This entire time I thought this scene was from American Graffiti. Totally wrong, and it took me a bit of searching to figure out it is actually from The Warriors. Perhaps it would help if I watched either movie.
Then I find out American Graffiti is a George Lucas film? That can’t be right either, he hasn’t tried to ruin it by remaking it…
This is my review of Lic Beer Project SAMO IPA (H/T: Iobot)
You can probably deduce where I am going to go from looking at the can. Graffiti is a word derived from the plural Italian word graffito, which means “to scratch.” This makes perfect sense because even if this site wants to credit a bunch of handprints in Argentina for being first, the word itself was coined from evidence of vandalism carved into Greco-Roman monuments. One of the earliest examples is from a walkway in the city of Ephesus, giving directions to the city’s largest brothel…
Nowadays it is thought of as part of urban blight in some circles, but in others it has become an art form unto itself:
…the modern form of street art and graffiti writing was undoubtedly born during themed to late 1960’s. Darryl McCray, better known as Cornbread, is the man who is often credited with being the first graffiti writer, tagging his name all over North Philadelphia. The story goes that he started graffiti writing because of a girl he had a crush on, Cynthia Custuss, which led to him writing ‘Cornbread Loves Cynthia’ all over the area, then continuing with his own tag. Cool Earl was best friend to Cornbread and also became known for his tagging exploits, the pair gaining media attention. Another Philadelphia tagger, Top Cat 126, moved to New York in 1967 and helped to spark the graffiti trend there. Watch Cornbread and Taki 183 in action in this MOCA 2011 video.
The world of street art and graffiti has changed dramatically since the days of Cornbread, who incidentally, now works with The Mural Arts Program that helps to prevent illegal tagging, with the two movements becoming accepted in the wider art market. Edward Seymour could have had no idea just how much his paint in a spray can invention would change the face of our urban landscapes It is the ultimate guide to the world’s most remarkable pieces of graffiti and street art. This book is the definitive survey of the international movement, focusing on the world’s most influential urban artists and artworks. Since the lives and works of urban artists are inextricably linked to specific locations and places, this beautifully illustrated volume features specially commissioned “city artworks” that provide an intimate understanding of these metropolitan landscapes. Organized geographically by country and city, more than 100 of today’s most important artists—including Espo in New York, Shepard Fairey in Los Angeles, Os Gêmeos in Brazil, and Anthony Lister in Australia—are profiled alongside key examples of their work.
It is a sentiment I am inclined to believe, given what might have been running through the artist’s mind while this was painted on the Belfast “Peace Wall”. I pondered whether Swiss Servator’s series on the Catalan Separatist movement was the main driver; I pondered it enough to take a photo while at a red light on my way out of Belfast. While some look at it as the harbinger for urban decay and avoid such neighborhoods at all costs, it seems that it only harms the owner of the structure–assuming he or she has a problem with graffiti. A problem easily solved by setting up a couple cameras, or at the very least a big dog wandering around.
I will admit this wasn’t too bad for an IPA. It has a blend of four hops, which are common by themselves but not always together. It is unfiltered and has plenty of body. It results in something pleasant in texture, bitter upfront, and fruity in the back. Overall, its a solid build and I can dig it. Lic Beer Project SAMO IPA: 3.5/5
It’s noon already?
And I’ve already gotten in a bike ride, saw an old friend, and had breakfast. It’s a good day so far.
In the office, grinding away on policies and memos explaining the policies.
On the plus side, I have two empty growlers in the car, and will drive past two excellent beer joints on the way home.
My beer drinking has been lower these past couple of days as I work on dropping some weight. And the friend I met up with is currently working the program (or at least a variant of one), so I’m trying to be supportive.
OT: Earlier this week I posted a survey. I jusy wanted to let everyone know I plan to close the survey sometime today, when I am not at a car dealer waiting on an oil change.
So if you haven’t taken it, and want to but put it off…do it now.
What do you plan to do with the data?
Sell it. Duh.
He needs to make his $37 back
But I already know the correct answers, why do I need to see the wrong ones?
So you know how many people here are wrong?
He doesn’t think he’d be able to get back to costs by suckering fans into theaters and licensing new merch.
He could do a new version loosely based around Milton Friedman’s free-market creation of a pencil concept.
And call it American Graphite.
Oh, brother!
*rolls eyes*
That’s Leonard Read’s idea, published in 1958. Friedman wrote the introduction to the 1998 reprint in booklet form.
Moms Demand Action infiltrated this morning’s Farmer’s Market – supposedly not allowed. I challenged their presence, spent 10-minutes hearing “seven children a day die due to gun violence” and “we are non-partisan – we support any candidate who wants gun-sense.” I reported them to the market organizers and said if they stay, I’m setting-up an NRA table next week (the organizers were supportive).
Good for you.
Remember the day when politics didn’t permeate every minute of your time in the public sphere?
How about instead you go into poor high crime areas and convince the girls to keep their legs together.
The guy in-charge said he was from Pittsburgh so this was personal to him because he knew so many black families from the “inner cities: who had lost relatives due to gun violence. I suggested that advocating the disarmament of black people and depriving them of their right to self-protection may not be a good solution.
Way to represent!
RAH, I posted this a couple days ago: your call, but you might want to go with GOA or SAF instead of the NRA.
We are lifetime members of both GOA and NRA – I’ll consider SAF for my next gifting occasion! I said NRA for the Farmer’s Market b/c name recognition.
Fair enough.
Sadly, the meaning behind that comment undoubtedly went right over his head.
Well done. I’m not sure I’d have the stones to do more than just give ’em the stink eye as I walked past, but it’s important to push back against that kind of stuff. What I hate most about that group is that it plays to vapid, airheaded soccer moms who don’t have a critical or skeptical bone in their body. Intellectual laziness is most dangerous when its combined with an earnest desire to “do something”.
Fuck them with a rusty Mosin.
The Mosin-Nagant is the most superior weapon of all time.
This was in Ames, at North Grand Mall? Too bad I missed it.
Ames – downtown.
That’s right, there’s one there, too. The NGM one was looking pretty pathetic this morning.
If you see tall guy walking around with a Glib hat – say hi (that will be my husband).
I’m a slender 6’6″ dude with glasses and a graying Van Dyke.
Urban artists my ass. And cameras do not deter tagging. Unfortunately at this point grafiti is only likely to decrease if the vandals start swinging from lampposts with their hands cut off and a rattle can shoved down their throat.
Seems a bit….harsh
Here in NYC, they take a different approach. “You cleaned up my vandalism? Fuck you, pay me!”
Meh, they asked if they could paint on his building he agreed and then later destroyed their works overnight with no notice. I’d say the property owners is the asshole in this case, although probably not 6.7 million dollars worth of asshole.
Eh, admittedly without reading the context or looking into the details, permission to paint doesn’t imply rights to the wall in perpetuity.
Sure but you’d think a non-asshole would say , “Hey guys, I’ve changed my mind, I’m going to paint over it next week.” Give them a chance to finish any uncompleted masterpieces and document their work, or even make some counter offer to save the site.
I Just read the article, zero sympathy.
The judge should be tarred and feathered. Squatters don’t obtain ownership simply by existing.
Wait, so a lawsuit is totally in order against a guy changing his mind and painting his own wall. And a national newspaper repeatedly publishing lies about an individual is just tough-shit for the person who was libeled. That about sum it up?
although probably not 6.7 million dollars worth of asshole
All I said here was the owner was being an asshole. The fact that he had it painted over in the middle of the night kinda implies he knew he was being an asshole as well. You are correct that being an asshole isn’t grounds for a law suit, I was pointing out that i0b0t’s “You cleaned up my vandalism? Fuck you, pay me!” summary wasn’t accurate.
As to the WaPo/Racist Kid kerfuffle in regards to this story, The WaPo never had an agreement with the smug little punk to not lie about him. The taggers had at least a verbal contract with the building owner. So yes breach of contract is different from lying about people.
So defamation tort should be abolished?
And your breach of contract nonsense is a hell of a stretch. So I’ll stretch it some more; doesn’t the press have a verbal contract with America that they won’t lie when reporting news?
According to the building owner, he was afraid of a “physical altercation” if he did it in a more gradual and/or public way.
I guess I don’t really get the asshole vibe from this guy. A bit cowardly maybe, but I’d probably whitewash it in the middle of the night if I thought it would prevent a physical altercation.
The taggers had at least a verbal contract with the building owner. So yes breach of contract is different from lying about people.
It’s a bit of a stretch to call it a contract. What consideration was exchanged? The taggers get a legal canvas and he gets… what, exactly? All the cool kids to hang out at his place? A constantly changing art project on his brick wall?
I don’t doubt that a court could divine a contract there, but to me it’s fairly obviously a public gift, which can be rescinded at any time.
doesn’t the press have a verbal contract with America that they won’t lie when reporting news
So defamation tort should be abolished?
I guess I don’t really get the asshole vibe from this guy.
He knowingly permitted these ‘artists’ use his building for 23 years, a little heads up would have been nice is all.
a little heads up would have been nice is all.
I’ll take him at his word that he thought they would kick his ass if he did that. I don’t think that taggers are all that concerned with the NAP.
He may have rightly feared that any attempts at demolishing the site would be met with resistance but I doubt he was painting the five story building himself , he had no reason to fear physical violence. I figure he knew he done fucked up letting them use his building for so long ad knew there would be a hassle when he went to destroy it, so he tried an end around and still got fucked. No good deed and what not.
That’s about where I stand on this case.
It doesn’t help things when folks conflate “street artists” and their murals with everyday graffiti which is as often likely to be gangbangers marking their territory as any sort of “art”.
TL;DR – if you have permission, knock yourself out. Otherwise GFY. The problem there is that “breaking the rules” is the whole point for many of them.
Then I find out American Graffiti is a George Lucas film? That can’t be right either, he hasn’t tried to ruin it by remaking it…
Cruzin’ the mall in yer hopped up Prelude, textin’ all the chicks?
spent 10-minutes hearing “seven children a day die due to gun violence”
“We can make it eight, today, if you like.”
You should watch both films. They’re classics. I’m guessing you haven’t watched Saturday Night Fever either.
If you are a car person “American Graffiti” is especially fun.
+ piss yellow and puke green. Lol.
“American Graffiti” is a good movie.
It was the Warriors! they killed Cyrus Man!!!
James Remar’s second film.
They were shooting at the walls of heartache.
Bang Bang
Honk honk
Beep beep, yeah.
WTF do you take me for? Yes I’ve seen Saturday Night Fever.
+1 Warriors, come out to play!
+ the chicks are packed
You’re a funny guy, Sully. I kill you last.
Note: that was a reference to the Warriors actor who said that line, and who also played Sully in Commando.
Nowadays it is thought of as part of urban blight in some circles, but in others it has become an art form unto itself:
I gotta admit, when we’re driving and a train goes by, I often see graffiti that is pretty impressive on the freight cars.
My day job is for a class 1 Railroad. One of our last news letters they had a photo shoot with some execs in a rail yard. We all got a good laugh at the giant dick painted on one of the rail cars clear as day behind a VP.
It’s better than almost anything you’ll find in a modern art museum.
And some can lead to a job offer. (And double on topic!)
If Leonardo da Vinci comes on my property, without my prior knowledge and consent, and paints a mural of the goddam Baby Jesus on my building, it’s vandalism, not art.
Agreed 1000%.
Remember the day when politics didn’t permeate every minute of your time in the public sphere?
Make America grate!
A problem easily solved by
setting up a couple cameras, or at the very least a big dog wandering aroundrecognizing that trespassers damaging your property should be covered by the castle doctrine.Hey man. I’m not a lawyer or anything, but I can’t help but assume I’d be charged with homicide.
But if its covered by the castle doctrine, you won’t be.
Moms Demand Action
Come on over here, momma, and get you some.
IPAs just not my thing. Really don’t need to infuse my Nector with weeds.
you don’t smoke Indica, do you?
Not for years although I bet I have some stashed somewhere. Lol.
Thank Christ! I thought I was the last one who enjoys beer that doesn’t make me wince.
I’m not a big fan of bitter beers, but I can enjoy a well-balanced IPA. I prefer dry-hopped.
Typically, though, too many brewers think “Hops good, more hopes more gooder”. I pass on the hop soup beers.
Yeah, I don’t mind being able to taste the hops and when done subtlety it can be nice especially in a summer beer to give it a crispness. I just don’t want it overpowering the flavor of the beer. I like adding vinegar to soups and stews to add a little brightness, but I don’t want a vinegary taste.
My issue is that I go to a bar and 5 out of 7 of the tap beers are IPAs.
Yeah, I know, market…
Yeah, I’m with you.
Traditional English style IPAs are good.
Makes sense, since the Brits were just adding some additional hops as a preservative when shipping to troops in India, and not as a major flavor component.
I think IPA shouldn’t even be called beer. It’s disgusting.
Karate Hop!
Agreed. There are some I like, but the majority are over-hopped.
I hate IPAs.
I pretty much only drink sour ales with no hop flavor or aroma.
I am turning in my lesbian credentials. We are trading in the Forrester on a new Rogue.
For a second there, I thought that was a D&D reference.
Henceforth, you now identify as a resbian?
Isn’t that racist?
I think the term is “yuri“.
Trading them in for hipster millenial credentials?
Millenial credentials come from the new Nissan Kicks
The rogue is for soccer moms and well-off grandmothers.
My wife was looking at the Rouge but for some reason we were at a Chevy dealership and she ended up going home with the Trax.
She’s had some issues with it but seems to like it ok.
I had the Ascent on my list for a future vehicle. Not for a few years though. Liked the high clearance and cargo space.
+ the chicks are packed
So round, so firm, so fully packed
It’s a shithole
In some ways, my politics overlap with Chakrabarti’s—the Harvard-educated tech millionaire who was a founding engineer at the online-payment company Stripe before volunteering to work for Bernie Sanders—but we have no shortage of disagreements. What we unquestionably share, though, is a Millennial perspective.
We’ve both seen successive promises made by the Boomer elites go horrifically wrong. If you are our age—he’s 33 and I’m 31—the great events that shape your worldview are not a series of Western triumphs, but a succession of spectacular failures. Our formative experiences were the Iraq War, the 2008 financial crisis, and the election of Donald Trump. That makes it hard to defer to a veteran like Pelosi on strategy, when her generation has racked up so many failures.
The Democrats are experiencing a clash of generations. As in all such clashes, each side thinks the other is delusional. When the Millennial left looks at the establishment, it sees leaders senescent with decades in the House, blindly clinging to bipartisan civility that no longer exists, unable to view men like Mitch McConnell as their opponents and not their colleagues, and believing that white voters are the only path to victory in 2020. The Millennials see themselves as the realists here.
Delusional idiots. That’s whose opinions I want to hear.
I have a feeling that those delusional idiots don’t quite hold the away over their contemporaries as they think they do. There will be quite the hissy fit when they figure that out. It will go back from stupid old people, to stupid hicks in a heartbeat.
“Get with the plan, old people.”
I feel like I’ve heard this story a few times before.
To be fair, how many of us have heard Pelosi and Feinstein speak and wonder why they’re still around. Although the new crew is somehow even derpier. Didn’t know that was even possible but there it is.
leaders senescent with decades in the House, blindly clinging to bipartisan civility that no longer exists
Yeah, the bipartisan civility that rammed through Obamacare? That one?
Idiots, certainly. But dangerous idiots.
I don’t think there’s any “master plan,” but these nut-jobs are shifting the notion of what are politically acceptable topics of conversation. Once credible news outlets report on these topics as though they were feasible. The youth embraces and perpetuates it…
This is how socialism gets its footing.
white voters are the only path to victory in 2020
Good luck winning without the demographic that is (still) the majority.
If you are our age—he’s 33 and I’m 31—the great events that shape your worldview are not a series of Western triumphs, but a succession of spectacular failures. Our formative experiences were the Iraq War, the 2008 financial crisis, and the election of Donald Trump. That makes it hard to defer to a veteran like Pelosi on strategy, when her generation has racked up so many failures.
Hey, whaddya know, we’re exactly your age. Granted, I see formative failures through a slightly different lens. I’ve seen the first black president set race relations back 50 years, a Democrat party go from a mixed bag to nutter butter insane. A complete marginalization of any thoughtfulness in the foreign policy realm. A republican party that has traded out any libertarian remnants to court social conservatism, ever growing weaponization of the administrative state and various regulatory regimes like the ADA, ever growing concentration of homeopathic fascism, and the blossoming of a pair of insanity cults: climate change and intersectionality.
There have been some successes (the AWB didn’t stick, Hillary wasn’t elected, a few court cases here or there). There have been some mixed results ( gay marriage was achieved in the worst way possible, government shutdowns have been largely meaningless). But the ratchet continues to turn one way, in the direction of totalitarianism.
Hard to defer to Pelosi, and failures of boomer strategy isn’t wrong. I just don’t agree with their solutions.
Born William Odis Bertelsman
1936 (age 82–83)
Cincinnati, Ohio
This is who we allow to shit on the constitution these days? Some asshole who won’t either die or give up the reigns? 83!??!?!
You can’t trust anyone from Cincinnati. Or their ‘chilli’
That isn’t chili. And anybody who puts that stuff on spaghetti is a heathen worthy of even Canadian scorn.
Its TruePurpose™ in this life is the coney dog. I’ll agree that any other use is an abomination.
It’s straight garbage and you should be embarrassed.
Look, he ruled that statements that he confronted the innocent native activist and surrounded him, blocking his path and shouting racist things at him are merely opinions and broad statements. Also, since they didn’t use his name, it doesn’t count. Even though they ran the article with his picture next to it.
Sounds like solid legal reasoning to me…..
The Boomer establishment thinks the opposite, rubbishing the frustrations of the Millennials as naive follies. They see the squad—the name the four freshman congresswomen endorsed by the Justice Democrats, all progressive women of color, have chosen for themselves—on a trajectory that loses the party the white voters it needs to win in 2020. Dismissing talk that minority turnout can make the difference, they want these young representatives to know their place and quiet down.
We will be swept into the White House on a transgender POC tsunami. Trust us.
Yes, keep injecting your racism into it. That will totally bring on the progressive utopia all the wise young people crave.
“the Justice Democrats, all progressive women of color”
LOL, progressing towards communism, I mean what does it matter, it’s progress!
The Ukranians would like a word with them.
Good for them
Sigh, The Justice Democrats, it’s like being trapped in a bad Saturday morning cartoon show. Meanwhile in the deep swamp of DC, the evil Republicans plot……
Yep, checks out.
OT (well, food & drink related, so maybe not):
Asian Night Market last night.
Smelly tofu: even worse than it sounds.
Woke up this morning and was like … WTF? What day is it? Oh fuck, it’s Saturday! Whoohooo…. oh shite, I’m all out of beer. No problem *furiously dials in Drizly order* 40 minutes later… that was expensive, and it’s warm, but a case of Heineken (world’s best beer) delivered right to my frucking door, priceless.
Sounds like a good Saturday. Anything interesting planned?
“Anything interesting planned?”
Yes, shit posting and beer drinking. Maybe continuing my replay of Risen 3 if I get feeling really ambitious.
Proof you need to get out more
Or join a BIF. 🙂
I’ve been every fucking where. Well, I’ve never been to Somalia, but, ya’ll can have your shitty IPA, I have good beer.
Canadian version –
Indo-Chinese version –
there’s a reason heineken starts with heinie
Not available in my area:(
Another case of government fail, if they were really doing their job, beer delivery would be universal and free, and would take less that 5 minutes. Reason number 154,021,212 why I have no confidence in government.
I can’t get it here, but I have no idea if there’s not enough demand, a legal issue or the blue noses thwarted it.
The downside of my new place is not having a liquor store a 5 minute walk away.
A problem easily solved by setting up a couple cameras, or at the very least a big dog wandering around.
In some areas you might need a little more than that.
Like automated flamethrowers?
*Googles excitedly*
*haz a disappoint*
Business opportunity?
For all of you that don’t believe Cleveland has something to offer, I present to you ThrowFlame. The oldest flamethrower manufacturer in the US, and they just released the Wasp, which attaches to a drone.
I hadn’t heard this part of the story
“Yaniv talked about using women’s public facilities, such as toilets and a gym, and asked for advice on matters of etiquette—such as when it might be appropriate to approach a pre-teen girl to ask for a tampon, or whether it might be okay to accompany such a girl into a stall to show her how to use it. (Yaniv claims that such messages came from hacked accounts, but has provided no proof in this regard.)”
Maybe not totally related, but one of my clients put out a memo a few months ago about converting all the restrooms to unisex, or something. I don’t think it went over too well, because shortly after that, I noticed that there were ‘gentlemen’ and ‘ladies’ signs outside all of the restrooms.
I’d go for converting them all to single-seat establishments and getting rid of the sex designation.
But sharing a restroom and sitting down next to each other…. yeah, no thanks. I don’t even like having a seat next to other dudes.
when it might be appropriate to approach a pre-teen girl to ask for a tampon
Never works for me.
Rule 1 and Rule 2
I still think this is some elaborate scheme for to him to get a handy at the salon and perv on little girls. The “transgender” thing is a ruse.
The world will be a better place when he is face down in a ditch somewhere.
Agree — just a sicko who saw how idiots have been trying to reformulate society and said “hey, I think I can work with this.”
Agree, unfortunately the powers that be encourage this shit with their over the top proclimations.
But you’re a narrow minded bigot if you suggest in advance that this would predictably happen.
advice on matters of etiquette—such as when it might be appropriate to approach a pre-teen girl to ask for a tampon, or whether it might be okay to accompany such a girl into a stall to show her how to use it.
I’ll take FUCKING NEVER for $1,000,000, please.
You are sooo not woke.
So, came home from a lovely dinner with friends last night, only to discover that, in the interim, our main upstairs bathroom toilet (a “V”-code Crane from the late 80s/early 90s) had spontaneously busted its tank, and the supply line was spewing hundreds of litres of water per hour into the main bathroom, where it oozed its way around upstairs carpet and, even more awesomely, into the basement ceiling and then the basement carpet. Of course, most of our still-to-be-unpacked stuff from the move was in cardboard boxes in the worst-hit room downstairs. Astonishingly, there was little damage to our personal effects, which were piled around the perimeter of that room, while the water pooled in the centre due to how the underlying concrete was poured.
This spontaneously-cracking tank is a known failure mode for Crane toilets, apparently — if you have one, junk it immediately and get something else.
The spousal unit and I spent 6 hours trying to vacuum all of the water out of the rugs upstairs and downstairs, and according to the remediation company that finally arrived this morning, we did a good job of limiting the damage. Limiting.
We now have three industrial-sized dehumidifiers and six heavy-duty blower fans running continuously up and down, and the company thinks that, in about five days, everything should be nice and dry. We’re down two bathrooms, and the third one doesn’t have a functioning shower. The next week’s gonna suck.
Sorry. Hopefully you have no mold problem as a result.
Damn that sucks. Water damage is one of my biggest fears in a house. It’s a great way to rack up a ton of repair costs really quick. We have a few minor water intrusion issues in the house and I’m procrastinating dealing with them because I’m afraid of what I’ll see when I open the basement ceiling up.
Yeah, we had another flood of a basement in our Calgary house 14 years ago (groundwater), and there was no assistance at all, since thousands of other homeowners in southwest Calgary had the same problem and all the remediation services were booked solid for months. So we sucked it up and, uh, sucked it up. Since this is city tap water, the company rep we spoke with said that mould issues were unlikely, plus they spray an anti-mould agent on the floor after they pull up the carpet and dispose of the underlay. Hopefully this works out.
But man, it’s frustrating.
What spray do they use?
It smells like victory.
Not sure. Supposedly friendly to humans etc. A concentrate that goes milky white when mixed with water. Pleasant scent. I know it’s not Concrobium, I’ve used that stuff (it works fine, but it doesn’t have much of a scent, since it’s really just dilute TSP).
I once walked into a client’s house just after their toilet tank cracked. Which was very good news for them – if I had been there and gone even thirty minutes earlier, the tank would have had several hours to drain unnoticed before they got home.
Yeah, I’d have gone with the old “It was like this when I got here” too. Good call, Toilet-breaker.
That sucks.
Damn, that sucks. I just checked and neither of my old freedom toilets are of that make.
Eesh. I’ve had to deal with a couple of situations like that over the years and many more times on the job. The worst was on a holiday weekend. A family had left for the weekend on Friday, and their kid floated a turd as they were heading out the door. It wasn’t discovered until they got home Sunday afternoon. This was a two story, 4,000sqft. home. All the ceiling sheet rock had come down, water was flowing from all the light fixtures and their new oak plank floor was cupped.
Ouch. Never cheap out on plumbing fixtures.
T’wasn’t mine (I sure as Hell didn’t install it!), but yeah.
Now I remember why my vacation travel checklist includes “turn off the water at the main valve” before we leave the house.
We had just gone on a five-day driving trip to the Lower Rainland™ prior to this and had turned the water off. I wish it had happened then — 5 U.S. gallons of water would’ve been a lot easier to deal with than several hundred. :-/
Oh, the icing on the cake: literally eight hours before this happened we had finished a two-day install of a brand-new furnace and A/C unit in the utility room downstairs. Guess where some of the water went? The guy who did the installation came back this afternoon and inspected it and said “Your warranty’s void. I’ll help you with the claims adjuster — you’re going to need another brand-new furnace.”
I don’t necessarily *hate* IPAs.
I had some fucking crap from a local “brewery” which tasted like they tossed a bunch of pine-scented car air fresheners in the vat. That sucked.
Also, super-citrus-y is not my fave. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, when I haven’t had one for a long time (like now) comes off as almost overpoweringly citrus-y.
I’m the same way. With craft beers you have to keep it in the back of your mind that a ton of hops (IPA) or a ton of malt (stouts & porters) can be used to cover up a lack of technique. However, it’s like spraying perfume after shitting on the floor, the shit still stinks, no matter how much you try to cover it up.
As I sip on a Sierra Nevada Torpedoes Extra IPA, yummy!
meanwhile Stefan molyneaux went to the LA City council and got to speak, good stuff
I have been so small-town Americana that I’m surprised my walls haven’t sprouted Norman Rockwell prints.
Last night it was down to the K of C hall for a fish fry, and then the County Fair. I just missed the Swiss Browns at the cattle show ring, but apparently they are now raising Holsteins the size of Clydesdales. On that note, it looks like the new trend with 4H kids these days is to take your standard enormous draft horse and cross-breed them with elephants. I used to think I knew what a large horse was what with all the Percheron hybrids used by the jousting people, but there was at least one horse there that had to be 6’6″ at the shoulder.
The Saratoga County Libertarian Party had a booth there, with what looked like a giant Nolan Chart on an easel covered with dot stickers — I guess he was having people take surveys? I gave him a nod but did not stop. The Conservative Party booth had many more people, and had many posters calling for the repeal of the SAFE act. There were no other party booths, but individual politicos had tables.
Then I put 100 rounds of cheap rooskie through the M9 and the hammer/spring combo works just fine.
County fair is on the list for this afternoon if the kiddo wakes up from her nap in the next half hour. Fairfax County’s fair sucks ass, so we’re gonna try Loudoun County this year. It’ll probably suck ass too, but I grew up in flyover country so my standards may be too high.
Honestly, this one was tiny compared to the ones I’m used to, but the animals were probably the most impressive I’ve seen.
19.2 hands. Jeebus, that’s huge. My wife’s warm blood is 16.2 and he’s a big horse.
I was trying to figure out how big his head was as he looked down on me. It was like a dinosaur skull at a museum.
There were several of those behemoths at the last MSU horse show I attended. This was several (4?) years ago. I love the big horses, always have. Cue Jethro Tull “Heavy Horses” 😉
Anyway, yeah, towered well past 6’ or even 6’2 at the shoulder.
Now, get one of those and a pair of Tibetan Mastiffs …
“Quantity has a quality all its own.”
take your standard enormous draft horse and cross-breed them with elephants. I used to think I knew what a large horse was
A long time ago I was in (north central) Ohio for a family thing. I was out cruising around and I saw a woman riding some sort of draft horse. She was a full sized (and attractive) adult woman, but she looked like a ten year old kid sitting on top of that monster.
Horse women are super saiyan cat ladies. Do not ever get involved with one. You will regret it.
Did you just toss out a Dragon Ball Z reference? That’s gotta be some sort of party foul…
I try to avoid collectivist thinking, but I honestly cannot deny that every horse woman I’ve met has exhibited above-average levels of crazy.
oh lord the same.
Maunder minimum anyone?
No sunspots at all
That means global warmin… I mean climate change, and the climate has never changed in the last 4 billion years before you shitlords caused it, repent, you denier.
I won’t deny it’s warm right now, how come science that was established in the 50s or so, i.e. sunspots, is completely ignored by the Warmistas?
I believe there are some physicists that have a bet (~$10k) about the cause being sun activity. I’m too lazy to Google it today. That would be work.
Oh, like the sun has anything to do with climate.
Wait! how about the Jews just Seastead? isn’t Patri Friedman one of {{{THEM}}}?
Isn’t it sad we actually have to check the website to see whether it’s meant to be satire or not??
Yes, I can’t tell anymore
Take out the Jews and that’s basically the resolution the Dems DID present not long ago.
How’s your back today?
“The Boys” is out on Amazon. Episode 1 hooked me.
Pump sprayer broke. Enough rust at the connections that I’m leaning towards replacing it and with a battery powered one.
Pump sprayer? What is that?
Sigh, I’m trying to ignore online dating today.
Similar to that
Will Trump declare war on Sweden?
Don’t read this op-ed. He’s trying really hard to be funny, but does a poor job of covering up his hate for America and Trump.
President Trump has rightly called his fellow Americans’ attention to Sweden’s egregious violation of the globally accepted principle that Americans can do whatever they like, anywhere in the world. This principle, established in the summer of 1945 as the dust cleared at Hiroshima, has been a cornerstone of the international order for decades.
I get the feeling the real issue is that he wants the principle to apply to Brits instead.
One of the stupider “international incidents” I’ve had the mispleasure of reading about. Donald, you don’t have open your pie-hole EVERY time someone whispers in your ear.
Of course, it’s the Spectator. Half of its readership would use the term “wog” to describe white Americans, much less anyone else here.
The hon. Gentleman and his Friends think they are all “wogs.” Indeed, the right hon. Member for Woodford (Mr. Churchill) thinks that the “wogs” start at Calais. If one views 2846 people like the hon. Gentleman from the angle of a private soldier, one realises that to them there are black “wogs” and white “wogs.”
Pump sprayer broke.
Mine required a bunch of fiddling to get it working, a few weeks ago. It gets clogged, somehow, just sitting around in the winter. i should probably just get a new one.
Inviolable wilderness! Not one rock, not one blade of grass
Conservation groups and some Democratic lawmakers were quick to denounce the Trump administration plan, saying that it would leave the sacred sites and cultural resources that were protected in the original monument designation more vulnerable to destruction by opting for limited restrictions on offroad-vehicle use, while allowing rights of way for roads, cell phone towers and roads though sensitive areas.
“This plan recklessly weakens protections even for the land that remains in the monument, failing to protect important sites from threats like illegal ATV use, looting, vandalism and damage from target shooting – which would be permitted within monument boundaries under this plan,” said Representative Ruben Gallego of Arizona, chair of the House of Representatives Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples.
Earthjustice, an environmental group that is embroiled in a legal battle with the administration to restore the original Bears Ears National Monument boundaries, said the plan “fails to map out strong protections for priceless culture sites,” citing how the plan allows the practice of “chaining” – clearing forest with chain pulled between tractors for wildfire protection and grazing.
“Bears Ears is not the kind of place for chaining thousands of acres of forest or stringing up utility lines. These are wild, sweeping monument lands,” said Heidi McIntosh, managing attorney of Earthjustice’s Rocky Mountains office.
I’m so sick of these people. All they are is a bunch of holier-than-thou bullshit artists who want to ban anything and everything they don’t approve of. Ooh, icky ATVs! Icky dirt bikes! Ad infinitum.
Typically, they also want to restrict who can hike there.
I think a lot of this is just done out of cultural hatred for “rednecks”.
So, prior to three years ago, this land was being chained and looted and vandalized and damaged from target shooting?
Is that the monument Obama conjured up on his way out the door?
Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples
So it’s about all native born Americans?
Aah, what a great day. Walked the dog and it wasn’t humid (didn’t break a sweat), ran a few errands, and took a nap. Walked the dog again, picked more tomatoes, cucumbers and jalapenos. Now I’m enjoying a cold glass of white wine. Aah.
The only time it even approaches a peaceable kingdom between the pets is taking a nap. The dog curls up at the bottom of the bed and the cat pretends to be a teddy bear. He curls against my chest and if I put my arm over him he clutches my wrist with his front paws and purrs. They never do this at night. Then the dog growls at the cat and the cat hisses. But naps are special.
Aah, what a great day. Walked the dog and it wasn’t humid (didn’t break a sweat), ran a few errands, and took a nap. Walked the dog again, picked more tomatoes, cucumbers and jalapenos. Now I’m enjoying a cold glass of white wine. Aah.
Nice. I achieved what could charitably be described as “nothing” today. I cleaned my work bench and moved some stuff around, but meaningful productivity was pretty much zilch. It’s almost time to go to the bar, so I got that going for me.
I can’t claim productivity. I still need to do laundry, grocery shopping, weed the flower beds, and make pickled jalapenos. It’s the second weekend in months I haven’t brought work home with me. Last weekend, I had no time for a nap and was still stressed about a project. This weekend, it’s truly wrapped. Aah.
Ive been in Seattle for a week. It has gotten noticeably worse with homeless since my last visit a year ago.
I had to take an OSHA class. I gained more hatred toward regulations but respect for the fact people dont follow common sense things like hearing a hard hat.
Ineed beer
Back in ancient times, I worked for a construction company that was building an industrial waste plant on Kelly AFB. The construction guys had to wear tyvek suits in trenches, which was miserable and they hated and tried to ‘forget’. The project superintendent used to take new guys to a spot where the sanitary and industrial sewer manhole were about 10feet apart. He’d open the sanitary sewer, and cockroaches would be everywhere. He’d open the industrial sewer and there were none. No insects of any kind. Then he’d say “this is why you need the tyvek suit”. Of course, there was the guy that brought a mason jar and wanted to bring some of the liquid in the industrial sewer home. Not bright.
I dont need regulations to tell me to wear a protective suit while working with caustic materials…but I guess some people need daddy to always look after them.
Maybe if they used earplugs to protect from hearing loss, they’d hear the hard hat before it hits them. Or wear another hard hat so if it does hit them, it provides some protection.
If you cant hear the hard hat it makes sense to use ear protection. Its right there in the clause.
So, prior to three years ago, this land was being chained and looted and vandalized and damaged from target shooting?
It made Humungus’
waste landback yard look like the lawn at Windsor Castle.Is that the monument Obama conjured up on his way out the door?
The very same. Blessed by the hand of the Ascended One, it is now an untouchable treasure of the eco-elitists.
Perfectly ok to cut and maintain trails in wilderness areas with crosscut saws but use a chainsaw for the same and OH MY GOD!!! Unless it’s cleanup after a wildfire*, and then wham bam dispensation, perfectly ok.
*wildfire that does far more permanent destruction than any motorized or power equipment could ever do, yet will largely be erased in years to come
I want to take my Rat Patrol Jeep with the .30 cal machine gun mounted in the back down to Bears’ Ears and write my name all over the stone walls in chain fed script while driving flat out through mounds of prehistoric indian artifacts.
I’ll settle for a cold Coors Light.
My man!