And what a lovely Sunday it is! Our A/C stopped working yesterday, so it was delightfully toasty in the house. Wonder Dog gave coronaries to some of the golfers playing behind our yard and has actually made the course’s list of hazards. In collaboration with one of the Glibertariat, I’ve started a new company, but I’m worried I’ll fail the drug test (“Not enough.”). My mother has been regaling us with stories of 1940s Baltimore (“…and the colored people had their own schools. They were terrible schools. It was so depressing.”). It’s been an interesting weekend.
Surprisingly , there are birthdays today, starting with the first sign of spring; “I thought you said you wanted a larger pianist!“; the toilet king; a guy who was buried in his own invention; the inventor of the laser show; one-fourth of the most brilliant comic team since the Three Stooges; one of my childhood fantasies; and someone who visited famine-struck areas and filmed commercials there.
On to the news!
Shut the fuck up, Barry. You were every bit as embarrassing and twice as bigoted. Say, how’s your buddy Farrakhan doin’ these days? And your mentor, Jeremiah Wright?
Why the Second Amendment really is a racial justice issue.
No possible way this is a hoax. No. Possible. Way.
Look, kid, I’m from there, too. He’s right about this (though its relevance to a congressman is… nonexistent). Deal with it. Once again, I hate everyone involved. This guy as well.
Spud put up a Puddles video last night. Fortunately, this was not Puddles.
Maureen Dowd can make even the most sensible idea seem stupid. This is a talent.
It’s tough to be stupider than her, but here’s a senator who manages to do so.
And fitting the theme of the Hazard of the Fifteenth Hole, here’s today’s entry in the annals of Old Guy Music.
Posting before coffee kicks in, just because I could.
On my third cup, getting myself ready to face the heat for my morning hike.
and someone who visited famine-struck areas and filmed commercials there.
a resolution that says “that the Israeli occupation remains a major obstacle for Palestinian women and girls with regard to the fulfillment of their rights.”
How dare you make Palestinian women live with Palestinian men.
I suspect they’re not referring to natural rights, just a made-up set of whatever they say are rights at any given moment
Petition to send back John Bolton to the U.N. They truly deserve each other and I really want the U.N. to feel miserable.
Good luck on the company venture, OMWC, hope it’s a rousing success!
So Sally Struthers is most famous for filming commercials about starving children and playing the wife of Meathead. Coincidence? I think not.
+1 Starvin Marvin
I seem to remember a moment of hotness on All in the Family where she was wearing Daisy Dukes, after that.. no
And she got nekkid with Jack Nicholson in Five Easy Pieces.
‘It was pure pandemonium’: Man, 38, is killed as TWELVE people – including a child – are shot in a hail of gunfire at a Brooklyn playground during annual block party ‘old timers’ event
A 38-year-old man has died following a mass shooting at a park in New York City.
Eleven other people – including a child – were injured as a hail of gunfire erupted at Brownsville Playground in Brooklyn at around 11pm on Saturday night.
The area was teeming with locals who were out celebrating ‘Old Timers Week’ – an annual community block party in its 56th year.
A single shooter – still at large – is believed to be responsible for the tragedy, according to The New York Post.
Another shooting prevented by New York’s draconian gun laws.
‘Old Timers Week’
Fucking Boomers, man
That’s awful. RIP to the people who were injured/killed and hope they catch the asshole who did it.
Indiana is to blame.
That is literally the worst neighborhood in the city. It would take more than “100 officers” to get me over there at any time of day.
Thumbs up for Old Guy Music today.
Jeffrey Foucault is an amazing musician. Cold Satellite was his venture into more rock-based stuff than his usual folk-country. We saw them live on their tour for the second album (“Cavalcade”) at a club near Jeff’s hometown, front row seats. The club was so small, the lead guitarist spent most of the show in our laps.
So you got a lap dance from a rock guitarist.
Whatever floats your boat….
Don’t judge, Ted.
I don’t judge Ted.
Judge Tedd
/spittle flecked Stallone
Nobody has bothered to ask if a thermostat has been checked ?
I am disappoint.
SP installed the thermostats, so they did not need to be checked. Issue turned out to be some of the wiring to the blower (pre-dated us).
call me, Old Man……
“…I’m so excited to see the moment when the despicable Donald Trump lumbers into a Marine helicopter and flies away for good.”
And I can’t wait to refill my rain barrels with proggie tears. It is going to be epic. Stupid fuckers still haven’t figured it out.
I can think of some Trump and helicopters scenarios I’d like to see
Trump & Jan Michael Vincent in Airwolf, and taking out a North Korean nuke facility?
That would be epic. Would watch.
Oh yes. And since I imagine there’ll be no small number of people who voted for Johnson or McMullin in 2016 that will vote for Trump in 2020, he’ll win in an even more convincing fashion. It won’t be a Reagan/Mondale landslide, but Trump could wind up with around 340 electoral votes. The following states went for Hillary in 2016 by less than the number of votes GayJay and McMullin got:
Colorado (9)
Maine (2) (Maine has 4 votes total, but allocated 3 for Hillary and 1 for Trump, so this would just be reversed and Trump would gain 2)
Minnesota (10)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
Trump got 306 electoral votes in 2016, so another 31 would put him at 337 and the Democrat at 201. That’s a solid thumping, if not a landslide victory.
Ahem, as of now CO’s electoral votes go to the winner of the popular vote which I have ten bucks will be Kamala Harris. My understanding is the petition to get that bill on the ballot as an initiative has gained enough signatures so who knows how that dumbassery will play out.
I thought that only went into effect at such time as enough states have signed on to make the electoral college irrelevant.
Haven’t heard that. But then again I haven’t heard a lot of things.
Something about those laws strike me as particularly pernicious. Having these submarine laws that surface some time decades from now when some trigger happens strikes me as rather, erm, inconsistent with consent of the governed.
^ This. The idiotic “compact” hasn’t taken effect.
Colorado is also moving leftward as more people move in especially from California where they promptly vote in policies similar to the ones in California.
Reason #1 Mrs. Animal and I are planning the move north to the Great Land.
It’s like she almost gets it, and then calls people who voted for him racists. If she is firmly in the moderate camp, Donnie Two Scoops will crush them this time around.
If you’re crying over a Trump tweet, you might be overly sensitive.
I think it’s fairly obvious by now that Trump deliberately tries and often succeeds in directing his opposition’s attention using outrage over his Tweets. For example, last week he was transparently trying to make the DNC establishment own the Squad rather than feud with them. I don’t see why something like that isn’t the case here.
As a matter of fact, Obama and Valerie Jarrett played right into Trump’s hands by closing ranks even as one of the Squad is beginning to be unpersoned back home.
It’s usually a cover for real news like the SC decision on the wall, or Barr bringing back the death penalty (something is up with that).
Everyone gets mad and spazzes out at the tweets while the serious shit gets done
Good morning Glibertariat!
Good morning.
“We refuse to sit idly by as racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia are wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy. … We are red-blooded Americans, we are patriots, and we have plenty to say about the direction this country is headed,” the editorial reads.
It’s too bad nobody ever explained to them that “the country” is a vast agglomeration of individuals, all of whom should be free to choose a “direction” independent of the preferences of a bunch of pious meddling imbeciles from the government.
We refuse to sit idly by as racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia are wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy.
If I had a nipple for every time I heard a leftist say this over the last 3 years, I’d be Q
He obviously wants to to do what he did to the insurance market to the rest of the country.
Letters to the Local Rag: Keeping It Short And To The Point
The Harvard Black Law Students Association issued a statement Friday criticizing the school after it was unable to determine who sent the “hateful, racist and sexist” messages, and after officials refused to share details of an investigation with students who received the messages.
I wouldn’t hire a Harvard-educated lawyer to shine my shoes.
Letters to the Local Rag: Yeahhhh, Okayyyyy, Surrrrreeee
Brooks broke my threading.
I kind of believe the Go Back to Where you came Froms are happening, but it’s probably trolling
I don’t believe the lady politician who was already proven a liar by a witness.
Well according to the witness, it was said … by the lady politician.
If I remember right.
Yeah, I thought that was the latest update before the story got memory-holed.
“And where was the store management?”
Certainly they had nothing better to do than sit around and monitor every word said by patrons and passers by.
“I wouldn’t hire a Harvard-educated lawyer to shine my shoes.”
Hey, I’m right here, you know.
I wouldn’t hire you to shine my shoes. You’d figure out a way to come up with 15 billable hours for it. :-p
The obvious question is, what is “Black Law”? I smell an occult scare on the horizon.
Ahem, it’s called Law of Color. Come on, now.
“Now, more than seven months since the first hateful message was sent, the sender of this message remains unidentified and free to continue harassing Black and women students, meanwhile the targeted students have been left to continue fearing for their safety,” the group said in its statement.
Living in fear. Trembling in terror, each time the text message notification on the cell phone goes ding. What a miserable, joyless existence.
Where is your Obama now?
It’s amazing that a random racist would have the personal phone numbers of the black students.
And the students say the message was sent on a retail display phone with a fake google account.
Exactly how did they figure that one out? Go around calling the number in every store waiting to hear a ding? Pay $25 for the reverse phone lookup? How would that have the google account?
And then this person or group had to input 4 different people’s numbers and send them texts… seems really odd that they don’t know who it is.
And now they want all the information from the investigation. “We don’t know who did it” isn’t enough for the students. Which makes me wonder if this isn’t a more targeted hoax. It seems like they want University Police to go digging around someone specific and then share whatever dirt they get with them. Maybe there’s a rogue group of white guys who aren’t progressive enough, and they’d really like to see them more thoroughly and publicly vetted?
These students are some of the safest humans on the planet
What’s the school supposed to do about it, anyway?
Burn the whole campus down. Just to be sure.
Nah, just create another useless position to be filled by some Nazi Puritan “head of cultural witch hunting” or something.
Sure, burn the campus, and hand out diplomas and cushy jobs to the woke who have suffered so greatly.
*snort laugh
*honk honk*
Yeah, that was pretty funny.
Fresh blueberries from the backyard going in some pancakes right now.
Sadly we exhausted our backyard supply a week ago. I have to find a varietal that matures a little later to keep the season going.
They’re just coming in now. We have 5 very old bushes that are overdue for a trimming.
One we planted a few years ago has just started to produce good ones.
“They were terrible schools. It was so depressing”
As opposed to now?
The progressives are the modern Puritans. The Massachusetts Bay Colony is alive and well on the Potomac and Twitter.
As I have said, many times, you can’t be *wrong* all the time, either.
Popped in head in shower this morning.
Pr0n search term for the morning?
“There aren’t enough sprinkles on my ice cream cone. I’ll sue you, you racist.”
I could only make it so far in the Dowd article. While it shouldn’t bother me, attacks on Republicans for sticking with Trump seem particularly hypocritical. The left has convinced themselves that Trump is some unique evil.
And then she goes on about how he welcomed foreign interference. Of which I can only assume she means the email leaks. Because it’s bad that emails detailing how terrible HRC is, was a terrible crime.
I read the whole thing and now feel like I need a shower to wash the smug off. I remember now why I make a point to never read Dowd.
Do they not get that nobody cares when you say ‘racist’ anymore? How many dead horses are they going to keep beating?
I can sort-of charitably see how they may have divined racism out of “go back where you came from” but this one is not racism in the least. You know what is racism? Gerrymandered congressional districts.
Good morning Old Man and all you scary monsters!
Back from a wonderful week in lovely Alberta, Canada. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the land of floppy-heads, maple syrup and God’s favorite sport. From the minute I stepped off the plane, the people I dealt with were awesome, the scenery was spectacular and I can’t wait to go back.
Great OGM this morning! You must have linked him before, because he’s in my Spotify rotation. He makes me think of one of my local faves.
Yeah, I’ve put up a lot of Jeff’s music- SP and I are major fans. And monsters are often necessary.
Ghost Repeater is still one of the greatest songs ever.
Good luck on the new venture, too. I’m a little envious. The beginning is a fun and terrifying time.
From the minute I stepped off the plane, the people I dealt with were awesome, the scenery was spectacular and I can’t wait to go back.
Speaking as a “re-homed” Albertan, you’re welcome. Glad you had a good time!
Thanks! We stayed in Canmore and spent every day up in the mountains. Probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. A perfect vacation.
Canmore’s fabulous. When I lived in Calgary, we drove in to Canmore every chance we could. (We also toyed briefly with the notion of retiring there, but foolishly went with the Lower Rainland™ instead . . .)
“Baltimore is a shithole.”
“Whaaaaaa?! You can’t say that.”
“Why don’t you go back there and do something to fix it?”
“Me? Move back to Baltimore? That place is a shithole. Why do you think I worked so hard to get away from there?”
I was gonna see say the same thing. Trump’s just saying what everyone else was thinking.
I have a neighbor who moved here from Colorado, and I’d like nothing better than for him to go back where he came from.
If he is that bad, we don’t want him back.
My father worked for the Dept of Corrections until he retired earlier this year. One of his coworkers had a Chevy Volt that he would plug into the halfway house where he and my dad worked, so he’d charge his car for ‘free’ for eight hours every day. My father asked if that made it okay for him to go siphon gas out of the state vehicles in the parking lot instead of having to pay for gas himself. Strangely, the other guy didn’t think that would be kosher.
+1 “electricity comes from the outlet”
“Pee is stored in the balls”
What a douche.
The homeowner should have hooked up a tow chain and pulled it a couple blocks away.
Unplug the cord first and chop off the plug with loppers.
From the comments: “$250 or the cops, you choose.” I don’t know as the homeowner actually could have gotten away with that, but I sure as hell wouldn’t have let this asshole just skate.
This guy must really love to lose:
“Taking on Buttigieg”
That had to be intentional.
In collaboration with one of the Glibertariat, I’ve started a new company
For realsies, with profit potential and everything? Good on ya. Ideally, this company would operate in the same market as the outfit that dusted you off after six months, and you would eventually bury them. Because, spite.
+ 100
How’d they monetize snark?
I heard they’re making an app that will help hikers avoid you-know-who.
+1 side bar ads ?
For realsies. Only tangentially related, I’m more interested in success than revenge.
Sometimes success is the best revenge.
Sometimesa great deal of the time success is the best revenge.FTFY. 8^>
That’s awesome. Good luck!
I know a good web designer if you need one. ?
more interested in success than revenge.
Well, that’s probably more productive. And healthy. If those are things that are important to you. ::rolls eyes::
Seriously, best of luck.
Selling “audiophile” USB cables?
That would be awesome. Oxygen-free! Made in a parallel dimension! Washed in the tears of angels!
I figure OMWC’s first million in profit should happen inside of six months or so. (Douglas Self hardest hit.)
Speaking of racist nativism
Boris Johnson is “turbo-charging” preparations to leave the EU without a deal on 31 October as his government’s number one priority, according to several senior cabinet ministers.
And Priti Patel, the new home secretary, told the Mail on Sunday that she would stop the “automatic right of entry for EU citizens, with or without work” in order to give the “type of preference to brilliant scientists, academics and highly skilled workers that we want to see more of”.
Gove and Javid are part of a new “war cabinet” of six key ministers to deliver Brexit by 31 October “by any means necessary”.
The unending horrorshow. The destruction of the One Europe Solution. Doom portends.
I will laugh my ass off if my friends living in england get deported
How dare he follow through on his campaign promise!
Obama is some piece of work.
so this is taking every news slot in the country these days
Thousands protest in Romania after police take 19 hours to tackle child kidnapping
The girl was snatched on Wednesday as she tried to hitch-hike home to Dobrosloveni in southern Romania, police said.
On Thursday morning, she managed to ring the emergency number 112 three times and provide clues to police about the place she was being held by a car driver who had picked her up.
The girl had yelled “he’s coming, he’s coming” before the phone call was cut off, Buda had told journalists prior to his sacking.
Three buildings were searched by officers before they finally found the house where she had been held, more than 12 hours after her phone calls.
Police then sought a search warrant, which is not required in emergencies, and waited till dawn to enter the house – 19 hours after Alexandra’s last call.
Nice to see the same level of competence in Romanian heroz that we have here. Although here they would be kicking in doors immediately. At the wrong address.
3 buildings were searched before they finally found the house where she had been held….
So yeah, they got that covered.
the question is should 112 aka 911 for you calls be tracked?
I don’t know about Romania, but location tracking for 911 can’t be turned off here.
But that won’t speed up response time.
Also, hitch-hiking? People still take that risk?
well there was apparently no public transport in the area. I hitchhiked in Islay,in the sens that people offered me a ride and I took it. A 15 year old in Romania is quite riskier. But most times she wont get killed, at worst just sold into sexual slavery.
I doubt hitch-hiking is any more or less dangerous today than it ever was.
It was never a smart idea.
See if you had manly cops like in the US, they would have just blown up the entire complex.
What is the deal with the ongoing Ruth Bader Ginsberg hagiography at NPR, these days? Are they getting ready to tell us she only has six months to live, so the Trump Impeachment Express needs to leave the station ASAP?
She’s been making a concerted effort at “legacy building” for the last few years. I find that whole thing odd. I don’t remember anyone prior to Bill Clinton publicly stating that they needed to build a legacy. But Clinton and Obama were pretty explicit about the way they were casting about looking for something to be remembered by, rather than simply doing what is best for the country.
Now we have a supreme court justice with a PR firm running around getting press for her. That’s different…. at least since the 70’s. In my lifetime, Supreme Court justices have always been intentionally quiet in public, letting the court and the decisions they write be the star. Now we’ve got a documentary featuring workout footage.
I listened to the Reason-Soho debate about Post-modernism and Libertarianism. Well worth the time.
I had never really done a deep dive on Post-modernism and what they really believe. The debate was very informative. Our post-modernist was a really nice and bright guy who seemed to have pretty good intentions in the world. And as he revealed his philosophy and how that relates to an order for the world it became apparent that post-modernism is an unsalvageable evil mess. And it also became quite apparent that this philosophy is quite dominant on college campuses and in the progressive movement. The whole “manipulate the language” stuff the progressives do is straight post modernism. Apparently the original great minds of post-modernism were all communists who thought that communist thinkers were not progressive or radical enough.
Anyway, worth a listen if you hadn’t really spent any time with post-modernist philosophy since leaving college decades ago…
Thanks. Tom Amarque ‘s interview of Jordan Peterson got into the discussion of the philosophy, as well. And yes, it is incredibly evil and destructive.
That is on my to do list today.
My favorite is that Michael Malice had Thaddeus on and asked him about the debate. Thais
Thaddeus says he won. The go into how the debate format judging works and it turns out that he lost.
Check this out. It’s well worth the effort.
Strictly speaking, there’s no real reason postmodernism should lend itself to the socialists and communists. If it’s impossible to “know” anything, then how does that jibe with a planned economy? Yet, they all seem to lean left politically. I think it’s simply because postmodernism allows them the room to contort the language to suit their purposes.
“I think it’s simply because postmodernism allows them the room to contort the language to suit their purposes”
This seems like a reason. I’ll listen t the debate but listening to Thaddeus it seemed like navel gazing. “But dude is there an objective reality?” “How do you know anything outside your self?”, The thing that is interesting, and where I think problems begin is that when you say “There is no truth,” you have no leg to stand on to say something is false. When your main argument is people have been wrong and so they could be wrong now- how can you say anyone was ever wrong?
Postmodernism reduces everything to power. When there is no truth, power is the only metric.
And postmodernism applied to the law, critical legal theory, sets us back to pre-Hammurabi.
Thanks, d00d! Looks like it’s the kind of thing that’s right up my alley. (Plus, it’s free.)
honestly I ever saw pomo as something that new or original, just some old ideas with a lot of bullshit obscurantist language
What? This isn’t clear to you?
“A text is not a text unless it hides from the first comer, from the first glance, the law of its composition and the rules of its game. A text remains, moreover, forever imperceptible. Its laws and rules are not, however, harbored in the inaccessibility of a secret; it is simply that they can never be booked, in the present, into anything that could rigorously be called a perception.” – Derrida
WTF did I just read?
Grazie bello!
“One witness, part of a group involved in the trouble, explained to staff that things kicked off when another passenger appeared dressed as a clown. This upset one of their party because they’d specifically booked a cruise with no fancy dress. It led to a violent confrontation,” Gaisford said.
The buffet area of the ship was sealed following the fight and medical teams were seen helping those injured.”
Pride of Britain. A nation in free fall. Didn’t they arrest a woman for not calling a dude a ‘ma’am’ or some retarded shit?
I’ve read that the English have a different meaning of the phrase “fancy dress”. It basically can mean anything other than normal clothing, including a clown suit or a formal suit.
Still. To fight over it?
The English can be quite the rambunctious lot.
So Pie’s first bitter cherry infused gin is not bad at all
nice and chilled
Does the cherry flavorant cover up the taste of twigs?
it completes it. You get a bit of gin in there that is the point, more complex flavor. And it is nice and bitter. I did add 3 or 4 tablespoons of honey, next time I will only add two. It is not just gin, it is 400 ml of 96% alcohol I used to sterilize things and 700 ml of London Dry
Honestly I am not sure bitter cherries even exist outside Romania. It is a very Romanian thing, although people use them for preserves, not booze. Sour cherries are boozed up, but with too much sugar. My mom will add the fruit to a chocolate cake, usually sour cherries are used fr that as well will be interesting.
I’m pretty sure they do, being the native european cherry cultivar. Sweet cherries are an invasive agricultural species.
Pack the Court. Pack it hard.
TW: Salon
As reported by Politico last week, NPR’s Nina Totenberg asked Ginsburg about proposals to expand the court beyond its current membership. The justice responded: “Nine seems to be a good number. It’s been that way for a long time. If anything, [court expansion] would make the court look partisan.”
The very fact that a sitting Supreme Court justice is being asked about court expansion underscores the growing understanding among voters and opinion leaders that the court has been co-opted by the Republican Party, and has broken democracy for partisan ends by allowing voter suppression, gerrymandering and unlimited dark money.
Even though Ginsburg has to continue to maintain the pretense of the Supreme Court as a nonpartisan institution, the 2020 presidential candidates are under no such obligation. To the contrary, it is imperative upon them to recognize and reckon with the fact that the high court is a political institution that has been hijacked by the GOP to advance a partisan agenda on behalf of corporations and billionaires.
It is also an imperative that Democrats make the case to voters that democracy cannot be restored unless the court is reformed. Even if a Democrat wins the White House and persuades Congress to enact his or her signature legislation, the Court will strike down or sharply curtail any important statutes the new president manages to pass. It is frankly naïve to believe that the Roberts court would allow Congress to expand health care access, reduce economic inequality, mitigate climate emissions, eliminate gun violence or fix immigration.
The problem is not that the Supreme Court is not nonpartisan. It’s that they don’t give the progressives every goddam thing they want, on a silver platter. What they really want is for the Court to be weaponized on their behalf.
These people are like two year olds, ready to throw a kicking-and-screaming tantrum at the slightest perceived offense or disappointment.
“co-opted by the republican Party”
Yes, of course, that’s why we got the penaltax.
Trump should announce that he agrees with the left about court packing, and will therefore nominate 300 justices to fill newly created SCOTUS seats. I’m sure they’d be okay with that, right?
What they really want is for the Court to be weaponized on their behalf.
It was weaponized on their behalf 90 years ago. They’re just afraid that their stranglehold has started to erode because they don’t have a dedicated squish like Kennedy on the court anymore. Roberts is a bit squishy on a few things and Kavanaugh is squishy on a few things, but the court is the most conservative it has been in almost 100 years, and the progs don’t know what to do with that.
+switch in time that “saved” nine
A while ago I asked bout apricots. Now the question is do you eat plums in America? They are just geting ripe here. My mom has like 3 different types in er yard. Anna Spath are the best for brandy .
Yes, we eat plums. May be a different cultivar, but same species.
My great grandfather infused his Italian moonshine, er, grappa with plums. It was quite good. I haven’t had plums for years, but I know they are available here. I remember them being really tasty.
Plums go great with pork. I make a prune (dried plums) and pork stew a couple time a year, it’s always a hit.
I make a prune (dried plums) and pork stew a couple time a year, it’s always a shit.
FTFY. (I keed, I keed . . . )
Once they are soft and sweet. None of that hard rock fruit.
nonsense. the have to be firm and sweet-sour
Not all of use have fangs that need periodic sharpening.
also a ton of blackberries ripened recently. Do you eat blackberries in the US? I mean not use them in stuff. just eat them.
Sure. But using for jams or desserts is probably more common.
Blackberries are invasive & somewhat difficult to remove so they spring up all over. Many a happy childhood summer day was eating blackberries straight off the vine.
Bears like em too
Can confirm.
Boatloads of blackberries in the Lower Rainland.™ It caused me great distress to see farmers and others treat ’em like weeds and spray, burn or cut ’em down. However, they also attracted lots of bears into urban/suburban areas, so that was a problem. Blackberry pie is Teh Awesome.
My favourite jam is Blackberry from Summerland Sweets. Hard to find outside of B.C., though the local Italian supermarket carries some Eastern European brands of blackberry jam. Hey, mebbe even Romania’s represented in that selection!
If you’re not actively controlling blackberry vines around here, they will take over everything.
We do, they grow wild in Seattle and other places. Yesterday I picked a handful of big yellow raspberries, until the seeds got stuck in my teeth. I grew blackberries for a couple years but mostly they wanted to spread out and were not thornless. I gave the plants to a friend that enjoys the berries and has a lot less teeth. Plums, apricots, peaches, nectarines, all are good but don’t grow in the cold.
There are plum, apricot, peach, and nectarine varieties for zones 3-4.
I had blackberries with my bacon and eggs this morning. They are fantastic.
Mine never make it to ripe before the local wildlife eats them. But since I didn’t plant or tend them, and I enjoy watching the critters, I’m ok with that.
And this-
It is frankly naïve to believe that the Roberts court would allow Congress to expand health care access, reduce economic inequality, mitigate climate emissions, eliminate gun violence or fix immigration.
If you want to talk about naive, let’s talk about people who sincerely believe some words, scratched on paper, by Congress(!), will “fix” any of those things. They all belong in the nuthouse.
It is frankly naïve to believe that the Roberts court would allow Congress to expand health care access
He didn’t so far because Congress hasn’t offered a sweeping repeal and deregulation of healthcare nor is it likely to ever do so, but Justice Penaltax upheld Obamacare.
I get so fucking pissed off when I hear Lefties whining that the US government does nothing to “ensure access” to healthcare.
We’ve had one gigantic fucking program after another, every one of which was guaranteed to be the once-and-for-all solution to healthcare issues. Time and time again, they’ve told us that this program or that program will make US healthcare work like a Swiss watch, yet every time it ends up more of a clusterfuck than it did before. And of course, the only answer to that is another expansive, unaffordable program.
I don’t see what’s stopping them from “fixing” immigration. You know, other than their current campaign of grandstanding.
Dave Smith (greater than sign) Nick Gillespie
I was going to say at least Nick has a veneer of intellectualism in his speaking but then he got into the “I don’t care to learn anything about economics” bit.
Dave Smith looks nothing like the way I envisioned him.
Thanks. I would’ve missed that.
Actually, I’m starting to regret it. Nick is totally misrepresenting AnCap strategy. “You wanna privatize sidewalks!” What an asshole. He knows better.
Nick’s too interested in the appearance of libertarianism and not interested enough in the practical application.
I’ve attended a skankfest, and recognize Dave Smith as a six-time real ass dude of the week, and his form of libertarianism is the ranting, forced intellectual type which appeals to exactly .000001% of breathing humans.
But since some of you probably pretend you are snooty intellectuals, here’s a link to his podcast!
If you didn’t get a chance to see Caleb Dressel at the World Championships that just finished up, don’t worry because you’re going to see him clean up at the Tokyo olympics. Dude is more explosive than Phelps and isn’t a jerk like Lochte. Best swimmer I’ve ever seen.
I hadn’t read Dowd in years. I remember taking the time to read her since i wondered what the fuss was all about. Around the same time I did the same with Limbaugh. Long story short, Limbaugh won out as I found him to be way more interesting.
“The Republicans were impressively craven and hypocritical. They are sticking with Trump, and no pallid reminder of his turpitude, his trellis of obstructions and his unpatriotic embrace of foreign interference in our elections, will change that.
The always blockheaded Louie Gohmert shouldn’t even be allowed to hold the coat of Mueller, a war hero and respected public official. But Gohmert yelled such crazy stuff at the former special counsel that he appeared to be auditioning for a spot on Fox News’s “The Five.”
Ah. Ok. So Dowd is going with the conspiracy theory angle. Got it. I don’t see why Mueller being a war hero shields him from criticism. The Five? Phew! At least it wasn’t The View!
“The argument about whether Trump is impeachable is the wrong argument. Mueller settled that. We know Trump did things worthy of impeachment. That is not the question we should be asking. The question is: Should he be impeached?”
He did?
And on and on with this tripe. I’d rather go water my grass.
“The hearings were shameful for Republicans thirsting for re-election and a failure for Democrats thirsting for impeachment. It was many underwhelming hours of members of Congress reading to Mueller and Mueller saying, Yes, that’s what I wrote. Or at least what somebody wrote.”
Why was it shameful for Republicans? They were playing defense the whole time. This was a banana republic play directed by the Democrats.
“…Hillary Clinton’s campaign focused on what a terrible person Trump is. It turned out that enough voters knew that and didn’t care. They wanted a racist Rottweiler.
Now the Democrats are once more focused on what a terrible person Trump is. Message received, many times over…”
Or maybe Mo-ween, they calculated Hillary was a more terrible person? Does she actually think that wretched, corrupted, incompetent witch was a better person than Trump? Is she on drugs? Better to take a shot at the deplorables it seems. Daughter of a cop and all that, eh?
“Their mantra is like that of Ferdinand I, the Holy Roman Emperor: “Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus.” “Let justice be done, though the world perish.”
Yeh, I bet she read hard about Ferdinand I and the Holy Roman Empire. Probably as hard as the average progressive who read anything about Nazi Germany.
Let’s be fair: Gohmert is the Team Red version of Hank Johnson.
Who will save us from Bad Orange Man? Bill Weld, that’s who.
Former Massachusetts governor and longshot candidate for the Republican nomination for president Bill Weld levied a series of attacks against his primary opponent, President Donald Trump, dubbing him a “raging racist.”
“Donald Trump is a raging racist, Okay? He’s a complete and thoroughgoing racist. And he made that choice, a choice a long time ago, when he was engaged in the housing business in New York with his father,” Weld said, speaking at the NAACP convention in Detroit on Wednesday.
Weld is a staunch critic of the President, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead” in April that it would be a “political tragedy” and he would “fear for the Republic” if the country had six more years of Trump as president.
And, prodded by the release of a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Weld ratcheted up his rhetoric against the President, calling for his resignation.
“If Donald Trump is an American patriot, he should resign from office,” Weld wrote in an op-ed published in The Bulwark, an online platform that publishes conservative commentary, in April.
Yeah, okay.Take your meds, Bil.
“And he made that choice, a choice a long time ago, when he was engaged in the housing business in New York with his father”
Back when Jesse Jackson praised him?
(Note: I’m sure there are plenty of racists who got praised by Jesse Jackson, but that is still counter to the simplistic narrative that they push about racism)
I figured Bill would be too busy endorsing Warren or Harris to campaign.
Chuck Todd just had a little slip of the tongue. Something about how Democrats doing what “their base” wants will alienate moderate voters. A tacit admission the Demos are going all in on pandering to the fringe.
No no, it’s the moderate voters that are the wacky fringe. And crypto bigots that should be deeply ashamed of themselves.
Knowing stuff makes commercials and ads hilarious sometimes.
It hurts so good!
She’s a Stepford wife.
very good find, I Larf
Hillary Clinton’s campaign focused on what a terrible person Trump is. It turned out that enough voters knew that and didn’t care. They wanted a racist Rottweiler.
America is such a shithole. It’s packed to the rafters with fucking deplorable racist scumbags who don’t agree with me.
That comment really stuck out to me, as well. I didn’t vote for the buffoon, but I know plenty of people who did. Not a one of them racist.
Keep it up, Maureen. This is how you get more Trump.
Yeah, Maureen Dowd is really going to swing a lot of votes.
For whom did the racists you know vote?
Jill Stein
Because Clinton was a _more_ terrible person. Plus it’s pretty rare for a party to hold the presidency for 3+ terms. Yes it happens, but it isn’t as common as it used to be.
Tom Steyer is on. That guy is crazy as a shithouse rat.
“If feel about public school teachers the way Donald Trump feels about Mexicans. I’m sure some of them are good people. But, they’re not sending their best. They’re rapists. They’re criminals. And some, I’m sure, are good people.”
Dave is killing it in that talk with Gillespie.
Sexting, salacious snapshots: Inside SEAL Team 6′s spoofing scandal
Fun Fact: NCIS is really boring in reality.
Getting women to send nudes through deception is a court martial offense?! Well that means that a good portion of the infantry is off to the stockade.
The CO must have a hard on for these guys. They must have tricked the Admiral’s daughter in to showing off the goods.
Thank goodness the family get together is all over. Having my brothers (and their wife and the kids) over made for a very crowded afternoon, even with the pool time. Thankfully I got them out of the house for late lunch. And then the “big” reunion with cousins and uncles. EF and I had to take a jaunt in the woods for some alcohol refreshments.
You want inflation? Because this is how you get inflation.
Over the course of the U.S.’s 81-year history of a federal minimum wage, Congress has never introduced an automatic adjustment technique to let the minimum wage rise or fall in line with price changes. Instead, a series of irregular updates has instantly boosted the wage’s purchasing power after varying periods of inflationary decline. The current $7.25 national minimum wage, for instance, is now worth 16% less than when it was enacted in July 2009.
Proponents of a higher minimum wage want to change all this by locking in wage increases for future years. There are two common ways to achieve this: Index to price inflation to guarantee the minimum wage can always afford the same theoretical basket of goods, or index to the increase in the median wage. While the first approach means a minimum-wage worker’s standard of living remains flat, the second makes sure they share in any gains from a growing economy.
The Raise the Wage Act passed by the House on July 18 would implement the latter strategy. But even though that represents the more aggressive indexing approach, the starting point for the new wage floor will have effectively fallen 20% since the debate began in earnest. By 2025, a $15-an-hour wage would be the equivalent of $11.93 in 2012, when the Fight for $15 movement started. To truly reflect the original demand for $15, the Raise the Wage Act would need to call for $18.87 in 2025.
“Fifteen dollars by 2025 is a very moderate standard for the country,” said Paul Sonn, the state policy program director at the National Employment Law Project, a nonprofit firm that promotes workers’ rights and backs the $15 minimum wage. “Even in the low-cost states it’s the minimum that workers will need by then to afford the basics,” he said. “In the high-cost states, it’s already not enough.”
Who could object to wage justice? Those evil kkkorporations are hoarding their profits; profits they stole from the workers. Share the wealth. What could possibly go wrong?
Automatic increases (and never a decrease during rare periods of deflation) won’t be enough for them. They want that and they’ll do Fight for Fifty/One Hundred/500/1 million dollars! as well.
I really think the end goal is to roll up just about every one under the minimum wage standard, and undercut the rest. The increases are far outpacing wage growth.
The real minimum wage is $0, as everybody knows.
I recall watching one of those “man in the street” videos on YouTube where people were asked about doing away with the minimum wage, and several people said that companies wouldn’t pay their employees anything.
Which is why the effective “minimum wage” for legal work there is already well above the legal MW. I wonder why!
How they expect any business to be able to pay these wages while also
1. Not imposing any tariffs to prop up domestic prices
2. Not limiting immigration to prop up domestic wages
3. Not allowing businesses to hire and fire whomever they choose
4. Requiring compliance with an ever growing and byzantine set of environmental and other regulations
5. Pushing identity politics over meritocracy
6. Jacking up “corporate” taxes to punish holding cash and making a profit
is anyone’s guess. Every one of their policies comes from a different and conflicting motivation. There’s no consistency or coherence when you take any two of them together, never mind the whole set. Ironically, while they denigrate the market, it is the only form of economic organization that stands even the slightest chance of meeting all these ridiculous demands.
The above comment is not meant to endorse protectionism; while tariffs and migration controls can drive up prices and wages, that is the merely the seen.
While the first approach means a minimum-wage worker’s standard of living remains flat
Holy stolen base, Batman!
The basket of goods that determines official price inflation is constantly changing to include improvements in standard of living (like, e.g. cell phones, car safety features, better household appliances, etc.). An adjustment tied to inflation automatically incorporates an increasing standard of living. Tying it to the median wage has nothing to do with standard of living; it is blatantly about “inequality” (of which it will create more, not less, as people get priced out of employment).
Back from church, and I’m gonna leave this here, cause I think it’s funny.
One of those LSD and Hash Pipe churches?
Worse….progressive come-as-you-are.
Ah, Episcopalian.
MikeS’s guess would be my guess, too. Fun fact: I was married to a UU minister in my “past life,” and he also officiated at my marriage to the current Mr. GT. And at no point during the ceremony did he turn to imminent Mr. GT and say “Are you sure??“
/looks out the window
‘sup homie
Just hangin’ (too hot to be “chillin'”) on the back porch – AKA “Tranquility Base” – listening to Millennium of Music (the “early music” show on the SiriusXM classical channel) and wishing my fiction writing class instructor would get back to me about my short story revisions so I could ahead and submit the story somewhere for possible publication LIKE WE’RE REQUIRED TO DO BY THURSDAY, FER CRYIN’ OUT LOUD!
***SIGH!!!*** S/B go ahead and submit, etc.
Sandals or Birckenstocks?
Sup Tres!
Amazon should have my connectors here today.