This morning I can barely form a coherent thought greater than “Wannafud?”….and I come into Glibs HQ and find I already have mail. Joy, it is from STEVE SMITH. This cannot be good.
Grand. Just what I need. Well, there was a “retainer” enclosed. 5 birds nests, 3 possum skulls and about 5000 oak leaves. I guess I will find out what he is up to. After I find a dumpster for this “retainer”. Best do this one pro bono.
Oh, yeah… you all probably want your links. Here you go then:
- Maybe I need to start paying more attention to Hong Kong. Since naught seems to be going on in Catalonia (except meekly accepting the drawn out, inevitable “guilty” findings in TEH TRIAL)
- In a market pissing match between the EU and the Confeoderatio Helevetica…. my money is on the Swiss. Literally.
- OK, now this is amusing. Thank you, Daily Fail!
- …and the world ensures that SugarFree will always have more Hat and Hair material.
I leave the music links to the commentariat, as I think I had better go refresh myself on current labor law developments.
Don’t have any private meetings with Mr SMITH.
+1 power forest mullet!
I would thing the #1 goal is not to have any meeting with Mr. SMITH’s privates.
Good Morning!
The Brits should have gone “We leased Hong Kong from the Qing Emperor. We can’t return it to anyone else.”
The Hong Kongites should have written a declaration of independence from Britain, so the English could say, “Fair enough, we don’t want to lose another war like in in 1770s, we give. Lets be allies instead.”
Screw Puerto Rico and DC. Make Hong Kong the 51st State.
No, 52nd, Kurdistan is 51. They asked nicely, and Nixon said no, so they are in the queue ahead of HK.
What about Da U P, eh?
Good morning, Glibs website time.
Swissy not have any love this past weekend?
Morning Swiss and all the other Glibbers,
While Europe suffers from Global Climate Warming Change I’m putting on an extra heavy flannel shirt and that’s just to keep the mosquitoes off. Steve Smith may not be bothered but the rest of us are suffering.
I’m in uniform, Dickies shorts and shirt, it feels like a kilt, so breezy……
Sunburned Brits. When I lived in NOLA, BA ran a direct flight from MSY to LHR. The Monday return trip was known as the Cross Crawdad Run because it was full of sunburned cranky-pants limeys. The flight crew dreaded it.
As someone who goes from pale to bright red when exposed to even minimal sunlight, I sympathize with the state of the passengers, but it was their own decision to head to the semitropical gulf coast.
Having never seen the great orb in the sky, it must have been frightening
It is the day moon, it burns us pale people.
As one of the pale people, I have learned to apply a new product “recently” invented.
Bear fat?
Is that the plural? Not roofs? You are the writer, but that seems wrong.
Some people say it’s ‘roofs’.
But they’re wrong.
I don’t care who agrees with them.
You’re both wrong, it’s roofies
The problem is when you miss a spot, or (as some women were doing at camp) laying down topless and letting other people apply the sunscreen. I have the feeling there were some very interesting burn patterns there the next day.
very interesting burn patterns there the next day.-
Penis shaped?
They were punk girls trusting unknown other punks (male and female) to apply sunscreen in patterns to their backs. I think a penis would be the least of their worries.
“I have a 401K”
Vitamin E oil is awesome for reducing sun burn pain.
And as a kid, the fun of peeling off giant chunks of skin that had been burned was a great way to kill some summer vacation (we didn’t have video games back then).
My wife may be willing to let me get skin cancer to have more skin peeling time. IFYKWIMAITYD
The absolute best treatment for sunburn is vinegar.
Get in the shower with a bottle of vinegar and splash it all over very liberally.
Shower with soap as usual.
No smell, no pain, no peeling.
You sickley paste-colored people are so weird. Have you every considered just having a healthy olive complexion and not worrying about sun burn? Its been working out for me.
Nonsense. You’ve got your adjectives all messed up.
Agreed. We spent waaaaay an entire afternoon outside at the pool last week for my birthday. My wife has been swimming all summer. I’ve been working inside all summer.
Wife is covered in sunburn. I have a few tender spots on my shoulders. Italian heritage has its benefits!
I won’t listen to your dirty talk of miscegenation!
The world would be a sadder place if it wasn’t for pasty skin sprinkled with freckles.
This Hong Kong business is amazing, but I’m it’s going to turn out poorly for the protesters. I just don’t see a scenario where the Chinese government backs down here. Also, in light of Jeff Tucker’s recent glowing report about China’s GDP, it’s very interesting that so many Hong Kong residents seem to prefer the possibility of being shot dead in the street over being incorporated further into the exciting new world of prosperity just miles away…
I still think the Brits could have backed the Chi-Coms down if they had a government with a bit more backbone.
The anti-colonial nonsense we are seeing here has been well entrenched in England for a long time. They probably thought they were morally justified in letting Hong Kong go under the Chinese knife.
There are a number of Polish folk here in The Rockaways who have never forgiven Churchill and Roosevelt for leaving them to Stalin’s warm embrace.
I have to agree with them.
Backed them down? Lease was up. Were they supposed to conquer China by force of arms, to keep a colonial holding?
Hey, if they can barely beat Argentina, I’m sure they could handle the chi-coms.
Which China, They could have officially recognized Taiwan as the legitimate government of China and returned control of Hong Kong to Taiwan
They had already swapped recognition at that point, although I remember hearing and wishing for the same circa handover.
In reality it would have worked as well as Britain holding onto the leased territory (note that some of Hong Kong was a permanent concession- although I’m not sure that the ChiComs recognized the validity of that). The ChiComs would have done a Goa on Hong Kong if either the Brits held on or the Taiwanese took over.
Let me guess, the report on China’s GDP is based upon the numbers given by the Communist Party of China?
Well, the data’s from the World Bank and it’s adjusted for purchasing power parity, but I’m very, very skeptical that those numbers accurately reflect the standard of living of the average Chinese citizen. PPP is also going to be dependent on an accurate perception of the consumer price of goods, which I’m assuming they’re getting from some guy in a government office in Beijing and which isn’t going to represent the Chinese government’s internal market manipulations. I’m also not that impressed given China’s years and years of currency devaluing. Supposedly the yuan is valued about right these days, and maybe it is, but this is following decades of gaming the international economy, benefiting from a generation of world leaders who’ve turned a blind eye to their shenanigans.
So, yeah, fantasy numbers.
Basically, yeah. GDP has a lot of skeptics to begin with when it’s measured earnestly, but from a country like China I don’t see how you can accept it on face value.
Count me among the skeptics, because they put government spending in the wrong column.
I say Phooey to Hong Kong!
*karate chops CPRM*
I’m shamelessly forcing my favorite children’s programming (1950 – 1989) on my kids. Some are better received than others. They both (8y.o. girl and 5y.o. boy) LOVE Hong Kong Phooey.
Why wouldn’t they? He’s #1 Superguy!
And faster than the human eye!
I do hope you’re including Rocky and Bullwinkle.
…and Fractured Fairy Tales, and Dudley Doright, and Peabody and Sherman.
No love for Popeye?
No. I’m not into that, NTTAWWT. So, Olive Oyl instead.
Touche kinnath…
I set myself up for that. Olive Oyl is not my type either. I am more into Natasha and that lady form the Rodger Rabbit series. I like my women dark and bitter. Some would say like their coffee, but I can’t drink the stuff without going ultra hyper.
Definitely Natasha.
I was in a van with 3 10 year olds and a dvd player a few weeks back. Tom and Jerry was on. I loath that cartoon, because it was *always* on when I was a kid.
Kids These Days (™) aren’t nearly as over exposed and they all were cracking up the whole 2.5 hours each way.
T&J wasn’t my favorite growing up but I could still watch Looney Tunes all day. More variety.
Tom and Jerry is brilliantly violent.
*narrows gaze*
Baked Brits
The British have such strange names for their food.
Aren’t baked bricks called stones?
Aren’t un-baked bricks called mud?
Nope and nope.
Bricks can be sun-dried or kiln-baked and still be bricks.
I had a “brick” come out of me the other day….
Too much alcohol and not enough water is my guess.
Just as long as they’re unflavored? (no fruitcake, despite the durability)
Brussels’ decision to effectively eject Zurich from the EU-regulated common area for stock trading is highly political.
Luckily the Swiss disarmed themselves so that they can better kneel before the EU. That should help.
My first thought when I scanned the article.
Yup. Swiss Army decommissioned itself, everyone has turned in their arms, and they are waiting for an invasion by the top notch EU armies…
You don’t think the Swiss civilian population voting to disarm is significant in terms of self defense? More so, ending a long standing tradition to appease the EU says something.
You think that will be uniformly obeyed? See also NJ, NY, CA.
The EU has less than subtly indicated they will make life harder on the small, landlocked nation they surround. When the EU breaks up, the CH will most likely go back to their own ways, but until then, everything that comes in to feed, fuel or otherwise support the country is at the mercy of the EU.
The EU is about as evil an entity as they come. I can’t wait for it to finally meet it’s doom. If one was inclined to believe apocalyptic shit, one would see the EU as the beast of revelation prophesy without any need for deep analysis.
That’s a fair point. I forget the Swiss aren’t self sufficient.
For many gay men, this weekend’s celebration is about finally being able to live their true lives, unafraid to declare who they love and being grateful for achieving virtual equality, at least in places like Greenwich Village, where the rebellion began.
But many transgender women of color, representing the T in the LGBTQ community, have seized the moment to air their grievances, such as suffering from higher levels of unemployment and homelessness as their cisgender gay and lesbian brethren.
“If pride month is the only time you talk about these issues, that’s probably a sign you should look into just how privileged you are,” said Darya Shirvani, 19, a white Los Angeles college student.
That must be why I can’t sleep at night.
Wake me up when the shooting war begins. I’ll fight for the side opposite of this whiner.
We could probably make some good bucks selling popcorn.
Slap fight!
I’m rapidly approaching the point where I’m just going to reflexively smack the stupid out of people who say “privilege” around me.
Oh dear. That will be a problem when we start talking about privilege separation users.
“Hey Bill, I can’t access this filOWWWW”
Speaking of privilege, my wife was accused of having white privilege yesterday. We were at the local public pool, and a black lady was spewing out some foul language (which is against pool rules, as there are multitudes of younger children around). My wife politely asked her to watch her language, to which the lady replied “Who are you?” and then went on to complain about my wife’s white privilege.
I think people need to start complaining about “grievance privilege” where people use supposed white privilege of others as a weapon to excuse their actions.
Wait ’til the new line up of privileged license plates and parking spots show up in front of the woke businesses.
Parking for……..All others will be towed.
Now we just need a return of “No Coloreds” signs and it’ll finally be simple to identify all the places I don’t want to patronize.
They retain the privilege of having no class.
I say we own the privilege. Make the claims ineffectual.
Look at Bill flaunting his “I’ve got arms” privilege.
They could be flippers.
Thalidomide is one hell of a drug!
It’s all horseshit. I hear an ad on the radio now and then…”Did you know that in XX number of states it is legal to discriminate against transgendered…”
Blah blah blah. No it isn’t you lying sack of shit. Higher unemployment is from. having a higher rate of dysfunction. They are crazy, what do you expect?
What the hell? It’s not December yet, are they pushing for a Festivus in July as well?
And we are being shown the only way to be truly oppressed is to heir your grievances.
joez law?
No wait, this is a Johno.
Joez law was making a mistake while correcting someone else.
I can’t keep them straight.
“heir-ing your grievances” could refer to indoctrinating one’s kids into victimhood.
I see it more as claiming victimhood based on people that looked like you way back when were oppressed by people that looked like the majority population now. So you simply inherit historic victimhood from long-gone supposed ancestors.
You sat through Black Panther too, eh?
I don’t talk about these issues at any time, sweetheart.
I’ve seen this narrative disproved at least once, but won’t look up now out of lack of interest.
I do like the casual conflation of “transgender women [of color]” with “drag queens”.
Um… hon, those are not the same thing and never have been. But thanks for playing.
“banned from the annual gay pride parade”
Ah, so I was wrong. They are being discriminated against.
“But many transgender women of color, representing the T in the LGBTQ community, have seized the moment to air their grievances”
Imagine my surprise.
Mental illness will do that.
This shit can only end up one way: with some grievance group trying to eat up the others.
What we need is proper grievance licensing. I’m surprised that isn’t part of the platform of a candidate yet.
65 people murdered since 2017, that works out to an average of about 45 a year.
Approximately 0.6% of the US population identifies as transgender, which equals roughly 1.9 million people.
That equates to a homicide rate of 2.3 per 100k
For comparison the murder rate among all Americans is ~4.5 per 100K.
Given this it is abundantly clear that transgender individuals are subject to lethal violence at far lower levels than the population at large.
Somehow the “journalists” at Reuters were incapable of noting that fact.
Math is a reinforcement of white patriarchy and is used to misgender others and perpetuate racism throughout history. I will continue to use feelings and the lived experiences of my xisters in resistance for statistics.
I’ve seen enough episodes of Springer to form a suspicion of how it might go down with a lot of these “trans women of color” after they meet the wrong guy.
Qweenb. Amor, 30, a nursing student from New Orleans and a trans Latina, said her activism on this topic was “an act of survival.”
“Gay men, they can assimilate. The rest of us don’t have the right or the privilege to blend in. We can’t blend in,” Amor said. “This is what it is and we need full force from the community to stand behind us.”
That’s weird. I thought blending in was the absolute last thing they wanted to do.
Are you implying that this person doesn’t just want to go about his or her business in quiet dignity?
Nursing student. Yeah.
It’s New Orleans for cryin’ out loud! Everyone blends in.
“We can’t blend in,”
I thought that was the whole point.
They score “points” – such as it is – by confusing the hell out of people, blurring lines, bending categories, adding some new ones, etc. etc.
You’ve got your “normal” trannies, say a M2F who lives as a woman and often a “heterosexual” one. Those are the ones that want to blend in.
Then you’ve got hangers on like this freak who are the opposite of that and yell and scream when you call them out on it.
Precisely. People like Deirdre McCloskey lead uneventful lives because they live an ordinary lifestyle as their new identity. The freaks are gonna be freaks, and they’ll face the difficulties any sort of freak (not just trans freaks) faces from normal society.
Was having dinner with my former neighbors. One of their young children needed surgery so naturally they were anxious.
Mentioned that during their initial meeting with the surgeon they noticed she was rather masculine looking, but didn’t think anything about it. She was highly recommended. It wasn’t until after the appointment they put 2 +2 together – the surgeon was Renee Richards!
Desperate need of attention makes a lot of people do some real dumb shit…
They just want everyone else around them walking on eggshells.
So she’s white? Surely no other race would transition to lower on the grievance hierarchy.
Maybe she wanted more privilege.
Amor would be devastated if society accepted her. She would probably pivot to identifying as a straight white man in order to really shock the people around her.
ugh, another book, another book to put on the enormous piles of other books already written.
Hey, you know who else made piles of books?
The ghost librarian from Ghostbusters?
Japan resumes commercial whaling for first time in 30 years
Japanese fishermen have set sail to hunt whales commercially for the first time in more than three decades, following Tokyo’s controversial decision to withdraw from the International Whaling Commission
What the hell for?
To eat?
I keep wondering what whale steak tastes like.
I don’t like it. Kind of pungent.
That’s the whale ass…
Sort of like a very rich, marbled beef. Granted I didn’t have steak as such, just some lightly braised strips of whale on rice. This was at a conveyor sushi place in Sendai.
I don’t know. What’s mercury taste like?
Heavy metals accumulate upward in the food chain. Oh, and in fresh water plants.
So they need to be hunting Blue/Humpback whales, is what you’re saying?
Why not? I have one rule for what creatures you can eat. No humans. If a creature is endangered, wait until the stock is back up and then dig in.
just seems like whaling is prohibitively expensive. There are other tastier critters to be had a lot cheaper.
I have told the story about making alligator and sausage sauce picuant? I paid a fortune for the meat and decided meh, chicken is cheaper and tastes much better. Alligator is too rich and makes you queasy if you try to eat too much. Hell I can get 10lb bag of chicken leg quarters for five bucks on sale.
Agreed on the gator. Ate it in Australia (or crocodile). Tasted like how a lizard smells.
You eat that stuff that smells like fish but tastes like chicken? Or does the wife not let you?
I can probably live the rest of my life without regret on chickens, cows, and the occasional turkey. Or duck.
I tell people who order weird shit, why are you doing that when steak exists?!
Rabbit is tastier than either chicken or pork.
If there were an economical way to have rabbit “tenders” from the breaded deep-fried backstraps I would open a chain of restaurants featuring those.
“boneless wings”
pig wasn’t on your list. I would regret not eating more pig.
Mea culpa. You are absolutely right.
Bambi, in both steak and “snack stick” form, is very, very good.
Gator is lousy meat, too greasy. And bear is gross, spongy and sweet.
Rattlesnake is not too bad, but a good fish is far better.
I thought the gator nuggets tasted ok, but I definitely didn’t want to eat much of it because of the aforementioned greasiness.
No humans? Fuck off slaver!
Whale oil is a renewable resource.
Uffda. I can see boatloads of Greenpeace activists blubbering about this decision.
*narrows gaze*
And lots of wailing.
Maybe it’s all just a fluke…
Paging Swiss…Swiss to the white phone…
OK, I’m baleen out.
Will John McAffee be Captaining one of these vessels? or will he be a hand on take to really take part in the action?
“Best do this one pro bono.”
And by “pro bono”, Swiss means…
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is reportedly planning to write a book about her time in the White House.
Cheeseburgers and Coke: The Story Trump’s Tumultuous Triumph
story of*
Diet Coke, yes?
Wired magazine slips up and prints something interesting
Steve Cichon, a “writer, historian, and retired radio newsman” got a clue in 2014 when he paid $3 for a stack of old Buffalo News newspapers. On the back page of February 16, 1991 issue was an ad from the electronics retailer Radio Shack. Cichon noticed something striking about the ad: “There are 15 electronic gizmo type items on this page… 13 of the 15 you now always have in your pocket.”
The “gizmo type” items that had vanished into the iPhone Cichon kept in his pocket included a calculator, camcorder, clock radio, mobile telephone, and tape recorder. And while the ad didn’t include a compass, camera, barometer, altimeter, accelerometer, or GPS device, these too have vanished into the iPhone and other smartphones.
Cichon’s find shows us that when thinking about their overall impact on the planet, it’s not helpful to think in isolation about producing 2 billion iPhones. Instead, we should think about a counterfactual: What would have been produced over the past 12 years in a smartphone-free world? The answer, clearly, is a lot more: a lot more gear, and a lot more media.
Sales of point-and-shoot cameras, camcorders, film, and videotapes have plummeted in recent years, but that’s not because we stopped caring about pictures and videos. Instead, it’s because a device called the smartphone came along that let us dematerialize our consumption of these things. Dematerialization is an idea that goes back at least as far as the 1920s (with R. Buckminster Fuller’s concept of “ephemerialization”), and evidence from America and other high-income countries shows that it’s an idea whose time has finally come.
You have to pick your way through some obligatory save-the-erf nonsense, but on the whole, it’s unexpectedly sensible.
I used to read Wired magazine from cover to cover. I subscribed for at least 10 years.
Recently, though, it has become a fashion magazine for geeks. There have even been cologne samples in some issues.
Eau d’ Engineer?!
How do they capture the smell of social awkwardness?
tear-filled masturbation sessions?
As if there was any other kind. That’s what the box of tissue is for.
Its just the flavoring powder from Cool Ranch Doritos.
CPRM’s reply works even better.
Eau de Doritos and Mountain Dew.
The Stagnant Working Class
Yeah, but we have to slave away on our little plantations just to put too much food on the table and enjoy all our luxuries, sometimes for up to forty hours a week.
Would it though?
Sure your smartphone replaced all those things but the majority of the items on the list are things that would have only had a very small market had they not been incorporated into smartphones. Calculators for instance, sure most people have one that they rarely use in the house somewhere but they would have bought it once and it would have lasted for 25 years. The same is true of Clock radios, yeah every house would have had a few of them but they would have been purchased once and not replaced for more than a decade each. Then you get to specialized devices, compass, altimeter, accelerator where the market for these things would have been tiny. Smartphones however become obsolete in ~2 years so everyone is getting a new one.
I don’t think we can conclude at all that smartphones have resulted in reduced electronic gizmo production over the last 20 years
You can have my HP-17BII when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
HP-12C for me!
I have a… couple of HP calculators. I grew up in the same town as the Calculator Division and my dad worked for the company (though not in that division I believe). The 32S is my favorite.
I think it was this baby I had in HS. Have a newer one in a box somewhere.
And how long have you had it? How many times since then have you replaced or upgraded it?
If you’re lucky you can get ~3 or 4 years out of a smartphone but battery life issues usually keep it under 3
I’ve had my Droid Trubo since 2014. Though admittedly the battery doesn’t last as long as it used to – I only get four days per charge now.
As for calculators… I have a basic four function one in a ziploc bag somewhere. It’s with the #2 pencils I need for civil service exams.
I have my calculator from college. That’s about 28 years of usage so far.
So yes, I agree with your analysis. I just wanted to share my deep and abiding love of the HP.
I ran my BlackBerry Torch from 2010 to 2018.
“ut they would have bought it once and it would have lasted for 25 years”
What about new people buying these things? Population didn’t suddenly stop growing 25 years ago.
Indeed, but they still buy them only once every decade or more, Smartphones get replaced, on average every 3 years at most, some people replace them every year
My wife notes this years ago that her smartphone does everything except a weapon or physically transporting you. After using Lyft and Uber, she’s on the fence on the last one.
I think people need to start complaining about “grievance privilege” where people use supposed white privilege of others as a weapon to excuse their actions.
Stop oppressing me with your Angry Black Lady privilege.
Good morning, Swiss
I’d be more optimistic about the Swiss holding their own if they hadn’t just voted in new gun control laws to appease the tyrants in Brussels. Now, my views are decidedly pessimistic.
Oh, it was “voted in” – but to be followed…?
Landlocked countries that are surrounded by a hostile entity will often try to keep on somewhat good terms with their source of food, fuel, etc. The EU has been less than subtle with their threats. See also, immigration and “taking in refugees”.
So you’re saying the Swiss need to capture a warm water port? I’m game.
I would support the Lucerne Airlift.
I have accomplished that scenario in Total War.
Like Italy would really be able to stop them.
Easily – just point out that they’d be bringing in however many million Italians into their polity.
Well, now that all the Glibs are out of our house after our big weekend bash, the cleanup has begun. I am amazed at how many dead hookers have been left behind. Our recycle can is already full and we haven’t even gotten to the second floor yet.
The drifts of empty blow packets piling up in the driveway must be a real challenge.
That’s got to get expensive rolling them all up in carpets.
Polyethylene painters’ tarps are much cheaper and quite effective. I learned this from Lethal Weapon 2.
Just don’t skimp and get the cheap ones that regular shoes will tear.
They didn’t offer to clean up? That’s got to be an etiquette no no.
Glib clean up? Hahahaha, you’re funny, FM. You know, funny.
Maybe it’s a southern thing. We always stay to help clean up after a party.
Maybe it’s the meth.
Going around the living room the next morning drinking the half empties isn’t “cleaning up”. It is technically called rock bottom.
Only if he keeps drinking the half empties that were also used as ashtrays (or spit cups).
It’s recycling!
It wasn’t “a party.” This lasted 4 days. Worse than Hitler.
Party Conference?
Actually, the best part was Sunday morning. Mad Scientist had just gotten up and announced, “I’m going out to get some Mountain Dew and ammo.” Most libertarian sentence ever.
It would have been more libertarian if I had sent an orphan on that errand.
You recycle? What a hippie!
I think recycling is a waste except aluminum, but the city provides 2 trash cans of equal size. If I didn’t use the recycling can, I’d run out of space.
If I buy aluminum cased ammo, can I take the spent casings in for recycling?
And the rest of the gun when the casing gets fused to the chamber walls.
The CZ eats everything. And actually, I’ve put 50 of them through the Sig with no problems.
You can if you want too, put ’em in beer cans, gives the kids something to do at the range.
Traitor President Pals Around With Brutal Distators
President Donald Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Sunday and became the first U.S. president to enter North Korea.
Kim greeted Trump in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea and asked him if he would like to step inside his country. Trump told Kim he would be “honored” and he took 20 steps into North Korea.
“It is good to see you again,” Kim told Trump through an interpreter. “I never expected to meet you in this place.”
“Big moment. Big progress,” Trump said in response.
Through an interpreter, Kim said that their latest meeting has “a lot of significance because it means that we want to bring an end to the unpleasant past and try to create a new future, so it’s a very courageous and determined act.”
Kim noted, “You’re the first US president to cross this line.”
There is no line that Drumpf won’t cross.
Dictators*, even.
My typing and proofreading are terrible today.
“It is good to see you again,” Kim told Trump through an interpreter. “I never expected to meet you in this place”
Isn’t that a direct quote from a Bond villain?
Since Kim is a bond villain, does it matter?
“Ah, Mr. Trump, you have a nasty habit of surviving.”
So saber-rattling with NK is bad, but talking with NK is also bad. What the hell do we do?
Ignore them and hope they go away, like Obama did.
Ignore the warmongering press and talk with them anyway? Sounds like a plan.
Fly in a pallet of US cash?
I hadn’t read that yet. That was what Trump tried to sell him on the last time. Come over into the light of prosperity. It sounds like he might bite? I am skeptical but we will see.
What is the ruling on this? Pizza or Not Pizza?
Aren’t you supposed to be cleaning? You are just farting around on here while SP cleans aren’t you?
Pizza’s origin is whatever is left in the kitchen at the end of thee day goes in. Leftover dough for a crust everything else piled on that.
Technically I suppose it is pizza but I won’t be having any, thank you.
Call it what you will. It’s always going to be gross.
This is what happens when you allow pineapple on pizza. It’s a gateway topping.
It was the eve of President Donald Trump’s historic steps into North Korea, and as the US delegation was lining up for a photo op with their South Korean counterparts at the Blue House, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo paced behind the group, looking for his opening.
Trump and President Moon Jae-in had taken their places in the center, followed by Moon’s wife, Kim Jung-sook. The next US official in line was not a member of Trump’s Cabinet or national security team, but his daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump.
As the cameras flashed and Pompeo awkwardly shuffled around, it took the first daughter a moment to realize he was trying to slide in. She eventually moved aside to let the secretary of state take his place between her and the South Korean first lady.
The moment encapsulated the unusually prominent role Ivanka Trump has played during Trump’s trip to Asia: a first daughter assuming the spotlight and duty beyond that of a senior aide on the world stage, the latest in her ongoing efforts to style herself as a diplomat.
Back in Washington, national security officials bristled at the large presence Ivanka assumed while overseas. But those close to the President described it as business as usual.
A smart, strong confident woman? OMG get back in the kitchen, you pushy bitch!
Sources familiar with the official’s line of thinking…
I love how they’re still pretending they’re not just making shit up.
How smart and empowered can Ivanka be? Has she gotten $600K from NBC News to be a reporter? I didn’t think so.
And what exactly did Pompeo do to set up the stuff going on in Korea? Why does he deserve to be in the picture?
I’ve been on a MIles Davis and just jazz in general kick while cleaning my house and packing muh stuff. I forgot how much I loved this one .
How did your job search go? Are you staying or headed back here?
It’s still in search mode. Got the interview on Thursday so I’ll see how things go then.
Translation: White Devil think large penis beat tentacles
I imagine Google Translate will not be happy with that…
Miss! They’re doing it again, miss!
And we are being shown the only way to be truly oppressed is to heir your grievances.
It’s blood guilt, all the way down.
I’ve got it! Trump was prearranging his defection to North Korea in case he loses the election. That’s what they discussing privately. It all makes sense, now.
Perfect time for the word Uffda
It’s called “alcohol use disorder”, a ‘Second Hand Drinking’ related problem. Needs a lot of (your) money to study this new phenomena.
That is premium grade hand crafted word salading right there.
“Sarah Huckabee Sanders to write book about her time in White House: report”
Working title: The Life of Pie
*golf clap*
Swiss Army decommissioned itself, everyone has turned in their arms, and they are waiting for an invasion by the top notch EU armies…
It’s a TRAP!
Perhaps Simple Jim should sit the next one out.
“And what is it with your coziness with some of these dictators and autocrats at these summits?” Acosta asked. “With Mohammad Bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, when you were asked about the case of Jamal Khashoggi, you did not respond to that question in front of the Saudi Crown Prince.”
“I don’t know that anybody asked me,” Trump responded.
“Were you afraid of offending him on that subject?” Acosta asked.
“No, not at all,” Trump responded. “I don’t really care about offending people. I sort of thought you’d know that.”
After briefly talking about Acosta’s book, Trump said while pointing at the other journalists in the room: “I get along with everybody — except you people, actually.”
“Mr. President, on the case of Jamal Khashoggi, you have a lot of journalists in this room who object to what appears to be the Saudi government’s complicity and perhaps orchestration of the assassination and dismembering of a journalist,” Acosta pressed. “And do you agree that it is despicable for a government to kill a journalist in that fashion?”
“Yes, I do,” Trump responded. “I think it’s horrible. Or anybody else, by the way. But I think it’s horrible. And, if you look, and look into Saudi Arabia and you see what’s happening, 13 people or so have been prosecuted. Others are being prosecuted. They’ve taken it very, very seriously, and they will continue to. And I’ve let everybody know I’m not — I’m very unhappy about that whole event.”
I sort of thought you’d know that.
Truly, the Troll in Chief.
Top shelf snark.
I love it.
He’s supposed to accuse the prince to his face? Yeah, that’s presidential.
I would loved to have seen Obama attempt to handle the level of antagonism from the press pool that Trump gets. It would have been hilarious.
“Yes, I do,” Trump responded. “I think it’s horrible. Or anybody else, by the way.
I think this is what pisses the media off so much about Trump, and what divides hardcore Progressives from everyone else. They fundamentally believe in a medieval brand of class-ism where different laws (or no laws) apply to different classes of people.
Progressive journalists (not Andy Ngo and his ilk, who operate in the ideological space to the right of Mao) should be untouchable, like feudal lords. The various layers of the grievance pyramid need their protections/benefits as well.
The conservative version is their penchant to allow cops to test their swords on the peasantry at will. The Progs aren’t really against that, as long as the grievance hierarchy is upheld in the process.
Fuck all that! Governments should treat all humans within their jurisdiction equally. Cops and journalists are no better than anyone else. They are not a special class deserving of special rights.
Cops, firefighters, and journalists are citizen employees.
Only the military has a special status compared to citizens.
It is absolutely not a coincidence that the people who believe speech they don’t like is violence and think it’s totally acceptable to physically attack people who *might* not believe the same things they do are attacking the president for not publicly berating foreign leaders. What Trump appears to be doing is exercising the principle that in a negotiation the important thing is to keep talking. Of course the Saudis assassinated the guy. Of course the prince knew, and at least tacitly approved. And he knows we know. What purpose is served by calling him out in public or refusing to meet with him? None whatsoever, other than a temporary feeling of moral superiority.
Has anyone posted a link to or discussed this article about “free college” lessons from the Kalamazoo Promise? (sorry, wasn’t behind a paywall when I first read it)
The article talks about “answers”, but doesn’t seem to give any answers or conclusions. Seems to me that the free tuition only increased the number of students who finished a degree or certificate program by 4%, which could be within the margin of error.
There are some Russians in my house colluding…to install my closet organizers. Where is Jim Acosta?
Two car related tidbits:
EF burned her first tank of guzzoline in her Infiniti M35x – 13.6MPG !!! All city driving plus AWD (and I assume a lead foot) gives her worse mileage than my Mustang and about par what I was getting when I owned a 5.0L V8 Mountaineer. Nice that she’s doing her part to add to global warming.
I’m waiting impatiently for my Mustang 93 octane “Race” ECU tune from MPT – which takes 2-3 business days to be delivered. I bought an SCT tuner to apply that and for the future 3.55 or 3.73 rear gear swap. I should nip a good second off of my 0-60 time and maybe the 1/4mi time when both are applied; provided I can get traction!
I get better mpg out of my 4WD Tacoma and I’m not shy with gas.
I’m fairly certain I get better mpg out of my 96 Suburban
Yeah, the ’07 Yukon XL can beat 13.8 when driven with purpose.
Trailblazer SS with a 402 stroker and I get 11-12. That’s in LA traffic. It goes up to 13.5 on road trips.
3.6n gears out back? only 5-speed automatic? I dunno, but the car is only rated for 16 city, 22 highway. Normally EF can beat the mpg ratings since she is a grandma driver, like the 20mpg she averaged with the 5.0L 1991 Caprice she once owned.
Maybe take it and get it dyno tuned. They might be able to get the engine running more efficiently.
That’s right around what Mrs. Dean’ FJ, with the aftermarket supercharger, cold air intake, cat-back exhaust, and blown fuel injectors (necessary to keep up with all the air going into the engine) gets.
With her set-up, she dusted a batch of Japanese tuners from a dead stop. In an FJ Cruiser.
Replacing the exhaust system too?
Eventually – one thing at a time. 3.7L Mustangs – with bolt ons – have been getting into the 12s in the quarter mile. Not sure if I want to mod that heavily since it isn’t really worth the time ‘n’ effort with a V6; just for larfs I guess.
My old Jeep JK with the minivan 3.8L pushrod motor, 4.11 gears and M+S tires got 9MPG around town!
Also auto related – This Mk4 Toyota Supra Just Sold For $176,000 At Auction. Sure I’d like one, but for this kind of money there are many other cars I’d choose instead.
Ah the MK4 Supra – the “ultimate” car in the 90s. Even back then they were rare, or at least in my neck of the woods. You were more likely to see a 300ZX than a Supra.
The new one is just a disappointment.
Toyota Supra review: the Chris Harris verdict
My WRX STI gets 22mpg.
When you’ve lost Willie Brown…
The first Democratic debates proved one thing: We still don’t have a candidate who can beat Donald Trump.
California Sen. Kamala Harris got all the attention for playing prosecutor in chief, but her case against former Vice President Joe Biden boiled down in some ways to a ringing call for forced school busing. It won’t be too hard for Trump to knock that one out of the park in 2020.
Biden did himself zero favors by telling Harris that he opposed only busing that was ordered by the federal government. It was a weird endorsement of states’ rights and local jurisdictions’ right to segregate schools. That’s the best argument he could marshal against busing little kids miles across town?
Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., was asked why there weren’t more blacks on his city’s police force. His response was, “Because I couldn’t get it done.” OK, so do better as mayor before you try to be president.
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was dominant against a Night One lineup of pygmies. She might have the chops, but we can’t tell yet because the first debate was so tame.
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker got a lot of air time, and while his delivery sparkled, I’m not sure the content of his answers on gun control and the like made much of an impact.
“Why don’t you ask them?”
Louisville’s school busing plan has been sued multiple times over the years, twice thrown out by SCOTUS. All the law suits have been brought by black parents.
Highly amusing to see Willie Brown sniping at his former side piece.
Mammary Monday will dress in black and severely beat you with rebar.
4 looks like a tranny. 8 appeals to my 90’s video game fetish. 17 wins the lousy bolt-on award. 27 looks like she’s in Tucson; Dean, go get her!
47. She likes beer.
12, 21 (reminds me of a girl I used to crush hard on), 31, 48. Thanks for the lovely chicas, Q.
1, 2, 3, 7, 12, and then I lost track of what I was doing.
Sadly, my work firewall has been tightened up.
The discussion of identity politics upthread got me thinking. We really are going backwards in a lot of ways. For a long time the trend was to not identify people based on their traits. In my case, I wasn’t a “disabled person”, I was a “person with a disability”. There is some merit to that, because it identifies the person as a unique individual and doesn’t make their identity all about one physical aspect. Now we’re back to “This person IS a transgender person of color”. There is a trend of identifying people only on one or two traits. Which to me seems pretty unhealthy. I guess you can call something “progressive” all you want, but that doesn’t mean it involves improvement.
I think the game is to keep the fight going no matter what. See: constantly changing what to call black people.
Divide and conquer – one of the oldest games in the book.
It’s the political version of segmented marketing. The difference is they first need to make people hyper-aware of what segment they are in before messaging specifically to them. The downside it that is destroying the cohesion of society, sparking old rivalries and creating new ones.
Seems a lot like IT and its every-15-years flip-flopping between centralization and decentralization. Management consultants just repackage the old shit as “new” in order to get new projects funded. The “cloud” shit is genius as you can call it “centralized” to whoever wants to hear it, and “decentralized” to whoever prefers that. And management gets to pretend that disaster recovery is someone else’s responsibility (and cost).
Hong Kong. Catalonia region?
And you Swiss of all people! You love Timbits and poutine!
I can’t wish you a happy canada day until canada is returned to the canadians and Trudy’s people are gone.
We need to be annexed by Trump.
SP covered it late last night.
/wipes tear. Waves small #4 flag.
I despise the Yankees but Lou Gehrig is my favorite baseball player of all time.
A happy but confusing update to my water problem from last night. All I did was release the air at the closest spigot to the pump and turn the pump off and back on and water! The reason for no water all night? I don’t know! But it’s fixed!?
Thermostat for sure.
“Working at the moment” does not equate to “fixed”.
Hence: !?
You mean you didn’t try turning it off and on again earlier?
Pump is in the basement, basement entrance is outside with steep steps and no light. I was drunk and nightfall was approaching. I just waited till morning to do anything.
See, that’s exactly the kind of thing I do when I’m drunk. Because impaired judgment.
turn the pump off and back on
*nods sagely*
“Working at the moment” does not equate to “fixed”.
Everything breaks eventually.
You may have a leak in the intake line somewhere, causing the pump to take in air. The air will then cause you to lose suction in your pump until it is bled out.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., was asked why there weren’t more blacks on his city’s police force. His response was, “Because I couldn’t get it done.”
He couldn’t very well say, “They can’t pass the tests,” could he?
“I just want conscientious police officers with proper respect for citizens rights. What does skin color have to do with it?”
Heads would have exploded.
The whole social justice grievance monger game is about power. Its advocates will even tell you that straight out to your face. They don’t want to live their lives happy and undisturbed by others. They want to have the ability to impose their will on others. That’s what I think people don’t understand. The social justice cadres’ demands are, for the most part, incidental. It’s the imposition of their will that they value. Acceding to their demands, even if the specific demands are reasonable, won’t resolve the situation because the demands aren’t what they value. It’s forcing you to give into those demands that counts for them. They don’t want to enjoy the same rights and liberties enjoyed by whoever they’re claiming at this moment is “privileged”. They want the power of revoking that person’s rights.
but it’s different when they do it because their intentions are pure and supported by critical thinking and science… unlike everyone else.
Hate crime wave
The leaflets distributed by students at a junior high school told pre-teens to “Join the KKK” and that “It’s not OK to be gay.”
In the capital of the state known for the 1998 murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard, school officials have worked to respond to the spring incident. They’re holding community meetings and plan to hire a “diversity and cultural awareness” counselor while providing additional employee training.
“We’ve got a pretty good plan to try to work on all of that,” said Boyd Brown, superintendent of Laramie County School District No. 1.
A summary of a school district investigation confirms bullying and harassment directed at — but also occurring between — minority, LGBTQ and disabled students at McCormick. Yet many details about the bullying and the school’s response remain unknown.
School officials refuse to release a full report on the investigation, saying that doing so would violate the Family and Educational Rights Privacy Act. The Associated Press has joined the Wyoming Tribune Eagle newspaper and other news media in a lawsuit seeking the report’s release under Wyoming’s public records laws.
School officials for a time shortly after the incident told students neither Confederate flags nor rainbow pride flags and clothing worn in support of LGBTQ rights were appropriate. The district soon said rainbow flags and clothing were OK.
“At the time, we had two opposing sides that were kind of escalating the situation,” Brown said.
The episode showed that the Cheyenne school district administration “doesn’t know how to handle not just one troubled kid but systemic racism and homophobia,” said Sara Burlingame, executive director of Cheyenne-based Wyoming Equality.
I’m sure they will be able to browbeat those children into celebrating diversity.
I don’t believe a word of any of that.
There is systemic racism and homophobia hiding behind every bush. Didn’t you know that?
Meanwhile, school officials traumatized some student Gay-Straight Alliance members by calling them out of class for questioning in front of police officers about the flyers, Kercher said.
Doesn’t sound like they ever identified where the flyers came from, which I take to mean a 90% chance they are fake.
See raston above
They found out they just arent saying
Bob Menendez introduces federal suppressor ban bill, The Help Empower Americans to Respond Act:
The HEAtR Act
I like the ‘Heater’ Act, everyone should have a heater in their pocket/purse. Oldsters could have a gat.
The New Militia Act –
A) The NFA, along with all amendments regulations pursuiant to those laws are hereby repealed in their entirety.
B) No state may ban the ownership of any weapon or weapon accessory.
C) Every adult citizen who does not own a weapon for the defense of themselves must pay a tax to support the training and equipping of the professional soldiery.
D) The militia is defined as all adult citizens eligable to vote.
I’m sure hitmen will comply.
Help Americans respond? So end gun free zones? Also, fuck you. I’m not turning in my suppressor.
If you have to use a firearm to defend yourself it’s only fair that you’ll have intractable tinnitus for the rest of your life.
That is exactly what I have a suppressor for. It’s on my bedside 300blk. I don’t want to be blind and deaf in a shootout.
I clearly need to get one of those, since it sounds like I’m going to be unable to buy one in the future.
Mendacious gun-grabbing scum.
hah – I ALREADY have tinnitus! BRING IT, MENENDEZ!
That will include law enforcement too, right?
Stop looking at me like that.
How does banning suppressors help me respond to anything?
I had the opportunity to shoot various suppressed pistols last summer. I can tell you that even a 9mm is still fairly loud, and definitely would be loud in a confined location such as indoors*.
*I assume this is in response to the shooting in VA.
Something something call to action
Journalist Carlos Maza’s May tweet encouraging people to throw milkshakes at figures with certain political beliefs does not violate Twitter policies, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Maza, a journalist at Vox, tweeted that people should “milkshake them all, humiliate them at every turn” May 21 with a photo describing milkshaking “far-right figures” and a link to an article about a conservative politician in Britain being milkshaked.
“Carlos Maza
Milkshake them all. Humiliate them at every turn. Make them dread public organizing.”
Conservative journalist Andy Ngo was attacked Saturday afternoon during an Antifa rally. Individuals threw milkshakes at him that might have been mixed with cement, according to a tweet from the Portland police, and reportedly sustained injuries from blows to the face.
Ngo was “admitted to the hospital overnight as a result of a brain bleed,” Harmeet Dhillon, a legal representative, tweeted hours after the protest…
“You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so,” according to Twitter’s policies. “This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm.”
“You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people,” a Twitter rule states.
“We also prohibit the glorification of violence,” it continues.
I guess Twatter policy doesn’t apply to leftist, latino “journalists” that are attracted to members of the same sex (stunning, brave…).
Milkshakes, it’s all the British have left to fight with. sad.
It’s come to this: Words (spoken by people we don’t like) are literally violence. But violence (committed by people we do like) is free speech and must be protected.
That’s pretty much it and it’s being normalized across the left, it isn’t just Twitter. This is going to end very badly.
Yes. Both the NYT and WaPo ran op-eds in the last week endorsing the public harrassment of people whose politics they don’t like.
Are you a nazi or a terrorist?
I didn’t think they had Culvers on the west coast.
I’m pretty fond of Culver’s reuben sammich.
And I think their fries are some of the best fast food fries around.
Twitter, and Big Tech in general, are explicit left-wing organizations. People need to understand that and begin acting accordingly.
Exactly. These are private companies run by politically-minded individuals who have encouraged a culture that dissuades ideological diversity and tolerance of difference. Any political diversity demonstrated by their users is incidental. They might pay lip service to this idea of being unbiased, dispassionate guardians of the public square but at the end of the day they’re opinionated, isolated elitists who own the platform. Their ball, their rules.
/throws milkshake. Hisses.
Their ball, their rules.
And that is absolutely right and proper. What isn’t right and proper is that the rest of us give them a pass for responsibility for their game. Their ball, their rules? Okay. And when someone gets libeled, or IP gets violated , or someone gets threatened with “their ball”, they should be just as susceptible to getting sued as a brick-and-mortar competitor.
Just so I’m clear, I’m not talking about what should be so much as what is, and right now Twitter, for instance, is a politically-biased platform masquerading as a disinterested service. I think it’s entirely reasonable to say that if they’re going to effectively curate their content by applying a double-standard to what is and isn’t acceptable then they’re at least in part liable for the consequences of the content they purvey.
Agree. That’s why the proper course of action for these firms is not to break them up, but to start treating them as publishers who can be held liable. If someone gets “canceled” and loses his job (for example), he can sue Twitter for defamation.
Totally agree. Moreover, I think Twitter should be held liable when Antifa types promote violence. Not more or to a different standard than currently exists in the law, just to the same goddamned standard to which everyone else is held.
Their ball, their rules.
Except they are violating their own TOS, which is a breach of contract. And 1A has not been ruled to extend to calls to action. In our current legal paradigm, Homo-wonk should be prosecuted for incitement.
This is the sort of thing that has caused me to conclude that we need Section 230 reform. They’re taking an editorial line. There’s no sane way to conclude anything else. At that point, you’re a publisher and should face all the same liabilities as any other publisher.
Sound more like we need Section 230 ENFORCEMENT, not reform.
We now have categorical proof that Google, Twitter, and Facebook are acting as editorial agents and not disinterested platforms and so they need to be held accountable for every single thing on those platforms.
Section 230 is remarkably loose in what it allows platforms to “censor” and has some drafting flaws, as I recall. I think it would need to be reformed (and is due for it; when it was written, I don’t think social media wasn’t really a thing).
“Journalist Carlos Maza’s May tweet encouraging people to throw milkshakes at figures with certain political beliefs”
This person is not a journalist.
OT: The corporate, mainstream liberal media hate Jordan Peterson more than they do Anitfa in all its inglorious, illiberal violence.
Sure – and you. They hate you most of all.
They don’t want to live their lives happy and undisturbed by others. They want to have the ability to impose their will on others.
Exactly. “Coexistence” is not what they’re after.
I went over to Carlos Maza’s twitter – because recall he’s the one who suggested people through milkshakes thus inciting them to violence – and saw this exchange:
“Michael Finn
17h17 hours ago
Only in the imagination of right wingers. I
2 replies 0 retweets 4 likes
Reply 2 Retweet Like 4
17h17 hours ago
Don’t know any. Thanks though.
2 replies 0 retweets 2 likes
Reply 2 Retweet Like 2
The Hostage Negotiator
17h17 hours ago
….and Glibertarians.”
/Looks around nervously.
Oh ho, the war is finally coming to us, eh?
Oh ho, the war is finally coming to us, eh?
Come and Take It.
Remind me to get a bumper sticker or the actual gonzales flag one of these days.
* Places beam across large wooden door, holds sword in nervous anticipation. *
Jokes on them – most Glibs carry, I’d say
Classy AF.
Is there any finer 4th of July tradition than the scolds going on and on about how bad fireworks are? This year, it even somehow manages to work Trump in.
Finer than screwing up the link? 🙂
Fine, I’ll enact your labor for you.
“which, when you think about it, are really just flaming garbage.” Much like this article.
You’re flaming garbage. Go fuck yourself.
Also, that “poor vets are scared by fireworks” thing is horseshit. The clowns who peddle that stuff claiming that they’ve caught the PTSDs are almost always goldbricking phonies.
Um. I am no fan, anymore, of fireworks. I used to be…but then 2004-2005 OEF, 2008 OIF.
But I am not calling cops on my neighbors, that is for sure. I just go to the basement, with the dog….and 12% ABV imperial stout.
Here, we get the news about the fireworks recall:
You can’t trust anything you’re buying in Indiana, can you?
The number of people who say they feel “extremely proud to be an American” – fewer than half, according to Gallup’s annual poll – sits at a record low.
Proud is a weird way to put it. Happy? Yes. Lucky? Sure.
Besides, who the fuck cares either way?
Pride is one of the seven deadliest sins.
Didn’t one of your people sing a song about being a “Proud North American”?
Probably. I wasn’t listening.
I prefer North American Scum.
Yeah proud of something you had no part in?
I can see an immigrant being proud to be an American, because they had to work to become Americans, For everyone else though, you were born here, what have you contributed to our society that you have earned being proud of it?
I think that’s being a tad harsh. You still have to contribute to maintain a civilization.
Being proud isn’t something you earn, it’s just a feeling. You can be proud of your family despite the fact that your being a part of it is entirely accidental. I think when people say they’re proud to be American what they mean is that they’re proud of America, not that they’re congratulating themselves on being an American.
Even Lee Greenwood never said he was Extremely proud.
Well, Remy’s proud:
fireworks imported from China
So authentic then?
Although I’m skeptical that professional displays would be using Chinese made fireworks instead of US ones. You can’t exactly pick those up from Walmart.
Surprised they didn’t go the cultural appropriation route.
Historically unpopular president,
Not technically true, but …
It must be miserable to be this person.
Unfortunately, I agree with this.
If it happens, it will solidify that the DemOpMedia-Deep State industrial complex is the kingmaker. The voters that matter don’t care about the economy or how crazy the Dems are; they’ve been told 100,000 times the Big Lie that Trump is a Nazi and they’ve come to believe it. They hate him and don’t even know why.
Was there a blue wave? It was more of a blue piddle, somewhat weaker than historical patterns would have suggested.
There was an unprecedented number of Republican retirements that year which negated the power of incumbency which we all know is significant.
I tried to make this sentence run on even more but couldn’t make it happen.
Your sentence had terms limits?
Which we could surmise was included in the modeling. The fact that there were special circumstances doesn’t break the model.
But, the Blue Wave didn’t exactly come to fruition.
Yeah, I don’t know that I’d describe it as a wave per se.
The Dems flipped a lot of seats in 2018 largely by running a bunch of bland middle of the road types in purplish/light red districts. Their field of candidates in 2020 has been competing to most resemble a crazy leftist, and that isn’t likely to change anytime soon.
They flipped all of NJ through Gerrymandering and creating counting.
And California’s plan to essentially deplatform Republicans at the ballot box helped.
They’ve been working on perfecting their voter fraud for a long time and it was utterly ignored in 2018. I’ve gotta think that’s going to play a pretty big part here.
I think Mueller helped on the margins by keeping the Russian Collusion/Obstruction hoax going past the election.
Give me two weeks to prepare and a day with that assclown under oath . . . .
That raises a question… do you ever actually appear in courtroom? I thought it was standard for in house counsel’s to hire outside counsels to actually represent the business in court.
I’m a boardroom lawyer, not a courtroom lawyer.
However, Mueller made so many questionable/indefensible decisions, and I read him as the kind of arrogant ass who is easy to trip up, so I think I could take him.
A simple country boardroom lawyer?
I actually hung the old print of “A Country Attorney and His Clients” in my office since I started practicing. Mostly because the attorney is getting paid mostly with chickens and whatnot. None of my bosses have ever taken the hint that I might just be a trifle underpaid.
From the calculator comments up-thread: HP-41CX for me.
And I even have the optional 8K memory!
I still have my TI-81 from high school. With the programs I put in there to pass the time in class.
Somebody stole my HP-42S in college. Man, I miss that thing. Two register display, TWO!
Ooo that looks very like the one I have in a box somewhere (and could not find just now ?)
I’m interested to hear how Switzy stores that retainer. Mishandling customer accounts has tripped up more than one lawyer. And by trip up, mean…
Its an actual retainer. Ripped from the mouth of some unfortunate hiker.
I did a job for a woman from Hong Kong the other day. She was practically in tears talking about the situation there now and when she left in the 60’s. She mentioned that Chinese terrorists back then would put explosives into kids toys and leave them in parks. She was obviously virulently anti-communist and surprised to find someone who knew something about the evil they perpetrated in China and elsewhere. “I can’t believe how few people here have any idea of what communism is. It’s rare to find someone who knows about what terrible things they did.”
On a lighter note, I have four Sly albums but not this one and now I’m gonna have to get it. What a great version of this song that I think I’d only heard a couple times before.
That’s a terrific song.
Sly was and is one of the Best Ever. Too bad he had to call it quits so early.
Yup, living in a van down by the LA River and he made some of the best funk music of all time.
The Family Stone was a pretty important band, too.
‘You’re What I Wanted’: Assembling The Family Stone
It’s not clear that he intentionally integrated the band, but it’s a cool story nonetheless. It bothers me that we’ve gone backwards in a lot of ways. But it’s pretty clear why:
Nice, bookmarked for later. Yeah, it sucks to see the devolution on that issue.
“I can’t believe how few people here have any idea of what communism is. It’s rare to find someone who knows about what terrible things they did.”
Feature, not bug of the education system.
Yeah, I aggressively buck that trend.
Yeah, I gotta believe that is absolutely by design. I never liked commie shit, but even though I was a pretty voracious reader as a kid I never received any encouragement to read about communism. It want until I was an adult that I even heard the word “holodomor” mentioned (and I had to type that word twice because autocorrect has still never heard it).
From Q’s election model link:
“The country’s hyperpartisan and polarized environment has largely set the conditions of the 2020 election in stone,” Bitecofer said in a release. “The complacent electorate of 2016, who were convinced Trump would never be president, has been replaced with the terrified electorate of 2020. Under my model, that distinction is not only important, it is everything,” she added.
I think we might want to wait until a candidate has been picked before we get too carried away.
“Magical Generic Good Guy Democrat” is not even a declared candidate.
He can’t run again, they haz a sad,
…doesn’t exist.
Yeah, cuz every Democrat voter wants open borders and free healthcare for the world at taxpayer expense.
The same outfit’s final prediction for 2016: Trump 42%, Clinton 48 %
Make of that what you will.
And, speaking of Democratic candidates-
How many newly minted fans of Congressional oversight! have ventured an opinion about Kamala’s announcement that she will seize the orb and sceptre of the Unitary Executive with all her might, and rule by fiat?
seize the orb and sceptre of the Unitary Executive
Enough of the Willie Brown talk!
He had only one orb?
You know who else only had one orb?
The undertaker in Phantasm?
John Kruk?
The Dems flipped a lot of seats in 2018 largely by running a bunch of bland middle of the road types in purplish/light red districts. Their field of candidates in 2020 has been competing to most resemble a crazy leftist, and that isn’t likely to change anytime soon.
As I recall, there were a bunch of Republicans who did not run for re-election, making a lot of seats easier to flip than they would have been against an incumbent.
Words missing from this article:
“Left”, “Antifa”, “Communist”, “Socialist”
Nice, ABC. There’s a pic of the Charlottesville guy, apropos of jack shit.
Federal authorities are warning that white supremacists and other political radicals could look to attack Independence Day revelers
I mean it’s right there. But White-supremacists get special mention because they are exceptionally prevalent and dangerous. //jk
Artemi Panarin will be a Ranger. Wow. I’m a little frightened, but this is damned exciting. Rangers have some serious talent at forward now.
Defense, on the other hand…..
Wild look to be signing Zucarello. Not sure what an old left-shot dude is gonna bring to our motley band of old guys, but we’ll see.
Panarin is a stud. Not surprised that Columbus couldn’t keep him, but the money is going to be absurd.
7/84 is being reported, which is pretty steep, but YOLO or something.
Zucc is a fun player and a really good player. He’s not THAT old, and was terrific for Dallas in the playoffs. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I miss him.
Good. We need someone who can finish. Got a bunch of guys who can do everything with the puck except find the back of the net.
The only trouble with those kind of contracts in the NHL is that even with a stacked team it’s really hard to make the finals (right Tampa?!?). If you miss the window you are stuck with an average team for a long time.
He’s more of a playmaker than a finisher, though, to be honest. Makes some ridiculous passes look routine.
I think the Rangers’ thinking on this is that they have a bunch of guys on their ELCs for the next few years who figure to produce quite a bit for them – Kakko, Kravtsov, Chytil, Buchnevich. They’re rolling the dice on the next 2-3 years.
So a more competent Granlund? Hmmm.
Yes, that’s the thing. If it works and the Rangers win a Cup, they will definitely buy some time to retool.
Zucc! Miss him already.
Tell me about it!
/Cuomo II
Stumbled across this
I know what I want for Christmas. Anyone have some spare Swiss Francs?
The first one is a clone of the exact HP model I loved and cherished like a baby.
All this nostalgic love for calculators makes me weirdly happy.
Geez, what IP?!
That said, the credit card one is adorable.