism in America mean that.
So whom exactly, are they referring to as “we” when they go down their well-trodden “WE oughtta” path?
Reason #3547 to not work in an open office: When he eats his snacks, the guy in the cubicle next to me sounds like an elderly woman with no teeth trying to eat an unpeeled grape.
That sounds so gross
Nail a rat to his keyboard.
My coworker is the same.
It’s that and the breathing.
He sounds like fat Mac trying to eat the burrito.
What your office needs is some sweet, cleansing fire.
I spent several months in a cubicle surrounded by yentas.
I can hear my coworkers’ conversations echoing on my conference calls. The white noise being piped in doesn’t help much.
We, supposedly, have this thing called pink noise, which is supposed to drown out noise without the sound of white noise. I held my tongue when I was told about this by the guy with an office.
He have a coffee cup? If so take a piss in it.
Extra points if he does it from his own cubicle, standing on his desk.
Don’t get me started. I talked about the fan incident a few weeks ago in my new open office space. I’m stuck between a black woman who goes all Malcolm X at the drop of a hat (or the blow of a fan) and a white woman loud talker with ADD and a hearing problem. It’s like Hell, but worse.
I worked with a guy who did a great Bob Newhart phone bit. He didn’t intend to, just how it would always turn out whether it was his dry cleaner (what level of starch do you use on a pant?) or his wife (you’re on the corner talkimg on the payphone while vomiting?). I’m relatively certain he was the inspiration for Dwight Schrute.
So Trump will be labeled the Greatest President Ever and those children of those children will be his rabid defenders?
James Taranto with the WSJ tore apart this new talking point.
Spoiler: This is a policy that predates Trump, but suddenly it’s “not normal”, because we need to believe that cruelty is not standard and entirely normal from government
Right, imprisoning american citizens who happen to be of japanese descent is the exact same thing as arresting illegal immigrants when they try to illegally cross the border.
Also, it’s weird…I don’t remember hearing anything about Obama’s “racist child prisons” when he was doing the exact same thing…..very strange
That “Japanese internment camp” is Fort fucking Sill, which has been a US Army base since the Civil War. Take a wild guess who else sent illegals to be detained at Fort Sill.
Surprised they didn’t make a trail of tears reference to Ft. Sill.
That all sounds better than the land of human sacrifice!
This article is from wayyyyy back, all the way in 2014. I can’t imagine why so many people assume journalists are simply Dem operatives!
Take a wild guess who else sent illegals to be detained at Fort Sill.
James K. Polk?
Go home, Bernie. You’re drunk.
a complex study that ranks 163 nations around the world based on factors ranging from rates of homicide and incarceration to the presence of small arms, military expenditures, ongoing conflicts, terrorism, the overall economic impact of violence and even climate change.
It’s almost as if the “study parameters” were selected specifically to buttress the prefabricated conclusion.
Nail a rat to his keyboard.
Wipe your ass with his hat.
INT. OFFICE. Barack Obama quietly and humbly announces running again.
Barack (to Michelle): I think I need to run again.
Michelle (cracking walnuts with her teeth): How? There’s a term limit.
Barack: I found a loophole.
Michelle (bites a ceramic tea cup*): Yeh?
Barack: When I ran it was under Barack ‘Hm, hm, hm’ Obama.
Michelle: Exactly. You can’t fool people. Everyone knows and loves Barack.
Barack: Yes, but they don’t know Barry Sotero!
Michelle (eating beef jerky): Genius!
Barack: I know. Progressive Americans will believe anything I tell them. Useful idiots are gonna useful.
Michelle (narrows gaze): I’m gonna restart the healthy food initiative in schools and break Melania in two on CNN!
Barack (looks back with slight concern): Are you ok, Michael?
Michelle (snaps out of it): Yes, I’m fine….
/narrows gaze staring from the window at squirrels outside in the yard.
*Homage to Creepella Gruesome.
I think someone is *this* close to levelling up and becoming a Glibs fiction writer. Let the madness and laudnum flow through you and share with us your most exquisite nightmares.
That’s just the surface. I don’t want to visit the deeper recesses of my loins….or soul.
The Abyss says “hello,” Rufus.
Us-tay uned-tay til-untay ater-day ufus-ray.
*sniffs* The Abyss no longer answers me.
Speaking of writers Tonio, are you familiar with Chadwick Moore? I heard him interviewed on the radio yesterday and was not familiar with him before that, but he came across quite well despite some strong opinions. I guess he was a former editor at Out but since coming out as a conservative has been treated like a pariah.
Perhaps this is all well known to people here but I have to plead I hadn’t heard of him prior to yesterday.
How would the USWNT fair against the USMNT? This twitter person knows:
They’d get crushed.
Get real.
The Aussie women’s team was blown out by an under-15 boys team, 7-0.
Back in the ’90s, Coors put together a women’s baseball team called the Colorado Silver Bullets. They toured the country. They came to Richmond one time and played the All-Star team from the Virginia Baseball Congress, which was age 35 and older men’s league that my dad played in at the time. These were guys in their late 30s and 40s. There were a couple of guys that had played a few minor league seasons, a handful more that played college ball, and the rest topped out in high school. The old men beat them easily. I think the score was 6-1.
Forgot to add, the Silver Bullets’ roster was made up of a bunch of top-level NCAA softball players, so among the best women’s softball players in the world.
I’ve told this story twice here now.
When I was 14 our team lost in a tournament and 18 year-old girls (of the same boys federation) were talking trash to us and challenged us to a game. Most of the guys didn’t bother and left. 6 or 7 of us stuck around and played.
At 6-0 they just stopped playing.
They were a full 11 with a coach.
“Gwyn Erso
Jun 11
Nope. You can’t say that for certain, especially not as the majority of difference in size, until the same resources, research and attention is afforded the women.
A Messi sized woman could, potentially, match Messi in all soccer related aspects. The best men’s players aren’t-”
This chick smokes the grass on the pitch.
Skills is still part of the physiology.
Messi is only 5’7, so I guess she thinks 11 5’7 women would stand a chance.
Messi gets chopped to bits. If he played in Serie A he’d be knocked around even more and I think he’d still be effective.. Men’s soccer is brutal in the box where he likes to penetrate.
Despite what some soccer moms believe, soccer is a physical sport and if you lack the upper body strength and stamina of your opponent you are at a serious disadvantage. There is a lot of jostling and physical contact involved in getting to the ball. The average man has more upper body strength and stamina than the average woman. There is no way that a professional female athlete could ever be better than a professional male athlete.
Why do we have to lie about these things?
You know why.
Do tell.
Nobody synthesizes estrogen to promote muscle growth.
There is no way that a professional female athlete could ever be better than a professional male athlete.
It frustrated my wife to no end that I could just sign up for and run a half marathon at 25lbs overweight and still keep up with her while she was training daily. Some of it was stride length. Some was that I was mostly fit and active, if a little chubby. Some was simply that we were at similar fitness levels and I’m a man.
If that was true, UFC would have bouts between men and women in identical weight classes (they don’t).
What I don’t understand is why there’s separate men’s and women’s chess.
You played with her chest?
/Pottsie in the original “Happy Days” pilot on “Love American Style”
/Fonzie in a later episode of “Happy Days” for people who didn’t hear the joke the first time
Well, damn. I stand corrected.
I certainly wouldn’t be able to stay focused playing against Dorsa Derakhshani.
Do they allow transgender athletes on the women’s team yet?
Cool! And have Rodney Dangerfield be the coach!
I use to have season tickets for the local women’s soccer team. It was cheaper than the men’s team and I prefer to watch women in shorts than men. Anyways my wife and her friend were saying how unfair it was that the women were paid less. Then I pointed out that attendance for women’s games are about 10 percent of the men’s games and if only women would attend games to support other women there would be plenty of revenue. They had to admit I was right.
Two seasons ago my sled hockey team played the national women’s team. The members of the men’s team were training for the Paralympics, and our A team had 5 of them at the time so for two tournaments we replaced them with retired and B team players (like me). So with this band of misfits, we played against the women’s team, and beat them 8-1. Mostly we just hit them a lot. We did go 5-3 over those two weekends, but we didn’t beat anyone as badly as we beat the women’s team.
Years ago we were at a local park playing soccer and a women’s field hockey team showed up claiming they reserved the park. They didn’t because the guy who ran it was playing with us and he didn’t have them down. But they argued with us anyway. So my friend proposed we play field hockey. Winner stays. The girls – at least five years older than us – laughed.
We won 7-1 – not knowing a single thing about the game. We just played hockey on grass and they got really upset and left. They were even chopping at us and were baffled at the fact we weren’t even falling.
By the way, I just want to say. I don’t mean to be condescending. My cousin and her friends played high level soccer and whenever I joined them in a game I always found them to be really good. Their goalie was as feisty as they come. So they always got props from me. They can play. My cousin was an outstanding full back flying up and down the wing.
That’s the thing. All this battle of the sexes shit doesn’t allow us to appreciate women’s sports for what they are. Take tennis for example. The women’s game is quite different from the men’s game because the women can’t count on putting an opponent on their back foot on a first serve like a 140mph serve can ok the men’s side. As such, the women’s game is much more of a volley game than men’s is. However, when you have somebody come along who can outpower the rest of the field (Serena), the game changes to more like a men’s game. Well, except that it’s like watching a top level amateur men’s game at a local USTA tourney.
Exactly. I don’t understand why they insist on ‘measuring up’. It’s futile. Focus on the strengths and uniqueness of the women’s game. By obsessing with the men they just leave themselves open to criticism, if not ridicule.
That’s unfair. Women’s WC soccer has come a long way. Same with hockey. FINALLY, we have a competitive third team in Finland and the Russians aren’t too far off. Grow your game. Everything else will work itself out.
What a sick lying fuck.
LOL. A for effort, I guess.
Amash voted to hold Barr and some other dude in contempt:
Why did he decide that he wanted to be the Russia-gate guy? Massie chose to be the climate change skeptic guy and Rand Paul chose to be the drone guy. Did they run out of bad things that government does and Amash had to just make shit up?
This is getting embarrassing and I fear it’s only going to get worse when Barr releases that report about the intelligence community. If he tries to dismiss that then he will quickly become the most hated elected libertarian, despite the fawning that he’ll receive from Reason and Cato.
I want to vote for him if he runs as the LP nominee, but he’s making it so hard.
Don’t make me vote for Jill Stein, again. Please
Or just don’t vote, staying home and drinking is beginning to look like my preference in 2020.
Jesus, man, why not just not vote at all in that case?
Well it’ll depend of what he does if he is the LP nominee because if we wants the progs to love him then there is a good chance he won’t be so libertarian.
Amash is a libertarian like I am a flying reindeer.
Shock Poll: Amash Down 16 Points in Republican Primary
He was loathed by the Chamber of Commerce Republicans so now he decides to alienate everyone else so I am not surprised.
Some of the GOP members of Congress might even find that, unlike what they hear in DC, the great majority of Republicans in the US actually like and support Trump. Hating on Trump and going against the party vote to attack him might not be the best path to reelection.
I’m also a little confused at the “surveillance state will get me the lp credits” idea.
Shocking its not more?
God the comments
I wouldn’t click that link with YOURE dick.
(YOUR was supposed to be in all caps. Fucking phone)
I did click that link with my dick!
/tries to look innocent
Serious question – Beyond verifying that a phone number works, what is the provable damage from a “can you hear me?” call?
Problem is whatever course of action “we” decide to “we” will gave to go on the offense and actively fight the left and it won’t be easy.
I have discovered the redneck engineering reddit
This one in particular has got my wheels turning:
I’m in a doctor’s waiting room with the PBS version of the BBC news on the TV. They sure hate Trump and that Boris guy. Completely misrepresented the subpoena thing and brought in the most clieless expert ever. Then they showed a poll with every known Dem beating Trump by a mile.
It is important to not see what we want to see either…
That sounds familiar. Our education system really sucks when even the elites can’t learn anything.
“…even the elites can’t learn anything.”
The guy that picks up my trash is smarter than the so called elites. The people that think of themselves as elite…I wouldn’t put them in charge of policing the dog shit in my back yard.
“These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries,” Juncker told CNN.” – Jean-Claude Juncker
There is the European version of elite talking to the American version of the elite and neither of them get it. Is it possible to be more stupid? They make the possum that steals my cat’s food on the porch look like Einstein. It is long past due for them to go.
You’re lucky. I had to painfully sit through Swallwell on The View the other day waiting for the dentist. That was BRUTAL.
That’s what I imagine Hell is like.
Did they tape your eyelids open and play Beethoven?
It’s fun switching to npr and pbs randomly to see how bizzaro land is faring.
It seems stressful
“¡Enlaces Mexicanos!”
Sounds like a good occasion to ask for opinions on best food store burrito and best chain restaurant burrito.
I hear Chipotle is pretty good.
So I read an article talking about the privatization of space travel, and while the author was not enthused about the development the article did contain some interesting details:
Not too bad, but getting there will be a bit more expensive.
Sounds good to me.
A sop to Big Space. Is there end to the madness??
*no end
Have you read Paint Your Booster: Apollo – What Might Have Been by Paul Hogan? How to get aerospace engineers to cheer a speaker (who later turned it into readable form, and then expanded on it into this book) who attacked government paying them directly or indirectly via their government contractor employers to do their jobs.
“ending federal funds…and moving toward private” NASA without taxes?
JFC movies suck. Today I let Lake Placid 3 play…Wife is playing Captain Marvel now, God it is awful…everything is X no. 27
Cant the MoFo’s in Hollywood come up with anything original or half-way believable or relevant?
They made three versions of “The Maltese Falcon” from 1931 to 1941.
They have never been original.
*Hat tip to CPRM for leading me to look at up during our meetup.
The Second one turned Gutman into a woman. So woke and progressive!
Thought about you in the last day or two. You ought to take a stab at writing a modern adaptation of the fairy tale of your choosing. Hansel and Gretel popped in my head. There is a lot of potential there.
Hrmm… To joke or be serious?
my idea of decent movies:
You might like this if you haven’t seen it yet, It was on Netflix a while back.
That was excellent.
The Tick and Good Omens on Prime video are good choices. They’ve also got Raising Arizona right now which is always an excellent choice.
Most of the original, interesting stories are being told in series format today. Movies are mostly just simple escapism.
So Soaps and Victorian novels?
Whatever it takes to make the time between tricks go by faster.
My most recent watch was Millions Like Us. Recommended.
How fast can my laptop load 350M records into a database? Not very fast. 5 minutes later and we’re only on 20M.
How big is each record?
Maybe 25 bytes.
That seems inordinately slow. Are you running the database ON the laptop?
I’m used to database servers running on 32 core+, 1/2TB+ ram SAN-attached servers tuned by DBAs.
Yeah, legal won’t pay for me to requisition one of those, despite the fact that we sell them.
Hell, i have to go through a process to get our SharePoint quota increased from 10gb to 11gb. They’d never let me have anything with real horsepower.
Requisitioning a DBA is a bit troublesome, true.
If I can do it for my orphans, I can do it for a DBA!
/adjusts monocle
I always love getting assigned a laptop that won’t run the software I require to do my work.
It’s so bad. I’ve gone through 4 laptops in 2.5 years.
Granted, I shouldn’t be doing this on a laptop, but I’m a lawyer not a data scientist.
It’s frustrating when the people who don’t have to bring their work home – and for the most part don’t run anything more demanding than a web browser and a spreadsheet – get more horsepower.
You at least got a laptop.
I was issued an Etch-a-sketch.
Damn, the carpal-tunnel must be a bitch.
On the plus side, the battery lasts forever.
In today’s news: “Some 2,500 years ago, in present-day China, people were using cannabis to get high during rituals, scientists announced in a new study published Wednesday.”
Thanks. Now all my pot stocks will be affected by Chinese tariffs.
Don’t sharpshoot the messenger.
Traslaviña described the outskirts of Cuzco and the picturesque Inca town of Chinchero as an unspoiled landscape. Ancient terraced pastures, dotted by small huts that are occupied by llama herders, stretch between the two districts, he told NPR.
So… it’s not unspoiled. Got it.
“Look honey, they’re shovelling llama shit. They’re so genuine.”
“unspoiled” means “no wypio.”
I like this guy.
“Only idiots and brain donors unjustly fuck with me. Takes a while ….. sometimes months. But no-one gets away — even the corrupt powers within our government.
I’m 73. Will be 74 in 2 months. Don’t parents teach children anymore not to fuck with Senior Citizens?”
If you haven’t read the article he wrote last week you should check it out. He’s got my vote in 2020.
Thanks, that was thought provoking, I like this guy, hate the software……
An upcoming free speech platform promises to provide users the best features of other social media, but without the censorship.
The subscription based “anti-censorship” platform “Thinkspot” is being created by popular psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. It’s being marketed as a free speech alternative to payment processors like Patreon in that it will “monetize creators” and as provide a social media alternative to platforms like Facebook and YouTube.
Peterson discussed Thinkspot with podcaster Joe Rogan on June 9, emphasizing a radically pro-free speech Terms of Service. He described that freedom as the “central” aspect saying, “once you’re on our platform we won’t take you down unless we’re ordered to by a US court of law.”
In about five seconds the mainstream press will call this not a free-speech haven, but rather a “home for hate speech”.
And call for internet providers to block it.
Can’t it be both?