Brett is off on a family emergency (that might be a euphemism, but maybe not), so I’m pinch-hitting. Because mere massive traumas shouldn’t get in the way of this fine and reliable site bringing you news stories to ignore. And birthdays, which include those of a Romer; a cartoonist who was the visual equivalent of SugarFree; another guy who should have gotten a Nobel; a famous hatchet man; the first female senator from South Carolina; the tits that made Witness tolerable; one of my sure signs of a bad movie; and someone who famously showed her asshole to Louis CK.
and one gets off,
and another one rides the bus.
Apparently, a trigger warning was needed.
Now we just need them to kill the rest of that line of shitty computers.
Reminds me of the old joke whose punchline is, “But Rabbi, there’s an r in Yom Kippur!”
News from my undergrad alma mater. And I have an alibi.
Piss hookers need to clean up their act.
Yoots. True story: SugarFree and I were in a Walgreens near my house to pick up a few items. We got into a conversation with the kid at the register after SF made a joke about “dine and dash at Walgreens.” Apparently, their policy is not just forbidding workers from chasing thieves, but they are actually supposed to say, “Have a nice day!” as the perp runs out the door. We all had a good laugh, and as we were leaving, the kid ostentatiously said, “Have a nice day!”
Old Guy Music is a sweet piece from one of my favorite songwriters that SP reminded me about last night. The fact that the resolution to this story is left hanging is part of the charm of the song.
We are all Brett L today…
I didn’t get that memo.
We get memos?
Only the ones who aren’t Tulpa.
Todos somos Don Brett, hoy
So what’s the punishment for (((one))) who eats non-kosher?
True Dat.
Foreskin gets sewn back on.
I presume without benefit of anesthesia…
So you are back to being a turtle?
You bet your sweet ass I am.
My shiksa wife is the one who introduced me to the deliciousness that is Carolina pulled pork. It’s her fault.
Well, you people don’t believe in Hell, so what’s the worse that could happen?
40 years in the desert. Oh wait, JB already mentioned he was married.
You know, if Moses had just stopped and asked for directions…
Lardons are what got my wife eating pork. Bacon, anyway, as long as it’s chewy.
-1 gold coin
Their mom makes them feel guilty about it.
The short bus, amirite?
No, the weird one.
I like the magic one.
Since I have nowhere else to talk about this stuff, y’all get it. Kid’s having her heart procedure on July 25th. Three hour surgery. They’re going to have to sedate me for that, followed by a night in the IMCU. Surgery is 98-99% safe (biggest potential complication is they potentially mess the good part of her heart’s rhythm up, which would result in having to get a pacemaker) and 95% effective.
Trying not to show *her* how freaked out I am, even though I’m supremely freaked out.
I would cross my fingers except (((you know))).
I hope it all goes well, with no complications, and clears up the issue.
Sorry, that does sound stressful. On the upside, hoping it all works out and your kid is finally cured.
*slides Hospital Incident Report under desk*
Hope everything goes well. Its really a rare exception that something like that goes wrong, which is amazing.
All my best to you and your family, JB.
And I won’t tell you not to worry, but just remember that there are a lot of people focused on making sure your little girl gets better!
Good luck!
I, who have never had a panic attack, come very close just imagining my daughter being harmed in some way. I can’t even imagine how you’re dealing with that. It’s easy to say, but at least the odds are firmly in her favor. Which, of course, doesn’t stop you from imagining the worst and worrying your ass off. Trying to keep her from seeing that is textbook great parenting, though, and she’s lucky to have a dad like you. Hang in there, man, the waiting’s always the worst with things like this.
Well wishes for a uneventful procedure and a speedy recovery.
I’ve been in the waiting room while my kid was in surgery. It’s unfortunately part of being a dad for a lot of us. Hopefully you have a good medical team that will make you feel a little more at ease. My daughter’s team was top notch.
FWIW, my oldest had kidney surgery when she was 5. I have a good idea how you feel. Those stats are there for a reason. You live in a first world country. The doctors know what they are doing. The nurses care about your kid’s post op condition.
I hope all goes well for your kid and for you.
This here. Some of the best nurses gravitate towards the peds units, which are also often more lavishly funded and staffed.
Insider tip: ask if any residents will be involved in the surgery. If they say yes, ask them what the residents will be doing.
On my list of risks in surgery, residents are close to the top. If you aren’t comfortable with a physician in training being (significantly) involved, tell them that you aren’t consenting to it. I wouldn’t be too worried about a resident opening and closing, myself, but the main operation itself should be done by the attending.
Yes. yes, yes. My mom was a PICU nurse for almost her entire career. She was like a giant lioness for kids. You can always trust nurses in ped units. Agree on the resident, my wife was a surg tech and said most ortho docs would make initial incision (to get paid) and then hand off the rest of the surgery to the resident. I would absolutely understand who’s doing what during the actual surgery and not to be afraid to enact promises from the Doc.
This I thought of. The doctor in question is going to be doing the surgery in its entirety. No residents.
Now that I know that, I can tell you that July is universally regarded as the worst time to be in a hospital, because that’s when the new residents show up for their rotations.
Since you don’t have residents, no worries.
Not sure what it’s worth, but she’ll be in my thoughts. Wish her the best of luck and a speedy recovery from all of us.
I second this.
Isn’t easy to stay strong in those times, that’s for sure. Wishing you all the best for the family.
Damn, JB. Go with the good odds and try not to dwell on the what could go wrong. Still, much easier to say than do. I’d be a wreck too.
We worry ourselves sick and the patient (after the surgery) asks “Why were you so nervous?” with a little grin. Both of you (and the missus) are gonna be fine.
Best of luck to your family, JB.
Good luck and best wishes. I know it’s trying on your nerves.
Uffda, JB. Best wishes to you and your family.
I will gladly join with the rest and wish you and your kid the best of luck.
Best of luck to you and yours, JB.
Best of luck. Stay positive.
Prayers for you and yours.
Deep breaths, good luck
Best thoughts for the little one! The stress must be crazy.
Tuesday Jewsday related:
This is just the sort of thing that frosts me about Trump. I don’t think he is an antisemite. But he sure doesn’t mind associating with antisemites.
Look, the president is supposed to work with congress.
/deliberately ignored link for the joke.
Trump is the dumbest smart person (or smartest dumb person?) I’ve ever seen.
hah….reminds me of an interview I read with David Yow once where he said Steve Albini is either the dumbest genius or the smartest idiot he’s ever met.
David Yow. Awesome.
I don’t think Ben Garrison is anti-Semetic. If he put the Koch brothers in a cartoon that wouldn’t make him anti-Episcopalian.
Depends on how he labels them. This is Ben Garrison. EVERYTHING MUST BE LABELED. EVERYTHING.
It’s not just one cartoon CP. Scroll down.
Well, OK, point to the one that shows he’s anti-Semetic.
The one with Trump, Putin, and a skull with the Star of David on it.
Depends on what the plan is. They may be using him as a foil for complaints about selective social media bans.
“If an outright proponent of finishing what the Nazis started doesn’t get banned, then its hard to see why [insert conservative “influencer”] got banned.”
Caveat: no idea what that is or if he is anti-semitic.
I’ll be delighted if there is a plan.
I’ll be delighted if there is a non-stupid plan.
Me, too.
I don’t get it. Maybe this is 47 dimensional chess or whatever, but I’m not seeing the upside here.
What I read was that people online were editing his cartoons to be anti-Semitic. But is he actually an anti-Semitic or he has decided to become his caricature I don’t know?
I have no clue if Garrison is antisemitic himself or if he’s just playing to his audience. However, this is where I invoke the goatfucker clause.
“Good news” is AOC’s staff is traveling a similar path.
Nice combo with her favorably quoting another Nazi sympathizer (Eva Peron).
And communist
I was sidetracked by another Twitchy item where our own Playa Manhattan is cited…
Someone tell the Seinfeld writers ?
Seinfeld is not woke anymore…
I can’t wait for AOC to call him an anti-Semite.
Well at least he wasn’t an anti-Dentite.
We just watched that episode the other night. My kids loved it!
“You’re a rabid antidentite! Next thing you know, you’ll be saying they should have their own schools”
“They DO have their own schools!”
He’s got legs, baby!
You really need to make an effort to find a kosher restaurant in Tel Aviv. Every hip eating place goes out of its way to add a bit of bacon to some dish. I felt my dining experience was not authentic enough because of it. Only a fish restaurant appeared to be kosher–probably because it’s easy.
…and they served bacon-wrapped scallops.
Honestly, forcing his chosen people to avoid pig is asking one hell of a lot on His part. (((They))) should get some kind of awesome super-powers in exchange or something. I don’t care who you turn into a pillar of salt, I’m not giving bacon and pulled pork up on faith alone.
“Honestly, forcing his chosen people to avoid pig is asking one hell of a lot on His part.”
Pork does not do well in a desert climate, even when salted….
Somebody must have been eating it without deadly results or pork wouldn’t have been a “thing.”
(((They))) should get some kind of awesome super-powers in exchange or something.
They were supposed to:
Don’t know how well that’s panned out.
*reviews wars with Israel since 1946*
Seems to be something to it.
Depends on the context, really
Never gonna give me up ♫♪♪
*rick rolling all you pork addicts
We missed this birthday by one day, but then again what is time? Is it not a coalition of conscience, and we make our own through the power of love? So let’s not focus on who has to bake the cake, rather than who is blowing the candles.
Huh. And I thought the Democrats could NEVER come up with someone as much fun as Trump.
““Over the last three and half years, there’s been far more legal action brought by men charged by the institution with a sexual assault violation,” said Saunie Schuster, a lawyer who advises a range of colleges and co-founded the Association of Title IX Administrators. “The trend was for them to file an action against the institution for due process, but along the way, we started seeing them not just going to file action against the institution, but also civil actions against the victims.””
Now there is a totally neutral quote.
civil actions against the victims
Somebody just defamed the men bringing these lawsuits. There’s no victim of sexual assault without a perpetrator of sexual assault, and she just said they were all guilty.
Just because you are a lawyer doesn’t mean you aren’t dumb as a box of rocks.
According to the courts, the filers were the victims.
None of these accusers seem to ever file police reports or get real investigations done.
Now we just need them to kill the rest of that line of shitty computers.
I like my Air. Almost 5 years old and still works great. Lightweight and a terrific battery.
Will buy again (but not the entry level one).
I absolutely detest laptops, but I think if I were to buy one I’d go for a Mac of some persuasion, likely an Air to fill the role of souped-up tablet with a keyboard. As hardware it’s difficult to find fault with Apple, it’s macOS that I can’t stand.
Current “butterfly” keyboard has not been well received or durable.
My company has me using one of those abominations. The keyboard has already been replaced once. On the upside, the screen is nice.
MacOS is way better than Windows. Most people don’t want to bother with Linux or BSD.
As far as hardware? The 2011 MBP was defective and they never made good on it. They’ve also made some crappy external keyboards.
Much of the new hardware is irreparable. There is no way to DIY replace anything. Even basic things like batteries and hard drives.
The Mac OS blows. Damn thing insists on moving the stupid dock to the second screen at random. They call this a “feature.”
Oddly, mine doesn’t do that.
“Unable to replicate issue. Blame customer, close ticket”
It’s not even that simple, it’s supposed to be snark about help desk technicians who don’t troubleshoot, even when there is an issue.
You mean PEBCAK — “Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.”
One of my favourite acronyms when I worked Help Desk, lo! — those many years ago.
I’ve always heard it as Error Between Keyboard And Chair.
And, of course, I manage to fuck up the order of letters in the acronym, ’cause I’m drinking and surfing at the same time.
PEBKAC. Godammit.
I’m sorry sir your problem is an ID-10t class error there is nothing we can do to help
Windows isn’t good, don’t get me wrong, but even though they’re desperately trying with each new version it’s still easier to get to system settings in Windows than in macOS, or at least OSX when I last had to deal with it. Plus I play games, and I use the JetBrains IDEs, which don’t seem to have Mac versions.
I’ve used Linux off and on but dual-booting is a little more trouble than it’s worth when everything I need works in Windows. Next time I’ve got to pay for it maybe that’ll be the deal-breaker that makes me a full-time Linux guy.
I’ve been using JetBrains IDE’s on a Mac for what feels like a decade or more.
Better dead than
Artists tend to progs anyway so might as well give them free shit.
Also so much for the glories of being a starving artist…
I wonder what you have to do to qualify as an “artist” for this enhanced welfare program?
My guess is, not much. Art schools are churning out a lot of untalented people with degrees, and the term “artists” gets thrown around pretty loosely these days.
I’ve been painting fairly seriously since I was a kid. I’ve been in some art shows, won some awards, and sold a few things, but not enough to make a living. Most of it is hanging on my walls at home. It’s not uncommon for someone to visit my home and say “Oh, you’re an ARTIST! So-and-so mentioned that you were, but now that I see your work…”
NYC has been doing this sort of thing for decades – mainly via subsidized housing. Yay?
Two of my four kids are freelance graphic artists. Both of them ascribe to Jubal Harshaw’s statement that “…a government-funded artist is an incompetent whore,” and eschew Free Shit (except when it’s Dad paying for lunch.)
“Grandpa, can we go out for dinner?”
How dare OMWC not like Bosom Buddies!
Another True Story: Some years ago, I was at a small dinner with an acquaintance of mine, the head writer for that show. My (then) wife, on learning who he was, gushed, “You wrote Bosom Buddies??? That was the greatest show ever on TV!”
He paused for a couple beats, gave a small smile, and said, “That’s not something I hear very often.”
(note to Spud: I think you met the guy, too. Best friend of our resident Silver Oak enthusiast, and a real expert on German wines)
Huh, that was an odd coincidence. I did not know that you knew the head writer of that show.
You should be more impressed that Spud knows ME.
That’s not so impressive – you know everybody, so everybody knows you.
Six Degrees of OMWC ?
The six degrees thing isn’t kosher, you know.
Took me a while…but I finally got you joke, Tres.
So, should I be impressed with myself that I know you?
…I think that makes a circle somehow.
Difference is that Spud has seen me naked. I was politer to you.
For which I will be eternally grateful.
About three years of therapy.
The short, fat Jewish guy with the wispy beard? He was a writer for the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, which is what made it so ironic.
Is anyone following the Tour De France? I hope it is non-political…oh wait.
I was in Brussels last weekend and it went right by the place I was staying. I went to Ypres for the day.
seems like any other year to me except Paul Sherwin passed . . . very sad “indeed”
Re: One gets on. It’s fantastic Steyer has gotten in the race. He’s arrogant, unrelatable, and rich. I expect him to be a net negative for Team Blue. I hope he spends a big chunk of his fortune on his hopeless quest.
Will he get the coveted Justin Amash endorsement?
Plus, it’s better for everyone if he diverts money he’d be using to get watermelon candidates elected to his own political vanity project that will go nowhere.
This. I thought it was hilarious when he said he wanted to get money and special interest out of politics….
Oh, you mean from billionaire activists like… uh….Tom Steyer?
“McConnell: I Share Obama’s Position on Reparations”
So will Kamala be paying reparations?
That’s pretty damn quick-witted.
I think McConnell represents everything that is wrong in DC but damn it, his responses to the media are sometimes on point.
“We both oppose reparations, and we both are the descendants of slaveholders”
Just this one line really sums up how complicated this scheme would be.
We did?
Four times, actually.
“Half”-rican, actually.
Who knew a turtle could be a master troll?
Nice to see blood guilt make a return…
Not really. But, do you think the media is going to honestly report on an individualist critique of the reparations argument? Pointing out that Obama would be as guilty, by the blood guilt standard, as anybody should make even its advocates give pause. It will more than a thoughtful or considered answer, anyway.
Sorry I was referring to the jibe at McConnell rather than his rebuttal.
Count Potato?
Count Potato knew.
? ⚡?
The Kavanaugh picture is apropos. I mentioned Monday that I took the week off, since it followed a paid floating holiday…I got everything done at home yesterday and this is quickly turning into a bender.
I’m going to volunteer at my church tomorrow: frame a new shed and do some planting. Have to keep myself from going completely off the rails.
Bill Clinton is lying?!!
*Falls off chair
He is from that “Truth Era” that supposedly existed.
Rumors of my abduction by cute, furry young men (furry, but not furries) are unfortunately false. I am working on *something* for submission. It involved doing maths.
You converted to Islam?
He has a racquet ball in his mouth.
Worse… I live in fear of SP and her “gentle requests” for manuscripts. Requests which make pointed reference to her success in cultivating Clostridium tetani.
There are more fun ways to get lockjaw y’know…
[golf clap]
If you are still alive then that is considered “gentle”.
So… you were kidnapped by Q’s cheescake?
I was assured that there is no math at Casa de Glib.
We lied.
I “did maths” so you guys didn’t have to.
Isnt the proper term ‘otters’ ?
/read on the intertubez
Titty Tuesday will drain you of your life essence; and you will thank it.
So apparently Trump is violating the first Amendment by blocking people on Twitter. I expect this to be applied consistently…oh wait.
Also declaring Twitter to be a public forum in certain cases raises some interesting questions…
The ORANGEMANBAD clause is becoming almost as powerful as the FYTW clause.
There is no way this sort of “Republican President BAD” clause leading to anything bad in the future.
Also see how ORANGEMANBAD worked for Johnson and Weld and I doubt Amash will do any better.
Hey, at least she’s just blocking people instead of getting them deplatformed for hate speech.
I feel inferior! Let me run to the nearest Marxist newspaper and complain about it!
Pay Gap Between Men’s And Women’s Teams Reveals Shocking Truth That People Are Paid To Play Soccer
That is fucking gold.
From King of the Hill: “Bobby, I didn’t want to have to tell you this, but soccer is a sport invented by European ladies, who needed something to keep them busy while their men did the cooking”
Good quote,
Also, on topic with the Pamela Adlon birthday notice.
Note: personally, I’m okay with soccer, but that’s still a funny line.
“the first female senator from South Carolina”
Gold OMWC. Gold!
HVAC question.
The condensate drain from the new AC is supposed to be compatable with a garden hose. I’ve hooked a hose to the drain, but it is so close to the connection point for the ductwork that I’m not sure I can get the hose tight enough to not dribble down the back of the unit.
What’s the best way to seal the hose to stop drippage?
Teflon tape on the threads and, perhaps, rescue tape (silicone tape) on the outside?
Thanks, I didn’t know the name of the rescue tape, but it was one of the things going through my head as possibilities.
Teflon tape on the threads
Wrong, wrong, wrongity-wrong wrong.
I know that I am replying on a dead thread but this is a pet peeve of mine.
Teflon tape is not a sealant it is a lubricant for the threads so that the pipe can be tightened further. It is used when the threads are the seal and the tape allows more threads to be engaged.
A hose bibb does not seal on the threads but on the end face. That is why a hose has a washer in it.
I got it tightened down so that the leak stopped. So I’m not liable to mess with the threads.
Flex Seal!
Water will find a way. Are you saying that you can’t get a tool on the hose, or that the clearance is such that it won’t allow it to fully tighten?
The duct collar pushes the hose itself to the side, opening up the less than stellar joint at the base of the threaded collar. I also can’t seem to tighten it enough for the gasket to make that joint close up. With the plastic threads on the AC, I don’t want to force it.
Maybe double up the hose washer?
That’s what she said.
Something like this, maybe?
Since each option appears to be $4, I’ll try a could and see what works best.
A condensate drain should be no to low pressure. Just silicone it and make sure the garden hose runs downhill at all points.
It’s near zero pressure, but you disconnect the hose and all the water goes on the floor…
I reconfigured the ductwork so the collar angled down to get it out of the way of the hose. I haven’t been able to test the reconfiguration yet, because I’ve been cleaning up water from the floor.
Flex seal. Haven’t you seen the commercials?
You know who else wanted to empower rural whites?
Can a lawful permanent resident sue Massachusetts for asking to list their foreign citizenship on the annual census form? The question is not whether you’re US citizen or not: you have to write down your country of citizenship.
What sort of sorcery is this?
Its a Masshole thing. The towns conduct it IIRC it includes dogs.
That’s crazy.
Funny. Until now I never thought about it. We just filled out the simple form and returned it – the local market had box to collect them. Lost in the BS noise of the place. The real aggravent was the anual car inspetion racket.
Just ignore the question. Some people ignore the whole census, so I’ve heard.
It has been known to happen. It has happened quite close to grrizzly, in fact…
They say that if you don’t return the form, you will be dropped from the list of registered voters.
They move you to the “inactive” list – when you go to vote, you can just tell them you’re on the inactive list and they reinstate you right then and there.
I see.
We should have a beer or something, given we are practically neighbors.
Yeah, we should – my odd social anxiety about meeting people in IRL aside, we need to make that happen.
Stupid-busy for the next few weeks (vacation to ME, cookouts every weekend), but we’ll find some time. There’s a good Irish bar up near where I believe you live, otherwise any number of places here.
I need to make a gmail burner account I can post here – my real e-mail is way too identifying.
Shoot me an email to keep in touch. It’s andrei AT rocketmail DOT com. I’m sure we can find some time.
In NY it follows you around even if you move. Courtesy of the DMV, I suppose.
I have an unblemished record of never, ever responding to a single census. Last one, they sent the long form, which we shredded before burning.
How do they know you exist?
Never addressed by name, thank Yahweh.
I was just going to clip a dick pic to it and return it, but SP prevailed.
Some folks get made an example of.
It did wonder after reading that if they still go after you for trashing it. I’ll do the regular one if I get it, but long form? Really opposed.
I did have some busybody come to the door when I ignored the federal census (long form – fuck that). I just told him I sent it in the day before he came.
TBF, I _did_ send it in – “2 adults”, rest left blank.
We just refused to answer the door. Again, I was going to use the trapdoor (“Dance! DANCE!”) but SP stopped me.
Uh huh. You know what else should be a major scandal?
Definitely not Obama’s tenure. Scandal-free.
Player selection in the SF Giants front office?
Yeah, I’m not reading that drivel.
“You know who else wanted to empower rural whites?”
The South African government in bearded Spock dimension?
“And thus Twitter is officially a public platform. Any US user banned from it without having broken any US law (or spamming/botting; non-expressive behavior) Re; defamation, harassment, credible threat, etc, has had their constitutional rights violated.”
“Appeals court rules Trump can’t block users on Twitter”
Pretty nicely summarizes it:
That’s different, because fuck you, that’s why.
The astonishing thing is, they created a new rule out of whole cloth for the private accounts of “public officials”, because this isn’t about Trump’s official POTUS account, its about his private account. A smart and aggressive Republican Party would be pushing, hard, that no member of Congress can block anyone from their personal twitter account. Because you know its happening.
I’d have to read the opinion, but I’m not sure how much they can hang off that status that wouldn’t apply to everyone. I’m struggling to see a single forum that is a public forum for some people and not for others.
One of the twit threads pointed out that AOC is blocking people.
Perfectly summing up NYC…
Billionaire insists he has legal parking spot on West Village street, infuriating neighbors who say he created a fake space for himself
Looks like WaPo isn’t going to save Bezos…
TL;DR – You didn’t build that.
Highly regulated markets being famously price transparent.
The price you pay is most definitely the true cost to you.
Oh, that’s bad now?
” …it doesn’t pay for …the roads its delivery vans drive along”
The delivery vans don’t use gas or on-highway diesel?
In Minnesota, nearly 50 cents per gallon (federal and MN) is just tax collected (I’m told) to maintain the roads
with gas @ $1.75 per gallon, 30% of the price is just tax. That seems like a pretty big percentage
You can get gas at only $1.75/gal?
Gas taxes don’t nearly cover road costs.
No way. The shitlords at Amazon’s Shakopee facility simply hitch a team of Somali immigrants to their delivery trucks to avoid having to pay for gas. And if the Somalis don’t meet the Amazon quota of 30mph, they will be whipped with a pig skin whip.
Better distribution of stuff I want is bad.
“If you let us take more money from Amazon, we swear we’ll only use it on roads and schools and other stuff you actually like. This time we really mean it. Pinky promise!”
Of course the reality is that infrastructure costs are through the roof, thanks to those regulations along with general government incompetence and corruption. By using the available infrastructure in the most efficient way possible, Amazon actually returns some of that cost to the people who actually paid for it.
Next thing you know, they’ll try to shake down Amazon for “affordable housing”. Oh wait – that actually happened.
They’re literally arguing ROADS!!!111!!1!
Insure that there is a small plastic/rubber gasket inside the female end of the hose. If the gasket is missing it’ll leak at the connection.
pressure to conform to ideas of what is “neat” and “professional” (read: European)
I have to wonder what this twit would say about being required to wear a scarf to go out in public, much less hold a job, in an Islamic country.
“That’s Totes Different!”
The honeymoon’s bound to be wild.
Splitting ends, you might say.
It’s just as serious a problem as “baggy pants discrimination” and “body odor discrimination”.
How about face tattoo discrimination?
“Relevant work experience discrimination” is the worst.
I’m sure sh’s discriminated against because of her hair, and not because she’s an insufferable pain in the arse.
“she’s an insufferable pain in the arse”
Also discrimination.
“someone who famously showed her asshole to Louis CK.”
Loved her as Cokie-Smurf in Californication.
Like many shows on Showtime, it started off good then turned to crap.
No love for her as Bobby Hill?
Using the suffering of the most poor as a platform for your insane totalitarian power grab, which can only impoverish everyone and make those you claim to be concerned about even worse off.
The only real question is, are you evil, or just the willing pawn of evil people?
My immediate first thought.
Fun fact: Herbert Spencer thought soccer was barbaric and cheerleading was once thought of as very masculine.
Barbaric isn’t the term I’d use, but I won’t cast stones at anyone with the good sense to hate soccer.
And masculine isn’t the term I’d use for that sort of lad. But he was British, after all.
My first car.
More popular with the ladies than any car I’ve had since.
I think I can fit one of those in the trunk of my CMax.
Why was I thinking 71 Camaro?
“Production went on in Mexico from 1967 until 2003 — longer than the car had been made in Germany. Nicknamed the “vochito,” the car made itself at home as a rugged, Mexican-made “carro del pueblo.””
Wait, you could buy a brand new Beetle in 2003?
“Independent importers continued to supply several major countries, including Germany, France, and the UK until the end of production in 2003. Devoted fans of the car even discovered a way to circumvent US safety regulations by placing more recently manufactured Mexican Beetles on the floorpans of earlier, US-registered cars. The Mexican Beetle (along with its Brazilian counterpart) was on the US DOT’s (Department of Transportation) hot list of grey market imports after 1978 as the vehicle did not meet safety regulations.
In the Southwest US (Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas), Mexican Beetles (and some Brazilian T2c Transporters) are a fairly common sight since Mexican nationals can legally operate the vehicle in the United States, provided the cars remain registered in Mexico. Some of the Mexican Beetles have been registered in the United States since the 1998 NHTSA amendment granting the 25-year cutoff where it (and its Brazilian counterpart including the T2C) can be legally registered in any of the 50 states (this means a 1992 or earlier Mexican Beetle as of 2017 can be registered under the current NHTSA 25-year cutoff exemption).
The end of production in Mexico can be attributed primarily to Mexican political measures: the Beetles no longer met emission standards for Mexico City, in which the ubiquitous Beetles were used as taxicabs; and the government outlawed their use as taxicabs because of rising crime rates, requiring only four-door vehicles be used. The last Vocho taxis in Mexico City were retired at the end of 2012.”
Stupid government.
Wait, you could buy a brand new Beetle in 2003?
Oh yeah. Every time I was in Mexico as a kid I couldn’t help but notice there were hundreds of them. Everywhere I went me and my siblings beat our upper arms ragged playing “Slug Bug.”
So Bernie and AOC want to declare a Climate Emergency. It won’t be an actual emergency because ORANGEMANBAD.
Gee watermelons is a very apt term?
We will not stop our climate restoration until there are glaciers in St. Louis!!!
I Declare……. emergency!!!
national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization of the resources and labor of the United States at a massive-scale
Did they goose-step out of the room after making this announcement?
I bet it sounded better in the original German.
That actually sounds more fascist than communist. What’s the term for that, inside-out kiwi fruit?
Its stone-cold magical-realism fascist. I bet you could find any number of Hitler or Mussolini quotes that talk about mobilizing the country in exactly those terms.
News you can use.
one of my sure signs of a bad movie
Hey now, he’s been in some good movies. Like…um… Toy Story?
Bachelor Party was a true classic
As James Lovell in “Apollo 13”
Yes, that’s a good one too.
Big was OK for mindless fluff.
I’ll cop to actually liking Saving Private Ryan, but I preferred its spiritual offshoot Band of Brothers more.
The Burbs and The Money Pit were both funny.
I thought he was a good Robert Langdon, but then again, I like Dan Brown.
So if they end up nailing Bill Clinton for nailing underage girls, could Congress impeach him? Just so they could drop all the tax payer funded security he is getting. And any other perks he gets for being an ex-president.
That would be funny.
Wait what?
OK, the impeachment thing was crazy, but I do think it would be fantastic if they stripped Clinton of all the perks that go along with ex presidents.
Ex-presidents should get nothing. No security, none of the rest of that crap. They’re done, we shouldn’t be footing any more of their bill.
His security is technically for our protection now.
What, the Secret Service is going to post agents in prison after Bill is sentenced.
Naw, some judge will go “But he’s too old now for real prison” and give him house arrest.
Which might be worse, since that’s where hillary is.
Joe Manchin, really? I thought he had some sanity:
TW2: auto-start vid
They are playing a weak hand and burning a lot of good-will. This is not going to end well for them.
I’d find the unequal pay thing more convincing if I could find three people who can name five women who are professional soccer players.
tangential: I find Kelley O’Hara cute as a button. I may be genetically predisposed to like the colleens.
From las thread:
Tundra on July 9, 2019 at 2:09 pm
We started going up in the ’80s. My FIL built a place in 1991 and I spent an inordinate amount of time on that lake until 2003 when my FIL died and we sold it.
Hands down the best walleye lake I’ve ever fished. Also known for muskie. The western side is spectacular and isn’t nearly as crowded as the east.
I miss it a lot. But I don’t miss the drive on a holiday weekend!
Sometime I’ll come up and we can fish it. I know some good spots!
That would be a blast! I know a few guys who go there and I’ve heard the same, though I think it went through a rough time a couple years ago and is now recovering. Still, large lake with lots of structure and habitat, so it has great potential.
So I was reading this anti-car screed in the Atlantic that was arguing that the government is responsible for promoting automobile use (not entirely false) and that this is dangerous and bad and should be reversed, yada yada, and one of its many links led to an interesting twitter account: @illegal53NYC. Apparently in NYC it is illegal for trucks longer than 55′ (including cab + trailer) to drive on the streets, and this account is dedicated to complaining that the cops don’t do enough to keep out the standard 53′ long trailer that is ubiquitous with all semis. This provoked an interesting train of thought. On the one hand, the streets are not really built to handle this size of trailer, so it makes sense that they would be restricted. On the other hand, how the heck are the various stores supposed to efficiently supply themselves without being tapped into the national standard trucking system, so it makes sense that the police turn a blind eye, since the city needs to eat. The obvious solution would be to improve infrastructure to better handle trucks, but the politicians don’t seem to be down for that so the status quo remains.
Why can’t those truckers simply use mass transit?
True story I swear: the road into Aspen, CO (Hwy 82 as it gets to the town itself) cuts down from a two-lane to a one-lane. There are a lot of contractors who drive into Aspen everyday to work for the people who live there (who tend to be snobby). We know this guy who married into money who lives in Aspen. His solution was to have all the contractors (like my FIL’s roofing guys) park their trucks at the park-and-ride and carry their toolboxes on the bus into town. Ladders? They can go in the ski racks on the buses.
Christ, what an asshole.
That’s not how any of this works.
The rest of us are supposed to conform to the whims of New York and California. Not the other way around.
Years ago I worked for a major meatpacking company. Drivers were lucky if they could make four deliveries a day in Manhattan (could do eight in Brklyn and rest of Long Guy Land.
So, naturally, Manhattanites bitched about the cost of hot dogs, ripoff corporate blood suckers and the like.
Logistics controls everything in Manhattan. It’s next to impossible to move anything.
Move the markets off the island and make the locals come to the goods.
“In a country where the laws compel the use of cars, Americans are condemned to lose friends and relatives to traffic violence. ”
Pat him on the back, he’s discovered a whole new social justice angle, traffic violence.
I guess, draft animals and carts, then?
not only are NY trailers shorter, so are the tractors
Cab-overs were a big thing in this country before the lengths were increased out west; now they’re only built for urban versions of regional delivery (not overnight, not over-the-road), for South Africa, Europe, and Australia. To some extent (pardon the pun), they’re not that big a pain since right-hand-drive is needed anyway; but LHD for US COE is a discrete and total pain in the ass.
I guess that’s what the distributors who drive smaller trucks are for, and from what I’ve seen most of them are located in suburban areas where semis probably deliver to them. You’re not fitting a semi on the streets in most parts of NYC.
It’s part of the reason independent distribution thrives in New York. National companies have a hard time adapting to the myriad issues and laws involved.
That makes sense, but apparently enough companies (or maybe just individual truckers) still think it’s worth a shot to use the larger trucks, and the cops apparently let it slide quite often, so it’s an interesting situation.
And I imagine any fines they do get are folded into their operating costs like the fines they get from routinely flouting other traffic measures such as idling and double-parking.
Are the big trucks allowed on the expressways to get to and from Lawn Guyland?
Interstates, yes. Not parkways.
Just imagine how they’d respond if a triple came rolling down the road.
Here’s a rarity
Of course, the judge, being on the same team as the cop, may scuttle this, which is why cops usually ask for bench trials.
Cool link, bro.
Dammit to hell.
But that cop looks like such a sweetheart though.
I have to. Why not him?
Of course, the judge, being on the same team as the cop, may scuttle this, which is why cops usually ask for bench trials.
Perhaps not relevant, but when I was in Law School in Alberta, Canada (late 1980s), our CrimLaw prof told us that it was almost always preferable to have trial by judge alone rather than judge and jury.
Casey had expressed reservations about the charge of falsifying a police report, and he repeated that stance on Tuesday even after the verdict was announced.
So we already know the judge won’t impose any punishment for that. I wonder what the minimum sentence for felony battery is?
So he’s convicted of doing something in direct contradiction to the police report he wrote, but he’s not guilty of falsifying the report?
Stubborn perseverance and I win.
But not before an appropriate amount of decimation.
I don’t know what it is, but Pamela Adlon gives me chills. She may very well be my number one in the MILF demographic. It makes watching King if the Hill a little strange sometimes.
I’m assuming you’ve seen this.
That’s great! You can see her trying not to laugh when he’s talking about her theoretical accident.
That’s good!
Spud wins.
Much devastation.
ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.
Hope you don’t have a hoa. ?
I’m the VP. It’s all good. 😉
That juniper will be going away to become a rock garden with a water feature.
“I will be at the White House on Thursday Greatly appreciate the invititation”
What, am I the only person not going to the White House?
No. That soccer chick isn’t going either.
“Right now “the right” is protesting massive billion dollar corporations restricting speech
“The left” is protesting American citizens fighting against big corporations.
“Antifa tries to burn American flag, can’t figure our how. Gives up”
“Victims of sexual assault will “face the trauma of relitigating the worst day of their lives through absolutely no fault of their own,” because @BarackObama and @CatherineLhamon cut so many constitutional corners with their Title IX overhaul.”
“Why sexual-assault victims should oppose Title IX kangaroo courts”
“How the Obama Administration Harmed Survivors of Campus Sexual Assault ”
Having spent a week in dry-dock getting over this annoying midsummer cold (that I either got from Straff/Church/Meijer), I felt better and opened the TALL CANS. And having read Lord H’s Dead Boys comment earlier…
I’m BACK…..hit that ish!
Wow! Valletta FC picked up an away draw at F91 Dudelange in the UCL Qualifying First Round ?
Don’t forget that Dudelange actually qualified for the Europa League last year.
I didn’t know Feynman and THorne were students of Wheeler. That’s some rarified physics air. Up there with Rutherford.
I just met Tulip, BTW. How we two gorgeous ladies are single is a mystery to me! (other than the fact that I want to be single, I guess)
Yep. You boys are lucky we design to talk to you at all.
Damn right
I’m wary of the implications of this argument.
Also I’m not sure Tito’s Yugoslavia, post-independence Lebanon or British India are the best examples of working multi-ethnic states.
True, which is why the article included this:
“…there is another recurring phenomenon, the collapse of such social and political orders into often savage and bloody conflict. Typically this happens suddenly and abruptly, often without much warning.
One example of this was the way that Yugoslavia unraveled in the aftermath of Tito’s death and its slide into brutal war, most notably in Bosnia. Another was the breakdown of the constitutional settlement in Lebanon in 1975 and the eruption of a multi-sided civil war that would last until 1990. One of the largest in scale was the partition of India in 1947 where violence began in Bengal in 1946 but suddenly exploded in August of 1947, leading to the death of around a million people and the displacement of up to sixteen million.”
Yugoslavia & (greater) India were held together by foreign powers, until independence. Lebanon was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Yugoslavia…were held together by foreign powers”
Are you referring to post-1945? If so, I’m not sure I agree with that. I think Yugoslavia was held together by an authoritarian who played east against west.
Fair point. However, if the 1990’s breakup of Yugoslavia occurred in 1956, do you think there were any Yugoslavs who doubted what the ending would look like?
The point is his article is about their collapse was due to bigoted idiots and not inevitable and India was due in part to the political vacuum caused by independence. The fact that the bigots had been kept in check by authoritarians, US military (in Lebanon) or colonialists was not addressed.
By Lebanon I am actually referring to this event:
I misread your initial comment. It’s true that when multi-ethnic societies are merely kept together by a threat of force, they are not true multi-ethnic societies, they are dogs on a leash.
By the way Brett, love your mug shot on the front page
Sorry, he’s married. 😉
He’s too young anyway
So I was watching this thing about this 17-year-old girl that was murdered by cops in CA, and I was thinking about civil justice (because we all know there will be no criminal justice).
I wonder if it’s possible for cop victims to sue the police pension fund, or something like that, to really put the hurt on those fuckers, and give the taxpayer some relief from the burden of #ACAB? Anyone?