It’s been an interesting couple of days in the OMWC-SP axis. Too interesting, but the kind sentiments and forwarded contacts for me from the Glibertariat really helped keep us sane and gave us hope. So all of my usual joking aside, thank you, all of you.

Birthdays today include a famous medium (who provided the funniest moment in Annie Hall); a guy who taught Kurt Cobain everything he knew; an incredibly funny geek; my favorite Jewish pitcher; one of the most evil humans to ever hold high office in the US Government; and a guy who is quiet these days about wanting to kill Salman Rushdie.

On to the news!


“Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!” “Again? That trick never works.” “This time, for sure!”


Welcome to Ballamer, hon!


Florida Woman.


“Wait, was that wrong?”


What the sweet fuck????


Ahhhh, Chicago!


Fuck off, Slaver.


I am seeing the need for woodchippers in this school district.




And the Old Man is nostalgic today about what rock USED to be.