Another week, and everything seems just like last week. We’ve settled into a morning ritual, and at least things are predictable. Sorta. Wonder Dog is ecstatic because she gets all kinds of extra food from Grandma when we’re not in the room by putting on her Starving Dog act, right out of Oliver Twist. “Mom, please don’t feed the dog.” “But she looked hungry. How can you not feed her?” “Mom, she’s 120 pounds, she gets plenty of food.” “Then why does she look like she’s so hungry?” Sigh.
Oh, birthdays, right. A guy who inadvertently inspired the Chinese fortune cookie industry; my favorite essayist and contender for favorite novelist; a Raccoon who could write; a piece of shit “historian” who ruined millions of minds; another piece of shit who destroyed millions of lives and was even less deserving than Obama of a Nobel; an incredibly overrated writer; and a guy who was arguably the greatest shortstop in MLB history.
News next.
I can’t imagine why anyone could possibly think that Trump is a moron.
I can’t imagine why anyone could possibly think that Biden is a senile moron.
Teaching the stupid to become stupider.
What nice folks. No wonder the Left loves them so much.
When it ain’t your year, it really ain’t your year.
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
It’s the 99% of bad cops and their enablers who make the rest look bad.
Old Guy Music from a band that once was hot, now is largely forgotten, but they had their moments. And now we’re 50 years after. Holy shit, the guitar solo… And a few lines that could not appear in a modern song (“Everywhere is freaks and hairies, dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity? Tax the rich, feed the poor ’til there are no rich no more?”)
I can’t imagine why anyone could possibly think that Biden is a senile moron.
Imagine the difference in reaction to a parody assassination of Obama to a parody assassination of Trump or Bush.
Hate crime.
Any republican?
Biden has a faraway look in his eyes. He looks detached from the present. The vigor is over and he coasting ’til a permanent time out.
Run Webdom run!
This is just fucking creepy.
Would that companies use this to fire the bosses creating the horrendous morale that leads people to consider quitting.
What happens when the boss causing all the morale issues is sitting 5 levels up in the c-suite?
/asking for a friend
Don’t worry, one of his toady middle managers will intercept the message and keep Mr. VIP from hearing about it.
A picture of the car that Brooks would drive Tundra and Swiss around his ranch in Montana.
I always hated this line:
Even as a teenager, I remember thinking, when I heard this line “OK, great – who’s going to feed the poor then? Because making everybody poor will sure help.”
I always interpreted that as a warning against taxing the rich. Not that drug-addled poetry is a basis for a political philosophy…
So you’re saying we shouldn’t be decreeing stately pleasure-domes?
I remember being taught in college the opening of Kubla Khan was supposed to be about the generation of a poem in the mind. When I read that poem to my wife, she said no, it’s about a guy getting a boner and fucking. In a vagina which is a ‘cavern measureless to man’. Because what guy has the ability to truly measure a woman’s vagina?
Because what guy has the ability to truly measure a woman’s vagina?
-1 “ow my cervix”
I always interpreted it like Animal, but in context with the preceding lines, I can see your point.
Great song either way!
In most systems throughout history, if not all, “taxing the rich” is how you keep “the rich” rich. Oh, and you’ll get everybody else’s money, but the rich will be just fine.
This is how the establishment thinks; the problem is eventually you break the middle class and then there is nothing to stop the violent from just taking over.
It entrenched the right kind of rich, and prevents new rich from coming on the scene. It’s regulatory capture of the personal wealth sector.
Stocks nosedive as Trump, China escalate trade tensions
It’s all part of the plan, man.
The most ridiculous thing Trump has done IMO. Go after IP abuses, fine. Them selling cheap shit to the US? The answer should be, “Thanks.”
The single most awful thing Trump has done? These tariffs
Somewhere, somebody is cleaning up on this. Can you imagine having 24 hrs advance notice on some of these tweets? I would not be a bit surprised if it eventually emerges that the real crime of the Trump administration is stock market manipulation.
Don’t sell me short, man
Gives you the option to put money in your pocket.
It would be a bear to prove all of that.
“Taking this out of context is malicious,” Biden campaign rapid response director Andrew Bates similarly scolded CNN’s Chris Cillizza. “He was putting into perspective, for young people, how traumatic the assassinations of RFK and MLK were for the country. The crowd didn’t even react because they understood his point. This click-chasing is sickening.”
Now do Trumps ‘Charlottesville’ and ‘animals’ comments.
“no knock” raid
I think I see the problem. This is unconstitutional.
When people have few good social ties at work or in the community, or when they don’t feel their work fits well with their interests, skills, and values, they have low job embeddedness and are a higher flight risk.
Flight risk, you say. And they wonder why people have low job embeddedness
The best part:
We sent e-mail invitations to a smaller sample of 2,000 employed individuals who had been identified by our algorithm as unlikely, less likely, more likely, or highly likely to be receptive to an invitation to view available jobs tailored to their specific skills and interests. Of these, 1,473 received the e-mail; 161 opened the invitation; and 40 clicked through.
Marketing department haz a sad.
Of these, 1,473 received the e-mail; 161 opened the invitation; and 40 clicked through.
The rest thought it was one of those obvious phishing tests that IT sends every few months.
Where’s muh heatwave?
Won’t hit 80 (27 for the other Pie guy) for second day in a row. Calling for same tomorrow. Three days in a row in late August ’round Baltimore parts is unheard of.
I predict ice age.
Ditto here- cold snap is taking temps down to 101° today.
Waking up to 55 degrees here. Jacket/sweater before the dog walk.
Sunny and 70s here the last couple days. Low humidity.
Heaven on Earth.
It’s still Minnesoda.
Say’s the guy who live’s in New York.
I don’t claim to be living in heaven on earth.
And Heaven is a place where everybody uses apostrophes correctly.
At 7AM temp is 82 and dew point is 75. Heat index is 89. You get close to the Gulf of California and not only do you get the potential for 120 degree heat in the desert, you also get dew points in the mid 70’s. Dry heat my ass!
11° Celsius (52° Fahrenheit) here right now. Dog doesn’t wanna go for a walk yet.
“Won’t hit 80 (27 for the other Pie guy) for second day in a row. Calling for same tomorrow. Three days in a row in late August ’round Baltimore parts is unheard of.”
Would have been nice yesterday if not for the all day monsoon. Going from mid 90s and high humidity, it felt almost chilly with the patio doors open.
I’m sitting on the back patio in the shade enjoying the near perfect weather. 73 and sunny with relatively low humidity. You’d need a crow bar to pry me out of this chair.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas threatened this week that “million of fighters” would swarm Jerusalem and topple the Jewish state’s capital city, warning that “no matter how many houses and how many settlements they declare that they [plan to build] here and there—they shall all be destroyed.”
Representative Talib, you are wanted at the courtesy phone.
What? Are you thinking they could save a few of those houses and give one to Tlaib’s gramma?
Imagine what would have happened if, God forbid, Barack Obama had been assassinated after becoming the de facto nominee. What would have happened in America?
What, Joe? What would have happened? Would there have been massive (un)civil disruption of society, because you and your ilk have been gnawing away at the fabric of society for the last 50 years by playing grievance groups against one another for political gain?
Would there have been widespread riots and looting?
I think what he meant was, “Imagine all of the gun control we could have pushed through while riding on his corpse”.
So does Wonder Dog give your mom something to focus her mind on?
Yes indeed. She may forget who SP and I are, but she *always* remembers the dog, talks to her, and watches wherever she goes. Wonder Dog reciprocates, understanding almost instinctively that Mom is the one who needs the most guarding and always keeps an eye on her. Interestingly, Mom was always afraid of large dogs, but not Wonder Dog, whom she instantly attached to.
I have seen that happen before. Dogs are the best thing humans ever invented.
Have you ever had a cup of coffee? Or a beer? Or pizza? Or received an oral sex? Or smoked a cigarette? Hm? Hmmmm?
Why are those things better than dogs, Papa C? Well, if I don’t have to slip a plastic bag over my hand and pick up the pizza’s steamy, warm poo, that’s why.
I live next to over a thousand acres of state forest that the dog can take his shit in.
You’re doing oral sex wrong.
So you’re saying he should be giving oral sex instead of receiving?
If someone isn’t losing control of their bowels, it wasn’t really an orgasm worth mentioning.
Eh… no thanks. Life is better this way.
^ Truth
I’d rather conduct tours in this. They’d be over sooner.
Yeah, I’d rather ride in that.
DUI Arrests made: 0
Checkpoints are unconstitutional.
During a fiery speech, Biden told the crowd “We choose truth over facts”
*Standing ovation from the folks at the Ministry of Truth*
“My truth”.
Stole the idea, but modified the names. TOS in a nutshell
I mean, I have orphans for that…
“We have to think about the jobs because the reason this happens is because there are a lot of jobs in our community that, like it or not, for better or worse, Americans are not willing to take,” Malinowski told the crowd while appearing at a town hall meeting.
“I mean, who do you think is taking care of our seniors? Fifty percent of the eldercare workers in the state of New Jersey are immigrants, most of them legal — most of them documented — but certainly some of them are not,” he continued. “Who do you think is mowing our beautiful lawns in Somerset County? We don’t usually ask but a lot of those workers are undocumented.”
Do you mean the caretaker my gf hired & fired the same day because she was an obvious con artist or the one that stole a whole bunch of shit when DeadAunt passed?
Those immigrants? The service (2nd hire) she used actually admitted that they have problems with caretakers stealing. ?
your gf was a con artist?
*throws a bulb of garlic at Pie*
If he keeps it up, escalate to your silver state spoon collection.
Oh wow. There’s a blast from the past.
I thought they were issued to women with your first Social Security check.
Don’t worry about Biden. His puppeteers will be sure to keep him in line once he gets into the White House. They’ll keep him well supplied with shiny objects, and give him nice speeches to read off the teleprompter. The world will once more be safe for the people who matter.
A great for sure, but Cal isnt even in the argument for best of all time.
I hate the Cards, but I would lean towards Ozzie.
For o e thing, Ozzie didnt have to shift to third late in his career.
You’re just plain wrong.
He changed the way people saw that position.
The used to be Mark Belangers and Ozzies. Now SS is manned by A-Rods and Jeters and Lindors.
Guys like Xander Bogarts and DiDi Gregorious can hardly get a mention but they’d have been phenoms in 1985.
A growing number of Europeans have decided that they’ve had enough of inaction in the face of the climate emergency, and they’re in training to do something about it.
And how did you learn about the so-called climate emergency? From multinational corporate media. Tools are gonna be tools.
I wonder what those signs are made out of…maybe a waterproof material that makes them more durable and weather resistant…I wonder what that is derived from…
Maybe they have some room on the back of those signs for a message. I dunno, something like, “Warmongers sold us the Russian collusion angle”.
Artisanal all natural organic oil?
I find the European perspective on global political issues to be particularly interesting in how bizarre they can take an idea.
During Desert Storm they were wailing about “blood for oil”… as if the US was in it to protect our oil source. DAFUQ? The Americas have almost enough oil to supply our needs – its a rare month that anything close to 10% of that demand is supplied by Mideast oil.
Who is it that needs Mideast oil? Mostly Europe.
(Japan taps into Iranian oil primarily because Iran ships most of their oil to Japan to process it into refined products as Iran lacks facilities to do that themselves.)
It wasn’t oil they were digging for. It was bullshit and they hit the mother lode.
Even with the Iran deal they exhibit some nonsensical positions. They’re upset with the U.S. (rightly in my view) pulling out of it because they depend on Iranian oil. If they could, they’d start a war for oil. Maybe there’s some projection going on? The U.S., for its part, doesn’t need Iranian oil.
They also seem to make a facile calculus of ‘Obama signed the deal. Obama was smart. Ergo good deal. Trump broke the deal. Orange man bad. Ergo bad thing.’
“A growing number of Europeans have decided that they’ve had enough of inaction in the face of the climate emergency, and they’re in training to do something about it.”
We’re still considered first world countries, and there are still a few jobs left, we have to fix that.
Cool, Antifa training camps. What could possibly go wrong.
They are savage lately.
Word. Saw this gem.
In a move to make sure criminals are treated fairly, San Francisco has instituted a policy of referring to “convicted felons” by the much more politically correct term “elected officials.”
“These convicted felons are finding it harder to advance to higher political office when we keep bringing up their criminal activities,” said San Francisco Mayor London Breed. “We must ensure they get a fair shake at ruining even more people’s lives when they run for Congress, Senate, or the White House.”
The city released a guide with ways to refer to politicians’ activities in a more positive manner:
-Stealing money is to be referred to as “taxation.”
-Having an affair is to be referred to as “providing women opportunities for advancement.”
-Taking a bribe is to be referred to as a “desirable exchange of money for principles.”
-Starting a deadly war on false pretenses is to be referred to as an “environmental depopulation initiative.”
-Kidnapping parents over truancy laws is to be called a “free parental vacation program.”
The new language is to be used by all city officials, San Francisco residents, and the homeless population to ensure politicians aren’t offended by any mention of their criminal activities. Anyone failing to abide by the law will be sentenced to continue living in San Francisco.
El-Oh Effing-El
I almost cannot believe they went there.
Look at the date. They went there a year and a half ago!
Yeah that’s a rerun.
Yeah, they are red-hot. And the best part is that while they obviously have a bias, hey aren’t at all afraid to make fun of Trump or Christians, either.
I listened to one of their podcasts. They were talking about how they know they are doing things right because on the same day they will get separate emails saying they are to soft on Trump, as well as that they are too mean to him.
Werner Herzog features prominently in the new Star Wars trailer
Related: former comedian and current internet scold Paul F Thomkins’ fantastic Werner impersonation
“He does these impersonations – you’d swear it was the real person.”
Is he going to eat his shoe too?
Has Orson Scott Card been held in high esteem since the mid-80s? Maybe by the LDS people, but they don’t count.
Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is accusing President Trump’s campaign of poaching online donors. In a fundraising email sent to supporters Thursday, the Biden campaign pointed out that if someone types “donate Joe Biden” into a Google search, the first link to appear is one that directs them to donate to Donald J. Trump for President.
“Trump’s campaign is paying money to run ads online so that their donation link is the first thing you see when you search ‘donate Joe Biden,'” the email read. “But, listen, here’s the thing: We can’t stop them because we’re out of money to run online ads for the rest of the month.”
While the Biden campaign is calling out President Trump’s reelection campaign, it’s not immediately clear who exactly is behind the ad making the Trump campaign page appear above Biden’s in the search. The Trump campaign has not yet confirmed that it purchased the Google ad, which was purchased on Google’s pay-per-click keyword advertising platform.
Buried somewhere down in this moronic article is somebody who asks how many people are actually going to donate to Trump because that’s the first option.
This fucking country is doomed.
I really thought, based on the headline, it would be somebody whining about Trump trying to steal that precious jew gold from the Democrats.
*************ATTENTION ALL GLIBS AND GLIBS-ADJACENTS*********************
I want to encourage all of you to drop what you are doing and read this very important article – it’s message is shocking.
The global gag on free speech is tightening
Now I’m worried, yalls.
Some people pay to be gagged.
Poor starvin Marvin.
The Economist needs to go back to selling war. Do what you’re good at.
The Adults In The Room
A must read for anyone who cares about free speech and journalistic freedom imo
I tapped out at “men, white, and members of the 1%”.
That says a lot about you, WHITE MAN. I read her piece three times because I have a non-racist heart.
The story where they bitch that the company had the nerve to hire white men? LOL
I should upload a piece trashing my company to their website and see what happens.
So I watched the Rocko’s Modern Life reboot movie last night.
It got the woke treatment and was not particularly funny.
Woe unto us all.
I watched 1987’s “The Monster Squad.”
Me > you imho
Trump Admin Is Considering Using Amazon Echo And Apple Watch To Determine If Citizens Should Own A Gun
Hm. Smart.
Going off-line looks better and better.
“Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes, or Safe Home”
Like any law or policy named after a dead child, I think any law or policy that whose name acronyms out to a cute phrase is a bad idea from the get-go.
Nothing left to cut.
The unbearable burden of life in techbro land
The college students who spoke to WIRED were aware of the industry’s reputation. In some cases they had read Emily Chang’s book Brotopia, about Silicon Valley boys’ clubs, or heard about support for the Google memo, a screed that went viral in 2017, arguing that women are less predisposed to careers in tech. The stories didn’t change their determination to become professional engineers, but it did make them mindful of red flags during in company job listings or interviews that suggested an office environment hostile to women.
“I’m going to graduate in 2022. I’m going to have to find a job. What if I’m like [Susan Fowler] that woman who went to Uber and her manager was making offhand comments?” says Devika Chipalkatti, a rising sophomore at Scripps College in Claremont, California. “Who would I tell? What if HR didn’t believe me?”
The tech industry began its highly publicized effort to diversify its ranks around the same time that most of the young women began pursuing computer science. But in a predictable twist of fate, the young women said it was routine for fellow students, or even well-intentioned adults, to undermine their accomplishments by saying the bar had been lowered for women and it was easier for girls to find job opportunities.
As for Eyre, the Y Combinator–backed startup wasn’t her only offer. Instead, she accepted an internship at GitHub in San Francisco, where she has been impressed by the active employee resource groups, including organizations for black and LGBTQ+ and gender nonbinary employees, which organized events for Pride and Juneteenth. “It’s the employees themselves that are taking action to make sure their workplace is comfortable for them,” she says. “And I really appreciate that.”
The oppression of the womynz continues. There are no diversity-friendly places in tech.
What a tear-jerker.
Look, we write the screeds around here.
her manager was making offhand comments? – ignore it or find a different job if HR does not listen? Jesus fucking christ unpleasant shit happens on occasion
Eyre is one of more than 1,000 young women college-aged or older, hailing from 300 schools around the country, who participated in a recent survey about the challenges female engineers face while applying for technical internships. The study was conducted last fall by Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization that educates and supports girls studying computer science, which has 30,000 college-aged alumnae and 17,000 alumnae potentially entering college this fall. The analysis was limited to young women in the Girls Who Code network who are studying or previously studied computer science and related fields. – I am sure there was no selection bias there
Then you make a determination which is more important, your dignity/princples/self-worth, or your job. Welcome to the working world. Men have to make this decision all the time and because men rarely have, option, we suck up all manner of indignities on the job.
DOJ argues Civil Rights Act does not protect LGBTQ workers
No shit.
I don’t even understand under what legal theory this could be construed to mean what they say it does. Certainly wasn’t the intention of the legislature (I think they even specifically said it wasn’t in some documents), the word hasn’t changed meaning, the plain language is against that interpretation… it really is just FYTW.
The tragic — and overlooked — fallout from the ’60s sexual revolution
The damned hippies ruined everything!!!!
well I say we go back to 1950
More government ought to fix all those problems.
The Suzanne Wright Foundation approached the president recently and proposed the agency include a project called Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes, or Safe Home, the report notes, citing two people familiar with the matter.
Will there be social credit scores?
Dave, you ignorant slut.
“If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland — it will tear this country apart,” Axelrod tweeted on Friday.
They can’t seem to get over that even though the circumstances were different. At the time the presidents party did not control the Senate, ergo they did not control the confirmation and the Republican controlled Senate was within its authority to not consider the presidents nominee. However, the current president’s party does control the Senate and will be within its authority to consider a nominee.
Dude, don’t let facts get in the way of your emotions. Let the hate flow.
Well, well, well. What sort of Tulpa do we have here?
Hosers, eh?
“I’m a one man force, like Charlton Heston in Omega Man, did you see it? It’s a beauty.”
Get oot, moosebreath.
And, Obama was a lame duck.
Didn’t we just watch the Democrat party try to stall a conservative appointee until the next election by making hay of an obviously made up sex assault story?
And that was not the first time.
I don’t think there’s much of a moral high ground for them here.
The fact that a political actor of any stripe would claim any moral high ground is laughable on its face.
“Another Biden gaffe: “You had over 40 kids shot at Kent State on a beautiful lawn by the National Guard,” @JoeBiden said.
In actuality, 4 were killed and 9 others injured.”
Misspoke. Meant to say he killed a 40 and smoked a pack of Kents.
Would have been a lot cooler if he had.
You mean Kooler.
220, 221 whatever it takes.
On a conference call this week one guy said “44, 45 – whatever it takes.”
I snickered out loud.
He’s channeling Terry McCauliffe.
What a dolt. Anyone who’s ever heard this knows it’s not 40.
Pretty sure everyone shot at Kent State was an adult, too.
Get your daily does of Stalin apologist in the comments bellow this tweet
Now more than ever we must show our commitment to fighting extremism, authoritarianism and intolerance in all its forms.
How are those speech restrictions and kitchen utensil bans coming along?
Guns prevent thousands of crimes each day.
Yup. Difficult to estimate because you don’t report a thwarted crime. But the lowest end estimate of defensive use is in the hundreds of thousands per year, which is dozens of times more than murders by firearms every year.
unknowable really how many
Holy non sequitur, Batman!
Major companies have also used their market power to get away with abusing the public interest. JPMorgan Chase has been fined at least $13 billion from the 2008 financial crisis alone, and has been fined since. And according to a recent analysis by several non-governmental groups, JPMorgan ranked as the largest bank financier of fossil fuel investments since the signing of the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2015.
The article is Jeffrey Sachs weeping and wailing about how evil kkkorporations are, in the context of the Business Roundtable about face on shareholders’ interests, but that leapt off the screen and spit directly in my eye.
abusing the public interest
Do you know who else?
String them up!
Shaking down Wall Street is a tough job but somebody’s got to do it.
Dog forbid we just relax regulations that block other banks from starting, growing, or threatening the big guys.
It’s National Waffle Day.
I’m not sure if I want one, I mean they are nice to have occasionally, but they’re fattening. I just can’t make up my mind.
Don’t batter yourself over the issue.
I just can’t make up my mind if that’s a good thing?
Damn your nimble fingers!
Can’t make up my mind if I like pancakes more.
French toast > pancakes > waffles
A couple of good crispy waffles with a nice hint of vanilla I think is more satisfying than pancakes. I’m more a farmer breakfast guy with bacon and egfs, but waffles are nice every so often. I’m more likely to do french toast if I’m doing a carb breakfast though.
I like butter and syrup too.
waffles suck.
Waffles are Eurotrash cuisine for Poors. Even when Americanized, with a nice piece or two of fried chicken to go along with the waffle, they are still a food for Poors and maybe the intoxicated.
I don’t understand chicken and waffles.
Me either – it’s simple, 2 waffles, side of bacon to make a bacon sandwich.
“David Koch walked the walk”: a libertarian on the Koch brother’s legacy
TW: Hipster Fonzie or whatever you dorks call him.
david kock death hitting especially hard because of baby bird brain derangement that makes me think every rich person i see on tv is my Mom
Ooh, more well-wishers from the Twitterverse.
I am not sure I get the @drill thing, though he makes 2500 a month on patreon for his twits. It is some form of absurdist comedy , granted
Yeah, I don’t get the original post at all. It sure draws a lot of flies, though.
Wow, that seemed like actual journalism. That’s more rare than an Elvis sighting.
Jane Coaston is a good journalist. I am sure she has her faults but she consistently puts in a real effort.
Good for her. I certainly wasn’t expecting that from Vox but credit where credit is due.
Just like with white nationalists, some Vox writers, I assume, are good people.
A stunning blonde doctor is set to represent France at the first-ever Miss BumBum World Cup next month.
Brazilian-born model Rayane Laura Souza currently works as a doctor in Bolivia.
Could be the first college educated missBumBum winner
Where is Q when we need him?
Oh my!
My bunk. I’ll be in it.
I’m not feeling so well. I think I need to go to Bolivia for some intensive medical care.
Playlist for that.
Not Thicc enough for me.
More specious nonsense from Sachs:
The idea that the corporate purpose should focus on profits alone was promoted by free-market academic economists, such as Milton Friedman, who wrote that if a corporate CEO did not aim to maximize profits, the CEO in effect was squandering the owners’ money. Yet Friedman ignored the great harms that CEOs cause when they abuse their company’s market power or meddle in politics through corporate lobbying and campaign funding.
In the real world, not Friedman’s idealized one, CEOs use corporate influence and money to curry Congressional support for tax cuts, deregulation and bailouts. They exploit their monopoly power in the marketplace, deploy legions of corporate law firms to evade prosecutions, hide taxes in offshore havens and often cheat when the expected costs of fines are less than expected profits. When the abuses pile up to the extent of inciting a financial crisis, they turn back to the government for bailouts. Through it all, they enjoy impunity: sky-high CEO salaries and little responsibility for harms done to customers, workers and communities.
The 2020 elections should be the reckoning. The US political system is in the hands of the corporate lobbies, including Wall Street, private health care, the military armaments and gun industries, privately owned prisons and Big Oil. These lobbies have used market power and political influence to write their own ticket to wealth. We need to elect candidates who will stand up to the corporate sector rather than take money from it.
Companies must have a public purpose beyond greed. Wresting our democracy back from corporate power will take years but should be at the forefront of American politics. It’s a vital task that certainly can’t be left to some soothing new words from the CEOs.
Golly, Jeff, I would characterize most of that stuff (the stuff not completely imaginary, anyway) you’re complaining about as misuse of corporate resources. And management’s promotion of their own interests in opposition to those of the owners constitutes a breach of trust and violation of fiduciary responsibility which unquestionably deserves to be addressed.
“Wrestling our democracy back from corporate power” sounds like a a smokescreen for promoting your preferred nannytarian fascist agenda.
What an ignorant slut. He doesn’t even realize he’s arguing that excessive government is causing most of his hobgoblins above.
Here’s a wacky thought. What if the politicians didn’t have the power to handout all that free shit?
It’s also mendacious. The banks were bailed out to protect their account holders, and the automakers were bailed out to protect their union workers. Yeah, it was a massive transfer from government to business, but it had to be forced down some of their throats (see BB&T and Ford’s reluctance to accept it). Besides, nowadays, the hip thing is for CEOs to ask for higher taxes and more regulations. Of course, they’ve always been doing that, where their competition is concerned.
It’s National Waffle Day.
I’m sot sure how I feel about that.
AS proud Krasnovarian Patriot am proud that such day is celebrated!
Oh wait wrong forum…
Also misspelled the country?
Nope. It would take too long to fully explain unless you follow Larry Correia (SF author)on facebook/mewe. In short he made a joke with friends exchanging insults between two fictional countries Krasnovia and Pineland, that were at war, and facebook suspended his account for hate speech, so it became a running game among his followers.
I thought you were giving a shout out to the real Loyal Opposition
I have been watching this old black-and-white teevee series about Robin Hood, on Amazon. Just the thing for when i wake up at 2 or 3 AM and can’t get back to sleep. The other night, somebody said, “Taxation is theft.”
I laughed.
when i wake up at 2 or 3 AM and can’t get back to sleep – ehm you are supposed to toss and turn and lie in bed until 6 in such situations. who knows maybe sleep will come
So OMWC is MIA all week, and pops up on Shabbos to work? and posts pictures of carrion birds? You’re Jewing it wrong!
Bombshell trailer expands on the Fox News palace intrigue
If you pretend the tension is sexual (which I did) it’s a pretty hot scene.
Yawn. So Fox News had had a rich and powerful leader that that used his power in some icky ways. Now do nearly any Hollywood studio exec.
Obivious hit job is obvious.
The Death of the Bachelor and Bachelorette Party as We Know It
According to some rando “event planner”. Yeah, OK.
Well, yeah. Most are already planning the divorce.
Guns prevent thousands of crimes each day.
The last time I was in a coin shop, the guy behind the counter had a gun on his hip. I’m pretty sure that was a deterrent to criminal activity.
Several years ago my brother worked in a sporting goods, mostly gun store in Waukegan, carried a 1911 on his hip. Got a phone call one evening that someone was trying to break into his truck. He ran out and fired a shot at the perp, hit the door frame of his own truck (luckily). Perp ran down the alley, hands up, hollering “Don’t shoot” Police investigated, saw the bullet damage, wrote their report. In all likelihood he knew the police, since the store had an indoor range that the police used.
Fortunately for him that he did miss though. All employees carried openly.
If this guy isn’t the comms director for the White House by Monday I will be supremely disappointed in the writers of 2019.
One country, two holes.
That’s both unpatriotic and horribly sexist.
I’ve seen this guy before
That’s a good pull. Early, exasperated Tom Hanks is always fun.
It’s a very funny movie. John Candy is the best.
Candy was the best for sure. His acting takes Planes Trains from a fun comedy into a tearjerker – not that I would ever cry !!!!!!!.
I watch that one every year. It’s gold.
Deadspin- topnotch “sports journalism”
So it turns out that professional football teams can do all the things they need to do on any given day with 20 percent less field. All they have to do is not give much of a damn about it.
And there’s your latest of example why the vicious scam of practice football is coming undone. If the 80-yard field in Winnipeg for Packers-Raiders last night didn’t matter, if the two teams could work around the goalpost holes nobody thought to deal with in the months-long lead-up to the game, if the organizers could figure out that lowering prices for something nobody wants is actually the way the economy should work—if all these things happened and a game was still inflicted upon us, then progress toward a better planet is being made.
It has already been established that the 32 NFL coaches can make enough work for their players without even bothering with games, and have stopped bothering to lie their way around that decades-old truth from the suckers…err, customers. It has been shown that they don’t even use the players they have to pay to do this nonsense, and this is in a league that is trying to make being at the office for players as close to a 52-week-a-year thing as possible. It has also been shown that fans would rather flush their tickets than be seen using them (StubHub was advertising $5 tickets for Jacksonville-Miami, $6 tickets for Washington-Atlanta and $8 for Giants-Cincinnati). And now it doesn’t even matter how long the field is, not even to Jon Gruden.
I do not see a long term path to profitability, here, but what do I know?
Oh, the hell with it. Let’s just say it. Bring back mud. As global warming continues to eat the rest of the planet, let’s embrace the new string of thigh-deep-snow games. Let’s have uneven conditions, and even badly lined fields that may or may not approach normal dimensions. Uniformity is Satan’s choice, not ours, and now that the envelope of exhibition football as a necessity has been destroyed, let’s get to work on all the other presumptions around the game. It’s only unfair if both teams don’t agree to play by the same rules on game day, and besides, screw fairness. The only real value to keeping 100 yards as a rigid standard at this point is for fantasy players, and we all know what monumental bores they are when released into gen pop.
If this seems like chaos, well, of course it is. Look around you. Everything is chaos, all across the culture, all across the economy, all across the political diaspora, and in the new world order a man’s word is his shiv. The NFL may be worrying perpetually about audience share and a changing market, so this is its first chance to get ahead of the game agai
Stick to sports, wanker.
But the employees know how to run their company better than the owners! Some ex-employee said so above.
80-yard field = more seats in the endzones, what’s not to like, from the owners’ perspective
Sports reporting
Coming this September Shaun Rainey will be telling the historic story of June Eastwood.
This year, June will become the first openly transgender woman to compete at the Division-1 level in cross country and track. She is a senior at the University of Montana and will begin competition on August 31.
June, who went by Jonathan in high school, is a state championship runner from Belgrade.
Our story will go in depth into June’s life growing up, her decision to come out and why she chose to compete as a transgender athlete.
We will hear from family, friends, coaches and the leading scientific expert on transgender athletes and adviser to the International Olympic Committee. We’ll learn about how her efforts may change the scope of transgender athletes competing at the NCAA level moving forward.
June’s story will be coming soon to ABC FOX Montana and SWX.
I’m breathless with anticipation. I wonder what the other competitors will have to say. I hope they’re not going to say anything unwoke or hurtful about this brave battler for genderjustice.
I so hope the Olympics embraces this lunacy.
They already have.
Of course, the Olympics have been a fucking joke for years.
I’ve only heard they are “considering” it – there haven’t been any tranny competitors yet, have there?
Nope, but it’s my understanding they are approved for one down the line. I care so little I can’t be arsed to look it up.
After their classless and boorish performance at the WWC, I hope the USSC allow trans women to be added to the team.
“Oh you want more money than you’re worth? I think we have a solution to that.”
“Where are the other poor black kids?”
In better sports conferences?
Man, that is an awful lot of “so what?”
I’m not sure what the point of all those words was.
Bull. Shit.
Truly driven students from humble means will be fine. Fucking Ivy league will fall all over themselves to have them, especially if they tic enough ‘diversity’ boxes.
My question: why in the name of God would any driven student from humble means even want to go to those commie factories?
My question: why in the name of God would any driven student from humble means even want to go to those commie factories?
Exactly. A “driven” person from humble means is going to go get a fucking job, not drive him/herself deeply into debt at a glorified day care center.
Hockey dudes:
Spittin’ Chicklets Podcast
Just listened to an interview with Nathan MacKinnon that was quite good.
Local Po-Po is stopping students walking to the football game and passing-out $300+ dollar ticket if they have any “open” containers with alcohol. I just went out and started documenting – “Chief of Police” came up and asked what I wanted and said he was enforcing the law. I told him he was profit policing and harassing students. Weren’t there some Glib articles about your rights when police stop you?
Good on you.
Fucking serve and protect – how does it work?
“The law is the law.” – Inspector Javert
You’re writing this from inside a cell, aren’t you?
Christ, what assholes.
So what do these assholes get for becoming a martyr? I think a “go fund me” should be started to pay the would be terrorist double the going rate if they blow themselves up and not hurt anyone else.
Proof that Trump has single-highhandedly destroyed all progress towards a two-state solution.
Probing for a weak spot
Thomas Marshall, a 23-year-old category specialist in Walmart’s San Bruno, California, e-commerce business, penned a letter to CEO Doug McMillon this week, saying that “Customers no longer feel as safe as they once did in our stores. We must do more.” He also passed along a petition, which has garnered 136,000 signatures, urging the company to stop selling firearms and ammunition and ban the public from carrying firearms in stores and other company property.
“The main thing we’d like is to start a conversation about the role retail plays in these mass shootings,” Marshall told CBS MoneyWatch.”The ammunition we sell fits not only the guns we sell, but also the guns we don’t sell,” said Marshall, who noted that the bullets used to kill 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016 were bought a Walmart.
Jackals circling. Entrepreneurial litigation.
Maybe I missed it; did the guy in El Paso buy a gun at the sporting goods counter, load it, and start shooting people? What the fuck does Walmart’s inventory have to do with what happened?
I fear and despise children. Walmart sells baby paraphernalia. Can I sue them to force them to take that stuff off their shelves?
Customers no longer feel as safe as they once did in our stores
Riiight. Sure. Let’s do a poll of actual Walmart customers and see what they think.
Yes guns are so easy to get at Walmart that a customer just walked up to “Scary Black Rifle” Vending MachineTM and gunned down the El Paso shooter before he shot up the place.
TL;DR: Igorant reporter goes to Walmart and, contrary to her expectations, is not able to just walk out with a scary death machine.
As comically ignorant as this reporter was, it is her credit that she actually went to find out what the process is and she reported on it. It is refreshing to see journalists actually doing, you know, journalism rather than the current status quo of providing opinions on topics they have no knowledge of or experience in.
This is what democracy looks like (if you’re completely crazy)
Given Congress’ inability to forge a consensus on how to counter gun violence, states have been left to go at it alone. That’s worked better in some places than others. California, for instance, has some of the strongest gun control laws in the country, and legislators continue to shore up weak points that emerge in the complicated and at times confusing matrix of statutes and regulations.
Some members of the California state Legislature hope to address at least some of the problems. More than two dozen legislators signed a letter to their counterparts in Nevada asking for a meeting this fall to discuss common-sense policies Nevada might enact that could reduce public safety risks here. In particular, the state lawmakers suggested banning combat-style firearms and large-capacity magazines and barring people under age 21 from buying firearms — laws already on the books in California.
In the void left by a barely functioning Congress and a retrograde administration, California has already led the nation in other crucial areas, including climate change, motor vehicle mileage standards and criminal justice reform. It should try to do so with sensible gun laws as well. Even if the effort fails, it is a step worth taking.
Hey, let’s just let California dictate national policy.
Fucking federalism- how does it work?
What a novel idea! Why didn’t someone think of this earlier?!?!?!
states have been left to go at it alone.