Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always is as Cleveland Clinic performed its first in utero fetal surgery.
The New York and CA exodus have only just begun.
The FTC is investigating Youtube’s children content.
Ireland produces plans to tackle climate alarmism including ending private car ownership. Why are these plans always produced by people who fetishize urban life?
New Jersey Man facing up to 5 years in prison for food stamp fraud.
Dominican Republic health ministry claims tourists sudden deaths were all caused by natural causes.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Morning Banjos!
No love for the rest of the Glib crew?
Anyways – I had a dream last night that I was in a Glibs meeting where we were discussing our upcoming magazine. There was some argument between SugarFree and EF over the content, so EF and I left; and I was busy trying to get my dog and cat into a subcompact car. /euphemisms!!!
Good morning Gliberati?
Happy now?
And you need better nightmares brah…
I’m not. Who says I want to be lumped in with the likes of you people?
You’ll be lumped in with the rest of of us individuals and like it.
Fucking like herding cats…
I had a dream that the KKK had really stringent requirements for its female members to have advanced freediving skills, so, while not a fan of their attitude on race, I decided to train with them in a very deep natural spring-fed pool.
I had a dream last night about you my friend. I had a dream, I wanted to sleep next to plastic! I had a dream, I wanted to lick your knees! I had a dream, it was about NOTHING!
/Take them BOWLING!
Was I in it?
Yeah, all you had on was a tutu and you had bigger boobs than Q’s daily parade…
Wait, there’s gonna be a magazine? Name it “Unreasonable”.
Because their lifestyles will still be possible (they think) under the plans they propose, and they don’t give even one ounce of shit about suburban/rural dwellers.
Can we nuke (most of) Europe from orbit, just to be sure?
Just most of. As long as you don’t mind a wee bit of radiation you’ll be fine
Think of the super powers you will have!
Aren’t you already dead?
Interesting entomological fact: mosquitos are fleas that have bitten vampires.
They’ve been bitter ever since that big farm kid came into their hipster bar and all their women swooned over him. Then the farm kid gave them a wedgie and took the good looking hipster women back home with him.
Well, hell, that was 1979; I would think those pencil-necked assholes would have gotten over that by now.
I suspect you weren’t the only farm boy that has embarrassed them in their coffee shop.
“they don’t give even one ounce of shit about suburban/rural dwellers”
Oh, they do very much so. They hate us. Seriously. They really want to kill freedom of movement, etc.
I wonder how they plan to get food to market. Horse and buggy?
The size of cities has always been limited by the spoilage time-radius it takes to import food. Slower methods require smaller cities or significant urban farming centers, neither of which will happen.
Don’t be silly, like, food comes from the store, duh.
/useful idiot.
I knew that already!
* wipes blood on apron *
/grocer’s son
Thanks to the Feds, I can get all the yucca I would ever want right from my local community garden!
“New York, California high-tax state exodus just beginning, expert warns”
So they can relocate and vote for high taxes in their new home!
I have never voted for high taxes in my existing home.
States be lookin’ at the Feds and thinking, “That exit tax thing is not a bad idea”.
Yes. It has long been debated here whether these people are locusts, ie deliberately destroying a place then moving on, or are honestly so stupid that they don’t realize that all that free stuff and big government they like is what drives higher taxes.
I’m still not convinced it’s them voting for the same policies they fled.
I think it’s more likely their kids are doing it.
I agree with this. Cognitive dissonance is one thing. Being a total nitwit is another.
One would think they would warn the population of their new home about not going full NY and CAL retard, eh?
Instead it’ll be ‘don’t these hicks know we need five types of recycling bins, have 12 years to live because climate, and need to increase taxes because it’s the price for muh civilization?’
Because the true believers live in cities, and likely never have cause to head further than the nearest suburb.
I would posit that they despise and look down on the rubes that shun the glory of the urban setting for the suburbs as well. The cosmopolitan left loves to look down on those they see as their inferior, but what they really get a hard-on from is fuckign them over at any opportunity.
I didn’t postulate that they liked the suburbs, just that they’ve never gone beyond them.
*flying from city to city does not count, since they avoid actually interacting with the rural territories.
Oh yes, do they ever. I have an odd fascination with crumbling urban ruins so I sometimes frequent the Urban Hell sub at Reddit…..and without fail, every so often someone posts a picture of a usually bland suburban housing development, which spurs about 150 comments about how horrible it is and how can people live there and that’s why they live in a city like __________ so they don’t have to own a car and they walk everywhere and blah blah blah
Enh, it’s too bad people can’t just be live and let live. I have my preferences, you have yours. My preferences are in opposition to about 95% of the folks here, and I don’t give a shit.
Precisely. I don’t care that people such as you like living in a dense urban environment. It’s your desire, and that’s fine. I just get really fucking sick and tired of people like those ranting about how horrible the suburbs are and how everyone must live in little boxes in high rise buildings for the sake of Mother Gaia.
How am I going to virtue signal if I can point at your choices and while hiding my smirk behind my hand wink at my buddy aboout how backwards you are for not being one of us Rhywun?
>>New York, California high-tax state exodus just beginning, expert warns
In the 80s, lots of peeps that I knew wanted to move to California. Had a girlfriend in HS who wanted me to run away with her, with CA as the final destination. Now you would have to triple or quadruple my current salary to even think about the move.
That wouldn’t even begin to reach the threshold.
Once I overcome my inertia, I am not headed to the only state with worse laws than the one I am in.
True – and my bumpers would take a beating running over homeless people.
Yup, the wife and I will be retiring from New Jersey to Florida, since our money will go so much further.
Had a girlfriend in HS who wanted me to run away with her, with CA – but you decided pimpin was not the life for you?
I decided that my comfortable middle class life, even under the thumb of my parents, was preferable to starvation or trying to scratch a living doing menial jobs.
Jeez. You really think that lowly of your abilities? C’mon. You’d be fine, I’d bet.
17yo me wasn’t exactly brimming with confidence
Someone really screwed with your mind if that was the case. You could’ve just looked at the idiots around you and realized it’s not that hard to earn enough to sleep on a futon and through some ramen down your throat.
Most people right out of high school don’t have enough skills to entice any employer into paying more than minimum wage unless there is some form of nepotism involved.
Not picking on LH. Just saying that at that time, you could work a min wage job and live. Now maybe you wouldn’t get that fancy education, but you wouldn’t starve. Don’t know about today in places like NY or LA.
Unless you are a trust fund baby doing a free internship or a graduate with a degree that actually provides job opportunities in fields that pay, the chances of being able to live in places like LA, NY, San Diego, San Fran, and so on, is a clear and very concise “not a chance in hell”. Well I should make an exception for people working in the sex trade.
What? You could have lived a life of adventure and leisure like these two charming kids
Not sure he is being that realistic when it comes to his modeling career.
Oh fuck me.
Freedom is living in your Mum’s house while she works 2 jobs to support to 20 something leeches.
Holy shit! Was her name Anna Magdelana?
What a self-important ass.
To the girl in the article – make a sammich, then please eat it.
scratch a living doing menial jobs – Ehm pimpin ism not a menial job and can be quite profitable done right.
Well, I mean, it ain’t easy
But it’s necessary.
Trained in CA in ’89 then lived in CA for a couple years in the 90’s. Great fun as a youngster, but by ’94 I knew I wasn’t going to stay. The crazy writing was on the wall.
Wistful sigh… I was stationed at Ft. Ord ’89 – ’93, dated a young lady from Carmel, often visited her at UC Santa Cruz; it was Heaven on Earth but yeah, it was already on the way to crazypants country and I had no intention of staying.
I lived in San Francisco for one year in the late 90’s. NYC seemed sane in comparison when I arrived. Still does, in some ways. Not so much in others.
An example
(well, NY vs. CA, at least)
“Upstate” is something that keeps NY from going off the deep-left-end as fast as CA.
Until we lost the last toe-hold in the state senate and the brakes came off the crazy train.
And notice how many of their new laws are obviously intended to lock in the permanent one-party state. Like the changes to election law that totally won’t encourage fraud, and now the drivers licenses for illegals thing.
A Parks Dept. cop scolded me for vaping at the beach last week. I wanted to point out that the water and glycerin vapor was likely cleaner than the North Atlantic waves but I thought better of it and mumbled an apology and pocketed my device… until Jane Law (Playground Division) was out of sight.
I had a buddy that asked me to come down to San Diego to interview with him for his new startup in early 2001. The guy was offering me almost 30% more than what I was making as a consultant working 80 hr weeks (and promising me I would not need to work more than 60) and one of the most generous benefit packages, with full healthcare I had ever seen, to move out there. I saw the setup and all the bennies and was salivating until my ex on the phone asked me to go find a home for us. I called a real estate agent and asked her to show me houses that matched the specs of my house at the time (minus the 2 1/2 acres of land which I knew as not possible in CA) and went looking. First house that was scheduled looked real nice. Was less than 1/2 an acre, but it was spacious, modern, and well maintained. On the way out I asked for the price. Oh, that will be $1.9 million. My house back in “The People’s Republic of Connecticut”, a state where I surmised real estate was already overpriced and owning a decent home was expensive, again on 2 /12 acres of land and with the same square footage (and only a decade older) at the time was listed at $200k (and I doubt I could have gotten that if I sold it). After a quick discussion with the agent, i came to the conclusion that the house she had shown me was not over priced – in fact it was marginally over the average rate for the square footage I wanted – and that houses in San Diego were simply going to cost between 5 or 6 times what they did even in a state like the one I already lived in. I would have had to live in the suburbs some 80 miles away and commute to only pay double what I paid in CT.
I declined the offer and went back home. it was a good thing too, because my buddy’s startup went down in flames later in the year when the tech boom bubble blew up.
I knew right then that I would never move to California. Not even if I hit the lottery jackpot and could afford it, one the simple basis that the place was an overpriced shithole.
Similar thing happened to my father in law in the late 90’s. He got a job offer in Irvine for $115K a year, he and my MIL flew out to look at houses, and after a day of that he turned it down.
When I graduated high school in 1994, I wanted to get as far away from Richmond as I could. I had family in the LA area, and we had gone to visit for spring break my junior year. Had a picnic on the beach in Malibu, and learned of a school I had never heard of, Pepperdine. School on a California beach – what could be better than that? So that’s where I went as a freshman. Loved it. For financial reasons, couldn’t stay, transferred back home to UVA, but the entire time wanted to move back. Which I did do in the summer of 1999……only instead of the beach in Malibu, I was now trying to scrape by on $24K a year and living in a small apartment in a somewhat dangerous neighborhood in Long Beach. Traffic was miserable. The first year, there were periodic rolling brownouts. That was fun. I stayed a little shy of two years and then decided I wanted out. Three days later, my car was packed and I was on I-10 heading back to the East Coast.
It’s tacky to ask, I know, but how does a UVA man end up making only $24k in 1999 California?
Bottom rung of a publishing company, editorial assistant. I don’t remember exactly what the salary was, but I’m pretty sure it was somewhere in the 20s.
In 1999 dollars, $25K is $37K. Seems as if it’s probably about right for an entry level type job, no? Besides, my grades were terrible, my degree was in a fairly useless subject, and I never did any kind of career planning whatsoever.
Good morning (Glib time), Banjos and Vietnam! Yes, Virginia, it is possible to fire a police officer. In this case, the misdeed was only as far back as July 2016. Fortunately, the now-former officer was (and maybe still is) a lousy shot.
Any word on what department he’ll be working out of next week?
Not any word that I heard.
“The cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions has already begun to drive some residents away from high-tax states like New York and New Jersey”
Because they were born that way? It’s not the cap on the deductions, it’s the high taxes in the first place.
It should be, right: the federal deduction only allowed most folks to recover 25 to 30% of what the state had already taken.
BUT lots of Americans are dumb about wealth: I often hear people say not to pay off your mortgage because you need the tax deduction!11!?1?
Keeping a mortgage for the tax deduction can make sense.
Under what math?
If you invest the money that would otherwise pay off the mortgage, the tax deduction makes the mortgage the cheapest source of capital.
Not my thing, but there’s a case for it if you don’t mind the risk leverage brings.
if you have a return that, adjusted for risk, exceeds your marginal tax rate = no one I’ve ever known
What…the idea is if you are in a 30% bracket and you have a 4% mortgage rate, you only need your investments to earn more than 2.8% in order to come out ahead. Sure, that is not factoring in risk, nor inflation. It also does not factor in that most people are probably not investing any extra cash rendering the whole discussion moot.
of course you’re correct; sloppy pre-coffee math here;
by our math, 3% is the correct hurdle rate until you correct for risk
but, if you’re wrong you lose your house
so let me correct myself: I don’t know anyone who has a stellar idea that can truly be floated by the $200k or so he could leverage from his house so long as he gets a $1,500 tax offset from the federales
“but, if you’re wrong you lose your house”
You’re still paying your mortgage. Tax benefits aside, your just not using your money to pay off a loan for a property you can still sell at a profit if it goes up in price, and if it’s not going up in price you’re better off putting that money in something that will.
There is no reason to expect or need your house to appreciate. It’s value is not the eventual sale price, but the utility of having a place to live. That is the primary purpose of the house, and treating it as an investment instead ignores most of the value.
I take your point, and everyone should suit themselves, but my advice remains: debt is dumb and excuses for debt lure people to bad decisions.
And think about most folks: if they had their house paid off, would you advise them to take out a mortgage to fund an investment? And, even if you did, would you insist that the $1500 from the Treasury is the deal-maker without which they should walk away?
The millionaire next door paid his house off early. That’s 90% right for 90% of the people, this I am sure. My son is 25, a chemist and a law student: his house is paid for; I pray fervently that everyone else figures this out early.
My son is 25, a chemist and a law student: his house is paid for
Up next, Professional Surfweightlifting and fucking Morgan Fairchild.
Jeez. Does he sleep?
no sir
my very point is that giving someone a dollar so that the federales can give you a quarter is not a good plan . . and that is precisely what all deductions are mathematically
Thinking about it more, post tax reform this really is a dumb argument considering fewer people are itemizing.
There are reasons not to pay off a mortgage, most discussed above but the tax deduction should not be one of them.
“The New York and CA exodus have only just begun.”
Why do you think Biden and most of the team blue candidates are talking about repealing the Trump tax cuts as soon as they are elected? Here is a hint: That tax cut finally hit the ultra rich assholes constantly telling us they feel high taxes are great right where it hurts – their pocket books – by capping the maximum state tax they could deduct from their fed tax liability to $10K. That move alone hit so many of your usual progressive shitbag ultra rich cunts that always lectured people about why higher taxes was fine (they of course had no intention of paying any of those higher taxes and expected loopholes to allow them to minimize their tax liability) that every high tax blue state has been desperately trying to find a way around that limitation.
Team blue might once had had some legitimacy to the claim they were the party of the little guy and not the millionaires. But these days they are definitely not the party of the little guy or the millionaires, but that is because they are the party of the people that live off government handouts and the billionaires.
>> repealing the Trump tax cuts as soon as they are elected?
what’s the over/under of the Dems capturing the Senate so they could do this?
Senate? They don’t need no steenking Senate, when their guy has the pen and the phone!
Have no doubt that this is something high on their agenda as well. Reinstituting the crap Obama did through the pen, and taking it to the next exponential level, is high on their list of “fuck yous” to the deplorables.
Class 2 (2020) is heavily R so they have a lot of seats to defend, but nearly all the seats in the class are already aligned with the party that won the presidency in the last election, so if 2020 shapes up to be a normal election the Rs will hold (with minor losses of 1 or 2 seats) but if it shapes up to be a realigning election all bets are off.
Meant to say “aligned with the party that won the presidency in their state in the last election”.
Example of Youtube Children’s Content
You’re welcome.
You don’t get it?
Why would a clinic perform an in utero surgery? It’s just a blob
I heard someone asked that question and got labeled a terrorist for making that question….
Cleveland Clinic has successfully performed its first in utero fetal surgery to repair a spina bifida birth defect in a nearly 23-week-old fetus.
Huh. Usually they just slice the neck and yank it out of the womb.
My favorite high school teacher, a really intelligent and interesting guy who taught us more advanced stuff like basic organic chemistry (for those of us who would listen to his extra lectures when other kids were doing busywork) in biology had a daughter with spina bifida. It seemed to make him perennially depressed and eventually divorced (I believe after the girl died).
Such family tragedies go either of two ways. Either it brings the family together and strengthens them in incalculable ways, or it simply destroys them. Life is a bitch and then you die.
There’s a reason why marriges often don’t last after the death of a child.
The level of pain and grief is like nothing else. Any other pain in this world, there’s a process. Everything seems dark, then gradually the days get better. You might have scar tissue after, but the mornings eventually seem bright and hopeful. After losing a child, the darkness never goes away. You just learn ways to get around in the dark.
It’s a grief that comes in waves. Everything is fine one moment, then something sets you off. A commercial with a little girl in a hospital. A stuffed animal like the one your child had. A child laughing on the playground. Birthday celebrations you know your child will never get to experience. Most days you see those things and it doesn’t bother you….until it does.
Couple decades later I still find myself up at three in the morning, trying to drown it out with booze. My ex wife dealt with it by staying in bed all the time. Get home from work, and straight to the bedroom. Never spent any time in the living room. Still doesn’t, according to my son.
You can’t tell when it’s going to hit, so you spend your days walking on eggshells around your partner. One might be fine that day, while the other person is a wreck. Swap places a few days later. It’s difficult to be the supporting figure when their pain is the exact same pain you have. That’s not a path to a stronger relationship.
Truly sorry gbob. I’ve been watching some friends go through it over the last couple years and it is absolutely brutal.
gbob, I’m sorry. Halfway through your comment, it was like describing my wife after my stepson took his own life several years ago. She has good days and bad days, but it never goes away. Not really.
Sorry 🙁
Sorry gbob.
I can’t disagree. Of the few things in life that I am certain could bring me low losing a child is numero uno. I can’t imagine how people that lose a child go on. I have had some real bad life experiences I will not bore you with, and while I have had the occasional bad day, I always find a way to keep going. Losing my kid – even though he now is a grown man – is something I am sure I will not be able to just power through. My godson died at the age of 33 from colon cancer and left a 3 year and 9 month old behind. It devastated his parents and left a nasty scar on all of us that knew him.
Sorry to read that.
I got about 3 paragraphs read and realized you weren’t speaking hypothetically.
Gut-wrenching. Sorry gbob, hope you have more of the better days and fewer of the worse ones.
Losing a child is a pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I’m deeply sorry.
We are supposed to bury our parents, our kids are supposed to bury us. My own kids are older than most of the Glibs but I still would cry for the rest of my life if anything should happen to them or my grandchildren. Familial bonds…
My uncle died when my mother was a little girl, It broke my grandmother in half. I am truly sorry.
Not quite gbob levels, but divorce is also very high among parents of special needs kids.
I would concur with that LH. It can quickly lead to pressures that destroy the marriage. Especially if the people involved have negative feelings towards each other because of it or each other.
Divorce is also high because of personal mistakes. I know…
Yup. By either partner…
Teenager who became a sex worker at 17 by using a website that didn’t check her age claims she can earn £2K a night – and says a normal wage couldn’t fund her lifestyle
::distributes barf bags::
I’m waiting for her interview on the next Teen Vogue issue.
You warned us. I did not listen.
Not thicc enough for y’all?
Who the fuck is paying that kind of money to have to watch that shit? Are there some real serious fucking freaks out there?
I mean theres no accounting for taste
“theres no accounting for ‘bad’ taste”
I like how the whole hook of the headline is the failure of the website to check her actual age
Gotta shoehorn in War on Women somehow. Cuz a British 6.5 (American 2.5) making more than my dad must be oppressed, if not, keep digging.
I think I found where you may have some room in your budget to cut…
Think how she’d be without the treatments.
What in the hell is happening with her lips?
Before I clicked, I was going to say, “What’s that saying about quantity is its own quality? For some guys, especially older men, youth is its own beauty, apparently.” Then I saw her. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. She’s a big girl, which isn’t a disqualifier on its own in my book, but good God. She’s making baller money and still has stringy, funky hair and clown lips? You can’t buy class, sadly, and that’s the secret ingredient.
Jeebus if she can make that much money, think of how much a good looking girl could make!
It’s a pitiful state in England. Come over to Japan, Q.
Wait, people pay her, and not the other way around?
We’re not just a rust belt city with good beer. Our hospitals are pretty damned good as well.
/spent far too long in Rainbow Babies and Children when he was younger
Can confirm the good beer. My BIFs have been really nice so far.
Glad you’ve enjoyed them. Any favorites so far?
The Platform Strange Clothes. That little bit of sour in the Weisse beer – perfect for a hot day.
Platform’s got some good sours, and they’re setting up a full barrel aging facility. My biggest complaint about them is that there’s only a handful of beers that they continue to make. A large number of them are a one and done situation.
/full disclosure, they’re owned by the same people who own my local homebrew shop, and I know most of the brewers and staff there.
And with that, the Dominican Republic tourism industry is done.
On the bright side, they’ll be able to better appreciate the fiscal state of their island neighbor in the future.
Wait, people willingly visited the Dominican Republic?
Cheap underage pussy and coke has its appeal
*books flight*
Good to see you again, Senator!
Considering how much of their economy relies on tourism, they were shockingly tone-deaf and careless.
It really is quite astounding how badly they’re mismanaging this.
I think their reaction was to not acknowledge it was going on in the hopes it would go away and not impact their tourism industry numbers. Of course, any sane person would have realize that the ostrich approach was going to backfire, and backfire bigtime, and would have gone with admitting there was a problem and that they were looking to solve it, taking the short term hit to prevent the thing from just collapsing.
Yup. Seems different than when I was in Jamaica. It was one of the stops on the cruise I went on years ago. The people in charge of the outing I booked were very good/strict about keeping the tourist safe going so far as to shoo away “riffraff” that might try to bother us.
Sometimes stuff is discounted for a reason.
Yurp. It’s never been a place I would have wanted to go, but previous to this I wouldn’t have discounted it.
Now I wouldn’t even think about setting foot in that shithole.
Huh. I would have thought a place where the resorts include all-you-can-fuck whores would be right up your alley. So to speak.
Consider going there but their airline taxes made other places in the Caribbean more affordable. Once people stop flying there, they will be hurting.
That is unbelievable news about the in utero surgery. It still blows my mind how quickly you become attached just by seeing a blurry image of something and hearing a heartbeat, but damned if you don’t.
This. And how attached you can become to them despite them crawling into bed and kicking you all night.
Yeah, you never realize how much you miss being a footrest at 3:00 AM when they eventually move into their own rooms.
Altar Boy #2 was the worst for that. When he slept with us, he’d end up perpendicular between my wife and I. She got the snuggly end and I got his thrashing feet kicking me all night.
That’s not a child. It’s a sibling prevention system.
*braces for next wave of Irish refugees*
I, for one, will gladly take in a strapping young country lad.
Almost like a guarantee. I am curious though, as to how the new migrants are going to enjoy the Irish weather, potatoes and lack of goats.
Well, according to one of the other links, NY is emptying out, so there should be plenty of space for them.
New York, California high-tax state exodus just beginning, expert warns
The problem is that people maintain their voting habits.
If I remember correctly, the Blue spots in Texas were home grown nuts, and the tax refugees were not the primary driver, as many acclimated to the local attitudes.
Blue Texas is simply urban. All the cities except Fort Worth vote blue.
“All the cities across the US vote blue”
Are there any urban areas that vote red? I can’t think of a single one.
The greater salt lake city area is contested
will from time to time
As for BHM, you have to get out into some of the suburbs before it turns reliably red. How far out depends on the direction. The core downtown area is solid blue, and the immediate suburbs are fairly purple. At least that’s how the local elections tended to be.
Bear in mind though – downtown only accounted for approximately 150-200k of an overall metro population of over a million…
absolutely correct
(That particular) Shelby County thing is the question of where BHM begins and ends, the same question in this Shelby County (MEM) that is answered with a line for now.
Dallas speaks to the national norm: Collin County isn’t Dallas, but it wouldn’t exist without Dallas, and it voted 56% Trump. Lots of reactionaries, fiscal conservatives, and nervous housewives in them there parts.
Fort Worth per se though actually does vote Red. It doesn’t need the suburbs to be red. This is how it is unlike any other Texas city.
Jacksonville Florida (#12) seems to be the largest city in the country to vote red. Fort Worth (#13) is the largest city in Texas (#5) to vote red.
Not surprising since Jacksonville is one of those city-county thingies.
Purely anecdotal: I used to work in central FL, which is pretty much overflowing with NewYoricans now. All the ones I know were at least gun nuts, and some were outright Trump supporters. None were lefties. They come from a class that tends to identify somewhat with the redneck culture in FL.
Some of us former Cuban refugees who settled in Florida have also acclimated to redneck culture.
Insert my love of guns and moonshine and my sister and mother’s love for country music
A guy who works in IT with a buddy of mine was a kid when his family came over from Viet Nam on one of the refugee boats in the 70s. He lives northwest of Baltimore, which is pretty rural. Apparently he looks like a little, middle-aged, off-the-boat Vietnamese guy who’s an amateur Toby Keith impersonator. Big ol’ redneck and proud of it. Did not vote for Hillary.
Stories and people like that make my heart warm.
Insert my love of guns and moonshine and my sister…
…and mother’s love for country music
When talking redneck culture, that could’ve been a lot worse.
Except many of the tax refugees will be the minority that doesn’t vote for high taxes. Many of the votes for high taxes are coming from the free shit crowd that doesn’t pay much in taxes anyway.
Maybe the momentum will pull some out of the Mpls/St Paul metro (except for the glibs). Happy thoughts…
It’s about vibrant, populated city centres, liveable, with excellent amenities and transport as we embrace higher densities.”
It’s about taking your meds, dude.
Higher densities do not produce livable environments.
Where’s that documentary on the mouse utopia?
Say, now many shootings is Chicago up to this year?
You of all people can’t deny that arterial red is a vibrant color.
Re: Ireland. The visionary’s always expect a clean future of shining skyscrapers. Instead they will have social unrest and deep poverty.
Given their other policies, they’ll just have Bangladesh with shittier weather.
It’s hard to beat annual typhoons that kill people every year in the shitty weather category.
Bug or feature – if they are getting free shit from the state?
Yeah, the weather in Bangladesh is absolutely awful, unless you like the tropics.
PS. TIL that Bangladesh is a “People’s Republic” – which does help explain a few things. Such as why every taxicab, auto-repair shop, and chicken joint in NYC is run by them.
“People’s republics are neither.”
Muhammad Shahbaz, 50, admitted that he charged recipients double the value for items restricted by the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), including cigarettes, a tall glass bong and other items
The big time dealer is the one that controls the supply. Lock up the people who created that black market.
What about the people who abused their SNAP benefits? Any charges for them? Any reduction of benefits since if they can pay double for a bong then we’re giving them too much money.
This must be one of those show-trial thingies because everyone knows they all do this.
My favorite food stamp fraud story, from a long time ago…
“”Unfortunately, the food stamp program is being abused by unscrupulous ripoff artists who are using food stamps to hot-wire an illegal underground network that permits food coupons to purchase drugs, guns and even a surface-to-air missile,” said Rep. Ron Wyden, chairman of a House Small Business subcommittee.”
OMG! I’m worried about crypto currency. It’ll be abused to buy drugs and guns. Oh, now I understand Facebook’s move. There oughta be a law.
Rufus better watch out for his problem neighbor. Canada just opened the door for some home grown justice!
On the flip side, Rufus could become famous for challenging PM Zoolander to a duel.
If we were to bring back duels in general I hope it is with swords like god intended not pistols which are for cowards.
Swords are better for the audience, but a pair of matchlock pistols? Standing there trying to look tough while you wait to see if your opponent manages to shoot you in the chest at short range? That takes some big brass ones.
+1 Andrew Jackson
Also, how awesome would it be to have Pence kill Mnuchin in a duel?
AOC vs. Cocaine Mitch!
But then he still couldn’t be alone with his widow.
AOC versus Michelle Bachmann in a Jello Match
That is what is billed on the card, but once you pay the entrance fee, it is going to be Pelosi vs. Hillary topless in mud.
Old man in the sticks: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ScotsIrish: killing your neighbors so you don’t have to for 500 years
Swords is messy. Pistols simple and clean.
Swords is messy.
Dude, we are talking real swords here. Not some silly child’s game where you cross streams of urine with another kid.
Seattle has a personal combat law that is essentially the rules of fight club.
But they aren’t allowed to talk about it.
How can I take seriously they really believe that a manmade “climate apocalypse” (quotation FTA) threatened to make Mankind extinct if the plan does not include nuclear?
It’s like that friend of yours that is always whining about not getting any pussy. “I’m desperate!” “Well, how about that chick. She seems to like you.” “Yeah, I don’t really like her knees.”
I see you’ve met my brother in law.
So are you saying that when you have been in the dry dock for a while you might need to lower your standards to float the boat again?
That whole Totalitarian Ireland fantasy reads like the synopsis of a lousy MST3K episode. All it needs now is a band of plucky urchins, a leprechaun king, and a magic sword.
And they say Trump is an authoritarian monster.
Yeah, I was expecting a “satire” tag or something at the bottom.
Camping Sex Is The Hottest Sex You’ll Have All Summer—Here’s How To Do It Right
“The fresh air, flowers, and sounds of the trees and wildlife can enhance the experience and add to the excitement, since it’s not the normal bedroom or shower sex.” – you don’t need to camp for that
Between the booze, the darkness, and “accidentally” getting in the wrong tent, my 20s agree with the author wholeheartedly.
Our natives call that “Teepee creeping”.
Is this N article about how to have sex outside? Our ancestors has great confuse.
If you’re in a campsite, you should also be aware that a tent does not do much to stop noise.
IOW, knock it out of the park, lads, you’ve got an audience!
And technically not outside. Which I mention because perhaps part of the fun is being naked outdoors. It’s a very garden of eden type fantasy.
If you are on a long back pack trip in the back country, make sure you really, really savor that first romp, because without access to showers or bath, the next romps get successfully more smell, sticky and disgusting.
So you won’t do a 69 after the first romp?
Correct. Camping when you have access to a shower isn’t really camping, and sex without access to a shower is not really something I look forward to.
I’m curious as to how Jennifer uses wildlife to enhance her sexual experiences.
Flowers: Nature’s Tampons
Boy Scouts approve this message!
bugs and rocks
Do it standing or in a tent. Jeez.
And avoid the poison oak/ivy/sumac patches.
Doctor banned from practising over ‘immoral’ bikini photos
A Myanmar Medical Council has stripped a doctor of her licence to practice after she refused to remove photos of herself in a two-piece swimsuit.
What does she specialize in? Because that part hurts all of a sudden.
I need a consultation and I don’t care if she lost her accreditation. Ripping of Marvin Gaye I need to point out that I will pay her for some sexual healing!
Holy crap, I’d love for her to be my doctor. WOULD with furious justice.
She’s welcome to come to America.
This is exactly the kind of freedom-loving immigrant we need to prioritize.
If the Irish government is interested in advice on some non-nuclear options, perhaps they should turn to the BBC: “We head to Cuba to find out. … What are our options for removing carbon dioxide from the air?” Short version: Cuba is a world leader in low emissions of stuff that will destroy the planet.
Once again Cuba brightly beams as an example to the western world.
Well, except during the blackouts.
So, the key to low emissions is an impoverished agrarian economy.
Yes, according to the BBC.
“‘The food, alcohol, air is normal, there is no alteration of the alcohol’: Dominican Republic’s health ministry calls eight mysterious US deaths at four hotels on the island ‘fake news’ and says tests prove they ALL died of natural causes”
We have the best food, the best alcohol. You know. I don’t drink, unlike drunk crooked Hillary. She’s a drunk. Anyway, there was a test. It’s just like school. You take the test and you pass. Good. You don’t pass. Then maybe not so good, right? These tests? Passed with flying colors. Flying colors. The colors were flying. How can there be a problem if the colors were flying? Because it’s fake news. It’s the lying and and dishonest media. I see those red lights, those red lights out there. Turn those cameras around and show how great this island is. Go ahead. Turn them around. They won’t, people. Because I’m telling you, they are fake news. That’s all they are. Fake.
*starts applauding, keels over dead*
Banjos, you must be excited about sloopy’s latest auction. So taxidermy. Much stuffed.
Planning on getting anything?
Never get high on your own supply.
Nothing in there really fits my style. I like the quirky stuff.
Drivers will be forced off the roads in Ireland and the population packed into “higher density” cities under a long-awaited climate plan which will ‘revolutionise’ people’s lifestyle and behaviours, according to local media.
I guess the Irish have decided to embrace their fate as slaves.
only 11 more years for gas powered cars?
I don’t see how rural people would stand for this.
Ze untermenschen vill do as zey are told.
No guns.
I spent some time with the locals up in Donegal. Trust me, there are guns…
It’s Ireland, dude. Horses will become a thing again.
But they exhale and fart CO2!
What are they gonna do
You know who else wanted people packed in high density living conditions?
Concentration camp ABCs for AOC
maybe she means it in the sense of camps to gather certain groups of people opposed to the genocide sense.
She got in an exchange with some team blue mouthpiece journo whom called her out and pointed out that she definitely meant to invoke a comparison with Nazism when she used the words “Never again”. I was flabbergasted that some of these people did have a breaking point. Maybe the dnc leadership has reached out to their mouthpieces and pointed out that Karla Marx is a serious liability to their 2020 chances, and they need her to erm, be reminded she is not to do any unapproved commenting anymore.
The problem is morons like Godwin are defending and agreeing with her.
It’s truly something else to behold.
“Godwinning” just lost all meaning and validity in this timeline.
Tell me about it.
Godwin is just another partisan hack.
I would argue the opposite, that now it is not only named for the person who described the tactic, but one who epitomizes it.
I wrote my dissertation on this so listen to me.
As mentioned above, you can try to motte and Bailey this but AOC made it difficult to when she evoked “never again “
“A better question is, why don’t we just call them prisons?”
Because they can leave for their home countries?
AOC is successfully executing the Trump strategy. Neither the media nor either of the two parties can manage to ignore her. She is the de facto voice of the party.
All your base are belong to Thot Thursday.
3, 13, 28. Lovely thotty girls, Q.
And here, I bring you an offering from the Holy Land.
“The New York and CA exodus have only just begun.”
“Historian Victor Davis Hanson described why he feels his home state of California is America’s first ‘Third World state’ during a Monday night appearance on Fox News’ ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’” Does New York feel dissed?
Related article by VDH.
Sounds like what the Irish are aspiring to become.
The ‘weathies’ will be long gone. Some speak Canadian or even English
California is quite a ways further down the road to madness than New York, believe it or not. But damn if Cuomo & Co. aren’t trying their best to catch up.
New Yorkers are incredibly annoying but much more practical than Californians.
They may be “much more practical than Californians,” but they have a long way to go on the continuum of practicality to be “practical,” considering who they keep electing.
I keep wondering what the margin of fraud is in some districts and whether the results we get are from apathetic voting populations, or direct machinations.
The November 2018 election in Broward County, Florida was GIGO. The supervisor of elections was replaced. However, the results still have not been voided. There were statewide candidates and issues, local candidates and issues, and candidates for US House of Representatives and the US Senate.
Re the fetus surgery.
That’s gotta put a dent in the pro-choice camp.
No way man. Like Aztec human sacrifice, it’s a religious sacrament to them.
At least Tlaloc made the rains come when crying children were sacrificed to him. The abortophiliacs get nothing so useful.
All those goods and services votes are being bought with?
Yeah, right.
What?! That’s not healthcare! This is healthcare! *chainsaw sound*
So, the key to low emissions is an impoverished agrarian economy.
In BIF related news, from all I’ve heard the beers have been delivered and are in the process of being enjoyed. If you haven’t received your package (or communication from the person shipping to you), please reach out to me. I’m glad that this BIF was also able to facilitate some face to face meetings between several Glibs.
>>able to facilitate some face to face meetings between several Glibs.
Animated videos: Boy Scouts’ new tactic to fight sex abuse
Just decriminalize beating the living shit out of creeps.
Before or after you actually prove them guilty? Cause I am all for doing it if a proper system to first verify the accuracy of the accusation is put in place. Not so much otherwise.
Let the troop decide. If the Scouts lynch their Scoutmaster, there was probably a good reason.
(I’m half kidding, sort of)
The Battle of Kookamonga sounds a bit more sinister now.
two or more adult leaders be present with youth at all times
That’s all it ever took: no one-on-one contact. BSA was Pence before Pence was cool.
When you have as many mutually incompatible client groups in your coalition, this was inevitable.
No worries though, they’ll get in line for the general like good little drones because ORANGEMANBAD.
Am I evil for actually hoping for more of this blue-on-blue (military term for being hit by friendly fire for those that might not realize that is what I meant even though it is aptly referring to team blue members going after each other) attacks and casualties?
I’m wondering if there will be Dem primary shenanigans a la 2012 (or not, but conspiracy theories running wild), with Biden emerging as the victor, and the prog wing will stay home during the general election out of anger.
“It is better to remain silent and be though a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”
Or don’t. And be sure to double-down.
Ocasio-Cortez responded to the criticism she has received from Republicans.
“I’m absolutely comfortable using that term because it is rooted in an academic definition. Often times when the term concentration camp is evoked what people think of are extermination camps, they think of Auschwitz,” she said on Capitol Hill.
“I think what we need to realize is, is that one of the biggest lessons we learned from both Holocaust historians and civil rights academics and experts is that it takes a process, a slow gradual process of increasingly dehumanizing steps, and once you have convinced an electorate or once you have convinced a community that a certain group of people are bad or less than it justifies and it allows people to feel more comfortable with the dehumanization and the dehumanizing acts in violation of their rights,” she added.
In direct response to Cheney’s tweet, Ocasio-Cortez said, “The ironic part was she used an extremely offensive term, she used the term extermination, which was co-opting the language of that, you know, that term implies that the people who died in the Holocaust, it doubles down on the rhetoric that justified it. I mean, I think she’s the one who has to do her homework.”
“I think what we need to realize is, is that one of the biggest lessons we learned from both Holocaust historians and civil rights academics and experts is that it takes a process, a slow gradual process of increasingly dehumanizing steps, and once you have convinced an electorate or once you have convinced a community that a certain group of people are bad or less than it justifies and it allows people to feel more comfortable with the dehumanization and the dehumanizing acts in violation of their rights,” she added.
In direct response to Cheney’s tweet, Ocasio-Cortez said, “The ironic part was she used an extremely offensive term, she used the term extermination, which was co-opting the language of that, you know, that term implies that the people who died in the Holocaust, it doubles down on the rhetoric that justified it. I mean, I think she’s the one who has to do her homework.”
That term is used because that’s what they were trying to do. It was systematic, deliberate killing and it should be described as such. FFS…
Is anyone surprised that a social justice warrior, when called out with facts and logic, decides not to shut the fuck up or apologize, but to double down on the stupid?
When you are thought never to admit you are wrong because others will cover for you, your first inclination is to never feel like you need to worry about being wrong, let alone stupid.
She’s the left’s Trump: Say or tweet whatever dumb thing pops into your head, let proxies defend it until the initial statement becomes beside the points, never, ever admit you made a mistake, if backed all the way in the corner, say you weren’t to be taken literally or it was just a joke, jeez, lighten up.
This is the key to her popularity.
“The call to decarbonise the global economy by 80% by 2050 can now only be described as glib in my opinion, as the underlying analysis shows it is only possible if we wish to see large parts of the population die from starvation, destitution or violence in the absence of enough low-carbon energy to sustain society.”
I think that’s the end goal. Death. They feel we’re over populated. It’s a death cult.
Death through system change.
The irish want to be the guInea pigs for a death cult project so be it. Maybe then once people see the results of their retardation in plain view they’ll once and for all realize they were duped by charlatans.
I’m hoping there’s enough of a spine left in some of the Irish that they kill the warmists in a revolt instead.
Bring back the potato famine!
I’ve listened to Irish in most counties recall the famine. FWIW, there wouldn’t have been that many Irish to die in the first place if not for the dietary boon of the potato.
Live by the potato: die by the potato
You left off “Kill by the potato.”
*draws peeler*
I will attend ye at dawn, sir . . . er um . . . in Canada
name your second !
( Bloody Island, Missouri, closed to dueling until further notice . . . haz a sad )
MFGA! (Make Famine Great Again!)
Dude just accept it and die gracefully for Gaia.
“The call to decarbonise the global economy by 80% by 2050 can now only be described as glib in my opinion”
Not any Glibs I can think of.
– Peter and Dug, Beyond the Edge of the Map.
Maybe us flyover rubes are really more dumb. But that would make flyover cops the dumbest of us all
The Topeka cops tweeted this out on Father’s Day:
After being surprised by community outrage, they try to back track with this for an excuse:
“Thought this was cute, might delete it later.”
In what world is that “light-hearted”?
Dude, it’s hillllllarious when a little kid’s dad gets taken away and put in a metal rape box because he used some previously legal but now illicit and probably soon to be legal again drug.
“Does your child’s father have warrants?”
I read that as “warts”. Depends on where they are, I guess. Don’t ask the neighbor lady, though.
‘These People Aren’t Coming From Norway’: Refugees in a Minnesota City Face a Backlash
As more Somali refugees arrive in St. Cloud, white anti-immigration activists have pressed an increasingly explicit anti-Muslim agenda.
How bad could it be? After all, it gave us Ilhan Omar in the US House of Representatives…
Well, if the Minnesotans are anything like the Germans, they’re hiding the statistics so you’ll never know.
I remember one time I was very proud of myself for not doing (a) joke (while campaigning). I was in New Ulm, Minn., which is a beautiful town that was founded by German settlers. That’s why it’s called New Ulm. And they have this big statue in the park called Hermann the German. And he stands on like a 75-foot pedestal. And he’s a statue to a – Arminius, who defeated a Roman army, killed a lot of Romans in the year 9, when Jesus was just a tot. And I grew up in St. Louis Park , which is kind of the Jewish suburb of Minneapolis. It’s called St. Jewish Park by people. . .
And so I wanted – it popped in my head as like – oh, this statue is called Hermann the German. And that’s how it’s known. And I wanted to say, you know, in St. Louis Park, we had a little statue called Stu the Jew. And I said – and I didn’t do it.
Al Franken
Indeed, what could go wrong?
Technically the attacker was a Kenyan, but that is close enough.
Somalis are like the bike activists of refugees.
On paper, it is easy to think that it would be nice to let some refugees in so they can have a better life. Then they instantly start advocating for all sorts of extra special refugee lanes – damn the costs – and accusing anyone who doesn’t support their agenda of being a total racist/islamophobe.
After a few meetings, you begin wondering how this ever sounded like a good idea.
That’s why I get annoyed when they’re compared to immigrants from Old Europe. Europeans never did that.
apt metaphor
continuing: the lanes will live forever, seldom used, full of twigs and shattered head lamps and bumper bits, serving only to enrage those in the two remaining lanes against even the refugees who never wanted the lanes in the first place, who just wanted to fit in and get along
They might want to rethink that name CCC. Unless they are deliberately trying to piggyback off that other organization. It was widely believed that the earlier CCC was named in a deliberate attempt to brand themselves as a kinder, gentler KKK.
I’ve been waiting to see whether the connection between importing refugees and getting an Ilhan Omar will start to make it into the broader public consciousness. So far, I see a surprisingly large number of “how did she get elected anyway??” posts on social media.
Yea, sure. It has nothing to do with assimilation or lack of cultural comparability.
I anxiously await her being banned for violating Twatter’s standards.
Definitely not a grifter, nope, nosirree
Does the other way work? If I don’t want to pay reparations, etc?
All I gotta say is if she wants people to pay reparations, she’s free to pay the nearest African American. Nobody be stoppin’ that douche canoe.
She’s a bright one:
Fuck. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that was a Richard Spencer sock account.
Wild Woman | Poet
Same thing I was thinking! All these white people raising their voices as if they have a say.”
“Scott King
That’s kinda how democracy works”
“Wild Woman | Poet
LOL naw. You dont have a right to intrude on conversations that don’t concern you. The end.”
She’s a wild woman poet.
Your democracy is not muh democracy until I say it is cracker.
If you’re for reparations, you want a shakedown. The end.
My great grandfathers hit Ellis Island in 1908 and 1920 from Scotland and Italy. I’m pretty sure they weren’t considered white and I know neither of them had slaves.
How much will I get?
A bill for at least $20K…
Same here but Netherlanders – and poor as dirt farm laborers.
My family arrived during the potato famine. I have ancestors on both sides of the civil war. Their ancestors came from places that indicate less than stellar social status. None of them owned any slaves.
one of them owned any slaves.
Few did. The slave trade was a game for the rich.
I’m screwed. My first ancestor arrived from England in the early 1600s (don’t know when he came over, but he got married in Jamestown in 1625). A few generations later one married Thomas Jefferson’s niece and was a captain in the continental army. I’m sure there were some slaveholders there.
That said, by the Civil War they were dirt farmers in Florida, so whatever fortune was lost pretty quickly…
That’s about when my family arrived.
My Dad, Latvia 1903
My great-great grandfather, Henry, was in the Union cavalry during the Civil War. His father, Arnold, was the one who emigrated with his family from France. I think Henry was a child when they arrived in Ohio. They were farmers; no slaves.
Well, Danny Glover is trying to get you white slavers to pay up.
I miss Glover from DerrickComedy. Woke Glover is an asshole.
as if they have a say…that don’t concern you
My money is quite a large concern for me, as is the way the government spends it after it is taken from me. I get a say. I get a vote. That’s how
democracyour republic works.But it’s noble shakedown filled with virtue and justice.
*opens pay stub, checks taxes deducted*
I’d say I’ve been paying plenty of reparations.
Good morning, Banjos! Sunny and perfect here in God’s country today.
Why are these plans always produced by people who fetishize urban life?
Control. Fucking free people always make choices that the proggies hate. It aggravates them.
Cars and guns are remarkably similar in this regard. Symbols and tools of freedom that they will never stop trying to criminalize. Proggies are a pestilence.
Amen to that, brother!
Sartre was correct once.
Rural folk don’t have neighbors. No one ever thought to control neighbors they didn’t have.
Nah, its a lack of empathy. These people are 100% immune to the idea that anyone, anywhere, anywhen, might have different preferences than they do. You can’t *really* want to have a back yard, your own basketball hoop in the driveway, or heaven forbit, a shooting range on your property.
You *really* want to ride your bike to trendy coffee shop every sunday at 10:00 AM for boozy brunch, and you want to live upstairs from a tapas restaurant that’s open until 1:00 AM, because you dont’ 1) have anyone you need to transport that can’t pedal their own bike, 2) don’t have anything you do on Sundays at 10:00 AM, and 3) ever want to go to bed before 1:00 AM.
There’s the other side of that too. Downtown Willoughby (equal measure of bars and antique shops) has a number of apartments for rent above the store fronts. Someone with a family rented the apartment above the Irish pub, and then continued to call in noise complaints every weekend night when they had live music. One of the musicians sang a song called Alice, which includes a call back from the audience of “Who the fuck is Alice?!” This finally got the cops to cite the bar and the musician for noise/indecency. The musician (Irish immigrant) would tell the story that when he went to court for the ticket, he asked the judge, “So, you’re saying that I can say the word fuck?”
The judge replied, “Not loudly enough to be heard from the street.”
The musician replied, “Well fuck you then.”
He claimed to have the contempt of court paperwork framed in his house.
A desire for control and a lack of empathy are not mutually exclusive. On Doctor Who, the Cybermen cannot accept that most people do not want to be “upgraded” to become Cybermen. Some people the Cybermen try or succeed to involuntarily “upgrade” for their own good. Other Some people the Cybermen try or succeed to involuntarily “delete” for the good of their cause to “upgrade” everyone. The Cybermen were first onscreen in October 1966. The warning still applies.
“I think what we need to realize is, is that one of the biggest lessons we learned from both Holocaust historians and civil rights academics and experts is that it takes a process, a slow gradual process of increasingly dehumanizing steps, and once you have convinced an electorate or once you have convinced a community that a certain group of people are bad or less than it justifies and it allows people to feel more comfortable with the dehumanization and the dehumanizing acts in violation of their rights,” she added.
I, uh… got nothin’.
+1 Deplorable.
Seems pretty stupid to go all the way to pissing off investors because of your wokitude.–lb93h-53p6lw9
They are “too big to fail”.
Meh, they’ll find other investors. The takeover of corporate America took a little longer than the media and education establishments, but it’s catching up.
They’re afraid of their employees, not their investors, and rightly so, because investors are almost universally treated like shit and the corporations get away with it. Just look at the number of failed CEOs that just hop from one venture to another.
Eventually, a valid replacement to Google will crop up and they’re going to be screwed as their employees will not give them the flexibility to respond properly.
Walker gave an incoherent response that never addressed any of the concerns Danhof raised.
I smell White House potential
Quite the mystery happening in Minnesoda higher education right now. How will they solve this problem?
Huh. How would the private sector respond to a situation where their customer base has been constantly shrinking for years? I’m sure they’d raise prices too. Because that always brings in more revenue.
It is, I assume, the fault of extreme libertarianism depriving the schools of public funds, Their hands are tied.
This one neat trick – free college – will solve this problem!
Someone should point the morons peddling free education to how this played out in Europe, where in such enlightened countries like the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark, to name a few, where the right to an education used to be just as much a guarantee as the “free healthcare for all” promise they all have now rolled back. See, it used to be that in these enlightened socialist states that you could be a perpetual student, living on the tax payer’s dime, and just changing your major every 4 or 5 years so you never had to finish school. And you not only got free education, but free room & board! That was until about some 5 years or so ago when the bureaucrats, desperate to make the lucre that their 50-80% tax rates was bringing in but remained about half of what they needed based on their spending promises, ended that practice. Now you are expected to finish in a specified time period (still a long 7 years) and if not, to pay them back.
But our leadership class is promising the people that vote for a living, or are envious of others that didn’t make the same dumb choices and mistakes that they did and now want to straddle with the financial consequences of the bad decisions/choices, both these things. Nothing will go wrong with that….
Isn’t Europe the land of stringant admissions exams and low admittance quotas? It’s not like here, where every slob who should never be in a university is let in somewhere.
Yes. In Germany, for one, more emphasis is placed on things like technical training and apprenticeships. It’s still “free” but nobody’s pretending that their kid with straight C’s is going to Uni.
Can you imagine some of these people being told their snowflake will not make it to any college? And note this will only be a problem for the plebes. Our ruling class will pay others to get their kids to circumvent whatever process will make them dumb as a rock.
Oh, well that’s ok then.
C’mon higher education bubble – BURST ALREADY!
Hundreds of diversity and inclusion administrators just heaved a sigh of relief.
When we toured Colorado State, the nice young lady giving the tour went on at some length about the many different diversity offices they had there. Then she shared what she learned about genders. So earnest and perky.
I managed not to barf, but it was tough.
“So what you’re saying is, Tuition money and taxpayer funds are pissed away on useless people in useless jobs and reaching outright falsehoods?”
/What I hope I’d have had the courage to say.
Winning hearts and minds.
“When people talk about ‘we’ve already paid reparations,’ I’ve heard people talk about the fact that white people died in the Civil War fighting on the side of the north. Well, the north was also a beneficiary of enslavement, quite frankly,” Malveaux said during a House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties hearing on Wednesday focused on H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act.
“So, no reparations have not been paid and the fact is, again, some folks may want checks but what we’re really talking about is closing that wealth gap and making people whole,” she added.
“Congress has indifferently, essentially, sidelined black people from the opportunities that they created for white people, plain and simple — sidelined us from those opportunities and that’s why it’s time now to talk about how to fix that,” Malveaux said. “I don’t like to think that white people are evil. I think that white people are ignorant. I think that white people do not know what the history is and I commend you all to look at the history and the work you’ve done in the past and then challenge you to do the right thing.”
I am done with this topic. Slavery existed everywhere in every culture all throughout human history. No one alive in the US today (legally…) owned a slave and no one was (legally…) enslaved. Most of us probably have slaves somewhere in our ancestry. It’s over. Get over it and kindly fuck off.
Congress has indifferently, essentially, sidelined black people from the opportunities that they created for white people…
Citations, please. What in the everloving fuck does that even mean?
It means I want free shit, and you people better give it to me or I will keep haranguing you with baseless shit meant to impugn your character.
The south exported a shitton of cotton during the time of slavery. Get your reparations from those countries too? Bet you don’t even try.
See, I would go the other direction:
Send a bill to the countries that supplied the slave trade. You know, the MENA countries (well, the ones in Africa, mostly). Oh, and their descendants in this country shouldn’t be eligible for reparations payments, either. Yeah, I’m looking at the Somalis, some of whom undoubtedly believe they will get the payoff. Nope, you guys were major suppliers, no reparations for you.
I don’t even wanna think how ugly it will get if this goes anywhere.
Luckily, it won’t.
Expect it to get louder up until the election and then it will disappear.
If you could accurately trace our ancestory back 2,000 years – all of us (unless maybe your parents were hunter-gathers on a remote island) are descended from slaves and slave-owners. No exceptions for Africans, Europeans, or Asians.
I want my reparations for my ancestors being ethnically cleansed from the mother continent!
This is what a modern-day, “respectable” racist sounds like.
I thought in progland if you disagree that Lawrence Jones is a slave that you are a homophobe. Although I am confused if he is supposed to ‘go back to Fox News where there’s more cotton for you to pick’ or if he is supposed to ‘go back to Kenya.’
As more Somali refugees arrive in St. Cloud, white anti-immigration activists have pressed an increasingly explicit anti-Muslim agenda.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Spain is latest affordable housing battleground
Yes this sort of think worked everywhere it was tried, why not Spain…
This time we will get it to work as we dream it should!
UK porn age-verification system faces six-month delay
Change due on 15 July likely to be postponed over legal issues with European commission
Legit question: Anyone else ever make a promise to yourself that you won’t be an asshole and manage to keep yourself in check for a while. Then, someone says something ridiculous and all that pent up assholery explodes? Serenity now type backlash?
days ending in Y
it’s a journey, brother
Pretty much what the Don said. I just try to minimize my assholery the best I can at this point.
Why are we even trying to manage it? There’s a specific amount and it’s coming out eventually. Just let it out in when it comes seems to be the better route.
In my case, I teach and work with kids so I gotta get that shit on lid really hard. Thankfully though, I haven’t had much cause to get my asshole game on. When I do get pushed to there though, I’m able to just let it out in the privacy of my home and booze.
/probably not best strategy
I try to only let it out when the person is truly deserving. Some people are just plain stupid. being an asshole to them is not really fair.
You should take up online gaming and insult people in the chat. Get it out of your system in a forum where it’s accepted behavior.
I will say that carrying helps: you
a/ go fewer places you don’t belong
b/ start up fewer high risk interactions
c/ tend to escalate less
d/ grin and walk away more
because you know it can’t go that way.
In essence, I’ve re-sprouted my hillbilly heritage of staying on my own hill and minding my own business. That also means the folks I abuse are mostly friends and family.
For the individual, that is true. Problem is that the places where people do congregate get dominated by slavers. Now what do you have in a democracy? You gotta pray that old piece of paper written a couple centuries ago will keep them off your property and out of your wallet. The virtuous often have the most to lose and so they back out of conflict. Next thing you know, you’re drinking out of a paper straw and invading another pissant country.
Yeah, just about every family gathering.
Neah usually on the occasions I don’t want to be an asshole I keep to it
On a more serious note, I have found that prednisone turns me into a raging asshole.
I’ve been on a bit of an apology tour lately.
Every single time I hit the 4 beer mark.
Hear ya. I hate Monday mornings, too.
What drives me bonkers is this.
There are friends and family in a circle who you know don’t read about history or follow the news much – as they admit. They also know you’re the opposite and are very informed and on top of things. They’ll say things to you like ‘you have too much time’ or ‘why do you spend money on books?’
But then, they feel perfectly comfortable in just parroting stupid shit in your presence. They project their ignorance on to you.
For example, I know what’s coming next in talking with a friend. They’re gonna say ‘concentration camps!’
And I’ll be forced to say ‘aaaannd that’s why I spend money on books’. To not be a useful idiot. To inoculate myself from people who prey on ignorance.
The problem is when perceived experts say dumb things in the mainstream so your friends are more likely to side with Krugman than you because he’s the boss – an appeal to authority.
You? You’re just an over-read malcontent conspiracy theorist.
Actually having to be informed is hard work. Being a prog asshat, constantly spewing stupid talking points however allows you to claim intelligence, even when it is not there, by virtue of the fact too many have been convinced that the proggies are supposedly smart.
Rational ignorance. Maybe we’re the idiots.
Willful ignorance, one of the few things that causes my rage to rise.
Your shit is all retarded and you talk like a fag
Vow to not be an asshole to people who don’t deserve it. People saying something stupid deserve it.
Well, it’s a tough one. My neighbour is not happy with the way grass was laid down on my side alleging it’s going to ‘flood’ his side because it’s sloped down. Aside from the fact, it’s a pretty standard thing around here, it won’t do that. Dude was all like ‘fire and rage Noah’s Ark 40 days, 40 nights’ on me and the landscapers. They never saw such an arrogant prick like that.
In trying to bully me he was saying ‘by the book’ I have to put a retainer wall. I’m ‘0-16 inches’ which is perfectly legal. The city by-law says 36 inches and up and even then….it may not be required. So when I merely mentioned to him what I was told by the city, the landscaper and my BIL who is a contractor, he just said ‘No. It’s not true. 8 inches is the law.’ I’ve also asked for the heck of it a couple of neighbours who have slopes if it has been a problem and they were all surprised by the question because there’s no issue. He also threatened that when the inevitable flood comes ‘because it’s physics’ he’s gonna make me tear it up. By this point, I’m too stunned to even respond but he pissed me off and he’ll obviously do no such thing.
What am I going to do? Argue and be an asshole with an ill-informed ogre? My BIL and sister said you need to go medieval on a guy like that but I just don’t see the point. Neither does my Zen Master wife. Now he’s acting all passive aggressive. Over stupid fucken grass.
Norman Bates loves his grass.
I like to think he’s gonna come to regret his behaviour but I don’t think so.
Arson. Burn his grass.
By the way, he was demanding the guys to dig two feet on my foundation wall to make the slope even while I was at work. He started to direct them. They told him they can’t do that without my consent and that what he was requesting was ridiculous and unnecessary. Never mind it would cost more money which of course I was going to pay not him. Angered, he then called my wife on her cell. We gave him our number for an emergency not to vent while she was working.
Truly a thoughtless idiot.
I wouldn’t take kindly to someone trying to redirect my contractor.
Tell him to produce the regs he’s quoting or knock it off. Be prepared with your research.
We all held our ground. I told another neighbour about it because he was told only one side.
He was shocked to say the least.
We’re ready. My BIL brother is a code expert who is often asked to testify in court. This guy has no chance if he stirs more trouble. At the moment he’s upset the water is going on his land. I have to flood my new lawn lest it dies. Yes, water is seeping into his land but not enough to justify his psycho behaviour. Plus it’s temporary. Mind boggling stuff.
I’m glad we didn’t make a war over this but i’m also disappointed we didn’t push back enough for him to understand. But to be honest, not sure he would that’s why we didn’t.
No, be an asshole to this guy.
I fucking hate neighbors. We had a set that were constantly trying to get us to trim a hedge that was on their property and thought we should do the whole thing because we trimmed the parts that extended onto our property. And this wasn’t the only thing. Just a constant barrage of demands and complaints. Thought he could get away with it because he was a college football star back in the 1940s. Pure prick.
When his redneck daughter screamed at us to call an ambulance when she thought he was having a heart attack, we didn’t.
Too late now. Plus my front door neighbour agrees we should take the high road unless he escalates.
We’re on alert now. We won’t take it.
“When his redneck daughter screamed at us to call an ambulance when she thought he was having a heart attack, we didn’t.”
Cold blooded.
But, the important question is: would?
No, she was a horrid 300-lb parasite who was only helping her father to try and get the house.
When he finally died, she and the other kids had a roiling two-house scream fest in driveway about what to with the house since it was left to all of them. Her switching back and forth between an obsequious whine and a shrill screech of entitlement was like pouring acid in you ears, but the brutal way her siblings were brushing off all of it was too delightful to ignore. She didn’t get much: the house went up for sale, it was torn down and a McMansion put on the lot, but we moved before having to put up with all the construction bullshit.
Did you set up a lawn chair in your driveway and crack a cold one to enjoy the show?
We listened from our screened in back porch. They were so loud it came through crystal clear.
The redneck daughter arrived late, parked in our lawn, and then tore a huge gouge when she sped off in her shitmobile when it was over.
Later that night, I rolled all their garbage cans down the driveway and tipped them over into their front yard.
Which in Canada means “drink a beer outside and not offer him one?”
Oh wait I forgot, it’s Quebec: “speak English in your front yard.”
“speak English in your front yard.”
That’s going to unleash a torrent of sacre bleus
I’ve grown to hate our house, but we have awesome neighbors, so I’d be afraid of what we’d end up with if we moved. These people are friendly but mind their own business and have been quite helpful when needed.
dig two feet on my foundation wall to make the slope even while I was at work.
He’s an idiot. Only a complete moron would not have their ground slope away from their house. I’d also tell him that he is not allowed to set foot on my property until I am convinced he can be civil and rational.
Step One: Nail a rat to his front door.
Did you actually change the slope when you laid the turf?
Yeah, if a dickhead neighbor were to call Mrs. Dean over a dispute, things would go very differently. I would probably go the “Well, two can play this game, Let’s see if we casn find any code violations at your house, asshole. I’ve read the fucking code, you obviously haven’t, so I like my chances.” Have your BIL eyeball his house from all around. Bet he can find something.
Defense is for losers.
No. It was the best way to do it. And it’s within code.
Yeh, that part bothers me that I didn’t tell him he was out of line but I will be sure to bring it up the next time he yaps which I’m guessing he will.
Lol. My BIL already did. His boat is technically illegally parked on his drive way. Boats are for country homes.
My BIL wants to break his legs.
He has perfect grass. Pesticides!
Keep your head on a swivel. He might go Rand-Paul’s-neighbor on you.
I’ve found the best way to deal with dipshits regurgitating talking points is to ask them a series a questions that exposes their ignorance but doing so in a non-threatening “aw shucks” kind of way. It doesn’t ever change their minds, but frustrates the shit out of them.
Some actually get mad because you do this, but I have interacted with some that were so ignorant and proud of it that they refused to even think they were on thin ice Banjos. It’s those sorts that make me wonder if humanity is doomed. I mean, it is one thing to be low information but so invested that you are a religious fanatic about your politics. While you will not change, you will get annoyed at those that show you you are a tool. When you just can’t be reached, you are on a completely new level of stupid.
That’s this guy. There’s no reasoning.
Dude is convinced floods and that’s that. It’s all physics he told me.
Please remain seated. The show is about to begin.
There was a time not so long ago when leading Democrats warned that Elizabeth Warren’s “fantasy-based blue-state populism” risked leading the party to ruin.
But in a revealing tell of how far her campaign has come since its early February launch, some unlikely voices in the center of the party are growing more comfortable with the idea of Warren as the nominee…
Jen Psaki, who served as White House communications director in the Obama administration, said moderates who might have been turned off by Warren in the past are now giving her a chance.
“I think [there] was a perception — and I’m not saying that’s accurate — that she would only be able to speak to liberal parts of the country,” Psaki said. But skeptics now increasingly view Warren as “an alternative to Bernie Sanders on the progressive wing of the party and also someone, when you listen to her to policies, they’re palatable to people who wouldn’t have thought they were palatable to them.”
“I think she’s also learning how to campaign and how to speak to still keep her firebrand [persona], but also make people feel included in the conversation,” Psaki added.
That might explain why Donald Trump’s reelection campaign now views Warren as a threat after the president had dismissed her campaign just a few months ago as “finished.”
The debates will be epic.
>> to still keep her firebrand [
more like firewater, ammirite?
And we also got Trump live tweets to go with it. Get your popcorn and beer ready, we’re in for a fun ride next week.
This was, of course, inevitable. Many of the minor candidates know they don’t have a chance but are in it to try to keep the platform as far left as possible, and as practice for future campaigns where they might stand a chance.
Am I evil for hoping they just burn the whole ting down?
Bernie Sanders doesn’t seem to know what ‘profit’ is, other commentary
Stupid 1%!!
Bernie thanks an APR on a credit card is calculated monthly. It’s ok to be a retard ignoramus lazy fuck on your private time, but when it forms the basis of your ‘Predatory lending’ laws….Now we have a problem.
thinks. How that became thanks is beyond me.
My link was only 30 minutes late.
better late than never!
This does not “embarrass” him. If he had a grasp of basic economics he would have no appeal to his supporters.
In medieval Germany, married couples could legally settle their disputes by fighting a Marital Duel. To even the field, the man had to fight from inside a hole with one arm tied behind his back. The woman was free to move and was armed with a sack filled with rocks.
Hey Tonio, I didn’t get to Part 5 until this morning. Fantastic work! Bizarre and poignant. I’m looking forward to more of this storyline!
Thanks. You poor, sick devil.
As someone who has spina bifida, I would agree that it is a glorious morning. Thanks for the good news!
Yo, a friend’s amputee kid just got into wheelchair basketball. When I first heard that he was considering that I told his mom all about you and the sled hockey. Thanks. Hope this further brightens your day.
Thanks Tonio, for doing the Lord’s work, as sled hockey is far superior to wheelchair basketball. Where do they live?
On a related note, I went to a sled hockey camp this past weekend. There were a lot of tiny kids playing. It was great.
You are most welcome, TOK. Richmond, Virginia. Please do keep posting your OOT games.
Hooray for sled hockey camp. I get to go to whitewater kayak camp next month!
I will post about my games when the season starts. I’ve got some articles written too, just have to get off my lazy arse and take some photos.
Kayak camp sounds like a lot of fun. Someone was just telling me they were in a kayak club in college. They practiced in a pool. The instructor could right his kayak while strapped in, without using a paddle. I can’t even picture how you’d do that.
I’ve seen it. You use your arms in kind of a Kung Fu fashion. Looked like sorcery to me.
My technique was to fall out and haul my kayak to shore.
It is freaking magic. I still don’t believe it actually works.
I’ve seen really, really good kayakers do that with their arms crossed using a modified western, aka deck, roll.
Kayaking is great fun, and there are lots of paddlers who use wheelchairs for their landlubbing mobility.
You are describing a kayak roll, originally called the Eskimo roll because they invented the kayak and the roll. I can do that. Not necessary for flatwater or recreational kayaking, but a must-have safety skill for whitewater kayaking. The roll is powered by a hip snap.
I’ll post a GoPro clip link here.
Yes, TPTB, article “forthcoming” on this.
Modern science is a God send.
TOK, are you saying that there isn’t a “spina bifida culture” opposed to any treatments like this? Sort of like the deaf culture that is against cochlear implants?
You guys need to get your victimhood on.
I’m sure there are some exceptions, but thankfully the disabled community (if there even is such a thing) seems to be lagging in the victimhood trend.
Of course, I may be biased because my interaction with other disabled people is pretty much limited to playing a sport that involves slamming each other into a wall.
The woman was free to move and was armed with a sack filled with rocks.
Sounds fair.
Here, have a nut punch: Three months in jail for cotton candy? Inside the nationwide crime lab backlog
Sorry AR taxpayers, I hope she wins bigly.
And fuck the War on Drugs®.
And cops.
And people who use the word ‘epidemic’ when they should use ‘clampdown’.
JFC that is unbelievable.
What happened to the “taste the drugs with your fingers” test. TV cop shows have lead me astray.
I remember the first time I duplicated that. It was “Ooohhh. They’re not actually tasting it.”
Remember yesterday’s story about the prosthetic ear? On TV, it would have a serial number, the manufacturer would tell the police the doctor who fitted it, and the doctor would give them the name of the patient.
There has got to be some padding in there, it can’t cost that much to make.
10 to 100 million in R&D and certification costs spread over a few hundred units per year until the patent runs out.
So what you’re saying is, we should abolish the FDA?
yes. that’s a start.
If that were to happen to me or my family, I’d kindly thank the officer as he was making the arrest for funding my retirement plan.
“Coleman Hughes: The Moment You Give Someone Reparations, You’ve Made Them Into A Victim
Black people don’t need another apology. We need safer neighborhoods and better schools. We need a less punitive criminal justice system. We need affordable health care. And none of these things can be achieved through reparations for slavery…
Reparations by definition are only given to victims, so the moment you give me reparations, you’ve made me into a victim without my consent. Not just that, you’ve made 1/3 of black Americans who poll against reparations into victims without their consent, and black Americans have fought too long for the right to define themselves to be spoken for in such a condescending manner.”
I hate to break it to these reparations fans, but if you assume that you give anyone a fat check (regardless of their race, sex, etc.) and assume they’re going to spend it becoming doctors and lawyers, you’re going to be disappointed.
There will be a booming business in sales of durable goods – major appliances, electronics, cars.
So a big screen TV and a really nice car are supposed to make up for the suffering of your ancestors as slaves? That sounds even more messed up when you put it that way.
Ding, ding, ding. Then the TNC crowd will immediately start complaining that an Escalade is stingy compensation for the generations of violence against Black Bodies(tm).
But what is more sinister is that the pols are talking about using reparations for programs, not issuing checks. IOW, a special tax on white people to fund programs to somehow make black people “whole.” Then when those programs fail to produce the desired result…
It will be further proof of Americans racism,which Europeans will smugly say they have none of, while expelling the Jews.
Sounds like that run afoul of equal protection.
A long time ago, Dave Chapelle gave a very realistic take on what would happen.
I think Eddie Murphy went there too, but he never did it with the aplomb Chappelle did.
Should I admit that while Chappelle did it as a skit, I think there is real value in the advice to buy stock in Cadillac, KFC, and water melon supply chains if there is a real chance this stuff will happen?
They talk about the white/black wealth gap but they never mention the following:
– The white/hispanic gap is almost identical to the white/black gap
– Asians out-earn whites
– The relative gap has not changed for 70 years in spite of the Great Society and every other welfare program
They also don’t want to talk about the gap in behaviors that tend to lead to success.
And IIRC the black-white gap was shrinking faster before the Great Society gave the poor an excuse not to pursue success. If you wanted to deliberately set out to create a permanent underclass, you could hardly have chosen a more successful method.
I often tell people if you truly and totally wanted to destroy a subsection of any society, you would implement the system we have today that requires people to basically do everything in their power to become useless members of society, connivingly call it a “social network”, claim it is there to help the poor, and then bloat the bureaucracy while never helping one fucking bit.
It’s almost like this whole war on poverty is intended to actually grow and maintain a massive bureaucracy of people that do nothing but shuffle papers while never solving the problem….
The video game industry made $43 billion in revenue last year. The workers responsible for that profit deserve to collectively bargain as part of a union. I’m glad to see unions like @IATSE and the broader @GameWorkers movement organizing such workers.
All revenue, no expenses.
All he and those “unions” are going to accomplish are more out-sourced video game developer jobs to South Korea, Poland, and others.
Thankfully, IT seems relatively union resistant. It helps that we all think highly of our own skills, while looking down on those who make idiotic mistakes (completely unlike the reasonable mistakes we make). Then there’s the culture of buckle down and get it done if it needs to get done. Any IT group that unionizes and tells the business that they don’t have to do support now because it’s after hours is an IT group that will be gone.
It’s 2 $60 games per person in the us.
Gamer Gate Redux
the Workers were uniquely responsible for the profit. Those capitalists fronting the capital are a bunch of exploiters.
They totally didn’t take a salary or benefits before the delivered game started turning a profit.
Ha! Try hiring a game developer for under 6 figures.
Did Bernie follow that up by shooting himself in the nuts and having a bag of weed fall out his ass?
*looks over shoulder, twitches*
All revenue, no expenses.
There was a kid who worked for my friend who owned a body shop. Every time a customer picked up a car and paid the bill, he’d say, “Ooh, lookit all that money. We’re rich!”
He didn’t have a particularly good grasp of the difference between gross and net.
Its shocking how many small businesses struggle with the concept. Typically, the same ones where the owner skims out of the till and then is shocked when, every single fucking year, he doesn’t enough to pay his taxes.
I’ve done enough small business tax returns to know that the owner who skims also falsifies what he owes in taxes. It is truly amazing how high on the hog you can live if your business has lots of cash sales but reports only $25K in adjusted net income each year.
The relative gap has not changed for 70 years in spite of the Great Society and every other welfare program
Congress be keeping them down.
“Ireland produces plans to tackle climate alarmism including ending private car ownership.”
Ireland so desperately wants to be Belgium. ‘Tis a fine region of Europe you got here, too bad it cost you a country.
Michael Collins is rolling over in his grave.
They miss poverty.
They hate the poors. Which seems to be a common refrain for pro-EU people. The EU motto might as well be: “Ewww…the poors. Kill it with over-regulation and crippling taxes”
Unpopular opinion: I’ve long thought that reparations for African Americans and Native Americans was legitimate. Since those two groups, unlike all other minority ethnic and racial groups, faced systemic and multi-generational government discrimination. But, who pays for the reparations and who receives them is the ultimate problem.
A nice compromise on the funding would be if reparations were paid for through the sale of federal lands out West. But, again, the problem becomes “who is African American and who is Native American?”. This is the same glaring problem with the pseudoscience of racial IQ. How are you defining who is African American and who is White or Asian? What percentage of blood does one have to have in order to be considered in one or the other racial group? This is the ultimate fallacy with all identity politics- the attempt to quantify and measure the intangible.
It’s unworkable and will only lead to more strife.
Yeah, that was the conclusion I ultimately came to about ten years ago. It’s impossible to institute such a system and it would be inherently unfair, since at least a third of all Americans had no family in the US during Jim Crow, let alone slavery. I, being one of those people, can see such a program as just exacerbating the country’s problems.
can you imagine the debate of even assigning a dollar amount for what the cost of slavery and Jim crow was? I can’t and I have a vivid imagination. It would be bad.
That’s my biggest problem with it too. Who gets a check? Even 50 years ago that would have been an easier question. To our credit, society has changed and interracial couples are very common, but that makes it nearly impossible to put a label on everyone.
One drop rule?
*rushes to go get ancestry test*
One drop is how my wife and I ended up with our first half breed kid
Tiger Woods qualifies for a check.
Find me some ex slaves and I’ll say they’re owed reparations. Otherwise, hell no.
I thought in progland if you disagree that Lawrence Jones is a slave that you are a homophobe. Although I am confused if he is supposed to ‘go back to Fox News where there’s more cotton for you to pick’ or if he is supposed to ‘go back to Kenya.’
Since those two groups, unlike all other minority ethnic and racial groups, faced systemic and multi-generational government discrimination.
What about the Chinese? They were barred from becoming naturalized citizens by the Naturalization Act of 1870 and barred from even entering the country by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
The Chinese faced similar immigrant exclusions like the Italians, Jews, and Greeks. Excluding someone from coming in here is a tad different than the government terrorizing you when you are here. That’s not the same as the government kidnapping kids and forcing them into their secular public schools (Native Americans) after continually breaking treaty after treaty and pushing their people onto smaller and smaller parcels of land. Nor does it compare to systemic government endorsed racially segregation at the federal level and particularly in some southern states (African Americans) after keeping their ancestors in bondage.
Long story short, everyone got shit on when they first came here. That’s an American tradition. But, over a short period of time (typically two generations) they became indistinguishable from your average American and were treated as such (despite the funny last names and peculiar complexions). In contrast, Native Americans and African Americans (who had deeper ancestral roots in the US then virtually anyone else in the country) were never allowed to assimilate into general American culture (for African Americans) or stay outside of general American culture (for Native Americans) because of actions undertaken by government.
I think you are underestimating the shit that Asians went through when they came here. The Chinese who worked on the rail road were pretty much slaves in everything but name.
And the Japanese were rounded up and interned in WWII. The Germans and Italians weren’t put into camps back then.
Except, they were. Not is as great numbers, but…
I had no idea. Niemals vergessen!
Spoiler: Germans and Italians were rounded up and put into camps. Their property was also confiscated. Joe DiMaggio’s own father was in a camp.
Japanese received reparations for the internment during the 80’s. That’s not true for the Italians and Germans who were put into camps
Well if you and UCS are going to fuck up this argument with facts and shit, I’m taking my ball and going home.
Correction: DiMaggio’s father was not put in a camp. He escaped that, in part, due to his son’s fame. His father, however, was forbidden from being a fisherman anymore and his boat was confiscated. He, along with upwards of 600,000 Italians, was put on house arrest with a curfew.
So, DiMaggio’s father had it easier than most. I remember reading once that his father was also one of the few who was ever compensated for his property being confiscated. I’m sure his son’s fame helped in large part.
“Well if you and UCS are going to fuck up this argument with facts and shit, I’m taking my ball and going home.”
Most people don’t realize that the US interned Germans and Italians too. For some reason we are led to believe that it only happened to the Japanese. No doubt Japanese internments were larger, but the same occurred to a smaller number of Italians and Germans. I once noted this to a professor in graduate school and he was livid, because it ruins the whole “Americans are inherently racist” narrative if you point out that white people were interned too, so maybe it wasn’t just racism that led to this crime.
The overwhelming majority of the German and Italian internees were not US citizens. This is why their numbers were so much smaller than Japanese internees, since about 60% of the Japanese were in fact American citizens. It also means that the act of confining them isn’t as unpleasant in our collective historical view since we aren’t talking so much about the violation of the rights of citizens.
I don’t know the exact figures, but I’m going to assume that you are right. At the same time, though, we approach a slippery slope when we say “interning a population based upon their ethnic make-up, with only 10% of them being citizens, is not as bad as interning a population based upon their ethnic make-up, with 60% of them being citizens”. I know that we want to draw a line somewhere, but this seems like an arbitrary standard that we accepted because it was convenient.
At this point, the only apology, other than history sucks, for Indian relations that should be made is continuing federal recognition to those racist pseudo governments. They want to continue private social clubs, fine (or would be except that freedom of association is a dead letter). But the second they get extended government powers from both the states and feds, the 14th Amendment applies against the tribes as well.
Unpopular opinion: I’ve long thought that reparations for African Americans and Native Americans was legitimate.
And it’s a rightfully unpopular opinion. There is no justice in making people responsible for crimes they did not commit. While there may be a case for collective guilt, there is no case for inheritable guilt. Even setting aside the philosophical objections to it, there are major practical impediments to attempting to right the wrongs of the past. Societies wherein the wrongs of the past are held onto usually result in mutual long-held grudges. This is how you get the Balkans.
I don’t see myself as part of “government”. Asking the government to compensate others for abuses that it once conducted is not me accepting responsibility for any of those actions. If you read on, that’s why I said that selling federal lands to pay for reparations makes sense, whereas taxing people who had nothing to do with any of these crimes is immoral and nonsensical. People look at this issue far to reflexively. I think there is a lot of nuance here, but ultimately it’s impossible to institute reparations because it’s impossible to identify the victims and impossible to fund without victimizing others.
Asking the government to compensate others for abuses that it once conducted is not me accepting responsibility for any of those actions.
Since a lot (most?) of the reparations would go to people who weren’t alive before the Civil Rights Acts, desegregation, etc., you are still paying off people who were not harmed by the government’s abuses.
The whole thing is insoluble. How much credit does the government get for fighting a war to end slavery? Any offsets for the two generations of affirmative action and protected class treatment?
Although selling government assets is a better way to fund it, I’d start with federal office buildings and other assets.
A lot of you seem to be getting hung-up on the concept of me saying “actually, yeah, there is a case for reparations for Native Americans and African Americans” and completely ignoring the part where I say “but, the problem is it’s impossible to identify the victim and its impossible to fund without victimizing others”.
Not every idea generated by the SJW brain trust is completely devoid of merit. I recognized that there was a case for reparations over a decade ago, before it became cool. I’m not looking to declare that I am therefore good for reaching such a conclusion. I’m only saying that there is a persuasive argument, but it’s not feasible. I really don’t think that’s a crazy conclusion to draw.
Not every idea generated by the SJW brain trust is completely devoid of merit.
Not completely, perhaps. But substantially, yes.
I’m only saying that there is a persuasive argument, but it’s not feasible.
I think its neither persuasive nor feasible.
People look at this issue far to reflexively.
I will admit that I reflexively reject the idea of collective, especially race-based, punishment or entitlement.
Not to worry, though. In a fit of pessimism, I just submitted a post that I suspect many here will vehemently disagree with.
Fun fact – reparations was a hot topic in the news in the weeks leading up to September 11, 2001. That’s the first time I remember it being so noisy but I bet there were earlier ones too.
I honestly don’t even remember that. I started thinking about the topic after having a debate with a center-left friend of mine (he would probably be considered a conservative now, because the left has moved so far left). He, ironically enough, was talking about the inherent immorality of even considering reparations. While, I, the person who is often wrongly thought to be some bible thumping religious conservative on this site, considered his opinion to be wrong.
I get where you are coming from, but I think you are wrong.
I don’t see myself as part of “government”. Asking the government to compensate others for abuses that it once conducted is not me accepting responsibility for any of those actions.
Except that the citizens are absolutely responsible for what their government takes responsibility for. Even if an individual citizen does not consent to this, they will be made to bear the burden of said responsibility. A debt accrued by the government will be paid for out of the pockets of the citizens. When a government goes to war, the citizens will be the ones to pay in blood and property loss. A treaty signed by a government will be enforced against its citizens whether they agreed with the decision or no. To declare the government responsible for something is to declare the citizens responsible for it, whether you want it to be so or not.
If you read on, that’s why I said that selling federal lands to pay for reparations makes sense, whereas taxing people who had nothing to do with any of these crimes is immoral and nonsensical.
Which in and of itself I do not find terribly objectionable (excepting the philosophical implications), but as outlined above once the responsibility is taken, once the debt is accrued, it must be paid, and it will be paid for in taxes. The innocent will be punished as if they were guilty.
People look at this issue far to reflexively.
Indeed, such as by trying make right a wrong from the past, which by nature can never be righted. The impulse is admirable, but trying to fix the unfixable puts one on the road to dystopia.
But I do appreciate the opportunity to consider things from a different perspective.
There is no justice in making people responsible for crimes they did not commit.
Sins of the father…
Since those two groups, unlike all other minority ethnic and racial groups, faced systemic and multi-generational government discrimination.
Nope. Inherited guilt and collective punishment are never, ever, justifiable. You don’t even need to get to the insoluble problem of who pays and who takes.
Or, what Gadly said.
I expect that the descendants of the 2 million soldiers and sailors who wore Union blue will be exempt from reparations?
I expect anyone born after 1865 to be exempt from reparations.
My great-great-grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Baty, served in a Wisconsin volunteer infantry regiment, was wounded, and ended up dying at 46 of complications from those wounds. As far as I’m concerned, my family has done their bit, and the reparations people can fuck right off.
Huzzah. Mine was wounded in the groin by a bayonet on July 2, 1863 and struggled to find steady work the rest of his life.
I know it’s not a common libertarian stance, but I have always been against the sale of those Western lands. Partly for selfish reasons, because I use them often for camping, hunting and fishing, but mostly because I have absolutely zero faith that the Imperial government will use the money for anything other than buying more votes.
My thought has always been to auction them off with the proceeds going immediately and only to paying down the debt as part of an overall fiscal rebalancing that forbids future borrowing – or even spending before there is cash in account to cover it.
Of course, this will never come to pass, but it’s my preferred solution.
The only way that federal lands out West would be fair would be if the local people who live near these lands decide to keep them federal lands. As it stands, the people in New York get to decide what the people of Wyoming get to do with land that they live near. Maybe the people of Wyoming should get to decide what NYC does with a new development in their city.
Personally I think the federal lands not in use by the federal government should be transferred to their respective states, to be disposed of as the locals see fit.
African American and who is Native American?
Idk about African, but I am definitely native American, having been born in VA.
You fund it by getting people to volunteer money to be redistributed as reparations.
A nice compromise on the funding would be if reparations were paid for through the sale of federal lands out West.
Forty acres and a mule. Let’s see how many takers there are.
I’d probably take that deal.
To be fair, I wouldn’t really want the mule, but I would sign on for the acreage.
I suspect that you might rethink the offer if, let’s say, that acreage was on the continent of your ancestry, and the only continent they would honor the request for was Africa or Antarctica?
Interestingly, my grandfather was a USAF loadmaster bringing men and material to build McMurdo during Operation Deep Freeze after the Korean Conflict wound down. Also, my bong-fueled, dorm-room bull-session dream has always been to conquer Africa, throw out all the Arabs and make it into a unified superpower. The dream of Rhodes did not die.
Unifying Africa would require a bloodbath that might even exceed that of the Communists in the 20th century.
Omelets, eggs?
You’d just take it for the mule, wouldn’t you?
You know me so well.
Except I would trade it for a llama.
You’d probably need some cash on your end.
What can Tundra say? He’s an ass man.
Forty Acres out west? All my own?
What’s the catch?
It approximates this
I’m ok with this.
I’m picturing DOOMco with flip-flops, shorts and a wife-beater t-shirt tending to his rattlesnake farm.
He was close to this glory in San Marcos (full disclosure, they have a nice wet ditch and several dozen trees).
The river is nice to look at.
There’s a dirt bike in the background, right?
No. That got taken away and replaced by the mule.
Rattlesnake is good eatin’. Just remember to bite them ‘fore they bite you.
There’s no well or electricity. I see.
So Iran shot down a drone the us was flying nearby?
Cluster fuck
Or did they?
*adjusts tinfoil*
Hey, when has the us ever lied about an attack in a gulf?
Are you telling me that the US government and our intelligence community would blatantly lie to us about some hostile action by a foreign power in order to precipitate war (again and again and again)?
That sound you just heard was Bolton’s tiny stiffie squealing with delight.
They’re sending a message but that killed precisely zero people.
Dude, the drone operator died on the inside.
NPR was all over that story. They had Kane on to say “well, the Iranians shouldn’t be shooting at us but you have to understand that they’re only doing this because TRUMP is forcing them to! He’s the real villain here!”
Here’s the deal:
I don’t think we really need Mideast oil any more. Who really needs it, I think, is China (and Japan). If it is Iran, then its mainly a Chinese problem. Let them stick their dick into the Iranian hornet’s nest. I can’t imagine why we would go to war with Iran to help China out. They want to be a global power? Well, here ya go.
It’s not like the US has ever lied about operating aircraft in foreign airspace…
Jokes aside, we better not end up at war with Iran.
Neighbors. I have a group of neighbors who are hell-bent on “fixing” the anarchic dystopia where I live. They pine for the yoke. Truth be told, they pine to put their yoke on others. Like me. They would like nothing more than to form an HOA and enforce conformity. They want to bring ORDER to the wilderness, apparently. I am getting seriously fed up with their bullshit.
I did not come here to be a stage prop in their moronic communitarian circle jerk.
Heh – reminds me of the neighbor at my folk’s last house. The guy would use a leaf blower to clear his driveway. My dad would shout at him while driving by: “We live in the middle of the woods, Dennis!”
I Fucking hate HOA’s but the only way to combat them is to take them over from within.
They pine for the yoke.
Loki’s speech in I think it was the first Thor movie is all too accurate IRL.
Do you mean this from Avengers (2012): “Kneel before me. I said… KNEEL! Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.”
Wasn’t that Zod’s line from Superman 2?
Yeah, that one. I think he’s in Paris?
*attempt to contact college through chat app while I’m at work*
*shunted to email to schedule time when I can be contacted*
*receive email at seven pm (???) thanking me for contacting the college and inviting further questions or comments if my issue hasn’t been resolved*
Democrats in Wisconsin did the same thing when Republicans were passing public union reform. They hid out in Rockford, IL. Ohio Democrats did the same thing when that state also attempted to pass public union reform.
But, somehow, that was different
shoe on the other foot in Texas
“There is absolutely no dishonor in using the rules,” said Rep. Pete Gallego, D-Alpine, who said blocking a House quorum is a legitimate tactic.
spokeswoman for the Oregon State Police did not respond to an inquiry Wednesday afternoon about whether the agency is investigating Boquist’s threat.
And the governor’s threat to use thugs with badges backed up by the threat of deadly force? Did the reporter ask about that? *crickets*
Well I’m sure that’s different
dude’s legit serious too..
In an email to The Oregonian/OregonLive Wednesday afternoon, Boquist stuck with his earlier statement and rejected a reporter’s characterization of his threat to troopers as “thinly veiled.”
“Nothing thinly veiled,” Boquist wrote. “I have been in political coup attempts. I have been held hostage overseas. I have been jailed politically overseas … Not going to be arrested as a political prisoner in Oregon period.”
As Willamette Week has reported, Boquist is a U.S. Army veteran whose businesses include military training and an international operation that journalists described in the 1990s as a paramilitary force of armed American and Russian ex-military officers.
Boquist contends that state troopers only have the power to enforce criminal violations and arrest warrants, not to compel absent lawmakers to return to the Capitol during a legislative session.
I have been in political coup attempts. I have been held hostage overseas. I have been jailed politically overseas
Which side of the coup attempts, I wonder?
Also, would like some validation of his other claims.
probably by “hostage” he means he was inconvenienced by some Afghani warlord, not tied up and starved for 40+ days.
“we don’t play that tinpot dictator bullshit here in the USA period.”
According to Zerohedge (I know, I know) the drone Iran shot down was in Iranian airspace. If that’s the case they had every right to shoot it down although it probably wasn’t a smart move given the realities of the situation.
This is my shocked face.
They have no right to shoot it down. The rule is we can do whatever the fuck we want and everyone else must adjust.
Maybe it really was squirrels at the TOS?
Squirrel damage to telco cables is actually a thing. Utilities have to keep up with their aerial (pole-mounted) infrastructure or it goes to shit.
And, as we learned after SUPERDUPERSTORM Sandy, LIPA (power provider for Lawnguy Land and parts of Queens) was only filling out the maintenance paperwork not maintaining their poles/lines. Also, they were fudging their inventory sheets and did not have anywhere near enough poles in stock (as their inventory indicated) to replace the damaged ones.
There’s no well or electricity. I see.
Look on the bright side. Low carbon footprint. You’ll be a Hero of the Carbon Revolution. And you’ll be in great shape from powering your home with a bicycle-powered generator.
“The organs of members of marginalized groups detained in Chinese prison camps are being forcefully harvested — sometimes when patients are still alive — an international tribunal sitting in London has concluded.”
I’m not defending Trump’s tariffs with China, but God damn is there A LOT of overlap between the people who say “sanction Russia for lolz” and those who say “why are you imposing tariffs on China?”. If Trump were smart he would call his tariffs with China “sanctions” and then dare these people to defend the good name of the Chinese
The Chinese government is a monstrous conglomerate of corrupt kleptocrats and out and out inhuman psychos that make Putin’s regime look like Care Bears. This isn’t surprising in the least.
The Confucian Circle reigns supreme.
I’ve found that the practical implementation of this ethical theory is that if you don’t know somebody (ie they’re outside your circle), you don’t care what happens to them in the least.
One of my friends taught English on the Chinese mainland for a year. The illegal organ harvesting, mostly from political prisoners and Falun Gong has been an open secret for a while.
RE: Reparations.
Shouldn’t they be going after Hispanics the hardest for their sweet lucre? After all, most of them have some Spanish blood in their veins and they were the worst of all and totes responsible for the whole mess.
There is a disease of ignorance about the rest of the world that devastates the progressive mind. They seem to believe that Mexico and every country to our south is a homogeneous nation with a racial make-up that can be described as “Hispanic” (primarily because that word means nothing and the whole concept of “Latin America” was invented by Napoleon III as he attempted to build French relations with these countries). Mexico is unbelievably ethnically diverse and they make sure that you know it.
Definitely. The descriptor “Hispanic” or “Latino” is absurd and most Central/South Americans would never use it to describe themselves; they would typically describe themselves by nationality. The idea that a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Argentine of German descent and an Afro-Cuban are “the same” just because they happen to speak the same language is a concept so stupid that only the FedGov could come up with it.
I only make the point to demonstrate the stupidity and ignorance of progs as a whole, and the absurdity of the MUH REPURRASHUNZ crowd specifically.
Absolutely. And that’s what makes the pseudoscience race IQ crowd so similar to the reparations crowd: they both want to quantify and measure an intangible identifier, such as race. There is no such thing as race, because there is no definition for what makes someone a member of a certain race unless we want to go back to the “one drop rule”, which I think a lot of the identity politics crowd is OK with, because, again, they suffer from a disease of ignorance about the rest of the world
I Fucking hate HOA’s but the only way to combat them is to take them over from within.
There is no HOA, and it grieves them terribly. They have tried to conjure one out of thin air, twice.
I wonder who that want to be chair.
thank you Vox for leading me to these instagram accounts!
sun’s out, guns out, buns out
‘merica, motherfucker!
*tries to hide raging erection from co-workers*
*closes and locks office door*
Sounds like you need a gun-shaped cod-piece.
It’s just like the 80’s survivalist catalogs I used to get.
The wonderful Venn diagram that encompasses those of us on both the U.S. Cavalry AND International Male mailing lists.
I’m picturing DOOMco with flip-flops, shorts and a wife-beater t-shirt tending to his rattlesnake farm.
Surrounded by his collection of meticulously restored bank vaults.
They are much better insulated than shipping containers.
I checked out that Vox link.
i suspect instagram will ban those accounts for featuring women who commit the unforgivable sin of not being a victim.
bEcUz gOvErNmEnT rUn HeAlThCaRe iS tEh bEsTeSt!
BTW… kitty-drone is probably going to inhabit my nightmares tonight.
Of course, there’s video.
Oh my God.
You’re quite welcome.