It’s been an interesting couple of days in the OMWC-SP axis. Too interesting, but the kind sentiments and forwarded contacts for me from the Glibertariat really helped keep us sane and gave us hope. So all of my usual joking aside, thank you, all of you.
Birthdays today include a famous medium (who provided the funniest moment in Annie Hall); a guy who taught Kurt Cobain everything he knew; an incredibly funny geek; my favorite Jewish pitcher; one of the most evil humans to ever hold high office in the US Government; and a guy who is quiet these days about wanting to kill Salman Rushdie.
On to the news!
I am seeing the need for woodchippers in this school district.
And the Old Man is nostalgic today about what rock USED to be.
It got you out of Chicago, so you’ve got that going for you.
And my son just moved into Chicago. I give him about two years.
A lot of people that I knew as a teenager moved to Chicago. It’ still in the Midwest, close to home and family, but with all the “excitement” of the big city. Every time I visited my best friend there, I was happy to get out. Too crowded, not enough privacy for a person of my temperament.
My sister went to foot doctor school in Chicago. Left as soon as she could. Some guy mugged an elderly woman nearby one night – my sister didn’t see it happen, but HEARD the woman hit the pavement, so hard was she knocked down by the mugger.
“One of Baltimore’s newest deputy police commissioners and his wife were robbed at gunpoint Friday night near Patterson Park, police said.
Deputy Commissioner Daniel Murphy and his wife were approached around 9 p.m. by four men in a large white SUV at the 2200 block of East Pratt Street, police said in a statement. Two approximately 18-year-old men got out of the SUV and approached the couple. The men announced it was a robbery, showed a gun and fled with a wallet, a purse, some cash and multiple cell phones, the press release said.”
Baltimore is a shithole. Have you seen The Wire?
I saw Baltimore.
A cop without a gun? Looking at his picture, its understandable though.
OTOH, seems like everyone else in town has a carry
Not if you’re one of the proles. But youd think a cop would.
He’s a Police Commissioner, not a policeman. IOW, he’s like an Assistant Secretary of Defense rather than a soldier.
Yes, he does look like a total dweeb in the picture.
But he is now one of the privileged class who will be allowed to carry firearms.
What are the odds that his stolen wallet has a badge in it?
That’s a good question. I know that prosecutors do have badges but rarely use them as anything other than to cut in line, etc.
I liked The Wire. The scene where Bunk only says, “fuck” in multiple ways is still one of my favorite scenes on any show.
I still preferred Deadwood, though. I haven’t seen the movie yet, dammit. But Deadwood ruled.
Used to live near Patterson Park. Pretty place, but even an idiot knows to never go there at night unless you are looking to score drugs or get robbed…..
Maybe he’s just bureaucratic management but gawdamn, a cop should have more situational awareness to avoid that kind of thing. I’ve probably avoided more shyte just by seeing it coming and either not being there or arming myself before it got to me.
Using federal resources meant for border security on “humanitarian” endeavors compromises the government’s ability to interdict drug smuggling, said Carroll. “That’s what these men and women want to do. They want to protect their families and their friends from these poisons coming in. That’s what we need to let them do. Fix the immigration system. Let them get back to protecting the U.S., and let us get back to the issue of saving lives.”
Drug cartels game the Border Patrol’s humanitarian policies by exhausting federal authorities’ resources to facilitate their drug-smuggling operations, explained Carroll.
I, uh…
“A pizza deliveryman was honored by a Kentucky police department for stopping suspected child abuse after he called 911 to report seeing a naked girl in a man’s motel room where he was dropping off food.
The call led to the arrest of Justin Elam, 36, who was charged with multiple counts of rape and sexual abuse after officers with the Lexington Police Department found two girls under the age of 12 naked in the motel room, police spokesperson Brenna Angel told NBC News.”
In other news, Dr. Pizza has been charged. What’s with pedos and pizza?
Cheese Pizza meaning CP has been on the internet a long long time.
There was a great thread on 4chan adult /gif/ last night of women answering the door naked. ?
As long as it didn’t have any pineapple on it, right? Or is it the other way around? I’m so confused. The internet is ambiguous on this point.
Nothing at this point should surprise me when it comes to Team D and their media lapdogs. The fact that they are still beating the Mueller drum boggles my mind. Stupid? Shameless? Mendacious? I guess it is possible to be all those things at once…..
That’s why “the corporate media is the enemy of the people” is not an outrageous statement
Brian Stelter has a sad.
It actually makes a lot of sense. If you take Trump out of the equation, what is left of Democratic unity? That party makes Lord of the Flies look enlightened.
>>what is left of Democratic unity
something jackboot something face
Thanks for the Small Faces. Underrated in my opinion, sadly. I wish more people knew about Ronnie Lane. I like “anymoreanymore for anymore as well.
How can a woman with taste this good marry someone like… LH?
Hey don’t underrate LH!
Sorry to hear of your job change – there will be a silver lining!
hey now
Hey now
Was thinking you might have gone with this.
You’re both wrong
you’re all wrong
Kind of surprised no one went with this
I only do titles, but kudos – great choice.
I read that as “I only do tities” and got confused.
/more caffeine!
Ted’s wins, and I bet he can even ID which movie used that track as an opening theme AND which movie (with the same star) used another version of the song in its soundtrack. (I think it was also the opening theme, but not 100% sure.)
OK – the first one was given away – Just name the second one.
Ted’s wins? You are dead to me.
But WS, you can’t even be sure I was ever alive.
Tom Cruise
Rain Man
Mission Impossible 2
What do I win?
The committees are anticipating that “not everybody is reading the book (Mueller’s report) but people will watch the movie,” an aide said.
Could you condense it down to a meme for my millennial attention span? Oh wait, I forgot. The left can’t meme!
Let me give you the left in Idiocratese: my butt hurtz!
You’re welcome.
“After all, the DHS warning says, Russian agents are capable of simultaneously insisting online that “Being anti-pineapple is un-American!” while also pushing out posts saying “Millennials are ruining pizza!”
“Foreign influencers are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to inflame hot button issues in the United States,” the new DHS warning says. “They don’t do this to win arguments; they want to see us divided.””
They have been doing this for decades.
4chan is a Russian plot.
Makes sense
They have been doing long before the internet.
You must be a Russian mole, seeking to foment a riot over whether or not Demi Rose is a lardass.
I need to see many more pics before making a decision
And Tundra and Doom are Russian moles for saying pineapple is good on pizza.
Truly the Russians are intellectually crippling our weakest minds – govt hit hardest.
Doom outed as Russian Bot!
It’s a cheesy, playful warning — but it’s trying to deliver a serious message.
School marms aren’t funny.
If Lizzie Warren is elected, there’ll be schoolmarm nagging on a level never seen before.
So, it’s joking, but simultaneously serious? Should I side with the joke aspect or the serious warning side? I feel so divided.
I’m disappointed, no love for Sandy Koufax?
So much less colorful than Drabowsky. This is why.
To be fair, the best Jewish pitcher is Balmer’s own Richard Bleier. Yeah, he a had a rough season but he is such a great fellow and he will bounce back.
He should have been a doctor like his cousin.
/Bleier’s mom
I wish. No, she became a teacher, then doubled down on poor choices by marrying me.
Did he give a hotfoot to the Commissioner of Baseball? No? Then sorry, Moe is still #1.
‘Give a hotfoot’ – something I was surprised to learn actually once existed outside of Warner Brothers cartoons.
Someone here said a while back he’s related to “Not Rick.” Wife’s cousin or some such.
Tough being an O’s fan this season. Probably worse being an O’s reliever.
That’s me. I don’t follow the baseball (or any sports really) but Richard is such a sweet kid that we have to root for him.
Confusion and the sight of lots of police cars caused a bit of commotion in downtown Chicago on Thursday afternoon after reports of an active shooter turned out to be a “drill that went terribly wrong.”
I’d think people would be more surprised if there weren’t lots of police cars and confusion.
Some things never change, right?
Without even clicking the link, I’m going to guess there’s lots of cops running around going “Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!”
For you
“Foreign influencers are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to inflame hot button issues in the United States,” the new DHS warning says. “They don’t do this to win arguments; they want to see us divided.””
Next up- ketchup on hot dogs: sin, or hate crime?
ketchup on hot dogs: sin, or hate crime?
Wait. Wut??
Technically ketchup is for hamburgers and mustard is for hotdogs. But I am not a mustard fan so I use ketchup on both.
Ketchup goes on French fries or fried seafood.
*throws ketchup bottle in garbage can*
Get out. Just get out of my kitchen you barbarians.
It goes on those things too. I actually have a ‘fry sauce’ for fries though. Ketchup is one of the ingredients. The one thing I can’t forgive is ketchup on steak. I’m looking at you, Bad Orange Man.
What about catsup?
You forgot scrambled eggs.
No. Everybody knows you put salsa and/or hot sauce on scrambled eggs.
I used to have some south americans next door who would grill corn on the cob, and then put mayonnaise on it. I think that’s a Chilean thing, but I could be wrong.
Elote- mayo crumbled cheese lime juice and chili powder.
Huh. I could have sworn that my neighbors were just using mayo, but maybe I just wasn’t paying close enough attention.
In other news, it turns out that the Mexican/Italian restaurant two blocks from my house has elote on the menu. I’ll have to try it.
I’ve seen Mexicans do the corn thing, but they use crema. It’s a super thick, kinda cream /cheese like thing. It’s not bad, but I’m happy with butter salt and pepper
BTW, I agree with salsa or hot sauce on eggs. Can’t imagine mayo on anything I plan to eat, much less eggs.
In Europe they put mayo on French fries
It’s a necessity. A hot dog without ketchup is a mortal sin.
Sorry to go OT so early.
I’ve been thinking lately about the notion of “whataboutism” as a logical fallacy. I get it. It is a distraction from the actual line of logical argument being discussed. The problem I have is that sometimes, at least, the line of logical argument is dishonest to begin with. Outside of debate as an academic exercise, the context of a claim or proposition is important.
To see what I’m saying, consider a hypothetical. Let’s say you have a racist local sheriff who arrests a black guy for vagrancy when there were two dozen white guys hanging around at the same time and place that the black guy was. The black guy would certainly be right in pointing out that there was an issue in his being arrested when he didn’t do anything that all of the white guys were doing. I don’t think any reasonable person would take “Listen, boy, I’ll have none of your whataboutism here!” as a legitimate response. But, strictly speaking the black guy would be engaging in whataboutism. The obvious question that needs to be considered isn’t whether the black guy was guilty of vagrancy, but whether his guilt or innocence of vagrancy was the actual standard by which he was arrested.
In a one-off logical argument, what about doesn’t really make much of a case. But, we don’t live in a one-off world. We live in an iterative one. And it’s right and appropriate to say that if someone is altering their positions or ostensible principles across instances or across time, those principles might be a “front” for another agenda. And to point out that the person offering up an argument might not have quite the commitment they claim to their ostensible premise is entirely legitimate. And citing counterexamples of where they don’t hold to their claims is a fair way to do that.
Too often, charges of whataboutism become a justification for context dropping.
Nice explanation.
Equality of application of the law is a a huge “whataboutism”. have no problem with that.
I agree. I try to point out peoples hypocrisy in the hope that they learn how to be honest in assessment and contextualize better, particularly when it comes to politics. Could be wishful thinking in hoping to get through to people though.
For me, at least, the “what about” arguments have generally been the ones most likely to persuade me. They’re much more likely to root a particular position in with my values and principles.
The trouble is that it’s usually a chicken /egg/glass houses thing, where one side attacks A but defended B and the other Defends A but attacked B, the hypocrisy goes both ways. The entire argument dissolves into one big “I know you are but what am I”
A classic pattern in codependent behavior is for both parties to constantly inventory each others’ faults, and for neither of them to ever change because they can always excuse their behavior by pointing to the other party’s.
The only way to break out of this pattern is to disengage and improve oneself. The hardest part is accepting that just because you’ve done it doesn’t mean the other party ever will. Most people, when broken out of a codependent relationship, will just seek out new ones.
I have had that discussion with a friend she pointed me here. Followed by clips of John Oliver showing split screens of Fox News and the Kremlin or some such comparisons. Anybody who uses whataboutism is a Russian agent/Putins bitch just like Trump. My friend suffers from TDS something horrible.
I said that is ridiculous that whataboutism came about due to Russians. I am sure its usage could be traced back to mans origin. But then John Oliver couldn’t accuse Fox of being Russian agents.
Eve: Adam you didn’t take out the garbage and the dog got in it!
Adam: Whatabout you bitch, you ate the apple!
Followed by clips of John Oliver showing split screens of Fox News and the Kremlin or some such comparisons
Which is, itself, ultimately an example of whataboutism. They never have to engage with Trump’s arguments, because they can just pull a “what about” his lies, his misdirections, or his non-existent collusion with Russia.
It’s about people’s perceived sense of fairness and justice. They don’t want to see person A get away with what person B also did, particularly if person B has differing political opinions.
Whataboutism arises in a void of principle. When someone behaves poorly and it is noted, the simple answer from his allies is nolo contendere: I regret that MyGuy set such a poor example there.
But in this MSNBC/FoxNews/Rush/twitter/Salon world of identity politics and gotchism, the response is to explain the new political expedient that exempts MyGuy from accountability or to hysterically point to blowjobs from several decades ago.
Pick you principles, pick your man, and then take your beatings when your man earns them for your team. This ain’t hard.
“Georgia State Rep Erica Thomas accused someone at a grocery store of telling her to “go back where she came from.” In a later video interview, she recanted that claim.
I put Erica’s original TWEET and the later VIDEO on top of each other, so you can see the lying in real time.”
The look on that reporter’s face is priceless.
That didn’t take long. There should have been a way to bet an over/under number of days
The gf has been watching Queer Eye lately. They had one chick they helped who was mexican-american. She insisted that people in her neighborhood constantly ‘othered’ her. But to me the only racist seemed to be her.
Isn’t that always the case? When someone starts yammering about race everyone else just rolls their eyes.
“You all hate me because I am a [insert race here]!”
“Uh, no, you are just an asshole. No one cares about your skin color”
It’s the top story here:
Trump said Friday that he wouldn’t be watching the hearings.
Too bad. Would’ve made a great Mystery Science Theater.
I expect him to live tweet. It’ll be like MST.
I think this would be a good Glibs project: taking turns doing voice-over for various political hearings and such, in groups of two or three maybe.
If you can’t keep in your pants, keep it in the family?
“Links of Gratitude”
I guess we don’t have to #SendHimBack.
Where, to Baltimore? That’s inhumane.
Really, what did Baltimore ever do to deserve that?
He also got mocked by I think it was Trump Jr. who was chilling with Aventatti’s ex-wife that same day. It’s not easy being the Creepy Porn Lawyer.
“What’s important is there is truly shocking evidence of criminal misconduct by the president”
Then why did you assholes just table an impeachment resolution? ///Rhetorical
Continuing saga
“Those are incredible patriots,” Trump told reporters, referring to the Wednesday crowd in Greenville, N.C. “But I’m unhappy when a congresswoman goes and says, ‘I’m going to be the president’s nightmare.’
“She’s going to be the president’s nightmare? She’s lucky to be where she is, let me tell you. And the things that she has said are a disgrace to our country.”
Omar came to the United States as a Somali refugee when she was a teen and is a naturalized U.S. citizen.
She’s lucky, but what about us?
Just more evidence of Der Drumpfenfuhrer’s racism.
Colorado State University thinks 1984 was an instruction manual:
Hall & Oates were mocking Chinese people?
They banned “rule of thumb” based on a myth about its etymology that stated a man could beat his wife with his stick no bigger than his thumb.
A simple google search could have disproved that.
What a bunch of retards that should be beaten with a stick.
Ah, but you see, what’s important isn’t why rule of thumb is a saying, it’s that ‘ rule of thumb’ triggers some individual. Thus everyone else must not say it.
Is heat index a legit thing or is it just made up for weather drama?
/threading fail. Edit Faerie help me!
It’s legit.
Specific heat refers to how much energy is required to raise a given substance in temperature. It takes a lot more calories to raise water temperature one degree than it does to raise aluminum one degree. Different substances also transfer heat at different rates. Dry air gives up its heat a lot less efficiently than wet air (it’s really the water because of waters high specific heat, i.e. the water in the air contains much more heat)
So yeah, heat index is a thing. It is about how much heat the air contains, not about thermometer readings.
So you’re saying it’s not the heat but rather the humidity?
In a sense, yes. Water has the highest specific heat of any substance except weird stuff like liquid sodium.
This is why you can touch a cake fresh out of the oven (contains water, high specific heat and holds onto it’s heat) but not the pan (metal has low specific heat and lets go of its heat easily) even though the cake and the pan are the same temperature.
I think about it differently and would put it more like this.
At a given temperature, a metal has almost an order of magnitude more heat in it than water at any given temperature gram for gram.
Then, the metal is also an order of magnitude more dense than water, so more grams per cube.
Last, the conductivity of metals are around three orders of magnitude that of water; water is an insulator.
So there’s more mass in a cube of the metal, there’s more heat in those metal grams, and the ability of the inner molecules to give up heat to the surface to make it available to feel is higher for a metal: the metal is winning this fight by around five orders of magnitude.
We don’t feel temperature: we feel heat flow, and that’s the battle the metal is winning over the water.
Whycome aluminum foil is so much easier to handle, straight out of the oven? I can take one of the little aluminum cake pans out of the heat, and be able to handle it without a glove within seconds. Does it lose heat that quickly?
Got it in one.
aluminum foil? it might be hard to objectify your situation
without knowing, though: foil is thin, so there’s not much mass in a square inch of surface so there’s not much heat in deeper layers ready to rush up to the surface; yes, Al is an excellent thermal conductor, so it can then convect and radiate a lot of heat away
It’s like wind chill factor, but in reverse. Michigan, we get both. Plus high humidity in the summer! #puremichigan.
Old-guy music should have been this, in honor of the guy’s 64th birthday today.
CNN headline
GOP leaders defend Trump’s racist attack on lawmakers
Serious fact based journalism, for serious fact based people.
I mean, it’s right in their tag line. CNN: Facts First. So it must be true.
New York is going green:
No emissions by 2040 from electricity generation. Luckily we’re building offshore wind plants for only a third more than nuclear costs (iirc, nuclear is one of the most expensive energy producing plants). Enjoy your black outs and even higher energy costs folks.
It also explains why we’re not taking advantage of either our own natural gas resources or those of other states. The bigger energy costs go before these sorry plans are implemented the more incentvized people are to reduce usage. Note that the proponents don’t even think this will make a difference, they just want to virtue signal.
“While the law recognizes that the state’s emissions are relatively small in the global sense, it argues that the plan can have an outsized economic impact. “Such action will encourage other jurisdictions to implement complementary greenhouse gas reduction strategies and provide an example of how such strategies can be implemented,”
it argues that the plan can have an outsized economic impact
Inadvertently true.
I read somewhere that these offshore windmills disturb fish migration patterns and such. So it seems that windmills, along with slaughtering birds by the hundreds of thousands, have even more detrimental environmental impacts to consider.
Additionally, both solar & wind use huge amounts of rare earth metals, most of which are mined in China.
But I’m sure the Chinese deal with the toxic tailings in an environmental manner.
Well, I’m getting conflicting versions:
Neither of those sources really offer any data on how dependent wind energy actually is on rare-earth metals. Although the second source says they mostly use copper and iron instead, those don’t magically pop out of the ground pollution-free.
Then there’s solar; photovoltaic cells definitely require rare-earths. Solar thermal power doesn’t, but it’s more dangerous to operate a solar thermal plant than an array of PV cells.
Highest initial cost, lowest fuel costs & low maintenance costs. They’re comparable to coal or nat gas over a long enough time period.
I’m assuming Cuomo doesn’t think he or one of his progeny will be sitting on the Iron… er I mean the governor’s office, in 2040.
LOL no we’re not. He has failed with every proposal around the state. Nobody wants ’em.
Is the state per se doing the building for their own management, or is the state taking credit for private sector work/plans ?
I haven’t heard any mention of “private sector”, not even to the minimal extent that such would be allowed to participate in Cuomo’s grandiose schemes.
Russian agents are capable of simultaneously insisting online that “Being anti-pineapple is un-American!”
Crikey, they’re on to us and are trying to discredit us.
Terry McAuliffe:
Racists and white nationalists have no place in the
Commonwealth of Virginia. Go home,
Such inclusive. Much brave.
They really are running on “racist bad orange man” aren’t they? That is so easy to defeat that it is almost sad.
They lost 2016 by accusing 50% of the population of being racist, so accusing 75% ought to be a winning strategy
That’s the other thing they haven’t learned. You don’t win by attacking the voters.
They have a place in the governor’s manor in Virginia apparently.
[golf clap]
Another ridiculously hot ?and humid day here. Perhaps bowling ? would be a good idea.
We seemed to have turned a less-hot corner since it rained again yesterday. Still humid but not like walking in /out of a steam room.
It’s really awful here. Just walking the dog (at 5:30 am!) left me dripping with sweat.
“How the Left Turned Words Into ‘Violence,’ and Violence Into ‘Justice’
Responding to news that journalist Andy Ngo had been beaten by antifa protestors in Portland last month, a woman named Charlotte Clymer tweeted that “Ngo intentionally provokes people on the left to drive his content. Being attacked today on video taken by an actual journalist (because Ngo is definitely not) is the greatest thing that could have happened to his career. You know it. I know it. He knows it. We all know it. Violence is completely wrong, and I find it sad and weak to allow a sniveling weasel like Andy Ngo to get under one’s skin like this, but I’m also not going to pretend this wasn’t Ngo’s goal from the start. I mean, let’s cut the shit here. This is what they do.”
Who is Charlotte Clymer? She is an activist who works at the Human Rights Campaign, America’s “largest LGBTQ civil rights organization,” which supposedly “envision[s] a world where LGBTQ people are ensured equality at home, at work [and] in every community.” Andy Ngo, who has written for Quillette, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and other publications, happens to be gay. So this is where we are right now: A staffer for a human-rights organization dedicated to helping gay people is publicly cheering the beating of a gay man. This should raise an eyebrow.”
They delude themselves into thinking it can only ever work one way. I think they’re dangerously wrong. Bourgeois society didn’t make up our rules against violence to protect us from them, but to protect them from us. We know where we can go. And I don’t think they’ve adequately considered where that is.
Buenaventura Durruti , the CNT, and homemade armored cars?
And how did all that work out for them?
{Ron Howard narrates} It didn’t work out for them.
Not just that. Protifa and their apologists think they can use violence, accuse their opponents of being violent, and imagine it won’t end up in helicopter rides and yoroi-dōshis
Certain members of the left are playing a very dangerous game by normalizing political violence and expecting the moderates from the right to continue to turn the other cheek. This is how you get vigilantism.
I think you just put it better than anyone I have heard yet wdalasio. That sums it up perfectly.
Andy Ngo is being too kind, but that allows him to continue to hold the moral high ground vs people like Clymer. HRC long ago went from being a human rights organization to a grievance-mongering one.
This. It’s just another org that’s been hijacked by the left. And this little episode is a perfect demonstration of it.
Ngo intentionally provokes people
Documenting leftist insanity is “provoking”.
Yep. It’s just like “interfering with an investigation” by filming cops.
The way he approaches them clearly shows that the way they frame the argument is BS. They don’t feel that is fair – he’s supposed to keep it framed the way they like it.
Ok, so what that member of the HRC is saying is that when a gay man goes to a fundamentalist Christian and orders a wedding cake with a dick on it the baker has every right to curb stomp him. Huh. This doesn’t feel like progress to me.
I’m just really curious as to what their justification is for saying that Ngo is not a journalist. He is listed as sub-editor and photographer on Quillette’s “About” page. He documents and reports things. Why is he not a journalist?
No safe dose
Self-reported marijuana use in the year before pregnancy increased from 6.8 percent in 2009 to 12.5 percent in 2017, and marijuana use during pregnancy rose from nearly 2 percent in 2009 to 3.4 percent in 2017.
California was one of the first to allow medical marijuana and is one of 11 that legalized recreational use in addition to decriminalizing possession of small amounts. The finding suggests that the more permissive laws have led to wider acceptance among women of child-bearing age and some women may not be aware of the risks.
“No amount of cannabis has been shown to be safe during pregnancy. We do know that it crosses the placenta and reaches the fetus,” said Kelly Young-Woff, a psychologist and researcher at Kaiser Permanente.
“There is some uncertainty about the exact risks of using cannabis during pregnancy but there is substantial evidence of an association with lower offspring birth weight and increased risk of developmental problems later on.”
What’s more, another study recently concluded that parents who used marijuana were more likely to discipline their children.
Ban it. Throw those women in cages. It’s for their own good.
“parents who used marijuana were more likely to discipline their children.”
Umm, good?
IOW, pot causes violent behavior. [snickers, coughs]
In my experience the stoned-out hippies are the absolute last ones to exercise anything like parental authority.
But do they have children who use marijuana?
Actually read a really interesting paper about pot and domestic violence. Guy expected to find it reduced violence, but found an increase. He then went looking for why, and tested four theories. He settled on conflict over money. Really nicely done.
Huh, I guess that makes sense. I would have guessed increased violence was due to the non stoner party in the relationship smacking the stoner party upside the head to get their stoned ass off the couch.
Great. More fuel for the statist (who insist they aren’t statist) anti-MJ crowd.
completely OT: The 100 greatest horror soundtracks
My cinema hero, Herschell Gordon Lewis, was an accomplished banjo player and did most (if not all) of his film’s soundtracks himself.
It’s a lovely morning. Sunshine, low 60s.
It’s too hot to schlep down to the beach. It’s too hot set up the kid’s water stuff in the yard. I couldn’t even enjoy my coffee on the porch. Wifey is taking the kids to her mother’s house so I think I’ll fire the AC down to 68°, order some Chinese food and not leave the house.
not leave the house
That’s my thing this weekend. Except I do need to make a beer run.
“parents who used marijuana were more likely to discipline their children.”
Upending the hippy stereotype.
Those tires? Yes.
“Mein Waifu is the Fuhrer – A Parody Visual Novel
The entire German high command is turned into anime characters on the eve of WWII, shenanigans ensue.
The Reich is on the brink of war…
Erwin Rommel just got the assignment of his life, leading the invasion of Poland in operation Polandfeldzug. Unfortunately his world is turned upside down when a plot to overthrow the German government led by Oberstleutnant Claus von Stauffenberg results in the death of the entire German high command. Undeterred, Rommel returns to Berlin to prevent civil war only to find that the Führer, along with the rest of the high command, is not dead, only… changed into anime characters.
pledged of $8,000 goal”
Best. Timeline. Ever.
Next, change them into furries.
Milton Friedman – The Great Depression Myth
Maybe he’s just bureaucratic management but gawdamn, a cop should have more situational awareness to avoid that kind of thing. I’ve probably avoided more shyte just by seeing it coming and either not being there or arming myself before it got to me.
You must be a racist.
Silly Canadians.
That’s fuckin’ hilarious.
The Meltdown
Shorter meltdown:
Regarding the PR governor kerfuffle, how did all those text transcripts become public?
“Totally nothing suggestive about Mo standing on a Star of David while accused of far-right support for Apartheid. Great operation you run there, @NoahShachtman”
“Inside Baseball Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera’s Secret Far-Right Politics”
You’re gonna wince at this one
But who brings their horse to the beach?
Polish immigrants?
What a dumbass. If you want to get kicked by a horse that’s how you do it.
I’ve no desire to work this hard on a Sunday so I’m not reading Japanese language news sources. But the English sources say:
BREAKING NEWS: Abe says no intention to seek another term as LDP leader
Just the headline 30 minutes ago. The LDP kept its majority, but not sure if they gained enough seats to amend their constitution to remove its inability to project force (Article 9).
Eh. Pretty sure they aren’t still eyeing Pearl Harbor.
Pretty sure.
But this way they can keep up the charade while paying the US a fraction of the amount it spends there.
Otherwise they will have to spend their own Yen or learn Chinese.
Hell I’d like some experienced Glibs here what they think of a hypothetical matchup with South Korea.
That’s exactly what they want you to think.
That feeling when Tonio realizes he can’t fight city hall.
A furry visitor wandered into the South Lake Tahoe City Hall in California on Wednesday, according to city officials.
Pictures snapped by South Lake Tahoe resident Robert Eplett show a bear walking into City Hall, and subsequently walking out.”
Ha! Thanks for that, Count.“> Fucking ratings- how do they work?
ESPN has reportedly sent a memo to employees reminding them to avoid discussing politics in light of talk show host Dan Le Batard’s strong criticism of President Trump.
The Associated Press, citing an ESPN employee who spoke on condition of anonymity, reported that the reminder was sent on Friday, a day after Le Batard voiced strong disdain over the “send her back” chants that targeted Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) at a Trump rally in North Carolina.
While offering his criticism, Le Batard also called out ESPN for its policy limiting on-air personalities from engaging in political discussion, saying it was “cowardly.”
“There’s a racial division in this country that’s being instigated by the president and we here at ESPN haven’t had the stomach for that fight because Jemele [Hill] did some things on Twitter, and you saw what happened after that and then here, all of a sudden, nobody talks politics on anything unless they use one of these sports figures as a meat shield in the most cowardly possible way to discuss these subjects,” Le Batard added, referencing the former ESPN host whose anti-Trump tweets led the network to adopt a policy asking employees to avoid political discussion unless it related to sports figures.
Le Batard later described the “send her back” chants as “deeply offensive to me as somebody whose parents have made all the sacrifices to get to this country.”
“’Send her back,’ how are you any more American than her? You’re more privileged, you’re whiter, you’re richer, people don’t know whether your money is real or not,” Le Batard said.
Do the truth-to-power shit on your own time.
Who, do you reckon, has been hammering on that racial wedge the hardest?
saying it was “cowardly.”
No, it’s called politics doesn’t need to infect every facet of our lives. Let the sports arena be the sports arena.
“There’s a racial division in this country that’s being instigated by the president…”
Sure. He’s the one fomenting racial division in this country. Sure.
Fuck that makes me so angry. Obama did that shit. He did more to exacerbate racial and class conflict in this country than any other president in my lifetime.
It really did seem to start ramping up about 10 years ago.
ESPN has reportedly sent a memo to employees reminding them to avoid discussing politics because it takes time away from their wokeness narratives.
Breakfast: Steak and eggs using NY strips instead of sirloin. Mmmm.
And holy shit, just looked at the thermometer. It is already 100 degrees and not even 10:30.
I spent about 30 minutes making ricotta ravioli from scratch and lightly toasting them in garlic butter.
Le Batard, whose parents are from Cuba, gained massive attention late last week after taking time out of his radio show to condemn Trump’s rhetoric and the chant he presided over.
“What happened last night, this felt un-American,” he said. “It’s not the America that my parents aimed to get for us, for exiles, for brown people.”
I’m going to go out on a limb and say la Batard’s parents aren’t running around advocating socialism as the solution to America’s “problems”.
“My God I’m furious. Trump has caused all of this. Of course white men think they can say this to anybody.
He does. This is one of the most respected leaders in all of Georgia.”
Sit your white ass down!
Shaun King is pure evil.
Shaun King
“Verified account
19h19 hours ago
I’m determined to find him.”
I hope one day he gets his comeuppance he so richly deserves.
I’m sorry, I can’t see Shaun King and not think of Herbert Kornfeld.
I’m sure he recanted when someone pointed out she’s a liar.
The thing that always blows my mind about piece of shits like King is they write for ostensibly reputable publications like The Intercept.
How does a guy like this with a shtick of ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ looking for ‘white monsters under the bed’ even progress in life to the point of getting crap published? Every time I look at his Twitter he calls for some form of violences against people for stories that turn out to be lies or hoaxes.
How is he any different from Alex Jones? Heck, he’s worse in that he advocates for mob rule.
A really odious and despicable character. A coward personified him.
Like that Maza character.
If you scroll down his timeline, you’ll see he’s not immune to re-tweeting himself.
“The B.C. RCMP are giving a press conference on the two people murdered on the Alaska Highway, and they have the cat ear filter on.”
WTF, Canada?
The RCMP are rather known for being a bit light in the loafers, IYKWIM.
Tonio speaks the truth.
Woops, sorry Sean.
“It was much better than CATS. I will see it again and again.”
Slutty Sunday has been subpoenaed by the House Intelligence Committee to provide evidence that BADORANGEMAN prefers uncircumcised deep dish pineapple pizza with well done filet mignon.
Not one mention she’s adorable?
El. Oh. El.
I larfed
New Zealanders have handed over more than 10,000 guns, weapons parts and accessories in the first week of a buy-back scheme prompted by the country’s worst peacetime mass shooting, police figures released on Sunday show.
A gun reform law passed in April banned most semi-automatic firearms, parts that convert firearms into semi-automatics, magazines over a certain capacity and some shotguns.
More than 2,000 people have surrendered 3,275 firearms, 7,827 parts and accessories and in return authorities have paid them slightly more than NZ$6 million ($4.06 million) since the buy-back began last Saturday, a police spokesperson told Reuters by telephone on Sunday.
Police said they were pleased with the turnout on Sunday, as 684 people handed in 1,061 guns and 3,397 parts and accessories at events across the country.
With a population of just under 5 million and an estimated total of 1.5 million firearms, New Zealand ranks 17th in the world in terms of civilian firearm ownership, the Small Arms Survey shows.
And, just like that, the world is a better place to live.
Just think of how many new criminals they have! It’s a politician’s wet dream!
Gins lost and stolen from the RCMP:
I don’t get the mindset of a person who willingly hands over their gun (s) to the government. Wtf?
It will be interesting to keep an eye on their crime rate. They will fudge the numbers at first but eventually, like England, it will be impossible to hide.
I never thought I’d see the day that Hongkong Chinese would show more gumption towards their political overlords in the Mainland than would be shown by the Maori warrior people or their Caucasian peers who like to get out there and represent with a Haka ritual. Maybe it isn’t total compliance but they are going down without even a public outcry. I’d almost expect them to lick the slaver’s hands as they slap the chains on.
America, Fuck Yeah!
Toxic masculinity SMDH
Mueller will testify that Trump turned him into a newt!
Sigh… Wifey vetoed my Lazy Day plan by instructing to turn all this crab meat (she spent the morning picking) into delicious crab cakes. Would any of y’all have favorite recipes for same? I’m very much the apply liberal amount of drawn butter to meat, eat meat type of fellow and I’m afraid I might be out of my depth here.
Jiggers! They’re on to us.
Right-wingers have held an unearned monopoly on gun culture for too long. Whether it’s in the halls of legislative power or in the comments under “gun bunny” photos on Instagram, there is a prevailing narrative that pegs guns and armed self-defense exclusively to Republicans, racist libertarians, and other generally Constitution-obsessed weirdos. It maintains that those on the left want to take away everyone’s guns and swathe the entire country in bubble wrap. But I’m an anarchist, and I call bullshit.
An anarchist. Yeah, okay.
A “left-wing anarchist”!
I… wow.
Gun grabbers are liars, we know that, but this guy is in a league of his own.
Call, spew, whatever.
Blue laws suck, I’m going to the job site before it makes around here, then beer and paperwork in the AC,but NOOOOOO! you can’t buy alcohol till noon on Sundays,
so even though they will sit in my fridge till at least noon 01, I can’t buy em, Fags!!!!!
When I was wee, my grandpa would get the agita because to purchase alcohol in Atlanta after 7pm, a man was required to wear a neck tie.
I don’t own one, I’d be fucked
Grandpa always kept a bolo tie for such occasions.
Not a bow tie?
Yes indeed blue laws are dumb as dog shit. That used to be the law around here but they changed it and now it is normal time on Sundays, but to make up for it by changing the buying time so you can’t buy beer until 8 am any day of the week. Idiotic. I like to get my shopping done early (6am) on weekends and now have to make two trips to town if I miscalculate my beer consumption and don’t have enough on hand. Pisses me off.
I took a ferry from Ireland to England on Holy Thursday, once. Hardly any cars and lots of Irishmen. At a half mile out they bumrushed the duty free store and bought cases of beer. They just sat there drinking beer and never got off on the other side. Strictly to enable drinking on the holiday. Expensive way to get some beer.
Cruces, right? Isn’t Anthony, TX like ten miles down the road?
It may be, I didn’t really look around, the Sonoran Desert is pretty much the same everywhere in the West
I meant that I think you can buy beer on Sunday morning in Texas.
Not before noon had been TX law for some time because, of course, Texas the freedom-loving frontier state can’t help but manage your business for because that’s what John Wayne died in the Alamo for.
This past spring there was the classically Texan call for, get this, not actual fuck-off-slaver freedom but the creeping-rollback-nod-to-Baptists-bullshit that rules the day of moving the time to 10am. Since I buy booze by the ton and seldom at the last second, I didn’t care to notice whether the bill made it to the governor.
I don’t have all the answers, but the bare fact of the matter here is that violent right-wing extremism is a continuing threat that has been allowed to spread unabated in this country — a country that is itself rooted in the oppression of people of color. The police will not protect us; neither will the military, or well-meaning liberals, or your favorite oh-so-progressive politicians. It is not in their interest to do so, and recognizing that is imperative to the survival of those who reject this vile status quo.
The way that leftists engage with the subject of firearms, conflict, and power within our own communities needs to shift toward a place where guns are considered just another tool in our struggle for collective liberation, not the sole focus. Until we live in a world with no police, no military, and no state, we’re at the mercy of all three — and I, at least, don’t think it’s fair to expect us to confront them empty-handed.
Kim Kelly is a freelance writer and labor organizer whose writing on labor, politics, and culture has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, the New Republic, Teen Vogue, the Pacific Standard, and many other publications.
And a full time frothing nutjob. His reasoning is suspect, but I have no problem with his conclusion.
It’s a her. But don’t google it, if you’re eating breakfast.
She would totes buy a gun to defend herself from the Nazi horde but she’s have to go into an icky right-wing business to do so, so instead xe will just stay in and bitch on the internet.
Los Angeles police spied on anti-Trump protesters
Uuuh, the links in that paragraph say they earlier arrested four white supremacists. I don’t get his point other than he thinks antifa violence is ok but skinhead violence is not.
it’s been a long time since the Skinheads have done anything noteworthy, just a lazy excuse, someone to blame.
but.. but… CHARLOTTESVILLE!!!!!!
That’s apparently what the assholes were arrested for. They went to fight in Charlottesville.
I’m pretty sure they dismissed the charges on those guys.
yup, case dismissed!
Huh. A judge stood up for the first amendment? Don’t see that often.
Probably does, just like The Guardian.
Lord of the Flies was an instruction manual
A senior Democratic aide told The Hill that Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is “only a woman of color when it’s convenient,” and that she was “a puppet” of “elitist white liberals,” referring to Justice Democrats, the PAC that supports her. One senior Democratic source described Ocasio-Cortez as a “complete fraud” in an interview with Fox News.
Race-based jabs were also exchanged between Pressley, D-Mass., and the Congressional Black Caucus. CBC member Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., had claimed Justice Democrats, which backs AOC, was “targeting members of the Congressional Black Caucus” in primary races.
Pressley then told those in attendance at the Netroots Nation conference, “We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”
Give those monkeys some pointed sticks.
“Pointed stick? Oh, oh, oh. We want to learn how to defend ourselves against pointed sticks, do we? Getting all high and mighty, eh? Fresh fruit not good enough for you eh? Well I’ll tell you something my lad. When you’re walking home tonight and some great homicidal maniac comes after you with a bunch of loganberries, don’t come crying to me! Now, the passion fruit. When your assailant lunges at you with a passion fruit…”
Remember lenny Bruce? Yeah, we need to defend ourselves from pointed schtick.
Good luck on your hunt.
The Mueller report makes it clear that Trump was not exonerated but it simply found insufficient criminal evidence to prosecute.
Hmm… I’m expecting a big nothingburger.
The men announced it was a robbery, showed a gun and fled with a wallet, a purse, some cash and multiple cell phones, the press release said.
I thought Maryland had strong gun control? Oh I get it, they must have smuggled the gun in from Pennsylvania or Virginia.
Authorities have arrested a woman in Florida who they say tried to attack another woman with a knife when she was denied a slice of pizza.
I hope it was really good pizza.
A pizza deliveryman was honored by a Kentucky police department for stopping suspected child abuse after he called 911 to report seeing a naked girl in a man’s motel room where he was dropping off food.
The call led to the arrest of Justin Elam, 36, who was charged with multiple counts of rape and sexual abuse after officers with the Lexington Police Department found two girls under the age of 12 naked in the motel room, police spokesperson Brenna Angel told NBC News.
Justin, you’re no Roman Polanski.
After all, the DHS warning says, Russian agents are capable of simultaneously insisting online that “Being anti-pineapple is un-American!” while also pushing out posts saying “Millennials are ruining pizza!”
I don’t like pineapple at all, but this is taking Russian fever dreams to new levels of stupid.
“At this point it appears to have been an active shooter drill that went terribly wrong,” said Michael Pigott, 1st District Commander with the CPD. “A proper notification was not made to all people in the building. Apparently a text message went out. They were testing their system and people took that literally as they should.”
Wait, you mean procedures weren’t followed? So, we’ll expect better training right?
61 days until Oktoberfest 2019. Enjoy some Dirndls.
The Daily Dirndl?
Wait, you mean procedures weren’t followed? So, we’ll expect better training right?
Budgets were increased.
Passive voice was used?
Good set of links, OMWC!
I read every one of ‘em, even put Moe on my FB feed.
We got an erg/ rowing machine earlier this week.
I love love love it. I managed a 2-minute sprint of almost 500 meters this morning. Then I followed it up with 4500 meters.
I’m still beat!
whoops, posting as LH, should’ve checked.