My oldest had his placement test for kindergarten, and it does not appear that either my wife or I will have to make the same sacrifice as Forrest Gump’s mother to get him into normal classes. Also, luckily, nobody mentioned toilets, so the lady administering the test didn’t have to get a brain-dump from a monmaniacal five year old. You might think I’m exaggerating, but he watches videos about fixing toilets on YouTube. While he was staying with my wife’s aunt and uncle last week, her uncle gave him a flapper, and replacement valve(?) stand. The boy knew exactly what they were, and you’d think he’d just been given a BB gun at Christmas. At least he’ll be out of my pocket at 18, right?
Slapfight between two large pill pushers.
Good people are everywhere.
Attention OMWC — prescription changes may be coming.
This is cool. Creating a “repair cafe” run entirely by people with autism. I wonder if the dude in the picture knows he looks like Dustin Hoffman.
Also, play along with the newest Glibs meme, “Some animals are more equal than others. It’s right there in the how-to manual…” (add your own clever wrong answer here!)
…and YouTube is still taking a shit on me, so add your own theme music.
Yo yo yo
I am getting sick and tired of talking about yo-yo’s. From now on, I will not accept any book reports, science projects, dioramas, or anything else on yo-yo’s or yo-yo-related topics. Am I making myself clear?
Come ON! Everyone knows that “Some animals are more equal than others. It’s right there in the how-to manual…” is from James Herriot’s All Creatures Great and Small.
I lost interest in the series before All Creatures Rogered and Rigid.
Then I guess you never got to All Creatures Buggered and Bilious.
Second City TV’s “All the Long Leggedity Beasties” is my personal favorite
I was thinking Walden,
Leave me out of this.
The Book of Job?
Some animals are more equal than others. It’s right there in the how-to manual…
“Slapfight between two large pill pushers.
It for sure sounds like some shady shit went down. If not fraud lots of HIPPA violations.
Amazon: All your data are belong to us.
Novel solution idea here… maybe stop making patients get a scrip before they can buy their meds?
I think you are right about HIPAA. I can’t think of a way Amazon got that info without violating it.
I can’t think of a way Amazon got that info without violating it.
Only covered entities (health care providers) are covered by HIPAA and thus can violate HIPAA. Amazon may be a covered entity now because its in the pharmacy business, but typically HIPAA violations are committed when information you have is wrongfully disclosed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a HIPAA enforcement action against a company that wrongfully acquired patient information (if that’s even what Amazon did). It may be possible, I’ve honestly never looked at it because its never come up.
The responsibility for preventing the data from being wrongfully disclosed lies with the companies that created it and contracted with others to manage it.
Understood. You know more about this area than I do. The claim seems to be Amazon used fraud to procure the protected health information. If true then I think they violated HIPAA.
If you trick a hospital into giving your patient data, you haven’t violated HIPAA because HIPAA doesn’t apply to you. I’m guessing it applies to Amazon since they got into the pharmacy biz, but even then I’m not sure they violated HIPAA.
If Amazon got the data fraudulently, though, there’s other laws they broke.
Insurance companies as well.
Yeah, I saw that after I clicked.
Yeah. It seems to me though that a leak in the API allowed unauthorized access to user data. (Or so it is claimed, SureScripts could be making bulshit up.
unauthorized access to user data
That’s a HIPAA violation by the data’s owners. They would have had to disclose it anyway, but a regulatory violation you committed is generally a poor foundation for a claim against someone else.
Yes a HIPPA violation on the part of the data owners, but almost certainly a violation of several anti hacking statutes
Without doing a deep dive, SureScripts is probably a “business associate” of the pharmacies that own it, and gets patient information under an agreement that specifies what it can and can’t do with the information. Whether SureScripts was allowed to disclose that info to ReMyHealth under its agreement, I have no idea. If not, though, that’s a HIPAA violation by SureScripts (and likely the retail pharmacies that contracted with it to manage the data). If ReMyHealth was allowed to get the data, then it should also have an agreement specifying what it can and can’t do with it. Again, HIPAA violations by contractors can also be HIPAA violations by the companies directly covered by HIPAA, so that violation could flow back uphill to the retail pharmacy companies. If ReMyHealth violated its agreement to get the data, that’s one thing, but it doesn’t relieve the retail pharmacy companies of their HIPAA exposure. Violations by your business associates and their contractors are your violations. The pharmacies are playing a very dangerous game here.
Not an expert on anti-trust, but that sounds like an anti-trust problem to me.
Have you had to deal with the CorVel attack? My business group is freaking out.
Not that I have heard.
Ransomware attack Sunday night. Their systems are still down other than exchange servers.
Amazon seems to be claiming that there is no HIPAA violation, because the consumers using Pillpack have agreed to have Pillpack review their prescription history, and that the reason why they are getting that data from Surefire is because surefire is the data clearinghouse for prescription history. They say that they gather that data in order to monitor for prescription combinations that are dangerous, i.e. drug interactions. Now that last bit is a red flag, implying that one element of the allegation against them is true: Pillpack is providing provider numbers that aren’t legitimate when making queries.
Of course, this shouldn’t be a criminal matter. It should be a civil matter. But we live in a progressive republic where all sorts of things are crimes, including making and selling medicines without state permission.
The first part of Amazon’s defense seems sound – if their customers have authorized disclosure to Amazon, then HIPAA is satisfied and Amazon can have their data. Even if the data was provided for drug interaction screening and Amazon is using it for other purposes, there’s probably no HIPAA violation by Amazon (although Amazon may have a fraud problem).
The red flag you mentionis interesting – HIPAA has a “minimum necessary” requirement, that you disclose only the minimum necessary.
Using the database for drug interactions doesn’t require the disclosure of provider numbers, so if Amazon disclosed provider numbers to SureScripts, Amazon may have a HIPAA problem. I’m not sure why Amazon would do that, but hey, I don’t understand most of what is going on here.
It sounds like drug interaction screening is a service provided by SureScripts, so its allowed to disclose for that purpose (by HIPAA and by its agreements with the data owners/the retail pharmacies). If SureScripts disclosed provider numbers to Amazon, that’s a problem for SureScripts and the retail pharmacies.
Nice feel good links, Brett.
No, music. I’ll take it Head On…
I’ll rush in Headlong with my own contribution
queue the German porn music
Ja! Fixen de Cablen
German porn music?
I like the Repair Cafe story a lot. Nice to see a feel good human interest story out of Florida.
As opposed to the usual stories about humans of interest.
Also, I know some of the commentariat is looking for work. 😉
*mic drop*
(Can you pick me up an application though?)
I reflexively hate anything labeled as “green”, but I do support frugality and industry, so I’ll give them a pass.
“The $20million climate change party: How Camp Google racked up an 800-tonne carbon footprint flying ‘hypocritical’ celebrities to environmental talking shop on 114 private jets to watch Coldplay and hang out on mega-yachts”
Meh, it’s their money, have fun
But nobody is allowed to have fun!!!
Think of it as a penance to Gaia, all will be revealedin 12 years……
“Nobody is allowed to have fun”
Reminds me of this:
Punchline comes at the 5 minutes mark.
The Anti-Wang Chung philosophy
They are. It is just the rest of all us deplorables who can’t.
“Attendees propose banning all internal combustion engines and air conditioning to offset carbon emission of this magnitude.”
As civilization collapses, fuck off,
Warmistas are the new Mother Teresas; they really just want everyone to suffer.
Warmistas are the new Mother Teresas; they really just want everyone ELSE to suffer.
As whoever on here said: When the folks who claim to be worried about it, start acting like they’re worried about it, then I’ll get worried about it.
They seem genuinely unaware of their hypocrisy.
It’s not like any of their friends are going to point it out to them, and they don’t give a shit what the plebes think.
That is the final straw!
If I die and the Yama Kings do not see fit to honor my wish to be reincarnated as a small patch of grass on the side of a cliff, they will punish me by making me join Coldplay and force me to play on a tour lasting for all eternity.
Feel good music for feel good links *nods at LH*:
Hop on the Malmo Express!
Last day before the oldest goes off to live with grandma and grandpa for a year.
Pulled pork, cowboy caviar, shrimp skewers, grilled potatoes on the menu for the last bash.
Then some boardgames in our future evening: he is going to DM a game of D&D, classic clue and old school Cranium or Hear Me Out
Don’t forget to share your first beer.
Clark and Rusty, good times,
He was about the same when we shared a beer….little fucker probably doing things like drinking at girlfriends house
“Last day before the oldest goes off to live with grandma and grandpa for a year.”
So your scamming the college financial aid folks?
Was going to use the same bit.
Was going to use the same bit.
He despises the idea of college
Must be a troll account.
That hurt my brain. I can’t tell if it’s a troll account or serious.
Oh this is just too precious:
Today I Learned… can “believe in the core principles of Socialism as defined by Karl Marx” and not be a Marxist. These are some really deep thinkers, obviously.
Brett, your kid’s gonna be a plumber when he grows up? AWESOME. He’s gonna be set for life.
We just had a plumber at our house today for less than an hour.
Bill was $208 for not doing much more than auguring a single pipe.
If your kid likes plumbing, there’s a good chance he will be far better set than the typical college grad.
I had to explain minimum charges to a VP of global sales the other day. She wanted to reduce expenses and I had to explain that Joe the Plumber isn’t going to drop actual work to head out to a property for fifty bucks to have a looksee.
So what did the plumber predict?
Well, our toilet went crazy yesterday afternoon
The plumber he said, “Never flush a tampon”
This great information cost me half a weeks pay
And the toilet blew up later on the next day
I don’t know if Brett’s kid is lying and lazy, be he seems to be driving Brett crazy.
Good money in plumbing once you get that journeyman’s license.
My stepdad was a plumber. He plumbed so he could keep the farm going.
“He plumbed so he could keep the farm going.”
Hi Brett!
Damn, nothing but positivity this afternoon, huh? Your kid sounds like a winner – congrats! Also no plugged toilets in the L household.
The little dude rescue was amazing.
The pressure on the prescription drug cartel is awesome. Recently, OTC hearing aids were approved, too. Time for some competition!
Man, with the exception of no music, you’ve got me Feeling Good!
“Recently, OTC hearing aids were approved, too”
That’s great news to hear.
Hey Man, Reading Glasses have been OTC for a while…
“A transgender 3 year old is like a vegan cat.
We all know who’s making the lifestyle choices.”
I think she may be the One True Tranny.
She’s not wrong.
I think the real question is what is Florida Man doing with a tesla in the first place?
If that had been my house, that guy would have had a hard time getting the smell of cat piss out of his AC system.
You know what’s easy to come by in Florida? Shrimp peels.
If that had been my house I’d be on here having Lachowsky talk me through changing the outlet voltage for a fun experiment to test the thief’s battery.
The AC to DC converter is in the car. It will take any residential voltage you give it.
Realistically I would have pulled the plug and called the cops. After the ticket you call the towing company and they are the folk the charge the guy crazy money.
This here.
I’d shoot him right in the nads, until his marijuana slid out of his anus.
Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore Home Burglarized, Police Say
Best timeline.
I can only assume the perp(s) doused the place in bleach and yelled “This is MAGA country” on their way out.
Must have been that rat from the background of that news report.
Well, it was well known he was out of town.
That’s just too good.
Rep. Cummings’, last seen visiting the house in 1985, reported the only thing stolen was a VCR.
After your post I had to check whether it was Babylon bee.
What’s G. Gordon Libby been up to?
Sure, Don.
During Tuesday evening’s debate, Lemon claimed President Trump “is pursuing an election strategy based in part on racial division,” and spoke of the president’s so-called “bigotry.”
President Trump took umbrage with Lemon’s Tuesday comments, writing on Twitter: “CNN’s Don Lemon, the dumbest man on television, insinuated last night while asking a debate ‘question’ that I was a racist, when in fact I am ‘the least racist person in the world.”
“Perhaps someone should explain to Don that he is supposed to be neutral, unbiased & fair or is he too dumb (stupid) to understand that,” he added.
GLAAD, the prominent LGBTQ advocacy organization, rushed to defend Lemon, who is gay, saying in a statement that the president’s “continued attacks on the intelligence of prominent black Americans are abhorrent and telling.”
This is not the first time Lemon has accused President Trump and his supporters of racism. In January, Lemon wondered why so many Trump’s supporters overlook his “racism,” claiming the issue was “personal” and “even deadly” to those like himself.
“But for people who look like me, other minorities, women who have–well, let’s just leave this to race, this president has said and done so many insensitive and bigoted and racist things that… if you support him, people like me want to understand why you ignored so much in order to support this man,” said Lemon. “You may not think you’re a racist. Maybe–I don’t know if you are. I don’t think, you know, every Trump supporter is a racist. But you certainly had to overlook racism and bigotry in order to make that decision.”
“Now, then, maybe you made that decision in the voting booth. And then, now, even after all of this, if you still, in your mind, can support this person, why the hell are you overlooking racism so much?” he asked. “It is personal and even deadly to people like me.”
Yes, of course! It’s Trump who’s trying to make everything about race! Why didn’t I see this before?
By not talking about race, it’s clear he’s making this about race.
“I don’t think, you know, every Trump supporter is a racist.”
That’s mighty generous of you, Don.
I think there are going to be a lot of secret Trump voters next year.
And Lemon’s defenders will insist he wasn’t speaking about ‘all Trump supporters’ being racist, while at the same time claiming Trump said all Mexicans are rapists.
“when in fact I am ‘the least racist person in the world.””
“I made myself a superhero. I was the original Water Woman … with a blue cape and all,” Gabbard explained.
“Her nemesis was Oily Al.”
We all know old al gore doesn’t practice what he preaches, but that’s a low blow.
Attention OMWC — prescription changes may be coming.
An interesting tidbit from that article: some objections to importing drugs from Canada comes from Canadian health services:
This makes it sound like a lot of the drugs in Canada are not manufactured there, but imported from elsewhere (presumably in large part the US), possibly at below-market rates. Does anyone have any inside knowledge that could clarify how this actually works?
That’s probably exactly what happens. Either a large government buy at huge wholesale discount or a subsidy to some large distributors who buy from America, Europe, and India.
Under Bush the Younger it was ordained illegal for the US Gubmint to use its immense buying power to negotiate with Pharma for lower prices.
Yeah, but R&D costs for pharmaceutical companies magically disappear when their pills are laundered to the U.S. market through Canada.
This. The only result can be drugs still under patent get more expensive in Canada.
Nonsense! We deal with drug costs the old-fashioned way ‒ rationing.
Those who can’t pay don’t get any?
Those who can pay, subsidize the cost for those that can’t, and if there any left, the subsidizers can get what’s left, if they can still afford it.
Not even that. Several times the spousal unit’s run into zero availability for her prescription stuff, at any price.
So, like rent regulation?
So US companies sell a limited supply of drugs to Canada at a price which is at best a break even if not an outright loss…
Hmm, I wonder if there is some other market they are making up for the loss? Maybe one without a single payer system where free market principals reign? I wonder if that would cause that country to have far higher prices than they should as their are essentially subsidizing the Canadian drug market?
It works like this:
Canada – we need drugs at x price.
US Drug Co – market price is 10x. We’ll sell it to you in bulk for 8x.
Canada – it would be a damn shame if we bought the generic equivalent from a European provider who violates patent law.
US Drug Co – Ok, 2x.
Canada – deal.
2025 sounds like a good time to him!
You know who else had plenty of time to cut?
Lorena Bobbitt?
The roast beef slicer at the brunch buffet?
What kind of lunatic serves roast beef at brunch?
Every Sunday brunch buffet I’ve ever been too has a roast beef/ham/turkey station.
No, the station contains meats made from domesticated farm animals.
Tasty, tasty domesticated farm animals.
The editor of the film The Longest Day?
The Medellin Cartel?
Thot Thursday sez “How do you make 2 pounds of fat give you a boner?” “Put a nipple on it.”
46 has a pot belly.
Here go my contribution.
Great happy links Brett.
Donald J. Trump✔
· 16h
The people on the stage tonight, and last, were not those that will either Make America Great Again or Keep America Great! Our Country now is breaking records in almost every category, from Stock Market to Military to Unemployment. We have prosperity & success like never before..
Donald J. Trump✔
…It will soon be time to choose to keep and build upon that prosperity and success, or let it go. We are respected again all around the world. Keep it that way! I said I will never let you down, and I haven’t. We will only grow bigger, better and stronger TOGETHER!
“Mr. Epstein did not hide his interest in tinkering with genes — and in perpetuating his own DNA.
One adherent of transhumanism said that he and Mr. Epstein discussed the financier’s interest in cryonics, an unproven science in which people’s bodies are frozen to be brought back to life in the future.
Mr. Epstein told this person that he wanted his head and penis to be frozen.”
I heard bill clinton offered to send hillary over, to help him get that done on the cheap ..
Ron Bailey was on the Epstein Express?
For science!
The science of freezing a body isn’t unproven. Its the thawing bit that hasn’t been quite nailed down yet.
Hold my beer.
You, Scruffy my friend, have spent too much time asking *if* you can and not enough time asking *should you*.
/walks away drinking Scruffy’s beer.
I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of building freezers just to talk about what we really can’t freeze and shouldn’t freeze …I’m ready to get in this freezer. I’m ready to beat this freezer.
You’ll be brought back to life as soon as science figures out how to cure whatever was wrong with you – and fix every cell in your body that’s now been ruptured by ice crystals.
More likely they sell your organs eventually.
Just got a cartoon bubble of ebay in the year 2500 or something .. “bette midler, still in sealed cryopod, remarkable condition for going on nearly 500 years” .. and the top bid is like twenty bucks, not inflation adjusted.
“an unproven science ”
No science is proven. What your looking for is bad science.
Unproven engineering or unproven application, but that’s too pedantic even for me.
Doctors reduce their hours to avoid punitive pension tax bills
About three quarters of GPs and hospital consultants have cut or are planning to cut their hours… About 42 per cent of family doctors and 30 per cent of consultants have reduced their working times already, claiming that they are being financially penalized the more they work. A further 34 per cent and 40 per cent respectively have confirmed that they plan to reduce their hours in the coming months… The government has launched an urgent consultation over the issue, which is the result of changes to pension rules limiting the amount that those earning £110,000 or more can pay into their pensions before they are hit with a large tax bill.
And those waiting lists?
Last month figures from NHS Providers, which represents hospitals, showed that waiting lists had climbed by up to 50 per cent since April as doctors stopped taking on extra shifts to avoid the financial penalties. Richard Vautrey, chairman of the BMA GPs’ committee, said: “These results show the extent to which GPs are being forced to reduce their hours or indeed leave the profession altogether because of pension taxes. …swift and decisive action is needed from the government to end this shambolic situation and to limit the damage that a punitive pensions taxation system is inflicting on doctors, their patients and across the NHS as a whole.”
People respond to incentives.
\ B.F. Skinner
We could lower or eliminate the tax bite.
We could make the doctors work those hours and not let them retire.
Decisions decisions.
swift and decisive action is needed from the government to end this shambolic situation
Slavery it is!
*dusts off hands, removes parliamentary gloves*
Reason gloms onto the hottie of the moment:
I don’t know. All this politics gets in the way of my living my life.
And if Harris gets the nomination, it’ll be something along the lines of “Well, yeah, Harris has a bad record as a prosecutor. But, she’s promised to change. And Trump says mean things on Twitter.” Followed about a month later with “Kemala Harris: The Great Libertarian Hope”
I mean, she only falsely kept people in prison to be used as slave labor; that’s nothing compared to CALLING BALTIMORE A SHITHOLE.
My friend who knows things says it will be Harris for the Dems. He called Trump, among other things.
“The year that Gillette launched its “We Believe” campaign and asked “Is this the best a man can get?” has coincided with P&G’s $8 billion non-cash writedown for the shaving giant.”
Online competition is likely the main culprit but vilifying your customer base doesn’t really help.
Hail Mary marketing scheme
Because the lesbian leg shaving market is huuuuuuuge.
I still can’t believe the director of that ad inserted Ana fricken Kasparian into it. Imagine the level of arrogance to do that.
On that alone the clueless clowns at Gillette lost me.
The thing is, going political itself was incredibly stupid. Imagine you’re Gillette. Your product charges a massive premium over the competition. The last thing you ever want to do is risk driving customers away. Even more than gaining customers, keeping them in the fold is crucial. Because a customer even trying your competition is a losing proposition. If their product is better than yours, you’ve lost your customer, since they’re better and cheaper. If their product is equal to yours, you’ve lost your customer because they’re cheaper. Even if your product is better than theirs, you risk your customer because you’ve given him an opportunity to re-evaluate whether the premium product is worth the premium price.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, is looking for politics in their shaving supplies. Nobody said “You know, I was going to go to Harry’s or Dollar Shave Club. But, wow, Gillette is so woke!”
Leftists in action.
im still skeptical.
Well, somebody beat the shit out of him.
it’s like you’ve never even seen the original Dirty Harry.
Somebody beat up Chalie Chan!
Man that’s a awful beating. I’ll wait a week or so to see where it goes, but if true I’m sure it will quietly disappear from the public eye.
It won’t even appear
Now this is the kind of stamina every woman is looking for.
That’s the best picture they could get? Probably time to toss that camera.
Jahangir “John” Turan
I await the breathless CNN coverage of this clearly minority hating, racist attack.
Drain that fucking swamp.
Ernst Wants to Move Feds Out of D.C., Make Firms Earn Contract Bonuses
This gets the Tundra Stamp of Approval.
I’d never thought of that. I like it.
I don’t see the need to move them. Can’t the farmers email their complaints to DC?
Can’t the farmers email their complaints to DC?
Yes, but the argument is that the bureaucrats will have less sympathy if they are surrounded by other bureaucrats than if they were surrounded by farmers. Also, despite the extra up-front costs, in the long run it would probably be cheaper to have the various bureaucracies dispersed. The COL is super high in the DC area (since something like 8 of the 10 richest counties in the country are in its orbit). The bureaucrats can email their info to the lawmakers from wherever their new base is.
Maybe it will make a difference, but I suspect it won’t.
I suspect even more regulatory capture. Just defund them.
Can’t hurt.
I should’ve been an Acronymist! I’d have a job for life!
I saw a documentary that pretty much proved it’s best to locate the regulators in District 1 where they belong, not strand them out in 13 where they hunt squirrels for food.
The lady says she likes cock, she must like cock.
““Yet, how can these rule-makers fully consider and understand the effects of their decisions when those who are most impacted by their rules and regulations are out-of-sight and out-of-mind? We need to fix that,” said Ernst.”
Time to move the Department of Defense to Afghanistan.
The acronym is awesome.
Er, meant to be a reply to #31.
Never apologize for P Brooksing your comments.
Wait. B.P. is P. Brooks backwards. Fuck off Tulpa.
I link to this review of the new Tarantino movie mainly as an excuse to post a funny excerpt from it. While addressing cultural criticisms of the film, the reviewer has this to say:
Saw the movie last Saturday, it was awesome.
Unless it gets too much backlash, I’m betting it’s the favorite for Best Picture Oscar.
That was pretty obviously tongue-in-cheek in context. It’s a pretty good review overall.
I’m planning to see it this weekend. Hopefully it lives up to the hype.
That was pretty obviously tongue-in-cheek in context.
Yes, I thought it was pretty tongue-in-cheek even without context. It made me laugh, so I shared.
Iowa was pleasantly surprised to see it was a lady writer.
Huh, odd typo. Imma own it.
I assume you have farms on the brain from the discussion upthread.
Lol. True
Wow, at least one reviewer seems fed up with the right-thinking crowd inserting social justice hobbyhorses into everything.
“The New Yorker’s Richard Brody reviled the picture, calling it “ridiculously white.” But Charles Manson was a white supremacist, a fact that does tend to put a lot of white people in a movie.”
They need to remake America History X but with more Diverse leads.
That was a great movie on many levels.
I learned so much about municipal sidewalks and open shower plans.
I can’t watch the curb scene. Yikes.
Yeah, once was enough.
Water Park Divine wind?
Did they try to invade Japan again?
Surfs up……
Death by Debate: A Rant
Good take-downs of Don Lemon. And a crack about Bernie Sanders combing his hair with a balloon. Nice.
Racist tweets!!!!111
That’s exquisite.
Dem Debate 2: Electoral Boogaloo
The afternoon shift needs to up its shitpost production.
Everyone is back from work so they don’t have as much time to post.
I’ve still got 4 hours to go. Plus no whiskey at home so nothing to look forward too, either.
Stop at a liquor store on your way home.
I was going to say they’ll be closed, but the one by my house is open until midnight. I do have an unopened bottle of Ron Zacapa though. Tough call.
Can someone enact my labor regarding the 2nd amendment? Specifically, I understand that Madison defined what he meant by it, but I’m looking for his actual words re what he meant
The Second Amendment to America’s constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” … He conceded that there was an idiom, “to bear arms”, which meant to belong to an organised military force.Jun 7, 2018
The above I just got from the economist, but sounds like BS
More google:
The Second Amendment to America’s constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” … He conceded that there was an idiom, “to bear arms”, which meant to belong to an organised military force.Jun 7, 2018
Myth: The Second Amendment guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. … It was the first Supreme Court case to decide whether the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. 2. Myth: The right to bear arms cannot be taken away.May 12, 2014 › 6-commo…
6 Common Misconceptions About the Right to Bear Arms | WK Law
“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.” — George Mason,
Thanks. But I thought Madison wrote it. Is there a link to this quote?
Thank you
It is BS. Nearly every founding father was crystal clear that the intent of the 2nd was for every citizen to be armed. The militia was never intended to be an organized force drawn from the populace but rather the populace itself in time of need.
“you ask who are the militia? They are the body of the people, every person capable of bearing arms.”
Madison? Mason? I cant remember right off which one but that sums it up very well.
That’s what I’m looking for but can’t find it anywhere
There are a bunch of quotes, that one amongst them, with good citation.
I don’t have Madison’s direct take, but I do have the take of a judge he appointed to the Supreme Court:
From this it seems obvious that at the time it was understood to impart both an individual right to the people to be armed as well as an individual responsibility to be armed and participate in militia training.
Thanks all.
To give context, this is what I’m dealing with:
a slight majority of Americans have finally accepted that gun control rights are more important than gun ownership rights after all of the domestic terrorism we’re experiencing.
If the anti-gun people really want to play that game…then we should just form local militias all over the place and have them drill in the local parks like they did in colonial times. We can elect our own officers and take our guns down to the local tavern after drills are over.
I want to see numbers on “mass shootings”.
I’m skeptical there’s any increase. I’m more certain that disarming vulnerable individuals is an immoral approach to dealing with the issue.
They are masters of spin, if nothing else.