This week has an interesting couple of intersecting alignments: We’ve got Jupiter (retrograde)-Luna-Terra-Sol indicating change/chaos/disruption at home” with Saturn(retrograde)-Terra-Mercury “News of a new beginning.” So basically, home life made all higgledy-piggiedy as the result of a new addition to the family dynamic. This can be an excellent status check, because if you have a birth, new pet, or your SO gets a new FWB, you can rejoice in the fact that you are important enough for the stars to foretell the events that happen under your roof. For other celestial advice, expect slander and scurrilous accusations (Mercury and Mars in Cancer) and well, let’s say careful phrasing and selective chronicling of events may prove useful to your love life (Venus and the Sun in Gemini). The moon in Virgo also encourages subtlety, euphemism, and oblique suggestions.
The cards this week has a certain indication of something going wrong in a very unfair way. There is another pronounced but odd sign that… well, the best I can translate it is “violence at an orgy?” It’s not typical “you’re going to get rolled by a whore” notification, there’s a much more ritualistic aspect to the whole thing. Is someone going to attend a Gnostic mass maybe? An O.T.O. initiation? And will they be too embarrassed to tell us about it? There is an overarching aspect of formality and protocol to the week.
Gemini: 10 of Swords – Pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation
Cancer: 2 of Swords reversed – imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty, misplaced vengeance
Leo: 10 of Wands reversed – Contrariness, intrigues, difficulties from excessive abundance
Virgo: The Hierophant – Alliance through marriage, servitude, mercy, goodness, inspiration
Libra: 7 of Wands – Valor, success, discussion, trade war, spycraft
Scorpio: Justice reversed – Bigotry, bias, excessive severity, malicious compliance
Sagittarius: 6 of Coins – Gifts, gratification, attention
Capricorn: The High Priestess reversed – Passion, moral or physical ardor, shallow knowledge, conceit
Aquarius: 6 of Cups – The past, pleasant memories, ephemeral enjoyment
Pisces: Judgment reversed – Weakness, simplicity, deliberation, pusillanimity, sentence
Aries: Queen of Wands – Friendly dark woman, honorable, well disposed towards a fat man.
Taurus: Knight of Coins reversed – Inertia, idleness, discouragement, carelessness
I never get a good one.
I made a breakthrough in shooting the P365. By changing my grip, I can put rounds in a 3″ bullseye 90% of the time at 7 yards.
Unfortunately the grip is completely impractical for a carry gun, so all I’ve really done is confirm that the gun is fine, it’s me who has the problem.
I am planning on attending my first competition on Jul 6, we’ll see if I can make it through without getting DQ’d
In the words of Jerry Miculek “If you want to shoot like I do be the first one at the range and the last one to leave”
Practice, practice, practice.
With a more practical grip, I can hit ~60% of the time with the P365 if I focus on how smoothly I press the trigger.
The problem is, the skills I’m developing with the full-sized seems to be inapplicable to the pocket gun.
Every gun is different. With my 2″ J-frame chief’s special I can nail a beer can at 25 yards with ease. With my Sig P938 (same size gun) I would be lucky to hit that same can from 15 feet.
Keep in mind that pocket guns are for close engagement….typically arms reach. To use it at that range you aren’t going to be extending your arm, you should keep it close to your belly and centered in your body.
One way I was able to get lots of practice in was with a S&W K frame 22lr. It is a full sized gun but the ammo is cheap. I was able to afford to burn through tens of thousands of rounds in practice.
These guys
make a “training ammo” that reliably works in the Sig, is Wal-Mart priced (!!!), and is underpowered so that you can put more wounds through a little gun without the hand aching after the range session.
I am a repeat customer of theirs.
Wow. In 38 special those are about 15 cents cheaper per round than even the cheap UMC ammo I buy locally.
Bookmarking that site. (sold out)
real men don’t need guns
Need’s got nothing to do with it.
that is the problem with you Americans. Your houses cars and food portions are to big. You need to downsize. And loose the guns. And the knives. Also screwdrivers should be restricted.
Someday I’m going to buy a Romanian made AK and post a picture of it.
And then I’ll giggle.
There’s a pic of me with one somewhere in my archived. Shit construction, but fun to shoot.
I built a Romanian AK from a kit. Nice gun. Should have bought a pallet of those kits when they were $99 each. 🙁
Like this?
Btw, those bakelites are 45 rounders. Neener neener.
*double giggle*
/looks at the ~24 oz. Ribeye I picked up for dinner.
I’m good, thanks.
I need all the guns.
I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.
It’s here:
Oops, my bad. I didn’t expect it to make it into a search. Sorry, don’t click.
Compared to what Miss Cleo over there has been dealing me recently, Ill take it
Virgo: The Hierophant – Alliance through marriage, servitude, mercy, goodness, inspiration
Servitude is what I’m going through with new boss, hopefully she’ll throwsom mercy my way.
Throw some
I’d like to go out and prove the cards wrong, but I’m scared of what might happen.
This is exactly what the Bene Gesserit were doing.
Cancer: 2 of Swords reversed – imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty, misplaced vengeance – thems fightin words
“Libra: 7 of Wands – Valor, success, discussion, trade war, spycraft”
So I’m Jason Bourne next week?
Possibly, though I didn’t see anything about rolled-up magazines.
Get some sleep, Spud. You look tired.
Gifts, gratification, attention
It’s about fucking time.
Gemini: 10 of Swords – Pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation
What do the stars have against Gemini?
I guess there’s always next week.
Gemini: 10 of Swords – Pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation
The Golden Girls continue to turn men gay:
Not me. Hubba Hubba. NSFW.
The thing that always baffles me about these stories where the perp is older, is how are you that much of a scumbag POS and make it to 68 without already being locked up for life? I don’t get it. If that’s all it takes to make you do something that horrific, why didn’t that happen decades ago?
Age-related brain rot?
Yeah, IDK. Maybe his assholeness just kept escalating over the years.
I don’t understand why a person is willing to end his life but doesn’t start with himself.
I can understand being under a lot of stress and acting irrationally in the moment, but this seems like more than that. The times I’ve been pushed to the point where I would lash out at someone I loved I’ve been so out of my mind that it wouldn’t occur to me to go pick up a gun, let alone call my ex, tell her my plan, go shoot the person, and then call the ex back and let her know what happened.
It’s ironic, though, because not two hours ago I was talking to my wife (who has been unintentionally stressing me out like crazy for the past few days) about one of her female cousins who bullies her parents into giving her everything up to and including a house and a car for her and her live-in baby daddy. I could see being driven to murder by her, but I couldn’t see letting it get that far, frankly. I mean, hell, when my daughter asks me to get her something my reply these days is usually something like, “You sprain your ankle or something? No? Then go get it yourself.”
That’s not how you make scrambled eggs.
Aber… warum?
Idk..maybe she got bit and threw a tantrum.
A……turtle tantrum?
I like that mugshot. It’s the look that says, “Aw, shucks, you know how it is, guys! Sea turtle eggs and all…”
I was watching a youtube viddy of a Porsche-engined VW bus at the Nurburgring, a while ago. The thing was pretty fast. Not blindingly so; it got passed a few times, but still… How bad would you feel, lapping the Nurburgring in your hotrod, if you got blown off by a slammed mid-sixties VW bus? Bummer, dude.
I wouldn’t want to drive it, though. Those things creep me out at 25 or 30 mph. It’s not so much being worried about my kneecaps being the first thing to hit, it’s just that it feels so weird swinging back and forth out there ahead of the front wheels in the turns.
Pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation. Aarrgh
Gloom, despair, and agony
Time, love, and tenderness
I’ve gotten used to it.
This will help.
Make sure sound is on.
That’s great! It did help.
Is that Beto’s cat?
Online dating is like that.
I will be making these today, (for next week) and I must say we need more youtube cooking tips in this sort of, um, format.
I concur
It’s worth a watch just for the “mom” jokes.
I appreciate that she points at her eyes to start with because I didn’t notice them at first.
There are better videos of her out there where she doesn’t talk.
Petulant children
President Trump may not be seeing red, white and blue on a newly revamped Air Force One after all.
A House Democrat added a provision to the annual defense policy bill to put a stop to the president’s patriotic design project. It will keep two new versions of the Boeing 747 aircraft within the projected spending target by banning certain paint jobs and other extras.
Take that, Bad Orange Man!
The Democrats are the party of the spiteful 5 year old.
And tone deaf to a chunk of the country.
Not to the urban areas, Academia or the MSM…
But the $25,000,000 refrigerator is still a go. To the bone!
“Refridgeration system”. Think that means the VAC in HVAC not just a beer cooler. Stiil, the whole flying palace thing really frosts me
The paint thing WRT the costs is just stupid. The thing gets painted regardless and the color affect the cost.
Sockeye Brewery has a bbq three ways special for Father’s Day. I anticipate an afternoon food coma while watching the Open.
I intend to spend the day watching the opening. Far more fun.
This fucking guy.
*Kif sigh*
I do have to wonder how many people who are incandescent over the president praising banning flag burning would happily see people jailed for climate change dissent or “hate speech.” Pick a lane, buddy.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. More broadly, the idea of principles, and being an absolutist when it comes to certain principles. Take free speech, for instance. If you take it as it’s written, the 1A doesn’t distinguish between political speech, or harmful speech, or any kinds of speech at all. All speech of any kind is protected, which is to say that the government is forbidden from passing any law that would abridge the freedom of speech. Now, most people will say that they’re in favor of free speech, ***but*** [insert pet exception here]. Very few people will say, for instance, that they wholeheartedly support a person’s right to say that a specific person should be thrown headfirst into a woodchipper. We generally refer to this as a threat. But if the Constitution is to be understood literally, a threat is speech and the government does not have the authority to stifle threatening speech. As a practical matter, however, making a threat is a crime everywhere in the country (I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong) and there’s not a big outcry against such laws. Many people weigh the principle that a person has the right to say what they want against the principle that the safety of one person outweighs the presumption of innocence of another person. Although free speech is important, the risk that a person might carry out a threat outweighs the negative consequences of considering threatening speech a cause for legal concern for a lot of people.
So does that mean that tons of people are unprincipled libertines who live their lives according to the whim of the moment? I don’t think so. I think everyone lives according to principles. People may or may not have a clear understanding of those principles, and they may not be able to explain them well, but they’re there. So, when you have people who, on the one hand, feel a certain way about flag burning and then feel another way about “hate speech”, it’s not so much that they’re unprincipled as, in their hierarchy of principles, the absolute freedom of speech is outranked by something else.
This is how you can have people in all sincerity say that they believe in the absolute right to freedom of speech AND that speech that causes someone emotional distress of some kind doesn’t count as speech for the purposes of free speech. These are people who think, in requirements document terms, free speech is a “nice to have” while a united front on climate change or no unpleasant or insulting speech is a “must have”. You can’t have both, and if a choice has to be made, they’re choosing polar bears and inclusive pronouns. Of course, in some cases, maybe most cases, the overriding principle is self-benefit, which just goes to show that being principled doesn’t necessarily mean being virtuous.
Great beginnings of an article.
There is a difference between speech and action. Some speech (serious threats, slander, inciting riots) is not speech at all but action.
The woodchopper example is speech…it is hyperbole. No one seriously thinks I am going to toss a shithead judge into a woodchipper *wink wink*.
The only mistake I see you making is thinking that others are like you…that they understand what principle is and thus have them. That is not true. For a frighteningly large percentage of people principle amounts to ‘all for me, none for you’. The big tell is their breathtaking projection and complete inability to understand people who do have principles.
Dr. Gu is back! Yay!
Aww fuck. That stupidity again?
There are better videos of her out there where she doesn’t talk.
I don’t care how cute she is, I could only stand ten or fifteen seconds of that.
^ Francophobe! Same goes for AJB. Use peeples be haters!
same goes for AJB
What do you have against the Average Jewish Band?
I lasted less than 5 seconds. Just… ugh.
There’s pills for that.
Turned the sound off; made it to 60.
Yeah, even the mannerisms were annoying.
You’re annoying!
Getting ready to roast some cauliflower for a so called “pizza crust”, and some small peppers for my egg bites like the french girl in the nice shirt was making.
What about the shirt was nice? The fabric?
When I say better, I mean waaaaay better.
Online dating is like that.
There is just no way I could do it.
I’ll just hang out here in the Fortress of Solitude and hope somebody comes along in meatspace.
Absolutely. Of course, after I wrote my brutally honest bio, I probably wouldn’t get any dates anyway. Mrs TARDIS wants me to drink less and live longer, but I do not really want to. We’re both fairly well insured, so she’ll be fine. If she goes first, I’ll be living in a tent on 100 acres. Is it hard to hide a still?
My great uncle dug a 20’x20′ hole ten feet deep, covered it with logs, dirt and grass. The still was in there.
His son said the best thing that happened to him was the repeal of prohibition. He said it meant he didn’t have to comb the woods to collect pine knots for the fire anymore.
Cool, still space and tornado shelter. Win-Win.
All packed up to go down to the Colorado river for some sun, bbq, and beer. Happy Fathers day Glibs
2 racks of New Zealand lamb from Costco.
I’m cutting them up into mini chops.
Dry Rub.
Grill Sauce.
Now, I just have to figure out the main course.
Cavenders makes most anything good.
It makes great carne asada.
I’m a big fan of using it on beef.
For the longest time, I couldn’t find it around here. The only substitute was Konriko. Most of the same seasonings, but it doesn’t have msg or hydrolyzed proteins, which is a shame.
Amazon has it
OK. I’m going full greek. Saffron rice, grilled red onions, green peppers and tomatoes. 2 packs of pita. Yogurt and cucumbers are in the coffee filter.
I’m just wild about Saffron
I had this terrifying vision last night of Warren winning the election, and every fucking newspaper running with the headline “SHE PERSISTED”
Time to start drinking.
But perhaps she’ll end all international conflict, then the headline will be
Warren Peace
You go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done.
I took my dad & family out for lunch today. It was nice, but his hearing loss makes it tough to have a conversation with him.
*places tin horn in ear, leans foreward*
In all seriousness, those of you who shoot: Use hearing protection. It turns out I was mistaken in my youth. I am not invincible or immortal. I have awful tinitis. I hear a loud whine all of the time, sometimes louder than normal conversation. It is very annoying. I can sorta forget about it, block it out, whatever…but it is always there.
I only had to get ear blasted in a duck blind once. Hearing protection is at the same level on the checklist as guns and ammo.
Same here, got hearing aides 2 years ago and it still sucks.
Yeah, between cranking heavy metal with my headphones on in my youth and some later instances shooting without ear protection (one time was completely deaf for several hours which was scary), my hearing is pretty bad.
Earpro and eyepro. I’d rather look like a dork and come home in one piece.
Yeah. I am guilty of sometimes using regular sunglasses.
I’ve been 100% on ear protection though.
Dad’s in a bad way after decades working with power tools. Hoping I’ve gotten out early enough to avoid the same fate.
I’m negotiating with the VA for some tax payer hearing aids. Have to wait 3 months for the evaluation (hearing tests) so another item on the bucket list.
(Memo to self: Out wait the bastards)
I was shocked at my VA- I had a referral to see a cardiologist and they couldnt work me in for a couple months.
They actually sent me to a non-VA doc in the community.
Went to concerts like Twisted Sister / Dio, was stand next to an M1 tank without ear protection or a helmet when it decided to fire its main gun, forgot my ear plugs on the machine gun range… heh, what?
The whole Trannies vs RadFems civil war is pretty entertaining. So they’re insufferable bullies you say? How interesting.
I’m starting to think all this folderol about “gender” and “pronouns” is incidental. What’s really going on is these types just enjoy stirring shit up – up to and including violence. “Smash the system!” “Radical change!”
Yeah, it’s always been about power.
Another sign this is some sort of Internationale action is how it simultaneously manifested all over “the west”.
Same thing with refugees/illegal immigration. This was not spontaneous. It was and still is a concerted effort.
My tin-foil hat agrees.
It is telling that there is no equivalent popular acronym or neologism to describe actual haters of transsexuals, such as religious fundamentalists and homophobic bigots.
Except for, you know, the terms of abuse you just used.
“I don’t deserve this treatment! I hate all the right people!”
Wow. Have a glance at the reactions. Who knew it’d be feminists who salvage Western civilization from the regressives?
Turns out some women weren’t so keen on having men in their locker rooms and surrending their sports to them. Not to mention the additional competition to the lesbians for lovers.
Dude looks like a… dude.
Even the self-described “revolutionary Marxist” isn’t buying it.
Think about it. You think that you’re finally about to achieve your feminist equality utopia, and some swinging dick in a dress kicks you to the curb and takes over. Disagree and you’ll be destroyed just like anybody else that disagrees with the proggy cause of the day.
Sure wish Rufus was around.
I just noticed a copper tube inside the wall of my freezer. The fucking thing is glowing red-hot. I don’t think it is supposed to do that.
Not modern refers, that’s a restriction…
Whew! Turns out that is normal in this model. It is a defroster.
Did you check the thermostat?
Ugh I meant Yusef, not Rufus
Yufus. You gave him that name, after all.
I am also an idiot when it comes to names. I suffer from some form of dyslexia, or rather everyone else suffers from it.
And here I was waiting to see what wisdom Rufus was going to bring to the table.
Something, something…Orphans…Something, something…*munches ‘nilla wafers*
Soccer. So, not much.
I always knew I mattered
You do around here. Quite a bit of concern when you went radio silent after your Leona Helmsley incident. And happy Father’s Day!
Yeah I had a few reach out. It did help, and it’s always nice to know people care
It’s nearly the year 2020 and the three of the major national news stories are about abortion, flag burning, and possible impeachment proceedings. It’s almost like we’ve barely advanced at all in the last twenty years.
20 years? Hell, that could be 1973.
Check this comedian out.
Yeah, fair enough, guys. It just kinda blows my mind that these are points of tension that were around during the end of the Clinton administration. Yet here we are, circling the drain over the same.stupid.shit.
People don’t change. Someone around here recently lamented that we seem to make the same stupid mistakes over and over and over.
Hell, people still want to try communism. How stupid is that?
What made you think that we have “advanced”?
Human nature is still human nature. It’s barely changed since we came down outa the trees.
We have been making the same mistakes for the past 130 years if not more.
How about the irony that MoveOn, an organization created 20 years ago to combat impeachment over what they considered to be minor charges, is currently leading the call to impeach Trump?
Hell, people still want to try communism. How stupid is that?</em.
Benevolent communism. Run by Democrats. Totally different.
We’ll get it right this time.
We had the wrong people in charge last time. Plus those darned wreckers and hoarders.
You mean communism or tags>
Communism will take care of broken tags. And everything else.
So I dug around in the freezer….steak, pork chops, chicken leg quarters, fish filets, jumbo shrimp…I can make any sauce there is and any side. Asked the wife what she would like for supper. She couldn’t decide so I jokingly said “Well, we have these corn dogs”
Guess what she chose.
So did the choice of corn dogs sting a little bit?
Not really. they are a guilty junk-food pleasure for both of us. When she said she wanted corndogs I was pleased. Crispy on the outside and covered with tangy mustard. Easy to cook and no clean-up.
Pictured: Suthenboy.
Way more flashy than I expected.
Good old “Hot Dog on a Stick” fast food franchises. Not only did they make the employees wear those lovely outfits in the photo, but their menu consisted of only two things: corn dogs and high-sugar lemonade.
A perfect Sunday meal.
Hey, sometimes a good corn dog is all you want.
Bats eyelashes. Maybe.
Beef corn dog, or miscellaneous?
As my grandfather used to say “eye balls, tits and assholes”
You need an Octodog. Even the photos make me wince.
When I was a kid in Illinois, they had these amazing drive-in places called Dog ‘N’ Suds, complete with the tray built to hang off the driver’s window. My favorite treat, you could easily lure me into mowing the lawn in exchange for going there. Awesome chili dogs and the “suds”, ice-cold root beer in frosty glass mugs.
Chili dogs with real chili, sharp cheddar and fresh cut, crispy sweet onion…another guilty pleasure. Also, you just made me want a root beer float.
There’s two chains out of Akron that still do that, and one of them has started expanding like wild. Skyway and Swenson’s, the girlfriend is a fan… I am not. They both have a special flavor of beverage called California, then Swenson’s also has Florida and Ohio. I’m not sure I want to know what any of those states taste like.
Living up to the stereotype, I see.
I want reparations for being browbeaten for reparations. It’s done got old.
It always comes down to money, doesn’t it. Give me money.
Take all of the acceptance and good will won over by gays and shit all over it. Keep this crap up and just like racism we will be set back 100 years.
In the end it will just be more money for govt bureaucracy to soak up. No members of the aggrieved groups will actually get anything.
They’ll get a voucher for $2 off something or other.
“Have a Snickers bar.”
Mississippi Fun Bucks
Don’t forget the Irish!
Ugh. How could we? Fuckin’ micks never shut up about it.
I clicked through to the actual NYT article.
The NYT is the fucking fakest news around. Yes, the president who waved a rainbow flag on a campaign stop and has been more consistently pro-gay than Obama, Hillary, or Biden is actually a wretched homophobic bigot who is surely going to put gays in death camps any minute now.
And here I was waiting to see what wisdom Rufus was going to bring to the table.
I want youtube video of Rufus asking Suthen’s refigerator, “DON’T YOU EVER WORK?”
OK which one of you is this?
He seems nice.
Wasn’t me.
That’s very neat lettering.
You mean communism or tags>
Fully automated luxury html. To each, according to his
needsstatus.This should provide some good future entertainment.