Another Friday and I’m back. And so are the various clowns, stooges, caitiffs, malefactors, and femalefactors who inhabit our political landscape, many of whom will feature in today’s links, along with the miscellaneous folks who cross over into newsworthiness by virtue of achievement or unintended misfortune.
But first, the birthdays. And they include the original anti-vaxxer; a comedic genius who presaged Eva Gabor; the Methuselah of pitchers; arguably the best filmmaker of the 20th century; some dude with big lips whose music I never cared for (except one song…); one of the people who made DS9 unwatchable; one of the people who made Larry Sanders very watchable; and an erstwhile idol of the Left who is now an unperson.
On to the news!
Here is my shocked face. I may have to get another one soon, this one is wearing out.
Someone took the “bag of dicks” thing a bit too seriously.
Who ever would have imagined that this would be a blatant PR gimmick for merchandise? Damn, that shocked face is taking quite a beating.
Arab Nazis in France. It is heartwarming to see the cultural blending. First rate trolling, Djamel!
How to make the next generation of libertarians. And in other Dallas news, “The name again is Mister Tow!”
Here’s a kid with lots of therapy in her future. And a Hitachi wand.
Old Guy Music today bows to my deep love for Leo Kottke’s music- and in particular, the felicitous pairing with Mike Gordon. This song came up on my shuffle yesterday while I was out for my morning walk, and not only was it cool, Leo never sounded more like Stephin Merritt. And that’s a compliment.
Happy SysAdmin Appreciation day.
It’s like every other day, no one notices unless you’ve screwed up.
SysAdmins should neither be seen nor heard
Server rooms are our natural habitat, there is a lot of cover and fan noise.
Pasty colored fucks that get no sun and are fed bullshit…
The mushroom treatment.
I’m a developer. If a Sysadmin doesn’t regularly freak out about my activities, I’m not pushing the envelope. They get theirs back. Me 3 months ago: “Hey, I respect the need for MFA for people with enhanced access, but I can’t deploy SSRS reports with MFA.” SA:”Okay”
I may not have told him I used my enhanced security to create a SQL user to deploy them. And, er, totally didn’t share the credentials with the other 3 people who do that.
Why did you not automate the deployment process to avoid the use of shared credentials?
Too busy trying to rewrite Azure Data Factory automation so I can deploy only changed objects instead of the whole thing. I have the deploy scripted, but still am still working on getting it to run out of a merge. If I automate the SSRS, then I’m the reports guy. I’ll chew my own leg off before that.
Did you clear the cache?
This is Cloud shit, bro. I’m on the bleeding edge. It’s like there isn’t really a computer at all. Just a virtual computer on the other side of the internet. It’s turtles all the way down. I’m not even sure there’s an actual computer involved. It might just be a 2D simulation of a 3D computer.
No, it’s just running in VMWare. You’ll get used to it. Act like it’s a normal server and the dissociative fuge will go away.
Or unplug it and plug it back in?
I learned early in my career to downplay my understanding of reporting, lest I get pigeonholed into that hellish specialty. At the new place there’s a whole reporting team that I can pass things off to. All I’ve done is walk some people through the existing reports and explain what the data fields mean when they’re asking for custom reports (for things that already exist). Oh, and try to convince them that going hardcore with their goals will never work. “No, I don’t think you’re ever going to get to 100% active/available time across your department.”
For me sysadmins exist only when something does not work properly. And I get very angry indeed.
Pie, if you rage, then our reaction is going to be, “Our stuff was working fine until you did something wrong.” If you instead approach with “Head’s up, something’s wrong with… and here’s the symptoms…” we’re going to work with you to fix it.
I range in my own head mostly. If I have issues it is generally a company wide issue and it will be fixed. I don’t think I ever talked to the computer people directly
That’s okay then.
There are people who seem to think taking the tech away from working on the problem to yell at them for it being broken is going to fix it faster.
That does not.
Uffda. The necessity to tug your forelock and bow and scrape to the sysadmin for help doing something that only they can do because they have the root password sucks balls.
The best is being in the meeting where they realize the sysadmins realize that they need help from the network guy. Then you can watch them bow and scrape for their help.
Network admins never need help from anyone and are the most anti-social of all the various IT tribes.
We never let them out of the wiring closet. They give IT guys a bad name.
Until the network admins realize that they just took down a profit generating call center in the middle of the day by implementing a change that “shouldn’t have had any impact” without going through change controls.
At one of my consulting gigs I was a legend because I got a secure IP tunnel set up during one 4 hour meeting during my first week on site.
The client had been trying unsuccessfully to get it set up for months.
My secret was that I got all three network admins from the various parties on a conference call and didn’t let them hang up until the tunnel was set up. All of them swore their shit was perfect and they were not going to waste their time on the call. I kept telling them that I had their boss’ assurance that their time was mine for the day and they would not hang up or I would have their asses.
Then we inched our way to success. Each of the three had to slightly change something in their setup to make things work. My clients had been talking to them one at a time and never got it working. When they had to talk to each other in their stupid network jargon, each of them realized what tweaks they needed to make.
Pie is angry. Very angry indeed!
Master of Fine Arts, or Motherfucking Asshole?
Happy SysAdmin Day, everyone. Hope your (l)users are kind to you.
Being a nerd pays well.
Being a nerd pays
well.adequately.We just had the company’s 10 years anniversary. The local politicos were taking credit for boosting the economy and quoted a figure for our site’s payroll being $340MM. I’ve decided I’m being underpaid.
Well, I guess it depends on perspective. I make more than the rest of my family* combined.
*The people who lived in my house while I was growing up, not the gratuitously large extended family with a score of aunts and uncles and dozens of cousins.
You’re an only child and your parents are dead? :-p
My parents are both alive, as are my siblings. My parents still work, as does one of my sisters.
score of aunts
Your aunts are loose with the goods? You should move to the Deep South to really embrace your love of family.
You forgot to ask if his aunts were hot.
We have a “network team” who double as sysadmins. One of them is the perfect admin: you’ve got a problem, you email him the problem, he maybe asks a question, then he just fixes it and tells you it’s solved. The other one is an effing nightmare. He installs stuff in production without telling anyone. He spins up cloud instances seemingly at random and then leaves them running to the tune of $3500 a month, according to a recent audit. He finds a functional environment and then “improves” it such that it becomes less stable, less efficient, and more complex, then blames us for having the nerve to do things like run websites on it. Best of all, he’ll bork Varnish somehow, we’ll notice and say, “Hey, I think something’s wrong with Varnish”, and he’ll reply with a two-page email telling us that that’s impossible, we don’t know what we’re talking about, and then give us a page and a half of Mad Libs: IT Edition thinking that if he floods us with enough jargon we’ll go away, not realizing that we all have at least a passing acquaintance with server administration. Although previous emails have been informal and one-to-one, he will type this email as if it were a business letter and CC everyone he can. Two hours later he will send one person a brief email to the effect of, “Oh, shoot, I forgot, I had been working on something for the load balancer and Varnish broke! Oopsy! Should be fixed now, lol!”
Guess which one manages the team.
Mr ‘IForgotIWasMessingWithThat’, obviously.
arguably the best filmmaker of the 20th century; – Sergiu Nicolaescu would like a word
No speaka the Romany.
Get back to me after you’ve screened Dr. Strangelove. And 2001. And Spartacus. And Paths of Glory. And Clockwork Orange. And The Shining. And Lolita (despite the film being savagely vandalized by the censors). And…
I was not impressed.
Too spicy for you.
If by ‘spicy’, you mean ‘overrated’ and ‘not particularly good’
Makes note to never take a movie recommendation from UCS.
But he didn’t make Jaws
I saw all of those actually.
Full Metal Jacket freaked me the farg out but I was pretty chemically enhanced the first time I saw it in the theater. Kubrick was hit and miss for me but Barry Lyndon is one of my all time favourite movies. I hate hate hate his version of The Shining.
After watching Full Metal Jacket I wondered why no one told the filmmaker that putting two short films between the same credits didn’t make a full movie.
…I can’t actually disagree with this.
EWS (to which Kubrick fans refer to only referentially and when absolutely necessary) has a similar plot structure – multiple acts punctuated by interludes with whores.
FMJ was based on the series of short stories “The Short Timers” by Gustav Hasford. Kubric, IIRC, stayed fairly true to the stories while giving them that trademark Kubrick treatment.
You’ve never seen anthology movies?
I’ve seen them. The structure itself weakens the end product.
2001 is a great movie to have on when you want to take a nap.
[shakes head]
Is there artistic vision to starting a movie with ten minutes of black screen, and another half hour before the first word of dialog is spoken? Sure. Maybe. I mean, the stereo system had already been invented and Fantasia came out decades before.
Yes, NA, yes there is. Sure, then ten minutes of black screen with music was a bit pretentious and self-indulgent, but consider when it was made. Film is an inherently visual medium and started out as silent films and I admire him for essentially transitioning from a silent film to one with sound and doing so seamlessly. Remember that even silent films had musical accompaniment – theatres also received sheet music, later phonograph records, along with the reels.
But silent movies typically started, you know, playing a movie during that time.
It also makes for excellent napping.
And yes, theater organs are still a thing. And also yes, 2001 is a film that is justified by being one of those things that has to (or at least had to at that time) be a film as opposed to any other medium.
Of course, I could say the same thing about Blade Runner 2049. I’m not saying that Kubrick is bad. Just that he’s not notably any better than a heap of 20th C. directors.
The book at least made more sense.
The book came after the movie. It always struck me as one of Clarke’s semi-communist fever dreams. Not nearly as much as Childhood’s End or 3001 though.
Supposedly (I haven’t read it) Arthur C. Clarke’s novelization of 2001, written concurrently with the film, explains the third act much better than the film does.
“The book at least made more sense.” That’s because the book was written after the fact based on the screenplay. A lot of the sales of that book were to people who “didn’t get” the movie.
That sounds like an indictment of the movie.
Maybe the Emperor should get dressed.
“Is there artistic vision to starting a movie with ten minutes of black screen”
The truth of the matter is that outer space is extremely boring. It’s no different than the Sahara, flyover country, the ocean, etc.
The first two DVD’s I ever bought- a two-fer package priced low for the time – were Dr. Strangelove (my favorite) and 2001 (which I kind of hated when I tried watching it as a 7 year-old). Watching 2001 after Dr. Strangelove opened my eyes and brain to filmmaking which I had never given any thought before. In both films Kubrick was able to demonstrate how scientific brilliance can be advancement and also demonstrate how bureaucracy will inevitably use it to destroy liberty. To show this in two vastly different types of films and two different genres made it clear to me that one’s enjoyment of a movie (or book, music, etc.) depends on what one brings to the experience.
I’ll go along with the ocean and the Sahara, but flyover country is where all the interesting scenery is in the US.
*narrows gaze*
I’m afraid I can’t do that Switzy.
The visual aperture is designed to maintain optimal focus on the subject.
Isn’t HAL’s voice so calm and relaxing? So napogenic.
Positively morphean
Dr. Strangelove and 2001 are two interesting movies both ruined by their third acts. Peter Sellers’ characters at the army base and as the President are good, but when he shows up as Strangelove and does that shtick, it’s the point where he starts to become an unwatchable actor.
Sellers’ few scenes seriously distract from the otherwise excellent The Wrong Box. And don’t get me started on The Party or Being There.
Sellers was also supposed to play Major Kong but had injured himself before filming and was unable to get into the cockpit mockup so we got Slim Pickens. Agree that Sellers is more than a bit annoying as the titular character (SWIDT, Q?).
“Birdy num-num?”
That and the scene where he’s trying to get to the bathroom were just awesomely funny.
The Party only falls down where it tries to have a plot.
I am glad that he died before he could get unpersoned.
I have yet to see Spartacus as an adult, though vaguely remember the televised versions growing up. Also, wasn’t Kubrick brought in at the last moment to finish the film? Will be interesting to see if I can pick out the Kubrick bits. Paths of Glory has been on my should-really-watch list for far too long. I found the novel Lolita disturbing enough; I can only imagine what Kubrick did with that.
I wasn’t able to get through the Spielberg version of AI — too depressing; I can only imagine what Kubrick’s version would have been like had he lived long enough to make that film
I figured you would have watched all the noteworthy gladiator films.
Ha, well-done. There is a story I will at some point tell here…
It has to do with that one time Tonio got invited up to the airplane cockpit by the captain.
There was air travel involved. And it was the seventies…
The story is more a snippet with no plot so either I submit it as a super-short (under 500 word) piece that you can use as a placeholder for a comments thread or I try to work the incident into a longer piece.
Too smooth and oily…
Festus knows me too well. There is a body hair exception for the sufficiently muscular. Oiled up male bodies – what’s not to like?
“Boumaaz has been fined in the past for his numerous “quenelles” – inverted Hitler salutes – an action banned by law in France, Weisenthal reports. Furthermore, he had also been sanctioned for having torn down a “rainbow pride flag” hoisted by the Montpellier Municipality on the International Day Against Homophobia.”
You know who else….hey, wait a minute?!
I see what you did there…
Give yourself a narrowed gaze!
WTF is an “inverted” Nazi (ripped off from imperial Rome) salute?
Hail, Scroob!
Reminds me of a woman I dated once that had ‘inverted nipples’.
Do tell!
Motorboated by a tuba player?
+1 embouchere
Happy Friday to me. I’m at the dentist getting three teeth removed to prep for a denture. Fuck
*fights urge to make joke*
What? Is July not the time to get your “summer” teeth?
*Something, something, short, flat head, no teeth*
And a frosty alcoholic beverage in a glass is involved, right?
Only three? They put me under and took all of them when I was not quite fifty (stupid Scots genes) and I went back to work the very next day.
They’re taking the rest next week
I commiserate. Why the lag?
Tooth fairy is overbooked?
Toof Fairy Iz Bizzy!
They only took 2 today. The rest next week have to be done by the oral surgery department supposedly because they’re close to my sinuses.
The work is always spaced out because I go to the NYU College of Dentistry and let the students do it supervised by the profs. It’s the same work and way less expensive and I pay cash.
So here I am now with 2 more teeth missing and smirking and checking out all this young college poon walking around
That…takes a little of the sting out of it, yes?
F*ck, Slammer. Sorry to hear that. Please be very, very scrupulous about after-care so you avoid dry socket. Good luck.
I can’t dive any more because of that.
So you’re saying that your appointment is at 2:30.
Ha! Classic.
So the Chinese guy goes to the eye doctor and is told he has a cataract, guy says, “No, I drive a Rincorn
Tulsi vs. Google catfight. – I blame libertarianism for this one. Google should be government owned.
Who’s gonna represent Google in the Jello wrestling match?
Alyissa Milano?
Speaking of which. When I saw the link about some guy being squashed by his balls somewhere out there, I thought about her beau. Does she still have the poor guy in the dry dock?
They’re Hollywood types so he just whips out the handy-dandy Sugarfree Brand testicle milker. Works a charm!
if 2020 was Gabbard Vs Trump?
Trump. But I want Tulsi as his SecDef.
Williamson for the lulz
Appoint her to the UN. It is a useless org anyway and she would be amusing there.
Mebbe she can try to levetate the Pentagon.
+1 Flower Power
Ah, the West Wing finale strategy.
The next Dem Debates are next week, right? Hooo, boy, if the first one was any sign, we’re gonna be deep in the tasty delicious derp.
And in other Dallas news, “The name again is Mister Tow!”
Texas Tow Stars? Really?
How to make the next generation of libertarians. *
That towing motherfucker should move to L.A. Sounds like any number of people I’ve had run-ins with.
Read your article this morning after work. That’s some rough shit, dude. I was never a ward but everything else checks all of the boxes. Uncaring family, running loose, scrapes with the cops. Back then they’d just rough you up rather than deal with the paperwork. 1981 girls on that car represent! More, please.
Ditto. I coulda/woulda/shoulda been charged with a few felonies when I was a teen.
Yes. Thank you for sharing.
Let me add on to the praise for the article last night. Read it this morning, and appreciate the sharing.
I read your article last night at work. It was a great piece thanks for sharing.
Also major kudos on adopting a kid. That is no small undertaking. My wife and I will do foster/foster to adopt when our bio kids are a little older.
Thanks everyone. It was a good experience for me to tell someone of my story and get a little feedback from other libertarians. I might have to fill in some more of the blanks in another article.
I, too, caught up this morning. Quite the article!
Yes, please do. It was a great story and your writing was really good!
Congratulations Blackjack for getting through all that and turning out good. And thank you for telling your story. It’s good to know that some people can fix themselves.
I had a few friends like that where I grew up. Most didn’t survive to see 30. My older sister was on the path but found religion and turned back.
“I believe that the time has come for the Judiciary Committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry and collect the evidence necessary to build a strong case against President Trump,” Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon explained in a statement. “His presidency is a danger to our national security and a threat to our democracy.“
That is quite a feat considering the US is not one.
Some guy winning the presidency and then actually being president is a serious threat to democracy, not using the mountain of legal harassment available to unseat him against the will of the voters and with no justification.
I thought Everyday is Sunday when you’re unemployed.
Well OMWC is not unemployed, hje is between projects, on extended holiday, at liberty
Pining for the fjords?
Speaking of that, I’ll be drinking this nice bottle of chill sake to OMWC.
So does living in Japan actually make you like that stuff? I mean I only had whatever cheap mass produced stuff we get in Romania but it was all bad. Not as bad as choya plum wine mind, ,but bad nonetheless
I’m actually not a huge fan of sake to be quite honest. I usually only drink it when my boss/higher ups want to drink it with me, but I got an unfinished bottle that has a softer and somewhat fruity taste from a party.
Interesting party if it made your sake taste fruity.
It was already fruity, which surprised me. It’s an 越後蔵元 純米吟醸酒 if you’re curious.
Something sold here as Gekkikan Horin tastes like Comice/Taylor’s Gold pears. I love it.
Huh, I’ll have to look that one up and see if I can snatch myself some of that. I can dig the pear.
Most commercial Sake brands are only partially fermented, then fortified with alcohol and bottled. Only the top quality Sake brands are fermented completely which takes time and skill and explains why they are so expensive.
I looked into the Sake making process once. It is not a simple process at all, IIRC, you have to hydrate the rice, then mix in a bacterial culture. That needs to be stirred on a semi-regular basis over a couple of weeks, then you need to do filter the rice out of the wort/must (not sure what this is called, I’m sure there’s a special term for it), then you can ferment it.
I have a friend that makes sake. He makes a vary tasty product. I have no idea what a commercial sake tastes like.
From what some upthread imply it tastes like ass. And not in a way that would HM smile.
Was expecting this.
I am starting to believe that you are a bit of a Philistine.
I am a Goliath amongst little men.
Eyes. Wide. Shut.
good movie
It’s the second best “Nichole Kidman plays a whore” movie.
I liked it. Which is the first?
Moulin Rouge
Not into To Die For?
When a movie that good is in the second rank of one’s accomplishments, we’re talking about a real genius.
Are you talking about her acting abilities or her looks?
I blame that on his death. It seems like people weren’t willing to edit it into a good movie for fear of Kubrick coming back from the grave and beating them to death.
And as a counter point: The Shining, Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Dr. Strangelove.
The last two are legit great. Those first two are no better than any number of other 20th century filmmakers — especially since “American” wasn’t specified.
Kubrick was British.
Eh, the Brits get to claim T.S. Eliot, so really it’s only fair…
Wasn’t he born and raised in New York?
Oops, Neph is right. US born, then took UK citizenship later. My bad.
You could drop the second half of Full Metal Jacket and the movie would be better for it.
No Hue.
I rubbed me wrong time.
You guys…
Then it would be Biloxi Blues with more swearing and fewer Jews.
I used to feel that way but the Vietnam sequences have grown on me.
The reason FMJ feels so disjointed is because the book from which it was derived. The Short Timers, was actually three only marginally connected short stories. The first half of FMJ is adapted from the first story, the second half is partially an adaptation of the second and third stories with some original stuff mixed in.
The boot camp scenes are largely dead on, but there are a few gripes. Hartman is the SDI, so in real life he’s the “daddy” role. The green belts are usually the ones who terrorize you, and then the SDI steps in and rescues you from them. There actually are other DIs in the movie, but none of them ever speak. In real life, they do most of the screaming.
Also, since Kubrick would never leave England to film, it looks nothing like Parris Island. They should have at least hung some fake Spanish moss on all the trees. The only exception is the brief shots of the parade deck that were taken from an actual 1960s PI graduation.
This one I can’t swear to since I was in boot camp about 30 years after the events in the movie – maybe things were different then – but our DIs didn’t do any of the instruction at the rifle range. The PMIs (Primary Marksmanship Instructors) do that. The DIs just stand at the back of the class and watch us to see if anyone is sleeping or goofing off.
When I was at TBS in ’91, a bunch of us LT’s were all standing around bullshitting and quoting GySgt Hartmann from FMJ when the SgtMaj (getting ready to retire) stepped out from some trees (like out of fucking nowhere – scared the shit out of us) and started telling us about when R. Lee Ermey was a corporal on the drill field, not too long back from Vietnam, and the SgtMaj was then a Sergeant.
“I knew Lee Ermey when he was a fucked-up corporal working for me on the drill field!” he started, taking a long drag on his Marlboro. Our eyes were all wide: “Nahh, just kiddin’. He was a good NCO. I was a Sergeant and we got along well.”
That guy was so salty we used to joke that he “shit Morton’s Gold.”
Sergeants major tend to be really good at materializing out of thin air.
FMJ without Animal Mother? Without “me love you long time”? Not sure I’d buy that.
Flush out your headgear, new guy. You think we waste gooks for freedom? This is a slaughter. If I’m gonna get my balls blown off for a word, then my word is “poontang”.
The truth of every Kubrick film.
Supposedly Kubrick was killed for exposing the globopedo satanic elites with that flick
Eyes Wide Open.
[golf clap] for Swiss
Testing will begin with the resumption of classes next month at Bushland Independent School District and will be required of students in grades seven through 12 who play in the band, sit on the student council, assemble a yearbook, play chess or participate in other clubs.
Nelson points and laughs at Lisa.
This is not new. Around 2000, maybe 3-4 years earlier, football players sued for discrimination as they were pretty much the only people being drug tested in HS. The Texas Supreme Court agrees and rules that if a school or district was going to drug test an extracurricular activity it had to drug test ALL extracurricular activities.
“The entire math olympiad team tested positive for Adderall.”
So of course, they go full-on fascist. “Well, THAT is legal!”
You got the ability to fingerbang 10 year olds as long they are accused of putting Advil in their panties… why so grumpy?
What do you expect them to do? Stop drug testing? That’s crazy, won’t you think of the…
/notices who he’s responding to
Never mind.
How is it not an unlawful search and seizure? There’s no probable cause to take my kids’ blood.
Our school districts do the same of athletes but wouldn’t you know, they always “randomly” test the good, clean kids.
Never join a club in high school, kids. Just “chill out” with your homies by the park after school.
As a serial joiner and quitter of clubs in high school, Festus concurs. It was usually just to get close to a girl, anyway. “Party-planning? Sure, why the fuck not?”
Why I tried out for theater^^^
Of course then the girl who said she was going to do the same but didn’t…
Hell, my HS was an all-boys school so we didn’t even get to have that going for us.
Or DID you?
Not all men have penises!!!!!
Stop picking on the Eunichs.
“will be required of students in grades seven through 12 who play in the band”
The biggest drug abusers in high school are the teachers, not the students. Too bad the students are covered by a union.
Nixon had asked the congressional committee to review the documents amid the widening Watergate scandal.
So IOW Nixon allowed his private info to be released. Trump is within his rights not to.
That article only argues there is precedent in a President turning over tax records, not WHY he should have to turn them over
What specifically are they looking for in a tax return?
They’re fishing for proof of their narrative, but mostly they’re pissed that they can’t have it.
Wasn’t it originally looking for evidence of paying off Stormy Daniels?
How would it show that?
No. They’re trying to catch him out over his braggadoccio to show the deplorables that he’s not as wealthy as he claims he is. It’s petty and shows what politics really is.
Two of the authors of libertarian tract Britannia Unchained – Dominic Raab and Priti Patel – now hold two of the great offices of state (Foreign Office and Home Office).
Johnson and Javid (Ayn Rand admirer) also have a libertarian streak – this is the most libertarian Conservative cabinet for a long time (and possibly ever).
Libertarian. Moment.
I mean the government healthcare system will still suck and you will still go to jail for Facebook jokes but totes libertarian otherwise
Oh god, now you’ve lit the Winston signal.
*glares at Pie*
Does Winston ever post in the morning?
Good old Leo! I had Greenhouse on vinyl and still listen to this one from time to time –
I want to like Tulsi Gabbard. Maybe it’s because I hope that’s the direction liberals go… but that lawsuit is just pants on head.
I realize this is the wrong thread, but I didnt feel like posting in a dead thread. Wanted to add my thanks to blackjack for posting that story. I had a very different childhood, as I grew up in the 90s and early 00’s and had a strong family support structure, but I appreciate the perspective. I’m reminded of a major turning point I had in my own development when I realized that people aren’t all good or all bad. The kids that cut class and did drugs were just as capable of acts of kindness, and that just because I went to church and got good grades didn’t mean I should get away with being a self-centered dickhead.
I look forward to reading the rest of what you have planned.
The threads here die too quickly. Some of us get around to reading articles later on and by the time we get to them….there’s one monkey with a cough left in the room. But I still leave a comment if anything to show the author I care. Because I was brought up right and proper. Muppets are great muppets.
Or something.
I’m a little OCD so I need to read the articles and comments in order. That’s why I usually only comment in the AM links or on weekends. I hate the thought of just jumping in bare-ass naked.
If I’m not actively participating in the comment thread as it’s ‘live’, I will often skip the comments, since I know my remarks will go unread, and I might as well just talk to the computer.
Why do you think that doesn’t happen to your AM links too?
*uploads patch to AlexinCT’s commenting algorithm*
I too had a strong family that kept me on the straight and narrow……but also I have had an overwhelming fear of punishment. That’s why my juvenile delinquency was restricted to small-potatoes shoplifting and graffiti.
Looks what’s trending number one on Twitter. Or was at least.
There’s a couple of them on the Internet. One with succinct descriptions.
Here’s the thing. Can you build such a ‘death list’ around any politician given how many people they meet?
You probably could. It’s just that with Clinton, it seems so plausible.
That’s hilarious. And let’s see if Epstein will make it to the trial.
I wouldn’t use Epstein either. Men who injure or kill children do tend to get beaten up or killed in prison or in the streets vigilante style.
Or try to commit suicide when they realize the don’t have the prosecution in their hip pocket this time, and they might have to go to *real* jail.
Epstein is a narcissist. They usually don’t fail at suicide if they attempt it.
This. Life in prison is no walk in the park for a ChoMo. Most likely scenario is the other inmates wanted a piece and the guards were more than happy to look the other way.
I heard it stopped trending post-haste once the overlords caught wind of it.
No shit.
Following the latest around Sheila Gunn Reid and Rebel Media?
Sounds onerous.
But RM can be dramatic and wonder how much teeth those assholes Brander and Kaye really have. Notley is one pyscho loon.
The Rebel I take with a spoonful of salt but am I surprised? No, not in the least. Safe to say that they will be getting approximately “0” dollars from Trudeau’s $600 million “media fund”.
No wonder they’re silent on it.
That and Jessica Yaniv.
What a joke the media is.
“Eight years of this man will change the nature of who we are in this country,”
“He wants to be president for a base, his base, about 30% of the public. I want to be president for all Americans, Democrats, Republicans, independents.”
Yea, sure.
Excellent. He admits he wouldn’t be my president.
If his base is 30% how do you then argue you can represent everyone?
I think in their minds they always held contempt for at least 30-50% of the population so once this part of their mindset, it’s easy to pretend you represent ‘everyone’ or everyone else since you discounted deplorables and fly over country.
Do you Democrat or progressive bro?
“How could this happen? Nobody that I know would ever vote for Richard Nixon!”
They represent the deplorables and flyover country denizens by doing “what is best for them” even if they don’t agree.
Hillary and Obama explained it. Those are the “deplorables” and “bitter clingers.” They don’t count.
“The last thing you all need is another tax cut, and you ain’t getting it from me,” Biden told the affluent crowd, saying he would focus on growing the middle class if elected.
There must be another way for guilty rich people to give away their money.
We could start the Human fund.
“Money for people”
A nice confiscatory tax scheme should take care of it.
The Demon In Analogy
“A Catholic Reactionary and a Black Feminist Walk into a Bar…”
What do they have in common? More than you might think.
Saved, I’ll read it later, thanks.
Love the GIF, it makes Amos and Andy look dignified but it’s funny anyway.
Freaky Friday: SEA SMITH SAY HI
It was on her honeymoon, too.
That’s pretty funny
If it’s the weekend, why the fuck am I still working? So much beer, so little time…
It’s Friday. It’s workweekend.
I started working from home on Friday, exchanged jeans for bathrobe, but I still miss wearing jeans to the office.
Make sure your camera is off…
Don’t want your work mates seeing you fondle your family jewels….
It’s always off, you know because I don’t have one of those. I used to use them to chat with chicks, but my wife said I can’t do that anymore, so another relic goes into the trashbin of history.
But I really do miss wearing jeans to the office on casual Friday. Had to trade my Monday for that though, because too many client meetings on Monday. Friday is the only day you can wear jeans and a shirt without a collar. Unless you’re a a girl and then you can wear sandals any day of the week and pretty much anything else no matter how unproffesional. And if they say anything to you, just cry. Misandry in practice everywhere these days.
“Unless you’re a a girl and then you can wear sandals any day of the week and pretty much anything else no matter how unproffesional. ”
It’s amazing how many people don’t care how unprofessional they look.
/raises hand
I’m IT support staff. I shouldn’t be seeing people, if anything, I should be talking to them on the phone, or communicating via e-mail. The days I go into the office, the rule is business casual (jeans and a polo). I don’t even think I have a pair of dress pants that fit.
“the rule is business casual (jeans and a polo).”
Same with my main client’s offices. I have to see people though since I meet with the clients who use the apps I write. I’m one of the few devs around those parts who do their own analyst stuff, most of them use a full time analyst and so can stay off in the shadows all of the time. The shadows are great and I inhabit them about 80% of the time, but sometimes I have to emerge and make a good show of it.
My office is business casual and I am IT, but I never wear jeans or shirts that are not dress shirts. Works with getting attention from the bitchez.
Alex is correct. The reason people invented those clothes is because people look good in them. You’re doing yourself a disservice, but you do you.
Make sure your camera is off…
This is why I have tape over the built-in webcam and use a usb webcam instead.
Several years ago, I answered my work cell in nothing but my boxers not realizing my older female boss wanted to facetime for the first time ever. I’m 99% but not 100% certain that I declined the request. In any event, the call abruptly ended.
I get random video conference requests almost daily at my new job, so i have to keep it professional with a polo and gym shorts.
I do dress professionally when I do go into the office. Usually either a suite without a tie or a sports coat, button down, and khakis.
I have dress clothes, plenty of it, suits, jackets, coats, ties, high quality stuff. Never wear it, my wife buys me clothes all of the time, most of which I will never wear. I wear the biz casual stuff to the office, I have so many nice polo shirts she’s bought me, I have never worn most of them, too much WFH time and I am not getting dressed to work at home. I go walking/running every day at 11 and am wearing gym shorts, a tank top, and running shoes. Right now, this time of year, I’ll be soaking wet with sweat when I get back to the house, so shower and dress back in more gym shorts, t-shirt, and ankle socks. That’s as dressed up as I get most of the week.
” i have to keep it professional with a polo and gym shorts.”
That made me lol. You know what is much worse than that? Guys who wear suits and tennis shoes, truly there is nothing more cringe worthy than that.
Oh man, I’ve never seen that combo before. I only wear gym shorts because no one should be able to see below chest level on the teleconferences. Kind of like this poor bastard, who I’d bet anything is wearing jeans or shorts.
“Oh man, I’ve never seen that combo before.”
Needz moar immigrants in your space.
It’s sort of like aging German tourists in speedos and sandals with white knee socks, only worse.
Home stretch, my dude.
Thirsty Thursday! Where have you been all my week? (Kidding, Thursday is my Friday. I’m already drunk.)
Just the way life should be, good drinking to you, my man. I’m in the same boat as OMWC for the time being so enjoying the constant inebriation.
“Kidding, Thursday is my Friday. I’m already drunk”
I hate you. JK, envy speaking.
I’m a little disappointed in Q this morning.
Getting mentioned in the links should have given him the green light to immediately post his traditional link right away. Then sneer at Swiss because it was “on topic”.
But Q hasn’t commented at all this morning. I don’t think he’s here.
“Q’s not here, man.” [giggles, coughs]
Let me speculate… he typed ‘big ol titties’ into his chosen browser this morning and still hasn’t surfaced for air?
I need to backup one of the prod DBs and restore it to staging, clients wanting to test with more recent data and all sorts of other unreasonable demands like that.
We scripted that sort of ‘database refresh’ of the lower environments. We even scramble PII when we do it.
So that’s a “push a button and walk away” task here.
I just don’t do it that often. I guess I could ask our DB folks to do it, it might be on of the only things besides backups worth asking them to do. We have devs who actually have them doing all of their stored procedures. Really? I don’t know how the fuck those guys get anything done, they’d let someone wipe their ass for them if they could get away with it. I’ve been doing all my own SSRS reports for years and have never had anyone write a stored procedure for me.
We have some refreshes that run weekly, others less often. Probably why we automated.
I have all sorts of nightly and weekly/etc jobs running. That’s just not one of them. Most of the time, there’s really no need to test with new data, but sometimes like now, there is. You know how clients are, they funny. Took me a while to convince this one that staging is a totally different entity than production, ‘you see that box of potatoes here? Now you see that box of potatoes in the other room? If you take a potato out of this box, the box in the other room will still have all of it’s potatoes’. Seriously, it’s amazing how many smart people cannot grasp the simplest concept.
He should have felt something was up.
Well, here’s a Swiss band.
A more… precise Swiss band
Well that’s about s gay as the day is long.
Sony’s Reon Pocket is a smartphone-controlled wearable air conditioner
Smaller than a smartphone, the miniature air conditioner slots into an inside pocket in a specially made undershirt and cools the wearer using a Peltier element usually used in cars and wine coolers. Its battery can last for 90 minutes, and needs two hours to fully recharge.
Sony is aiming to launch the Reon Pocket in 2020, hopefully in time for the Tokyo Olympics, which, if past Japanese summers are anything to go by, is set to be a very sweaty one for visitors and athletes alike. Indeed, you may need to place several of these devices around your body to have any hope of coping with the oppressive heat and humidity.
The Reon Pocket comes with an undershirt and is expected to sell for around $130. It’s currently listed as a Japan-only product, but if it proves a hit, Sony could be tempted to expand sales of the device to overseas markets, too.
That sounds like it just heats up your shirt.
What part of specially made undershirt do you not understand?
The part where they manage to get the heat past the outershirt.
In germany, they have these little things they carry around, called cilio, portable mini-ventilators, because like other 3rd world countries, they can’t afford air conditioning. They’re typically in some sort of Eurofag ball theme. I have one, still in the box of course, because first world country and all.
All the fancy-pants around me used to carry around those battery operated tiny fans.
Did they keep them in their fanny pack? Remember those? Now they’re called ‘sports belts’, I have one. If I’m out walking/running, I’ll sometimes wear mine and put some cash and a CC in it and my cell phone. They’re all streamlined and stylized these days, I bet every Eurofag has one.
I had one gifted to me but I kept crushing my smokes in it so soon gave it up.
On one of the threads yesterday Scruffy asked (sorta) if the term “fag hag” (straight female who is best friends with a gay guy) was offensive to gays. No, buddy, we invented that. But it has apparently become a bit offensive to the women so there is an effort to rebrand them as “fruit flies.”
*scribbles notes*
Thank you for the clarification.
Because they’re annoying, don’t live very long and are useful for genetic experimentation?
Great, now I’m reminded of the seminar in high school where we used a product called “Fly Nap” to knock out the fruit flies so we could put them under a microscope.
We used to refer to that substance as “Gin”.
FlyNap is only about 45 proof
OK Tonio, you sir are evil…
I am gonna send you a bill for the keyboard and monitor covered in iced tea….
Yeah, I was kind of doing the flailing arms, choke on coffee whilst laughing thing.
Huh….the fag hag I knew self-applied that term, but that was 20 years ago.
She is actually rather representative to me of the way the left has gone completely insane over the past 10 years or so. I hadn’t seen her since I moved back east in 2006 but we stayed in contact on Facebook, where I watched her posts get ever more crazy bit by bit. I generally ignored them. When the Chick-fil-A lunacy first started cranking up, which I think was around 2011 or so, she started screeching constantly about boycotting CFA and I finally responded. I wrote a rather subdued explanation that a)she knew me well and knew I am no homophobe b)that the ruckus had nothing to do with CFA itself but with the personal views of the owner c)that in any case I make my consumer decisions based on the product, not the ownership. I buy Ben & Jerry’s despite the repugnant politics of Ben and Jerry, I watch Sean Penn movies, etc.
Without a response, she unfriended me. So I wrote her a note saying that I was really saddened that our friendship was so meaningless to her that she would throw it into the dumpster without even talking to me about it, and that I didn’t hold grudges and would be glad to resume our relationship if she ever changed her mind. Never heard a word from her again.
I stopped buying Ben and Jerry’s because they let their politics get into the product. (And I need to lose weight anyway)
If you keep your politics out of the product and the advertising, I’m fairly ambivalent and will probably keep doing business with you.
I just assumed it was because they 1) Lived in a swamp 2) used evil magic and 3) had a gay friend.
I need to update my Monster Manual.
Also, speaking of:
Hags are better than flies. I ignore hags but kill flies with reckless abandon.
Attendees included former Michigan Gov. Jim Blanchard, former Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer (father of the host), civil rights attorney Butch Hollowell, former Detroit City Councilwoman Sheila Cockrel and Detroit Regional Chamber President and CEO Sandy Baruah.
Former Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Lon Johnson also attended the private fundraiser with his wife, Julianna Smoot, former White House social secretary and deputy manager on President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.
Those are the sort of people whose opinions matter most to me. Biden, it is.
So what else is on the internet today?
Seems useful
I know in my case that I ccan never have enough jumbo, rubbery, blue eggs.
Also, if I have to keep waiting one day, it’s not really a five minute craft, now is it?
What was the point of that? And who thinks these things up?
Bullwinkle: I’m going to take an egg. Drown it in vinegar, maple syrup (with a nice touch of a Canadian leaf on the bottle), dye and water and bet you it will expand?
Rocket J. Squirrel: Now what?
Bullwinkle: And now for my next trick!
what is the point of anything?
Ok here is something else
I like this version
That’s gonna be a no from me, dog.
Machete. That is all.
No way man. You can cut off the head and it keep moving. I once saw my father decapitate a rattlesnake with a felling ax and then the head bit into his boot (on the steel toe, thankfully) and the body started writhing and locomoting all over the place.
It was living in our canoe, and dropped out when my dad flipped it over to secure it to the top of the car.
The week before campers arrived, we would carry axes to thin out the copperhead population. With the proper technique, you can bury the head with the same stroke you use to kill. At least in that type of soil.
You know positively that this is not the first time he’s done that.
Enemies, both foreign and domestic
The integrity of American elections was compromised long before Donald Trump’s shocking victory in 2016, but former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress on Wednesday made clear that one political party is actively subverting attempts to protect our democracy.
Hours after Mueller testified about foreign election interference before the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday afternoon, the Republican-controlled Senate moved to block four separate bills to defend the U.S. democratic process.
“Over the course of my career, I’ve seen a number of challenges to our democracy,” Mueller said in his opening remarks. “The Russian government’s effort to interfere in our election is among the most serious. As I said on May 29, this deserves the attention of every American.”
He later told lawmakers that “much more needs to be done in order to protect against these intrusions — not just by the Russians, but others as well.” Researchers have already reported suspected Iranian disinformation campaigns on most major social media platforms this year.
What Mueller said, coupled with his report — which found that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election in “sweeping and systematic fashion” — is breathtaking. Russia’s disinformation campaign in 2016 spent more than $1 million a month, as Mueller reported in an indictment last year. When given an opportunity to question Mueller, however, some Republicans on the Intelligence Committee actually challenged him on his findings, complaining that he was baselessly defaming the Kremlin.
Even beyond their evident lack of interest in preventing election interference from happening again, Republicans seem to be defending it. This is no surprise when you recall that President Trump said as recently as last month that he’d be fine with accepting damaging information on an opponent from a foreign government.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Rise up, America. Storm the Bastille. Take back your imaginary democracy.
What was Hillary’s spend rate?
Nearly 750 million divvied by less than two years. You do the math…
Crazy days these are indeed when the Salon crew is suddenly askeered of the Rooskies.
The person who learned the most about the Mueller report today was Bob Mueller.
– Trey Gowdy
I can’t stand Gowdy but that’s a good quote right there.
If our democracy is so delicate that it can be shattered by some ineffective internet ad buys by a second rate power with a GDP the size of Italy’s it’s doomed anyway.
I guess we’re doomed. *stocks up on black dye and eyeliner*
This is what always gets me. If you believe the Democrats, the Russians are better at political campaigning in the US than anybody else.
They are just pissed that their guys – Google, Facebook, Twatter – lost their monopoly on misguiding the voters.
I’m not gonna lie, but these panics from the government are starting to sound more like them being upset that they don’t have full control of what information is present in the internet. Why anyone from anywhere can propogandize Americans. That’s the job of only the US Government.
That’s exactly what it is. They (and more specifically the DNC) want to control the narrative.
That’s certainly part of it. There are fairly large segments of our political and corporate classes that are positively screaming for the restriction of information who should, and in most cases do, know better.
No love for MSDNC
Ex-MSNBC host Krystal Ball slammed her former network on Thursday for promoting “feverish Russian conspiracy theories,” comparing the far-left network to Infowars and saying they are “not journalism.”…
“I can no longer avoid pondering a question which honestly gives me no joy to ponder: just how much damage has MSNBC in particular done to the Left?” Ball said. “Now this critique is not meant to be personal to the anchors and commentators there, many of whom I know, some of whom are actually close friends having worked at that network for five years, but nearly all of whom got swept up in the ratings bubble that was feverish Russian conspiracy theories.”
“I dare to say, some talent did drink more deeply of the Russian conspiracy waters than others,” Ball continued. “Rachel Maddow, you’ve got some explaining to do.”
Ball noted that MSNBC ruined any potentially damaging information that came out of the hearing because “for months MSNBC built segments after segments show after show on building anticipation for a big reveal when we would learn the true depths of Trump’s fealty and direct conspiracy with Putin.”
“In some of the most fevered speculation, primetime shows actually invited Jonathan Chait on to lay out his wild theory that Trump had actually been a Russian asset since 1987,” Ball continued. “Chait starts out his analysis … by acknowledging that Trump, as multi decade-long Russian asset, is ‘probably not true but it might be.’”
“Characters like conspiracy gadfly Louise Mensch were invited on. Mensch through her Twitter account often ‘reported’ things like the notion that Steve Bannon was getting the death penalty for espionage,” Ball added. “They had this person on MSNBC. Seriously, this is not journalism. It is Infowars conspiracy theory.”
Don’t. She’s nucking futs. She ran for office in my district. I listened to some of her interviews and this is the smartest, least insane thing that has ever come out of her mouth.
I’m more concerned with what is going in her mouth. ///rimshot
Thanks, I’ll be here all week.
He’s not gonna marry her or anything!
But yeah, she’s a loon.
“Momma gave me a Stripper name!”
Our ancestors may have begun barbecuing 1.5 million years ago
Read more:
That’s gonna be one hard ass hockey puck if it has been on the grill for that long…
Why do you think they left it for the archeologists to discover?
Well I worked from home today but did about 3 hours of work and the rest goofed off. The first week post vacation is tough.
Also I had one small beer and one glass of wine at the desk.
And after the Scotland trip I had resolved to drink less…
Why would you do something crazy like that man? Drink less, I mean.
Coming back to work after a vacation is always a real PITA.
well that was an easy commute
To whatever location you stash your hooch?
For sure. This whole week has been me catching up and getting back into the rhythm of things. It’s tougher around here because everyone’s either a fed or UMD, so we’ve all got tons of vacation and everyone takes it in the summer. The office is at maybe half capacity from June to September. Most Fridays I don’t even see anyone else.
Gunz update:
CZ Shadow 2 round count up to 5016. No stoppages in the last thousand rounds, for a grand total of two (both failures to extract). Next competition is on Aug 3, will clean the gun before then.
Installed the TJIB in the M9. The only annoying part was getting the trigger bar under the trigger return spring — a crochet hook would have been a useful tool. The range was shut down due to “A Girl and her Gun” event so I haven’t been able to tell if the 12# spring ignites primers reliably with the stock hammer. But the trigger pull makes me giggle.
i’m looking at their kit and it says it includes a hammer. why did you keep your old hammer?
did you hear if there was good turnout for the AGAG event?
I put the original hammer back in because the IDPA rules do not allow for hammer modifications in the SSP class.
I don’t know about the turnout yet — it was last night. However I did hear shots being fired and since a) our range is outdoors and b) it was raining, it had better attendance that I would have guessed.
i can’t find the trigger graph on that TJIB but i bet it’s a beaut.. especially compared to the stock M9.
The stock trigger isn’t bad at all, though the DA is a bit long. It actually breaks cleaner than the CZ.
neat. The Shadow is such a sexy gun. It would be 100% redundant in my safe, but I want to get one anyway.
It’s going to be my primary shooter for the foreseeable future.
Present for ya –
In local news… a casino didn’t really think about their security guard uniforms. Further proof that we’re on the path to 1940’s Germany.
Just call that little patch a piece of flair and it should be okay.
Yeah, until someone starts telling you can’t just have the minimum number of those cause it shows you are not motivated…
They are going to simply go with the initials of the department, Security Staff, instead of the star.
Nice spiky letters will really make it pop!
And really they should change the color from yellow to black
Some nice high boots too, they do have horses out there after all.
Lightning bolts, even. Bold white on black. Crisp, simple, classic.
Death’s Head or GTFO.
“I dare to say, some talent did drink more deeply of the Russian conspiracy waters than others,” Ball continued. “Rachel Maddow, you’ve got some explaining to do.”
That “Rachel Maddow is a GENIUS” thing is unfathomable to me. Who can stand to listen to her smarmy teenage bitch routine for more than ten seconds without being propelled into a murderous rage?
If you’re experiencing dating Rachel Maddow, help is available.
Peak Jezebel raht thurr
Can’t tell satire from serious anymore. Clown World. *honk honk*
Yeah, sure. The person telling this story is fictional.
There are Python scripts that can solve the NYT crossword puzzle. I wouldn’t listen to their hot takes on the events of the day.
Only person I’ve heard say that in real life was an honest to God cuck.
Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney has resigned from the Jamestown anniversary planning committee over an invitation it issued to President Donald Trump.
“A president who labels those disagree with him as un-American and ignorantly advocates for duly elected congresswomen, all United States citizens of color, to be sent back to their countries of origin has no place at this commemorative gathering in our commonwealth this weekend,” Stoney said in a resignation letter…
The July 30 event is to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the House of Burgesses, the first representative assembly in the New World.
It is part of a weeklong observance of the state’s colonial past, which also will mark the 400th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans’ arrival in Virginia.
The Associated Press reported that Virginia Democrats threatened to boycott the event over Trump’s inclusion.
“We will not be attending any part of the commemorative session where Donald Trump is in attendance,” said a statement by the leadership of the Virginia House and Senate Democratic Caucuses. “The current President does not represent the values that we would celebrate at the 400th anniversary of the oldest democratic body in the western world.”
Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment, a Republican, said it’s sad when elected leaders “make partisan concerns paramount in their decisions.” He described the decision by leading Democrats in the state to boycott the event as “disappointing and embarrassing.”
Not even the evil colonialism of white Europeans?
I for one welcome this newfound disgust in the office of the president. Oh you’re saying it’s just because of the wrong guy?
No problem with Gov. Coonman though, right? Suck my dick, Levar, you transparent phony.
Maybe he’ll wear red-face for the event.
Nothing says celebrating democracy better than excluding those with whom you disagree politically.
Aight, have fun doing your thing, my man. You can go hang out with the lovely and obviously no-so-racist Governor.
Powhatans all wished the Jamestown colonists would go back to their country of origin too.
Mayor Stoney – egotistical hack. Hopefully some day soon we can look forward to a really fun slapfight between Stoney and (scandal-tainted current Lt Gov) Fairfax. Mayor of Richmond has been a stepping stone to the Governor’s mansion before (Wilder, Kaine).
Wilder was governor before he was mayor, though.
pre-fired Google enginerd’s first piece on Google search news bias:
Note the use of a power-law (or 80/20, or rich-get-richer) distribution. The most-used site, CNN, is selected in 20% of all articles! In other words, even with the millions of sites on the Internet, 1 out of every 5 stories about “donald trump” from Google News is from CNN.
Cumulative Distribution
In power-law style, 50% of all stories come from the top 5 sites (CNN, USA Today, NYT, Politico, Guardian), and 83% of all stories come from the top 20.
OK ladies. Let’s take a vote.
How many of you saw this coming?
“Now comes poor Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.). He says that someone “got to” Robert Mueller,”
Is say Mueller got to Mueller, seeing as he said he wouldn’t give any new information…
Thing is, he’s right, kinda. Somebody clearly spoke to Mueller and told him what the report with his name on it said about the issue, and showed him where it was. His correction was reading what the report actually said.
That’s how cognitive dissonance works. You twist your brain into knots to avoid admitting that something you truly believe in is wrong.
I don’t think it’s even cognitive dissonance. It’s the same dynamic that supports the “True Scotsman” fallacy. If you establish a “theory” that’s untestable, it can’t be disproven. Trump is at the heart of a vast international conspiracy. Can’t prove it? Well of course not, silly, that’s because his agents are keeping you from the truth.
This is simply them following up a tantrum, thrown because they didn’t win the election they thought they had rigged for Hillary, primarily out of fear for people finding out how corrupt the Obama admin and the DNC were/are, with a “I am holding my breath until I get my way” stunt. At this point they can’t let go of this without accepting there will be consequences (not to mention a massive amount of suicides amongst the fanatics that were counting on this fantasy to reverse the election results so they could avoid having to do some soul searching that would disown them of their fanatical belief that they are “schmaath” [use Fredo Coreleone accent] because they belief the marxist shit they do). It is desperation.
They don’t actually believe it, they are lying scumbags trying to keep their insane left-wing base worked up, as well as trying to keep distracting from the actual criminal activity of the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration.
Hey, we all knew that Putin would send one of his wet workers to sidle up to Mueller and threaten him and his whole family unless he blew his testimony. You think Putin is stupidly going to not protect his asset in the White House?
I have a good theory: Mueller’s not a spring chicken and is showing early signs of dementia. It’s not a very sexy theory but it happens.
My theory is that his whole ‘befuddled grandpa lost in the book store’ routine was intentional and for the sole purpose of disassociating himself from the conduct of his subordinates during the investigation. He knew a few months in the whole thing was bullshit and is now looking to garner sympathy and remove culpability. Fuck that guy.
I was thinking the same thing. We wants to never be asked about this by anyone on either side – certainly wants distance from the origins / Clinton coner-up – so the whole lost grandpa act.
Guy pretending he didn’t know what was in a report he spent two years authoring. Either that or he never was really involved in it and was just enjoying the paycheck and fame, while fobbing all responsibility off on others.
Given the behavior of the senior people at DOJ and FBI, I have wonder if they are all just well-connected idiots.
Burn After Reading is a documentary?
Cops are typically the dumbest fucks you’ll meet. I see no reason why this would be different at the FedGov.
*cue Mafia boss wandering the streets in sandals and pajamas*
Could be, we’ll know before too long though. If he’s this bad already in a year or two there won’t be any ambiguity and he’s not going to know where he is. If he’s still with it he was faking it.
I’m torn. Its entirely possible he was purely a figurehead the whole time and really knew little about and did less to oversee the investigation. Which isn’t inconsistent with him either being a tired old man or having some kind of cognitive issue.
Honestly, I think the least likely explanation is that he is just as sharp and on top of it as we were invited to believe, and put on a big six hour act in Congress.
“He knew a few months in the whole thing was bullshit”
I think he knew even before he was appointed, as he was part of the circle that had been part of the Obama admin spying campaign, privy to the attempts from that group to entrap Trump people, and part of the group doing damage control once they realized they lost the election and would be exposed. He didn’t end up hiring Hillary Clinton supporters only to that team of his by mistake.
Mueller also could have been just a figurehead to provide cover for Andrew Weissman and his army of leftist fanatics who were really running the show. That’s why he knew little about the report, and the conflicts regarding “his” team. The whole thing was Weismann’s show, and Mueller was just there to try to give some impression of it not being a partisan witch hunt.
We need to see Trump’s tax returns so we can prove he paid Muller to throw off the investigation!
At least the page with deductions for bribes.
Fishing expedition!
Yeah and his W-2 for 2016 from the Russian foreign intelligence agency.
Oh, shit, I knew about that Wednesday afternoon. His seat was still warm when the conspiracy theories started a-flowin’.
When the imagined results did not materialize, the democrats went to “Plan X”.
They skipped Plan IX? Damn.
Resurrecting the dead doesn’t work as well as previously thought.
So… you mean RBG isn’t a lich?
Some folks in the English town of Herefordshire were terrified on Tuesday when they saw a car with machine guns and metal window guards mounted to it and called the police.
Officers with their own firearms brandished swarmed the sedan as it was parked in a rest stop, only to discover a polite driver who told them it was a just his movie car that had broken down and that the guns weren’t real, SWNS reported.
According to Herefordshire police, the car was from a “Mad Max” film, but it appears to be a replica rather than an authentic prop.
One response to the police tweet about the discovery included photos of what appears to be the same car from January when it was in an earlier state of conversion.
They’ll all come crying for help when the zombie apocalypse happens.
It’s actually kind of heartening to know that the English are just as stupid as we are.
*compares relative wealth, freedom*
Nah, they’re quite a bit duller than us.
Or a decade ahead of us.
I don’t think we’ll get to where they are in 30 years even, no matter how hard the dems want to fuck the economy and our freedoms over. Our economy would have to shrink 30% and I don’t think we’ll see such anti free speech laws or the complete outlawing of guns.
No Fury Road 2? Bummer.
Oh, no shit, it’s not really a car with real machine guns mounted on it? Christ, these are the people the British think should be armed?
the car was from a “Mad Max” film, but it appears to be a replica rather than an authentic prop.
Well, if it was from the film, it would be a prop rather than a replica. Journalists really are some of the dumbest mofos around, aren’t they.
I read that sentence as, it’s a replica of a car from the film, not actually one of the cars used in the film.
So rather than writing a self-contradictory sentence, why not say “It was a replica of a car in a Mad max film”?
Because journalists really are some of the dumbest mofos around.
They are more often than not just social justice warriors with over inflated egos.
Interesting, almost sane WSJ op-ed.
Also Blackjack, great article. Makes me thankful for my extremely boring upbringing/childhood.
Dammit, and it’s not on the Wayback Machine. Here’s a snippet:
“It was a revolution largely run by sociopaths. One, Robespierre, the “messianic schoolmaster,” saw it as an opportunity for the moral instruction of the nation. Everything would be politicized, no part of the citizen’s life left untouched. As man was governed by an “empire of images,” in the words of a Jacobin intellectual, the new régime would provide new images to shape new thoughts. There would be pageants, and new names for things. They would change time itself! The first year of the new Republic was no longer 1792, it was Year One. To detach farmers from their superstitions, their Gregorian calendar and its saints’ days, they would rename the months. The first month would be in the fall, named for the harvest. There would be no more weeks, just three 10-day periods each month.
So here is our parallel, our hiccup. I thought of all this this week because I’ve been thinking about the language and behavioral directives that have been coming at us from the social and sexual justice warriors who are renaming things and attempting to control the language in America.
There is the latest speech guide from the academy, the Inclusive Communications Task Force at Colorado State University. Don’t call people “American,” it directs: “This erases other cultures.” Don’t say a person is mad or a lunatic, call him “surprising/wild” or “sad.” “Eskimo,” “freshman” and “illegal alien” are out. “You guys” should be replaced by “all/folks.” Don’t say “male” or “female”; say “man,” “woman” or “gender non-binary.”
In one way it’s the nonsense we’ve all grown used to, but it should be said that there’s an aspect of self-infatuation, of arrogance, in telling people they must reorder the common language to suit your ideological preferences. There is something mad in thinking you should control the names of things. Or perhaps I mean surprising/wild.
I see in it a spirit similar to that of the Terror. There is a tone of, “I am your moral teacher. Because you are incapable of sensitivity, I will help you, dumb farmer. I will start with the language you speak.”
An odd thing is they always insist they’re doing this in the name of kindness and large-spiritedness. And yet, have you ever met them? They’re not individually kind or large-spirited. They’re more like messianic schoolmasters.
And there are the office arguments about bathroom policy, which I gather are reaching some new peak. There can no longer be a men’s room and a women’s room, so we can have one expanded bathroom everyone can use. No, we’ll have three. But there may be a stigma to using the third, so keep two bathrooms but remove all designations. But the women don’t want to put on their makeup with men coming in and out. But the men don’t want women walking in on them—that’s a harassment suit waiting to happen!
It’s all insane. All of it.
But we’re moving forward, renaming the months and the sexes, reordering the language.
You wonder how the people who push all this got so much power. But then, how did Robespierre?”
I use the handicap bathroom every chance I get. I don’t see why I should be stuck with some small, shitty bathroom just because I’ve got legs that work.
I don’t see why I should be stuck with some small, shitty bathroom just because I’ve got legs that work.
We don’t have any handicapable people in our office, so the triple size handicap stall is good for changing into gym clothes or pooping without having to inadvertently touch the walls.
It’s been written about many times. The French Revolution was the first real leftist take-over in modern history and it was sheer madness. Never forget that the Left is unbounded by any restraining principles. Political murder and wholesale slaughter of men, women, and children who showed any resistance became common occurrences. It was the blueprint for Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che, and today’s leftist leaders.
Oh yeah, the Bolsheviks fancied themselves neo-Jacobins that were going to usher in a new utopia. Then every other group from the CCP to the Khmer Rouge followed the Bolshevik lead.
This all has roots in Kant and Rousseau. But it’s the Germans that picked up the ball after the French imploded and ran with it. Fichte, an influential education reformer in Germany, set the direction of German schooling for the 19th century and was a massive influence on the progressive education reformers in the United States. All connections to the old must be broken, including language, so that the new way forward can proceed.
Didn’t the call for state-run education start even earlier, with the Calvinists though?
Not sure. I’d have to research some. I’m more familiar with the reactionaries to the Enlightenment.
I’m fairly certain the Germans had the first modern public education system, and Fichte was a major influence on it. From him, you can definitely see the seeds of what was to come.
“as goes Germany, so goes the rest of Europe”
So, they’re going to get half of civilization killed in a global war, fail, and then wallow in guilt for another century? Sounds right to me.
A lot of reformers wanted everyone to be taught to read, but not necessarily to have a broader education.
Reformers = Protestant Reformation
Mostly, I remember a vague passage somewhere where John Calvin was talking the importance of the state/church having a monopoly on education. For the life of me I can’t remember where I found it now.
Calvin being Calvin, he most likely wanted all education to be done by the church. But, I also think it likely that he didn’t want everyone being educated about everything.
“To start with, education must be egalitarian and universal, unlike previous education, which was feudal and elitist”
Is that the PC way to say ‘let us make them all equally stupid’?
Subservience and usefulness to the State was the objective
“Not one child left behind, rather all children left behind”
Paraphrasing G. Bush
Technowizardry is hard
A new AAA car safety study suggests that tech-laden “smart” cars are too distracting, which can undermine efforts to keep roadways safe, especially when those getting behind the wheel are aged 55 and over.
Cars today boast all kinds of bells and whistles unavailable to previous generations — everything from seat warmers to windshield wipers that automatically turn on when it rains, to sketch pads that enable drivers to doodle as they drive.
However, according to the findings of the study, conducted by researchers at the University of Utah and carried out for the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, older drivers find many new smart car features to be more demanding, and confusing, than do younger drivers.
What if you just think it’s a bunch completely unnecessary bullshit?
It’s a car. You drive it.
Like anything else, it’s a mixed bag
– seat warmer/AC – good
-rear view camera – good
– autobrights – bad
– auto wipers – good
-auto park – good but useless where I am
-inflatable seat belts – bad
-lane assist – limited use cases
-auto lights – mostly good
-touchscreen and capacitive buttons – mostly bad
-voice commands – mostly good
“-lane assist – limited use cases”
I have to keep turning mine off. *beep-beep beep-beep* GRRRR!! I ain’t over the fucking line, car, STFU!!!
There’s a toggle switch on my blinker lever for lane assisy, so occasionally I accidentally bump it on, but not often. I use lane assist only when driving somewhere unfamiliar and/or over long distances.
inflatable seat belts
That’s a new one on me
I overclock my blinkers for maximum performance.
Supposedly it keeps chest injuries down in a crash. Especially for kids and old folks.
It works by having a canister of compressed gas in the buckle that, in a crash, evacuates into an airbag built into the strap. The problem occurs when (like on my car) the buckle malfunctions and needs to be replaced. Instead of replacing a $20 component with a single bolt, I have to replace a $300 component with electrical systems and an explosion hazard.
Yeah, I want an electrified canister of compressed gas sitting on my junk in the car.
“Gamora, are these grenades the exploding kind or the gas kind, cause I wanted to put some on my belt, but not if they’re the blow-off-your-junk kind…”
I’ll go so far as to say that everything past the rear view camera is either fluff or bad. I’ve found with auto lights that I start to rely on them too much, and then when I get into the car after my wife has manually turned them on and then off I’ll just assume they’re on and then wonder why everyone is flashing their lights at me. User error, I know, but still.
For some reason I have a hard time with capacitive buttons, like they don’t register touches from me consistently. I think it’s because my fingers, especially towards the tips, are slightly callused. That’s one reason I’m so dead set against biometric locks for gun safes; it’s maybe a fifty-fifty shot that I’d be able to open one.
– seat warmer/AC – good
-rear view camera – good
– autobrights – unneeded, added expense, something else to break
– auto wipers – unneeded, added expense, something else to break
-auto park – good
-inflatable seat belts – unneeded outside limited use cases, added expense, something else to break
-lane assist – a distraction, unneeded, added expense, something else to break
-auto lights – unneeded, added expense, something else to break
-touchscreen and capacitive buttons – a distraction, unneeded, added expense, something else to break
-voice commands – unneeded, added expense, something else to break
As the reliability engineer drilled into me — more parts = more failures.
Automation leads to complacency. Complacency leads to accidents.
I don’t think I have auto-park and I’ve got all of the other crap on my car.
I’m completely addicted to the dual backup camera now. I love that thing. I’ve completely forgotten how to use mirrors and turn my head around now. Seriously.
I hate the backup cams on my parent’s vehicles. They never show perspective right so I can’t judge how far away I am.
With mine, you can backup park with an accuracy of fractions of an inch, seriously.
I don’t pay too much attention to the old style one with the red, yellow, and blue lines, I just watch the one that looks like there’s an overhead drone seeing the car from overhead, that thing is amaze ballz.
My dad’s got that on his 2017 F350, and it is pretty cool, I’ll admit. Still doesn’t replace mirrors for me.
When did you surrender your balls, Mr. Hyperion?
Dude, all I know is I can park our Highlander in a space that’s the car’s length plus one inch thanks to the camera.
Also, I know this is redneck heresy, but I’ve hooked up a trailer with a camera and with somebody waving their hands and yelling, and the camera’s a hell of a lot easier.
I have considered putting an after-market camera on my Xterra just to make it easy to hook up the trailer.
I’ve thought about replacing the stock radio in my 2001 Silverado with an aftermarket one, but with the full monty, i.e. navigation and back-up camera in the dash. It helps a hell of a lot with the parking, but the biggest thing is being able to hook a trailer up by myself in one shot.
I really like the adaptive cruise control for long drives. Just set it and your done. Automatically reduces speed to match a slower car in front of you and then speeds up when you pass back to your set speed. Also makes it easier to watch a lead foot in speed traps.
I also have collision mitigation braking where the car autonomously breaks if a collision is imminent faster than a human can react. The idea isn’t to avoid the collision, which is too late at that point, but to reduce the force of impact. Not relevant for most situations but useful for deer or if a drunk blows through the intersection right in front of you.
the car autonomously breaks
You have a Tesla?
Accord. Only in case of an imminent crash.
Them’s the braechs.
Good one, went over my head.
I used the adaptive cruise & lane assist on our vacation trip. Set the suspension for comfort and the 3+ hours melted by very fast. It was almost all highway. Perfect.
Adaptive cruise I would put in the good column.
My take on “lane assist” is that if you can’t keep your car in your own lane, you shouldn’t be driving.
My concern is that all this driver assist stuff is being used by people as an excuse to not pay attention to their driving. Hell, the ads sell it as permission to be a shit driver. An inattentive driver is the biggest danger to everyone on the road.
^ this ^
On a work trip I thankfully wasn’t on, one coworker was driving in freeway traffic. He spent far more time looking at the passenger he was conversing with than looking where he was going. He was relying completely on the lane assist to let him know when he wandered over the line. Fucking menace. This is the same guy who in white-out blizzards, just gets in the passing lane and sets the cruise at 65.
I typically leave it disabled, but I figured that I would try it out on the trip. Didn’t notice it until I intentionally made it kick in. It wobbled between the lines a couple times then got mad at me and told me to put my hands back on the wheel.*
*Not on a highway, no other cars around.
I have to drive Wifey’s car from time to time and all that I can say is “Vent levers now, vent levers tomorrorah and vent levers forevah!” Fuck, I hate all of that extraeneous stuff on the dash. Try to turn up the stereo – Bloop Beep – now the Mapping system is on. Touch a button and you’ve lost the station. Distractions for people that are stuck in traffic.
Did ya’ll know?
2016 election appears to be associated with increase in preterm births among US Latina women: Study
Really? This is what passes as a ‘Study’ these days? Science is officially dead. Forget about all this fancy technology you have today. Prepare yourself for tomorrow. Get your practice in using tomorrow’s technology today. Sticks and rocks, get good with them. You’ll need the former to grub ups some roots and the latter to bash in the head of the troglodyte trying to steal your grub.
per capita cheese consumption vs number of people who die by becoming entangled in their bedsheets is possibly my favorite
This is my new favorite page.
Those studies are just about as serious as most of the ones I see every day now in my job. You can get funding for anything, really. Just make sure you’re going to conclude it’s either tied to climate change or orangebadman and you’re funded already.
Oh yeah. I’m tacking on a minor in Data Science, which is basically just a fancy way of interpreting statistics mixed with some computer science. It’s the hot industry buzzword that everyone likes, and it just makes me depressed how B.S. the whole field is.
The biggest problem I run into at work is that, while people are very good at gathering analytics, they’re absolutely awful at setting up analytics that measure what they really want to measure. They frequently tell themselves stories based on data that doesn’t actually support the narrative because they get confused about causal relationships.
Oh yeah. I’ve got a very good Stats prof/advisor thankfully that hammers home the importance of correct interpretation and not twisting the statistics around.
I remember sitting through intro to stats for poli Sci majors and swearing off of opinion polling forever. The opinion polling class I took the next semester was the nail in the coffin.
Thank god it’s not that. It’s more working with data to build a “picture” of stuff. My ideal would would be in Oil/Gas (The Great Satan) using historical data to build a picture of subsurface rock formations for drilling. Riveting, I know.
odd so many are dairy-based.
It’s like British tabloids are stuck in Benny Hill inuendo territory. It’s 2019 for Christ’s sake, come up with new puns, limeys.
They have a new PM anyway. Slightly better than the last one. I wish he would quit virtue signaling about climate change, but apparently that’s not on the agenda. What they need is Farage, only Farage can save the limeys.
I always shake my head when they all her great fat ass “pert”. Pert is a slightly turned up nose on a saucy ginger. Think young Shirley Maclaine.
Yeah, there ain’t shit pert on that girl. She’s got disproportionately wide hips and a mediocre face, bless her heart. I mean, I don’t hate her for making money. I respect the game. I’m just sayin’, I don’t find her attractive at all and I like girls on the sturdier end of the spectrum.
I ain’t choosy but I’ve always liked slim and trim. Ballet dancers and the like. They can all be fun in the right circumstances is what I’m clumsily trying to say.
I like the way shitty sites cause my PC’s fans to go full speed. I can run most games at 4k/60fps without hearing a fan, but dailyfail needs as much processing power as possible to convey that mediocre chubbo.
Its probably your firewall locked in a death struggle with the avalanche of cookies, trackers, ads, auto-start video, etc.
Why are media websites some of the absolute worst? Your average local TV news website is damn near unusable, with all popups. ads, auto-start video, etc.
If ICP were Russian…
That’s a cute dwarf.
Unfortunately she’s not in the group anymore. But there’s a buxom brunette in her place.
There’s so much about that video I don’t understand, but she is definitely a cute dwarf.
They need to dig up the guy from Braveheart who chucked that ponce out of the castle window and put him in charge. He’d get Brexit done.
Trying is the first step towards success, Grasshopper. Now snatch this pebble from my hand!
*shoots Festus in the foot*
*picks up pebble while he’s trying to stop the bleeding*
Wait, it wasn’t about the stone, was it?
*Wraps rice paper around wound* You little Fuck!
Edward Longshanks, Conquerer of Wales.
*queues up Braveheart*
Jesus Christ fellers! I give you Debbie Harry circa 1976 playing at being Punk and you give me nothing? Whatta world, whatta world…..
How about Debbie Harry circa 1981 playing at being a rapper?
No, that was terrible. I like the one wherein she is playing on the beach at Coney Island.
No, that was awesome.
“No, that was terrible.”
Go back to Soviet Arabia.
I can’t quite put my finger on the why because she runs against type for me, but I am picking up every single damn thing late 70s early 80s Debbie Harry is putting down.
Eyebrows and lips, Dude. She’s the girl that you met in camp but lives in Canada.
ohhhhhhhhhhhh that takes me back.
Totally. She’s in the encyclopedia under “Bedroom Eyes”. “Heart of Glass”-era Debbie Harry could walk up to me and be like, “Hey, you’re out of toilet paper” and I’d melt.
Yup. I was exactly the right age for her to push Every. Single. Button.
HM would have no such worries. She’s the girl that you met and romanced but then your camera fell into the lake.
Debbie Harry was never my thing. She’s attractive, sure.
Never give up. Never surrender.
Many war-torn Democrats and their media cohorts are in mourning over special counsel Robert Mueller’s stunningly bad performance before Congress, and it is a wonderful thing to behold.
Take, for example, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, who, upon watching Republicans take Mueller apart in cross-examination, asked God for forgiveness for ever having been a Republican.
So Joe, do you mean to say you are ashamed for having associated with Republicans because they asked tough questions of the man who diverted the nation’s attention for two years with a partisan hoax of gargantuan proportions? You are more comfortable lying in bed with mean-spirited Democrats, progressives, liberals and leftists who delight every day in savaging President Trump and his supporters. We understand that you are sorry you were ever a Republican, and we’re sorry, too, but could you please come up with a better reason — one that might convince more than a sliver of credulous people?
MSNBC proudly tweeted a video clip of Mourning Joe ranting against Democrats for failing to fight back against President Trump. The written portion of the tweet reads, “If you want to stop Donald Trump, it is time to … roll up your sleeves and go after him and do whatever it takes to win. If you don’t do that, you’ll have (him) for four more years.”
Well, Joe, you outdid yourself on this. With such trenchant analysis, one wonders whether MSNBC is lamenting that it ever hired you. Well, not really. You fit in perfectly there, as evidenced by the nodding heads of your co-host and guests as you were spewing forth your inanity.
In the video clip, GI Joe boasts that if he had been one of the other 16 GOP presidential candidates who Trump insulted during the primary campaign, Trump would never have been elected because he would have made it his singular mission to destroy Trump. Quite the tough guy.
Sure, Joe.
Joe is sorry. A very sorry man.
But he’s trying. Very trying.
Truly a cornucopia of derp! We are are indeed living in an above average time-line!
Vox tackles everyday carry and it’s not really worth reading.
the obligatory dig at gun carriers..
“I have a very comfortable life in LA, and I get to walk to work, and everything’s super safe,” he says. “I carry a knife, but partly for my job. But the community is super-focused on that. Like the guys who carry two guns, how often do you need to use one gun? Never. A lot of it is those guys preparing for any situation, a bit of masculine cosplay, trying to be that person.”
If we had ‘male’ Vox staff tested for testosterone levels, do we think they’d even register? Or rival the centinarians like the Buzzfeed ‘men’ did?
Their menopausal staffers would test higher.
Those men who sacrificed themselves to shield their wives’ and girlfriends’ bodies were just cosplaying masculinity, too.
Like the guys who carry two guns, how often do you need to use one gun? Never.
If I thought I would need to use it, I wouldn’t be carrying a handgun.
My wife used to ask me this in the beginning. “SSD, why are you carrying to my family’s cookout/going out to dinner/a wedding. Do you really think you’re going to need that?”
My invariable response was that if I thought I’d need it, I’d be bringing a rifle instead.
She understands now that soft targets are intentionally targeted by mass shooters or just run of the mill criminals and carries with me.
why are you carrying to my family’s cookout
“Because I’ve met your family?”
You’re not wrong. Her cousin has a Belgium Malinois that is on the double digits for number of adults and children bitten. My wife took the daughter without me or her carry gun to a cookout at the cousin’s place last year. She went outside with our daughter to get some air, not realizing her cousin’s father had taken the dog out at the same time off leash. Next thing she knows, the dad is screaming at them to run, RUN inside. They made it inside in time.
I was furious when she told me. At everyone involved but including my wife for not carrying and taking that responsibility for protecting our daughter. That dog would have been ventilated if I had been there and be damned to what her family thought.
Why is that dog still alive? I say this as someone who owns dogs who’ve snapped at people in the past.
It shouldn’t be. Everyone in her family is terrified of it except the cousin and her parents.
Man. I mean, if the cousin’s lucky there’s just a lawsuit on the horizon. God forbid the dog hurts or kills a kid or something like that.
A snap is still a warning. I’m not really happy about dogs that growl, snarl, or snap at people, but a bite crosses a line.
Belgium Malinois that is on the double digits for number of adults and children bitten
That dog needs killing. I might, might let a dog get away with biting one person unprovoked, if there were some kind of extenuating circumstances. Two? Nope. Double digits? I’d probably put the owner down, too.
I’ve been bitten twice by dogs (different ones). The first time I would have shot it if I’d had a gun (at my parent’s ranch). I’m surprised none of the neighbors have as I’m not the only one it’s bit.
SSD prepares for a cookout.
I often carry a knife in either pocket specifically, and I’m not making this up, because if I’m in a car accident and have to cut my seatbelt to get out of the car, I don’t want to drown or burn to death because I can’t get to a knife on one side for whatever reason. The odds I’ll be trapped in a car underwater with one broken arm? Extraordinarily low. The odds I’d regret not bringing two knives if I did find myself in that situation? 1:1.
yep, risk isn’t all about probability. there’s a severity component.
It all comes down to marginal utility. The marginal cost is negligible, and the potential benefit is astronomical.
E Warren- Sooper Genius
But her ideas about the technology sector are merely a subset of her wide assortment of futile schemes. Warren, for instance, is planning to bail out student loans and make college tuition-free. College-educated workers predictably earn more over the course of a lifetime than workers who are not college-educated. Consequently, economists across the political spectrum have pointed out that this proposal amounts to a bailout for everyone except the poor.
Less discussed is whether Americans want a European-style system in which tuition is low but access is more competitive. Or, if we solved that problem by exploding the number of programs, would we welcome the resulting devaluation of degrees at a time when students and parents are already questioning the worth of those credentials?
Practically unmentioned is the sorry fact that student debt comprises half of all federal financial assets. Federal liabilities already outweigh its financial assets by a factor of eight. Does Warren have the stomach to throw a jubilee, only to make that difference a factor of 16?
And she’s supposed to be the smart one.
Does Warren have the stomach
Why would she care? Wilson and Roosevelt are remembered by illiterates as two of the country’s greatest presidents. The budget crisis will be blamed on the person who tries to claw it back from the brink of insolvency.
It’s no problem, she’ll pay for it by taxing the rich. But not the selfless servants in academia or government, or the rich who donate to her party. Just rich Republicans.
Trump actually raised taxes for the country’s wealthiest citizens, but for some reason Dems hate that now.
Free Shit! Gimme Moar! Fuck off, I don’t want your stuff. I earn my daily bread and if I was on the dole I’d be dead already.
Wild Horses might be my least favorite Stones song. This might be my favorite.
Oddly enough I was never a fan. Too paint-by-numbers for my taste.
The best stones song was heartbreaker.
Aaaaand thread kill! I’m done. Sleepy-time for Darryl.