Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always is!
Leftists unsure if they should be using Jews and the Holocaust as a comparison to everything going wrong in the Trump administration or to be speaking out against ((them)) by posting anti-Semitic memes made by white nationalists.
Body of magician found in river in India after attempting to recreate a Houdini trick.
Wishing a happy birthday to my youngest turning 4 today!
I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Morning Banjos!
>> And what a glorious morning it always is!
Any day where you’re not six feet under is a glorious day.
Been telling myself this every day, but some days you do wonder if the whole rat race is just part of that simulated universe and amounts to nothing…
shh… don’t tell anyone but nothing really matters in the end… well except for the Battle of Thermopylae, to name one event among many.
It is, but just wait until I get the source code and unleash the hedonism patch. Bwahahhhaaah!
I’m glad I’m not the only we live in a simulation person here.
/run clownworld.exe
As long as there’s booze and sex, all is well.
Who would build a universe simulator that generates monotony?
There are people who play train driving Sims… and pay large sums of money to do so.
I messed around with Cities: Skylines for awhile, but the monotony of constant traffic management killed the satisfaction. Plus, what’s the point of a city management game in which you’re a literal god who can build and demolish roads in real time? What’s the point of being the god of road management?
A proper city management game should involve graft, corruption, bribery, and public sector unions (but I repeat myself).
For you
(I haven’t played it but it’s on my wish-list for tentative purchase.)
Nice. I’ll check that out.
Pretty funny
More a symptom of that monotony rather than an answer to it.
I did!
In school I once simulated traffic in a complex collection of intersections near campus to see if I could find a signalling scheme that reduced congestion (I couldn’t). Then, I simulated queue’s for elivators in very large buildings to test different elevator routing scheme to see if I could reduce congetion there (yes).
It’s easy to reduce congestion in one spot… if your goal is merely drive away the traffic and not to help people get where they’re going.
Someone trying to solve a problem, that’d make sense.
Do we fuck up the simulation if we figure out what problem it’s trying to solve?
“Leftists unsure if they should be using the Jews and the Holocaust as a comparison to everything going wrong in the Trump administration or to be speaking out against ((them)) by posting anti-Semitic memes made by white nationalists.”
Well, that guy would Say Anything.
In case anyone is wondering, Twitter is buried in a shitstorm of condemnations and defenses of AOC’s comments.
The fact that any one pays her any attention at all, besides an occasional mocking of her stupidity, is a sad testament to just how dumbed down society is today.
Is anyone out on Twitter condemning AOC for being stupid, but not for being anti-semitic?
Full confession: I grew up in an area with almost none of (((them))) so there really wasn’t much debate about anti-semitism. So I am an absolute rube when it comes to this debate. Half the time, these controversies boil up and I’m not sure why something is considered anti-semitic or not.
This is one of those cases. I think AOC was much more likely calling them concentration camps because she wanted to tie Trump to Hitler than any anti-semitism on her part. So when the GOP goes into anti-semitism mode, I don’t get it.
Can’t figure out why they can’t just say, “Oh yeah, we are running the crematoriums 24×7 down there on the border. Got to get rid of them all before the Dems win in 2020” and leave it at that. What she said is stupid beyond belief. Why add the charge of anti-semitism?
Like I said, I’m totally tone deaf when it comes to this, so apologies in advance to any (((Glibs))) if I missed something and what she said really is egregious.
What she said was stunningly stupid. And if you hear it instead of reading, the remarkable mindlessness is even starker.
I honestly don’t think she’s smart enough to be actually antisemitic. She’d have to work hard to get to the level of “box of rocks.”
And yet someone not only let her into what supposedly is a very selective higher learning institution, but gave her 2 degrees (one in economics of all things).
The system is corrupt and broken, producing credentialed idiots that have been granted their credentials of nothing of merit, but simply by virtue of them holding the right marxist/fascist proggie beliefs.
It is mostly ignorance. ICE ain’t running Theresienstadt or Auschwitz. The comparison is wrong on a number of levels. Just more evidence of ignorance/stupidity/mendacity. As for Antisemitism…meh. I think some feel it cheapens the Holocaust to constantly compare anything you don’t like to it.
This is my understanding of it, exactly.
I could agree with that statement. Does that make it anti-semetic though?
Maybe my problem is I have just skimmed headlines and those all are something like “{GOP flack} calls AOC anti-semetic for concentration camp comment’
Maybe if I read the stories, the flacks are actually making the point you and Swill make. That it trivializes the real Holocaust.
But I’ll be damned if I read those stories. If I can’t be bothered to read the links here, why would I ever read them somewhere else?
I rendered my judgement: not anti-semitic. Brainless and incoherent (seriously, you HAVE to listen to the sound clip to understand how amazingly stupid she is).
Like, I totally listened to that.. like… audio clip and stuff and I really don’t get what you’re like talking about.
Hank Johnson with tits.
So OMWC now speaks for (((all of them)))?
That didn’t go so well for the last guy who tried to claim to be (((king)))
Well OMWC loves the little children…
did the beers arrive yesterday? I dont want them getting tossed out of fear of a random beer poisoning.
lol. They wouldn’t throw out beers. I’ll see them this weekend and let you know what they did.
Maybe I shouldn’t have mailed them from the Dominican.
I was already going to stay away, but I guess I’ll delay my bi-monthly check-in on IowaHawk’s twitline.
He’s a national treasure for the car pictures alone.
You’re missing some good stuff. He’s been on some kind of road trip that included Henry Ford museum.
Germany didn’t have an immigration problem.
Of course he is.
Is it bad that I just feel sorry for the guy?
You shouldn’t. He’s apparently so much of an asshole that they fired and wrote him out of Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Think about that for a second.
What was that movie about the hotel room he was in? 1488 or something
I don’t remember the name, but I do remember I watched it on tv while staying alone in a creepy hotel room. Not wise.
See, if this was UCS’s response, I would assume he was playing the Margaret Dumond role. Here though, I’m assuming that Swiss is just too nice to hear the dogwhistles.
I think it is impossible to win at the virtue signaling game with the Hollywood crowd. I cant imagine having to navigate through that swamp.
The only way to win is not to play…
Wait. that was not Cusack: that was Brodderick.
^These guys get it.
Tom Cruise. I can’t say enough nice things about the professionalism of Tom Cruise. He holds some bat-shit crazy beliefs but he always shows up to work on time, knows his lines, treats the crew with respect, and (mostly) makes everyone connected with his films a tidy sum.
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything bad about Cruise (other than being a little batshit crazy in interviews).
Tom Cruise sucks.
I’m not making any comments about his professionalism, I just loathe him as an actor.
So there.
plus this: Tom Cruise’s Gonzo History of Saving Lives
There’s a guy on a football board I post at who I’ve known for many years. This gets into Simone-from-Ferris-Bueller territory here, but his best friend in college’s sister was Cruise’s high school girlfriend. According to the brother and sister, Cruise was a good kid, well liked by all, but one who was kind of adrift. Had a really rotten home life growing up, it seems. The sister said he would get depressed because he always felt like an outsider who didn’t belong, despite being rather popular (he was a jock, played football and wrestled). When he was filming Risky Business and All The Right Moves, he would occasionally drunk dial her and say that he didn’t really know what he was doing in life. Once he got into Scientology he stopped calling her. He just really wanted to be part of something “bigger than himself”, it seems, and Scientology was it.
For a short while, he lived down the block from a friend of mine. There is a 10 year age difference, I think cruise was HS and my friend was early elementary. They went on Boy Scout camping trips together, both Dads were into doing that.
Then the Mapothers moved away and later Cruise got famous.
Looking at his bio, it would have been his step-Dad at that time.
^This is bettered sourced than most WaPo columns.
That’s a low bar you set there brah…
All I know is young Rebecca De Mornay would have given me all the purpose I ever needed in life.
And just like that, we now have some common ground.
Never apologize.
“Who would you rather hang out with in school — the biggest bully or the smartest guy?” he said.
Depends. You like being the wedgee or the wedger?
The smartest guy makes friends with the bully (this may involve some damage).
The smartest guy should be outwitting the bully.
“Leftists unsure if they should be using the Jews and the Holocaust as a comparison to everything going wrong in the Trump administration or to be speaking out against ((them)) by posting anti-Semitic memes made by white nationalists.”
Does anyone else see the pattern there? Team blue calls any team red person running against their people in power or team red people in power “literally Hitler” until they lose, at which point they become great statesmen compared to the current team red “literally Hitler” du jour. And I often wonder if people that use this sort of hyperbole for plain political and partisan motives even have a clue what real horrors went on when the real Hitler was running the show. Meh, that would require learning real history – not the fantasies or other stories created to make collectivism look like something other than the incarnate evil it is – and actually being logical.
You Glibs are all worse than Hitler-Tulpa! Not me, however….
Never thought I would see Bush the Younger (to some degree) or McCain or Romney recast as “great statesmen”.
After they lose and continue to kiss establishment ass, especially if they are doing the left’s dirty work for them and attacking the current “literally Hitler” team red baton holder, the left has no problem recasting past “literally Hitler” team red candidates as great statesmen, and the left is willing to do so without any form of regret or remorse. After all, as Obama often reminded us: they won.
That’s a good point. I wonder if anyone has a collection of every article Kos, DU, etc published with a Bush (et als) as literally hitler.
Well there is always That’s My Bush
But will Trump be a respectable statesman after the GOP nominates Ted Nugent in 2024?
I suspect that will not be the case. Just like they still demonize Reagan today because he ran circles around them back when, I suspect they will never be able to rehabilitate Trump, because of the hatred he fostered in them by doing much of the same. Especially because he so easily dismantled all the collectivist pipe dream shit Obama did with his pen because everyone was now a socialist and the left had won the culture wars.
Suggested campaign slogan:
Wang dang sweet poontang 2024!
+1 lesbian voting bloc
The matrix is recycling controversies again. Didn’t we already go through the “muh concentration camps” episode a year or so ago?
And I often wonder if people that use this sort of hyperbole for plain political and partisan motives even have a clue what real horrors went on when the real Hitler was running the show.
People were sent to camps, some died. The queers and cripples didn’t deserve it, but (((they))) probably did. Black, trans, gay FDR rode in on his hoveround and personally killed Grand Klan Wizard Hitler.
/average prog
I just saw a new hang painted sign stuck in the median by the freeway on my way into work today:
Looks like someone else got tired of the Hitler comparisons too…
And yet, they cared not for the actual, tangible crimes of Caramel Nixon.
He was doing it for the RIGHT reasons!
Wait until they are singing the praises of Trump, unlike that evil Nazi President Kid Rock.
“Trump spectacular!”
Stand out in a yellow like Melania in a Ralph Lauren jumpsuit for only $2790.
Wait, stand out in a yellow? Didn’t you people invent English?
Yeah, but they sucked too many limes and it caused their English to get all fucked up. For instance, drink driving. Really? You fuckwits now cannot even tell an action or noun from a descriptive word? Dumb fucks.
“In English, please, Tony. I mean, this country spawned the fuckin’ language but no one here seems to speak it!”
Example A: “humped zebra crossing”
The Queen in Yellow, by the black waters of Lake Hali.
“Wishing a happy birthday to my youngest turning 4 today!”
Congrats. And may you now proceed to be tormented for the next 14 years. Or maybe not, if it’s a boy you might be OK.
Remember to stretch before you get into the spanking machine line. You don’t want to pull a muscle whaling on the birthday kid.
Happy happy birthday!
It seems like just the other day when you had your first date with Sloopy, then the marriage, then each of the kids being born.
How in the world can the youngest be four already?
Wait, Count Potato married Sloopy too?
/deliberately obtuse
Amazing how that happens.
*remembers 94 year old man exclaiming how fast life goes*
Happy Birthday, heroically named little girl.
Justice Forall Sloopy Juneteenth
“Body of magician found in river in India after attempting to recreate a Houdini trick.”
He should have stuck to the Houdini where you do your woman doggy style while she us facing a window, tag out to a buddy, then run outside to wave at her…
On second thought, he might not have survived that either…
“tah-dah, you cucked youeself!”
Some people will do anything for a good laugh?
Recovering anything from a river in India is the greatest feat I’ve ever heard of
other than dysentery that is…
A slightly different musical selection
Made me think of this
And now for some totally real science news, because we freaking love science!
Eat cheese, live practically forever!
/research totally not funded by any dairy associations or industry, because science
Patient: Hey doc, look how all of my stats have improved! I started exercising regularly and stopped eating at McDonalds 3 times a day.
Doc: Well, it couldn’t be that. Must be that new drug I prescribed!
Patient: Oh, I never took that and stopped taking all of them 3 months ago.
Doc: It’s a miracle! Because science!
We are so fucked, the new dark ages have begun.
too much cheese works as an anal blocker. /just saying
Oh blow it out your ass…
All things must pass.
That’s not what Gandalf said….
All things must pass.
New slogan for Ex-Lax.
No worries, the new study proving that even one bite of cheese will kill you, will be out in about a month. /totally not funded by the tree hugging, Gaia saving Vegan Society. If you like your study, you can keep your study. Otherwise wait a month for one you like.
Yes, LH, my ex-mother-in-law calls cheese a “hinder binder”.
Raheem Kassam
Verified account
Imagine being as stupid as the CNN executive who tonight decided:
“Trump is saying mean things about us. Cut away!”
That created a trend of people noticing CNN as the only channel not covering the 2020 campaign launch.
That AMPLIFIED the President’s point about CNN bias.
Cut to Acosta stacking his books into discount bin.
Did they do that? Really? I was already amazed at their tone deafness and lack of self-awareness.
Good God.
They have a history of that, don’t they? They have cut the feed several times when someone they disagree with tried to speak if I remember correctly.
I am not surprised to hear they did this. After all, they feel their job is to shape the news in such a way that it hides things that hurt team blue, exaggerate or make up things that hurt team red, and slant everything they cover to fulfill said 2 goals previously mentioned.
Better than that, my understanding is that they cut away when the crowd started chanting “CNN sucks”, LOL.
“I would like to express my sincere apologies for the insensitive and offensive graphic that I regrettably retweeted,” he wrote. “Social media has always been a platform on which I have engaged to express my thoughts and opinions, however, the material that I shared does not now, nor has it ever, represented my views in any shape or form.”
Confess ye your sins. Abase yourself.
It won’t help.
Saying you are sorry to these people is like someone in the water surrounded by a school of circling sharks just looking for that trigger to set the frenzy off, cutting a major artery open.
“Taylor Swift reveals Katy Perry made the first move in ending their six-year feud by sending an ‘actual olive branch’ to the first night of her tour”
She needs to eat that burger.
So, not thicc?
Also, not bi.
Longwinded tongue bath for E Warren in the New Yorker
With the help of advisers working from her headquarters, in Boston, Warren has been releasing a torrent of detailed policy proposals. She has issued a plan to dramatically reduce student debt and to offer free tuition at public colleges; a plan to unwind large agriculture conglomerates in order to make the market more equitable for family farms; a plan to require large corporations to pay more in federal taxes; a plan to dismantle the behemoth technology companies and regulate them like utilities; and new legislation to address opioid addiction, modelled on a bill passed by Congress in 1990 to combat the H.I.V./AIDS epidemic. She has announced an “Economic Patriotism” plan, intended to create opportunities for American workers, and has issued proposals targeted at Donald Trump, including one that would make it permissible to indict a sitting President.
Together, the proposals promise a new level of government intervention in almost every aspect of economic life. Some of the ideas are pragmatic; others seem aimed more at marketing than at implementation.
But I thought they hated fascism.
“Economic Patriotism” = confiscation or threat thereof
If government is not picking the winners and the losers, whatever the consequence of that model of governance may be, injustice prevails! Pointing out that letting an unaccountable and petty government bureaucrat decide who wins and who loses is far more likely to result in injustice than allowing a private entity driven by a need to do a good job or risk the loss of not just profits, but their enterprise in toto however, is a sign of shitlording.
Anyone else notice that collectivism is nothing but some reptilian asshats preying on the envy/jealousy of the group of people that have made bad life choices/decisions, so they can buy their support by promising to stick it to those that actually did well?
Ahem, all of the intelligent reptiles I know are anti-collectivist. Shoutout to Mr. Lizard, whencever you are.
Touche mon ami!
“Detailed policy proposals”……reminds me of an MST bit, when a character says “Now, that was an idea!” and Servo says, “Not a good one, but absolutely true that it was an idea”. They’re so busy lauding her for all those detailed policy proposals that a)they simply wave away the fact that most of what new presidents ran on never gets passed b)whether the damned things could even work in the first place.
I also wonder if those detailed plans have any mention of where the money will come from.
My guess is that she was smart enough to break them into a lot of plans because each of them says “By shaking down the rich with a 75% income tax, we can pay for this!” And the numbers for that one plan may even be close enough for politifact and snopes to give her a 100% true rating. What they won’t mention is that each plan relies on that all that money. So if the first plan passes, it will use up the pool of money and there won’t be any left for the next plan. But all the plans will be 100% true*
*I didn’t read any of the plans. I’ve just seen enough of these shysters to make a guess as to what she is doing.
So she wants strict social and economic regimentation. That is literally fascism.
a plan to require large corporations to pay more in federal taxes
She wants consumers to pay more for goods?
has issued proposals targeted at Donald Trump, including one that would make it permissible to indict a sitting President
If she wins she will not need any such thing because Trump will no longer be president. Seems like stepping on a rake. (Though I take the position that this would not be constitutional. The procedure for removing/prosecuting a president is already detailed in the federal gov’t founding charter.)
“Wow. An 11-year-old boy fought off an armed intruder w/a machete in NC. Jataveon Dashawn Hall fled the scene w/2 accomplices. He checked himself into a hospital but escaped before police arrived. He was arrested at his mother’s home over the weekend. ”
“A suspected burglar who was fought off by an 11-year-old boy with a machete in the US state of North Carolina is due to appear in court.
Jataveon Dashawn Hall, 19, was arrested on Sunday two days after fleeing a hospital where he was being treated for a head injury.
He is accused of breaking into a house in the city of Mebane and forcing the child, who was alone, into a closet.
The boy escaped, grabbed a machete that was on the wall and hit the suspect.
The child – who learned self-defence with his dad after the family’s home was ransacked years ago – said he was on the phone with his mother when the suspect broke into the house through a window on Friday morning.
“He pointed a pellet gun at me that was located in our house. I knew that it wasn’t loaded so I just sat down and got in my closet like he told me to,” he told local broadcaster WTVD.
“He went into the living room to grab my phone to make sure I didn’t call the [police] or anything. When I saw him try to put it in his pocket I grabbed my machete off of my wall and went to hit him. I hit him in the back of the head.””
He should gone for the neck if he wanted him dead, or hamstring to keep him from fleeing, then again, the kid is only eleven, so OK.
Jataveon Dashawn Hall
That’s a guy who should be in the NFL.
I think he’s where he belongs right now.
He skipped a step in the NFL to prison Cursum Contumelium
Accomplices: Olajourazamataz DeJohnsonston and *Happy Face emoji* *robot noises* Smith
+1 East-West Championship
Good on that kid. Story could have ended much worse.
Unlike Thor, he originally went for the head.
SJWednesday: I Sure Hope You Didn’t Forget Anyone
Those bigoted assholes left out transhumanists and furries.
How the fuck would you know your driver is “two-spirit”?
The demon possessing them tried to rip free of their body and consume your soul?
I’m sure they will let you know.
I must have missed where anyone puts a gun to a person’s head and forces them to drive for Uber.
No shit. It’s like the world’s most voluntary employment situation. “Protesting” it is mind-boggling. Just fucking do something else if it’s not good enough for you, morons.
Democracy is not freedom
Democracy has only one single virtue
The only virtue of democracy is that people have some say in the rules and rulers that affect their lives. That’s it. Once elected, the new rulers start the new shitshow because people, but at least they weren’t foisted upon us, they aren’t invaders, they didn’t inherit a throne, and they didn’t overthrow a legitimate government: we chose them. That’s the only virtue.
I was half expecting that to be Mencius Moldbug.
Someone should quote Churchill. And I remind most of these ignorant cunts that we have a republic precisely because one of the big problems of democracy that it literally is the rule of the mob. You know. That whole six wolves and 5 sheep decide what’s for dinner thing.
Which is one reason that “democratic socialism” is horseshit and is still just socialism. Putting something to a vote does not make it inherently moral.
I remind people that all the communist shitholes have the word “democratic” in their name or pay flowery homage to democratic principals in their constitution. That never stopped these horribly evil entities from racking up unbelievable body counts and keeping their people oppressed and miserable (at least they all were equally miserable or something, which according to your envious prog, is better than evil capitalism).
“Activists Push Kids Attending ‘Kinky’ Pride Parades: ‘Nobody Likes Nakedness More Than Children'”
Leave the kids alone.
““Think of [New York’s World #Pride] as the Olympics for meth, alcoholism, public fornication, corporate pandering, and hairy asses shoved in the faces of children.””
A harsh but accurate article.
These cunts have never been to Daytona.
I think when they start in with that it’s perfectly appropriate to call them “fucking creeps”.
>>Nobody Likes Nakedness More Than Children
and OMWC
WTF. That is hugely wrong. And monumentally stupid. Not sure whether this is triumphalism run amok, or whether someone is trying to cause a backlash.
I often ask myself if it is the later Tonio, cause I can’t think anyone would believe doing something like this helps their cause.
I’ve pointed out before that these events are now really nothing more than leftist circle-jerking, and a mandatory stop on the DNC tour. And of course “shock value”, which draws the left like flies.
They won’t. They won’t leave anything or anyone alone and they never quit. Their goal is to keep shitting all over everything until our society collapses.
Normal gay people must really be getting sick of people like these – “Hey, assholes, thanks for making all of us look like pedophile freaks.”
My anger level is off the charts about this.
I don’t doubt it, man. When you consider how much attitudes have changed over the course of a few decades, to see a small group of fanatics doing their damnedest to prove that the image promoted by the Westboros of the world is actually true must be infuriating.
On the plus side, I think open support for raping kids is when America finally gets over its aversion to helicopter rides.
Republicans accused Ocasio-Cortez of demeaning victims of Holocaust death camps with the comparison.
“Please @AOC do us all a favor and spend just a few minutes learning some actual history. 6 million Jews were exterminated in the Holocaust. You demean their memory and disgrace yourself with comments like this,” tweeted Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the third-ranking House Republican.
a) This is like some obsessive copyright infringement complaint. “We own that word, and you can’t use it.” Sure, okay.
b) Liz Cheney is a loathsome cunt.
It begins. St. Paul school board changes name of two school buildings named after President James Monroe because he owned slaves.
They should name more things after Indians – god knows slavery was completely unheard of among the tribes of North America!
And they definitely were not constantly waring with each other and they were totally in harmony with their environment.
Yeah, I was expecting another “Bde gbla fthngh’wl” not some colonial-language nonsense like “Global”.
City Indians live in Little Earth which is in Minneapolis.
St. Paul has a history of not being very nice to Indians. Although it led to a good joke:
Q: Why are cop cars so fast in St. Paul?
A: Because they’ve got an injun under the hood AND in the trunk
This one simple trick; progs hate it: When this nonsense comes to your town insist that if the schools must be renamed, then do so in a completely neutral fashion – Public School 4, Fifth Street Elementary School, etc. When you get the inevitable pushback against this point out that it was naming schools after politicians which got you into this mess in the first place. Then call them out when they insist on “Barack Obama Elementary School” – it’s not about making the pain of “Jefferson Davis ES” go away, it’s about triumphalism. Also insist that progs pay for it through donations. You won’t get very far with any of this, but you will get some people thinking.
You just doxxed yourself Tonio.
Where I grew up the elementary schools had names and numbers – I went to 41 School and then 27 School. Nobody used the names.
Hatchery and Conditioning Center No. 11.
I went to William P. Synder Middle School. I think he was probably a total shitlord.
Growing up – and this is even true today – the elementary schools around here are named for the streets and/or neighborhoods.
Breton, Rosewood, Wealthy (yes, really), etc.
Next will be eliminating learning at all about the early presidents because doing so is traumatic.
Chris, you
ignorant slutmendacious hack.Pro-Trump commentator Steven Cortes blasted Ocasio-Cortez, saying “we all know what the connotation of concentration camps is” and that “99” out of 100 people would say the term is connected to Nazism. Cortes also noted that the lawmaker had used the phrase “never again,” which is “specifically linked to the Holocaust.”
“She also demeans the current American citizens, many of whom are Hispanic, who do the very hard and dangerous work of guarding our border,” Cortes said. “She equated them by association to Nazi SS guards and that is disgraceful. AOC should apologize at the least and probably resign.”
“You did not have similar problems with the phrase ‘America First,’ which is equally stained,” Cuomo shot back. “Or the word ‘nationalist,’ which is equally stained.”
“No,” Cortes shook his head. “I’ve totally disagreed that it’s a stained word.”
“You may, but you are wrong,” the CNN anchor declared.
“No, I’m not,” Cortes reacted. “You don’t get to define what nationalism means for me.”
“Yes, I do,” Cuomo continued. “I’ll make you a bet. Steve, let me know what movement defined itself as nationalism that was positive and not oppressive to another.”
The GOP commentator quickly responded with “American nationalism,” which Cuomo dismissed as something that was non-existent and that Cortes was actually talking about “patriotism.”
“Yes, I do”
“Fuck off Chris” is the correct response.
I need some advice. Judging from performance, a good chunk of my sales were to lurkers at ToS who didn’t follow us here. Since I no longer have a presence over there, I’m not sure I can even drop in and shill without being lost among the spam.
So where can I go to get word to more people about the new book and convince them to buy it?
btw – I recently went to an art fair – last year I saw one local writer hawking his books. This year there were three separate authors trying to get people to buy their hardcopy books.
/not recommending this
The overhead from renting the booth would be absurd. Not to mention the up-front printing costs.
If I’m going to spend money, I’d want it to be on a marketing person who has the expertise to generate sales.
I searched for it on Amazon, but didn’t find it last week when you announced it. Can you provide a link? It’s annoying because I have all of your other books, and usually the suggestions feed is good about that.
The link is his handle.
Direct Link
shill without being lost
it’s either a legitimate target or not: just try
whether it’s efficient doesn’t matter: you’ll never catch where you didn’t cast
Is it possible for you to advertise on TOS? I understand that there are aggregators who buy chunks of advertising on “big” sites like TOS and resell fractions of that to people who can’t afford the smallest unit of advertising TOS is willing to sell.
Posting comments is one thing, composing an actual advertising campaign is the sort of thing I’d rather pay someone for their expertise to do in my stead.
Know anyone?
Not off the top of my head. Cover art, pull quotes and review snippets are all you really need. Sure there are people working the gig economy who will do this for a fixed fee. No idea where to start looking.
Now for something completely different:
Where’s the thumbs down button? I found that skit annoying.
That’s horrible
I never got the youtube commenter thing. I find it impossible to listen to someone flap their gums for an hour about their half-baked opinions. I find all of those guys annoying as hell.
Internet commenters are truly the worst.
Wait we are all Nikki? I thought we were all Tulpa?
That’s just like you opinion, man.
One I wholeheartedly agree with.
Imagine being this guy:
That’s horrible too
I have no doubt that is exactly what he’s been hearing all day.
All day, every day in his head, absolutely
best reply:
SJWednesday: With Love To Ted Edition
I thought Everyday Feminism was bankrupt. What are they doing still posting?
So you’re saying I took you from crayons to perfume?
Lets eat Grandma.
Let’s eat, Grandma.
Fava beans and a fine Chianti?
I’m not surprised that a philosophy based largely on tortured interpretations of word meanings is vehemently against a rigorous approach to language.
Trump And The Global Resurgence Of Fascism
We label them the “far-right,” the “radical right,” and “white nationalism” but it’s time to call them what they are: modern manifestations of fascism.
Call me when they start gassing people or using them for slave labor. Until then it’s a ridiculous comparison.
That is so chock full ‘o bullshit and projection it would take me all day to parse it all.
When real fascist shit was going on under the Obama admin, these people not only applauded it, but encouraged more of it.
The German government even cautioned Jews about wearing the kippah, or skullcap, in the country because of rising anti-Semitism
Rising largely due to importing a bunch of Jew-hating Muslims. That seems to be germane to the point.
willingness to engage in violence
And suppression of speech, disarmament, excessive taxation and social regimentation. Antifa could not be reached for comment.
This is a thorn-apple:
“Chris Cuomo says the phrase “concentration camps” has no Nazi connotations but “America First” does
This is CNN”
Cuomo gives morons a bad rep.
In other news, gulags have no Soviet connotations.
To be fair, FDR would agree.
It’s such a stupid fucking game they’re playing. Yes, there have been other concentration camps besides German ones. There was also a long, long history of the swastika being a Buddhist symbol, yet for some reason no one suspects the local Mahayana monks when a swastika pops up spray-painted on a wall somewhere.
Oh, see #22.
Not sure if this has been shared here yet, but a company lost a sexual discrimination suit brought against them by a man in relation to a promotion:
At Great Taste a few years ago, I saw people drinking some bright red drink. I found it, it was some kool-aid flavored malt liquor shit. Clearly for women, although not women with taste.
I got a sample, just because, and as I walked back to my group on cupped it in my hands so no one else could see what I was drinking.
They didn’t even change the color of the beer (to my knowledge), just the name of their Punk IPA, and the cans. But I am manly enough to drink pink beer in public. I have no interest in one of the worst beer abominations: Glitter Beer.
I’m slightly amused at the thought of glittery turds that twinkle in the moonlight.
Gah, that might be worse than an American Wheat.
Actually, I could see the glitter being put in an American Wheat for the worst of all possible worlds.
Except Dixie White Mousse, which may still be worse. Thinking of it, glitter might improve that.
Ocasio-Cortez has emerged as a favorite target for Republicans along with two other freshman Democrats, Reps. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.). Omar and Tlaib, the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, previously have been embroiled in storms surrounding accusations of anti-Semitism for comments they made about Israel.
Inexplicably. Gulag Barbie has inexplicably become a target. No one knows why.
Republicans Pounce!
Lies, obfuscation and distortion, oh my!
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said the impeachment of President Donald Trump is “absolutely” warranted in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday. McCabe denounced Trump, saying there is a difference between taking information acquired “illegally” from “representatives” of a hostile foreign government while defending Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, as CNN’s Chris Cuomo put it, “paying Russians for information to amass a dossier.”
“Does the argument that, yes, OK, you shouldn’t have Russians giving you anything and you shouldn’t have been paying Russians for information to amass a dossier the way Clinton did — do you see these as analogs?” Cuomo asked McCabe.
“Not at all, Chris. There’s no equivalence between those two examples,” McCabe responded. “To openly invite foreign intelligence officers, representatives from a hostile foreign government to steal information, to acquire opposition research in anyway, in any illegal way that they might do that and to present it to you is one thing.”
“For a campaign to hire a law firm, an American law firm who then turns around and hires an American research company that then contracts out with a foreign individual, that is not illegal,” McCabe emphasized.
McCabe also commended British operative Christopher Steele for informing them of his dossier because “he was so troubled.”
“The example of the Clinton campaign, it was that very foreign individual who stepped forward and provided the information he had collected to the FBI simply because he was so troubled by what he was seeing,” he said.
Yea, sure. Shorter: “Orange Man Bad”.
McCabe must be feeling the heat.
They’re not letting it go. They’re mental.
I’m dealing wth my own mental crazy. Turns out my neighbour is Norman Bates. He has made are life a living hell since we laid down new grass on part of my land. Roughly 4 000 sq ft of new grass in the back. His bahvaior shocked us. I know he’s obsessive about his lawn and house but this is nuts.
Can’t wait to move.
Don’t wash your hair in the shower, cause you might open it up and find him standing there!
He’s acting that crazy. He works from home and you can tell it’s driving him crazy because he roams his lawn like a shark. He’s been comparing incessantly about how the water is coming into his yard. DUH. It’s fucken temporary asshole. And it’s not that bad he’s just an old man with little to do but obsess over his stupid fucken grass. Oh if only you knew this story. I’m even thinking about maybe writing about it.
He’s convinced the way we sloped the grass (my land is above is) water will always flood him – especially in the winter when the snow melts.
It’s *possible* but not likely unless the pros who laid the grass down made a mistake somewhere. If they did, we’ll gladly fix it. But according to them (and my BIL who is a GC), it’s well done and all perfectly legal (he alleges what we did is illegal lol). Slopes are a common thing around here.
Dude just lost it.
I had some asshat ex-neighbors like that. The wife went around and had people sign a petition to block a cell tower on some farmer’s property, screwing my home town out of a reliable cell service coverage zone and pissing off everyone in my neighborhood, then acted like it was all our fault they were assholes (this event was the straw that broke the camel’s back because both were asshat proggies constantly haranguing their neighbors). They ended up moving elsewhere eventually, but they were adjacent to my property and constantly complaining I was doing stuff on it they didn’t approve of. My standard response to them both was suck my dick and shut the fuck up….
I think the husband, a total beta, might actually have taken me up on it.
I’ve only humoured him so far without escalating anything. But he’s at the line now.
Another neighbour says I should take the high road and don’t fight for such a stupid thing. We all know he’s special.
Why is anyone putting McCabe on TV and asking him anything? The man was fired for lying under oath.
I’m looking forward to when CNN puts James Hodgkinson on a panel about gun control.
Well, that would be tough to do with him being dead and all.
Well it would make him the smartest CNN panelist ever. (as measured in stupid things said during an appearance)
This is a coordinated effort by the people that have kept this hoax alive for over 3 years, from the weaponized three letter agencies Obama sicked on political opponents to their mouthpieces in the cadre of dnc operatives with bylines, so they can get ahead of the revelations that will come when things are declassified and show the Obama admin was a criminal enterprise that gave every banana republic you can name a run for their money.
I’m not holding my breath but if these fucks end up in the pokey it’ll be mighty satisfying.
I’m convinced CNN’s secret business model is to say as much crazy shit as possible in order to generate clicks and viewership. Without their political opponents retweeting, and publishing stories mocking them they wouldn’t have an audience at all. If they decided to tone it down they’d go under.
You’re most likely correct.
See also: WaPo, New Yorker, Teen Vogue, The Guardian, etc. etc.
I wonder if there is a way for Altar Boy #2 to opt out of access to THE U of M’s Bias Response and Referral Network in return for a lower tuition? Sort of like how you can finally opt out of giving Nader’s PIRG money by unchecking that box.
Looks like the Bias Response team has a shit ton of work to do ferreting out wrong thinkers who are only pretending to be Minnesoda Nice.
Lighten up, Francis.
The new American dream: a big payout from a lawsuit. Bonus if it is a virtue signalling event too.
The three V’s (Victimhood, Virtue, and Value ($))
Thank The Lord this priviledge, educated, upper class student was able to use the aparatus of the state to put this uneducated, low wage worker in her place!
I’d like to know why we let ‘sconnies into the U in the first place.
Build the wall.
Dynamite 94 where it crosses the St. Croix.
If it’s a Minnesoda bridge, wait for it to collapse like the one on I-35.
Every time I hear Bias Response Team I think of them sitting in their headquarters, the black transgender woman, a white chick with blue hair in a wheelchair, an Asian dude with glasses, and a wise Latina. The alarm ? goes off and they spring into action. “Looks like we have a code red cultural appropriation in the Malcolm X cafeteria! Let’s roll.” They all hop on bikes with the wheelchair chick leading the caravan.
I just think of high school losers with grievance studies degrees waiting for an opportunity to get even and simultaneously prove how valuable they are.
More likely it’s 4 somewhat-upper-class white girls a little short on the looks side of the ledger.
‘The Democrats don’t care about Russia, they only care about their own political power. They went after my family, my business, my finances, my employees, almost everyone that I’ve ever known or worked with,’ he argued. ‘But they are really going after you. That’s what it’s all about. It’s not about us, it’s about you. They tried to erase your vote, erase your legacy of the greatest campaign and the greatest election probably in the history of our country.’
Out. Standing.
He did knock it out of the park.
I heard the last few minutes. He stated a bunch of goals and had some of the same banal platitudes that (smart) pols are always touting. It was rather JFK-esque. Of course, it was described in the msm as divisive, racist, homophobic, etc. They aren’t called ///fakenews for nothing.
Speaking of ICE- I heard this morning the new program is an attempt to deport people who have already lost their cases in immigration court.
That’s some horrifying shit.
sure why not…
Could sex tourism save Japan’s small towns from disappearing?
“the birth rate falls”
They just need more Marine bases.
Xiaochen Su
Comfort tourism?
the president is a shit person, episode 4,329,932
They admitted their guilt. If you look at Linda Fairstein and if you look at some of the prosecutors, they think that the city should never have settled that case. – Trump
The Central Park Five initially confessed to the crime but later recanted, saying their admissions were the result of police coercion. They were imprisoned for between five and 13 years – but their convictions were ultimately overturned in 2002 after a serial violent offender named Matias Reyes confessed to the attack, and DNA tests confirmed his guilt.
Your president does not think that proof of innocence matters. And it’s not obvious to him that there’s something wrong with a system that secures false confessions. His only instinct is to assert his self-importance (by rejecting facts that reject him) and to grandstand (by making bombastic announcements instead of appealing to reason). To conduct himself in a fashion that prioritizes what is best for the country has never occurred to him.
Oh absolutely he is.
That one guy gang raped her? Well, DNA confirmed it! Case closed!
Yeah, I don’t know the truth about that case obviously, but I recall reading an article at the time of the overturning that strongly indicated that the “5” were participants in the rape. Sometimes the system wrongly convicts, sometimes the system wrongly exonerates.
I mean of course he’s a pos. Who isn’t that runs for president? I could probably count the truly decent people on one hand. Carter and Coolidge maybe?
GW was pretty cool
Probs an awful hang though.
One of the major constitutive factors of fascism is, of course, its willingness to engage in violence.
Wow, every society ever is fascist. Whoda thunkit?
SJWednesday: Anti-Natalism Step-by-Step
Since continued life will have suffering, it is better to end it now than to continue on.
It is the only logical conclusion.
okay, everyone, lets make this clear:
It did not go unnoticed that in all of the illustrations save one, the characters are all female and mostly white.
A bossy white lady telling South African blacks to behave and stop reproducing – that would be fun to watch.
Can we recycle Margaret Sanger?
I thought the pope wiped that nonsense out at the point of a sword hundreds of years ago.
*looks around shiftily*
Wasn’t me!
That Benatar dude and all his “hell is for children” talk. Quite the deal.
Why hasn’t David Benatar offed himself yet? Clearly he doesn’t truly believe in his own philosophy.
He carries the burden of delivering the message to us.
Is this where you dress up like a Union soldier?
Police charge man, 74, with historical sex assault
Cockblocking? That will be hard to prove 7 years later.
Unless there are pics? Grainy ones of the Lochness monster like cock being blocked by something?
Good morning Banjos!
For the little birthday girl!
Bernie Sanders Calls for ‘Political Revolution’ in America, Lays Out His Democratic Socialist Vision: ‘This Is Not Utopian’
>>demand a government which works for all of us
I demand a government that leaves me alone. And leaves my neighbors alone. And doesn’t get us tangled in foreign wars. And isn’t controlled by a gigantic, unaccountable bureaucracy. You know… crazy talk.
Think of the upside. When the day of reckoning comes and our national debt finally causes the dollar to crash, those fuckers with $21T in worthless money are going to be way more fucked than us plebes.
This is not utopian.
It is dystopian.
So that means he’s going to build some walls, right? Because that is the only way you’re going to afford that. Because stealing the “wealth” of the rich ain’t gonna cut it.
Curiously, George Takei wasn’t terribly concerned about such “concentration camps” prior to 2016. I wonder why that is.
i’ll bet he even made significant financial contributions to the guys running them.
Was he out defending the second amendment?
This might just be a minor difference but I was under the impression that the concentration camps being referred to did not have voluntary participation. I dunno, maybe it’s just me.
Or maybe, like always, leftists are mendacious.
I mean, yeah, totally true. But not what AoC is talking about…
Speaking of actual fascistic people
Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell, a 2020 hopeful, reiterated his gun control agenda in front of the National Rifle Association’s headquarters Monday, and the organization hit back by mocking the event’s turnout.
Swalwell covered key points of his plan, which include an assault-style gun “buyback” program, where owners are forced to turn in their weapons, keep them in third-party gun storage or face jail time.
“There is nothing that we propose here today that is at odds with what this organization claims they stand for,” Swalwell said during the rally, Politico reported, pointing to the NRA building behind him.
“We happen to believe that we can do more to take the most dangerous weapons out of the hands of the most dangerous people.”
Other elements of Swalwell’s gun agenda include eliminating liability protections for gun manufacturers, enhancing gun licensing procedures, and implementing background checks for owners, according to Politico.
Swalwell also supports establishing a federal firearms database and wants to pass “red flag” gun confiscation laws to prevent people with mental health issues from having guns.
other elements of Swalwell’s gun agenda include eliminating liability protections for gun manufacturers
You know, maybe rather than removing liability protection for gun manufacturers, we should consider removing liability protection for politicians who pass bad laws. The prospect of getting sued into perpetual penury because someone he disarmed got robbed or killed might even give a fuckwit like Swallwell reason for pause.
Nah, he could always nuke any court that ruled against him.
You’re not supposed to bail into the sinking boat, Eric.
He is not. He is drilling holes in the hull to let the water drain out.
“That everybody in this country, because they’re in America, is entitled to health care as a right, is entitled to a decent paying job as a right, is entitled to a dignified retirement as a right, is entitled to a clean environment as a right, and is entitled to all of the education they need to accomplish their life goals.
What about my pony, goddammit?
health care
As if it’s one simple thing. A program that guaranteed childhood inoculations would probably be popular. But being taxed so that 100-year-olds can get cochlear implants would not. They’re both healthcare.
So is “family planning”, according to some.
Do you know who else felt entitled to the labor or product thereof of others?
My boss?
That guy mentioned in the thread above who now has 2 schools that were named after him being renamed cause he was a slave owner?
Pony? I have a right to better transportation than that. How about a Tesla? And, because happiness is also a right, I demand one of Q’s FLBP women as a bedmate.
Also filet mignon, Ritz Carlton hotel rooms on my annual 6 month vacations, and box seats at the Super Bowl.
Everyone has a right to a hot wife into three ways and who’s father owns a liquor store.
I mean, if we are pulling shit out of our asses, I want to contribute to the new list of Rights
I’m sure the new list will be called the “Menu of Rights” because the word Bill makes it seem like there might be a cost.
What if it is this kind of Pony?
Judge Rebecca Poulet lambasted student Michal Szewczuk, 19, for creating an image of Harry with a pistol to his head against a blood-spattered background.
Damn… this is America’s future.
They’re coming down harder on a shitposter than they do on actual child rapists.
The UK is over.
Well he would have been far worse off if he had created an image of Mohamed.
Three Connecticut girls who participate on high school track teams have filed a federal discrimination complaint against a statewide policy on transgender athletes, saying it has cost them top finishes in competitions and possibly college scholarships.
This should get interesting.
If we go by the way the people running t”The People’s Republic of Connecticut” deal with this sort of attack on their political agenda, my guess is that they will become pariahs and be drummed out of their respective sports and schools.
I argue with my CommieMommy about this all the time: #Resist is unprincipled, it’s about feels, and then you get so many folks in your tent because the enemy of my enemy is my friend that you’re being undermined by your very allies.
To the extent that she is thrilled with the progress in women’s sports, she’s got to take responsibility for its undermining. When guys suddenly identify as gals, she lacks the principles to simply say “that’s wrong.” Now: the consequences
Exactly this. When your principles are defined only by who you oppose, you become a useful idiot.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Good. It’s time.
Is it? The whole thing is completely insane. If we. have gotten to this point is there any fixing it?
Nah. Once these chicks are outed, they’ll be dropped harder than Kashuv.
I think it is. Most normals find this as insane as we do. If you don’t start hammering back it will get worse.
And the craziness is coming faster and faster, and people who really ought to know better just let themselves get caught up in it because “progress!” Who would have thought even five years we’d be arguing about biological men destroying women’s sports while all the right-thinking people smile and nod in agreement?
This is why I think some kind of reaction is overdue. Trump was part of that, but I think it was the tip of the iceberg; and people (myself included) are not going to like it when the pendulum violently swings the other direction.
It’s not going to happen here to the same magnitude, but remember that the Nazi party was largely a reaction to the dissipated, decadent and nihilistic Weimar.
“people (myself included) are not going to like it when the pendulum violently swings the other direction”
Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey
“The conservative Christian law firm Alliance Defending Freedom” .
Thanks for pointing that out, news people.
Why would 3 girls care about transgender athletes?
Those pre-op MTF transgender athletes totally dominate the 3 legged races (if you know what i mean)
Dear Coleen: My husband is always too tired or grumpy for sex
“He’s always tired or grumpy or on his laptop.”
Must be one of you married Glibs.
And I see she has not mentioned anything about her potential attractiveness. I would not be surprised the guy has lost his sex drive because she is a beached whale or something…
Wonder also if he recently got a big promotion (50-ish is a good time for that) and now he’s swamped with all sorts of extra BS he never had to deal with before.
Maybe it is me, but even though I am now closer to 60 than to 50, I would still be trying to get in her pants if she was attractive, no matter how busy I was.
Dear wifey:
lose some weight.
Low T.
Go down on him when he is sleeping.
He’s having a visit from his frenemy Low T.
High drama
Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan abruptly withdrew from consideration Wednesday to lead the Pentagon under a cloud of allegations surrounding domestic violence within his family, leaving senators fuming and the Defense Department rudderless at a time of rising tensions with Iran.
Shanahan’s downfall came hours after published reports revealed new details about physical altercations with his ex-wife nearly a decade ago and after he appeared to be working as recently as Monday night to save his nomination with a sit-down interview with The Washington Post.
And it raises questions anew about how much longer the Pentagon will go without a confirmed leader during a time of turmoil with Iran many lawmakers fear could turn to war.
The announcement left senators angry they had been left in the dark about many of the details from Shanahan’s past even though he had already gone through a confirmation process to be deputy Defense secretary.
“I feel that there was possibly a deliberate concealment here,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “I think there ought to be an investigation by the IG [inspector general] in the Department of Defense. … There ought to be a complete investigation of that whole process. …This is potentially a violation of criminal law.”
It’s not as satisfying as pontificating atop a pile of dead schoolchildren, but it’s better than nothing.
Just a reminder – Richard Blumenthal lied through his teeth for years about being a Vietnam veteran.
I run into this asshat occasionally in the gym I go to near where I work in Hartford, and I have given him shit often when he is walking around trying to campaign and pissing off people just trying to get a good workout in. I told him to fuck off once and called him fake Rambo, and now the crew there, one of which overheard me and whom are all nice people, refers to him by that name. Come to think of it I have not seen fake Rambo in a while. Could be because I changed my regular workout time because of my hectic work schedule, but also could be because he stopped coming because people make fun of him.
Blumenthal is an utter and complete POS. The fact that his party doesn’t primary him at every opportunity tells me all I need to know about them.
Yep. He joined the club that would have him.
Sounds like your typical messy divorce with a crazy woman.
When I posted this yesterday, my main point is that the guy’s a moron for hoping this cloud wouldn’t hang over him. By extension, the White House is also stupid for considering him.
How hard is it to find a decent and competent man to do a job? It’s impossible if we consistently give people a pass. For the record, I’m available for the job; you can ask my ex wife.
How hard is it to find a decent and competent man to do a job? It’s impossible if we consistently give people a pass. For the record, I’m available for the job; you can ask my ex wife.
Signal that virtue Don! I see no mention of any conviction for a crime in that article and the only charges it mentions having been filed were against the wife. How about we NOT encourage this new paradigm where allegations disqualify one from employment?
all he has to say is say I like beer and the Senate would ratify him if the allegations were remotely refutable
This – the guy has never even been charged with anything. It’s all based on allegations during an ugly divorce. But we’re supposed to dedicate all the resources of the Federal Government to investigate it.
Do you know who else felt entitled to the labor or product thereof of others?
Richard III?
Charles Manson?
Bourgeois scum?
Ex wives?
Happy Birthday to your youngling, Banjos. Hope it’s a most splendid day for her.
WRT the Trump 2020 campaign, I’m still waiting for when he live tweets the Democrat Primary Debates next week.
Democrat candidate 1: Free college!
Democrat candidate 2: Free health care!
Democrat candidate 3: Free everything, even if you don’t want to work!
Democrat candidate 4: Free
illegal aliens migrants to go your yard work!/crowd swoons…
Democrat candidate 4: Free illegal
aliens migrantsmigrants to do your yard work!/crowd swoons…
Oh well…
*insert a “you tried” sticker*
It’s gonna be a real clown show, eh?
Right now, the House D’s are apparently having a ‘serious’ conversation about reparations. Does that give a clue?
I might lose my voice from laughing during it.
What is this called again?
I expect Trump to win easily. The question is who will they blame this time. What will their excuses be? I certainly don’t expect them to learn anything from it. They learned nothing in 2016 and are just doubling and tripling down on the pinko horseshit.
“The question is who will they blame this time. What will their excuses be?”
Climate change
They just didn’t explain their version of communism well enough for the peasants to understand
Pretty much what Hyperion said, most likely say it was voter hacking/fraud caused by his “collusion” with Putin. As you said, these jerks didn’t learn anything from 2016, and I don’t expect them to start now.
I’m not so most sure. Almost all of his big alternative/social media supporters have been purged, and the censorship is increasing.
After Trump lost the lawsuit saying he couldn’t block people from his personal twitter account, I wondered if the progs screwed up. If they had kept quiet, they could have kicked Trump off of twitter. But after that verdict, how can they do that?
Wait, what am I thinking?
I look forward to the “think pieces” at Vox that explain why it is totes consistent to claim that Trump’s twitter account is really just like the public square and of course he can’t block anyone he feels like while at the same time he is just a user and can be banned any time they feel like.
Take note people sporting rainbow flags to be so “brave”. The people in SF holding a Trump rally; that’s actual bravery, especially considering they are risking actual physical violence by doing so.
Wanton Wednesday will wake you up, especially certain parts of you.
Put a Trump, or even a GOP, sign in your yard in Baltimore and see what happens.
Just make sure something explodes when they pull it up.
2, 8, 32, 67, 75 (I’m going to fuggin jail),
Prayers going out to those peeps in SF, hope they don’t get it too bad.
“75 (I’m going to fuggin jail)”
I think you’re in the right country.
Yeah, and to prove how brave they really are, they need to coerce the government and Twitter into crushing all dissent. Because bravery and freedom.
To be fair, they didn’t do it in SF. You will note the one person saying they didn’t take out their signs until they crossed into Marin County, which, while yes it is another one-party operation, it’s probably not full of the nasty antifa scum that infest SF.
Marin County, while just about as proggie as SF is, is also mostly white and very well off. I’m sure they had a few people yell crap at them, but they were in very little danger.
Justice was served
Here’s another take. Harvard did the right thing in dropping Mr. Kashuv.
First, as a private university, Harvard has every right to decide which students will be admitted, a privilege of private institutions that conservatives usually defend. The idea that Mr. Kashuv should not be held accountable for his behavior because he was only 16 just doesn’t cut it. College admissions are premised on the behavior of teenagers. That’s the information that’s available. You don’t get to explain away a bad high school GPA by saying, “Wait, I was young. Now I know better.” And you don’t get to excuse racist language by saying, “Wait, l was young and just trying to be extreme and shocking.” Mr. Kashuv chose racism as the dimension in which to be extreme, and Harvard was reasonable to say that his choice had consequences, just as it has for similar misconduct by other admitted students in the past.
Second, Mr. Kashuv did not apologize initially after his comments came to light. You can read what he said here. He’s “embarrassed” about his “idiotic comments” and he’s critical of how he behaved, but there is no “I’m sorry,” or “I apologize.” The formal apology came after Harvard asked him for an explanation. And there is evidence that the racism and anti-Semitism in the texts and Google document were not isolated examples. Kashuv’s classmates report that he was “obsessed with ranking which women were most attractive, by race. Out of nowhere, he’d go, ‘Want to hear my racial ranking system?’” Another said that Kashuv used the N-word frequently, both in texts and in person. In light of those reports plus his written sentiments, Harvard acted reasonably when it decided this was not the type of individual it wanted on campus.
His true crime. He did not come crawling on his knees to the altar of social justice to beg forgiveness. And besides, according to this anonymous hearsay, he’s a shithead. And a Nazi, to boot.
I’d say the kid dodged a bullet.
Here’s another take: Michael Nietzel is a cunt.
I agree, he dodged a very big bullet there and he once again proved the lesson of the decade, “Never apologize to these assholes.”
“I’d say the kid dodged a bullet.”
Agreed. Frankly, IMNSHO, Ivy League is useless unless you plan on entering politics or civil service. The Swamp really cares about those credentials, the private sector, not so much. Are you knowledgeable? Can you do the job? Sure a degree is required for lots of positions, especially in fields like engineering, but, in my experience, most places don’t give two shits where you got the degree, only that you did. Why spend 4 years at a place where people are guaranteed to hate you? Besides, girls at XYZ State U are probably way hotter/sluttier anyway.
TL;DR – Fuck Harvard. They offer nothing.
Spawn 2 wants to apply to Stanford. Not an Ivy, of course, but it still gives me pause.
Mine will be allowed to go to any of the in-state public school of their choice.
“First, as a private university, Harvard has every right to decide which students will be admitted,”
Ooooo, Ooooo! Now do bakeries!
“Bakeries, offering a service to members of the public, must bake whatever the customer demands, and let students shoplift at will” – Oberlin
“Let them [gays/lesbians/shoplifters] eat cake!”
– Progs, probably.
He did apologize and grovel thought. That is disappointing. He should have told critics to fuck off. Never. Apologize.
“obsessed with ranking which women were most attractive, by race.
And? Different people are attracted to different characteristics.
Lookie, Der Fuehrer Merkel gets dehydrated too! Just like Hillary!
I think she’s orgasming – memories of the fuhrer coursing through her body.
*barfs up breakfast… and early lunch*
SugarFree to the white courtesy phone please…
I can’t wait until Teresa May gets dehydrated. Maybe Hillary, Merkel, and May can have a dehydration festival and have CNN cover it. That should be great.
Will the winner get a prize?
Yes, with their name engraved on it.
In the shape of a fire hydrant?
I think those gals are all dehydrated so that they don’t accidentally soak through their depends undergarments. Far better to shake like a leaf than to have a big wet spot blossom out of your pant suit as you are trying to honor your host.
I can’t believe there are people who are agreeing and defending with Ocasio-Cortez comparing what’s going on on the U.S./Meixco border as ‘concentration camps’.
I despise these people.
Apparently Godwin agrees with her.
She’s the Left’s Trump. She says dumb crap and her base/fellow teamplayers will eat that shit up like nothing.
Trump is Einstein compared to her. Shit, almost everyone I know is.
No contest there, at least Trump is smart enough to know that socialism is a shitty system.
Be careful, it’s retarded out there.
How is Twitter not a net negative for these knuckleheads’ careers? I mean, sure, you’re advertising your brand, but… your brand is retardation. Nobody wants to tune in for retardation.
They don’t see it. Just be thankful these chuckleheads have finally dropped the mask and all pretenses.
Twitter is a net negative for the universe. I think it’s very unhealthy for the individual and social discourse in general.
I take it leftists do not understand sarcasm.
“Cuba. New headquarters. U.S. propaganda. And …of course …. Bangkok prostitutes.”
“.@JayPizzle88 in the hospital. He was to keynote as my body double on the Blockchain Cruise two weeks ago. He just woke up. He was poisoned. Please people. WAKE THE FUCK UP!! Our government is a monster. They are trying to silence me. Stop trolling me and see the truth!!!”
“He was poisoned”
Is that what they call a weekend of binge drinking now?
I mean, I’m just saying, I could use that. “Honey, I’m not hungover from drinking all weekend. I was poisoned, the government is trying to get me!”
He tried emulating McAfee’s lifestyle for one night, and… well.
Glad JP didn’t die at least. Hope he has a good and swift recovery. Also hoping he wasn’t actually poisoned but hell I don’t know anymore.
Well, definitely poisoned, because McAfee and friends have never drank or did any drugs…
“He has fucked half of my girlfriends who thought he was me”
Was he vacationing in the Dominican Republic?
Love how he responds to everyone.
Imagine the tweet wars if Trump and McAfee were both running in 2020.
Also, I would sort of feel bad for anyone who had to be on the debate stage with those two on TV. There is no way you would survive that spectacle.
BEST TIMELINE if that happened.
How hard is it to find a decent and competent man to do a job?
That depends in large part on whether it’s a job a decent and competent man would want. We’re talking about a political appointment, after all.
I asked my father that when I was about ten years old.
“Because the good ones don’t want to have anything to do with that snake pit.”
Cockroaches are out. Just killed one the size of a lighter. House is clean and no food is ever left out. Fuck.
Blame Fulushima?
Show no mercy.
I’m not half bad for a cheese head that hadn’t seen one until I was 25. Gotta grab whatever is within reach and *smash*. Kid’s social studies text book. She’ll think it’s funny in the morning.
I suppose it could be regarded as a weighty subject.
It’ll be great, nothing will go wrong.
You leaving the guts stuck to the book?
I smeared off what I could with the wife’s panties.
She’s going to unwittingly put those on and her vagina will mutate and next time you try for some sexy times, your dick is going to get snapped off by the roach mandibles that are now growing down there.
That would be awesome.
Uffda. Upon further reflection, I realize that previous comment was totally wrong.
You already sold those panties to a salaryman on the train didn’t you?
+1 vagina dentata
Just to clear the record, I didn’t use the wife’s panties. Can’t say that the thought didn’t cross my mind, however. Don’t leave your stuff on the floor!
Back or front end?
Well, social studies is sort of related to government, so the cockroach is apropos.
Straff vs. Megalon
Spawn 2 wants to apply to Stanford.
He’s going to need something more lucrative than a paper route to pay for that.
I would really base my decision to let em go there on what they were studying and how they planned to pay off that debt.
Maybe it’s just because I’m an asshole, but I laughed my ass off at this. WaPo sends a reporter to do…well, nothing much at all, it seems, outside the Trump rally. She, being foreign to the great state of Florida. is unaware that you really need to look around where you’re standing.
Chelsea Janes
Incidentally, I have just come to the jarring and painful realization that I suffered about two dozen fire ant bites in the making of this video, and my ankles may never be the same. …
Sheet, I went to florida and merely sweated half my body weight. Even I managed to avoid the fire ants.
That’s just adorable.
If you’re gonna leave the cozy confines of Georgetown to go mingle with the rabble, make sure you’re informed about all the hazards.
Well, if you aren’t from the south it is understandable.
We have bugs and many of them will try to kill you.
When I was a wee toddler and my little brother was an infant, we moved to LA. My dad left for work the day after we moved in, and my mom needed to do all the unpacking. She set us both down in the sand box in the back yard and started unpacking.
10 minutes later, she’s hosing all three of us down in the shower and that weekend my dad turned the “fire-ant-pit” into a swingset-adjacent patio.
I always thought a fire ant was your mom’s red headed sister.
My mom almost moved us to Fort Myers when I was little. Soooo glad I dodged that bullet.
She used to be the Washington Nationals beat reporter. Pretty good one at that, I have no idea why you’d want to transfer from that to politics.
Because, fuck the Nationals. And fuck Bryce Harper. I hope he gets ass cancer from the HPV left on the seats of his fucking gaudy car.
boo. on the first point.
Maybe she did fuck Bryce Harper and that’s why she switched to Politics
“He was poisoned”
Is that what they call a weekend of binge drinking now?
One of my football coaches in college used to claim “Somebody slipped me some bad ice cubes.”
I used that one when I ended up in a hospital in Bermuda after being on the open ocean for a week.
The thought did not occur to me that being sorely dehydrated and hitting the bars aren’t a good mix.
I am a regular blood donor, and the best and cheapest drunks I can get are the ones the night of the day I donated. I can even get loaded drinking beer, which never happens otherwise…
On behalf of my daughter, thank you.
Mini AOC
“George Washington DC.”
The thing is, she came off as mildly brighter than the original.
Pitch. Perfect.
That website is a dumpster fire. I had to close it before it took my computer down.
Hate using kids for political shit. This girl is too young to be doing this on her own.
As someone that coached sports for numerous years when my kid was young, it is stories like this one that make me feel humanity should have an extinction level event.
stories like this one
I was going to ask which one you meant, but on reflection, no need.
Iraqveteran8888, a gun channel on YouTube, bitches about the NRA for 25 minutes or so:
I guess these guys are biased but it sounds like the NRA really is a shit organization.
Just because you are paranoid, it doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
Just because they are bias, doesn’t mean the NRA isn’t a shit organization.
I’ve thought they suck for a while now but these guys were talking about payouts to board members using membership revenue and the like. Not only do they get nothing done, they sound corrupt as hell.
Give any organization enough money and it will attract grifters. Give any organization enough power and it will attract would-be tyrants.
The trick is to keep them small and weak.
How’s he know my luggage combo!?
Huh. Dude has ads playing on his channel. I wouldn’t have expected any pro-gun rights outfit to enjoy that privilege.
It will be a long while before they get any more of my money.
Unfortunately, I have lifetime membership, as did my stepdad. But fuck the NRA.
I watched about half of it so far. I’m liking it. It’s more about what and how the NRA needs to change rather than a pure gripe session. Echoes a lot of my personal beefs with the NRA in terms of little forward movement on gun rights.
North is gone, LaPierre needs to go also. I would say that NRA was more feisty until they got their dicks slapped with the jack booted thugs comment. That’s a driver towards a lot of the current cop felllating in my opinion. I also don’t think it would have happened like that now where the MSM and establishment politicians (fuck you Bush I) were able to control the narrative then and isolate the NRA.
Speaking of that, the Florida cop who shot an autistic man and his therapist, because he mistook a toy truck for a gun, was just acquitted.
…who when asked immediately after the incident why he fired was quoted on record with “I don’t know”.
How that guy doesn’t end up in a cell is beyond me and utterly disgusting.
Agreed. The NRA *could* be a lot more effective if they changed their strategy simply because they have the large membership and the name recognition. I love the smaller, more principled gun rights organizations (SAF, GOA, etc.) but let’s be honest, they don’t have, nor are they likely to get, the same influence that the NRA has.
And try have their own faults and seem to be geared towards enriching their leadership. Gottlieb in particular has been very willing to sell gun owners down the river in the past.
Thanks Stinky.
Sometimes the cheesy, flamboyant performers are actually the best performers.
There’s a particular point where his right hand is doing things that would break anybody else’s fingers.
Make sure to watch that to the end. Fabulous.
I always liked the Roy Clark version, also with a pick which is nuts.
To stay with my theme
El Mar
Which one of you Glibs was the genius behind this? From the article:
“LIMESTONE COUNTY, Ala. – Authorities arrested a man and are searching for another after they found methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia, body armor, and an “attack squirrel” during a search Monday.”
And how do you make an attack squirrel you ask?
“Deputies stated they were unable to safely test the squirrel for meth.”
Not sure if any dogs were killed during the bust.
You’ll never get me up in one of those
An Israeli startup called Eviation Aircraft unveiled its first prototype electric airplane today at the International Paris Air Show, with flight testing planned at Moses Lake in central Washington state.
Eviation CEO Omer Bar-Yohay told reporters that his company hopes to win certification for the Alice airplane from the Federal Aviation Administration by late 2021 or early 2022.
Eviation is one of several companies working on all-electric or hybrid-electric aircraft for the regional market. Bothell, Wash.-based Zunum Aero, for example, is working on a hybrid airplane with backing from Boeing and JetBlue, on a similar development timeline.
Bar-Yohay stressed that Eviation’s Alice was designed from the ground up to be all-electric. “It’s not a retrofit of anything,” he said. “It is built the way a plane should be built in the 21st century.”
Makes going for a joyride in an Osprey sound like a good idea.
I’ve flown in quite a few ‘experimental’ planes, but I’ll take a pass on that one.
“It is built the way a plane should be built in the 21st century.”
To cash in on subsidies?
Passengers sit on bicycles, pedaling to keep the plane aloft.
MIT did it first.
I always thought they should have called it Icarus instead.
MIT has a high enough suicide rate as it is.
Pish tosh, that’s ’70s tech:
Jesus. The weight to energy output ratio for batteries hooked up to electrical motors is really bad compared to the same ratio for powerplants and fuel systems using aviation fuel.
So basically it’s slower to refuel, has lower range, and (given that fuel tanks can handle an unlimited number of charge/discharge cycles unlike batteries that have a much lower life expectancy) a lower life expectancy. Not to mention that fuel tanks don’t occasionally spontaneously combust the way batteries do.
Hard pass.
Are you saying that jet fuel can’t melt steel beams?
I notice “…it hasn’t flown yet…” in the article. Testing scheduled for later. Nope, nothing smells funny here.
He is fishing for investors and no doubt subsidies are next. The flying Tesla.
So. much. this.
On a related note, watching many of my peers cream their pants over Tesla is just embarrassing. “Ooooooo, it’s got autopilot! Ooooooo, it’s so COOL LOOKING! Ooooooo, it’s environmentally friendly (sic)!”
They are fancy looking, overpriced, unreliable tin cans. If/when their subsides dry up Musk will be on the first train outta town with his ill-gotten gains.
But at least the replace stinky exhaust fumes in the US with strip mining for rare earth minerals somewhere over… there *waves generally in the direction of poor people.*
Electric cars is more of a Shelbyville idea.
I can’t wait to be paying for rich people to ride around in that.
I agree with not being the first one to fly/ride and I’m guessing most here are like me and not considered “early adopters”. But the only problem I see with all the electric stuff is the stupidity attached to them (social signaling, etc.). The subsidies are annoying, but plenty of crap gets subsidies that are fully mature tech. Don’t forget, ICEs in vehicles have had over a century of pretty intense competition and shiploads of money invested over that time. Seems shortsighted to assume electric vehicles wouldn’t become similarly efficient and effective after a similar timeframe with similar (legitimate, not government) investment. Sure it’s fun to bash this stuff, but the I find the science and tech of it all to be fascinating.
Stillhunter, electric cars are OLDER than internal combustion vehicles. They have seen massive advencements over the same time frame and still underperform on the key features ICE powered vehicles provide.
I knew someone would try this take. I don’t buy it. Yes electric cars are older. The main issue is still batteries. Batteries have not had much investment (relatively) for this very specific application. How long have Ford, GM, etc been working on battery tech to run vehicles? How much money have they invested? Anyone else invested billions of dollars (as they have for ICEs) in battery tech for this application over the last century? Electric motors will outperform an ICE every time, given a solid power source. And believe me, I love ICEs. I have a diesel motor in my truck and LOVE the torque. Electric motors provide instant and constant torque that puts it to shame.
I’ve also read about some new batteries with some interesting potential.
That said, I’m not picking this hill to die on. I just get tired of the constant bashing sometimes.
Then let me ask a question – why would someone invest billions in a technology that the market doesn’t particularly care about? The threshold for being compeditive is to approach the ten minutes refuelling for three to five hundred miles of driving ratio that isn’t particularly new.
Plus, you attribute all the R&D to the engine, when a lot of that went into other systems – tires, suspension, safety, etc – which are applicable regardless of drive train.
“why would someone invest billions in a technology that the market doesn’t particularly care about?”
I’m not suggesting anyone would or should. I’m suggesting when having these discussions people compare apples to apples.
“you attribute all the R&D to the engine, when a lot of that went into other systems – tires, suspension, safety, etc”
Not really. My observation of billions on ICEs specifically is certainly within the realm of possibility and probably likely.
Well, yes, you bought it, because that’s exactly what he said.
No. I don’t buy that they have had massive investments in this particular application over a century.
What do you mean by “particular application”. Rotating a shaft?
Passenger cars and trucks. There are numerous other applications batteries have been optimized for, but not that one. I would expect decent batteries that get to the level UCS mentions above pretty soon now that the major car companies are investing in battery tech for cars.
How long have Ford, GM, etc been working on battery tech to run vehicles? How much money have they invested? Anyone else invested billions of dollars (as they have for ICEs) in battery tech for this application over the last century?
Why should they, when they have superior technology already on hand?
Electric motors will outperform an ICE every time, given a solid power source.
But you have to give them that power source.
Long dead, but I was searching for those fun playground pics and saw this.
“Why should they, when they have superior technology already on hand?“
Again, I’m not arguing anyone should or would invest, only that people complain about the poor performance of the electric machines, when they are not at the same maturity level. I would expect electric cars (batteries being the main constraint at this point) to be at a similar level of performance, or even better, with a similar level of investment over a century.
“But you have to give them that power source.”
I’m pretty sure I mentioned this already.
A tragic turn of events
Tesla has lost another top executive today as Felicia May, Vice President of HR and Diversity & Inclusion at Tesla, left the automaker.
May has been part of Tesla’s top HR executive team for the better part of the last two years.
She was working for more diversity in Tesla’s staff. She said in an interview earlier this year:
“I wish I could take credit for us bucking the trend. My team was very instrumental in executing on our developed strategy to ensure that Tesla integrates diversity into the business at all levels. Any decision made was based on the business at hand and the experience that was required to further drive innovation. The representation of females on the board and leadership shows our focus and commitment to integrating diversity into the business overall.”
The first half of the year has been hard for Tesla when it comes to executive departures.
Tesla naysayers will try to frame this as “rats escaping a sinking ship”, but it could also simply be due to the competitive nature of the job market in the Bay Area.
May has an impressive resumé and she was probably in high demand and managed to secure another gig.
Oh, no. How will they survive? The shitty business model and colossal cash burn are surmountable, but this? Losing their top diversity advocate? The end is nigh.
I’m sure there are CEOs lined up around the block to woo this sort of value-enhancing executive.
Bye Felicia?
“OK, Herb, she’s gone. Let’s fire the ovens back up!”
Vice President of HR and Diversity & Inclusion, left
Not seeing a downside.
Campus food service worker hit with bias complaint after saying ‘hello’ to student in Japanese
I know which one I’d get rid of.
They are fancy looking, overpriced, unreliable tin cans.
I saw a Smart Car on the street the other day. What a piece of shit. Hideously ugly, atrocious aerodynamics; an outhouse on wheels. But that’s the point. People must know how deeply you care. Your signal must be strong. “Look, everybody. I’m driving a clown car, because I love the Earth!”
I’m not the only one here who used to own a Honda CRX. That thing will outperform a Smart Car in every way imagineable, but you won’t get your full ration of Gaia Credits when people see you driving one, because it looks cool, and it’s fun to drive.
You have to wear your hair shirt on the outside, so people can see it.
Micro cars have purpose, and that purpose is to be drive-able and park-able in very dense urban environments where the streets were designed for horse carts 400 years ago. In other words, they have some value in large European cities.
They are utterly useless in the US.
We have a Honda Fit and find it quite nice for NYC driving. It’s large enough that it holds the 4 of us and a large haul of shopping.
for NYC driving
I thought of the eastern seaboard where the cities have much in common with European cities as well.
It was perfect when we lived in Brooklyn and had no kids; you can park it anywhere with ease. With 2 kids and a garage/driveway in Queens, I’m REALLY happy we also have a truck.
I have seen more than one of those toy cars going down the interstate with a driver whose face was a mask of terror.
Smart car, my ass.
There are a couple of places in the US where they could be nice…Key West comes to mind….but mostly not.
Indeed. When we schlep down to Florida, we take our truck even though the Fit gets better mileage.
I commute in a SmartCar in Hawaii. I have a straightforward and relatively short (14 mile) commute that can’t be done on a bicycle. Hawaii taxes cars by weight and the car is about as light as one can be. I get around 50 mpg.
If I was back in AZ, WY or MT I’d buy another truck, but in this limited space, the SmartCar works for me.
Just this past week, NYC came and installed a giant solar-powered charging station at each of the 3 beach concessionaire buildings here on Rockaway Beach. Huge awning of photovoltaic cells shrouding 2 parking space sized pads and a central box with leads for the cars. Millions of dollars spent so 6 people may plug in. Sigh…
Check out this happy horseshit. This man is going to destroy the state and who will stop him?!
I have trouble picking the bigger villain, Rat-Faced Andy (the mobbed up lawyer) or the lickspittle yea-sayers in the State House.
There was a time when he would occasionally put the brakes on some of their worst nonsense. Now that it’s officially a one-party state? It’s full steam ahead on the prog train to ruination.
That guy is certifiable. Talk about the Mad King…that’s him.
I’ve never seen an electric car in my town, yet the new public library has three charging stations, enough for six cars.
Micro cars have purpose, and that purpose is to be drive-able and park-able in very dense urban environments where the streets were designed for horse carts 400 years ago. In other words, they have some value in large European cities.
Very true. Ask Alec Issigonis.
Park-able in dense (sub)urban environment:v
I had a Cooper S just like this one.
*Same color, not quite as nice