It’s Saturday morning and I have the doors locked. The house is filled with shady characters. SugarFree. Gojira. Mad Scientist. Mrs. Mad Scientist. Mexican Sharpshooter, Grand Moff and Kibby, Ozymandius, all coming later. So this will be brief. We’re talking about all you guys behind your backs. Especially you, Spud.


I wasn’t planning on watching the Team Blue debates, but if one can do that, fucked up beyond recognition with SP and SugarFree, it can be a fun experience. And while we were preparing, so was Reptilicus in a Pant Suit. Remember who predicted she’d be the Team Blue nominee because she was the most ruthless, vicious, and power-hungry “person” in the bunch. Y’all laughed at me. I feel closer to vindication.


And poor Uncle Joe, he’s imploding. Awwww. 


Dead white girls dominate the news. Much fodder for morons.


Shitstorm in Europe.


Escargot to go, please.


IT’S HAPPENING! Well, not really.


What the ever-loving fuck???



Old Guy Music is back to the blues. With an actual old guy.