Hey guys, happy end of work week to me. I’m off for a week’s vacation, at least some of it without kids, to the Redneck Riviera. Sand, sun, and necrotizing fascitis here we come!
Florida Man breaks golf. Dude shot a 202. At some point, it appears, he stopped even trying and started actively running up his score. Gotta love it.
Penguins detained in NZ. They appear to be scofflaws.
It appears that the Miami Herald’s piece on Epstein violating the terms of his last pre-trial release had some affect on the current hearing.
West Virginians turn to wasp spray as meth alternative? Bruh, even Florida Man has standards.
The traditional vacation song.
Happy Friday Brett, me too!!
The traditional vacation song.
Not this?
or this?
Or this.
You need help.
Working vacation song.
No no no
I feel like I have seen that somewhere else.
There it is.
Not this?
Golf guy is an asshole, he didnt do anything but waste others time
Funny, would have expected the Fliers to get in trouble with the law before the Pens.
Perhaps. But, the Flyers wouldn’t let themselves get detained.
For once, the prosecutors have it right, I think. Epstein is absolutely a huge flight risk.
You know who else was a huge flight risk…
Winner winner chicken dinner.
Shut it down for the day boys .
Can’t touch this.
Jean Valjean?
Big Bird?
John Denver?
I larfed.
* hangs head *
I see what you did there.
Rocky Mountain High-Five!!
Soon will be the Tall cans, laundry first!
Tall cans of Wasp spray?
I. Not in Florida, man
Tundra wins. I am not even gonna try.
Thurman Munson or Brook Berringer also work.
As God is my witness, turkeys?
Clark Kent?
737 Max?
The underwear bomber?
I had Icarus already today but for the wrong question
Isabella von Finck?
Vesna Vulović?
One of the Wright brothers?
Steve Wonder as pilot?
I cheated.
Not those penguins in NZ
Amelia Earhardt?
Jan Michael Vincent?
Howard Hughes?
The Grace L. Ferguson Storm Door & Airline Company?
I would think that Roman Polanski is on the mind of that prosecutor and judge and they are think no way.
If they have any sense, that’s exactly what they’re thinking about.
Epstein should probably be asking for solitary. I imagine there’s a few people that might want him disappeared.
Ironically enough, jail/prison is the safest place for him to be right now.
The traditional vacation song.
Before Ted’S claims it.
I once had a week long vacation. ::stares wistfully at the horizon::
I hate week long vacations. I’d much rather have 5x 3day weekends over the summer. I haven’t had a week vacation in a decade, but we are going on one next year. Not really looking forward to it.
It depends on the reason. The girlfriend and I are planning a two week vacation next year to visit Europe, I would not want to go all the way over there for just a week. But I do enjoy taking a couple of days here and there for the 3/4 day weekends (in fact I’m off on Monday for just that kind of event).
Speaking of European vacations, I had one of those Westvleteren beers you recommended while in Brussels last week. It set me back 19 Euros but was pretty good.
Westvleteren makes good beer.
Not this year, Belgium is the plan with a brief swing through Northern Germany (and some time spent in Iceland).
I used to do that but I need at least four days before I truly detox from my high stress job. So it has to be three week-long vacations with a mix of 5-6 days off through the year, plus 1 or 2 days working from home.
Oh poor me 🙂
* 1 or 2 days a week working from home that is
there is something to being gone, doing something else, and then, for just a moment, realizing you haven’t thought of work for three days, and then dismissing even that thought and going back to your vacationing state of mind
Ah see, I really, really like my job and don’t need to detox from it, even though it is high stress.
We do one every summer. Especially important as the Spawn are on the verge of not being able to.
Two days away and I can’t fucking wait.
I agree, and thankfully I’ve been able to schedule my vacation time that way the past few summers, more or less.
And the power just went out. Heard the transformer blow.
What store are you going to loot first?
The only Asians nearby are Vietnamese.
The kids are having Pho tonight!
Everybody have pho tonight,
Everybody Wang Chung tonight.
Hope you weren’t looking at it when it happened. When those go, they can throw off a burst of light brighter than a welding torch, and it can really fuck you up if the number of incoming protons are enough to be more than meets the eye level of safe exposure.
I received less incident radiation than Hirochi Oushi.
more than meets the eye
more than meets the eye
+1 80s childhood
Note to self: Do not ask Optimus Prime for a hummer.
Prosecutors had called Epstein a flight risk, noting that he owns two private jets and has traveled abroad more than 20 times in the past 18 months. They also feared he might try to obstruct justice, accusing him of tampering in a previous case by paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money to silence potential witnesses.
One could also consider this a form of “victim compensation” which is more than any of those people would get from the government.
But the government doesn’t get its beak wet, unlike official victims como funds.
You know who else traveled with a broad?
Clyde Barrow?
Buford Pusser?
Oh wait, that was a board.
Here’s a much better one anyway.
good taste, sir!
If you need cheering up, they never disappoint.
this Kinks song is a bit of an anthem for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrmQB38aT5U
I thought it was going to be Lola
Are you saying EF is a man? She’s Tulpa!
“I Married Tulpa”, the musical!
I laughed
The taxman taken all I’ve got,
All I’ve gots a sunny afternoon,
Not this?
When we all know arrogant, ignorant, self important teens convinced of their own brilliance are the problem.
He is now off to study with the poor people at Harvard.
“The purpose of a college education is to give you the correct view of minorities, and the means to live as far away from them as possible.”
– Joe Sobran
Ogg own three drinking skulls. Him not problem.
I searched that to see if it was a reference I wasn’t getting, and I found this as the first result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f55CqLc6IR0
So thanks for that.
Fun fact: There was a real guy named Krum who drank from a goblet made from the skull of one of his enemies:
R. Krum?
“Crom! I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. That’s what’s important! Valor pleases you, Crom; so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to hell with you!”
Back when movies were art.
Other than the amazing soundtrack, it was a shitty movie. The soundtrack singlehandedly carried the damn thing over the finishing line.
I will contemplate this.
Yeah, I really hate that undifferentiated mass of human beings that I’m categorizing based on one single demographic feature and then telling you how morally inferior they are.
Leaps Filter #1: If a statement is isomorphic to “These high status people should be low status. I should be high status.” You can safely ignore it.
Leaps Law #1: Like 98% of all statements get trapped by Leaps Filter #1.
The wisdom of the fool won’t set you free.
But that’s the way that it goes
And it’s what nobody knows
Well every day my confusion grows
that is some weapons-grade economic illiteracy.
For hundreds of years aspiring rich people have used classism and envy to convince poor people that the current set of rich people are the problem.
Wow…….What a fucking ig’nant ‘tard.
For hundreds of years rich people have used racism and xenophobia to convince poor people that rich people are not the problem.— David Hogg
Bless his heart.
“And I would know, because I was in a building near another building where kids were shot!”
Wasp spray? So what! Hell, I’ve been known to roll a Marlboro in TERRO spider poison. OT but I’ve been meaning to bring this up about the Jon Stewart/Rand Paul tiff: I’ve got $100 says Stewart runs for office within the next two years. Remember how much Al Franken cared about the troops in the 1990s? Exactly. But a few high-profile USO trips overseas and then the next thing you know he’s running for the Senate. Maybe I’m just a cynic. Any thoughts?
What tiff?
Rand passed a law making it illegal for rich celebrities to donate their own money to a fund for victims of 9/11. Jon Stewart is really miffed that he can’t throw the victims a few million of his own dollars.
Wait, what?
Oh, Jon Stewart wants me to throw my money into a govt controlled fund that will go until 2090 or something.
The grandstanding in the local media over this has been nauseating.
Jon Stewart is a rich man, isn’t he? Perhaps he could start a charity, seed it with his own money.
If it actually did some good (unlike the Clinton Foundation, or the Susan G. Komen Foundation, or…) I might consider donating to his charity.
That’s crazy talk!
It’s not altruistic unless the money is ripped from people at gunpoint!
Franken only did the USO tours so he could creep on the women performers and make juvenile pretend tit hoots on a military plane.
*honk honk*
Bruh, even Florida Man has standards.
[citation needed]
Everyone seems mildly shocked and bemused by Floridaman’s antics. injecting household cleaning products, incest and the negligent discharge of firearms is just called “Wednesday” in West Virginia
/live there, not from there…..Lord get me out.
Heh, I almost moved there. Wife wouldn’t have it.
There is a lightning storm at my house that is scaring my pit bull. My wife says the only thing that has calmed him down is “For No One” by the Beatles.
Sorry you had to shoot the dog.
Why shoot the dog?
PS Sorry you had to shoot the wife.
Lol. I’m not there DJing.
Spot the Not: AOC
1. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world.
2. To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.
3. It’s not just that I’m a woman of color running for office. It’s the way that I ran. It’s the way that my identity formed my methods.
4. Democrats should be getting high-fives from sanitation truck drivers – that is what should be happening in America.
5. The Republicans galvanize their base by inciting a lot of fear; they operate on a lot of mythmaking. So we have to have something compelling.
6. I know that, like every woman of the people, I have more strength than I appear to have.
I was going to make a parody song based on Despacito called O-ca-sio, but so far I have resisted the urge.
I am going with 4 also.
Also in on 4.
more for 4.
5. Too many challenging words.
I was going to say 4, but this logic appeals to me. Thus: 5.
4? I don’t think anyone in the democratic party gives a shit about union laborers anymore.
Counterpoint, she is *very* concerned with making sure that people go out of their way to recognize how great she it in public.
I guarantee she thinks she should have their votes
Got to be four.
another vote for 4
Evita Peron quote that she tweeted.
Doesn’t that count as saying it twice?
With this being AOC are we looking for things she did say?
While 5’s content is stupid enough to be AOC, the delivery isn’t. 5 is the not.
Trick question.
6 was Evite Peron but AOC has parroted it.
6 is indeed the not. That is a quote from Eva Peron. Good job, winners!
your prize: “Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day.”- Harry S Truman
Now wait just a minute Derp. Using AOC for a spot -the-not is out of bounds. That’s just not fair. There is no way we can win except by chance.
That’s a truism Suthern.
Peron said it first but AOC said it also.
Trick questio I say.
I want a better prize.
Yesterday EF came home with a used Rogue ERG rowing machine in the back of her car.
Me: How much did that cost?
Her: not as much as the rear gear swap for your Mustang.
I switched from rowing to cycling for my cardio. I felt my back and shoulders needed a break on non-lifting days.
I normally run – ERG machine is for our son who is in crew. I’ll use it to mix up the routine on the non-lifting days.
Trying to get the boy into Yale I see. You can just buy his way in. What’s a few buildings to a Glib?
You have a good wife.
Its your own fault for marrying a smart one.
Culture wars, coffee skirmish
This history of resentment over American coffee extended to where the drink is consumed. Coffee shops and coffee “culture” in the country began in urban centers, enabled by and geared toward the young people who have moved back to cities and gentrified neighborhoods that previous generations of white Americans fled for the suburbs. Those young people, toting their laptops to coffee shops to sip almond-milk coffee concoctions, weren’t just rejecting Folgers, but also a few other key values of their parents’ generation, which venerated things like marriage and home ownership. In 2019, young Americans are less likely to buy homes, get married, and have kids than their generational forebears.
“There’s a reason for this blame-the-victim talk” in personal-finance advice, the journalist Helaine Olen wrote recently. “It lets society off the hook. Instead of getting angry at the economics of our second gilded age, many end up furious with themselves.” That misdirection is useful for people in power, including self-help gurus who want to sell books. (Orman didn’t respond to a request for comment.)
In the face of the troubling economic and social trends that have shaped adult life for young Americans, buying a coffee every morning isn’t necessarily a bad way to cope. “Little luxuries actually have a real effect on people’s happiness,” says Laura Vanderkam, the author of All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know About Getting and Spending. “It’s these small, repeated treats that do a lot for you long term. In many cases, you’re probably better off getting a cheap dining room table and using that extra money to get coffee or go out to lunch with friends.”
Suze Orman says spending ten bucks per day on coffee is a poor use of resources. What a bitch.
Whycome you no furgives muh debt?
That’s a lot of words to say “We deserve our high dollar shit coffee”
I’m a subscriber to “enjoy the little things”, but you can make an excellent cup of coffee at home on the cheap.
Yeah. There’s a large amount of territory between Folger’s and “to coffee shops to sip almond-milk coffee concoctions”
Anything made in a coffee shop can be made at home pretty easily except nitro cold press.
Every day, best of the best
“There’s a reason for this blame-the-victim talk” in personal-finance advice, the journalist Helaine Olen wrote recently. “It lets society off the hook. Instead of getting angry at the economics of our second gilded age, many end up furious with themselves.”
Friends and I used to employ a variation of “society did this to me” as a joke. Now it’s forceful argument.
Also, journalism is dead. This “call around to various pseudo-experts to get a bias-confirming quote”-style of reporting is terrible.
“Otto? The lights are growing dim. I know a life of crime has led me to this sorry fate and yet….I blame society! Society made me what I am.”
“That’s bullshit, Duke. You’re a white suburban punk, just like me.”
“Yeah, but, it still…..hurts….”
“You’re gonna be OK” *Duke starts death rattle* “Well, maybe not.
I have seen that movie dozens of times.
Ordinary fucking people. How I hate them.
“”Diuretics”. It’s the science of matter over mind. It’ll change your life, man.”
Are we talking about coffee or alcohol?
coffee skirmish
Coffee trade is not usually lucrative in TW.
Troll level: Master.
He wouldn’t point that out if she was white.
oh snap
Needs a can of WASP spray
I was listening to an interview of a reporter today, who just published an article that has photos showing Omar, her brother, and their parents together, acknowledging them as their parents. His speculation was that this was about FSFA fraud.
I don’t think it will matter, but she’s shredded a bunch of laws.
Ilhan Omar Happened Because Media Chose to Lie to You
He also links to a Powerline wrap up.
“It appears that the Miami Herald’s piece on Epstein violating the terms of his last pre-trial release had some affect on the current hearing.”
Credit where credit is due. That reporter actually did real investigative journalism.
The Miami Herald seems to be one of the better news print papers are they not?
I enjoy their reporting more often than not, so probably.
Speaking of vacations, I close on my house on the 26th, then head to the beach on the 27th. I will be homeless for about 9 weeks, first week on vacation and next 8 weeks we are renting an airbnb.
Hopefully by October I will know where I am moving.
Bumming around the streets of Vienna, trying to sell your art work?
Going to Wagner operas, ranting about Jews…..
Call that plan B.
Welcome to the road!
Enjoy the vacation! Hopefully the move is smooth.
David Duval shot a 91 at the Open today.
Originally he had a 13 on the par 5 7th hole, but it got changed to a 14.
He has an 8 shot lead on the field for dead last.
Sometimes guys just lose it and never get it back. I remember watching a tournament in the late ’90s and seeing Ian Baker-Finch, who had won the British Open just a few years earlier, shank a drive. I mean, really shank a low bouncer off the hosel, maybe 150 yards into the deep rough to the right.
Was just thinking of him. They both fell off the map after winning The Open.
get a load of Rory’s first hole: excruciating
I doubt Tiger and Rory will be playing the weekend.
Some guy in Utah shanked one this week and killed his six year old kid. Now that’s a bad day at the course.
Duval had some back issues, I think he plays about 3-4 tourneys a year, the British only because he is exempt until age 60.
Like Rick Ankiel as a pitcher. All of a sudden he needed to be in center field to throw a strike.
Steve Blass.
“Over the years, the well-connected financier has surrounded himself with famous people, including President Trump and former President Bill Clinton, who have recently distanced themselves from Epstein.”
What mendacious fucks. Trump, a casual acquaintance who barred him from his property years ago, and Clinton, who took over 20 flights on the Lolita Express, treated the same.
ABC ran a segment this morning on the Trump connection without even mentioning Clinton.
This truly sickens me.
Now I’m starting to believe Pizzagate is real.
I think the evidence is pretty nonexistent, but given Rottherham, Savior, Epstein (and his deal), Weinstein, Cosby, various rumors about Disney, the Catholic church, etc. I don’t think people who believe it are crazy
Savile, not savior. Also Michael Jackson, Penn State etc
It’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility.
Dave Smith brought up that point on his podcast recently. It really doesn’t look so crazy with these Epstein revelations.
And another thing he said is even if it’s not a pedophile sex ring, what exactly is it?? They’re obviously talking in some kind of code, because if pizza just means pizza, they are sending utterly nonsensical emails to each other. Why is there zero curiosity from the media on what is actually being discussed there? The media’s narrative is basically “it’s not a pedo sex network, therefore it’s nothing at all and anyone who talks about it is crazy”.
And it was about 2001 or so that Trump banned him. Not quite recent.
“Clinton, who took over 20 flights on the Lolita Express”
Awaits The Hyperbole arrival and comment.
I got nothing RC Dean didn’t make false claims like some people did yesterday. Misleading but not false, I’m not one to split hairs.
Three flights with no SS on the manifest, no confirmation or denial after FOIA requests were made.
Bill Clinton was knees deep in trailer park pussy, (and the really primo stuff with quality ink and only one or two kids) he has no reason to set up some complicated ruse just to bang some tween on a private jet.
“just to”
Huh? He had every reason in the world to set up a complicated ruse if he wanted to bang some tween on a private jet without anybody knowing about it.
Yeah, he could have just hit up the trailer park, ask Subway Jared about how great that worked out for him.
You just went from facts to opinion.
Does the flight log on a General Aviation aircraft still only bear as much resemblance to reality as the person filling it out chooses to give it?
So Bill might not have been on any of those flights.
I can’t wait to find out what taking a ride on the Lolita Express was an alibi for.
Well, we’re gonna find out shortly if Epstein isn’t murdered.
That’s where the conjecture lies. If Epstein uses the same pilots, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that they would list security on some flights, and not others. Especially when flying international and passports are involved.
Wheels Up for the win.
I’m not one to split hairs.
*stares blankly*
Yea, sure…
Yeah not yea.
“I’m not one to split hairs.”
Bullshit. 😉
The impeachment bill went down in flames today.
Hopefully they’ll shut the fuck up now.
They will shut up about impeachment only on the day the next donkey is sworn in as POTUS
And then silence once more on illegal immigration and detention centres.
Snivelling, slimy, swine pricks.
They are the anti-principle party after all.
And Wars and homeless
Spot the Not: 2020 DNC Platform
1. With 33,000 Americans dying every year, Democrats believe that we must finally take sensible action to address gun violence.
2. Democrats support removing the Confederate battle flag from public properties, recognizing that it is a symbol of our nation’s racist past that has no place in our present or our future.
3. Democrats will claw back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, eliminate tax breaks for big oil and gas companies, and crack down on inversions and other methods companies use to dodge their tax responsibilities.
4. The United States Postal Service (USPS) is a national treasure.
5. Democrats support an effort for the combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, so as to eliminate the distinction between town and country.
6. Democrats believe that the current minimum wage is a starvation wage and must be increased to a living wage. No one who works full time should have to raise a family in poverty.
Number 2. They won’t rest until it’s banned from private property and any who looked at it as anything other than the physical representation of all things evil is sent off to re-education camp.
Also you could have put in the abortion rights for trannies thing but as we all know that IS a real thing (for them).
It’s also an unfortunate reminder of which side they were on.
Imma go with 4 too.
^This. Because they are not yet quite bold enough to use rhetoric like “claw back” as part of the platform.
Also 3
5, I cant even make sense out of that. I think that comes from the Green Party or the Communist Party platform.
Or the Khmer Rogue
Yeah, that’s an oddball one.
Derpie often uses some random slogan generator for the NOT.
Sounds like some commie psychopath, just not an American commie psychopath.
#5 sounds to me like someone replaced Communist with the word Democrat from one of Marx’s planks in his writings.
5 that’s funny as it is…
5 is the not – that is adapted from the Communist Manifesto. Good job, winners!
your prize: “You can get more with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.” – Al Capone
The 2020 platform hasn’t been written yet.
Oh, but it has: https://democrats.org/about/party-platform/
They adopted it at the 2016 convention.
5. I think that’s from the Communist Manifesto. Or Mein Kampf.
I’m a subscriber to “enjoy the little things”, but you can make an excellent cup of coffee at home on the cheap.
What’s the point, if no one sees you drink it?
Umm…to enjoy excellent coffee?
He thinks he is the first one to make this observation:
I like reading the replies to Rand’s tweets. There seem to be a small but solidly committed block of lefties with RDS…..they absolutely would draw and quarter him given the chance.
The little retard that has parasited off the public purse for most of his life.
I’m good with that.
Cutting taxes has raised revenue though.
Let me be clear. Taxes aren’t about revenue, they are a fairness issue.
Nuh uh! I have it on good authority that taxes should always be raised and anyone who disagrees is guilty of promoting trickle-down economics!!
Hey HM – I found your new fetish.
Have I ever mentioned how much I loathe electro-swing?
Well, it was more about the visuals than the tune…
What about country-rap?
I was skeptical, but this song made it work.
Aw, that shit can be fun as hell.
In late for Thot Thursday but the titties won’t be stopped!
They snuck in one of those dolls again at #2.
#1 is #1.
OT: It’s definitely a “too local” story, but I’m gonna post it here because the perpetrator was my boss’s boss (and in a department of about 12 people, we’d met…). Needless to say, this has made for some serious weirdness here at work for the last 2 weeks.
Forgot the link
“The suspect was taken to the hospital where he also died.”
That’s some fine journalism there, Lou.
That’s some crazy shit.
Did your boss get promoted to replace him?
And do you get promoted?
Sadly, no on both. But in a small shop, that’s not shocking. I expect to find out more about succession plans on Monday. The stress level is high in part because our previous director of IT retired in April, and this guy had only been with the company since February.
“Thirty-two percent (32%) of Democrats, however, say it’s racist for any white politician to criticize the political views of a politician of color.”
Such racial healing.
Orange is a color!
They’re just plain retarded at this junction.
It’s a marvel how they still have moderate Democrat support.
Those people need to GET THE FUCK OUT.
Do they believe that people can’t defend their views because of their skin pigment? If so, that is literally racist.
The other 68% could not be reached for comment
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, The Atlantic has been publishing articles about it all week and today they had an interesting one about Michael Collins, the astronaut who stayed in the command module while the other two landed on the moon. Fun fact: Apollo 11 was his last spaceflight, which is quite a grand finale to end one’s astronaut career on.
It’s just a bunch of white guys, who cares? /PoC proggie
Really, we should be ashamed of the whole thing. What a dark moment in American history.
Yeh the Soviets were there first so communism won!
In all seriousness though, I’m pretty sure a lot of women and minorities were part of the 450 000 work force that made it happen.
It’s an event that should be celebrated by all Americans – and beyond.
Aliens not so much. They probably broke out the popcorn laughing.
It should be celebrated by humanity. And I think it still largely is, aside from some brain-damaged useful idiots.
There were protests outside mission control during the landing. The gist of the protesters’ message was: why are we spending so much money on this when there are so many poor people *here*?
The mission control guys invited the protesters in to watch the landing.
“why are we spending so much money on this when there are so many poor people *here*?”
“It’s 1973, I wonder who we’re gonna see
Who’s in power now? Think I’ll turn on my TV
The man on the news said China’s gonna beat us
We shot all our dreamers, there’s no one left to lead us
We need a solution, we need salvation
Let’s send some people to the moon and gather information
They brought back a big bag of rocks
Only cost thirteen billion. Must be nice rocks” Larry Norman, “Reader’s Digest”
“I was born and raised an orphan in a land that once was free
In a land that poured its love out on the moon;
And I grew up in the shadows of your silos filled with grain
But you never helped to fill my empty spoon…
You say we beat the Russians to the moon
And I say you starved your children to do it”
Larry Norman, “The Great American Novel”
Taxation is theft…unless we do something cool with the money then it should be celebrated.
I’d rather get raped by Celina Jade than Roseanne Barr.
Pretty much this. I’ll be thrilled when private enterprise can make space travel viable, and it’s not far away. In a voluntary contribution system, I would have contributed to the space mission and since the government’s taking our shit anyway, I’d rather they use it on something with a tangible benefit. Even if the money was obtained immorally, I’m capable of recognizing that what it was used for was something of great benefit to humanity. I feel pretty comfortable saying the moon landing was a victory for the human race without getting into purity test pissing contests.
There is also a whole separate argument about state funding for basic research that wouldn’t be commercially viable in the short term, but that’s another ball o’ wax.
Okay I’ll bite, what was the great benefit to humanity in going to the moon?
I consider it an imperative to get off the Earth. It’s axiomatic that sooner or later (or, perhaps, much much later), the Earth will become incapable of supporting human life. Whether that be through war, meteor strike, some kind of black swan evolutionary event like the appearance of cyanobacteria or, in finality, the death of the Sun (or something else entirely). If one assumes that the human race is worth saving (debatable, but I’ll take it as a given), the only possible way for humans to survive in relative perpetuity (up until either the heat death of the universe or the Big Crunch), we have to eventually vacate Earth. Landing on the moon was the obvious next step in that journey after putting people in orbit.
“Okay I’ll bite, what was the great benefit to humanity in going to the moon?”
Teflon & Tang obviously.
Seriously, you should have seen the FB exchange I had with a friend of a friend over the space program. He had two basic arguments: (i) because all these cool things had been developed by the space program then they ONLY way they could have been developed was through a space program and (ii) because there was no private space program, this was proof that there could NOT have been a space program.
I didn’t have all the right terms at the time (such as “crowding out”) but I gave it a shot. As you might guess, I was completely ineffective.
What an asshole
True, but at least I’m a consistent asshole.
I dunno, I don’t mind Hyperbole’s comments. He’s a top notch pedant, which can be very useful in reassessing your premises. He also usually only posts when he really thinks he’s right about a logical inconsistency and he will admit when he’s wrong. He may be abrasive, but lots of people are around here.
He may be a contrarian for contrarian’s sake sometimes, but he’s definitely not a troll.
I find myself agreeing with Hyperbole again. total waste of money, and not any of the government’s business.
It did somewhat inspire a good tune though. https://youtu.be/xId25aroayo
The NYT is on the case, shitlords.
Courtesy of Campus Reform.
/drops cigarette from lips.
Children are our future!
Team rah rah rah.
as a side note, Jameson whiskey is one heck of a deal.
I think the other day we discussed a Republican challenger to AOC. It looks like she was astroturfed. In June of 2018 Sherie Murray was an avid AOC supporter.
She’d be to the left of a RINO.
I must be missing a dimension because I don’t get it.
A bunch of Fox News personalities, including Hannity, are promoting a “Republican” challenger to AOC who “was a strong activist supporter of President Obama and candidate AOC in the primary of 2018.” Just a glimpse of how sausage is made.
So… Fox is in the tank for AOC? You’d think they could pick someone a little less obviously easy to find out.
Eh, most pols are astroturfed. AOC doubly so.
This is true.
AOC is the Democrat answer to Trump.
Fun fact: Apollo 11 was his last spaceflight, which is quite a grand finale to end one’s astronaut career on.
What do you do when you retire from the Astronaut Corps? Sell used cars? Buy a McDonalds franchise? Become a golf pro?
Get more tail than a toilet seat.
I think a lot of them became executives with aerospace contractors.
Ran the Smithsonian, if my memory is correct.
Your memory is correct. Collins ran the Air and Space museum division of it.
Run for Congress, duh.
Punch deniers in the face
Only after you done told ’em twice to leave you the hell alone.
You get a raise, and you get a raise, and you get… well them’s the breaks.
The House passed a bill Thursday that would raise the federal minimum wage for the first time in a decade — but there’s little chance the measure will be taken up in the Republican-controlled Senate.
The House vote was 231-199. Three Republicans — Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Francis Rooney of Florida and Chris Smith of New Jersey — joined most Democrats in supporting the measure. Six Democrats — including Anthony Brindisi of New York, Joe Cunningham of South Carolina, Kendra Horn of Oklahoma, Ben McAdams of Utah, Kurt Schrader of Oregon and Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico — opposed it.
The bill was a priority for progressives and gives a victory to a movement that’s taken nearly seven years to get this far. But in its current form, the bill has no major support from the Republican side.
When fast food workers began widely protesting in 2012 for higher pay, a $15 minimum wage appeared overly ambitious. But since then, some cities and states have raised their local minimum wages to $15 an hour on their own — including Seattle, San Francisco, New York City and then all of California and New York State. McDonald’s announced this year that it would stop lobbying against raising the federal minimum wage and Walmart’s CEO recently said that the federal minimum wage is “too low.” Amazon adopted a $15 minimum rate last year.
About 1.7 million people, or about 2.1% of all hourly paid workers, earned at or below the federal minimum wage last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Doing the people’s truly important business. What’s the worst that could happen?
Fuckin’ grifters.
Sorry, flyover country. If you wanted to work, you’d move where we dictate the jobs are.
McDonald’s announced this year that it would stop lobbying against raising the federal minimum wage and Walmart’s CEO recently said that the federal minimum wage is “too low.”
“Please create barriers to entry and a cost floor to our competitors. We feel we’re far enough along on automating minimum wage positions.”
I walked into a Wal-Mart this morning and they had a huge banner over the door saying they were hiring, starting at $12.50. It was $7.50 when I worked there part time in college.
Of course, they have robots running around there now checking inventory.
My nearest was-mart has about 16 self-check outs. One express line and one regular line are staffed. There are the two retiree greeters, a person at the service desk and maybe half of a dozen stockers.
Britain’s not sending us their best.
I really don’t understand the worldwide fear of female nipples and areola.
Fear or fascination?
tEaM rEd Is sO fIzCuKlY rUhSpOnSuHbUl
“Ireland Baldwin spills out of her corset in busty new snap… days after she credits Cheesecake Factory’s bread for her growing chest”
Those are Bs being held up by a forklift corset.
Stuffed with Cheesecake Factory’s bread?
“Florida man charged with throwing son into ocean to ‘teach him how to swim’
Witnesses say John Bloodsworth was jumping off the Main Street pier in Daytona Beach Monday night while his child was struggling to swim in a deep part of the ocean near the pier.
According to a Volusia County Beach Safety report, Bloodsworth claimed he was trying to teach his son to swim. The officer who arrested him says the father was clearly intoxicated.
“The kid was already very visibly upset and crying, and he didn’t want to be there,” Brown said.
Bloodsworth now faces child abuse and disorderly intoxication in public charges.
While at Volusia County Beach Safety headquarters, Bloodsworth allegedly said he was “going to jail for being awesome,” and he would be “coming back to the pier to jump off every day.”
“Bloodsworth allegedly said he was “going to jail for being awesome,” ”
His attorney needs to ask for a jury trial.
Sounds like it was working.
““The kid was already very visibly upset and crying, and he didn’t want to be there,” Brown said.”
If that’s the standard every parent has abused their kid.
Tom Cruise won’t come out of the closet?
I did not see any shirtless volleyball in that trailer.
Kenny Loggins better be doing the sound track.
For you.
If he’s actually flying the jet this might be the most badass Cruise stuntwork ever.
I have zero problems with Cruise: shows up, does his work, does his own stunts, and makes other people a lot of money.
I’m putting my money on the Florida Men.
It might be my childhood nostalgia talking but I am interested in seeing Top Gun 2. It may suffer from a lot of the same problems the first one had, but maybe it’ll be an improvement. Either way, it should still be fun, which is what the first one got right.
In combat air speed is life. Always has been. The whole, “I’ll slam on the brakes, they’ll fly right by me!” conceit of TOP GUN was so stupid. Also the romantic chemistry between a lesbian and a gay man didn’t really “fly.” (narrow your gaze as you wish.)
Penguins detained
Now Bad Orange Man is separating penguins from their families? Is there no end to his evil?
The shipped Ron Francis to Seattle.
West Virginia man
There is a reason they are no longer part of the real Commonwealth of Virginia.
They left?
I made a new friend today, his name is Puzzles.
I fed him graham crackers and we went for a ride.
Nice! Have you ridden before?
Yeah, we usually try to go while on vacations.
The Debunkers VS The New York Times: America isn’t great
There was some grumbling for the AOC round, so here’s a make-up.
Spot the Not: David “Camera” Hogg
1. I support the Second Amendment. But for God’s sake – how can we knowingly pass bills and laws that are in direct opposition to saving kids’ lives?
2. We are millennials, and we love complaining more than any other generation.
3. So we’ll march day and night by the NRA headquarters. They have the money, but we have the power.
4. President Trump needs to listen to the screams of the children and the screams of this nation.
5. I don’t think NRA members are bad people at all. I think they’re responsible gun owners that want to become politically active and make their voices heard in this democracy.
6. We don’t want to repeal the Second Amendment.
I’m torn between 2 and 5.
2. It’s a little too self-aware.
Oh, FFS, 3 is the not! 3 That is loosely paraphrased from a Simpsons episode: “So we’ll march day and night by the big cooling tower; they have the plant but we have the power.”
No winners, choose the form of the destructor:
1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Es0T-IxmL4
2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pANp0KBNKC8
Beto is in a Christmas movie:
However, the owners of the shop tonight told RNZ the birds had again crossed busy traffic lanes between the harbour and the station to the sushi bar.
The penguins are persistent and have their priorities in order.
U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman announced his decision that the 66-year-old financier be held without bail on Thursday, following a hearing Monday in which Epstein’s lawyer asked that his client be placed on house arrest with round-the-clock private security guards paid for by Epstein.
That screams, “I’M GOING TO RUN AWAY!”
The Honorable Suthenboy: “I will think about this.” *half of a second later* “Ok, my ruling is NO.”
The guy is a sociopath and he is compulsive. He got out of jail and went straight back to the same behavior? He couldn’t count his lucky stars and keep his head down? That is nuts. I hope he gets life. He is a menace.
It’s been a bad day for birds in New Zealand: https://tinyurl.com/y3lvqar3
Ben Kinchlow has died
Seems to me that the special counsel that investigated the Clinton goings-on- Ken Starr, was also lead counsel for Epstein’s previous bust diaper-swiping. And landed that sweet plea deal.
/buys more foil
Glibs PSA:
Well… I suppose you can’t fault their branding choice, or the likely efficacy of the product.
“BREAKING: As California Attorney General, Kamala Harris gave a sweet deal to serial harasser/assaulter Democrat Bob Filner that let him escape jail time and the sex offender registry list. Multiple women alleged Filner put them into headlocks.”
I hope noogies were involved.
“Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) tells me she’s traveling to Israel and Palestine “in a few weeks” and looks forward to learning more, specifically about occupation. “Everything that I hear points to both sides feeling like there is still an occupation.””
So she’s planning to go to country that won’t let her in, and a county that doesn’t exist?
You get up at 7 am, put on a white dress shirt and dress pants, go to the coffee shop, sit down right next to me at the empty coffee shop and start playing games on your PSP, hammering the fucking buttons. You’re 30 something. People are craiji.
Mom and dad think he goes to work, but just as an intern. Keeps them off his back.
I am guessing the Japanese have different ideas about personal space.
I dont think I will be able to afford this.
That your kid’s list?
Maybe the last one…
Better wifi for fort? I think we know why you’d want that.
AKs are still cheap right?
If you can only afford one go for the tank. Definitely the tank.
*I am gonna be laughing all night about ‘better wifi for the fort*
I’ve thought about it. Alot.
Tanks are….hmmmmm. Let it put it this way: They are more vulnerable than most people think but when you are in the field and see an enemy tank appear everyone does that breath suck between the teeth, shows the whites of their eyes and says “Oh shit”. Well, that is almost true. They actually start doing it before they see it. You can hear and feel the motherfucker coming before you can see it.
Florida Man breaks golf. Dude shot a 202.
Thought this was a David Duval story.
Mic drop.
Who in hell is David Weissman?
Check out his bio. Eye roll.
“I used to be a conservative but even I…..”
Eyer roll is right.
Keep it up Dave. Trump has driven quite a few of lefties to defend MS-13. It is incredible. Next they will openly defend female genital mutilation or chattel slavery.
Why the hell does he have a checkmark?
I’m sure some of them are. Not sure how that’s relevant to anything.
Late as usual. Great #Science article Ozymandias. I probably need to sit down again later this weekend and reread it to make sure I understand the finer points.
That said – any comments on the RoundUp lawsuit in CA and “expert testimony”, etc? I’ve been seeing a lot of ads for potential class action lawsuit victims associated with this – and the ads keep specifying that Roundup is a potential carcinogenic substance, etc (and IIRC…virtually every substance on earth is potentially carcinogenic in the right amounts). Given the circumstances of this particular case…I honestly can’t see this not being reversed on appeal – unless I’m completely missing something – it just seems like the thinnest possible causal link compared to all the published research and testing on this over the last 20+ years….
And just for the fun stuff – I’m sure most folks here will enjoy this thread: https://twitter.com/LesserFrederick/status/1151298579522301953 (there are a few more like this on this guy’s feed ;p)