I have no idea if I like Japanese whiskey. Let’s find out!
Tonight I have the three that the neighborhood liquor store has that are under $100/bottle. They actually have five in that latter category, including one at $325. I think I’ll be picking up a Talisker 25 year before I venture in that direction. Unlike the last time I did a glibtasting, these three are visually distinct, even if two are from the same company. For modifers/palate cleansers I have a good local cheddar, a decent semi-local chocolate and bread and fantastic local butter. Distilled water is available if I need to open any of these up, but looking at the proof I doubt that will be necessary. As with last time, I’ve got JW Black as a control and to check for palate fatigue.
Suntory “Toki” Pale straw color. Not much nose. There is some toasted wood and spice, but it’s faint. It smells sweeter than I was expecting from the color and country. It tastes sweeter too. Definitely whiskey, definitely subtle. Going to try some cheese and see if that lends me any more insights. It’s a good pairing, and returning to the whiskey bring all sorts of new happenings to the forefront. If you’re going to drink this, definitely have a little protein or fat to help spread the flavor. It doesn’t have any direct analogue in my drinking experience, but it’s closest to a Speyside with a lot more of the sweet extractables from wood. I don’t know what they cask this in, but it’s responsible for most of the flavor. A good drink. It’s not particularly aggressive or challenging, but I don’t know that it is trying to be. If you ever wanted to dispel the stereotype of the Japanese being polite, reserved, non-confrontational and indirect, this is NOT the drink to go about doing it.
Mars “Iwai Tradition” Gorgeous mahogany color. I tend to really like beers that are this color. The color is so nice I keep catching myself thinking “I’m going to like this” and having to stop and reset my mind as to not prejudice the tasting – Right On Mars marketing department! This nose is more typical of bourbon, definitely less sweet but much more present than the Toki. Tasting it is surprising. It’s very smooth and clean, and seems to roll over the tongue without fully making contact. I get the impression that this is very light bodied, but body isn’t really anything one normally experiences with whiskey. The char that gives the color is very present in the mouth, with an ashy residual. Again, eating a bit of cheese really brings this to life. Eating it on a clean mouth this was like “Baby’s first bourbon,” but a bit of fat and we’re in Scotch land. When I first tasted this, I was impressed but thought it wasn’t really my thing. Now I know it can be great in the proper context. Again, this is its own beast, but closer to a Highland style with food, bourbon without.
Suntory “Hibiki” Color is amber. Nose is much more prominent than the others. There’s a lot going on with this one. Lots of esters, less sweetness. Much more interesting. Let’s see if this is worth the premium. Oh. Oh that’s good. This one is already open straight out of the glass. It starts off with bright notes like an Irish, then mellows to a very smooth long finish. Cheese brings out the toasted flavors, but the transformation is much less than the earlier two. I hate to say it because of the price differential, but the Hibiki is obviously superior to the first ones. I also can’t tie it as readily to another style for a comparison. But it’s excellent.
So, did I learn anything about Japanese whiskey? Do I have a better idea of what “Japanese Whiskey” is as a category? Nope, not in the least. I might have drawn some sort of conclusion after the Toki and the Mars, but the Hibiki was just too different. Maybe after trying a few dozen more examples I could tell you what this is all about, but until then I’ll just have to say these were all good whiskey. The natural followup question, is are these good enough to knock out any regulars in my current collection? The answer to that is unfortunately no. While I would never turn one of these down if offered (especially the Hibiki) there are tipple I like better at their prices (again, especially the Hibiki). I really am going to shell out for the Talisker 25 before an equally priced Nihonjin after this. But I’m glad I tried these, I can always earn more money.
But I’m glad I tried these, I can always earn more money.
I like this attitude.
But can you earn more liver?
You’re harshing my mellow.
What was the price on the Iwai Tradition? I don’t drink hardly at all any more, but that reads more like the style that I would pick up.
Warning: drinking Suntory whiskey will help turn you into one of the coolest men the earth has ever known.
Or it will turn you into a…lonely gay artist?
You know he was drawing all of his most favorite penis’ of yore, right?
yeah, that lavender shirt scene killed it for me. but a Bushido culture that revered Haiku may find character in it.
That eyebrow raise… lol.
Bob Harris was the best in these, though.
For a relaxing time, make it….Suntory time.
“You’re the man now, dawg!“
Real cool is drinking soju three at a time.
I can’t get over the fact that Suntory was the rotgut of Okinawa back when I was stationed there.
Orion Beer!
Last March Mrs. Animal and I spent a week mooching around Tokyo, just for the hell of it. One afternoon she was tired after spending the morning touring the Imperial Palace grounds, so we returned to our Kinshicho lodgings so she could lay down. I wasn’t tired, so I went out for a walk and a smoke.
When I returned to the hotel, I didn’t want to go up to the room and disturb her for a little while longer, so I went to the hotel’s bar – in tooled boots, jeans, denim jacket and cowboy hat. The bartender looked at me expectantly. “Whiskey,” I said in my best John Wayne baritone. I got the Suntory whiskey shown above. It was good stuff, very smooth.
Then I spent about half an hour regaling the bartender and the other (mostly Japanese) patrons with tales of the American west. Good times.
Having met you, the image of you rolling up in a Japanese bar if full ‘Mercan Western togs is amusing.
I’ve got quite a few stories of that sort of thing. When I spent nine months working in Shiga Prefecture in 2009, I was known in several Kusatsu bars and restaurants as “Cowboy-san.” I had quite a local reputation.
I was more than a little surprised at how smooth all three of these were.
YAY! Thank you for doing this. Our local has recently expanded their Japanese offerings, both whiskey and sake but there are so many that I am overwhelmed. Also, you’re spot on about the +$100 bottles; there are a good dozen Japanese whiskeys in the glass case that run from $110 – $425… YIKES!
Every liquor store I go to has a few things priced like that. I look around my dumpy neighborhood and ask myself who the heck is buying that stuff? My guess is “nobody”.
[titters] Yeah, that Kalashnikov shaped bottle has a lot of dust of it.
I really am going to shell out for the Talisker 25 before an equally priced Nihonjin after this.
Holy shit. I won’t spring for Talisker 25, and I really like Talisker.
I’ll do that before an equivalently priced bottle of Suntory, not that I’m planning on getting a bottle of Talisker 25 this year. I still need to build a fence around my property, buy a set of SASS guns…
When I was in my early to mid twenties I had a bad night drinking. The next day, barely able to function I decided that I had had enough of that nonsense. I didn’t have another drink until my early 40’s. About a month ago I had the same experience. I had been wanting to lay off of the booze for some time but I had gotten so good at drinking….too good… that I found it a bit difficult. For some reason I cant explain a month ago I just quit. It hasn’t bothered me one bit and I have the feeling now in my mid-fifties that I will probably never drink again. I feel pretty good and the thought of drinking anything at all makes me want to retch. I enjoyed drinking when I went on my little 15 year bender but when it stopped feeling good I had no trouble at all putting it down. I guess I am lucky. I wish everyone could do that so easily.
My wife says I go overboard with everything. I suppose she is right.
When I was in my early to mid twentiesv- did they have whiskey back then?
ok this joke does not work because i did not read the comment closely enough. Ignore
You are just saying that because you are old and the joke is on you. Heh.
How is your recovery progressing?
Plumber was just here looking at moving the water heater downstairs. I was talking and waving my arms around and he asked me about all of the scars. I guess they are more noticeable than I thought. It is pretty obvious that they are canine dental impressions.
My recovery is essentially complete and I am functioning as normal. Thank you for asking.
Yesterday wife watched the latest Godzirra movie. A bunch of nitwit characters were ooooooing and aaaaahhhhing in wonder over the giant critters. I remarked that a few well placed TOWs would solve their problem in milliseconds. Today she is watching Jaws III and the characters are doing the same naive greenie bullshit over giant meat eating sharks. I have a few questions for people that have a fascination with dangerous critters. Have you ever been snake bit? I have. Have you ever had a vicious animal big enough to kill you maul your ass to within an inch of death?
I have. Have you ever been hunted by an apex predator? No? I have. Now get the fuck out of the way so I have a clear shot.
Nuke em form orbit, man.
y recovery is essentially complete and I am functioning as normal.
This is good news.
Funny, I was thinking of the documentary “Grizzly Man” last night. Nothing new or profound, just contemplating how easily a bear could kill a person, and wondering what in the hell is wrong with someone who would think they could just “befriend” wild animals and treat them like pets.
For some reason I cant explain a month ago I just quit. It hasn’t bothered me one bit and I have the feeling now in my mid-fifties that I will probably never drink again.
Pater Dean traditionally takes a month off every year or so. An excellent plan, IMO. Its been too long since I did so. I am a creature of habit, nay, ritual, and my nightly cocktail with Mrs. Dean and nightcap before bed has gotten deeply engrained.
Can’t imagine drinking that hard any more. I have an occasional beer, cocktail, or glass of wine and I’m good. Getting drunk is for the young.
Yup, I had a pair of beers with dinner last night and was satiated. Could I have had more? Sure. Did I want to? Not really
“Look at us, all responsible.”
Start smoking?
I like a drink or two in the evenings, but I haven’t drank enough to be even close to drunk in a very long time.
Yep. Maybe too much bad shit has happened since I was last drunk. Pretty sure I wouldn’t like it and neither would anyone else.
“Ohhh look at how responsible I am.”
I am a very, very bad drunk so it was more self-preservation than responsibility
Understood. I’m just twiddling your nips anyway – being responsible is very smart.
I mean it’s like Saturday for me… is that a long time?
Even five years ago I’d still close down a bar now and again, but these days I’m rarely out past 8:00 PM on weekends, and never on weekdays. I’ll have a few pops at home over the course of the evening, but the days of even accidentally getting loaded are way behind me. It’s fatherhood that did it, but not in a “I have to be there for my children” way. More of a “if I don’t want to find the walls covered in drawings from that black Sharpie we misplaced last month, I better get up when she does” type of thing.
I will say that establishing an exercise routine has gone a long way towards my avoiding drinking to excess. Working out hung over sucks real, real bad, but skipping a workout because you’re hungover is even worse. The shame is enough to keep me from hittin’ the sauce too hard the night before.
yeah: FirstWife badgered me into stopping for a solid ten years, which is fine in the marital give and take business; but it totally took the snap out of poker night being the only dry dude at the table
On my first Valentines after the boy’s mom, LawyerOne made imbibing worth my while, and I’ve never looked back. Most of the time I’m done after two drinks because I won’t risk being productive the next morning or any roadside exchanges with constabulary. But I do love the worlds and flavors of beers and whiskeys and can celebrate more deeply at home or via Uber on a weekend.
Re Lawyer One, and I know you’ve heard it before , but I can’t stress this enough: never fall in love with a girl’s parents or horses before she has fallen in love with you . . . unless you’re looking for new excuses to sip and reflect.
“never fall in love period”
A few times, I’ve forced myself to work out the next day anyway with the nausea and headache being my punishment for prioritizing drunkenness over fitness.
I used to drink a lot; after my 21st birthday, I got drunk every single night for five months (as in blacking out and/or vomiting half the time). I realized I was on a disastrous course and cut the drinking back to weekends. For many more years, I still got too drunk from time to time, but at least it was only on weekends. I think after 2014, I calmed down quite a bit and only got moderately intoxicated. I haven’t puked or had a serious hangover since that time.
Fitness is a big motivator to keep the booze to a minimum, just for the empty calories if nothing else.
As someone who spent about 18 months performing hiit workouts while having a massive whiskey habit I tend to agree with this.
Oh, lord, I think I just tasted bile at the thought of tabatas after a night of Jim Beam.
It was always the following evening after work so it wasn’t THAT bad, but it is an awful experience I liked to foist upon myself.
For the teetotalers who have become teetotalers due to increasingly bad hangovers I offer some good news: There are plenty of other good intoxicants out there. Just steer clear of inhalants, opiates, and crack.
I’m usually a one-day a drink man. Minus weekends, which could include the neighbors coming over and the resulting hangover the next day, or just the urge to have an extra drink or two as the afternoon moves along.
I’m sure my doctor will tut-tut my sometimes binge drinking or even classify me as an alcoholic, but I really do enjoy the taste and mild relaxation that a good drink can give.
All these Glibs who don’t drink or very little anymore…
What’s next? Confessions of no or little internal recreational chemicals other than alcohol, no or little sodomy by Mexicans, no or little spending money on prostitutes, no or little providing room and board for orphans, no or little trips to Harbor Freight, no or little target practice…
Yeah, one glass of wine (well, about a quarter of a regular-sized bottle) with dinner, and a nightcap of vodka in some form on weekend nights, and that’s it.
Of course, my first real drunk experience was when I was studying in Russia. 🙂
It’s been 20 years, but I still can’t forget the vodka shots that were required at every celebration.
Pretty much my story, Suthen, I quit a little earlier, maybe late 40s, it was a little tough for a few dry weeks. Glad I did, I was a real jerk drunk. Overbearing, offensive. Now I’m still the same but I remember it in the mornings and don’t have to apologize because I meant what I said the night before.
Those are not glencairn glasses and I don’t see the color all that well. I officially declare my whisc pics better than yours.
Generally Japanese whiskeys are not my thing considering the price, i like it a bit more rough usually. Then again not many to be found in Romania.
Selection varies considerably from store to store here. This shop has no Talisker but eight Japanese whiskeys (And more than a dozen ryes, but that’s going to be a different tasting). In the neighborhood before this one, there were zero Japanese, but two Taliskers (10 year and Storm)
Taliskers (10 year and Storm) – meh
Since it’s apparently that kind of day, have some sideways vaginas!
Barely made it past #1.
I’m at the car dealership getting my wife’s car serviced. Out of boredom I walked aroumd 3 different showrooms. Holy crap new cars are really expensive and incredibly boring. Ford doesn’t make cars at all any longer. Just SUVs that look like bubbles with wheels.
Yup. Sports cars still have some variety (including the Mustang), but just about everything else seems pretty commoditized.
That dealership only had an absurdly priced (63k) special edition Mustang.
You can thank the feds for that — they’re pretty much dictating car design now, between roll over standards and CAFE fines.
I brought wifey’s Honda Fit down to the dealer for the airbag replacement recall last week and they offered to buy it from us on the spot. Hers is a 2013 with a wee bit over 33k miles and she takes very good care of it but apparently, the Fit is in high demand and hard to find.
Just traded a 10-year-old Forester in on a new Rogue for my wife. We got the blandest base model they had.
Autos are becoming amorphous blobs with wheels but moderns don’t give a damn as long as it has Apple Carplay (which sucks) or Android Auto.
My problem – and one of the reasons I drive a manual transmission (but sadly V6) Mustang. At least it looks different and is fun to drive.
EF’s Infiniti is a bit of a snooze-fest in the looks department but is old enough that it still has a great greenhouse. I can actually see out of the damn thing when I drive it. Worse part is switching to an automatic. My left foot doesn’t know what to do and my right hand needs to take steering duties otherwise I’m grabbing the automatic shifter.
Anyhoo – my next car will be uh, interesting – still haven’t decided on a 2-seater sports car or something big ‘n’ brawny like a V8 Infiniti Q70.
Also – I noticed the last time I went to a (new model) car show – people flock around sports cars, get all excited and giddy about them, even including the now-ancient Dodge Challenger. But they buy Equinoxes and Explorers.
I too drive a manual and any car salesman who tries to talk me into an automatic can fuck right off. My next car may be a Miata or just some econobox with a stick. Fancy cars don’t appeal to me like they used too.
Manuals are the best but they’re becoming harder and harder to find as I’d guess you know. In ten years you’ll have to buy a used car to get one.
related: https://www.caranddriver.com/features/g20734564/manual-transmission-cars/
It’s also a great anti theft device. Few below the age of 30 seems to be able to drive one. My wife had her car at a casino with a valet and they needed to find “the” guy that could park it.
I had STD transmission cars until recently. It’s become so hard to find in the style I want. They just shit canned the Mazda6 with manual trans in 2019. My wife’s 3 is great. My mustang was wonderful with the 6 speed. I don’t know why one would by a high performance car with a auto. I can understand the dual clutch high end transmissions, but in a sporty 4 or 6 cylinder it make them so much more fun.
I gotta say, I don’t like the sound of that at all…
Why do you think we wear driving gloves.
True story: When I was 18 (not knowing anything about the world) and got my first big boy job in a factory, I was looking over a pamphlet going over all the benefits that come with the job. One of them was short-term disability insurance, which was spelled out as “STD insurance”. I thought to myself, “Well, I hope I never need to use that, but nice to know it’s there I guess…”
Honda Accord is available in a manual. It’s too softly sprung to be a true “sports sedan”, but it’s got a de-tuned turbo 4 out of the Civic Type R.
Pretty much perfect for Nothern NJ’s crappy roads.
Wasn’t there an Accord that was supposed to be the replacement for the Prelude? I’m not built for zippy Hondas, but damned if I don’t love the things. I had a Prelude for about six years. Damn that was a fun car.
I loved both the 1st and 2nd generation Prelude
I had an 88 Prelude Si. I loved that car.
I, too, drive a manual and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sort of related: https://www.vwvortex.com/news/audis-new-tail-lights-can-send-message/
I look forward to making the message an extended middle finger.
Is it just me or have all the real assholes switched from BMW to Audi?
Saudis in Audis?
I though they preferred Mercedes-Benz.
Their friends all drive Porches, they must make amends?
come on its a classic
You’re in NJ.
It’s assholes all the way down.
After a few years I’m now able to distinguish simple obnoxious idiots from the people actively being assholes.
The bitch impatiently tailing me last night as I crept through the speed trap at 3 over was in an Audi, so I can confirm.
Their in Porsche Cayennes or Range Rover Evoques.
Four zeros on the grill and a fifth behind the wheel
Ove in “The Man called Ove”
Ford doesn’t make cars at all any longer. Just SUVs
And they’re not even real SUVs, they’re glorified station wagons.
They count as trucks on CAFE standards (wink, wink). That’s what matters.
For relaxing times?
Great article Adahn. I had the opportunity to try many of the Japanese whiskeys and each is great for their intended usage. I purchase Toki for making highballs or other mixed drinks. The sweetness is there for that reason. Japanese drinking food (fried snacks and appetizers essentially) goes really well with the highball and Toki.
The Hibiki I like with a cube of ice and a little club soda chaser if needed. Again great as a compliment to rich food.
I really liked the Yamasaki, but its near impossible to find anymore in the states or Japan for a reasonable price. I really wish I stock piled it when I had the chance. It is just a great scotch whiskey, not too much smokiness or peatyness. Well balanced and great on its own.
I was able to find Nikka Coffey Grain whiskey. It is closer to a burbon than a scotch. I really like it, it is sweeter than Hibiki but not too sweet.
I had the opportunity to drink the Hakushu 18 once. I remember being blown away with he complexity and strong flavors, but not surprisingly my memory is lacking. This is the rarest and most expensive bottle that I tried. Thank fully I didn’t have to pay for it.
+100 on the Nikka Coffey. That stuff is delicious!
What is this, Japanese Day?
Great song. Released in 1980? That can’t be right, I’m getting so old . If I remember correctly a lot of new wave bands had videos so got a ton of airplay when MTV was struggling for content.
Possibly NSFW, but still YouTube approved Kirst Dunst version.
And I approve of Kirsten Dunst, for the record.
Welcome to WokeMart.
Walmart is set to end sales of handguns in Alaska and will discontinue the sale of short-barrel rifle and handgun ammunition in stores nationwide, the super chain’s president and CEO announced Tuesday afternoon.
Not selling guns in Alaska?
That seems inadvisable.
And handgun caliber ammo nationwide.
No more 9mm or 40 or 5.56? Well shit…
Short barrel rifle ammo? Is that somehow different than regular rifle ammo?
I’m assuming they mean handgun caliber carbines but who knows.
I think it means ammo that can be used in SBRs like 5.56 and 7.62.
Well, once they ban mail order ammo sales I’m going to be SOL for anything under $0.20/round. Not looking forward to that.
Damn. I’d hate to be the sporting goods buyers. 9mm was a top 20 item.
Wonder how that is going over in the home office. You could outfit a light infantry brigade just from the firearms in the parking lot.
Iawi Tradition > Iwai
So it was only natural that he defect to the party that opposes what the people want and favors Europe over Britain.
A larger majority of the people seem to want it now than did when the referendum was held. These idiots are playing with fire and are paving the way for PM Nigel Farage.
PM Nigel Farage
That would be epic.
Best Timeline Ever ™ if that happens.
I enjoyed watching his videos when he would call out the EU leaders for being the undemocratic “assassins of democracy” that are. And then in the comments somebody would come along and call Farage a fascist, which makes zero sense. I guess that was a preview of our own political situation. If you don’t agree with my politics, you’re a fascist.
I imagine the great big ‘fuck you’ that the remainers are giving to the majority that voted to exit is not helping their cause. They are always crowing about democracy unless the election goes against them. They are just hand waiving away the results of the vote. That tends to piss people off.
Election I win: Will of the People Good!
Election I lose: Populism Bad!
opposes what the people want and favors Europe over Britain
Pretty much exactly what he said. The level of self-awareness in our putative masters is shockingly low.
So I’m hard at work while ya’ll are drinking whisky. Nice.
Teach me to open my big mouth with a work question. A group wanted a big change to their call flow to go live this morning. I scheduled it all up, they were supposed to test it (and didn’t, but another group on the business side did). I’m on Eastern time, they’re on Pacific. Around 12:00 Eastern, I sent out an e-mail to see if there was any feedback from this group. They decided to set up a meeting for it… at 16:30 Eastern.
The real issue with the group who requested these changes aren’t system related, they’re supervisor/manager related. Thankfully the other business groups have noticed it through the course of this project.
They decided to set up a meeting for it… at 16:30 Eastern.
This is one of the reasons I work a 930-1830 Eastern schedule.
Most of my team is in Central time, so they prefer I get in at 08:00 or earlier to start my day (and am able to provide early warning about any issues). Today I logged on well ahead of that to make sure that everything was in place and make the last minute user changes this group wanted (of course they didn’t want the user changes to happen ahead of time).
At least I’m working from home today, so it’s just an annoyance instead of making the day that much longer.
And handgun caliber ammo nationwide.
Gun shop owners across the nation rejoice.
Remember, kids, hurricanes like the Monster Dorian never happened before
global coolingglobal warminganthropogenic climate change.Dorian’s already down to a tropical storm before even hitting mainland US. I can almost feel the media’s disappointment.
Well, it’s still a cat 2, but that’s a “property damage” storm, not a “holy shit, we’re could die” storm. It’ll be a cat 1 or TS if it makes it up to the Carolinas.
That said, your point is spot on. They are definitely lamenting the lack of a US death count.
Oh sorry. I thought cat 2 was called tropical storm. Turns out it’s classified as a minor hurricane.
Or this one
How come nobody has posted this one yet?
Suntory Time! – Lost in Translation (1/10) Movie CLIP (2003) HD
we try to avoid the cliche, obvious, easy links.
Probably one of my favorite scenes in the film.
The DVD also has an extended version of Bill Murray on the Talk / Game Show that is hysterical. However, it was the right decision to cut it down. The film didn’t need it and it and would have slowed things.
Move along. Nothing to see here.
On Sunday morning–the halfway point of the weekend–Breitbart News reported 25 individuals had already been wounded and seven killed. Those fatalities included a 15-year-old boy who was killed Sunday morning.
The Chicago Sun-Times reported the weekend’s fatalities began around 12:22 a.m. Saturday, when 42-year-old Willie Coker was shot to death on South Burley Avenue. A total of seven people were killed before Labor Day itself even began.
The Chicago Tribune reports six people were shot between Sunday night and “the first hours of Labor Day.”
Labor Day itself was quickly followed by another fatality, which occurred overnight between Monday and Tuesday. A 32-year-old man fatally shot in the head in the incident.
On Labor Day, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) used Chicago’s gun violence as an example to show gun control does not equate to crime control. He tweeted, “Gun control doesn’t work. Look at Chicago. Disarming law-abiding citizens isn’t the answer. Stopping violent criminals—prosecuting & getting them off the street—BEFORE they commit more violent crimes is the most effective way to reduce murder rates. Let’s protect our citizens.”
Quo usque tandem abutere, Indiana, patientia nostra?
“I’d be happy to sit down & visit next week about uniting to stop gun violence & about the Constitution. If we can have a civil & positive conversation—in the spirit of 1 Peter 4:8 as you suggest—despite our political differences, that might help resolve the discord in our Nation,” Cruz said Monday evening responding to Alyssa Milano.
They are not interested in resolving discord. They are doing everything they can to foment discord.
I’d like to get some feedback on an observation I have.
If we ever were visited by aliens, they’d almost certainly be capitalists. Peaceful, uncoerced cooperation is a more evolved form of interaction than any alternative, collectivism would almost certainly destroy a civilization before it could reach intergalactic space travel, and only capitalism could generate the sort of economic and technological growth necessary to reach that stage. So, the aliens, when they ask to be taken to our leaders, if they even think in terms of leaders, almost certainly wouldn’t have the chief local constable in mind.
That is what the Amerindians said about anyone able to sail across and ocean. Then the Spanish showed up.
It was worth is for the European powers to exploit the natives though. It could never be financially worth it for an alien power to exploit us. Every resource present here would be available on 1000 planets in between us and the aliens. Plus the energy required to get here would exceed any feasible financial gain.
Also no alien race capable of interstellar space travel would have food or resource issues anyway.
“Plus the energy required to get here would exceed any feasible financial gain.”
Based on currently known physics, based on using sublight propulsion, and assuming that they are not making a one-way trip that takes a long enough time to tradeoff for low energy/slow speed. Today’s technology has a lot that would be considered ‘impossible’ by Ben Franklin or Isaac Newton.
However, even accepting for the sake of argument modern physics, we do not know the energy requirements of faster than light travel, of which at least four different methods are considered possible: Miguel Alcubierre’s version of warp drive, using less-than-zero energy density to invert time dilation (Morris-Thorne-Yurtsever), using ‘mirror matter’ to transit through a different Hilbert superselection sector as a shortcut between two points in our Hilbert superselection sector, and something involving ‘shadow neutrinos’ to bypass the pesky ‘infinite energy to achieve light speed’ by traveling through space that has complex (A + (B times square root of 1) ) Cartesian coordinates (coordinates with distances on X, Y, and Z axes from an arbitrary 0,0,0).
Interstellar travel is utterly impossible and will never happen
Even if it somehow were though, just that the vastness of the ocean for primitive man still doesn’t remotely compare to the vastness or space. Imagining a cost benefit analysis where it would be worth it to travel millions of light years to exploit someone or something is utterly hilarious to me.
How do you feel about the cost-benefit analysis of shipping dirty laundry round trip from San Francisco to China so that it arrives ready to wear again three or four months later (19th century)?
In theory, inverting time dilation works like this:
Sphere of radius 2X with two smaller spheres inside each of radius X leaves two regions within the 2X sphere that are not within either of the smaller spheres. Sphere of radius 2Y with two smaller spheres inside each of radius Y leaves two regions within the 2Y sphere that are not within either of the smaller spheres. The four smaller spheres all have less than zero energy density. The spheres are also appropriately quantum entangled. Ideally, 2Y is less than 10 times the radius of a helium nucleus. Shoot the 2Y sphere into space at > 0.5 c but < 1 c, possibly using a variant on a particle accelerator. c ~299,792,458 meters (or ~ 186,282.397 miles in American) per second in vacuo. Meanwhile, the 2X sphere is slowly traveling a closed path, possibly somewhere between 1 nano-c and 1 micro-c. When the 2 Y sphere gets close to where you want to go, send energy to it via the 2X sphere so that it gets bigger in volume and in energy-mass equivalent to become radius 2Z and so that the 2Y/2Z sphere slows down. In distance, the spaceship travels from outside the 2X sphere to outside the 2Z sphere as though the 2X and 2Z spheres are touching each other at exactly one point. The spaceship has to pass through one of the regions of the 2X sphere that are not within the X spheres and pass through one of the regions of the 2Z sphere that are not within the Z spheres. In terms of time, from the point of view of outside but near the 2X sphere, the connection to the 2Y/2Z sphere is for when the 2Y/2Z sphere is the same age as the 2X sphere. The faster the 2Y sphere moves, the more slowly the 2Y sphere ages. If 2Y moves fast enough, you could be only waiting a day or less between 2Y launch and the flight of the spaceship to a destination in another galaxy. The 2Y sphere may also be de-energized and nudged to change course to another destination.
I always pictured some sort of hive-mind, with everyone communicating telepathically.
I, for one, welcome our new overlords…
Interesting thought experiment.
My first question would be with the idea that we know anything at all about aliens just by deduction alone. We only know the rules of life as it exists on Earth; there could be totally different systems at play in some other galaxy.
The observation that free markets lead to greater progress than collectivism may be spot-on with humans, but all humans are individualistic to a degree. What if the aliens have a social psychology of ants or bees and are perfectly happy to work nonstop for the benefit of the collective?
“…there could be totally different systems at play in some other galaxy.”
Unlikely. Gravity, supply and demand, production, the dynamics of social species etc are all governed by natural law which is as far as we know uniform throughout the known universe. I am leaning towards dalasio being correct.
(spell check repeatedly tried to change ‘dalasio’ to ‘delusional’. )
spell check repeatedly tried to change ‘dalasio’ to ‘delusional’.
Spell check has a lot of company. 😀
What if the aliens have a social psychology of ants or bees and are perfectly happy to work nonstop for the benefit of the collective?
That’s certainly possible. However, I’m highly skeptical that a hive-mind would be particularly good at the innovation necessary to get to intergalactic travel. Innovation, at least in part, entails a rejection of the universal assumption. And I don’t think the hive mind could sustain the parallel processing that experimentation against the universal assumptions would entail and still remain truly “hive”.
That is, I think our Ferengi could very well encounter species that resemble what you’re talking about. It’s just that the technological gap between them and the hive mind would be even greater than the technological gap between our Ferengi and humans.
My first concern about any aliens with interstellar technology will be:
Do they view us as people, or as vermin/animals? If the latter, we’re fucked no matter what their socioeconomic organization is.
“Nice planet, plenty of water. Only drawback is one hell of a monkey infestation. Recommend biological countermeasures.”
Say, whatever happened to Mr. Lizard. I always enjoyed his persona/schtick. I thought it was a great premise for a comedic novel or series: dominant galactic culture so hidebound with bureaucracy that it can’t even get orbital bombardment cannons to a third-tier planet.
Something like the day in the life of a Empire General. Use late pre-foundation Empire in Asimov’s series.
“one hell of a monkey infestation. Recommend biological countermeasures”
I am guessing we would not be the first rock they have visited and have already learned that every planet has its own unique infestation of microbial life which is exceedingly hazardous to critters that haven’t been exposed to it before. It is doubtful they would risk any direct contact with the planet. An oak tree or pond scum would be as dangerous to them as humans or more so. If they have figured out how to get around that problem there is still the problem of them exposing all life here to alien microbes.
Besides, water is too easy to make without risking expensive conflicts.
Maybe the galactic bureaucrats are our saviors? The paper drones at the Galactic EPA have declared humans an endangered species and put an injunction against any development on Earth?
Some evil galactic capitalist is surely ranting and raving somewhere because they can’t develop Earth even though they bought it fair and square. Just because humans are the galactic snail darters.
That assumes the aliens act in human ways. They could be a hive mind or something we can’t picture (as it would be out of our frame of reference). Perhaps we’ll be visited by the actually New Soviet Alien.
I was listening to something that made reference to the “Great Filter”. For the unfamiliar, the Fermi Paradox in a nutshell is that, for such a big place, the universe is pretty lonely. So where are all the people? The Great Filter is an answer that posits that there’s some step in the evolution of a spacefaring civilization that is incredibly difficult to surpass. Possibilities that have been suggested include everything from life itself being extremely rare to the energy requirements of intergalactic space travel exceeding what is typically available to any given civilization. There are two others, though, that I think are interesting for different reasons. One is that most civilizations reach the capacity to destroy themselves and do so; the other, even more cheery, is that aliens who already have the capacity for intergalactic travel actively seek out species who are about to develop that capability and destroy them first.
Organic life and space do not get along.
We’re far more likely to encounter an intelligent artificial life form, ie a computer program embedded in the intergalactic version of a Dell beige box, than something like us.
It’ll arrive in the form of a USB drive laying on the ground in a parking lot.
This is explored in Greg Bear’s novel The Forge of God, and it’s sequel Anvil of Stars. Highly recommended if you like sci-fi and haven’t read them.
I love The Forge of God, depressing but amazing.
Anvil of Stars: blech
I’m not a huge scifi guy, but I’ve heard a lot about that book. Goin’ on the list!
Forge of God is going to end up as Bear’s classic work.
Eon was great but is too dated. What happened to the 1996 Atlanta-Kiev nuke exchange?
The fall of the Soviets killed that one off.
I have probably reread Moving Mars too much, but Forge is better. It is like 1984, too depressing to reread, despite being awesome.
Hmmm…could Forge be made into a movie? I wonder. Someone would want to tinker with the ending.
In case Greg hasn’t noticed the scariest thing in every monster movie is the people. The monsters are too stupid to figure that out and always end up learning too late. The reason we haven’t had any contact may be that they, whoever they are, figured that out.
You just described the sequel. 😉
No way. It’s anal probes and slavery from then on.
Nah! I’m willing to be the whole anal probe schtick is just alien teenagers fucking around.
I’m not sure that’s true for humans, let alone another species that could have an entirely different psychological makeup.
I mean, think about it. What’s going to drive people to the stars? It’s not going to make a lot of business sense, so what? Most likely it would be religious fervor, wanderlust, or militarism. (“Mr. Mars President, we must not allow a star system gap!”)
I dunno. If there’s money to be made, people – of whatever size, shape, color or configuration of limbs – might try to do some interstellar trading. Be interesting if First Contact were made by the equivalent of the Polesotechnic League.
May not make economic sense in a pure monetary terms, but maybe freedom? Like the US westward expansion? Anyone who doesn’t like the rules will pick up stakes and rocket off to some other planet where they can live their own life?
+1 Tolive.
Sure. Anybody looking to get away from whatever the current situation is.
Thanks a bunch, NA. I’ve been eyeing the Japanese whiskys at my local store, but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I keep getting more rye. (mmmm….ryyyye.)
This was good to get an idea of what I’m looking at. I might try the Iwai if they have it.
Make sure it’s Iwai Tradition. The lower end one is… not as good.
Thanks for that. I likely wouldn’t have realized the difference.
OT: ‘Where’s Rodney?’ Was One of the Many Questions Raised By ‘Where’s Rodney?’
The theme song.
I can’t wait that long.
Looks good, I’m going to hold out for the first season before I die.
How’s about that Amy O’Neill? YOWZA.
not when Soleil Moon Frye is in the same show. THICCCCCC
Because why not:
“Our consciences will only be clean when we’ve been mercilessly beaten once for each of the millions of deaths that have been caused by automobiles since Walmart began selling auto parts,” said one executive before solemnly beginning to beat himself with a baseball bat.
i loath the cars/guns analogy but still funny.
Analogizing guns with any inanimate object used to kill people is appropriate but my favorite is the analogy between guns and fire extinguishers. It works better and points out the glaring flaws in the anti-gunners position.
I keep getting an ad (yes, I don’t block ads) for this when I go to the Babylon Bee site (and only there). An interesting choice considering their biblical leanings.
I’ve had a few Japanese whiskies and they’re just not that interesting to me. A little to clean and correct for my tastes. In that price range, I’ll pick up a bottle of Dalwhinnie.
^that’s good, Rebel. will definitely add to my vernacular.
OT: Mattis: You won’t believe how Obama and Biden bungled Iraq and allowed the rise of ISIS
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there are sometimes consequences to getting involved in the affairs of other nations.
Yes I would. I didn’t call him O’bumbles for nuthin’. Anyone moronic enough to buy into socialism could easily fuck up tying their own shoes.
The problem with Mattis and his book is that he doesn’t really have an answer to “If we had stayed, how would we have won? And what is winning”
Go figure a military commander wants to stay and fight. That doesn’t excuse Obama/Biden for wishful thinking about what happens after we exit.
In my mind, getting totally out is the best of a host of bad decisions.
How A Media Outlet Turned a Trump Appointee Who Mocked Alt-Right Anti-Semites Into an Anti-Semite
yeah but he could have been an anti-semite, and isn’t that what matters? Also, burn your Facebook page.
Uh huh.
Hey, it’s as real as everything else they believe in.
Linda Hamilton says she’s been celibate for 15 years
Apparently a lack of p’s in her v has helped her look great! If you stop having sex with men you will age gracefully. CLOSE THE LEGS, LADIES!
good for her
the use of celibacy in place of chastity is annoying, as is all other misuse leading to the re-definition of previously useful and serviceable words
/ shakes fist while losing yet another battle
I bet you think “decimate” should only mean getting rid of 10% of something.
Lemme make sure I’ve got this right. Celibacy is the avoidance of marriage, while chastity is the avoidance of sex outside of wedlock? What’s not having sex but being married?
And yes, I just teed up the easiest joke in the world right there.
Also tips for the older ladies to age well: strength training, lentils, and not a lot of alcohol.
I Recommend Watching Brie Larson’s Cover Of Miley Cyrus’s “Slide Away” At Least Once A Day
Me too.
I thought it was cheesy.