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Needs more red string.
I don’t get it.
Do you need someone to draw you a diagram?
Every now and Venn
You’d be a Feynman if you did.
Yobamus is coming! Hide your wimmins!!!
I…don’t know where to start. Or stop.
You and your linearity.
Just follow it in a circle until the inky blackness swallows you.
Like your doctor if you, keep your doctor, half of you can.
But I don’t think any of these mashups including Obama would even be able to acquire the Soul Stone. How would he be able to sacrifice that which he most loves?
Look closelier……
Bahhhh, that’s too big, how make shorter?
Learn to code.
Except that’s not really coding, it’s a webpage layout and design language. Not sure if it even has proper iterations and branching.
That was beautiful. Thank you, HM.
Crack is whack, yo.
Science denier!
Take out BBQ for dinner. Already picked it up.
It’s too hot & humid to grill today. Bleh.
The skies opened up here a little bit ago. Everything got dark. Like almost night time dark.
I have a full rack of spares in the oven. 225 for 6 hours. Don’t know how I’m going to finish them.
Teriyaki chicken here. Wild rice and grilled asparagus on the side.
Was going to a BBQ restraunt in South Carolina for dinner. Instead I’m dinning in an airport terminal while they keep announcing flight delays.
Certain things occur across many timelines, even though they are instantiated differently — someone named Harambe shot in Cincy on a certain date. It’s like there are currents and eddies in spacetime, much like certain waves always appear at certain places.
Uhhh… OK.
I’ll have another beer
Back from the shootin’ match. There was many BLAM! Enough gunfire that you might mistake it for a Chicago jaywalking arrest.
I think I probably scored a great success on the previous established victory conditions. Two of the stages were shot perfectly, and two only had 1 second’s worth of penalty time. And I got a huge ego boost from the VP of the competitive IDPA club who told me “you’re almost just okay. Which is really quite extraordinary for someone who hasn’t done this before.”
Four hours in 90+ degree heat was draining. I didn’t stick around to see the final scores tallied, but they’re supposed to email them out to all the participants.
My group was 80% male, ages ranged from upper 20’s to lower 60’s. Four CZs, two H&Ks, a Sig Legion, A Ruger SR11, and a Walther. There were a few other guns I couldn’t immediately identify.
Enough gunfire that you might mistake it for a Chicago jaywalking arrest.
Give him a big hand, folks. He’s here all week. Try the Cacciatore, tip your server.
Four hours in 90+ degree heat was draining. I didn’t stick around to see the final scores tallied, but they’re supposed to email them out to all the participants.
Damn, bro. That’s brutal. Good luck.
I just spent 15 minutes in it walking to the liquor store and pet store and back and now I need a shower. Yuck.
Congrats. You are well on your way to a life destroying addiction. The better you get, the worse it gets.
*thumbs up*
Yeah, it was much fun. I even enjoyed the movement-heavy stages more than I thought I would. One of the stages was really quite clever, with fucked-up sightlines so that one of the steel plates could only be shot from one particular spot within the boundaries — and it wasn’t visible from the two other targets right next to it. That one also had a decoy port that made the shooting more difficult than just leaning around the fence.
Some of these types of targets I’ve never eve seen before, like one where when you shoot a small popper it trips a giant mousetrap that lifts up a target, but that target lifting up trips a second mousetrap that lifts a no-shoot target directly in front of it.
A Rube Goldberg machine.
Awesome. Congrats.
Congrats, man!
Well done!
I’ve been tied up on a support call for the past 2 hours, while my girlfriend is downtown checking out all of the All Star Game events going on. And she’s not even a baseball fan…
Do you need an emergency booze shipment?
Booze I have. I’m unfortunately on call through Thursday night.
She just likes looking at the players’ tuchuses from behind.
Well, I mean, who doesn’t?
Speaking of family….those of you who remember, I gave my brother a marlin 1894 chambered in 218 Bee last year. We scoped it and set it. He wanted to use it for hogs. He shot the first one with it yesterday. He went for a heart shot(?) not a head shot but ok. He said it barely made 20 yards. He said “You remember what those bullets did to those water bottles we shot? It did that to the pig. The heart and lungs were all jelly.”
*raises toast to bacon and sausage*
That means you both done good, Suthen.
I’ve seen video of hogs shot with a hot loaded 25-45 Sharps. They went into immediate shock, went completely rigid, voided themselves, then keeled over.
I guess so. That is a bit hotter. I loaded the 218 with 40gr soft flat nosed jackets at about 2800 fps. He said it was a 75 yard shot and hit right through the heart. The hog jumped straight up then stumbled about 20 yards before collapsing. The bullet made a pinhole through the chest wall then exploded in the heart and lungs. It did not scratch the ribs on the opposite side.
/also raises glass to bacon and sausage
I’ll toast to that.
Youngest grand daughter and I are going fishing later this evening. Maybe catch a few, maybe not, that’s not the most important thing. She caught the biggest fish yesterday, a 4 lb bass but I caught the most. We both get another chance today.
Hey, I asked too late before. You get bears on your cams? How do you keep those critters out of your beehives?
I answered but you were gone, I guess. I got a heavy duty fence charger (25 mile) and moved the fence posts to about a 12 X 12 square. The bear has been back but he must have got his nose on it ’cause he has walked around and around but not more problems. I moved the game cam back out there to today to see if he has any more interest. I think he may be associating the clicking sound with something to avoid.
I was surprised to see that he came in the daytime a couple days ago, didn’t expect that but I wouldn’t have seen him anyway, behind the garage.
That’s funny. Tracks around and around. I can see him scratching his head and cussing. you.
Isn’t it funny
How a bear likes hunny
Buzz buzz buzz
I wonder why he does
My whereabouts can be accounted for, I assure you. And I have a receipt for that pic-a-nic basket.
Good luck! A 4 lb bass up there is a pig!
Jim Henrix looks down upon us…
My favorite Hendrix tune.
Except that’s a cover… I guess I should have listened to the whole thing before posting.
/puts dunce cap on
Try this one instead
I just took a two hour nap. Lobster for dinner in a bit.
Could be worse.
Checking out a new Indian restaurant in a friend’s neighbourhood shortly. 4.8 stars out of 5? Yes please!
I’d murder that Vindaloo.
Have fun!
Tandoori mixed grill.
Looks like a crowdpleaser.
It’s been a while since I’ve been in an Indian restaurant that hasn’t underwhelmed me, so I’m crossing my fingers on this one.
We have a place near the airport that’s pretty good. Well, I assume it’s all pretty good, but I always get the same things, so I could be wrong.
They have a rotisserie chicken, and when you order, they finish it in a tandoor with a lemon-cilantro pesto. It’s the perfect salt/sour crust on the chicken skin.
Then, the chicken tandoori… I don’t even know what’s in it. Red jalapeño and a bunch of other good stuff. Slightly sweet, slightly sour, and I go (gringo) medium on the heat.
As soon as I saw ‘Indian restaurant’ I knew I would see the word cilantro.
Chicken tikka.
There’s a place here that haven’t been to in a long time. I need to get there, stat.
Thanks! Yeah, I’m thinking of wildly over-eating tonight, which is never a good idea for someone with IBS. At least I can hide from the world tomorrow . . .
I could do some serious damage at that place. And your Sunday will most likely suck.
or blow…
I assume that most of the damage will be south of the equator.
Washlet is your friend.
Try the TresCool Curry Chicken, with garlic naan
Lassi, come home!
Lassie, come home.
Beef entrees? Huh.
More OT: we just got three separate quotes for a new furnace plus A/C. The quotes ranged from a high of almost 12 grand to a low of about $7,500.00. Amazing. The lowest quote comes from a company that does almost no advertising and has steady word-of-mouth business (we found out about ’em from our realtor here who’s also a buddy of ours). The highest quote comes from a company the owner of which is something of a local legend and whose primary quoter is considered a stellar salesman and gets a healthy share of the profits. I think I just sussed out where the extra cash would be going if we went with the highest bid. ;-)
Probably also high efficiency vs good enough.
Actually, the cheapest quote is for a Cadillac Lennox system (the SLP98). The price difference comes from the A/C, which is a 16 SEER unit that the low-bid company got on a special deal from Armstrong (a Lennox marque, apparently), plus some small savings from insisting on wired versus wireless controls etc. Just amazing.
I’d be tempted to use the word o’ mouth guy. My HVAC guy, electrician and plumber are all those guys. When I’ve price compared, they crush.
Yep! (We’re phoning him Monday morning.)
Now’s the time. Price goes up during a heat wave.
Realtor networks have always worked for me, but I also know and trust my realtor outside of my decadal real estate transactions.
I’m in the mood for chicken in wine if the spousal unit will go shop for onion and chicken thighs/legs.
I bought a mushroom growing kit and completely forgot it. It has been quietly flourishing and is ready to be incorporated into a worthy meal.
“those” kinda mushrooms ?
You can’t get the spores shipped to CA, but most other states you can. Don’t ask me how I know that.
I hate hate hate parts counters. Fixing up my wife’s old saw and replacing some things. Regular parts guy at the shop wasn’t in today, so one of the sales guy “helped” me. He’s been there a long time (and incidentally sold me two machines in the last couple of months but zero recognition) and I figured he was competent. Nope, wrong part which became evident when I got home. Back to store next week.
Second piece was picking up a replacement bar. After researching the wrong part on the first, also figured out there were two bar options. Was that offered? Nope, probably because they only had the one in stock or the sale guy only knows that one. I hate the fake expertise that sale people use. Especially in this day and age when the correct info isn’t that hard to find.
…and new post is already up