Man what a perfect napping day. Its been overcast, and occasionally actually raining today. And I have done, well, nothing except lie around, eat, sleep, and read. Tomorrow, I’ll be bored and start doing the things that bored primates do… namely breaking things or fixing things. We might even rent some kayaks and do some paddling around.
I don’t think this has been officially covered by the Glibs links, so… I give you another great addition to this, the greatest timeline. The (Other) Hair ascends to 10 Downing Street.
God must finally be ready to upgrade Heaven’s Mission Control.
Penn school board goes out of way to show that this school lunch fight isn’t about the cost, its about their power. With that out of the way, I hope they are all tarred, feathered, and ridden from the area on a rail.
In the coming school year, Wyoming Valley West will qualify for funding to provide free lunches to all students.
One last power trip before the tax cattle take over and pay for all…
The district’s federal programs director, Joseph Muth, has said school officials considered serving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to students with overdue accounts but received legal advice warning against it.
Godspeed to the overdue students with peanut allergies.
What’s wrong with bread & water?
One of the poor dears might be celiac.
Organic quinoa and kombucha?
Gruel. Mealy.
“Federal Programs Director” is what is wrong with almost every school district in the country. The Feds have all of them sucking at the teat and by doing so are exerting massive influence over education.
Spartans Football rules!!!
WTF is that BS? The entire population is below poverty level or something?
Also, the rich guy is just a narcissist who wants to flaunt his privilege. He doesn’t give a shit about this kids. I thought we learned that’s how rich people roll already.
free lunches to all students.
And here I thought there was no such thing…
TW: Splinter Bill de Blasio Actually Had a Good Idea
On Monday, after power outages hit Brooklyn on Sunday night in the middle of a heat wave, de Blasio suggested that, hey: maybe private industry isn’t an all-knowing god, and maybe—just maybe—the government can be a better steward of energy services than private industry.
“We don’t depend on a private company for water or for policing or for fire protection,” de Blasio said on Monday. “If they can’t handle the job, it’s time to look at new alternatives.”
De Blasio is absolutely right, but what’s depressing is how utterly rare it is, outside of the debate about health insurance, that you hear a politician suggest that the government could run a service better than a private company, albeit one which has a monopoly in New York City. It was something Bernie Sanders suggested as a political novice, but eventually removed from his rhetoric as he began to focus more on issues like healthcare and education.
I think this is completely fair. Look at how well the government runs the NYC subways!
TBF, Deblasio has nothing to do with the subways. That’s all on Cuomo.
So is the power monopoly.
And the Flint water supply!
And the Gold King Mine cleanup!
“**insert service** is too important to leave to the private sector.”
…what’s depressing is how utterly rare it is, outside of the debate about health insurance, that you hear a politician suggest that the government could run a service better than a private company, albeit one which has a monopoly in New York City.
Maybe because there’s not a shred of data to support it. The Constitution gives government the authority to do a limited set of things, not because they thought the federal government would be the most efficient provider, but because it is the government’s role to secure certain fundamental rights.
I don’t hear many people even suggesting that government could run health care better than private industry. The motives are about redistribution, not efficiency.
I’ve heard that argument.
tldr version: Private companies make their money by providing ongoing treatment for various conditions; once government takes over the profit motive is gone so they’ll just cure the conditions instead, which will be better for everyone (and much cheaper as well).
“albeit one which has a monopoly in New York City.”
So it’s not really a private company then.
Funny how often they forget the competition part of the free market formulation.
Much like they whine about profits and conveniently elide the losses.
Tomorrow, I’ll be bored and start doing the things that bored primates do
Play with your genitals?
Throwing feces?
Warum nicht beide?
Like they do on the Discovery Channel.
All hail Limey Trump!
Another article full of accusations but no examples. Le sigh
Don’t hold your breathe. Far worse has been done by Wilkes Barre/ Luzerne county officials and the idiots that live there barely care because at least they’re better off than Scranton. Northeast Pennsylvania is a strange and depressing place.
“I hope they are all tarred, feathered, and ridden from the area on a rail”
We’re sill talking about the teachers, right?
Have they looked into taking an offer from a wealthy local looking to take care of the problem quickly and easily?
Yes, but Luzerne county already got in trouble for accepting kickbacks for funneling children into juvenile detention centers a few years back, so that’s off the table.
That judge and everyone involved should have been hung in the town square.
“And they was right!”
I thought it couldn’t get any dumber. There it is though, dumber and more evil to boot!
Never overestimate the intelligence of NEPA politicians. It can always get dumber.
More Splinter:
Here is Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Making a Wildly Racist Freudian Slip
I am more interested in this comment though:
Someone, please, explain to me what the fuck “white culture” is.
Is it mowing the lawn at 6am on a Saturday? Wearing khakis? Tucking a t-shirt into your jeans? Ungodly amounts of mayo in every dish?
Dancing badly, showing up to work on time, paying taxes, raising responsible kids, being responsible with money. I dunno.
Organic food, veganism, Apple products, and recycling? Or is that the good kind of white people?
Do you know any rednecks?
To use your name I was being hyperbolic there, and a little bit shit-posty.
I have discovered that New York rednecks are vastly creepier and racist than Texas or Oklahoma rednecks.
There is no homogeneous white American culture. The country is too big and whites come from too many different backgrounds.
Well you got yer Texas whites and then you got yer Massachusetts whites. Now them’s two totally different breeds of whitey.
Nuh uh! There are two monoliths – evil Whites and noble PoCs.
Enjoying Seinfeld.
Kilmeade is an ass.
Someone pointed out in the comments the same people that think it’s great when brown people move to white areas, think it is horrible when white people move into brown areas. They were roundly corrected by pointing out that’s different.
Related, when whites folks move away from POC areas that’s bad because “white flight”. But when white folks move to POC areas that’s also bad because “gentrification”.
Please dear God no
I mistakenly clicked.
*tries to shove brain fluids back into ear*
I tried this, they just seep from the nose instead.
With bottomless mimosas & bloody Marys.
Little free libraries.
Get a load of this cracker.
Trump and Johnson.
Now you Canadians just need to up your game and give us Doug Ford as PM.
The best you can get is Maxime Bernier!
People’s Party of Canada.
I’m suspicious of any organization with the name “People’s” in it.
The fact wiki says it’s a right-wing party has me shaking my head over why they thought that name was a good idea. Comrade?
Do you mean Ivanka Trump and my johnson?
It’s 1936 all over again.
Dan Le Batard needs to grow the fuck up.
Big baby.
That is all.
Now what’s he doing?
ESPN has shifted and told its employees not to talk politics. What does Dan do? Talks politics on their platform.
What part of ‘do what your bosses say’ don’t these immature babies get?
It’s like Kaepernick. No, he wasn’t his platform to sell his agenda. He was doing on the 49ers and NFL’s dime.
So it is with ESPN. They made the wise decision to cut politics out of their shows. After all, they PAY his salary.
It’s not a free speech thing at all.
Have they fired him? No? Then they aren’t serious about getting politics out of their programming.
No and from what I hear may not suspend him because they may not want to rock the boat and make a ‘Jemele Hill’ martyr out of him.
ESPN is trying to do right for ALL their audience but nimrods like Le Batard make it hard.
Also. For the record, I really like his radio and TV show. It’s original and funny, and he does have a bit of a punk attitude which I like. It’s just too bad he’s acting this way here.
Know what else? It’s one thing to offer an actual interesting insight into politics. It’s quite another to hear another variation of fake-woke TDS bull shit everyone else is sprouting.
Sports writers have a natural left-wing stance and so they’re predictable and boring if not nauseating given some of them are smug about it.
Why would sports have a left bias? I would think competition is more in line with pro capitalist.
Sports writers are journalists at heart.
NPR has a weekly sports show that is hie-larious in its wokeness. Cycling and soccer are the bestest sports ever, and the NFL needs to be banned because of concussion risk.
Good thing there aren’t any concussions in soccer.
It just does. They all fall in line with whatever woke narrative du jour is.
Washington Redskins should totes change their name!
Sports are played in arenas that are almost always paid for in large part by the public. If that public teat is taken away, you lose teams (see Supersonics, Seattle).
In addition, they are journalists. Journalists’ life goal is to raise awareness about some issue that causes a public outcry and leads to the passage of a law. Because passage of a law fixes the problem (see drug war).
Pepperidge Farm ‘members.
Gov. Cuomo has a message for conservative Republicans — you don’t belong in New York.
Cuomo said Friday that members of the GOP with “extreme” views are creating an identity crisis for their party and represent a bigger worry than Democrats such as himself.
“Their problem isn’t me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves,” the governor said on Albany’s The Capitol Pressroom radio show.
“Who are they? Right to life, pro-assault weapons, anti-gay — if that’s who they are, they have no place in the state of New York because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”
“Right to life”
So NY believes individuals don’t have a right not to be killed?
Where are they going you get the next generation of tax cattle?
Good thing all the “extremists” are fleeing the state to avoid those taxes.
Bad thing is they are polluting my state by voting for the same shit they fled.
Between NY and Puerto Rico ex-pats who have flooded this state since ’16, I fully expect this state to go for whoever Team Blue nominates next year.
I really don’t want to have to leave the state, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Florida becomes the next California before I die.
and Virginia. Socialism is like a fucking virus.
Speaking of which, I have a followup on my “We Done Lost the Culture War, We’re Doomed” article in the works, about why you shouldn’t be optimistic about the 2020 elections.
“why you shouldn’t be optimistic about the 2020 elections”
Don’t worry, I’m not. Even with the Dems driving off a cliff right now, the full-court press by the MSM, permanent bureaucracy and cultural institutions will keep it close. Voter fraud will do the rest.
Step up your weirdness and get them to self deport. I believe in you and your meth fueled abilities, Florida Man. Defend your lands in the way only you can, by making headlines that make the rest of the country involuntarily shudder.
I just can’t eat anymore kangaroo testicles.
Why, are you out of ungelded kangaroos?
How many people anywhere in the US, much less in NYC, want the government to pass laws punishing homosexual acts?
He just wants to get rid of the Hasidic Jews.
Do you know…. oh never mind.
I’m guessing 10%. Maybe 15%. Of course that assumes you trust polling more than sneezing into a napkin and divining stats from the result.
Mucomancy is a really really weak art, since there’s no sacrificial aspect (as in the case of a haruspex).
I’m pretty sure half the people on my derpbook feed seriously believe that the Republicans are going to outlaw homosexuality right after they finish rounding up all the Mexicans and Muslims and throwing them into camps.
Being someone who is pro-having a warm house in winter, opposed to being exploited by plutocrats who live cushy lives at my expense and in favor of allowing my neighbors whatever tools they judge are appropriate to defend themselves and their families against violent crime, I quite agree with governor Cuomo… New York is no place for civilized people like me.
Cuomo is a douche.
Go kill a baby you left-wing turd.
God must finally be ready to upgrade Heaven’s Mission Control.
Squints menacingly.
*Squints Menacingly* **
Nah. Dude’s white. He’ll burn in Hell just for that.
Unless he IS God.
while the mission is underway, I’m Flight. And Flight is God.
Down to 2 days til my kid’s heart surgery. Freaking out a bit.
95% success rate. Just focus on that, me.
Good luck JB.
Sorry you have to go through that JB. Best wishes for an uneventful surgery with a very speedy recovery.
As I was telling our new Risk Manager last week:
Me: “We have a pretty good patient safety program here. We hardly ever kill anyone. Hey, Mike, when was the last time we killed someone?”
Mike (risk finance guy): “You mean on purpose, or accidentally?”
Seriously, it’ll be fine.
Good luck.
Take a benzo and get some sleep.
Sorry 🙁
I just went through something similar as though not as serious. Turns out I was worrying way too much.
This is the ablation, right? My grandma had it done yesterday morning down in Wilmington. Surgeon’s a genius. Great recovery so far. Your kid will handle it like nothing happened.. probably demand ice cream.
Our thoughts and prayers are for a quick and easy recovery.
We’re here for ya’.
Best wishes!
Finally got around to watching Chernobyl. Is good. You watch.
In Soviet Union, Chernobyl watch YOU.
Sounds like a glowing review.
I’m a bit more neutron.
The fallout from these comments is going to be deadly.
*narrows 3rd eye at the lot of yee*
That’s quite a reaction.
I found it molecular in scale.
Got that everyone? Pistoffnick has got his ion you.
I lost interest when I figured out that they were botching the science/physics.
There’s a Top Man greenie that thinks everything the greenies want to do is absolutely meaningless if nuclear power isn’t the main player in replacement technology. I listened to him to a really good takedown of Chernobyl. His opinion on the science and physics is that the whole thing was fear mongering propaganda against nuclear power.
Eh. Maybe a little, but mostly it emphasized how fucked up the Soviet system was. It doesn’t portray accidents as inevitable or anything like that, which you would expect from straight up anti-nuke propaganda.
What struck me was how, overall, utterly European it was. To me it could have been Poland or France: a bunch of smoking in small, ugly cars. It couldn’t have been Spain, though: no one in Spain gives that big a shit about anything.
“Then I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as President, but I don’t even talk about that” – President Trump, constitutional scholar.
+1 RMN
Too bad we can’t play spot-the-not with Trump
The mystery of increased graduation rates and rising GPAs
Whatever is responsible for the increase, it seems to serve the needs of colleges and universities, especially public ones. Lately, Ciocca Eller said, schools are being held more accountable for their graduation rates, with some states tying educational funding to certain statistical benchmarks. “Potentially, there’s pressure on faculty to help students, especially underprepared students, to move them through the curriculum in order to keep churning up the graduation rate,” she said.
Denning and his co-authors acknowledged this possibility, noting in their paper that altering what’s necessary to get a degree is “the lowest cost way to increase graduation rates.” But colleges’ widespread use of this tactic, conscious or not, is at this point just guessed at and far from proven.
Indeed, the underlying cause of this graduation-rate increase is a mystery. David Kirp, a professor at UC Berkeley and the author of the forthcoming book The College Dropout Scandal, says that there are a bunch of different possible explanations for it. Maybe college has indeed gotten easier. But maybe high schools are churning out better-prepared graduates, and students have started arriving on campus more ready for the material. At this point, Kirp wrote in an email, “we just don’t know.”
Better prepared; that must be it. It’s a dadgum success story.
Could be a lot of things.
But I think we found the answer, approximately four sentences before the question was asked.
Title and subtitle:
Has College Gotten Too Easy?
Time spent studying is down, but GPAs are up.
“Has College Gotten Too Easy?”
I thought I was hot shit coming out of high school. I took the most advanced math that was available. I taught pre-calc to the class 1 year behind me. I was a math-lete. I lettered in math.
When I took a placement test at college, they stuck me in trig. Granted I had gotten to college late the night before the test and my head was still in endless summer mode, but…
I passed, therefore college was too easy.
For a few years, I was adjunct faculty at a very prestigious technical college in Boston teaching math to incoming freshmen.
And, my son just graduated from a prestigious public high school this year.
I can assure you from personal experience, public schools are neither doing a particularly good job of preparing graduates for college, nor are they doing a better (i.e. less abysmally awful) job than they were ten years ago.
My guess is that many colleges are simply lowering their standards to kick the can down the road. The administrators don’t suffer an immediate loss if their graduates are not well educated. They do suffer an immediate loss if their funding gets crimped.
It’s probably hard for most folks like me (~48, Engineer, mostly not caring about what’s happening in higher education) to get how thoroughly the college world has been upended.
In a nutshell: 30 years ago when I started, my school bragged about how LOW the retention rate was. Now it’s literally the opposite.
Well, I have my problems with weed-out culture as well, in that it is often used as a cover for shitty teaching, as opposed to being a sign of academic rigor.
I believe that actually is happening to some extent, and it’s mostly due to the increasing focus on standards and testing. You know, the stuff the teachers and unions and administrators hate and deride as “teaching the test.”
Anything that lumps the entirety of a university together is likely just a bit overbroad.
There are majors where simply attending all of the classes gets you a 3.5. Answer a few questions right, and you’re talking 3.7. Actually pay attention and you will have a 3.8+.
There are majors where getting a 3.2 is an accomplishment.
Most are sitting somewhere in between.
Also, this
Tell the truth instead of validating the professors’ insanities, and you get expelled.
I read that as Cloaca Eller. Is that bad?
I thought Chris Kraft was the guy who made those boats.
Didn’t he invent cheese?
Not cheese, cheese food.
Rapper that was gonna make me “Jump Jump”?
A journalist who had been tasked with investigating and writing an article about Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick graph more than a decade ago gives a very accurate, reality-based, scientifically grounded talk on the magnitute of man-made climate change.
It’s worth a listen. Climate cannot be experimented on
Naturally, because reality is heresy to the CAGW religion, his heresy must be denied by the parent organization providing the forum.
Apparently decades of observational evidence don’t count as ‘scientific evidence’, but the imaginary output of poorly performing models do. 🙄
It’s a cult at this point. The models are designed and validated to show warming by CO2. They assume the conclusion and then alter historical data to support their conclusion.
The sweeping claims and assertions made in this talk regarding climate change only represent the views of the speaker and are not corroborated by scientific evidence
Do they put that disclaimer after every TED climate change presentation? Because they should.
Bonus non sequitur: He wasn’t presenting a scientific conclusion or hypothesis that would require scientific evidence to support, unlike the CAGW faithful.
Saved to watch later. I forget the man’s name that embarrassed Bill Nye on climate change, but I watched another debate with him and another climatologists, and it was not only civil but informative. It’s too bad the “real housewives” debate format wins out.
Didn’t some lady give a pro-pedo talk? I wonder if the organizers distanced themselves from that one too.
But they let idiots have ‘let’s be mature about pedophilia’ on.
Ted Talks are for retards and should be mocked mercilessly.
Warmistas are just plain evil.
Hah! First ad up before that is a bullshit plastic in ocean ad, telling me I need to remove my share of it.
I will gladly remove my share of plastic from the ocean. Given that I’ve never thrown any plastic into the ocean, my share is zero.
I like how he used their own inflated temperature numbers and *still* showed how little the models have matched reality.
I’ll just leave this here. And this is the underlying substantive article mentioned in the first link.
Man, I hope the links work this time.
Christ, is it me or does it look like Johnson is hanging out with a Ferengi in the linked picture.
Well, that’s not nic– Eek!
Too bad the linguists and observers, who are such experts on the use of the English language, are unacquainted with basic English grammar.
Today, in high-class living:
“Georgia mother, 26, is charged with MURDER after fatally dropping her three-month-old baby during a fight with a woman outside a beauty store then ‘lying about how he became injured when she took him to hospital'”
“EXCLUSIVE: Family of Idaho teen who shared photos of their squalid, needle-littered home, reveal they were removed from their drug addict mom’s care FIVE times but say they’ve since forgiven her after she died choking on heroin baggie”
My anger level watching that video of those two depraved degenerates as the baby falls is through the fricken roof.
There are no words.
I think I’ll go ahead and not watch that.
“Georgia mother”
I live in the ghetto. Black Ghetto women LIVE for an opportunity to fight. Any opportunity. And they are culturally goaded to do it via shit on like “Braxton Family Values” and “Claws”. They seriously believe that is how people are supposed to be have and they emulate that behavior. I see it on the bus on a regular basis. Just yesterday, a black women went off on an Hispanic woman for saying excuse me to the woman’s daughter as she was trying to pass the girl that was blocking the aisle. “Who are you to tell my little girl ‘Excuse me?!!!'”. How fucked up do you have to be to equate a polite ‘excuse me’ with an insult. And just what is she teaching her daughter and her other two children. Stupid bitch.
It’s unfortunately a cultural thing. Young girls see their mother behave in that manner and learn to emulate that behavior because that’s all they know.
how people are supposed to be have
So what you are saying is that we have a be have and a be have not problem in our country?
Why are you such an elitist?
Let he who hasn’t choked on a baggie of heroin cast the first stone!
*Throws stone at Q*
*side arms rock into Q*
I keeps my heroin in my butthole.
Be careful, it will fall out if you shoot yourself in the balls.
*picks up brick*
Sad, that as soon as I saw the blurb that two women got in a fistfight in a parking lot, I assumed they were black. I clicked through hoping to be wrong.
Even sadder, I was right.
Did you guys see this awesome fact-check?
IMPORTANT CORRECTION: AOC Was Weeping Over an Empty Road, Not an Empty Parking Lot
“It’s been flagged by Facebook, and thank goodness for that. The public, and the Democratic politicians who are preferred by the media to lead us, must be protected from this dangerous misinformation.”
Apparently, there were tents visible in the distance. TENTS, I SAY!
She shouldn’t go to Portland then
Given what they did to Ngo, I can imagine how they’d treat a cis-hetero female.
You seem a bit tense.
I’m two tents for words! Don’t try to calm me down!!!!!
All this hate just makes me yurt inside.
Jesus Cripes.
Are they for real?
It’s like when they quibbled about when Trump alleged 4% GDP growth and they said it wasn’t true it was 3.8%. Something like that I forget. It may have been the other Democrat fact checking organization Fact Check.
There was one recently that called Trump a big fat liar because he said that some economic stat was the best it had been for 74 years and the fact checkers made a big deal about the fact that that stat had only been reported for 66 years, so it was a complete LIE.
Trump should have said that his economic advisers had taken a page out of the global warming scientists and adjusted the raw data to make it more accurate and that is where thos extra 8 years came from.
With loose standards like that, no wonder they claims he has made over 4000 lies!
What time is it Mr. President?
It’s 6:15.
LIE! It’s 6:13!
Doesn’t have the outrage bit about this stat not being tracked for 74 years, but you get the gist
your time analogy was pretty spot on.
Trump learned very early on, as in on inauguration day, that one way to burn through the DemOp blackout on good news is to make an inconsequential error, which ensures that the good news gets out in a TRUMP WAS WRONG article.
AOC Was Weeping Over an Empty Road…
Bah! We all know that’s not what she was crying at
Link teases?
No, this!
Broken links makes AOC cry?
Just a single tear.
“Critics pounced” from the Politifact squaring of what allegedly went down.
“Angie Drobnic Holan is the editor for PolitiFact and was part of the Pulitzer Prize winning team of journalists noted for their fact-checking of the 2008 presidential elections in the United States.”
I bet there was some stellar fact checking there. Given this pointless exercise it’s hard to believe it’s taken seriously.
The entire journo class is rotten.
She should resign.
First Amendment Watch Retweeted SMPA at GW
Editor of PolitiFact, @AngieHolan, on the importance of this fact checking: “the heart of our fact-checking journalism is a belief in the importance of providing citizens access to the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy”
The jokes write themselves!
“Critics pounced”! Thanks for saving the day, super-duper-neutral-and-unbiased-even-though-we’re-really-just-a-bunch-of-leftist-journalists Politifact!
Titty Tuesday stole your identity and sold it to the Chinese.
10 is not abiding by proper bicycle safety guidelines.
“Kamala Harris joins Katy Perry, Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande for fundraiser hosted by Scooter Braun at his $20M LA compound – prompting Taylor Swift fans to attack Democratic hopeful”
Douchebags congregate.
If you own a $20 MM house, you’d think you’d have enough money to change your name from “Scooter”.
Well that is totes different!
You silly “civilians” and your silly worries about us watching you all the time.
when there is a “hit” on a vehicle, such as a stolen car or
other criminal predicatethe car is driven by a hot chick one of our officers is stalking.We’re not watching you all the time. We’re just tracking your every movement. So very different!
By a private company! That works for us!
I’m sure that the fact that it is a private company will be used to get around those pesky 4A “chains” that our boys in blue have to labor under.
Oh, so like parallel construction BS.
That seems like too much work. My guess is that the courts will decide that evidence that was obtained illegally by the private company can still be used against the perp because the cops had no idea that it was tainted when they got it.
Now if the cops had done what the private company had done it clearly would have been wrong, but the cops had no idea that there was a problem when they got the evidence so it is OK.
It is like when the NSA and FBI were farming out spying on US citizens to the intel services of other countries. Then they’d “share” that info. “Hey we didn’t spy on any citizens! It was the Brits.”
Works for Justice Penaltax
It’s illegal in both countries to spy on citizens. So, you spy on ours, and we’ll spy on yours. Criss-cross!
That sells the data it collects on you to third parties.
In a just world, upon hearing this load of BS, the local citizenry would fire and defensetrate that mendacious asshole into the ocean.
A black couple is racially profiled.
Not surprising, according to the Boston Globe readers, given that the owner of the Boston Beer Company (“Sam Adams”) is a Trump supporter.
This is why the smart outfits eat their losses.
Boston? Quelle surprise!
Fact: Nothing good ever happens in Walden, New York.
Another fact: the staff at Angry is almost entirely hipster whites, so I doubt they were actually profiled.
Another act: Angry is banana pudding on the weekends! Banana pudding!
I decided to continue my project to research the ruins I found in that empty lot next to the park.
Since the county clerk wanted an unspecified amount of money for a public records search at a high hourly rate, I went to the city library.
The good news, I found the old city directories on microfiche, remembered how to work the microfiche reader, and figured out how the old directories were laid out.
The bad news – they’re alphabetical by name, so finding the address (the data I have) means crawling through the whole directory manually.
Dammit, despite the librarian’s claims, reels are microfilm Microfiche is sheets, which means it is microfilm, not fiche.
you probably know this: try to focus on just a conspicuous letter or pair of letters in the address; don’t read them, scan for the signifyer and then read the few that make it past your first filter
I can find it, there are just about a hundred years of directories of thousands of pages.
I’m going to locate a name at one point in time then track that person’s tenure at the address to start and end (saving me time on those years since I just check the person) It’ll start to build up a record for the residents, since occupations are listed, along with the occassional “Moved to…”
Here I would go to the accessor’s office. They will do a search for you or you can do it yourself. I would look at the maps and each property is marked with an assessment number. I would take that number to the tax rolls and find who the property is currently accessed to. Then I would. take the name to the Clerk’s office and look at the title transfer to see who they got it from and then the same with that name and then with that one and keep going until I get to the original owner. I might then do DDG searches on all of those names to see how many I can find history on…who they were and what they did etc.
*I have actually done this a number of times on a number of properties. I was doing research for titles but I found the history so interesting I couldn’t help but dive deeper.
I have the current owner, and map reference. That was all online.
Getting the records such as title trasnfers incurrs a fee for each one. The Clerk doesn’t do anything without being paid.
Awww fuck that. In Louisiana, by law, the books are out on a public floor. You just walk in and look for yourself. Fees come into play if you want copies (I bring a notebook and take my own notes) or if you cant find something and ask them to search for you. What state are you in again?
Louisiana is a bit different than all of the other states. Lawyers from everywhere else laugh when you talk about Louisiana but the fact is I like it hear better. My father told that to a Judge in Texas once and the guy pulled his car keys out of his pocket and said “C’mon, I will drive you to the line right now.”
Here public record is public. I bet you could sue their asses over that. Here withholding public record incurs a $100/day fine for the person withholding it and $100/day fine for the office they represent.
The Democratic People’s Republic of New York.
Time to move.
You know what I would have loved to have seen? That rich dude offering to pay off the lunch debt for any kid UNLESS: a) their parents were paying for a cell phone, b) parents had cable or c) parents had bought a lottery ticket during the last school year.
I’ve seen a lot of stories about school lunch debt around here too. The parents are all outraged that the school would have the temerity to call them out when they didn’t pay the money that they owed. The subtext always seems to be “you never made us pay in the past, why are you being such a dick about it this time?”
Why is there a debt to begin with? When I was a kid you paid prior to getting the food. Either buying meal tickets in advance or paying cash. Also, looking at the rates of free and reduced price lunchs, which are far far higher than they’ve ever been and have little to no relation to actual poverty, I’m going to need to see more digging before I accept the latest (usually fake) sob story.
I believe it’s a federal mandate.
It’s worth a listen. Climate cannot be experimented on
Something something uncontrolled variables.
This is pretty good.
The (Other) Hair ascends to 10 Downing Street.
‘Murica, fuck yeah!
Also, fuck FATCA and extraterritorial taxing.
It’s too bad (although understandable) that he renounced his American citizenship. That rules out him running for president in 2020 and ruling both nations in personal union. (Residency requirements also rule that out, but there is nothing unconstitutional about the president also being the leader of a foreign nation.)
I watched his victory speech and the YouTube comments didn’t fail to make me shake my head.
Reading YouTube comments: are you studying to become the next Derpetologist, trying to immunize yourself against the stupidity of others, or just a masochist?
I’m pretty sure he could take the Windsors, and be head of state of both countries and not just heads of government of both and head of state in one under that scenario.
Maybe Mike will finally get serious about that diet?
Coloradan launches campaign to become first transgendered astronaut…
Toward the bottom of the article, Sam explains how he* has been trying to meet the physical fitness demands of being an astronaut, and it turns out that Sam had never been to a gym before and doesn’t know how to swim.
*okay, fine
You know what? Have him sign a release and send him up. We need a little more Darwinism to clean up the gene pool.
I think your plenty special.
Buzzword salad. Everything is political. Look at me!
Sorry, don’t care.
FDA warns that ‘Big Penis’ supplement works a little too well
tbh when I want a bigger dingle I just pop a Blue Chew, like a real man.
Don your Derp condom before you dive into this one.
“Here’s how The Southern Poverty Law Center defines a hate group.”
This oughta be good…
“Is the Republican Party a hate group?”
Why bother writing the article if you hadn’t already decided that it is.
“It’s not that we haven’t seen political parties exploit racial animosity before. Democrats thrived on that into the 1960s. After the Civil Rights Movement made open appeals to racism politically perilous, the GOP evolved its infamous “Southern Strategy” of appealing to white racism without mentioning race at all.”
“For half a century, then, the GOP has taught white voters racial resentment, taught them to prioritize concerns about white prerogative over concerns about shuttered factories, dirty water, lack of healthcare, foreclosed futures.”
Sure. Middle American white people couldn’t give two shits about not having a job or clean water as long as you appeal to their innate racism.
“It did this in code — “Willie Horton,” “tax cuts,” “welfare queen” — which, while obvious to all but the most gullible, still allowed respectable white men and women to maintain fig leaves of deniability.”
Secret racist code that can only be heard by racists! Wait, did you say it was obvious? So does that make you racist? Or is it that the code is so sophisticated that only racist flyover super-geniuses can understand it? I thought you were supposed to be way smarter than those redneck deplorables.
“So is the GOP a hate group? It’s sobering that the question can even be asked. But the inevitable answer is downright chilling. Because the SPLC offers a fair and cogent definition of that term.”
*snicker snicker* heheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
White privilege, white supremacy, the patriarchy, colonialists…
Seems one side is using more racially tinged language than the other.
the GOP evolved its infamous “Southern Strategy” of appealing to white racism without mentioning race at all.
This is a myth that will never die. It’s been researched. The growth of Republican voting in the South came out of suburban precincts and districts that had no particular history of segregationist sentiment. To believe the whole canard, you have to believe the racists all got together and moved to the suburbs for the sole purpose of switching political parties. Oh, and you’d have to believe this all happened at the same time the Sunbelt migration of the 50s-80s drove a lot of middle-class Northerners to the South and that they all refrained from voting.
taught them to prioritize concerns about white prerogative over concerns about shuttered factories
That one hits home. There are a dozen vacant factories in my county. Each is a giant building capable of a large number of desperately needed blue-collar jobs for this area.
Although they initially went down decades ago due to competition from China, I’ve heard the factories have not been able to be reopened in the time since because it would too cost-prohibitive to meet EPA regulations. It’s cheaper to build elsewhere than to renovate or bulldoze these down.
Recent technology advances probably pose the same problem (cheaper to build new), but the EPA roadblock has been an ongoing issue for several decades.
Between EPA, OSHA, and building codes, I think it would probably be cheaper to bulldoze and rebuild on the same site than try to re-open the current facilities.
True Fact: We cannot make any improvements to our Neo-Natal Intensive Care Units without losing the building code grandfathering and having to rebuild the entire thing at a cost of over $40mm.
And bulldozing, or rather the environmental remediation associated with it, still isn’t cheap. Better to leave them standing than bulldoze them speculatively.
Leonard Pitts. Of all the race hustling dog-shit journo’s, I may hate his stupid racist screeds the most.
It’s sobering that the question can even be asked.
Quite the opposite. You’d have to be drunk or high to even ask the question of the still-pretty-effing-milquetoast GOP.
Ok I get to the surgeon’s office and they have me filling out forms for half an hour on my personal info. One of the questions was about how I identify with check boxes for the alphabet soup of sexual orientation. The last was an ‘other’ and a blank for a description. I put ‘furry otherkin’.
When I handed the forms in the girl looked over the forms to see if I. had filled it all out. When she got to that page she froze for a second then looked over her glasses at me with that look of ‘Really?’ but didn’t say anything. I shrugged and said “It is a silly ass question, I gave a silly ass answer”. After I sat back down it hit me. I am probably going to regret that.
I’m going to laugh at your pain over that in the future. Keep us posted.
Indeed. Now they are going to have to check him for rabies and worms.
Really get into it. Come to your next appointment in a fursuit. Tell the doctor that you want to be referred to by your fursona’s name.
Make sure you ask for a distemper shot too.
I think they gave me one of those already along with the rabies shots
I felt like a damned dartboard by the time I left the ER.
< Suthen at his next doctor visit.
…I’ll change this by the evening links, just having a bit of fun.
I feel like I should change my handle now.
Points for creative use of the avatar to get around the no posting pictures policy.
yeah, that’s pretty clever and funny. I might have to steal it for myself
Have at it!
Now that they asked, Suthen feels comfortable bearing his true self.
Tell them you’re not there for psychiatric services.
How are you doing Suthen’?
Thank you for asking. I am still doing well. My arms have healed to the point I don’t have to bandage them anymore (first time today) but the let is slower healing so still bandaging 2x per day. that is where the surgery was to put the muscle back in and repair it so it will take a bit longer.
Damn Suthen. I’m sorry to hear that. Did something happen since the initial bite? That one sounded bad, but not ‘reconstructive surgery bad’ at the time you described it.
No, nothing else. Yeah it was bad. The bastard hooked his fangs into my left calf and yanked out part of the muscle, making about a 4in laceration. I was making bloody boot prints everywhere I walked. Both boots filled up with blood in seconds.
The deputy took one look at me and said “I aint gonna lie brother, you look bad. How are you still living?”
We had such a dog in this parish a few years ago and it ended up killing a woman who was just went out to check her mail. Understandably people here are a bit jumpy about aggressive dogs. That is why they sent the deputy when we called for an ambulance. I asked him why he came “I have to make sure the dog is dead”
Get that? We have a deputy for animal control whose job is to kill dogs.
Shit, that’s horrible man, I completely missed all of that. I was referring to when that first bite happened and you were deciding about if to call the vet. I just found your post about the attack after giving the dope.
You’re a fighter and best wishes on a speedy recovery.
Glad to hear that your arm is doing better. Hopefully you get that leg back 100%. Don’t rush things.
It’s good to hear your arm is getting better. Hopefully things with your leg will work out well.
Yes, but how many people will have “furry otherkin” on their death certificate?
Steve Smith
You’re going to get some interesting spam.
Now they won’t believe the dog just attacked you, they’ll think you provoked it by dressing up and coming onto it.
I can’t get the image out of my head of suthen walking around his house in a furry costume doing hip thrusts every time one of the dogs comes in the room.
Vaginal Exam Specula Market Projected to Witness Vigorous Expansion by 2028
Theory: Big Specula is behind the increase of cancer in the box.
How do I get in on the ground floor? Is this going to be an Amway structure? How many more investors do I need to bring in?
HA! I bought a shit ton of shares in Big Specula years ago. I was in on the ground floor.
You could say I was a Big Specula speculator.
Dammit, I missed yet another goldmine opportunity.
*buys another Powerball ticket*
I’m going to need a stock symbol.
Nah, the market will crash after President Pence outlaws health care for women in 2026.
God willing.
Just what I need, the price of speculas going up.
Better Tool Time girl: Lisa or Heidi?
Why choose one?
Because that’s the game! Make a choice!
Efficacy of the HepC treatment?
I like the cut of your jib.
I wonder if they could get away with that today.
No problem, if you write her in as a sassy lesbian who is just on the show as a side gig while she gets her Ph.D. in nukular physics.
jfc Margot Robbie is incredible.
I like the guy hiding his face in the background
That was not nice.
I shall make it up to you with a tushie photo of the very funny and very mean Kerryn Feehan.
Ya drying out yer cooter?
Fuck yeah, sockcukka!
How to Get a Selfie With Elizabeth Warren in 8 Steps
Ms. Warren said. “I’m not running around the coasts trying to scoop up as much money as I can. That leaves a lot more time for selfies.”
At least it’s better than her spending more time creating new fascist economic policies.
How can you not love her?
That’s why I never see her: she’s taking selfies in Iowa. Almost every day I drive home from work by her house.
The teepee?
“the equivalent of working 9-to-5 for 13 days”
Way to burnish those working class bona fides. This will play in Peoria, I tells ya!
Since she announced February 9, 2019, that’s really not all that much time. Probably less than an hour per day of campaigning.
Pleeeeease use the term whistlestop. Please. I want to integrate that into the next episode of secret zombie presidential candidate.
The White Ghetto
Kevin Williamson is a fantastic writer even though he frequently calls for all poor whites to be systemically murdered fentanyl-laced Mountain Dew cocktails.
How would a typical breakfast kill them?
Lexington is actually pretty happening.
Check out “Hillbilly Elegy” by J.D. Vance.
Soon-to-be a Netflix/Ron Howard film!
I wonder if they’ll we’ll finally learn why they called him Opie?
You had me at Freida Pinto.
Great writing, but very depressing.
“was shocked by parents who were taking their children out of literacy classes because the possibility of improved academic performance would threaten $700-a-month Social Security disability benefits”
Incentives … how do they work?
But she’s very qualified to be a Presidential intern.
Tulsi, you can slag Harris all you want. I’m still not going to vote for you.
“Tulsi, you can shag Harris all you want.”
You know, I’m surprised that hasn’t come up. I mean, do they think it won’t be an issue raised in the general election?
I mean, do they think it won’t be an issue raised in the general election?
Never. It is inconceivable that Trump and/or his meme army would bring it up.
Ain’t nothing wrong with black chicks.
/Bill Clinton
Willie Brown agrees
I still want to know how that In ‘n Out burger ended up in NYC. I’m thinking a glitch in the Matrix.
It’s obviously part of a Deep State plot.
Hello my peeps!
I’m back among the living—barely.
Good to see Crusty around for another evening. Yay!
Your spelling looks better, too. 🙂
Yeah, well, a lot of verbal processing takes place in the temporal lobe, so when it’s effed up, thinking of words like “door” can be difficult. Spelling suffers too as you note.
Hope you’re feeling better.
Thanks, Man. The only thing not better is the lower spine.
Time for more painkillers!!
Wait. What happened?
I’m here posting dumb photos and specula stories. Pay attention.
HS was badgering a subordinate who slammed her to the ground, breaking some vertebrae.
/may not be a completely truth account
“specula stories”
The use of specula during sexual congress is highly underrated.
Wingsuit accident.
She sustained a head injury and two fractured vertebrae in a work related #metoo moment. The official cause of death for the assailant was, “choked to death on his own severed penis”.
“The use of specula during sexual congress is highly underrated.”
I’m sure the women in your life are just happy that something is involved that can cause a stretching action.
Huh. I just use it to flip the egg.
Always good to see you ‘splosives. Pain killers, shmain killers, come around more often. Hell, I drunk post all of the time. Come to think of it so does everyone else.
I don’t mind drunk/drugged posting.
It’s just that I need time to heal my spine and my poor brain. Epilepsy is no fun.
I am sorry this happened to you. Rest and get better.
…and many Reform Jews will clap along like seals.
Fuck off Tlaib. The Arabs have tried to wipe Israel off the map several times while the Palestinians cheered, only to have their asses handed to them by the IDF.
The Israelis would have been better off to push the Gaza Strip population into Egypt and the West Bank into Jordan during the Six Days War.
The irony is that Arabs can’t stand Palestinians.
Aren’t Arabs, Palestinians, and Hebrews all Semites?
This I also believe.
So antisemetic is a useless term.
It is a common problem. The vast majority of the time someone is talking about race they have race conflated with culture. it is really dumb.
There is a reason Egypt built a wall and none of the other Arab countries will take the Palestinians. All of the talk of destroying Israel is bullshit. They all need Israel to deal with the Palis so they don’t have to.
Was it Jordan who took in Palestinians and quickly expelled them because they were trouble makers?
No, it was Pippen.
That humour may work at Reason BUT NOT HERE.
How many Newfies does it take to change a light bulb?
The have electricity in Newfoundland?
I think that is right. The Palestinians have a completely dysfunctional culture. The ones that can see that all leave the instant they get a chance so they have a serious brain-drain problem.
I am reminded of this: English geologist and I had to drive to Oruro, Bolivia. Out in the middle of nowhere there is a huge cemetery. We had mostly not spoken as we were tired. Suddenly he says “Look over there. Do you see that?” I said yeah, so?
“That’s where all of the good ones are.”
All the Christian Arab People of means from Palestine took off ages ago and peopled Michigan.
Worked great until their Muslim brethren followed suit and came to Michigan too, with the desire to segregate and implement Shariah law.
I see this all of the time from the left. Make an accusation of a character flaw without citing supporting examples. Racist being the no.1 allegation.
“Trump is a liar”
Really? Can you give any examples?
“You are a Nazi!”
It is like talking to a schizophrenic yet I cant help but believe they are doing it on purpose.
It’s the conspiratorial thinking that comes with delusional paranoia. They literally think that they’re fighting off the second coming of the third Reich, and anybody who doesn’t see it is a collaborator.
“amazing and wonderful guy”
“terrific guy”
“great friend”
“I don’t know who Lil Jon is. I don’t — I really don’t”
He tells stupid and obvious lies all the time
The fight against derp can get a little derpy itself; we don’t disagree much at all, but this guy ain’t worth going to bat for. Unless you like a really great steak or need an online degree in real estate. He continues to be the obvious little shit weasel he always was.
Out of all the weird shit Trump does, this seems the most “New York” of his character traits. Seems like something you’d watch on the Sopranos
Well there you go. You argue in good faith and give examples. If this can be done why wont anyone on the left do it? Why make shit up out of thin air? Why come up with absurd illogical claims such as ‘Trump is racist because his daughter bought a white dog’?
It is insane.
If this can be done why wont anyone on the left do it?
You realize that Don linked to “the left” doing just that.
Of course I do. One in a thousand.
Want me to link to seven others?
Heh. You can link to 7000. The fact is that the left does not argue in good faith. They never have.
What’s really appalling is she (and people like her) actually have the audacity to compare this to the Boston Tea Party (which they would have hated by the way), the CRM and other events.
This is just naked straight anti-semitism because Israel is not a racist state.
But hey. This from a bitch who calls the President an ‘Occupant’ and probably calls Israel an ‘occupier’.
*clears throat*
This is what open borders advocates don’t understand. Import a bazillion people from cultures where this sort of behavior is not only acceptable but expected and that nonsense begins appearing in our own culture. The so-called squad is composed of people that grew up in that kind of culture transplanted here and this is what we get – banana republic candidates and enough banana republic voters to put them in office.
I conçur. And her invoking ‘American values’ is sickening.
Yeah, the only functioning democracy and freest country in the Middle East is exactly like Nazi Germany.
With Arab representation in the Knesset.
The Most Gullible Man in Cambridge A Harvard Law professor who teaches a class on judgment wouldn’t seem like an obvious mark, would he?
Good story.
Hey, Spud, re: last night’s thread… Learning to Fly came on this morning and the radio pilot chatter got me thinking… sure enough, it’s a recording of Nick Mason during one of his flights.
That’s awesome.
“White People Love Dogs Because Slavery | TWITTER TRASH”
I don’t treat my dogs like slaves. I treat my slaves like slaves.
That should be in the DSM as an example of symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder
“NEW VIDEO: Exposing trans PREDATOR Jessica Yaniv. The disgusting messages to young girls, hosting topless parties for KIDS, and more. Why isn’t the trans community condeming this?? Please RT.”
“Exposing Jessica Yaniv: Trans Predator”
MAPs have a sad that the pool party was cancelled.
The Johnsonian word-hoard includes phrases that have caused offense, including referring to “piccaninnies” in the Commonwealth, which he later apologized for.
Never apologize.
Kraft, the creator and longtime leader of NASA’s Mission Control, died Monday in Houston, just two days after the 50th anniversary of what was his and NASA’s crowning achievement: Apollo 11′s moon landing. He was 95.
Carmichael said he was struggling to understand why district officials would not welcome his help.
BFYTW. On a serious note, it’s not often someone wants to put money into the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area, so the school board should just take the money and run.
What does NH get with a Democratic controlled legislature? Gun Control bills passing the legislature. The governor vetoed one but hasn’t yet moved on the others. Hopefully he vetoes the others.
Join us on the dark side!
Earlier today I saw a sign in front of a Vet’s office:
“Join the bark side! We have treats!”